Backgammon secrets of skill. The rules of the game of classic backgammon (long). Lack of moves in long backgammon

The variety of backgammon games makes it difficult for beginners to master the rules of the game. Inexperienced players should first highlight general rules games, the study of which in the future will help beginners to easily figure out how to play one or another kind of backgammon correctly. Conventionally, all existing varieties of the game can be divided into two main classes: short backgammon and long backgammon. Their main difference lies in the initial layout of the checkers, as well as in the presence of the ability to knock down the opponent's checkers.

There is no draw in any variation of the game. The first to line up checkers overboard wins.

Any kind of backgammon assumes three types of victory, the value of which depends on the significance of the final advantage. Their essence is as follows:

  1. Mars. The location of the checkers at the end of the game, indicating that the loser did not have time to bring all his checkers into the house, and the winner was able to take the checkers out of the playing board.
  2. Home Mars. The end of the game, as a result of which the loser managed to bring all the checkers into his house, but he could not bring them out, and in the meantime the opponent took the chips out of the boundaries of the playing board.
  3. Coke. According to the rules of the game of long backgammon for beginners, this situation means the end of the game, as a result of which the loser was unable to move the checkers out of the house, unlike his opponent, who managed to take all the checkers out of the playing field. V backgammon coke is the ending when the loser has not removed any of his checkers from the bar, and the winner has managed to take all the checkers off the board at that time.

In the rules of the game of backgammon, novice players will be able to familiarize themselves with a unified system of counting points, regardless of the type of game: simple - 1 point, for mars - the winner gets 2 points, for home mars - 3 and for the situation coke - 4.

Basic rules for playing long backgammon for beginners

V long backgammon 2 players compete using a special board. It has 24 points in the form of cells, formed into 4 groups. At the beginning of the game, both players line up all their checkers (15 pieces) in one line in the corner of the game board. This line in backgammon is called the "head".

An example of placing checkers according to the rules of long backgammon is presented to beginners in the picture.

The task of the players is to bring their own checkers into the house and remove them from the playing field faster than the opponent.

The first move is made by the player whose number of points dropped at dawn (as dice are called in backgammon) is greater. According to the rules of the game of backgammon, only one chip can be removed from the head in one move. The only exception is the double dropped on the first move of the game.

While playing, the opponents move the checkers counterclockwise alternately according to the result of the throw. The opponent's checker standing in the cell does not allow you to put your own checker on this point. The number of standing checkers in one cell is not limited. In the case when the player has nowhere to go, he is obliged to sacrifice his own move.

After the player has brought all the checkers into the house, he has the right to start removing them from the board.

Basic rules for playing short backgammon for beginners

The game board contains 4 points with an equal number of cells. There are 24 cells in total on the playing field. The task of the players is to take all their checkers across the playing field, bringing them into the house and taking them overboard. Moreover, it is necessary to go through this path faster than the opponent.

A sample checkers layout according to the rules of the game of short backgammon is presented to beginners in the picture.

In this type of backgammon, checkers move in the direction of each other, while you can put them on free points, and even knock down the opponent's checkers, which are standing alone.

However, the presence of more than 1 checker in a cell does not allow you to put your checker there, such a cell is considered occupied. You can move 1 or 2 checkers, and in case of a jackpot (or in other words "double" - the same number of points on both dice) even 4.

If the checker of another player is alone in the cell, then you can put your own in its place. Thus, another player's checker is considered to be knocked down and is sent to the middle of the game board "to the bar". It is allowed to shoot down an unlimited number of checkers per turn.

The player can continue to move the checkers only after returning all his knocked down checkers to the game board, having lined them up in the opponent's house in accordance with the results of the zar throw. When knocking the opponent's checker out of the cell of his house, it is not removed from the playing field. The last checker is brought into the house by a large number of points dropped on the dice.

After all the player's checkers enter the house, he has the right to start removing them from the board in accordance with the established rules.

V modern society board games are far from the last, board game known since ancient times "Backgammon". Ten years ago, backgammon was mainly played by men, now it is not uncommon to meet women at the game. The popularity of the game among both sexes causes the logical basis of the game of long backgammon, where each player can choose his own individual tactics, carefully thinking over his moves to calculate the opponent and confidently go to victory. Long backgammon like chess, it doesn't give you time to relax for a second. Letting the game take its course, there is a risk of loss, as well as the opportunity to bet the player "Mars". It is important to choose a combination of tactics and secrets, the goal of which will be to defeat your opponent. Before buying backgammon, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the basic rules and secrets of the game.

Backgammon tactics

Composure and attentiveness are the most basic tactics in long backgammon. Think over your move several moves in advance, resort to a more flexible strategy based on your opponent's moves. The most important move in the game is the opponent's main move, only after it does it become possible to calculate the opponent's possible movements and the outcome of the entire game. Those who play backgammon at the amateur level adhere to the point of view that the main move does not decide the outcome of the whole game. Professionals are convinced that the main move decides the result of the next game, the correct first move is able to set the required pace of the competition and ensure victory.

- easy, but only half the battle. It is important to know the tricks used by the players. The basic rule is that the first checker is in the forefront, and the second checker is on the head. Using the basic rule, the player gets good places and the primacy of the field. By capturing the most important cells on his territory, the player will transfer the opponent's play in the direction he needs, gain an advantage that will make the further game easier and easier, and victory will be a matter of time.

Backgammon Secrets

To choose an individual tactics, to acquire your own secrets of the game, you need to familiarize yourself with the main secrets and tactics often used in backgammon.

Let's consider the main ones:

1. Do not let your opponent take three cells near the head of the field, this leads to the risk of losing the main positions, but try to occupy three cells near the opponent's head, in order to get to the third quarter it is necessary to put checkers to the sixth position. Having occupied three cells near the head of the enemy's field, you will get a tangible advantage in controlling the main positions.

2. Go on a forced offensive when the checkers are in the fourth quarter of the playing field in one move to the third quarter.

3. From the beginning of the game, do not let the opponent get close to the first quarter, block the moves of the opponent.

It's just basic backgammon tricks, just the tip of the iceberg, be prepared for the fact that the opponent can use other tricks when playing backgammon, be concentrated and self-possessed, think over the future moves of the opponent, remember the basic rule of backgammon, the first opponent can decide the outcome of the whole game.

Do not let the game take its course, because individual tactics and secrets are the guarantee of victory in backgammon. When playing with a pro, analyze every move. With endurance and miscalculation of each move, using individual tactics and secrets, you will learn to win. And then you will have an opportunity for a game, and not for an idle souvenir.

Backgammon is a logic game of checkers in which dice introduce an element of probability, making the game unpredictable. Backgammon is one of the oldest intellectual games, which combined the elements of strategy and chance.

The randomness in the game depends on the location of the dice. No one is able to predict the combination of the dice before a throw, much less foresee what the next throws will be. The main element of backgammon is not excitement, but intellect and sport, in connection with which the game is considered to be sports-logical.

If you want to become a good backgammon player, learn not just to play, but to understand how to win at backgammon. To do this, you must learn to model and predict the options for changing the situations that are developing in the game, predict what steps the opponent will take and, if necessary, "take risks" and be able to calculate them in advance.

And although in backgammon there is a certain dependence on dice, the player himself makes a decision when choosing a move. Understanding the intricacies of the game, the player is able to react to unpredictable changes, suggest options for continuing the game, and wait for the combinations needed to advance.

The strategy of playing backgammon requires the player to be collected and clear of thought, the ability to calculate various combinations and moves, and depending on how the dice fall out. Such skills are achieved through long training sessions, numerous games. An important aspect is the player's endurance.

And now a few words about the backgammon strategy itself:

  • Assess the position. If you assess the position correctly, you will get a powerful tool in backgammon - a cube, which will complicate the game and make it more dynamic. The cube will allow you and your opponent to raise the stakes in the game, increasing the number of points in the draw.
  • Building your board is creating a lot of items in the house. This strategy has two main advantages - difficulty in retreating to the enemy and difficulty in introducing blots. By knocking down your opponent's blots, you can gain absolute control over the board.
  • Risk. You can risk leaving vulnerable blots. This is done in order to get the opportunity to take advantageous positions.
  • Retreat. Be careful when leaving the enemy's house. Your opponent's checkers will be placed on your opponent's home board. It is in your interest to quickly remove checkers, especially if the enemy starts building up his home board.
  • Reverse play. This means creating a large number of anchors on your opponent's home board, which will prevent him from bringing checkers into the house, and he will be forced to expose them to attack.

Try playing backgammon. The tactics of the game, complex combinations, the need to calculate possible combinations in advance and the element of surprise introduced by the dice make backgammon one of the most exciting board games.


Mid game



General principles and game strategy

Backgammon workshop

Zary and the Generator

Psychological aspects of the game


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Despite the great popularity of long backgammon in Russia and the CIS countries, until recently, there were no serious developments in the theory of this game in the available literature.

But now there are at least 2 books completely devoted to how to play long backgammon correctly: by the author of this guide, Nazim Akhundov (Moscow, 2007) and Rodion Chebotarev (Dnepropetrovsk, 2010).

Unfortunately, there is still no program that can analyze games and positions in long backgammon at an acceptable level. But let's hope it will appear in the coming years.

This work is an attempt to collect in one place, analyze and process the most important of what the author has studied and published at different times on the topic of "long backgammon".

The work is very conditionally called a reference book. This is mainly due to the fact that the information collected in it is of a diverse nature.

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The foregoing does not apply to cases of commercial use, which must be agreed with the author.


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Undoubtedly, any player has the right to use other terms since the terms suggested by the author are his personal perception of which words should be used.

You have the right to skip this section and use the terms that you are used to, however, then reading the materials in this guide will become difficult for you.

For a better understanding of the text in this work, it is recommended to look at the terms suggested below.

Speaking about the position on the backgammon board, we often use some specific backgammon words, or rather terms. Many of them are clear to backgammon players. But some, without a specific indication of the board, can be confusing.

1. What backgammon is playing with. Checkers, chips, stones. Sometimes the word stones mean zaras. The author suggests using the word “ checkers", Unlike casino chips, which also have a face value ($ 100 chip, $ 10 chip, etc.)

2. The place on the board where checkers are placed. It is called differently: field, hole, position, point. There are 24 of them in total. In the book, I suggested using the word "field". However, the President of the RFSNB Gul Eldar Alievich managed to convince me that the term “ paragraph»Fits more. Hereinafter, points are numbered from 1 to 24 (counting from the base of white checkers). Point number 1 is the starting position of the checker (white), point number 24 is the last point of the board, after which the checker (white) is removed from the board (thrown out).

3. « Stroke". The term is clear to everyone. The player, whose turn to play, throws Zara and must play the dropped out numbers. This will be the move. The move consists of " movements". There can be up to four movements in one move. There are usually two of them. But, if the same numbers fell out at the dawn, then four movements.

This is in the case of “ full speed».

But it happens that it is impossible to make all the movements, then the move can consist of three, two and one movements.

This " incomplete stroke».

There may also be a situation where the player is forced to completely miss a move. This is when there is no way to walk. In this case, in the course of zero movements or " skip».

4. Sometimes it is important to indicate in which part of the board the game is going. In what follows, we will use the term “ quarter". The first is the one where the starting position is. Then the second, third and fourth (the one where the checkers are thrown out).

5. The place where all the checkers are collected at the beginning of the game (point # 1). The words "hand" and "head" are often used. This sometimes leads to confusion. This term is important and frequently used. According to the rules, more than one checker cannot be moved from the “hand” (except for the first move). The book uses the word “ hand". However, it should be recognized that the term "head" is used by players at least as often. Apparently, it is more logical to recognize the equality of both of these terms, i.e. their equal applicability. The author believes that the term “ head" too.

6. Several checkers standing in a row, forming a kind of obstacle. In short backgammon there is the concept of "prime", but there are paired checkers, and in long ones they can be in 1 row. Therefore, such a construction could be called prime, block, overlap. Hereinafter, we will use the term “ block».

7. Several (3 or more) checkers in one point. Sometimes players say "sausage" or "sausage". Options: "column", "stack", "pack". The generally applicable and non-controversial term “ column».

8. Fourth quarter. Often this is the place players call home. Word " House"Is used universally to refer to the fourth quarter.

9. First quarter. To avoid confusion, the first quarter of the board will be called “ base».

10. In backgammon there is the term “builder”. A spare piece ready to create a new pair. In long backgammon, it is necessary to mark checkers that perform similar functions. This is when the second or third checker is placed in a column on some point, so that the next move can capture more distant points without opening the position from which you move. In the reference book, such a checker is called “ avanta". The first (lower) checker at the point where the avant is located will hereinafter be called “ springboard».

11. Lack of moves when a specific number appears - " stroke deficit"(Shortage of fives, shortage of triples, etc.).

12. A certain number of moves that can be made (move part of the checkers) without creating a critical situation for yourself with such moves, for example, without opening important points. For such a set of moves, the term “ power reserve". Often just the word "stock" is used. The meaning of “deficit of moves” and “reserve of moves” is the same. It is the same as a glass 2/3 full or a glass 1/3 empty.

13. Zary (cubes). The word zaras designates only the zaras themselves. That which falls at the dawn is called " throw". A roll is two numbers, each of which is from 1 to 6. When the same numbers come up on both dawn, such a roll is called " kush».

All terms are used hereinafter without quotation marks.


Look full version rules.

Backgammon (other common names: backgammon, backgammon), tavla, shesh-besh, kosha is an ancient oriental game. The birthplace of this game is not exactly known, but it is known that people have been playing this game for over 5000 years for which there is historical evidence.So, the oldest of the boards for playing backgammon was found in Iran (in Shahri-Sukhta) and dates back to about 3000 BC. .).

The rules of the backgammon game are simple and beginner players will easily master them, but nevertheless, in order to win, you need logical thinking and, of course, luck. There are two main varieties - and backgammon. Backgammon game consists of a special board, 30 checkers two different colors and two dice dice). The game is played by 2 players.


Starting position

Fig 1. A board with checkers in the starting position. An arrangement that is mirror-symmetrical to that shown in the figure is also possible. The house in it is located on the left, and the courtyard is on the right, respectively.

Fig 2. The direction of movement of the white checkers. Black pieces are moving in the opposite direction.

Rice. 3. Two Ways White Can Play

Backgammon short (Fig. 1) is a game for two players, on a board consisting of twenty-four narrow triangles called points. The triangles alternate in color and are grouped into four groups of six triangles each. These groups are called - house, yard, enemy's house, enemy's yard. The house and the yard are separated by a bar that protrudes above the playing field and is called a bar.

Points are numbered for each player separately, starting from the home of this player. The farthest point is the 24th point, which is also the first point for the opponent. Each player has 15 checkers. The initial placement of checkers is as follows: each of the players has two checkers in the twenty-fourth point, five in the thirteenth, three in the eighth and five in the sixth.

Purpose of the game- transfer all your checkers to your house and then remove them from the board. The first player to remove all of his checkers wins the game.

Checkers movement

The players alternately roll two dice and make moves.

The number on each die shows how many points, or steps, the player must move his checkers. Checkers always move in only one direction (Fig. 2) - from points with larger numbers to points with smaller numbers.

In this case, following rules:

A checker can only move to an open point, that is, to one that is not occupied by two or more checkers of the opposite color.

The numbers on both dice make up separate moves.

For example, if the player has rolled 5 and 3 (Fig. 3), then:

He can go three steps with one saber, and five steps with the other,

Or he can go with one piece at once eight (five plus three) steps, but the latter only if the intermediate point (at a distance of three or five steps from the starting point) is also open.

The player who has a double plays each of the numbers on each of the dice twice. For example, if the roll is 6-6, then the player must make four moves of six points, and he can move the checkers in any combination he sees fit.

The player must use both numbers that fell to him, if they are allowed by the rules (or all four numbers, if he has a double). When only one number can be played, the player must play that number.

If each of the numbers can be played individually (but not both), the player must play the larger number.

If a player cannot make a move, then he skips a move. In the event that a double has dropped out, if the player cannot use all four numbers, he must play as many moves as possible.

How to beat and charge a checker

An item occupied by only one checker is called a blot. If a checker of the opposite color stops at this point, the blot is considered beaten and is placed on the bar. At any time when one or more checkers are on the bar, the player's first duty is to load checkers in the opponent's house. The checker comes into play, moving to the point corresponding to the rolled value of the die.

For example, if a player rolls 4 and 6, he can charge a checker at the fourth or sixth points, if they are not occupied by two or more opponent's checkers.

If both points corresponding to the values ​​of the thrown dice are occupied, the player skips his turn.

If a player can enter some of his checkers, but not all, he must charge as many checkers as possible and then skip the rest of the turn. After all the checkers have been entered from the bar, the unused dice values ​​can be used as usual by moving the checker that you loaded, or any other checker.

How to throw checkers

When a player has brought all his fifteen checkers to his house, he can start throwing them off the board. The player throws a checker in the following way: a pair of dice is thrown, and checkers, which stand on the points corresponding to the rolled values, are removed from the board. For example, if 6 points fell out, you can remove a checker from the sixth point.

If there is not a single checker on the point corresponding to the dropped dice, the player is allowed to move the checker from points larger than the dropped number. If a player can make any moves, he is not obliged to throw a checker off the board.

In the stage of throwing out checkers, all the player's checkers must be in his house. If a checker is beaten in the process of throwing out checkers, then the player must bring the checker back to his home before he continues to throw out checkers. The one who first removed all the checkers from the board wins the game.

Rules of the game

The number of players is two. The number of checkers on the board is 15 for each player.

The place of the initial location of the checkers, each of the players is called the head, and the move from the initial position is called "from the head" or "to take from the head". Only one checker can be taken from the head in one move.

The player rolls two dice at the same time. Having made a throw, the player must move any checker by the number of cells equal to the dropped out number of one of the dice, and then one any checker by the number of cells equal to the dropped number of the other dice. Those. if the dice dropped, for example, six or five, the player must move one checker six cells, and then any (you can do the same, you can another) by five cells. In this case, you can always take only one checker from the head. The only exception is the first throw in the set. If one checker that can be removed from the head passes, then the second can be removed. There are only three such stones for the first player: six-six, four-four and three-three (the opponent's checkers standing on his head interfere). If one of these stones falls, the player removes two checkers from his head. For the second player, the number of stones at which two checkers can be removed from the head increases, since it prevents the first stone from passing, not only the head has the right, but also the stone removed by the enemy. If the opponent threw the first throw: two-one, six-two or five-five, then the second player can remove the second checker also with throws five-five and six-two (except: six-six, four-four and three-three, which also do not go directly).

You cannot move two checkers by the number of cells shown by one die. Those. if the dice roll - six or five, the player cannot move with one checker, for example, three and the other three squares, so that they get six together, and then go "five".

If a hollow fell, i.e. equal points on two dice, for example, five-five, the player makes four moves (for the number of cells corresponding to the dice).

You cannot put your checker on the cell occupied by the opponent's checker. If a checker hits an occupied square, then they say about it that it "does not go". If the opponent's checkers occupy six cells in front of any checker, then such a checker is locked.

You cannot lock all fifteen of the opponent's checkers. That is, it is possible to build an obstacle of six pieces in a row only if at least one of the opponent's pieces is in front of this obstacle.

If the player cannot make a single move for the number of points that fell on each die, i.e. if the checkers do not move, then the points disappear, and the checkers do not move.

If a player can make a move for the number of points that fell on one of the dice, and cannot make a move for the number of points that fell on the second dice, he makes only the move that is possible, and the rest of the points disappear.

If a player has the opportunity to make a full move, he is obliged to make it even to the detriment of his interests. If a stone fell out that allows the player to make only one move, and any of the two, then the player must choose more. Smaller points are lost. The point of the game is that, having passed a full circle with all the checkers, they come to the house and throw all the checkers before the enemy does it.

The home for each player is the last quarter of the playing field, starting with the square 18 squares away from the head. Throwing away checkers means making such moves with them so that the checkers are outside the board. A player can start throwing checkers only when all his checkers have come into the house.

Nobody exists. If the player who started first has thrown all of his checkers, and the second player can also make the next throw, the second player is considered a loser, since there will be no next throw: the game ends as soon as one of the players has thrown all his checkers.

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