Self-healing techniques for sensorineural hearing loss. Treatment of neurosensory (sensoneural) hearing loss. What is sensorineural hearing loss in terms of oriental medicine

Marina PAVLOVA, expert of "Oriental Medicine"

Clinical picture of sensorineural hearing loss

As you know, the shape of a person's ears strongly resembles the structure of such an internal organ as the kidneys, and this is not accidental. In oriental medicine, it is the ears that depend on the functioning of the urinary system, as they are connected with the kidney meridian. This energy meridian starts from a point that is located on the soles of the feet and goes directly to the ears through the kidneys. The disease of sensorineural hearing loss involves damage to the nerve cells of the inner ear, as well as the auditory nerve and formations of the auditory system.

This disease manifests itself in hearing loss. In an acute course, which lasts about one month, the changes that have occurred in the spiral organ or other parts of the auditory analyzer are considered reversible by doctors. As for subacute sensorineural hearing loss, it lasts from one to three months, and in the chronic form - more than three.

Sick neurosensory hearing loss, both adults and children. The acute period is very important in the course of treatment, as the patient begins to lose hearing, and if valuable time is missed at this stage, it can no longer be compensated in most cases. In people with a similar diagnosis, hearing is reduced, and the following symptoms are observed:

  • nausea and possible vomiting;
  • strong tinnitus;
  • dizziness;

As practice shows, most cases proceed with vestibular disorders. Patients often turn to the specialists of the Center for Oriental Korean Medicine with complaints of severe attacks of dizziness and impaired coordination of movements. In some, a violation of the vestibular function can be detected only with an appropriate examination.

Causes of the disease and classification of sensorineural hearing loss

This disease in medical terminology is also called sensorineural hearing loss. Hearing impairment in humans can be acquired or congenital. Scientists have conducted many studies and proved that the following factors are considered to play a huge role in the occurrence of acquired hearing loss:

  • stressful situations;
  • infectious diseases (influenza, SARS, syphilis, infectious parotitis and others);
  • vascular disorders, which include cerebral atherosclerosis, hypertension, vertebrobasilar discirculation;
  • previous injuries (barotrauma, acoustic, mechanical);
  • ototoxic exposure to household or industrial substances;
  • the influence of certain drugs (antimalarials, salicylates, etc.);

In the classification of hearing loss, there are 3 varieties of this disease:

  • When the organs of the inner ear (or cochlea) are affected - sensory hearing loss. These hair receptors are responsible for the perception of sound.
  • If the branches of the auditory nerve, which transmits auditory impulses to the brain, are affected. In this case, the disease is called sensorineural hearing loss.
  • When the auditory centers that receive incoming information from the inner ear are affected, the disease is called hearing loss of central origin.

What is sensorineural hearing loss in terms of oriental medicine

As mentioned earlier, the human ears are directly connected to the kidneys. Those patients who are subject to the so-called "cold" of the kidneys often suffer from inflammation of the middle ear and, as a rule, they have reduced hearing.

What is this "coldness" of the kidneys - a human condition, which is characterized by a slow metabolism, reduced energy activity of the kidneys and the onset of stagnant processes in the body. Such a state, as it were, between health and illness, is fertile ground for the development of pathologies in the kidneys.

What are the signs of "cold" or in other words, the weakness of a person:

  • insomnia and frequent nightmares;
  • reduced immunity;
  • a person constantly feels tired, he wants to lie down to rest;
  • in the lumbar region there is a feeling of cold;
  • such people have numb legs and constantly cold extremities;
  • there are painful sensations in the joints, and especially in the knee area;
  • frequent colds;
  • urge to urinate, especially at night;
  • weakened sexual function;
  • leucorrhoea in women;
  • tinnitus, headaches, dizziness attacks;
  • hearing worsens;
  • hair becomes dry and falls out, and gray hair may appear at an early age;
  • the skin becomes flabby and the complexion sallow;
  • irritability, fear and anxiety for no particular reason;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • children may have a fear of the dark;

Other reasons for the development of hearing pathologies by Korean doctors include an imbalance in the regulatory system. With such signs, it is necessary to consult a doctor for an examination, which includes modern diagnostic methods, a patient survey, a visual examination, and a pulse test.

Treatment of ear diseases with the methods of oriental medicine

Patients suffering from sensorineural hearing loss are offered gentle treatment, which includes a whole range of procedures of external and internal influence. Experienced doctors work here, who treat diseases of the inner ear, as well as diseases of the throat, nose, etc. without medication.

What is the advantage of such treatment - first of all, it has a complex effect on the entire body of the patient, and does not treat only the symptoms. The effect of such treatment can be confidently called long-term, since the patient for years forgets about his problems, chronic ailments and various pathologies. The whole course is based on the ancient knowledge of Tibetan doctors, who in ancient times used methods, heating with stones and (this is a wormwood stick).

Such treatment of neurosensory hearing loss makes it possible to completely eradicate the problem. The main rule in oriental medicine is to find the cause of the disease and fight it. One of the most important stages in the treatment of this disease is phytotherapy.

It is absolutely harmless, unlike traditional drugs, it does not cause addiction and side effects. Properly selected Korean medicines will help relieve inflammation and increase the body's immune forces. As a result, pain is eliminated and swelling of the mucous surfaces decreases.

Methods of external influence include:

  • (heating of biologically active points with the heat of a smoldering wormwood cigar);
  • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches);

All these procedures make it possible to eliminate congestion in the patient's body, chronic foci of inflammation and significantly improve local immunity. Symptoms of an acute or chronic form of sensorineural hearing loss are eliminated as soon as possible, and the patient will feel it after the first sessions of the procedures.

Specialists of the Center for Oriental Korean Medicine accept various patients for treatment - in a compensated state, who have undergone MRI of the brain, for example, ultrasound dopplerography of blood vessels, etc. The course is conducted by qualified doctors of oriental medicine who have more than one year of successful practice.

But the most important thing is not to delay treatment and take care of your health. After all, we all know that even a harmless runny nose can lead to serious consequences and provoke diseases of other ENT organs. Korean methods of treatment have proven that they can cope even with the chronic stage of the disease, where European medicine, unfortunately, is powerless.

Sensorineural hearing loss in children. What could be the consequences

The development of a child's intelligence and speech function in childhood depends primarily on hearing, so it is very important to know the reasons that can provoke the development of diseases of the inner ear. From the standpoint of localization and etiology, deafness and sensorineural hearing loss are very diverse. Also, according to the degree of hearing loss, the course of the disease, etc. Heredity is important, as is congenital hearing loss, which is not so rare in practice. In addition, children may have occupational hearing loss.

To a large extent, this disease is the result of perinatal pathology. It develops in children under the influence of toxic factors, allergic, as well as the environment.

We must not forget about viral pathologies, vascular diseases, which can also lead to the development of sensorineural hearing loss. Regarding the social significance of the problem, it is due to the dependence of speech development on hearing impairment. The personality and formation of intelligence in children directly depends on normal hearing.

If the first signs of the disease appear, it is imperative to consult a doctor, as the consequences of neglected hearing loss can lead to serious consequences. After all, hearing impairment in a child is an incorrect formation. Delays in the proper development of speech begin.

The main thing for parents is to conduct an examination in time and identify this disease. Diagnostics will make it possible to determine the degree and type of hearing loss in order to correctly prescribe a comprehensive course of treatment.

If the so-called auditory function is not compensated in a child, then the area of ​​​​the brain responsible for hearing decreases and may atrophy over time. Such children gradually lose the ability to understand speech. After the treatment in this state, even if the hearing loss is corrected, the children will hear the sound, but they will not be able to understand it, since pathology is already observed in the cerebral cortex.

Be sure to monitor the hearing of the child from birth. After all, the disease can be detected even in infants. If you do not pay attention, this will lead to chronic otitis media, hearing loss will begin to progress. At first, doctors can still help and completely cure the child, but with prolonged sensorineural hearing loss, this is much more difficult to do.

In traditional medicine, such children are sent for surgery. Treatment takes place without chemistry and surgical intervention. So that the child can read normally, his speech was literate and his psycho-emotional state is normal - you can’t start ear diseases and carry out a course of procedures in a timely manner.

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Ear diseases usually do not cause fear in people and not every time someone goes to the hospital. And at this time, irreversible processes can occur in the damaged organs of the ear, which can cause deafness and hearing loss.

Neurosensory is not only hearing loss, but also difficulties in verbal communication. It can be congenital or acquired. Scientists have discovered genes responsible for hearing loss.

With a dominant gene, hearing loss and deafness have a hereditary character that is transmitted to generations. If recessive, then the manifestation of hearing loss will be, as it were, a selective character - not for everyone.

The disease can occur against the background of the negative impact of an external factor, other diseases:

  • infectious (colds, mumps, syphilis, as well as measles, rubella, scarlet fever, meningitis);
  • blood vessels (hypertension, atherosclerosis);
  • stress, mechanical and acoustic barotrauma, when a person's work is associated with an increased sound background;
  • exposure to various medicines (antibiotics), industrial, household substances.

The risk of hearing loss can develop during fetal development when the mother consumes alcohol and becomes infected with sexually transmitted diseases. The statistics are such that hearing loss is found in every third child. In case of viral diseases, it is important to vaccinate so that the disease does not enter the stage of neglect and does not give complications to the auditory organs.

Symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss

When hearing loss occurs, hearing loss may be unilateral or bilateral. In this case, you can feel the symptoms:

  • hearing noises, ringing;
  • head spinning;
  • nausea attacks;
  • vomiting;
  • vestibular disorders.

The patient may develop a psycho-emotional disorder if there is a long process of chronic hearing loss with a lack of hearing. The patient has:

  • reduced vitality;
  • irritation;
  • restless state;
  • anxiety;
  • lack of contact with other people;
  • loss of employment.

Elderly people are often accompanied by cerebrovascular disease. When audibility is completely or partially lost and appropriate actions for auditory correction are not carried out, sclerosis, thinking problems may progress, delirium, hallucinations may appear.

If the disease has a rapid degree of development, then the manifestation of clinical symptoms is sudden, despite external well-being. In some cases, a decrease in auditory function occurs within a week.

Subacute and chronic hearing loss may develop over a longer period, lasting up to five months. It is imperative to visit a specialist for a hearing test, this will avoid deterioration in its quality.

Diagnosis with degrees

Diagnosis is carried out in order to identify the degree of hearing impairment and to establish the true cause of hearing loss. Also determine the level of damage, the persistence of deafness, its progression or regression. Doctors are involved in the diagnosis, these are:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • otoneurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • traumatologist-orthopedist.

The list of doctors increases from the form of the course of the disease. Hearing loss observes different degrees of hearing loss:

  • I s - not perceived 25 - 40dB;
  • II s - no susceptibility 40 - 55dB;
  • IIIc - the patient does not perceive 56 - 70dB;
  • IVc - the patient does not perceive 70 - 90 dB.

The diagnosis of complete deafness is made to a person who does not hear the sound range of more than 90 dB. Initially, deafness or hearing loss is determined by an otolaryngologist who uses the method of colloquial whispering (audiometry). You also need to be examined by an audiologist to determine the degree of the disease, he is diagnosed with special devices - an audiometer, a tuning fork.

To determine the differences between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, diagnostics are carried out by audiometry, otoscopy. Bone and air conductions are assessed, as they usually deteriorate with sensorineural hearing loss. An audiogram of a patient with this diagnosis shows confluent conduction lines.

An otoneurologist consults and determines the localization of the levels of damage to the auditory nerve, differential diagnosis of sensorineural hearing loss between the cortical (which may occur due to damage to the corresponding parts of the brain). In this case, special diagnostics are carried out - threshold audiometry, tone audiogram, auditory EPs are examined.

An MRI is also prescribed to identify the patient's diseases of the nervous system, pathological changes in the spine, and to exclude traumatic injuries. CT scan of the skull of the facial bones, brain, cervical region. Ultrasound of the arteries of the carotid, subclavian, vertebral.

In young children at an early stage of life it is difficult to detect deafness and hearing loss, therefore, computer audiometry, acoustic impedancemetry of the middle ear, eardrums are used to detect auditory anomalies.

Standard treatment for sensorineural hearing loss

The main goal of therapeutic actions is to restore, stabilize impaired auditory functions and eliminate accompanying syndromes (when dizziness, ringing, balance is disturbed, neuropsychiatric disorders), return to the usual way of life.

  1. Drug treatment - the tremendous effectiveness of drug treatment can be seen at an early stage of the disease, when it has not yet become chronic. Unexpectedly manifested hearing loss is eliminated by using large doses of glucocorticoid hormones for eight days, this sometimes helps to restore hearing. Histamine-like, hypotensive, psychotropic drugs are widely used, those that improve blood circulation, conduct nerve impulses, and microcirculation.
  2. Physiotherapy - in the initial stage of the disease, treatment is carried out using phonoelectrophoresis, electrical stimulation of the tissue of the inner ear, acupuncture, electropuncture. Therapeutic procedures effectively help to reduce noise sounds, relieve dizziness, improve sleep and mood.
  3. Hearing prosthetics - moderate, severe degree of loss of auditory functions prescribes the use of behind-the-ear, intra-ear, pocket, analog, digital preparations in monoaural, binaural prosthetics.
  4. Surgical intervention is performed on tumors in order to reduce the severity of individual symptoms of a disorder of the vestibular apparatus. If the functionality of the auditory nerve is preserved, but hearing is completely absent, cochlear implantation is possible, which later helps to hear.

Any method of treatment is effective when an appeal to a specialist is made on time. As soon as you feel discomfort in your ears, you should immediately visit a doctor. Independent actions are unacceptable, in the auricles there are endings associated with the whole organism.

We bring to your attention a video that explains the features of the occurrence and treatment of sensorineural hearing loss:

Treatment of chronic hearing loss

Therapy of chronic hearing loss is carried out individually for each patient, surgical intervention is not excluded: tympanic membrane plastic surgery is performed, auditory ossicles are prosthetized. In this case, hearing returns permanently or partially.

Therapeutic actions for chronic hearing loss often depend on another disease that caused it. They are treated with drugs that improve blood circulation, using physiotherapy, oxygen barotherapy, prosthetics, implantation.

All therapy takes place under the supervision of a physician.

Folk recipes at home

Healers have many recipes in the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss and other diseases associated with the ears:

  1. Take a pharmacy add to vegetable oil 1:3. Having rolled up a tourniquet of gauze, it is moistened in a solution and inserted into the ear opening, changing after two hours. The procedure is carried out until there is an improvement of about 20 times. Weekly respite and continue again.
  2. After wetting the tourniquet in viburnum or rowan juice, insert it into the ear before going to bed, but you can use it in the daytime, changing the tampon every six hours, carry out the procedure 15 times.
  3. Two almond and walnut oils are mixed in equal proportions. Moisten turunda, insert into the auricle better before going to bed. It is necessary to do the procedure for a month, taking a 10-day respite, continue until the healing effect occurs.
  4. Fresh leaves of medicinal herbs, plants will help in the treatment. You will need bay leaf, geranium, lemon balm, mint, oregano, calendula, marigold, lovage. The type of each sheet is used for ten days. To do this, the swab is dipped in the juice of a leaf of one type, inserted into the auricle and kept until dry, periodically changing.
  5. Squeeze beetroot juice, moisten a gauze tourniquet in it and keep it in the ear for four hours. Do 15 procedures and ten day break.

Useful in decoctions prepared according to folk recipes:

  1. Take 10 bay leaves, pour 200g of boiling water over it, cover with warm water and let it brew for three hours. You can drink one tablespoon half an hour before meals, preferably a month. Use as ear drops, 6 drops in the affected ear three times a day for two weeks. Decoction and drops can be combined in treatment.
  2. . For half a liter of vodka, they take a glass of plant knees, mix and insist for three weeks. Drink three times a day, starting with a teaspoon - 3 days, dessert - 3 days, a tablespoon - 3 days. Tincture from a spoon is poured into a glass with 50g of water. Drink for a month then take a break for fifteen days and continue treatment further.

Check with your doctor before using prescriptions.

Prevention and prognosis

A preventive measure to prevent deafness, hearing loss is the passage of examinations. Especially concerning people working at enterprises with increased noise and in general all segments of the population. Timely detection and will not allow a delay in intellectual development, will help in the correct formation of speech.

Do not listen too loudly to music with headphones, especially for young people. Timely treat diseases associated with the ears.

The prognosis of treatment can be a properly selected adequate treatment and the implementation of all the doctor's instructions, quit smoking, do not take alcohol, drugs, be physically active, try not to be nervous, be resistant to stress. All this will help to cope with the disease.

You can learn the opinion of specialists about the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss with folk remedies from the following video:

In contact with

Sensorineural hearing loss (NT) - hearing loss with preserved speech perception, due to damage to the sound-perceiving apparatus or the central part of the auditory analyzer.

Cochlear neuritis is a disease of the auditory analyzer, clinically manifested by NT and subjective tinnitus. Involvement of the vestibular root of the VIII cranial nerve in the process causes the occurrence of both auditory and vestibular disorders (systemic dizziness and imbalance).

NT can be the result of damage to any part of the auditory analyzer, ranging from neurosensory epithelial cells of the spiral organ to subcortical and cortical auditory centers. However, most often NT is caused by pathology of the receptor and root of the vestibulocochlear nerve.

Unilateral hearing loss and deafness almost always have a peripheral origin.

Frequency: 1-6% of the world's population suffers from a hearing loss that makes communication difficult. There is a trend towards an increase in the number of patients with NT. Acute NT occurs more often in men and predominantly at a young age (the average age of patients is 21-38 years). 70 -90.4% of patients suffering from NT report tinnitus.


Acute (sudden deafness) NT and chronic NT.

Downstream - reversible, stable, progressive NT.

According to the severity of hearing impairment: 1 degree (mild) - the average hearing loss for tones 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Hz does not exceed 50 dB, colloquial speech is perceived from a distance of 6 to 4 m. II degree (average) - average hearing loss from 50 to 70 dB, conversational speech is perceived from a distance of 4 to 1 m. III degree (severe) - the average hearing loss exceeds 70 dB, conversational speech is perceived from a distance of 1 to 0.25 m. With an average hearing loss of more than 80 dB and colloquial speech, perceived at a distance of less than 0.25 m, they speak of deafness.

By etiology: Acquired (70-80%) as a result of birth trauma (accompanied by impaired cerebral circulation and asphyxia), hemolytic disease of newborns. Congenital (20-30%). Genetically determined (hereditary) NT, transmitted both in an autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant manner. Caused by an infectious disease of the mother during pregnancy (rubella, measles, influenza, toxoplasmosis).

Causes of sensorineural hearing loss


Infectious diseases (30%): viral - influenza, mumps, measles, rubella, herpes; bacterial - meningococcal meningitis, syphilis, typhoid.

Intoxication (more than 2%).

Ototoxic drugs - aminoglycoside antibiotics (streptomycin, monomycin, kanamycin, neomycin, gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin), cytostatics (endoxan, cisplatin, etc.), NSAIDs, antiarrhythmic drugs (quinidine, etc.), loop diuretics (furosemide). Household (alcohol, nicotine) and industrial (gasoline, hydrogen sulfide, aniline, fluorine, mercury, arsenic, etc.) toxic substances.

trauma factor. Mechanical trauma can lead to a fracture of the base of the skull with a fissure of the pyramid of the temporal bone, often accompanied by damage to the auditory root of the VIII cranial nerve. Barotrauma (pressure in the middle ear above 400 mm of water column) causes a rupture of the secondary tympanic membrane, a fracture of the base of the stirrup, and a rupture of the vestibular membrane. Acoustic and vibration injuries at the level of maximum permissible parameters lead to damage to receptors in the cochlea. The combination of both factors together gives an adverse effect 2.5 times more often than exposure to noise and vibration separately. High-frequency impulse noise above 160 dB causes, as a rule, irreversible HT.

Vascular-rheological disorders. Changes in vascular tone due to direct or reflex stimulation of the sympathetic nerve endings of large arteries (internal carotid, vertebral), as well as circulatory disorders in the vertebrobasilar basin due to changes in the vertebral arteries, lead to circulatory disorders in the spiral arteries and arteries of the vascular stria, the formation of blood clots, hemorrhages in endo- and perilymphatic spaces.

Age-related changes in the auditory analyzer (presbycusia). Neurinoma of the VIII cranial nerve. Paget's disease. Sickle cell anemia. Hypoparathyroidism. Allergy. Local and general exposure to radioactive substances.

Meteorological factor: there is a significant relationship between sudden NT and the state of the weather, between fluctuations in the spectrum of atmospheric electromagnetic waves, the passage of cyclones in the form of a warm front of low pressure and the frequency of development of pathology. It has been established that acute sudden NT occurs more often in the second month of each season (January, April, July, October).

Risk factors.

In children. NT of unknown etiology in family members. Consanguineous marriages. Frequent abortions in the mother. Rubella, influenza in the first trimester of pregnancy in the mother. Drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy. Pathology of the placenta. Birth weight less than 2,500 g. Severe neonatal jaundice.

In adults. Obesity. Hypercholesterolemia. Anemia. Arterial hypertension. Reduced adaptive capacity in stressful situations due to the psychological characteristics of the individual.

Pathogenesis - ischemia and malnutrition of sensitive cells and other nerve elements up to degeneration as a result of impaired microcirculation and capillary stasis.

clinical picture. Hearing loss. Subjective noise in the ear(s). Signs of vestibular neuritis (not always). Vertigo of an unknown nature. Unsteadiness when standing and walking.

Diagnostics. Functional studies of auditory and vestibular analyzers. Acumetry (the study of hearing in whispers and spoken language) is a significant difference between the perception of whispered and spoken speech. Tuning fork research methods - shortening of the perception of the sounding tuning fork C|28 in the experience of Schwabach, positive experiments of Rinne and Federici, in the experience of Weber, the sound of the tuning fork CP8 is lateralized into a better hearing or healthy ear. audiological methods. Tonal threshold audiometry - downward configuration of the curves due to the deterioration in the perception of predominantly high tones, the absence of an air-bone interval, a break in the curves at the frequencies of their maximum decrease; high frequency tinnitus. Suprathreshold audiometry is a positive phenomenon of accelerated volume rise. ultrasound. The thresholds of audibility of ultrasounds are increased by 2-3 times or more compared to the norm. Lateralization of ultrasound into a healthy or better hearing ear. Objective audiometry (in adults - an additional research method). Measuring the acoustic impedance of the middle ear. Electrocochleography. Registration of cortical and stem potentials. In children, the registration of auditory evoked potentials is the main (often the only) method for diagnosing a hearing defect.

Otoscopy - pathological changes are usually not detected.

Differential diagnosis: Meniere's disease. Otosclerosis (cochlear form). Neurinoma of the VIII cranial nerve.

The prognosis depends on the timing of the start of treatment, the level of damage to the auditory analyzer, and the etiological factor. Prevention. Elimination of the negative impact of environmental factors on hearing function (noise, vibration, chemical, household and professional hazards). Exclusion of alcohol and smoking in persons with NT. Exclusion from medical practice (especially in children) of ototoxic drugs or their use for health reasons with the appointment of detoxification agents (hemodez), antihistamines, vitamins Appointment of trental (pentoxifylline) to infectious patients with a high probability of developing NT and deafness (especially with meningococcal infection).

Synonyms: Perceptual hearing loss, Acoustic neuritis, Cochlear neuritis.

Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss using methods of oriental medicine

Acupuncture for sensorineural hearing loss

Massage and manual therapy for sensorineural hearing loss

Hirudotherapy for sensorineural hearing loss

Stone therapy for sensorineural hearing loss

The use of hot and cold stones has the effect of "gymnastics" for the vessels. Massage with the use of stones is easier for the massage therapist and therefore longer in time. The use of hot stones in the projection of acupuncture zones contributes to the toning of the Yang energy. And the stone therapy procedure, carried out with stones through the tissue, has a wonderful relaxing effect.

Traditional Tibetan or Chinese herbal medicine for sensorineural hearing loss

Bsam."phel.nor.bu (Wish-fulliling Jewel, Sampilnorov, Sampilnorov, Sumnor)

Vacuum therapy for sensorineural hearing loss

Methods of active vacuum therapy (cupping massage) can further enhance the drainage of soft tissues, cause local vasodilation, have a positive effect on the condition of skin pores and sebum secretion.

Carrying out vacuum procedures in the projection of any part of the spine helps to reduce local fat deposits, which has a positive effect on the range of motion of the corresponding segment, which, in turn, improves metabolic processes and reduces local congestion.

The methods of passive vacuum therapy, in addition to all of the above, allow the painless formation of scattered subcutaneous hematomas, which effectively replaces the immunomodulating effect of the good old autohemotransfusion.

Su-Jok therapy for sensorineural hearing loss

Su-Jok therapy, using the principle of "similarity", allows you to influence a diseased organ, part of the body, a meridian, a point and even a chakra! It's kind of subspecies of reflexology, often allowing for a therapeutic effect without interrupting the patient from solving his own daily tasks.

We strongly recommend that you try to use some of the principles of Su-Jok therapy on your own (of course, it is better after consulting a specialist). Currently, a huge amount of literature has been published on the Su-Jok system for "non-medical people", where recommendations are given in a simple and accessible form for the treatment of a number of pathological conditions. Recommended

The owners of the patent RU 2517048:

The invention relates to medicine, namely, restorative physiotherapy and otolaryngology, and can be used for the complex treatment of patients with acute and chronic sensorineural hearing loss.

Known methods for the treatment of hearing loss, including physical methods, namely potassium galvanic collar, mud applications [Handbook of physiotherapy. Ed. A.N.Obrosova. M.: 1976, p. 138; Hearing loss. Ed. N.A. Preobrazhensky. M.: 1978, p. 408]. However, these methods are not efficient and time consuming.

A known method for the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss [RF patent No. 2082376, IPC A61H 23/00, publ. 06/27/1997], including physical impact of manual therapy techniques aimed at restoring displaced vertebrae at the level of C 2 to C 5 .

The disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of complete restoration of hearing. In addition, the use of manual therapy may be contraindicated in some patients with diseases of the cervical spine.

Closest to the proposed is a method for the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss [RF patent No. 2181276, IPC A61H 7/00, publ. 04/20/2002] physical impact through massage, which includes the impact of intermittent pressure on the area around each auricle on pain points for 4-6 minutes, followed by massage with kneading techniques, in which, in the supine position, sequentially affect face, arms, legs, then in the prone position on the stomach - on the arms, back, legs. Treatment is carried out in courses of 12 procedures with a break between courses of 14 days.

This method is also not efficient and time consuming.

The technical result of the invention is to increase the efficiency and reduce the time of treatment of sensorineural hearing loss due to a complex and more intense effect on the nerve endings and reflex zones through which there is a connection with the auditory center in the cerebral cortex.

This result is achieved by a method for the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss, including physical exposure to massage, in which, unlike the prototype, a classic therapeutic massage is performed in the region of the collar zone, scalp, around the auricles, after which auriculotherapy is performed with an ebonite stick by acting on the biologically active points of the auricles, responsible for the hearing organs, 1-2 minutes for each point, and finish the procedure with gymnastics for the auricles, during which they perform simultaneous movements up-down-forward-back 4-6 times, clasping the back surfaces of the auricles with their thumbs , and with the index and middle fingers - the front surfaces, and the treatment is carried out in courses of 10-15 procedures daily with the number of courses ≥2 and a break between courses of 12-30 days.

According to the invention, after several classical therapeutic massage procedures, 3-5 can massage procedures are performed on the area of ​​the collar zone.

According to the invention, after several classical therapeutic massage procedures, 3-5 honey massage procedures are performed on the area of ​​the collar zone.

An increase in the effectiveness of treatment according to the proposed method is achieved as a result of a complex effect on the nerve endings and reflexogenic zones of the auricles and other parts of the body, through which the auditory center in the cerebral cortex is affected. It is known that the pathogenesis of sensorineural hearing loss is a violation of certain parts of the central nervous system associated with the auditory center in the cerebral cortex, as well as circulatory disorders. The proposed invention leads to an improvement in cerebral hemodynamics, restores the natural sound conduction pathways in such an important area as the auricles and adjacent muscles, that is, the circulatory areas that provide auditory function. Carrying out therapeutic massage in combination with auriculotherapy and subsequent gymnastics for the auricles ensures the effectiveness of treatment due to the complex and intense effect on the nerve endings and reflexogenic zones, on the neuroreceptor apparatus of the cochlea of ​​the inner ear.

The proposed invention in the specified set of essential features allows you to get a new non-obvious effect and is feasible in medical practice.

The method is carried out as follows.

Each medical procedure begins with a classic therapeutic massage in the area of ​​the collar zone, scalp, around the auricles, while using all the techniques of classical massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. Massage is carried out for 10-15 minutes. Massage provides blood flow and activation of hemodynamics. Through the nerve endings located in these areas, the impact is transmitted to the auditory center in the cerebral cortex. Exposure in these areas promotes the innervation of the auricle and has a positive effect on the auditory function, as well as restores the conductivity of the affected areas of the central nervous system, which improves the regulation of the auditory centers.

According to the invention, after several classical therapeutic massage procedures, cupping massage can be carried out in the region of the collar zone. Cupping massage is based on a reflex mechanism based on stimulation of receptors by the vacuum created in the cup. For this procedure, massage medical cans BV-01-"AP" are used. After creating a vacuum in the jar and sticking it to the body, sliding movements of the "adhered" jar are performed in various directions of the massaged area, with an emphasis on the paravertebral zones. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes. Cupping massage accelerates blood-lymph circulation in tissues, improves blood supply to the brain, which has a beneficial effect on the treatment of hearing loss.

In addition, according to the invention, after several procedures of classical therapeutic massage, honey massage of the collar zone can be performed. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes. Natural honey, due to its healing properties, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, improves blood microcirculation, stabilizes metabolism, which contributes to the treatment of hearing loss.

At the next stage, auriculotherapy is carried out, affecting the biologically active points of each auricle with the help of an ebonite stick. For treatment, an ebonite stick 15 cm long and 1-1.5 mm in diameter at one end (diagnostic end) and 2-2.5 mm at the other end (therapeutic end) is used. Ebonite as a dielectric accumulates and retains an electric charge when interacting with the skin surface. When an ebonite stick is rubbed against the skin, the following effects occur: 1) the temperature of the skin surface increases; 2) the electric charge is accumulated both on the skin and on the surface of the ebonite stick, the rapid discharge of electricity near the skin ionizes the surrounding air, and the ionized particles have high energy, which is transferred to the human body after colliding with the skin, as a result, thermal energy is transferred to soft tissues ; 3) The presence of an electric charge on the surface of the skin leads to a weak electromagnetic field, and the phenomenon of induction takes place, as a result, even the internal organs experience a beneficial increase in temperature. The combination of these effects leads to increased blood and lymph circulation. In addition, thermal energy arises due to the presence of a magnetic flux in the blood and lymph, which provides an additional effect from the impact on the biologically active points of the auricle with an ebonite stick.

Since the active points of the auricle are detected only in the presence of a pathological process in the body, they serve not only for therapeutic effects, but also for diagnosing the disease.

As you know, on the auricle there is a set of points that are projections of all internal organs, including the organs of hearing. In accordance with the international classification, the surface of the auricle is divided into 18 zones, in which 110 biologically active points are located. In addition, another 60 points on the auricle were identified, 18 of which are located on the anterior surface of the auricle, and the rest on the back surface.

When conducting auriculotherapy, the auricles are first palpated to detect changes in sensitivity in the projection zones of individual human organs, and the most painful point in the projection zone of the corresponding organ is found with the diagnostic end of the ebonite stick according to the patient's reaction. Then, with the wide (healing) end of the ebonite stick, a therapeutic effect is applied to the identified points of the auricles: AP95 (SHEN) - kidney, AP29 (ZHEN) - nape, AP9 (NEI-ER) - inner ear, AP20 (WAI-ER) - outer ear . The duration of exposure is 1-2 minutes for each point. The method of influence is tonic.

Each treatment procedure ends with gymnastics for the auricles, which is carried out as follows. At the same time, the back surfaces are clasped with the thumbs, and the index and middle fingers are placed on the front surfaces of the auricles and move up-down-forward-backward 4-6 times.

Thus, in the course of each treatment procedure, a complex effect is provided, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment and fully restore hearing.

Treatment is carried out in courses of 10-15 procedures with the number of courses ≥2 and a break between courses of 12-30 days, depending on the form of the disease: acute or chronic.

Specific examples of the implementation of the method.

Example 1. Patient A., born in 1978, diagnosis: acute neurosensory hearing loss. Complaints about ringing in the ears, hearing loss, poor health, sleep disturbance. Conducted audiometry and palpation examination, which confirmed the diagnosis. The patient underwent 2 courses of treatment according to the proposed method for 15 procedures, with a break between courses of 14 days. The treatment was carried out as follows: in the patient's sitting position, a classical therapeutic massage was applied to the collar zone of the scalp, as well as to the area around the auricles. Applied techniques of stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. When exposed to the area around the auricles, rubbing techniques were preferably used to ensure an intense blood flow to the massaged area. Then, auriculotherapy was performed with the impact of an ebonite stick on the points: AP95, AP29, AP9, AP20 for 2 minutes per point. The procedure ended with gymnastics for the auricles: up-down-forward-backward movements 4-6 times. The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes. After the first course, audiometry was performed, which showed a significant improvement in hearing. The second course allowed him to fully restore his hearing.

Example 2. Patient M., born in 1958, diagnosis: left-sided sensorineural hearing loss, hypertension, complaints of congestion and noise in the left ear, hearing loss. On the audiogram, hearing loss in the left ear according to the sensorineural type 1 degree. After drug therapy, the patient was offered treatment according to the claimed method. At the beginning of each treatment procedure, a therapeutic massage was performed in the region of the collar zone, head, and around the auricles for 10 minutes. Then, auriculotherapy was performed on the active points of the auricles: AP95, AP29, AP9, AP20, each point was treated with an ebonite stick for 2 minutes. Method of influence - tonic. The procedure ended with gymnastics for the auricles: up-down-forward-backward movements 4 times. The total duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. On the 3rd day, cupping massage was connected to the classic massage, which was carried out for 5-7 minutes using dry medical vacuum cups in the amount of 2 pieces. Emphasis was placed on the paravertebral zones. Cupping massage was done 3 times daily during the treatment procedure.

After 2 courses of treatment, 15 procedures each, with a break between courses of 14 days, congestion and noise in the ear disappeared, hearing returned to normal.

Example 3. Patient D., born in 1960, diagnosis: sensorineural hearing loss, concomitant disease: osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, complaints of tinnitus, hearing loss, dizziness. After drug therapy, treatment according to the proposed method was prescribed.

The starting position of the patient is sitting. At the beginning of each treatment procedure, a classic therapeutic massage of the collar zone, scalp, and around the ears was performed. Then, auriculotherapy was performed on the active points of the auricles: AP95, AP29, AP9, AP20 with an ebonite stick for 2 minutes on each point. At the end of the procedure, they did gymnastics of the auricles. The total duration of the procedure is 25 minutes. After reducing dizziness on the 3rd day, they connected honey massage in the area of ​​the collar zone. Natural honey in a small amount is evenly applied to the massaged area and the palms of the hands are tightly applied to the body so that the palms stick, after which the hands are sharply torn off from the body at a distance of 5-10 cm. The movement is repeated for 5-7 minutes. Then wipe the massaged area with a towel soaked in hot water, and then with a dry towel. Honey massage was done 5 times daily during the treatment procedure.

In total, 3 courses of treatment were carried out, 12 procedures each, with a break between courses of 14 days. After the treatment, the tinnitus stopped, dizziness disappeared, audiometry showed a complete restoration of hearing.

Thus, the proposed method for the complex treatment of hearing loss makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment, obtain a stable result, and reduce the treatment time.

1. A method for the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss, including physical exposure to massage, characterized in that a classic therapeutic massage is performed in the region of the collar zone, scalp, around the auricles, after which auriculotherapy is performed with an ebonite stick by acting on the biologically active points of the auricles responsible for the organs hearing, 1-2 minutes for each point, and finish the procedure with gymnastics for the auricles, during which they perform their simultaneous movements up-down-forward-backward 4-6 times, clasping the back surfaces of the auricles with their thumbs, and with their index fingers and middle fingers - front surfaces, and the treatment is carried out in courses of 10-15 procedures daily with the number of courses ≥2 and a break between courses of 12-30 days.

2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that after several classical therapeutic massage procedures, 3-5 can massage procedures are performed on the area of ​​the collar zone.

3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that after several procedures of classical therapeutic massage, 3-5 procedures of honey massage are performed on the area of ​​the collar zone.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to medicine, namely to rehabilitation, and can be used to improve the human body. To do this, carry out a traditional medical examination of the patient.

The invention relates to medical equipment, gymnastic equipment and is intended, in particular, for training the fingers. The claimed device contains a housing containing ribs, which are connected in the form of a hinged parallelogram, in the middle of the housing, two bars are pivotally mounted crosswise.

The invention relates to medicine and can be used in the rehabilitation of patients with deforming arthrosis of the knee joints in a sanatorium. The method of rehabilitation of patients with deforming arthrosis of the knee joints in a sanatorium includes physical methods of treatment, exercise therapy, massage, acupuncture, herbal medicine.

The invention relates to medicine, namely to methods for treating diseases of various etiologies and injuries of various organs. Preliminarily, during electropuncture examination, the total potential of the patient's body and the potential at a point located on the body surface at a minimum distance from the organ requiring treatment, or in its nearest Zakharyin-Ged projection zone on the skin, are determined.

The invention relates to medicine, namely to otolaryngology. The method includes performing a classic therapeutic massage in the region of the collar zone, scalp, around the ears. Then they act with an ebonite stick on the biologically active points of the auricles, which are responsible for the hearing organs. The impact is carried out for 1-2 minutes for each point. The procedure ends with gymnastics for the auricles. To do this, clasping the rear surfaces of the auricles with the thumbs, and the front surfaces with the index and middle fingers, they simultaneously move up-down-forward-backward 4-6 times. The procedure is carried out daily. 10-15 procedures per course. Conduct two or more courses. The break between courses is 12-30 days. The method increases the efficiency of treatment due to the impact on the nerve endings located in the area of ​​the reflexogenic zones associated with the auditory center of the cerebral cortex. 2 w.p. f-ly, 3 pr.

Hearing loss is a pathology that is accompanied by hearing loss. It most often develops in the elderly, but sometimes affects younger patients. To minimize negative processes and stop the development of an anomaly, it is necessary to start the treatment of the disease on time. At the same time, good results can be achieved with alternative methods of treatment.

Causes of hearing loss

In some cases, only surgery can achieve the desired effect. Therefore, before starting the use of home recipes, you should consult a doctor.

Traditional medicine offers many effective remedies that can significantly improve hearing:

To cope with, you should use funds to improve blood circulation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears. They also use drugs to normalize the rheological characteristics of blood and metabolic processes in cells. The most effective compositions include the following:

  1. Drops of baked onions. To do this, take a small onion, peel and make a recess. Place a small spoonful of cumin in it. Bake the resulting product in the oven so that it turns brown. Squeeze the cooled onion and inject the resulting juice into the ears 3-4 drops. This should be done three times a day. Such therapy should last a month.
  2. Drops of garlic. To prepare them, you need to mix garlic juice with olive oil, and the proportion should be 1:10. Pour the prepared composition into a glass container and shake to obtain a uniform consistency. Administer 2 drops twice a day. The course of therapy is 3 weeks.

Chinese gymnastics

Chinese scientists offer people who suffer from hearing loss to perform special exercises. The complex was named "Heavenly Drum". To perform it, you need to do the following movements:

  1. It is good to close your ears with your palms.
  2. Tap the back of the head with three fingers - this should be done 12 times. A sound resembling drum beats will appear in the ears.
  3. Close your ears well again and quickly remove your palms. This exercise must be performed 12 times.
  4. Place your index fingers in your ears and twist clockwise. This must be done three times. The same number of movements are performed counterclockwise.
  5. Get your fingers out quickly.

The best effect after such treatment can be achieved in the morning. However, if there are indications, the complex can be performed in case of severe fatigue.

Gymnastics to restore hearing in our video:

It is very problematic to completely cope with hearing loss with folk remedies. Hearing improvement can only be achieved by. If the disease has a neglected character, you should consult a doctor. After a thorough examination, the specialist will select the treatment. Alternative methods can be used as an addition to traditional therapy - this will help increase its effectiveness.

Hearing loss is a serious problem that can be progressive and significantly reduces quality of life. To improve the prognosis of the disease, you can use folk remedies. However, before using them, you should consult with an otolaryngologist.

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