Where can you climb with a metal detector. Where to look for coins with a metal detector in the Moscow region, in the Leningrad region, in the Tula region, in the Krasnodar Territory? Where is the best place to look for coins with a metal detector? Treasures of the Tula region

If you decide to get serious about finding coins, you can't do without a good metal detector. There is a gradation of metal detectors for entry-level, middle-class and professional models. Initial models can detect Soviet 5 kopecks under about 18-20 cm of soil. Middle class metal detectors will find 5 kopecks under 25 cm of soil. Professional models make it possible to find a five-kopeck coin at a depth of 30-35 cm.

A good metal detector is one of the keys to successful coin hunting. For example, such a professional metal detector as the FISHER F75 will allow you to make interesting finds even in "knocked out" places - that is, where other treasure hunters have already gone before you. Of course, you can use other models, the choice is very large. Fans can look on the net for the Terminator metal detector, which has very good characteristics, is easy to manufacture and configure.

Search technique

Be aware that random searches give poor results. A competent treasure hunter is also a collector of information. For example, find an old map of your area, look for villages on it that are no longer there. After that, you can go to where they used to be and search.

A good enough option is to search in the fields. True, it requires observation. The best time to search is autumn, right after the harvest. The fields are empty, you can walk freely on them. Quite often, fragments of ceramics can be found in the fields - it is in such places that you should search.

It is very popular with treasure hunters to search in old houses. First of all, you should check the attics, sometimes they manage to find real treasures of silver and gold coins, jewelry. Many coins can be found under torn floors and under the boards of window sills.

A promising place for searching is the neighborhood of lonely standing old trees, rocky ledges, hills and other well-marked landmarks. Imagine that you yourself are hiding the treasure - where would you hide it? It is in such places that you search. A large number of coins can be found along the shores of the seas, on the beaches. But basically it is not of great value.

Search without a metal detector

It is very difficult to make good finds without a metal detector, but it is possible. For example, you can look for coins along the shores of the seas - in those places where there used to be settlements. Waves gradually wash away the coast, small metal objects accumulate in separate places, usually in small pools. A metal detector in such a place will not help, as it will not be able to properly rebuild from a large amount of small metal trash. The search technique is simple - with a knife blade, you need to carefully rake pebbles knocked together by waves, metal debris, etc. Among this garbage, very interesting finds can be made.

In old houses due for demolition, the boards of the window sills should be checked - coins are often rolled under them. You can walk along the sandy seashore in those places where there used to be villages - after a storm, coins can be found right on the sand. However, when searching without a metal detector, interesting finds are the exception rather than the rule.

Coins can be found literally everywhere, there are many of them in cities. However, searching for coins in the city with a metal detector is difficult due to the abundance of modern buildings and asphalt roads. In addition, you don’t want to attract the attention of curious passers-by to your person, and even more so, servants of the law. At the same time, in cities there are quiet secluded places in parks or on the banks of reservoirs. And it is even better to conduct an instrumental search not in a huge metropolis, but in a small, old town, and the production here can be quite good. On the outskirts of such settlements there are many wonderful forgotten corners where you can find a lot of coins, for example, the nineteenth century, and if you're lucky - even older.

As a rule, the search for coins in cities is carried out in old houses, where there may be hidden stash or lost money, including jewelry. The best place for this may be an old house, preferably a one-story one, but an apartment building is also suitable. The main places where coins can be found are door or window blocks, window sills, spaces in doors. If there are fireplaces in such houses, then you can look there. It's worth checking out other places as well. If the house is stone, then searches with a metal detector can be more successful than if the plaster is applied to the nailed shingles, because the detector will constantly respond to nails, and this will create unnecessary annoying interference.

As already mentioned, searching for coins in cities differs in many ways from searching in the countryside, because in the city it is difficult to remain unnoticed by vigilant citizens. Many of them tend to regard searches even in empty houses prepared for demolition as looting. Experienced search engines, in order to avoid such cases, are advised to go for a little trick - to put on construction overalls or a robe of some utility or special services. For especially annoying pensioners, you can even concoct a suitable certificate.

It is better to start searching for coins in cities early in the morning, if it is summer, then at five o'clock. A few hours is enough to fully explore the house you are interested in, in addition, there will always be an opportunity to return here again. First, it is tedious to open window sills and baseboards, these are the most likely places to find coins or buttons. Sometimes they get there by accident, and most often they are pushed into the cracks by small children. There are cases when a bunch of small silver coins were found under the plinth. If the floorboards have already been torn off, then you can examine the subfloor space with a metal detector. Many interesting finds are found near the so-called "cat holes".

In old houses, you can also examine the walls: what if you stumble upon a cache, and this will be a very big and very rare luck. Such caches were often made under the windowsill and near the fireplace. By the color of the walls, you can determine how the furniture was previously arranged in the room or the carpet was hung, and it is quite possible that they could cover a secluded place. The search for coins in cities, if carried out in an old building, can be continued by carefully inspecting the door, because coins could be stuffed into the cracks. Do not forget also about the ventilation holes, which can also serve as a hiding place.

Of course, there is no doubt that in private houses the search can be more productive than in multi-apartment ones. Also, when organizing searches, one should not forget about the law, and do not encroach on private property, so as not to create unnecessary problems for yourself. Also, do not search in places recognized as historical sites. It is better to once again find out everything about this house and play it safe.

Choosing a search site is an age-old problem for novice treasure hunters, although, given the rapid development of treasure hunting, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a “good” uncharted place even for an experienced digger. Let's say that at the weekend they decided to test it in action, and at the same time, of course, find a couple of coins, even if not old ones, but even "tips". Where to go?

I'll tell you how my colleagues and I went to dig as newcomers. And actually, there are no secrets here, we use all methods to this day.

1. Large poplars.

You can see them from afar, of course, if the poplars are visible from the road, then everything is probably dug up and dug up, but it would be useful for a novice digger to visit such a place, because this is one hundred percent the place where the village used to stand. Let there be pits and a huge amount of metal garbage, there will also be coins. Take at least the situation this summer. My wife and I went for mushrooms, drove away from the city quite a bit, about 5 kilometers, turned and suddenly I see a row of poplars in the distance on the horizon.

The place turned out to be quite suitable for a cop.

I think to myself - I need to go there. And the next weekend we went there, but the results of the search were not so hot at all, but the point is that the field was still unplowed before the fall. I told my colleagues about that place that they say it’s not far and the poplars are big, they went there without me and what would you think - the field turned out to be plowed up and they dug nothing like that, 5-7 coins for each, old coins (Nikolashki, early advice- there were also billons, where would it be without them), they dug in total for 2-3 hours. So on a note - there are such places and they can be almost nearby. However, do not be surprised if there are a lot of people with appliances))

3. Old maps + GPS navigator.
This method is the coolest for anyone, because it allows you to find places where no one has ever been. One of my colleagues is already quite cool and competent in overlaying old maps on a gps navigator, he knows which maps to download and where. Thanks to him, it was found quite close to the city, there was on this tract. So, if you approach the matter of treasure hunting carefully, think through everything and work on finding promising places, then your results in treasure hunting will be much more noticeable. By the way, the total amount received for the treasure was about 40,000 rubles. and this is for 100 silver coins (there were just rare silver 5 kopecks, so small, you probably saw them, they went for 2000-2500 rubles). And by the way, a treasure was found ordinary. So don't think that if you have a cheap metal detector, you won't find the treasure.

I think I will soon write an article about old maps, where to get them, which ones are better and everything in the same spirit. So check back sometimes :)

You can search everywhere. But it is not a fact that in any hole you will find a valuable thing or a coin. Therefore, here are some recommendations where you should not go to search in Russia.

The only find may be such a fragment of an old spoon.

1) Search in own or parent garden. There are clearly lines of force nearby; here and there a cable is buried. And this means that you are provided with multiple interferences. Yes, and the soil has long been dug-dug several times, 20-30 cm for sure.

2) Search in historical places. Here, like bees for honey, all the diggers in the area flock, not like you, who realized that you can dig on the site of an ancient settlement, 4 years after its discovery.

3) On site archaeological sites there is nothing to catch either: professionals worked. Moreover, they can be fined for an excessive desire to join the values ​​of the Russian state.

4) On urban and "official" beaches, it seems that there must be a lost gold, since all the locals most often rest there. But such pieces of sandbars, as usual, are examined up and down quite regularly. And then you can’t guess - there was someone before you or not, collected the entire “catch”, or something left.

5) Oddly enough, search engines avoid excavations in the fields where lupine grows. This leguminous plant seems to have a passion for how it does not like metals, and the whole search will go down the drain. But perhaps this is just an omen. Some specifically searched in such fields, but generally did not achieve success, most often extracting fragments of household utensils.

From digging signs, you can also extract information about where the cop will be unsuccessful.

So, for example, many people believe that if you step on the wire from the headphones in some place, you will have to leave this place, there will be no luck. There is some reason for this: suddenly you passed the wire, and that's it - no live signals, the search failed. You can also search the net on your own or remember stories about Earthly Grandfather when he helps a digger, and when it’s the other way around.

In any case, you should not look anywhere. In winter, work with maps and stories from acquaintances to map out places for future searches. Spring is just around the corner!

So, you have purchased your first metal detector. What to do next? Where and how to look for coins and other historical artifacts? How to choose the right places to search with a metal detector? You need to look for where people once lived, did something, organized their activities of a particular nature.

Of course, it is worth starting with the disappeared settlements. Surely, near your house, within a radius of 10 km, or even less, there is more than one tract on which the village was previously located. You can test your metal detector on it. Further more, there are a lot of villages like this, it remains only to calculate their location, this will require old maps. Where to download, I repeatedly wrote on my blog, many posted it myself. Therefore, we will not particularly dwell on the villages, this topic is sufficiently covered in numerous sources. It is worth noting that such relative accessibility of ancient villages has two downsides: on the one hand, it is easier for you to find them, but on the other hand, they have probably already been found before you. Of course, there are no embossed places, but it is always nice to walk with the device on untouched land.

The second most popular and accessible place to look for is the beach. In my opinion, this is also extremely clear and understandable. There is a river (lake, sea), there is a beach where people relax and sunbathe, respectively, there are lost items that your task is to find. At the same time, it is necessary to look not only on the shore, but also in the water. With an underwater metal detector, this task is greatly simplified; if you have a conventional device, you can search at a limited depth, not exceeding the distance from the coil to the power supply. Searching the beach also has its pros and cons. The advantages include: accessibility, finds are updated every year, there are no problems with the law. Cons: a lot of metal debris, finds are usually not very interesting.

Perhaps, with the simplest places to search and that's all, but this is only with those that, as they say, lie at the very feet. We're not looking for easy ways, are we? Then where else can you find old coins?

After all, people didn’t just live in their villages, they also traveled, moved between settlements on trade and economic affairs, or out of idle curiosity - “just to look”. And they did it not anyhow, but along the roads. It is precisely roads and old roads that can become the object of your research. Any roads - abandoned and now operating, field and forest. The older the road, the more dense the traffic of its movement was once, the more coins have been lost in the entire history of its existence, the more you can find with a metal detector.

I also wrote about it separately: how to find them, described the search technology and told much more. I'll go through the thesis one more time. Particular attention should be paid to crossroads as one of the iconic places on the roads, fords across the river. Searches should be carried out not only on the road itself, but at a distance of "great need" (let's call it that, as one of the users of LiveJournal said). Of the features of treasure hunting for coins on the road, it should be noted that the increased density of the soil, so you will have to work hard.

We continue to expand our horizons. You have already looked for coins on the beach, but you probably didn’t think that the river itself is a source of interesting places. First, the pier. Everything is clear here, we look at the old map, where marinas and moorings used to be located and go to comb the coast. People entered the docking ships, got off them, unloaded goods. The footbridge is a rather shaky thing, they could stumble and drop something, coins are no exception. Secondly, transportation across the river, ferries. Here, in principle, everything is similar to the pier. Thirdly, this topic is already more extensive and requires detailed study of information - these are the banks of the once navigable rivers themselves. Previously, ships from one pier to another could move for weeks. Willy-nilly, but I had to make stops for the night or for other needs. And on the rivers, the robbers often fooled around, everyone probably heard about the famous Novgorod ushkuiniki. So both robbers and peaceful travelers could easily dig up a small “treasure” of coins and other valuables on a noticeable bank.

Forest, another of the sources, all kinds of places to search for coins and other treasures. Quite often, when compiling maps in the old days, small settlements of 1-2 yards could easily not be included in the atlas. And how many such settlements throughout the country. And there is no way you will stumble upon them except by chance or methodically combing the forested quarters. Why in the forest? After all, surely such villages could be in the fields? They could, but to a lesser extent. Most of the fields were developed, divided, and there was no place for strangers. And schismatics could also settle in the forest, the forester's lodge could easily be located, just some kind of gatehouse could stand.

In addition, the forest is a place where people pick berries, mushrooms, hunt, and, therefore, walk a lot, so it will never be superfluous to “ring out” the forest paths. Of course, one should not count on rare finds and coins, and the number is not particularly impressive, but, nevertheless, there will definitely be finds.

In fact, there are a lot of such places, it is enough to communicate closely with the local population and they will tell you about the manor's estate, and about the landowner's pond, and about some other "secret" place. It may be legends, but it is necessary to check it.

It is important to remember only one thing - do not shit where you dig! No need to destroy monuments of history and culture, no need to leave behind "lunar landscapes", no need to destroy what was not built by you. Your freedom is limited where the freedom of another person begins. After you, there should not be such places as in the photo below. Ultimately, treasure hunting is a hobby. not a way to make a living. I found something valuable - good, I didn’t find it - it’s okay, I had a good time.

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