What gives the declared value of the parcel. Valuable package. Valuable shipments: trunk belts and tariff zones

Why indicate the declared value of the parcel when sent by Russian Post?

By declaring the cost of the parcel when sending, you thereby buy insurance against the loss (damage) of the parcel. The more you enter the amount, the more you will have to pay when sending the parcel. But in case of loss of the parcel, you will be returned no more than the declared value.

So there is a double-edged sword here, making you think about what value to indicate. If there is nothing particularly valuable in the parcel or the loss of the contents of the parcel is insignificant, then you can send the parcel without declaring the value or indicate the minimum value, for show.

To receive monetary compensation if your package is lost.

If you rate its contents at a thousand, then you will get a thousand. However, along with the declared value, the cost of sending the parcel also increases. In general, you should consider whether and whether to send a parcel with a declared value or not.

I lived away from my parents for many years. And we regularly sent parcels to each other. When with a declared value, when simple. Not a single package was lost.

This is done to obtain compensation in case of loss. But as a rule, no one writes the real amount of the cost of the parcel, because then the price of the parcel increases, and who wants to overpay.

I often send parcels and parcels and, fortunately, everything got through and there was no way to check the item about compensation.

The sender specifies the cost of the parcel himself. This is necessary so that if it is lost, you can receive compensation. Accordingly, insurance is added to the amount of delivery. But you can also indicate a smaller amount, for example, indicating that the value of the parcel is 100 rubles, no one will double-check.

First of all, the value of the parcel must be indicated so that the post office knows how to handle it, and if the goods are lost or damaged, the post office will compensate for the damage in the amount of this amount. But the more you specify the amount, the greater the cost of the parcel itself.

In case of damage / loss of the contents of the parcel, the post office will reimburse the loss at the declared value.

Rules for sending valuable parcels

Types of parcels

The parcel can be:

With a description of the attachment;

With declared value;

Parcel 1st class.

Differences of parcels

A registered parcel differs from a simple parcel in that it is delivered to the recipient and issued to him against signature, certifying in this way the fact of receipt by the addressee. A simple parcel is simply dropped into a PO box. Such a postal item may be sent with a description of the attachment, when the accompanying form indicates a list of documents or other things placed in the parcel. In this case, the parcel is opened directly at the post office in order to verify the contents of the package with the data of the accompanying inventory. Forwarding a parcel with a declared value involves the collection of an additional insurance fee in the amount of 3% of the declared value when sending.

Insured parcel

The choice of this type of postal item guarantees the client a refund of the amount of the declared value in case of loss of the parcel. The amount of the insurance premium is not refundable. The amount of the declared value should not exceed 10 thousand rubles. A class 1 parcel is distinguished by a high delivery speed, which is 2 times faster than sending other types of parcels. The weight of the Russian Post parcel is crucial when calculating the cost of shipping.

Tariffs for different types of parcels

The tariffs of the Russian Post for simple and custom-made parcels are the same values, equal for any locality in the country:

Simple parcels. Forwarding the first 100 grams of the weight of the postal item is estimated at 31 rubles. Then, for each subsequent 20 grams of weight, a fee of 1 ruble 50 kopecks is charged.

Custom parcels. Forwarding the first 100 grams of the weight of the postal item is estimated at 44 rubles 30 kopecks, with the subsequent addition of 1 ruble 50 kopecks for each additional 20 grams of weight.

The cost of sending valuable parcels is influenced not only by the weight of the postal item, but also by the distance of the shipment.

What does "Declared Value" mean in the mail? Valuable parcel

Today, many people use the postal service. To receive or send a letter, a parcel is a procedure that has not lost its relevance over time. A valuable parcel, as well as a registered letter, has certain rules for sending (a list of items that are allowed to be sent) and acceptable weight limits. You can use the services of the Russian Post on the territory of the Russian Federation.

What is it

The declared value is a guarantee that the sent package will reach the recipient and its contents will be preserved. Most often, valuable parcels are those in which expensive equipment is invested - mobile phones, cameras, laptops, tablets. In this case, declaring the value of the shipment is a prerequisite. For valuable parcels and cargoes, the transport company and the post office are responsible. In addition, letters and parcels are financially protected against damage and loss.

If the terms of delivery of valuable items are violated or they are lost or damaged, the sender has the right to demand compensation at the post office. Send valuable items only from the post office. They must be registered.

The value is assigned by the sender. The postal workers indicate the amount on the envelope, package or packaging, as well as other information. The cost is indicated in figures and in words. For sending, the post office charges a commission, which is four percent of the value. The commission for express EMS is less - only one percent. If a valuable parcel is sent cash on delivery, an inventory must be attached.

How to send

Send a parcel with a declared value should be at the post office. Operators accept parcels, packages and letters properly designed. The parcel must correspond to the dimensions, weight, value and not contain items prohibited for shipment. Before sending the parcel, it must be properly packaged. Most often, you can purchase packaging (box, bags, envelopes) at the post office. Standard packaging has empty fields where you should enter the recipient's address and other information about the shipment (the amount of value and cash on delivery). The sender and recipient data looks like this:

  • Full Name.
  • Street name, house or apartment number.
  • Locality.
  • District.
  • Region (region, territory, republic).
  • The country.
  • Postcode.

Other information is also indicated if the declared value of the parcel is high. Before sending, the postal worker checks whether the parcel is packed correctly, as well as filling in the fields. If everything is correct, the operator accepts the shipment after the final payment.


What does "declared value" mean? It is imposed on all sent items, the cost of which is high. It is determined by the sender. Parcels sent with declared value are always sent cash on delivery. The package may contain magazines, books, equipment, items. Permissible weight - ranging from 100 grams to two kilograms. The rules for sending a large parcel depend on which type of parcel is selected. It should be noted that the cost of sending parcels is lower than parcels. If the contents of the package weigh more than two kilograms, and its price is more than ten thousand, postal employees have the right to refuse to send it by parcel post.

The sender has access to the service of sending registered parcels. This is a registered parcel that requires confirmation of the signature of the sender and recipient after delivery to the specified address. In order to send a registered parcel, you must fill out a special form at the post office. If you need to send a parcel abroad, the rules for such a shipment are the same as in Russia. The only difference is that a bag should be used instead of a box, the weight of the contents can reach two kilograms. Tariffs for transporting parcels abroad are higher.


The declared value of the letter is a guarantee in case it is lost or damaged. As in the case of a parcel, in order to send such a letter, the sender must declare its value. If the envelope is lost, the sender will receive a partial refund. In the post office, the letter must be registered, and the delivery must be tracked using the identifier number assigned to it on the Russian Post website.

To send a valuable letter, buy an envelope of a suitable size (maximum size 229x324 mm, in the Russian Federation the weight of the contents should be no more than 100 grams, abroad - up to 2 kilograms). Then give the envelope to the operator at the post office and tell us how much compensation you would like to receive for possible loss.

In addition, the sender can make an inventory of the attachment and receive a notification of delivery of the letter. Additional services are also available to the sender: air forwarding, SMS notification, inventory of attachments, cash on delivery, notification of receipt by the addressee.


You can get a letter with a declared value in the mail. When it arrives at the appropriate branch of the Russian Post at the specified address, the employees will send a notification to the recipient. The same applies to parcels. They receive parcels and letters at the post office or the postman delivers them to the door of the apartment. Often, due to a shortage of workers, the recipient has to independently come to the office for a parcel or a letter.

The declared value is the guarantee provided by the post. The fee for the parcel is collected from the citizen by the postal worker in the office at the time of receipt. The cost is assigned taking into account the amount of the parcel and is determined by the established tariffs at the post office. The fact of payment is confirmed by a check, stamps and stamps. International and domestic shipments have different rates.

The shipping cost is affected by the departure address (range), region, weight of the parcel or letter, dimensions. A parcel can have a maximum value ("Post of Russia") of 10 thousand rubles. A letter with a declared value - 500 thousand, a first-class parcel post - 100 thousand rubles. The entire list of services and prices is provided at the post office. For example, if a parcel weighs five hundred grams and is delivered by ground transport, the shipping price varies from 70 to 100 rubles. Everything depends on the distance.

Overview of Russian Post tariffs

Ordinary, registered, insured items

Easy Departure- goes like a regular letter or newspaper. The postman brings and throws it in the mailbox. Only parcels can be simple.

Registered, it is also registered, departure- receives a unique number and a barcode. At intermediate sorting points, the barcode is read into a computer system, which makes it possible to monitor its passage through the Russian Post website. A registered item is handed over to the addressee against receipt; if it is not there, a notice is left.

Tariffs for registered and ordinary parcels are set centrally and do not depend on the delivery distance.

Valuable departure- has a declared value, for which an insurance fee is mandatory (3.54% with VAT for parcels, 4% with VAT for parcels). In case of loss, the declared value is reimbursed to the sender (in this case, the insurance fee not reimbursed). Cash on delivery can only send valuable items.

All items of value are, by definition, registered.

Parcels can be valuable and ordinary. In the second case, the value of the parcel in rubles is declared equal to zero.

Tariffs for valuable items depend on the distance of delivery and on the region of dispatch (see below).

Valuable shipments: trunk belts and tariff zones

Tariffs for valuable items depend on delivery distances. Total allocated 5 main belts: 1st - up to 600 km, 2nd - 600-2000 km, 3rd - 2000-5000 km, 4th - 5000-8000 km, 5th - over 8000 km. The distance between the centers of the regions along the delivery highway (hence the name - the main belt) is taken as a basis. If the delivery is not to the center of the region, belt does not change- even if in fact the next belt is obtained by the total distance. For example, delivery from the Moscow Region to the Krasnoyarsk Territory for any locality will be calculated according to the 3rd belt, although in this extremely long region half of the territory is located at a distance of more than 5000 km from the capital of Russia (see the reference directory of tariff zones for sending from Moscow to website of the Russian Post).

The distance along the highway is in most cases billable distance between the respective railway stations in the centers of the regions, it differs from both the direct distance on the map and the distance along the highway.

Tariffs for valuable items also differ by regions of Russia; in total there is 5 tariff zones(not to be confused with the main belts!!) - the lowest tariffs are in the European part of Russia, the highest - in Chukotka. Therefore, a parcel from Vladivostok to Moscow can cost almost one and a half times more than from Moscow to Vladivostok.

Parcels and parcels - the main differences

Parcel- a newspaper, magazine, brochure, book, which, due to its size or weight, cannot be sent by letter. The name comes from fr. banderole (bande - strip and role - bundle, list) - a special tape with which postmen wrapped a newspaper or magazine folded into a tube with paid delivery. Parcels follow the same paths as letter mail, the postman takes them with him and - if the parcel is simple - drops them into the addressee's box. Hence the following restrictions:

1. The maximum weight of the inner parcel is only 2 kg (the slot in the mailboxes is small, and the postman is not a beast of burden).

2. The parcel should not include any fragile items, because mail bags are often thrown, loaded side by side, etc. upon delivery. Currently, the rules of the Russian Post prohibit commodity attachments in ordinary parcels at all (an exception is items that are an integral part of the attachment, for example, a CD-ROM attached to a book). But in parcels of the 1st class, commodity investments allowed- apparently, due to more careful handling of them on the way.

Package- a registered shipment with a commodity investment and a declared value. The sender is obliged to pack the parcel in a strong box, in addition, postal workers are required to transfer the parcels from hand to hand during the delivery process according to the instructions. Therefore, the deadlines for the passage of parcels are somewhat longer than ground mail and parcels. The parcel may be marked "Fragile" (an additional 30% to the shipping cost).

The maximum weight of a parcel is 20 kg (if the weight is more than 10 kg, an additional fee for a heavy parcel in the amount of 40% of the delivery cost is paid).

Parcels and parcels - which is more profitable

Parcels- price that increases evenly from 100 to 2000 in increments of 20 g: 43 rubles 66 kopecks for the first 100 g, then 2 rubles. 95 kop. for every 20 years (beginning of 2017). Tariffs for parcels are the same throughout Russia.

Parcels- a significant initial fee for the first 500 g, then a relatively small tariff in increments of 500 g. For example, when sending from Moscow to St. Petersburg, the first 500 g cost 204 rubles. 00 kopecks, then 21.00 for every 500 in the 1st main belt.

If the sender has a choice between a parcel and a parcel (books, brochures), then a weight of up to 500 g is much cheaper (2-3 times!) To send a valuable parcel, from 500 to 1000 g is also cheaper than a parcel (somewhere 30-55 rubles), from 1000 to 1500 g tariffs are approximately comparable. But for goods over 1.5 kg, sending by parcel is always cheaper, while the greater the weight, the more significant the gain.

Parcel 1st class

"Elite" delivery by the shortest route, which in recent years has been actively introduced instead of air parcels, and, judging by the tariff policy of the Russian Post, should completely replace the latter.

Rates for this type of shipment are set for 5 tariff zones, while they do not depend on the distance of delivery and route (ground / air), trunk belts are not taken into account, which makes the calculation of the tariff very convenient.

The 1st class parcel is packed in a special envelope with a yellow stripe and is delivered along the fastest trunk route, while delivery within the region is faster - the standard terms for this type of item correspond to the standards for letter mail, not parcels.

And most importantly - class 1 parcels allow a commodity investment. True, it is still impossible to send a parcel marked "fragile".

Post offices with delivery restrictions

In a number of hard-to-reach areas, delivery is possible only by air, sometimes the post office is completely closed at certain times of the year. In total, these are approximately 1,200 post offices out of a total of 44,000, mainly - Yakutia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk and Magadan Regions, Khanty-Mansiysk, Chukotka and Nenets Autonomous Okrug. A list of such branches is published in the Reference Directory of Russian Post Forwarding Restrictions. Postcalc.RU regularly checks for updates once a day (they are released 1-2 times a month), automatically downloads updates and converts them into a readable form - see the Restrictions section.

Tariffs of Russian Post and EMS

Strange as it may seem, in some cases, sending a parcel by courier from door to door is cheaper than by mail, not to mention the delivery time and convenience.

Firstly, it is delivery within the city and within the region. At the same time, however, it should be taken into account that delivery from the center of the region to the region is already paid for as an interregional one at much higher rates.

Secondly, this is delivery to remote and hard-to-reach areas of items weighing more than 10 kg - the package may turn out to be more expensive.

Insured parcel Enclosure and declared value of insured domestic parcels

809. Domestic parcels with declared value are used to send consumer goods, food products with a long shelf life, books, plants, bees, medicines, medical preparations and other investments that are not prohibited from being sent by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

810. The amount of evaluation of parcels (except for parcels in paper packaging) is not limited, it is determined by the sender in the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the actual value of the investment. The declared value of the parcel must not exceed the actual value of the package.

The declared value of parcels in paper packaging should not exceed three times the monthly calculation index established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The amount of the declared value of the parcels is indicated on their shell and on the form of the accompanying address f.116. Acceptance of insured domestic parcels

811. Acceptance of domestic parcels with declared value is carried out in the manner established for domestic ordinary parcels

812. When submitting an internal parcel with a declared value, the sender must additionally indicate:

1) on the form of the accompanying address f.116 and in the upper part of the address side of the parcel, the declared value in numbers and words;

2) when filling out the investment inventory, the amount of the declared value of each item.

813. When accepting parcels with a list of attachments, an employee of a production facility must additionally:

1) check the package contents, as well as the address and name of the recipient with the entries in the inventory f.107, drawn up in 2 copies;

2) verify the conformity of the destination, the name of the addressee, the amount of the declared value and mark, the correct spelling of the address indicated on the parcel, the form of the accompanying address f.116 and both copies of the inventory f.107;

3) check in the inventory of the investment the presence of an indication of the amount of the declared value of each item and the derivation of the total amount:

4) affix imprints of PSh on both copies of the inventory and sign them;

5) enclose the first copy of the completed inventory over the attachment to the parcel, and issue the second copy to the sender;

6) pack the parcel in the presence of the sender, or check the integrity of the package;

7) indicate on the parcel and the form of the accompanying address f.116 the mark “With inventory”, if it is absent;

8) in the receipt f.1 in the column "Special marks" make a note "With inventory".

814. For sending parcels with declared value, in addition to the weight fee, a fee for declared value is charged, as well as a fee for additional services.

815. Domestic parcels with declared value accepted at production facilities are transferred for processing and dispatch in the same order as ordinary parcels.

816. Acceptance of internal government, air, official parcels with declared value is carried out in the same manner as the reception of ordinary parcels.

817. Acceptance of insured domestic parcels with registered (simple) notification of receipt is carried out in the same manner as the acceptance of ordinary parcels, subject to the following additions:

1) on the notification form f.119, the sender indicates the amount of the declared value.

Acceptance of insured parcels with cash on delivery

818. When accepting a parcel with a declared value with cash on delivery, an employee of the production facility additionally checks:

1) whether the sender filled out the postal transfer form f.114 correctly, indicating the address and name of the recipient of the cash on delivery amount.

2) availability of bank details when sending by a legal entity;

3) whether the data indicated on the form of postal money transfer and on the shell of the parcel with declared value and the form of the accompanying address f.116 correspond;

4) whether the sender indicated on form f.114 for which type of shipment the cash on delivery should be sent to him, the name of the place of receipt of the parcel with declared value, the date of submission.

5) whether the amount of cash on delivery is indicated on the envelope of the parcel with declared value;

6) whether the amount of the cash on delivery does not exceed the amount of the assessment of the parcel with declared value;

7) whether the amount of cash on delivery is indicated on the notification form f.119 (if there is a notification);

819. An employee of a production facility puts down the number of the parcel with a declared value on the form f. 114 on the line for written communication according to SPI. Attaches a COD transfer form to the form of the accompanying address of the parcel with a declared value in such a way that it is not possible to lose it in transit.

When receiving a parcel with a declared value, the imprint of the PS on the cash on delivery transfer form is not affixed. For each insured parcel with cash on delivery, a postal money order must be drawn up.

820. Acceptance of domestic parcels with a declared value according to the list f.103 is carried out in the manner established for domestic ordinary parcels according to the list f.103, taking into account the following additions: on the list f.103 the sender indicates the amount of declared value and the amount of cash on delivery (if the parcel with cash on delivery).

Postal items, the weight of which is in the range from 100 grams to 2 kilograms, are called parcels.

Types of parcels

The parcel can be:

with a description of the attachment;
with declared value;
1st class parcel.

Differences of parcels

A registered parcel differs from a simple parcel in that it is delivered to the recipient and issued to him against signature, certifying in this way the fact of receipt by the addressee. A simple parcel is simply dropped into a PO box. Such a postal item may be sent with a description of the attachment, when the accompanying form indicates a list of documents or other things placed in the parcel. In this case, the parcel is opened directly at the post office in order to verify the contents of the package with the data of the accompanying inventory. Forwarding a parcel with a declared value involves the collection of an additional insurance fee in the amount of 3% of the declared value when sending.

Insured parcel

The choice of this type of postal item guarantees the client a refund of the amount of the declared value in case of loss of the parcel. The amount of the insurance premium is not refundable. The amount of the declared value should not exceed 10 thousand rubles. A class 1 parcel is distinguished by a high delivery speed, which is 2 times faster than sending other types of parcels. The weight of the Russian Post parcel is crucial when calculating the cost of shipping.

Tariffs for different types of parcels

The tariffs of the Russian Post for simple and custom-made parcels are the same values, equal for any locality in the country:

Simple parcels. Forwarding the first 100 grams of the weight of the postal item is estimated at 31 rubles. Then, for each subsequent 20 grams of weight, a fee of 1 ruble 50 kopecks is charged.
Custom parcels. Forwarding the first 100 grams of the weight of the postal item is estimated at 44 rubles 30 kopecks, with the subsequent addition of 1 ruble 50 kopecks for each additional 20 grams of weight.

The cost of sending valuable parcels is influenced not only by the weight of the postal item, but also by the distance of the shipment.

Cash on delivery - a certain amount of money that the postal operator takes from the recipient upon delivery of the postal item to him at the direction of the sender. This amount is sent back to the sender by money order.

Cash on delivery, you can send parcels and parcels with a declared value. In certain cases (for example, when buying goods on the Internet), the cash on delivery service is very convenient. The meaning of the service is that the recipient sees that he received a package (he was not deceived by the seller, for example), pays a predetermined amount and receives his package. If the addressee does not want to receive a postal item and pay for it, or does not come to the post office for his postal item for a certain time (30 days in Russia), then the parcel is sent back to the sender. For the service "cash on delivery" mail takes a separate cost.

Let's find out how parcels are cash on delivery by Russian post, as well as the cost of this service. The sender needs to provide the postal worker with a parcel (package) in an unpacked form. To pack a parcel, you can purchase a parcel box directly from the post office. Then you need to fill in the data about the sender and recipient, the cash on delivery form in the form 113en. Such a form is filled in by the sender in the fields circled in bold. It is necessary to take into account the important point that the declared value of the parcel should not exceed the amount of cash on delivery. After that, the postal operator takes the parcel from you and issues a receipt, which will indicate the tracking number for this parcel. Which is an added benefit. It is advisable to keep the receipt until the receipt of money for the parcel.

Usually the cost of sending a parcel by Russian post cash on delivery includes:

  • the cost of the goods, the item sent by the parcel;
  • shipping cost. It depends on the weight of the parcel, the distance of delivery, and the method (ground transport, air or combined method);
  • insurance fee (for the value of the postal item);
  • delivery of money back to the sender by postal order.

Therefore, the cost of sending cash on delivery by Russian post in each individual case is always different.

Since the cost of delivering a parcel by Russian post by cash on delivery depends on the weight of the parcel and the distance of its delivery, here you need to focus on the tariffs for sending valuable parcels. If the weight of your postal item is not more than 2 kg, then it is more profitable and cheaper to send a parcel, not a parcel. All tariffs for valuable parcels and parcels are divided into 5 tariff zones by regions of the country.

As we have already found out, shipping cost by Russian post cash on delivery It also depends on the fee for sending money back to the sender. The Russian Post has rates for postal money transfers, which also depend on the amount of the transfer itself and the remoteness of the final delivery point. There is a typical cost of postal money transfer:

  • up to 1000 rubles - 40 rubles + 5% of the amount;
  • 1000 - 5000 rubles - 50 rubles + 4% of the transferred amount;
  • 5000 - 20000 rubles - 150 rubles + 2% of the transferred amount;
  • 20,000 - 500,000 rubles - 250 rubles + 1.5% of the amount of money sent.

Therefore, the cost of the Russian postal cash on delivery service cannot be summed up to any total amounts for all cases of sending mail.

The undoubted advantage of cash on delivery is that you pay for the goods, the item at the time of its receipt, and not in advance. That is, there is an opportunity to pay for the goods not now, but after a while - a kind of credit.

Parcels, like parcels, are different forms of postal items. Can't decide how to send your shipment?

Let's take a closer look together what is the difference between parcels and parcels and what to choose in each case.

Parcels and their types

Consider, what is a parcel and what they are.

A parcel is a postal item with a weight of 100 g and up to 2 kilograms. Manuscripts, photographs, magazines and low-value printed publications, that is, worth no more than ten thousand rubles, are usually sent in parcels.

Types of parcels are as follows: simple parcels, registered and insured.

What is a simple parcel

A simple parcel is a mailing, upon receipt of which the recipient does not sign notifications and, accordingly, the sender does not receive delivery receipts. Simple parcels send low-value documents that do not need strict accounting for delivery.

Customized parcels

Registered parcels must be registered, and the sender receives a receipt, and the addressee puts a signature in the document, confirming the receipt of a registered parcel.

What is the difference between a valuable parcel and a simple one?

A valuable parcel is called not because something valuable is necessarily inside it. No, this is not necessary, just when sending such a parcel, the sender must evaluate his investment in a certain amount of money.

Valuable parcels are insured by the very fact of their existence and declared value: if a valuable parcel is lost, the Russian Post will indemnify for losses in the amount of the declared value and the amount of payment for the shipment. Also, a valuable parcel is delivered directly to the address indicated in the delivery address.

Parcel and types of parcels

If the parcel has a mass of up to 2 kg, then everything over 2 kg is Parcels can also be both simple and with declared value.

But the parcel also has a weight limit, and the weight of the parcel can only be up to 20 kg. At the same time, parcels weighing more than 10 kg are already considered heavy, and up to 3 kg - small parcels.

What is the difference between parcel and parcel

Besides weight, are there any other differences between a parcel and a parcel post?

  1. Weight is the main difference. From 100g to 2 kg - this is a parcel, and from 2kg to 20 kg - a parcel;
  2. Parcels are intended and used only for sending printing and press, business documents and newspapers. In parcels of the 1st class, the shipment of goods is allowed if the weight of the shipment does not exceed 2 kg. In parcels, objects of cultural, household and other purposes are sent;
  3. The parcel must be packed in a strong box or a branded box of the Russian Post, as it may contain fragile items inside;
  4. As a parcel, you can send a shipment up to 20 kg in weight, including the weight of the parcel (up to 2 kg);
  5. Often, valuables are sent in parcels, unlike parcels;
  6. The delivery time of parcels is often shorter than that of parcels;
  7. Tariffs for parcels and parcels are different, so small items weighing up to 1 kg are cheaper to send by parcel, and with a weight of 1.5 kg or more, the parcel will be cheaper.

As you can see, there are a lot of differences between these departures, the main thing is to know them and be able to use them correctly. It is not necessary to strictly follow the rules, for example, a shipment weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg can be sent as a parcel or parcel. Ask for an estimate of which way to send will be cheaper and estimate which will arrive faster to your destination.

What does the amount of declared value in the parcel mean? a sheet came to pick up the parcel, but in theory it is free

  1. What is sent in it is worth something. If the post office loses this package, the sender will be paid this declared value. And the phrase "cash on delivery amount" matters to you - if this phrase exists, then you will pay for it upon receipt. And if not, then the parcel will be issued free of charge.
  2. Doesn't mean anything to the recipient. Roughly speaking, this is the amount that the Russian Post will pay to the sender if the parcel itself is irrevocably lost in the vastness of the homeland.
  3. all postal items declared valuable by the sender must be indicated in the notification
  4. If you evaluate your parcel, i.e., indicate the "Declared value of the parcel", then you pay insurance for the value, and, if the parcel is lost, you will be paid for it in the amount of the assessment. And, if you do not evaluate the parcel, then, if it is lost, you will not receive anything. The post office takes an insurance fee - 4% of the estimated value of the parcel - for parcels with declared value, in this case a list or inventory of all things in this parcel is compiled and a separate price is put down for each, as well as the total price of the parcel too. in each thing and e weight.)))
  5. The amount of the declared value of parcels is not limited and is determined by the sender in full rubles based on the actual value of the investment.
    Insured parcels can be accepted for shipment with a list of the contents of all sent items (indicating their quantity and value). The amount of the declared value of the parcel must be equal to the total value of all investments indicated in the inventory of the investment. Such parcels are accepted in open form. For checking the attachment of parcels sent with an inventory of the attachment, an additional fee is charged, in accordance with the tariffs approved by the branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post.
    Parcels with declared value can be sent with cash on delivery.
    Parcels with declared value sent with cash on delivery, sent by legal entities are accepted for shipment with an invoice or list of attachments
    Insured parcels with cash on delivery sent by individuals must be accepted with a list of attachments

    From this amount, the post office charges an insurance fee (it is 4% of the estimated value) and, in case of loss of the parcel, reimburses the estimated value to the client. The minimum amount of the declared value of the parcel is 10 rubles. There is no maximum limit, the value of the parcel is determined by the sender in rubles, based on the actual value of the investment.

  6. I don't quite understand what the problem is

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Both services, J-Net and CourierService Express, worked promptly. The parcel was in the city after 20 days. Everything arrived safe and sound, the packaging is not damaged. The entire route of the parcel was tracked through the website "Where is the Parcel". The track code was tracked on sun
SPSR Express Tracking
2019-01-10 I ordered a parcel from America, it says delivery from 7-14 days! I've been waiting for 2 months, it's not lost, but it's being checked by customs. I write to the support service, they say we will deliver it soon! For the past few years, I have been regularly ordering from iherb, delivering
Today, many of us at least once in our lives used the services of foreign online stores and ordered the delivery of goods through various postal services. Any product purchased in a foreign online store, as well as a package from a relative