Mask of Eternity is a game walkthrough. King's quest: mask of eternity: guides and walkthroughs. Country of snowy mountains

: Teen (T)

is a "3D Adventure" written and designed by Roberta Williams and released in 1998 by Sierra Studios, is the eighth, and at present remains the final, official computer game in the famous King "s Quest series. It is the first and only game in the series where the main character is neither King Graham nor a member of his family, the first in the series to use a full 3D engine as opposed to the 2D cartoon or pixel style of the earlier games and the first to omit the sequel numbering system of the previous games. The game was referred to as KQ8 in the directory containing the "Sneak Peek" videos in the King "s Quest Collection II and Roberta William" s Anthology.

It has been re-released as part of the King "s Quest 7 + 8 pack through and patched to work on Vista and Windows 7 32 and 64bit. A fan patch has been made to get the disk version working on modern computers . There is also a fan patch for the older version to get the game running on modern systems.



Early on in the game, the half-stone wizard whom Connor encounters conjures for him a magic map that shows all explored areas and allows Connor to teleport between lands once the teleportation sites in each land (except for the Realm of the Sun) have been unlocked.

The game ends with Connor rising to the top of the Realm of the Sun with the restored Mask. A beam of blue light shines on the Mask, seeming to restore its power and it sends out a wave of energy that restores everything to life. The game ends with the Archons being released from their stone prisons and joining Connor who triumphantly lifts his sword into the air.


Preface for gameplay

Above the Kingdom of Daventry is the Realm of the Sun, where magical beings called the Archons guard the Mask of Eternity, an artifact which upholds truth, light, and order. Their leader, Lucreto, turns to evil and shatters the Mask into pieces. When one portion of the mask falls at the feet of a humble tanner named Connor, he picks it up only to find that everyone in Daventry has been turned to stone, including King Graham, and the land sickened. Connor is then appointed by a wizard to travel through different lands and collect all the Mask pieces, eventually arriving in the Realm of the Sun where he must repair the Mask, defeat Lucreto, and bring life back to his land.


The game combines the single multipurpose context-sensitive cursor from KQ7, and a variation of the Adventure-game item inventory along the top, in addition it also includes information about total mask pieces collected, and total gold coins. Another menu along the bottom of the screen includes information converning level, character experience, curative items, potions offering different abilities. As well as the two current weapons, and armor. On the rightside of the menu is the interface for the grappeling hook item, and rocks.

The cursor itself was dynamic, and could change into four different types of cursors depending on actions. The primary cursor is the Play Cursor, which functions much like the cursor in KQ7, it is used to; look, take, talk and do. Like in KQ7, if you pick up an item from your inventory, the game switches to an Inventory Cursor. This cursor shows an image of the item you have picked up, and allows you to click it on something else like in KQ7. Next is the Sword Cursor, much like the one seen at the end of KQ6, it is used for combat in the game. The final cursor is the Arrow Cursor, which lets you click on enemies from a distance, and fire projectiles.

The game was designed primarily to be played in third person mode, but also offers a first person mode for those who want to use it. The first person mode was primarily put into the game, to allow players a chance to better look around or get closeups of things the screen. But it can be used to play the game in most instances, except during character interactions.


Roberta classified KQ8 as a new genre, a 3D Adventure (not to be confused with two dimensional "3-D Animated Adventures" in Sierra "s early history), and it was more than the classical" Adventure "(with maybe the exception of other hybrid adventures such as Quest for Glory, Beyond Zork and Azrael "s Tear). As a "3D Adventure" it included Action-adventure & RPG elements, as well as many actions and puzzles that could only be done in 3D, many based on physics, rock tossing, jumping, climbing or 3D combat.

The KQ8 Reference Card notes;

King "s Quest: Mask of Eternity is an Adventure game. Follow the story, talk to everyone, explore, explore, and explore! If you see monsters, protect and defend yourself. If you find something you can take, take it! Most of all have fun, enjoy, and save often!


To complete the task of collecting all of the shards of the Mask of Eternity, Connor must travel to a variety of topographically different lands. These include:

  • The kingdom of daventry is where Connor makes his home and where his kingly quest begins. Here he encounters a partially lithified wizard who offers him guidance in finding the remaining pieces of the Mask of Eternity. Connor returns here a few times after leaving to return various things.
  • Castle daventry a separate mini-level that loads from the Kingdom of Daventry. It includes the Dining Hall and Throne Room of Castle Daventry.
  • The dimension of death, ruled by Lord Azriel, serves as a pseudo-purgatory where souls await judgment. This land exists in a plane outside of any other land in the game and therefore Connor must find portals to access it. Upon the shattering of the Mask of Eternity, the order of the universe was accordingly obliterated and the skeletal soldiers of Lord Azriel became unruly and rebellious. Thus, it becomes part of Connor "s mission to quell this uprising. Ultimately he releases Lord Azriel and kills all of the Skeleton Guards. Here he also finds Gweneth and her brother both of whom came through the portal from Daventry with Gweneth following her brother who was on his own quest.Connor saves Gweneth and sends her home where she can be visited later, but her brother is found mortally wounded and dies after speaking with Connor.
  • The swamp bears within its boundaries a portion of the Mask of Eternity. Though the Swamp lies not far from the Kingdom of Daventry, the cataclysm incited by Lucreto caused the road to the Swamp to be blocked off by physical obstacles. Hence, in order to reach the Swamp and obtain another shard of the mask, Connor must travel through the Dimension of Death first. The Swamp Witch rules the Swamp ever since the cataclysm (it used to be ruled by the Mudge the Snail King) and the Oracle of the Tree is located here. In order to go on, Connor must get an antidote for the poisonous waters and kill the Swamp Witch. The Mask piece is in her tower and purifying the cauldron there purifies the Swamp waters and releases Mudge who opens a portal to the next area for you.
  • The Underground Realm of the Gnomes is mainly made up of tunnels underneath mountains south of the Swamp. During his journey, Connor meets gnomes endeavoring to reestablish an exit topside of their subterranean home. Here the only way out is the portal back to the Swamp, but with a loadstone the Sage Nome is able to trick the Magic Map into allowing you to teleport to a new area. In order to get it you need to kill the Black Dragon Wyrm in order to get to the device past him. Using first the clear pyramid and then the pale one gotten in Daventry, you get two messages: one from Hector - a Prophet - and one from Lucreto himself.
  • The Barren Region is located above the Underground Realm of the Gnomes and at the base of a volcano. It can be accurately characterized by its abundance of lava rivers and dry, hot terrain. Prior to the cataclysm, the inhabitants of this area traded regularly with those people who lived at the top of the volcano. It is now terrorized by the Basilisk and in order to go on you must kill it. But to kill it you need a black diamond and a shaft to form a black diamond pike. The black diamond comes from the heart of the Dragon Wyrm from the previous area, but part of the mission is to get that shaft made so you can get the pike you need. Once the Basilisk is dead you can find the key to the Fire Dwarves "Tunnels where you have learned from the Chief Archon holds another piece of the Mask. After dispatching the Fire Dwarves, freeing the Nymph Queen and retrieving the piece of the Mask, an elevator takes you to the next level.
  • The frozen reaches are the frigid lands at the top of the volcano encircling a lake of icy water. It is inhabited by Snow Nymphs, Frost Orcs, and Gryphs. You have to face the invisible Snow Mane, get the Flame Sword (which proves useful later) and finally rescue the Gryph King from a fortress. After learning that another piece of the Mask is in the fortress you must kill the Ice Orc "s Leader and then can get the piece of the Mask. After you have finished everything in the level, you head to an area where you face a Two Headed Dragon. Once it is dead you proceed onto Paradise Lost through a tunnel.
  • Paradise lost is a small caldera near the Frozen Reaches, and the location of a stonehenge which acts as a portal to the Realm of the Sun. There, placing the Crystal Pyramid in an indentation causes one of the Archons to teleport you to the Realm of the Sun.
  • The realm of the sun, like the Dimension of Death, is not materially connected to any other part of the world in which Connor "s quest takes place. This was holding-place of the Mask of Eternity and the site at which Connor should return all of its broken pieces. Here Connor confronts Lucreto to determine his ultimate destiny. The Realm of the Sun is made up of three levels each representing, Truth, Light, and Order.

In addition, another realm is seen at the end of the game within the Realm of the Sun, but is not accessed through a separate load screen.

  • The abyss: The black Abyss is a swirling bottomless pink and black vortex that opens up in the Templ "s sanctum sanctorum once the Mask of Eternity is reformed. Lucreto is pulled into it, finally vanquishing him for all eternity. The portal into the realm closes behind him. Alternatively, Connor can be sucked into it, leading to his own entrapment.



King "s Quest: Mask of Eternity was released to generally positive, but mixed reviews ,. However, it sold well compared to other adventure games at the time; for example, it outsold Grim Fandango 2 to 1. There was a mixed response to the King "s Quest: Mask of Eternity, although most reviews tended to be positive, with the most were 70% or higher, many were above 90%, only a few reviews dipped as low as 10%. The game earned Adventure Game of the Year on Adventure Game of the Year at Digital Entertainment On-line


Primary development

Mask of Eternity went through two or three main development phases, in which Roberta "s ideas changed, the engine was finalized, and the graphics were finalized. In Fall 1996 Roberta showed off some of her first screenshots of the game" s levels, a few enemies, and the placeholder for Connor. Video showing the level development of this version of the game was included in the Roberta William "s Anthology. There are scenes for two or three levels that were cut from the final game.

By July 1997, the game had gone into its final phase, and appeared much like it does in the final product. Roberta "s team was forced to build a new engine from scratch based on an earlier version of 3Space (as Dynamix was behind schedule finishing the updated Red Baron II version of the 3Space engine). The first gameplay footage of this version appeared in the King "s Quest Collection II. This version was completed until December 1998.

Davidson "s involvement

Between September 1996 to January 21, 1997, due to conservative criticism over the content in Roberta "s King" s Quest: Mask of Eternity and Phantasmagoria by the Davidsons of Davidson & Associates, a team of managers was assigned to work above Roberta Williams. They began creating their own version of KQ8 while ignoring Roberta "s version. Their version was purged of combat, violence and possibly religious themes. While Roberta continued to work on her own game including its own script and puzzles, the Davidson" s team of managers began to design their script and puzzles for their own version of KQ8.

This ultimately lead to Roberta to believe she had lost control of the game during that period; she even thought about removing her name from the product.

Work on the Davidson version was ultimately canceled (Davidsons left the company in January 1997) and Roberta reasserted her control. But this was not without its damage to the Roberta "s version of the game" s final release (due to loss of time and funding), which was already hurting from other technical issues caused by Dynamix engine development problem and others.


The game "s dialogue has also been written in a more conservative style rather than the modern English style of King "s Quest VII: The Princeless Bride... Though conservative language does appear in other KQ games, such as the Godmother and Elf in KQ1 remake, Alexander in KQ6 occasionally speaks with more conservative terms. Graham and Rosella speak with a more conservative style in Hoyle, Book of Games, Volume I.

In this game Connor visits Dimension of Death rather than the Land of the Dead shown in King "s Quest VI... However, as noted in the manual for King "s Quest 6, Guidebook to the Land of the Green Isles, the Land of the Dead is a legend specific to the Green Isles. It is the place where Green Islanders believe they go when they die They journey to Samhain (Death) to be judged and end up in the Sea of ​​Souls in preparation for the next stage of the afterlife. It is not a legend in Daventry, and author of the guidebook was the first person from Daventry to learn or write about it when he visited the Green Isles. Whereas according to Mask of Eternity "s Manual, the Dimension of Death is part of Daventry" s legends. It is a kind of limbo ruled by Azriel where souls are judged before being moved to their rightful afterlife.

According to the game "s producer Mark Seibert," Roberta "s point of view was that the Dimension of Death was not the under world (KQ6). It was a unique and different place." Thus, both places are considered separate locations which happen to share a similar purpose.

Marc Vulcano who is now at Heavy Iron Studios worked as an animator for the video game.


External links

  • King "s Quest MoE Technical Help on the Sierra Help Pages

You say that the days of exploits are long gone, and the glorious knights with their noble traditions have finally outlived their usefulness? Are you sure that a person, this weak creature, will never win in a ruthless battle with fate? My friends, I hasten to assure you that you are mistaken! After all, here it is, right in front of us - a case when courage and fortitude overcome pain, overcome obstacles, and the hand of justice, having passed through all obstacles, punishes those who, having been exalted in wicked ways, made others suffer in a fit of rage and lust for power.

A pure-hearted, brave and honest peasant, Connor did not know that the coming day would bring great misfortunes both to himself and to his native kingdom of Daventry. The black storm that came from the heavenly heights lasted only an instant, but opening his eyes, Connor witnessed a terrible curse that did not pass neither his fellow villagers, nor the inhabitants of the surrounding lands, nor the beloved and respected ruler Graham. Wherever you look - instead of real people, there are only stone statues, lifeless, only vaguely reminiscent of those they were just recently. And the champions of evil are already crawling out of their hidden shelters, ravaging the lands that suddenly became so quiet ... To return the joy of life to the innocent, our hero must put together the Mask of Eternity, destroyed by an unknown black will - an artifact that was once a symbol of peace and well-being - and expel the offenders from the kingdom. And the peasant, in whose chest the heart of a real knight beats, begins his seemingly hopeless path.

If you are not afraid of the impending dangers, the magnificent adventure King’s Quest will take you to amazing, sometimes incredible, but at the same time full of tempting adventures. Our path from our native settlement runs through the Realm of the Dead and the Swamps to the Land of the Dwarfs, the Desert, Icy Reaches and to many other areas of Daventry, where our help is needed - after all, evil did not spare anyone, penetrating into the most intimate corners of Connor's homeland. Riddles, puzzles and events that await us are worthy of the most real chivalric romance - our hero will never leave someone in trouble, he will be invariably polite both with friends and with enemies, and would not hesitate to sacrifice his own life if it brought the suffering at least momentary relief. Unfortunately, the hordes of horrible monsters, who have been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time, cannot be overcome by convictions, so we often have to take up arms in order to drive the disgusting orcs back into the caves, the undead into the ground, and the demons into their otherworldly dimensions. The curse found Connor with bare hands and in a simple shirt, but very soon he finds first a dagger, and then a sword, an ax, a crossbow, puts on armor and picks up several magical potions in the alchemist's laboratory, which at the moment of need can cover the hero with magical shields, dispel illusions sent by enemies and give the muscles additional strength. But it is a sin to act with arms where wisdom needs to be applied, so do not neglect the advice of a few friends and never dismiss their help. Often the answer to a seemingly insoluble puzzle lies literally around the corner - all you need to do is to carefully examine the surrounding space once again. A magic card, presented to us by a kind sorcerer, will show the way out of even the darkest and most confusing labyrinth. And having obtained a rope with a hook, Connor will be able to penetrate almost anywhere, you just need to be patient and carefully inspect the places into which we were thrown. After all, only perseverance will lead you to the end of a difficult journey ...

Finally, it is worth saying that the great gameplay is complemented by no less wonderful music that fits so organically into what is happening on the screen that it becomes simply impossible to break away from King's Quest, to get out of the grip of its exciting atmosphere. Therefore, if you are not indifferent to the fate of the unfairly offended, if in your soul you are a true knight, and the desire to perform feats did not leave you throughout your life, Daventry needs you. Prove with Connor that there is still enough goodness and courage in the human heart to stand up for such eternal ideals as Love, Truth and Mercy.

! Quick Action Guide for KING QUEST VIII!
! Compiled by Ivan Shmelev (Goblin Pc)!

General rules:
a) Collect all the items they will help you improve your health.
b) The more you kill, the better you will mess with the rest.
c) Break chests, boxes
d) Sign up more often under different names - the game is full of glitches


Find weapons:

* Find your home remove the KNIFE from the table
* Enter the mill, move the wooden block, climb onto it, take the AX
* Take away the CROSSBOW from any archer
* Kill the soldier at the very top in the fortress and take the KALCHUGA

Find items:

* Take the SCROLL OF POWER - In the alchemy office, the entrance to the house is boarded up and shatters
only with an ax.
* Find: CAT (HOOK) - In the water mill. Cut down the tree in front of the mill with an ax - she
It will stop, Enter the interior, jump upstairs.

The hook can only be used in places where an additional
! icon on the game screen. Either throw it up or throw it down.

* ASH - Use the grappling hook to climb the waterfall, drop blocks (block it), enter
underground passage. Go along the corridor, press the candle, take the ashes on the floor in the tunnel.
* KEY - In the same place where the ashes are, just click on Karol's partret (go to him)
* CANDLE - At the cemetery, throw the hook up at the door heaped with a cross, then go down
down, take the candle.
* RING - At the spirit of the knight, open the door with an ax, open the crypt, take the ring.
* MAGIC SHEET - On the island, throw a hook on the rock, enter the wizard's house, click on
ink pen, take M-Sheet.

Do actions:

* Talk to the unicorn by the small lake.
* In the lock, use the key to open the door and find the teleport. Will allow you to teleport
from other worlds.

In any other world where you find a teleport, stand on it, choose the desired world, where
! already found a teleport and teleport there.

* Talk to the wizard, give him the key, dust, ring, show the magic leaf.
* In the church near the cemetery, (where the candle is), move the jug to open the exit.


* Kill all skeletons
* Find the dead knight among the boxes and take the PIECE OF SHIELD
* Take the SCEPTER at the foot of one of the statues
* Stick the scepter into the 4 candelabra on the stands one by one and rotate them (push).
* Enter the horod, walk on the plates. I started with the rightmost one. If you have been moved further,
then you are jumping correctly, if you returned to the beginning, start again. So 5 times until
find yourself in front of the gate.
* Talk to the demon and take the GATE KEY.
* Approach the gate and open it with a key.

Weapons and protection:

* KALCHUGA - Use the hook to climb the tower, kill the skeleton. (Push it into the propost)
* DOUBIN - Take away from any enemy with a club
* 2-HAND SWORD - After you open the gate with the key, take away from the gold
* PROTECTION - Give the fairy "rust" and "mud"
* THROWING HAMMER - Where the levers open the cages, there is a door. She's elusive, just
go through it and take the hammer.


* 4 STONES - 3 you will find on the ground in the labyrinth, behind the fourth, use the hook to climb onto
a tower in the place where these stones should be laid. You can not collect all the stones, then you have to
all the time to return and shift them to other buttons.
* PRINT1 - On the ground in the maze
* SEAL2 - Using the seal1, open one of the rooms and take the seal2
* KEY (LEVER) - Use the seal2 to open the 2nd room, and use the levers to open all
gratings (look at the map at the same time).
* SKULL - In one of the portals, take the seventh skull on the left from the left shelf of the lower row.
(You can only jump to the other side with a running start. And to back, you need to knock down the column.)
* FEATHER - Insert the skull into the headless knight statue in one of the portals.
(! there is a glitch in the game, you need to download the patch from the Internet!)
* TINA - After you get on the scales - blood will leave the rivers go to the right side, where
there was blood and it smells bad, take the mud there.
* RUST - Stick a piece of the shield into the black river, it will rust.

Your actions:

* In the maze, find 2 levers on the walls, press them
* Save the girl - In the place where you hear the crying of the girl, drop the hook, climb over
wall, move the unit aside.
* Find and talk to the girl's brother
* Put all 4 stones on the buttons in the floor - open 4 portals
* Near the portals, move all 4 large blocks to the side - talk to _f_e_e_y_.

Bring 4 stones with you.

! * Throw the hammer into the lever to the left of the bridge on the other side to complete the level.


* Find the teleport
* In one of the corners, chop off a PIECE OF MUSHROOM
* In one of the corners, remove the MORE POWERFUL BOW from the skeleton
* In the huts, take the PROTECTIVE SLEEVES and the HORN
* Use the horn on the perfume to find out the SECRET
* Tell the secret to the lights - they will give a FLOWER (now you can walk on green water)
* To enter the castle, shoot down the bags from the bow outside the door
* Take the STONES and HORN from the castle. Throw stones on the thorns to get to the top.
* Take the ARMOR and 2 MASK PIECE. Fight the war and take his HAND
* Use your hand on the tower gate. Jump to the chest and grab the BUCKET
* Return to the castle and stir with a ladle in the cauldron

use the teleport to return to the first level

* Give the horn to the Unicorn and take the PINK PYRAMID
* Teleport to the swamp.

* Jump into the maelstrom


You can find shops here. where you can buy different things: WEAPONS, PROTECTION, MAGIC


* Find a gold vein in the wall, chop off a PIECE OF GOLD from it
* Find a wanderer by the fire, talk to him. Cut down the CRYSTAL next to the wanderer
* Find the bridge. Brost 3 stones on the buttons in the floor so that you can walk over the bridge
* Cut down the LOCK from the door
* Find the ROOT sticking out of the wall, chop it down
* Push the cobblestone into the hole, roll it along the corridor and knock it out the wall
* Insert the crystal into the groove on the wall - the light will come on. Slay the dragon - take BLACK DIAMOND
* Watch TV (as crystals). Take a TV set (white pyramid + bar)
* Put a bar and a pink pyramid, watch TV again. Take a TV set (pyramid + BAR)
* In the pharmacy, look at the knight statuette
* Give the pharmacist: a root, a piece of gold and a lock - gain strength
* Find the astronomer, give him the BAR
* Teleport to the land of fire


* Go to the pier - shaking stones will come out
* Jump over all the rooms until 7 of them turn white
* Then jump on the white stones in a certain order, the sound means the right combination,
until a smooth bridge appears. Combination:
* Take the RUBY from the altar
* Jump along the bridges to the tower, climb on it, shoot at the tambourines in the desired combination,
until the bridge is built to the end. Combination:

6 4
2 7
5 3

* Take the STONE WITH THE INSCRIPTION. Place this stone in the fortress of a man with a pipe
* Talk to the gunsmith (downstairs in the tent).
* Ask the blacksmith in the fortress to make you a SIX
* Give the BLACK DIAMOND, POLE and MONEY to the gunsmith - take the PIKA
* Go to the lizard, go around the mountain, jump over the stones, climb over the lizard.
* Take a lance in your hand and take a step forward - the lizard is dead
* Climb onto the roof of the crypt and go down inside
* Press the buttons on the grave: MONTH-TRIANGLE-CIRCLE-SQUARE
* Take ARMOR
* Come out, use the sword to cut off the TONGUE OF THE SNAKE (from the killed)
* Look for the entrance to the mountain
* Kill the guards, take the FIRE BOW from them
* Insert the stone key into the well - enter the cave
* Push buttons - three passes
* On average take 3 MASK PIECES
* Go left, talk to the woman (be sure to first), then pull the lever
* Take the COVER1 from the chamber
* In the room, press: MONTH-TRIANGLE-CIRCLE-SQUARE, take the COVER2
* Exit, and go right, insert ONE cap into the pipe
* Shoot the button, go upstairs, take the CRYSTAL SCEPTER
* Get down, insert the SECOND cap into the pipe
* Get on the elevator and shoot the button



* Kill the guard and rescue the girl
* Talk to the queen and show the crystal scepter
* In the ice dragon's cave, move the stone block, jump on it, pull the lever
* Wake up the dragon with a crystal scepter and fly it to another part of the island
* Take the COLD BOW from one of the warriors
* Climb the tower with the door, press the lever, jump inside, take objects
* Drink supervisibility (red bottle) near the fiery sword, kill the invisible monster
* Throw 3 stones on the ice under the sword and melt the ice with a ruby, take the FIERY SWORD
* Climb the lock on the wall from behind, look at the grate in the floor
* Go down to the ground again and kill the guard at the door, take the KEY
* Climb back to the top and use the key to free the king
* Fight and fall inside the castle, fight again
* Take the BLUE STONE AMULET from the chest, take the ICE PIECE from the floor
* Open the front door, put a piece of ice on the threshold, melt it with a fiery sword,
then freeze with ice bow and take ICE BAR
* Insert the block into the hole by the door and take the 4 PIECE OF MASK
* Fly the ice dragon over the lake, go to the king's residence, say, take

The long-awaited sequel to the King's Quest series is finally out. The next part of the royal adventure is called Mask of Eternity, that is, the "Mask of Eternity". This game has embodied the many years of experience of the Sierra company and all the tricks created by its "game makers". The company said that its specialists managed to create a fundamentally new game, and as a result, the eighth part of the royal adventure is not like the rest of the games in this series. The novelty is a completely three-dimensional game that can be played in the same way as in Quake, but we must not forget that this is still a quest. The Mask of Eternity is made in such a way that it defies classification, so instead of arguing about whether it belongs to an RPG or a quest, consider it a gift for fans of both genres.

The story begins with a soothing phrase - a long time ago, in the wizarding world, everyone lived in harmony, unicorns grazed in the meadows, good wizards studied magic spells, and kings and queens wisely ruled their peoples. In the kingdom of Deventry, the inhabitants flourished under the rule of their glorious King Graham, but suddenly a day came that changed everything and turned order into chaos. This happened because while all the inhabitants magical world rejoiced in life, the evil sorcerer Lucreto entered the holy of holies of the universe and, with the help of a terrible spell, split the Mask of Eternity.

During these terrible events, an unsuspecting young man, Conor, approached the house of his girlfriend Sarah, who happily ran out to meet him. It was at this moment that the action of Lucreto's witchcraft began - a terrible wind rose, leaves fell from the trees, darkness fell on the kingdom, a fragment of the Mask of Eternity fell into Conor's hands, and Sarah, like all the inhabitants of the kingdom, turned to stone. The further fate of the wizarding world was in the hands of Conor, and now only he can save his world. Now everything depends on you.


It all starts at Sarah's house. After entering the house, do not touch the kettle, which is by the fire - after a fight with the goblin, it will restore your vitality, so the contents should not be wasted. Take the mushrooms from the table, and from the shelf next to the bed, take a bottle of amber potion that will protect you in battle.

Now, instead of weapons, you have only fists, so click on the image of the hands, and this will help you get ready for battle. Now exit the house and turn left around the corner. Seeing the goblin waiting for you, kill him and take the money and mushrooms from him, and then return to the road and go right. On the left hand side you will see your village house. After waiting for the goblin to move away from the entrance, go inside, step into the back room and take the dagger on the table. Drink from a kettle in the fireplace as needed to restore your full health. Open the flask on the shelf and take the money, then leave your house and get rid of the nearest goblin with a dagger. Now you need to return to Sarah's house, from which you go past the church to the lake. On the shore is a wizard who has not been petrified thanks to his spells. Come and talk to him. Listen to everything he has to say to you. When he finishes his story, he will give you a magic card. A small map will appear in the lower right corner of the screen, by clicking on which you can determine your own location.

On the shore next to you you will see a fish drying room - if you eat a bunch of fish, it will be good for you. After your health is restored, go to the village house located opposite. When you see the basket on the table, take the mushrooms from it, then take the leather shoes next to the bed and the money lying on the shelf. Opening the box, you will find a few more coins there. Exit the house and go around it on the right, then finish off the monster hanging out next to the petrified farmer and the two zombies you find behind the house. Collect all the mushrooms and head north to the fountain, the water of which will heal your wounds.

From the fountain, go straight to the tavern, where you need to pick up the leather gloves that are on the bar. Keep in mind that if you drink the wine that is left on the tables, Conora will be very quick to pick you up. Take the money from the box on the shelf, then go up to the second floor and take healing crystals from the large chest, then go down and go out into the street. Seeing several barrels next to the tavern, break them and take the potions.

Prepare for battle and head northwest towards the bridge. Kill the guard and go to the opposite side. Seeing the windmill on the left, take out the dagger and slowly climb the slope. Be very careful and keep in mind that as soon as you see the mill, three monsters will attack you at the same time. During the battle, do not forget to maintain health, for which you need to eat mushrooms. Outside the door of the mill you will meet another monster waiting for you with a crossbow. After finishing this scum, take the crossbow and go inside. Looking at the ceiling, you will see an ax. Move the bale of hay, then jump on it and take the ax in your hand, then make sure that your health is at 100%. Slowly going out into the street, you will see that a supporter of evil has blocked your way, in response, drink the potion of an amber shield and kill him. Pick up whatever he drops and head back across the bridge to the fountain.

At the fountain, turn right and head west towards the water mill. Go around the building on the right and chop down the tree standing against the wall with an ax. When the tree falls, it will block the water, after which the water wheel will stop, and with it the millstones. Now go inside, jump to the second floor and take a rope with a hook.

Climb down and go north to the windmill, turn right around it and go to the Kavanagh house. Going there, look at the rope and children's drawings lying on the table, and do not forget to click on them. After taking mushrooms from the basket, go outside and go around the house on the left side. Seeing the courtyard building, prepare an ax and only after that open the door, and then go inside and kill the surprised monster.

Now you can continue your journey - jump over the fence and go north along the river. When you approach the wall, an upward arrow will light up in the lower right corner of the screen. In response, click on the image of the hook in your inventory, and then on the wall and climb up the rope. On the wall is a table with stone blocks that must be pushed into the water and gone down. After that, go to the tunnel, which was hidden by the waterfall. When asked, answer “Yes”. As a result, you will be able to get to Daventry Castle.

Follow the zigzag tunnel to the wall and then turn the candle, which will allow you to open a secret passage. Approaching the portrait of the king, press it into the wall, as a result of which the cache will open. Take the copper key from the cache and go left into the Throne Room, and do not forget to pick up the ash from the torch in the corridor. In the Throne Room, go to the mirror and look into it - by clicking on it with the cursor, you will see the main evil in it. Now return to the dining room and exit through the tunnel.

From the waterfall, go north to the Daventry sign, at which turn right and go east. When five zombies attack you, then beat them, and then collect all the things that they drop, and then slowly go further east. Seeing the guard of the mausoleum, do not come close to it, but shoot the guards with a crossbow, after which the liberated spirit of Sir James Deventry will appear. Go to the mausoleum, break the grate and go inside the crypt, then move the lid of the sarcophagus and take the hero's ring. After leaving the crypt, go across the bridge to the other side of the moat.

Before entering the castle, take out the ax and check your health. Monsters are waiting for you on both sides of the entrance. Having eliminated them, climb any of the ramps to the second floor, but do not remove the ax - another monster is waiting for you around the corner. After canceling it, go along the wall to the left, interrupt the guards on the wall and go up to the observation tower. Hack down the guard and take the potion from him, then go downstairs and go into the corridor. Here you need to turn off the crossbows, for which you need to pull all the chains once, then step into the room at the base of the tower. Opening the door with the key from the lock, you will see that there is a teleporter in the room, which cannot be used right now! Exit the castle and head east through a narrow passage in the mountains. Having met a large unicorn-like beast near a muddy reservoir, talk to him.

Now head south to the alchemist's house, whose front door is full of boards. After knocking them down with an ax, enter the house. Take the scroll and potions from the shelf, and then leave the house and go to the church. Approaching the main entrance, throw the hook and climb to the roof, and from the roof, go down inside. Take the candle from the table and go to the urn by the stained glass window. After pushing the urn, through the broken stained-glass window you will see how the door to the mausoleum will open. Exit the church and move through the cemetery to the mausoleum, and be on the alert at the cemetery. Having reached the destination, kill the guards and enter the teleport, which will open in front of you. After leaving the mausoleum, return to the wizard by the lake, talk to him and give him the candle from the church, Sir James's ring and the ash of the torch. In return, you will receive a ring of light.

You are now almost ready to travel to the world of the dead. Enter the lake behind the wizard and swim west to the cliff. Climbing to its top, you will see a house there. Open the door and enter it, then take the invisibility potion from under the table. Touch the quill in the inkwell and write a magic symbol on the parchment, then take the parchment. Go to the globe and open it with parchment, then take the potion of the all-seeing eye and drink it, which will allow you to see the chest standing next to the wall. Open it and take a large silver bell. After leaving the house and going down from the cliff, hang the bell and hit it with an ax. A mermaid will appear from the lake and give you a sword. Now you are ready to travel to the world of the dead, for which you need to return to the mausoleum and enter the portal.


Having appeared in the northeastern part of the map, turn around and look at the symbols written above the door to the world of the dead, and then try to write them down (they will be useful to you later). Now hit the road. Seeing skeletons, try not to approach them, but shoot them with a crossbow. If they spot you first and climb on you, then you will have to beat them with a sword. If you come across one of their broadswords, then do not take it, as it is much weaker than your sword. That is why you need to take care of your sword! After that, move along the road until you run into a metal gate. Turn left and walk around the building towards the statue of Lord Ariel.

Take the life lever lying on the column in front of the statue and return to the columns with fire, which stand in pairs on each side of the road. Insert the lever of life into one of the columns, turn it - and you will see how this colossus will go down, and the fire on it will go out. Do the same with the remaining three columns - when this procedure is completed, the metal doors will open. After entering the building, you will find yourself in front of a magic staircase and you will see that various symbols are inscribed on the slabs that make up the steps. Now you have to go along the slabs on which you will see the symbols that you saw above the door to the world of the dead.

Go to the right edge of the platform and jump onto the slab with the strange pitchfork. Turn around and jump onto the slab with a semicircle and a small circle. Turning to the right, jump onto the plate with a circle and a dot, then turn right again and jump onto the plate, which shows two semicircles and a line between them. Now enter the Throne Room and talk to Lord Ariel, who will tell you what to do. At the end of the conversation, he will give you the key.

After the conversation, you will be teleported back to the hall at the entrance. In the northwest corner, destroy the boxes, find the dead knight and take a piece of the iron shield with you. After examining the entire hall, break all the boxes and destroy all the moving sets of bones - while performing this work, do not forget that you need to pick up useful things and money. In the southwestern and southeastern corners of the hall, there are columns with inscriptions that must be read. Then go to the south gate. Before opening them, shoot the guards from the crossbow. Open the gate with the key that Lord Ariel gave you and go inside. Be careful, collect all the stones that you find, you will need them later.

Break all the boxes in which you will find a lot of useful things, and be careful, as sometimes ghosts come across there. Turn right and head east, and along the way, kill all the rubbish that you come across. Take the square key from the box on the east wall. This must be done very carefully, as it is guarded by a large number of skeletons. Go north, but do not reach the dead river, but turn left. After finding the switch on the wall, turn it down.

Go southeast to the lower left corner of the map until you hear a crying baby. After killing the zombies, move north to the square. In its center there is a fountain with living water, surrounded by four shrines, living water from it will restore your health. In each of the four corners of the square, there are metal boxes with buttons underneath. You must move the boxes from the buttons, and then return to the fountain, where you will meet an angel and you will have a conversation with him.

Go south into the passage between the two rooms, enter the left room, stop all movement of dead bones and break the boxes on the way, then collect all the things and read the inscription on the column. Now you need to get into a room blocked by a metal container, for which there are two ways: you can jump onto the container with a running start, or you can climb along the outer side of the tower and go down into the room. Talk to the little girl standing in the corner who will tell you how she got into the world of death. Move aside the container blocking the passage to the room, break all the boxes and pick up all the things. Exit the room and head north to the fountain. Restore health if needed and head west. When you reach the wall, turn right and go straight to the passage. Seeing that three skeletons are blocking your way, interrupt them and go further north to the river of death. When you come to the river, be especially careful not to enter the water! Dip a piece of iron shield into the river and wait for it to rust. Now go to the house on the shore and talk to the boatman. In order for him to tell everything, contact him several times. Leave the house and follow the river to the east. After reaching the gate, go around it and continue walking until the turn. Find a room in which there are many urns - you need to break them and collect all the items.

Now go along the ramp to the tower next to you. Before climbing it, check your health and take a sword in your hand. At the top of the tower, the commander of all skeletons is waiting for you, and your weapon cannot do anything with it - in these conditions you must lure it to the edge and push it down. Be sure to drink Amber Shield Potion before starting the battle. After defeating the commander-in-chief, go downstairs and pick up chain mail, then go down the path and go southwest.

Find the blue door and open it with the square key. When the doors open, you will go inside and see that skeletons are training there. Carefully, trying to remain unnoticed, step back out the door and shoot them all. Then pick up all the valuables, and don't miss the round golden key! Exit this room and head north through the fire to the wounded warrior. By talking to him, you will receive important information from him.

Return to the fountain and then head east towards the tower. At its bottom are four buttons that you must press at the same time! When you see stones nearby, place them one on each button. If the cobblestones are not enough for you, then try to lure the zombie and kill so that his body falls on the button. Having achieved pressing all the buttons, finish off the remaining zombies and climb the tower. After reading the inscription on the column at the top of the tower, return to the fountain.

Restore health with living water and go to the northwest portal, or the Reprieve hall. Before entering it, take out your crossbow, and at the exit from the portal, shoot another gang of skeletons. Having thrown them down, jump onto the small block, and from it onto the large one, then carefully approach the edge of the large block and jump over to the opposite bank of the river of death. Do not attempt a running jump, as this can lead to falling into dead water. Once on the other side, remove the amber shield potion from the statue and go to the left shelf with the skulls. From the bottom row, take the seventh skull on the left, turn right and go to the column standing by the water, then push it into the water and return to the exit. Leave the Hall of Suspicion, improve your health with living water from the fountain and go to the northeastern portal, that is, to the Hall of War, and prepare your crossbow, since there are two skeletons with bows waiting for you. Naturally, you must kill both, then read the inscription on the column and go to the bridge. The bridge is destroyed and therefore you have to jump. After reaching the opposite bank, take the potion of strength from the anvil and go to the headless statue, instead of which you must put the skull. When the statue is transformed, the feather of truth will fall out of the pedestal. Pick it up and return across the bridge to the portal, and through the portal to the fountain. Replenish your health with living water and go to the southwest portal with the inscription “Hall of Immortality”. After picking up the red potion there, return to the fountain.

Now go through the southeast portal to the Hall of Justice. Take the green potion of invisibility from the pillar, put the feather of truth on the scales of justice, and jump onto the other bowl yourself. This action will heal the heart, Lord Ariel will appear and thank you. Jump off the scales and return through the portal to the fountain.

Now that the rivers of blood are drained, head southeast (to the upper right corner of the map) to a long corridor in which Conor will say: "What a strong smell." Follow this corridor south to the place where there was a pool of blood before, pick up a piece of turf, collect all the mushrooms and return to the fountain. Give the angel a rusty piece of shield and sod to improve your armor in return. Now go to the locked door in the northwest area. Prepare your crossbow and open the door with the golden sun key. Be careful - there is a skeleton hidden in each of the six boxes. Eliminate this muck and pick up the little things. There are many switches on the walls of this room. To open the prison, do the following.

1. Turn all switches on the east wall down. You now have access to four sections of the prison, each with four cells. Enter the prison through the opened grate and use the crossbow to kill all the monsters in the cells.

2. Go to the west wall with switches. They choose the section that will be open, so you can only switch one at a time. When you approach, you will see that the first switch is in the down position. Don't touch anything yet and go to the south wall.

3. Switches on the south wall open the doors of the cells located in each of the four sections; switch them down.

4. Return to the west wall and flip the second switch, then step to the south wall and flip all switches down again. Do the same for the third and fourth switches on the west wall.

If you did everything correctly, then all sixteen chambers are now open. Collect all the things and go through the prison to the east. In the last (eighth) chamber on the left, pull the lever to open the large north gate. Return to the room with switches, go to the golden gate, on which the scarab is painted, and prepare the crossbow. Now drink the red potion of the all-seeing eye and go through the golden gate. A large Egyptian skeleton is waiting for you outside the gate, try to shoot it with a crossbow. If it didn't work out, then take a sword in your hands and hack it to death. Approaching the ramp, you will see flying ghosts. If you look closely at them, you will notice that not all of them are real. Get ready to use magic crystals or sacred water to restore health. Jump to the hammer, trying not to run into a real ghost. When you pick up the hammer, the ghosts will disappear.

Return through the illusionary door to the room with switches, go through the gate to the tower in the north and climb the ramp to the foot of the tower, and then climb up using the rope. After climbing to the top of the tower, take the red potion and healing crystals, then go down and go to the central tower to pick up the stones lying on the buttons. Take the cobblestones and head towards the north central gate.

Before leaving the gate, check your health, prepare a hammer and go forward until you see another gang of skeletons. Try to kill as many of them as possible at a distance, only then proceed to close combat. After destroying the guards, go to the bank and throw the hammer at the lever on the opposite bank - as a result, the bridge will lower, then go to the opposite side and enter the portal.


Be careful! Bubbles on the water are in fact very dangerous tentacles - when you see them or hear the splash of water, pound them with a hammer, and do not stop doing this until you see the death of this scum. Also, avoid green water as it is poisonous.

From the portal, go west, reaching the island in the center of the map, go around it and find the oracle tree. Talk to him and give him gold, and you will have to repeat this ten times - in return you will receive an increase in experience. After that, go to the southwest and find several houses there. Go to the open house and take the money and iron gloves from the shelf. Now go into another house, for which you need to knock down the boards with which the entrance is clogged. There you need to take money from the chest and go to the second room, from which you should take the auditory horn. Return to the oracle tree, turn southeast and go to the whispering weeds - it is very easy to recognize them, since these plants from afar are very similar to people. Approach them at a distance of one step (at this distance they do not hide) and listen to what they have to say with the help of the auditory horn.

Walk north to the bay where giant mushrooms live, then turn northeast and find the golden mushroom. Cut a piece from it and take it with you (this mushroom helps in the fight against evil). Now go to the northeastern part of the swamp, into the bay filled with man-eating trees. Walking along the left side of the bank, you will find a tree with a dead man hanging on it, from which you need to take a bow. Do not enter the fight against man-eating trees, as it will not bring you success (if you cut off their roots, they will grow again).

Walk northwest to a building surrounded by poisonous water. Remember this as it contains the teleporter, which you will need later. Turn right and round the cliff, then prepare your sword and head to the northwest corner of the map. Cannibal flowers will appear on your way out of the water, chop them down and move on. Do not stop at all, as they grow back, and this happens very quickly. Find flying lights and talk to them. They will ask you about the secret of weeds, and in return, these lights are ready to give you the secret of the cure for poisonous water. Talk to them again, Conor will lay out to them what he heard from the whispering weeds, and will receive a flower in return. Take a flower, Conor will eat it, and as a result will be protected from the poisonous water.

Return to the Whisperer Weeds and talk to them, and then go to the southeastern part of the swamp to the witch's castle. The entrance to the castle is guarded by the witch herself, as a result you will have to kill her too. Approach the grate covering the entrance and stand so that you can see the sandbags hanging on the wall inside the castle. Shoot them with a bow - when they fall, the grate will rise. After going inside, go into the left room and collect all the things, and don't miss the stone. Now go to the right room, after seeing the dead goblin lying on the table, pull out the horn that has stuck in it. By clicking on the cauldron, you will find out what your opponent is doing. Click on the book on the stand, go up the ramp, break all the barrels and collect all the items. Throw a stone on the metal platform, after which the trap will work and you will rise to the third floor. Turn to the west and take the chain mail, then take out the sword and go to the western tower, in which you need to pick up a part of the Mask from the chest. At this moment, another guardian will appear behind your back, whom you must kill, after which you will have to chop off his hand and take it with you. Only after that you can leave the castle and go north-west to the wooden building.

Climbing to its top, walk across the bridge to the gate. By clicking on the handprint, you will see that your hand does not fit. After that, you will have to take out the guardian's hand and put it to the gate that will open. Go forward to the stone columns and stumps, and then jump along them to the opposite side, and try not to fall into the fire. Do not forget to heal with magic crystals. Having reached the other side, you will find yourself in the vault of the swamp witch's secret, where two swamp monsters will pile on you. Kill them and take the gold bucket from the chest. Pull the two chains that will open the exit from the cache. Now press the button, after which the grate will rise. After leaving the vault of secrets, step across the bridge back to the tower, go downstairs and return to the witch's castle in the southeast. In the castle, you will have to purify the water in the boiler, for which you need to use a golden ladle - when the water in the boiler is cleared, the whole swamp will become the same. Go outside and talk to the king of the swamp, in the role of which is a snail. It will create a whirlpool that you cannot enter. Go to the teleporter tower, enter the tower and teleport to the Daventry kingdom. In order to teleport, you need to get into the teleport, open the map, select the part of the world to which you want to move, and press the teleportation button.

Exit the castle and head east to the muddy pond. By giving the horn to the animal that lives there, you will help it turn into a unicorn. In gratitude, the beast will give you a small pyramid made of pomegranate crystals. Go to the northwest area and the house opposite windmill talk to the little girl you saved in the realm of death. Take the gold from her and talk to her again. After all this, teleport back to the swamp, go down from the tower and go to the whirlpool near the witch's castle. Entering the whirlpool, you will find yourself in the kingdom of the gnomes.


Once in the hall in the south of the dungeon, break all the barrels and collect all the items, then prepare your weapon and put a stone on the button that opens the main door. After killing the bats, head east. A stone monster is waiting for you around the first turn - after killing it, step on the sound of the pickaxe blows. At the dead end, talk to the gnome and pick up the stone. Back out, walk past the main door to the west, then turn left, head downstairs and head east. Follow the corridor and move to a dead end, where you will talk to another gnome. Going through the door to the right, you will find yourself in a store where you need to buy yourself new durable armor. Try on the lats before giving away money - this will allow you to find out which one is best for you. After leaving the store, go north to the mine, kill all the guards, collect things and gold. After that, go up and kill the stone monster and bats, then go west and turn into the first corridor to the right. After going down the stairs, stomp to the east, kill the zombies on the way.

After crossing the bridge, go north to the elder. Talk to him and he will tell you about the light of life. After that, with the help of the sword, break off a piece of the crystal, pick it up and return to the bridge. Cross it and go to the right, when you see a large pit there, jump over it and go down the corridor to a room guarded by a stone monster and bats. After eliminating these guards, take with the sword a piece of burning amber (gold). Return to the pit and go to the first corridor to the north, go to the teleport, but do not use it, but go to the central southern area.

From the central area, move west to the weapons store, where you need to buy a heavy crossbow and a large war hammer. After leaving the store, head east along a zigzag corridor. Once you reach the room with the buttons on the floor, put stones on them, as soon as you do, the bridge will go down. Jump over to the opposite side, go to the first corridor to the left, kill all the monsters and enter the pharmacy. Click on the statuette on the right, as a result, you will learn about the essence of the sun. Spend your money carefully, as soon you will need at least 250 gold.

After leaving the store, go to the locked door and use your weapon to break the lock. After opening the door, kill the monster guarding the passage. Go north, turn left into the first corridor and kill the bats. Approach the place where the boulders are rolling and run when the path is clear. Be careful! At the end of the corridor, a stone monster is waiting for you, you do not need to spare. Open the door and talk to the learned gnome, who will tell you what is needed to repair his car. Return to the main maze and head to the northwest part of the dungeon. Find a room with roots sticking out of the walls and chop off a piece of root, take it and go to the northern part of the maze. Find a brick wall opposite the inclined corridor, and move from it first along the corridor to the east, and then south to the place of rise. After rising to the upper level, push down the boulder, then jump behind it and push the stone in a circle to the inclined corridor. When the boulder rolls down, it will break through the brick wall. Go to the breach and place the crystal of light in the wall holder (left), after which the lamps will light up. Prepare your weapon and go further along the corridor to the hall with the dragon, where you need to drink the amber shield potion and kill the dragon. Pick up the black diamond heart and go to the next hall.

Click on the purple crystal, as a result of which you will receive news regarding the Mask. Take the light crystal pyramid, and in its place put the pyramid that the unicorn gave you, then click on the purple crystal again. After viewing the second message, take both pyramids and a magnetic stone for yourself.

Returning to the scientist gnome, give him the magnetic stone, in return he will tell you about the barren area. Back at the pharmacy, give the saleswoman the root and put the money on the statuette - the result will be an increase in your experience. Exit the pharmacy and go to the teleport, stand in the active zone, select the barren area map and press the teleport button.


Do not think, but take a crossbow in your hands and start shooting at the fire ants. When they are finished, head west to the bridge over the lava river. Be careful as there are fire monsters in the river. Cross over to the other side and head north to two huts. First go to the gun store and, if you have the money, buy a battleaxe for five hundred gold. Small arms are not worth buying here, since the weapons of the gnomes are better. The talkative seller will tell you about a terrible monster and a weapon that can kill him. After hearing his story, get yourself a good metal lance. After that, go to the second hut, talk to the shamaness and go west along the hill, and walk between the two columns. As soon as you climb to the top, the guard of the bridge will stop paying attention to you. After crossing the bridge, you will see a creature blowing into a large horn. Talk to him - you will learn about the disappearance of the stone of order. To complete your collection, go to the store and talk to the blacksmith.

Walk down the hill and head northwest (to the right of Holiness Hill) to the destroyed stone bridge. When you step on the bridge, stone blocks will rise from the lava, along which you need to walk in a strictly defined order.

O – 2– (END) –6 – O

O – O – O – O – O – O – 3

5 – O – O – O – 7 – O – O

O – O – 1 – O – O – O – O

О – O – O – O – O – 4 – O

As soon as the bridge is crossed, all the stone blocks will sink in the lava, and the metal blocks will line up. Watch out for the two fire ants and keep walking - first northeast along the left hill, and then north. Having seen the stone pyramid, climb to its top and take the precious fire stone from the altar.

Head back south and head towards the many small volcanoes, then head northeast. Walk across the mountain to a stone bridge divided into many parts. Prepare your crossbow, as there are several fire monsters in the lava lake, then jump over the stone blocks to the building in the center of the lake. Approaching the house, climb to the roof using the hook, stand on the protruding platform and take out the crossbow. You must shoot the gongs in the following order: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple. But the point is that you cannot distinguish their colors! Therefore, be guided by the fact that there are seven gongs, and from left to right their numbers increase from 1 to 7. Armed with this knowledge, shoot in the following sequence: 4,2,7,5,1,3,6.

After the bridge is completely built, take the stone of order and return to the fortress on the hill. Place this pebble on the stand next to the creature blowing the horn, enter the store and talk to the blacksmith, who will give you a sturdy metal pike. Go to the gun shop and give it to the pike owner, a black diamond heart and 10 gold coins, after which you will receive a diamond pike from him.

Go southwest to the lava lake, in which there are stone slabs, you need to use them to get to the wall. Climbing the wall with a rope, you will find yourself behind the back of a fire-breathing monster. Take a diamond lance, take a step forward, after which Conor will jump on the monster's back and kill him with a diamond lance.

Get your crossbow and walk across the bridge to the temple. As soon as fire monsters appear from the river, shoot them. After going around the temple, go up to the roof and go down inside through the hole in the roof. When you see a dead fire dwarf, take the granite key from him. The sarcophagus has four buttons with different symbols. Click them in the following order: crescent, triangle, circle, square. After the secret door opens, take the sword lying on the sarcophagus and step into the open door. Turning to the right, take the new armor, which will greatly improve your defense. Return to the dead dwarf and climb to the roof, and then go downstairs, go to the large killed monster and cut off his tongue with a sword.

Return to the huts in the center of the map and head southwest along the narrow gorge. On the bank of the lava river, find a lonely tree with a narrow ford next to it. Go through it only after you have your weapon ready. When you reach the granite gate, kill the guards and take a bow with fiery arrows from one of the guards - it is much more powerful than your crossbow. Then use the granite key to open the gate and go inside the cave, and do not remove the weapon, since there are a lot of guards there. Having found three buttons on the north wall, shoot them, and the extended bridges will become a reward for accuracy for you. You go into the far left cave and pull the lever, which will open the dungeon door. It is there that the snow queen languishes, who will open the secret door, thank you and leave. Take the pipe plug in the leftmost chamber, then go to the secret room and kill the fire dwarf. After looking at the wall safe, dial the same combination as on the sarcophagus. When it opens, take another plug from there and go out into the main corridor.

Go along the middle walkway to the chest, open it and take another piece of the Mask. As soon as you do this, the guardian will appear, which must be destroyed by taking the potion of the amber shield. Now go along the far right footbridge, kill the fire dwarf and collect all the useful items. Put a plug on one of the steam pipes, stand in the elevator chamber and shoot the button on the opposite wall. After leaving the elevator, pick up the crystal scepter, after which you will need to return to the elevator and shoot the button again - the result will be a return back to the pipes. Putting the second plug on the other pipe, return to the elevator and shoot the button again.


Enter the palace and talk to the snow queen. In gratitude for your release, she will allow you to fly the crystal dragon. Give her the crystal scepter, which she will not accept, saying that now you need it more. Exit the palace and follow the path east to the crystal dragon's hideout. Use the scepter on the dragon, who will explain to you that the closed gate is preventing it from taking off. Looking at the floor, you will see a torn off piece of chain. Looking up, you will see the other half of the chain hanging from the ceiling. Pushing a block of ice, put it in a position from which you can reach the remaining piece of the chain, then jump onto the blocks of ice and pull the chain, which will open the gate. Having achieved your goal, use the scepter on the dragon again, after which you will see that Conor mounts the dragon and flies to the north coast.

Once in the north, prepare your crossbow and head northwest. As soon as you notice the frost demons, immediately open fire - the fact is that they walk very slowly, but in close combat they are extremely dangerous, so it is most profitable to destroy them at a distance. Continue in the same direction, in the center of the map, turn strictly to the north and go to the watchtower, which is guarded by two arrows. After finishing them, pick up the ice crossbow, approach the tower wall and climb to the roof using the hook. Once upstairs, go to the opposite balcony and pull the lever. Go down the opened hatch, break all the barrels and collect all the things, and then open the chest and take four potions of power. Pulling the lever that will open the main door, step north and go down the slope. On the road going east, you will meet a large group of frost demons - after killing them, continue walking northeast until you hear the wheeze of an invisible snow monster, that is, a giant invisible dog. After drinking the potion of the amber shield, kill this beast, and then move forward to the frozen reservoir. Step on the ice, which will help you figure out its thickness, and then throw a stone at it three times. When the ice cracks, use the gem of fire and dip it into the water, then take the fire sword, and do not forget to be careful and in no case go into the water.

Return to the watchtower in the center of the map, and from it go north (northwest) along a very steep slope. Having reached the castle, on the opposite bank, interrupt the guards, go into the house occupied by the guards, and take things from the barrels. Go around the lake on the right side, for which you will have to move along a narrow strip of land along the hill. Go around the castle and climb to the roof using the hook. Approaching the grate, you will see how the guardian of evil orders to kill you.

After that, move south to the prison cells. Seeing there the king of vultures, talk to him, turn around and stand at the lever so that you can see the electric chair. Press the lever to raise the chair - knowledge of this technique will benefit you.

Going to the small balcony located on the south side, you will notice that the camera will begin to show you from the side, after which you need to take another step forward, and then Conor will jump down and kill the guard. Pick up the keys and return to the second floor to the prison cells. Free the king of vultures - when he flies away, take out the sword and go out onto the roof to the grate. Another guard will attack you from behind, and together with him you will fall to the first floor. After drinking the shield potion, kill the commander of the northern archers, take the magic amulet from the chest in the corner of the room and pick up a piece of ice from the floor. After looking into the closed room, which contains the chest and the frozen guardian, click on the place where the lever used to be, this will help you understand what needs to be done.

Open the main door and place a piece of ice in the niche under the door, melt it with a fire sword, and then freeze the water with an ice crossbow. The resulting ice lever will help you open the chest room. Upon entering the room, Conor will split the frozen keeper and open the chest containing the fourth piece of the Mask. As he examines the Mask, the Guardian transforms and appears behind him. Drink the potion and finish off this rubbish, then leave the fortress and return to the crystal dragon, which is waiting for you on the shore of the lake.

Fly back to the castle of the snow queen, and from the dragon's lair go northwest past the palace and the teleport - this way you will reach the vulture cave. Walk past the guards and talk to the king of vultures, who will give you a blue crystal (basil). Now return to the dragon and fly back to the lake shore.

Go to the fortress in the north, which used to store part of the Mask, go up to the roof and go to the electric chair. Put the components of the secret weapon against evil on it: a blue crystal (basil), the tongue of a fire-breathing monster and a piece of golden mushroom, pull the lever - and you will get an increase in experience and armor.

Get down to the ground and enter the ravine near the western wall of the fortress, kill the ice shooters and continue your way to another watchtower in the west. After eliminating the guards, take all the things from the barrels inside the tower, go down from the cliff to the pillar, which is located in the north-west of you, and kill all the frost demons. The magic amulet will help you read the inscription on the pillar: "Only the blade of a fiery sword can cut off the heads of a two-headed dragon." Now head north along the gorge, and kill seven more demons along the way. When you come to a high gray wall, then climb up to the cornice using the hook. Having prepared for battle, enter the cave. Get as close to the dragon as possible and cut off both of its heads. When the beast falls, the passage will be free. Step into the depths of the cave and jump into the hole.

If you now have four pieces of the Mask, then move on!


Go to the pyramid in the center of the stone circle and place the light crystal pyramid on top of the large pyramid - after that the Keeper of the Mask (Archon) will appear and take you to the Kingdom of the Sun.



Grab your sword immediately and head south into a room filled with water. Kill the water snake and go to the wall next to which water is dripping, then go up to the niche, break the urn and pick up the medallion. Get down and go to southwestern part a labyrinth where you will find a large hall containing the petrified guardians of the Mask. Take the Stone Tablet of Knowledge from the altar and head northwest to the large golden doors. To the left of the gate is the Keeper of the Mask, with whom you need to talk, after which he will open the doors leading to the Hall of Truth. Enter the hall and turn left into the first room. Go straight to the monster, and you do not need to be afraid of him, since this is not a beast, but an illusion. Take the key of truth and head south to the room with the buttons on the floor freeing the shadow demons. Now go to the east wall, where the golden doors are, open them with the key and go inside. Take the shield and sword from the altar, together with which you will receive the first truth. Now go to the northwest part of the labyrinth to the third golden doors. When you approach them, they will ask you, "What is the power of truth?" Use the knowledge tablet on the door, when it opens, move on and go to the next level.


Be careful, as there are a large number of keepers of evil at this level. Go to the northeast of the labyrinth to the talking golden doors. Find an extinguished candle next to them - if you pull on it, a passage will open. Now go to the southwest part of the labyrinth to the opened golden doors. After passing through them, you will be taken to the Column Hall, where you will find the fifth part of the Mask. When you leave the hall, two guardians of evil will meet you at the gate. Kill them and go to the northeastern area of ​​the labyrinth, where you need to find a room that contains a large cauldron with a black mass. You will see a new monster emerge from the cauldron. When he leaves, put the medallion with the image of the Mask into the cauldron, which will turn the cauldron into a pool of living water. Exit the pool room and go to the southeastern part of the labyrinth to the golden doors, in front of which is the Keeper of the Mask. Talk to him, after which he will open the gate to the Hall of Light. Once inside, push the book stand to the center of the illuminated circle and you will receive a key of light. After that, go to the center of the labyrinth to the locked doors, open them with the key of light and enter the central hall. Taking the armor of light, along with it, you will receive the second truth. Now return to the talking doors, open them with a sign of knowledge and go to the next level.


There are no monsters at this level. Go to the northern part of the labyrinth to the door, next to which is the Keeper of the Mask. Talk to him, after which he will let you into the Hall of Order. You need, pushing the blocks, put them in such order to get the image of the Mask of Eternity. When the image is folded, the door to the northern room will open, into which you need to enter and take the key from the altar. Having reached the western hall, you will see a large number of monsters in it, which must be killed with a sword. Open the locked door with the order key and go to the eastern room, in which you need to pick up the order cup from the altar, and at the same time you will learn the third truth. Go to the talking doors, open them with the sign and go to the next level.


You find yourself in front of a closed door, next to which stands Archon and waits for you to speak to him. If you have everything you need, then he will let you into the hall of the Mask of Eternity. When you enter the hall, the main guardian of evil (Lucreto) will appear. As soon as he disappears, start collecting the Mask, but keep in mind that this scoundrel will not let you finish the job in one fell swoop - he will suddenly appear and disappear, and you will have to grab the sword when he appears, and when he disappears completely heal the wounds and continue to collect The mask.

When the Mask is assembled, an abyss will open, illuminated by a pulsating light, to which it is dangerous to approach. Now wait for the next appearance of Lucreto, who must be pushed into the abyss. The victory is yours, and now you can enjoy the finale!

Kingdom of Daventry

Click on the crow, see which direction it flew.
Click on the statue of Sarah.
Enter Sarah's house. Click on the statue of the Burke widow.
Take mushrooms in the basket, and a bottle of potion from the shelf.
By clicking on the boiler by the fireplace, you can improve your health.
Leave the house and go right.
Pick up mushrooms in front of the house.
Enter Connor's house to the left of the path.
Take a dagger - stuck it into the table.
Click on the bank, on the shelf and pick up the coins that appear.
Exit the house and click on the crow on the hedge.
Follow him. Down the path and past the church - meet the sorcerer by the reservoir.
From him we learn about what happened and how to deal with it.
Now we return to the church and climb the cliff adjacent to it. From there
you can jump to the church and fall on the monster with a crossbow.
Exit through the cemetery.
Turn left by the road.
Enter the house on the right.
Click on Simm's wife "a.
Take gold from the shelf and from the box, mushrooms on the table. Take the shoes next to the bed.
Leave the house and continue on the road.
Kill a couple of monsters behind the house.
We go north to the fountain. You can drink - if your health is not full.
we go northwest to the tavern.
In the tavern on the left in the chest, take gold. Get gloves from under the counter.
Exit the tavern and continue northwest.
Break the barrels with a dagger outside the tavern. Collect if you need.
Remove the guard from the bridge.
Cross the bridge and remove another one.
Enter Kavanaugh's Home a. Read children's drawings on the table and
look at the toy horse.
Leave the house and go around it on the right.
Kill the monster in the wooden outhouse.
We continue south to the windmill.
Go inside. We push the box to the ax stuck in the ceiling.
We climb on it and take the ax.
We leave and kill the materialized knight.
We return to the fountain.
We go to the water mill to the southwest.
Inside we notice a rope with a hook on the second floor.
We leave and cut down the tree standing next to it. It will block the flow and stop the millstones.
Go inside again and climb up, take the rope.
We go north to the waterfall, to its left side.
With the help of the rope we climb up and push the stone blocks. Let's get down and go
through the waterfall.

Daventry Kingdom Castle

We go along the tunnel to a dead end.
Click on the candle on the right and a hidden door will open.
Click on the painting of King Graham "a.
Push the picture and get the key.
Go south and pick up the ash from the ground.
Click on the mirror - when it starts to glow.
We leave from the castle.
From the waterfall we go east to the path. Then north and east until the fork.
We kill several crawling mummies.
We go to the grave of King James.
After killing another monster, the king will tell you what you need
search for Dimension of Death. We go further east and meet a little
a disfigured unicorn who asks for the horn to be returned.
We return to the west.
We go into the ruins of the castle.
Turn left inside and kill a couple of monsters.
We go north. Then left along the tunnel to the door.
We use the key on the door.
This is a teleportation room for traveling between worlds. On the
every map with a new world will be the same.
We return to the courtyard and go up to the second floor.
We kill the monster and rise to the third floor.
We kill the next monster and take away the armor.
Back to the grave of King James "a.
We push the gate with an ax.
We open the coffin - by covering it.
We take the ring.

We go to the fountain and continue east.
We cut the boards on the door with an ax.
We take whatever we find, including the scroll.
We return to the church. The door is locked.
We use the rope to climb onto the roof.
We repeat to go down inside (next to the window).
We take a candle inside.
We push the urn and look at the opening portal in the neighboring building.
We get out of the church and go through the cemetery to the mausoleum.
We go inside and go to the portal, however, it will soon knock out from there.
We look at the crow and go to the magician again.
We speak to him. He will ask for a candle, ash and a ring.
We give it all to him and get back the magic ring (now you can
go through the portal).
We go on the water to the island.
To the left of the small arch we climb onto the wall.
Take a portion of invisibility and click on the feather.
We take the written page.
We use the page on the globe.
We take the potion and drink it.
We open the chest, which has now become visible.
We take the bell.
We go downstairs and put the bell on the arch.
We knock on it three times with an ax.
The lady from the lake will present a magic sword.
We return to the mausoleum and go to the portal.

Dimension of death

Turn around and notice the symbols above the portal.
Several skeletons and a massive door are ahead.
We go east and notice the pedestals with flames at the top.
We look at them and notice the grooves (slot).
Find the Lever of Life Idol Statue.
Go north, then west.
In the center of the boxes lies a dead warrior. Click on it and take a piece of the shield.
We go east to the locked doors. I need a key.
Now we return to the pedestals and insert the lever into one of them and
we turn. We repeat this operation on three more pedestals.
We go into the opened doors.
Here you need to jump over symbols to get to the other side
(a sequence of symbols is displayed above the portal).
Azriel will give you a key and tell you where to go next.
We go to the closed doors and open them with this key.

Compound of Death

After killing the skeletons, you need to turn west. At the corner to the left
then to the right.
We go south, then left.
We shoot at the urns (there are crystals, mushrooms and spirits in the urns).
Turn off the switch and neutralize the traps.
We go south. Careful with fire.
We turn right.
After the urns we go north.
The door on the right requires a key.
We go north-west, then south-west.
We go far ahead until we hit the wall.
We go north - a large cave.
Move the metal box to free the metal board in the floor.
We move three more such boxes - this lights the green lights on the pedestals.
You also need to collect stones. You will need four pieces.
Talk to the girl by the pool. She will ask to bring rusty
iron and some sort of mold.
You need to find a path blocked by a metal box.
Jumping over it from the side, we make our way further.
There will be a girl among the wooden boxes.
We listen to her story.
We push the metal box and free the way for her. She will be
We return to the pool.
We go west and north.
Kill three skeletons and go right, left, left, right.
Click on the boatman who says to seek the Bridge of Life.
We leave from the docks to the left. Further to the right. We read the inscription "7 holds the
key to the rhythms of life "(you need to read all the inscriptions at the altars,
encountered on the way).
We leave and go north to the river, then east all the way and south.
At the end we turn west, south, east.
There are 5 skeletons in the south.
There will be a box on the left with a square key inside.
Now you need to find the girl's brother. It is in the southwest of the map.
Click on it and listen to its story.
We go south until we hit the wall. There should be a door on the left.
We open it with a square key.
A big battle is coming. We kill all the skeletons and look for another key.
We go to the east tower.
We kill the skeleton at the top. Fighting has to be forced all the time
retreat until he falls.
We take away the metal chain mail.
Should already have three stones. The fourth is in the central tower
in the middle of the map.
Climb onto it, cross the bridge. The stone will be on the right.
Now you need to open four portals. Throw stones on metal
boards around the tower. The portals around the pool will open.

Hall of respite

We go into the portal. We kill two skeletons across the river.
Further on the boxes we move across the river.
In the left shelf we take the skull in the third row, seventh from the left.

Another portal. We jump over the bridge to the other side.
Place the skull on the headless statue.
We take the feather and leave.

Hall of immortality

We look at the lifeless heart and leave.

Hall of justice

We put the feather on the right side of the scale, and on the left side we jump ourselves.
The heart will begin to beat.

We leave and from the pool we go to the river. We lower the piece of the shield into the water. He
We go along the river to the other side. Then through the labyrinth. We collect
fungi and mold (mold).
We return to the girl at the pool and give what was required. She
will do a protective spell.
We are looking for a door opened with a round key. Skeletons are behind her.
Two walls have switches. The principle is simple: push one
circuit breaker at the west wall and four at the south. So three more times.
Sixteen chambers should open.
We take whatever we find to the cameras. In one of the last press
lever arm. The door in the room with switches will open.
We go into them. We kill the skeleton. We climb up and take away the hammer.
We go back through the cameras.
At the center we turn left and go to the meeting with the skeleton.
After the big battle we go to the bridge.
We throw the hammer into the switch on the other side of the bridge to the left.
The bridge will go down.
We cross the bridge and go to the portal.

We need to find a large tree. It will ask for gold in exchange for information.
You need to give him gold until it tells everything.
There are two shacks in the southwest.
We go into the first. We take the gloves on the shelf.
Open the box and take the gold.
We go to the next hut. We chop boards.
In another room we take the auditory horn.
There are sibilants to the northeast of the huts. They look like mummies
collected in groups.
We come close, but so that they do not disappear.
We use the auditory horn to listen to what they are talking about.
A golden mushroom grows in the northeast of the map. You need to chop off a piece from it.
In the very north, a skeleton with a crossbow hangs from the branches. We take the crossbow.
We go to the northwest.
A hut on wooden stilts - with a teleporter.
We go further until we meet the elves. We click on them four times.
We take and eat the flower.
We go southeast to the witch's castle. We kill her.
We shoot from the crossbow into the bags behind the entrance gate. They will open.
We go in and go to the right.
We take out the horn from the dead creature.
We look at the boiler a couple of times.
We rise to the second floor.
To avoid the trap, we throw a stone on the metal grate.
We go up the floor above. There will be a new chain mail on the right.
We kill the guard and take away his hand.
Now we leave the castle and go to the hut with the bridge.
We climb up, one more time.
We use the hand of the guard on the door.
Further, in order to get to the other side, you need to jump and not get into
the fire. Not very difficult, but you will have to try more than once.
We open the drawer and take the spoon.
We press two levers to release the gate lever. Click on it.
We go to the tower of the sorceress again.
We use the spoon on the cauldron. A portal to the world of gnomes will open.
Before going to the portal, you need to return the horn to the unicorn and
check how the girl got home (go to the room with the portal on
piles, change the map and go).
The unicorn will give a crystal pyramid.

Realm of the gnomes

Take the mushrooms and the stone on the right.
We go north and throw a stone on a metal plate in the ground.
We go along the aisle to a dead end. We speak with the gnome.
We return to the fork and go left.
We reach the store. We buy everything we have enough money for.
We leave and look for a crystal. There are a lot of twists and turns and quite
poor visibility (after all, the dungeon).
We beat the crystal and take away a piece of it.
Turn right on the upper steps.
We go to the luminous substance (also a decent amount
turns). And we break off a piece from it.
We return to the bridge and three slabs in the floor.
We throw stones on them - the bridge will go down.
We cross the bridge and go to the first left turn.
Go to the door.
After the gnome stops talking, click on the statue.
She will ask for iron, root and amber.
We go to the locked doors.
We cut the lock with a hammer. We select the castle.
We go further and go downstairs.
We go along the aisle up to three roots. We cut down one of them.
We are looking for the sage of the gnomes. He will ask to bring him an iron stone,
to leave the world of the dwarfs.
We go to the stone wall - to the north from the center of the map.
We go up to the floor.
We go to the hole. We push into it what is in front of it and climb next.
A hole forms in the brick wall. We climb into it.
Place the crystal into the purple crystal on the left wall.
We go along the aisle.
We take a black diamond.
We go the other way. Click on the purple crystal.
Meet Hector "a.
We take the pyramid. We put back the dark pyramid. We watch the scene.
We take a dark pyramid.
We take a stone from under the pyramid.
We return to the wise gnome (Sage Gnome).
We give him the stone.
The dead zone will now appear on the map.
Go to the apothecary and return the ingredients.
We buy Sun Tzu.
We go to the teleportation room.
We teleport to the dead lands

The Barren Region

We go west to the bridge. We take crystals.
After the bridge we go north to the village.
We go into the hut on the left.
We click on the shaman.
We go to the armory hut.
The arms dealer will say that he needs a black diamond and a metal
a shaft to make a weapon against the monster.
We go west.
Cross the bridge to the south.
We talk with the guy who has a bugle.
We go to the smithy and talk to the blacksmith.
We go north behind the castle.
Bridge puzzle (N-north, S-south, W-west, E-east).
4. Yu-Z.Yu.Yu.
5. Z.Z.Z. N-Z. N-Z.
7. Yu.Yu-Z.
We cross the bridge.
We go north to the volcanoes.
We climb up. Take a fire gem.
We return to the south.
We go to the mountain in the east.
Further north to the broken bridge.
We go across the bridge and up.
We return to the guy with the bugle.
We put the stone on the pedestal.
We go to the blacksmith and take a part for preparing weapons.
We return to the weapon hut. We give the gunsmith a diamond and a shaft. He
will make a peak.
We go south.
Cross the bridge and head south to the lava.
We jump over the rocks in the lava to the cliff on the other side.
We climb the cliff.
We kill the monster.
We return across the bridge and to the right to the castle.
We climb up. We jump into the hole.
We take the sword from the sarcophagus.
We click on the dwarf. We select the key that he dropped.
We press the plates on the wall: moon, triangle, circle, square.
We go inside. There should be a healing potion and another armor.
We go back to the killed monster. We cut off his tongue with a new sword.
We go to the lair of the dwarfs. We use the key that one of them dropped earlier.
There are three buttons on the wall to the right. We shoot at the first. The bridge will go down.
We cross the bridge and press the lever to free the woman.
Press the symbols again in the sequence: moon, triangle,
circle, square.
We take the top of the pipe.
We return across the bridge and shoot at the second button.
Over the bridge again. Open the drawer and take the third piece of the mask.
We kill the appeared knight.
We shoot at the third button.
We put the top of the pipe on the pipe.
We go to the elevator. We shoot the button and go up to the next floor.
We leave and take the scepter.
We go down in the elevator and use the pipe.
We return to the elevator and shoot the button.
We go to the frozen territories.

We go south to the snow palace.
We speak with the queen of nymphs - Freesa.
We give her the scepter, but she will allow to keep it at home.
We go west to the dragon.
We look at the broken chain on the ceiling.
We move the ice block under it and grab the chain.
The gate will open.
We use the scepter on the dragon.
Next, we jump on his back and fly over the lake.
We go to the east tower.
We kill a couple of ice orcs.
We climb onto the wall and go inside.
We press the lever - a secret door opens. We jump there.
We break the barrels and open the box.
We leave and go north, at the fork - to the east.
An invisible man is attacking at the top of the hill. To see him
you need to drink a portion of invisibility (like a box with a bell).
Go ahead and see a sword in the ice.
We throw the stone three times, and the ice will break.
Use the fire diamond to melt it. We take away the sword.
We go to the house of guards and behind it. We climb up.
We click on the lattice. We go to the prison.
We speak with the king Gryph.
Push the lever on the other side. Lightning will appear.
We leave the balcony. We jump down and kill the guard. He will drop the key.
We climb up and free the king.
You will be attacked and thrown through the bars.
Kill Thork "a.
Open the drawer in the throne room. Get the amulet and icy elytra.
Open the door and notice a gap in the floor. We use the elytra on the break.
We drown the ice with a fiery sword. Now we use the crossbow to
freeze the melted water. We take what happened.
There is a stone in the corner of the room - you will need it.
Use the new ice lever in the opening in the wall to open the gate.
We break the ice guard and open the box.
He will appear again - to kill.
There are now 4 parts of the mask.
We return to the dragon. We go to the other side of the lake.
From the dragon's cave we go south and west.
Click on King Gryph. He will give a blue mineral.
We return to the dragon and fly over the lake.
We go to the house of the guards and climb up.
We go to the electric chair. We put the blue mineral, tongue and mushroom on it.
Push the lever. We increase the level of armor and weapons.
We climb down.
Western column.
We use the amulet on the column.
We go north. We kill the snow guys.
We climb the wall. We kill Drake.
Further into the hole and go along the passage.
We go to the altar and click on it.
We notice the distortion. We put a crystal in it.
This will take you to the land of the sun.

Realm of the sun

We kill the guard and leave the room.
We turn left. There is a hole in the ceiling.
We kill the snake and climb the wall.
We break the urns and take the medallion.
We climb down and leave the room.
We go down the hall and to the left.
We kill the guard and go forward to the end of the hall.
Open the panel with red crystals.
We go north, then west, killing snakes along the way.
In the castle we go to the left. Archons is frozen.
We listen to voices.
We take a tablet from the altar.
We go to the northeast.
When we reach Archon "a, click on it. It will open the door.
We go into the room with the monster. It will turn into a key.
We leave and go south.
We open the door with the key. We take the sword. Something is written on the plate.
We go to the northwest corner to get to the second level of the sun world.
We use the plate on the door.
The door on the left is closed.
We go straight and kill three guards.
We go north, east, north. Second turn to the left.
We fall into a large room.
We are looking for an extinguished candle.
We press it - we open the locked door.
Go right and find the fifth piece of the mask.
We continue walking far to the northeast. There should be a room.
We use the medallion on the cauldron to turn its water into living.
She must stop the guard's bleeding.
We go south.
We approach the book on the pedestal. It's too dark to read.
We push the pedestal to the center of the circle on the floor.
A key will appear - take it.
We go to the closed door in the center. We open it with a key.
We click on the armor.

Third level.
We go to the door. We use the plate. We notice the panel in the wall.
Now go down the aisle and at the fork to the left.
We go to the turn to the right.
We click on the golden urn.
We return to the panel - we take the potion.
We go west.
We go to the talking door.
Now to the northern part of the map. Click on Archon.
We go into the opened door.
Solving the mask puzzle. The door opens. We take the key.
We go to the room in the eastern part of the map.
We open the door with the key. We take everything that is there.
We return to the talking door. We use the plate on the door.
Click on Archon "a.
We go into the room. Lucreto appears.
We put part of the mask on the altar. We fight with Lucreto until he disappears.
We put the other part of the mask. Fighting again.
When the portal opens, we push Lucreto into it.

The Kingdom of Daventry is free and ready to flourish again!

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