Mystical cases from life in Mordovia. Ancient treasures and dungeons of Mordovia. Miracles in the hospital

You will not find this settlement on any map. The Mordovian village Dikiy is not officially listed anywhere, and the authorities prefer not to mention its existence. Relatives of deserters of the Great Patriotic War live here. They revere their ancestors and make legends about them.
Wild is the only place in the world where there is a monument to deserter heroes, which the authorities have not been able to destroy for 30 years. Ivan Zverev, a forester, is considered to be the founder of the strange village. Before the war, back in the early 1930s, he mastered these places rich in animals and fish.
He found them, going down the stream of the river flowing here, which the locals called Vad. Now no one remembers where such a strange name of the river came from. Some say that she led into a terrible jungle, where no man's foot has set foot.

Allegedly, the local population scared their children so that they would not try to make their way with the flow, otherwise they would go to hell. Other residents think that the name of the river must mean something in the old Mordovian language. However, no one knows exactly what.
But the brave Zverev managed not only to make his way through the thickets, but also to build himself a temporary hut near the river. Then he often disappeared in a fabulously beautiful place for months. When the time of dispossession began in full swing in the Mordovian villages, I decided not to return to the region.
He took his family and began to live in silence, away from civilization. It was he who dragged his son-in-law Vladimir Fokin to this place. “That was in 1931,” recalls 80-year-old Anna Ivanovna Balandina. - In the Zubovo-Polyanovsky district, they dispossessed everyone in a row, collected goods for collective farms.
The people put on ten clothes each, so that the last one would not be taken away. The father rebelled against such arbitrariness and tried to object. For this he was almost arrested, but the forester Zverev helped.
“You only have one road,” he said, “now they won’t let you live in peace. Danilka Shiribasov was sent to the camps for just one word, he said something wrong. Take your family and run ...”

At night, my father loaded us into a chest, harnessed the horse, and we rode along the Vad River for Zverev. And so they became the second family in Diky ... Following the Fokins, the settlement was replenished with the families of the Kargins, Sangins, Eliseevs and Pushkaevs.
They were people who did not accept the system imposed by the communists. Therefore, they decided to abandon civilization and create their own small state in the middle of the Mordovian thickets. There was no light or water here. But life was in full swing.
Heroes of the Wild When the Great Patriotic War began, the people in the village increased. Deserters flocked here, not wanting to go to the front, and fugitives, some from captivity, some from the battlefield.
The district authorities also found out about the settlement, they called the village - the village of Dikiy. - The place is Wild there, and not people live, but wild ones - that's what they said about us at that time, - Anna Balandina, an old resident of the village, recalls. - Yes, do not listen to anyone, it was the power of our grandfathers that turned into traitors.
Even those with small children, and he is the only breadwinner, were still taken to the front. But my late uncle - Kupriyanych, he was generally captured by the Nazis, then he fled. But as soon as he went missing, he was dubbed a deserter.

Only in 1947 did he return to us. He told how he was abused in captivity. And the fugitive deserter Fura hid all the way through the forests. Yes, there was a case, he robbed in the thickets. But he attacked the rich, those who only covered themselves with high ranks.
They themselves robbed people, divided the good, and shot our husbands and fathers as deserters. Somehow, the police set up an ambush in the forest, put 15 of our men. Only Styopka Sangin could not be caught. And he, the poor fellow, hid in a dunghill for two years. That is why the dogs did not follow the trail.
Stepan Sangin is considered one of the most revered heroes of the Dikiy village. His father - Lutonya - robbed in the forests along with the Fura gang. And the mother in the village was nicknamed Neha, which means "poor" in Mordovian. She raised eight children and had no way to help them hide from the authorities.
So Neha came up with a trick. She set up a booth with her son right in the backyard of her house and covered it with manure. I dumped all sorts of waste here. And that booth actually became a refuge for Stepan.

He lived in it for two years. His mother brought him food on the sly, right in the buckets for cattle - in case a round-up unexpectedly came. And only by chance Sangin got caught. His younger sister used a pitchfork to put the dunghill in order so that not a trace of the booth could be seen, but the police arrived to the misfortune.
One of them liked the girl, he decided to help her, took a pitchfork and began to poke at the pile. There was a dull sound. And then it dawned on the policemen that the manure was lying there for a reason. They raked the pile and dragged Stepan out of the booth. They say it smelled terrible.
Only out of pity for poor Nekha, Sangin was not shot, but taken to a penal battalion. By that time, Stepan was so brutalized that he rushed at the enemies with his bare hands. He received the first trophy by throwing himself during an attack on a German and clinging to him with his teeth.
"Hero", they say about Sangin in the Wild. "A beast," officials in the district center object, once again hearing the legend of a dunghill, "and their ancestors are animals, and their descendants are bandits."

Sign to the Beast - This is how some Zubovopolians call the monument erected in Diky, which was erected by the children and grandchildren of the executed deserters in honor of their dead ancestors in the early 80s. You will not see such a monument anywhere else.
A huge bog oak is buried in the middle of the village with its roots up. - Ivan Zverev, our forester, said that this tree had lain in the Vad River for 300 years, - says Valentina Fokina, - and our guys decided to pull it out. His roots interfered with both swimming and catching fish.
Yes, and we have nothing more to do with monuments here. And the old people said that bog oak will stand on the ground for a thousand years. Yes, it was not easy to raise it ... The installation of the monument was supervised by the nephew of a local deserter named Glaz, who has long lived in Moscow and is considered an authority in gangster circles.
At first they wanted to lift the oak with a tractor, but the cable kept bursting. Then the Eye himself dived into the river, threw a noose on the oak, and all the peasants gathered in Diky, both old and young, harnessed to the cable. Here were the descendants of the locals who arrived with the Eye and just his friends-authorities.

The Fokins' horse was also harnessed. And so - by common forces - an eight-meter tree was pulled out of the water. Then the men dug a deep hole, where they dug the trunk, and the rhizome was directed upwards, towards the sky.
They didn't do it by accident. “These are the roots of our people, which were turned out of the earth. They wanted to force us to live differently. But this has never happened and will never happen,” they say in Diky. “And the oak tree is the eternal memory of our ancestors who fell from the destroyers of the root system.”
The population of Diky is sure that their monument will last much longer than all the city monuments. “There, all the authorities are changing, some monuments are being demolished, others are being erected,” they say, “and we dug our oak for a reason. It’s from the heart ...”
True, the years when the authorities wanted to destroy their monument are alive in the memory of the Dikinites. It was installed back in the days of Andropov's rule. And although the district officials carefully concealed the very existence of the "shameful" village, having heard about the oak, they decided to play it safe.
They brought a truck crane from Zubovaya Polyana to uproot the monument. But the Dikinites rammed their oak tree so deeply and strongly that the machine was never able to pull it out of the ground. So that the officials would no longer harass, the descendants of the deserters ordered a steel plate in the capital with the engraving "To the repressed parents. Grateful descendants." Since then, the authorities have not tried to destroy the bog oak again.

The modern life of Dikiy village is not much different from pre-war times. All the same remoteness from civilization, and the same rejection of the authorities. Only seven houses and 15 people remained in Diky. Of these, three families, the rest are single old women.
But the Dikins are sure that their settlement will never disappear from the face of the earth. - Children will not leave this place, - they say, - this is their memory, these are their roots, this is their beginning ... There was a village, it is and will always be!
As before, the Dikins live on the same subsistence farm. They keep cattle, bees, plow the land. They sow, they reap. - Here I bake bread - four loaves for a week, - says Valentina Fokina, - milk comes from a cow, but I butter myself.
My apiary is small. There is no time to rest, of course. But there are still no other activities. No newspapers, no TV, no phone. Of the men, then ... one is lame, the other is oblique.
It's good that you've come. And then I talk to cattle. Pensions are brought in once a month, and the children come in the summer. My son even promised to establish this connection, like hers, a cellular one. Or a simple phone to hold.
But apparently it's not easy. Whether it's in the summer, when all our children and grandchildren come. A hundred people are going to their native land in July. This is such a tradition. Who is from St. Petersburg, who is from Moscow, who is from Bugulma, there are many from Vladimir too.

Agitators killed in those parts in 1931 and a detachment sent to suppress the riot. Mordovia, Ichkalovsky district.

Everyone is going. At the bog oak, fires burn all night. We sit and remember our parents. We tell different stories, we bathe in Vada, we sing songs... Dikintsy bathe in their bathhouses, they wash their linen right in the river, but recently they began to cook on gas stoves.
One of the well-to-do natives of Diky provided them with gas, delivered gas stoves and taught them how to use them. - Like in paradise! - the local old women smile. But they still cannot sell meat or cattle. They do not accept it in procurement offices, as it has been from time immemorial.
It is not customary to take food from the deserter village even for a penny. And the locals can't travel far. Where are they on their horses ... - Nothing, they themselves learned how to dress skins, and store meat, and spin wool, - the Dikinites do not lose heart. Yes, maybe for the better.
They say there, in big cities, life is hard. Crimes, bandits... And everything is calm here. And, God forbid, it will always be so ... And whoever dies, so Aunt Valya will harness her horse, go to Zhuravkino and bring grandmothers from there from the church. They will report back.

Well, we are learning a little. You need to know if. There is no church here. Icons here have been standing for a hundred years, even from our grandfathers. In recent years, occasionally a "UAZ" with food has begun to visit Dikiy. One of the Zubovo-Polyana merchants decided to earn extra money by organizing a kind of traveling store for the village.
And hunters from the district villages often drop in to Dikiy, only the locals do not give them away. - It used to be hunters, but now it's out - here the zone has become a protected area. And they are already called poachers, - the Dikintsy say. - Yes, why so. All the same, there will be enough fish, birds and animals for another ten centuries, they will not be transferred.
It is to hunters that the Dikintsy sometimes sell their goods. Honey is in the greatest demand here. It is pure, without any impurities and is considered medicinal. The Dikinites manage to sell a three-liter can of linden for 500 rubles.
- Yes, we are not chasing money, - the inhabitants of the village laugh, - where should we spend it? But we appreciate our work. The children have learned. - And the people will still come here, - Dikintsy are sure, - there are some turbulent times. And here is your own world.
Like the eye of a storm, it is a point in the middle of a hurricane. In its center it is always quiet and calm. Everything around is collapsing, and only this place remains untouched. It's about us, and it's good. For hundreds and hundreds of years they will sing songs near the bog oak, and in the evenings bonfires will burn. The hottest and most beautiful in the world...

The Sivin ravines in the Krasnoslobodsky district of Mordovia, which got their name from the Sivin river and the village of the same name, are deep and stretch for many kilometers, the locals consider it a cursed place where it is better not to meddle.

Since the beginning of the 18th century, when the road Saransk - Krasnoslobodsk was built in the vicinity, the Sivin ravines became famous, first of all, as a real robber nest. Bandits robbed and killed passers-by and hid treasures here. This went on for almost two centuries in a row.
In the 1870s, according to local historians from Krasnoslobodsk, Sivinsky robbers robbed a convoy that was carrying soldiers' salaries for several years to Siberia - 20 barrels of gold coins! The robbers did not divide the booty, they killed each other, and the gold disappeared somewhere in a ravine. Since then, he has been tirelessly searched here, but so far to no avail.

In the 30s of the last century, a large camp was built in the ravines, where the so-called "enemies of the working people" were first imprisoned, and during the war - traitors and deserters.
In the 50s, the camp was closed, and since then people began to disappear in the ravines. Forever. Even the bodies are never found.

A full-flowing stream flows at the bottom of the ravine, but the water from it is not used even for livestock. “It is fat because it flows over the graves! There are so many robbers and innocently killed people here,” local residents explain.
According to them, the energy in this place is very bad, screams and groans are constantly heard. In the ravines, the state of health deteriorates sharply, it is impossible to stay here for a long time, if you stay for an “extra” minute and that’s it - you won’t go back, “hell twist”, you will perish in the anomalous zone forever.
Nevertheless, adventurers often visit the locals, as well as treasure hunters, who are haunted by barrels of gold that have not been found so far. They thoroughly X ask the old-timers for all the details of that famous robbery, ask them to draw a map of the area and then go in search.

True, most of them return to the villages on the same day, unable to withstand the terrible atmosphere of the Sivinsky ravines, while the rest hold on with their last strength, dig up the earth richly fertilized with human bones for the thousandth time and, completely exhausted, also leave with nothing. It happens that even without comrades who disappeared in the "zone".
Local residents treat “extreme lovers” with understanding, but they don’t go to guides for any money.

“I won’t go there with you! - said one of them to a visiting journalist from Penza. - Understand, there time is lost! The clock is up. So many people have gone missing. He went down into the ravine - you can’t get out of there. Even dogs are afraid to go there. I ran into him once, I thought I was going crazy. It feels like someone is circling me, running around me. Stubborn thoughts climb into my head: shoot yourself, hang yourself. Not so long ago, a girl disappeared there.
Those who still dare to go to the anomalous zone note in it a huge amount of berries and mushrooms (in summer and autumn) and amazing cleanliness - no fires, no broken bottles, no candy wrappers. Locals prefer to collect the gifts of nature and have picnics in other places. What is taught from childhood and their children ...

Anomalous news. November 2010.

Anomalous ravines

A strange anomalous zone exists in the Tagai forest, in the Mainsky district of the Ulyanovsk region. People here often lose their bearings, car engines stall, mobile phones turn off, camcorders and digital cameras do not work, and ordinary cameras click, but nothing comes out except blackness on the film.

In this forest, 13 kilometers from the village of Tagay, there is a no less anomalous ravine. “At first, it is not even visible to the eye,” says local historian Pavel Polovov. - At first you see in front of you only weeds of withered grass. Separate oaks, then withering aspens. But having carried away, you suddenly seem to cross some line invisible to the eyes.

Now imagine: around you in a ravine, someone is talking quietly or music is playing. You look around - not a soul. Just take a step, and again someone is talking to you. Going further is curious, though scary.”

In the Istra district of the Moscow region, not far from Dedovsk, the inhabitants of nearby villages bypass another ravine, which they call filthy and blissful. It is not clear what deadly vibes it emits, but people who decide to commit suicide are drawn here like a magnet. Well, then the restless souls of suicides, according to local residents, roam the neighborhood, frightening late travelers.

Another anomalous place in the Moscow region, where ghosts are found, is located on the 47th kilometer of the Kaluga highway. At dusk, people often encounter all sorts of devilry here.

In the past, there was a deep and gloomy ravine here, compressed on both sides by forest. In the dark, robber gangs from among the local peasants hunted with complete impunity in the vicinity. They robbed and killed passing merchants. The most fierce was the gang, headed by the robber ataman Stepan Khobotov. It is not known how this villain ended his life, but the ravine began to be called Hobotovsky among the people.

Now, with the onset of darkness, local residents often observe how the ghosts of gloomy people move along the streets of their villages. Old-timers claim that these are the souls of merchants who once disappeared in a ravine, who, having not received proper Christian reassurance, wander around the neighborhood in search of a priest who would perform an appropriate church ritual over their remains buried in the ground.

On the southern outskirts of Moscow is the famous Golosov ravine, full of mysticism and mysteries that have not been solved to this day. Metropolitan historians found in the archives a document dated 1621, which tells about the appearance of a small cavalry detachment of Tatars armed with outdated weapons and in the same outdated clothes from a thick greenish fog almost at the very gates of one of the royal palaces! The riders, who were immediately tied up, told the interrogators that they were warriors of Khan Devlet Giray, who attacked Moscow fifty years ago! Avoiding pursuit, the detachment descended into a ravine shrouded in fog. It seemed to them that they rode horses for only a few minutes, and “surfaced” already in the next century! What happened later with the aliens from the past, the ancient chronicle does not tell.

Modern scientists have fixed at the bottom of the ravine a rather large break in the earth's crust, through which powerful radiations come out. Perhaps it is with this that the numerous anomalies occurring here are connected.

According to the media.

Myths and legends have long been entrenched in our minds as something that has little to do with reality. However, there is no smoke without fire, and in each of these stories there is some truth. We bring to your attention the top most places in Mordovia.

Curse of the Sivin ravines

In the Republic of Mordovia, there is a mysterious and mysterious place that is cursed by the locals. The Sivin River flows in the vicinity, and a village with the same name is located nearby. These are Sivinsky ravines, stretching for several kilometers in length. This place has had a bad energy for a long time.

magic oak

This tree is over 600 years old. Popular rumor says that it helps to give birth to healthy children, maintain family happiness and fulfills various cherished desires. The oak grows in the Simkinsky Natural Park of Mordovia and has not only become a local landmark, but even officially received the status of a wildlife monument in Russia.

Miracles in the hospital

The Saransk Hospital Church of Luka Krymsky, which is located on the territory of the Republican Psychoneurological Dispensary, was presented with an icon of the Virgin a few years ago. For a while she stood in the church, leaning against the wall. And suddenly on the image by itself, And on the reverse side of the icon, the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker suddenly appeared. The icon was placed in a wooden frame, and it became a particularly revered shrine of the temple.

What mysterious places in Mordovia do you know? Leave your comments below the news.

This place definitely has some strange energy. During the days that we were near him, several times everything went wrong. At some point, we even thought, as a sinful deed, that it would not let us go, but in the end, in a roundabout way, we got out to the "mainland".

First things first, our dog rebelled, our true friend and travel companion. She is not one of the most obedient dogs, but this time, as soon as we let her off the leash for a walk (there are open spaces around!), Lana turned on the first cosmic speed and took off running, guided only by guides unknown to us ...

At first, we tried to reason with God's creature with a word and a cry, but rather quickly realized the futility of these attempts. I had to remember my sprinting skills and, including the first human speed, overtake the fugitive. The dog did not give up resignedly, obviously her plans did not include such a quick capture.

All this took place on a high hill near the village of Ityakovo, Temnikovsky district of Mordovia. As soon as we reached the cliff, we, with our mouths open, ran out to inspect the surrounding expanses. On the map below, the red line just shows the approximate location of this cliff, which is not at all visible from the satellite.

The settlement itself is located on a nearby hill and is covered with a rather dense forest (besides, a geocache with the same name is hidden there). Its history, according to archaeological data, goes somewhere in the first millennium BC, but this is completely unimportant. We were struck by the unusual beauty of this place.

Steep hills, beyond which begins a lowland, flat as a table and stretching for many kilometers. What is interesting is that there are also such steep hills on opposite sides, from which we concluded that there might be some kind of reservoir here, as an option - of glacial origin.

Having gone down a narrow and rather steep path, we went to explore the lowland and soon came across a sand dune (a wonderful textured pattern on the sides of the Barsik is a consequence of searching for a bridge across the Moksha using a winch).

A radically different piece of land (it can be clearly seen on the map above), perfectly clean and even sand. If it were not for the pine trees growing through it, it would be easy to imagine yourself on the beach. However, the weather allowed me to close my eyes to the trees, and, having thrown off my clothes, I began to prepare for the upcoming June vacation. The photo on Instagram is a confirmation of this (the HDR mode made me a goat's face, but, nevertheless, the general impression can be made).

And at that moment there was a second change in the general line of the party: we liked this place so much that instead of the road to Saransk, we decided to arrange a day here.

A walk around the neighborhood (well, within a radius of 10 km) was intended to see the Sanaksar Monastery (quite a functioning one, founded by the uncle of Admiral Ushakov, the admiral himself is buried here) and something else. Initially, there was a plan to drive to Sanaksar through a wooden bridge near the place of spending the night (from it we could see the domes of the monastery), but ... more on this, contrary to logic, a little later.

"Something else" resulted in a visit to another ancient city, the Old City. The beautiful, high bank of Moksha and the play of light are the key to a successful shot. However, in an incomprehensible way, it was much better to photograph this view on the phone than on the camera. By the time I took out the SLR, the light had already gone...

As for the bridges... Our saga with the missing bridges continued in Mordovia, no matter what - mysticism. Looking at the satellite imagery of the area, we saw anything but the absence of them. Some maps had them, some didn't. We explained this by shooting during high water, judging by the width of the river. In fact, one bridge has obviously been gone for a long time, but in another place there is a sign that there is no bridge. Note - the sign is new. Upon arrival, I honestly indicated all this on Wikimapia, so the information vacuum is somewhat diluted.

By 17:00 we, as planned, returned to the settlement, cook dinner and relax from the sunset. Another feint by the ears of the Heavenly Office, and instead of a serene dinner by the fire, we get a hasty snack in the car under the sound of rain ... But there is a blessing in disguise! At the end of it, they gave wonderful light and even a rainbow (we removed this pine tree from all sides).

Dry firewood competently hidden just before the rain made it possible to meet the sunset by the fire, and everything would be fine, but ...

But before going to bed, I had to repeat the morning run after the dog, which again, sensing freedom, rushed in the same direction as in the morning. This time I started immediately and as a result I ran 200 meters less :) Proactivity, however.

And the next day there was a long way home, a failed transit through Sarov and traffic jams at the entrance to Zlatoglavaya the day before the end of the May Day holidays ...

And now about the upgrade.

Even before the trip to Mordovia, we ordered an awning for our expeditionary comfort. They ordered something, but they received it incomplete, without one bracket. In general, on the settlement we got wet in the rain, having an awning at home. During the second May, he took up the installation of the awning. I fixed it on Thule's steel crossbars, and the result was such a design. The parameters of the awning are 2.5m (for the hood) x 2m (along the body).

A couple of days later, a Thule box was registered on the roof. Pacific 200, 410 liters of usable space and 45 centimeters of growth: now we don’t fit into the parking space near the house and cottage: (however, the space vacated in the cabin compensates for these inconveniences.

From small, but convenient finishing touches: I put simple rails from a U-shaped profile into the expeditionary module. Now the table can not only be put on legs, but also used as a pull-out shelf. At the same time, it is not required to take out all the junk of their niche, as it was before. The raised rear door in this case can act as a roof. A pair of expeditionary canisters under water (with space for installing another one) is a nice and convenient detail.

Poltergeist filmed in Saransk apartment

Residents of a strange house blame otherworldly forces for their failures

Sergey, a city dweller, filmed repairs in a friend's apartment on his mobile phone. During the shooting, the man noticed strange balls on the display of the smartphone. The spheres were illuminated from within and moved at great speed. However, the builders did not notice anything like this in the air.Sergey is sure that he managed to fix clots of negative energy.

Sergey, author of the video: “Strange things really happen in this house. People constantly quarrel and get into unpleasant life situations. Sergey found similar entries in the global network. Most often, balloons are filmed in places where murders or other crimes have occurred.

The man began to ask friends and acquaintances and found out that the site of the new building used to be the house of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. The man did not want to move from the place where he was born. Soon the house of the uncompromising veteran burned down together with the owner.Sergey is sure that the negative energy of the fire has passed into the new building.Sergey, the author of the video: “The house stands in a very beautiful place in the city,” the man is perplexed. “Excellently built and apartments are relatively inexpensive, but most of them are still not sold out.”

Larisa Kolemasova, a videographer with seven years of experience, studied the presented materials and did not notice anything otherworldly.Larisa Kolemasova, videographer: “Personally, I don't see anything supernatural in this recording. This is ordinary dust, illuminated by the built-in flash in the phone.

Monsters appeared in the forests of Mordovia

African gorillas appeared in the Mordovian forests. According to an Izvestia correspondent, the animals occupied the village of Staroe Sindrovo, 110 kilometers from the capital of Mordovia, the city of Saransk. They calmly walk along the forest paths, attack the villagers in broad daylight, and at night they take charge in the local gardens and orchards. This has been going on for two weeks now, but no one can explain where the primates came from here.

Collective farmer Natalya Gorina, who was returning home late in the evening, was the first to encounter the mysterious African guests. “I’m walking along the path, and suddenly from behind the trees a hefty shaggy monster jumps out from behind the trees right at me with a roar, either a man or a monkey. Two meters tall! His heart sank into his heels ... And this monster shouted something, waved its paws, and again ran into the forest ... Then there were rumors that monkeys were walking around in the forest. Well, I think, okay, at least not some mutants ... "

Local forester Natalya Kriulkina has dealt with various animals over the years of her work, but when she encountered a primate at night, she was frightened in earnest. At night, her daughter woke her up, asked her girlfriend to take her home: “I’m afraid, she says,” says Natalya, “there is a drunk man, a hefty one, collapsed on the road and yells ...Armed with a flashlight, we see, indeed, someone huge across the path lies and makes strange sounds. They approached closer, and as soon as he turns around, shaggy, scary, his hands are long. "Werewolf!" the girls squealed. Well, we ran home from sin away ... "

Immediately, rumors spread around the village about werewolves who had appeared in the district. People were afraid to leave their houses late at night, they began to stock up on amulets. Each stranger who appeared in the area alerted the villagers: isn’t the sorcerer wandering around the yards, looking for prey for his dirty deeds? Sindrov's teenagers stopped going to the club for dancing. One evening, shaggy monsters with a furious roar jumped out of nowhere and began to chase the children.

There have been many similar stories, the village has already acquired various legends about mysterious monkeys, sorcerers and aliens. According to the forester Kriulkina, the monsters walking around the village are not werewolves, but real African gorillas. That's just how they appeared in these places is still unknown.

“Yes, I suppose they fled from the circus or from the zoo,” says Alexander Eliseeva, deputy head of the Krasnoslobodsky district, “well, where else can they come from! They did not deliberately plant these gorillas on us! Not far from Old Syndrov there is a recreation area - the village of Sivin. Various circus performers often come there with tours. From there, these monkeys ran away. They scared everyone here. It's funny even!Meanwhile, local authorities are not going to look for and catch strange primates. They think it's up to the owners to do it themselves. True, such brave men have not yet been found. And no circus in these places, according to the Sivinsky authorities, did not stop by.

Some analysts from Saransk generally consider the whole story with monkeys to be the fruit of someone's wild imagination, which has grown into mass psychosis. However, by pure chance, our correspondent, driving through the Krasnoslobodsky district, saw with his own eyes a large black-brown gorilla. She jumped out of the forest right next to the Volga, roared something, depicted something like a dance and disappeared behind the trees. So the latest version is no longer... (Izvestia).

How a ghost “preserved” a 19th-century noble nest

The historical artifact is located in the Elnikovo village of Starodevichye - the last completely preserved manor house in Mordovia! The two-storey building of the 19th century in the style of classicism is not protected by the state and is not even registered with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova.This noble nest is well known only to students of the Pedagogical Institute. Evseviev, who came here for a summer practice for several years. Treasure hunters often visit the estate, and local residents bypass, fearing ghosts. Traces of the already disappeared Russia - in the material of Olga Voronina.

bar life.In the estates, the nobility was born, spent their childhood and whiled away the last years of their lives ... The main task of any estate was to preserve the spirit of the nobility and landlords with their rituals, norms of behavior, type of management. In a good homestead, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. For example, yellow represented wealth, hinting at gold. White columns are a symbol of light. Gray outbuildings - solitude from the world.

And the red color of the unplastered outbuildings, on the contrary, indicated vigorous activity. Everything was drowning in the greenery of the parks, which meant health and joy. The "Ideal World" was fenced off from the peasant huts with garden bars, towers, ditches and ponds. The nobles have always paid great attention to the interior of the premises.Very often the "pre-dawn twilight of the vestibule" continued "early morning in the men's study", and "noon in the living room" often ended with "theater evening". The study served as the intellectual and economic center of the daily life of the estate. Everything here was designed for solitary work, therefore - no special frills.

An English-style cabinet was considered fashionable. As a rule, the furniture was oak, with discreet upholstery. And also - a grandfather clock and a library. Indispensable props - a decanter of exquisite shape and a glass for the "morning use" of cherry or anise as a prevention of "angina pectoris" and "heart stroke". Plus a smoking pipe with which the whole ritual is connected.

As a rule, the nobles smoked against the background of specially hung still lifes, embodying the frailty of life. At this time, they indulged in reflections on the fashionable topics of "vanity of vanities" and "life is smoke." The living room was considered the most ceremonial apartment of the manor house - large, empty and cold. Two or three windows to the street and four to the courtyard. Along the walls - rows of chairs, in the corners - candelabra on high legs, a large piano.

Balls, gala dinners, card games were held here. The pomp of the room was given by the gilded carving of panels and furniture. The ceiling is certainly decorated with a plafond, and the floor - with parquet inserts with a special pattern. Ionic columns fenced off small loggias from the common hall, allowing guests to feel either “in people” or “in solitude”. The dining room occupied a special place of honor.

Here the family felt united. In its design, wall painting, paintings, family portraits were widely used. In estates, canteens often became a place for storing family heirlooms. Numerous draperies made of expensive materials served as decorations for the bedroom. Mostly lush curtains and canopies were made from satin. They tried to upholster upholstered furniture with one fabric, creating a set. In the center of the boudoir part there was a small tea table with mini-services "egoist" (for one person) and "tete-a-tete" (for two). Icons with lamps hung in all rooms. The whole interior of the estate spoke of the calmness and regularity of life ...

Approximately the same was the now abandoned estate in the village of Starodevichye. The building is located on the edge of a deep cliff overgrown with shrubs. According to the well-known local historian Sergei Bakhmustov, the settlement in this place arose in the second half of the 16th century as “the royal land”. At the beginning of the 17th century, it belonged to the Nagy, relatives of the wife of Ivan the Terrible. INIn 1617 there were 254 courtyards and two temples. For two hundred years, the estate passed from hand to hand. At one time it belonged to the Pereyaslav-Ryazan Trinity Monastery. The two-story house, built in the 19th century, has been preserved almost completely. Neither the October Revolution, nor the Soviet years, nor the "dashing 1990s" affected this noble nest.

Perhaps because the locals preferred to bypass it. And there is a good reason for this. The locals are afraid of ghosts! At night, here more than once heard the clatter, rustles, groans. The villagers believe that the soul of the last owner of the estate - the landowner Sergei Kondakov - wanders through the rooms and halls. “Once upon a time, a school was located in the building,” says Galina, a resident of Starodevichya. - The last 15 years it belongs to the Pedagogical Institute. Evsevyeva.

Every summer, students had practical training here: they caught butterflies, collected herbariums. But as soon as they left, the estate began to live its own life. Once, at dusk, I passed by and clearly heard terrible groans from the basement. Probably, the fear of otherworldly forces did not allow anyone to dismantle the house brick by brick. But treasures are constantly searched here - both locals and visitors. There is a legend that the master buried his wealth somewhere nearby, and he himself was killed ... ".

According to Elena Nikishova, an employee of the Elnikovo Museum of Local Lore, little information has been preserved about the landowner Sergei Nikolayevich Kondakov and the situation in the house. “There were three rooms on the east side of the building,” she says. - In the smallest - a bedroom. The other was furnished with mirrors, possibly a women's boudoir.

The third room with a balcony served as a living room. The master's office was equipped in the southeastern part. In the northern part there is a back door, through which the servants came in, living in a wooden house in the yard. The Kondakovs had a large library. Often they allowed their literate groom to borrow books. Barin was a kind person. The household was in charge of the manager, who did not let anyone down.

Therefore, the estate flourished - 300 hectares of arable land, 200 hectares of meadows, several blocks of forest, a distillery, a mill, two large gardens ... Before the revolution, Starodevichye was famous for fisticuffs at Maslenitsa. The street went to the street, and Kondakov put a barrel of alcohol to the winners. The landowner did not live to see the Bolshevik coup, and it is not known exactly how he died. From his grandfather Sergei Evlampievich, another attraction remained - Cross Lake. He was an avid gambler and once staked this estate. Only one card left! Ace of the Cross! And he won! After that, he ordered the peasants to dig a lake in the shape of a cross in front of the house - in memory of the map that saved him from ruin. (Expedition "C").

Mordovian treasures in anomalous zones

“Birds don't sing here…” - Sivinsky ravines in the Krasnoslobodsky district have long received the unspoken status of an anomalous zone. Why do the Sivinians consider them a cursed place? What are black archaeologists looking for here? Where do the locals go without a trace?

“To the Sivin ravines? You need a guide, but you’re unlikely to find it ... We don’t go there!” - the inhabitants of the old village met strangers not very friendly. According to local residents, they are often visited by "treasure hunters" - strong guys in foreign cars. They passionately interrogate the old-timers about the history of the village, comb all the ravines, but after a week, exhausted, they go home.

“Journalists? But who knows you ... All the bandits say so, but they themselves are looking for gold! Krasnoslobodsky local historians call these places "treasure island". Since the beginning of the 18th century, when the county road Saransk-Krasnoslobodsk passed in the vicinity, the Sivin ravines became famous as a nest of robbers. The inhabitants of the village served in gangs from slave peasant labor and a heavy share in the local ironworks. Dashing people robbed passers-by and hid treasures here. In the ravines they divided the booty, fought with knives for an extra coin, buried those killed in brawls. This went on for nearly two centuries.

“Once I received an interesting order,” says Anatoly Lyutov, a local historian and history teacher at Krasnoslobodskaya School No. 1. - The "guests" showed up somehow. Respectable guys did not introduce themselves, but for a lot of money they offered to make a map of a treasure trove of gold coins. In the 1870s, the Sivinsky robbers robbed a convoy that was carrying soldiers' salaries to Siberia for several years.

There were almost 20 barrels of gold coins worth three rubles. The robbers were killed by greed. The ataman distributed a handful to his people, and took away the main booty somewhere on horseback with five assistants. The next morning he returned alone and soon fled to Harbin ... The gang dispersed for a while to sit out after a high-profile case. But one by one the robbers were killed. In the 1930s, the chieftain's son showed up in Sivini, but the Chekists did not let him find the treasures ... “Making a map is not difficult, but dangerous even after so many years,” the local historian admits. - No matter how I was asked, I did not agree. What for? To then walk looking back? You don't need any money!"

Traces of treasure hunters are already visible in the nearest Gruznolei ravine. From above you can see how the slopes are pitted with holes of different depths. On loose slopes, the foot now and then loses its footing. In order not to fall, the hand grabs the strong-looking trunks, but they turn out to be shrunken rotten ones. Dead silence hangs around. Only huge mosquitoes pounce on rare prey.Unprecedented thickets of fern are striking. The tales of the Sivin old people immediately come to mind: “This grass is not simple! It blooms once a year on the night of Ivan Kupala. Whoever sees a flower will be given a treasure in his hands! And in vain it is better not to look at the fern. It grows in ravines because the robber prey is all around!

However, there is also a scientific explanation: the fern loves dampness, and at the bottom of the ravine flows the Gruznoleyka stream. The locals do not even use this purest water for livestock. "Why? And you type in your hands and smell - then you will understand. Before risking our health, we use a radiation dosimeter. Half-hour measurements show that the radiation background is within the normal range, but still overestimated. 13 micro-roentgen - among the forests, where the nearest industrial zone is tens of kilometers away! Having calmed down, we decide to taste the water. The cool liquid from the stream leaves an unpleasant sticky feeling on the fingers ...“It is fat because it flows over the graves! There are so many robbers lying here.” And, true, on the slopes now and then come across low mounds ...

Fists.The forester Sergei Pshenichnikov agreed to escort us to the kulak ravine. He is forced to go around the damned places almost every day on duty. “No, it’s not scary ... - he says. I don't believe in mysticism. Although ... now I’ll show you the trick! ” A middle-aged hunting dog follows the forester.

Arriving at the place, I want to agree with the Fog: the overgrown and intricate kulak ravine seems to keep even more sinister secrets...“In the 1930s, kulaks and individual farmers who did not want to go to the collective farm were resettled here,” Lyutov explains. - And during the war, deserters hid here. They lived in dugouts - you see, their traces still remain. At night they stole cattle from local residents. They took revenge severely. There are also a lot of unmarked graves here…”

In addition, fugitives from the camp near the village of Kivchi were hiding in the kulak ravine. In the 1930s, there were enemies of the people, during the war - traitors, policemen, punishers. After the victory, captured Germans were brought in; they made stocks for rifles. Now there is almost nothing left of the camp, but the Kulaksky ravine keeps his memory.

Despite the proximity to the village, the Sivin ravines are unusually clean: no cigarette butts, no bottles, no crumpled wrappers... People don't walk here. It turns out that the local youth goes to barbecue in the distant forest, making a detour of several kilometers. Children from an early age learn a strict ban on going into ravines. “It is very easy to get lost here: if you crossed a stream, you can consider that you have gone astray,” say the locals. “You can’t go there alone at all: the demon will spin, lead, and the person will perish!” Tales are tales, but last year 71-year-old pensioner Vera Kurbatova disappeared without a trace. The body was never found.

According to legend, Stenka Razin himself visited the Razin ravine, as evidenced by its name. They say that the ataman buried a treasure with stolen temple gold there. But we did not succeed in exploring the third ravine. Now there is no way to go to him, no drive. The sandy road was completely washed out by the rains. Some villagers recall how, in the Soviet years, a history teacher took them to a ravine to excavate. Schoolchildren found fragments of sabers, old coins and even cannonballs. “But Stenka’s treasure has not yet been found ... And God bless him! The wealth acquired on the blood will still go to dust, ”the people of Sivin are baptized. (Elena Kireeva).

Anomalous zone on the border of Mordovia and the Penza region

There were hypotheses about the occurrence of ores and dismantled military facilities. Anyway, this year I finally saw the aurora myself! But... in a different place. Residents of the village of Sinodsky, Shemysheysky district, asked us to come and deal with unidentified flying objects.

Allegedly, they often appear in July, sometimes up to four pieces at once. Moreover, UFOs can collide, scatter, or simply fly across the sky in broad daylight. One local resident reported that once such objects appeared near the village at the end of November, when it was already snowing. Soon they descended into the forest. When the woman with the foresters got to this place, it turned out that flowers were blooming in the snow-covered glade in the thawed patches!

Sergei Volkov and his team spent several days in Sinodskoye. And they witnessed such atmospheric phenomena as paraselens (false moons) and parhelia (false suns). The ufologist was surprised that such phenomena are observed in summer, and not in winter: they sometimes occur in the cold season.In the sky above the village, anomalous researchers also observed such a natural phenomenon as Lilyquest's parhelion. It occurs when the sun is at a certain height during the frosty period and a rainbow appears around it - the so-called halo circle. On this circle, iridescent multi-colored seals are visible, giving the illusion of a second sun.

“We observed such a meteorological effect in Sinodskoye in July,” Sergei Nikolayevich continues. - In broad daylight, a ball suddenly appeared in the air, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Luckily, we were able to take pictures and videotape it. Here I compared some facts, and I drew a parallel with the Tunguska meteorite.

Everyone is wondering why there are no traces left of the meteorite, except for fallen trees? According to one version, this happened due to the reaction of the planet Earth. Allegedly, a gravibolide was directed from underground towards the body falling from space, so the explosion occurred over the taiga. A gravibolide is a dense rock formation, the result of crystallization of the deep tissues of the Earth, occasionally, like a cannonball, erupted from these depths and burned in the atmosphere.Our planet is a living organism, and in critical situations it takes measures to protect itself.”

Sergei Volkov knows that a radioactive cloud once passed over Sinodsky, moving from Chernobyl. According to the ufologist, the meteorological anomalies observed by the locals are nothing more than the Earth's reaction to the consequences of radiation contamination.“In this regard, such a phenomenon as solar pillars comes to mind,” says Sergey Volkov. - According to the laws of nature known to science, the sun spreads its rays evenly in all directions. And here one beam falls strictly vertically down, as if scanning the ground.

I was lucky not only to see this phenomenon, but also to be inside it. At that moment, suspended particles of a golden color fluttered around me. And everything that was outside the solar column was seen as in a haze. And the most interesting thing is that people walking 50 meters looked like slow motion frames. And when I got out of the boundaries of the pillar, everyone was moving at normal speed again.

The question involuntarily arises: why do such phenomena occur in some places, but not in others? For example, residents of Arbekov will never see such a solar pole, but in Zolotarevka, in the Manchuria microdistrict or on Barkovka, this happens quite often. Including fireballs.I believe that there are places in the Penza region that most clearly confirm the hypothesis that the Earth is a living being. And where the natural balance is disturbed, nature begins to respond adequately!” (Daniel Frank).

Spirits and UFOs take revenge for the destruction of graves

Local historian-ufologist discovered 19 “dead” places in the Dubensky district that continue to hunt people

The 92nd kilometer of the Saransk - Ulyanovsk highway is known to many Mordovian drivers. The uphill road behind Dubenki cuts through a tall hill, on which the crops rustle. And along the roadside - obelisks, obelisks ... Only according to official data, since the beginning of the 80s, 6 people have died here. And how many unknown tragedies played out here - no one knows. This is one of the 19 "dead" places in the Dubensky district.

From the standpoint of a stubborn skeptic, all this is inexplicable. Are there many hills and winding roads in the republic, not like this one? But somewhere - the road is like a road, and somewhere - every year there are several incidents ...

Only Dubno local historian Nikolai Malyasov does not see anything strange here. “In ancient times, the dead were buried as high as possible so that the grave could be seen from afar,” explains Malyasov, after whom we climb the ill-fated steep. - This hill, "poksh selme", ​​through which the road passes, was also crowned with a forgotten churchyard. When a track was laid through it, the technique twisted piles of bones out of the ground.

They should be collected and buried in a human way, since they were disturbed ... But it is customary for us that the dead are no longer people. The vertebrae crunched under boots and caterpillars, and one tractor driver put a skull on the pipe, and rolled out dashing. Since then it all started."

We look at the ground under our feet. Ribs of petrified mud do not seem to stick out, but somewhere on the edge of consciousness, a strange chill is felt. It’s as if you’re not standing under the July sun, but making your way through the thickets of a devastated cemetery. If you feel this while driving, then you can simply not notice the oncoming truck ...

Pugachev's peasants fled across the sky

And the local historian Malyasov continues his excursion into the unknown for us. He does not consider folk tales about bad places where spirits appear at night as fairy tales. Nikolai had heard such stories too often to take them lightly. And yes, I had to see something. “I remember I was in the seventh grade,” recalls the researcher. - It was 1954, and people from the authorities were still coming for "enemies of the people."

Once they drove into our street, and my brother made a joke, saying that the scary guests needed me. I remember how I rushed to the garden, hid in potatoes and began to look at the sky. And suddenly... Ghostly images of people appeared right in the air above me. Shaking their pitchforks, they ran somewhere in a crowd. Much later, I realized that these were rebellious peasants from the time of Pugachev or Razin, and I began to think about the causes of this mirage.

Today for this person there is no concept of "supernatural". “All that is - all this is natural. We just understand something, something - not yet, ”Nikolai Sergeevich reasonably explains.

Stop turning a blind eye to mysterious events that have happened to everyone at least once. Stop dismissing the testimonies of thousands of eyewitnesses. And then it will become clear to you that there are others besides our space. They are connected with the ordinary world, and forces that we do not understand act on our lives from the outside.

There are people who contact these worlds directly and benefit from it. We call them mediums and sorcerers, but they are just someone's guinea pigs. In the "witchy" villages of Antonovka and Kaybichevo, there are plenty of them.There are areas where the boundaries between the worlds are most blurred. Most often they are associated with death: defiled cemeteries, places of someone's tragic death, graves of inveterate suicides. There, most often, you can encounter the unknown.

A desecrated graveyard awaits its first victim

About ten years ago, at the local museum of local lore, where Nikolai Malyasov works as a head, a club of young local historians was opened. Since, while studying the history of the Dubensky district, the guys kept hearing stories about warlocks and ghosts, the topic of other spaces interested them more and more. Studying the area, Malyasov and his associates found 19 "dead" places!

So local historians became ufologists and established contacts with like-minded people - the all-Russian association Kosmopoisk, which conducts research throughout the country. It would seem that UFOs and spirits are from completely different books. But Malyasov is not so categorical: “We know very little about both of these phenomena. They may have more in common than many think."

"UAZ" shakes us over potholes to the next "dead" place. “Or rather, it is not dead yet, since nothing mysterious has happened here,” Malyasov explains. “But if it happens, I won’t be surprised.” Now there is a pond in this place. At the end of the 19th century there was a cemetery in the village of Ozerki. The village would have stood further if the residents of Duben had not survived their neighbors in the Trans-Volga region by arson.

When a dam for a pond was built here much later, someone found a couple of coins and the “gold rush” began. The mounds were dug up, and the children played football with the skulls of their ancestors. Of course, they did not find anything of value - the Mordovian peasants never saw gold in their lives, where to put it in a coffin ... But the cemetery was desecrated. Malyasov warns: this is unlikely to go unpunished.

“And over there is Bityai,” our guide points into the distance. - A swamp where the surrounding villages dumped the bodies of suicides and those who died from vodka. There grows a single birch, and around - only grass. At night, the souls of the unfortunate, harnessed to chariots, were seen here.

Only the church can neutralize the ruined place.

But how can a layman protect himself from aliens from other spaces? Malyasov. gives only two recommendations: “First, never try to penetrate their secrets and get your own benefit. If they offer you something - do not agree. Such deals never lead to anything good - you will always give more than you receive.

Secondly, be calm and do not be afraid of anything - then no one can harm you. - And fear can only feed all kinds of warlocks. The researcher himself is not afraid of anyone's revenge, since he is not going to make contact with the spirits - he only remotely observes their influence on people's lives.

Of course, non-intervention is half-measures. It is unlikely that they will save the next driver near the “poksh selme”. Malyasov believes that the help of the church is needed to resolve the situation: “The souls of the dead must be put to rest, who have performed the prescribed rites. As long as they walk on the bones, the tragedies will not stop. And what we have now is just blasphemy. The remains of the ancestors, even if they are pagans, should not be treated as garbage. According to the local historian, a few years ago one such “bad” place was completely neutralized with the help of a priest.

In the near future, Nikolai Malyasov is going to go through 19 ill-fated places with an unusual expedition. A dozen of his ufologists and several clergymen will go with him. Their goal will not be to study their native land, but to fight against an invisible threat - it depends on this expedition whether new obelisks will appear at the foot of the “poksh selme” ...

By the way

Our ancestors, not blinded by materialism, treated their feelings with great confidence. They knew all the geopathogenic zones and understood that it was impossible to use them for settlements or crops. Therefore, in such places, cemeteries or even burial grounds were arranged for the least revered dead - suicides, thieves, drunkards.Thus, all these bones and deaths may not be the cause of the “dead” place, but only a consequence. And terrible events do not lead to the appearance of such zones - they are only caused by them.

Rural priests feel the hostility of "Orthodox" sorcerers

Andrey Zubanov, dean of the Dubezh district, agrees with Malyasov. Although the clergyman considers the “restless souls” a pagan superstition, he is determined to serve a memorial service in all the “dead” places established by the local historian: “The body of an Orthodox must be interred. And the ancestors, whose coffins are being ravaged by today's vandals, were much more Orthodox than many of our contemporaries. Although it is not worth performing temple rites on pagan graveyards, it is imperative to clean up the remains there as well.” When meeting with a devilish obsession, Andrei advises to pray. “If a person believes, goes to church and keeps the commandments, he is not threatened by any “spirits,” the priest is sure.

Alas, he often has to deal with apostate sorcerers, who, disguised as Orthodox healers, are the worst enemies of Christianity: “They read a prayer aloud, and a demonic spell to themselves. Although the apostle Paul warned that all these diabolical healers would be damned, in some villages girls are still taught to tell fortunes on cards from an early age.

Our region is one of the most magical in Mordovia, and in some places the priests feel the hostility of the "healers". And people keep going to false prophets. And the price of temporary relief is not money, but a new human soul, voluntarily given to the servants of darkness.

Dubensky district: a chronicle of the inexplicable

The village of Kabaevo. Black piglets are constantly observed here, which jump out from under the bridge and disappear.

The village of Kaybichevo. About two years ago, a man disappeared here without a trace - he was walking in the winter with a friend in the field and lagged behind a little. The fellow traveler looked around - there was no one behind ...

The place "Kuznets-Pando". A couple of hundred years ago, a wedding carriage fell off the bridge here, and since then, hysterical children's cries have been heard in this place.

The village of Antonovka. On the grave of an old healer, it is not known whose hands loosen the earth.

Turdaki village. In the early 90s of the last century, a UFO took a soil cone of several cubic meters.

What is happening on the 92nd km of the Saransk - Ulyanovsk highway?

A number of scientists suggest that "dead" places, starting with the Bermuda Triangle, are simply geopathogenic zones. There are perturbations of certain energies in them. They disrupt the work of electronics, the brain, the whole organism; can lead to incomprehensible anxiety, cause aggression or depression in a person, lead to suicide. Hallucinations are possible - a person will see the "supernatural" that awaits.

Previously, they were witches on broomsticks, now they are little green men... Geopathogenic zones are also formed in places of geological disturbances - voids, faults - and where there is a lot of metal and power lines. Which of these factors turned the 92nd kilometer of the Ulyanovsk highway into a death road is unclear. But today there are already 6 monuments ... ("Capital C", Saransk).

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