Grape business in the village. Typical business plan for growing grapes with the production of wine (vineyard) with a financial model Growing grapes as a business

Every year, homeowners expand their choice of crops. In addition to the usual and, bushes of various berries sit: raspberries, currants and even grapes. Such plants require more careful care and knowledge. However, with the right approach, you can enjoy sweet and healthy fruits. In addition to excellent taste, berries have many nutrients and vitamins. They can be used to make various preserves, jams, juices, and also to be consumed fresh. In addition, grapes are used in the production of raisins and wine.

Definition of viticulture

Viticulture is a branch of the agro-industrial complex. It supplies people with fresh and dried berries, and also supplies raw materials to the wine, confectionery and canning industries. All grape varieties are divided into and. The technical ones are used in the production of juices and for the production of wine. Table varieties can be eaten fresh, and raisins are also made from them.

Grapes are a thermophilic and capricious plant, but thanks to breeding work, it became possible to grow it not only in regions with a warm climate.


Viticulture is divided into four production areas:

  1. Dining room- production of fresh grapes.
  2. Raisin cultivation for the manufacture of dried grapes.
  3. Technical- production of varieties for the wine industry.
  4. Growing grape varieties for the canning industry.

Viticulture provides the population with fresh and dried grapes, and the wine-making, canning and confectionery industries with raw materials

Dining room

Table berries can be eaten fresh. They tolerate transportation and long-term storage well. Table grapes have high requirements for appearance and taste. The main ones are:

  1. Large size and presentable appearance of bunches and berries.
  2. The consistency of the pulp is fleshy or firm.
  3. For transported varieties - the strength of the stalk attachment and transportability.
  4. For winter storage varieties - high keeping quality.

Table grape varieties.

In terms of gross production and consumption, table grape varieties are in the world ranking in fifth place after apples, pears, peaches and citrus fruits.

For the production of raisins

For the manufacture of raisins, special grape varieties are used. About 95% of them are seedless species and about 5 are seedless. Dried products from berries without seeds are called raisins and raisins, and from fruits of seed species - raisins. Kishmishnye grape varieties are described. The commercial and taste characteristics of dried grapes are determined mainly by the quality of the raw materials. Valuable properties The grape varieties used for drying are the absence of seeds and early ripening.

Raisins contain 65 to 77% sugars and are of great dietary importance.

For winemaking

The seedling is oriented with its roots to the south side, so that the sun shines on the root, and as it grows in the future, the bush does not shade its roots.

Landing rules

Regardless of the nature of the planting material, grapes are planted only in spring or autumn. The period is selected in accordance with climatic conditions and other factors. The seedlings must be healthy and ready for transplanting outdoors. How to plant grapes in Spring planting begins after the end of the frost, when the soil warms up to + 15 ° C. An autumn planting is best done before the onset of frost, until the soil temperature has dropped below 11-12 ° C.

Care rules

Grape bushes need to be periodically fed with nutritious fertilizers, starting from the moment of planting. Plants should be constantly checked for signs of disease and routinely treated with medicinal solutions. Grapes require good watering as the soil dries up. The vine is capable of growing rapidly, so pruning and shaping of the bush should be carried out if necessary in the spring and autumn.

Complete instructions for the care of grapes are presented.

Drip irrigation scheme for grapes.

Growing for business

Viticulture - a good choice for business. The berries can be grown for fresh sale or for use in winemaking. Thanks to a wide range of species, you can choose a variety even for the most capricious weather conditions.

Profitability and investment

As a business, vineyards require large areas for planting, the availability of all communications and sufficient access to sunlight... With the right approach and care, the costs of grape production can be recouped in a year. Well-organized sales can double your profits.

How to evaluate which varieties are in demand

The grapes should be selected according to the weather conditions of the planting region. Suitable for the Urals and Siberia:

  • Harold;
  • White miracle;
  • Kishmish 342;
  • Rochefort;
  • Summer Muscat.

The main feature of these varieties is the ability to survive frosts down to -25 ° C. The Moscow region has a slightly warmer climate compared to the northern regions. However, for planting, you should choose varieties that are resistant to weather changes, especially frost. For this region, the following types are suitable:

  • Kristina;
  • Radiant kishmish;
  • Super extra;
  • Crystal;
  • Tason;
  • Rusven;

Regardless of the region, these varieties can be consumed fresh, used for sale or for making wine.

Growing for home

The grapes can also be grown for home use. This is less costly and effortless because you don't need to plant many bushes. Fewer plants are easier to care for and easier to harvest. Depending on the selected variety, homemade berries are suitable for fresh consumption, conservation, making juice or wine.

Homemade wines


This video talks about the subtleties used in growing grapes in middle lane and also about viticulture in general.


  1. Viticulture is a rewarding and profitable business. When grown for business purposes, investments can return within a year with the proper investment of time and effort.
  2. The cultivation of grapes should start from the preparation stage. Knowledge about possible problems when growing, they will significantly reduce costs.
  3. Grapes can be grown both for yourself and for sale. Commercial grape plantings require large areas, equipment and a warm climate. Some growers.
  4. There are many grape varieties, which can be consumed fresh or used for preparations, juices, in the production of wine and raisins.

Typical business plan for the cultivation of grapes and the production of wine (vineyard). Vineyard business plan with calculations according to bank standards and the requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture. Investment, return on business plan for growing grapes (vineyard), wine production

Executor AMIKO
date 05.03.2018
Number of pages 141 pp.
Price RUB 35,000 35000 RUB
print version

After placing and paying for the order within 1 (one) business day, the marketing research / business plan will be sent to the specified e-mail. Accounting documents will be sent by regular mail. Our managers will contact you by the specified phone numbers.

diagrams - 27, graphs - 4, tables - 31

Description "Typical business plan for growing grapes with the production of wine (vineyard)":

Objective of the project is to develop a business plan for the cultivation of grapes with the production of wine (vineyard) in one of the wine regions of Russia.

The business plan is accompanied by a financial model in in electronic format that can be adapted to any region for growing grapes. The model can be independently adjusted by changing only the initial parameters for calculations. The calculation model is provided to the client in Excel format.

The concept of a business plan for the cultivation of grapes with the production of wine (vineyard):

The concept of the project involves the creation of a grape growing farm in one of the wine-growing regions of Russia.

***% of funds spent on planting vineyards will be subsidized. Subsidized proceeds will be reinvested to increase acreage.

Lease of sowing area of ​​*** hectares is provided, with the subsequent expansion of the area.

Vineyards suitable for wine production take 3 years to germinate, so receipts begin in the fourth year.

The planned yield of vineyards will be *** tons per year.

The main characteristics of a business plan for growing grapes with the production of wine (vineyard):

  • Produced products - grapes, table wine.
  • The average yield of vineyards in the wine-growing regions of Russia is *** tons per hectare.
  • The total costs for the production of wine materials are *** rubles.
  • The selling price of grapes will be *** rubles. per kg.
  • The project pays off in *** years.
  • The discount rate adopted in the calculations for the project is 12% per year

The business plan covers:

Viticulture in Russia:

  • The volume of gross grape harvest in Russia in the dynamics of 2012-2016
  • The structure of the gross harvest and sown areas of grapes by categories of farms, regions and federal districts.
  • Sown area of ​​grapes, its yield in the context of regions and federal districts in Russia.
  • Grape yield in dynamics by federal districts and regions of Russia.

Winemaking in Russia:

  • Volume, dynamics and regional structure of the production of grape must and wine materials in Russia.
  • Volume, dynamics and regional structure of wine production, grape must and wine materials in Russia.


  • The total investment amounted to *** thousand rubles.
  • The structure of investments in the cultivation of vineyards with the production of wine by cost directions.
  • The project is invested at the expense of the investor and subsidies.

In the financial model, indicators of the efficiency of creating vineyards with further wine production were calculated, namely, net present value, internal rate of return, profitability index, discounted payback period of the project, and others.

Market attractiveness:

  • The sown area of ​​grapes in Russia in 2016 increased by ***% and amounted to *** thousand hectares. At the same time, the overwhelming part of them (***%) falls on the lands of agricultural organizations.
  • Dagestan accounts for a quarter of the total area of ​​fruit-bearing grape plantations in Russia.
  • In 2016, agricultural organizations harvested ***% of grapes than a year earlier.
  • In 2016, the yield of grapes in all categories of farms increased by ***%, and in agricultural organizations by ***%.
  • The Krasnodar Territory is the leader in terms of wine production in Russia, where in 2016 about ***% of all wine was produced. It is followed by the Republic of Crimea and the Stavropol Territory, which accounted for ***% and 9.2% in the total production volume.
  • In 2016, *** million dL of grape must was produced in Russia, while the entire volume was produced in the North Caucasus Federal District.

The business plan contains 27 diagrams, 31 tables and 4 graphs.




3. MARKETING ... 8


3.1.1. General characteristics ... 8

3.1.2. Soils and their influence on the quality of grapes ... 9

3.1.3. Planting grapes ... 11

3.1.4. Grape development cycles ... 16

3.1.5. Harvesting grapes ... 23


3.2.1. General technology of wine production ... 26

3.2.2. Technology for the production of red wines ... 30

3.2.3. White wine production technology ... 31

3.2.4. Technology for the production of rosé wines ... 31

3.2.5. Sparkling wine production technology ... 32

3.2.6. Technology for the production of special wines (strong and dessert) ... 32

3.2.7. Technology for the production of Madeira-type wines ... 33

3.2.8. Technology for the production of wines such as port wines ... 33

3.2.9. Technology for the production of caramelized wines like Marsala ... 34

3.2.10. Technology for the production of flavored wines ... 35

3.2.11. Technology for the production of Jerez type film wines ... 35


3.3.1. General classification ... 36


3.4.1. Licensing ... 39

3.4.2. Labeling of alcoholic beverages ... 40

3.4.3 Government regulation of alcohol prices ... 41

3.4.4. Regulation of the retail alcohol market ... 42


3.5.1. Vineyard area ... 44

3.5.2. Gross fee ... 58


3.6.1. Wine-making regions in Russia ... 85

3.6.2. Grape must production in Russia ... 86

3.6.3. Production of wine materials in Russia ... 88

3.6.4. Wine production in Russia ... 91



5.1. LAND PLOT FOR RENT ... 104

5.2. STAFF ... 105











8.4.1. General directions and volumes of current costs ... 119






List of charts

Diagram 1. The area of ​​vine plantations in farms of all categories, thousand hectares

Diagram 2. Distribution of the area of ​​plantations of grapes by categories of farms in 2016,%

Diagram 3. Area of ​​vine plantations in agricultural organizations, thousand hectares

Diagram 4. Distribution of vine plantations by federal districts in 2016,%

Diagram 5. Distribution of vine plantations by regions in 2016,%

Diagram 6. The area of ​​plantations of grapes at a fruiting age in farms of all categories, thousand hectares

Diagram 7. Distribution of the area of ​​plantations of grapes at fruiting age by categories of farms in 2016,%

Diagram 8. Area of ​​grape plantations at fruiting age in agricultural organizations, thousand hectares

Diagram 9. Distribution of the area of ​​plantations of grapes at a fruiting age by federal districts in 2016,%

Diagram 10. Distribution of the area of ​​plantations of grapes at the fruiting age by regions in 2016,%

Diagram 11. Gross harvest of grapes in farms of all categories, 2012-2016, thousand centners

Diagram 12. The structure of the gross grape harvest by categories of farms in 2016,%

Diagram 13. Gross harvest of grapes in agricultural organizations, 2012-2016, thousand centners

Diagram 14. The structure of the gross harvest of grapes in farms of all categories in 2016 by federal districts,%

Diagram 15. The structure of the gross harvest of grapes in farms of all categories in 2016 by region,%

Diagram 16. Productivity of grapes in farms of all categories, q from 1 hectare of harvested area

Diagram 17. Productivity of grapes in agricultural organizations, c per 1 hectare of harvested area

Diagram 18. Volume of grape must production in Russia, 2013-2016, thousand dL

Diagram 19. Volume of production of grape wine materials in Russia, 2014-2016, thousand dL

Diagram 20. Structure of production of grape wine materials by federal districts in Russia in 2016,%

Diagram 21. Structure of production of grape wine materials by regions in Russia in 2016,%

Diagram 22. Volume of wine production in Russia, 2013-2016, thousand dL

Diagram 23. Structure of wine production by federal districts in Russia in 2016,%

Diagram 24. Structure of wine production by regions in Russia in 2016,%

Diagram 25. Structure of current project costs

Diagram 26. Structure of investment costs

Diagram 27. Income plan

List of tables

Table 1. The area of ​​vine plantations by federal districts, 2015-2016, thousand hectares

Table 2. Area of ​​vine plantations by region, 2015-2016, thousand hectares

Table 3. The area of ​​vine plantations at the fruiting age by federal districts, 2015-2016, thousand hectares

Table 4. Area of ​​vine plantations at fruiting age by region, 2015-2016, thousand hectares

Table 5. Gross grape harvest by federal districts, 2015-2016, thousand centners

Table 6. Gross harvest of grapes by region, 2015-2016, thousand centners

Table 7. Grape yield by federal districts, 2015-2016, centners per hectare

Table 8. Grape yield by region, 2015-2016, centners per hectare

Table 9. TOP-150 largest companies in the grape growing industry by revenue in 2016

Table 10. Volume of grape must production in Russia by federal districts, 2013-2016, thousand dL

Table 11. Volume of grape must production in Russia by region, 2013-2016, thousand dL

Table 12. The volume of production of grape wine materials in Russia by federal districts, 2014-2016, thousand dL

Table 13. The volume of production of grape wine materials in Russia by region, 2014-2016, thousand dL

Table 14. Volume of wine production in Russia by federal districts, 2013-2016, thousand dL

Table 15. Volume of wine production in Russia by region, 2013-2016, thousand dL

Table 16. TOP-100 largest companies by revenue in 2016 in the wine production industry

Table 17. Increase in area

Table 18. Staffing table

Table 19. Production plan

Table 20. Production plan

Table 21. Parameters of current project costs

Table 23. Assessment of risks and ways to reduce them

Table 24. Baseline indicators for the project

Table 25. Dynamics of project revenue

Table 26. Dynamics of current project costs

Table 27. Tax rates

Table 28. Tax payments for the project

Table 29. Statement of cash flows

Table 30. Profit and loss statement

Table 31. Indicators of project performance

List of charts

Chart 1 - Income Plan

Chart 2. Dynamics of revenue, costs and profits

Chart 3. Dynamics of net profit

Chart 4. NPV of the project and undiscounted cash flow

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The parents in the village around the house on a few hundred square meters had an old garden. There was little sense from him, he just took the place. “And what if the garden is removed, and instead of it, a vineyard is laid for your business on the village? " Having studied the theory, I started to practice. Having gone through a series of mistakes, I now have a small young vineyard of 100 bushes in my village. Growing grapes can be a good additional income for rural residents.

Choosing a place for a vineyard and preparing the soil

It is better to allocate the sunniest and warmest place on your site for the vineyard. You can not plant bushes in the aisles of the garden, near tall trees. The grapes love the sun, and its shading negatively affects its growth and fruiting. Loves light sandy soils.

If your vineyard is limited to one row, it is better to locate it from east to west, all the way towards the sun. I met information that the direction of the rows does not greatly affect the growth and development of grapes. The row spacings located from east to west, I did all the same a little wider (for less shading of one row by another). The row spacing is left 2-3m wide. Between the bushes in a row for varieties of medium growth force, at least 1.5-2m should be left, for vigorous ones - from 2m.

Over the summer, I dug 100 holes for a vineyard, measuring 80cm * 80cm * 80cm. I consider these sizes of planting holes to be optimal. When we dig a hole for grapes, we throw the upper fertile layer onto one pile (the first 1-2 bayonets), the lower (clay, etc.) - onto another. You can plant seedlings just under the drill, but then it will not be possible to charge the root zone with a fertile substrate.

I remember this hard work. The earth was like asphalt, you had to water it with water, and then you could only dig. Every day after work 2-3 warm-up pits. Today, with a smile, we recall how throughout the summer I said that I was digging a cage in the village. 2-3 weeks before planting, the preparation of the pits must be completed. Sprinkle well with water so that the soil shrinks a little.

A pit for grapes, how and with what to fill it

At the bottom of the pit, he poured 2 buckets of humus from a sprinkle + 1 bucket of sand (drainage of water and a baking powder for soil) + 2 buckets of earth and 1 liter. wood ash (source of trace elements). Mixed everything with a shovel and poured 2 buckets of water. So he filled the hole up to half. A layer of fertile soil (10 cm) was covered on top. The grapes were planted at an angle of 45º to the trellis. Sprinkled the seedling with a layer of clean earth and pulled it up a little to give the correct direction to the roots. To the very top - humus, sand, earth, ash and filled with water (1-2 buckets).

The trellis on the site is needed to support the grape bush. For my bushes I used vertical acacia trellises up to 3 m long. I removed the bark from the acacia and treated it with a blowtorch on the surface. The lower part (the one that will be in the ground) was treated with hot resin, and the rest was painted with white paint. Black marks like birch can be applied to the paint.

A hole in the soil for trellises (depth 0.8-1 m) was made with a hand drill. The distance between the posts is 3-4 m. The distance between the wires is 40 cm.

The best grape varieties for the market

The best grape varieties for the market are Arcadia, Laura (Flora), Radiant Kishmish, Kodryanka, Nadezhda AZOS, Libya, Anniversary of Novocherkassk. It was on these varieties that I focused my attention when planning my business in the village. Do not buy new (untested) or very expensive grape varieties, at one time I got burned on this. I prefer seedlings with a closed root system.

Arcadia. Ripening period 115-120 days. The strength of growth is great (the distance between the bushes should be at least 2 m.). The berry is white, the taste is harmonious. A bunch of large 500-700g, hotel reaches 2 kg. Arcadia tries to pull out the entire crop, reacting to overload with a delay in ripening. The load on the bush is 35-45 eyes. Pruning fruit vines with 8-12 eyes. Frost resistance -21.

“If I were now starting my business on grapes, I would plant only Arcadia” - these are the words of one experienced winegrower.

Features of the variety:

  • High yield
  • Good taste
  • Spots on the second day after transport (sell on the day of collection)
  • Market saturation with this variety

Arcadia ranks first among the best grape varieties for the market.

Laura (Flora)... Ripening period 110-115 days. The strength of growth is great. The berry is white, the taste is harmonious. Large bunch 600-800g. The load on the bush is 35-45 eyes. Pruning fruit vines with 4-8 eyes. High yield (up to 30 kg per bush). Frost resistance -21.

Features of the variety:

  • Good yield, but less than Arcadia
  • Increased portability
  • The variety is sensitive to overloads (it is necessary to normalize the load of bushes with inflorescences and bunches)
  • Female type of flower, can be poorly pollinated (I planted Arcadia next to it for better pollination)

Laura is the second best grape variety for business.

Radiant kishmish(seedless). Ripening period 125-130 days. The berries are golden-pink and pink-red in color. The pulp is firm. The taste is harmonious, with a light nutmeg tone and aroma. A bunch weighing 200 - 600 g and more. Transportability is good. Frost resistance -21. Pruning for 6-8 eyes.

Features of the variety:

  • Seedless variety
  • High taste
  • Good transportability
  • Not high frost resistance and disease resistance
  • Demanding to the level of agricultural technology

The honorable third place among the best grape varieties for sale is Radiant Kishmish.

Codryanka... Ripening period 110-118 days. A bunch of large 400-600 g, individual up to 1.5 kg. The berry is dark purple. Frost resistance -22.

Features of the variety:

  • High transportability
  • Bunches can hang on bushes for a long time without losing taste.
  • Consumer maturity quickly sets in
  • Peas tendency (gibberellin can be used to produce large seedless berries)

Codrianka is the fourth best grape variety for a household.

Nadezhda AZOS... Ripening period 120-135 days. The strength of growth is great. The berry is red-purple, the taste is simple. Large bunch 500-800g. The load on the bush is 30-40 eyes. Pruning fruit vines with 8-12 eyes. Frost resistance -21.

Features of the variety:

  • Very high yield (can go up to 70 kg. From a bush)
  • High indicators of marketability and transportability
  • Ripens when the market is saturated with various varieties

Nadezhda Azos ranks fifth in the list of the best grape varieties for the market.

Libya... Very early ripening grapes (105 - 110 days). The bunch is large, 25 cm long. The color of the berry is pink. The pulp is fleshy and juicy, with a nutmeg aroma and high sugar accumulation. The skin is not felt when eating. Frost resistance up to - 21. In my opinion, one of the best grape varieties to start your business.

Libya is the sixth best grape variety.

Anniversary of Novocherkassk... Early ripening. The yield is high. The berry is elongated-oval, pale pink, with a harmonious taste. The growth force of the bush is great. Frost resistance -23.

Anniversary of Novocherkassk is among the ten best varieties for small businesses.

Do you really love grapes and want to grow them for sale, but don't know where to start? Or maybe you have land where you can plant a vineyard? it a good idea! Read our article, and we will tell you about the nuances of commercial grape cultivation and outline the markets for berries.

For any grower, it is important not only to grow the vine and harvest it, but also to sell the berries profitably, and for this it is necessary to find sales markets. It all depends on the "scope" of the economy. If it is small, then you can try your luck:

  • at local food markets;
  • in small shops and individual supermarkets.

If there are really a lot of grapes, then you should pay attention to:

  • grocery supermarket chains;
  • factories for the production of juices and raisins;
  • nearby wineries.

It is most profitable to sell grapes out of season - then you can get the highest price for the berries. This option is suitable for those who have the opportunity to grow vines in a greenhouse. With traditional cultivation, you will receive grapes within the time required by nature, which means in the season. That is, you should definitely not expect a high price, but it is at this time that you can sell the most berries.

If you are planning a large farm and want to donate berries in bulk to juice and wine factories, it is advisable to visit them before choosing grapes. The representatives of the production will tell you which varieties they are more willing to take, which means that your choice of varieties will not be accidental.

Today the market situation is as follows - oversaturation with technical varieties and a shortage of canteens. When choosing technical varieties, rely on acidity and sugar content. Better to plant the sweetest grapes.

If your assortment includes the whole palette of grapes (black, white, pink), then the sales market will also increase. And also choose varieties with super early or most late date maturing, then they can be sold on a premium environment.

When choosing a variety, follow two rules:

  1. Buyers' preferences.
  2. Adaptation of the variety to the climatic conditions of Ukraine.

You also need to decide for yourself where you will donate grapes in the first place:

  • in the production of juices, sweet nutmeg varieties are mainly needed (Birch simple, Nimrang, Bulgaria sustainable);
  • for raisins, varieties with large fleshy berries with 2-3 seeds are chosen - Lady's finger, Hermiana. The production of raisins involves the use of raisins;
  • for the production of wine, follow the recommendations from the specific plant.

Pay attention to how well the grapes lay and are transported. General rule here is: the thicker the skin and the denser the flesh, the better. Optimal varieties: Arcadia, Cardinal.

  1. ... A variety with white berries, which are collected in bunches of 500-700 g. It ripens in 115-120 days and is in high demand among buyers.
  2. ... This is a whole group of varieties, the most famous representative of which is Kishmish. He has small clusters of 200-600 g. The crop is harvested in 125-130 days.
  3. ... Large elongated berries form a brush weighing up to 1.5 kg. Harvesting is carried out on day 105.
  4. Laura. Berries of a harmonious taste ripen in 110-115 days. An average bunch weighs 600-800 g. The variety is excellently transported.
  5. Codryanka. Berries are black, collected in a brush of 400-600 g, ripen in 110 days. Shrubs tolerate temperatures as low as -22˚С. The berries can hang on the vine for a long time without loss of quality. Bunches do not crumple or flow during transportation.
  6. Anniversary of Novocherkassk. Ranked in the top 10 for small businesses. The berries are elongated, pale pink in color with a harmonious taste. Differ early date maturation and good transportability.

The best varieties for greenhouse cultivation:

  1. Frankenthal. Black-fruited grapes. The berries are very tasty and ripen in 150 days.
  2. Bulgaria is stable. Fruits are amber in color. The bunches ripen in 120 days.
  3. Song. It is a white grape with large clusters weighing up to 1 kg. Ripens in 107 days.
  4. Transparent. A yellow grape with a pronounced nutmeg flavor, which is ready by 115-120 days.

For greenhouse cultivation, you can choose early or very early varieties. Pay attention to the density of the bunch - the denser the berries are collected in the brush, the higher the likelihood of it being affected by fungal diseases due to poor ventilation.

For beginner winegrowers, it is better to choose the varieties Arcadia, Laura or Codryanka. more experienced ones can grow a white-pink variety Transformation, semi-kishmishny - Long-awaited or raisins Radiant.

An important point regarding the choice of varieties: it is advisable to buy a vine from a trusted supplier. Do not take too expensive varieties - if something goes wrong, then you will throw a lot of money down the drain. Also, do not dwell on untested varieties - it is not known how the vine will behave and whether it will meet your expectations. Give preference to seedlings with a closed root system - they are less injured during transplantation.

Try not to "spray" on dozens of varieties - this will not bring the desired result. Stop at 6-8 varieties and provide them with maximum care, then a high yield will not be long in coming.

Calculation of profitability

The average yield per bush is 10-15 kg. It is sold at retail for 25-40 UAH, and wholesale - at 15-25 UAH. In terms of hryvnia from one bush, you can get 150-600 UAH. There are 90 bushes growing in the 450 m² greenhouse, thus making a profit of 13,500-54,000. However, the vine begins to give such a harvest only from the fourth year of life, so the payback of the business is somewhat delayed. But as the grapes "mature", their yield increases, so over time you can count on a large profit.

Calculation per hectare can be as follows:

  • income = 10 tons x 10 UAH / kg = 100 thousand UAH;
  • consumption = laying of 1 hectare of vineyard 20 thousand UAH + installation of a drip system 10 thousand UAH;
  • profit = 70 thousand UAH

From this figure, you need to deduct the cost of transportation, workers' wages, utility bills, fertilizers, unforeseen expenses, and there will be 30-40 thousand UAH of net profit.

Set aside the warmest and sunniest place for the grapes. Light sandy loam will be optimal soils. Planting between trees is unacceptable - they will block the sun's rays and the berries will not pick up the proper sweetness.

If you plan to plant the vine in one row, then it is advisable to arrange it from east to west. If you have several rows according to your idea, then leave 1.5-2 m between medium-sized varieties, 2-3 m between vigorous varieties.

The grapes are best planted in the fall, which means the holes should be ready in the summer. The deadline is 2-3 weeks before planting. The size of the pits is 80 x 80 x 80 cm. When forming pits, throw the upper layer (for 1-2 bayonets of a shovel) in one direction, and the lower one in the other.

Fill in each pit:

  • humus powder (2 buckets);
  • sand (1 bucket);
  • garden soil from the top layer (2 buckets);
  • wood ash (1 liter).

Mix everything thoroughly and fill with 2 buckets of water. Pour a 10 cm thick layer of fertile soil on top. Plant the grapes at a 45˚ angle to the trellis. Sprinkle on top with a layer of fertile soil and add 1-2 buckets of the same mixture as at the bottom of the pit. Water the seedling thoroughly again (1-2 buckets will be enough).

Be sure to organize the trellis. Dig in support posts made of metal, wood or other available materials to a depth of 0.8-1 m. Both underground and aboveground parts must be treated to protect against external influences. The distance between the supports is 3-4 m. Pull a strong wire on the posts in 40 cm increments.

This method of growing vines has its pros and cons.


  • greenhouse plants mature much earlier than those that grow in open ground;
  • the bushes are protected from any vagaries of nature (hail in summer, frost in winter, rainfall during the ripening of fruits), even grapes that are demanding to climatic conditions grow in greenhouses;
  • the structure protects the vine from wasps and other insect pests, that is, chemical treatments will have to be resorted to much less often;
  • the yield remains consistently high without loss of taste.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the large initial investment. You will need to purchase:

  • greenhouse structures with a ventilation system;
  • drip irrigation;
  • special lighting devices;
  • heating devices.

If you are ready to spend, then you can start planting. It is better to do this in February or October - November.

The optimal size of the greenhouse is 10 x 32 m with a height of 4.5 m.From the ends, it is advisable to organize fully opening vents measuring 1.5 x 4.5 m.In the hottest periods, you can throw a net on the roof, which gives 30% shade.

Plant the bushes along the side walls. The distances should be as follows:

  • from walls to bushes - not less than 1.25 m;
  • between plants - 3 m;
  • between the rows - 2.5 m.

Greenhouse grapes also need trellis support. Let the distance between the support posts be about 3 m, pull the wire in steps of 30-60 cm, and the topmost row should be 35 cm from the ceiling glass, otherwise the sun's rays can burn the vine.

Dig holes 60 x 60 cm in size. Set aside the top fertile layer (1-2 bayonets of a shovel) next to the hole. Select the lower layers, and in their place pour fertile soil, mixed with humus, sand and ash. Instead of organic matter, you can add mineral fertilizer. Cover the seedling with turf soil and water abundantly.

Grape care

The cycle of activities for the care of grapes in open and closed ground is reduced to:

  • watering - the soil, especially in hot weather, should be moistened;
  • loosening the soil - after rains or watering;
  • pruning vines - this will reduce the load on the bushes and get larger brushes;
  • treatment of shrubs with drugs for diseases and insect pests;
  • preparation of plants for the winter period.

Usually grapes are fed four times a season.

  1. In spring (superphosphate 40 g, nitrogen fertilizers 50 g, potash fertilizers 30 g).
  2. A couple of weeks before flowering (mix a bucket of slurry with 2 buckets of water, leave to ferment for 10 days, dilute the finished mixture 1: 6 before use). Watering rate - a bucket per bush.
  3. When the berries grow to the size of a pea, feed them the same way as the second time. In addition, add 15 g of potash fertilizers and superphosphate to each bucket.
  4. The last feeding is needed during the ripening of the berries. For a bucket of water, you will need 50 g of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Instead of the potash component, wood ash can be used.

Watering the grapes is just as important as top dressing. The exceptions are the periods before and during flowering, as well as before harvesting. It is best to organize drip irrigation, then the topsoil will remain loose and will not obstruct the access of air to the roots.

In the spring, you need water-charging irrigation. Better to run water in trenches or ditches around the bush. Water your crop outdoors cold water, in the closed - warm.

When planting, you need to pour a couple of buckets into the planting pits (practically hot water) and then pour over with two buckets warm water planted plants.

Water mature shrubs as needed. Water consumption rate - 40-60 l / m².

Shelter grapes for the winter

Remove the vine from the trellis and press it to the ground with special pinches. Cover the plant with a layer of straw, cardboard, and lay slate on top. You can remove such a "fur coat" in the greenhouse at the end of March, in the open field - in April.

The nuances of caring for grapes in a greenhouse

The basic care measures remain the same, but it is worth considering additional nuances. For good harvest it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature regime:

  • during the growth of the kidneys during the day - 10-15 ° C, at night - 8-10 ° C;
  • during the growing season during the day - 22-27˚С, at night - 14-16˚С;
  • at the time of the ripening of the crop in the daytime 28-30˚С, at night - 18-20˚С.

A good form of placement of fruiting shoots is Y-shaped. Lay the load in the spring for young plants (up to 5 years old) 5 each, and for mature ones - 6-8 upper buds. Save bunches on each shoot. Pinch the stepsons over 2 sheets. As soon as the lashes reach 2.5 m in length, carry out their chasing (over the summer, on vigorous varieties, it is carried out up to 4 times). This measure avoids thickening and, as a result, grape disease.

Pruning can only be done in the fall, before the dormant period of the culture. On each shrub, form 4 sleeves, 1.5 m each, leaving a replacement knot annually.

This is a very important and rather laborious process. The timing of collection depends on when the optimal ratio of sugar and acid is established in the berries. On average, the fruits are harvested 100 days after flowering, although in some years, due to temperature and humidity jumps, the harvest time may differ by 7-40 days.

There are 2 degrees of grape ripeness:

  • technical (the level of sugar, acid, aromatic and other substances meets the requirements of the type of wine for which the berries will go);
  • physiological or complete (the sugar level reaches its maximum level and does not change or changes slightly within 2-3 days, while the acid level is also stable).

For most wines (champagne, table wine), technical maturity comes first, and then full. For Cahors and Muscats, the opposite is true.

The berries are picked by hand. It takes about 250 hours to collect bunches per hectare. In order to collect all the fruits in one day, you will need 30 people. If you plan to harvest for wine, then harvest it in sunny weather, at a temperature of about 20˚С. Mixing berries of different varieties and colors is inadmissible. Processing of the harvest for wine should begin no later than 4 hours after harvest.

Mold is the main enemy of grapes during storage, if you can protect the berries from it, then you will feast on them throughout the winter.

Fully ripe and completely dry brushes last the longest. When storing, try not to erase the protective wax layer - pruin. To do this, while examining the brush, place it not on your bare palm, but on a soft cloth. Remove all small, dry and damaged berries with small scissors with rounded ends - this way you do not injure healthy fruits. The later you plant the grapes, the longer they will be stored.

Give preference to dry, thick-walled rooms, without light, foreign odors and with good ventilation. Maintain the temperature at 1-5 1С. It is better to whitewash the walls of the storehouse with lime and fumigate it with sulfur before planting the grapes. To reduce the humidity in the room, you can put a box with quicklime or dry charcoal in the corner.

If the storage is not provided with ventilation, conduct it yourself, in dry and cool weather, preferably at night.

Grapes can be stored in several ways: in boxes or barrels, on poles, ridges and shelves. You can read more about storage.

Be sure to inspect the brushes for any storage method. The first time - 7-10 days after the laying, then - less often. Varieties with dense skin and cartilaginous flesh are better stored. After long-term storage, the berries may lose some weight and become sticky, since some of the water will evaporate from them, however, such a natural decrease will not radically affect the taste.

Notes (edit)

Growing grapes is quite a profitable business, but you must understand that you will receive the first berries only after a year, and stable fruiting can be expected only for 4 years.

Please note that the vine has its own "resource", you should not overload it to get a huge harvest - this will negatively affect the number of berries in the future.

Calculate your investment. Funds will be needed not only for the purchase of seedlings and the construction of greenhouses, but also for the purchase of fertilizers, payment for water and man-hours for harvesting.

If you grow your vineyard outdoors, be prepared for the vagaries of the weather. In this case, it is advisable to timely and accurately carry out all measures for caring for the vine, this will help minimize damage.

Not later than a month or two before the harvest ripens, visit all the prospective distribution channels again and clarify the terms of the deal.

We examined the main aspects of running a grape business. For a beginner farmer, it is advisable to strictly adhere to all recommendations, but those who love and know the vine have room for maneuver.

Grapes are one of the most popular types of berries found in our food markets. This business is seasonal, unless of course you use greenhouses, but at the same time it is profitable and requires little labor to organize it. The huge number of grape varieties allows you to work on the market even with high competition, since you can grow and sell unique varieties of this berry.

In the grape business, it is very important to find sales markets. You should not be limited only to the sale of grapes in the local grocery market, as an option, you can agree on its sale to factories for the production of juices, grocery stores, or to the nearest wineries.

It is most profitable to sell grapes in the off-season, since its price is higher during this period, but this can only be realized when building greenhouses, and during the season prices on the market fall, but at the same time this berry is bought the most.

Site selection and soil preparation

The first thing to start with organizing a vineyard is the selection and marking of a place for planting it. The best place for cultivation, sunny areas are considered that are not covered by large trees. Shading will result in lower yields, which in turn will affect profits. Sandy soils are most suitable for planting grapes.

For marking for digging holes, you need to focus on the following values. The distance between the rows of grapes is about 2 - 3 m. The distance of one bush from another in a row is about 1.5 - 2 m. Such parameters must be observed so that the grapes do not darken the neighboring bushes.

Typically, planting pits are 0.8m x 0.8m x 0.8m. When digging, the soil is sorted, so, for example, the fertile topsoil is poured separately, and the clay and loam separately. We will subsequently use the first type of soil to fill the hole.

Usually, the preparation of pits for planting grapes is carried out in advance, about 2 - 3 weeks before planting seedlings.

All pits are filled with a substrate of fertilizers and other additives that ensure high soil fertility. After that, the pit is watered abundantly with water so that the soil settles a little.

How to plant grapes outdoors

Planting grapes implies a whole technological process, which subsequently provides a high yield of the plantation. So, let's talk in more detail about the substrate and its components, since many novice businessmen are interested in this issue.

First, sand and humus are poured onto the bottom of the pit, and somewhere around 2 buckets of earth mixed with 1 liter. wood ash. The last component provides the soil with useful trace elements. Then all this is mixed. At the same time, you should have about half of the hole filled. Then a layer of 10 - 15 cm from fertile soil, on which the seedling is installed and sprinkled with earth. Further, up to the top, the space is filled with earth, humus, sand and ash. After that, about 2 buckets are poured abundantly with water.

The seedling itself is usually set at an angle towards the supporting structures. Usually, such structures are a metal profile located at a distance of about 3 meters from each other. A wire is stretched between the profile, with a step of about 40 cm between the rows. The posts themselves are installed in pits to a depth of about 0.8 - 1 m and can be slightly concreted to create a more stable structure.


As you can see, a grape business implies that its owner has specialized knowledge, since otherwise it is possible to receive only a part and not 100% of the yield of a particular variety.

The full cycle of caring for this plant can include:

  • watering, especially on hot days, it is advisable to moisten the soil.
  • loosening the soil. For the best watering effect, you can loosen the upper soil level a little, especially if you have clay soil.
  • pruning of grapes, it is done to reduce the load on the bush and with this technology the grapes bear fruit large bunches.
  • processing of leaves and the bushes of grapes themselves for the prevention of plant diseases.
  • mandatory preparation for the winter period.

Growing grapes in greenhouses

What do you need to know about the greenhouse version of this business? It has a number of differences and advantages, but at the same time requires large financial investments and costs for maintaining the greenhouse.

The business of growing grapes in greenhouses requires the purchase and installation of a greenhouse complex, which includes:

  • the greenhouse itself with a ventilation system.
  • drip irrigation system, powered for example from a barrel.
  • equipping the greenhouse with lighting fixtures;
  • assembly and installation of heating devices.

Here are the main temperature indicators that should be provided for the most optimal growing of grapes:

  • during the formation of kidneys - during the day 10 - 15 degrees, at night - 8 - 10 degrees.
  • during the growing season - in the daytime 22 - 27 degrees, at night - 14 - 16 degrees.
  • during the ripening of berries - in the daytime 28 - 30 degrees, at night - 18 - 20 degrees.

As you can see, grapes are a thermophilic plant and it will take a lot of money for heating for its maintenance in a greenhouse, so this business, even in a greenhouse, usually starts somewhere in April in order to minimize the cost of its maintenance.

The best grape varieties for the market

When drawing up a business plan, you will have to make a choice among a huge number of different types grapes. First of all, you need to choose the varieties that are most popular among buyers. Also, do not forget to consider whether these varieties are adapted to our climatic conditions.

Here is a list of the most suitable grape varieties for outdoor cultivation:

  • Arcadia... These are white grapes with bunches of 500 - 700 grams. Ripens within 115 - 120 days. Sells very well in grocery markets.
  • Laura... White grapes with bunches of 600 - 800 grams. Ripening time - 110 - 115 days. It is characterized by high productivity.
  • Seedless kishmish... Pink grapes have a bunch size of 200 - 600 grams. Ripens - 125 - 130 days. Great view for the grape market.
  • Codryanka... Purple berries with bunches of 400 - 600 grams. I mature in a period of 110 days. This variety tolerates transportation well, while maintaining a good presentation.

The first two types of grapes can also be grown in greenhouse conditions.

In greenhouses, the following varieties are also additionally bred:

  • Song... White grapes with large clusters up to 1 kg. Ripens for about 107 days.
  • Bulgaria resilient... The grapes are amber in color, ripening in about 120 days.
  • Transparent... Yellow grapes with nutmeg flavor, ripening period 115 days.
  • Frankenthal... Black berries with a pleasant taste. Ripens for 150 days.

Conclusions. The grape business is a very promising topic that allows an entrepreneur to work out various markets for the product, and the demand for this product is very high. But to grow this berry in a business format, you will need to study the characteristics of various grape varieties, determine the optimal planting technology and observe correct mode for the care of plants.

Anything to add? We are waiting for practical advice and comments from the owners of the farms in which this berry is grown, which will be useful for beginners.

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