Dry leaves of tomato seedlings what to do. Why do tomato seedlings dry leaves. Conclusions on poor seedling condition

Many hostesses ask the question why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow? Everyone knows this is bad, but not everyone knows what to do about it. Let's figure it out! Tomato leaves can dry both at home on the windowsill and in the greenhouse. Most often, tomatoes almost do not bring problems to the gardener. They grow quickly, take root easily. However, sometimes even tomatoes can have problems.

Poor lighting and dampness

Most often, tomato seedlings begin to turn yellow due to the fact that there is little lighting around or the damp ground in the greenhouse. This problem occurs in mid and northern latitudes, since there is simply no access to the sun and heat in the required amounts. Many do not know if such tomatoes can be saved? Yes! We will tell you how to do this in the next section.

Lack of micronutrients

If you are doing everything correctly, and the leaves still turn yellow, then look at the nature of the change in the color of the leaves. Maybe the plant just lacks nutrients. We will tell you in more detail how to deal with this a little later.

The tips of tomato seedlings dry out

There can also be a lot of different problems here.

Take a look at other cultures initially. Do they have something similar? If so, the reason may be very dry air in the greenhouse or on the windowsill. Then you need to put buckets of water nearby.

White or yellow spots

This is due to the fact that the soil is very salty. Read the next section to find out what to do about it.

Spots on seedlings

Sometimes this is due to burns. Seedlings should be under the sun, but if the plant is "unaccustomed" from it, then such a problem may appear. In bright sun, you can shade the plant with newspapers.

Dirty white spots mean that the seedlings are sick with septoria.

It is a disease that the earth carries. Develops in high humidity. The easiest thing to do is to discard the diseased tomatoes and adjust the humidity in the greenhouse.

Black leg seedlings

Root rot is a very serious sore. Diseased tomatoes will wither, fall, and their roots will rot. It is better to hedge against her. How to do it - you can read below.

Also, sometimes you can see that the leaves dry and turn yellow in one day. Then there is nothing to help. Here the reason is the dying off of the roots of the tomato.

Disease prevention

Remember that the soil should not be wet. Water the tomatoes with medium activity, let the soil dry out.

Keep them in a greenhouse or on a sunny balcony. In order to avoid infection from dampness, it is necessary to transplant the infected sprouts into new soil. The roots must be freed from the soil, make sure that they are white (if the color is different, transplant it almost uselessly) and transplanted into a new, slightly damp soil. Pour 20-30 ml of potassium permanganate under each tomato and place them on the south side of the greenhouse. Also, make sure the soil is not very dense. It may turn out that while you were replanting the tomato, you damaged the roots. Then you should put the tomato in a light shade. After the sprouts have taken root - put them back into the light!

If there is a lot of salt in the soil, then the roots will work in the reverse order - they will suck moisture from the tomato and give it to the ground. The soil can become salty due to too much fertilizer or hard water. What to do? Remove some soil and water the seedlings with soft water and do not fertilize for several weeks.

In order to prevent blackening of the roots, when preparing for planting, ash should be added to the soil, and when leaving, damp and heat should be avoided.

If you saw a couple of black seedlings in the box, then you can try to save them by transplanting them into a new land, in which there is calcined sand and ash. After transplanting, spray them with "Fundazol" and do not water until the soil is completely dry.

Video "Leaves of tomato seedlings are drying"

The video discusses methods of dealing with tomato leaf diseases.

Fighting the disease

Here we will describe how to recognize which trace element is missing, and how to solve the problem.

If you follow all the tips from this article, then you will be surprised how your plant grows by leaps and bounds! And you will not need to ask yourself the question - why does tomato seedling turn yellow?

Video "Leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow"

Every summer resident wants to eat homemade tomatoes, but improper care can ruin the result. How to save tomato seedlings from wilting and death? It is quite difficult to answer unequivocally, because it is necessary to examine the seedlings well, starting from the leaves and ending with the roots.

Experienced summer residents identified 2 large groups of reasons why tomatoes wilt:

  • improper sowing and care of seedlings, adult bushes;
  • various diseases.

To protect tomato seedlings from wilting, you must adhere to a few simple rules for caring for them.

Tomato seedlings are very fond of water, so it should be often watered with warm water. But do not forget that the roots of tomatoes must breathe.

  1. If the seedlings are planted in special boxes on the window, several holes should be made in the bottom of the box. This will allow excess moisture to escape from the soil.
  2. When there are not enough such holes, the seedlings may simply suffocate, while the tomatoes wither, the leaves dry, and then fall off. It is very easy to save tomatoes in such a situation. It is necessary to stop abundant watering for a while, while the soil will remain sufficiently moist for a while. In addition, you should clean the drainage system, increase the number of holes.
  3. There is a situation when the watering of the seedlings is insufficient. It is worth pulling out one tomato, assessing the root system. If the root is dry, the leaves are sluggish, and the earth around it is loose, crumbly, then it is necessary to increase the amount of watering.

  1. If the container with seedlings is in a too warm microclimate (near a fireplace, radiator), the tomato withers and falls. The fireplace dries up the air in the room too much. When examining such a tomato, you can see that the root remains healthy, but the leaves of the seedling at the edges begin to wither, dry, turn yellow. To fix the situation, you should move the box to a cooler place where there will be no heaters. In a dark place, tomato seedlings will be small. They need a lot of sunlight.
  2. It happens that the seedlings still continue to fall and wither. Why do tomato leaves wither in this case? This may be due to insufficient fresh air. Tomatoes are very fond of air, so you need to regularly ventilate the room or greenhouse. But drafts can lead to the same result. Tomatoes wither under the constant flow of cold air, and the leaves fall off. In this case, airing is carried out after the containers are taken out of the room.

Tomato seedlings: from picking to planting (video)

Diseases of the vegetable

In addition to errors in care, tomato seedlings can suffer from poor soil, pests or diseases. Poor quality soil leads to the fact that tomato seedlings wilt. Therefore, before planting a vegetable, it is necessary to prepare the soil. This can be done in 2 simple ways.

You can use a potassium permanganate solution or put it in a hot oven for a few minutes.

Why do tomato seedlings wither even with proper care and tillage? Because the most dangerous for these vegetables are diseases such as "black leg" and fusarium.

They can be infected from the soil in which there are spores of the fungus. Sometimes purchased seeds can be contaminated with fungus. Why do seedlings wither with Fusarium? The fungus affects the root of the vegetable, its "vessels". First, the lower leaves of tomatoes are affected, if you do not treat it in time, then the leaves of the tomato dry out, it completely dies. Infected vegetable seedlings must be pulled out, thrown out.

To save tomatoes, treatment must be started immediately. First, the seedlings should be transplanted into a new disinfected soil. Only then can you treat it with "Fitosporin", "Fitolavin". Copper-containing preparations - "HOM", "Bravo", "Profit Gold" perfectly cope with this disease.

Tomato seedlings may experience bacterial wilting. It develops when bacteria enter the soil and multiply. To cope with this type of disease will help "Glyocladin". You need to process vegetables several times a season with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks. If tomatoes are grown outdoors, make sure the weather is clear before processing, otherwise the work will be useless.

From such a disease as "black leg", tomato seedlings wither gradually, starting from the bottom. In this case, the stalk of the vegetable begins to darken, and the root begins to rot. At the initial stage of the disease, tomatoes can be saved. To do this, take a new soil, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate, then transplant the seedlings.

Growing tomatoes is a very difficult and painstaking process. Saplings are exposed to constant negative influences. In order to preserve the harvest, it is better to do preventive measures than to throw the contaminated vegetables into the trash bin. Adhering to the above rules, you can easily grow beautiful tomatoes that will delight you with their beauty and health.

How often to water seedlings (video)

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What makes tomato leaves dry

With the beginning of the planting season, different problems begin for gardeners. They often arise even with such seemingly unpretentious plants like tomatoes. Sometimes they still sit at home in pots, and already near the tomato seedlings, the leaves dry, the development of plants is delayed.

There may be another option, when excellent seedlings were planted in a greenhouse, and after a while it is found that the tomato leaves turn yellow and dry. The answer to what it comes from is not always easy to find. Let's consider the most common options.

Possible causes of yellowing leaves

The simplest reason for the growth of seedlings at home and in the greenhouse is that there are not enough nutrients in the soil, or the acidity of the soil is not suitable. Tomatoes need slightly acidic soil.

The root system may have been underdeveloped due to the small amount of soil in the seedling pot. Sudden changes in temperature tend to inhibit the growth of young plants. This can lead to wilting of tomato leaves and even to their death.

Lack of sunlight can lead to the same result. It is believed that waterlogging of the soil is harmful for tomatoes, it is recommended to water them once a week. The most dangerous cause leading to the death of plants is fusarium wilting.

This disease is caused by soil fungi that can remain in the soil for a long time. The spores of these fungi are carried by the wind. Hot weather is favorable for them.

Infection of seedlings or an adult plant occurs through the roots. Spreading along the stems and leaves, the mycelium blocks the access of nutrients, leading to the death of the entire plant.

How to prevent tomato disease

Compliance with the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings in prepared soil with the necessary content of trace elements is the key to a good harvest. If the seedlings are weak and overgrown, foliar feeding will help. To do this, use a 1% solution of universal fertilizer.

Spraying with such a solution can be carried out every day, until the normal development of the plant is restored. It is more difficult to fight a fungal disease. For planting, use new, certified seeds.

All seedling boxes must be thoroughly disinfected or replaced with new ones. The soil in greenhouses and greenhouses will have to be replaced with a non-contaminated one. If a bear is found on the site, damaging the roots of plants, it is necessary to apply chemical methods of control.

  • why the leaves of tomato seedlings dry leaves of tomato seedlings

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow and dry

Tomato is a useful vegetable of the nightshade family, containing a large amount of the group of B vitamins, vitamin C, sugars, mineral salts and organic acids. The tomato is a perennial plant, but in the gardening it is used as an annual.

Growing a tomato begins with planting its seedlings. And here you can face the actual problem of drying and yellowing of leaves. Firstly, tomatoes love high soil moisture and dry air.

Even a short-term drying out of the soil leads to a loss of turgor and wilting of leaves. At high air humidity, with exposure to high temperatures, diseases can develop on tomatoes, one of which is fusarium wilting. This is a fungal disease of tomatoes.

At its beginning, the plants lose the turgor of the leaves, their wilting begins and even after watering they look wilted. This is because the mycelium through the roots has penetrated into the vascular system of the plant and clogged it.

In diseased tomatoes, the movement of nutrients and water stops, they inhibit growth, the leaves turn yellow and die off. - Taking preventive measures: seed treatment with potassium permanganate, disinfection of seedling boxes, proven soil mixture, fertilization of tomato seedlings with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers; - treatment: treatment with HOM preparation - 40 grams per 10 liters of water. Secondly, yellowing and dying off of leaves of tomato seedlings occurs due to thickening of plantings, since such seedlings experience: - lack of nutrients and moisture; - lack of sunlight and shading in the depth of planting; - stretching leading to a fragile stem; - ventilation decreases and contributes to the development of fungal diseases. In the third, tomato seedlings become brittle, the leaves turn yellow and fall off with a lack of light and excessive watering. Measures: The seedlings should be placed in a sunny place, the windows should be opened - accustom to the open air, water regularly and in moderation. Fourthly, a lack of nitrogen or potassium can contribute to the yellowing and death of tomato leaves. With a lack of nitrogen in the soil, tomato growth is strongly inhibited, the leaves are small, acquire a light green color with a yellowish or purple tint along the veins, then the leaves die off.

The stems become tough and thin. Measures: at the first signs of a lack of nitrogen nutrition, feed the seedlings with urea (carbamide) - 20 grams per 10 liters of water. With a lack of potassium, photosynthesis decreases.

Tomatoes are depressed, shoots develop poorly, plants bend, tops dry out. Leaves die off in whole or in part, the edge of the leaf first turns yellow. Measures: it is recommended to feed with potassium sulfate or ash - 1 tsp. for 5 liters of water.

Problem one: tomato seedlings are pulled

The most common reason for pulling tomatoes is a lack of light. The window sill is not rubber, but you always want to plant more varieties, and even with a margin. So tomatoes grow in cramped boxes, blocking each other's access to light, and so they stretch.

The solution to this problem is obvious - not to be greedy, not to plant too much, to place the seedlings on the windowsill freely and, if possible, to use the backlight. In bright sunlight (or artificial) light, the temperature should not be higher than + 25-28 ° С, and on a cloudy day, even lower - + 18-20 ° С.

Otherwise, the so-called "greenhouse syndrome" cannot be avoided - the delicacy of seedlings, their sensitivity to temperature extremes, thinning of the stem and fragility of the leaves. Excessive watering and feeding can also cause stretching of tomato seedlings, therefore, watering tomato seedlings should only be done when the soil is completely dry. You also don't need to be too zealous with fertilizing - apply fertilizers only if necessary: ​​growth retardation, change in leaf color, etc.

Problem two: tomato seedlings turn pale, turn yellow, leaves dry up and fall off

Basically, tomato seedlings turn yellow due to insufficient lighting and excessive soil moisture. Remember that the soil of tomato seedlings does not need to be constantly kept moist. Water the seedlings sparingly and let the soil dry.

Keep the cups with seedlings on the lightest windowsill, and if the weather permits, take them out on the balcony to “bask in the sun.” Is it possible to save already affected plants? It is possible if you transplant them into fresh soil.

The roots of each seedling must be freed from the old soil, make sure that they are white and healthy (if the roots are yellow, black or rotten, the seedlings cannot be saved) and transplanted into light, slightly damp soil. Pour 20 ml under each plant. pink solution of potassium permanganate and put the cups on a sunny window.

It may happen that in the process of transplanting, the roots are damaged and the seedlings wither in the light. Then you should shade them for the first time.

But after rooting, good lighting and infrequent watering are mandatory and necessary conditions for the further development of seedlings. If you follow the rules of watering, and there is enough light for your seedlings, but it still turns yellow or turns pale, you should pay attention to the nature of the change in the color of the leaves. The plant may be missing a nutrient that needs to be replenished.

Problem three: tomato seedlings dry out the tips of the leaves

The reasons for the drying out of the edges of the leaf, as usual, are a whole list: First, take a closer look at indoor plants or seedlings of other crops - do they have similar ones? If everyone's leaves dry, perhaps the reason is the excessively dry air in the room (the heating is doing just fine).

In this case, it is recommended to place wide containers with water next to the seedlings. Secondly, check for white or yellowish spots on the soil surface - efflorescence. If the soil is "salty", the roots of the plants begin to "work the other way around," that is, they pull nutrients and water from the stems and leaves.

As a result, the tips of the leaves become thinner and dry. The land is salted due to excess fertilizer or hard water irrigation. What to do? Carefully remove the top layer of soil and add fresh soil.

It is good to shed the seedlings with soft water (rain, filtered, thawed) and forget about feeding for at least two weeks. The third possible reason for drying the tips of tomato leaves is a lack of potassium. This usually happens when the soil is acidic.

Potassium deficiency is well replenished by feeding with an ash infusion (a handful of ash per liter of boiling water is infused until it cools completely, and then diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5) or with an infusion of banana peel (2 tablespoons of powder from dry banana skins, infuse in three liters of water in during the day). Three such dressings need to be done in a week.

Problem four: spots on tomato seedlings

Often white, transparent spots on tomato seedlings are caused by sunburn. Sunlight is necessary for the seedlings, but direct sunlight can easily burn the leaves, especially if the seedlings are "out of the habit" of the sun (during prolonged cloudy weather, for example).

When the sun is aggressive, you need to shade the plants with newspapers, and spray the affected leaves with Epin. Dirty white spots with a dark border on tomato leaves mean that your seedlings are sick with septoria (white spot). It is a fungal disease that spreads with the soil and develops in high temperatures or humidity.

Affected plants are best removed; fungal diseases are difficult to cure and should be avoided. To do this, it is necessary to warm up (or freeze) the seedling soil before planting the seeds.

Problem five: black leg in tomato seedlings

Blackleg (or root rot) is also a fungal disease that affects young seedlings. It is characterized by a darkening of the stem in the lower part and the formation of a "bump".

Diseased plants wither, lie down, their roots rot. Again, the black leg is one of those diseases, from the occurrence of which it is better to insure in advance. To do this, at the stage of soil preparation, you need to add wood ash to the soil for seedlings, and when caring for seedlings, avoid waterlogging of the soil and too high temperatures. soil with the addition of calcined sand and ash.

After transplanting, it is recommended to spray the plants with "Fundazol" and stop watering until the earth is completely dry. So, in order to encounter problems as little as possible when growing tomato seedlings, it is worth remembering one golden rule: "More light, less moisture." We wish you success and big harvests!

Admit it, about the great and most experienced tomato growers, because when you started, your seedlings also hurt - as if a novice tomato scientist asks here: D. Most likely, yes, it did. Books are books, and nothing can replace experience.

So diseases of tomato seedlings or why tomato seedlings are ill. In principle, tomatoes are a Very Tenacious culture. If you follow some simple rules, you can't really kill her with a stick.

Except in some cases. So - the most common variant of ailing seedlings (in the south and in sunny regions - not relevant). The leaves gradually turn pale, turn yellow, then turn white, dry in places. First the cotyledon leaves wither and fall off, and then the rest.

What is it and how to deal with it? See the new 2014 topic with similar symptoms on the forum. So that such a disease does not attack your seedlings - do not water the seedlings until the ground dries up.

When I started growing tomatoes, it seemed to me that I water them in moderation. Well, I keep the earth slightly damp, as for ordinary indoor flowers. So - you can't keep the earth damp all the time. Water only when it's really dry.

It is imperative to water, if even in the absence of the sun the tomatoes are withering. Except when they wither due to this very disease. This sore is especially rampant in conditions of insufficient light, in the absence of the sun.

How to save plants if they are already sick? Do the leaves turn yellow, turn white, dry out with spots? Are the lower leaves starting to fall off?

Illustration for the topic. This is exactly what the cotyledonous leaf of tomato seedlings looks like, which is watered too much (or the soil is simply too dense and the roots are suffocating) and which receives too little sunlight. The best treatment is to water less and expose to the sun!

First, make sure the soil is not too dense so that the roots can breathe normally in it. In any case, you can try to save the plant in the following way. Dump the entire contents of the pot onto a newspaper.

Scrape all the soil thoroughly to the main roots. Try not to pull off the roots themselves. Depending on the age, either only the main pivotal root should remain (the seedlings are up to 2-3 weeks old) or plus several secondary roots (if the seedlings are older).

Make sure the roots you leave are white and healthy. (If they are rotten, yellow or black, that's another case.) Transplant the seedlings into a different soil, slightly moist, light, breathable.

Pour under the root, literally 20 milliliters of water, you can make a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Those. water so that the earth is moist in the place of the pot where the stem and root of the plant are located. Let the rest of the soil remain slightly damp.

Further, ideally, the plant is placed on a sunny window. If the roots are badly damaged, and the plant withers in the sun, shade it, or move it for a day or two to another window. But then surely - a lot of sun, a lot of light. And little water.

Most likely, following such simple recommendations, the seedlings will be saved. Although a lot of fuss. Next time, when growing tomato seedlings, will you probably water less already? ... Tomatoes in the southern regions, where there are no problems with the sun, practically do not suffer from this disease, as well as tomatoes, which are lucky, and they are often taken out for a walk on the balcony or on the street. if, of course, the weather permits. Here is another reason in our northwestern climate to sow tomatoes for seedlings later.

Seedlings of tomatoes rarely cause problems for the gardener. It takes root well, grows well, is not afraid of picking, but sometimes you can notice drying of the leaves. Why is this happening?

Leaves dry up and fall

When the leaves dry, you need to understand the reasons, there may be several of them - too wet soil, lack of lighting.

Do not water the soil all the time. The soil must have time to dry out. Cups with seedlings should be kept in the sun on the windowsill or taken out to the balcony.

If you see a problem, you can fix it. The following actions are carried out:

  • Plants are transplanted into fresh soil.
  • The roots of the excavated plant should be examined. If they are in order, transplantation into new soil is carried out, if not, nothing will work.
  • Under the tomato, 20 ml of potassium permanganate solution is applied, then it is exposed to the sun.
  • If, after transplanting, the tomato begins to wither, shade it, maybe the roots have been damaged.
  • After the seedlings take root, they are exposed to the sun. Remember, watering should be moderate.

If the presented method did not help, this may indicate a lack of any nutrient, take a close look at the color of the leaves.

Dry tips

The reasons for the drying of the tips of the leaves can be very different. Look at the air in the room; it may be too dry. The arrangement of jars of water will help to correct the situation.

The second option is salting. Yellowish or white spots on the surface of the soil will tell about them. What's happening? The roots of a tomato begin to act the other way around - to draw out nutrients from the plant, including the leaves. The reasons for salting are watering with hard water, excess fertilizers. The situation is corrected like this - the top soil is removed, a new one is poured in its place, the plant is watered with soft water, no top dressing is applied for 2 weeks.

A possible cause is a lack of potassium. The situation occurs when soil acidity is high. Replenish the deficiency of the substance by feeding with ash infusion. Take a liter of boiling water, add a handful of ash, infuse the mixture. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. You can use a banana peel infusion - 3 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of dried banana peel powder. The mixture is infused for 24 hours. For 7 days, 3 such dressings are carried out.

As you can see, the problem can be fixed! But it is better to avoid alarming symptoms.

Yellowed leaves are the first signs that the plants are uncomfortable. Yellow leaves of seedlings may indicate the appearance of a disease. There may be several reasons why tomato seedlings begin to turn yellow.

Yellowing of tomato seedlings is quite common. Strong seedlings suddenly begin to turn yellow, wither, spots appear on the leaves, the upper tips begin to curl. To get rid of these problems and help the plant to recover, you should understand the cause of the appearance of a bad ailment and take all the necessary measures to prevent it.

There are many reasons for yellowing. In order to take action, you first need to figure out why the leaves began to turn yellow.

The most common care and planting mistakes

Yellowed leaves signal the appearance of problems associated with with the wrong care.

The main reasons are:

  • Lack of sunlight and excess moisture
  • Often sown seedlings
  • Lack of micronutrients
  • High soil acidity
  • Lack of space after disembarkation

Often, seedlings in the northern and middle regions suffer from a lack of light. Abundant watering aggravates the situation, and the leaves begin to turn yellow.

Often sown seedlings also cause a lack of light. It grows, gets stronger, begins to block the sunlight with foliage.

Lack of trace elements leads to yellowing. Trace elements leading to yellowing:

  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Manganese

If the earth too salty, the leaves will also start to turn yellow. Saline soil can be identified by white or yellowish spots that stand out on the surface of the earth - bloom.

Incorrectly selected containers- the cause of yellowing. If the container is too small, the growing roots become cramped, the seedlings begin to hurt, the leaves turn yellow.

If the roots of the seedlings are cramped, the tomato can get sick.

What to do if the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow

Having dealt with the causes of yellowing, let's look at ways to prevent them.

With a lack of sunlight, seedlings put on the sunny side windows to window sills. For additional lighting, lamps are used that extend the daylight hours at home by 5 hours.

Seedling material must be watered correctly.

Improper watering also leads to yellowing. With a lack or excess of moisture, the seedlings turn yellow. Watering is necessary rarely, but abundantly.

If planting is too frequent, shading occurs, transplanting in separate pots will help fix this.

    • If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves turn pale, fall off, new ones grow smaller. Feeding with nitrogen will eliminate nitrogen deficiency.
    • If the new leaves become curly, and those that are older turn yellow and fall off, it is necessary to water or feed with potassium nitrate.
    • Leaves turn yellow between veins - lack of magnesium. Spraying with magnesium nitrate will correct the problem.

The appearance of brown spots indicates a lack of zinc. New ones become stained, dry, fall off. A solution of zinc sulfate will correct the situation.

  • If they turn light green or even white, the seedlings do not have enough iron. Foliar feeding is required.
    The leaf lacks manganese, it begins to turn yellow at the base, stains in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, you can fertilize and spray the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate.

If the leaves turn yellow between the veins, there is not enough magnesium

The soil can become saline when irrigated with hard water or an excess of fertilizers. In this case, the soil is removed from the surface by 3 cm and watered with soft or rainwater. It will be possible to feed only after a few weeks.

Seedlings that have turned yellow due to lack of space for roots can be saved if they are planted in deeper and more spacious containers.


The cause of the appearance of yellow leaves of tomatoes can be the occurrence of diseases.

The appearance of yellow spots provokes a fungal disease called fusarium... With this disease, the leaves not only turn yellow, but also wither. The seedlings are sprayed with Fitosporin 2-3 times, after 1-2 weeks the procedure is repeated.

Often tomato seedlings are affected by the disease blackleg... It occurs when over-watering. The roots become thin and black. To prevent the occurrence of a blackleg, the temperature regime and proper watering should be observed.

A common tomato disease that also affects eggplants, potatoes, peppers is called Phytophthora... Phytophthora occurs with excess moisture and low temperatures. Brown spots are formed. Late blight develops very quickly, urgent action is needed.

To combat late blight, a solution of table salt will help. To do this, 0.5 tbsp of salt is dissolved in 5 liters of water and the seedlings are sprayed.

Why do the leaves turn yellow

It is not so difficult to understand the reasons if you pay attention which leaves of the seedlings turned yellow... There are several reasons for the yellowness of the lower leaves:

  • Excess watering
  • Lack of light
  • Excess fertilizer

Cotyledon leaves may turn yellow due to abundant watering. The roots of the plant begin to choke in the water and they begin to turn yellow.

Tops the tomato turns yellow with a lack of phosphorus.

There are other factors that can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

After transplant

The seedlings may turn yellow after transplanting. The fact is that the plant needs time to acclimatize in a new place.

In this case, shade it for a couple of days from the sun.

On the windowsill

If the seedlings are on the windowsill, the reason may be sunburn... In this case, it is necessary to protect it from direct sunlight.

After the pick

Leaves may turn yellow after picking. Some gardeners when picking damage the roots too much seedlings, which leads to stress.

After landing in the ground

It is necessary to plant tomato seedlings in soil that contains enough copper, which is necessary for the normal growth of tomatoes. With a lack of copper, it begins to turn yellow.

In the open field

In the open field, seedlings may begin to turn yellow due to a lack of trace elements in the soil.

Yellowing can provoke weather... Too cold weather disrupts the plant's metabolism. In hot weather and infrequent watering, tomatoes can get burned.

What tomato seedlings are missing

Seedling material must be constantly monitored, even a slight change in the color of the plant signals changes or even the onset of the disease.

Important feed correctly and on time... The first time it is fed is when the first real leaf appears. The second time - 7-10 days after the pick.

How to feed

The first feeding is made from copper solution... Top dressing is carried out after one real leaf appears. To do this, prepare a solution of copper at the rate of 1 tsp. copper per 1 liter. water. Seedling material is watered with the prepared solution. Thus, the seedlings will be treated against late blight.

For good growth, seedlings need nitrogen... The second feeding is done 7-10 days after the pick. Urea is used for feeding. 1 tbsp. l. urea per 10 liters. water. The seedlings are abundantly watered with a solution.

It is not worth ignoring even the slightest changes, because this indicates improper care, and can also cause diseases. With the correct identification of the cause of yellowing, it will be possible to prevent problems and grow strong, healthy seedlings.

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