Ngs coins. Technical inspection check service (diagnostic card) based on eaisto. What do you get with the help of the inspection service based on the traffic police

How to check technical inspection?

Or check vehicle inspection online or in specialized institutions.

But, outside the window of the 21st century, why go to the office or contact a special organization to check the authenticity of the diagnostic card? Use our company's online tool. It's simple - fill out one of the 4 columns of the online form and get an answer without leaving your home or at the place of inspection.

The technical inspection procedure has been significantly simplified far until 2019. There are more and more service companies. Often invalid documents are issued. If you are interested in avoiding fraud, then be vigilant and check the vehicle inspection online.

Check technical inspection on the basis of EAISTO using our online service - it's free and takes less than a minute.

*The service is integrated with the EAISTO database

If you still have questions after checking the diagnostic card of the inspection, then contact us directly by leaving a request on our website.

Check Inspection Now, and make sure your card is okay.

What are the advantages of an online vehicle inspection service?

To check, it is enough to enter only one parameter.

  • reliably– official verification of the diagnostic card according to the EAISTO database;
  • now– spend only a minute of your time;
  • is free– without a phone number and registration;
  • safely– data confidentiality (we are for the non-distribution of personal data, we guarantee high information protection);
  • it's clear- each column contains tips to help you enter the data correctly.

What do you get with the help of the technical inspection check service based on the traffic police?

Checking the technical inspection according to the traffic police database with us - this is only accurate and reliable information on your technical inspection diagnostic card. To do this, we have developed an intuitive online tool that provides an instant result of the inspection check. What is the format for checking the technical inspection according to the traffic police database using our service? You get access to the necessary information in just 1 minute. At the same time, the fact of passing the technical inspection is checked and additional information is issued:

  • Coupon number
  • Name of the organization that carried out the inspection
  • Date of last inspection and full inspection history

To access the specified information, use the following options:

  • VIN (VIN number)
  • car license plate
  • Chassis number
  • body number

The proposed service is designed for individuals and legal entities:

  • Car owners who are going to buy OSAGO
  • insurance agents

We all love to collect different things. Someone collects postage stamps, someone collects miniature car models, and someone collects rare coins. According to unofficial statistics, there are more than 30 million people who collect coins. The number, of course, is impressive, but it is quite common.

The history of the emergence of the evaluation system and "weakening"

70-point system for evaluating collectible coins came up with William Sheldon who was born at the end of the 19th century. He worked as a psychologist (he had a doctorate). In his free time, he devoted himself to numismatics. It was his hobby. The subject of his collection were copper American coins with a face value of 1 cent. He took his hobby very seriously.

One day, Dr. W. Sheldon, once again looking at his impressive collection of coins, decided to find a way to somehow put it in order. He wanted to organize the collection according to the value and appearance of each individual coin.

Yes, in 1948. W. Sheldon invented and introduced a 70-point grading system. Soon this system received universal recognition and very quickly scattered around the world.

Thanks to this system, many collectors have secured themselves from making unjustified purchases and various fraudulent manipulations when determining the value of a particular coin.

In addition, the presence of a digital signature on the coin has greatly facilitated the life of businessmen who have built their business on the purchase / sale of collectible coins. Thus, the number of misunderstandings arising during transactions has significantly decreased and the number of investments has significantly increased.

And everything was fine with Sheldon until the moment when a certain swindler stood in his way of a successful business, who accused him of stealing collectible coins from the collection of the American Numismatic Association. It is still not known exactly how it all ended. There are rumors that this story did not end with anything concrete. Despite the fact that this episode slightly tarnished the reputation of the collector, the universal respect for him still remained, because all people knew Sheldon as very honest person.

After a sufficient number of years, this episode has served as an example for many scammers. They used various tricks to knock down the value of a particular coin, buy it for next to nothing, and then sell it at a higher price.

Revelry for crooks was relatively short-lived. Later it was decided to create a fundamentally new and reliable way to protect collectible coins. This is how the notion of " weakening". The essence of this process is to solder the coin in a special box (" weak"). It also contained an information sheet, which contained detailed information about the coin in it.

However, not all numismatists equally well recognized this form of coin collecting. Some felt that "weakened" coins deprive the owners of the possibility of aesthetic pleasure.

You can’t turn such a coin in your hands, you won’t feel the material with your fingers. In a nutshell, these people associated "weak" with coffins for coins or tin cans. Other collectors took the “weakening” with wild enthusiasm. They considered that “weak” coins provide reliability and the highest degree of safety.

Subsequently, various organizations began to appear that offered their customers not only to provide a collectible coin with a digital signature, but also to place it in a special sealed box made of plastic. Thus, a new concept appeared weakening«.

"Weakening" gained recognition among coin collectors thanks to the following benefits:

  • thorough check of the coin and guarantee confirmation of its authenticity;
  • expert assessment of the external condition of the coin based on the 70-point Sheldon scale;
  • improved conditions for storing the collection (protection of the coin from various environmental influences);
  • exclusion of the possibility of acquiring a fake. Each “weak” coin has a holographic protection, as well as a unique identification number. This number is mandatory entered into the database of the grading company that sells collectible coins "in weak". Thus, a coin with a “weak” holographic protection automatically indicates its originality.

On average, the “weakening” of one coin will cost the owner approximately at 15-25 dollars.

In Europe and the USA, there are many grading companies that are engaged in the manufacture of "weak". However, only 2 of them have a serious reputation in this matter - these are NGC And PCGS.

Acceptance of orders for the manufacture of "weak" these companies accept from their official dealers, who accept applications from collectors.

How is the loosening process carried out?

To the process of accepting and manufacturing an order NGC And PCGS taken more than seriously. Conventionally, the whole process can be divided into the following stages:

  • registration of the parcel that came from the official dealers of the company;
  • depositing coins into the electronic order registration system. By the way, thanks to it, the client can monitor the status of the execution of his order, completely eliminating such a thing as “anxiety” from his life;
  • obligatory photographing of the coin. In this way, companies prevent the occurrence of any misunderstandings with the client when returning the coin in “weak”. In addition, this operation closes the way for fraudsters who want instead of a five-kopeck coin to receive a silver coin of the Napoleonic era in return;
  • detailed study of the coin. This process involves 2-3 professional numismatists with impressive experience behind them. The entire analysis process takes approximately 3-4 weeks. At the same time, the state of the coin is determined in the range from Good(G) to MintState (MS), as well as from 1 to 70 according to a single rating system. When it comes to grading the condition of polished coins, they generally score between 50 and 70 points;
  • production of an individual insert. It is made of an inert material, which eliminates the negative impact on the coin;
  • hermetic sealing of the coin in "weak".

It should be borne in mind that not all sent collection coins pass the proper “certification”. Coins that have defects or severe damage may receive a status that is not particularly pleasant for the owner. detailedgrading". And this means that even if the coin has historical value, it obviously will not add authority to the owner.

In addition, if the experts find that the coin is counterfeit, it will be sent back to the owner without "weak". So the scammers here, again, the path is closed.

Varieties of "weakening" services

As this service spreads around the world, companies are gradually expanding the range of services provided to “weaken” coins. Thus, NGC began to offer new types of services, such as:

  • “weakening” of a series of coins (several pieces in one “weak”);
  • “weakening” of large-sized coins and medals;
  • conducting spectral analysis of the metal.

But if we talk about PCGS, they still offer the standard “weak”. The meaning of their policy is that why invent something new, if you can make good money on the classic “weak” that has long established itself.

In addition to providing “weakening” services, NGC and PCGS companies sell collectible coins already in “weak”. At the same time, the official websites of these companies have all the necessary information on such coins. And most importantly, the information is updated every day! And this is a very good plus. Especially for those collectors who are looking for something specific.

If a person who wants to buy a coin in “weak” has any doubts about its authenticity, the companies provide an opportunity to check it.

"Weakening" of paper notes

In addition to the manufacture of "weak" for coins, there are companies that specialize in the "preservation" of paper bills. PMG is one such company. In fact, the process of “weakening” coins and banknotes is the same.

Active sale of "weak" coins at auctions

At the moment, in various auctions, about 20-50 percent"weak" coins. At the same time, there are more and more grading companies that are engaged in this type of business. And here it does not always become clear which newcomer is responsible for “weakening” and which ones were opened with the aim of committing illegal frauds.

Still recommended here trust only trusted graders, who have many years of experience and reinforced concrete authority behind them. Of course, this does not mean that entry to the market of collectible coins is ordered for young companies, but here every collector needs to be careful.

Therefore, before buying a coin you like in the “slab”, it is first of all recommended to collect the maximum possible information about the grader company. It will not be superfluous to find people who purchased coins through these companies. Positive feedback from real customers means a lot. If they are, you can safely trust the young company.

But in no case should one be allowed: it is highly recommended not to acquire "weak" from third parties. There is a strong possibility that the seller may be a scammer.

Recently, the service for coin certification or " coin grading». Coin certification is a quality assurance procedure by which an organization, through examinations, certifies that the coin is genuine.

In simple terms coin grading, i.e. coin certification, is the placement of the coin in sealed weak. Weak are plastic capsules sealed and firmly soldered to weak could not be opened without damage. This is protection from weak did not open and did not put another coin there. Moreover, each weak you can “break through” the website of the organization that graded a coin. Organizations in the US do this. NGS and PCGS.

Certification of coins in Russia is engaged National Numismatic Register– specialists in the field of evaluating the authenticity and safety of coins, tokens and medals work here. In the process of certification of a coin in Russia, its authenticity is also checked for the condition of the coin on the Sheldon scale - this is an international scale for the safety of a coin, also used by NGS and PCGS. In addition, the coin is assigned an individual number, which is entered into the database on the website of the company issuing the certificate. In Russia- this National Numismatic Register .

Sheldon scale
State Grade Description
MS60-70 Mint State (Uncirculated)
AU50,53,55,58 About Uncirculated
XF40,45 eXtremely Fine
VF20,25,30,35 Very Fine
F12,15 Fine
VG8,10 very good
G4,6 Good
AG3 About good
FA2 fair
PR1 Poor

In addition to checking on the site, and myself weak is a confirmation of the authenticity of the coin, because in weak put only genuine coins. On the weaker usually post information: year of issue of the coin, denomination, safety, individual number, barcode, hologram(responsible for the authenticity of the coin) . It is also possible to indicate other information, such as a description of defects, material, etc. Weak cannot be opened without damage.

Certification of coins in Russia first appeared this year. Now weakening of coins, which was previously available only by sending coins abroad, is also available in Moscow at national numismatic registry. Grade a coin, weaken a coin- this is the best way to preserve the quality of the coins, thus protecting the collection material from external influences.

At coin certification in Russia in National numismatic register an ID-card is issued, on which the image of the exact coin that you certify is applied, also on the ID-card are indicated barcode And coin serial number.

One of the main advantages of coin certification is the assignment grade. Grade- this coin value scale on Sheldon scale, invented in the USA, where weakening has been very popular for a long time. For example, to assess the quality of UNC coins (uncirculated coins), there is a gradation from MS70 (best state of preservation) to MS60 (medium minted, dull, worn).

Certified coin, i.e. weak coin or " graded coin”, of course increases the value of the coin, because when you sell it, the buyer does not have to be nervous about its authenticity or condition assessment. All this for the collector is done by firms coin certification.

Over the past decade, a special service for evaluating the authenticity and condition of coins, followed by their packaging in special "capsules" - weakly began to gain popularity. The weak itself looks like a small transparent plastic container, with a coin fixed inside, equipped with a small certificate, which indicates the country of issue of the coin, denomination, year and safety. It is possible to indicate additional information, such as material, description of defects, variety, marriage, etc.

The use of slabs provides many advantages, the main of which are:

  1. Almost complete isolation of the coin from the external environment, which prevents damage to the coin, including its oxidation.
  2. A guarantee of the authenticity of the coin, the degree of which depends on the firm that produced the weakening.
  3. The presence of an expert assessment of the condition of the coin (using the Sheldon scale).

The attitude towards weakened coins among collectors is different. Some believe that this deprives any possibility of aesthetic enjoyment of the coin, for which they were nicknamed "coffins" or "tin cans". Others, on the contrary, prefer loose coins to similar "bare" coins, which can be easily damaged or which may even be counterfeit. But most agree that weakening is most appropriate to use for coins in the highest degrees of safety, thus protecting rare collection material from the "playful little hands" of the numismatist.

Currently, there are many firms involved in grading coins, the most respected of which are:

Each weak is equipped with a protective hologram and has its own unique number, by which you can find the coin in the database of the grading company. This service protects buyers from acquiring fakes. At present, only cases of fake PCGS weaknesses are known, the distinctive features of which will be discussed in a separate article.

Examples of coins in weaknesses

An example of a coin in the weak NGC

An example of a coin in weak PCGS

An example of a coin in ANACS weakness

An example of a coin in ICG weakness

Numismatic Guarantee Corporation (NGC)

As an example of a recognized overseas coin grading and weakening organization, the NGC, which has thirty-eight million valued coins, is a perfect example. NGC accepts almost any coin in the world, including ancient ones. NGC itself does not buy or sell coins, which ensures a high degree of impartiality. The National Museum of the United States and the Shanghai Mint Museum (China) used NGC's appraisal services.

Coins for valuation are sent either directly through the NGC Official Valuation Center or through NGC Dealers. Rejection of the assessment comes if it is not possible to guarantee the authenticity of the coin or if extraneous interference in its pattern or structure is noticeable. Contaminated coins must be processed by Numismatic Conservation Services (NCS) prior to valuation. The condition of the coin is evaluated according to the seventy-point International valuation scale. The result is the addition of a number to the letter designation, which ranks the state of a particular instance within the conservation category.

A detailed assessment includes a description of the damage in terms of abrasion and loss of metal, which is important for coins made of gold and silver. This also includes a description of the defects. For thirty years of existence (the company was founded in 1987), NGC has taken a leading position in the certification of coins and has repeatedly been recognized as the best in its industry. Weak NGC not only protects the coin from harmful influences, but also confirms its authenticity. Those who live in Russia can also work with NGC. To do this, there is the NGC website in Russian, where detailed instructions are given.

National Numismatic Register (NNR)

In our country, the National Numismatic Register has achieved success on this path. It is not surprising that the number of his clients is steadily growing, since when crossing state borders, all sorts of nuances are possible that are extremely unpleasant for the owner of the coin. In addition to coins, NNR also evaluates tokens and medals. Like the world's leading firms, HHP not only weakens the coin by providing it with a certificate, but also enters information about the coin into its own numismatic database, which serves as an additional confirmation of ownership of the coin for the owner of this copy.

The key characteristics of the coin in the process of examination determine a particular instance in one or another category of safety. In addition, the authenticity of the coin is also confirmed. In complex cases, trusted experts with vast experience in analyzing coins of a given country or era are involved.

Detailed information, in addition to the category of preservation and identification of authenticity, will also indicate the exact weight. It is very important to determine the value of an instance by assigning it to one or another catalog variety. The assigned certificate begins to form the market history of the coin, as the register accumulates information about the participation of this item in auctions or the facts of sale in stores.

The description of the coin, conducted by HHP, includes: the name of the coin, its state of preservation, certificate number, barcode and security hologram. Note that it is impossible to extract a coin without destroying the capsule, which prevents attempts to replace the copy entered into the database with a coin of poorer preservation or counterfeit. A great advantage is the ability to see through the weak edge of the coin.

Where is all inspection information stored?

Information about passed technical inspections is stored in the EAISTO GIBDD database (unified automated information system for technical inspection). This database belongs to the traffic police and is in no way connected with the RSA. When checking the diagnostic card during the registration of OSAGO, the information is loaded from the EAIS.

What is the official site for checking technical inspection?

Unfortunately, there is no official site for checking technical inspection. There is a site for the traffic police, but it is intended only for entering the personal account of the inspection station operator.

How does your vehicle inspection system work?

We have our own accredited technical inspection station, so we can check the data on passed technical inspections, issue duplicates and carry out vehicle inspections.

Why might the inspection check not work?

Periodically, the system may be overloaded due to a large number of requests or due to technical work on the side of the traffic police. When checking, you will see the corresponding message. If your card is not found, the form will also give an answer.

What should I do if my diagnostic card is not in the database?

Option 1: Your vehicle is less than 3 years old and has never been inspected. In this case, don't worry.

Option 2: Your diagnostic card has been deleted or never entered into the database. Unfortunately, the most common case. Fraudsters enter your data, and after receiving payment, they remove the diagnostic card so as not to pay themselves. Therefore, when choosing a company for passing a technical inspection and obtaining a diagnostic card, be especially careful about offers with an extremely low price. Assistance with technical inspection cannot cost less than 1,300 rubles, because the official fee established by law, for example, in Moscow is 720 rubles. for vehicles B cat. It is unlikely that anyone will work for the sake of 200-300 rubles. net profit.

Option 3: Periodically, there are interruptions in the operation of the database. Please try checking later.

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