Services of Russian Post. Postal services What is postal services

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Characteristics of the services of the postal service

Types of services provided by postal organizations

Postal organizations (objects) provide users with universal, contractual and additional postal services, carry out other activities permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Postal services- activities for the reception, processing, transportation, delivery (delivery) of postal items, as well as for the implementation of postal money transfers.

Universal Postal Services- postal services to meet the needs of users in the exchange of written correspondence at affordable prices on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Additional services- services provided by postal operators for an additional fee: writing a written message and address on a postal item, a postal order form; filling in notifications of delivery of postal items and postal orders; packaging of postal items; storage and home delivery of letters and parcels with declared value, postal orders, parcels, etc.

Negotiatedpostal services- services provided by postal facilities on a contractual basis (reception, processing, transportation and issuance of parcels, postal containers, as well as e-mail items; distribution of printed publications, delivery and payment of pensions, allowances and other payments for a special purpose; provision of telephone conversations and services for the reception and transmission of telegraph messages, the sale of securities, the receipt, forwarding and payment of postal orders, the receipt and collection of cash proceeds, the receipt of utility bills, etc.).

Postal services are provided by postal operators on a contractual basis.

Under the contract for the provision of postal services, the postal operator undertakes, on the instructions of the sender, to forward the mailing entrusted to him or to make a postal transfer of funds to the address indicated by the sender and deliver (hand over) them to the addressee. The user of postal services is obliged to pay for the services rendered to him.

Postal operators are obliged to ensure that written correspondence is sent to users of postal services within the deadlines. The standards for the frequency of collecting written correspondence from mailboxes, the standards for its exchange, transportation and delivery, as well as the deadlines for its forwarding, are developed by the federal executive body in charge of managing activities in the field of postal communications and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The terms for the provision of other postal services are established by postal operators independently.

Postal operators are obliged to provide users of postal services with information on the established terms for the provision of postal services, as well as on the delivery standards approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the deadlines for sending written correspondence.

Internal mail, internal postal transfer- postal item, postal order accepted for forwarding and delivery to the addressee in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Postage category- a set of features that determine the procedure and conditions for the acceptance, processing, transportation and delivery (delivery) of a postal item (simple, registered, with a declared value, ordinary).

Domestic postal items and postal orders include the following types of items:

· parcels (simple, registered, with declared value);

· secograms (plain, custom) - written messages and publications with a raised type for the blind, submitted openly, and clichés with signs of secography, as well as sound recordings and special paper intended for the blind, if they are sent by an organization for the blind or addressed to such an organization. ;

postal money transfers (simple, accelerated);

direct containers (ordinary, insured);

domestic express mail;

sending e-mail.

Postal orders, depending on the method of forwarding, are divided into:

· simple postal orders- forwarded using the postal network;

· expedited postal transfers- sent using electrical communication networks - telegraph, electronic, etc.

For individual senders and addressees, the following categories of postal items and postal orders are established: government, military and service.

Government postage- postal items sent by persons, determined by the Rules for the provision of postal services.

Military postal items and postal orders- postal items and postal orders sent and received by military units and institutions, as well as their personnel.

Service mail and postal orders- postal items of postal operators and simple postal orders of organizations (objects) of the federal postal service.

Maximum weight and dimensions of domestic postal items

For domestic postal items, the following sizes and weight limits are established

table1 .

Departure type

Limit weight (kg)

Packed size

110*220mm; 114*162mm; 162*229mm; 229*324mm; 250*353mm


Parcel, including with an attachment of one book (stitched folder)

Maximum: 36 cm in one of the three dimensions (length, width, thickness), the sum of the three dimensions must not exceed 70 cm. For rolled parcels - 70 cm in length and 15 cm in diameter. In some cases, rolled-up parcels can be accepted up to 150 cm long, when the attachment cannot be folded (maps, diagrams, etc.); Minimum: 105*148 mm, for rolled-up packages - 10.5 cm long and 5 cm in diameter

Maximum: 50 * 50 * 40 cm. Individual parcels with objects up to 200 cm long are subject to acceptance, provided that the perimeter of the largest cross-section does not exceed 150 cm; minimum (except for parcels with bees): 105 x 148 mm (with a minimum thickness of 50 mm). One of the sides of a parcel with bees sent by air must be at least 30 cm.

1. Letters in postal envelopes measuring 114*162*5 mm and 110*220*5 mm and weighing up to 20g are classified as standard written correspondence.

2. Parcels, one of the sides of which exceeds the dimensions of 50 * 50 * 40 cm, are classified as oversized.

3. Parcels weighing over 10 kg are subject to ponderous. Reception and delivery of heavy parcels weighing up to 20 kg are carried out at postal facilities specially designated for this purpose by postal organizations.

4. Parcels weighing up to 3 kg, the largest side of which does not exceed 36 cm, and the sum of three dimensions does not exceed 70 cm, are classified as small.

International mail- a postal item accepted for shipment outside the Russian Federation, arriving on its territory from a foreign state or following in transit.

International postal items include the following types of items:

Letters (simple, registered, insured);

postcards (simple, custom);

· parcels and bags "M" (simple, custom);

secograms (simple, custom);

· small packages (ordered);

Parcels (ordinary, with declared value);

international express mail;

sending e-mail;

· Grouped shipments "Consignment".

Postal items of diplomatic and consular missions of foreign states, international intergovernmental organizations and representative offices of foreign states under these organizations in the Russian Federation for shipment within the Russian Federation, as well as postal items addressed to these institutions are paid and issued as internal, but processed, forwarded and delivered to in the manner prescribed for international mail.

Ordinary letters weighing up to 20 grams and postcards sent to employees of Russian institutions abroad (embassies, consulates, representative offices at international organizations, etc.) are paid for and issued as internal ones, but processed and forwarded in the manner prescribed for international mail .

International postal items are accepted for shipment to countries with which postal exchange is established.

Letters with declared value, small packets and parcels are accepted for shipment only to the countries listed in the Guidelines for the Acceptance of International Postal Items, which is compiled on the basis of information from the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union and is put into effect by order of the federal executive body that manages activities in the region. postal service.

Maximum weight and dimensions of international mail

For outgoing international mail, the following sizes and weight limits are set:

Table 2.

Departure type

Limit weight (kg)

Packed size

maximum: 229*324mm; minimum: 110*220mm or 114*162mm



maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 90 cm; the largest dimension is 60 cm. For rolls, the sum of the length and double diameter is not more than 104 cm; largest dimension - 90 cm; minimum: 105*148 mm. For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is not more than 17 cm; largest measurement - 10 cm

small package

Maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 90 cm; the largest dimension is 60 cm. For rolls, the sum of the length and double diameter is not more than 104 cm; largest dimension - 90 cm; minimum: 105*148 mm. For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is not more than 17 cm; largest measurement - 10 cm

any measurement - no more than 105 cm. The sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross section - no more than 200 cm; minimum: 110*220mm or 114*162mm

Methods of payment for postal services

Payment for postal services is charged upon acceptance of postal items and postal orders at the rates in force on the date of acceptance.

Payment for postal services, with the exception of universal postal services, is determined according to tariffs established on a contractual basis.

Payment for universal postal services is determined on the basis of tariffs approved by the federal executive body for the regulation of natural monopolies in the field of public postal services in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Postal services are paid for with state postage stamps, in cash circulating in the territory of the Russian Federation, or by non-cash payments.

State signs of postage- postage stamps and other signs applied to postal items and confirming payment for postal services. forwarding written postal correspondence

Marked envelope (marked card)- a standard postal envelope (postcard) issued by the federal executive body responsible for managing activities in the field of postal communications, with a typographic image on it of a postage stamp and the emblem of federal postal organizations.

State signs of postage pay for the forwarding of written correspondence, simple and registered notices of delivery of postal items and payment for postal orders.

It is the responsibility of the sender to affix stamps to letter-post in accordance with the approved postage rates.

Postage stamps affixed to postal items or typographically applied to postal envelopes and postcards (postal packages), imprints of state postage marks applied by franking machines, as well as typographically applied other signs established by the federal body executive power, which manages activities in the field of postal communications, and confirms payment for postal services.

On state signs of postage, the name of the state in Russian "Russia" and in Latin transliteration "Rossija", the amount of the payment in Arabic numerals or Latin letters, the year of issue or registration number are indicated. In addition, they may contain the word "Mail" in Russian or Latin letters. The amount of the fee may be replaced by a mark indicating that payment has been made in full.

franking machine- a machine designed to apply state marks of postage on written correspondence, confirming payment for postal services, the date of receipt of this correspondence and other information.

The procedure for the use of franking machines and state marks of postage applied in a typographical way is established by the federal executive body in charge of managing activities in the field of postal communications.

Issuance of permits for the use of franking machines on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal communications. Requirements for franking machines approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation are agreed by the manufacturer and (or) his official representative with the specified federal executive body.

Franking machines are registered in accordance with the established procedure in the organization (at the facility) of the federal postal service.

Unused postage stamps cut out from stamped envelopes and postcards can be used to pay for the forwarding of letters, parcels and postcards within the Russian Federation.

Other carved state signs of postage are not used to pay for the forwarding of postal items.

If the size of the postal item does not allow imprinting the stamp of the franking machine on it, then the print can be made on a separate sheet of paper, which is then pasted onto the postal item.

Persons guilty of manufacturing for the purpose of sale or sale of deliberately counterfeit state signs of postage shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

State signs of postage are placed in the upper right corner of the postal envelope, postal package, postcard, parcel post. It is forbidden to stick postage stamps one on top of the other. Stamps are canceled with an imprint of a calendar stamp so that they cannot be reused.

When canceling postage stamps, the correctness of payment for postage is checked.

Sold state signs of postage are not accepted back and are not exchanged. Postage stamps withdrawn from postal circulation, damaged (dirty, damaged, sealed, canceled in any way), as well as foreign postage stamps, are not used to pay for the forwarding of domestic and international written correspondence.

International reply coupons issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union are accepted as payment for international letter post. They are printed on watermarked paper with the abbreviation "UPU" in large type and are usually stamped on the front with the date stamp of the foreign postal organization that sold the coupon.

International Reply Coupon- a security issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union, subject to exchange for state postage stamps.

International response coupons presented at the time of posting are exchanged for stamps according to the rate of payment for one ordinary international letter weighing up to 20 grams, sent by air.

Persons guilty of manufacturing for the purpose of sale or sale of knowingly counterfeit international response coupons shall bear liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The delivery of letters (packages) with declared value and postal orders addressed to citizens at home is paid by either the sender or the addressee.

Unpaid or incompletely paid letters, postcards and parcels dropped into mailboxes are not sent to their destination, but are returned without cancellation of stamps to senders for full payment.

In the absence of the sender's address, the indicated unpaid or incompletely paid international postal items are transferred to the number of undistributed items, and domestic items are sent to their destination and issued to the addressee after receiving an additional payment from him at the established rates. If the addressee refuses to pay extra, such postal items are transferred for temporary storage to the number of unclaimed ones.

Determination of the fee for forwarding a postal item and a postal order

The fee for forwarding a postal item depends on the type and category of the postal item, its weight, and the amount of the declared value. For insured parcels and parcels, in addition, the forwarding fee depends on the distance over which these postal items are forwarded and on the method of their forwarding.

The fee for sending postal orders depends on the amount of the transfer and the method of its transfer.

Postal service quality indicators

The quality of the postal service. The inseparability of the process of providing a postal service from the process of its consumption makes high demands on the quality of the postal service. Even minor omissions in the work of one employee, site, workshop, object or organization of the postal service can cause irreparable damage to the user of the postal services. To assess the quality of the postal service, the following indicators are used: the quality of user service and the quality of postal services

The quality of user service is characterized by the density of the network of postal facilities, their modes of operation, waiting time and user service, additional service in the provision of postal services.

The density of the network of postal facilities is determined by the standards for the placement of OPS and postal points, as well as the standards for placing mailboxes for collecting written correspondence.

The mode of operation of postal facilities is established taking into account the provision of maximum convenience for users of postal services. The operating mode of postal communication objects included in the structure of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post is set depending on the class assigned to the object.

Waiting time and user service are determined by the number of operating windows, the availability of modern technical means and technologies, the qualifications of employees and the speed of service. The shorter the waiting time in the queue and the shorter the time spent by the employee to receive the mail, the higher the quality of service.

Additional service (works, services) in the provision of postal services is not an obligatory element of the work of licensees and is carried out subject to the availability of technical capabilities. For example, a postal worker can, at the request of the user and for a fee, put the necessary inscriptions on the shell of the postal item, pack it, fill out the accompanying forms, etc.

The quality of postal services is characterized by the speed of passage of postal items, the stability and regularity of postal messages, the safety of postal items and money, and complaints about the quality of postal services.

The speed of passage of postal items is determined by the deadlines and standards.

The control period is understood as the maximum time within which the transportation of postal items and postal orders, their processing and delivery (delivery) must be ensured. Control dates, depending on their purpose, are divided into general, phased and intraoperative.

General control terms characterize the time of passage of a postal item or postal order from the sender to the addressee.

Step-by-step control dates characterize the norms of time for the performance of individual operations of the production process within one postal facility.

Intraoperative target dates characterize the norms of time for the implementation of individual elements that together make up a specific production operation.

The deadlines for forwarding postal items and postal orders refer to the general deadlines. The deadlines for sending written correspondence are developed and approved by the Ministry of Communications of Russia. The deadlines for sending insurance and parcel mail are developed and approved by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of Russia.

The deadlines for sending written correspondence, parcel mail are tables indicating vertically and horizontally the names of cities that are the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the intersection of the horizontal row and the vertical column is the desired control period. In table. 5.1. the control period (5 days) for sending written correspondence from Arkhangelsk to Barnaul is shown. The control period does not include the day of receipt of the postal item.

Tables with deadlines for sending written correspondence, parcel mail should be located in each postal service.

The control period for sending written correspondence in the intracity territory of cities of federal significance and administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is 2 days.

The control period for sending written correspondence between the administrative centers of municipal districts on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is 2 days.

The deadline for sending written correspondence between the administrative center of the municipal district and the settlements located on the territory of the municipal district is 3 days.

The control period for sending written correspondence between settlements belonging to various municipal districts of the Russian Federation is calculated by summing up the corresponding control periods.

The quality of sending postal items or postal money transfers is considered satisfactory, provided that at least 90% of their total number pass within the control deadlines.

The following standards have been established for written correspondence.

1. Standards for the frequency of collection of written correspondence from mailboxes.

From mailboxes located outside the postal facilities:

* on the intracity territory of federal cities, on the territory of the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 5 days a week at least twice a day, on the remaining two days - at least once a day;

From mailboxes located inside postal facilities - on working days at least once a day.

2. The standards for the frequency of the exchange of written correspondence between the objects of postal communication are established in accordance with the frequency of delivery of written correspondence to these objects of postal communication.

3. The standard for the frequency of transportation of written correspondence between cities of federal significance, administrative centers of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, administrative centers of municipal districts, other settlements - at least 3 days a week, at least once a day.

4. Standards for the frequency of delivery of written correspondence:

* on the intracity territory of federal cities, on the territory of the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - at least once a day;

* on the territory of administrative centers of municipal districts - at least 5 days a week at least once a day;

* in the territory of other settlements - at least 3 days a week once a day.

Reducing the frequency or stopping the collection from mailboxes, exchange, transportation and delivery of written correspondence is possible only during emergencies of a natural or man-made nature based on the decisions of Rossvyaz taken in accordance with the Regulations on Priority Use, as well as the suspension or restriction of the use of any communication networks and means of communication during emergencies of a natural or man-made nature, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The stability and regularity of mail messages is characterized by the fulfillment of schedules and timetables for the movement of postal transport on postal routes.

Applications with claims for the quality of postal services are accepted at postal facilities. In accordance with the Rules for the provision of postal services, the procedure for registering and considering claims of users of postal services is established. To consider claims, an internal audit is carried out, and the applicants are informed about its results.

The number of claims received is one of the main indicators of the quality of work of a particular postal facility, formed directly by users of postal services.

Accounting for incoming requests should be kept for each licensee as a whole, as well as for each of its branches and separate structural subdivisions. All incoming appeals, depending on the reasons for their occurrence, are recommended to be divided into the following groups:

* Claims related to non-receipt of postal items and postal money orders;

* Claims related to theft or damage to the attachment of postal items;

* claims related to unsatisfactory user service in postal facilities;

* Claims related to the long passage of postal items and postal money transfers;

* Claims related to other reasons.

When analyzing received applications, the most common violations of the rights and legitimate interests of users are determined, the causes of their occurrence are identified and measures are developed to eliminate them.

Quality control of postal services. Quality control of postal services is carried out at all stages of the passage of postal items and postal orders. The main ways to control the quality of postal services are: production control, operational control, mutual control, control of the timing of passage, documentary checks and sudden checks of the condition of cash desks, control through the clientele, control through an independent audit, control of licensed activities.

Production control is carried out in each postal facility and is designed to detect and eliminate defects in work before sending from the facility. Production control is carried out by the heads of postal facilities, their deputies, heads of structural divisions and other employees at the direction of the heads of the facility in a continuous or selective manner in parallel with the processing of mail.

The frequency of control and the norms of verification are established by a special instruction of the licensee. The results of the control are reflected in a special journal for each workplace, are used to identify and eliminate shortcomings in work, eliminate the causes of marriage.

Operational control is carried out directly by the postal workers themselves in the form of control operations, which are integral operations of the production processes for receiving, processing and sending mail. Marriage at work is detected and eliminated directly at the workplace.

Mutual control of postal objects is that the defect in the work is detected not in the object where it was admitted, but in another. This marriage can no longer be eliminated.

The postal service object that discovered the marriage reports this by an act f. 51 or notification f. 30 to the postal service object that allowed the marriage. Act f. 51 is drawn up in the event of violations that entail liability.

In the event of violations that do not entail liability, a notice is drawn up f. 30. Such control includes the control of the correctness of the execution of postal items, postal orders and postal documentation, carried out by post offices subordinate to the OPS.

The control of the transit time allows you to identify a marriage that was not detected during the passage of a postal item or a postal money transfer, by the discrepancy between the actual transit times and the normative ones. One of the methods of control is the distribution of control letters by the territorial bodies of Rossvyaznadzor.

Documentary checks and sudden checks of the condition of the cash desks provide for checking the safety of all material assets and funds, the correctness of the execution of production documentation, and compliance with financial and technological discipline. Scheduled inspections and sudden audits of cash desks are carried out. The procedure for conducting such checks is specified in the special instructions of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post.

Control through the clientele allows you to detect a defect that has not been opened during processing in postal facilities. A user who has received a mail item in violation of the deadlines for forwarding, in a damaged form or not received it at all, applies to the postal facility with a corresponding claim, which is a confirmation of the marriage in the work of the postal organization. In addition, one of the ways to communicate with users is to send control letters postal objects, which allow you to establish not only negative, but also positive aspects of the operation of postal objects.

Control through an independent audit makes it possible to obtain an assessment of the quality of the postal services provided by the implementation of control measures by public organizations or associations, specialized organizations or associations, specialized quality audit companies. The methodology for carrying out such an audit can be very different: surveys of the population and business entities, public authorities and municipalities, testing services, test purchases, etc.

State supervision over activities in the field of communications (control of licensed activities) is carried out by the territorial bodies of Rossvyaznadzor in accordance with the Procedure for the implementation of state supervision over activities in the field of communications, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. All licensees are subject to verification.

There are scheduled and unscheduled inspections. The territorial bodies of Rossvyaznadzor carry out scheduled inspections to supervise activities in the field of postal communications in accordance with their annual and quarterly plans. Each licensee must be audited at least once every two years. Unscheduled inspections are carried out at the request of licensees, according to customer complaints about the quality of services, when detected as a result of remote monitoring, i.e. without direct interaction with the licensee, significant violations in the work of the licensee. According to the results of state supervision, acts of inspections are drawn up, which indicate the identified violations of mandatory requirements in the field of postal communications or make a note about the absence of such violations.

State supervision of activities in the field of postal communications includes supervision and control over compliance by licensees includes supervision and control over compliance by licensees with mandatory requirements and norms established by regulatory legal acts in the field of postal communications, as well as control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on licensing in the field of communications.

Supervision and control over compliance with mandatory requirements and norms in the field of postal communications includes the organization and implementation of inspections:

* compliance with the requirements for the construction of postal networks, the requirements for the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of postal networks (structures);

* implementation by postal operators of the rules for the provision of postal services;

* compliance with the requirements of metrological support of equipment used to account for the volume of postal services rendered;

* compliance with the standards for the frequency of collection from mailboxes, exchange, transportation, and delivery of written correspondence;

* compliance with the deadlines for sending postal items and postal money orders;

* observance of the procedure for accounting for transmitted and received mail, and funds between postal organizations.

* Compliance with the use of franking machines and identifying franking machines that are not allowed for use.

Control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on licensing in the field of communications includes the implementation of checks:

* compliance with the licensing conditions established in the licenses for carrying out activities in the field of postal services (hereinafter referred to as the license conditions);

* identification of persons engaged in activities for the provision of paid postal services without appropriate licenses.

The procedure for organizing and carrying out measures to control the activities of licensees in the provision of postal services is defined in the relevant methodology. The methodology is developed and approved by the Russian Ministry of Communications and undergoes state registration with the Russian Ministry of Justice.

Control measures are carried out with direct interaction with the checked object of postal communication or by remote control. Documentation is checked, postal items and forms of postal money transfers are examined.

Verification of documents is carried out selectively for the last six months preceding the verification. If, during selective control, the number of mail items (documents) with violations revealed is less than 10%, then the state inspector of the Russian Federation for supervision of communications issues a decision on compliance with the requirements in the field of postal communications.

If, during selective control, the detected number of mailings (documents) with violations is more than 10%, then the state inspector draws up an order that lists the identified violations and indicates the deadlines for their elimination. In case of detection of violations or in case of non-elimination of violations identified during previous inspections, the state inspector draws up a protocol on an administrative offense.

The procedure for considering a case on an administrative offense is carried out in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. Depending on the revealed administrative offenses. Depending on the identified administrative offense, the protocols are sent to the courts or considered by senior state inspectors.

The senior state inspector (ex officio or are the heads of the territorial bodies of Rossvyaznadzor and their deputies), based on the results of the consideration of the case, makes a decision on bringing to administrative responsibility.

Ways to improve the quality of postal services

Improving the quality of postal services involves reducing the time for sending postal items and postal money transfers, increasing the level of their safety, providing users with access to information about the real quality of the services offered, taking into account the assessment of independent experts.

The main areas of work to improve the quality of postal services are:

* introduction of international quality standards;

* Improving the logistics of postal transportation;

* automation and mechanization of the processing of postal items;

* introduction of new technologies - automated control systems ("track and trance" systems) using modern infocommunication technologies;

* Improving the production and technological discipline of postal workers;

* introduction of new types of postal packaging with increased security against unauthorized opening.

International quality standards are developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The purpose of these standards is to ensure a sustainable improvement in the quality of services or products. The international standard ISO 9001:2008 (GOST R ISO 9001-2008) is in force in the Russian Federation. With strict observance of the requirements established in the standards, the services provided will always have a quality that satisfies users.

The ideology of building standards is based on 8 principles:

1) orientation to the user of services;

2) striving for leadership in their field of activity;

3) involvement of employees in the quality improvement process;

4) process approach to solving the tasks;

5) a systematic approach to solving the tasks;

6) striving for continuous improvement;

7) making decisions based on reliable information;

8) mutually beneficial cooperation with suppliers of services and goods.

The presence of a voluntary ISO certificate is for the user a sign of the quality of the services provided, an additional guarantee of reliability and a certificate of professional competence. Voluntary certification works are carried out in three stages: preliminary assessment, verification and evaluation of the quality system in the organization, inspection control over the certified quality system.

At the preparatory stage, a preliminary external audit is carried out to assess the quality management system in place in the organization to identify problem areas. At the second stage, based on the results of the preliminary audit, a program of measures is developed to eliminate the identified inconsistencies with the requirements of international standards.

After the implementation of the program, the quality system in the organization is checked and assessed for compliance with the requirements of international quality standards. With a positive assessment, an appropriate certificate is issued for a certain period. The third stage consists in the inspection control (at least once a year) during the validity period of the certificate in order to confirm the compliance of the organization's quality system with the requirements of the GOST R ISO 9001-2001 standard.

Improving the logistics of postal transportation is carried out on an ongoing basis, taking into account the ongoing changes in the country's transport system. At the same time, logistics is understood as a direction in the economy, within which the problem of developing and implementing an integrated system for managing material and information flows is solved. Changes to mail forwarding plans are made as needed, but at least once a year in order to speed up mail transportation by reducing the length of postal routes, choosing the fastest mode of transport, and reducing the number of transit stages of mail processing.

The introduction of new technologies should provide for the automation and mechanization of the processing of postal items. Mail processing equipment, developed on the basis of new infocommunication technologies, in combination with barcoding, allows to increase the speed of processing mail and reduce the number of sorting errors.

The use of a bar code generated at the stage of receiving a registered postal item contributes to the introduction of automated control systems (“track and trance” systems).

These systems based on Internet technologies allow the recipient of the services to receive real-time information on what stage of the shipment the postal item is at and when it was delivered.

Strict observance of production and technological discipline by postal workers is a necessary condition for compliance with the standards for processing mail, ensures the safety of mail at all stages of shipment.

New types of postal packaging (reusable polymer boxes for written correspondence, security plastic bags) contribute to the transition from traditional sealing using sealing wax, lead seals and twine to new sealing methods.

The polymer seals and holographic stickers used today do not require additional mechanisms, are applied manually and are easily destroyed when trying to hide a postal item (postal item) under mechanistic or thermal action. New sealing methods make it possible to simplify, and therefore speed up, the procedure for external examination and the identification of signs of unauthorized opening.


Postal Communications of the Russian Federation provides customers with universal, contractual and additional services. Domestic and international postal items and postal orders are sent through the postal network.

Domestic postal items include: postcards, letters, parcels, parcels, secograms, direct containers, domestic express mail items, e-mail items. In addition, postal orders are sent in the internal exchange.

International postal items include: letters, postcards, parcels and "M" bags, secograms, small packages, parcels, international express mail items, e-mail items, grouped "Consignment" items.

Each item has its own characteristics that determine the procedure and conditions for the acceptance, processing and delivery of this postal item. The totality of these signs is the category of the postal item.

For internal postal items and postal orders, categories are established: government, military, service. For domestic and international postal items, the maximum weight and dimensions are determined, which are indicated in the Rules for the provision of postal services. Postal services are paid according to tariffs. The fee for forwarding a postal item depends on the type, category, weight of the item, the amount of the assessment of the postal item.

The fee for the forwarding of insured parcels and parcels depends, moreover, on the distance over which they are forwarded. The transfer fee depends on the amount of the transfer and the method of transfer. Postal services are paid for with postal payment signs, in cash, by non-cash payments.

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    Ways of organizing security systems, their characteristics. Access control and registration system. Equipment for the safe storage of valuables. Checking the security of the post office in Omsk. Protection of classified information and equipment.

    thesis, added 05/14/2015

    The structure of the system of regulatory documents in the field of postal communications. Terms in normative documents and definitions of their concepts. Problems of elimination of existing contradictions in terminology. Convention and Agreement of the Universal Postal Union.

    test, added 01/25/2009

    Organization of work and automation of postal operations with the help of software products: "Tracking system", "Retail newspapers", "Subscription". Organization of mail delivery at communication centers. The procedure for sending overlimit cash balances to post offices.

    term paper, added 03/28/2013

    Express Mail Service (EMS) as a service for express delivery of items. Rules for filling in the address form, forwarding express mail. Delivery of express shipments EMS, forms of payment. Filing claims and applications for the search for EMS express shipments.

    thesis, added 06/01/2010

    The order of placement and the principle of development of the network of post offices and mailboxes in the city. Systems for processing and promoting mail in the city. Organization of mail transportation in the city. Organization of mail delivery in the city. Organization of city official mail

Weight, g Price ,
without VAT
20 50,00
40 53,00
60 56,00
80 59,00
100 62,00
Weight, g Price ,
without VAT
20 110,00
40 113,00
60 116,00
80 119,00
100 122,00

* - payment for the declared value of the letter: for each complete or incomplete 1 ruble of the estimated value is 0.03 rubles.

** - Notification SIMPLE RUB 22.92 without VAT

Frequently asked Questions

Tariffs for services for forwarding notifications of receipt of internal registered postal items and postal money transfers are effective from April 12, 2019.

  • Simple notification- 22.92 rubles.
  • Custom Notice- 56.67 rubles.
  • Electronic acknowledgment of receipt- 22.92 rubles.
  • Notifications of the delivery of a postal money transfer as part of the provision of the service "Postal money transfer"- 25.42 rubles.

* When confirming payment for services with postage stamps, VAT is not charged
** The service also applies to RPO "Departments of the 1st class".

Letter- postal item with a written message and (or) documents. Letters can be simple, registered or insured. Letters in postal envelopes measuring 114x162x5mm and 110x220x5mm and weighing up to 20 g are standard written correspondence. In internal ordinary and registered letters, written messages and business papers are sent.


Communication tariffs DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. For communication services rendered to enterprises and organizations, VAT is charged in excess of tariffs.

Good to know

Objects and documents (securities, diplomas, passports, driver's licenses, pension and court cases, government bonds, shares, lottery tickets, civil status registration certificates, diplomas, art cards, state postal signs) are sent in internal letters with a declared value. payment, etc.), representing a certain value for the user. It is forbidden to send banknotes of the Russian Federation and foreign currency in letters.

Limit dimensions, weight:

  • minimum size: 110x220mm or 114x162mm;
  • maximum size: 229x324mm;
  • limit weight: 100 g;

Below you will find out what tariffs of the Russian Post for parcels, parcels and other services are valid from January 1, 2019.

Russian Post is one of the largest organizations in our country. In recent years, the list of services provided by the state enterprise has significantly expanded. On the basis of post offices, a network of banking services is being developed jointly with the VTB Group. The organization also participates in charity events together with various foundations (sending postcards of the “Thank you” action).

The main direction of the organization's work - sending correspondence and parcels - does not lose its relevance. The State Post provides services for sending documentation, goods from online stores from cities in Russia and other countries, mainly China, at the most optimal prices.

At the beginning of this year, the official website of the Russian Post showed statistical data on the previous period of the state corporation's work. In 2018, the company processed more than 280 million international parcels, which is 26% more than in 2017.

The Russian Post is working to improve the quality of the services it provides. In February 2017, the organization, together with Hong Kong Post, launched the SRM project (“Simplified Registered Mail” - “simplified registered package”). New sorting lines are opening in the regional branches of the Russian Post. The implementation of postal modernization projects is reflected in tariffs and prices.

How rates changed in 2018

Tariffs for Russian Post services since the beginning of 2018 have increased by about 14-16% compared to the previous year. A postcard in Russia in 2017 could be sent for 16 rubles, in 2016 such a service cost 14 rubles (an increase of 14%), sending a card to another country cost 5 rubles cheaper in 2017 - 35 rubles by land and 40 rubles by air .

Sending ordinary letters in 2017 cost about 16% cheaper, a simple letter could be sent for 19 rubles, registered - for 37 rubles.

The prices for international shipments by courier service have increased significantly, even in the near abroad. So, in 2017, it was possible to send a small package of documents to Minsk for 780 rubles, in 2018, 1,115 rubles had to be paid for the same service.

PostcardLetter, weighing 20 gParcel, weighing 100 g
Easy Departure 16 rub.22 rub.40 rub.
Registered departure 33 rub.41 rub.60 rub.
Basic tariff95 rub.By land transport for every 500 gBy air for every 500g
Up to 600 km80 rub.95 rub.
601-2000 km90 rub.
2001-5000 km100 rub.
5001-8000 km110 rub.
Over 8000 km125 rub.
Insured shipment Additional 20 g of plain/registered letter/package2.50 RUB2.50 RUB2.50 RUB
For each ruble of the declared value of the shipment0.03 rub.0.03 rub.0.03 rub.

2019 Value Changes


The letter should not weigh more than 100 g, if it exceeds this figure, then this is already a parcel. Letters are registered, valuable and simple.

* when confirming payment with postage stamps, VAT is not charged.

The cost of the “Notice of Delivery” as of 01/01/2019:

ViewPrice without VATPrice with VAT
simple22.92 27.50
custom56.67 68

From the beginning of 2019, payment by postage stamps "receipt of receipt" is cancelled! Individuals are required to pay the tariff + VAT. The cash on delivery service is free. SMS notification - 10 rubles.

Parcels and parcels in Russia

Examples of the cost of sending parcels in Russia:

  • parcel up to 100 g weighing - 47.2 rubles;
  • parcel 5 kg (Moscow - Uryupinsk, Volgograd region, 700 km) - from 310 rubles. ground transport, 600 rubles. - courier).

Possibility of postage insurance.

Tariffs for international shipments

  1. Letter, postcard (up to 20 g) - 45 rubles. (excluding VAT) by air transport.
  2. Correspondence weighing 2 kg (air shipment) - 1522 rubles.
  3. Parcel weighing 5-20 kg (within 9-15 days) - from 2900 rubles, within 5-9 days - from 3100 rubles, by courier - from 4100 rubles.

Services for storing correspondence and parcels, filling out forms, returning items are evaluated by agreement.

The above examples indicate a slight increase in the cost indicators of the Russian Post in 2019, although prices in the main directions remained at the level of last year.

Tariffs for shipments within Russia and abroad in 2019

The epistolary genre, sending letters for personal purposes have practically lost their relevance. Already much less often, but still sometimes individuals use mail services for forwarding. They mostly send postcards for the holidays or letters to pay tribute to the tradition.

So in December last year, 8500 letters were sent to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug. Each such letter cost the sender 19 rubles. In 2018, parents had to pay 22 rubles each for a simple letter consisting of 1-2 sheets of A4 format (the price is indicated without VAT). Same price in 2019.

Sending a postcard, which is dropped into the mailbox, will cost 16 rubles, a custom postcard - 33 rubles. For registered items (cards, letters in envelopes, parcels), the recipient must come to the post office and sign after receiving the notification. All shipments can be tracked on the Russian Post website using an individual number.

The cost of sending a letter with an envelope of a minimum weight of 20 g (equivalent to 1-2 sheets of A4) in 2018 was 22 rubles (simple) or 41 rubles (custom). In 2019, a registered letter costs 46 rubles. For every additional 20 g to the weight in 2019, you will have to pay an additional 2.5 rubles, i.e. sending a letter weighing 41 g will cost 27 rubles (22 + 2.5 * 2), the same as in 2018.

To determine the cost of a shipment with a declared value, they add not only a fee for additional weight, but also for each ruble of value. In the case of a parcel delivered by land, the price also varies depending on the mileage. So, if a registered parcel weighing 600 g with a declared value of 500 rubles is sent from Sochi to Moscow, the shipment will cost 195 rubles (a registered parcel weighing 600 g for a distance of 1700 km is 90 rubles * 2 - 180 rubles, the value is 500 rubles. * 0.03 - 15 rubles).

It is not necessary to calculate the payment amounts for shipments yourself, just use the automatic calculator on the mail portal. For the calculation, you must specify the cities of departure and delivery, as well as the weight of the shipment, select the method of shipment (regular, expedited or courier) and, if necessary, enable additional services.

The most common Russian Post services include the Cash on Delivery option. A parcel post or cash on delivery parcel is often sent by online stores. The recipient has the opportunity to pay for the received goods by mail, making sure that the selected product matches the description. Further, the payment made is transferred to the sender. COD correspondence must also have a declared value of at least the COD amount.

The "Notice of Delivery" option adds 22 rubles to the cost of registered mail. This option is not available for regular emails. The service is often used by companies that send documents to government organizations. Also, it is not uncommon to make an inventory of the attachment, which lists the documents to be sent. Such a shipment must be valuable. Checking the inventory by a postal employee costs 60 rubles.

The cost of the parcel depends on the weight, as well as on the trunk belt. Shipments must be packed in accordance with the requirements of the post office. Everything you need for packaging (boxes, bags) can be purchased at the department.

Trunk BeltDistanceShipping cost up to 500 g (including VAT)Surcharge for each additional 500 g (VAT included)
IUp to 600 km173 rub.21 rub.
II600-2000 km235 rub.24 rub.
III2000-5000 km244 rub.33 rub.
IV5000-8000 km294 rub.48 rub.
VOver 8000330 rub.55 rub.

The cost of international shipments depends on the weight category and type of transport (ground or air).

Prices in rubles without VATPostcardWeight of a simple letter/package, gAdd. for order letterFrom about. prices.For 1 rub. prices.
Prost.Orderup to 2021-100 101-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000
Ground transport40 170 40 80 160 300 600 990 130 160 0.04
Air transport45 175 45 100 200 400 750 1290 130 160 0.04

To calculate the cost of sending letters or cargo abroad, you can also use the calculator on the official website of the company.

The tariffs of the courier service of the Russian Post EMS are significantly lower than the prices of the main competitors - DHL, UPS, Pony Express. At the same time, the service is at the proper level, delivery times are observed. The sender has the ability to track the parcel by the invoice number. The courier arrives at the office or home at the specified address. You can call a courier service employee through the Russian Post website or EMS.

The cost of departure depends on the weight and tariff zones of the cities of departure and receipt. So, sending from the 1st tariff zone of Vladimir to the 0th tariff zone of Moscow, the sender will pay 260 rubles for correspondence of the minimum weight. Delivery time - 1 day. Sending a weight of 300 g from Moscow (0th tariff zone) to Hong Kong (4th tariff zone) will cost 2090 rubles.

Business Services

For companies, Russian Post offers services for preparing and sending documents or cargo directly from the company's office. The postal employee picks up outgoing correspondence from the office, prepares documents for dispatch and sends them for dispatch. The service is provided on the basis of an agreement within the framework of long-term cooperation. The contract prescribes the schedule and frequency of correspondence collection.

Companies may also enter into a contract for the provision of courier delivery services. In this case, shipments are paid by bank transfer. The Russian Post provides an individual approach to each client, depending on the volume of document flow. The conditions will be beneficial for both large companies and small organizations that are online stores and constantly send parcels or parcels with cash on delivery.

Online stores and large senders are given access to a personal account, which stores information about the shipments made, which makes it easier to process repeated letters to the same organization. Indices, as well as the cost of each shipment and the total amount of the order, are entered automatically.

Additional services of the Russian Post

In addition to the main services related to the dispatch of correspondence and cargo, FSUE Russian Post provides other services, including:

  • Money transfers;
  • accepting payments;
  • receiving letters from the traffic police;
  • insurance services;
  • online subscription to printed publications, etc.

One of the popular services is the option to receive letters from the traffic police in electronic form. The letter arrives in the personal account of the registered user as soon as the traffic police is sent. An alternative option for obtaining fines allows you to pay within 20 days and save 50% for the timely repayment of debt.

Russian Post is a very important company for the country. The state post office performs many social functions. One of them is the provision of jobs, because more than 300,000 people work at the post office. This large team processes more than 1.5 billion letters, 75 million currency units and 55 million parcels a year. In 2011, the company's turnover amounted to more than 120 billion rubles, and net profit exceeded 790 million rubles. Russian Post was founded in 2002, and 11 years later the government included it in the list of strategic enterprises. The State Post provides a large number of services, the list of which is increasing every year.

Post services

  1. Written correspondence.

The service of written correspondence is included in the universal service. Written correspondence includes:


postal cards,

Reply postage.

  1. First class mail.

1st class mail is a fast shipping method. It allows you to speed up the shipment by a third, compared with traditional delivery. The main advantages of this service are:


small cost,

Fast shipping.

processing speed,

Ease of pricing.

When sending cash on delivery, the amount of the parcel should not exceed 20,000 rubles. Delivery speed is ensured by new logistics and sorting technologies. Mailboxes are provided for first class mail, which are serviced much more frequently than the removal of correspondence from standard boxes.

First class mailbox

  1. Express deliveryEMS.

This service is available in over 190 countries. This allows you to deliver parcels to different parts of the world in the shortest possible time. The following types of express delivery are presented:

delivery within the city,

Intra-regional delivery,

Delivery within the territory of Russia,

International delivery.

The weight of the parcel for express delivery must not exceed 31 kilograms. The length of the package should not exceed 150 centimeters.

  1. Courier delivery.

For recipients of shipments in Moscow, it is possible to deliver the parcel by courier from the office directly to the door of the house. The order of this service is carried out through the mobile application of the Russian Post or by SMS. The parcel is delivered within two days after the order is placed. The cost of one shipment is 199 rubles. You must present an ID to receive.

Application "Russian Post"

  1. SMS notification.

This service involves notifying the recipient / sender of the arrival / receipt of the postal item. To order an SMS notification, do the following:

Specify the type of alert

Provide a phone number

Fill in the order form

Pay for the service.

The Russian Post has determined the following tariffs for the provision of the SMS notification service:

Prices are inclusive of VAT.

  1. Multi-envelope

The multi-envelope is designed to send the following goods:

information carriers,


plastic cards.


Delivery to any region of Russia;

Possibility to use the service for business promotion (informing potential customers about promotions and discounts);

Stimulates seasonal sales;

Moderate service price.


Sending abroad is not possible;

The multi-envelope is manufactured industrially;

Not suitable for sending items weighing more than 150 grams;

It is necessary to coordinate the appearance of the multi-envelope with the Russian Post.

Tariffs for this service for a simple departure are as follows:

WeightPrice including VATPrice without VAT
Up to 50 grams29.50 RUB25.00 RUB
50–100 grams36.58 RUB31.00 RUB
100–150 grams50.74 RUB43.00 RUB

Rates for registered mail:

WeightPrice including VATPrice without VAT
Up to 50 grams63.72 rubles54.00 RUB
50–100 grams77.88 RUB66.00 RUB
100–150 grams94.40 RUB80.00 RUB

VAT is not charged if payment is confirmed by state signs (postage stamps).

Financial services

  1. Payment of pensions.

This service is one of the most socially significant. For more than a dozen years, the Russian post has been paying pensions and benefits to citizens. The Pension Fund and the Russian Post have jointly developed an electronic document management system that allows pensioners to be notified in a timely manner about the amount and timing of payments. More than 17 million pensioners use state postal services.

  1. Acceptance of utility bills.

The convenience of this service lies in the fact that the Russian Post has many branches throughout the country. Therefore, citizens have the opportunity to choose the nearest branch to the house, so as not to spend a lot of time on the road. The State Post is constantly improving the quality of customer service. The post office cooperates not only with municipal utility providers, but also with federal level companies, such as Gazprom.

  1. Money transfers.
  1. Acceptance of payments for the Internet and television.
  1. Insurance services.
  1. Service of bank cards.
  1. Issuance and repayment of loans.

Russian Post is not standing still. Employees of the state postal service are constantly introducing new services for their customers. In 2015, new financial services of the Russian Post appeared, aimed at improving the quality of service in the field of insurance, money transfers and parcel delivery.

Services for the public

Russian Post provides not only postal and financial services. The State Post strives to help solve its customers and everyday issues. Among the most popular Russian Post services for the population are the following:

  • CyberPress,
  • cybermail,
  • subscription to printed publications,
  • mobile app,
  • sale of lottery tickets,
  • sale of tickets for transport, social events, etc.,
  • telephone communications,
  • acceptance of immigration papers.

Russian Post provides a very wide range of services. Almost every resident of the Russian Federation can choose for himself those services that suit him and will be useful. Criticism of the state post office regarding the timing and quality of delivery has its reasons. But the Russian Post offers various express delivery options that cost more than a regular shipment, but provide significant guarantees. The following offers for business are also provided: advertising, partnership, customs escort, assistance with international shipments. It is thanks to the social orientation that the Russian Post is such a significant organization for the state.

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