The beginning of love for Aksinya. Essay on the topic: Aksinya and Gregory in the novel Quiet Don, Sholokhov. Aksinya and Gregory


The theme of love in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" by Sholokhov, first of all, is revealed on the example of the relationship of Grigory Melekhov with Natalia and Aksinya. We can say that a classic love triangle arises in the work, none of the participants in which gains personal happiness.

Grigory Melekhov and Natalia

Grigory wooed Natalya, then Korshunova, not on his own initiative, but at the insistence of his father. Panteley Prokofievich, having learned about the relationship between his son and his neighbor's wife, will decide to save his family from shame and general condemnation. At the same time, observing the interests of the same family, he chooses for his son the daughter of one of the most prosperous Cossacks of the farm as his bride.

The scene of the matchmaking of Grigory and Natalya is noteworthy. When Natalya enters the room, Grigory examines it "like a bargeler examines a mare-uterus before buying." He likes the bride's “bold gray eyes”, the “shallow pinking hole” trembling on her cheek, “big hands crushed by work”, “small girlish-stone breasts” under a green blouse. At that moment, Grigory firmly decides for himself that he "took a walk".

And Natalia, who fell in love with Grigory at first sight, hopes that she will be happy in the Melekhovs' house.

But, family life does not last long. A beautiful, pure, hard-working wife is unable to evoke any feelings in Gregory, except for affection. He again converges with Aksinya, his true passion. The offended Natalya leaves the Melekhovs' house and returns to her parents. In a fit of anger, she even wishes for the death of Gregory. "Lord, punish him accursed!" She exclaims. Unable to withstand the mental anguish, Natalya, however, unsuccessfully, tries to commit suicide. Only thanks to the care and attention from her mother-in-law and father-in-law, Natalya finds the strength to return to the Melekhovs' house and continue to hope for her husband's return to the family.

Having stepped over pride, she even decides to go to Yagodnoye in order to beg Aksinya to return Grigory to her. And it would seem that fate rewards a woman for suffering. Upon learning of Aksinya's betrayal, Gregory returns to his abandoned wife, and they have two children. Natalia is happy. Becoming a mother, the heroine flourishes, her life is filled with new meaning. But even the birth of children cannot make Gregory fall in love with his wife. Patient, faithful Natalya is not able to replace him with the passionate Aksinya. The hero again begins to meet with his mistress in secret from his wife.

I must say that love in "Quiet Don" for the main characters turns into a tragedy. Having learned about her husband's infidelity, pregnant Natalya decides to get rid of the child, not wanting to give birth to a man who constantly betrays her. This decision turns out to be disastrous for the heroine. She dies of blood loss, forgiving Gregory before dying. The death of Natalia was a real blow for Grigory. In his own way, the hero loved his wife and is going through her death hard, realizing that it was he who was to blame for what happened.

Grigory and Aksinya Astakhova

Love in the novel "Quiet Don" is experienced by the author and another heroine, Aksinya Astakhova. This is a woman who was initially unlucky in life. At first, she was abused by her own father, later she was forced to endure beatings and humiliation from her husband. But, Aksinya takes his position for granted, until the moment when a young neighbor, Grigory Melekhov, pays attention to her.

At first, Aksinya is afraid of a new feeling that has arisen in her soul, "she saw with horror that she was drawn to a black affectionate guy ... with her mind, not wanting it, she resisted with all her might, noticed that on holidays and on weekdays she began to dress up more carefully." In the end, Grigory, who "stubbornly courted her with a stubborn persistence," achieves reciprocity. Aksinya, who never knew love, gives herself entirely to her, no longer paying attention to the neighbors and not thinking about what fate awaits her, her unfaithful wife, when Stepan returns from the camps. It is interesting to note that Grigory, who, it would seem, is passionately in love with Aksinya, is not ready for the sake of his beloved to leave the house and go with her to the mines. In addition, he is not particularly worried about what her husband will do to Aksinya. Grigory does not dare to contradict his father, who forces him to marry Natalya Korshunova.

They say that true feelings are tested only in separation. So it happens with the heroes of Sholokhov. Aksinya, who tries to forget Gregory and even makes a lapel for this with the help of a local healer, only outwardly resigns herself to the loss of a loved one. Not long able to live without Aksinya and Gregory. They leave their families and go to Yagodnoye.

Fate separates the heroes again. After the death of her daughter, Aksinya, left alone, accepts the courtship of Listntsky and Gregory, who found out about this, returns to the family. But, apparently, Aksinya's family was written to be with Gregory until his death. She waits patiently. After the death of Natalya, the woman becomes close to Ilyinichna, tries to replace the mother with the children of her beloved. Gregory also understands that he can be truly happy only with Aksinya, who, despite all the vicissitudes, carried love for him through her whole life. After the tragic death of the heroine, Gregory realizes that his soul died with her.


So, the theme of love in "Quiet Don" turns out to be one of the leading ones. It is revealed throughout the entire work, forcing the reader to empathize with Aksinya, Natalia and Grigory. They all have big hearts and are worthy of happiness. The more tragic is their personal drama.

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Speaking about the image of this woman, one cannot fail to note her catchy qualities that Sholokhov endowed his heroine with - captivating beauty, natural charm and passionate nature. Aksinya's appearance aroused the envy of other Cossacks: a dark, chiseled neck, bottomless black eyes, plump lips, curly hair in rings, a strong and strong body. The girl knew about her alluring beauty and was always proud of her. Internally, Aksinya is no less beautiful. She is brave, patient, economical and capable of a high, sincere feeling of love.

Since childhood, Aksinya is unhappy. When she was very young, she was tied up and raped by her own father. A couple of years later, her mother married the unloved and rude Stepan Astakhov. Aksinya's married life did not work out. Immediately after the wedding, the newly-made spouse discovered that he had got the girl "spoiled" and hated her for it. Stepan brutally beat Aksinya, not knowing pity almost every day. In marriage, the Astakhovs had a child, but he died before he was even one year old.

Aksinya and Grigory

Aksinya learned what true love between a man and a woman is when she let Grigory Melekhov, a young neighbor, who had been seeking her favor for a long time, come to her. For the sake of her lover, the young woman, straightened from warmth and affection, was ready to endure the notoriety in the village and the rage of her jealous husband. The heroine plunged into her love, trying to "fall in love" with all the unhappy fate in her relationship with Gregory. Aksinya experienced terrible pain when the elder Melekhov forced Grigory to marry Natalya. She did not intend to give her beloved Cossack. Soon the lovers fled from their families to start a life together on the estate of the master Listnitsky. There, Aksinya had a daughter who died of scarlet fever. His mother was very upset with grief, Gregory at that time was at the front. Aksinya found solace in the arms of the master's son. Upon learning of the betrayal, Melekhov left Aksinya and returned to his father's house to his lawful wife.

Aksinya herself for some time reunited with Stepan. But the lovers could not forget each other and soon began to secretly meet. After the death of Natalia, Aksinya and Grigory live together. Aksinya becomes an affectionate mother for Natalia's children. During the retreat, Aksinya and Grigory try to escape to the Kuban, leaving the children in the care of Dunyasha Melekhova. In pursuit, Aksinya is mortally wounded. Without waiting for a calm female happiness, she dies in the arms of Gregory and the last thing she thinks about is children and love.

Aksinya quotes

For all my life I will love the bitter one! My Grishka! My!.."

What are you to me, father-in-law? A? Father-in-law? .. What are you teaching me! Go, otkel has come! And if I want your Grishka, I'll eat it with the bones, and I won't keep answering! .. Here you go! Take a bite! ..

I won't feel sorry for you all alone, ”she said sharply. - It’s like this with you: I’m suffering - you’re good, you’re suffering - I’m good ... Do we share one thing? Well, I'll tell you the truth: so that I know ahead of time. All this is true, they are not in vain. I took possession of Grigory again and at once I will try not to let go of him ...

Days passed, and after each a tart bitterness settled in Aksinya's soul. Anxiety for the life of a loved one drilled into the brain, did not leave it for days, visited it at night, and then what was accumulating in the soul, bridled until the time by will, tore the dams: the night, all to ashes, fought Aksinya in a silent cry, biting her hands in tears, so as not to wake up the child, to calm down the cry and moral pain to kill the physical ...

In the epic novel by M. A. Sholokhov "And Quiet Flows the Don" shows Russia in difficult times for her. The country is shaken by the First World War and the Civil War. Against the background of these grave events, the author describes the all-consuming and tragic love of the main characters.

Grigory Melekhov and the Cossack woman Aksinya are forced to fight for their love, overcome the prejudices of society, reproaches and general condemnation. The heroes are not going to give up because of these trials, which proves the depth and sincerity of their love.

Gregory could not resist the charms of the beautiful Cossack woman, caring for her and seeking her attention. Aksinya, having seen many sorrows in her life, succumbed to his onslaught. She threw herself into a maelstrom of feelings for the reason that she passionately longed for love. What she was deprived of since childhood. At a young age, her father abused her, then she suffered beatings and humiliation from her husband Stepan Astakhov. It is not surprising that she opened her heart to Melekhov, because he gave her the affection, attention and care that she so desired.

But society, tradition and morality revolted against the lovers. Gregory's father married him to Natalya, hoping thereby to save his son from, in his opinion, a destructive feeling. But with this marriage, Gregory only made two women unhappy, each of whom loved him in her own way. He is tormented, unable to choose one of them.

Aksinya's passionate and ardently loving nature attracts Grigory like a magnet. They decide to go together as workers to the landowner Listnitsky, so as not to be separated and to be close. Both of them are ready to endure hard work and lack of understanding of relatives.

But even here the love of Grigory and Aksinya is hampered by the outbreak of the war, and the lovers are forced to leave. Living with Listnitsky, Aksinya and Melekhs endure a lot of grief, and the departure of a beloved man to war defeated Aksinya. She could not resist the obsessive attention of the master's son. Returning, Grigory learns about the betrayal of his beloved and goes back to Natalia. Life seems to be testing them with adversity and separation, playing with them, now creating barriers, then again bringing lovers together.

The difficult time in the country serves as the perfect backdrop to their tragic fate. These events helped to understand the depth of the relationship between two people who cannot imagine life without each other. Both Gregory and Aksinya managed to preserve love, did not allow trials to break it. Fate gives not every person a chance for such love.

Gregory has to bear the death of both women: first, Natalia's wife, who could not bear the pain of losing to her rival, then Aksinya, a woman for whom he was ready for anything. In spite of everything, he knew a sincere and real feeling that knows no barriers. Grief did not break him, did not harden him. He left a son, he now becomes the meaning of life for Gregory.

The beauty Aksinya lived most of her life without feeling loved. The poor girl endured the bullying of her father and husband for a long time, until she met a man in whom she could dissolve. And if initially Aksinya's love for was filled only with a selfish desire to know a wonderful feeling, then closer to her death the beauty learned to give a bright feeling to her lover without causing pain.

History of creation

The writer made his first attempt to create a work about the revolution on the Don in 1925. The original volume of the novel was only 100 pages. But the author, not satisfied with the result, went to the village of Veshenskaya, where he began to reshape the plot. The final version of the four-volume work was released in 1940.

One of the main characters in a book dealing with military events is Aksinya Astakhova. Sholokhov describes the biography of the heroine from the age of 16, touching on deep psychological problems character. Residents of the village where work on the novel was carried out are sure that Sholokhov copied the image of the unfortunate beauty from a girl named Yekaterina Chukarina.

Mikhail Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don"

The Kazachka was personally acquainted with the writer. The author of the novel even wooed the beauty, but the girl's father did not consent to the marriage. However, Sholokhov himself claimed that he did not use the images of acquaintances in The Quiet Don, but only generalized features and characters of common characters:

“Don't look for Aksinya. We had a lot of such Aksinias on the Don. "


Aksinya was born in a Cossack village located near the Rostov region. The girl became the second child in a poor family. Already at the age of 16, the Cossack woman was distinguished by her bright appearance and attracted the attention of men.

Illustration for the novel "Quiet Don"

The girl did not hide her long curly hair and sloping shoulders. Particular attention was drawn to the beauty's black eyes and plump lips. Because of the attractiveness, the fate of the Cossack woman went downhill.

Even before marriage, Aksinya was raped by his own father. Having learned about the act of her husband, the mother killed the villain. To hide the shame, the girl was forcibly married to Stepan Astakhov, who could not forgive the beauty for the lack of innocence.

Not loved by her husband, who endured beatings, Aksinya closely converges with her neighbor, Grigory Melekhov. The girl understands that she is hurting her family and friends, but the beauty is so tired of humiliation that she does not pay attention to the gossip of the Cossacks.

Concerned about the behavior of young people, Grigory's parents woo Natalya Korshunova for a guy. Realizing that marriage, albeit with an unloved one, is the best way out, a man breaks off relations with Aksinya. But the feelings that Gregory awakened in the unhappy beauty do not fade away so quickly, so the love affair soon resumes.

Non-free heroes leave their own families and go to build a joint future. Soon Grigory and Aksinya become parents. The couple has a daughter, Tatiana. But the happy time is interrupted by military training. The beloved is taken to the service, and the beauty is left alone.

Suddenly little Tatiana, who occupies all the thoughts of young Aksinya, dies of scarlet fever. Barely coping with grief, the beauty plunges into an affair with Evgeny Listnitsky. However, no matter how hard the woman tries to forget Gregory, the relationship between a man and a woman is renewed every time with the same passion.

Beloved Aksinya is appointed chief in military operations on the Don, Gregory takes a woman with him. Once again, circumstances and their own families separate the lovers. Military actions, in which Grigory Melekhov takes an active part, constantly separates the heroes. He does not lose hope to return the man and.

Natalia Melekhova (Daria Ursulyak, TV series "Quiet Don")

Ultimately, trying to hide from the bandits with whom Grigory unexpectedly linked his life, the man and woman run away to the Kuban. But, crossing the steppe, Aksinya receives a bullet wound from his pursuers - employees at the outpost. A woman dies in the arms of her beloved man, the only one who gave the beauty a real, sincere and full of life feeling.

Screen adaptations

In 1930, the first screen version of the novel by Mikhail Sholokhov was released. The film "Quiet Flows the Don" affects the plot of only the first two volumes of the drama. The role of Aksinya in the silent film was played by the actress Emma Tsesarskaya.

In 1958, a director made a film about the fate of the Don Cossacks. Many Soviet actresses wanted to recreate the image of Aksinya on television. As a result, and applied for the main role. The final choice was made by Sholokhov, who looked through the tapes from the samples. Seeing Bystritskaya, the writer expressed the opinion that this is how Aksinya should look.

In 2006, he was entrusted to recreate the history of the inhabitants of the village, he completed the final editing of the picture. The initiator of the new film adaptation was Sholokhov, who did not like the final version of Gerasimov's film. Negotiations about filming began back in 1975. Dolphin Forest played the role of Aksinya.

In 2015, the premiere took place on the Russia-1 TV channel. " The new film adaptation is timed to coincide with the 110th anniversary of Sholokhov. The plot of the picture is very different from the original source - the emphasis in the film is made exclusively on the relationship of the main characters. The role of Aksinya was played by an actress.


“I’ll love you for all my life! .. My Grishka! My!"
“My friend ... darling ... let's leave. Let's throw everything and leave. I’ll throw my husband and everything, if only you were. We will go to the mines, far away. "
“I came not to impose, do not be afraid. So our love is over? "

The novel "Quiet Flows the Don" was considered a novel - an epic deservedly. This novel vividly shows the actions, life, everyday life and destinies of ordinary people. These people lived in a difficult time for Russia. This novel reflects the events that took place in the XX century. The first World War and Civil War happened at that time. The novel clearly expressed the Cossack flavor and, of course, love. The theme of love is covered throughout the novel. The main characters Aksinya Astakhova and Grigory Melekhov were in love. But their love was both sublime and unhappy.

Therefore, these two images, namely the image of Gregory and the image of Aksinya, are worthy of attention. The feelings of the main characters were quivering and gave strength for the struggle and further exploits.

Aksinya Astakhova is a Don Cossack. She is proud, courageous, determined and courageous. It is not for nothing that M. Sholokhov often emphasizes the pride of Aksinya. Aksinya is beautiful and daring. Despite her hard life, she continues to fight against tyranny. At the age of sixteen, she was raped by her father. At an early age, she tasted the bitterness of life. Then, a year later, she was married off to Stepan. Stepan often mocked Aksinya. Beat her half to death. Aksinya and Stepan's child died before even a year. From hard work and from the beatings of her husband, she loses her former beauty. Even this did not break her, but hardened her even more. Falling in love with Grigory Melekhov, she does not pay attention to the condemning views of her neighbors, even her husband's beatings do not frighten her. She just wanted a little female happiness. With Gregory, she felt care, tenderness, great ardent love. Nothing stopped her, she walked through the thorny path to love.

But an inexplicable act happened. Grigory Melekhov married Natalia. But even such an act of a loved one could not stop Aksinya's hot loving heart. After a while, she continues to meet with Melekhov. But their relationship is doomed. Both work for a landowner, the work was difficult. The war began. Grisha goes to the front. But Aksinya is confident in herself and is ready to go anywhere after her beloved. And again the misfortune. Aksinya loses her daughter, a serious illness took her second child. Seeks solace in the arms of another man. Upon his return, Grigory learns about Aksinya's betrayal and returns to his wife. Soon, Grisha's wife, Natalya, dies. It would seem that this would be a good opportunity to be together, but no. Aksinya takes care of Melekhov's children. Accepts them as his own. Returning from the front, Gregory is forced to flee. Aksinya decides to run with her beloved. On the way, Aksinya is overtaken by death. The author accurately describes the nature and feelings of Gregory at the time of the death of Aksinya and her wires.

The relationship between Aksinya and Gregory was real, sincere. It is a pity that their love did not have a continuation, and they could not find happiness.

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