Is hazing left in the Russian army. "Hazing" and hazing. Who is who in the modern army. Hazing in the army and hazing in the army

We all know how hard it is in the Russian army because of the hazing that exists there. Someone was simply beaten half to death, and someone was even driven to suicide. The grandfathers scoff at the recruits and the saddest thing is that all this happens with the permission of the officers. Also, the situation with hazing is aggravated from year to year due to national hatred within the army. Read on creepy stories soldiers who have become victims of bullying. Not for the faint of heart.

Anton Porechkin. Athlete, member of the weightlifting team of the Trans-Baikal Territory. He served on the island of Iturup (Kuriles), military unit 71436. On October 30, 2012, during 4 months of service, he was beaten to death by drunken grandfathers. 8 blows with a sapper shovel, little was left of the head.

Ruslan Ayderkhanov... From Tatarstan. Drafted into the army in 2011, served in military unit 55062 in the Sverdlovsk region. Three months later, he was returned to his parents like this:

There are traces of beatings, an eye is knocked out, limbs are broken. According to the military, Ruslan inflicted all this on himself when he tried to hang himself on a tree not far from the unit.

Dmitry Bochkarev... From Saratov. On August 13, 2012 he died in the army after many days of sadistic bullying by his colleague Ali Rasulov. The latter beat him, forced him to sit for a long time on bent legs with his arms outstretched forward, striking him in case of a change in position. Also, by the way, Sergeant Sivyakov mocked Private Andrei Sychev in Chelyabinsk in 2006. Sychev then had both legs and genitals amputated, but he survived. But Dmitry was brought home in a coffin.

Before the army, Ali Rasulov studied at a medical school, so he decided to practice on Dmitry as a doctor: he cut out the cartilaginous tissue from his nose, damaged during beatings, with manicure scissors, sewed up the breaks of his left ear with a household needle and thread. "I don't know what came over me. I can say that Dmitry annoyed me by not wanting to obey me," Rasulov said at the trial.

Dmitry annoyed him with the fact that he did not want to obey ...

Taking into account the fact that Rasulov spent 1.5 months carrying out sadistic experiments on the victim and tortured her to death, the sentence of the Russian court to the sadist should be considered ridiculous: 10 years in prison and 150 thousand rubles to the parents of the victim. Compensation type.

Alexander Cherepanov... From the village of Vaskino, Tuzhinsky district, Kirov region. He served in military unit 86277 in Mari El. In 2011, he was brutally beaten for refusing to put 1,000 rubles. to the phone of one of the grandfathers. Then he hanged himself in the back room (according to another version, he was hanged dead in order to simulate suicide). In 2013, in this case, he would be sentenced to 7 years ml. Sergeant Pyotr Zavyalov. But not for murder, but under the articles "Extortion" and "Exceeding official powers."

Nikolai Cherepanov, the soldier's father: "We gave such a son to the army, but this one was returned to us ..."
Nina Konovalova, grandmother: "I began to put a cross on him, I see - he is covered in wounds, bruises, bruises, and his head is all broken ...". Ali Rasulov, cutting out the cartilage from Dima Bochkarev's nose, did not know "what came over me." And what was found on Peter Zavyalov, who for 1000 rubles. scored another Russian guy in the army - Sasha Cherepanov?

Roman Kazakov. From the Kaluga region. In 2009. Roma Kazakov, a recruit of the 138th Motorized Rifle Brigade (Leningrad Region), was brutally beaten by contract soldiers. But apparently they overdid it. The beaten lost consciousness. Then they decided to stage a carry special case... The soldier, they say, was asked to repair the car, but he got stuck in the garage from exhaust gases. They put Roman into the car, locked him in the garage, turned on the ignition, and covered the car with an awning to guarantee the car ... It turned out to be a gas van.

But Roman did not die. Poisoned, fell into a coma, but survived. And after a while he spoke. Mother for 7 months did not leave her son, who became disabled ...

Larisa Kazakova, the soldier's mother: "In the prosecutor's office, I met with Sergei Ryabov (this is one of the contract soldiers - author's note), and he said - I was forced to beat the recruits. The battalion commander Bronnikov beat off my hands with a ruler, I am convicted, the conviction has not been canceled until 2011, I could not do otherwise, and had to carry out the order of the battalion commander ".

The case was closed, information about the bruises disappeared from the soldier's medical documents, the car (evidence) unexpectedly burned down a month later. The contractors were fired, the battalion commander stayed on to serve.

Roman Suslov. From Omsk. Drafted into the army on May 19, 2010. The photo below was taken at the station before boarding the train. He had a son one and a half years old. I did not reach the place of service (Bikin, Khabarovsk Territory). On May 20, he informed the family in SMS about the bullying on the train by the officer and warrant officer who accompanied the conscripts. On the morning of May 21 (on the second day in the army) he sent an SMS: "I will be killed or left disabled." May 22 - hanged himself (according to the military). There were traces of beatings on the body. The relatives demanded a re-examination of the causes of death. The military prosecutor's office refused.

Vladimir Slobodyannikov... From Magnitogorsk. Drafted in 2012. He served in military unit 28331 in the town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma (in the same place in the Urals). At the very beginning of the service, he stood up for another young soldier who was being bullied. What caused the fierce hatred of grandfathers and officers. On July 18, 2012, after 2 months in the army, I called my sister and said: "Valya, I can’t take it anymore. They will kill me at night. That's what the captain said." That evening he hanged himself in the barracks.

Pechenga, Murmansk region 2013 g.

200th motorized rifle brigade. Two Caucasians scoff at a Russian guy.

Unlike Caucasians, Russians, as always, are atomized. Not in solidarity. Rather, they themselves will scoff at the junior conscription, than help someone with the lawlessness of national minorities. The officers also behave as they once did in the tsarist army. "Dogs and lower ranks are not allowed to enter" there were signs in the parks of Kronstadt and St. Petersburg, i.e. the officers did not seem to consider themselves and the lower classes one nation. Then, of course, sailors without regret drowned their nobility in the Gulf of Finland and cut them to pieces in 1917, but what has changed?

Vyacheslav Sapozhnikov... From Novosibirsk. In January 2013, he jumped out of a window on the 5th floor, unable to withstand the bullying by the Tuvan community in military unit 21005 (Kemerovo region). Tuvans are a small people of the Mongoloid race in the south of Siberia. The current Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Shoigu S.K. - also Tuvan.

Ilnar Zakirov. From the Perm Territory. On January 18, 2013, he hanged himself in military unit 51460 (Khabarovsk Territory), unable to withstand many days of abuse and beatings.

Sergeants Ivan Drobyshev and Ivan Kraskov were arrested for driving them to suicide. In particular, as reported by military investigators: "... Junior Sergeant Drobyshev in the period from December 2012 to January 18, 2013, systematically humiliated the human dignity of the deceased, repeatedly used physical violence against him and made illegal demands for the transfer of funds."

Systematically humiliated the human dignity of the deceased. The system is like that, so what can you do. The army is just a special case of general lawlessness in the country.

So, about the "bullying" in the army. Probably, we must first define what EXACTLY is hidden behind this term: "hazing"? The politically correct name "hazing", in my opinion, only confuses the question! My opinion is this: if (God forbid!) The army tries to act STRICTLY according to the letter of the regulations, it will be not only demoralized, as it is now, but COMPLETELY paralyzed: any relations between soldiers and between soldiers and officers will become simply impossible! Imagine for a moment that EVERYONE and ALWAYS in the army are suitable for each other in a marching step! They salute each other, address only by rank ...

No, who argues when it comes to OFFICIAL matters, so it happens, it should be so, but not in constant and Everyday life! So only robots are able to communicate with each other! We, in the years 75-77, punished the "Statutes" of the STITCHES. EVERYONE APPROACHED TO them STRICTLY BY THE REGULATIONS, and from THEM all the sergeants demanded the same. It acted more brutally than physical reprisals - there were reports of transfers to other units, there were even attempts at suicide, although there was no bullying: just LITERAL OBSERVANCE OF THE CHARTER! but this is one side of the coin! I want to talk a little about something else: about whether an army is possible in PRINCIPLE without some form of hazing, and what kind of hazing is good for the army, and what kind of hazing is unacceptable harm and must be steadily eradicated. Let's try to figure it out!

In my opinion, it is completely irrelevant for this question whether the army is recruited on a professional basis, on a conscription basis, or on a mixed basis, when both contract soldiers and citizens called up for a certain period are in service. One way or another, people who are absolutely morally unprepared for the most important thing come to the service, which is the raison d'être of any army ... beautiful words and to look at the very essence, the task of the army is ... what? Defense of the fatherland? - Right! But what is it? - warfare! War, that is! And in peacetime the ARMY MUST be ready for war! And in war, they kill ... And they kill first of all sordat (and officers, of course, too). If anyone says that the defense of the fatherland is not connected with the KILLING of enemies, then I will not believe him! There have not been bloodless wars yet! So, people come to the army for whom the murder of a person is absolutely inadmissible! It contradicts internal attitudes normal person! Moreover, murder is not in a state of Affect, not after an insult, not in the struggle for one's life - no! often this is a murder on the orders of someone who has not done anything wrong to you personally! And is it so important how the murder is carried out, whether by pressing the trigger of a machine gun, throwing a grenade, or pressing the "start" button on the remote control - all the same, the result of the military use of the army is murder, call it even a repulse to the aggressor, even a defense of sacred borders, even a defense "Democracy" - blood is blood! I will not be resonating and pretend that everything is one, no! But one way or another, the soldier must be mentally ready to KILL! And the task of psychological training at the initial stage of the service MUST solve this problem! Otherwise, the price of such an Army is worthless, it is only suitable for parades ...

But the raw materials, so to speak, for future soldiers, are absolutely not ready to kill! How can this be achieved? Since the days of the most ancient armies in the world, since the times of Ancient Egypt and China, Assyria and Babylon, the recipe has been simple: Pressure vat! Constant psychological pressure from the very first day of service! Young people were pressed both in the Macedonian phalanxes, and in the Roman cohorts and in the Slavic army - always! In most modern armies in the world, this pressure is placed on junior commanders, sergeants and corporals. For the first time, they constantly put pressure on the young replenishment, breaking the stereotypes that have become established with civilian life! Yes, they arouse the hatred of subordinates, and when he is ready to KILL his sergeant, the job is done! The civilian was left in the past, the soldier was born! As a rule, at this moment the attitude towards the young changes dramatically, they BECAME OWN in the army! and there is no need to drive them SO further!

But in the Soviet, and later in the Russian army, unfortunately, the importance of the sergeant corps was sharply diminished! (Was diminished). It's one thing when 18-19-year-old boys are chased by a 25-28-year-old sergeant, it's another thing when the sergeant is six months older, or even the same age! This is how hazing appeared in the SA ... As usual, especially when the selection bar for the troops fell below the plinth, and people with already distorted psyche began to get into the army, this hazing began to take perverted, terrible forms, stopped working on EDUCATION of stamina and endurance , became just a terry mockery of some over others! Moreover, what is typical, where the service was characterized by an increased risk, high physical, moral and intellectual stress, hazing did not take on goblin, ugly forms! This was the case (at least in the mid-70s of the last century) in the Airborne Forces, in the Fleets, in the Strategic Missile Forces, in the technical troops, where either physical readiness of the highest level or good knowledge of a military specialty was required. In the same place where the psychological, intellectual and physical loads were lower (Authors, service workers, Stroybat, etc.), there hazing took terrible, ugly forms, not educating, but crippling soldiers! I'll tell you about what I know personally. The grandfathers in the unit, after training, threw us in the tail and in the mane, but! There has never been an attempt to make it work for you ("slavery"), any hemming of collars, hair-cutting and ironing of a uniform, and the like! If there were attempts, they, as a rule, were harshly reproached either by the senior soldiers themselves or by the officers! But to press on you during physical training, yes, it was in the order of things! after shooting, everyone also cleaned himself! But they could hit the gape of the spirit, so that the raven would not catch it with its beak! And they explained at the same time: "boy, the enemy will not warn you!" True, when one spirit in response put his grandfather, which was called, "From the heart!" And another such moment! A sense of pride was constantly cultivated in us: we are a landing party! Others will not stand what we are! It was possible to submit a report and you were transferred to serve in other troops ... All this led to the fact that there was no obvious antagonism between the calls! Both young and old-timers understood when it was possible (and necessary) to drive the young, and when it was necessary to help. After all, tomorrow you may find yourself behind enemy lines, and the one you are chasing today will have a machine gun! To the credit of the officers, they regularly conveyed this idea to every senior citizen. I will not be cunning that we had fraternity and goodwill of the air, but I don’t remember any special atrocities.

It is quite a different matter when the sore "Grandfathers", considering themselves the navel of the earth, begin to mock the young ... Here, perhaps, only one thing can be said. The commanders who allowed such a development of events should be mercilessly judged under the article "undermining the defense capability of the armed forces", because it cannot be anything else. The pressure, even harsh, almost cruel, but thought out and calculated, has nothing to do with the mores of the "black zone"! The task of "bullying" is to make recruits soldiers, not cripples, physical and moral. And it depends on the Officers exactly what forms the notorious hazing took in his unit or unit!

I would be grateful for the comments and thoughts expressed in the discussion!

I have not written anywhere that this is the norm.

I would like to be wrong and be happy for Lithuania, but the situation is a little more complicated than it seems. Have you heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

Volunteers selected not from criminals, but randomly selected healthy socially organized adults were randomly divided into guards and prisoners. So a third of the guards showed sadistic inclinations. This is the result of a closed society (barracks in the army) and an imposed social role (subordinate soldiers and soldiers, one way or another assigned to control and restore order). Second, i.e. the appointment of "guards" is optional.

In any group (medium and large) there are people who enjoy showing aggression towards others. In any team there are people with a weak will, for whom it is easier to endure than to enter into a conflict.

I asked and talked with my fellow soldiers, so imagine, they also think that there was no hazing. Only this does not mean that she really did not exist.

There are two rules. What does not concern you, you do not notice. What can torment your conscience, but you cannot change, you do not notice. If the psyche of people did not have such a property, they would quickly burn out emotionally. This is exactly what happens to those who are professionally obliged to notice. A fact recorded by medicine, not in Russia alone, but everywhere, and originally studied in Britain and the United States, doctors, teachers, policemen suffer from burnout syndrome.

You do not pay attention, but aggression, pressure on the weak, is everywhere. The fact that people do not notice this in schools, for example, which everyone goes through, is sad. When your neighbor teased a fat, weak-willed boy in your class, it was the very thing that later, in the army, it will be "bullying."

When criminals were drafted into the army in the USSR, this did not give birth to bullying, but made its forms criminal.

Until it takes criminal forms, we simply do not notice it and do not understand it. In our unit, for example, no one noticed anything special either, and no one believed that someone was doing something criminal. Well, yes, ordinary stupid jokes, ordinary stupid half-joking assaults, demands, the strong one will simply smile and send, and then answer Vitas's question - "We had nothing, what are you talking about?" And we got a weak one, and in his family everything was bad, he could not stand it and shot himself. It turned out that what was ordinary was criminal.

Regarding history, going back to criminals and the USSR, in general, violence as a daily life in the army was born before the Red Army itself. Open the encyclopedia of Russian life " Quiet Don"- how Gregory begins to serve in the army. I think there are plenty of other examples, this is the first thing that comes to mind.

I have not written anywhere that this is the norm.

I would like to be wrong and be happy for Lithuania, but the situation is a little more complicated than it seems. Have you heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

Volunteers selected not from criminals, but randomly selected healthy socially organized adults were randomly divided into guards and prisoners. So a third of the guards showed sadistic inclinations. This is the result of a closed society (barracks in the army) and an imposed social role (subordinate soldiers and soldiers, one way or another assigned to control and restore order). Second, i.e. the appointment of "guards" is optional.

In any group (medium and large) there are people who enjoy showing aggression towards others. In any team there are people with a weak will, for whom it is easier to endure than to enter into a conflict.

I asked and talked with my fellow soldiers, so imagine, they also think that there was no hazing. Only this does not mean that she really did not exist.

There are two rules. What does not concern you, you do not notice. What can torment your conscience, but you cannot change, you do not notice. If the psyche of people did not have such a property, they would quickly burn out emotionally. This is exactly what happens to those who are professionally obliged to notice. A fact recorded by medicine, not in Russia alone, but everywhere, and originally studied in Britain and the United States, doctors, teachers, policemen suffer from burnout syndrome.

You do not pay attention, but aggression, pressure on the weak, is everywhere. The fact that people do not notice this in schools, for example, which everyone goes through, is sad. When your neighbor teased a fat, weak-willed boy in your class, it was the very thing that later, in the army, it will be "bullying."

When criminals were drafted into the army in the USSR, this did not give birth to bullying, but made its forms criminal.

Until it takes criminal forms, we simply do not notice it and do not understand it. In our unit, for example, no one noticed anything special either, and no one believed that someone was doing something criminal. Well, yes, ordinary stupid jokes, ordinary stupid half-joking assaults, demands, the strong one will simply smile and send, and then answer Vitas's question - "We had nothing, what are you talking about?" And we got a weak one, and in his family everything was bad, he could not stand it and shot himself. It turned out that what was ordinary was criminal.

Regarding history, going back to criminals and the USSR, in general, violence as a daily life in the army was born before the Red Army itself. Open the encyclopedia of Russian life "Quiet Don" - how Gregory begins to serve in the army. I think there are plenty of other examples, this is the first thing that comes to mind.

Hazing in the army - what is it? One of the most shameful phenomena in the life of our society - yes, unfortunately. But not only. It is also a test that befalls young man, which not everyone can pass with honor and dignity. Despite the fact that, as in any other business, there are as many people here - there are so many opinions. How to stand up in the army, not break down, use this situation to temper a man's character, what rules and laws you need to know - let's talk about this in more detail.

It must be said right away that "bullying" is a narrow concept that covers only violations of regulations in the relationship between junior and senior military personnel and conscription.

But hazing is a broader concept than hazing; it includes the whole range of relationships between military personnel that violate the requirements of the general military regulations, including the boss-subordinate, subordinate-boss relationship. The most gross forms of hazing, such as torture, hooliganism, bodily harm, robbery, etc., fall under the concept of common crimes and entail criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

For example - a soldier hit a soldier. In this case, a criminal case is initiated in accordance with the severity of the injuries inflicted. The commander hit the subordinate - the actions of the first can be qualified as an official crime - abuse of authority or abuse of power. The subordinate hit the commander - a military crime - the use of violence against the commander. In the first case, the crime is classified as mild or moderate. In the second and third cases, the crimes can be classified as grave or especially grave.

Forms of manifestation of "hazing relationships":

Exploitation (shifting by old-timers of their duties to soldiers of the junior period of service, the use of subordinates by the chief for personal purposes);

Physical abuse (beatings, sleep deprivation, coercion into physical exercise in excess of the permissible norm);

Psychological abuse (verbal abuse);

Economic violence (taking away money, food, personal belongings, deprivation of food, money, clothing and material allowances).

Reasons and conditions giving rise to hazing relations between military personnel

It is widely believed among lawyers, military psychologists, and journalists that the following conditions are the reasons that give rise to hazing in the army:

persistent traditions associated with this phenomenon;

clear gradation in terms of service life, which automatically breaks down personnel into specific categories;


deliberate concealment of violations by commanders;

traditions of suppressing violations in the team (reported - became a "snitch");

recruiting non-commissioned officers with conscripts;

unwillingness of some officers to delve into the life of the collective outside the scope of their official activities.

The reasons for the emergence of "hazing" was the fact that in the sixties the conscription of persons who had previously served a sentence of imprisonment was allowed. As it was previously believed, it was they who brought to the barracks the traditions of the criminal world, which were practiced in places of confinement, which, after adaptation to the conditions of the army, formed the basis of the traditions of hazing.

But hazing in general and hazing in the narrow sense of this concept are not widespread among the troops everywhere. In many parts, such a concept was absent and is absent as such. For example, in special forces, the fact of hazing automatically deprived the guilty person of the right to wear a maroon beret, which was extremely shameful for its owner. There was no hazing at most of the line outposts of the border troops of the KGB of the USSR.

What to do if you find yourself in a critical situation:

1. Under no circumstances break the law. Strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, your commanders and superiors. Don't give a reason to humiliate or blackmail yourself.

2. Do not lose your dignity. Don't do anything that will make you feel ashamed later. Do not show your weakness in front of the offender. The ability to withstand a critical moment, not to lose heart, to overcome difficulties - these are the qualities worthy of respect for a man and a warrior. Do not even allow the thought of unauthorized abandonment of a unit, the use of weapons, let alone suicide in protest. Retaliation does not always come as quickly as we would like, but to rush things, dooming oneself to imprisonment, and relatives and friends to experience, is extremely unfair and unwise.

What to do if the rights of a soldier are violated:

1. All interactions with the prosecutor's office should be made only in writing. Everything that is said orally, that is, all your oral questions and requests, as well as the oral answers given to them, in fact, have no legal force. Therefore, all your requests must be given a written form, as well as insist on similar actions from the other side.

2. Be sure to keep a copy of each appeal. All answers from officials... These documents will serve as proof of the positions of both parties.

Give only copies of documents to all authorities, since the originals are not returned.

How to survive a soldier in the barracks

All the words have already been said about how much grief the "bullying" in the army brings to the soldiers and their families. But what to do ... Perhaps it is our advice that will help recruits and recruits to understand the "rituals" of barracks hooligans and avoid bullying. At least survive until the problem (hardly quickly!) Is resolved at these very "top"


Most common bullying

1. "Confiscation"

Immediately upon arrival at the unit, the "grandfathers" take away money, food and a new uniform from the recruits. If the recruit resists, the "grandfathers" enroll him in the "dull" and then torture him to exhaustion with household work or physical exercises.

How should a soldier behave?

This is the first and, perhaps, the most "innocent" manifestation of "bullying" that a young soldier faces. You can immediately "go for the principle", but if you do not have the title of master of sports in sambo or boxing, it is better not to exacerbate relations with the "grandfathers". Without money, mom's pies, brand new boots or a uniform hat (you will be given the old ones), you can survive this rip-off. Otherwise, you may be left with a juicy black eye or smashed your nose. But this does not mean that even in such a situation you are completely defenseless. Try to catch the eye of the commander of the company, battalion, unit, and one-on-one tell them everything as it was. Scare them with a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

2. "One hundred days before the order"

Especially revered by the "grandfathers" ritual, which begins exactly 3 months and 10 days before the order of the Minister of Defense on the dismissal of old-timers from the army. The forms of manifestation of "hundred days" are very different. Every night, young soldiers must put cigarettes under the pillows of the demobels, on which it must be written how much "grandfather" has left before the order. Disobedient punishment awaits (for example, collecting 100 cigarette butts per night.) Soldiers can be forced to tell "grandfathers" fairy tales at night or sing lullabies to them on request. Whoever confuses words will learn them all night long without sleep.

How should a soldier behave?

Take this demobilization fun seriously. This is something like a barracks amateur performance, whose "leaders" severely punish unscrupulous "artists". There are only two ways out: either play with the "grandfather" in his game, or start an "anti-terrorist operation" against him: write a complaint to the commander of a unit or unit, contact the garrison prosecutor's office or a special department, advise the same humiliated colleagues to do the same ... The more noise there is, the more likely the command will react.

3. "Dembel train"

Four young soldiers lift the "grandfather's" bed in their arms and, slightly shaking it, carry it around the barracks. Other "spirits" at this time walk in front of the bed and "hum with a little train", others run towards the "train" and wave branches of trees, depicting "nature" passing by.

How should a soldier behave?

This theatrical courage of the “grandfathers” is painlessly experienced only by those who accept the long-standing “rules of the game”. But if you rebelled against them - go to the end. Here you can either openly complain to commanders, to law enforcement agencies, or anonymously “signal” them. There was a case when one of the soldiers photographed what was happening in the barracks and sent the pictures to newspapers, to the Ministry of Defense, to the Prosecutor General's Office. After many commissions, order was restored.

4. "Air defense"

The soldiers who did not carry out any order of the "grandfather" are obliged to drive away mosquitoes and flies from his bed all night. If at least one insect enters the protected area by the bed and bites the "grandfather", the punishment is repeated the next night.

How should a soldier behave?

If you know that "grandfather" will attract you to this nasty "show" next night, inform the unit commander, his deputy for educational work or the duty officer about this in advance - it is very likely that they will try to see the "concert" in the middle of the night with their own eyes and put "grandfather" in place.

5. "Public Fund"

Old-timers completely or partially deprive the first-year soldiers' monthly salary under some far-fetched pretext - building a strip-bar in part or collecting donations "for the greening of the moon." Anyone who refuses will be declared an "egoist" and sent outside the gates of the unit to beg for alms from passers-by.

How should a soldier behave?

This "quiet robbery" already smacks of a serious article of the Criminal Code. To begin with, you can write an anonymous note and throw it in the box for complaints and suggestions to the unit commander. If it doesn't work, write the same to the military prosecutor's office. Even this will not help - inform your parents in a letter - let them (without giving their names, so as not to harm your service) to the prosecutor's office

Don't get caught up in the distribution!

First weeks

Remember, senior staff members will develop their opinion of you over the first three to four weeks. As a rule, during this period, the "young" are not touched, studying the "moral and volitional qualities." Depending on how you show yourself during this time, the attitude of the "grandfathers" to you will develop. How to behave in order to avoid unnecessary problems?

Having entered the barracks for the first time, you should not look around in fear. Try to be dignified, but not defiant.

Do not repeat twice

Immediately hack into your nose: they don't repeat and explain twice here. Most often, recruits receive their first cuffs for an incorrectly wound footcloth, a bed made not according to the regulations, etc. The principle is simple - an officer asks from a sergeant, a sergeant from you. For example, a company commander finds a piece of paper on the floor in his disposition, "cheats" the sergeant for it. The latter does not waste time on re-explaining ... He begins to distribute "pills" left and right. The same goes for cramming the charter. The officer will check the knowledge of the duties of the orderly with a young soldier, and he only hums in response. It is better to memorize it right away, otherwise you will have to comprehend military science in a lying position with three bulletproof vests on your back. The fewer claims against you, the higher the likelihood that you will avoid another "distribution".

And teeth need to be brushed

Pedantic demobels pay great attention to hygiene and appearance young animals. The neater the “spirit”, the more respect it has for it. If you haven't brushed your teeth in the evening, consider that you automatically fell into the category of "Chukhonts". Timeless outfits and beatings are guaranteed. In the first couple of months, your body will be terribly lacking in vitamins. Therefore, any injection with a needle during sewing on the collar causes suppuration on the fingers. For disgusting "grandfathers" this is also a criterion for giving you the status of "Chukhontsa". If not allowed into the medical unit, urine is the best antiseptic in barracks. Abscesses disappear in two days, believe me - I have experienced it myself.

Watch your form. In most cases, the "distribution" includes the owners of greasy crumpled camouflage. If you feel that your uniform needs to be "updated", go to the sergeant before the lights out and ask permission to wash. Not a single demobilization will forbid you. But if, in addition to your camouflage, you will be offered to wash your “grandfather's” as well, answer with a resolute refusal: “What am I, what kind of“ Chukhonets ”, or what?”. It is possible that you can get it in physics for this, but they will not turn to you with such requests anymore.


Don't hide your talents. Do you play the guitar? Show yourself as soon as possible. Old-timers like to dream thoughtfully about an imminent demobilization to a soulful song, and there will be less demand for you after a solo performance. Are you good at drawing? Be sure to tell the "grandfathers" about this. You will have to work a lot on sculpting the masterpieces of body painting, but talented tattoo creators in the army are held in high esteem. And many troubles can be avoided behind the design of the demobilization album. Do you have beautiful handwriting? Share your ability with the deputy company commander for educational work. He will put you in jail for writing combat papers and various notes. They prefer not to get involved with those close to the political commissars. In general, try to occupy some niche in the division to justify your "spiritual" existence.

All these tips, of course, will not save you from drunken "thugs", but you should not think that in our entire army drunkenness among old-timers is the norm. Nevertheless, in the most serious cases, it is worth informing the command, if possible, anonymously. At the same time, it is not superfluous to hint that a similar complaint is already in the hands of a friend or parent in "civilian life" and he is ready to "give it a go."

But most importantly: Remember, you are welcome at home safe and sound. Be wise.

How to resist the army hazing?
Many do not groundlessly believe that hazing was, is and will be an army custom. But they offer to distinguish hazing from lawlessness. For example, making the bed of an old employee is kind of like hazing, but washing his socks is already chaos.

On the website there are several slightly conflicting opinions on questions about overcoming bullying, as well as the behavior of a young man in the army in the event of a collision with bullying. It comes from this that there are no identical answers to different life situations, incl. and on hazing issues. But it is worth reading these opinions - and choosing from them what is more in your spirit.

Here is what Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov, Chairman of the Synodal Department of the Patriarchate for Interaction with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies, answered to these questions.

- Father Dimitri, how and why, in your opinion, hazing occurs?

As the ex-defense minister accurately noted, hazing begins in kindergarten... What we see in kindergarten, school, in the army is called a "collective". This is an abnormal situation for a person. It is normal for a person to be among people of different ages. As soon as people of the same age are gathered into a team, relationships of a wolf pack arise between them: strong, aggressive; the vilest ones take precedence. The one who can stab, suppresses the one who does not raise a hand for it.

- Is it related to age?

Gustave Flaubert also wrote the novel "Education of the Senses". The behavior of children is close to the behavior of animals. And nobility, self-sacrifice, love for one's neighbor, mutual assistance - this is purposefully brought up over the years. In kindergarten, people have not yet had time to teach this. Nobody teaches those who ended up in the army. Hazing is absolutely inevitable.

Salvation from bullying could be in a large family. When children literally from kindergarten age compete with each other, fight, and they have no problem giving back to a guy who is six months older. They grew up in such a family, and they always defend their rights. When our country was large, the largest in Europe, there could be no bullying in the army. Every child from childhood could stand up for himself. When he is threatened by something in the army, he, if he is an independent guy, will immediately call the military prosecutor's office. He will immediately jail the offenders. And a little - will give them in the face. Yes, he will give it so that he will no longer get up.

What kind of men can boys be in a society in which forty million women do not have husbands?

- Accordingly, they are raising boys incorrectly?

Of course. We have female education in school, there are no men in schools. Girls develop earlier, they "hammer" boys, whom they are a head taller. Therefore, the boy experiences a triple load: from his mother (it also happens, and from his grandmother), at school, a double one (from a woman teacher and from girls of the same age, who are more powerful, head and shoulders above, and often beat, who also study well). It turns out that he is not a man, but such a "slug" who is incapable of serving in the army. That's how his mothers raised him. It's a vicious circle. It must be torn apart.

- What can be done here? How can I help you?

Sport! Combat sports. Not team games, not hockey or basketball. Better is wrestling, boxing, fencing, ping-pong, where a person can overcome and defeat an opponent one on one, cultivate will. Better yet, some cadet corps, full of men, few women. There, a young man sees how men behave. There is discipline, there is order, there they do not allow the elders to offend the younger ones. At least they talk about it there.

How should parents behave before a boy, a son, goes to serve in the army? What should they say? How should they cook it? What share of responsibility should be on them?

They should tell him: “Do not be afraid of anything, no mutual guarantee. If anything, call us, we will help you out. "

- And if he asks the question: “What awaits me there?” - what should they tell him?

What awaits him there ... An ordinary team. We have wonderful parts where the relationship is perfect. Yes, there can be problems. But the military prosecutor's office is for us. As soon as the unit commander feels the strength of his parents, he will immediately stand in line. He doesn't need problems.

- That is, the soldier does not need help officers, friends in the barracks ...

Friends there will be weak, he himself must be brave. He must immediately inform his father, mother, etc. And they are already in the prosecutor's office.

- A boy, in principle, should prepare for military service from childhood?

From the age of ten.

- How to prepare?

I have already spoken about the cadet corps. You need to start playing sports. To cultivate nobility in oneself in order to defend the weak in the army. Gotta be strong spirit, to be able to say: “I will not allow these hazing. If you touch this now, you will sit with me. "

- You still need to know your rights, apparently?

Elementary. Any violence against a person is a criminal offense.

- A lot is covered, you know.

But it is necessary to identify, for this there is the press, the Internet, whatever. It is necessary to raise the people, not to give anyone a descent.

I completely and completely take the position that a guy should serve in the army. If I had a son of eighteen, I would definitely send him to serve. I believe that he simply must. And everyone around is shouting: "What are you, what are you!"

It's just that these people succumbed to propaganda. We have a stratum of people for whom everything that represents national values ​​and glory is subjected to ridicule and criticism. They create such a background that only bad about the army, only bad about the commanders.

With a patriotic upbringing, we are also a bit tight.

In the army they do such terrible things, I watched the video yesterday. They just line them up and start hitting them in the stomach with a jump.

Why doesn't he call the military prosecutor's office?

I don't know why they are like sheep being slaughtered there. I sit and get nervous: why won't they answer? They seem to be so shackled by their fear that it will be even worse.

You have to go to the sambo section. I caught him myself, broke his leg somewhere in the area of ​​the knee joint.

They will score it. There are three wild boars. A row of these boys in T-shirts, skinny, apparently, only just a call. And these three boars with cigarettes. All of them are like themselves ... They are hit on the stomach, on the head, and they all fly away to their bunks. And if one of them grabs the hand who beats him, answers him, these boys will not intercede for him. And these two will beat him to death. They are afraid that they, too, may be beaten so that you will not get up.

If you knocked out one of the three, then there are no problems with two.

- And if you are not sure what you can knock out?

Then you need to appeal to the officers, beat the windows, shout, break stools, stock up on flammable material, light the mattress, that is, actively resist.

- And if the officers are on the side of the grandfathers? They say that there is such a concept, not “hazing”, but “statutory”. What to do?

Call mom, so and so. Such-and-such, surname such-and-such, they scoff, so-and-so, take action, to the military prosecutor's office. She will come.

Hegumen Valerian (Golovchenko) - Tips of the old demobilization

Dedicated to all those who have served and are preparing to serve ...

Should we walk in formation?

When a guy turns 18, the prospect of changing comfortable indoor slippers for soldiers' boots becomes obvious. You can, of course, and cut. But then it makes itself felt. "Zakosy" are different ...

For health. For life, admit that you are sick. Most likely, in a couple of years everyone will forget about the reason for your non-attendance at the Armed Forces. But such things have a bad tendency to float out of place. And then you will be indignant for a long time why you are not allowed on the plane without a muzzle.

For family reasons. A dependent second cousin can easily dismiss you from the living space when she decides to get married again. And as soon as possible to get married and have children just for the sake of not going to the army - and completely madness. The army is only a year old, but family values ​​are eternal!

For studies. If you are really smart, then in the army you can learn a lot of useful things in life. In any case, you will fix the tap in the bathroom yourself, and you will not give your wife and the locksmith a lecture on hydraulics.

By "faith." Orthodox Church does not prohibit serving in the army. Many great elders served in the army in their youth. And many of them defended their homeland during the war. And the thought about the impossibility of combining your "great spirituality" with the army life - only from ignorance of neither the army life, nor the true state of your spirit. A truly spiritual person will remain so everywhere! And it is absolutely inconceivable to hide from the army "in a cassock" - in a seminary, in a monastery or in a priesthood. They don't joke with such things!

By "alternative". Better to sit on the "lip" of the whole army! Or to be sold into slavery in Africa. Alternative service is entertainment for those who like to be supervised laborers for a long time and for free. Something like the unconvoyed ZK.

Most of the other ways of not visiting the army are in conflict with the Criminal Code. Better a year and a half on a soldier's bunk than the same amount on a prison bunk.

Now you are in the army ...

In order to serve urgently in the army without unnecessary problems, it is useful to learn a few simple principles. Simple but vital. These are "Laws of a closed collective" - ​​simple sociological principles. They act wherever you have to “see the same faces, walk the same route” for a long time. These principles are not exclusive to the army or, say, a prison. In the office or at the factory - the same thing, only not so noticeably. It's just that in the army, the responsibility for their implementation is very high. So:

1. Don't be afraid. Nobody will do anything to you - they themselves are afraid. Or have you forgotten that nothing can happen to you without the will of God who loves you. Just be an honest and decent person, and "God will not give out - the pig will not eat!"

2. Don't trust. People are different and sometimes they tell lies. You can never know what it might cost to communicate with a stranger. In order to trust someone, you have to go through a lot with him. Then you will see who is really next to you - friend or foe. Therefore, there are not many friends in life. Friends and acquaintances - the crowd, and friends - a few.

3. Don't ask. People are self-interested. And any request can put you in a dependent position, limit your freedom of choice. Learn to solve your problems yourself - it will come in handy in life. Fathers-commanders, mothers-fathers, friends-comrades will not be able to solve your problems. Because the problem is usually within you.

4. Don't "knock". You should have understood this at home, if sneering, of course, did not become your style of life. Scammers, as prostitutes, are not respected by anyone, although some resort to their services. Take responsibility for yourself and don't talk about others. Do not try to present your base desire to "suck up" and "settle down" in the form of a "fight for the truth." Remember that no one trusts the snitch. If you suddenly thought that a loud "struggle for the truth" at meetings of military collectives is much better than quiet listening, then I must upset you. It's just that there is overt squealing, and there is secret. Both do not like everyone equally. And there are plenty of ways to express your displeasure with your attitude towards your neighbors in the army. Neither the laurels of the "main army dissident", nor even the stigma of the "first informer of the Armed Forces" will get you anyway. Think a hundred times with whom and what to talk about.

5. Therefore, do not complain to the commanders. Sooner or later, the whole part will learn about your "confidential conversation about the life of the platoon." There will be nowhere to hide and no one to protect. The commanders themselves will hate you for being able to tell the inspector from headquarters about them. And they will make every effort so that your social status and appearance does not inspire confidence.

6. Do not write "pitiful letters" home. And do not call the kind mommy for parsing if you suddenly get a fingal. You should have understood this at school. Otherwise " mama's son"Will spread rot just for the sake of seeing how" the mother of the battalion commander is fierce. " After such visits, the relatives of the commanders will demand that you fulfill your statutory duties in such a way that you will forget your name. And any of your groans will evoke in them only a reminder of the "hardships and hardships" for everyone and the "military tribunal" as an alternative for you personally.

And talk less with your colleagues. If someone wants to "curry favor", they will try to set you up.

7. Do not try from the first days to pretend to be a missionary in the land of cannibals. You can begin to broadcast great truths to those around you only when you earn authority in the team. As a rule, this will happen not earlier than after a few months of service. For there is nothing more repelling people from the faith than a sermon spoken by a nonentity or a scum.

The same goes for your unique abilities. Attempts from the first days to call himself Raphael and start publishing wall newspapers and war leaflets can fail miserably. Firstly, you will do it for yourself and for that guy, and secondly, you will turn your appeal against yourself. Or do you think that they have fun flying in outfits and guards instead of you? Then, six months later, when you want to take a break, your friends will remember that you didn't even bother. Orthodox to earn the title of corrugated hose is not to the face. So try not to stand out at first. Do not go anywhere, it will be necessary - they will call. In general: do not give up work, do not ask for work. Be like everyone else, maybe a little better. You don't just wear a cross. But remember that "young" all commands are performed "bygóm!"

Do everything entrusted to you on time and, which is important, together with everyone. Do not try to break out into the forefront of production. For, as soon as you complete this work, the fathers-commanders will find you more different. In general, the ideal soldier is an unknown soldier. The one whose name the fathers-commanders could not remember for a year and a half of service. They drive him into outfits less - they can't remember.

Try to learn all military regulations by heart. There is nothing complicated about it. But it will be much more difficult to find fault with you. The most important charter in peacetime is the Charter of the guard service. Each letter in it is written in someone's blood. And these are not just big words. Now, of course, spies are no longer caught. But there are too many people who want to clean out army warehouses or take your machine gun. Your negligence at the post can cost the lives of old people, women and children. Remember this and, having taken over the guard, watch out, act decisively and according to the charter!

Are you very embarrassed by the mate? But many servicemen do not use foul language. They talk to them. For a person who grew up in a church environment, this language certainly hurts the ears. What to do? First, don't show your embarrassment. Otherwise, they will swear in spite, trying to "get you". Secondly, do not pretend that you do not understand what they want from you. Otherwise, they will be punished "for stupidity." And, thirdly, the most important thing is not to use these words yourself, no matter how your interlocutors express themselves. Although, of course, when your friend accidentally drops a KAMAZ wheel on you, you will not immediately remember the words of spiritual admonition. But in civilian life we ​​sometimes sin with this ...

An aunt from the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers once complained that her son was forced by his grandfathers to wash their uniforms. I had to ask: "And you find out whose uniform he was forced to wash the very first time." The answer was not hard to guess. For the first time, the fighter was “forced” to wash his own uniform. And in order to better instill a desire for cleanliness and tidiness, they forced him to practice on someone else's uniform. What my mother did not teach in 18 years, grandfathers explained in a couple of months. The fighter did not degrade, did not sink. He began to look after himself, learned to wash.

The army teaches to be modest and unpretentious in everyday life. They won't give you Gucci boots and Versace footcloths. When you are free from materialism, from the race for fashion and expensive rags, only cleanliness and accuracy work for the image.

The sergeant grandfather made my Vitenka clean the closet with a toothbrush! - said the compassionate mother.

But he did not force him to brush his teeth later with this brush! Well, I would throw out the brush and not be sad. Caries would not come instantly, this is not a heart attack. And in a couple of days I would buy a new brush for a penny at a military store. And all the cases.

I would not buy this! He had an electro-vibrating brush "Superdentamed"!

Wow! Yes, he probably wanted to look the coolest you have. The sergeant is humanly understandable. Everyone would want to see how the miracle of hostile technology works not for the benefit of an individual "packaged" character, but for the common cause of sanitation and hygiene.

Probably, only those who are able to clean the toilet by order of a toothbrush are able to climb on the order with a grenade on a tank. True love is always sacrificial.

There is one peculiarity in the life of the barracks - you are in a team 25 hours a day. Every moment of your life passes in full view of your colleagues. And if in civilian life you successfully managed to build out of yourself " tough guy", It won't work in the army. You cannot "impersonate someone great." The team will very quickly understand who you really are, determine the degree of your decency. In general, in life it is better to be someone than to seem like someone. You still cannot hide your weaknesses. But the weak, as a rule, will be helped. But everyone despises the hypocrite and the bastard. But still, try to be strong. Here I completely agree with the Goblin Operative: “If it’s still far from the call, do hard work. The most correct sport is boxing. Never listen to any karate-aikidists there. Time for all these trainings will kill the sea, and the result will be scanty ... ".

But the stories about how you effectively jerked your legs at home in karate classes should be forgotten forever. For immediately there will be a crowd of people willing to test the practical value of your "Merleson ballet". As life shows, "ballet" does not stand up to such tests. For boxing has a more practical, albeit less spectacular, arsenal than Sensei's meditation hall. So boxing in combination with weightlifting for an Orthodox boy is very even that! And without any oriental problems and Chinese philosophies there. And the soul will be in order, and the body will be healthy.

But the main strength is the strength of your spirit. Your ability to endure any pain and stress is a practical test of your veneration for Christian martyrs. So, my friend, don't let yourself be offended, but don't get on the rampage either. From a couple of punches in the soul and acceleration from the foot, nothing will happen to you. You will learn to take a punch in life. But for the slightest reason, you should not get into a fight. You are a Christian! It is often more rewarding to be beaten, but to remain unbroken. Those of your principles, for which you are ready to fight to the end, can be counted on one hand. But you must always remember them. Everything else - don't be upset.

If you are already the healthiest, then do not hope that you can disperse grandfathers alone. And do not try to incite your appeal to this! After all, young people are randomly assembled people, and grandfathers are a formed team. The recruits are the "parts of the designer", the old ones are the "combat vehicle." You just don't know yet which of your companions is capable of difficult moment for betrayal. Therefore, the riot will be quickly suppressed. In the best case, you will get it in the forehead, in the worst case, they will find how to bend according to the charter.

8. Never moan or moan. And even more so, do not get hysterical. When a hysterical young man starts screaming: "How you got me sick!" And there is some truth in this. It's just that in the army extreme, his rotten insides appeared, which he managed to hide in civilian life. And in the army, he was simply too lazy, with God's help, to work on himself. And it became noticeable to everyone. Life can change a person so that he becomes like himself.

In the army, a soldier lives like a potato: if they don't eat it in winter, they will plant it in spring. If the first half of the service is tested for the strength of your humility, then the second half will be filled with temptations of a different kind. You will feel the power over the young. And the temptation by power is one of the most terrible. Treat the "young" with love and indulgence. Try not to punish, but to correct.

And remember, a grandfather is distinguished from a young one primarily by the fact that he knows "what to do, when to do it, and how to do it correctly and quickly." They say about it: “The old one does something civilly - the old one wets it! Because the old one knows, the old one saw, the old one was! "

Of course, in the first and last days in the army you will be overcome by homesickness. But they won't send you further than Ukraine. The Arctic and Karakum Desert became inaccessible due to the collapse of the USSR. Try not to think about home, otherwise you will be worn out in vain.

After all, you were always crying in civilian life that life lacks extreme. I was running around on a motorcycle, jumping from a bungee for money - and "did not penetrate"! And here - a free extreme adventure a year long. Good way know yourself! And do not take the everyday life of the army as something boring and sinister. Learn to rejoice in the little joys and love of God. Always try to be positive. Be not comforted, but comforting. And encourage others, even if it's hard for you. After all, "Life is the ability to smile even when tears are running down your face."

P. S. Perhaps a highly spiritual reader will reproach me for the style and syllable of the story. But, remembering my two years in boots, I cannot say otherwise about the army. This is true. And you need to write honestly ...

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