How many tiles are there in a Domino game? Rules of classic entertainment. Rules of the main varieties of the domino game What is a dummy and empty is empty in dominoes

The history of dominoes goes back to ancient times. For the first time, dice with dots on them originated in China and India. After that, in the 18th century, it was brought to Europe, namely to Italy. After that, many variations of this game arose. With the rules of the most famous and popular options, I will now introduce you!

General Domino Rules

Played by two to four people. For two, seven dominoes are dealt, for three or four - five. The rest are placed in a closed reserve (“bazaar”). The player who has a “double six” or “double zero” (0-0) in his hand starts, depending on the rules of the game. The next players place stones with the corresponding points (6-1; 6-2; 6-3… or 0-1; 0-2; 0-3…). If there are no suitable stones, then you have to get from the reserve.

If neither player has a 6-6 double in hand, you can start the game with a 5-5 double. If there is not a single double in the hands, they start with the stone with the largest number (for example, 6-5).

The game ends when one of the players places the last stone. It is possible to end the game with a "fish" - this is the name of blocking the calculation, when there are still stones on hand, but there is nothing to report. If you get a two-zero die, you get 25 points. The last player to move ends the game.

The winner is credited with the sum of the points of all the stones in the hands of the losers. When blocking (“fish”), the winner belongs to the one who has the fewest points in his hand. The difference in points is recorded as a win for him. The game continues up to a predetermined amount - say, up to one hundred or one hundred and fifty points.

Domino rules "Goat"

Goat is one of the most popular types of dominoes.

The game is played by two to four players. Each player receives 7 tiles. The player starts the game with a 1-1 double in a four-player game, or the lowest double otherwise. The last stone from the reserve is not taken. The next draw is started by the player who won the previous round or announced the fish. The losers in each draw write down the amount of points on their remaining bones on their account. To start recording, you need to score at least 13 points.

The player who first scores 101 points is declared the "goat" - the loser. Sometimes 4 players play in pairs. In this case, players sitting diagonally opposite each other play in the same team.

"Sea goat"

This is a variation of the game "Goat", which is considered to be more dynamic. Also, as in the usual “Goat”, 2-4 people participate in the game. In the case of four people, they play in pairs.

The game differs from the goat in the following ways:

  • The player who wins the draw records the sum of the points of the losers.
  • The minimum number of points you can start recording is 25.
  • Only one player can score points. Thus, if another player has scored more than 25 points, all points are "written off" - all players have 0 points.
  • The player who scores 125 points is declared the winner
  • If a player has the ability to set up a double on each side, then he can set up two doubles at the same time.
  • The player who started the "record" has the right to start the rally from 6-6. Such a move is called "one hundred". If the player who reaches 100 finishes first, he automatically wins the game, but if he loses and has 25 points or more left, the player is considered the loser ("in-law").
  • The one who finishes the draw at 0-0 automatically wins the game, such a “goat” is called “bald”.
  • The one who finished the rally on 6-6 is considered the winner if the losing player has 25 points or more, if less than 25 points, then the finished player starts the rally on 6-6 (“one hundred” move).
  • If at the end of the rally the player only has a 0-0 double, it counts as 25 points; only 6-6 counts as 50 points; Only 0-0 and 6-6 - 75 points.
  • If the game is over and both players have tiles left, this situation is called "fish".
  • The player who placed the knuckle last and made a “fish” is called a “fisherman” (a double is not considered the last knuckle).
  • If the “fisherman” has less than 25 points, and the other has more, then the “fisherman” is considered the winner, and he makes a move “one hundred”.
  • If the “fisherman” has more points than the other player and more than 25, then the “fisherman” has the right to write off the “fish”, while he enters the game first with any bone that is most beneficial to him.
  • If the "fisherman" won, and the opponent has 25 points or more left, such a "fish" is considered written off.
  • If the “fisherman” failed to write off the “fish” after three attempts, he is considered the loser and his opponent makes the “one hundred” move.
  • The situation when, with a “fish”, both players have an equal number of points, is called “eggs”.
  • "Eggs" are played starting from 1-1.
  • If the "eggs" have not been played after three attempts, they are considered rotten.

sports domino

Competitions are held in sports dominoes. Including the world championships.

The game is played by 4 players in pairs.

Main differences:

  • Entry in sequence.
  • The knuckles are placed on stands.
  • A certain number of hands (batch) is played in multiples of four (4,8,12, etc.).
  • The couple with the most points on their opponent wins.


Dynamic game for 2-4 people. Outwardly, it may resemble the Phone mentioned below, but the rules of the game are closer to the Goat.

The game differs from the Goat in the following ways:

  • To the first exposed double, you can attach knuckles from four sides.
  • If a player has the opportunity to set up a double on each side (2, 3 or 4 doubles), then he can set them up at the same time.
  • The player placing a double has the right to “close” it (the dice is turned face down). At the same time, further exposure of the knuckles from this side is prohibited. When placing several doubles at the same time, the player has the right to close or open any number of doubles.
  • If the first move was not a double and until at least one double was placed, the next player has the right to close two doubles at the same time. The draw ends here and the usual scoring takes place.

Scoring is the same as in Kozle - a game up to 101, to record it is necessary to score 13, everything less than 13 is “remembered” and reset only if nothing is recorded and remembered for this player in the next draw.

Telephone (Houses) (Flea)

A game that is very different from other varieties in the way it scores points.

The game is played by 2 players. Or 4, a team game 2 on 2. Each player receives 7 tiles. The first double, overlapped on both sides, is declared "home". You can attach bones to it from 2 more sides and as a result the game goes on 4 sides. The party starts with the one who has 3-2 .

In subsequent games, the one who finished the previous one starts the game and so on until the end of the game, besides, you can not necessarily take a double, you can put a stone 6-4 or 3-2 and immediately record 10 or 5 points in your asset, respectively. Points are awarded as follows:

  • Every time the sum of points at the ends of the chips put on the board is a multiple of 5.

For instance:

  • first overlapped double 4-4, 6 on one end and 3 on the other end.
  • The first player sets up a double 6-6. He writes down 15 points for himself (6 + 6 + 3 = 15).
  • The second player puts up 4-5 to the house. He writes himself 20 points (6 + 6 + 3 + 5 = 20)

The player who remains with the stones writes off the points scored. For instance:

  • there are two stones left 6-4 and 5-3 in the amount of 18, which means 15 is written off (rounding down), if points have not been scored before, then there is nothing to write off, respectively, there are no debts in this game. In a team game, 2 on 2, points are scored and deducted for two.
  • Variant of the rules: it is allowed to set up to four doubles at the same time (one on each side) in 1 move.

The game goes up to 225 points and consists of several games, usually 10-15. If both players scored 225 or more, it is considered a draw. In this game, it is convenient to use accounting abacus.


This is the English version of dominoes. Two players take seven stones. If three or four players are playing, five stones are distributed. The person who enters starts with any stone. The first double that appears in the layout opens a four-way chain. Further bones are attached not only to the right and left, but also from above and below.

Points in this game are awarded when the sum of the free halves is a multiple of five. For each five, the player is counted 5 points. Doubles, except for the first, the player stacks up and down as it suits him. For the end of the game, he receives 10 points. With a blocked calculation, the one who has the fewest points in his hand wins. Wins a number of points equal to the difference between his points and the sum of the points of the other players, rounded up to five. Usually play up to 200 points.

General (General goat)

The game is played by 4 people, located in teams diagonally (A, C and B, D). Each is dealt 7 bones. Players of the same team can send each other information about the presence of 0x0 and/or 6x6 bones in their hands (0x0 winks, 6x6 puffs out his cheek.) In any case, the game starts with 1x1. "Fish" is not allowed, that is, a round ending with a "fish" (stalemate) is not counted. The game is played on two ends (in two directions without closing). The object of the game is to end it with 0x0 and/or 6x6 doubles. The game ends in any case if one of the players runs out of tiles. The loser as a loser interferes with the knuckles. At the end of the game with 0x0 and/or 6x6 tiles, the loser is declared the "General". The loser is the one whose turn in turn follows the one who finished the game. Points are not kept. Only the number of "Generals" in teams are counted. The game lasts from 30 to 60 minutes (lunch time at the enterprise). More than 2 teams can also play the game, that is, 4 hours 6 hours 8 hours, etc. Team A, C and B, D plays, and team D, E waiting for his turn. If one of the teams loses 2 times, it gives way to other players. If one of the teams at the very beginning receives the "General", then it gives way to the next team. In fact, the “General” is considered to be the loser who was “hung” with both 0x0 and 6x6 at once. In another version of the game, you only need to finish the game with a hollow 0x0 - “naked” or “bald”. The losing team is also called “naked”. At the same time, it is not allowed to show a partner the presence of 0x0 or 6x6 on hand, and the “general” rule also works - if 0x0 and 6x6 are on hand, then they tend to finish with two of these hollows at once - “general”.


The game is played by 2 people. Everyone takes 14 closed bones and arranges them in a line. The beginner takes the first bone in his line and puts it on the table (sometimes they start with a snipe to familiarize the player with their chips). The game is played in two parallel lines (from the starting bone). In the absence of a correct knuckle, the knuckle taken on the right is placed on the left. If there are two lines consisting of at least one chip each, the player gets the right to cut sausage, that is harm opponent and complete his line with cut off knuckles. Let's assume that there are two parallel lines of three knuckles on the table and at the ends of the lines, for example, five and empty. If a player takes out a 5-0 bone, he puts it across the lines and cuts off everything that was before this place. The enemy shifts the cut off sausage to the left of their bones. Cut off sausage it is possible along the entire length of two lines, namely at the junction of the first and second knuckles and at the end of the line (as in the example). If a player takes out a hollow, for example, 1-1, then he has the right to insert it anywhere where there is a junction of bones 1-1, moving the entire line, or placing it at the end of the line. In this way, the joints are updated and it becomes possible to use other bones for "cutting" sausages. The game ends when one of the players runs out of chips or a fish. Up to how many points the game is played is specified at the beginning of the game. Experience shows that it is realistic to achieve 101 points in 1-2 draws (the total number of points of all the bones is 168).

I have listed the main varieties of this wonderful board game. Try all the variations and then decide which one you like best!

Each of us played it, trying to put together a "fish" out of fancy chips. For a fun evening, you will need twenty-eight special game dice, from which players will eventually add up doubles.

There are several ways to play dominoes.

Some of them will be relatively simple, which will allow you to use it as an evening entertainment with children. Others are designed to test the strength of the nerves and the strength of the mind of the players.

History of appearance

Who exactly invented dominoes is not exactly known. It is only known that its origin is connected with Asia. It was in India and the Celestial Empire that bones were born, which to this day entertain people. Initially, they looked like chips made, oddly enough, from bones or stones. They were originally painted red or white.

In the eighteenth century, a similar set was brought to Europe. It is believed that this was done by the famous traveler, the Venetian Marco Polo. In Italy it was transformed. It was then that the game began to resemble the usual dominoes. The usual mechanics also appeared - the players pulled the bones and tried to collect duplicates in order to be the first to lay down the "fish".

According to one version, dominoes were named after costumes for a masquerade. Like the set, they were black and white. According to another version, the name comes from the winter clothes of the Dominican monks, which looked like black cloaks with white lining. The name of the game itself comes from the Latin root "dominans", which means dominating, chief, and is the beginning of the address in the Catholic Mass: "Dominus vobiscum" (God be with you").

It has been suggested that the dominant system of the universe is encrypted in dominoes - the Universal Law of Harmony of the macro- and microcosm: the game of dominoes has seven digital signs (from 0 to 6), which symbolizes, in particular, the seven planes of existence and the septenary structure of the Universe.

Types and features

The "fish" often becomes decisive in the game. This is the name of the block that is formed when a player puts a bone from which no one can add up a double, even with chips in their hands. In this case, the hand is considered won in most rules of the Domino game for beginners.

In total, in Asia, you can count more than forty types of games using black and white chips with dots. How many domino chips to distribute determine the rules of the type of game you have chosen. Some of them are popular, others have never been heard of.

  • Goat

The most common version of Domino in Russia. Two to four people can take part in it at the same time. Each player receives seven chips. If the maximum number of people participate, the player who has a one-for-one doubled tile goes first. When fewer people participate in the black and white competition, the one with the lowest chip in his hand goes. Each time a player stacks a fish, they score a point. The winner is the person who gets 101 points first. The loser is named after the game itself, that is, the goat.

  • sea ​​goat

It differs from the classic version and often turns out to be more complex. The score ending the con in this variation is one hundred and twenty-five. Only losers record points. To determine the latter, do a count of points on the bones remaining in the hands of the players. The game is considered over when one of the players scores the maximum score.

  • Checheve

This variant of Domino got its name from the abbreviation CCHV. The main rule of this version is the game one against all, or rather, according to the logic, man is a wolf to man. In this game, you can walk in four directions at once.

  • Sports

If you choose this version, be prepared for difficulties. First of all, this is a double duel, which means that four players participate in the battle with chips at the same time, who are divided into two teams. The moves here are carried out in turn, and the number of entries is predetermined initially.

  • Donkey

Externally, the game may look unusual, but rules of the game such Dominoes similar to the Goat already known to all. The player can place the dice in any of the four directions. If you have several doubles on your hands at once, you can put them at the same time, for example, on the left and on the right. Players must collect a minimum of thirteen points to start recording their points. The winner is the one who first reaches the mark of one hundred and one.

  • Telephone

This version of Domino has several names at once. In Russia, she is known to many under the name of Bloch. Here you will meet the concept of "house". It is the double that was put on the field first. At the same time, you can bet no more than four chips that have the same number on both sides.

  • Muggins

It is believed that this option came to us from Britain. It is accepted to participate simultaneously in three or four people. To open four new directions, enter the first double into the game. To get points and get closer to victory, players must stack the dice around the edges so that they add up to the number five. Only points that are multiples of this figure are recorded in the table.

  • General goat

The set also has a short name - General. It is customary to play this kind of Domino with four people, united in teams. Allies should sit diagonally. The difference with other versions is the inadmissibility of fish. If the participants nevertheless posted it, the con will not be counted. The line must continue simultaneously in two directions. The winner is the one who was able to lay out the last doubles.

  • Sausage

It takes two to participate. To start the game, take fourteen unopened dice. The main difference is the two lines that are built in parallel throughout the game. In the process, players can cut the resulting straight sausage, adding pieces to their opponent, thereby moving him away from the desired victory.

  • Seven

It allows for more than four people, but then interest is lost. If a standard number of people participate in the game, then seven dice are dealt to everyone. If more people have gathered, then fewer chips are issued. The main thing is that all players have them equally.

Fundamental rules

Regardless of the differences, all types of this entertainment have common features that affect the rules:

  • In most varieties of the domino board game, who goes first is determined by a one-to-one chip. If not the maximum number of people participate in the game, the first player is determined by the chip of the smallest double.
  • How much to give out is dictated by the rules of each version, but most often this figure is seven.


The classic game is most often called the Goat. Domino Classic Rules:

  1. Shuffle all available dice so that one player does not get all the doubles.
  2. All chips are placed in the center of the table. From that moment on, this hill is considered a bazaar.
  3. Players take turns drawing chips from the established market. Everyone should have seven such "cards" in their hands. You need to pull them out carefully so that your opponents do not see the layouts that have fallen out to you.
  4. On the table, so that there is room for "finishing", lay out the junior double. This action of the owner of the first deuce will be considered the starting move.
  5. Further, the chips are reported with an identical picture to the previous side of the bone. Thus, the hand continues until one of the players arranges a fish. If everyone ran out of chips, and no one could block the move of others, in this knight the participants can offer a draw.
  6. The losers of each draw record their points. The recording starts when someone reaches thirteen points.
  7. The player who scores 101 points is considered the loser. This marks the end of the game.


The tromino set includes fifty-six dice. The numbers are indicated along the faces and can have a value from one to five. The construction in this type of game goes on the sides.

So in order to continue the line, you need to attach one face, for example, with the number three, to the other. To understand how many points to write down in the game scale, count all the numbers along the straight lines on the chips.


For little fans of this ancient oriental game, sets with pictures, letters and numbers have been released. By playing children's dominoes, your child will be able to develop memory skills, logical thinking and learn numbers and the alphabet.

With pictures, dominoes can be found on the themes of toys, animals, transport, and even based on fairy tales. The rules of the game of children's dominoes do not differ from the usual classics. For convenience, children can play together with their parents.

How to play together

The only difference in the layout of the rules of the domino game for two is that the move can begin not with a one-to-one chip, but with any junior double in the hands of the players. The scoring of dominoes depends on the chosen variation of the game.


If you consider yourself an avid player of the Domino board game, check out the sites where you can enjoy the online version of the game. On such resources, you can practice your skills with people or compete in quick wits with a computer.

Types and features of bones and chips

Dominoes are available in numerous shapes and colors. How many pieces of dominoes in the set determines the type of selected chips. Initially, stones and bones were used as materials, but nowadays they are made from any raw material, including plastic and glass.

How many Dominoes should be:

  • Classic set contains twenty-four rectangular bones
  • Chinese domino includes thirty-two stones in a set
  • In a set of trominoes you will find fifty-six dominoes
  • There are one hundred and twenty-five square-shaped chips in the square set.

Domino terms

In the Goat game you will meet unusual words for people who have never played ancient Chinese entertainment:

  • A double is any bone that has equal numbers at both ends.


    To understand how to play Dominoes and the rules of the game, players need to know some tricks, which greatly facilitate the life of the participants in the battle on the chips.

    1. Analyze which bones have already been laid out and, based on them, calculate the opponent's next move. So, knowing that he threw out all the figures with the sum of points equal to one, you can make a fish by ending your turn with the number one.
    2. Lay out combinations, bringing the enemy to the number you need. Try to force your opponent to throw out all the "extra" numbers for you in this way.

Domino rules

Each of us held dominoes in our hands. They are wooden or plastic, usually black or white with white/black dots. Everyone used to love to play dominoes. Now, of course, children play more often, but you can also see old people and adults laying out the bones in the correct order on the flat surface of the table, bench, board. It would seem, what is difficult in the correct arrangement of numbers? Let's look at the rules of the game of dominoes.

How to play this game:

The set for dominoes includes 28 rectangular plates, divided in half by a line. On each square half of a dot, whose number can be a number from zero to six. By the way, why bones? It is believed that this name comes from the word bones, that is, cubes. And each plate symbolizes the roll of two dice. Some sets of dominoes may include dice with more than six dots on one half, up to eighteen. Also in China, there are duplicate tiles, and none of them have empty squares. In addition, there are children's dominoes, where there can be children's or exclusive dominoes, where pictures are used instead of dots. The reverse side is usually flat, but may be covered with any of the same pattern.

Now we know what the set consists of. Let's start the game. There are usually two or four participants. If you play with two players, you need to deal seven chips, if you play four, then five. The rest must be put aside (in the "house", "bazaar", "reserve"). The first move belongs to the one who rolled two zeros or two sixes (depending on how you agreed or what game you are playing). If no one has these dice, then you can start with any other double token, in order of seniority (that is, two deuces, two fives, and so on). If suddenly no one has doubles, they start with dominoes with the largest sum of numbers. The first chip is placed in the center of the playing field. Then, one by one, they begin to attach the rest to the line. You can continue in both directions, adding the same numbers according to the rule (six to six, five to five, etc.), but sometimes they use a different method when the sum of the adjacent numbers should be equal to six (that is, the six must be answered with zero, by five by one and further according to this principle). Be sure to remember these domino rules.

If there is nothing to post, it’s worth taking from “home” until something appears to post. However, such a situation may happen that there is absolutely nothing to put on the table, and everyone has chips in their hands. It's called "fish".

The winner is the one who first puts his last knuckle on the table (or who has the smallest amount on chips with a “fish”). The rest count the amounts on their chips, and write them down on a sheet. The game is repeated again until a predetermined limit is scored (one hundred, two hundred points).

There are many types of domino games. For example, in China their number reaches forty. In Russia, the following options are known: 1. Goat. There are two, three or four players in this game. The game starts with the smallest double. In the next game, the winner of the previous round goes first. The losers write down the number of points, but only if it is thirteen or more. The game is played up to 101 points, and the loser is declared a "goat". There is a variant of a team game when four people are divided into pairs of two. In this case, the players of the same team sit opposite each other.

2. Variety of Goat. Sea Goat. This game is longer and harder than the previous one. There are two or four players (four are divided into teams). The game also starts with the smallest double, but now the winner writes down the points for himself. He considers the sum of the remaining numbers in the hands of the losers, if it is more than twenty-five, then you can write it down. But if the winner in the next round is different and he also has twenty-five points or more, your points are deducted. The game is played for 125 points. Now a few subtleties. If you have two doubles in your hands, and you can lay them out right away, then you have the right to do so. If the player who started recording points has the right to start the game with a double of sixes. If he wins, he wins the game, but if he loses by more than 25 points, he is out of the game. The one who ends the game on two zeros also wins (such a "goat" is called "bald"). If the last chip was a double six, then this is either a win (with the sum of the loser's hands from 25 points), or the next round starts with two sixes.

Points are taken into account following rules dominoes. If there are only two zeros on the hands, then this is 25 points. If only two sixes, then 50 points. If there are only zeros and sixes - 75.

In the case of "fish" the steps are as follows. The player who placed the last chip (except for a double) is considered a "fisherman". If the “fisherman” has less than 25 points, and the other has more, then the “fisherman” wins and starts with sixes. If a “fisherman” is in a losing position, then you can try to write off the “fish”, continuing the game from any knuckle. If the "fisherman" wins, and the second player has more than 25 points, then the "fish" is written off. If it was not possible to write off in three runs, then the “fisherman” loses, and the winner still starts the game with sixes. If with a “fish” the sum of points in the hands of all players is equal, then “eggs” are obtained. They are written off only from two units. If it was not possible to write off the “eggs” three times, a draw is declared. The game ends.

3. This is also a version of the Goat, but this time a sporty one. There are four players (again in two teams). Chips are placed on special stands. The right of the first move passes from team to team in turn. The number of rounds is a multiple of four. Points are recorded according to the principle of the Sea Goat, that is, the score is kept by the winner. The couple with the most points wins.

4. Donkey. The differences from the Goat in the Donkey are as follows. The game goes not in two, but in four directions. Doubles can be set in any number, at least two, at least four. Doubles can be closed, that is, turned points down. In this case, you cannot place chips in that direction. If the beginning was not from a double, then before the first open double, only a couple of doubles can be set closed. The scoring, as in Kozl, goes up to 101. If the points are less than 13, then they are remembered and deleted only after the next round, if nothing was written into it either.

5. Another type of Goat is the General. The players are again two teams of two. Distribution goes on seven knuckles. To inform a teammate that you have two zeros on your hand, you need to wink, and if there are two sixes, puff out your cheeks. The chip with two units is laid out first on the table. In the event of a “fish”, the game does not count. Spread chips only in two directions. If the player managed to finish with two zeros or two sixes, then he is declared a "general". The game will still end if there are no chips in hand.

Here the score is not kept on points, but on the “generals” in the team. The game is limited by time - half an hour or an hour. Just in time for lunch break. To make it more interesting, you can play with four, and six, and eight. Two teams still play, and if one loses, a third team takes over to replace it. If a team immediately received a "general", then it is worth giving way to another.

6. Somewhat different game. Telephone (sometimes called Houses). Players from two to four. The first chip is a “house”, chips are placed in it from four sides. The game goes to 72 points.

The scoring rules are as follows. When the sum of the numbers at the ends of the tracks is a multiple of five, the player is credited with this amount divided by five. A double is equal to the sum of your points. The winner divides the amount left in the hands of the losers by five and writes it down for himself. If not divisible, round up.

As a variant of the rules, you can set up to four takes at once. There are many more games. Finally, it is worth mentioning the English version of dominoes, which has taken root in Russia. This game is called Miggins. Two, three or four play. If there are two players, then seven chips are dealt out, if more, then five. The first player is determined by lot. You can start the game with any bone. After laying out the first double, the game develops in four directions. Points are awarded at the moment when the sum of points at the edges of the lanes is a multiple of five. Each five earns the player five points. Winning brings ten more. With a fish, the winner will be the one who has fewer points in his hand. In this case, the points won are calculated as the difference between the points of the winners and all the losers. The count is kept up to 200.

At first, it may seem to you that the rules of the game of dominoes are complex and confusing, so we recommend that you print this page and keep it in front of your eyes at first as a hint. Learn the rules of dominoes and play for fun!

Sports domino (hereinafter - Domino) is board game in which four people participate. These participants are divided into pairs and compete with each other. To play Dominoes, you must have a special table equipped with supports for chips (bones), and a set for playing Dominoes, consisting of twenty-eight game chips (the minimum chip is “empty-empty”, the maximum is “six-six”). The sum of all chips is equal to 168 points.

The purpose of the game and the definition of winners | sports domino

To win the game, you must score the number of points determined by the organizing committee of the tournament before your opponents. Usually, two hundred points are considered the required amount. Each game is played for 30 to 50 minutes. The number of games in each tournament is different. Each game or round ends with a win or blocking (hereinafter referred to as "fish"). A win is when one of the participants puts the last chip he has on the table. In this case, the winners write down the sum of all the remaining chips in their hands. "Fish" is when one of the participants lays out the last chip of this number series, leading to the fact that at both ends of the calculation there are chips of the same series on the table. With a fish, the winner is the pair that has the smallest amount of points left in their hands. In this case, the winners write down the sum of all the remaining chips in their hands.

In case of equality of points | Domino game

If the points of unplayed chips in pairs are equal, the game is considered to be played in a draw. If the time allotted for a game runs out during a round, the game ends at the end of that round. In this case, the pair with the most points is considered the winner of the game. If the time runs out at the moment of scoring or shuffling the chips, then another round is played. All points scored by pairs must be recorded in the protocol, which is signed by the participants at the end of the game. Each game must have a winner. There are no draws in Dominoes. In the event of a tie, an extra round is played. A pair is also considered to have won if, after five minutes from the beginning of the game, one or both players of the pair - the opponent did not appear. In this case, the maximum number of points provided by the tournament regulations is recorded on the account of the winning pair.

Game order.

For each move, the player is given a certain amount of time:

  • label_outline With the possibility of a single move - 5 seconds;
  • label_outline With the possibility of several moves - 20 seconds;
  • label_outline If possible, complete the round with a “fish” - 1 minute.

Unreasonable violation of these rules entails a verbal warning to the player from the Referee. In the event of a repeated such violation, a fine is imposed on the couple (defined by the competition regulations). During the party it is forbidden to smoke, drink, eat. Only chips, minutes and a pen can be placed on the gaming table. Silence must be observed during the round. The hands of the participants in the game should be under the table and their eyes should be directed to the table or to the chips. It is forbidden to make any body movements that can be regarded as unauthorized communication (hereinafter referred to as signs). All identified signs are punishable by penalties.

Party start order:

  • label All chips are flipped face down.
  • label Any player shuffles the chips.
  • label Each player flips one chip. The right of the first move goes to the participant who flipped the chip with the most points. In case of equality of points among the participants, the advantage of the first move is given to the one who has the highest denomination in one of the half of the chip.
  • label After that, all the chips are again turned face down and shuffled by the player sitting to the left of the participant who has the right of the first move.
  • label The participant with the right of the first move collects seven chips. Further, the set of chips is carried out in turn counterclockwise. The player who owns the right of the first move has the right to re-shuffle the chips. In this case, he takes the pieces last, and no other player can shuffle the pieces again.
  • label Then the first move is made. The chip is placed parallel to the player if it is a double. If it is a mixed chip, then it is placed with the least number of points towards the player. But in both cases, the chip is placed in the middle of the table. Each move is carried out calmly (it is forbidden to knock on the table), close to the chips already laid out, and at the same time, each move is made with the same hand and in the same way.

It is forbidden to move and rearrange the chips raised and installed on the stand. If a competitor touches any of his pieces during his turn, he must place it if it fits, even if he did not fully pick it up. If it does not fit, a couple - the offender is fined.

If one of the players, who does not have the right of the first move, puts a chip, he must take it away, and the opponents decide whether to continue the round or start over. If a decision is made to shuffle the chips, the offending pair is penalized, and the round is started by the player who owns that right in that round. If it is decided to continue the round, the token is placed to the right of the player and must be placed as soon as possible. They also act if during the game one of the players places a chip not on his turn. In both cases, if the decision of the opponent pair is to continue the game, the result of the game is saved. If a participant in the game does not have a suitable chip, he must announce this loudly and clearly, saying the word "pass". At the same time, it is forbidden to notify the next player about this situation by any other gesture or movement. If the player could make a move, but said "pass", regardless of the moment the violation was discovered, the pair - the opponent calls the Referee, who announces the end of the round. A fine is imposed on the violating couple. After the end of each round, all played chips must remain in their places until all participants in the round are convinced of the correct scoring.

Domino Federation of Russia.

Before you - an exciting board puzzle game in which you need to build a chain of bones. But not everyone knows the rules of the domino game, and therefore it seems uninteresting to them. The number of participants varies from two to four. For two people, seven bones are distributed, for more people - five. Others are placed in "reserve" so that the dots are not visible. The first move is made by the player who has a “double” in his hand (that is, 1-1 or any other combination in ascending order). You can't start from 0-0. The essence of the game is to place your pebbles on the field so that they touch each other with the same symbols. That is, 2-5, 4-2 and others can be attached to 2-2, but there must be a number 2. If there are none, you choose new ones from the pending “deck”. The one with nothing left wins. After that, the points that fell during the passage are summed up. The classic game is played up to 200, 300 or 500 (by agreement).

How to play domino goat? The algorithm is almost the same, however, the terms "fish" appear ( possible variant ending at which you have chips left) and "eggs". The one who scores 101 as a result is declared the "goat" and is considered the loser.

Domino Secrets

To win more often, it is enough to remember the rules and secrets of the Kozel domino, in which, in fact, there is nothing unusual.

  • The first tip is to develop visual memory in order to remember which knuckles your opponent discarded. You can calculate and guess which ones are in his hands, and which ones are in the “reserve”.
  • Second - try to calculate your opponents, that is, follow the tactics. Everyone acts according to a certain algorithm, and if you establish a pattern, then success is guaranteed.
  • Third, practice with a good and experienced partner. This is necessary, since the game is collective. If you are a beginner, do not try to play in a big company.

Domino fish

Usually the game ends when the opponent discards all the tiles he had in stock. But one of the most popular similar outcomes is the fish in dominoes. In this case, the game ends if both sides have stones, but it is impossible to report them. The numbers are calculated on dominoes, which “lie on the hands”. If you have the least minimum amount of "points", then the victory is awarded to you, but the difference in points wins. Then you play by the same rules, and if such blocking of the calculation occurs again, you should count according to the algorithm described above.

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