The planet in the Sirius system is transparent people. Extraterrestrial Civilizations with which physical contacts take place. Higher Civilization Sirius and analysis of its manifestation on Earth. Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius

Sirius is the brightest star in the sky after the Sun. It is still considered a kind of double star. However, the mutually-centric system of the world speaks of the Sirius system as a symmetric reflection of the solar-terrestrial rotation. And this means that the Sirius planet is the same direct display of the Earth. And therefore, life must be sought first of all on Sirius, and, moreover, looking at Sirius, we seem to be looking at our Sun from the side.

Recently, there have already been shifts towards this, since, for example, the so-called rotation around the common center of mass of binary stars began to be called the rotation of a star and planets. This can be concluded from the fact that the current method of measuring the radial velocities of the "parent" star, as the main method for the discovery of exoplanets, is already based on the fact that the planet does not strictly revolve around its star, but both the star and the planet revolve around the "common center of mass" (in the case of several planets, around the "barycenter" of the system).

For the recognition of the planet-Sirius, it remains to take one step: to consider not the rotation around a non-existing common "center of mass", but - the rotation is mutually centric.

About the mutually centric system of Sirius.

According to the prevailing views, Sirius A or the main star and Sirius B or some white dwarf revolve around a common center of mass at a distance of about 20 AU. (20 distances of the Earth from the Sun) with a turnover period close to 50 years. Rotation around a certain center of mass- this is an absurdity, proceeding from not distinguishing between the concepts of mass and gravity and, as a consequence, - the law of universal gravity.

First, the concept of mass refers to a specific body, i.e. cannot be outside the body. Secondly, mass is directly proportional to the volume of a particular body and density, and does not depend on the interaction of other bodies, and therefore the concept of the center of mass does not make sense either. Thirdly, the rotation of any body can only occur around the center of rotation, as the center of a circle.

Thus, rotation around a common center of mass is rotation around a common center of rotation, like the simultaneous rotation of one body around another, or just a mutually centric rotation. The director of the Koenigsberg observatory (present-day Kaliningrad) Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel in 1844 (shortly before his death), having analyzed the movement of Sirius, noticed that Sirius was moving in waves, as if wobbling from side to side. And Bessel, according to the prevailing theory of gravitation, suggested that Sirius allegedly attracted some invisible body from one side to the other.

But look at the trajectory of Sirius with the years indicated. It is nothing more than a sinusoid. A sinusoid is formed with any rotation that goes along with the translational movement. This means that any so-called deviations in the motion of celestial bodies due to the alleged attraction of neighboring bodies are a reflection of their orbital rotation with simultaneous translational motion along the celestial sphere.

In 1862 or 18 years later, Bessel's assumption was confirmed when, when testing a 46-centimeter telescope, American astronomer A. Clarke discovered a small star near Sirius, which had an orbital motion according to Bessel's calculations.

This circumstance was called the triumph of "gravitational astronomy", which is not inferior in importance to the discovery of Neptune. In reality, it was the discovery of mutually centric rotation, as a proof of the theory of not gravitation, but universal rotational spiral-spherical gravity.

Therefore, the astronomer Bessel's discovery of rotation together with Sirius A and Sirius B confirms the mutually centric rotation of the planets, considered to be rotation around the center of mass precisely because of the lack of distinction between the concept of mass and the concept of gravity.

In other words, Bessel would have calculated the trajectory even without the use of masses.
Weights are applied unnecessarily and completely unjustified precisely because of the incorrect equalization of the gravity force m * g with the formula for universal gravity, which happened in the Cavendish experiment back in 1798.

Distinguishing the symmetry of the Sirius system to solar-terrestrial rotation.

Since the calendar year in Ancient Egypt was considered the period between two heliacal rises of Sirius, it follows from this that the Sirius system and the solar-terrestrial system were located in the same plane of the ecliptic. The ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for the Sirius system also testifies to the symmetry of Sirius to the solar-terrestrial rotation.

Sirius in Ancient Egypt was called the Arrow star, since the orbit of the Sirius star and Sirius of the planet looked like a semicircle, like a kind of bowstring at the top. Another bowstring of a bow or a semicircle, in this case, is represented by the solar-terrestrial rotation. And together with the Centauri system, a semblance of an arrow of a bow is formed, like a cosmic tripol or three-sphere.

This is evidenced by the star-shaped sign below, where the two rays to the left and to the right are the solar-terrestrial system and a similar binary system of Sirius, and above them is the single (without the key planet) system of Centaurus.

Thus, if we imagine the solar-terrestrial system and the Sirius system as cosmic spheres, then they spherically revolve around each other through the third sphere located between them in the form of the Centauri system with the alpha-Centauri star.

This is evidenced by the fact that the Centauri system is located exactly in the middle of the distance to the Sirius system. The center of the circle with the constellations of the zodiac signs is also located in the middle of the distance between the solar-terrestrial system and the Sirius system with the placement of the ends of the circle diameter in the form of the constellations Sagittarius and Gemini, respectively, above the centers of solar-terrestrial rotation and the general center of the Sirius system.

And since the distance to the Centauri system from Sirius in the prevailing perception is greater than from the solar-terrestrial system, it cannot be argued that the zodiacal circle is tied to the center of the Centauri system or to the center of its cosmic sphere. However, on the star map, the star Alpha Centauri, called Rigel, together with the star Procyon, closest to Sirius, are located symmetrically relative to Sirius, which indicates the same close position of the Centauri system to the Sirius system. And this is not surprising, since the distances that exist in today's astronomy are far from reality.

The Centauri system also makes a mutually centric rotation, but, unlike the Sirius Centauri system B, this is a similarity big planet like Jupiter in our system, and not some second star, Centauri, revolving around a non-existent "center of mass".

At the same time, since the Centauri system rotates outwardly, as it were, over the solar-terrestrial rotation, it is determined as occurring along a common, but elliptical orbit, which is a mutually-centric rotation.

And due to the acceptance of universal gravity by universal gravitation and not distinguishing between weight and mass, they call it rotation around the "common center of mass", although they know that there is no mass outside the body either. Wherein orbital ellipticity here it is perceived as if any rotation is observed somewhat from the side, and not strictly perpendicular to it.

Also in everyday astronomy, the concepts of stellar triangles are used, which speaks of the objectivity of cosmic trispheres or tripoles like the Sun-Centauri-Sirius, as a kind of cells that make up the cosmos. For example, there is a winter triangle from just Sirius (in the photo below), Procyon (top left) and Betelgeuse (top right).

However, this triangle is composed of the brightness of the stars. Therefore, as a valid cell, it is necessary to designate the three-sphere Sirius-Procyon-Centauri (Rigel), located in the photo below on the right above Sirius.

And this means that the three-spheres revolve, of course, around each other, making up through intermediate spheres like Cetaurus the three-spheres adjacent to each other, and forming spherical clusters of stars called galaxies. By the way, the stellar-planetary formations themselves are called galaxies.

Sirius-planet is called a kind of white dwarf, giving it its own luminosity and enormous mass, since they do not distinguish between mass and gravity. Also, the light emanating from the Sirius-planet or Sirius-B is the reflected light of its star, just as brightly, for example, Mars, Venus or Jupiter shine. Sirius planet is likedirect reflection of the Earth, since its dimensions correspond to the dimensions of the globe (SiriusWikipedia ).

The size of the star Sirius, increased by 1.7 times in relation to the Sun, can be explained by the merged perception of the likeness of our Mercury next to it. And the fact is that when observing the solar-terrestrial system from Sirius, it would probably be the same picture, since the distance of Mercury from the Sun is 0.39 AU, which would give a solar sphere.

In this case, the period of rotation of the Sirius star and the Sirius planet around each other should be 1 year and the distance between them should be equal to the distance between the Earth and the Sun. But other meanings are observed.

Discernment the size and period of rotation of the Sirius system.

The period of rotation of the Sirius star and the Sirius planet around each other is defined as being about 50 years.

And here it is necessary to distinguish what astronomers observe in space, firstly, the rotation is spherical, and secondly, it occurs not in the outer, but in the middle and deep vacuum layer of space. Spherical rotation occurs not along a flat, but a spherical circle formed by two loops of an eight, denoted not by 2piR, but 4piR . As a result, the perceived duration of rotation is doubled and, accordingly, the estimated distance is doubled.

This can be seen in the example of the doubled distance to major planets (which is proved by the analysis of the timing of the Voyager spacecraft in the 80s of the last century). In addition, by analogy with the solar-terrestrial rotation, periods of solar activity of 12 years (and not 11, as it is believed) are orbital motion in the middle vacuum layer of space, occurring over 12 years. In this case, the Sun makes one rotation around the axis, and the Earth makes 12 rotations or 12 annual rotations around the axis, as the third earthly movement that goes along with the orbital and daily rotations.

This means that if we observe the solar-terrestrial rotation from the side of Sirius, then, taking into account the sphericity of rotation, it will have a period of 24 terrestrial years. The period of rotation of Sirius is observed to be approximately twice as long. But this indicates that there is about 2 times less speed of time or that there is a historical time corresponding to the beginning of our era on Earth.

A lower speed of time means a higher orbital speed, but in relative perception from Earth, this gives a mirror or opposite effect - about half the orbital rotation of the star and planet Sirius slowed down. And the fact of the slower speed of time on Sirius is proved by the change in the red appearance of Sirius - the star to the current bluish-white color just at the turn of our era.

Distinguishing the cause of the red color of the Sirius star.

Sumerian astronomers in the 11th century BC called the Sirius star as fiery red as copper. AlsoThe ancient Roman philosopher Seneca, who lived in the 1st century AD, called Sirius a bright red star: “In the sky,” he writes, “a variety of colors are manifested: Dog (as they called Sirius in Rome) is bright red, Mars is dimmer, Jupiter is completely devoid of color, emitting pure light. "

The famous author of the geocentric system of the world, Ptolemy, who lived in the 2nd century AD, denotes Sirius no longer clearly red, but as "the reddish, brightest (of all fixed stars) star in the mouth (constellation figure), called the Dog."

And, judging by the writings of the Persian astronomer Al-Sufi, Sirius in the 10th century AD already had its present color.

According to physics and astronomy, the red color of the star saysabout the greater speed of light in circumstellar space or - about the fact that there is still either completely or not completely manifested above the vacuum layer of space.

B O The higher speed of light leads to a redshift in the spectrum, as to the absence of violet and blue colors, since with an increased frequency of propagation of a light wave in light photons that exhibit color, the color of the violet range does not have time to visually manifest itself, as it has a large natural frequency of the wave.

This is proved by the text of the Bible, where only after the global flood a rainbow appeared. The failure to distinguish this fact is explained by the unjustified imparting of the Doppler effect to electromagnetic, and hence to light waves, and the resulting invented Hubble effect in the form of a kind of "recession of galaxies".

Thus, if we were in the Sirius system, we would observe the same period of orbital rotation, but at a slowed rate approximately twice as compared to our clock. As a result, the distance between the Sirius star and the Sirius planet should also be equal to 1 AU.

Distinguishing the distance between Sirius A and Sirius B or Huygens' correctness.

However, in everyday perception, this distance is assigned at 20 AU. We figured out that observing the solar-terrestrial rotation from Sirius, we would perceive it 24 times slower or passing over the current 24 terrestrial years. Accordingly, we would perceive a 24 times larger and common sphere of solar-terrestrial rotation, which means that the distance between the Sun and the Earth is 24 times larger.

The same applies to the Sirius system, as symmetric with respect to our system. And due to the tilt of the earth's axis, the distance between the Sirius star and the Sirius planet is perceived to be less by the value of the orbital coefficient 1.2 or, just by the value of 20 AU. This coefficient, by the way, explains the duration of the solar month, as one complete revolution of the Sun around its axis, not in 30, but in 25 Earth days.

This means that all distances relative to Sirius are overestimated by a factor of 20. And this fact is confirmed by the fact that 17th century Dutch scientist Christian Huygens, who invented the pendulum clock and discovered the rings of Saturn, estimated the distance to the stars using a method called photometric. It proceeds from the fact that the farther away the light source, the dimmer the light from it. Therefore, by the comparative brightness of the star and the Sun, one can estimate the distance to the star.

Huygens chose Sirius as the brightest star in the night sky. Watching Sirius, he remembered her brilliance in every possible way. During the day, he compared it to the glitter of the holes in a special screen that covered the Sun. Having finally selected the required hole and then comparing the angular values ​​of the hole and the Sun, Huygens determined that Sirius is 27664 times farther from the Earth than the Sun.

But the currently used distance, the distance to Sirius is just 20 times greater than what was observed by H. Huygens. This is due to the fact that they proceed from an inaccurate assessment of the luminosity of stars, since the stars are considered a kind of semblance of furnace furnaces and, according to their color, they are assigned the temperature, and hence the luminosity. In fact, the stars are thermofrequency cyclic reactions of the transformation of hydrogen into helium and helium into hydrogen. And the color of a star does not in the least speak about its temperature and luminosity. Red, on the other hand, is not the color of a "cooling" star, as it is believed, but on the contrary, an indicator of a star that is younger than the Sun.

Thus, one can fully believe Huygens and accept that the distance to Sirius is AU 27,664 or just 0.44 light years, not some 8.6 light years. In this regard, the distance to the Centauri system is not 4.36 light years, but about 14,025 AU. And the distance between the star Centaurus A and the semblance of a large gas planet like Centaurus B along the semi-major axis of the orbital ellipse is not 23.4 AU, but about 1.17 AU, which is also almost equal to the distance between the Sun and the Earth.

Distinguishing the Sirius system based on information from the North African Dogon tribe.

Information from the Dogon tribe corresponds to the conclusion of the mutually-centric system of the world about the direct symmetry of the Sirius system to the solar-terrestrial rotation, and hence the distinction of the evolution of the Earth.

The Dogon tribe is a Sudanese people who migrated in the 10th -13th centuries to the upper reaches of the Niger River, which are located in Mali. This means that they are directly related to Ancient Egypt, bordering Sudan. Outwardly, this people is no different from other African tribes, except for their careful preservation of amazing astronomical information, and mainly about the Sirius system.

To call this information a myth does not correspond to reality, because, firstly, they contain information about the mutually-centric structure of the world and the actual planetary evolution, which is being revealed only now. Some publications explain the Dogon's knowledge of the Sirius system by the fact that they allegedly kept this information from missionaries who visited them in the 19th century, who may well have already known about Sirius A and Sirius B.

But in their legends, the Dogons say that they come from the Po star, which they designated Sirius V. And Sirius B, both in the 19th century and now, are considered not a likeness of the Earth, but a kind of white dwarf, like an extinct likeness of our Sun. It turns out that all the Dogon information confirms the conclusions of the mutually-centric system about the symmetry of the Sirius system to solar-terrestrial rotation, which the Dogon, of course, could not know from some missionaries.

From this we can conclude that the Dogon on the paternal side are most likely the ancestors of a native from the planet Sirius. And this is not fiction. In the mega-era of the upper people (see the book Amusing Discernment2), there were movements in the vacuum-molecular capsule between the Earth and Sirius from the centers of the pyramids due to the not yet fully manifested present supra-vacuum space, which we observe and in which we live. This also means that the upper people from Sirius also took part in the evolution of the people of the current species.

In the legends of the Dogons, there is a mention of the journey of their ancestors from Sirius in the processing of the French researcher E. Garrier sounds like this: "The people who, during the descent and at the moment of the landing impact, saw the shine of the Sigi tolo (or Sirius star - author), were now present at the first sunrise, which rose in the east and from that moment illuminated the universe ...". This means that it was not a flight, but a movement through the vacuum media of space. Only this can explain that during the descent, space travelers still saw the brilliance of Sirius, while simultaneously seeing the sunrise.

For a long time, the Dogons were used to observe the Sirius system and the device, as a kind of a telescope, but using, presumably, not optics, but space properties like mirages, when a much distant above-vacuum part of space is observed through a vacuum environment, which is not visible in the usual way ...

This is what explains the Dogon's knowledge of the appearance of the Sirius system, which is not so clearly observed even now. But, after our supra-vacuum environment was fully manifested around the star of Saturn and it acquired not red, but its current blue color, apparently, it became impossible to use astronomical instrument dogon.

Interestingly, the Dogons report that just in the second century AD, or around the time of Ptolemy, a flash occurred on Sirius A or Sirius-star, which changed its color. In the prevailing interpretation of the Dogon statements, this outbreak is attributed to Sirius B, since they consider him a kind of white dwarf and, as it were, letting their ears go, that it was from him that the ancestors of the Dogons arrived. According to the Dogon Sirius, the star was also previously bright red, which further confirms the reliability of their information.

The change in the color of Sirius, the Dogon stars, mean its dimming after a bright flash. With this event, and Sirius, the planet began to represent a single formation, no longer consisting, like the Earth at one time, from the upper and lower Earth. And about such a view of the Sirius of the planet, the Dogon information just informs.

Evidence for mutually centric planetary rotation and actual planetary evolution in Dogon information.

Dogon ( Sirius We Don't Know) divide all celestial bodies into precisely planets, stars and satellites. The stars are called tolo, the planets - tolo tanaze ("stars that move"). It is the stars that are included in the “family of stars that do not revolve (around another star)” - that digilele togu, and the planets - in the “family of stars that revolve” - tolo gon togu. The moons are called tolo gonose - "stars that make circles."

This triple division is the description of inter-centrism. The fact is that when observing stars, the observed rotations are counted precisely from the star, which also happens in conventional astronomy with respect to the Sun. Indeed, during astronomical observation, of course, it is impossible to make a binding to the center of mutual rotation of a star and a key planet like the Earth, as soon as to a geometric or representable center.

Therefore, it is the stars of the Dogons that are called stars, which are not that they do not revolve at all, but do not revolve around another star during observation. Key planets like Earth are called stars, which revolve around the visible center of observation. Satellites, or tolo gonose, are not so much satellites of planets, as other planets in systems, revolving around the common center of rotation of the star and the key planet.

Most likely, this is why the Dogons are not named among the planets of the solar-terrestrial system Mercury, since it does not just “describe circles” around a common solar-terrestrial center, but revolves directly around the Sun, like the Moon around the Earth.

In the Sirius system, the Dogon also name three main objects. This is Sirius star or Sigi, Sirius planet or Po tolo and the third, like a hollow compound sphere, object Emme ya tolo ... In the current interpretation, it is called a certain Sirius C. But the Dogon report that this objectEmme ya tolo revolves around Sigitolo along a longer trajectory than the Po star, but the period of its revolution is the same 50 years.At the same time, Emme ya is somewhat larger than Po tolo, and it is 4 times lighter.

And this is nothing more than the description of the upper earth in Sirius of the planet, as a formation, which in the process of planetary evolution was also in the planet Earth. Longer trajectory for the same period and several larger size the third object and means that it spherically hung over the main planet Sirius, making together with her a revolution around Sirius of the star.

At the same time, like the upper Earth, the upper Sirius planet consisted of four similar hoops-continents, as a result of which it is designated, as in 4 times than the main or lower planet, a lighter planetary body. This is evidenced by the rocky astronomical images of the Dogon.

At the top left is the upper earth of the planet Sirius. Below is a joint formation from the upper and lower Sirius. Next, the spiral-spherical symmetry of the Sirius planet and our Earth is drawn. This image is followed by the image of the pyramid as space launch and landing sites on travels between Earth and Sirius.

In addition, it is important that the Dogon speak not about two additional objects to the Sirius star, but about three objects (NAMASTE - SIRIUS), from which we can conclude that they also designate the Moon of Siris B or Sirius-planet. From the symmetry of the Sirius and solar-terrestrial systems, it can be concluded that soon Venus and Mars Sirius.

Thus, having even depicted a drawing of the view of the upper earth of Sirius of the planet, the Dogon are the only witnesses of a similar view of our planet in the process of its evolution, which is described in the book Entertaining Distinction2.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the Dogon information that the main element of the lower earth of the Sirius-planet or Po tolo they call not the element "earth", but metals in all their forms, including in the form of "sagal", as extremely heavy or a dense element like Earth titanium. This means that the soil, as an element of "earth", was the main element on the upper earth of the Sirius-planet, spherically hanging over the main planet containing ore.

Based on this, we can conclude that in the process of evolution of our planet, the life we ​​see or life in the supra-vacuum phase of space manifested itself on parts of the upper Earth, which gradually settled on the water-metallic base Earth. Therefore, most of the rocks are of a sedimentary nature, and the formation of visible life had a gradual and consistent appearance.

In the prevailing perception, the metal-like appearance of the main or lower Earth, according to the Dogon information, is considered evidence of the extreme density of Sirius B, like a kind of white dwarf, based on the absurdity of rotation around the "center of mass". At the same time, they seem to forget that the progenitors of the Dogons appeared on Earth precisely from Sirisua B or from the Po tolo star, as the Dogons say, calling in a logical way all formation from the lower and upper planet by the name of the main earth of Sirius-planet.

Dogon and planet information is also importantYaz u gave tolo like a star, " which accompanies Venus"And this is nothing more than Predvenera, united in the process of planetary evolution with the main Venus, which is described in the book Amusing Discrimination2 and was observed by the ancient Sumerians. From this we can conclude that the Dogon carefully preserved information about the planetary and cosmic structure, Since ancient times, in other words, they pursued the goal only to preserve the information they had, without any revision of it.

Dogon information and space structure.

According to the Dogon legend (NAMASTE - SIRIUS) "the world is infinite, but it can be measured", which echoes the view of Einstein in his theory of relativity. Infinity, which can be measured, can only be in the form of a spiral-spherical structure of the universe. The sphere allows you to have a size, and the spiral twisting and unwinding of the graviton invisible spheres make this size irrelevant. And the inverse sphericity of other vacuum media of space gives exactly infinity, when any point in space belongs to several vacuum media at once.

And in accordance with the spiral-spherical structure of space, the Dogon divide the cosmos into the inner sphere of stars and the outer one from stars farther than Sirius and Procyon. The outer system forms a spiral stellar world in them in the form of the Milky Way, which they call border... By this they mean that behind the Milky Way there is a less externally manifested spatial environment, most likely, which does not yet have an external or the life we ​​see.

At the same time, they do not designate certain centers in the universe, as is perceived in the interpretation of their information. Since, calling Sirius the "navel of the world" observed from the Earth, they will also designate the rotation of the outer system of stars or the entire Milky Way around an axis passing through Polar Star and the constellation of the southern cross.

The main evidence of the Dogon information in favor of mutual centrism is their holiday in honor of the completion of the 50-year cycle of rotation of the star Sirius around the Sirius planet, from where, as they claim, their progenitor was Urugu... By this on the diagram on the left, drawn by them, they denote the joint rotation of Sirius of the star and the planet around each other, and not around the contrived center of mass.

Another main evidence is that, according to their information, the Earth rotates like a top, simultaneously performing both orbital rotation and rotation around its axis.Land according to the Dogon "Revolves around itself and runs, in addition, a large circle of aduno digili -" the circle of the world ", - like a top, the rotation of which is also accompanied by movement. "And this is confirmed by the synchronous Earth rotation, since the Earth rotates in the center of the graviton planetary sphere, which makes a rolling motion along a virtual orbital ring.

« the world is endless, but it can be measured". This formulation is very close to that given by Einstein in

Structure of the report:

1. Introduction

2. Main part

2.1 Star system Sirius.

2.2 Higher Civilization Sirius: the structure of life on the planet, society, physiological characteristics.

2.3 Analysis of various aspects of the manifestation of the Supreme Civilization Sirius on planet Earth.

1 Souls from the Sirius system incarnated on Earth

2.3.2 Participation of the Higher Civilization Sirius in the development of the Earth in antiquity

2.3.3 Manifestation of the Higher Civilization Sirius on Earth today

3. Conclusion. Conclusions.


Are we alone in the universe? This question has always interested and will interest humanity. Every time a person looks into the night starry sky and sees billions of stars, he imagines other worlds and planets. Do they really exist? Or is the Sun the only one of the hundred billion stars in the Galaxy, which is accompanied by a planet inhabited by creatures capable of thinking?

Even the most ancient philosophers spoke about the plurality of worlds and about the planets of other suns. So, one of the first to discuss this topic was Giordano Bruno. In ancient manuscripts, the statement of the famous Greek thinker Metrodorus of Chios has been preserved that it is absurd to believe that planet Earth is the only world that is inhabited. In his opinion, this is the same as if only one single sprout sprouted in a field sown with grain.

Myths and legends of various peoples of the world contain many references to contacts with strange and highly developed creatures that appeared on Earth and brought their knowledge to people. One of such extraterrestrial civilizations is the Supreme Civilization Sirius, which will be discussed below.

The purpose of this work is to familiarize listeners with the information known about the Higher Civilization Sirius and analyze its manifestation on our planet in various aspects and time periods.

Main part.

Sirius star system

Sirius is in the constellation Big Dog and is the brightest star in the night sky. It can be observed from any region of the Earth, with the exception of its northernmost regions. It is 8.6 sv. years from the solar system and is one of the closest stars to us.

Sirius is a binary star that consists of the visible star Sirius A and a white dwarf called Sirius B. A white dwarf is a star that has already used up its reserves of atomic fuel (hydrogen and helium) and has collapsed (monstrous contraction). The two stars revolve around a common center of mass at a distance of about 20 astronomical units (which is comparable to the distance from the Sun to Uranus) with a rotation period close to 50 years. According to one of the scientists' assumptions, Sirius B in the past should have been much more massive than Sirius A, since he had already left the main sequence in the process of evolution.

On slide 3, you can see photographs of the Sirius system and its location.

Since ancient times, Sirius has played an important role in the life of the Earthlings. The mention of her and the Gods who came from Sirius is found in the annals of many peoples of the world. From which we can make the assumption that the Sirius system is the homeland of the Supreme Civilization Sirius, which will be discussed in the report.

Higher Civilization Sirius: the structure of life on the planet, society, physiological characteristics.

The Sirius civilization is one of the most beautiful and highly developed civilizations in the Universe. It is located in the Sirius system, on 2 planets. The first planet named Aklia has a biosphere with a heavenly climate, reminiscent of the warm spring on Earth. There are no carnivorous species of animals, insects or plants on this planet. Natural world Aklia is very beautiful and varied.

The second planet named Eskhor is deserted, with a dry sultry climate. It is the planet of memory and respect for the departed Sirians.

Sirius is a very peaceful civilization with fantastic power and strength that lies not in their technocratic development, but in their Souls.

With the Iriusians, they have a sensory-telepathic connection with each other, which remains between them at any distance from each other (even being in different places in the galaxy or the Universe, their connection with each other does not lose its power).

The relationship between the various representatives of Sirius is more social than family.

This is how the representatives of the Higher Civilization Sirius say about themselves in the channeling "The presumption of innocence and the guilt of everyone" on July 21, 2014:

Start quote:

We are people too. We are people like you, we are very similar. And in appearance we are similar both in the state of the construction of our physical bodies, and in the state of our Souls. Souls are very similar to you, and the state is matrix, Souls are the same, and the fillers are very close. Therefore, we, one might say, with you, to some extent are relatives, relatives in the manifestation that we have.

Our personality is built differently, we have a determinant of individuality in our personality, Monads are the ego, as you have. We have Mind in our personality, that is, Mind, which is the basis of the Soul, but it also exists in the personality. That is, the level of consciousness, it has developed to such an extent that it has become reasonable, and Mind and Consciousness are identity.

Therefore, we can say that the Monad is revealed differently. The Monad is revealed and in its disclosure, it contains the state of the personality. The body also refers to the personality, and the psyche refers to the personality - these are your emotional spheres.

Our emotional sphere is different. We do not have such a powerful emotional shell as the astral level that you have, but we have other shells that are not yet available to you. They are inaccessible to you at the stage of your development in which you are, but when your Monad begins to be constantly active, it will be able to open up in such a way that it will contain the personality, and the personality will be inside the Monad. But at the same time, having his abstracted state of separation from experience, that is, the experience that the Monad has accumulated (that you have a Soul and we have a Soul). But at the same time, the person abstractedly lives from this experience, because it is necessary to gain through action in the Soul, a new experience, but with us all this happens at the level of manifestation of the Reason, and you go to this.

End of quote.

In his book "Code of Life" Babanin Vladimir Petrovich describes the Sirians as people with sharp and narrow shoulders. (Slide number 4) The head is egg-shaped, without hair. Hair is missing all over the body. Ears in the upper part are somewhat "pointed". The lips are thin, inactive, which is one of the consequences of their lifestyle. The Sirians do not use coarse plant and animal food, which must be chewed, for eating. Their food is a high-molecular substrate, reminiscent of a dense fog or airy "cotton wool". It contains all the substances necessary for growth and maintenance of life.

Above the eyes, not the eyebrows, but the arcuate projections of the upper edge of the orbits. The eyes are almond-shaped and the pupils are vertical. They are able to change their shape from a narrow slit to a round pupil, depending on the intensity of the light. The eye sockets themselves are strongly beveled towards the temples.

Drunvalo Melchizedek, in his book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life", talks about the peculiarities of the physiological structure of the Sirians and their differences from the people of the Earth.

The beginning of the quote “These bodies were physiologically very different from the human body, they had two hearts. The only reason we have one heart is because we have one sun. But these creatures were from Sirius. The Sirius star system has two stars: Sirius A and Sirius B. This is a binary system, and in these systems, living beings have two hearts. " End quote

And from the above, we see that the Sirians are not very different from people.

Analysis of various aspects of the manifestation of the Supreme Civilization Sirius on planet Earth.

Based on the channelings presented at the site of the Federation of Physical Energy and Spiritual Development, and various historical sources, the following aspects of the manifestation of the Supreme Civilization Sirius on Earth can be distinguished:

1. Incarnation of Souls from Sirius on Earth

2. Physical contact with representatives of Sirius in ancient times

3. Spiritual and telepathic contacts with representatives of Sirius in our time.

Let's consider them all in order.

In the channeling of June 09, 2012, representatives of the Great Commonwealth say that unearthly Souls make up approximately 30% of the Souls incarnated on Earth. Of these 30%, the largest number comes to us from Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades.

Conventionally, all unearthly Souls coming to Earth can be divided into two large subgroups:

a) Souls who came to gain experience that is not in the Universe;

b) Souls who have come to transfer the experience that is in the Universe, but which is not on Earth.

A person who has an extraterrestrial Soul who has come to transfer experience is a person who is developing rapidly. These people can be geniuses or just very gifted and able to give a lot to others. They usually achieve very great results in their lives;

A person who has come for experience is a little inhibited in relation to the development of the average earthling. Such people may exhibit inappropriate behavior in comparison with others in his environment.

Sirians usually come to Earth to pass on their experiences. In order to teach people on Earth what they can do themselves.

As stated by the Great Commonwealth in the channeling "Earth-Cosmic Souls" on June 09, 2012, one of the experiences that came to us from Sirius is cloning. Cloning that occurs at the level of the animal kingdom. Cloning at the human level (for example, growing organs to prolong life) is prohibited by the Higher Hierarchy.

Cloning as an experiment on Earth is at the animal level. It is possible that this will begin to develop further, that people will learn to create new animals themselves. In order not to deliver different forms of animals from other worlds - and people themselves, like the Sirians - will begin to create new animals.

End of quote.

The human bodies in which the Sirians incarnate usually have a similar appearance.

They are usually dark-haired, with brown, almond-shaped, large eyes. The physique is beautiful, regular shapes. By appearance Sirians can be attributed to oriental type beauty.

They have their own standard of beauty, which is very similar to the earthly standard.

Participation of the Supreme Civilization Sirius in the development of the Earth in antiquity.

It is known that the Sirians took part in the genetic creation of Homo sapiens, as well as the creation of animals in the aquatic environment. (Channeling from 06/14/2012, Strength: Supreme Civilization Sirius, Topic Background, history and history recording in info fields.)

The first mention of Sirius is found in Ancient Egypt, where he was worshiped.

The goddess Isis (slide 5), symbolizing Sirius, and her husband, the god Osiris, symbolizing the constellation Orion adjacent to Sirius, were among the most revered gods. Their son was Horus, the sun god.
The most common depictions of Isis - the Mother and her Son Horus - were compositions in sculpture, reliefs and drawings, in which they were together: Isis holds him on her knees or feeds him with her breast. The ancient Egyptian canon, established to depict the image of Isis (Sirius) together with the Son (Sun), was well known to other peoples who, in one way or another, encountered the culture of the ancient civilization on the Nile. Subsequently, it was used in the Christian religion when creating icons of the Mother of God - the Immaculate Virgin Mary and her Son Jesus.
In his book The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Drunvalo Melchizedek says that Akhenaten, the first pharaoh of Egypt, his wife Nefertiti and their daughters, were beings from Sirius.

Akhenaten's main task was to destroy all occult beliefs and return the country to the bosom of a single religion, so that everyone would believe that there is only one God. At that time, people worshiped statues because they used to believe in material things. Akhenaten wanted to give them something visible that they could believe in, and he gave them the image of God in the form of the Sun, since they could not put this image on their altars.

On slide 6 you can see a picture of Akhenaten explaining the idea of ​​God and his statue.

Note the unusual proportions of Akhenaten's body, a large egg-shaped head, a long, elongated neck, thin shoulders, a narrow elongated waist and wide hips. Nefertiti had the same proportions. If we compare (slide 7), the above description of the Sirians and the statue of Nefertiti, then we can see a great similarity between the two images. Slide 8 also shows photographs of the daughters of Nefertiti and Akhenaten.

Findings of various artifacts serve as another unapplicable proof of the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations in ancient Egypt. For example, in one of the Egyptian museums there is a strange figurine of a bird (slide 9). Its wing and tail bear little resemblance to a bird's, and rather resemble the details of modern aircraft. Such birds do not exist in nature - however, blown in a wind tunnel, it has performance that is only slightly inferior to modern gliders.

In the pictures shown on slide 10, you can see images of flying vehicles on the wall of the Egyptian pyramid and images of people, as we can already assume, very similar to the Sirians.

But the star Sirius was of particular importance not only among the people of Ancient Egypt. Knowledge, and, moreover, quite extensive about the role and significance of this Star System in the development of all forms of life on Earth, including intelligent, was available in Atlantis, among the ancient peoples of Africa (for example, the Dogon tribe), Indians South America and in the Middle East. This knowledge in a wide variety of areas was at one time provided to earthlings by representatives of the Higher Civilization Sirius. We can assume that it was thanks to them that the great civilizations of antiquity were able to reach such unprecedented heights in their development.

Manifestation of the Supreme Civilization Sirius on Earth today. New Program.

In the 40s of the last century, due to the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan during the Second World War and the abrupt exit from its incarnation of a large number of Souls, the Earth attracted the active attention of the entire universe. In the channeling under the theme: "The Coalition Council about itself and the New Program" dated December 04, 2011, the Coalition Council says that in 1945 it became clear that the program that exists on Earth (today conditionally called the "Old Program") leads humanity to the death and destruction of the planet on the physical plane. Since this period and most actively since the 80s of the 20th century, messages began to go to Earth that humanity needs to change its mind and reconsider its life. Unfortunately, since in old program there were many negative impacts on humanity by other civilizations from the outside, these messages were not heard. Then it was decided that civilizations that have a high level of development and understand the importance of the events taking place on our planet, develop their projects for withdrawing the Earth from the current situation. As a result, the Coalition Council received five projects, which they decided to test on Earth within 3 years. In 2007, their approbation began, after which only one program was to remain on Earth. Three of the approved programs had a spiritual orientation and, one might say, had a positive character, the other two had to act on a physical level and, as a result, carried a negative component.

The first of the negative programs completely changed the substance of the Earth and the Earth turns into a completely different material quality, which led to the mutation of people and the creation of a completely different kind of creatures.

The second program is the displacement of the earth's axis, the displacement of the continents and the transformation into another state of land on Earth in relation to water.

The earthlings did not participate in the development of these projects, which was not correct and was a violation of the Law of God. Therefore, since 1989, impulses have been sent to our planet so that mature Souls who have a certain experience in the Universe and who have come to Earth since 1947 to resolve the situation, could respond and take part in these programs, bringing their vision of the situation from within. This is how the Federation of Physical Energy and Spiritual Development appeared. In 2009, the Federation submitted an application to the Coalition Council, where it presented its vision of the development of the Earth. The presented program was similar in content to the three positive projects already proposed. Therefore, it was decided to combine 4 programs into one and place them in the sphere of Reason for consideration by the Absolute, which was done. The Absolute returned the program with its changes, and it began its active action on Earth. The chronology of the creation of the New Program is presented on slide 11.

Here is what the Great Commonwealth says about the New Program in the "Program for the Development of the Earth in the Ratio of the Here and Now" channel of January 10, 2014:

Quote start

Now, when the New Program has come to Earth, and when this New Program has brought a new form of development - a spherical form of development, now there is an opportunity to develop integrally, simultaneously in all directions at once, together.

This is the new, to which humanity has just approached and which includes individual individuals. But in the overall integrity, humanity does not yet enter this state of sphericity.

The New Program is Absolute love, Absolute love and this state of Absolutism. End of quote.

Sirius was one of the Higher Civilizations that took part in the development of 5 programs to correct the situation on Earth after 1945. The essence of the program in which he participated was to create a mega-state on Earth, in which the most gifted people of the Earth could grow and develop at a high speed, capable of further rectifying the situation on our planet. And such a state began to be created. It began with the Sirius Center under the leadership of Tatyana Nikolaevna Mikushina and her ashram in the Omsk region. In the course of testing the program, Sirius began to attract people there who were able to quickly reach the required level of development. As a result, the center has gained great popularity, which has not lost until now.

In this program, the development of people had to go by balancing the light and negative experience of the Soul in a proportion of 50% to 50%. The work went not at the expense of living in the Laws of the Absolute, but only due to the observance of the Law of Transformation, tracking the correspondence of thoughts, words and deeds and possessing their blissful quality. The result of all your thoughts, words and deeds should be the result of the transformation of darkness into light.

The new Program, however, does not presuppose the transformation of negative experience, but its dissolution due to the accumulation of Spiritual matter and the impossibility of its further development. When all negative experience dissolves, the connection of the Monad (Mind) and the Soul will take place, the Soul will enter the Mind and the person will acquire the Light Body. But this is a long process, and Sirius wanted a quick result.

Since the Supreme Civilization Sirius was one of the highly developed civilizations taking part in solving the problem with the development of the Earth and was already at the stage of approbation of one of the spiritual programs, it automatically fell into the group for the development of the "New Program". In the course of working on it, the Sirians realized that their spiritual program was not in accordance with and quickly turned it down.

As a result, in 2012, a fire broke out in an ashram in the Omsk region, destroying all the plants around the center, but leaving buildings and people intact. From the nature of the fire, we can conclude that Sirius destroyed the information field and information blocks that were introduced to create a mega-state.

Soon after the fire, the head of the Sirius center left Russia and moved to Latvia, which is also very symbolic in this situation. Since the New Program was adopted in Latvia and was encapsulated there. Here we can add that the Federation of Physical Energy and Spiritual Development also got its start in this country.

Today, the Supreme Civilization Sirius continues to bring people knowledge and experience about speedy and blissful development through channeling.

This communication is significant not only for people, it is also significant for representatives of the Higher Civilizations. Since during the channeling there is a creation of spirit - the creation of Spirit, spiritual matter. This is what always happens with the openness of the Soul, with the manifestation of love and trust, to each other and to the Force. This state allows us to find common points of contact, to better understand and accept each other. In this understanding and acceptance, we create a common, common field that is necessary for our world, our solar system and the Galaxy.

In a channeling dated May 21, 2014, the Coalition Council said that humanity is already ready to conduct physical contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations.

During the June 2014 practical expedition, members of the FED group and students of the Spiritual School of the Absolute had the opportunity to get as close as possible to physical contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. We have already heard a detailed account of this experience in the previous report.

From the information received in the channeling during the June expedition, we can say that the representatives of the Higher Civilization Sirius were also in the clearing and were already ready to meet with us on the physical level.

Here is what the representatives of the Higher Civilization Sirius have to say about physical contact almost immediately after the expedition in the channeling on July 03, 2014:

Quote start

This new level, which has been achieved, namely expeditionary, a new level of comprehension, a new level of interaction, a close state of feeling each other. We can say, at the level of an outstretched hand, when you can feel us, and we feel you.

And this is a new state of understanding each other, this is a new state of respect for each other. This is a new state of striving for each other, and at the same time, striving for that wonderful future that you are building as a model of your individual manifestation of living on Earth. And not only on Earth, because your aspirations are outside the Earth.

There are aspirations to us and to other Civilizations and a desire to cognize these new Civilizations or old Civilizations, who has what kind of worldview in this aspect of understanding, what is beyond the Earth. And here our aspirations are similar. They are similar, since they have a direction towards each other, they have a direction of intense striving.

And it is important that our aspirations in intensity, in frequency of vibrations become identical. As soon as there will be only an identical state of striving, so we will be able to shake hands with each other in reality, and not only virtually and not only at the level of the Soul.

End quote


1. The Supreme Civilization Sirius has been manifesting on Earth since ancient times. Its representatives took part in the formation and development of many ancient civilizations. It can be concluded that it was thanks to the transfer of the necessary knowledge and experience that ancient human civilizations reached such a high level of development.

2. If in ancient times and before the adoption of the New Program, the manifestation of the Higher Civilization Sirius on planet Earth was as the progenitors of mankind, one might say, Gods who carry the necessary knowledge, and it was not always of a benevolent nature, now our spiritual and physical interaction can take place on the level of mutual interest, at the level of spiritual co-creation and joint development of Spiritual matter.

3. To conduct contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations at the physical level, a person needs to reconsider his goal-setting of such contacts. Develop the necessary spiritual components and reach a high level of aspiration to the representatives of the Higher Civilizations.

Thank you for attention.

Every mystery, even a great one, has its own witness.

Therefore, all the secrets are revealed over time,when the time comes.

In the history books and in the religions of the world, much has been said about the "God-Sirius". The brightest star of night architecture, Sirius, is located in the constellation Canis majoris. Since ancient times, Sirius has been called the Dog Star. The configuration of the Canis Major's stars is indeed very dog-like! It was the magic of this constellation and its deification that influenced the tradition of using the image of the wolf-dog "everywhere and everywhere."

This ancient constellation influenced the human race so convincingly that the image of the wolf-dog became the most popular zoomorphic image on Earth (!). Often there was a mixing of the images of "dog" and "wolf", and their interchangeability was characteristic of various mythological traditions, where "wolves" were called "dogs" and vice versa. Let us recall the legends about the origin of the Turkic peoples, the myths of the Japanese about the white heavenly she-wolf, the North American Indians about the coyote (wolf), and the Iranians about the winged dog Senmurve (Samruk-Simargle).

The wolf is Apollo's sacred animal Ancient Greece and Odin in Norse mythology. Dedicated to Mars, he was in ancient Rome an omen of victory if spotted before a battle. The she-wolf who nurtured Romulus and Remus (the legendary founders of Rome) is an image of ardent maternal care that is also found in Indian folklore. Believe me, such examples can be given for a long time.

This article reflects on the beliefs of our ancestors and provides insights into the great mystery of the "Sirius / Dog Star Mystery" and its impact on our sector in the Universe. The name Sirius comes from the spelling Sirius - the Latin transcription of the Greek word ??????? ("Bright", "shiny"). Sirius has been the object of amazement and veneration by all ancient peoples throughout the history of mankind. In the ancient Vedas, Sirius is called the Leader of the Stars, the ancient Persians called him the Arrow, the peoples of Oceania - the Eagle, the Heavenly Mezhoy. In Chinese astronomy, the star was called Lan ("Wolf") or Tianlan ("Heavenly wolf"). In the Qur'an, one of the titles of Allah is "The Lord (Lord) of Sirius."

Many ancient cultures attached particular importance to Sirius. It is believed that during the construction, many temples in Egypt were guided by the rising point of Sirius. In ancient Egypt, the star Sirius was called Sothis. The inhabitants of the Nile River Valley worshiped her long before the founding of Rome. During Of the ancient kingdom(end of IV - beginning of III millennium BC.) The heliacal rise of Sirius (from the Greek heliak? s - solar, the first appearance of a star in the sun's rays in the year) coincided with the beginning of the annual flood of the Nile, the most important event in the Egyptian agricultural year (he gave new life to a country scorched by the heat and brought fertile silt to the fields). Only once in 1461 did the morning rise of Sirius over the city of Memphis occur simultaneously with the flooding of the Nile. The Egyptians made this day the beginning of the solar year of 365 days, which has survived almost unchanged to this day. Therefore, the ancient Egyptians celebrated the service of Sirius as "the harbinger of the new year and the flood" (these words are carved on an ivory tablet found in a tomb in Abydos during the 1st Dynasty).

In southern latitudes, after the appearance of Sirius in the sky, it was usually the hottest time of the year. The Roman Senate twenty days before the appearance of Sirius simply fled for the holidays, since "canis" is Latin for "dog". Sirius has served as an inspiration to many poets, starting with the Chaldeans. This star was sung by the poets of India and China, Greece and Rome.

The Roman astrologer Manilius (1st century BC - 1st century AD) reports that the priests in the Taurus region used the observation of the rising of Sirius and, on its basis, predicted weather, illness, alliances, war and peace. Manilius writes about the effect of this star: "When the rays thrown by her face pierce the earth, the world foresees its fate, its death in fire ... this star pours out such a flame that surpasses all the others put together." Those born at the moment of the rising of Sirius "will have an indomitable spirit and a violent disposition."

In Mesopotamia, astrology was even more developed than in Egypt, continuing the traditions of the more ancient civilization of the Sumerians. In Babylon, there were seven ziggurats - temples, each of which was dedicated to any one deity and the planet that he personified. Chaldean (Babylonian) astrologers calculated the coordinates of the planets and stars, calculated the aspects between them, predicted eclipses. The teachings of the Chaldeans told the world about the order and regularity of the Cosmos, about the meaning of the stars, the Zodiac, the power of the planets and their influence on human life, about Divine Providence and about astrological predictions.

There was a close connection between Babylonian astrology and Zoroastrianism. However, almost every religion bears the imprint of astrological influence. In "Avesta" - the main treatise of Zoroastrianism - the eighth Yasht is dedicated to the glorification of the star of Tishtriya-Sirius, the leader of all the constellations of the night sky. There is an ancient Iranian testimony (in short description"The Tree of All Seeds" of the Iranian Bundahishn) about the worship of a bird, attributing the seeds of various plants to the source. From this source the rain-bearing star of the Avestan Tishtria drinks. Two astrological passages from Zoroaster describe the possibilities of prediction based on observations of sunrise.

It is curious that once a year our Sun connects with Sirius at the 14th degree of the constellation Cancer, and this happens approximately from July 4 to 7. Uniting, heavenly bodies maximize their energetic influence. Everything is energy, and even more so numbers. Remember the words of the great son of the Earth Pythagoras: "Numbers rule the world." Start using numbers to rule the world for the benefit of all people. The holiday of Tishtriya-Sirius fell on July 4. This is a celebration of the victory of life over death, of water over drought. The holiday is preceded by the conjunction of the Sun with Sirius - an event that was significant for all cultures of the Ancient East (remember the floods of the Nile, which were already mentioned above; they coincided in Egypt with the rise of Sirius in the rays of the Sun). July 4, America's Independence Day is closely associated with the conjunction of Sirius and the Sun.

The star Sirius is associated with "liberation." According to ancient teachings, the very concept of freedom is in human consciousness under the influence of this star system. Bastille Day, the French equivalent of Independence Day on July 14, and Canada celebrates its independence from England on July 1, the same day July 1 is Rwandan Independence Day and Suriname's Freedom Day; Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus is celebrated annually on July 3; on the same day, July 3 - Independence Day of Algeria, Day of the formation of the Altai Republic Venezuela celebrates Independence Day on July 5, July 6 is Malawi's Independence Day, while Argentina celebrates this Day on July 9.

This list could be continued for a long time. But I would like to include in this list the birthday of Astana on July 6 - the capital of independent Kazakhstan. One might think that July 6 is by no means the Independence Day of Kazakhstan! But it depends on how you look at it. If you look deep into the centuries, it hurts for the long-suffering fate of your people. Therefore, today's Astana for the indigenous inhabitants of the steppe vast expanses is, first of all, evidence of our Independence - the free choice of a free people who rushed upward.

Sirius is a symbol of power, will and perseverance towards a goal, and serves as an example of one who has succeeded in overcoming low and high consciousness. Just below the Canine Star is a constellation called Argo, the ship. Astrologically, this region in the sky was known as the river of stars, which is the gateway to the ocean of higher consciousness. The German astrologer R. Ebertin and the famous German cosmobiologist G. Hoffmann call Sirius a "royal", but also an aggressive star. With favorable conjunctions, Sirius promises fame, honor, wealth. But in conjunction with Mars, it is very dangerous. In a good aspect to Mars and Jupiter and near Meridian, this star promises great wealth and good luck in business and government. Sirius in conjunction with the Sun is found in the charts of the most famous and famous people.

It is interesting to note that Tenzin Gyatso, XIV Dalai Lama - High Priest of the Lamaist Church in Tibet, Ocean Guru of Tibet, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, was born on July 6, 1935 and George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States, was born on July 6 1946 and the 1st President of Kazakhstan was also born on July 6, 1940, and each of them in his own way devotes his life to spreading freedom in our World.

Fiery Sirius energies go in a powerful stream to the Earth, these are the energies of the Higher consciousness - the consciousness of Spirit, but the Spirit is in the captivity of matter in most people. An eclipse of the mind always provokes fear in the heart. The energies of Sirius are destructive for the old stereotypes of thinking. “The Sun of Sirius is the grand source of all our planetary life. The first and most important energy or force emanating from the Sun of Sirius is the energy of Divine thought. Sirius is a focus that radiates energies that increase the level of self-awareness in a person "(A. Bailey" A Treatise on the Seven Rays ").

But what does Sirius and our Sun have to do with it? What is the connection between them? What is the depth of this mystery and what is its nature? The answers to these questions, oddly enough, were given in the middle of the 20th century by the priests of the African Dogon tribe, who have long lived by their own laws, on the hard-to-reach and arid Bandiagara plateau in southwestern Sahara. Until recently, scientists have argued that Sirius is a double star. One of the stars is called Sirius-A, and the other is called Sirius-B. According to Dogon legends, one more star is part of Sirius, which greatly affects the other two stars and their planets, but it is a black dwarf - invisible, and therefore cannot be detected even with a telescope.

The Dogon people know that Sirius-B exploded. It turned into a white dwarf, a small, faint star with superdense matter. In the Sirius system, it was a global disaster. The civilization of Sirius is one of the oldest and most influential civilizations in our Galaxy, which has played and continues to play a large role in the spread and preservation of life on the planets of other star systems. It is not surprising that the Dogons called the Sirius system the "Navel of the World", and all other stellar systems included in their zone of influence, including the Earth, called the cosmic ring, "the pillar of the foundation of the World."

So maybe the ancient Dogons were right when they argued that Sirius is a triple star? The third body in the Sirius system, apparently, still exists and has a noticeable gravitational effect on Sirius-A and Sirius-B. The foreign journal Astronomy and Astrophysics wrote about this in 1995 (see: Benest D., Duvent J. L. Is Sirius a triple star?). By the way, the ancient Indian name Sirius - Vedic Tishya - also contains information about the three heavenly bodies. Silence (tri-striios) goes back to Indo-European, "referring to the constellation of three luminaries." Modern esotericists associate the name Silence with a star - a source of special high energies and information that can send these energies to the Earth to cleanse it from the heavy aura created by the negative karmic layers of humanity. They call Silence and the planet of the Mother of the World and the invisible, but formidable satellite of the Moon.

The two stars Sirius-A and Sirius-B are in continuous motion. Both stars of the Sirius system move towards each other along an onion-shaped axis and, according to the most accurate calculations, approach each other as close as possible once every 49.9 years according to Earth's reckoning. These scientific data were obtained by astronomers of the famous observatories of Harvard, Ottawa and Leicester, and today they are already a proven scientific fact.

The Quran fourteen centuries ago pointed out this scientific fact, which became accessible to the understanding of scientists only in last years twentieth century. If we read together the 49th and 9th verses of Sura "The Star", we are faced with a mathematical phenomenon: Verily, He is the Lord of Sirius. (Sura "Star", 53:49).

... and so the distance (between the two of them) became equal to two spans of the bow arrow and even closer. (Surah "The Star", 53: 9).

If we compare the numbers of the ayahs, that is, 49 and 9, then we are faced with a miracle (!), Because the fact of the circulation and convergence of two Sirius stars, equal to a period of 49.9 Earth years, was established by astronomers only a few years ago as a result of joint work of several observatories. The narration in the 9th verse of Sura "Star" indicates two stars of Sirius, which are approaching each other along a certain onion-shaped axis, and the period of their convergence is the numbers of the verses in Sura - 49 and 9.

Our Sun was born in the Sirius system. This knowledge was generally accepted in Ancient Egypt. Therefore, it is not surprising that in ancient Egypt Sirius was worshiped. The goddess Isis, symbolizing Sirius, and her husband, the god Osiris, symbolizing the constellation Orion adjacent to Sirius, were among the most revered gods. Their son was Horus, the sun god. The most common depictions of Isis - the Mother and her Son Horus - were compositions in sculpture, reliefs and drawings, in which they were together: Isis holds him on her knees or feeds him with her breast. The ancient Egyptian canon, established to depict the image of Isis (Sirius) together with the Son (Sun), was well known to other peoples who, in one way or another, encountered the culture of the ancient civilization on the Nile. Subsequently, it was used in the Christian religion when creating icons of the Mother of God - the Immaculate Virgin Mary and her Son Jesus.

Magazine "Mysl" from June 28, 2010
Dana Mukanova-Khurshudyan, candidate of biological sciences, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, Armenia, Russia

Two ancient civilizations and an African tribe were mysteriously associated with the brightest star.

Turkish temple was built in honor of the "gods from the dog's star"

The oldest temple in the world, Göbekli Tepe, was discovered in southern Turkey. Archaeologists speculate that it was built to worship the star Sirius.
The complex is 11 thousand years old and consists of no less than 20 sections. Each is a ring of huge T-shaped stone pillars, some of which are decorated with carvings depicting ferocious animals. Two more megaliths stand parallel to each other in the center of each ring.
This find proved that religion originated before farming and cattle breeding, because there is no evidence of agriculture in the vicinity of the temple.
But what kind of religion was it? Archaeoastronomer Giulio Magli from the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy) developed a model of the sky seen by the builders of Göbekli Tepe. And he put forward the assumption: the oldest religion in the world could be associated with Sirius - the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major. It is also called the "dog star".
Sirius is seen almost all over the world as the brightest star in the sky after the Sun, and at night it is the fourth brightest object after the Moon, Venus and Jupiter.

“Sirius is so visible that its sunrise and sunset were the basis of the ancient Egyptian calendar,” explains Malia. - At the latitude of Göbekli Tepe, Sirius was below the horizon until about 9300 BC. e., and then suddenly appeared in the field of view, having made, must have made a strong impression on the ancient people. Therefore, most likely, the temple was erected to follow the "birth" of the star. It is easy to imagine that the appearance of a new object in the sky gave rise to a new religion.
Other researchers suggest that the temple was erected in honor of the gods who flew in from Sirius.

"Angels" from heaven told about space to the Dogon

It is noteworthy that Sirius, as the "habitat" of the gods, appears in the myths and legends of the African Dogon tribe. According to their legends, they descended from the sky and taught them various crafts and arts, gave them extensive knowledge about the structure of the surrounding world, and then returned to their "home".
The astronomical discoveries of thousands of years ago by the priests of the African people of the Dogon still amaze ethnographers and paleoastronomers.
In the south of Mali, on the inaccessible Bandiagara plateau in the impenetrable jungle, a French expedition led by ethnographers Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlin in 1931 unexpectedly discovered the Dogon people. They were so interested in scientists that Griaule and his colleagues studied these amazing Africans right up to 1952. And there was something to be surprised at: living in complete isolation from the outside world, the Dogons from generation to generation for millennia passed on ancient astronomical knowledge, which at that time even modern science could only guess.
For example, astronomers still argue about the theory of the "big bang", which gave rise to the development and expansion of the Universe. And the priests in the 1930s told scientists: “At the beginning of time, the almighty Amma, the supreme deity, was in a huge rotating egg, in the center of which a tiny seed was born. When it grew and burst, the universe appeared. "
But one of the most stunning discoveries of the Dogon is the information that the brightest star in the sky and in the constellation "Canis Major" Sirius is a whole system of four stars! Moreover, they call the closest satellite "Po", which means a grain of millet - a tough grain. “This star consists of an incredibly heavy, dense metal, such that all earthly beings, united, could not lift it,” they told French ethnographers. "Po" or Sirius B (stars that have "close relatives", so as not to get confused in them, are called by the letters of the English alphabet - A, B, C, etc. - Ed.) Astronomers finally not only considered not only at the beginning of the XX century, but also found that this is a white dwarf - a superdense extinct star. Even if we assume that the Dogon had a telescope two thousand years ago, how could they know that they were observing a "heavy star"?

Who was the teacher of the Dogon? Judging by their myths, they are aliens from this "dog star". It was they who told the savages about the moons of Jupiter, the spiral structure of the Milky Way, about the rings of Saturn and many more interesting things. So one of the Dogon myths reminds one of the famous biblical stories that were passed from mouth to mouth long before the Bible appeared. This is a story that a certain god Nommo flew from Sirius to Earth in Africa several thousand years ago with an ark full of various animals and plants, which resembles a much later story about Noah's ark.
Here is what we read in Griaule's notes: “The Dogons tell of three landings of the 'angel' Oho from the constellation Sirius. Moreover, the first arrival cannot even be called a landing on the surface of the planet, since it ended with the transformation of the ark of Oho into ... Earth. For his second space trip, Ogo built a much smaller ark. As a thrust for him, he used the grain "po" - in the language of the Dogon it means a grain of millet, and in a broader interpretation "po" is the smallest particle of matter, that is, an atom. In other words, Ogo's second ship was atomic-powered. With this second visit, the Dogons are also associated with a whole story, which, in combination with the rock paintings of their ancestors, can be interpreted as the basic principles of start and landing. spaceships on the surface of celestial bodies. The third time it landed, Ogo's ship was wrecked.
After that came the era of another "angel" Nommo, whose task was to populate the Earth with people. Nommo built an ark more complex than the ships of the Ogo, consisting of two parts and divided into 60 compartments. In these compartments, Nommo placed all the animals and plants that were to reproduce on Earth. And besides, there were "four pairs of twins, that is, eight Ancestors" in the ark. They looked like amphibians - half-humans - half-snakes with flexible limbs without joints, red eyes and a forked tongue.
Then the ark of Nommo began to descend to Earth on a "copper chain". However, the landing was not very successful, as "the ark slipped in the mud," and the hole it made on the surface of the earth was filled with water, due to which Lake Debb was formed, which is still on the land of the Dogon.
The foot of Nommo, who set foot on Earth when he left the ark, left a trace of a copper sandal. After him, the creatures in the ark left only the first two compartments out of 60. After that, the ark was lifted back into heaven with the same "copper chain". Why the crew did not empty all the compartments is unknown. And what was in them - too. It is only obvious that Nommo flew from Sirius with the aim of settling the Earth, and it was in Africa. "
Recent paleontological research confirms this myth: indeed, the first people appeared on the Black Continent. Paintings in the temples of the Dogon have also been preserved: the trajectory of interstellar flight is a curved line that wraps around the constellation Sirius and the Earth.
Maybe these myths explain the mystery of the origin of life on our planet?
The ancient Egyptians also knew about Sirius.

The first pharaohs were aliens

The ancient Greek historian Diodorus of Siculus wrote: "The location of the stars, as well as their movements, have always been the subject of careful observation among the Egyptians, they have kept records of each of the stars for an incredible number of years to this day, and this study has been scrupulously conducted by them since ancient times."

British writer and journalist Graham Hancock in his book "The Mystery of the Sphinx" called the cosmic monuments of Giza "a stone book that descended from heaven", since the three great pyramids of Giza are terrestrial analogs of the three stars of Orion's Belt, and the Sphinx is the terrestrial representation of the constellation Leo. In the book "Secrets of the Pyramids" by Robert Buval and Adrian Gilbert, a hypothesis is presented about the correspondence of the layout of the Giza pyramid complex to the arrangement of stars in the constellation Orion, according to the principle "on earth as in the sky."
The ancient Egyptians identified the Orion constellation with Osiris - the God of the productive forces of nature, the ruler of the afterlife. But Sirius, located below the constellation Orion, the Egyptians identified with Isis, wife and sister of Osiris, mother Horus - the Goddess of motherhood and fertility.
The ancient religion of the Egyptians and the Egyptian Sothic calendar were based on the heliacal rise of Sirius. On July 23, Sirius rises a minute before sunrise, appearing as a bright red star. At this moment, Sirius, Sun and Earth are in a straight line. This is called the Sirius Sunrise. The pyramids of Egypt, the Sphinx and most of the Egyptian temples are built in this direction.
The rise of Sirius after 70 days of absence from the firmament coincided with the annual flood of the Nile, which began at the time of the summer solstice. In the ancient Egyptian calendar, the beginning of the new year fell on the heliacal rise of Sirius.
In the "Pyramid Texts" the star Sirius (in Greek Sothis) is called a "pregnant star", that is, consisting of two separate bodies. The star Sirius A was defined as the star of the feminine principle - Isis - "Great mother" and was opposed to Sirius B - Osiris.
In other words, the Egyptians believed that the constellation Orion and the star Sirius are the heavenly abode of Isis and Osiris, the gods who descended to earth in ancient times and created the Egyptian kingdom and its inhabitants, from which all people on Earth originated. After Osiris and Isis left the Earth, every pharaoh of Egypt hoped that after death his soul would ascend to the heavenly abode of these great gods. For this hope to receive real reinforcement, the three Great Pyramids were built in Giza, located in exact accordance with the location of the three stars in Orion's Belt, and Sirius began to be considered the star of resurrection, the place where the gods breathe new life into the bodies of the departed monarchs.
Scientist, astronomer Robert Temple in the book "The Mystery of Sirius" , linked the high level of development of civilization in Egypt around 4000 BC. with extraterrestrial beings who arrived from Sirius. According to Temple, it was the aliens from Sirius who were the founders of ancient Egyptian civilization and the first pharaohs of this state.

The ancient Egyptians had deep knowledge in astronomy and this knowledge could not be obtained by them on their own. Perhaps millennia ago, the Egyptians inherited the knowledge of astronomy from an extraterrestrial civilization that came to Earth from Sirius?


Fathers and children are enemies. Grandfathers and grandchildren are allies. Half is more than a whole.

The original humans were created on Earth by the Lyrans as simple and docile automatons for performing rough physical work. The first biorobots were dull and soulless electric machines, powered by the earth's magnetic field and the energy contained in plant foods. Such human robots were also created that ate stones or drank water alone. The machines were built on the DNA of the Lemurians when they were still asexual creatures. Genetically engineered slaves could not work on their own without constant orders. They could not be left alone on Earth, as they quickly degraded and died out. Then the Lyrans transferred their DNA, internal and external similarities to the humanoid machine. It was decided to leave only the buttons of the eyes of the biorobot tiny, and the mouth prohibitively huge, so that the earthlings would not forget about their crocodile-like ancestor. These creatures were propagated by simple cloning of the reference cell. Lyrian scientists in the course of scientific research have created hundreds of dissimilar types of earthlings. In the next 50 years, the burial glaciers of Antarctica will recede, and the frozen bodies of humanoid monsters with two heads or eight limbs, with one or three eyes will open to the dumbfounded human gaze on the continental plate. Some will have different numbers of fingers and toes. Bird-like and dog-headed people will surprise us with their shapes and sizes.

Several times the Lyrans, diligently quarreling among themselves, left their golden colonies on Earth, preliminarily destroying the created people with a viral epidemic or the Flood. The genetic experiments of the Lyrans on Earth could never end successfully, since their creations were not included in the Divine Plan for the development of the earthly human race. The evolution of the mind on the planets of the solar system is led by highly spiritual Hierarchs from the Sirius star system. It was to them that the despondent Lyrans turned for help. And help was provided.

"The better a person is, the more difficult it is for him to suspect others of bad things." Cicero.

Sirius consists of three stars. The largest of them is thousands of times the size of the Sun. It performs the functions of an instant transition from one measurement system to another, transforming the frequencies of beings entering and leaving it. Since this portal is used by very diverse forms of inhuman consciousness, the Sirian civilization has gone far ahead in its spiritual development and was distinguished by an enormous racial diversity in that unpainted time. Crystalline people from the third planet Sirius-B participated in the genetic project for the creation of man on Earth. They had very large square-green eyes, slightly slanted. Those "gods of Sirius" who flew to help the Lyrans had a lot in common with the colonists. Some impatient members of the two races even had a common offspring. Gradually, the process of mixing reached the point that the aliens could only be distinguished by their blood type: the Lyrans had the first group, and the Sirians the second.

The Sirians possessed light bodies of crystalline substances unknown on Earth. They reproduced sexually, laying one elastic egg. Two small cute children always hatched from an egg. IN ancient greek mythology Zeus came to Leda in the guise of a beautiful swan, after which she scandalously gave birth to 4 eggs. Eight twins hatched from the eggs. The Greeks took this fossil story from the antediluvian legends of the inhabitants of Atlantis. They, in turn, adopted them from the inhabitants of Lemuria, with whom a terribly interesting experiment of separation of the sexes was carried out.


Man is an instrument of God knowing Himself.

After the Sirians transferred their chromosomes to the biorobots of the Lemurian race, the earthlings knew death. Like any hybrids, people could not reproduce sexually, although they were divided into men and women. In this way, the Lyrans kept their successful experiment in check.

The earth was considered the planet of gold, and people were created for hard labor in gold mines South Africa, Eastern Hyperborea and Antarctica. Many of the Earthlings tended the Gardens of Eden and the beautiful animals brought by the Lyrans from others. solar systems... When people became interested in gender issues, the Masters of Venus came to the aid of curious humanity. The knowledge that people received from the Mahatmas - the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge - was not some kind of scientific information. The inhabitants of Venus, the angels of Light - Lucifers (lat.) - told people how to turn from sterile hybrids into full-fledged individuals capable of producing healthy toothy offspring. This required a minor mutation that occurs when irradiated with a transuranic substance. The Lyrans, having learned that the people had disobeyed their creators, were not terribly happy. They angrily drove the sexually mature Lemurians from their cities and gardens to mountain reservations. And then, once again leaving the planet that never dries up with tears, they tried to completely destroy all life with the help of the Flood. The Sirians rescued several hundred people by taking them to their orbital stations. And when the waters of the Flood subsided, the crystal people again populated the entire planet with Lemurians. Then the star gods Vega and Zeta Seti, the constellations Taurus and Canis Major, Centaurus and Eagle, and many others, which I will describe below, played with the genes of mankind, round and strong, like billiard balls. Since then, the Earth has been a pretty tasty morsel for various alien civilizations. One of the main reasons for their genetic experiments on humans was the desire to create new bodies of a sufficiently high level, into which translucent aliens could reincarnate to effectively guide humanity. The spirit of the planet, Sanat Kumara, in every possible way supported the experiments of aliens, since several hundred humanoid civilizations were supposed to be born on Earth, reach an unprecedented prosperity and disappear according to the Divine Plan. People, consisting of the matter of the Earth, serve as a tool for Sanat Kumara to cognize himself. After the introduction of the cosmic chromosomes of the stellar brothers into the DNA of earthlings, the goals of human lives began to correspond to the Cosmic Plan. These goals are:

1. The human body is the perfect instrument for God to know Himself. The main goal of any soul, the universe in the body is self-knowledge.

2. The mental, astral and physical body of an earthling should be a single lowering transformer of cosmic energies to power the lower, coarser worlds than the physical one.

3. In exchange for cosmic energy, the body receives low-frequency rays of the underground worlds. A person must transform through the 12 chakras of the spine coarse tellurgic energies into high thoughts and feelings, into what the Higher Entities feed on. One of the purposes of creating people is to serve as food for the Archons, the Spirits of the planets and the Highest Angels.

4. With the help of imagination, a person must constantly fantasize, create something that did not exist before him, create new mental worlds, thereby expanding the Creator's Universe. That is, man is the maternity organ of God!

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