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And so, Monster Girl Quest is a novel with RPG elements and is directly dedicated to the hentai genre. And if this preface has already made you throw this novel out of your head, then I still ask you to give this short story a chance. After all, everything is not so simple here ...

They are just such a mess: Drama, Comedy, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Hentai. But, as surprising as it may be, these genres correspond to the mood of the entire history of the game. Having spent a trip around the entire fantasy globe, the hero and I will be delighted and sad more than once, we will fall into a trap or a delicate situation with our passion. Quest monster devs will set and change your mood throughout your journey, which is undoubtedly a must for any adventure.

The plot at the very beginning may turn out to be simple and not intricate, which to some extent it is. However, what to do if all the intrigues and intrigues are conducted behind the back of our Gg, and we ourselves are the players, we begin to get really serious tangles of the plot only in the middle of the game. As a result, there is a feeling of weakness in the plot and an easy story about the individual problems of the reasonable population and their solutions.

But the farther into the forest, the more trees ... Minor characters begin to come to the fore, the original goals begin to change, and individual stories of the characters begin to intersect with others. What can you say if the game has a "false ending" that some players take for the ending of the whole story?

Because of this, it makes no sense to tell the main story, since it is impossible to understand whether it is good or not without spoilers, and in the game itself it is chewed quite well.

Just as I wrote above - the novel is rich in genres, however, this is where some problems begin. Although the duration of the novel is from 30-50 hours, this is clearly not enough to show everything that in the end one wants to know. The game perfectly balances between all genres, flowing into one another, in the end, without getting hung up on one thing. It does not allow you to fully enjoy the moment of describing something, offering only a visual image.

Of course, you can find your plus in this - new readers will not clutter their memory with something he does not need at all, such as the game's lore or a more detailed description of the task set before Gg. Nevertheless, fans would already be interested in such details, but then the set pace of the narrative would be lost. So, the story is kept at a very decent level, thus not exceeding its own predetermined level.

Characters (edit)

As I wrote above, not all minor characters remain minor characters, but I still wanted to focus on only three, those around which the whole plot is built and revolves.

Luca is the protagonist of our world of monster girls. The guy himself is quite naive, kind and still quite stupid. As a result, he can be crowned with a clear conscience: "vegetable of the year", but ... As always, it was not there ... Luka himself fully understands the meaninglessness of his requests, but he does this more to "clear his conscience", because to beat it is better when you understand that there is no other way out, and even then there is always a chance that your enemy will come to his senses. Also, Luca can sometimes sharpen, expressing himself not in the eyebrow, but in the eye, and in emergency moments he can be quite smart. So even if this character looks like a simpleton, get ready to get to know him and other aspects of his character.

Ilias is the Goddess of this world. And the very first character we meet at the very beginning of the game. Pretty narcissistic, so she wants to be addressed by status. She also hates all monsters and treats people quite warmly, which gave rise to a war between these two races. Ilias herself can also help you with advice on the victory of this or that monster, if you want, because you (Luka) are a hero - a fighter against monsters.

Alice is the Lord of Monsters (which, in principle, is not difficult to guess even after your first meeting.). She is sweet and generally a lover of delicious food. Wanting to watch such a strange fellow as Luka, she asked (well, how to say asked ... Luka had no other way out.) To travel with him alone. She herself, having no desire to fight other monsters, Alice acts only as an advisor (but not only) adding curious cases and funny moments to everything that happens. It can also be characterized as a tsundere

Here's something, and to evaluate the drawing of the whole Monster Girl Quest is more expensive for yourself. For here it is mixed with quite graphical ones:

To incomprehensible and often not very detailed monsters.

And what is most interesting, most of the "second option" of drawing are found at the very beginning of the journey, gradually and gradually disappearing. It's like the game itself tests whether you can survive or not. But in the end, the main motto of the game is: “if you lose, you will be raped.” (But this is not certain.) So if you don’t like someone, get rid of him as soon as possible.)

As a result, due to the different specific art, and the specific world, full hentai will still be for an amateur ... a BIG amateur. Devouring, sucking, digesting ... There will be many ways to be raped, but this game will also have something to pleasantly surprise. Just keep in mind that being a guy in a world like this is clearly not the best way possible, but not the worst in a successful scenario.

There are no complaints here. She is always up to date and does not look boring. Of course, there were moments when I wanted music a little more epic / sadder, but these are still complaints from the player who went through this novel more than once and to his own music.

And what do we get in the end? For the most part, I brought in the fog in this review, than answered the question: "should I play or not?" But what to do, such a world, such a universe, in which not everything is so simple at first glance. Do I recommend it to everyone? Of course not. Even if you are interested " mysterious plot", this is not a reason to chop harmless monsters to the right and left so that there is no hentai. Hentai is also a huge piece of the plot. And not knowing how to enjoy it will only spoil your whole impression of passing this game. In fact, this game is more for those who are looking for simple hentai, but will find an interesting and exciting story.If you need "new impressions", interesting hentai or just a good story and you don't really mind being hunted by half-people, half-someone else, please just read this novel ...


The saves before every battle and before some elections, the recording and the monstropedia are almost completely filled. (There are only a few event lines left for some of the monsters).

Below is what I know about NG + and Paradox, about any subtleties I can hardly answer, since I am not a member of this group, like any other, I'm just some kind of stump who has nothing to do.

Regarding Paradox: ToroToro Resistance (the authors and developers of MGQ) have released only one part (as far as I know, this will also be a trilogy), which is still being translated into English. I am translating the same first part into Russian (from the 20th of February this year), I really hope that I can completely catch up with the English translation, and then translate as progress english translation... In general, since there is enough text there both in the plot part and in the general interface of the game, I do not want to post the translation anywhere, until I double-check the game and the text, and eliminate all the mistakes that I could make.

And so: almost the entire interface has been translated, with it the greatest difficulties, since I could skip some fragments of the text, so I will edit it even after I publish my translation. I have already checked it several times, but due to the fact that the text in the script is split into many pieces, it is difficult with it, but the result is more or less normal.
The entire database of objects, classes and characters (the one in English) has been completely translated, the abilities are not all, but I will soon complete them.
The storyline and a couple of monster girls have been translated from the events. There are many events, so it will take time too.
From locations: Ilias Village, Ilias Temple, Harpy Tower, world map, another world (first) - almost completely translated (only fragments in Japanese remained). Iliasburg Harpy Village, Happiness Village, Pornof - now being translated. I checked the text a couple of times, but I will double-check it. When I publish, I will describe the overall progress in more detail. The only thing is that I don’t count the lines, so I don’t know "how much percent" the translation is complete. I hope that a little later than mid-summer (end of July) I will post the translation, but I will not guess, I would still like to translate as much as possible and make the fewest mistakes.

Regarding NG +: the translation is still frozen, since the expansion itself has not yet been completed. Moreover, they are also going to make it on a new engine, due to the volume of the text. If possible, I will also translate this add-on, but I need to ask around the authors of the add-on and the guys from this group. I also don't know how this add-on will look and integrate into the game.

For many eroge fans, having a serious storyline in such games seems like a miracle or a coincidence that has gotten into the hentai jungle. And if you take our short story, which in translation into Greek is referred to as "Quest in the name of monstrous ladies", then we can expect at best a set of pornographic slideshows, and not a full story, with moral-strong-willed and other ethical, ethical and ethnic themes. And what is most incredible, this plot is more enjoyable than ... huh ... hmm ... watching naked fantasy girls.

In general, it is best to approach MGQ without common sense and sober reason. Growing out of an amateurish desire, this short story, composed of three consecutive episodes and hastily translated into English by folk craftsmen, will not suit everyone far away. And it's not about hentai. That is, just in it. How do you feel about the fact that there are several hundred different young ladies in the game, whose appearance and appearance will sometimes overshadow the most terrible erotic nightmare, and they all want one thing - to rape the player. This is not a joke, but the slogan of the game, by the way, found in the main menu. Do I need to mention that every death leads to a sophisticated sexual intercourse? Or the fact that the interface even provides for the option to surrender to the temptresses? In order, so to speak, not to wait for the end of the battle.

But if you have broad views, if you have absorbed tolerance to anime and hentai from birth, if you are just ready to close your eyes to this unprecedented immorality, then you will definitely get a kind of pleasure from the created world, its heroes and an extraordinary atmosphere of playful eroticism and fetish.

Well, now a little more detail about the novel.

From the first frame it is clear that this is a familiar fairy-tale world of fantasy, divided into people and monsters, without any special frills, except that the latter are represented almost exclusively by females and use ... male seed as a food source. No matter how vulgar it may sound, I do not see anything so paradoxical, considering what role this, sorry, liquid plays in fertilization. And if the male part of the population is unlikely to strongly object to surrendering to lust, then the female half is justly indignant. Especially in this field, the goddess Ilias is popular, calling to erase the entire race of monsters from the face of the earth. Its antagonist is the canon Lord of the Monsters. It may seem that we are talking about the usual fight between a beaver and a donkey, but I would restrain my horses. As you travel and get to know different representatives flora and fauna of this world, you will change your point of view more than once.

The main character of the game, Luca, a simple country guy who worships the goddess Ilias as his own mother, set the goal of becoming a real hero and defeating the Lord of Monsters. Do not kill him, no, Luca, unlike his fellows, wants to achieve peace and coexistence of two races. The fact that his goal is contrary to divine principles does not seem to bother the naive guy very much. On the way, he meets a mysterious snake girl named Alice, who becomes his companion for the entire journey. And it will be oh how long. Get ready for dozens of hours of adventure if you don't want to experience all the bad endings. During this time, Luca (and I hope that the players too) will not only see hundreds of different creatures, but also revise a lot in his views on good and bad, enemies and friends. At the end of the game, Luca's ideals become so blurred that it will be almost impossible to separate the right and the wrong.

But enough about the plot, let's talk about the heroes, since we are dealing with an RPG, if anyone hasn't figured it out yet.

Obviously, the main characters are Luke and Alice. A sinister ENEMY is hiding somewhere behind the scenes, but you will only hear about him closer to the last third, and until then the main actors will be our strange couple. Yes, along the way, you will meet many different personalities, but they are all pale shadows that leave no impression. And it should be noted that this is the most significant drawback of the novel.

Yes, Luca, as a protagonist, evokes mostly positive emotions, especially when he begins to delve into his past and show courageous features.

And, of course, Alice, the incomparable Alice, a tongued tsundere with an irrepressible passion for various foods. And the only one who received voice acting, however, only in hentai scenes. It's a pity. I must say that her sarcastic remarks and jokes are what prevents you from quitting the game when it becomes unbearable for the hundredth time to “be raped” by a particularly strong boss. But two full-fledged heroes are critically small for such a large and long game.

Now let's take a look at the actual reason why MGQ is considered a role-playing genre - the combat system.

Like many RPGs of today, the novel uses turn-based combat, however due to the limitation of the engine and for the sake of economy, you will not see any kind of graphics engine or square grid. The battles take place in the same place as the conversations, that is, in the main window. Imagine a sequence of screenshots from Morrowind, remove the animation and you know what I mean. Is it a loss? For those who choose primarily the gameplay, of course. But then why are you reading this?

All battles are unmissable. Accordingly, you get levels, weapons and armor according to the script, without any choice. Thus, the authors saved themselves from the headache with balancing the experience, and the players from repetitions and boring farming. Everything that is given to us in battle is a set of commands, such as attack, defense, special reception and, at a later stage, various magic. But don't think that all battles will be easy. After all, each monster in the game has its own strengths and weaknesses, and as you progress through, increase your combat options, battles will resemble real puzzles and you will meet the screen with GAME OVER very often. It's not funny, but for successful passage MGQ will need logical thinking.

The battles themselves are fun. Indeed, when the enemy, instead of curses, seduces you in every possible way and uses his legs, arms, jaws, wings, hooves ... to please you and thus gain an advantage, the desire for victory is transformed into something else. You know what I mean. Fortunately, the game has a gorgeous encyclopedia, which is no less interesting to read than to go through a novel. However, for this you have to be at least a little pervert.

As for the graphics, there isn't much to say. The backdrops are rather inexpressive, although they do their job. Sprites are another matter. With a large number of different artists involved in the development, the characters encountered range from incredibly detailed to hastily drawn. There is no general style. This is an absolute minus, but you can get used to it.

But the music could be better. Some compositions deserve a place on the hard drive, but most of them are just noise, which quickly gets boring. And, as I already mentioned, it was partially voiced only by Alice. Which is generally logical, given the number of lines of text in the game, I just have no idea how much time, money and effort it would take to reward the characters with even basic phrases.

Summing up, I can say for sure that out of ten players, only three will be interested in the game. And only one of them can go through it to the end. And this, of course, will be a man. I don’t want to sound like a chauvinist, but it’s hard for me to imagine a girl who would calmly accept the local flavor. So, if you are a hopelessly spoiled guy with nothing to do, but you are tired of the usual eroge, and you are looking for some kind of meaning, give it a try.

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