Is it possible to get in touch with a UFO. Contact with aliens: how the grays contacted me in the real world…. Changing the laws of physics

Humanity has not yet met a single life form outside our planet. If we ignore the tales of "Area 51" and "eyewitness encounters with UFOs and their pilots", we still have not received any extraterrestrial signals, even remotely trying to resemble an attempt by some intelligent civilization to establish interstellar or intergalactic communication with us. In general, no Ewoks and E.T.

Considering the amazing level of technology development we have reached over the past 100 years, it would be safe to assume that any other highly developed civilization that mastered space flights and appeared even several hundred years earlier than ours, at the moment could have even more advanced technologies.

Humanity has come up with many ways to transmit messages through space. Some are in use now, while others will come. If one day super-advanced aliens want to communicate with us, then they will have a real choice.

This is what first comes to people's minds when they talk about communication with aliens. Receiving and transmitting messages using this method has become the object of interest in many science fiction books and films such as "Contact" and "Independence Day". After all, we have been working with radio waves for almost a hundred years now and have achieved a pretty good level of efficiency in their use. Many serious scientists and organizations, such as SETI, still use radio waves as their primary tool for finding extraterrestrial civilizations.

With the help of the same radio waves in the late 70s, the famous "WOW signal!" - an unexpected and sharp emission of radiation from a nearby star cluster, which for many years so no one could really explain. Before . Although, according to the latest information, some astronomers still doubt that the real source of this signal has been determined.

Be that as it may, the radio detection method has several critical disadvantages. And the first is that the farther you are from the source of radio waves, the weaker they are. In this case, the radio waves that we sent into space over the past hundred years will actually dissipate in just a few light years, becoming completely elusive.

The solution to this problem may be the use of larger transmitting radio dishes, but in this case, we will have to face many difficult engineering challenges. One of them - will require the construction of a truly gigantic plate, up to the size of the Earth itself. Theoretically, some super-developed space civilization could already solve this problem due to the high level of development of its technologies, but for some reason I want to believe that it was able to come to a more efficient and less resource-intensive method from the list below.


Where radio waves fail and become useless, lasers can become more effective way for long distance communication. Their plus is integrity and density. The sent laser message from a galaxy far, far away, upon arrival at us, will continue to be clearly visible.

In addition, the directionality of the laser messages is beneficial. Even a single target can be selected as the delivery target of a message, thereby increasing the effectiveness of such a message. In this regard, lasers noticeably outperform radio waves. Sufficiently developed civilizations could send messages using laser transmission to other systems located hundreds of light years away. And one of these messages could be caught here on Earth.

However, there is a question: what frequency should the laser signal be used for transmission?

If civilization turns out to be sufficiently developed, then it could use gamma rays for this. This type of radiation can be transmitted over truly gigantic distances. Of course, this will require colossal energy costs, but if we assume that a developed civilization will not have a shortage of these very resources, then problems should not arise.

For us, a potentially more realistic option under current conditions is the use of infrared or microwave lasers. If only simply because they require less energy. And, by the way, we are already slowly beginning to adapt this method of transmitting messages.

star Light

You may have heard of the Kepler Telescope, NASA's space observatory, which searches for exoplanets by observing the change in stellar brightness that occurs as a planet passes by a star.

Now let's imagine that some advanced cosmic civilization has found a way to place an artificially created giant rectangular or triangular object, or maybe some 1258-gon (object with 1258 sides), into orbit of its star. In this case, we just need to figure out how this object will be displayed in the telescope data, which, in principle, will be doable in practice, although it will take some tinkering.

What's even more interesting is that an extraterrestrial civilization doesn't even need to be super-advanced to be able to do this. Even we in a couple of hundred years will be capable of such an adventure. All that is needed is to make the object very thin, deliver it into space and assemble it in orbit.

Dyson sphere

The method will be very similar to the previous one, with the only exception that only a really very technologically advanced civilization will be capable of this. And the main goal will not be explained by a simple desire to contact us. Rather, the main task here will be to collect the energy that the star produces.

The idea is this: why put ordinary pieces of iron in orbit when you can put billions of solar panels there to collect stellar energy? Sounds crazy, we understand. But given our current technological level, humanity will be able to achieve this level of technology in a few hundred, and in a less optimistic case, a thousand years.

With the ability to manually alter the starlight, an advanced civilization could send us sane-looking messages. And it would be much easier for us to catch and understand such messages than to sit and decipher the effects caused by an object of a complex geometric shape located in orbit, as in the paragraph above.

The collected energy from the star could also be used to power other communications equipment and technologies described in this article. Any civilization that will be able to create such structures will automatically be higher than us in development. And if we can somehow be the first to detect such activity, then sending a response to such a message will not be the best idea for us.

Unusual phenomena

If we imagine that somewhere out there there is a civilization that surpasses us by several million years in technological development, then why not also imagine that such a civilization will be able to manipulate the movement of space objects inside at least its own galaxy?

Let's say it could control the behavior of a nearby star or other objects to attract our attention. Let's say you first accelerate objects to near light speed and then decelerate. Do it over and over again. In the end, somebody will notice.

Or, you can very quickly change the properties of a star, for example, its brightness, and thus send encrypted messages, say, prime numbers or pi digits. Of course, such possibilities will definitely require colossal energy costs, and the technologies themselves that allow you to do this can now be imagined only in science fiction.

Nevertheless, Earth's astronomers every night continue to peer into the depths of space in the hope of finding something extraordinary, which could definitely attract our attention. The above-described features would certainly seem godlike to us.

Gravitational waves

More recently, humanity has confirmed the existence of gravitational waves (rapid changes in the curvature of space-time). In 2015, scientists at the Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) conducted an experiment and announced the first ever real observation of ripples in spacetime, which was predicted by Einstein.

A highly developed civilization with the help of neutron stars and black holes (the main sources of gravitational waves) could send us strange, but clearly intelligent signals. A little "cheat" with the frequency and amplitude of these waves - and with the help of them it is possible to transmit encoded information.

All of this will undoubtedly require technological superiority in development. But the good news is that even our current sensors are capable of picking up those launched from billions of light-years away. Therefore, any civilization that decides to use them as a means of transmitting messages will immediately "appear on our radar."

In fact, these distortions of space-time are so small that it comes about distances less than the diameter of some proton. But if the aliens really want to get our attention, they could zoom in on these waves so that we can get a clearer message from them. Although the option in which they could use these waves in such a way that they will be able to kill all living things is also possible in theory.

Highly charged particle bombardment

The earth is exposed to a colossal amount of radiation every day. But if aliens know a way to further change its volume, then, most likely, with the help of this radiation they can also send signals that we can detect. All that is needed is to send an increased by only a couple of percent of the total volume of highly charged particles, and our scientists will definitely notice this. And the very change in the number of particles can be used as an encoding for messages.

Of course, you can think of a more ecological way. But who among highly developed civilizations will take care of some kind of safety of several billion erectus monkeys?

In general, this method of communication is still unknown to our science. In addition, it is not known how at all using this method it is possible to transmit more or less targeted messages. In fact, from our point of view, this method does not seem to be the most suitable and effective for interstellar communication. But if aliens have already mastered it, then why not?

Destruction of something big in space

If the civilization turns out to be technologically advanced enough, then this is really possible. Destroying large objects in ways that will definitely grab our attention, and then sending messages with other methods, will clearly not be left out of our eyes and ears. For example, aliens can launch a huge swarm of nanorobots, disintegrating large objects and turning them into elementary particles, or use black holes as a kind of intergalactic eraser, erasing everything in its path from reality. Fun, isn't it?

More reasonable, of course, would be to change the decay rate of some cosmic object like a red dwarf (a star that can burn for trillions of years), quickly "extinguishing" it. Our scientists have never seen the death of a red dwarf star. Probably because the Universe itself exists less than the potentially equal life cycle of such stars. We would be surprised!


In fact, we do not know if such objects are actually physically possible. But if it turns out that wormholes are not only our hypotheses, but also a completely real reality, then we still do not know how (natural or artificial) they can be created.

But just from this moment the fun begins. Perhaps the aliens have already found a way to place a wormhole not far from us in the manner of "Interstellar" and use it as a kind of portal for the transmission of both physical objects and radio messages.

Maybe someday a wormhole will open up next to us, and a whole fleet of ships will emerge from it, wanting to make the first contact. Or those who want to harvest ...

Changing the laws of physics

When we look into space, we think that the laws of physics apply to the entire Universe, they are constant and never change. It seems to us that this is actually the case, but what if we are wrong?

What if incredibly technologically advanced aliens have found a way to manipulate physics in a way that makes it much easier to use the techniques described above?

When you are subject to the laws of physics, you are able to control everything. If our tiny, albeit developed, monkey brains are not yet able to understand many things that are happening even in those parts of the Universe that our eyes have reached, then what can we say about technologies that can not just ignore, but actually change the laws of physics for themselves?

Just imagine that somewhere there may be technologies that can not only destroy large objects, but literally bring them beyond the brink of being. And instead of simply destroying us in a fiery hyena, these technologies can deprive us as such of the possibility of existence.

I drew attention to the fact that there are people on Earth who are looking for contact
with aliens.
There is such an opportunity. True, these are not exactly aliens, well, that is, not that not from another planet, but, moreover, from another world. Now you who are interested will be given useful information.
She will allow you to understand all this for yourself.
Information about the "aliens":
Civilization Xs is looking for other intelligent worlds to establish contacts with equals, monitor the lower, as well as in case of the necessary evasion of contacts with the higher.
The base of the expedition is in the world of Xs civilization.
The stations of the expedition are in the unconditional curvature of multidimensional spaces, they move, but "along a curve." Unconditional curvature means that the distance from point A to point B is not always equal to the distance from point B to point A. For example, the path from Alpha station to Beta station can be 5.16 alpha, and from Beta station to Alpha - 7.13 beta.
In order not to get lost, the base defines a special order of understanding, that is, the "integer relativity mode". This is a state when the entire expedition is conditionally visible to the base, that is, calculated in order. Thus, the integrity of the grouping and the safety of the stations are checked.
There are three times, two historical and one physical. The physical time at each station is different.
Historical times: historical time Xs and historical time of the Earth. Correlation, that is, a clear connection, between these times has not yet been found.
Physical time is the time on the station's onboard clock. This time is divided into 25 divisions, 1-24 and 0. The time on the onboard clock shows the path (travel time to the "point of historical time").
Signal Xs - Transmits historical time at a historical point (on Earth or at the base). Upon receipt of the Xs signal, each station of the expedition determines the path to position 1 in the constellation, respectively, the constellation is grouped in the "integer relativity" mode, and relative unity and integrity emerge. The Xs signal is transmitted and received in hundredths precision.
The search for intelligent worlds near Earth (that is, if you look at all this from Earth), the expeditionary group of the Alpha zone of the Xs civilization is looking for. In the integer relativity mode, the grouping stations take positions in order (according to the physical time of each station). The first five positions in Alpha are occupied by the control stations of the so-called control group. The manager means that their order makes sense for the Contactee.
It also means that it is the station from the first position that repeats the control signal Xs of the "integer relativity" mode for the entire constellation. After that, in an infinitely short historical time, tending to zero, the grouping is grouped, the base fixes the result, and the stations again go into unconditional curvature. If this does not happen (fixing the result, which is almost impossible), there is a technical possibility of retransmitting the Xs signal from the fifth position.
If during a period of physical time (from the previous reading to 0 hours) a station does not receive (this is extremely unlikely) the historical time signal Xs, the station retains the previous position for itself. If the Xs signal arrives, the station takes a new position.
The control stations in the Alpha control zone (positions 1-5) are the four stations Alpha, Beta, Sigma and Delta, as well as another station that occupies the fifth position. This position is occupied by one of the three control stations in Zone Z: Zeta, Gamma, or Epsilon. This happens if the Zeta determines that her path to Earth is the shortest, then she takes the fifth position. Or one of the other two stations, whichever is the shortest to reach the first position.
The grouping as a result (calculation in order) is determined by the base (for itself) (whose path is smaller, and whose path is greater (conventionally)), during the historical time Xs, tending to zero. The stations, however, record their readings in the logbook until the next Xs signal. If the stations are grouped by the historical time of the Earth, the base does not determine, but only records their order in its log. Therefore, it is not always possible to group by the Earth's time due to the "conditional" coincidence of the readings of the onboard clock T1. Only one match is allowed.
It often happens that the historical time from the Earth (in the Xs signal) coincides with the readings of the onboard clock of the Epsilon station. An explanation for this has not yet been found.
Position 1 in the Alpha zone, this is the position of the station, the path from which to the base in the Xs civilization is the shortest. The unconditional curvature of spaces begins from the point at position 1.
Zone Z - this is the name given to the presence of the planet Earth in it, where signs of intelligence have been found. Zone Z is inside the Alpha zone, that is, the Alpha zone absorbs the Z zone. Since the largest is T2 (the path from the station at position 5 to the station at position 1).
On Earth, the Xs signal from the Xs base can be heard only if it is retransmitted from the Zeta station, or accidentally, when a random intersection of multidimensional spaces occurs. In other cases, the signal cannot be random.
To avoid accidental hit of the entire Alpha group in two-dimensional space relative to the Earth, and control violations, as a result of the coincidence of the Alpha and Zeta zones, the control station Delta of the Alpha group is prohibited from being in two-dimensional space.
Delta is also named after the station Delta Constant dimensionality of space. Each station is oriented in absolute curvature using this constant.
There is another constant called the Cosmological constant of the Alpha zone. This is the ratio of the path (T1) of the control station in position 2 to position 1 to the path (T2) of the control station in position 5 to position 1. K = T1: T2. The track is the period of time that will be counted by the onboard clock until the station takes the corresponding position. The path is determined only upon receipt of the historical time signal Xs.
All control codes coincide with the technical parameters of the signals. The T1 control code is the time from the control station in the second position to the station in the first position in the control constellation. Each station must respond to the system with a T1 control code to take a position.
Each station has its own onboard clock, which means its own units of measurement (T) for calculating any movement.
Stations occupying a position starting from the 7th position can be on the Earth, but starting from the 8th, if they are not on Earth, they cannot be closer to the Earth than the station in the 7th position (there are always more of them T to the Earth ).
The position of the newly arriving station is any, that is, only a free sequence number.
How does the contact of the Contactee with the Xs civilization take place.
"Contactee" - generates a code (always T1, like all observers of all stations), for example, it is "Alpha 3.14 sigma". Here sigma is the unit of measure (station affiliation). So this is an example of transmitting the code in units of that control station in the Alpha group, which occupies the second position. 3.14 is the readings of the onboard clock of the Sigma station, which in this case occupies the second position. Alpha is the station visible to Sigma at the first position where the Xs signal came from.
After the Contactee's response, the contact search system is activated (in an infinitely short historical time tending to 0). The system responds with "error". This first answer means that the station understands that the answer corresponds to the form of the answer, or an error has occurred (this is an accident).
"Contactee" confirms the code, can give a different answer, eliminating the error.
The contact search system again answers "error". This second answer means that Contactee's answer is either formally correct or correct.
The contactee (if he is now confident in his answer) re-confirms the code.
If the code matches, then it is already read by the system and contact occurs. This means that the "Contactee" gets access to the system as his own, and he himself will be convinced that the contact has taken place - he will see the representatives of the Xs civilization.
The Xs signal contains a quantum one-time code designed for one contact of one contactor to prevent the code from being reused by a false - dishonest contactee.
If the answer is received, civilization Xs instantly analyzes it. Contact occurs only with an equal. Civilization Xs is at a higher stage of development in relation to the human. The likelihood that one of the people will be able to communicate with its representatives on an equal footing (that is, generally communicate in the sense of understanding) is very small.
For a contactee (potentially his own, that is, an equal), a signal is proposed that means historical time, and a number of conditions for solving the problem of finding the code. Anyone who wants to become a Contactee with Xs, and whoever sends the correct code, will be able to see them - others with Xs.
The Xs signal, respectively, can be transmitted only by the so-called Silent observer (those who see the clock readings): from the Xs base, from the Earth (if the signal from the base has not passed more than a day of historical time on Earth), and can be retransmitted from 1- 1st position and 5th (that is, for the entire Alpha group). Silent - this means that only one of the silent is giving the signal. Moreover, from the first position, the relayed signal is still "alive", that is, the quantum code has not yet been used, and the signal is not yet random, and it may still make sense for the Contactee.
An example of solving the problem of contact with a contactee.
Signal Xs 15.75 has been received by the contactor. He must determine which station occupies control position 2 in the control group Alpha, which station occupies the 1st position. Then he determines the time-travel T1 from station 2 to station 1 and transmits this code to the system, for example, Alpha 3.14 sigma.
In form, this code looks exactly like this: Alpha 3.14 sigma, or Beta 5.12 deltas, or there Sigma 10.13 alpha, or Delta 6.75 bet, and the like.
This means that the Contactee (he is his) understood the meaning (for himself) of the location of the control group of the first five stations, understood which is the first, which is the second, and calculated which way from the second to the first.
The procedure for the system's response to such a code is described above.
An example of a solution (conditionally - for the historical time in the civilization Xs, tending to absolute zero). The contactor detects signal Xs 15.75. Decides for himself - is it an accident (already relayed by another Contactee from the fifth position), or it makes sense (that is, "fresh" - from the silent - direct from the base, from the Earth, or from the first position). Next, it determines whether this is a signal from the ground, from the Xs base, or retransmitted from the 1st or 5th position. Next, it determines which station is in the 5th position, which is at the first, which is at the second. After that, it calculates the path from the first to the second in the units of the second. And makes a code, for example, Sigma 10.13 alpha.
All indicators are always rounded to the nearest hundredth. The hundredth is not a second, but a hundredth physical hour(one division of hours of physical time, for example, from 24 to 25). It turns out that the largest conditional numerical indicator is 24.99, the smallest is 0.01.
It is clear that the first position can be occupied by the control stations Alpha, Beta, Sigma. Delta is also capable of occupying it, but it may not occupy it (in one case out of all possible, it is forbidden for it to do this - when the space is two-dimensional). Zeta always occupies, cannot otherwise, only the fifth control position, if it is not occupied by Epsilon or Gamma.
Additional tips:
1. In the human Universe, the Cosmological constant (Xs) and Delta - Constant dimensions of space also work, as in other worlds. That is, the Xs civilization has physics to get here. And others understand why we consider our space to be three-dimensional. Although there are other opinions on this score.
2. Analysis of the Xs base log shows that historically Delta and Sigma stations very often have the same or similar T1 values, and only in rare cases Beta station has more T1 than Delta.

"Contactee" is a second grade challenge in Xs civilization, and others are counting on someone on Earth to become a Contactee.

Who is ready to try himself and get the Xs signal openly here?
Maybe you are a Contactee!

If you give an answer, the contact is provided for you. And you can easily see for yourself.

Let's discuss this all. Who understood how this problem of establishing contact is solved?

Added after 14 hours 56 minutes 59 seconds:
Che - then there are no such people who are able to understand such complex logic.
Apparently the wrong forum.

Let me explain in a simpler way.

See what "time" is.
1. The concept of time.
2. Time, but not the concept of time.
2.1. Historical time (times, since there are many).
2.2. Physical time (each physical object, where there is an observer, has its own)

Historical time is necessary for the historian.
For example, Tsar Ivan married Avdotya. And Tsar Ivan married Avdotya.
Historical time makes it possible to establish a fact, a historical fact.
And if historical fact no (it is not clear who married whom) then there is no history.
The history of humanity implies historical time. For example, today is September 8, 2015. And this wonderful moment will never be repeated (in this story).
But in each world (this is where its logic is) its own historical time.
Therefore, historical times are times (in every logical (where there is common sense) world).

Now the time is physical. For example, an electron has bound to another electron. And this has happened many times. And it is not clear in what historical times this happened.
Here physical time appears - that is, that which has a physical meaning.
After all, there is not enough historical time for the physical meaning. The event must happen, otherwise it is not physical. And for the event to take place, the circle must close, and physical time must from times become one time - a unit.

So there is one physical time - to each (physical object).
Itorich time is one for all, but these are times, since there can be many and different ones.

Now let's deal with the hierarchy (order) and duration.
Physical time does not care - from which side and where it lasts.
And historical time - gives an arrow, otherwise there will be no order in the head, since this world is only and only because you are here now.

If someone has understood something, tell me, I will rejoice together with you.

Added, 24 min. back ---
Reasonable physicists once asked Einstein "What time do you use?"
"I use my physical time," Einstein told them.
“What does it mean that it is physical?” - asked physicists.
"That means this is my watch reading!" Einstein said solemnly.

If you do not understand Einstein, you will not see aliens, do not even hope.

You will understand a simple thing.
You, if you are interested, are looking for reasonable (well, like brothers in mind).

Where is your intelligence? If you can't understand. Where?

Today there is no longer a person who has not heard about the abduction of people by aliens. The kidnappers, however, are called differently - aliens, aliens, extraterrestrials. Ufologists argue where these creatures live - on other planets or here on Earth, but this does not change the essence of the problem. Everyone is equally interested in how and why such a contact begins, on what or who depends ...

The head of the Volga group for the study of anomalous phenomena and the author of several books about the unknown G.S. Belimov has already collected a whole collection of such cases. Among the abducted there may be a simple villager, a housewife, and a pensioner, a retired military man, but very rarely (almost never) - a prominent scientist, politician, statesman... One gets the impression that just those persons on whom something in this world can depend, the aliens are not interested.

With all the variety of contacts, they have something in common: almost never contact starts at your "order". You cannot program it, "beg", predict, cause deliberately. This, however, happens occasionally, but, rather, as a response to a mentally asked question to the aliens: are you there or is it all a fiction? The person is given to be convinced: no, this is reality. However, such a "one-off" contact may not have any continuation.

The second characteristic feature the beginning of contacts is an unthinkable variety of manifestations of "transcendental reality". Our imagination is not enough to come up with such incredible things. Other worlds can manifest their presence in the most bizarre forms - in the form of a luminous ball, or a screen hovering in the air like a television screen, or some frightening green reptile, or even something more intricate. Or maybe in the form of an ordinary person.

The artist Alexander Kremnev's perception of the first contact was completely exotic: "... I see a dumbbell-shaped thing flies into the window, translucent like a cloud. Three meters long, a little more than half a meter in diameter, narrowing in the middle. Passed through the glass of the window, hovered over me. I closed my eyes, but I still see her, as if I had no eyelids ... As soon as she flew into the room, the thought flashed through my mind: "This is my health" ... From the "cigar" something like a trunk stretched out on one side, fixed on the chest near the heart. And it began ... pumping! .. I did not notice when that thing disappeared. In the morning I woke up - I lie in the same position ... Since then I have never been sick and do not worry about my health. "

However, health was not the only gift received then by Kremnev. Since then, pictures of amazing beauty began to appear on the "screen" of his inner vision, striking not only with the richness and unusual colors, but also with a deep philosophical meaning. It remained only to transfer what he saw to the canvas. Alexander created hundreds of such "prompted" canvases, and exhibitions of these extraordinary works-messages invariably arouse the interest of the audience.

66-year-old Nikolai Fedorovich was once visited by a stately long-haired blonde of 25-30 years old. As it later turned out, it was not for nothing that he immediately liked the gray-eyed Gerda: a stranger, for example, taught how to get rid of the pains that had tormented him for a long time. Because of this very Gerda, the respectable pensioner Pakhomov, the father of a large family and the grandfather of numerous grandchildren, was drawn into strange game... His contacts with an unknown civilization, the base of which, according to Gerda, is located on Sirius, became over time quite interesting and informative, which the researchers were quick to take advantage of. They left Pakhomov with whole sheets of printed questions, and in the morning they invariably found on these sheets quite meaningful answers, written down by Nikolai Fyodorovich's hand. It is characteristic that he himself did not remember how and when he wrote all these answers. But two things were not in doubt: firstly, the handwriting belonged to him and no one else, and secondly, the level of education of Pakhomov (grade 4 of the school) clearly did not correspond to the depth of ignorance that was found in the answers he wrote down.

With V.V. Volgograd The Krasnovs contacted the aliens under the most prosaic circumstances - in an ordinary forest belt near the village of Erzovka. Tired of a long trip behind the wheel, Valery Vasilyevich settled down there to peacefully rest and have a bite, but suddenly felt that goose bumps were just starting to go down his spine, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and fear appeared. Once or twice in my heart. Krasnov got worried, but then someone invisible and inaudible, as if mentally conveyed to him the words: "No, this is not a heart, now everything will pass ... We will not harm you, we will only ask a few questions and answer yours, if any." However, there was no one around, and Krasnov was about to leave as soon as possible, but did not have time, the ignition keys suddenly rose into the air and, describing a spiral, disappeared without a trace!

It was then that two silhouettes appeared - a man's and a woman's! They did not appear, namely, they "appeared", as it happens on photographic paper when developing a picture. Both were 20-25 years old. A kind of telepathic conversation took place between them and Krasnov.

As can be seen from these examples, the beginning of contacts can be very different, but here it should already be said about their third common feature. Contact is impossible not only to "order", but also (in most cases) to prevent.

Do you believe in extraterrestrial intelligence? What can you say if alien races may not only exist, but are in contact with earthlings right now? Many things indicate that this assumption is plausible. And if you have ever read something about it, then it is unlikely that it will seem strange and short-sighted to you. This article will reveal for you the details of this theory and introduce you to those alien species with which you can contact right now - the universe is waiting.



Yachel are gorgeous and graceful hybrid creatures. They are reported to emit pure solar energy and are the closest relatives of humans in the universe. Most likely, they will become the first race to communicate with humanity in the near future. They are about the same height as humans, have a good physique, and also have an anime-like appearance, many of them quite multicultural. They are beautiful, gentle, intelligent, sympathetic and considerate. They have well-developed technology and are believed to be there to help humanity progress and evolve. This civilization also appeared in ancient times, and it is also much more technologically advanced. There is a suggestion that ideas social networks were transmitted to humanity through their stream of consciousness.

Sirius hybrids

This type of "hyper sapiens" is incredibly developed, there is information that it has incredibly often in contact with people throughout history. It is believed that this is the parent race of humanity, it was she who created people from a genetic point of view. Indeed, many ancient prophecies and spiritual texts contain references to the fact that extraterrestrial intelligence took part in the creation of people. Creatures from Sirius exist about 300-500 years further in the future and have overtaken humanity in technological progress by tens of thousands of years. They specialize in technology, architecture, sustainable energy and sacred geometry. In addition, it is worth noting that the creatures depicted in the movie "Avatar" closely resemble Sirius hybrids. They are slender, slightly taller than humans on average, and well muscled. They have a light blue skin tone, warm oval eyes, and long, incredibly dexterous fingers.


The Pleiadians are tall, chubby, wide-eyed creatures with soft but crisp features. These are beautiful creatures who, if they have hair, are usually blond, and their eyes are always blue. Many believe that people before birth spend a long time in the Pleiades, undergoing special training - and this is where they return after death. The bodies of the Pleiadians work as graceful instruments that can receive psychic signals from the entire universe. Therefore, if you focus on reaching out to the Pleiadians, you will have a high chance of success, as they are one of the most responsive and most likely close-spaced alien beings in the universe. The Pleiadians also have high levels of diplomacy - they are part of the Interstellar Alliance, support the creation and development of new races on other planets, and also provide evolution and progress for all existing civilizations. This race is gentle and loving, so you will not have problems getting in touch with its representatives, they are always available and ready to communicate, at any time they can take a signal from you and answer you.


The most ancient race of the entire Milky Way galaxy are the Arcturians, they are incredibly developed, they know a lot, have a lot of experience and are constantly involved in various innovations. It is known that it was the Arcturians who became the first race to develop in the Milky Way galaxy, which led to the emergence of other daughter races, among which there is a human. The Arcturians can take on a variety of forms, as their advanced consciousness allowed them to pass through the singularity and begin existence in a new high-frequency reality inaccessible to others. Their height ranges from 120 to 150 centimeters, which is significantly lower than the average height of people. But at the same time, their heads are much larger, since they contain a huge brain. But at the same time, their bodies are quite large and muscular. However, the Arcturians continue to evolve and become less and less physical. These creatures have incredible intelligence, which is so high that such indicators are beyond human understanding. These are one of the ancestors of mankind, the connection with which people should always remember.

How to get in touch with aliens?

In order to increase the chances of establishing contact with alien intelligence, it is recommended to set aside a little time daily for meditation, and this should be done at approximately the same time of day. Clear the space around you, make yourself comfortable, take a few deep breaths. Mentally send an invitation for aliens into space, then calm down, start meditation, observe silence - and listen. It might be worth asking a question and listening to what the aliens have to answer.

For hundreds, if not thousands, of years, people have been trying to get to know aliens, but, alas, until now all our space messages remain unanswered. And judging by the originality, if not the strangeness, of many of them, this is even good, since it is not known what the aliens will think of humanity, having caught these signals. Here are ten of the most original attempts at reaching out to extraterrestrial civilizations.

1. Crop circles

Today, the appearance of intricate geometric patterns from grass that has lain in the fields is often attributed to the handiwork of aliens, but it was initially believed that, on the contrary, in this way people would be able to come into contact with the "green men": for example, in 1820, the German mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss, Passionate about geodesy, he decided: in order for the aliens to notice our messages, they must be clearly visible from a bird's eye view, so he proposed cutting down a significant part of the Siberian taiga in the form of a huge triangle and sowing it with rye.

Gauss also invented a special device that sends light signals over long distances - the helioscope, the main function of which is geodetic measurements, but, in addition, the "father of mathematics" tried to "reach" distant planets through reflected sun rays.

Two decades later, the Austrian astronomer Josef von Littrow, who believed that there is life on the moon, proposed digging a giant 30-kilometer round trench in the Sahara Desert, filling it with kerosene and setting it on fire at night so that the lunatics would notice us. Both scientists - both Gauss and Littrow - believed that geometric figures- the perfect message for aliens, since the entire universe is subject to mathematical laws.

2. Concentrated light

Having once seen faint lights on the surface of Mars and Venus (probably some kind of meteorological phenomenon), the French inventor and poet Charles Cros decided that this was nothing more than the light of alien cities. Therefore, in 1867 Crowe published a "Survey of Possible Connections with the Planets", and two years later, in 1869, proposed using a parabolic mirror to "collect" electric light and direct it towards Mars and Venus. At the same time, in his opinion, the rays should blink (a kind of light Morse code) so that the aliens understand that this is a coded message, and not just the shining of some star.

Cros doubted that small mirrors would cope with such a difficult task, so he turned to the French government with a request to install a huge parabolic reflector somewhere in the desert. Unfortunately, the inventor's petition was rejected, and his poetic dream of reuniting with extraterrestrial intelligence never came true.

3. Plates of the "Pioneers"

In the early 1970s, NASA launched two unmanned spacecraft- "Pioneer-10" and "Pioneer-11" - for the purpose of studying Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. In addition to the complex technical "filling" on the sides of the ships were attached unusual plates made of anodized aluminum. What for? According to famous astronomers Carl Sagan and Frank Drake, they would help aliens understand where the Pioneers came from and why. On the plates attached to the hull of the ship, a man, a woman, the solar system, indicating the distance from the main luminary to the Earth, and hydrogen atoms were schematically depicted.

Unfortunately, in 2003 NASA lost contact with Pioneer 10, and in 2005 with Pioneer 11, and as a result, we never received an answer to the question of whether aliens can understand human drawings. ... Skeptics are still arguing about whether this action was an important scientific study or a waste of money?

4. Message from Arecibo

Around the same time as the launch of the "Pioneers", astronomers actively discussed the possibility of establishing contact with aliens through radio signals, because they are less than light, subject to the influence of cosmic dust and have a long wavelength. Therefore, all the same Drake and Sagan came up with a message of 1,679 digits, encrypting into it the DNA formula, atomic numbers of oxygen, hydrogen and other elements, as well as numbers from one to ten in the binary system.

On November 16, 1974, scientists transmitted a 169-second radio signal from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico in the direction of the globular star cluster M13, located at a distance of 25 thousand light years from Earth, and everything would be fine, only, even if the aliens received our message , we will have to wait at least 40 thousand years for an answer.

5. Voyager Golden Record

In 1977, the American space agency launched two more spacecraft for the study of the distant planets of the solar system - Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, equipping them this time with a gold plate recording the sounds of nature, various languages, musical compositions, as well as images telling about the life of earthlings. According to the idea of ​​the indefatigable Carl Sagan, a scheme for installing a needle for reproducing a message, a method for converting video signals into an image and a playback speed were engraved on the aluminum case of the plate.

Currently, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are located at the edge of the solar system and are the farthest man-made objects from our planet. Surprisingly, they still send signals to Earth, it's a pity that so far none of them has been reciprocal news from aliens.

6. "Vaginal poetics"

Although many considered the images of men and women on the Pioneers' records too explicit, artist Joe Davis believed that people drawn without genitals could not 'tell' aliens about Homo Sapiens and its mode of reproduction, so in 1986 he decided write a letter to aliens, consisting of the sounds of vaginal contractions.

It is not clear how, but Davis persuaded several ballerinas to let him record the "poetics" of their vaginas, for which the artist invented a special device with a sensitive pressure sensor. Then, having rented a Mileston Hill radar from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he sent his 20-minute message into space, but soon the US Air Force found out about this strange experiment and banned it. However, Davis's message turned out to be longer than the radio signal sent from Arecibo, due to which it has already reached two distant stars - Epsilon Eridani and Tau Ceti.

7. "Cosmic call" and children's radio messages

Russian physicist, asteroid radar specialist Alexander Leonidovich Zaitsev has already sent at least five interstellar radio messages, including multipage ones.

Alexander Zaitsev

The first "cosmic call" was sent by him in 1999 within the framework of the state project "Contact Team" and was addressed to four stars at once - Zaitsev's multi-page interstellar radio message contained what ufologists call the Rosetta Stone, that is, a bitmap with an encyclopedia of human knowledge about the environment the world. The second "cosmic call" was thrown in 2003, its content is almost identical to the first, but it contains more data about the people themselves. Both radio messages were sent using the planetary radar in Evpatoria (Ukraine).

But Zaitsev did not stop there, and in 2001, the scientist, together with his team, sent another radio message into space, for which he attracted schoolchildren from several cities - Moscow, Kaluga, Voronezh and Zheleznogorsk. The content of this message was much simpler - no mathematics and other complex things, but sheer art: the teenagers helped the physicist find music for the aliens, and he, in turn, sent a radio wave towards the Big Dipper and five other stars from solar systems similar to ours. And if we are not alone in the Universe, then already in 2047 the "green men" will be able to enjoy the immortal works of Beethoven, Vivaldi and Gershwin.

8. Advertising "Doritos"

In 2008, the EISCAT Research Institute broadcast an advertisement for Doritos chips into space for six hours. It's funny that such a large-scale action was aimed at attracting the attention not so much of aliens as of earthlings, since the European scientific association sharply cut funding, and it was in dire need of funds.

The ad was broadcast using radar in the form of an MPEG code, its target audience - the possible inhabitants of a dwarf galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major, located at a distance of only 42 light-years from Earth. It turned out that the video "Doritos" is not the only one in the universe - another advertisement also falls into interstellar space, but its signals "drown" in the cosmic noise. Doritos was broadcast on an ultra-high frequency of 500 MHz, so it could get on the blue screens of the Green Men, if they exist.

9. Latest photos

Since the end of the world, promised at the end of last year, never came, the title of this cosmic message - "Recent Photos" - sounds somehow wrong. Nevertheless, a capsule with images of the Earth and its inhabitants is surfacing somewhere in the Universe to tell the aliens about our existence, if suddenly life on our planet ever ends.

Trevor Paglen

The author of this project is artist Trevor Paglen, who successfully took advantage of the general excitement around the apocalypse to present his photographs to the world. But be that as it may, Paglen's works are amazing - they show our whole life as it is: the photographer consulted with leading scientists and philosophers of our time for five years to make the images as realistic as possible, and then burned them to an ultra-archived disk and sent into space.

10. Telepathy

Most attempts to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations are associated with the use of advanced technologies, however, there are people who claim that they do not need any equipment to communicate with aliens.

Among them is Dr. Stephen Greer, best known for the alien documentary Sirius, who recruits groups of volunteers several times a year and then takes them to secluded corners for meditation sessions with alien beings. According to Greer, these "expeditions to establish contact" are going with a bang - on them people go to a higher level of consciousness, thanks to which they can not only talk with aliens, but also remember their past lives. We can only hope that Greer and his followers will one day not frighten off aliens who really want to come into contact with us.

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