How to mock a man. Why do men bully their women? The coolest bullying guys

Three facial signs that indicate a man's violent tendencies.

This information will help you navigate a potentially dangerous situation, avoid domestic or sexual violence, and possibly save your life.

Why is this publication coming out right now?

The reason for this article was creepy story beyond common sense. The husband took his wife, mother of two sons, into the forest and tied her up. Then he methodically mutilated his hands and chopped off his fingers. In the end, he chopped off both hands, brought him to the hospital himself and surrendered to the police.

The voiced reason for the torture is adultery. He had no doubts. Only the desire to gain recognition.

Could the tragedy have been avoided?

How to understand that your boyfriend or husband is capable, even hypothetically, of such atrocities. Is it possible to recognize a jealous person and a sadist by their appearance?

For all the seeming inhumanity of the deed, let's try to figure out what set of qualities became that eerie cocktail that ignited animal cruelty and manic all-consuming self-righteousness.

How did we know about the signs of latent aggression on the face?

In the 90s, I served as an operative in the department for solving murders of the criminal investigation department. Every day, a stream of suspects, accused and defendants in cases of injury, rape and death passed through my office.

Gradually, I began to notice that many rapists and murderers share some facial features.

Later, using the knowledge of anthropology, modern neuroscience and, of course, psychology, I was able to deduce some patterns connecting physiognomic signs and behavioral features of people prone to violence.

Now I am a psychologist. For over 20 years now, I have been studying various psychodiagnostic techniques and adapting them for security and business needs.

So ... Here are the three most common physiognomic signs that indicate latent aggression and a tendency to violence.

As you might guess, the more signs you see in one person, the higher the likelihood of uncontrolled violent behavior.

I do not claim to be the ultimate truth. I am only sharing my experience and the results of my research with you.

Where does conscience live in the brain?

The center associated with feelings such as conscience is located in the prefrontal part of the brain. In the same place, in the frontal and parietal zones of the cortex, there are zones responsible for self-awareness and other mechanisms of social restraint.

In a person with a sloping, sloping, low forehead, these zones are depressed. They are smaller in size and, as it were, crushed by the front of the skull.

Unlike highbrow individuals, social taboos and rules are much weaker on these people. It is easier for them to ignore the laws established in society, and morality for them, often, does not exist at all.

How to understand that emotions are stronger than reason?

Body and facial hair is one of the last visual signs linking us to our evolutionary ancestors. Natural hairiness occurs when some people have increased production of male sex hormones, primarily testosterone.

As we understand it, if the primary animal instinct begins to dominate, the mind gives up its positions.

On the face, increased emotionality can be seen in three manifestations: pronounced eyebrows, thick stubble and a beard in the absence of a mustache.

Such people, as a rule, do not know how to deny their desires, and in combination with a sloping forehead, they poorly control emotional outbursts.

But even this, as a rule, is not enough for the birth of a real sadistic aggressor. In addition to emotions and reduced social responsibility, self-righteousness is required. A sort of animal peremptoriness.

What distinguishes a hunter from a prey?

Of course, the presence of weapons. In most mammalian predators, this is the jaw. The stronger this attacking mechanism is developed in an individual, the more confident he will feel when meeting with another individual.

People with high jaws move much more easily from words to action. They are not afraid of possible obstacles. After all, an inner instinct tells them that strength is on their side.

Add to this confidence a trigger in the form of uncontrollable emotions and a complete disregard for all kinds of "social conventions." Get a ready-made rapist, a "kitchen fighter" or, in our case, a crazy jealous man.

Of course, upon closer examination, in each of specific cases domestic or sexual violence, grievous bodily harm or murder, we will find other, primarily social, factors that influenced the development of the situation.

In this article, we set ourselves the task of showing specific visual markers that are worth paying attention to when dealing with strangers and, especially, when choosing a sexual partner.

Take care of yourself.


Who knows ... Perhaps you will save someone's life.

I recently conducted a survey. I finally understood that a woman is an absolute evil. This is what the men complained about the most.

I think there is no doubt that a man in our society is the weakest and most oppressed being, who for millennia endures various bullying from women.

Let's take a simple example like appearance women. As you know, women like to specially grow various bulges on their bodies, and who failed to grow in adolescence, pump them into gym... And then they also cover them with sexy wardrobe items.

Of course, as the men have already guessed, they do these manipulations with their own bodies, purely out of ordinary harm and malice, in order to tease the surrounding men, cause them an acute sexual desire, but not allow it to be realized, but simply go into the sunset. Best case scenario. And at worst, go to the police to write a statement about the attempted rape.
And here good women wear niqab and burqa, feeling sorry for their men!
Well, or as a last resort, a decent woman should not deny anyone the realization of sexual pleasure with her.

Second important point, this is that for some reason evil women do not want to accept their role of "man's friend" and constantly climb into higher educational institutions, and then into different offices to take a person's job! Well, or at least just work as a person's secretary. They just cannot accept the truth that by birth they are intellectually underdeveloped in comparison with men, and in fact, deep in their hearts, they only want to cook and serve a person, as well as give birth to him non-stop children. Only the right wife can have such a desire!
All this, of course, women do exclusively out of harm, instead of turning themselves on to the master, they simply take away his job and salary, so that they can then look at him from a high point and cut him down.

Some women also dare to have a variety of hobbies to get on the nerves of a person, although everyone has long known that the only hobby a woman can really be interested in is collecting recipes and the Kamasutra!

Modern women have invented another new way of torture - equality. They do not want to look for a master and marry him at all! If they want only on equality in everyday life and relationships. Or that the master has enough financial resources. Torture women with equality in a very sophisticated way, for example, forcing men to cook, clean and watch over them common child... If the gentleman is a poor scythe and crooked, nasty women, not even beautiful, for some reason do not want to marry him!

Well, the most, perhaps, the most terrible torture is torture overweight when a woman does not want to spend all her resources on losing weight, and this offends the highly aesthetic taste of men! Yes, for this you just need to shoot!

Have you faced in your life with bullying vile women in your direction? Share? I will regret everyone, understand and warm :)

Hello friends! The love story of a girl Jordan Ward and a boyfriend Alex Skil started in 2012, when the guys were 16 years old.

They met at Drama College in Bedford, and Alex immediately fell in love into this fragile English girl who is free time she was engaged in charity work - she helped raise money for African children.

After they met, the lovers almost immediately began to live together, post happy photos on Facebook and go shopping together. They were so passionate about each other that they didn't even have time to hang out with their friends.

This tale lasted 6 years. But on the fateful day, the neighbors heard screams from the love nest. Doctors arrived at the crime scene and found a bloody body.

But more on that later.

And now we will reveal to you the dark side of this love story.

After the lovers began to live together, the girl turned into a real devil.

Happy Facebook photos? - She herself posted them from the guy's page. Shared shopping? - She did not allow him to buy things on his own and herself chose his clothes. No time for friends? - She forbade him to communicate with friends and only occasionally allowed him to call his parents.

The girl controlled every step of the guy, but this was far from the worst thing. She made his life a real hell. At first it was just slaps, kicks, then torture with blunt objects, pouring boiling water over him when Alex was asleep, and sometimes even knives were used. The last 9 months of their relationship has been at the height of its brutality. At the same time, the girl forbade him to go to the hospital. Despite the fact that the guy had a serious illness, hydrocephalus - the accumulation of fluid in the skull.

On that fateful day, the neighbors saved the guy's life. They heard screams and called the police. Doctors diagnosed stab wounds and deep burns all over the body. Doctors at the hospital carefully asked the guy if it was safe for him to return home. After that, the guy moved to live with his parents.

In an interview, Alex said that he thought his limbs would have to be amputated. And so it would have happened if he had not been provided with timely assistance. Doctors and police officers agreed that if he had not been taken then to the hospital, the guy would have had no more than 10 days to live.

The girl was arrested, and she had to confess to her atrocities. She is now 22 years old and has a 7.5-year prison sentence ahead of her. nor does she have the right to even approach Alex.

Are you also wondering why the guy put up with this? According to Alex, he was blinded by love and believed that in this way the girl showed closeness and care in her own way.

Write in the comments if you have met such star-studded couples or maybe they are among your friends?

Men are known to appreciate a sense of humor in us. But sometimes, in response to a seemingly sparkling joke, they purse their lips and portray a sluggish "ha-ha", instead of huddling in a fit of laughter. What are we joking about so wrong?

His hobbies

It's risky to joke with a man about the size and edibility of a two-day fishing trip. And when watching football together, before playing witty about the "blue", first it would be good to make sure that he is rooting for the "red".

Just the other day I managed to play a prank on my husband by dragging his main fetish into the prank - a computer. Deep in the night my beloved got off the monitor and galloped off to make himself a sandwich. Bloody little men with machine guns in their hands froze on the screen. Knowing with what fanaticism my husband plays "shooters", I nevertheless dared to joke quite harmlessly, as it seemed to me. I turned off the monitor, and as soon as my hero appeared in the doorway, I made an innocent face and shyly smiling, said: "Oh, I pressed something here, and everything went out ..." Dropping the sandwich from my hands, with one powerful kangaroo jump My husband immediately crossed the room, pushed me off the chair and, shaking over the keyboard, as if over a terminally ill patient, feverishly began repeating: “What did you press? Remember WHAT-YOU-ON-ZHA-LA? " His wild imagination immediately drew needles, which he drives under my nails, trying to knock out the necessary information, and I, having said in a trembling voice “Q-in-this,” turned on the monitor.

As soon as my husband saw that the "shooter" was faithfully waiting for him, he first sighed with relief and delight, and then stared at me expressively. At that moment, I felt like a victim of the very "shooter", mercilessly attacked by weapons such as "eye-lasers". This was followed by an intricate play on words, from which I made the only conclusion: it is better not to joke with computers, especially when an unfinished battle hangs on pause. But the husband after this incident literally in five minutes shot all the enemies. Apparently, the adrenaline after my "successful" joke had an effect.

Night conversation copied from a friend's notebook

  • He (in a dream): Two - zero! Two - but-o-ol!
  • She (asleep, wearily leaning her elbow on the pillow): Well, who is leading?
  • He (in horror): Dented herons ... It's all of them ... Do you understand?
  • She (sympathetically): I understand ...

His car

No matter how jealous you are of your beloved for his car (that is, sorry, for his Swallow), jokes in the style of “Dear, let's hand over this mountain of iron, and with the money we’ll buy me new shoes - well, at least one” will not work. With such humor, it is more likely that you will be handed over for scrap metal, and with what he earned he will buy another pair of winter "shoes" for his Swallow.

His appearance

No matter how a man tries to show that he is a true macho, who absolutely does not care about fashion trends and how he looks, in fact, he is often no less concerned with his appearance than we are. Therefore, jokes about a future bald head, a rich palette of smells that he is capable of exuding, or legs, like those of an experienced jockey, are unlikely to be successful.

And when your beloved, after a grueling ten-minute exercise, proudly pokes his belly in your nose with the comment "Look, what a press", he hopes to hear: "Wow, how pumped up!" How sometimes you want to add: "You can feel it through your beer belly!" But be patient!

Its features

Even the most harmless joke on this topic is likely to be perceived as a mockery or an attempt to ridicule his flaws. But, as they say, if you can't, but really want to, then you can. The main thing is that he doesn't notice.

For example, if a man talks in a dream, thereby preventing you from plunging into the arms of Morpheus, it is not forbidden to act according to the principle "I will not get enough sleep, so at least I will have some fun." You can, for example, have intellectual conversations with your partner, muttering something in a delirium.

Or if he snores godlessly, and all attempts to accidentally poke his elbow in the side do not bring desired result, then, acting according to the above principle, you can put a red card in his hand, and stick a whistle in his mouth. True, in this case it will be quite problematic to prove to the man, who jumped up in horror in the night from a wild whistle, that you had nothing to do with it.

His oddities

My friend Zhenya, when he is scolded, puffs out his cheeks and bulges terribly. So he was taught to protect himself from external stimuli as a child. At first, Alina, his girlfriend, was amused by this, and any conflict ended with her lively laughter as soon as her beloved "swelled". But sooner or later, it still had to start to annoy her. Unable to restrain herself during the next "attack", Alina in a rather harsh form suggested that Zhenya was raised not in a human family, but a school of hedgehog fish, after which his beloved immediately blew away with a whistle ... and did not talk to her for two days. Just like a hedgehog fish.

His health

I agree, it is difficult to refrain from at least a drop of irony regarding your beloved, when he lies in a layer with a terrifying temperature of 37.1, moans helplessly and, stretching out his trembling hand to you, barely audibly asks for a glass of water. But here you need to understand that any joke can only aggravate the condition of a seriously ill patient. Therefore, so that the patient does not hastily fall into a coma, one must make an effort over oneself and, instead of gloating, hug him, regret and run for a kilogram or two of oranges. Sausage.

His attitude to his beloved

It's funny sometimes to watch how the strong half of humanity with concentration rubs the third layer of moisturizer into their masculine hands to make them the softest and most velvety. You should not break this idyll with a sharp word. Any taunt directed at your man, accidentally caught in the form of a green humanoid with cucumbers in front of his eyes, is unlikely to be appreciated by him. You understand that far from your vigilant non-cucumber eyes, he will still continue to soak his legs in a tonic bath with rosemary extract, but he will not resist joking when he finds you with a strawberry mask on your face the next morning.

His attentions

In the heat of inspiration, men, as a rule, give little thought to the meaning of their ingenious metaphors, epithets and comparisons. This must always be remembered so as not to offend the tender feelings of our romantics with an innocent joke.

It is worth gratefully accepting any gift he invented from his man, in no case laughing at the poems, no matter how ridiculous they are, or songs, no matter how heart-rending voice they are performed. The same goes for compliments.

Once, my friend Anya, having bought another pair of shoes, showed the new thing to her young man. To the question "How do you like it?" gasping with delight, he gave her a compliment: "You are so graceful in these shoes, like ... like ... (apparently, fingering all the more or less graceful creatures of the planet in your head) like ... a horse!" Anya almost fell from the height of 12-centimeter hairpins, but gently replied: "Thank you, dear, I am so pleased." Dear, imposingly sprawled in the chair, and Anya, without losing a drop of her "horse grace", continued the defile, giggling quietly and saying to herself: "Tzok-tzok-tzok ... and-and-yoke!"

His greed

Lovely girls! Please remember: if a man spares money for new beads, he is by no means greedy. He is (in his own understanding, of course) economical! Therefore, jokingly comparing him with the stingy mole from the fairy tale "Thumbelina", you can easily lose your half grain a day.

His culinary skills

Well, yes, some men can cook. And some think they can. It’s not so easy to resist jokingly not to add “spice” to an exhausted steak with a crust fried to the state of armor. The apogee of the holiday of life will be the kitchen apocalypse in the form of a mountain of dirty dishes, fireworks of spray on the walls and a floor thickly covered with flour. However, if you steadfastly withstand this, you will most likely have a long and happy family life.

Marriage and children (they are not his at all!)

It is proven that discussing these topics is an excellent substitute for a magic wand and miraculously makes a man evaporate from the place of conversation. Just recently, I became an unwitting witness of how the combination of the words "wedding" and "children" in one sentence forced a man (under the funny pretext "Oh, but I should clarify something from Kant") retreat from the kitchen, spilling tea and dropping cookies on the way clenched into a fist. Surely Kant understood him.

His economic ability

At least once making a joke about how exactly he nailed a light bulb or screwed in a shelf, you risk the rest of your life for any homework to call on the announcement of "husband for an hour." It is better to direct the creative, reserved for a witty joke, to praise your "husband for life" for such a hard work. So what if the nails are hammered in with the head inside, and the carefully oiled hinges now really do not creak, because the door simply stopped opening. He tried!

His salary

Any self-respecting man, no matter how much he earns, certainly believes that he is the main earner in the family. Therefore, joking about his not particularly impressive salary is like hinting to a lion that the antelope he has caught is somewhat anorexic. In response, you will receive an angry roar and be left without the piece of loot you owe, which was planned to be exchanged in the boutique for that amazing purse with rhinestones.

His friends

One acquaintance once complained to me about his girlfriend, who constantly gives underground nicknames to his friends. "She called my best friend Sharpey." A thousand times I asked him not to call him that, but all the same every now and then slipped through her: "Are you going to billiards with Sharpey?", "And when will Sharpei introduce us to his girlfriend?" I had already resigned myself and decided to simply ignore this dubious humor, until, talking and looking my friend straight in the eyes, I called him Sharpey. After this incident, I had a rather tough explanatory conversation with my girlfriend. And Shar Pei, by the way, did not take offense at all, and he is now officially Shar Pei ”.

In principle, the list of dangerous topics for jokes could be continued almost endlessly, but it is better to use simple advice for all time: it is better to measure seven times than to "soak" once.

Women can be gentle, fluffy, and caring towards those they love. Or they can be cruel. And when it comes about fragile love relationships, women can do things that are unpleasant for men. Let's find out how not to do it.

10. Do not pick up the phone when he calls... He convinced you to give his number and you feel that he is not indifferent to you. Your charm and beauty clearly impressed him. But only he did not reproduce the impression on you, and now you do not pick up the phone. Or worse, you gave him the wrong number. Such situations badly affect the self-esteem of men, for it is clear that you do not intend to meet with them anymore.

9. Use men as a wallet. Some women are able to flirt with a man and even start a relationship with him for a delicious dinner in an expensive restaurant, a beautiful blouse, or a trip to the islands. Needless to say, this is cruel and dishonest.
8. Meet him out of boredom. Many of us don't like being alone. And for some, this dislike reaches the point that they are ready to meet with the first person they come across, just in order to fill the void in their personal life. Perhaps you fill this void, but playing with the feelings of other people did not bring happiness to anyone.
7. Emotionally manipulate a man. Men hate women's tears, and we know that very well. Women's tears as an expression of emotions seem logical, since women are more emotional than men. Surely each of us used tears at least once in our life as a tool to achieve our goal. But we cannot boast of this.

6. The use of physical force. Some women admit the idea that they can hit a man if they don't like something. Of course, if they are sure that this man will not hit her back. And a real man will not allow himself to do this. So this doesn't seem unfair to you, especially considering how zealous we are to fight for equality with men?

5. Publicly criticize men. This is an extremely cruel way of treating a man, a way that contributes to the humiliation of his manhood. You should not stoop to publicly reprimanding your loved one, not to mention criticism. 4. Do not disclose your marital status. For some, it may seem innocent fun to flirt with a man, despite the fact that she herself has a husband or a boyfriend. After all, it’s so much fun at the end of a pleasant conversation to inform him about the presence of your soul mate and look at the expression on the face of the interlocutor. It's not fair
3. Manipulate with sex. This rather cruel method has been tested for centuries and is used by many women. For most men, regular sex is as natural as breathing. And women use denial of sex as a way to achieve goals, and even as punishment. It should be noted that this method can be effective. But do not be surprised if a man begins to manipulate your desires.

2. Check for loyalty. You specifically check your man, write to him in ICQ from someone else's number, allegedly trying to get to know each other, write sms and create situations on the street, persuading your friends to perform the operation "Check for fidelity." If so, what kind of trusting relationship can we talk about? You are, in fact, playing with fire, pushing your loved one into cheating yourself. What if he falls in love with your girlfriend at first sight, who will you blame?
1. Flirt with others, making your boyfriend jealous. Half of the men will not say a word that it was unpleasant for them, perhaps they will do everything not to show jealousy. But this is really cruel to him, since flirting with another man causes suffering of varying degrees of severity in 90% of men.

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