Treasure search tasks for children. Scenario of the competitive game program "in search of treasure". Plan for carrying out KTD

"In Search of Treasure".

Quest is a game.

Educator V.N. Mashneva


Organization and conduct of leisure activities for pupils of the boarding school.
Contribute to the strengthening of friendly relationships between children.

Continue to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle and form an interest in sports.

To bring joy and pleasure to children with educational games.

Maintain interest in intellectual activity, desire to play, showing perseverance, purposefulness, mutual assistance.


Involve students in an active lifestyle.

To instill in children a sense of camaraderie, team cohesion.

To instill in children a sense of concern for their comrades (team) in relay races and competitions.

To develop the horizons and creative abilities of pupils.

Develop mutual assistance, the ability to come to the rescue.

To develop in children the ability to navigate the terrain according to the map - scheme, determine the direction of the route.

Corrective tasks:

Stimulate the development of mental abilities.

To develop in children an interest in the independent solution of cognitive, creative problems.

The development of logical thinking in children.

Education of dexterity, attentiveness.

Duration of the event: 1 hour.

Preparatory work:
- draw a colorful announcement and convey information to the children;
- Pupils dress according to the theme, pirate makeup is welcome;
- to prepare letters and "treasures" - sweets;
- prepare stations for competitions;
- draw a map - a route sheet;
- cut the picture of the ship into as many parts as there will be stations;
- make a chest (you can wallpaper the box and stick a padlock out of paper or use an old suitcase) .;

Game progress

Leading: Hello dear friends! Good afternoon, the most courageous people of our school. We are very glad that you were not afraid and came to us to go in search of pirate treasures. So let's start.
Perhaps there is not a single person who at least once in his life would not be going on a long journey towards dangers and adventures. There is not a single person who would not dream of finding treasures buried by pirates, who did not imagine themselves as the captain of a pirate ship. And today we have such an opportunity: today we go for pirate treasures. But unlike many treasure hunters of the past, we are bound to be lucky today. We will surely be lucky. It cannot be otherwise, because you are so brave, smart, friendly.

Leading: Well, did you smell the sea? Did you smell the salty sea wind? Did you hear the creaking of the masts of the pirate ships? Got in the spirit of adventure? Ready?

Leading: For our voyage, we need ships, and to get them, we will have to answer a few questions, show our knowledge.You can find the treasure if you pass all the tests. The tasks will be difficult, but interesting, after completing them, you will find out where the treasure lies.Well, are you ready?

Task number 1 Game "Questions and answers"

1. What is the hottest time of the year?

2. After the summer comes ....

3. Name all the seasons.

4. How many months in a year?

5. Name the autumn, winter, spring, summer months.

6. A year consists of months, a month of weeks. Name the days of the week.

7. What day of the week is it today?

8. What day of the week was yesterday?

9. What day of the week is between Tuesday and Thursday?

Listen to the poem and say on what day of the week all the animals sat on the carousel:

Rhino all days of the week

Spent on a carousel

And the rhinoceros laughed

And the horn shone with happiness

But inlast day of the week

Suddenly the carousel broke

Because they sat down together

Crocodile, giraffe, deer,

Elephant, elephant and seal

In a word, a dozen animals

Yes glutton ant

On what day of the week did the animals sit on the carousel? (On Sunday)

Leading: Well done on the first task.

Task 2. Initiation into pirates.

Who wants to become a pirate and find treasure? Those who want to become pirates must go through the PIRATE INitiation:

a) To sail on ships you need to be able to maintain balance during a storm.
You need to quickly walk along the rope (rope or chalk line) and not fall (do not get off it). Put your feet - strictly heel to toe!
b) Pirates must be accurate. Knock down at least one of the three pins set in a row (pins, ball or bat).
c) All sailors must be able to listen to the captain and follow orders on the ship:

Left hand drive! - everyone runs to the port side (left wall).

Rudder right! - everyone runs to the starboard side (right wall).

Nose! - everyone runs forward.

Stern! - everyone runs back.

Raise the sails! Everyone stops and raises their hands.

Clean up the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.

Cannonball! - everyone sits down.

Admiral on board! - everyone freezes, stand at attention and salute.

d) Pirates must be cunning and not fall for tricks. You need to quickly and correctly answer riddles:

Fastest of all from fear
Rushing ... (not a turtle, but a hare).

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown ... (not a wolf, but a bear)

In his warm puddle
He croaked loudly ... (not a sparrow, but a frog).

Passed along the steep mountain
Overgrown with wool ... (not a crocodile, but a ram).

More often with his head up,
Howling with hunger ... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).

Like a bus showroom
Mom jumped into the bag ... (not an elephant, but a kangaroo).

Above the forest the sun's ray went out
The king of animals is sneaking ... (not a rooster, but a lion).

Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful one beats with a hoof ... (not a lion, but a horse).

Takes hay with a trunk
Thick-skinned ... (elephant, not hippopotamus).

Fan tail, crown on head.
There is no bird more beautiful than ... (not a crow, but a peacock).

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course, a redhead ... (not a fox, but a squirrel).

A simple question for kids:
Who is the cat afraid of? ... (not mice, but dogs)

Leading: Great team - everyone is so smart, cunning, dexterous!Everyone gets a Jolly Roger BANDANA and who wants to be with a mustache is painted with children's masquerade makeup.
Leading: Future pirates are ready. But only real pirates can go in search of a real treasure, so all participants need to confirm a solemn oath:

Oath of the Pirates.

“In joining the ranks of pirates and treasure seekers, I swear to honor the pirate code, not
to be cowardly, not to lose heart, to help comrades, to share the treasures found by honor and
conscience, otherwise let me be deprived of my share of the treasure and thrown to be eaten by sharks.
Who agrees, says his name:
- Yura!



- Alyosha!

Leading: The sea threw one item ashore and if the pirates guess the crossword puzzle, they will find out what it is and get it. (Letters in the selected cells vertically will make up a hint word).

Side of the ship (board) - (B)

Steering wheel on a ship (Helm) - (U)

Board for descent from the ship (ladder) - (T)

Sea robbers (pirates) - (S)

A quiet, shallow part of the sea that cuts into land. Blue ... (lagoon) - (L)

Room for sailors (kubrick) - (k)

Pirate seizure of a ship with hooks and ropes (boarding) - (A)

The bottle is given to the pirates. The message is shaking out:

“I, the pirate Billy Bones, am writing this message on June 12, 1647, on a desert island where we buried Flint's treasure.

The treasure will go to the one who guesses all my riddles and finds it, according to my signs. Moor your ship in the round bay of Treasure Island and proceed 60 paces south. Keeps the secret:

Every home has an accordion...

But she can't play...

Gives warmth in the cold...

Look under the window...

Billy Bones.

Behind the battery, the pirates will find the next clue.

Hint 1.

It is in every home...

Turn it on, turn it off...

It broadcasts, cartoons broadcast ...

It looks like a box...

Behind him you will find the key to the treasures...

So, the next clue is behind the TV. All clues are written on paper and folded into a tube (scroll). A game is played, then a clue is read - the key to the next one.

Game "Guess the song"
The host says any line from the song, and the children must say the name of the song and sing the verse and chorus.
- "A river begins from a blue stream ... .." - "Smile";
- "The snowstorm sang a song to her, sleep the Christmas tree bye-bye ..." - "A Christmas tree was born in the forest";
- "The blue carriage is running, swinging, the fast train is picking up speed..." - "The blue carriage";
- "Chunga-Changa? There is no better place..." - "Chunga-Changa";
- "If for a long time along the path, if for a long time along the path to stomp, jump and run ..." - "Song of the Little Red Riding Hood"

Hint 2.

The earth is his source of life...

It turns green in the sun...

It's standing on the windowsill... you can't hear it...

If you find it, then be sure to fields ...

Answer: indoor plant. Place the scroll behind the plant pot.

The task "Fairytale flower".

Children get acquainted with the “Flower-seven-flower” and the tasks of each petal:

1. Guess the riddle: What kind of stones do not exist in the sea? (Dry).

2. Sing Antoshka's song (1st verse and chorus).

3. Inflate the balloon.

4. Show the “monkey” with facial expressions.

5. Crow 5 times.

6. Say your wishes to Antoshka.

7. Jump over the rope.

The guys complete the tasks and get the next hint.

Hint 3.

We leave clothes here

We take off our coats and hats.

He is always ready to accept
Jackets, coats and sweatshirts,
And leather jackets, and windbreakers,
And there's room for shoes
And the clothes are not cramped. (Wardrobe)

Hint 4.

Its spring and summer
We saw dressed
And in the fall from the poor thing
Ripped off all the shirts Tree


You passed half of the test...

A little more to come...

Now let's get dressed and go outside.

Game "Pilot"

Everyone goes out into the yard and sees that 8 pins are randomly placed on a site free from foreign objects (you can use plastic bottles).

The host explains that the guys must choose a pilot who will blindly lead the ship, maneuvering between the buoys. In fact, you need to go blindfolded through the area with skittles, and at this time everyone else is given the right to suggest where to step. The task is to pass between the pins without knocking down a single one.

Hint 5.

Can swim in the ocean
Can crawl across the savannah
A checkered shell, like a shirt ...
Who is this? … (turtle)!

The game "We are not afraid of sharks."

The storm of all living creatures of the seas,
We do not know sharper teeth.
Not teeth - sharp knives
Are not you afraid? In vain ... tremble!

The ocean is full of sharks. The leader becomes this dangerous fish. The teams scatter, and the shark tries to catch up with the prey. On whom the host attaches a clothespin, that player is eliminated from the game. The fun is designed for 7-10 minutes. Where there are more pirates, that team won

Hint 6.

Standing by the fence
Sitting on them all day
Grandmothers and children.
What's this? Answer!(benches)

The game "Recognize the tale from the passage."

The red girl is sad -
Spring is coming.
She has a hard time in the sun.
Tears are pouring, poor thing. ("Snow Maiden")

And the road is far
And the basket is not easy.
Mishka would sit on a stump,
Eat a delicious pie. ("Masha and the Bear")

There is no river or pond.
Where to drink water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof. ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

My father had a strange boy
Unusual, wooden,
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key
Everywhere the nose sticks its long ...
Who is this? ... (Pinocchio)

The fat man lives on the roof
He flies above all. (Carlson)

Near the forest, on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three bears)

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Good doctor... (Aibolit).

Mixed with sour cream
It's cold on the window
Round side, ruddy side,
Rolled ... (Kolobok).

She is beautiful and sweet
And her name is from the word "ash." (Cinderella)

The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?Three pigs )

Hint 7.

And it was fun in the winter!
Lots of snow, lots of laughter!
Appeared under the window
Is it a horse ... Is it a dwarf ?!
Gradually I got used
What is my…!( snowman )

The game "Water - land."
If the leader says the word “water” or the name of a reservoir, the children jump forward, if “land” or the name of a part of the land, they jump back.

Hint 8.

Loves sleds, loves skis
Winter is definitely closer to her.
Rolled down! Hooray!!!
Welcomes everyone….( mountain )

The game "Sledding - ice from the hill."

Hint 9.

Don't touch him with your hand!
There is a mane, but he is not a horse.
No hooves, but fangs
And claws on the paws.
Very formidable and courageous,
He waves his hairy mane:
And growls, as if in a chant -
It's brave, strong - (a lion )

Shooter game .

The task is to get the ball into an empty plastic bottle, standing at some distance from the line drawn on the ground. From this line, the children take turns throwing the ball, trying to knock down the bottle.

Hint 10.

Nearly reached the finish line...

Brave pirate...

I have hidden my treasures there,

Where are all your things...

Everyone returns to the group. Find the last clue and the letter.

Presenter: So guys. We have passed all competitions. The moment has come when we will find out where is the treasure after all?

Hint 11.

Who will pat you on the head?

Who will you spend your day with?

Who will read poems and fairy tales,

will give you plasticine and paints,

draw, teach to sculpt,

order to distribute spoons?

Who is an inventor, an entertainer, a dreamer?

This is your dear ... (teacher)!


Young treasure hunter!

If you are reading this letter, it means that you managed to find the treasure.

I sincerely congratulate you! You will make an excellent captain. Take care of my treasures...

Much respect to you, Captain Billy Bones!

Leading: Here our journey has come to an end. You once again convinced that when we are all together, when one for all and all for one, then we are not afraid of any dangers and we will always achieve victory. Today you are lucky, the map has led you to the treasure. And we want to hope that you will continue to be lucky. Do you know what our main treasures are? This is our knowledge, this is our friendship. Now we invite you all to stand up, hold hands and sing a song together.

Internet resources:


1. "Hit the target."
Buckets are placed in front of each participant in the competition. All the guys are given the same format of fat newspapers. At the signal of the leader, the players tear off one page at a time, crumple the paper into a tight ball and throw it into the bucket. The winner is the one who first throws 3 paper balls into the bucket.

2. "Firefighters"
2 chairs are placed on the stage with their backs to each other. On the back of each chair are hung sports sweatshirts, turned inside out. There is a rope under the chairs. At the signal of the presenter, the participants put on olympics, fasten them. They run around the chairs, sit on their chair and pull out the rope. Who quickly?

3. "Hold me a straw"
Two glasses are placed on the table (chair or solid surface). A straw for cocktails is placed next to it. The task of the players is to pour water from one glass to another as quickly as possible using a straw.

4. "Tamer of wild animals"
Place one chair less than the participants in the room. The host slowly walks in a circle and names all the wild animals in a row. The one whose animal is named (the players first choose them for themselves) gets up and begins to slowly walk after his tamer. As soon as the tamer utters the words: “Attention! Hunters!”, all the players, including the tamer, try to take empty chairs. The one who did not get a place becomes a tamer of wild animals.

5. "Match-small"
In each team, the players line up in pairs (girl-boy). A chair is placed in front of each column, on which the first member of the team sits. A match without sulfur is given in his mouth. At the command of the leader, the second player runs up to him, takes a match without hands, and sits in his place. The first runs to the tail of the column. The team with the first player to sit back on the chair first wins.

6. "Journey in the Dark"
This competition will require skittles and blindfolds according to the number of participants. Skittles are arranged in a "snake" in front of each team. The teams, holding hands, blindfolded, try to cover the distance without hitting the skittles. The team with the fewest pins knocked down gets the token.

7. "Musical skittles"
Skittles are placed in a circle one less than the participants. While the music is playing, the participants move around the pins holding, for example, by the ear. As soon as the music stops, the participants must grab the skittle. Anyone who doesn't get it is out of the game. The last player left in the game wins.

Municipal institution of additional education

"Center for additional education "Constellation"

Tutaevsky municipal district

Methodical development of a training session

quest game "In search of treasure!"

Compiled by: Ryazanova Yulia Dmitrievna,

deputy director of NMR, teacher of additional

education MU DO "CDO "Sozvezdie"

city ​​of Tutaev, Yaroslavl region

Tutaev 2016

Everyone has heard about the secret of the pirate treasure.

But how do you find it...

Only a select few know about it.

Explanatory note

The most effective in terms of enhancing cognitive activity are interactive learning technologies. An interactive game that creates the best conditions for development is becoming a particularly effective type of modern interactive technology. Educational quests are becoming very popular. The actual concept of "quest" (translit. English. quest - searches) and denotes a game that requires the player to solve mental problems in order to progress through the story.

This lesson is aimed at students of the 2nd year of study in the association "Young Ecologists" and the association "Young Researchers".

Age of students: 12-13 years old

Time spending: 1 hour

Purpose of the quest game: organization of students' leisure within the framework of the autumn research gathering



To contribute to the expansion of the horizons of students;

To teach students to actively act with each other, quickly make the right decision;


- to consolidate the ability to compete in collective gaming activities;

To develop the skills of students to work in groups;

Develop mental, creative abilities, erudition;


- foster a sense of community ability to work in a team

WITH to give children a good mood, a friendly atmosphere in the group.


1. Prizes for all teams (sweet prize for each student).

2. Pen or pencil, sheets of paper for assignments and calculations.

3. Balloons - 5 pieces.

4. A bag of tea or coffee for aging sheets of paper with tasks.

5. Candle or lighter to shape the edges of the paper.

7. Casket (container)

8. Bottle.

9. Basin or other container.

10. 4 mini-containers from kinder surprise.

11. Artificial tree - birch.

12. Turtle (toy, you can use a live one).

13. Lemons (imitation of lemongrass growth on a windowsill with plants).

15. Briefcase.

16. Watchman / wardrobe keeper as an assistant.

Game conditions

The quest is designed for 8-12 people (1 team). Before starting the quest game, you need to prepare hints, place tasks and hints.

First, we print the text of the tasks on paper. For aging with boogies, we crumple it, this will be an additional effect due to the formation of folds that will imitate the effect of hand-made parchment (Appendix 1). Brew 3-5 tea bags. The more bags you take, the darker the paper will be colored. Wait 5-20 minutes before removing the sachets and coloring. Take a tray, pour the tea directly onto the paper. Let dry. To create the appearance of darkened paper, which has suffered from time and circumstances over a long time of its existence, take a candle. Hold a sheet of paper 1-2 centimeters above the candle flame and move it back and forth. Warning: Do not hold one place for a long time over the candle. If you need small holes in the paper or jagged edges, place the sheet 2 inches above the candle flame and just hold it there. When a small light appears on the paper, blow on it.

For task number 2, take a balloon, place the next task in it. Tie a thread to the balloon that connects to the box, which must be well hidden (it contains the next task).

For task number 4, take a bottle, stick a finished label to it (Appendix 2).

For task number 5, take 4 mini-containers from Kinder Surprise, place the next task in one of them. Place the mini-containers in balloons, fill them with water and put them in the freezer to form ice balls. It is advisable to get it before use.

Progress of the quest game

Teacher: Good day! I welcome the participants to our entertaining quest game "In Search of Treasures". The theme of our game was not chosen by chance. Adventure movies are always popular with children, and surely each of you dreams of finding a huge chest full of treasures. Today we are going for pirate treasures. Are you ready to go on a long journey to meet the dangers and adventures? Unlike many treasure hunters of the past, we will definitely be lucky today. We will surely be lucky. It cannot be otherwise, because you are so brave, smart, friendly. The teacher gives the first assignment.

Task number 1. Participants of the game read the task on a piece of paper.

Thunder me! How long have we not seen each other! Surely you didn't recognize me? I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. But I found you so that you could help me. Damned Captain Morgan stole my treasures, sank my ship, the Black Pearl, and lured the crew to him. I got a black line. But not all is lost! I learned that Morgan, in a fit of suspicion, hid the treasure and fled in an unknown direction to lie low and wait for time. You, I heard, know these places well?

Well, Morgan, we'll see who wins! Are you savvy?

Here is the first test of skill for finding treasure. You must EXACTLY calculate how many steps are in the building (Constellation Center, building No. 2, former House of Nature). And this number will be the first part of the code. The second part of the code is the number of fish in the lobby of the building. Connect these two numbers and you will get the number of the office in which you will find the next task (add up to one whole number) .

Children: Count the number of steps and fish in the hall. By adding these numbers, they get the number of the office in which the next task awaits them.

Task number 2.

Teacher: having opened the office, the participants of the game see a balloon, inside of which there is a note, it says what to do next to search for treasures.

Friends! You have correctly attacked the treasure trail. One-Eyed Joe! You don't remember him, of course, but he was once a boatswain on my Black Pearl. This bookworm always amused the people, liked to think of different puzzles. So he betrayed me, left the ship with Captain Morgan. This scoundrel wants to take the treasure from Captain Morgan himself and put you on the wrong track!

And now we have to solve the problem, so as not to go astray.

Having solved the crossword puzzle - collect a word, inside of which you need to look and find a new clue to find the treasure!

Teacher: What is the crossword puzzle about? Where is he? How to find it?

Children: make assumptions, look around, try to find a crossword puzzle.

Teacher: Look carefully, a thin thread comes from the balloon, perhaps it will lead us to a crossword puzzle that needs to be solved. The thread leads the participants of the quest game to the box containing the crossword puzzle.

Write the corresponding words horizontally and read the key word in the yellow boxes vertically. From the letters in the red cells, make up a word that will point to the next clue (Appendix 4).

1. A blue gem.

2. Silence is like a gem.

3. The headdress of the monarch.

4. Precious metal with bactericidal properties.

5. Jewelry worn on the finger.

6. "... treasures" - a book by Robert Louis Stevenson.

7. A very beautiful stone-mineral, which gave the name to the greenish-blue color.

8. According to fairy tales, this is the king "wasting away over gold."

9.King of gems.

After answering the questions, the participants will read the keyword “Treasures”. From the letters in red cells, children collect the word "Portfolio".

The teacher offers to find a portfolio, which is located in the same office. Children find a briefcase, inside of which the next task is hidden.

Task number 3. Children read the task that they found in the portfolio.

In this task, you need to find the message that Morgan sent after his ship crashed. And as you know, all the pirates who have fallen on the uninhabited skeleton send their messages in sealed bottles, find the bottle in the wettest place of this building, and Morgan will tell you his secret on the bottle.

Children explore all possible wet places in which they must find a bottle with a message. They check places near aquariums, an artificial lake, go to the toilet. If children find it difficult, the teacher can prompt, make riddles:

I am not a sea or a river,

I am not a lake, not a pond,

But how morning or evening -

People all run to me

A warm wave splashes

Under the wave of whiteness.

Guess, remember

What kind of sea is in the room?

After guessing the riddles, the participants discover a bottle with a message in the utility room, which has a bathtub.

Task number 4. Participants read out a message with a new task.

I think that hardly anyone will find my letter, but if they do, let them know that most likely the last words of Captain Morgan are recorded here.

It is August 12, 1675, yesterday my Frigate was wrecked. I ended up on a desert island. Most likely I have little time left. I only have a few days of provisions left. I want to use my chance for salvation and tell you that I am ready to give treasures for my salvation. In our circles, this island is called "Shutter Island", on this island I leave a few signs, connecting them together you will get the coordinates of the island on which I buried my treasures. Perhaps one-eyed Joe can help you.

To get the coordinates you need:

1. Solve the example 2+2*(2*2-2)+2/2-2+2=?

2. Solve the example (5+5+5) - (5+5) * 0 =?

3. Solve the example 2,3 + (- 1,3) =?

4. Year of my birth.

Next, write the resulting numbers together without spaces and you will get the coordinates of the island on which I buried the treasure, and there are quite a few of them, believe the old captain Morgan. But this is not enough to get to the island. Add the second and fifth digits of these coordinates and move on, they will lead you to the next puzzle. You are getting closer and closer to the treasures!!!

The teacher reports that the final figure corresponds to the room number in which the next clue is located. If there are difficulties with solving examples, the teacher can suggest. A big question for children arises with the year of birth of Captain Morgan. They begin to take out their phones to look on the Internet, look for clues on the task sheet. When the children understand that they need help, the teacher suggests carefully examining the bottle, since it has a label that indicates the year of his birth, and it is required to indicate the year, not the day and month. Having solved this task, the participants move to another room, the number of which corresponds to the answer.

Task number 5.

There is a note on the table and basin with 4 ice balls (one of them contains a clue).

You have arrived at the Isle of the Damned. It turned out that this island is located far to the north - hundreds of thousands of miles. Brrr... it's cold in here. The average temperature is -40 O S. Captain Morgan's plan worked, you're here on the island. No one has been able to leave it yet. It turned out that one-eyed Joe has long since found the treasure and hid it, leaving us a clue and a chance to get off the island alive. You need to break the balls, one of which contains a clue where to go next .

Children complete this simple task. Balls can be broken right in the pelvis by hitting the walls of the pelvis or another ball. Someone will break it on the floor, but the teacher controls the process. Children collect all the fragments back into the basin.

Task number 6.

Having broken the balls, the children take out mini-containers, in one they find the next task (riddle).

From now on, you cannot delay.

Look for where the Russian beauty

Sitting in a clearing in a green blouse

And a white dress.

She will show the right way

You just have to take a step.

The teacher asks the children the answer to the riddle.

Children's answer: birch. Now they must find the birch tree that is in this building. Children easily cope with this task, having found it in the hall of the 1st floor (dry tree with artificial birch leaves). On one of the branches there is a hint with a task.

Task number 7. Children read the task, on the sheet of which there are many incomprehensible dots.

Treasures are very close!

If you circle all the dots by numbers, you can find out which item will give the next clue in the treasure hunt.

The teacher gives out a pencil or pen, the children begin to circle the dots to make a drawing (Appendix 3).

As a result, the children get a snowflake. The teacher asks to find a snowflake in the lobby of the 1st floor. Children discover a paper snowflake on the wall, take it off and find the next task.

Task number 8. Children read the text of the task.

Captain Morgan has been traveling in search of a great and mysterious treasure for a very long time. Help him find a treasure whose name will have to be unraveled. Find it and it will indicate the further path of the treasure hunt.

What a miracle Here is a miracle:

Dish on top, dish on bottom.

There is a miracle on the way

The head sticks out and the legs.

The teacher asks what the riddle is about. Children give the answer: "turtle". Now they just have to find a turtle that will show the way to the treasure.

Children begin to look for a turtle in a living corner, looking for stickers with tasks on aquariums. The teacher can tell if the children are not coping, as you actually need to find a toy turtle. Then all the children remember the artificial lake, which was built on the second floor. There they find a turtle with a new quest attached to it, bringing them closer to the treasure.

Task number 9. Children read the text of the task.

Thanks! You helped me find the treasure I've been looking for since I was 8 years old (since I told myself I'd be a pirate). This is the "Golden Turtle", it fulfills any desire, helps wanderers find their way home. And the Golden Turtle will show you the shortest path to the treasure. You need to guess the rebus.

Children guess the puzzle. Answer: Lemon. The teacher tells the children that now they need to find a lemon, asks the question: “Where can you see a lemon in our Center? The students of the Center know that a huge number of plants grow in the Winter Garden, among which there are lemons. The children enter the Winter Garden and find a note with a new task next to the lemon tree.

Task number 10. Children read the text of the task, which indicates that they need to use the book that lies next to the lemon tree. In this game, the book "Beasts" was used (Dinets V.L., Rothschild E.V.). The book may change.

At first glance, this is an ordinary book, but all the stories are just a distraction. Use the cipher and you will be one step away from the treasure.












Solve the cipher. Enter the result in order, without spaces, and get the phone number to which you want to send an SMS message with the "Hint" code. Wait for an answer. Solve the riddle and YOUR treasure!!

If the children could not solve the cipher, then the teacher suggests that the first value indicates the serial number of the page, the second - the serial number of the line, the third - the serial number of the digit from left to right.

Answer: 89622060129

The participants of the game write an SMS message with the code "Hint" and receive the last task, solving which they will find PIRATE TREASURES.

Task number 11. Children receive SMS with a riddle.

Who is on guard in our house,
He does not sow and does not plow,
Sitting in his house
He looks at the incoming.
Will not miss only such
Who doesn't love them

Answer: watchman.

The participants of the quest game approach the watchman, who gives each player sweet gifts. The teacher thanks the children for completing all the tasks. Game over.


1. Dinets V.L., Rothschild E.V. Animals. Encyclopedia of nature. 2nd edition, enlarged and revised. - M.: 1988.

2. Klarin M.V. Interactive learning tool for mastering new experience / M.V. Clarin // Pedagogy. 2000. - No. 7.

3. Soboleva A.V. Riddles-savvy. A practical guide for speech therapists, educators and parents. -- M., 20004.

5. (Accessed 1.11.2016)

Annex 1

Photo 1. Appearance of aged paper

Annex 2

Photo 2. Label for a bottle with a message

Annex 3

Photo 3. Snowflake scheme

Appendix 4

Photo 4. Completing task number 2

When Gleb was born, my mother bought a dacha. Since then, my main task in the summer, despite the undoubted benefits of clean air, is to appear there as little as possible. And now, just now, at the end of the tenth summer, my friend discovered a wonderful way to spend time with a child in the country perfectly and profitably. Of course, this is a treasure hunt! As a treasure - chocolates.

Round one

Pre-planned and carefully prepared action. The task is to get three ten-year-olds to strain their brains at least a little and throw out their energy, running around the site to their heart's content.

How easy it is to hide a treasure / gift / surprise for children in a summer cottage

Preparation: you will need the Internet, sheets of paper, a camera, a printer, plastic bags. Think in advance where you can hide the task bags. It can be anywhere: a bag can be put under a stone, hung on some household item, hidden in the leaves in the garden. Stop, although it’s better not to hide in the garden, otherwise you never know, precious crops may suffer, so it’s better next to the garden. Take a picture of these places, print on a printer, preferably in color, mark the location of the bag with the task with a cross and cut each photo like a puzzle. Put in a bag and hide. Come up with a couple more tasks for a change and you're all set to find the treasure.

It should be borne in mind that tasks for children should not be very difficult, children get tired and lose interest if something does not work out for a long time. But they don't have to be very basic either. Because then they get upset, which is too easy.

Our game for three ten-year-olds began with a puzzle about a refrigerator.

Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.

In the refrigerator was a bag with a drawn site plan, on which a certain place was marked with a cross.

In which, or rather on which, because it was a kind of construction, the next bag hung. It contained a puzzle (a cut photograph of a fence) and a note:





At the fence, they found a bag containing the following task:





And you can believe me that even adults could not quickly name five such plants. Yes, and the children were able to do this only with a hint. Yes, yes, hints are allowed! Although the question is, should carrots be considered a plant?

At this stage, after the named plants, we ourselves gave the children the next puzzle. He led them to the other end of the site. And puzzle again...

I had to return to it and still collect it. Because before that, as soon as one of the children found a piece of paper with a cross (and, as you remember, we mark the location of the note with the task with the cross), he yelled: “AAA! I know this place, ”and everyone ran after him in a friendly herd. And then, not immediately guessing the place, they had to return, find the abandoned pieces of the puzzle and put it together at last. After a long search under the tree, a bag was found with the last task - encryption.



The deciphered message read: find a gazebo. stand facing the entrance. turn left. walk by the steps. find a task.

The difficulty was that instead of the letter “U” it was necessary to read the number from above - “20”. We meant walk 20 steps. But no one had figured it out before. Maybe it was necessary to remove the box under this figure. May be. But after long hints, throwing, I had to prompt and the children did find a treasure near the garden with beets! And they offered to hold for adults ...

Second round

And, indeed, after some time they called us and handed us a crumpled piece of paper on which a black and white fly agaric was drawn. It was definitely a fly agaric, so big, with circles on the hat. Experienced parents took into account the psychology of children and went looking for just some kind of mushroom. To do this, they dispersed around the site and wandered for a long time in search of mushrooms (there were many of them, but there were no pieces of paper next to them), until they asked at least to indicate the direction of the search. And lo and behold, a mushroom, and a note next to it, was found. Moreover, it was the most unremarkable mushroom, before that there were even better mushrooms.

The note contained the following task: to name the heroes of 10 modern TV series. It was easier with the heroes than with mimosas, poppies and carrots. And then it turned out that the children forgot to prepare the next note for us. So they just took us to the garage and vaguely said that it was hidden around here somewhere. The bottom of the car was thoroughly examined, all the details of the bicycles were twisted, there were threats, blackmail and affectionate flirtations from the mothers, but the children were like flint and did not prompt. Finally, the note was found ... and this is ingenious, I think, under the wheel of a bicycle. But for some reason, it didn’t occur to us just to move the bicycles for a long time.

The note contained the words: door, tree, grass, well, swing. They had to be found in a crossword puzzle and run to look for the next task in a place that would combine a door, a tree, grass, a well, a swing.

Children, remember, when you arrange something for parents, try to keep the tasks simpler. Because parents, when something doesn’t work out for a long time, lose interest and get tired.

Finally, indeed, near the door, the well, and somewhere in the distance, standing by a swing, a note was found with a game of gallows.

The word "apples" was guessed in a minute and everyone rushed to study the area in the area of ​​​​apple trees. Where a compound note in three parts was found. On one it was written: look for something round, on the second a house without windows was drawn, on the third a keyhole and a question mark. And I will not torment you with the details of the search, I will immediately say what all this meant, and you will understand that “the West is the West. East is East." They will never understand each other.

Something round - it was a ball, it turned out to be the very object that we were looking for. We should have understood this from the drawing with the castle. Because it meant that the riddle was solved, the code was cracked, the secret was revealed. The house, by the way, symbolized the greenhouse.

As they say, no comment.

And what do you think, restless children again demanded one more game from us...

Third round

“Please, please, we don't need any gifts,” whined those parental peace-breakers. “We would have simple tasks, but only more difficult!!!”

Yep, now! Exhausted by a long search for something round, the parent organism could only get into the Internet and find a few riddles on everyday and garden topics.

So, how to quickly prepare a treasure hunt in 5 minutes? You will need: Internet, paper and a pen.

We tensed up and identified several places and objects in the house and on the yard where the note could be hidden. These were: a stove, an apple, a swing and a beetroot. All these objects, except for the stove, have already appeared in previous tasks. But more was not enough.

Oven riddle:

There is a brick hut,
It's cold, it's hot.

Come to think of it, searching for a treasure with cipher notes was one of my favorite pastimes as a child! And I don’t understand why I still deprived my children of this.

Well, that is, it didn’t completely deprive ... Actually, I already used this method once when I tried to make Maxim want to read). I needed a STIMULUS. And then I began to hide sweets from him and write notes where to look. Well, like there: "Sofa". And somewhere on the couch - the next note, and so there are 7 pieces.
The hints gradually became more complex, turning into sentences and entire paragraphs.
Well, then Maxim began to read well, and the entertainment was forgotten.
Maya did not resist, she immediately began to read herself)))

And then all of a sudden, in one of the institutions, they began to conduct this kind of quests for children, with riddles, puzzles, etc. We went a couple of times - everyone liked it. And I thought - why am I stupid? I can do it myself! And got down to business.

The first treasure was searched for at friends' houses. Max and Maya (7 and 5 years respectively) and friends' daughter Arish (6) participated.
The assignments were not very difficult. And as a result, the children cracked them in 5 minutes, we didn’t even have time to drink tea)). But of course everyone loved it.

The tasks were drawn up on my knee, I don’t have them in electronic form, but now I’ll remember from the photo - and I’ll write briefly. If it is useful to someone, I will be glad)

1. Gaps in the wrong places: POS MOTR ITEPODRA KOVI NOYVK UHNE. Children at first fell into a stupor, but guessed quickly. The job is good, but one-time).
2. Mirrored phrase (there it is, above the coins). At the bottom there was a postscript - like, look, the letters are all the way around, what object will help to read this? But here is a failure - Maxim read everything without a mirror))))
3. Anagrams: PDKZOKASA IN BLOTS. We thought it would be difficult, so we left the first and last letters in their places. In vain)). It took two seconds to decide.
4. Replacing letters (top right note). "A is I, I is A." And thus the "washing machine" turns into an "old target". Also easy, of course. But fun)
5. Rebus. We had "Misha's chair" (this is Arishkin's younger brother). At the bottom, we specifically attributed that we should not touch Misha, because Misha was sleeping in a crib at that time, but this did not help us)). Seeing the word "Misha", the children immediately shouted: "Yes, guess what, let's just go look around him!"))).
6. The Cardano grille is my favorite from childhood). Card with holes. We impose on a piece of paper with randomly scattered letters, in the "windows" we see the necessary ones. This is the first time the children have met this, so we have simplified the task for them as much as possible by putting the lattice and the encryption itself in the same place (and even signed where it has the upper hand). It remains only to guess to combine.
7. Ordinary riddles. We had about an apple, and the next note lay next to the apples in the refrigerator.
8. Cipher with a simple replacement. Each of the ciphers was accompanied by a small piece of paper with a letter and a number (and marked "save!"). The last task is an encryption consisting of numbers.

I forgot something.) If I remember, I'll add it.
And the prize was chocolate coins and ice cream in the freezer)

To say the kids loved it is an understatement!
Max was even inspired to make a similar quest for myself). I made several puzzles, laid out signs around the house and took time off to go to the store under the windows so that I could also buy a prize with the money from the piggy bank))
Just need to work a little on the conspiracy))) "Mom, I'll buy you ice cream .... oh, that is a prize! Did you hear what I said? Didn't you hear? Oh, okay!")) And "Mom, I won't tell you, where is the prize, only you don’t look into the freezer")

I wanted to immediately write about the next quest (we did it today), but I didn’t have the strength to do it, I’ll write another time. It was much more difficult. Even too much. In fact, it is very difficult to strike a balance and stick to the golden mean. You won’t guess what will be very easy for them, and what will lead to a dead end.
I'll show you a picture, and all the details later)

Finding a treasure and revealing its secret is an incredibly exciting adventure!

TV channel "Carousel" and Treasure X announce a quest "In Search of Treasure"!

Do you love adventure? Then hurry up and join the treasure hunt!

How to participate?

  • Draw hidden treasures;
  • Take a picture of the drawing and send it to us;
  • Invite all your friends to vote for your work;
  • 10 winners will win cool prizes from Treasure X: game sets - "In search of treasures!", and the main winner will receive super prize!

Find your treasure with Carousel and Treasure X!


Do you want to get more likes for your work?

  • Look for clues on the air of "Carousel" from 20:45 to 22:00 and on our website;
  • Activate hints in the Treasury section;
  • Each hint will add 100 likes to your work and bring you closer to victory!


Game set "Treasure X" - In search of treasures.

An exciting adventure is guaranteed to the owner of the coveted set! The game scenario provides for a sequence of actions, the lucky owner of the game will have to: dock the parts of the set, be observant, dig a sand block, find and collect collectible treasure hunters, dissolve the contents of the chest with water and eventually catch luck by the tail by finding a hidden treasure. Feel the thirst for adventure as you watch something sizzle and froth inside the chest, revealing the real treasure...

super prize

MEGA set "Treasure X" - In search of treasures.

This set contains 3 sand blocks with a hidden treasure! And the most interesting thing: the owner is guaranteed to get one treasure, covered with real "gold" *! Find a real "gold-plated" * treasure in the new set from the Treasure X line! Who will discover it first? After all, ordinary artifacts are hidden in the other two pirate chests...

* with metal elements

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