Why there is a streak of bad luck. Why is there a black streak in life! What to do? Questions from readers. Conspiracy words for scolding failures

Sometimes it begins to seem that failures will never end, and troubles seem to follow one after another. This time is usually called the black stripe. If you feel that, despite all your efforts, the troubles do not end, then it’s time to adjust your life path for the better.

What attracts negative energy

First of all, you need to think: why do all these troubles happen to you? Perhaps your biofield has been subjected to a powerful alien influence. If your energy protection is weak, sometimes one unkind look is enough - and soon difficulties seem to attract new problems.

In this case, your protection can be strengthened with strong talismans and amulets. Conspiracies for good luck and getting rid of troubles will not hurt either. Remember that like is drawn to like, and try to force the negativity out of your life. When the first steps are taken, life itself will begin to change for the better.

The Power of Positive Thought vs. Failure

In order for the black bar to end, it is important to immediately tune in to decisive action... The evil forces feel unpunished and overwhelming when they see you with lowered hands. Face the challenges boldly and state clearly to yourself: you are ready to fight for the best.

This thought should be repeated more often, you can even write it down in your diary to remind yourself of your decision. Attract positive energy to yourself. Do good and help people around you. Do not do this to your detriment or as a favor to the world around you. Let the good be small, but it must come from the heart. By doing so, you will make it clear to the Higher Forces that you are not evil and you will still get out of the series of problems and trials.

Conspiracies to get rid of negativity

You can help yourself with simple rituals. Do not expect that immediately after them a cornucopia will spill over you, but you will 100% strengthen your defense by bringing positive energy flows into it.

There is a powerful ritual that used to be performed at an abandoned well. IN modern conditions any cesspool or ditch is suitable for this purpose. An open sewer hatch works well - just make sure there is no one below.

Once you find a suitable place, wait until no one is around. Then look down at waste water, spit there and say clearly:

Woe, woe, leave where it came from!

Then quickly, without turning around, return home. Do not talk to anyone or stop - this is an important part of this ritual. This way you will leave all your troubles and sorrows in the past.

Get rid of the negativity in your life. Remember that even in desperate situations, you can usually find a solution. Use the help of simple but effective ways protect yourself from the bad, do not deny yourself the opportunity to part with troubles forever. We wish you positive changes, success in all your endeavors, and and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.09.2015 00:40

Everyday interaction with a large number of people is always associated with risk. Our actions and deeds are often ...

Many people use conspiracies to make their lives better. Most of them are difficult and require ...

Joyful feelings are replaced by anxious ones, happiness alternates with unhappiness. Man knows that black line life will end someday, and in the future pleasant moments and bright events await him again. But what if troubles, problems and trials accompany a person for a rather long time? What to do when plans are constantly collapsing?

Reasons for prolonged bad luck

You don't have to patiently endure adversity. It's time to stop complaining and listen to your feelings. Often, fate presents people with certain opportunities, but a person does not notice them, does not react to the prompts of fate. To get rid of the black bar and get out of the negativity, it is necessary to eliminate the main reasons for failure:

  1. Laziness. The thirst for knowledge, emotional impulses are considered to be the stimulators of success. Consequently, the lazy subject will not achieve the result if he remains on the sidelines.
  2. Aggression towards others. A person who is disappointed in everything restrains emotions. Negative energy accumulates in him, which he throws out on others (attacks, nagging, etc.), so the rest simply turn away from such an attitude. As a result, all negativity returns back to the irritated person.
  3. Resentment for the whole world. People with chronic bad luck blame everyone, because it is much easier to console yourself, blame outsiders and refer to bad luck.
  4. Failure to see beauty. The lucky ones know how to enjoy every little thing. They relate to success not only as the acquisition of the goods of life (money, apartment, etc.). People try to live in harmony with themselves and others, appreciate good weather, pleasant conversation, a cup of coffee, etc.
  5. Angel complex. Bad luck is the result of excessive shyness and indecision. If a person is afraid to ask a question once again, he will automatically deprive himself of the right to vote in any decision.
  6. Life on the principle of "draft" (carbon copy). Attempts to copy someone else's life will not help find an answer to the question when the black streak in my life will end. Often there are people who copy the behavior of the stars. But they forget that society doesn't need two identical personalities. Society will simply ignore such a fake.

The human body is not a garbage container. Much in life depends on physical and psychological health. If you do not reconsider your views, then it will be difficult to cope with even the simplest stresses, which means that it will become impossible to stop the emergence of new problems.

Methods of dealing with a losing streak

It is difficult for an ordinary person to understand what to do if the problems persist. Psychologists recommend drawing up a daily routine, distributing important things. You should not deny yourself walking, going to the cinema. The main thing is to adhere to the developed scheme.

Unresolved problems need to be brought to the fore. Stop complaining about bad fate, pull yourself together and improve your life. Narrow your social circle, refuse to meet with pessimists. On paper, clearly describe the goals and soberly assess the chances of success. Is there a real opportunity to solve the problem quickly? Make a plan right away further action(steps) to implement it. After a couple of days, a person will notice that another streak has begun in his life - a white one.

Folk ways

You can throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder. The method will help interrupt the appearance of negative events in a person's life. Astrologers and numerologists suggest on the 29th day of the lunar month to conduct rituals:

  • light incense;
  • read the conspiracy.

After that, you should stand in the center of the room with your eyes closed. Feel how every cell of the body relaxes. Imagine that multicolored rays are flying towards you from 8 sides... For example, from the north - a blue ray of luck, from the southeast - a red ray of love, etc. All rays are connected in the place where a person stands.

You must enjoy this moment. The described visualization is required to be carried out several times a month so that luck always remains with a person.

To get rid of the black bar in life and remove troubles, you can turn to a priest. He will recommend fasting and reading prayers in the morning and evening for 7 days. After that, you need to come to the temple for the evening service and give alms to those in need. During the service, you should confess and take the blessing for the sacrament. Do not have supper on this day.

Go to morning service the next morning and partake of the sacrament.

The main conditions for positive change:

  • take the sacrament once a month;
  • follow the advice of the priest.

Trials and bad luck contribute to personal development, make a person stronger and more enduring. It must be remembered that faith in oneself and one's strength, benevolence and optimism are considered the main “recipes” for changing life for the better.

Hello! In this article we will tell you about the black streak in life - what to do and how to get rid of it. Our life itself is heterogeneous and unstable. It is unlikely that it will be possible to find a person on planet Earth who has never faced failure, grief or disaster. A series of easy happy days is replaced by the trials given to us for our own good, development and growth. Many people call hard times a black streak. Let's figure out what to do with the black bar in life and what it is.

How to understand that a black streak has come

Black stripe - a series of unpleasant events, problems and troubles, replacing each other or at once piled on a person. It is important not to confuse this concept with the usual routine problems that are in the life of every person. Many people like to overly dramatize, and even torn tights or ruined manicure for them is a sign of an endless streak of misfortune.

To make sure that there is really a black streak in your life, look around and assess the situation impartially. Ask yourself the question: "In what areas of my life do I have problems?" Make an approximate list of areas:

  • Career
  • Health
  • Personal life
  • Self-realization, etc.

Include items that are important to you. If you suddenly realize that the problems are concentrated in one area, you can be congratulated: there is no black bar, there are problems that you, like all mortals, must solve. If you have noted at least three areas, this is an occasion to think and realize that now is really not the best time in your life.

Do not despair, the black streak ends sooner or later and you can directly influence its duration!

Why did the black streak come: reasons

Only you can answer this question. However, there are several reasons for the onset of failures:

  1. You yourself. Unfortunately, in some cases, we ourselves are the culprits of the so-called black stripe, and it is at least strange to shift our blame onto others. Everything in the world strives for balance, and if you do not try to achieve harmony, sooner or later you will lose something. For example, you spend 24 hours at work, forget about your family, and even on weekends manage to think only about your career. Is there something surprising in the fact that you will lose your family, friends or loved one putting work at the center of your life? The same can happen in the opposite case, when the desire to please loved ones will shift your personal realization and development in the list of priorities. Try to find a middle ground and develop all areas of life in more or less equal proportions.
  2. . Often it is this point that slows down development and forces a person to abandon interesting prospects or an attractive position, not to mention communication with the opposite sex.
  3. Negative washings, attitudes and beliefs. It is our thoughts that sometimes attract various troubles and failures. We do not allow ourselves to be happy on a subconscious level. Try to control your thoughts as much as possible, remember what attitudes were instilled in you in childhood. Maybe you give up opportunities just because you do not believe in success and that you are worthy of happiness and love, like all people on this Earth? We are all born to feel and be happy. The only question is whether we allow ourselves this. Smile at the new day and believe only in good things.
  4. Global and personal disasters. There is not always something that we can influence: natural disasters, floods, earthquakes, loss of personal property, whether it be theft of a car or a fire at home. Everyone can be in distress, and all you can do in such a situation is to help others. Yes, yes, unite with people who also need your help and support. Good deeds are the best way to help you overcome the black streaks of life and improve your karma, if you, of course, believe in it.
  5. Enemies and ill-wishers. Sometimes troubles arise from the light hand of our enemies, envious people and ill-wishers. If this is your case, you have three options for solving the problem: fight the enemy, retreat, or make peace. Each person is free to choose and decide for himself. Therefore, whatever you do, you are right anyway.
  6. Lack of a purpose in life. When we do not know what we want and where we are going, it is very easy for us to be knocked off course. Any incident will be perceived as an evil fate, depriving us of true happiness. ! Perhaps then everything will fall into place.

When the black streak ends

How quickly the black streak ends depends, first of all, on the person himself, his character and attitude to life's difficulties. Some people tend to exaggerate any troubles and failures, and they perceive even a small trial of fate as a great tragedy. Obviously, such people experience a black streak very difficult, often invent it themselves and find inner satisfaction in being eternal victims and suffering. The black bar will never leave them.

But if a person sincerely knows how to rejoice in little things, not to notice small failures and is able to see something good in everything, there will be very few black bars in his life and he will hardly notice them, enjoying the moment.

By the way, black stripes often disappear, one has only to think about the true state of affairs and change the attitude towards what is happening.

What is fate really preparing for us?

The obstacles that we encounter during the period of the black stripe can be conditionally divided into three types:

  1. Tests;
  2. Punishments;
  3. Signs.

Tests often come to us to confirm our intentions, to experience ambition, purposefulness and to check whether we really want something badly and are ready to act for it. Yes, fate tests us for strength, but after passing the test with dignity, it rewards the patient and motivated.

Punishments are given by fate for wrong actions, sins, missed opportunities. Many consider it to be karma or the will of God. But even if you are an atheist, no one has canceled the laws of balance, and sooner or later everything you have done will return to you like a boomerang.

Signs come to us when we sit in the comfort zone, stop developing, growing and learning. Then fate decides to throw us out of the nest, makes us look around and start acting differently. It is very important how a person relates to such signs. Maybe the fact that you were fired from your job is not a reason to be sad and angry with God, but an excuse to find a more interesting and promising job or even do the work of life and start your own business? Maybe you shouldn't worry about parting with your beloved, but take care of yourself, and then a partner will come into your life with whom you will be able to build even more holistic and harmonious relationships?

How to get rid of the black bar

So, you realized that only you are the creator of your destiny, you are convinced that there is really a black streak in your life and you want to act. How to survive and cope with the trials of fate with dignity?

  1. Let your emotions come out... Believe me, cheering up and proving to everyone, including yourself, that everything is fine, while experiencing a storm of emotions inside is not the best solution. So you will only provide yourself with health problems and aggravate the situation. Allow emotions to manifest: cry, if necessary, scream. Just do not drag out this period and "suffer" for too long.
  2. Look around and assess the situation... Analyze what true reason occurrence of a streak of failures, what mistakes have you made. If there is an opportunity to fix something, make a plan and take action.
  3. Change your surroundings... Leave the city by going to the village or to a friend's cottage. If you can go on a longer trip, do so. When if not now? Even short trips help to ventilate your brains, take a fresh look at the situation and return to your usual life as a completely different person with different attitudes.
  4. Estimate the losses... Perhaps you have lost something, but surely something has remained with you? Thank fate for this and appreciate what you have.
  5. Accept the problem, if any... Recognize it and in no case deny it, so you will only exacerbate the situation.
  6. Help others... Nothing heals faster than the feeling of one's own need, kindness and sincerity. Find people who need help even more than you do and do something good for them. The uplift of the spirit is guaranteed.
  7. Keep calm... Tantrums and panic are not the best companions. If you are already in a stormy sea, strong chaotic floundering will drag you even deeper. Pull yourself together and collect your thoughts.
  8. Look for support within yourself... Belief in God or higher powers, the laws of the world and, of course, belief in yourself will help you!
  9. Surround yourself with loved ones and dear people: friends, relatives. The ones you love and who love you. Try to communicate with positive people, avoid pessimists and whiners.
  10. If, for some reason, you are deprived of the opportunity to surround yourself with loved ones, go out into nature more often and spend time in solitude.
  11. Accept and Don't Give Up Help.
  12. Enjoy. Perhaps the black streak is just a myth, and your adversity is associated with the lack of endorphins in the body. Delicious food, sex, shopping, beauty salons and other joys will help to cheer you up. Just remember that everything is good in moderation: do not overeat and make love only with your loved one.
  • Practice to identify problems

Take a piece of paper and make an impromptu table. In the first column write all your problems, and in the second the solution. This way you will clearly see how many weighty problems you have and identify those that require immediate work.


It is possible that the real problems will turn out to be much less than you expected, or the problems you found will be minor. Or maybe you suddenly find the root of all the problems or identify in time a situation that prevents you from living and breathing deeply?

  • Daily measures

In addition to general principles, there are things worth doing every day to keep your spirits up:

  1. Start every morning with a smile and gratitude for the new day, as you change the karma of the day. And in the evening, ask the Universe and yourself for forgiveness for all situations where you could not think positively or acted unworthily - this tool helps to change the karma of life.
  2. Walk up to the mirror throughout the day and smile at yourself. Do this even if it is difficult and you have to smile with force. A forced smile will soon turn into genuine joy.
  3. Praise yourself every night for your successes, even if they seem very small to you. Keep a diary of victories and write every day: "I can ...", "I could (la) ...". Nothing raises our self-esteem better than awareness of our own strength and capabilities.
  4. Learn new things every day: read books, take courses, watch educational films, listen to lectures, take excursions, etc.
  5. Avoid noisy gatherings, but do not forget to communicate with friends: go to visit, walk a lot, visit museums, exhibitions, cinemas and other events.
  6. Train your positive thinking: believe in the best and try to find positive at any moment, like main character film "Polianna".
  • What shouldn't you do?

In no case should you:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • eat a lot and excessively;
  • feel sorry for yourself;
  • to be discouraged;
  • avoid communication;
  • stay at home and not go anywhere.

Whether there is a black bar or is it just a problem of our perception of the world - you decide. One way or another, everything goes away. The black stripe will also pass!

Loser syndrome: how to get out of the black streak

A situation familiar to many, when problems in work and personal life merge into one continuous chain of failures and failures, is usually called a "black bar". It is believed that fighting total bad luck is pointless and you need to wait until the negative flow dries up by itself. However, psychologists and mystics argue that this difficult period is just the best for changing your life for the better.

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    How to understand that a black streak has come in life?

    The onset of the black streak affects all spheres of human life. If problems only occur in 1-2 areas, it comes about local difficulties of a temporary nature that are easily solvable. To assess the nature of a series of failures, a person should figure out whether his bad luck has turned into total failure. To do this, he should make a list at home in a relaxed atmosphere, consisting of the following points:

    • self-realization (achievements, dynamics of personal growth and development);
    • creativity (the ability to create new things, be creative, fantasize);
    • personal life (relationships with the opposite sex, children and other loved ones);
    • communication (finding common language with other people, popularity, desire to communicate);
    • career (success at work, the ability to move forward, initiative);
    • health (stable state of health, psychological attitude, chronic diseases, degree of fatigue and healthy sleep).

    For each item in brackets, you should give a detailed answer, marked at the end with a "+" or "-", based on your own understanding of the positivity or negativity of the given moment. Finishing self-diagnosis, you need to count the number of "-" signs in all categories of life spheres. If in each section there are significantly more minuses than pluses, then we can already talk about an all-encompassing bad luck that must be dealt with.

    Why could this have happened and how to fix it?

    The reasons for the onset of a black streak in a person's life lie in the lack of understanding on his part of the meaning of the events sent from above. None of them happen by chance, they are all a consequence of previous actions, as well as preparation for a new stage in life.

    It may even seem to a person that he is being punished. But instead of turning to his past and understanding what actions led him to this situation, he begins to blindly repent and seek the intercession of the Higher powers. At the same time, he continues to perform the same actions and does not get tired of being surprised that the negative response becomes more and more harsh, and the words of prayers fall into emptiness.

    Signs of fate in the form of regularly broken deals, deterioration financial condition, family breakdown can also indicate that the individual does not live his life, unconsciously suppressing the need to move in the right direction. If a person spends most of the day at work that he does not like, and constantly communicates with people who annoy him, then sooner or later his limit on aimless existence will end, and misfortunes will fall one after another.

    Working on mistakes of the past and solutions

    It is possible to interrupt a series of misfortunes only by removing from life all the circumstances that unwittingly became their cause.

    Each negative episode must be analyzed in terms of its origin. For example, an accountant was fired not because the boss is bad, but because the employee prefers to paint pictures rather than add numbers. Therefore, if a person makes the right conclusion, then his next job will be related to art, not accounting. The situation will not happen again.

    Such an adjustment should take place gradually, but steadily, obeying a strict causal relationship. Simple examples such work are everyday situations that a person encounters on a daily basis:

    • the door creaks - you need to lubricate the hinges;
    • a vase has broken - you need to sweep away the fragments and throw them in the trash.

    The same should be done with troubles - there is no need to inflate them to the scale of a continuous "black period" that prevents the possibility of living fully. On the contrary, we must strive to break the lump of accumulated problems into a series of small tasks that are easy to overcome in between.

    Here's what else psychologists advise to do when misfortunes begin to haunt a person:

    1. 1. If there is a negative, you must first accept it, and then try to change something. There is no way to get rid of a problem by pretending that it does not exist or by downplaying its significance.
    2. 2. You need to remain grateful to fate for what she considered it possible to leave intact. If in the chaos of financial problems it was possible to save Good work, this is a great advantage and a separate reason to rejoice every day.
    3. 3. You need to communicate more, make new acquaintances - this will not allow you to slip into despair and give up.
    4. 4. You need to take care and find pleasure in helping someone, even if they are animals.
    5. 5. It is necessary to constantly look for ways of personal development - in a new hobby or additional education.

    The worst is for those people who begin to take the challenge they are sending for granted and quickly lose the ability to resist. Misfortune and general sympathy give them a sense of significance in their own eyes and therefore, over time, they get used to the personality and become an integral accompaniment to it.

    Eliminating negativity through positive thinking

    The easiest way to get rid of negativity is to stop thinking of it as such, perceiving each failure as an invaluable experience and a unique opportunity to learn something new. Any mistake made, analyzed and corrected, brings a person one step closer to understanding himself and his destiny, and, therefore, the "black strip" is nothing more than a cleansing procedure before the next stage of life.

    If you look at the troubles that happen through the prism of introspection, then getting rid of them will come very soon, and, more importantly, in the future, failures of this kind will occur much less often. The world does not declare war on a person, sending him fateful signs, and it is not World's fault that these signals, remaining unheard, return to the addressee again and again.

    You can learn the right attitude to the black stripe in life by learning a few simple truths:

    • evil doom does not exist, but there is a chain of consequences emanating from one wrong decision;
    • if the main blow of fate fell on finances, the reason is sought in the lack of support from the family, if for heart matters - in dissatisfaction with oneself and one's life path;
    • you need to monitor your health, since the first sign of a black stripe is the sudden appearance of new diseases;
    • the onset of a difficult period is always preceded by numerous signs of fate, which indicate problems that threaten to turn into a series of troubles.

    Joyfully greeting each new test as a free lesson from a very dear teacher is not easy, but the most effective psychological method return to the "white" side. If the sincerity of emotions cannot be immediately achieved, you can imitate it by turning on the muscle mechanics of the feeling of joy - a smile. Over time, the brain will learn to treat the next trouble as a puzzle to be solved, and the situation itself will cease to be negative.

    Magical methods for solving the problem

    In some cases, when a black streak in a person's life threatens with irreversible consequences and complete destruction of everything that is dear to him, an appeal to a magical egregor is a necessary reference point for resistance.

    Rituals to improve the situation and restore energy balance are usually carried out in three stages:

    • cleansing (removal of spoilage, energy cleaning of the premises);
    • stimulation of the most vulnerable astral channel (money, love, responsible for health);
    • consolidation of the result (the formation of amulets and talismans).

    Since the onset of a difficult period in itself means a weakening of a person's aura, one should not resort to the help of destructive black magic in this situation. All rituals can be accompanied by a visit to the church or carried out at home. The period of fasting is also not forbidden for white witchcraft, however, the manufacture of amulets is best postponed until it ends.

    Rolling out spoilage with an egg

    Even if there is no damage or traces of someone else's envy on a person, the negative accumulated daily, which is part of Everyday life, can prevent the magical effect from “laying down” as it should. You can cleanse yourself of energy dirt with the help of a fresh chicken egg.

    After sunset on the waning moon, the performer lights a thin church candle on the table, sits down in front of it and takes it in his right hand egg... The person should be completely naked or at least bare to the waist. Rolling a testicle on his chest in circular movements from right to left, the magician quietly, but clearly pronouncing the words, reads the conspiracy:

    “As I roll an egg, I roll out evil spells from life: go away, leave me, disappear from body and mind. I say goodbye to dark witchcraft, I drive out the enemy from everyday life. You are no longer my master, I am my own master. I can heal myself and put up protection forever and protect from disasters. From now on, I will not be disturbed by either the evil eye, or slander, or damage. Amen! "

    The whole procedure lasts about ten minutes, and if everything is done correctly, by the end of rolling out the performer will feel that the testicle has become very hot and heavier. Then you need to take a black wax pencil and write on the shell: "All troubles are in the egg."

    After the main cleaning and before proceeding to the second stage of getting rid of the black streak in life, it is advisable for the performer to take a warm shower twice a day for another week, accompanied by the reading of the following prayer:

    “Water, water, water, a true beauty, you have always been a healer and a savior for me, so help me this time too. Deliver life from the dark oppression and destruction of life. I ask to save my house from corruption and to add the powers of heaven. I beg you to wash off all the failures and black stripes. Let it be so".

    Good luck conspiracy with a candle

    To attract the elusive good fortune, the performer will need a new mirror, which should be hung on the east wall of the room, and a church candle. The mirror should be fixed in such a way that the magician standing in front of it sees himself to the waist. The ideal time for this ceremony is Saturday night.

    Immediately after midnight, a person should take off their embarrassing clothes, pectoral cross and decorations and go to the mirror with a lit candle. Before this, the electric light must be turned off, windows and doors must be closed.

    Focusing on his reflection, the performer recites the sacred text three times by heart:

    “Deliver me, Lord, from the evil Antichrist, from the vile deception, from the devil. Hide me, God, from the damn nets in your innermost desert, the place of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, strength of spirit and firm courage, the grace of the name of your Holy One descended on me. May I not give up on You, Lord, but on my faith. Hide me, Lord, from any misfortune, from the cry of the night, spare me on the day of the terrible judgment, forgive me my sins. Help me, Your servant (name). Amen".

    While reading the prayer, you need to try to constantly look your reflection in the eyes. Then carefully put the candle on the table and wait until it burns out completely and goes out by itself. The cooled cinder is wrapped in a white napkin and placed in the mattress topper on the side of the bed where the magician sleeps.

    Ritual for good luck in love

    This conspiracy does not apply to love spells and does not affect the aura of a particular person, therefore, it is not required to connect visualization during the ceremony. If the performer is able to separate his state of happiness from the personality of the person who once caused it, then this opportunity can be used. If not, then while reading the conspiracy, it is better to penetrate deeper into the meaning of the spoken words.

    They begin the ritual at any time in the evening before or after midnight. At the appointed time, the performer lights a white wax candle on the table, sits down opposite and tries to relax as much as possible and let go of all extraneous thoughts. The main thing is to get rid of the images of people who left negative memories of themselves. When this succeeds, you need to immediately start reading the conspiracy:

    “My happiness drowned in the river - but the river turned back, it flows to me, my happiness returns. My joy got lost in the forest - but the dawn has come, the sun has come out, my joy is coming to the light of the sun, it returns to me. Every river creature, every beast of the forest, helps my happiness and joy, they show the way to me. I open the gate, happiness is joy to begin to meet, to let in the house, to step on the heels of troubles! "

    The text is read seven times in a row. Having uttered the last word, the performer should stand up and clasp his hands "in the lock" at the level of his chest. All the heat and energy generated in the body during reading should be drawn into this artificially concentrated point. The performer holds himself in this state for several minutes, and then transfers the center of energy gravity to the chest area and relaxes his arms, lowering them along the body. This exercise with the concentration of inner strength, but without the pronunciation of sacred texts, the magician must do periodically.

    Rite of passage to attract fortune

    This "female" rite is carried out during the growing moon and works for the next three years with a constant cumulative effect. It is carried out in late spring or summer, but long before nature begins to wither.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. Early in the morning of the appointed day, the sorcerer should go around three different natural reservoirs or springs and scoop up a little water from each source.
    2. 2. It is brought home and drained into one container.
    3. 3. On the same morning, the girl should prepare 12 strips of red cloth by tearing a new satin flap or napkin. Scissors cannot be used.
    4. 4. On the front side of each strip with a ballpoint pen, the sorcerer writes her name, and on the back - an appeal to the area of ​​life where you want to attract good luck (for example: "I call on love and loyalty" or "I call on popularity and everyone's attention").
    5. 5. In the afternoon, taking the stripes with wishes and a jar of water, the performer goes to a birch grove and finds a healthy, tall tree without dry branches.
    6. 6. Walking around the selected birch tree and imposing all the red patches on the branches, the girl first reads all her messages aloud, and then reads the conspiracy "on the birch."
    7. 7. Finally, you need to water the tree with the brought water and once again in your own words ask him for help and intercession.

    The text of the conspiracy: "Mother birch, make it so that good luck in my affairs begins, accept gratitude from me and multiply the growth of my successes, sprinkled with key water." The rite must be completely repeated after eight days on the ninth.

    Financial conspiracy

    The ceremony will help to consolidate monetary energy in the house and establish its dynamic movement through numerous channels. With proper execution, one can expect a more detailed action of the ritual - a change of place of work for a more profitable or rapid career growth.

    You should wait for Tuesday or Thursday on a waning moon or perform a rite on a full moon, and then the day of the week will not matter. Sequencing:

    1. 1. Exactly at midnight, the performer lights a short black candle on the table and a little to the side - the same green one.
    2. 2. Around the green candle, which acts as an amplifier of financial waves, you can scatter a handful of coins, lay out banknotes and other things related to receiving and transferring money (wallet, clip for notes, payroll).
    3. 3. A sheet of paper is put in front of the black candle, on which the performer describes in detail all the factors that, in his opinion, prevent an increase in personal income. This can be: trade competition, the pickiness of the boss, the envy of colleagues. Here, the performer also needs to enter his own qualities and character traits that prevent him from living the way he wants (frequent depression, indecision, resentment, etc.).
    4. 4. Having poured out all the accumulated negativity and discontent on paper, the magician rolls up his note with a tube and sets it on fire from a black candle, saying at the same time: “I leave the misfortunes, troubles and problems behind my back, I start living with a clean slate. Everything that previously interfered, I will betray the fire, I will forget it, I will give it to another. The power of the waning moon is with me. "

    The ash from the burnt note is mixed with a hot melt of black wax, the resulting mass is rolled into a ball and everything is wrapped in a paper napkin. Until morning, the bundle is buried away from home. In the same way, get rid of the green cinder.

    Talismans and amulets from failures

    The most effective charms to protect against misfortunes are made on Friday and Saturday on the growing moon. They try to hide the made talisman from prying eyes, but if you completely forget about its existence, the period of validity of the charmed little thing will be short-lived.

    The product needs energy supply from the owner, and if the thing that is constantly worn receives it automatically, which actually makes it indefinite, the home amulet must be periodically removed from the cache. The thing can be put under your pillow once a month for one night, or you can carry it for a day or two with you, in your bag.

    Talisman "Oak Defense"

    On the seventh lunar day of the growing moon, the performer buys a skein of red yarn without bargaining and change and in the evening goes with it to the oak grove. For the ceremony and the subsequent manufacture of the amulet, a young green tree with a powerful root system is selected. Walking around the oak from all sides, the witch doctor cuts off 7 small branches and, holding them in handfuls, says:

    "May my luck grow like a mighty oak, grow stronger every day, like the sun rises over an oak, I tie my luck with the thread of Fate, like the roots of an oak are tied forever."

    Then you need to find a branch on the tree that is buried in greenery and is not very conspicuous from the side. This branch is wrapped with the brought thread 12 times, then fixed with 12 knots. Tying them, the witchcraft says every time: "I attract success, I multiply my luck, I consolidate my strength."

    Now you can start making a home mascot:

    1. 1. All 7 cut branches are collected in a bunch and taken in the right hand.
    2. 2. Take the free end of the thread in your left hand.
    3. 3. The thread is wound on a bundle of branches as if they were turning a well gate, only the direction of movement of the hand should be towards itself, and not vice versa.
    4. 4. They fix the thread with three strong knots, on which they read the following conspiracy: "As an oak grows, so good luck comes to me."

    The amulet should be brought home and kept among your personal belongings. On the eve of important turning points or when an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances arises, the charmed oak talisman is taken out of the cache and asked for help.

    Amulet for luck in everything

    The pin protects not only from the evil eye, but also from unnecessary energy leaks. Often, it is precisely because of such unjustified losses that a person constantly feels himself in a state of instability and cannot keep either money or loved ones next to him.

    The ritual of setting up protection through the use of a simple safety pin is carried out in this way:

    1. 1. On any convenient night on the growing moon, light a white candle on the table and put a white saucer in front of it.
    2. 2. Pour one handful of rice, sugar and salt on it.
    3. 3. On the top of the white hill, place the pin with the locking mechanism up.
    4. 4. They read the conspiracy seven times: "The slide will attract good luck, and the pin will give it to me."
    5. 5. A burning candle and other attributes are left untouched until morning.

    Starting from the next day, the charmed pin should accompany the person in all his movements - for this, the little thing is pinned to the lining or inside pockets of clothes. When changing clothes, the pin is transferred to a new place. Once a week, the amulet must be unfastened and washed under the tap cold water, removing the accumulated negative.


    Regardless of the chosen method of overcoming difficulties, the lack of faith in the actions performed will reduce all efforts to "no". The effectiveness of the above psychological techniques and magic rituals has been proven by time, but only the perseverance of a person and his confidence in his own right to success in business and happy life will lead him through the barriers and failures of the "black" period.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a bunch of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the point is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other bad force.

    But who will help you in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passes you by. It's hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed for the better. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some trinket, at first glance, could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal ...

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