Business for the manufacture and installation of greenhouses. Greenhouse Business Plan Greenhouse Assembly Equipment

Becomes more and more popular. But in order to succeed in this business, it is important not only to know the technology of their manufacture. The choice of equipment for the production of greenhouses is not the least important.

General information

Nowadays, people tend to eat environmentally friendly products. Most have their own dachas and grow vegetables and fruits themselves. But they can not do without certain equipment. Entrepreneurship in the field of providing such people with everything necessary is gradually gaining momentum.

Country greenhouses are especially popular. They differ from each other in size, equipment and equipment. Various materials are used for their manufacture. By purpose, greenhouses are divided into personal, industrial and farm.

Plastic structures

Polycarbonate greenhouses are considered the most common type, which is in great demand. This material is a wonderful alternative to film and glass. The advantages of such greenhouses are many:

  1. The quality of the material, which ensures their long service life (about 30 years or more).
  2. Conduct light well.
  3. Protect from ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Good thermal insulation.
  5. Materials for manufacturing are inexpensive.

Polycarbonate is a practical material that is lightweight, ductile and durable. Its structures are stable.

Equipment for the production of polycarbonate greenhouses

The technology is as follows:

  • a frame is made (profile pipe 20 * 20, 25 * 25, etc.);
  • using the factory tape, you need to connect the sheets of plastic and fix them to the structure.

The tools used in the manufacture are as follows:

  • welding machine;
  • screwdriver;
  • compressor with spray gun;

Parts are made in a utility room, for example, in a garage. Its area should be enough to install a machine for the production of greenhouses (cutting and processing plastic, for example). And the installation is already carried out at the place where the client says. This usually happens in the garden. According to the greenhouse, a foundation is made in advance and then it is installed. Although you can do without it. Finally, windows and doors are installed.

Is it profitable?

The cost of a greenhouse is 10 thousand rubles, provided that it is manufactured independently. All work takes about 4 hours. For a day of labor, with the deduction of expenses, you can get about 30 thousand rubles at the initial stage. All stages of the greenhouse installation process take 2 days.

The cost of installation is not more than 25 thousand rubles. You can install a greenhouse without a foundation. In this case, the buyer saves a significant amount. In addition, installation time is less. The costs will also be for heating (aluminum convectors, which are installed around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse).

The profitability of this project is 100-150%. But there is one important circumstance: supply exceeds demand. As mentioned above, polycarbonate greenhouses are popular. Therefore, there is a lot of competition in the market.

Other types of structures

And yet, do not despair, because there are still a lot of options in this direction. Although some of them are more expensive, they are also more expensive. The demand for them is also great. There are the following types of greenhouses:

  • the frame is made of wood, the frames are glazed;
  • metal frame with wooden frames;
  • metal structure covered with glass (easily transmits ultraviolet rays);
  • frame made of polyethylene tubes, film coating.

Selection of equipment for the production of greenhouses

You can purchase the necessary equipment in order to independently manufacture parts of a modular design (tubes, supports, fences, etc.). The choice of equipment for the production of greenhouses depends on your money. Its cost starts from 200 thousand rubles. Wood structures are usually assembled by hand and are expensive. If you do not have the necessary amount of money, then the component parts can be purchased from other entrepreneurs. Modular designs on average can be bought for 20-25 thousand rubles.

To start this kind of activity, you will need an amount of 60 thousand rubles - and this is without taking into account your own equipment. If you quickly develop a client base for yourself, then in a couple of months these investments can pay off. In the absence of developments in this area, it is better for you to advertise in advance, go around the farmers and gardeners and talk to them.

It is possible that they will agree to cooperate with you. The production of greenhouses is in demand mainly in the spring and autumn. The best months to start a business are February and March. You can continue to invest the money you earn in your business. For example, in the choice of equipment for the production of greenhouses of greater capacity. In winter, you can do winter gardens and greenhouses. But such a thing is more costly and complex than the production and installation of conventional greenhouses. The help of experts in this matter will not be superfluous.

People in big cities get tired of the hustle and bustle, so they are increasingly buying land, where they are building summer cottages for themselves, doing business. This trend has only intensified in recent years. It is for this reason that business in this sector is becoming more and more attractive. You can earn both on or, and on the release of greenhouses.

This equipment uses an automatic control system. You can pre-program the location of the mounting holes along the entire length of the profile. The rolling stand gives the profile the required radius deflection, which makes it possible to manufacture arch-type elements.

Part of the equipment:

  1. Cassette type mill. Necessary for rolling a new “greenhouse” profile.
  2. Pneumatic cutting shears. Necessary for cutting products on narrow profile production lines.
  3. Uncoiler for metal tape 200 mm. Roll billet is installed in the technological chain. Then it is unwound and fed for longitudinal or transverse cutting up to 200 mm wide.
  4. ACS system for the line (automated control). Necessary for full automation of production.
  5. Hole punching unit (pneumatic)

When buying equipment, instructions for the manufacture of profiles are attached.

How does the production line work?

Make greenhouses and greenhouses taking into account the following data:

  • optimal width - 3.5 meters;
  • low wall height - 1.5 m;
  • length - no more than 6 m;
  • door width - 1 m;
  • the best frame material is metal (durable and durable).

Making a frame with your own hands

How to assemble a polycarbonate greenhouse?

How much money is needed?

Complete production:

  • purchase of equipment - 700,000 rubles.
  • purchase of materials - 300,000 rubles.

The cost of transparent cellular polycarbonate (manufactured in Russia):

Thickness, mmWeight 1 sq.m., kg1 sheet (2.1x12 m), rub.
4 0.8 4 500
6 1.3 7 300
8 1.5 8 800
10 1.7 10 200
16 2.7 20 000
20 3 22 000
25 3.5 25 000

Additionally, you need the cost of renting an area - this is about 15,000 rubles.

Business payback(not only production, but also sales of greenhouses, installation) - about 6 months. With an uninterrupted flow of customers, this period will be much shorter, because you can return all investments in the business in the manufacture of 5 greenhouses - this is 2 months.

Establishing a sales market

An important factor is the presence of a market. If it already exists, then it is quite possible to recoup all investments in the first 2 - 3 months from the start of opening a business. Therefore, before opening a business for the installation and assembly of greenhouses, it is desirable to create a client base. This is done by all available means: through newspaper ads, posting about services on Internet portals. You can offer services to people involved.

Of course, you need to understand that this business will be relevant only during the summer seasons. Peaks in demand and buying activity occur in autumn and spring. In winter, many entrepreneurs reorient their business to the construction of greenhouses. But we must bear in mind that the production of winter structures will be much more expensive. In addition, for the manufacture of greenhouses, you must have additional knowledge.

Selling price of greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate with a steel profile:

Size (LxHxW), mCost, rub
4x2x315 000
6x2.5x2.620 000
8x2,1x322 000
10x2.5x2.639 000

Other production options in the garage

Sandwich panels

Given the growing demand for thermal insulation materials, this direction will be beneficial for Russia. The technological line together with the installation costs 3 million rubles. We will introduce you to the production technology of sandwich panels, capital investments and product marketing features. Key points are described in.

Release of cinder block

Cinder block is an easy-to-manufacture building material. For the price, it is significantly inferior to brick and foam block. It describes the technology, necessary components, equipment and other important points for starting a business.

Furniture manufacturing

is one of the cheapest garage business options. When buying inexpensive equipment, the investment is about 70,000 rubles. But there is an option with minimal investment - to assemble furniture, and order cutting in specialized companies.

In this material:

In some regions of the country, the production of greenhouses as a business is becoming very relevant. As you know, an important condition for making a profit from the money invested in a business is the right idea. It should not only be relevant, but also correspond to the size of the investment.

Nowadays, there are not so many free niches for doing business. Either way, there will be competition. The main thing is the ratio of the demand for goods and the number of offers in this area. For example, to sell food, you can open a store anywhere, even next to other similar outlets. However, there are other options when the product is not so in demand, but the competition is quite small, so such an investment of money will be very profitable.

Gardening is one of the favorite things of many Russians, so a considerable number of citizens dream of a high-quality greenhouse. Some entrepreneurs who practice growing cucumbers in a greenhouse as a business will be happy to purchase quality products from a domestic manufacturer, if they are also sold at an affordable cost.

Features of the manufacture of greenhouses

Nowadays, when the popularity of environmentally friendly products is growing rapidly, the demand for greenhouses in most regions of the country is becoming higher. For this reason, experts believe that the production of equipment for garden plots has great prospects.

Greenhouses can be used not only in small garden plots, but also on farms, as well as in industrial scale enterprises. Depending on this, the equipment will differ in the type of material used, size and accessories.

The greatest demand today is for greenhouses, the production of which is based on the use of polycarbonate. Experienced gardeners know how high quality, durable and convenient they are. Moreover, this type of greenhouse perfectly conducts light, but at the same time retains the sun's rays. It should be noted such important advantages as heat resistance and low price.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are in the greatest demand. However, there is a demand for glass and even film greenhouses and greenhouses. They can be made on the basis of a frame made of metal or wood. It is from the material chosen for the manufacture of equipment for the garden that its cost depends. The simplest and most inexpensive are ordinary greenhouses on a plastic frame covered with a film. This option will be in demand among gardeners who grow vegetables in small areas. But the production of expensive large glass and metal greenhouses will be popular among large farmers who have been producing cucumbers and tomatoes for sale for many years.

Greenhouse manufacturing technology

To engage in the manufacture of greenhouses, the business must be well studied. In fact, there is nothing supernatural in this, but you still need to have certain skills and experience. If a novice businessman has never done anything like this before, it is worth reading special literature and practicing. To begin with, you can install several greenhouses on your site, then please your friends with greenhouses, and only then fulfill customer orders and receive money for your work.

The process of manufacturing greenhouses begins with pouring the foundation. Further, on its basis, a frame is installed according to the technology chosen in advance. It is worth noting that before installing a greenhouse, you must first create its project in order to make the most accurate calculations. After the frame is mounted, you can proceed to the installation of polycarbonate, polyethylene or glass sheets and panels. They are securely attached to the frame with a special tape.

Thus, a quality room for growing vegetables comes out. This process can be done year-round. For this, heating is installed in the greenhouse. By the way, the service for the installation of heating appliances can be made part of your business in the greenhouse, expanding the range of work. Most often, electric convectors are used as heating for greenhouses, which are evenly placed on the territory of the greenhouse.

Equipment for work

To open your own greenhouse manufacturing business, you need to stock up on certain tools, without which further work will be impossible. First of all, we are talking about a device for bending pipes manually. This should be high-quality equipment that can handle fittings, pipes and metal profiles. It is desirable that the tool be able to bend at a given angle. Such equipment costs about 15 thousand rubles.

Thus, the initial investment will amount to 60 thousand rubles, which will be spent on the purchase of equipment. But don't forget about the work space. A lot of space is not needed here, but a small hangar will have to be rented. In addition, to fulfill orders, you will have to purchase material, namely a metal or plastic profile, film, polycarbonate sheets and glass. Heating systems should also be available.

Business Profitability

A greenhouse all year round as a business for growing cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables is practiced by many summer residents and professional farmers. Experienced entrepreneurs say that orders come in quite often, especially in the spring season. The more clients, the faster the initial investment will pay off.

If you calculate all the expenses, then the cost of 1 medium-sized greenhouse comes out to about 10 thousand rubles. At the same time, it will cost the customer already 25. Thus, already from 1 order, the manufacturer can receive up to 150% of net profit. It is rare to find a greenhouse business with a profitability of this level.

After completing 4-5 orders, you can return the invested capital and start earning a net profit. Approximately with an average number of orders, you can earn this money in just a couple of months.

It is best to start working with small greenhouses for amateur gardeners. To make a large industrial greenhouse, you may need special equipment, the cost of which starts from 200 thousand rubles. But this is for the future. To begin with, the enterprise should earn a reputation for itself and advertise itself well. After the business begins to generate real income, this money can be invested in expanding the enterprise and reaching a new level.

Search for buyers

One of the most important issues in any kind of business is the sales market.

When it comes to a greenhouse, a business can be developed by focusing on gardeners and gardeners. They are most in demand for inexpensive polycarbonate structures. But here it must be said that the competition in the production of such greenhouses is quite high, so it is better to expand the range in order to increase the number of potential customers.

It is advisable to check the presence of competitors and the occupancy of this niche in a particular locality even before investing in this enterprise. To do this, you can look through newspapers with ads, pay attention to poles and stops, which are usually full of such advertisements. By the way, it is the above methods that are the most high-quality means in order to declare your business to the whole world. Advertising materials can also be placed in stores that specialize in the sale of seeds and garden equipment, and on the Internet.

If you produce greenhouses, the business involves finding customers, so you need to show people that your work is the most profitable and attractive offer compared to competitors. All this must be described in advertising leaflets. An example is the speed of work or the convenience of delivery. A good marketing ploy, especially at first, will be a discount system that can be offered to regular customers or to those who “bring a friend”.

Well, one of the important steps, without which the greenhouse business will not be legal, is the procedure for registering a businessman with the tax authority. First you need to choose the appropriate taxation system. In this case, any of those allowed for IP will do. It is advisable to choose an option with a minimum number of accounting reports, so as not to be distracted by paperwork and focus on the quality of products.

Order a business plan

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Almost all owners of country houses dream of their own greenhouse. Hand-grown vegetables are of low price and high quality. Entrepreneurs who decide to grow tomatoes, cucumbers or strawberries cannot do without a good greenhouse. Therefore, such products are very popular among those who have relied on agriculture and decided to grow vegetables and fruits. The production of greenhouses as a business brings good profits. To verify this, you should familiarize yourself with its main features.

Greenhouse Features

On the modern market there is a wide range of products made from different materials.

By appointment, it is divided into:

  1. Industrial;
  2. Farmer's;
  3. Amateur.

In addition, they differ in design features and dimensions.

The production of industrial greenhouses should begin with the choice of material. Polycarbonate construction is in the greatest demand. This material does not break, so it will last a long time. In addition, polycarbonate transmits only useful light, not allowing the sun's rays to have a detrimental effect on plants. These products are of affordable price and high quality.

Equipment for the production of

If you want to start your own production of greenhouses, you need to purchase factory equipment. It costs more than 200 thousand rubles. For the manufacture of structures on a wooden basis, you need to hire workers. In this case, the cost of production will increase significantly, but the demand for them remains stably high.

Equipment for the greenhouse profile will cost 690 thousand rubles. This machine is designed for the production of steel profiles. It is equipped with an automatic control system. Thanks to this, you will be able to program the location of the required mounting holes. With the help of a rolling stand, the profile is given a radius deflection. It is used for the production of arched products.

Scheme: greenhouse production

Types of greenhouses

According to the form of construction can be:

  • gable;
  • single slope;
  • Arched.

Depending on the material, they are divided into the following types:

  • Glass. Such designs are in little demand, since glass is an expensive, fragile and too heavy material. So that it does not crack, it is necessary to equip a solid foundation;
  • Film. Polyethylene film for the production of greenhouses has been used for a long time. The main advantages of such products are fast heating and the absence of a solid foundation. This material protects against frost down to -2 degrees;
  • Polycarbonate. This material is the most popular. In terms of heat-preserving characteristics, it can be compared with double glazing.


25 thousand rubles will have to be spent on the manufacture of one unit of production. If you assemble a structure from ready-made elements without using your own equipment, the cost of one will be 60 thousand rubles.

To organize a full-fledged production, you need to have a starting capital of 1 million rubles. Of these, 700 thousand rubles is equipment for the production of greenhouses, and the remaining 300 thousand rubles is the purchase of materials.

In order to return the initial investment in 1 year, it is necessary to find sales markets, as well as offer greenhouse installation services to customers.

Production at home

To make a greenhouse with your own hands, you will not need expensive equipment.

To get started, you need to purchase:

  • Manual pipe bending machine - 15 thousand rubles;
  • Cutting pendulum machine - 35 thousand rubles;
  • Welding machine - 9 thousand rubles.

The frame is made of galvanized iron. It can be purchased at the market or at the metal depot. Polycarbonate plates are fastened to the frame with a special tape. If you are interested in making a greenhouse with your own hands, a video on this topic can be found on the Internet.

Having the appropriate skills, you can make 2-3 designs in a week, after the sale of which, you will recoup your initial costs. After that, you can expand your business and purchase a machine for the production of greenhouses. Thanks to this, you will be able to increase labor productivity and, accordingly, your income.

Business prospects and weaknesses

Despite the fact that the profitability of this business is 100-150%, not every entrepreneur can take his place in it. The reason for this is too high competition, as is the case with. In those regions where this business has become widespread, supply usually exceeds demand. It is unprofitable to transport finished products to other regions, since it significantly increases the cost of products, and it is not so easy to sell at a high price.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse assembly Do-it-yourself greenhouse assembly

But if you are interested in making greenhouses as a business, you should not give up on this idea. To stay afloat, you need to constantly expand the range and make profitable offers to customers. For example, less reliable designs can be sold at a low price. In addition, some entrepreneurs, in order to reduce the cost of production and attract new customers, make the frame not from metal, but from polyethylene tubes.

Some novice businessmen who do not have enough money to start offer their greenhouse installation services. They buy ready-made elements from large manufacturers. To open such a business, it is enough to have only 60 thousand rubles on hand. The most important thing is constant orders. Try looking for clients in holiday villages and gardening associations.

Summing up

Since the production of greenhouses from polycarbonate and other materials is a seasonal business. These products are needed in spring and sometimes in autumn. Especially high demand is observed in February - March. It is advisable to open a business during this period in order to invest the profits in the development of your business. Before starting work, draw up a competent business plan for the production of greenhouses and try to strictly adhere to all its points.

So that production does not stand idle in winter, glazed verandas, greenhouses or winter gardens can be produced. In addition, you can offer customers original handmade wood products, as well. Their manufacture takes a lot of time, but such a design is very expensive. To develop your business, you need to look for different ways. Only then will you be able to increase your wealth.

-> Production, construction, agriculture

Production and installation of greenhouses

Today, more and more people are acquiring suburban areas. For some, a dacha is only a place for a pleasant stay, but for most of our fellow citizens, a dacha is, first of all, a garden. People strive to provide themselves with environmentally friendly products, for some, their garden has become the main supplier of vegetables and fruits, and someone even grows green products for sale. Naturally, in order to get a decent harvest, bare hands alone are not enough. Demand for horticultural products, including greenhouses for a summer residence in a city, it is always consistently high.

That is why a business focused on the production and sale of products for the garden and garden is always of interest to entrepreneurs.

One of these highly demanded areas is greenhouse production. I note right away that for an entrepreneur production and installation of greenhouses- this is truly a gold mine, especially in season. The low cost and availability of materials and equipment, the ease of manufacture and installation of a greenhouse, the absence of the need to obtain permits and approvals - all this provides a high profit for the owner of a greenhouse production business.

Greenhouses differ in purpose (personal, farm and industrial), in size, configuration, equipment and are made of different materials. Here we will focus on the simplest and most popular option - country-garden polycarbonate greenhouse.

The greatest demand is greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate. They deserve their popularity due to such material qualities as durability (the service life of such a greenhouse is at least 30-35 years), good light transmission and UV protection, thermal insulation, as well as the relatively low cost of materials needed for its construction.

The technology for manufacturing a greenhouse is extremely simple: a welded or prefabricated frame is prefabricated, to which sheets of cellular polycarbonate are attached, interconnected using a sealed tape.

The frame of the greenhouse is assembled from a steel profile, which can be purchased at a building materials store or a specialized company. The profile is cut to the dimensions of the greenhouse and bent in the form of arcs using a special machine. The remaining parts of the supporting frame are also cut to size and, if necessary, welded (doors, vents, legs).

Greenhouse installation carried out directly on the garden plot on a pre-prepared foundation (however, sometimes they do without a foundation). At the last stage of the assembly, the windows and the door of the greenhouse are installed.

The cost of a standard greenhouse is about 10 thousand rubles. The entire process of installing a greenhouse from pouring the foundation to turnkey delivery takes two days and costs the client 20-25 thousand rubles. As you can see, the profitability of greenhouse production is 100 - 150%.

When it comes to small greenhouse business, then, in general, you do not even have to purchase special equipment and rent production premises. All parts necessary for the installation of a greenhouse can be ordered and purchased from metal suppliers or from companies already engaged in the production of greenhouses. For a small additional fee, you will be cut and bent blanks for the greenhouse to your size, you will only have to ensure the delivery of the blanks to the site and the final assembly of the greenhouse.

As an additional assortment, focused on different customer groups, it is possible to organize the production of greenhouses and hotbeds of other types, these can be greenhouses with a wooden frame and glazed frames or a metal frame and wooden frames, and the simplest and most affordable option is a greenhouse with a frame made of polyethylene tubes and with film cover.

The main difficulty in organizing a business for the production and installation of greenhouses is competition. There are really a lot of firms and private traders involved in the production and installation of greenhouses, and supply often exceeds demand. To defeat competitors and break into the market, there are two factors - the price and advertising of their services.

Advertising and promotion should be taken care of at a very early stage before purchasing equipment or materials for the manufacture of greenhouses: place ads in the media (for example, in specialized publications for gardeners and gardeners), on the Internet on thematic sites, agree with gardening partnerships on cooperation, you can also publish information about your greenhouses in the form of a brochure. Advertising should contain information about the benefits of your greenhouses, good quality, low prices and guarantees.

Production and installation of greenhouses and greenhouses is a seasonal business. Such products are in greatest demand in spring and autumn. So it is best to start your own business for the manufacture and installation of greenhouses in February-April, so that the profit received over the next few months of work can be invested in the further development of your business.

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