Literary musical composition K 9. Literary and musical composition "May 9". The song "Heirs of Victory" MUZ. E. Zaritsky

Purpose: Rise love to the Motherland, a sense of patriotism, pride for their country, gratitude and respect for veterans of the Second World War.

Event flow

Sounds Joyful fun melody. Children play, read books, jump, play with toys, whisper (5-6 people).


If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately in memory gets up

Old oak, in the smorodine garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

River Berezka-modes

And the chamomile hill ...

And others, probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles, the first boats,

With a rope of football legs

And a big neighbor factory

Loud joyful beep.

Or steppe from makov red,

Golden virgin ...

Motherland is different,

But everyone has one!

Sound recording with Levitan's voice:"Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without the presentation of any claims to the Soviet Union, without the announcement of the war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and subjected our bombing from their aircraft ... The song" Sacred War "song sounds (A.Alexandrov, V.Lejtedev-Kumach). Invest children dressed in military uniforms and read poems.

1 student.

June. Clone in the evening sunset
And white night flooded the sea,
And he was heard a ringing laughter guys
Do not know who do not know grief.

2 student.

June. Then we still did not know
From school evenings stepping,
That tomorrow will be the first day of war,
And it will end only in the 45th, in May.

3 student.41st! June.
Year and month of the struggle of nationwide.
Even dust times
Tighten this date is impossible.
Raised country
And the front went on the right
Kumachovny stars
On the canvases banners belonging.

Signs of the song "Sacred War" sounds.

4 student.

Oh, the war, what did you do, mean?
They became quiet our yards.
Our head boys raised
They matured until the pore.
On the threshold barely too climb
And left for a soldier - soldier,
Goodbye, boys,
Boys, try to go back.

Teacher:All our people rose to fight the German fascist invaders. The front and young, and young, right from school bench. "Everything for the front, everything for victory," the motto sounded everywhere. And women, old people, children remained in the rear. A lot of tests fell on their share. They were digging the trenches, got up to the machines, quenched the incendiary bombs on the roofs. It was hard.

5 student.

Yes, don't you tell about it -
What years did you live in!
What immeasurable weight
On the female shoulders lay down!
That morning I said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son,
And you with your fate
Over one left.
You walked, hopping your grief,
Harsh through labor.
The whole front, that from the sea to the sea,
I fed your bread.
Rubila, drowned, Kopala -
Do you really say everything?
And in letters to the front assured
What seems to live perfectly.

Teacher:The soldiers fought in the name of the world. In the transfers between battles, in close dugouts and cold trenches, they wrote letters home. Letters sent without envelopes, turning them with a triangle.

Song of the "Square" (K.Listov, A.Surkov) sounds. Three boys depict the "fire" fighters on the privala who write "letters."

6 student.Dear mommy!
You do not remember about me in tears,
Leave your care and alarm.
The path is not far away
But I will return to the familiar threshold!

7 student. Still my love with you
With your homeland, you are not alone, native.
You see me when I go to battle,
His great happiness defending.

(Boys fold letters with triangles, get up and go)

Teacher:At the fronts and in the partisan detachments, along with adults, very young fighters fought. Next to the names of the legendary heroes of War Panfilova, Karbyshev, Gastello and many others, we call the names of young heroes who gave life for victory.

(A group of children is built into the ranks, each in his hands poster with a portrait of a pioneer - hero. Children say the surname of the hero)

9 student. Young mustc heroes,
Young you stayed forever.

We stand without raising the age.
Pain and anger is now the reason
Thanks to all you all
Small persistent men
Girls worthy of poems.

10 student. How many of you? Try to list
Do not you feel, but by the way, it's not like
You are with us today, in our thoughts,
In each song, in the light noise of leaves,
Quietly knocked out the window.

11 student. And we seem more stronger,
As if also baptized with fire,
Young mustc heroes,
Before your suddenly revived
We are thinking about today.

Teacher:An unforgettable pages were held in the history of the wars of the senses of Soviet soldiers at the walls of the Brest Fortress, near Moscow and Leningrad, Stalingrad and Sevastopol, on the Kursk arc. It was hard. And the song helped to survive. Especially the roads of the songs of the war years.

Children perform a popurry from the songs of the War Years. "Katyusha" (M. Blanter, M.Sakovsky)

Apple tree and pears flourished,
Swam fogs over the river,
Went ashore Katyusha,
On high shore, cool.

"On the nameless height" (V. Basner, M. Matusovsky)

Smoked grove under the mountain
And with her burned sunset ...
We were only three
From 18 guys.
How many of them, good friends,
Lying left in the dark
From an unfamiliar village.
On a nameless height.

"Eh, Roads"(A.Novikov, L. Soshanin)

Eh, roads ... dust yes fog,
Cold, anxiety
Yes Steppe Burniean.
Snow is the wind
Remember, friends ...
We are the roads of these
You can not forget.

"Cranes" (Ya.Frenkel, R.Gamzatov)

I think sometimes that soldiers,
From bloody not coming fields,
Not to the ground, our ranks once
And turned into white cranes.
They are up to this time since the times of those long
We fly and serve us the voices.
Not because so often and sad
Will we silence, looking into the heavens?

Teacher:The war lasted 4 terrible years - 1418 days and nights. May 9, 1945 Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. All the sky exploded the salute of the long-awaited victory.

12 student.

In the ninth day of May,
When silence lay on Earth,
I was rushed from the edge and to the edge:
The world won! Finished war!
In the name of fray -
In the name of living -
In the name of the coming -

Teacher:During the Great Patriotic War More than 20 million Soviet people died. Announced a minute of silence. Almost the memory of the fallen.

Through the century, after a year -
About those who will never come.
Do not Cry!
In the throat, take the moans,
Bitter moans
Memory of the fallen be decent!
Always worthy!

Song Song "Victory Day" "(D.Tukhmanov, V. Harton)

13 student.

We need a world - you, and me,
And everyone in the light of children.
And must be peaceful to be dawn,
Which will meet tomorrow.
We need a world, grass in dew,
Smiling childhood.
We need a world, a beautiful world,

14 student.

Who bothers this world - with flowers on the edge?
Who is in this world, a wonderful world
Aceted from the gun?
I'll be happy…
You will be glad ...
And we will all be happy ...
When all bullets and shells disappear on Earth!
Why scare us again
With the angry Zatane
Then a terrible atomic war,
That bomb neutron?

15 student.

"Not!" - We declare war,
All evil and black forces.
Must be green to be
And the sky is blue - blue.
You hear a friend, ring the streams,
Sing on bird branches,
On wonderful land
We were lucky to be born.
So let it always bloom,
Let the gardens are noise,
Let people look at her
Lovely eyes!

16 student.

We are here with you not because the date

As an evil fragment, memory is burning in the chest.

To the grave of an unknown soldier

You are on holidays and weekdays come.

He defended you on the battlefield.

Fell, nor step without stepping back.

And the name has this hero -

The Great Army is a simple soldier.

17 student.

Shines the sun on victory day

And we will always shine.

In the battles of cruel our grandfather

The enemy managed to win.

Go columns to smooth build,

And the songs are pouring there and here,

And in the sky of the cities-heroes

Sparkles a festive salute!

18 student.

Let there be war never!

Let the cities sleep well.

Let the sirens of the piercing howl

Does not sound above my head.

No let him take a shell,

None rolls the machine.

Let our forests vault

And let them go peacefully

Let there be war never!

19 student.


But pain calls to people:

"Let's, people never

do not forget about it.

Let the memory faithful about her

Store about this flour,

And children of current children

And our grandchildren grandchildren.

Children perform the song "Sunny Circle".

Sounds music. Schubert "Ave Maria". Music subsides. The image of the Virgin Mary with a baby is highlighted. Raphael "Sicstinskaya Madonna"

Reader (girl):A lovely young woman with a child in her arms easily steps on the clouds towards her tragic fate. So that people were happy, Maria must give them her son - a little Christ, on suffering and flour. She last lovingly presses him to himself. Beautiful mothers eyes sad. She hugs her son tightly, sighting his sorting fate. In the close sight of Mary reads the question: "Are you not the one who will make me, Mother, Unhappy?"

Music sounds louder, Schubert "Ave Maria"

Reader (young man): A. Markov "Sikstinskaya Madonna"

I looked at Madonna for hours
That immortality gave Rafael,
On the eyes ...
Not from them, bottomless,
Even the stale souls are light.
I did not give a look from her, as long as
Haze cloud throwing on the shoulders
As a sealing miracle,
I stepped Madonna to meet.
Not sinless
Not a goddess, about which earthly does not judge.
Just mother.

Sounds song (Record) performed by A.German "Lullaby"

Reader (girl) An excerpt from the poem of the R.Rabremensky "Requiem"

Life promised
Love promised

Didn't you want their death
The flame hit the sky -
Do you remember,

Reader (young man) It reads the poem V.Kochetkov "in the burned village", applying to Sybank, fortified in the right corner of the scene. Over the swing - icon.

Under the loud cries of raven and groogo
We were part of the village in the morning,
We looked through the coarse black stoves.
Ruins are tired of chaded.
And in a rare scatter lay the body
In the shadow of the bells of the ancient.
As if death reluctantly took
Yasak with Belgorod village.
And this is not yet old hell.
Where the grief was already crushing,
Under the old birch of everyone
Belt cradle swore.
Played crimson copper knees
With June Blue Heavenly.
And quietly sitting one year old male
In that zybanka floating over the abyss.
No, he did not shout, nothing prayed
To the mouth pulling the cam cutters.
And wind, missing trouble, moved
Gray hair.

Reader (girl)

Did you dare to die
Life promised
Love promised
Does children are born for death,

Reader (Youth)

Will be afraid of whether it is war, war.
At night, Whea War, War, War.
Lies our throat, deprives sleep,
Confuses names.

Reader (girl)

Alexander, Vladimir, Stanislav -
How many lives were how much glory!
The evening will be bloody blue,
I'm inclined over my son's cradle.
People did not see peace,
In life and death without tired playing
The name needs to give him another
Because his life is different ...

Reader (Youth)

What are the permanent - war, war ...
Our satellite is suther - she is alone.
The farther from the battle, the heart of the heat,
Essently with her.
Sunrises, sunsets - all of you are alone.
What a longing you are - war, war!
You, you - curse, - dark-dark.
Where fallen brothers - war, war!
Like the sun bugs! All of you are alone.
What word you are: War, War ...
As if on the word
Neither blood spook
And the light is all bugs in the dark windows.

Reader (girl)

It is important with girls forgiven,
On the go kissed mother,
In all new things fit.
How to play the soldiers to play.

On the stage, a man holds two guys soldiers for the hands of two guys. Reads poem V. Zanadvoreova "War"

You do not know, my son is what war is!
This is not a smoke field of the battle
This is not even death and courage. She is
In each drop finds its expression.
It's only day-to-day sand
Yes blinding outbreaks of the night shelling,
It is the pain of the head, which is leaving the temple;
This is my youth that in the trenches of Istlera;
These are dirty, broken rut roads;
Small stars of window nights;
This is the blood washed my letters,
What is written crooked on the rifle bed;
It is the last dawn in life
Abroded earth. And only as a completion -
Under the breaks of shells, with grenade flashes
Unless death on the field of the battle.

Readers (boys)

1. Help me. Help me. I do not want to die. A small piece of lead - in the heart, in the head - and that's it? And my hot heart will not be hot? Let them suffer. Who said I'm afraid to suffer? I was afraid of this at home. At home. And now I have already learned everything, I tried everything. I'm fit for life. After all, it is even ridiculous - to kill a person who did not have time to do anything. I did not finish even the tenth class. I got acquainted with you, war. I have big abrasions on my palms. In my head, I want to sleep. Do you want to wean me from everything I'm used to?

Man. There are details that are remembered for life. And not only remembered, small, as if minor, they are entrusted, absorbed somehow in you, begin to germinate, grow into something more, significant, absorb the entire essence of what is happening, becomes like a symbol.

2. I remember one killed fighter. He lay on his back, spreading his hands, and his sticks of the cigarette cigarette. And it was the worst thing that I saw before and after the war. Terrible destroyed cities, rigs, cropped hands and legs. Discussed hands and cigarette on the lip. A minute ago there was still life, thoughts, desires. Now…

Reader (girl)

She will not sleep, something heart whines,
Lomit chest, and the night dark-dark,
Stars are not visible, the winter evening will
And where neither look - the war everywhere.
Moaning the javor outside the window is sad,
Cat purr in sleepy silence.
Empty in the hut. Husband sigoronil
And son? Where to be them - in war.
Two gate her joyful news.
Although bitterly home to live one,
But for the older two soul in place,
Just only - is he alive, native?

A. Rosenbaum "Red Wall" (Song recording sounds).

Reader (woman) reads an excerpt from the poem of the R. Ogabrensky "Requiem" №6

Oh why you, the sun is red,
Do you go away - do not forgive?
Oh, why with war inspired
Son does not return?
From trouble you I will revenue.
I will lie in a bird quickly.
Remember, my bloodstream!
Small, only ...
White light is not nice,
I was silent.
Return, my hope!
My grains, my zoryushka.
Gorushko my, -
Where are you?
I can not find the roads,
To cry over the grave ...
I do not want anything anyhow, -
Only the son of cute ...
Over the forests, my laston
Behind the mountains - for the bulk ...
If weaken glades -
Heart crying mother.
White light is not mil.
I was silent.
Return, my hope!
Branch my
My zoryushka.
Gorushko my, -
Where are you?

Sound melodia sounds M.Tariverdieva "Memory"

Reader (Youth) Poems A.N.Nekrasova "Attentive to the horrors of war"

Hiding the horrors of war
With every new victim, combat
I'm sorry not a friend, not my wife,
I'm sorry not the hero itself ...
Alas! Wife comforts.
And the friend is the best friend will forget!
But somewhere there is a soul one -
She will remember to the coffin!
Indion of the hypocritical cases
And any vulgarity and prose
Some I spied in the world
Saints, sincere tears -
That tears of our mothers!
They do not forget their children,
Dead on bloody Niva,
How not to raise wreaku
Its drooped branches.

Reader (woman) Reads an excerpt from the story of A. Platonova "Recovery of the dead"

Mother returned to his home.

She walked around the fields, striking, prolonged, with a vague, precisely blinded face ... Her Mount was eternal and sadness of a tireless - the mother lost all his children.

On his way she met the Germans, but they did not touch this woman; They were strange to see such a sorting old woman, they were horrified by the kind of humanity on her face.

Passing through the war, mother returned home. But her native place was now empty. She sat in the midst of the cooled fiction and began to sorture by the hands of his dwelling. If she dies, then where the memory of her children will continue and who will save them in their love when her heart stop breathing too?

Maria Vasilyevna came to the place of the grave, where the cross was made from two branched branches across the branches. The mother sat down from this cross, under him lay her naked children, the concentrated, damaging and abandoned in the dust of other people's hands.

- Would you alive, would be alive! And now, where your life you did not live, who will live her for you? Matvey, how much was it? Twenty-third went, and Vasily twenty eighth. And the daughter was 18, now 19 would have walked, yesterday she was a birthday man ...

How many hearts have spent on you how much blood is my blood, but it means there was little, there was little of my heart and my blood, since you died, since I didn't hold my children who were alive and did not save my death ...

They, what, they are my children, they did not seem to live in the world. And to live on Earth, it is impossible to live, there is nothing ready here for children: they prepared only, but never managed!

Reader (Woman) Reads Plach N. Konayeva "The mother of the fallen warrior"

Complete me - to the Road Yes, to pass to me, to the path of yes to the Swam to Given the Diety, on the steep, the grave grave. I came, Goriusha-bitter, on the great ones on holidays, for a great permit. How many times have passed thirty years old and thirty winter sewers - you sleep tightly, do not awaken, you do not part with sweet sleep. Scrap-likes on the road, handles something at heart ... How can I live to know something? I will not see the body ...

Sounds music. Mozart "Requiem". The light in the hall is muted. According to both sides of the hall, boys are held in the hands of which candles are burning. They rise to the scene.

The priest performs the funeral, announces a minute of silence.

- Minute silence.

Reader (Girl) reads an excerpt from the poem of the R.Rabrevensky "Requiem"

Black stone,
Black stone.
Well, you are silent,
Black stone?
Did you want this?
Did you dream once
Become graves to grave
Unknown Soldier?
Black stone.
Well, you are silent,
Black stone?
Are the stones to blame for
That somewhere under the earth
Soldiers sleep too long?
Unnamed soldiers,
Unknown soldiers ...
And over them dries herbs.
And over them the stars are embarked.
And the orange sun spills over the sky.
Time moves over them ...
But once, but sometime
Someone in the world remembered the name
Unknown soldier!
After all, before death
He had a lot of friends.
After all, still lives in the world
Very old mother.

Reader (woman).

Life happing the sony
Zhugay pain swelling mother.
No one with hope
And love
She now expect him under the shelter.
From deaf sobs of exhaust
And dreamed her
As if she -
Herself Russia
Mother hundred million sons.
As if in the field
Swirl pale
Where the last trample fights.
Calling the name
What you will not come home.
Unless brave and beautiful,
The life of those who lived that she lived ...
Never forget them to forget Russia
As the seas do not delete up to the bottom.
Snow smokes
He is impregnated with blood
Between the killed quiet mother goes
And with harsh patient sorrow
In the headboard eternity they put.
And in the soul does not dry up
And lies coming before it
Because it is Russia -
Mother hundred million sons!

Sounds in writing Songs A. Rosenbaum "Babij Yar"

Reader (woman) reads the poem of N. Drilling

I did not give birth to the Son!
Not for war, the leader gave him.
Worried, proud, sozed,
Lifelongly in love as mother,
Ready and darling, and wash
And wait for noise, non-historical letters
From some outskirts of the country.
I did not give birth to the Son!
His yesterday ringing voice
And now cheerful bass
I faith in life and happiness argues
And somewhere in the world solar wanders
The threat of death, hunger and darkness -
Cold minds work ...
I gave birth to the son not for war.

Reader (woman) Reads an excerpt from the story of V. Vottkina "Mother Human"

- Well, hello, son .. Hello, Vassenka, my blood.

Now that a child lay next to Maria, and she, carefully engulfing his hand, was listened to how he quietly and smoothly breathing, she felt that in this quiet infant breath of his man was his whole life.

At this moment, Mary thought it was that she gave birth to all, defenseless, scattered war on the uncomplicated, sullen fields of small people, from which she, who born their mother, should take death.

It came to her that in the whistle of bullets and the roar of shells, in the rampant murders, cruelty, she gave birth to not only her son, but, shuddering from painful pain and happiness, gave birth to all children of the extruded land demanding from her, mother, protection and caress.

"You will all live," Mary whispered, "you will all live ..."

Reader (Youth): All that is holy, expensive, illuminated by the name of the mother. Helborob, referring to the Earth, gratefully utters: "Thank you, the Kormilitsa-mother." Soldier in battle with the enemy beats for his native land mother. The land is tired of the war ... tired ... Why do we forget that people are born for life, for creation, for love?

The vocal group performs a song "My Earth"

Reader (Girl)

Rounding in Cosmos in captivity of his orbit
Not a year, not two, but millions of years,
I'm so tired ... my flesh is covered
Scars of the Russian Academy of Sciences - no location!
Why are each other people so afraid
What forgot about the earth itself?
After all, I can perish and stay
Charred grazham in a smoke millet.

Sounds music - Birdsong. All are suitable for the center - the Earth. Children hand flowers veterans, mothers.

Readers read in turn (young man, girl)

And walks on earth
Bares Memory -
Small woman.
She goes,
Crossing rally -
She does not need a visa nor registration.
In the eyes of the loneliness of the widow,
That depth of sorrow is maternal.
She goes,
Leaving her comfort,
Not about yourself - worried about the world.
And monuments honor her give
And obeliski is bowed into the belt.

"The victory in the heart lives"

Developed Abitova Kelbet Azanbeckovna-Teacher of the History of Mountain Altai

Annotation: Development is a scenario of a musical and literary composition dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The proposed scenario is one of the means to create conditions for the formation of patriotic feelings from students. This development presents poems and songs about the war.

Purpose: Education of patriotism, pride over the feats of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War, interest and respect for the historical past of the native country.


to shape knowledge about Gornaletsev's exploits during the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945; about the heroes-workers, about the poets of the Altai Mountains during the war;

promote morally - patriotic education of schoolchildren;

educating patriotic feelings, historical memory, respect for the older generation, to the history of a small homeland.

Participants of the event: Students 9 -11 school classes.

Hall registration: slogans, posters about the Second World War, drawings and wall newspapers, performed by students, balloons.

Equipment: Computer, SD with a presentation, records of songs "Sacred War", L. Leschenko "Victory Day"


He lit in heaven bright Star
In that May day, when the victory came.
And let them run ruthless year,
They do not overshadow that bright ray of light,
The victory in the heart lives.
She in me, as the holiday is the brightest.
And let we honor a lot of different dates,
No majestic than the day of victory.
That is why I look at that star,
That shone brightly in forty-fifth.
The medium of thousands of stars will always find it,
Victory for me forever holy.

(2 leading are published).

1 master. The memory of our great-grandfather, grandfathers, memory soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army, who fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is dedicated to this performance.

2 presenter.Today we have an unusual day, we stand on the threshold of the brightest, the most holy holiday-day of victory over fascist Germany.

(Slide number 1 - Photo of veterans).

1 presenter.

While they are alive ...
Remember the scars of them and seeding.
Their courage in those years thunderstorms
Saved from slavery free country.

2 presenter.

Looks alive. After all, death met,
And the death of it is someone sometimes.
They are sad
They mourn at night,
About those friends that sleep in the ground is raw.

1 presenter.More than 70 years have passed since the last military day, but will not fade away from time to the memory of the heroes. May 9th holiday unusual. Every holiday is, first of all, joy, fun and laughter. And on May 9, the holiday "with Sedino at the temples", "joy with tears in the eyes"; A holiday on which festive bouquets are intertwined with mourning wreaths.

Recall how our people went to this victory.

(Slide number 3)

2 presenter.At dawn on June 22, 1941, one of the longest days a year, Germany began a war against the Soviet Union. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders began.

1 presenter. On June 22, a mobilization plan was discussed at the meeting of the Ortsky Regional Committee of the WCPC (b) and the regional executive committee. To ensure its implementation, 10 people from the party asset were sent to the districts. On the first day, 119 statements were filed in the town of Ope-Tura (now Gorno-Altaisk), including from 65 women. Just a few days after the beginning of the war, the region received over 800 of the volunteers, of which more than 200 statements were from women. In July, the Kosh-Agach region went to the front of 90 volunteers. Among them, Chagandai Pockets is the former chairman of the collective farm "10 years of October".

2 presenter.

War is tougher there is no word,
War - sad there is no word,
The war - the holy there is no word,
In longing and glory these years,
And we have another
I can not yet be, and no.
That longest day per year
With his cloudless weather
We gave us a common trouble
For everything, for all 4 years.

(Slide number 4 - recording the song "Get up a huge country".)

1 master. Patriotic War is not only blood, suffering and death, but also takeoffs of the human spirit, the highest measure of courage, nobility, loyalty.

2 masterThe exploits of Gornaleans are highly appreciated by the homeland. Suffice it to say that our small population of the autonomous region gave the birthplace of 25 heroes of the Soviet Union. In addition to the twenty-five heroes of the Soviet Union, the name of the complete cavaller of the Order of Glory Chevalkova Veniamin Vladimirovich is well known in the Altai Republic.

(Slide number 5)

25 Our countrymen awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union: Bolyaev Yakov Illarionovich, Gordopolov Gennadiy Dmitrievich, Elyusov Jeanbek Akatovich, Ermolaev Feogent Filippovich, Kazakov Timofey Tokurovich, Kamzarakov Dmitry Konstantinovich, Lenkin Alexander Nikolaevich, Maskaev Mikhail Filippovich, Morozov Lavrentini, Nalimov, Nalimov Sergei Venediktovich, Nogovitsin Pimenikovich, Osipov Ilya Timofeevich, Parshutkin Timofey Ivanovich, Syanov Ivan Ilyich, Strainin Fedor Mikhailovich, Tartykov Semen Vladimirovich, Trofimov Nikolay Ignatievich, Trofimov Evgeniy Fedorovich, Tugambaev Kydran Aleksandrovich, Ufimtsev Sergey Kirillovich, Fedorov Nikolay Dmitrievich . Kharitshkin Vasily Ivanovich, Shuklin Ilya Zakharovich.

1 presenter.About two thousand participants in the war were awarded orders. 4677 people were awarded medals "for courage" and "for military merit", more than ten thousand warriors were marked by combat medals for the liberation of the cities of the Soviet Union and european countries, as well as for participating in major military operations. Looking at the awards of our veterans, you can see the names of almost all the capitals of modern Central and Eastern Europe.

(Slide number 6)

2 master For workers of the Mountain Altai Great Patriotic War against hitler's Germany It was a serious test for strength, checking his moral spirit and national self-consciousness, loyalty to the Great Brotherhood of Peoples. Selflessly worked in these harsh war years of the rear workers.

1 leadingEach person of the Soviet country shoulder to the shoulder defended his homeland. Men fought with the enemy. Women, children, old people worked in the rear: worked on factories and factories, built defensive structures, sewed clothes for soldiers, collected parcels to the front.

2 master- Our area acutely felt the shortage of strong working hands from machines, plants, on collective farms. Thus, the total number of qualified workers due to mobilization decreased by 30%. Despite the war, the industry has contributed to the victory over the enemy.

(Slide number 7)

1 masterIn the first months of war, a huge work was carried out in the first months of war not only on the mobilization of human and other resources, but also by receiving the evacuated population.

In August - October 1941, two universities arrived in the city - Moscow Pedagogical Institute. K. Liebknecht and State Fruit and Vegetable Institute. I. V. Michurin from the Tambov region.

The regional center was evacuated from Leningrad School of Air Force.

Three evacuated children's institutions were placed in the region, many families of military personnel and other citizens from the front-line strip. A total of about 5 thousand people were taken and posted. Residents of the Altai Mountain Altai accepted all evacuated.

2 masterThe only industry that had defense importance was the mining industry created in the field at the beginning of the war. Industrial development of mercury was of great importance for the country, since the Altai Mountain Altai became the only center for the extraction of this ore. The construction of the Aktash Rudnik began in December 1941.

(Presentation of the student)

1 presenter. New poets were born in the Grand Fire. Unforgettable the merits of writers that rifle and feather defended their fatherland. Writers who remained in the rear, not to give up hands, worked in the name of the Great Victory.

(Slide number 8)

2 presenter. In the first days of the war, the Altai writers, I. Tantyev, V. Irtanov, T. Kukuev, Ya Bedov, I. Shodoev, left volunteers at the front of the war. I. Kochäev. N. Kuranakov and others. A poetess A. Saruyev participated in the heroic defense of Leningrad, the poet and Prosik S. Surazakov took part in Moscow defense. Some of them fell by death brave on the battlefields.

1 master Professional Altai literature of the period of the Great Patriotic War was presented mainly by N. U. Ulagashev, P. Kuchiyaka, Ch. I. Enchinova. Persons and essays, Ch. A. Chuniekov, verses of other novice authors periodically appeared on the pages of regional newspapers. These writers, their work in the years of Military Liphetheh as they could, closer to the Victory Day


Song, song! I'm yours forever!

You gave me wings.

You got carried away from the nest,

Above the ground raised! ..

I remember the front. How they sing in the war! ..

Sang a soldier and a tear

On the cheek, as a stream in Stern

Rolled, sliding ...

That about the motherland song was!

I remembered again then

Our mountains, lakes mirrors,

Holiday villages, city ...

Before the fight, the song was!

On the way of combat

In battle for life

Against the death of Zvala

With all your being.

Can bullet finds the singer

In that fight at the village?

Only a song will not end,

A song that in the battle called.

1 master - These days, when nature comes to life, we are in times feeling life is beautiful. How the road is us to us! And we understand that for everything. What we have - the life and holidays in our lives - we are obliged to all those who fought, died, survived under the conditions when it seemed that it was impossible to survive.

2 master.4 years 1418 days, 34,000 hours, and more than 20 million dead people. If each of them declare a minute of silence, the country will be silent 38 years.

1 presenter.

Through the century, after a year, -
Remember about those
Who no longer comes
Never remember!
In the throat, take the moans,
Bitter moans.
The memory of the fallen
Be decent!
Always worthy!

2 presenter.

Again, buying a tear worshis silence.
You dreamed of life, going to war.
How many young then did not return back
Not surviving, not residency, under the granite lie,
Looking into the eternal flame - quiet sorrow of the shiny ...
You listen to the holy moment of silence.

(Minute silence.)

1 presenter.

In the ninth day of the University of May.
When silence lay on Earth,
It was rushed from the edge and to the edge.
The world won! Found war!

2 presenter.

Today the holiday is included in every house.
And the joy of people comes with him next
We congratulate everyone with the Great Divo,
Happy Our Glory.

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This literary and musical composition was developed as part of preparation for the celebration of Victory anniversary in the Great Patriotic War.

Explanatory note

This literary and musical composition was developed as part of preparation for the celebration of Victory anniversary in the Great Patriotic War.

This event is another opportunity to show the heroism and the courage of the Soviet people in the fight against the enemy, contribute to the formation of the patriotic consciousness of students. At school, the festivals of military-patriotic songs, activities devoted to the victory of our people in this bloody war is of great importance. Junior schoolchildren Better remember and perceive what they will be shown and tell than what to learn. Therefore, events in which children participate personally remembered for a long time and carry a large educational potential

The event involved all students of the class and their parents.

Additional information was collected, conducted research By defining the participants of the WWM among families, students.

This event can be viewed as a result of all the work done.

The purpose of the event is:Develop moral and patriotic qualities for students. Bring up respect for the elder generation, education of historical literacy and feelings of patriotism among the younger generation, the formation of a sense of involvement with what happened historical events During the war years. Educating unlimited love for the Motherland, to its people, pride for their Fatherland.

Objectives of the event:Create such conditions that would allow students to manifest their patriotic feelings and civil position. Consignment and systematize knowledge about the basic events of BOB 1941-1945GT and its heroes. Develop a sense of respect for VOW participants, rear workers. To form in children the skills of independence, engage in the work of all students and their parents.

Planned results:Students will expand and deepen knowledge on this topic; They will be able to extract useful information, namely: significantly replenish knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War,. They will learn to speak in front of classmates and parents; students will receive experience in communicating among themselves while preparing for this event.

Methodical instructions:

  • The literary and musical composition is timed to the celebration of the anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.
  • The following methodological techniques are used for the event:
  • literary and musical composition;
  • multimedia presentation (slide show)
  • fragments of films;

Location:school, assembly hall


  • Television
  • Notebook
  • Videos
  • Automatic (layout)
  • Artificial flowers
  • Red fabric
  • Rope
  • Cloak tent
  • Dusts for drawing.

Forms of organization of children:

  • Collection of information about the participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • Conducting a drawing contest for the Victory Day;
  • Heading poems and songs dedicated to Victory Day.
  • Preparation of the presentation dedicated to the Victory Day.
  • Issue Wallpaper in the framework of the project on the literary reading "Victory Day - May 9"
  • Creating collages (group work) on the topic: "Salute, Victory!"
  • Participation in the festival of military-patriotic song.
  • Production of transparencies - Dove of the world (Appendix 13)

Hall registration:Flowers, Balls, Flags, Posters military topics, exhibition of works by the winners of the drawing contest.

Event flow

Singing song "Silence for Rogozh Zastava"(Appendix 1).

The guy and the girl walk on the stage, the boys chase the ball, girls jump on the rope

Suddenly peaceful silence interrupts the sounds of explosions, and Levitan's voice reports the beginning of the war. (Appendix.2 and Adla.3)

The guy says goodbye to the girl and goes to the front.

Girl reads a poem B.Okudzhava "Goodbye, boys."

Oh, war, what did you do, mean:
Became quiet our yards
Our head boys raised -
They matured until the time
On the threshold barely too climb
And gone, for a soldier - soldier ...
Goodbye, boys!
Boys, try to go back.
No, do not hide you, be high
Do not regret either bullets or grenades
And do not touch yourself, and yet
Try to go back.

Song sounds "Get up, the country is huge!"(Appendix 4)(Silent scene. Children are in the background of the scene. Under the sounds of music, they perform their hands, imitating the massive rise of the people on the call "get up a huge country".)


Attacked the fascist evil -
No enemy tanks numbers.
Brest Brest Fortress fighting
Under the squall of cast lead!


Sevastopol flames fire
Rasking the Andreev flag.
And chest closes
Odessa native sailor!


Moscow protects Panfilov,
In the ring on the Neva, Leningrad,
But whispering tired people:
"Neither step nor step back!" 3

Lead-1:The first months of war were very difficult for our country. The enemy fought with fierce, but also our troops were not inferior without a fight of the plays of their native land.

Lead-2:War ... from Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600 km, total 2600km

Lead-2: So little, right? 2600 km is the same, if the train, then less than 4 days, and by plane - approximately 4 hours.

Lead-1: Returns, in Sequinsky 4 years.

Children sing the song "Fucked Soldier"(Application 5)

Lead-3: 4 years, 1418 days, 34000 hours, and 20 million dead.

Lead-4: 20 million dead for 1418 days - this means 14 thousand killed daily, 600 people per hour, 10 people every minute.

Lead-3: 20 million is every 8, each 8 resident of our country died during the war.

Lead-4: Fascist barbarians destroyed over 2000 cities, more than 70 thousand villages.

Lead-1:War ... This is a fearless defenders of Brest.

Lead-2: War ... This is 900 days of Leningrad blockade.

Lead-3.: War ... This is an oath of Panfilovtsev: "Neither step back, for us Moscow!"

Lead-4.: War ... this is a victory under Stalingrad, extracted by fire and blood.

Lead-1: War ... This is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Arc.

Lead-2: War ... This is the assault of Berlin.

Lead-3: War ... This is the memory of the heart of the whole people.

Lead-4.: Forget the past - it means to bring the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland.

Lead-1: The Patriotic War is not only blood, suffering, death, but also the top races of the human spirit, the highest measure of courage, nobility, loyalty.

Lead-2: Images of distant beloved helped our soldiers in their hard front weekdays.

Lead-3: Letters went to the forefront of the house, such desired for soldiers.

Lead-4: Well, and the fighters wrote home about how to wander around the house, family, dreamed of victory.

Reading soldier letters(front-line letters are displayed on the screen (adj. 6. Letter)

CTEC-4:"Hello, mommy! Do not worry about me. I have already passed the battle baptism. Yesterday was a fight, our company was distinguished in battle, and I became a real soldier. "

Reader-5:"There is little free time. Much has to learn on the go. But you should not lose heart. We will win. Mom, dad and grandmother, do not worry for me. Do not Cry. All right. Your son…"

Reader-6:"Cute mommy! Yesterday we had a big holiday in the part. Our corpus was handed the Guards Banner. I was given new boots. My 36 size. Imagine how I am satisfied. Yes, I almost forgot. Mommy, came to me notes of the strauss waltz. It is necessary for our orchestra. "

CHTEC-7:"I will beat the enemy to the last strength ... I'll find a somper for the destroyed village. I believe that we will be waiting with Frica. Nechury runs from us, we broke your teeth. "


Letters white flocks
Flew to Rus
They read them with a wave
They knew them by heart
These letters are now
Do not lose, do not harness
Like a big shrine
Sons will shovel.

The video of the song "Long ago was a long time"(Application 7).


Let's remember them;
We will remember your grief.
It is not necessary to be dead,
It is necessary alive!


Through the century, after a year - remember!
About those who no longer come -
Do not Cry!
In the throat, take the moans, bitter moans.
Memory of the fallen be decent!
Always worthy!

Lead-1: A minute of silence is announced!

(Metronome sound) (Application8)


Where the grass from dew and the blood is raw,
Where the pupils of the machine guns are fiercely
In full growth, above the front edge
The winner rose - the soldier.
The heart beat about the ribs intermittently, often.
Silence ... silence ... not in a dream - in reality.
And the infantryman said: "Owned! Basta!
And noticed the snowdrop in the RB.

On the screen Film Fragments "I was not easy to win" (Appendix 9)

Children perform the song "Victory was not easy" (adj. 10)

Lead-1: We, the younger generation of DPR will always remember the heroic feats of our people during the Great Patriotic War.

Lead-2: Forestly will remain in our hearts the names of the heroes who gave their lives for our future.

Lead-3.: We will be worthy descendants of the Great Generation.

Lead-4.: We are grateful to grandfathers and great-grandfathers for this victory.

Lead-1: We promise to be worthy of our great homeland, our heroic people!

Children perform a song "From the heroes of the old days" (Admission 11)

(At this time, the video "Admission 12) is demonstrated


Through the century
After years, -
About those,
who no longer comes
Never -

Do not Cry!
In the throat
hold the moans
bitter moans.

Bread and song,
Dream and verses
every second
Each breath

As long as heart
knock on
Won happiness, -
you are welcome,

His song
Showing in flight, -
About those,
Who is never
will not fit

For children
Tell us about them
I remember!
Tell us about them
To too
I remember!
At all times
To shimmering stars
driving ships -

Pretty spring
People of the Earth.
Earth people!

Dream pride
After year
And life
Fill! ..
But about those
who no longer comes
Never -
I spell, -


Thanks to everyone who life gave
For Russia, the holy, freedom.
Who fear forgot and fought
serving your beloved people!


Thank you, your feat is eternal!
While alive is my country,
You are in our souls,
In our heart!

Together:Heroes will never forget!

Patriotic education in the lesson of literature and in extracurricular activities.

Today there is no more important idea than spiritual and moral, patriotic education of students. Historical memory is important and necessary at all times in any state. In the last decade, the loss of spiritual and moral and social values \u200b\u200boccurs: respect for history is lost, their roots are forgotten. Hence the unprincipledness, immorality, roballic attitude towards everything foreign. Especially disturbing when a whole generation of young people are brought up on other people's ideals.

The most important task of the school is to develop the identity of students, the ability to manifest their own moral and civil position on vital issues. Keeping the traditions and continuity of generations, developing a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland, in our school special attention is paid to patriotic education: the upbringing of a citizen and a patriot of Russia.

The tradition of holding lessons of courage and meetings with veterans has been preserved.

Literary and musical composition

« From toy war nothing not turn off ,

we from neh merge memory and heart . »

Today, our country marks one of the most significant holidays - the victory day over the fascist Germany. On this day, we lowly bow the heads to the light memory of the heroes who fell in the struggle for our freedom and freedom of the peoples of Europe.

War is our unpretentious pain. No matter how much it was said about the Great Patriotic War, probably, the time will never come when it can be said: enough, everything is already said.

Anyone never succeeds, because there is no measure of the heroism of people shown in the war, there is no bitterness and suffering.

War still worries the mind and feelings. More than 70 years passed since the thunders of the Great Patriotic War were silent, and our people never cease to mourn losses. There is no family in our country, from which war would not take someone's life or did not cripple down bullets and fragments.


When it is, I do not know:

In the edge of Belonogich Berez

The victory of the Ninth May.

Celebrate people without tears.

Raise ancient marchi

Army pipes of the country,

And the Marshal will go to the army,

Not seen this war.

And I don't even think about

Which there will hit the salute,

What fairy tales there will tell

And what songs do it.

Lead 1.

On this day, each family remembers those who stayed on the battlefields, those worked in the rear,

and those who have established peaceful life after the war.

Lead 2.

And also congratulate those wins of the Great Patriotic War, which live today, and they are becoming less and less. Today, young soldiers of the last military call are already far over seventy. Many veterans grow not only grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren ...

Lead 1.

War is a terrible, hard time of terrible tests, incredible tension of all the forces of the people fighting against a merciless enemy. War is a terrifying disaster caused by the evil will of people.

Lead 2.

The war is the fearless defenders of Brest, it is 900 days of a blockade Leningrad, this is the oath of Panfilovtsev: "Neither step back, for us Moscow!". This is fermented by fire and blood under Stalingrad, this is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Arc, is the assault of Berlin.

It is impossible to forget how the huge spaces of our land became the arena of bloodshed.

Lead 1.

Ordinary fascism poured into Europe by blood, imposing a new order. Czechoslavakia is confused, Belgium is captured. Falling Paris shocked the world! Fascists robbed Europe, burned and destroyed the city. Adolf Hitler's military power increased in unwanted, and soon her edge turned out to be directed to our country.


Suddenly the roar rang out

And everything hemet.

As if a huge bird took off.

The shells are torn. The fire buys.

The fire enemy comes.

Pretty peaceful people die.
Who survived, no one will forget;

From pain moaning native land.

Terrible word learned -av


That longest day per year

With his cloudless weather

We gave us a common trouble

At all, for all four years.

She was so pressed a trail

And so much put it,

That twenty years and thirty years

Alive I can not believe that alive ...

Song "Sacred War. "

Lead 1.

The roar of the treacherous shelling of Brest was conveyed to each city and the village of our country. I squeeze, our whole country groaned. He treated the wounded homeland. And got up and rose to the defense of her sons and daughters. They had different names and various nationalities. And they all became brothers and blood sisters, because they shed her on one great battlefield. Shed her for saving one common homeland. Everybody went to the front from Mal to Velik. Yesterday schoolchildren, almost the same boys and girls like us!

Scene "Boys leaving on the front."

Bulat Okudzhava "Goodbye, boys."


Squeezing rye, not compressed,

Fighters along it,

Walk and we girls,

Similar to guys!

No, then they are not hut

That, my youth in fire.

Go through the war of the girl.

Similar to guys.


We know that now lies on the scales.

And what is done now.

Hour courage broke through our clock.

And courage will not leave us.

Not scary under bullets dead

Do not be bitterly stayless, -

And we will keep you, Russian speech,

Great Russian Word.

Free and clean you carry you
And let's give grandchildren, and save from captivity.


Lead 1.

It is difficult for us now to imagine what it would be on Earth, if the Soviet people did not survive. One Matrosov's feat would be enough to indispens all his generation.

The story reads: the feat of the Matrosov, in the battle of the enemy machine-gun jog closed the ambrusura, the Soviet wars repeated more than 200 times, and the feat of the Gastello pilot, who sent a burning aircraft into the enemy-70 column.

Lead 2.

None of them parted with life easily and thoughtlessly. But they still went to risk, to the feat, because the debt, honor and conscience of the soldier, the Soviet soldier, suggested to them this path. War still worries the mind and feelings. Thousands of streams - bonds, documents, bookly merge into a full-flowed river of memory.


Did you see you, the birthplace?

Life promised, love promised, homeland!

Does children are born for death, their homeland?

Did you want our death, homeland?

Flame hit the sky - you remember, the birthplace?

Quietly said: "Get up to help, homeland."

Nobody has anything to have a fame, his homeland.

It was just a choice for everyone: I or the Motherland.

The best and most expensive homeland.

Mount Your Mountain, Motherland.

True, yours is our truth, homeland.

Thank you - this is our glory, homeland.

Song "We will not stand at the price. "

Lead 1.

The history of the war is well known. Fascists were going to defeat us for six weeks. At first it seemed to them that it would be so. They won, they took prisoners ... Not passed and weeks, as they were in Minsk.

In August, found themselves at the walls of Leningrad.

In November - at the walls of Moscow.

In the fall of next year they reached the Volga.

Lead 2.

Still, everything went out differently than they thought.

Leningrad does not fell. Moscow did not fall. Stalingrad does not fell. In it, they are not capitulated, but the Germans. Then there was a Kursk arc, the liberation of Ukraine and the Baltic States. Then there were Bucharest and Belgrade, Warsaw and Budapest, Vienna and finally, Berlin.

Lead 1.

On this day, the unconditional surrender of the fascist army, which I wanted to give every of us, remembering how this war began.

It is asked what was required of the soldier to force to surrender to the very enemy, who thought he would defeat us in six weeks?

Lead 2.

What required for this from a soldier in four years of war, or how did the soldier speak from the call, before the call?

It was necessary to fight! From the first day of the war, from the first minute, whatever. How much to fight?

How much did not know. One thing knew one thing: how much will be required, so much and we will. And the soldiers went to war. And four long endless years went - fading, in Plastunski. .. Well, a thousand four hundred eighteen days ...

Bulat Okudzhava "And we with you brother their infantry ..."


1. Combat ordered on this day

Take the height and shoot the hills.

He can die at height,

But earlier should rise on it.

And the height was taken

And know the surviving soldiers

Everyone has a height in life,

Which he must take once.

And if on the way we die,

His death breaking dots

Then let us be buried at altitudes,

Which we still take.

Song "On Unnamed Height".

2. Dawn attack.

We cleaned the machine guns.

Addresses left their own.

If so let them not wait

Nobody knows the heavy share of soldiers,

Maybe many will no longer come to the bludge.

3. It was burned in the globe's bowl,

And he was only a soldier,

Total, friends, simple soldiers,

No titles and awards.

He is like a mausoleum of land

Per million centuries

And Milky Ways Dust

Around him with sides.

On the red rods of clouds sleep,

Metelitsa sweep

Thunder thunder

Wind runs take.

Long ago ended the battle ...

Hands of all friends

Laid guy in the globe bowl,

As if in the mausoleum ...

Automatic line.

3. Made to death with enemies

Her eagles, her sons.

Mother expects them for years:

Perhaps, all will come from the war ...

Sleeps at Mamaeva Kurgan,

Near Stalingrad, son alone,

Another way of the sea-ocean,

The medium of gloomy Baltic depths.

And the youngest of the Danube:

Medals talk about ...

And my mother believes, waiting

What children will return to the house.

Sitting real estate

With a frozen stone face ...

Song "Last Fight. "

Lead 1.

But the war is not only pain and suffering, it is a test of loyalty, friendship, love. Such devotees, loving, like during the war, people will probably never be.

And if not love, faith, love loved ones, who knows how this war ended?

Moms, wives, girlfriends, they were supporting in those terrible days!


1.Mama! I write these lines

Mom, I am sending your sons hello,

I remember you, such a native,

Such good, words are not even!

Read the letter you, and see the boy,

A little lazy and forever not on time

Running in the morning with a briefcase under the arm

While careless, at first lesson.

You sadly, if I have a physicist, happened,

Surovy two diary decorated,

Proud when I was under the hall

You read your poems with heat.

We were careless, there were stupid,

We all had, not really appreciated

And they realized, maybe only here in the war:

Buddies, books, Moscow disputes

All-tale all in the haze like snow mountains

Let it be refundable to evaluate!

Now the passage. Having come down by the edge,

Frozen Sudya, like a herd of elephants,

And somewhere in-room in the thick of forests,

For life, for you, for native edges

I go to meet the lead wind.

And let us now kilometers

You are here, you with my native my!

In the cold night, under a nonlaskaya sky,

Bouncing, I'm silent song

And with me to distant victories

Soldier's dear invisibly go.

And whatever in the way to me the war did not threaten

You know, I will not give up, as long as I breathe!

I know you blessed me

And in the morning I don't get drunk, I'm going to battle!

2. From me, and I will come back.

Just wait very much

Wait for sadness

Yellow rains

Wait, when the snow is sweeping,

Wait for the heat,

Wait, when others do not expect,

Forget yesterday.

Wait, when from long-distance places

Letters will not come

Wait when you get bored

Everyone who is waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back,

Do not regret the good

Everyone who knows by heart

What to forget it is time.

Let them believe the Son and Mother

That is not me,

Let friends be waiting to wait

Sit by fire

Get down bitter wine

On the soul member ...

Wait. And with them at the same time

Do not rush to drink.

Wait for me and I will come back,

All deaths called.

Who did not wait for me, let him

Said: - lucky.

Not to understand who did not wait for them

As among fire

His expectation

You saved me.

As I survived, we will know

Only we are with you -

Just you knew how to wait

Like no one else.

Lead 2.

Those letters were stored and still stored in many families. These lines, deeds are a legacy. Reminder the future about terrible, hard days. In simple lines, the history of that war. And we must remember it.

The poem reads the young man .

I read the letter

what is already yellowed over the years

On the envelope in the corner

Mail number is field.
This is forty second,

My father wrote my mom

Before going

In the last decisive fight.

My dear,

In the front we have a passage,

Sleep in the trenches friends

Silence on a steep shore.

My dear, kiss

You are stronger than a son,

Know that you are from trouble

I always saved.

I read the letter
And as if closer and closer

That alarming dawn

And the beat of the soldiers' hearts,

I read the letter

And as if it was clearly hearing,

How are those words now

What the Father said before the fight.

My dear,

In the front we have a passage,

Sleep in the trenches friends

Silence on a steep shore.

My dear, kiss

You are stronger than a son

Know that you are from trouble

I always saved.

I read the letter

Outside the windows the sun laughs

It begins day,

And heart continue to love.

I read the letter

And I am sure if you have to

Everything that Father did,

I can always repeat!

My dear,

In the front we have a passage,

Sleep in the trenches friends

Silence on a steep shore.

My dear, kiss

You are stronger than a son,

Know that you are from trouble

I always saved.

Leading 1.

I just saw a hand-to-hand,

Once in reality. And a thousand - in a dream.

Who says that in war is not scary,

He knows nothing about the war.

In these four lines of Yulia Drunk, the condition of everyone who was on this terrible war was shown.

Lead 2.

Our beloved city, there is another name - Leningrad. It has been preserved in the memory of descendants, as a symbol of courage, resistance, non-corrosion.

Contemporaries are not given to know that from the experience of them the story will pick up for a century, which ends in the newspaper binder, and what will turn into a legend. We know exactly the Leningrad 900 day blockade will remain for a long time in the memory of the peoples, because in the feat of the Leningrad residents there are those heights of the human spirit who cannot disappear.

Lead 1.

Panic before hunger, hungry madness and painful dying often ruined before death. Rather, death is scared of us than we are death. These words of the workers of the Kirov plant became prophecy; Leningrad was not afraid of death. Death was frightened by Leningrad!


1. Easy soup

Joinery Burda,

Instead of tea

Welding of pine needles.

It's all anything

Only hands are eager

Only legs

They are suddenly not yours.

Heart only

Suddenly be squeezed like a hedgehog.

And deaf blows

Nefques will go ...

A heart!

If you can not even.

Do not smalle!

After all, on our hearts


Bey, heart!

Knock, despite fatigue,

You hear;

The city swars out that the enemy will not pass!

Hundredth day tramored.

As it turned out


There was another eight hundred.

We are digging rally - I wanted to drink.

Bombed us - I wanted to live.

Not said loud words.

There was a dot on each of the corners.

There was a house - no light, no water.

There was a bit of trouble.

Sleep turned into forgetting.

Life was reduced into visitors.

There was one fate at all.

We confused light laugh.

We doubted dark fear.

We died at posts.

We are dying ...

The city has lived with the small forces.

Leading 2.

And girls, how much they passed during the war years! After all, they worked not only by natives. Real girls battalions were created.


Squeezing rye, not compressed,

Fighters along it,

Walk and we girls,

Similar to guys!

No, then they are not hut

That, my youth in fire.

Go through the war of the girl.

Similar to guys.

Leading 1.

Children of war ... This is our eternal pain. Who saved, warmed, consoled them then? It is not necessary to count, but the memory will keep everything. This is the diary of Tanya Savicheva, the cat. known to the whole world, cat. He became one of the accusatory documents against the crimes of Nazism in the Nuremberg process.

"Children of War" - Song.


The enemy did not gently gentle women, nor old people, no children. Millions of lives of Soviet people took war.

1st reader:

They and children drove mothers
And the pit was made, and they themselves

They stood a handful of savages,

And whatened whatever voices.

The edge of the abyss was built in a row

Cleaning women, slender guys.

Major came and copper eyes

Oklined doomed ...

2nd readers:

Muddy rain
Buzzed in foliage of neighboring groves

And in the fields dressed up with a mix

And clouds sank over the earth,

Friend with rabies chasing ...

No, I will not forget the day,

I will never forget, forever!

I saw: cried as children, rivers,

And in rage soused mother.

I saw my eyes,

As the sun is mournful, washed with tears,

Through the cloud entered the fields,

The last time the children kissed

Last time...

3rd readers:

Noil autumn forest. It seemed that now
He was distraught. Angry busheva

His foliage. Thickened mongrel around.

I heard: a powerful oak fell suddenly

He fell, making a heavy sigh.

1st reader:

Children suddenly embraced fright, -
They pressed to mothers, clinging to the aged.

And the shot heard a sharp sound,

Interrupting curse

What a woman broke out one.

Child, boy's patient,

Head hid in folds dresses

Not a old woman. She is

Watched, horror is full.

How not to lose her mind!

I understood everything, I understood everything baby.

2nd readers:

Hide, mommy, me! Do not die! -

1st reader:

He cries and, like a leaf, keep can't tremble.
Child that is only more expensive

Foiling, raised mother with two hands,

He pressed to the heart, against the blow straight ...

2nd readers:

I, Mom, I want to live. Do not, mom!
Let me, let me! What are you waiting for? -

1st reader:

And wants to escape the child's hands,
And terrible crying, and voice thin,

And in the heart he lies like a knife.

Adult Reader:

Do not be afraid, my boy. Now you will sigh freely.
Close your eyes, but do not hide the head,

So that you are alive not buried the executioner.

Tespi, son, tolerant. Now it will not hurt. -

And he closed his eyes. And got blood

On the neck of the red spinning ribbon.

Two lives last fall, merging,

Two lives and one love!

Thunder hit. The wind whistled in clouds.

I cried the land in longing deaf,

Oh, how much tears, hot and flammable!

My Earth, tell me what's wrong with you?

You often saw Human Mount,

You bloom millions of years for us,

But you have experienced at least once

Such a shame and barbarism is?

My country, the enemies are threatened,

But above raise great truth, the banner,

Omoy his land in bloody tears,

And let his rays pierce

Let them destroy mercilessly

Those barbarians, those savages,

That the blood of children swallowed greedily

Blood of our mothers ...

2nd presenter: It was not equal to the Soviet man in perseverance, courage, skill.

Leading 2.

During the war, along with adults against the fascist invaders, children, and teenagers fought. They became the guards of the front and the rear; They were on duty on the roofs of the houses, they warned the fall of enemy aviation, helped build defensive frontiers, agriched fires from incendiary bombs, provided medical care victims, to produce ammunition. . They became connected and intelligence, Miners.

Leading 1.

The funds collected by pioneers are built and sent to the front tank columns and aircraft squadrons. They helped during the harvesting suffer. Many of them are awarded medals and orders. But not everyone managed to live to victory.


Young dead heroes

Young you stayed for us.

You are a reminder of living,

That the step is not forgotten.

Life and death and no middle

Thanks to all you all

Small persistent men

Girls worthy of poems.

How many you, funny and loved,

Is the native land buried?

Today you are in the lung noise of Clains,

Quietly knocked out the window.


On the day when the war ended

And all the trunks are wagged in the expense of salute,

That hour at the celebration was one

Special for our shower Minute.

At the end of the way, in the distant side,

For the first time, we said for the first time

With everyone that died in the war,

How the alive is forgiven with the dead.

Until then in spiritual depth

We did not say goodbye so irreversible.

We were with them as it were,

And only the sheet account shared us.

And only here, in a special moment,

Great and sadness,

We were separated forever from them;

We separated these salts with them.

Inspired us stems roaring steel,

What we have no longer listed in losses

And, putting around the haze, he goes into the distance,

Filled by comrades coast.


Do you think the fallen silent?

Of course, yes, you will say.


They scream

Still knocking

Hearts alive

And they touch the nerves.

They scream not somewhere

And in us.

For us scream.

Especially nights

When there is insomnia from the eye

And the past crowds behind the shoulders.

They scream when peace

When field winds come to the city,

And star says star

And monuments breathe like alive.

They scream

And they will be alive,

Invisible, sensitive hands.

They want to be a monument to them

There was land with five continents.

Lead 2.

Forget the past, it means to bring the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland. There is neither for us nor future generations forget about it. If for each deceased soldier to declare a minute of silence, the world would have fallen fifty years.


Two old photos, two grandfather,

From the walls as -booto look at me.

One-died almost before victory

Another disappeared in German camps.

Defenders of the Fatherland of the Native

Two different LivesBut with one destiny.

With old photos look again,

Those who gave life for us with you.


We are here with you not because the date
As an evil fragment, the memory burns in the chest,
To the grave of an unknown soldier
You are on holidays and on weekdays come.
He defended you on the battlefield
Fell nor stepping without stepping back
And the name has this hero:
Soviet army simple soldier.

Lead 1.

In Moscow, the Kremlin Wall, the grave of an unknown soldier always burns eternal flame. There wrote words: "Your name is unknown, your feet is not forgotten.". In any city of our great country, the eternal flame is always burning in memory of those who did not regret their lives for the sake of millions of lives of others - our lives with you.

Lead 2.

Recall everyone named,
Heart remember your own.
It is not necessary for it,
It is necessary - alive!

Almost the memory of the silence of those killed during the Great Patriotic War.

Minute silence (metronome).

Reader 7:

Fewer veterans every year
We meet the eternal flame,

Which mined in the 45th
Victory for you and for me.

Go to the fire gray veterans,

Honor the dead front friends

And many wounds for many wounds

Over the years more and even more.

We congratulate everyone on the Victory Day,

After all, seventy passed since

When fathers and even our grandfathers,

Fascists gave me a memorable back!

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