The ghost of the Glamis castle: was it really there? Stories of the most terrible pictures of mankind (9 photos) Portrait of an old man painted by an artist who possessed

Answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

(1) Archaeologists find many treasures in the Slavic lands. (2) The value of the treasure is not in the quantity of the treasure, but in the quality jewelry(there are real masterpieces among them). (3) ______ the most valuable for archaeologists is the idea of ​​the life and life of the ancient Slavs, which develops in the process of studying the items found during excavations jewelry.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveyed the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Since jewelry allows you to recreate the pictures of life and everyday life of the ancient Slavs, they represent for archeology great value.

2. Archaeologists find many treasures, the value of which is determined primarily by the quality of jewelry.

3. The most valuable thing for archaeologists is not the quantity of jewelry found, but their quality.

4. For archaeologists, jewelry found in the Slavic lands is important primarily because they give an idea of ​​the life and life of the ancient Slavs.

5. Among the jewelry found in the Slavic lands, there are real masterpieces, and archaeologists pay great attention to their study.


Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

2. Since

3. On the contrary,

4. In other words,

5. Despite this


Read the glossary entry for the meanings of the word PRESENTATION. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


1. A written statement about something. (official). P. prosecutor (act of prosecutor's supervision).

2. Theatrical or circus show, performance. The first item of the new play. Amateur p.

3. Reproduction in consciousness of previously experienced perceptions (special). P. - the image of an object or phenomenon.

4. Knowledge, understanding of something. Have no idea about anything. Make yourself a p. About something. The book gives a good item about the subject. * I have no idea (colloquial) - I do not know at all, I am not aware. Where did he go? - I have no idea.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.




One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

1. To make a marinade for charcoal fish SHAKE the seeds from four to five cardamom pods, add a pinch of saffron and grind them in a mortar with salt.

2. The girl with a sharp movement threw back her bangs from her forehead and unexpectedly calmly and TRUSTLY looked Alexey in the eyes.

3. SKATES ISSUED if the visitor of the skating rink has a passport or any other document that can be left as a deposit.

4. Analysts say that significant changes can be expected in the securities market in the coming year.

5. Summaries PRESENT the written fixation of the main provisions of the readable or audible text.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

favorite of the PROFESSOR


Brighter than the sun

Take the train

a pair of shoes


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Favorable conditions have been created not only for publication scientific works, as well as for their implementation in practice. 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) Those who have never been to the top of the Ivan the Great bell tower, who have never admired the majestic panorama of the capital, have no idea about Moscow. 2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
C) Contrary to analysts' forecasts, this year the airline managed to maintain the volume of traffic at the level of last year. 3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) Scientists, having discovered organic matter in comets, arose an assumption about the existence of life outside the Earth. 4) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members
E) The Order of St. Andrew the First-Called was established by Peter I in 1698, and is issued only in rare, exceptional cases. 5) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover
6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
7) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

Write down the answer in numbers without spaces or other signs.


Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

OK. .yat


benevolence ...

touching ... sleeping

very ... bed


Define a row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

by ... the sun, oh ... thrown

ave ... got it, ave..good

in .. passage, ra .. water

ave..grandpa, p..dnos



Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.

service ... out

nitpick ... out

pull out


underline .. emphasize


Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

ka ...

you wanna



move .. my


Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write this word out.

1. Travelers (NOT) WAITING FOR supper went to bed.

2. Had to work in a (NOT) EXPLORED area.

3. I had to sign a far (NOT) PROFITABLE contract.

4. Semyon Rostislavovich seemed (NOT) SATISFIED.

5. Easily (NOT) Catch the fish from the pond.


Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

1. Whatever critics assert, Fet's poems are unusually melodic, (BY) many of them formed the basis of romances.

2. (C) DIFFERENCE from other representatives of the liberal camp, Pavel Petrovich is always firm in upholding his principles, and (BY) he boldly opposes Bazarov.

3. Ceramic products from Gzhel end up in different ends of the planet, THAT (WOULD) decorate the life of people, and SO (SAME) bring up a sense of beauty.

4. I told Ivan Petrovich everything that had happened, and wished to know his opinion (ON) ACCOUNT of predestination, SO (AS) it was very important.

5. Krylov's fables in (THAT) TIME were a completely new phenomenon in Russian literature (ON) COMPARED with Sumarokov's fables, which were written in the traditions of classicism.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which НН is written.

The portrait of an (1) th man, painted by (2) an artist with an extraordinary (3) talent, was part of the (4) th (5) th mistress of the house.


Arrange punctuation marks. Specify the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The hero of the novel loved travel and adventure and at the same time strove for comfort and family coziness.

3. Artistic painting of fabrics has existed since about the 30s of the XX century and during its existence it has gained wide recognition.

4. Slang words drop out both from tradition and from the sphere of rational use of words and from the uniformity of speech.

5. To convince the reader of the validity of his assessments, the reviewer can use both methods of scientific analysis and means of artistic expression.


The ducks (1) frightened by the sudden appearance of the hunters (2) rose noisily and (3) tumbled in the air (4) slowly and heavily flew away.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in place of which in sentences must be commas.

The old garden (1) seemed (2) alone to refresh this (3) once (4) lively village and was picturesque in its desolation.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in place of which in the sentence must be commas.

Poetry of A.S. Pushkin (1) based on the works (2) of which (3) P.I. Tchaikovsky created his best operas (4) most of all inspired the composer.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in place of which in the sentence must be commas.

After the instructor's comments (1), the guys walked faster (2) and (3) when it began to get dark (4) only three kilometers remained to the place of sleeping.


Edit the sentence: correct lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write this word down.

Usually in the month of May there is a cold snap, which coincides with the flowering of the bird cherry (the so-called "bird cherry cold").

Read the text and complete assignments 21-26.

(1) The highest that a person can achieve is wisdom.

(2) Wisdom should become a school subject, it should be taught. (3) More precisely, wisdom must be taught - as caution in judgments, refraining from insufficiently substantiated statements, the ability to take into account many factors, relying on what is born of a variety of historical experience.

(4) It is more than knowledge. (5) It is also intuition and aversion to self-deception. (6) A wise person is never presumptuous: he does not consider the results of his thoughts to be final, he admits their error, comparing them with directly opposite statements and finding gaps in what seemed obvious.

(7) Wisdom needs knowledge, but is not limited to it. (8) Someone may know, for example, all types of butterflies and not understand anything about environmental problems. (9) Don't even be interested in them. (10) In this case, a person loses sight of the connection between a single butterfly and the structure of the world.

(11) Knowledge answers the question “Why?”, And information only answers the questions “What? Where? When? How?". (12) Knowledge consists of "understandings" and is the property of science. (13) Knowledge needs information, but it is not limited to it - it is higher, because it knows how to check the accuracy of information.

(14) Knowledge in the European, and now in the global scientific tradition has always opposed opinion. (15) Opinion is just some relation to something, and knowledge is, I repeat, an understanding of a pattern. (16) It is important not so much to defend your opinion without fail, as to think about it being proven, even if it strives to become knowledge. (17) The desire in every possible way to encourage baseless opinions as an end in itself is very dangerous for a growing person. (18) It is not enough to think on your own - you still have to think correctly.

I am engaged in "Five with plus" in Gulnur Gataullovna's group of biology and chemistry. I am delighted, the teacher knows how to interest the subject, find an approach to the student. Adequately explains the essence of his requirements and gives a realistic volume of homework (and not like most teachers in the year of the USE ten paragraphs per home, but one in the classroom). ... We are studying strictly for the Unified State Exam and it is very valuable! Gulnur Gataullovna is sincerely interested in the subjects she teaches, she always gives the necessary, timely and relevant information. Highly recommend!


I am getting ready in "Five with a plus" for mathematics (with Daniil Leonidovich) and the Russian language (with Zarema Kurbanovna). I am very happy! The quality of classes is at a high level, at school there are now only A's and A's in this subject. I wrote the mock exams at 5, I am sure that I will pass the OGE perfectly. Thank you!


Preparing for the exam in history and social studies with Vitaly Sergeevich. He is an extremely responsible teacher in relation to his work. Punctual, polite, pleasant to talk to. It can be seen that a person lives by his work. He is well versed in adolescent psychology, has a clear training methodology. Thank you "Five Plus" for the work!


I passed the exam in Russian for 92 points, mathematics for 83, social studies at 85, I think this is an excellent result, I entered the university on a budget! Thank you Five Plus! Your teachers are real professionals, with them a high result is guaranteed, I am very glad that I turned to you!


David Borisovich is a wonderful teacher! Preparing in his group for the USE in mathematics, the profile level, passed on 85 points! although knowledge at the beginning of the year was not very good. David Borisovich knows his subject, knows the requirements of the exam, he himself is on the commission for checking examination papers. I am very glad that I was able to get into his group. Thank you "Five Plus" for this opportunity!


Five Plus is a great exam preparation center. Professionals, cozy atmosphere, friendly staff work here. I studied English and social studies with Valentina Viktorovna, I passed both subjects with a good score, I'm happy with the result, thank you!


In the center "Five with a plus" I studied two subjects at once: mathematics with Artem Maratovich and literature with Elvira Ravilievna. I liked the lessons very much, the clear methodology, the accessible form, the comfortable environment. I am very pleased with the result: mathematics - 88 points, literature - 83! Thank you! I will recommend your educational center to everyone!


When I was choosing tutors, I was attracted to the Five Plus Center by good teachers, a convenient class schedule, free trial exams, and my parents - reasonable prices for high quality. As a result, the whole family was very pleased. I studied three subjects at once: mathematics, social studies, English. Now I am a student of KFU on a budgetary basis, and all thanks to good preparation - I passed the Unified State Exam with high scores. Thank you!


I very carefully selected a social studies tutor, I wanted to pass the exam for the maximum score. "Five plus" helped me in this matter, I was in Vitaly Sergeevich's group, the classes were super, everything is clear, everything is clear, at the same time fun and easy. Vitaly Sergeevich presented the material in such a way that it was remembered by itself. I am very pleased with the preparation!

There are works of art that seem to hit the viewer on the head, dumbfounded and amazed. Others drag you into thought and in search of semantic layers, secret symbolism. Some paintings are covered with secrets and mystical riddles, while others surprise with an exorbitant price.

We carefully reviewed all the main achievements in world painting and selected two dozen of the strangest paintings from them. Salvador Dali, whose works completely fall into the format of this material and are the first to come to mind, were not included in this collection on purpose.

It is clear that "strangeness" is a rather subjective concept, and each has its own amazing pictures that stand out from a number of other works of art. We will be glad if you share them in the comments and tell us a little about them.


Edvard Munch. 1893, cardboard, oil, tempera, pastel.
National Gallery, Oslo.

The Scream is considered a landmark event in Expressionism and one of the most famous paintings in the world.

There are two interpretations of what is depicted: it is the hero himself who is seized with horror and silently screams, pressing his hands to his ears; or the hero closes his ears from the cry of peace and nature sounding around. Munch wrote four versions of The Scream, and there is a version that this picture is the fruit of a manic-depressive psychosis from which the artist suffered. After a course of treatment at the clinic, Munch did not return to work on the canvas.

“I was walking along the path with two friends. The sun was setting - suddenly the sky turned blood red, I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned against the fence - I looked at the blood and flames over the bluish-black fjord and the city. My friends went further, and I stood, trembling with excitement, feeling an endless cry piercing nature, ”Edvard Munch said about the history of the painting.

“Where did we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?"

Paul Gauguin. 1897-1898, oil on canvas.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

At the direction of Gauguin himself, the painting should be read from right to left - three main groups of figures illustrate the questions posed in the title.

Three women with a child represent the beginning of life; middle group symbolizes the daily existence of maturity; in the final group, as conceived by the artist, “ old woman, approaching death, seems reconciled and devoted to her reflections ", at her feet" a strange white bird ... represents the uselessness of words. "

A deeply philosophical picture of the post-impressionist Paul Gauguin was painted by him in Tahiti, where he fled from Paris. Upon completion of the work, he even wanted to commit suicide: "I believe that this canvas is superior to all my previous ones and that I will never create something better or even similar." He lived for another five years, and so it happened.


Pablo Picasso. 1937, canvas, oil.
Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid.

Guernica presents scenes of death, violence, atrocity, suffering and helplessness, without specifying their immediate causes, but they are obvious. It is said that in 1940, Pablo Picasso was summoned to the Gestapo in Paris. Speech immediately turned to the picture. "Did you do this?" - "No, you did it."

A huge painting-fresco "Guernica", painted by Picasso in 1937, tells about the raid of a volunteer unit of the Luftwaffe on the city of Guernica, as a result of which the six thousandth city was completely destroyed. The painting was completed literally in a month - the first days of work on the painting, Picasso worked for 10-12 hours, and already in the first sketches one could see the main idea. This is one of the best illustrations of the nightmare of fascism, as well as human cruelty and grief.

"Portrait of the Arnolfini couple"

Jan van Eyck. 1434, wood, oil.
National Gallery of London, London.

The famous painting is completely and completely filled with symbols, allegories and various references - right up to the signature "Jan van Eyck was here", which turned the painting not just into a work of art, but historical document, confirming the reality of the event attended by the artist.

The portrait, presumably of Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini and his wife, is one of the most complex works of the Western Northern Renaissance school of painting.

In Russia, in the past few years, the painting has gained great popularity due to the portrait resemblance of Arnolfini to Vladimir Putin.

"Demon sitting"

Mikhail Vrubel. 1890, canvas, oil.
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

"Hands resist him"

Bill Stoneham. 1972.

This work, of course, cannot be ranked among the masterpieces of world painting, but the fact that it is strange is a fact.

There are legends around the painting with a boy, a doll and palms pressed against the glass. From "they die because of this picture" to "children on it are alive." The picture looks really creepy, which gives rise to a lot of fears and conjectures in people with a weak psyche.

The artist insisted that the painting depicts himself at the age of five, that the door is a representation of the dividing line between the real world and the world of dreams, and the doll is a guide who can guide the boy through this world. The arms represent alternative lives or possibilities.

The painting gained notoriety in February 2000 when it was put up for sale on eBay with a backstory telling it that the painting was "haunted." "Hands Resist Him" ​​was bought for $ 1025 by Kim Smith, who was then simply inundated with letters with terrible stories and demands to burn the painting.

Indicate all the numbers in the place of which НН is written.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

The portrait of an (1) th man, painted by (2) an artist with an extraordinary (3) talent, was part of the (4) th (5) th mistress of the house.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling.

The portrait of a strange man, painted by an artist with remarkable talent, was part of the dowry of the young mistress of the house.

In this sentence:

COUNTRY is an adjective, in which NN is part of the root.

written - full participle with a prefix and a dependent word;

uncommon - an adjective, formed from the word DYUZHINA with the help of the suffix –Н–;

attached - a substantivized adjective, formed from a verb with a prefix, but has lost its semantic connection with the meaning of the generating verb, it is written H, you need to remember.

young -N part of the root.

Answer: 123.

Answer: 123

Rule: Task 15. Spelling N and NN in words of different parts of speech


Traditionally, it is the most difficult topic for students, since the reasonable spelling of H or HN is possible only with knowledge of morphological and word-formation laws. The "Help" material summarizes and systematizes all the rules of the topic N and NN from school textbooks and provides additional information from the reference books of V.V. Lopatin and D.E. Rosenthal to the extent that is necessary to complete the tasks of the exam.

14.1 Н and НН in abbreviated adjectives (formed from nouns).

14.1.1 Two HH in suffixes

NN is written in adjective suffixes, if a:

1) the adjective is formed from a noun with a base in H using the suffix H: fog + H → foggy; POCKET + N → POCKET, PAPER + N → POCKET

old (from the old + H), picture (from the picture + H), deep (from the depth + H), outlandish (from the wild + H), remarkable (from the dozen + H), true (from the truth + H), corvée ( from corvee + H), communal (from community + H), long (from length + H)

note: the word "strange" in terms of modern language does not have the H suffix and is not related to the word "country". But NN can be historically explained: a person from a foreign country was considered a dissenter, a stranger, an outsider.

The spelling of the word "genuine" can also be explained etymologically: genuine in Ancient Rus was the name of the truth that the defendant said "under the lengths" - with special long sticks or whips.

2) the adjective is formed from a noun by adding the suffix -ENN-, -OHN: cranberry (cranberry), revolutionary (revolution), triumphant (celebration).

Exception: windy (but: windless).


There are word-names adjectives in which H is part of the root. These words need to be remembered; they are not derived from nouns:

crimson, green, spicy, drunk, pork, red, ruddy, young.

14.1.2. The suffixes of adjectives are written H

The suffixes of adjectives are written H, if a:

1) the adjective has the suffix -IN- ( dove, mouse, nightingale, tiger). Words with this suffix often mean "whose": dove, mouse, nightingale, tiger.

2) the adjective has suffixes -АН-, -ЯН- ( sandy, leather, oat, earthy). Words with this suffix often mean "made of what": from sand, from leather, from oats, from earth.

Exceptions: GLASS, TIN, WOODEN.

14.2. Н and НН in the suffixes of words formed from verbs. Complete forms.

As you know, both participles and adjectives (= verbal adjectives) can be formed from verbs. The rules for writing N and NN in these words are different.

14.2.1 НН in suffixes of full participles and verbal adjectives

In the suffixes of full participles and verbal adjectives, NN is written if AT LEAST ONE of the conditions is met:

1) the word is formed from a verb perfect kind, WITH A PRESET OR WITHOUT, for example:

from the verbs buy, redeem (what to do ?, perfect form): Bought, redeemed;

from the verbs throw, throw (what to do ?, perfect form): abandoned-abandoned.

The prefix does NOT change the form of the participle and does not affect the spelling of the suffix. Any other prefix gives the word a perfect look

2) the word has suffixes -ОВА-, -EVA- even in imperfect words ( marinated, asphalted, automated).

3) with a word formed from a verb, there is a dependent word, that is, it forms a participial turnover, for example: ice cream in the fridge, boiled in broth).

NOTE: In cases where the full participle passes in a specific sentence in the name of the adjective, the spelling does not change. For example: Excited with this message, the father spoke loudly and did not hold back his emotions. The highlighted word is a participle in a participle, excited than? this message... Change the sentence: His face was excited, and there is no more participle, no turnover, because a person cannot be "agitated", and this is an adjective. In such cases, they talk about the transition of participles into adjectives, but this fact does not affect the spelling of NN.

More examples: The girl was very organized and educated... Here both words are adjectives. The girl was not "educated", and she was always brought up, these are constant signs. Let's change the suggestions: We were in a hurry to the meeting organized by our partners. Mom, brought up in severity, and we were brought up just as strictly... And now the highlighted words are participles.

In such cases, in the explanation for the task, we write: participle adjective or an adjective transferred from a participle.

Exceptions: unexpected, unexpected, unseen, unheard of, accidental, slow, desperate, sacred, desired..

note that the words counting (minutes), deeds (indifference)... These words are written by general rule.

We add more words here:

forged, nibbled, chewed eva / ova are part of the root, they are not suffixes to write HH. But when prefixes appear, they are written according to the general rule: chewed, horseshoe, chewed.

the wounded one is written N. Compare: wounded in battle(two H, because a dependent word has appeared); wounded, perfect view, there is a prefix).

intelligent to determine the type of a word is difficult.

14.2. 2 One H in verbal adjectives

In the suffixes of verbal adjectives, H is written if:

the word is formed from the imperfective verb, that is, answers the question what did you do with the item? and with a word in a sentence there are no dependent words.

stew(it was stewed) meat,

bobbed(they were cut) hair,

boiled(it was boiled) potatoes,

SCRAP(it was broken) the line

stained(it was stained) oak (dark as a result of special processing),

BUT: as soon as these adjective words have a dependent word, they immediately pass into the category of participles and are written with two N.

braised in the oven(it was stewed) meat,

recently cropped(they were cut) hair,

steamed(it was boiled) potatoes.

DIFFER: participles (right) and adjectives (left) have different meanings! Stressed vowels are highlighted in capital letters.

named brother, named sister- a person who is not biologically related to this person, but who voluntarily agreed to a brotherly (sisterly) relationship.

planted father (acting as the parent of the groom or bride in the wedding ceremony). - seated at the table;

the dowry (property given to the bride by her family for life in marriage) - a given chic look;

Sung (as the groom is called, from the word fate) - narrowed skirt, from the word Narrow, make it narrow)

Forgiven Sunday (religious holiday) - forgiven by me;

fat beauty(epithet, phraseological unit) - oil painting.

14.2.3. Spelling N and NN in complex adjectives

As part of a complex word, the spelling of the verbal adjective does not change:

but) the first part is formed from imperfective verbs, which means we write H: plain dyed (dyed), hot rolled, homespun, multicolored, gold-woven (weave); one-piece cut), gold-colored (forge), low-wear (ride), little-walked (walk), little-worn (wear), lightly salted (salt), finely crushed (crushed), freshly quenched (extinguished), frozen (freeze) other.

b) the second part of a complex word is formed from a prefixed perfective verb, which means we write НН: smooth about PAINTED ( about paint), fresh per ICE CREAM ( per freeze), etc.).

In the second part of complex formations, H is written, although there is a prefix PERE-: IRONED-IRONED, LATTED-RAPPED, Worn-Worn, Worn-Worn, Shot-shot, darned-re-darned.

Thus, tasks can be performed according to the algorithm:

14.3. N and NN in short adjectives and short participles

Both participles and adjectives have not only full, but also short forms.

Rule: One N. is always written in short participles.

Rule: In short adjectives, as many H are written as in the full form.

But to apply the rules, you need distinguish between adjectives and participles.

DISTINCT short adjectives and participles:

1) on the issue: short adjectives - what is? what is? what are? what is it like? what are ?, short participle - what is done? what has been done? what is done? what have been done?

2) by value(a short participle refers to an action, can be replaced with a verb; a short adjective gives a description of the word being defined, does not report an action);

3) by the presence of a dependent word(short adjectives do not and cannot have, short participles have).

Brief participlesShort adjectives
written (story) m. genus; what has been done? by whom?boy educated (what?) -from the full form educated (what?)
written (book) zh.rod; what has been done? by whom?the girl is educated (what is it?) - from the full form educated (what?)
written (composition) Wed genus; what was done? by whom?child educated (what?) -from the full form educated (what?)
works written, pl. number; what have been done? by whom?children are educated (what are?) -from the full form educated (what?)

14.4. One or two H can be written in adverbs.

In adverbs in -O / -E, as many H are written as there are in the original word, eg: calmly with one H, since in the adjective calm suffix H; slow with НН, since in the adjective slow HH; enthusiastically with NN, since in the sacrament infatuated NN.

Despite the seeming simplicity of this rule, there is the problem of distinguishing between adverbs, short participles and short adjectives. For example, in the word concentrate (N, NN) o it is impossible to choose one or another spelling WITHOUT knowing what this word is in a sentence or phrase.

DIFFERENCE short adjectives, short participles and adverbs.

1) on the issue: short adjectives - what is? what is? what are? what is it like? what are ?, short participle - what is done? what has been done? what is done? what have been done? adverbs: how?

2) by value(a short participle refers to an action, can be replaced with a verb; a short adjective gives a description of the word being defined, does not report the action); adverb denotes a sign of an action, how it happens)

3) by role in the proposal:(short adjectives and short participles are often predicates, while the adverb

refers to the verb and is a circumstance)

14.5. N and NN in nouns

1.In nouns (as in short adjectives and adverbs), as many H are written as in the adjectives (participles) from which they are formed:

captive (captive)oilman (petroleum)
education (educated)hotel (living room)
exile (exiled)windy (windy)
larch (deciduous)confusion (confused)
pupil (brought up)spice (spicy)
humanity (humane)sandstone (sandy)
high ground (sublime)smoked (smoked)
poise (balanced)delicious ice cream (ice cream)
devotion (devotee)peat bog (peat)

Words are also formed from adjectives

related / ik from related, side / ik from third-party, like-minded / ik from like-minded, (malicious / ik, intentionally / ik), put / ik from, drowned / ik from drowned, numerical / ik from numerical, national / ik from compatriot) and many others.

2. Nouns can also be derived from verbs and other nouns.

Sergey Isakov 07/16/2018 05:42

The adjective "remarkable" is not derived from noun. a dozen, and from the outdated verb "douzhit" - to withstand a heavy load, which, according to etymological dictionaries, has nothing to do with a dozen. And the very meaning of the word remarkable - super-strong, -powerful, has nothing to do with the number 12 (dozen).

Tatiana Statsenko

You're wrong. The word "remarkable" is derived from the noun "dozen".

It is written НН, one Н is included in the root, and the other in the suffix.H *
fraud / nickname (from purse, which meant a bag, wallet)toiler / worker (from toil)
squad / nickname (from squad)torment / enik (from torment)
raspberry / nick (raspberry)powder / enitsa (from powder)
name day / nickname (name day)birth / enitsa (to give birth)
cheating / nickname (cheating)brother-in-law / e / nits / a

Let's start with perhaps the most infamous picture - "The Hands Resist Him" ​​by Bill Stoneham. She became so "famous" that she was called "the most ghostly picture in the world."

In 1972, when Stoneham was living with his wife in California, he worked under contract with the Charles Feingarten Gallery. According to the contract, the artist was supposed to create two paintings a month. The deadline for the work was coming to an end, and Stoneham decided to paint a picture, taking as a basis his old photographs, where he was 5 years old. He named this picture in honor of a poem written by his wife for Stoneham himself (the poem was about the fact that, as a child, Bill was adopted, and he never knew anything about his biological parents). The result is an image depicting a boy with a creepy doll without eyes standing next to him. According to Stoneham, the boy is himself at the age of 5, and the doorway in the picture is a barrier between the real world (where the hands are depicted) and the world of dreams. At the same time, the doll is a guide to the fantasy world. As for the hands, the artist mysteriously said: “Hands could mean anything ... But, you will definitely have a question: What are these, hands without a body? The body was dismembered, and the hands on their own? Or are they still in place, with the body? "

The painting was exhibited at the Feingarten Gallery in Beverly Hills, California. This painting was featured in the Los Angeles Times in an article by art critic Henry Seldis. At this exhibition, the painting attracted the attention of actor John Marley, who played the role of Jack Voltz in The Godfather. He liked her so much that he decided to buy it. Within one year after the creation of the picture, three people died at once: the art critic Seldis, the gallery owner Feingarten and the actor Marley. After that, the painting seemed to disappear, until in 2000 the couple found it by someone left behind a brewery (which, by the way, was turned into an art space) all in the same California.

They took this picture for themselves, considering it a good acquisition. In February of the same year, they put it up for sale on eBay, explaining that this picture carries horror, and in general it is cursed and ghosts come out of it. Their announcement looked more like a warning than an announcement. Completely capitalized and misspelled, this ad contained a mini story about why they decided to get rid of the painting. According to the couple, their 4-year-old daughter said that at night the children from the picture went out into the room and began to fight. The woman herself (the girl's mother) does not believe in UFOs and similar things, but her husband decided to install a camera. The camera filmed three nights in a row. In the end, the couple received pictures confirming their daughter's words. In the photo they posted on eBay, the doll is allegedly holding a gun, threatening the boy. The couple also asked in their announcement not to make a claim after the purchase of the painting.

This ad has been viewed over 30,000 times. In the comments, people wrote that they felt bad as soon as they saw these photos. Some tried to print them, but the printer gave an error or broke. Some claimed that when viewing the photos, they felt warm air currents, which, enveloping them, whispered various things in their ears in children's voices. And some even set fire to sage to cleanse their living quarters of evil spirits after viewing a page on eBay.

As a result, the painting was bought by Kim Smith for $ 1,025, owner of Perception Gallery in Michigan. A year later, Smith was contacted by the paranormal site and asked if anything paranormal had happened after the purchase of this painting or not.

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