Who consists in the global government. The Secret World Government is preparing the world "Global Empire. World Government plans

Secret world government.

The peoples of the world are tired of feeding and provide 'Golden Billion' West. Especially the aggressive nature of the West is manifested in relation to Russia. Western clashes with our country will be especially catastrophic.

The Secret World Government is a strictly classified criminal community of international, mainly Jewish politicians acting on the basis of racist laws of the Talmud. He is the main goal of the transition of all power over humanity in the hands of the "Chosen People". The plans of the World Secret Government include full control over world finances, organization of terrorist acts, revolutions and wars, creating puppet modes, manipulation by means mass media, destruction of faith and morality.

According to its nature and scale of criminal encroachments against the peoples of the world, these organizations are akin to the structures of fascist Germany, because they set themselves the same goals and objectives that Hitler advanced to their associates. Under the slogans of the new world order of organization of world backstage, they create (and partially already created) for humanity a system of total domination and control. In the eyes of the wide public of the Western world, puppet congresses and parliaments are playing, 'free' media and other 'democratic institutions. But this policy is being done for their back. They are just like obedient actors, voiced it.

To understand the essence and significance of the organizations of world snacks, I needed working with documents and materials for many years, repeatedly to meet people who were somehow familiar with the activities of these organizations. Large material on this issue I managed to collect during business trips to Switzerland, France (1990) and the United States (1995-1997), Italy, Germany (2000s).

My first acquaintance with a man who had a relation to world backstage occurred in Switzerland. It was our compatriot (Nazu N.), who left his homeland in 1945. N. was among the technical organizers of one of the meetings of the Bilderberg Club. Already a pensioner, he spoke without much embarrassment about what kind of secrecy in one of the Alpine hotels was gathered by the most famous world figures and for two days behind closed doors (even technical staff was not allowed)) discussed some problems. N. Most of all struck the fact that this meeting did not report any newspaper or television company. Then from the mouth N. I first heard the words 'World Government'.

The logical development of Western Anti-Christian, Jewish-Masonic civilization led to the creation of the structures of power, the gogarological essence of which and the open denial of the covenants of Christ crossed the many results of the two thousand years of Christian culture. The authorities founded on the worldview of the New Testament to replace the Boggodan monarchies and the autocratic kingdoms, which was truly Satanic, on the srices of which declared the worship of the Golden Taurus and the profit, debauchery and sodomitism, the cult of violence and permissiveness of wealth.

As fairly celebrated in 1909, the famous English commentator Bible Ch.I. Skefield, 'Modern world system based on the principles of force, greed, egoism, ambition and striving for sinful pleasures - this is the work of Satan, and such a world offered to Christ as a bribe (see: Matt., 4, 1-9) . Satan - Prince of the current world system '(Bible. Synodal publication with comments from Ch. I. Scofield). M., 1989. P. 1495.

Under the guise of the so-called democracy issued in the West for the Crown state Device, Satan's power is hiding, putting the main goal of corruption of people, indulging their vices, turning them into slaves of animal passions.

The assertion of this power means legalization, the transformation into the norm of all vices, which are categorically condemned in the Bible:

- worship of the Golden Taurus, money, material success (this is the basis of the current Western civilization);

- debauchery and adultery (multiple cohabitation with many 'partners on the floor' have become the usual norm);

- Sodomitism (homosexuality - mortal sin, condemned by the Bible, is a legally authorized in all Western countries);

- admiration for power, violence, the permissibility of murdering in the consciousness of the Western person, admiring the scenes of violence and murder (there is all the western cinema).

These are the main results of the approval of the Western, Jewish-Masonic civilization.

Spiritual progress and moral development, which gave humanity Christianity, in the modern anti-Christian Western world, was replaced by a universal spiritual fall, moral degradation of the Western man, closed on their selfish, primitive pleasures.

Jewish-Masonic civilization, which has translated the borders of Western countries in this age and stepped in Asia, South America, Africa, created a new type of simplified man who has lost the whole rich cultural hierarchy of spiritual values \u200b\u200band choosing in return for this orientation on the pursuit of material benefits and comfort; As in the primitive era, life has simplified to purely biological benchmarks. Exhausted sincere Christian feeling and spiritual choice, a person received the right to choose among many products, most of which are harmful and excessively normal human nature.

To control such a simplified type of person and the structure of the secret backstage power is created, called the world government. Satanic in nature, this government is developing, based on the priorities of the Jewish-Masonic civilization, seeking to destroy the backwardness of Christian consciousness in a modern person.

Back in the middle of the last century, the famous Jewish politician B. Dizraeli threw a phrase, which became the winged: "The world is managed by those who play on stage, but those who are behind the scene." This high-ranking free bricklayer knew what he was talking about, since for many years he was located in the center of all world Jewish-Masonic intrigues.

'Jews, - wrote a prominent researcher of the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy of Kopen Albanzelley, - eighteen centuries are under the rule of their religious national feelings, which they are obliged to preserve as a people, and this feeling developed, the more it was degrading and trampled by the celebration of the Christian beginning '.

The Jewish tribe had to revenge Christian tribes for the indelible spot of the betrayal of Judas. According to his position, it was an eternal conspirator against Christian tribes and therefore should have sow among them an instrument of eternal conspiracy ... that the secret force, which was planned, prepared, gave rise to Freemasonry, which spread it throughout the Christian world ... State over the Christian world and leads him to Dried, starting from Catholic countries, this is the secret government of the Jewish nation '(Selyalinov A. Jews. P. 58).

Various combinations of the global government, which the Jewish leaders have been shelled during the centuries in Egypt, Babylon, Constantinople, Spain, Poland, France and who, before the time, were embodied in managing the life of only Jews, from the end of the XVIII century, they begin to apply to the lives of Christian peoples. Of course, at first, this influence was not very stable, but was typical conspiracy activities, which were withdrawn on the secret meetings of the Masonic lodges.

The first attempt to influence the lives of Christian peoples is carried out by the secret Masonic Order of Illuminati, which was established in 1776 in Bavaria by the German Jew. A. Weisgaupt. In a short period, this conspirator created an organization that united several thousand people in its ranks. At the secret meetings of the Order, the Plan of seizure of power in Bavaria was developed, followed by the spread of the influence of the Illuminati for the whole world. However, the plans of conspirators became known to the Bavarian government. Weisgaoupe fired from civil service, and he disappeared in Switzerland, where he continued his subversive work against the world. The Order of the Illuminati participated in the secret training of the French revolution. Through members of the Order of the Weisga Paul held a campaign to discredit the French royal family. Through one of the members of the Order, an adventurer who spent under the name of Count Caliostro, a fake story was organized with jewelry, which strongly dropped the prestige of the royal couple in the eyes of the French people. The illuminates became one of the main organizers of the destruction of the French monarchy, and this greatly affected the further world events, significantly strengthened the position of the Jewish-Masonic influence.

Parallel attempts to create a secret global government are being made in England, in the environment of high-ranking leaders of British Masonic lodges. It creates elite Masonic clubs, which take responsibility to produce the most important state decisions and influence the fate of entire nations.

In 1764, Jeshua Reynold forms the so-called 'Club', which at different times they entered Samuel Johnson, Edmun Berk, Oliver Goldsmith, Edward Gibbon, Charles Fox, Adam Smith, George Kaning, Lord Brogham, T. Makali, Lord John Russell, Lord Kelvin, Gladston, Hugh Cecil, Lord Salisbury, Rudyard Kipling, Balfur, Lord Rybury, Halifax, Austin Chamberlain.

In 1812, another club of the ruling elite occurs - 'Grillon'. He consisted of the same members as 'Club', had the same membership conditions, but only gathered at another time. His most famous members were Gladstone, Salisbury, Balfour, Lord Bruce, Hugh Cecil, Robert Cecil, etc. (Quilgley C. The Anglo-American Establishment / From Rhodes to Cliveden. N. Y. 1981. P. 20-32 /

In 1877, Cecil Rods raises the question of the dissemination of British rule on the whole world, including the United States of America. There is a secret 'society of the round table', pursuing this goal. In addition to S. Rhodes, a lot of prominent figures of the British Empire, including the famous Jewish politician, one of the leaders of world world world, representative of the Rothschild family Lord Alfred Milner (Quigley C.).

In March 1891, after the death of Raza, this society passes under the leadership of Lord Milner, who rules them, based on the interests of the Rothschilds.

Lord Milner forms a group of like-minded people who have become the most important tool for the flame political management of the world. "Milner Group" included such influential politicians as Lord Johnston, Arthur Balfour, Lionel Kurtis, Leopold Emery, Valdolf Astor. This group included not only the British, but also representatives of the United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Germany (Quigley C.). A significant part of these figures, like Milner himself, was Jewish origin.

Lord Milner even more strengthens the mondialist nature of the "Round Table" society. Propaganda needs the need for a single global state and the creation of a global government. The Company has provided a strongest impact on the policies of the Government of England and the Entente countries during the First World War.

Already at this stage, secret Jewish and Masonic organizations begin to build a system of universal control over the main areas of the Company's activities. They seek to replace the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof Christianity by the Jewish-Masonic ideas about the 'joy of life'. Initially, printing, literature and art, and later the main political institutions of society fall under the influence of the subversive Satanic forces of world Freemasonry. However, until the beginning of the XX century, many plans of the Masonic conspirators collapsed as a result of the existence of great monarchies - Russian, German and Austria-Hungarian. Until 1914, these monarchies served as the key to the Christian development and stability of Europe and the whole world. Having provoked the war between them, Jewish-Masonic conspirators plunged humanity to the world slaughter, which became the beginning of the end of Christian civilization in Europe, preserved to date with individual islands only in Russia.

After the First World War, the Center for the Secret Jewish-Masonic Authority goes to the United States. Already by the end of the 20s, there were more masons in this country than in the rest of the world. Jewish organizations of this country were powerful and had enormous financial resources.

The infrastructure of the secret government of the world backstage is born in family clans of international Jewish bankers covering their influence many states and actually containing at their own expense (loans, benefits, subsidies and direct bribers) a significant part of the ruling state elite of the West. 'What can be a more convincing illustration of the fantastic concept of the World Jewish government than the family of Rothschilds, which brings together in its composition of citizens of five different states ... We closely cooperating at least three governments, whose frequent conflicts did not lay the interests of their state banks! No propaganda is capable of creating a symbol more convincing for a political goal than life itself '(Sacher H. M. The Course of Modern Jewish History. N. Y., 1963. P. 129).

Rothschilds, Schiff, Warburg, Kuna, Loube and two more dozen of international Jewish bankers Already at the beginning of the 20th century, formed an invisible community, with their tentacles to have enveloped government mechanisms of leading countries of the world.

In the 20s, the well-known Jewish banker P. Varburg (relative Ya. Schiff) and a number of other similar figures call for the establishment of the United States of Europe, and in the 1930s support the plan of association under one government about 15 countries on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Subsequently, already in 1950, P. Warburg recognized at the hearings of the Senate Commission on foreign affairs: The last fifteen years of my life were devoted to almost exclusively to study the problem of the world. These studies led me to the conclusion that the main issue of our time is not the question of whether the United World may or may not be implemented, but only about whether it can be realized in a peaceful way. We will have a global government - like this or not! The only question is whether such a government has been established by agreement or thanks to the conquest '(Key L. World Conspiracy. New York, 1957. P. 67).

It was on the initiative of these organizations in the structure of the secret Jewish-Masonic authority, deep changes occur. Along with traditional Masonic lodges there are numerous closed clubs and organizations like 'Rotary' or Lyons', which take on secret management of various sides of the Company's activities. In most US states and cities, any events in political, social and cultural life, be it elections to governors or mayors, holding a strike or a large exhibition of artists, are discussed and worked out in the relevant closed organizations and clubs, and then submit as an expression of public opinion. Such a backstage power in many cases becomes stronger and efficient than the current open.

The secret Jewish-Masonic power is internationalized and acquires a transnational character. From a bunch of conspirators, the Jewish-Masonic power turns into a comprehensive power structure, the secret world elite, which took control of not only the state of the Western world, but also a significant part of the rest of humanity.

By the beginning of the 70s, three main mondialist organizations were as part of the world snubs: the Council on International Relations, the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission.

All these organizations, as well as their Jewish societies and Masonic lodges, have had a secret, criminal, subversive nature. Their members were chosen from high-ranking figures of the same Jewish and Masonic organizations. About 60% of them were Jews.

The power of world backstage was created by the money of international Jewish bankers. Only in the United States in the late 1980s, the cumulative Jewish capital exceeded the cost of the gross national product of the country and reached 1 trillion. Dol. According to the United States Wall Street Journal, the five largest investment banking associations of the United States, owned by Lemen, Kunam, Loubs, Goldmans and Saksam, owned 23% of the shares of large companies of the United States.

Jewish organizations and individuals belonging to the top of the world snacks pay great money to politicians and government officials, turning them into an obedient tool of their will. This is done not only in the form of direct bribes, but in other forms: contributions to election campaigns, disproportionate fees for speech, performances and books, free trips to different countries of the world. In the US, the Jewish organizations provide about 60% of the election funds of the Democratic Party and about 40% of the Republican.

The criminal, subversive nature of the members of the organizations of world backstage is that, not elected to anyone, who are not authorized by anyone, they are trying to solve the fates of all mankind, consider the wealth of our planet as their own heritage. At the generally accepted legal language, the activities of members of these organizations should be considered as a criminal conspiracy against humanity. Creating secret, illegal management bodies, world backstage and its Jewish leaders oppose themselves to nations and states, replacing the national authority by the transnational Jewish-Masonic conspiracy. A new world order, which tries to impose a secret Jewish-Masonic power to humanity, is not much different from the plans of the world domination of Hitler.

There is a deepest error that world backstage is a certain monolithic education managed from one center. In fact, it consists of a number of groupings competing among themselves in the struggle for power over humanity. Even among the actual Masonic organizations there is an incessant confrontation between different orders and rituals. And what to talk about organizations that express the interests of competing banking and financial groups, transnational corporations, television companies! All this tangled tangle of backstage organizations unite hatred for Christian civilization (and above all, Orthodoxy) and a common passion for enrichment and profit.

The ideology of world backstage was kept at meetings of secret Jewish organizations and Masonic lodges. It was here that the first projects of the World Government, the League of Nations and the United States of Europe were developed. "Is not natural and necessary," wrote in the Judean collection 'Archive of Luvi Bing, - to create a Supreme Tribunal, who disassembles public affairs, complaints of one nation to another, which will endure final sentences, the word of which would be the law? This word is the word of God, uttered by his older sons, Jews, and all the youngest are respectfully inclined before this word, that is, all nations (Archives Israelites, 1864).

In 1867, Jewish and Masonic organizations create a 'permanent international league of the world. " Her Secretary of Mason-Juda Pasya is developing a draft formation of an international tribunal, which will endure final sentences in all conflicts between individual peoples.

Organization this for a long time silently existed in the silence of Masonic lodges. In connection with the events of the First World War, her ideas are reanimated by the efforts of the Chairman of the Council of the Order of the Great East of France, which in 1917 turned to his brothers with a call: 'Prepare the United States of Europe, to create a lot of specific power, whose task will be to resolve conflicts between nations. Freemasonry will be an agent of promotion of the world and universal well-being that league nations' (Comte Rendu Du Cogres Des Tazop Masons Allies etuteres. Paris, 1917. P. 8). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe United States of Europe itself was promoted by masons since the middle of the XIX century. In 1884, in Almana, Frankmads, it was mentioned about that happy time, 'when the republic will be proclaimed throughout Europe called the United States of Europe' (La Fran-Masonnerie Demasqule. 1884 ,? 3. P. 91). Finally, in 1927, at a meeting of the Convention of 'Mixed Freemasonry', it was stated that 'you need everywhere and with every comfortable case, speeches and affairs of the spirit of the world, favorable to create the United States of Europe, this first step towards the United States of the world' (Cahiers de L'Ordre. 1927 ,? 8. P. 595).

All projects for the establishment of the United States of Europe imply a decisive role in them of Jews and Masonic organizations. The bright ideas of the New Testament are replaced by the racist man and special ideology of the Talmud and the Zion Protocols. The structure of the global and national policy changes itself. The main leader is the secret backstage power, based on rituals and traditions of Judaism and the money of international Jewish bankers. The center of gravity of the adoption of the most important political decisions proceeds from national governments to the hands of Jewish leaders and financiers. National governments lose power, becoming her second echelon. Nothing suspects are incurred by the heads before the results of the politicians alien to them. Under the slogans of democracy and liberalism, an unprecedented slavery is created, the most brutal political dictatorship, which can already be seen in the constructions of the United Europe '1990s.

The ideology of modern mondialism continues the logic and figurative style of the Racist doctrine of the Zion Protocols - the establishment of world domination of representatives of the "Chosen People" and the enslavement of the rest of humanity.

At the end of the XX century, the Mondialists operated on the "magic number" of 2000, when, in their opinion, a new world cosmopolitan order will be established on the entire planet. By this time, they believed, the world government would not only be monitored, but also to lead all the spheres of the life of society, including religious.

One of the prominent workers of world snacks, a member of the Bilderberg Club, the head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development French Jew Jacques Attali wrote, in fact, software for the monondialism a book of the horizon line. In it, he argued the need to create 'planetary political power'. A new world order, or, as he called Attal, trading order, will become universal by 2000. FROM beginning of XXI century 'magic' number 2000 will be replaced by 2010.

Attalie reveals three levels of attempts to the world backstage to dominate humanity, talks about three types of order, 'about three ways to organize violence': 'about the global order of sacred, about the global order of force, about the world order of money.

Today's stage of development of mondialism, he calls trade order. At the same time, everything is sold and bought, and the main, universal value, including in the spiritual sphere, are money.

The new trade and monetary state order 'is constantly striving for the organization of a unified universal form of world scale'. At the same time, the government is measured by the number of controlled money, initially through force, then through the law.

Cosmopolitanization of mankind is one of the main goals of world snubs. As the same Attali writes, 'nomadicism will be the highest form of a new society, .. will determine the lifestyle, cultural style and the form of consumption by 2010. Everyone will carry with them their own identity '.

Under the nomadicity of Attali understands the society of people deprived of the feelings of the birthplace, the soil, the faith of ancestors and living only the interests of consumption and the spectacle that the television and video screen bears. 'Nomads' will be adjusted through computer networks globally. Each nomad will have a special magnetic card with all data about it, and above all about the presence of money. And grief to those who are deprived of money and who threatens world order, challenging his distribution method! ".

'A man (nomad), like the subject, - writes Attali, will be in constant movement, without an address or stable family. He will carry on himself, in herself, what will be found by his social value, ', that is, that his planetary' educators will put on it and where it will be considered necessary to send it.

According to Attali, the pressure per person will be such that he will have only one choice: 'either conform with the society of nomads, or be excluded from it'.

'Rhythm of the law, - reveals Attali, - will be ephemerality (creating an illusory world with the help of television and video. - O. P.), the highest source of desire will be narcissism (self-satisfaction, self-establishment. - O. P.). The desire to be normal (typical, like everything. - O. P.) will become the engine of social adaptation '.

Already now, world scoreholders create mechanisms for global control over humanity. The highest scientific and technical achievements in the hands of the Jewish leaders turn into funds to establish the most ill-cruel in the world history of slavery and oppression. Avangard of this 'work' are US. In this country, every resident from his birth becomes the number in the computer network. All data on it is entered into the computer accounting system. His number is present on all documents, certificates and bank accounts. Oleg Platonov http: //www.odigitria.by/2014/0 ... https: //cont.ws/@anddan01/7792 ... https: //cont.ws/@anddan01/7793 ...

Capital is always criminal. Capitalism is a crime by definition. Fascism is private case capitalism. Capitalism is fascism. Capitalism as an ideology of murder.

Capitalism gave rise to a continuing economic and political crisis with monstrous losses of material, human and intellectual resources in Russia, which will end the inevitable catastrophe for Russia.

After each capitalist industrial cycle, capitalists apply increasingly destructive weapons in conflicts and sooner or later they will destroy themselves and all humanity.

Therefore, humanity will destroy capitalism, or capitalism will destroy humanity.

Capitalism is the rats filled with human flesh.

  1. Fake US gloss.
  2. Conglomerate Egoism
  3. Strategy and tactics
  4. Is Masonry?
  5. Masonry strategy
  6. On the structure of Freemasonry
  7. Mason instructions
  8. Modern situation
  9. Outline revenues

Fake US gloss.

This article talks a lot about the situation in the United States. When you look at Hollywood films, it seems that life is very attractive there: freedom, beauty, opportunities, comfortable lifestyle, intentable solving problems.

But this is a movie, mostly no less false than our Russian cinema, especially Soviet years. In the US, much more problems than can be submitted on films. And these problems are exacerbated. But, it would seem how they deal to their problems?

The peculiarity of this country is that she is entirely in the authorities of the backstage. What was tested in the United States, the secret rules seek to spread to the whole world. And they were already quite a lot.

But before talking about the backstage, it is worth considering - part of what it is.

Conglomerate Egoism

At all times, organized communities of corruption and mafia existed in many times. The higher the civilization level of society, the more structures (up to a certain evolutionary level), the more sophisticated and increasing their activities.

They led and leading secret activities and try to expand their influence as much as possible to pull out as much wealth as possible and ensure as much security as possible to their position. The opposition to them is difficult due to the secrecy of their actions, as well as due to the unrecognition of some reality phenomena, which underlie the success of the most advanced mafia structures.

It can be stated that the structure of EGP is the most successful in such activities. Its feature is that its sphere of influence covers all spheres of life - spiritual (religion, philosophy, art), intellectual (science, education, media), material (economy in all its aspects, medicine), social (politics, administration).


People attracts in the EGP structure to gain opportunity with a greater probability of getting a privileged position in society, the illusion of serving God and material wealth, or something one of it. Naturally, the main benefits are going to those who are on the upper levels of the social pyramid built by EGP.

A domicile role among EGP earth structures is played by a certain structure that can be called if we use conventional terms, backstage or secret government. This is a specific community of real government governors. The essence of this community does not allow to disclose our legislation, in many respects developed under the influence of its effect agents.

Also, EGP structures include Masonry, influence groups (Committee 300, Bilderberg Club, Roman Club, Tripartite Commission and many others), Church and some other structures. At the same time, the Freemasonry and Group of Influence are subordinate to the backstage.

Since in this article I will often use the terms of the backstage and Masonry, please remember that these are fundamentally different phenomena. Freemasonry - obedient tool in the hands of the backstage.

In particular, the locations in the fields in the field are Mafia in the current understanding and Western special services, primarily the CIA, Mossad and Mi-6 (as long as I pretend that I do not know the subordination between them, therefore I confused the list of transfer). Of course, the special services obey directly to governments, and here's the fact that in fact the government and the presidents are subject to the backstage, most unknown. Terminally spent criminal social ties to be famous ordinary people. Large media, under the control of secret rules, taught the majority with disregard to refer to the theme of the world conspiracy.

EGP coordinates the activities of its structures at the subconscious level. At the same time, the main structures of the EGP are not suspected of its subordination to this force and worship completely different, mostly lucifer or architect of the Universe. And at the grassroots level, there is a freedom of religion, so there are people of various religions: Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Communists, Satanists, Buddhists.

Strategy and tactics

The peculiarity of the activity of most EGP structures is in the veiled refusal of morality. The main motive is collective egoism, when a common goal justifies funds. Therefore, to achieve its goals, the entire set of possible actions is applied, regardless of their crime: from the deception and imposition of ideological delusions, to corruption, intrigue and murder.

Initiation of conflicts and wars is also effective way Enhance its influence. This technique is known as the doctrine of controlled conflicts.

EGP is not limited to establishing a monopoly on success for its approximate. To expand the influence, psychological, intellectual and spiritual treatment of victims is widely used. Through its structures, it affects the souls so that they are more comfortable as victims. Through one religion, EGP teaches his people to appreciate the joy of earthly life, to appreciate the earth goods, to enslave representatives of other peoples, to take their property, through another religion EGP teaches those who have to become the prey of its close, neglect the earthly joy, to be humble, do not resist evil, To be deceased to give up their benefits.

Intellectual Duman is planned to reduce adequacy: various kinds of misconception are embedded, inadequate habits are embedded, pathology and degradation trends are promoted, the established canons of truth and beauty break down. The means for this serve as books, media, falsehethory and art.

Another way to reduce adequacy is the destruction of consciousness with the help of material dope: soldering, anesthesia.

Measures are being taken to reduce the immunity of society and people. Since the good condition of immunity protects against the dangers of any kind. To reduce immunity, conflicts and problems are artificially provoked.

All structures are important for the viability of the EGP system. So far we will discover on the consideration of the activities of Masonry - it is the main instrument of expanding the influence of the backstage.

Is Masonry?

On the backstage, there are also serious structures of Freemasonry, institutes and departments of special services specializing in disinformation. Not without their influence, most people do not believe in the existence of world conspiracy and conspiracy research believes the lot of Marginals. But there are specific irrefutable facts.

Here are small excerpts from the book by Oleg Platonov, who wrote the book "The Secret History of Freemasonry" based on the materials of the Special Archive of the USSR:

In Nazi Germany, along the persecution of the Jews and Masons, a lot of interesting things were revealed.

"A large number of" free bricklayers "was arrested as ordinary criminals and state criminals who collaborated with criminal elements and foreign powers. Published by the Nazis documents and lists of Masons revealed not only their criminal essence, but also spiritual and moral poverty, covered by the Mishur Ritual..

... In 1945, in one of the German locks of Lower Silesia, the Soviet army seized dozens of archives of archives containing the most secret information of Western Europe, and above all the secret archives of Masonic organizations in Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Poland, Czechoslovakia. These archives were brought here on the orders of Hitler after his victorious procession in Europe.

The collected documents gave the deepest ideas about the mechanism of the secret power and subversive conspiracy activities. "Volnaya Masonry" worldwide. Correspondence, personal files, lists of masonic functionaries and agents, circular letters, financial documents, protocols of meetings gave full information about the technology of "invisible" work of world snubs. "

(Secret history of Freemasonry. Oleg Platonov).

In general, previously existing conspiracy guesses about the malicious essence of Masonry found comprehensive documentary confirmation.

Especially for these materials a building with deaf walls and iron doors was built. This archive received the status of a special archive of the USSR and worked in super secret.

In the case of the publication of the materials, the Masonic roots of communism and the revolution in Russia would be revealed, which, of course, would be unacceptable for the Communists. In addition, the Masonic roots of German fascism would be inevitably revealed. After promulgation of the fact that communism and fascism are treated with one evil force - Freemasonry, the communist idea could not be preserved popularity. Therefore, even few of the leadership of the USSR was aware of the essence of the materials stored in the Special Archive of the USSR.

The current Russian authorities, too, for obvious reasons, do not wish to unwell the topic of Freemasonry.

The next irrefutable fact is already out of modernity - a story with the Masonic Faliest P-2, the reliability of which will not be able to disprove no one, because there is a very large number of large-scale crimes, facts and documentary evidence, and all this turned out to be published in large media. I will tell about this in this article a little later.

Against the background of such facts, disputes on the existence of the world Masonic conspiracy become irrelevant.

Due to the fact that the activities of Masons are of a secret character, it has to guess about the results. Meanwhile, the conscientious systematization of openly publishing information of the most different kind allows to clearly clearly and unambiguously see the essence of the activities of Masons, of course, hostile to humanity.

Masonry strategy

This is how the head of the Bavarian Society of Illuminati considered Adam Weishaupt.:

"All members of this society should imperceptibly and without visible perseverance to spread their influence on people of all classes, all nationalities and all religions, should bring up the mind in one known direction, but it should be done in deep silence and with all possible energy. You need to make our principles of fashionable, so that young writers spread them in society and thus in addition to their will served to our business ... It is also necessary to acquire the commitment of fervent heads, to warmly preach the universal interests of humanity ...

Partal words from the great prior of the current Minister of Education of Ukraine Dmitry Tabachnik ...

Each of us must be aware of our senior professors, services, benefits and other honors that we can have or which we can get through recommendations so that our elders have received the opportunity to replace these posts worthy members of our Order, serving them, in order to Immediately modify the world around ... The strengths of this world must be surrounded by a legion of tireless, guides everywhere in the destination of the Order ... Know your hands to all resisting, destroy, shrink evil in the root. Davit everyone who you can not be convinced. "

Dedication to the Masonic Loan of the Order of St. Stanislav now the late Minister of Internal Affairs of Yuri Kravchenko. A man with a sword - Prior Pavel Vyglov. The third on this procedure is not God, but the rector of the Holy Ilinsky temple of the UPC MP Vitaly Kosovo ...

The overall strategy of backstage and freezing is: as soon as a successful promising or significant social or economic structure arises, their representatives are engaged there. Over time, by intrigue, fading, blackmail and criminal actions, the structure is in complete disposal.

The same story was with Masonic movements. Created at different times and with different goals of people of different origin, independent of the backstage, they all ultimately found themselves to be fully disposal.

And this is three times the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Stanislav Piskun ...

Of course, the first goal of masons - power structures. Whoever supported the masons, in parallel, they necessarily support his opponents. If there are no opponents, such are created. So, usually leaving the role of a third party, they eventually increase their influence. When both sides are weakened, the masons capture power, putting her man at the head. "Conquer, capturing from the inside and speaking under the flag of the enemy" - so it would be possible to formulate the main motto of masons in intrigues for power.

Former chief tax, and now the Prime Minister of Ukraine Nikolay Azarov...

Under the leadership of the backstage of Masonic activities for expanding its influence at all times, another motto would be consistent "Decide, weaken, deceive, deceive, bribe, eliminate rivals, sorry others, put your own, and conquer".

On the structure of Freemasonry

Influential and rich people regardless of faith are very concerned about the preservation of the elite position not only for themselves, but also for their descendants.

Only Freemasonry can protect their selfish interests, at the same time providing the opportunity to receive even more social and economic privileges. It is this pragmatic motive, and not Masonic ritual and fabulous mythology are the foundation of the viability of Freemasonry. On the other hand, and Masonry is interested in the richest and influential people in their ranks: its viability and power depends on this.

But people who are not related to the elite are torn to the masons. Too many hypertrophied ambitions and an excess of desire to feel their exclusivity, or there is hope through Freemasonry to quickly achieve wealth and power. They replenish a large number of "wild" (left), "open" or so-called "irregular" lies that are not included in the system of real world.

The researcher who took the scrupulously to study Freemasonry will face chaos of many Masonic systems, in each of which their own history, its statutes, traditions and even their goals. Some Masonic systems perceive other systems as false, self-aligned. We were between them and the clashes are not for life, but to death.

Somewhat ( "Regular") Masonic systems were lost in a dense cloud of self-stamped ("irregular", "wild" or "Open" - How to determine their real masons). At the same time, due to internal conspiracy, the members of the lodge is difficult to find out whether his lodge is real. And the head of any self-stocked lodge, naturally, in every way supports the image that his bed is the most real, because it is often confident in this.

This situation is convenient to real masons - first, it is easier to get lost against the rest of the rest, secondly, it is easy to mislead the society, indicating that Masonry is something unsystematic and non-serious, almost amateur, thirdly, safer to select decent candidates in unreal beds When they have already shown themselves in a matter than to immediately invite an unverified person in their lies. This is what is written about the unreal, "open" lies in the instructions of Adam Weisgaupt Masons: "No one knows them (Masons) and their goals, and less all fools from among no illuminates who will strive for membership in the open legs of free bricklayers, only for the eyes of them more successfully fall asleep with sand".

"Fake" Lodges are like kindergartens to grow candidates for real lodges. Therefore, there is no struggle of real lies with unreal. On the contrary, their creation is in every way. Implemented into some, more serious of these, real Masons are looking out for candidates for real lodges.

Accordingly, in Western society, there is a chaotic Masonic Messia, consisting mainly of non-secrecy lies, which differ significantly in their ideology. Fast lodges play the role of leisure clubs. In this mole, stable systems of real freemasons are buried. Full lodges - as if the nutrient soil in which the main plants of Freemasonry grow. Naturally, real Masonic systems have a significant impact on the life of society, which includes influential and very rich people.

But between these Masonic systems, there is a serious confrontation. This does not prevent them from acting a single force. Such a coordination is possible only due to the fact that different Masonic systems are subject to a single supreme power - backstage, and that is subordinate to EGP.

In this internal contradiction of Freemasonry, such a contradiction in the EGP system is displayed, where, for example, the interests of the church are disagree with the interests of Masonry, the main part of which sees (by ignorance) in the church of his enemy.

These clergy, it is necessary to believe, too, in bewilderment: why are they called Masons and Satanists?

But the resultant of all designated contradictions as a result is determined by a unified collective will of the crowning and will of the EGP. That is why, despite the large variety of Masonic lips and the multidirectionality of their ideologies, in general, the influence of Masonry on the life of society is powerful, and its plans are implemented clearly and consistently.

There is also a coordination between different EGP structures thanks to energy-information unity through EGP.

Groups of influence that can be observed in the form of a different kind of public structures (Bilderberg Club, Roman Club, Tripartite Commission and many others) are not necessarily purely Masonic structures - these are external social mechanisms that can be created in principle to be created in which they can enter Nonsons and which can visit non-Nomons. Although:

  • Such structures are most often initiated by masons or turn out to be in the mercy of the Masons;
  • Many members of such structures are real high-level masons;
  • Such structures are carried out to the score policy.

Only the Committee 300, the backbone of which amounted to the heirs of the participants of the British East India Company, rich in India through cruel exploitation and in China through a drug trafficking, thanks to the capital of participants, became one of the truly the most influential elite groups that implement the score policy.

At the same time, many other organizations that many conspiraologists also declare Masonic lyggers cannot be called groups of influence. For example, student clubs like "Skull and Bones", despite the fact that from there, many people who have become influential, play the role of unreal lies performing the function of the entertainment club or " kindergarten", From where candidates for real lodges are recruited. And the clubs like the "Bohemian grove" are not at all no more than to entertain the cream of society. Although it is clear that due to the influence of masons, their presence in these cream turns out to be clearly dominant.

Many groups of type effects "Roman Club" , "Bilderberg Club" And many others are a system of regular conferences, on which influential people express their opinions discuss the situation, or are looking for solutions. But such speeches are considered by the backstage only as versions. On the other hand, decisions of the backstage are strictly executed whether by masons, power structures or groups of influence.

At the same time, for EGP and snubs of a group of influence, Freemasonry, political and religious movements, as if the masks they enjoy based on the situation. Therefore, no of these masks reflects the fully true essence of their owners.

Mason instructions

Since the theoretical and methodological materials of the Masons were quite extensive, there was a practical need for a brief and clearly formulated instruction.

One such instruction called "25 principles of the Illuminati" In 1776, he developed the leader of the Bavarian Illuminati Adam Weishaupt. Since the instruction is quite consistent with the real policies of Masons, which is simultaneously obvious modern policy Socks, and therefore west, according to this instruction, you can judge the Masonic morality and morality backstage.

25 principles of illuminates:

1. To use that in general, people are more prone to evil than good.

2. Preach liberalism.

3. Use the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom for provoking interclace wars.

4. Since the objectives of the Illuminati are justified, absolutely all means must be used to achieve them.

5. The right to lie is legal.

6. Our resources and their strength should remain invisible until the very moment they acquire such power that no power or goats will be able to undermine them.

7. Distractive the attention of the crowd based on its psychology in order to manage the masses.

8. Use alcohol, drugs, corruption and all social vices for systematic decomposition of young people.

9. All ways to capture property.

10. We use the slogans of "equality, freedom, fraternity" and invest them in the mouth of the masses to conduct a psychological war.

11. To lead the progress of wars so that the peoples of both warring parties are even more ride in debt, and conduct peaceful conferences in such a way that none of the opposing parties receive territorial rights.

12. Members (Orders of the Illuminati) must use their wealth in order for power to be allowed such candidates who will be obedient to their requirements; They should be used as pawns in a backstage game. Their advisors should be brought up and learning how to manage the world from orphanage.

13. Control press.

14. After the formation of traumatic situations, (our) agents should appear and see the savings of the masses.

15. Create industrial crises and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, food shortage and use it to control masses or a crowd to eliminate all those who are (from us) on the way.

16. Peel into secret Masonic organizations to use them for the purposes of illuminates.

17. Explain the value of systematic deception, use high-pass slogans and phrases, as well as give generous promises to the masses, despite the fact that they are not fulfilled.

18. Develop detailed plans By resolving problems, discuss the rules of the street struggle required for the rapid subordination of the population.

19. After the end of the wars, use (of our) agents as backward advisors and apply secret diplomacy to establish controls (behind the warring parties).

20. Create huge monopolies seeking management through the global government.

21. Use high taxes and dishonest competition to destroy the economy through the capture of raw materials. Organize discontent in the environment of workers and subsidize their competitors.

22. Develop combat equipment and form forces (police and soldiers) to protect our interests and needs to be necessary.

23. Leaders and members of a single global government must be appointed by directors.

24. Peel into all classes and levels of society and the government for the purpose of fooling, defeat and corrupt the young part of society, teaching them theories and principles that we know are false.

25. National and international legislation must be used to destroy civilization and enslavement and managing people

Another instruction is also known, the authorship of which also belongs to Adam Weishaupt. Interesting circumstances of its detection. As reported, in 1875 Zipper struck the courier of Masons when he followed from Frankfurt to Paris. With it, a directive document of the Bavarian Illuminati was discovered, in which their plan to perspective was expressed. In modern walking, the document appears entitled "New Testament Satan" . Read and compare with what you see in the modern world.

The first secret in managing people is mastered by public opinion, and you need to sow discords so long, doubt and plan contradictory views, while people are not completely lost and will not lose the orientation in confusion, and do not decide that it is better not to have in political issues Own opinion. People's discontent should be excited; Successful, unclean and nasty literature. Next, the task of the press is to prove the inability of non-libluminates in all areas of state and religious life.
The second mystery is to put people's weakness at the chapter, all the bad habits, all worthy regret, and all the mistakes - until people cease to understand each other.
First of all, you need to fight with the power of a separate person, since there is nothing more dangerous. If it has creative spiritual energy, it is able to achieve more than millions of people.
Through envy, hatred, contention and war, through deprivation, hunger and dissemination of infection, all peoples should be brought to the fact that they will not more see any exit, except to completely surrender to the subordination of illuminators.
If any state is undermined by the revolution or as a result of a civil war, it is worth the danger of an external enemy attack, then this is always a favorable course of events and works in our favor.
It is necessary to teach people to ensure that they take the receipt as genuine coins, they were content with the outside, chased for pleasures, being in a continuous search for something new, confusing in it and eventually following the illuminators; This can be achieved through a good remuneration of the masses for their submission; You can attract their attention.

Through the corruption of society, people will be deprived of any faith in God.
Through consistent treatment with word oral and written, as well as specially designed forms of deception of mass will be inclined towards the will of the illuminates.
The ability to think independently should be liquidated in humans through the introduction of teaching finished views; Spiritual forces must be undermined by the use of empty demagogy. The free thoughts put forward by the parties should stretch the osters to stretch so that people tired of the hearing make out aversion to the speakers of any orientation. In contrast to the state the state's doctrine of the Illuminati should be presented to citizens in not tedious form so that they can safely perceive it.
Mass should remain blind, unreasonable and devoid of their own opinions so that they cannot discuss on the themes of the state device; To manage them should be fair, but the inexorable force and the principle of unconditional submission.
World dominance can be achieved only by the neighboring paths, through a focused undermining of all genuine freedoms, the legislation, the order of elections, the press, the freedom of personality, and above all the system of education and the formation of the people - and with the strictest observance of the mystery of all events.
Through the targeted loosening of the government, the government should be tormented until they are ready to convey to us all their power to preserve peace.
In Europe, the misunderstanding between people and peoples, racial and religious hatred in order for insurmountable splits to appear so that no Christian state could find support, because all other countries will be afraid, and any unions against the illuminates will be meaningless. ..
In other parts of the world, discords, riots and hostility should be seen in order to accustom state to fear and suppress any opportunity to resist.
By delegating the presidents of the rights of the military situation, all military power will also be in the hands of the Illuminati.
"Non-disgraced state trucks", on the contrary, should be eliminated through palace coups and agents that do not allow them to engage in state affairs.
By selling the highest state posts, the government should be put in accounts payable before the Illuminati after the provision of a series of loans, which will significantly increase their public debt.
Through specially rejected economic crises, during which all available cash will be withdrawn from turnover, thereby undermining the cash economy "Non-Illuminati" .
The power of money should become the only force moving trade and production so that the industrialists can also receive political power. Along with the Illuminati in this category, millionaires depend on them; Police and soldiers must remain poor.
Through the introduction of universal equal election law, the undivided majority dominance must be established. Through the teaching to independence, the destruction of the family and its educational strength is made. Through education based on fake data and false exercises, the youth should be wounded, enclosed aside and corrupted.
Communication with already existing and the founding of new lies of free bricklayers, which continues the case of scattered organizations to achieve the desired goal.
No one knows them and their goals, and less than all fools from the number of non-libluminates who will strive for membership in the open legs of free bricklayers, only for their eyes more successfully fall asleep.
Through all these events, the peoples should pushing the idea of \u200b\u200binviting the Illuminati to the role of world rulers. The new world government should be aware of the well-width-shirma leadership to which they resort completely voluntarily. If any state is against him to object, his neighbors will start war against him. The creation of such a government requires World War Organization.
In other Masonic currents of different times, there were more cute programs. But in real activities they prevailed exactly those shown here. Because only such instructions are consonant with the backstage.

Modern situation

Too many people as if pulling to everything bad: to cruelty; By misconceptions; to Satanism; to silly classes - an infinite empty show, sports or other fanacy; To detrimental addictions - drugs, alcohol, tobacco.

But this is only on the representation of non-eating people.

It is obvious that all the indicated negative is purposefully and persistently introduced to the backstage of the civilized states of the Earth for a long time. This backstage puts through its agents of influence what is then perceived as a natural manifestation of people.

Outline revenues

Initially, the main income claims were trade, usury, slave trade, piracy, drug trafficking, alcohol trade. To date, from the specified one can delete only piracy and slave trade.

In addition, today, serious income articles are:

  • Pumping out the raw material resources of states (energy and other mineral and biological resources);
  • Returning the economic potential of states through the international banking system built underway, where, in particular, they secured a monopoly on the printing of international currencies;
  • Drug trafficking;
  • Arms trade.
  • All this in addition to all existing areas in the legal economy, where the main income is also getting back and its gender.

Particularly interesting is the moment with the printing of money and drug trafficking.

How the printing of money and drug trafficks were in some hands

The story, which appears to society on the ideas of generally accepted authoritative sources, despite numerous wars, often produces an impression of old good times when the main conflict was between progress and ignorance, between the predation and humanism. But it should be borne in mind that the story is written by those who control the situation. As the system of indisputable facts shows, the decisive control in all spheres has been many centuries in the hands of the backstage.

Of course, the story, as an important factor in influence and power, did not avoid the influence of the Masons. The entire civilized world trained to perceive the history in the interpretation of the backstage. The authorities over the media are enough to ensure that the public attention is nominated to the public attention. The story looks unusual if we consider the facts objectively taking into account the real influence of the backbone. But the impact of the backstage is the only explanation of the illogicality of many important social processes. So, some historical facts without a gloss.

In 1600, the rich backstage was founded in England the East India Company (later renamed the British Estra-India Company), having received the privilege from the government to conduct monopolian trade in India. The fact that it was not just a merchant company, but the Masonic organization manifested itself in the fact that the company not only enjoyed an exceptional privilege, but also had a number of features characteristic of power having power over the Government: the company used diplomatic and military The possibilities of England had their own major armed forces, engaged in seizing territories, establishing their orders on them.

The seizure of territories officially conducted in the interests of England. But the masons were commissioned in these territories primarily in their own skin interests. Some part of the extraction was given to the royal family. Under the cover of their armed forces, they are so mercilessly robbed the territory, so cruelly exploited the local population, forcing the products for them for them, which at the end of 18, and then at the end of the 19th centuries, this twice led to mass hunger when people died with millions. At the same time, the masons were practiced in the implementation of their doctrine in terms of expanding the impact through the creation of problems, through the organization of hunger, after the delusion of consciousness and suppressing the will of people, as well as other methods that can be found from their instructions.

An important article of the company was a drug trafficking. In 1683, the Ost-India Company brought to England a batch of Indian opium, in order to put the English peasants on him. It was the first attempt of mass anesthesia in the West. The action failed. In the future, efforts were aimed at creating a major consumer layer in China, where the opium was not special exotic. For this, it was massively organized by opium chicken, where the Chinese learned to smoke opium. After all, before that, the opium consumed more as a drug with syrup, liquid or with food. In parallel, it was tried to maximize the planting of opium poppy and production of opium in India and surrounding territories.

Former officer of British intelligence services 6 John Coleman, who has access to secret archivesHe wrote the book "Committee 300", where in detail and on facts showed that the power of this structure was originally based on drug trafficking. The 300 Committee is one of the most powerful score influence groups.

John Coleman writes:

« True reason The prosperity of the drug trafficking is that it is controlled by the highest-ranking families in the world as part of a giant coordinated car, which makes money.

In the documents I studied in "Indian office" (British East India Company) in the section "Other old records"I found all the confirmations that opium trade in China began with the creation financed by the British Austin Company. The mission of this externally was a society of Christian missionaries, but in fact it was "Advertising agents"engaged in promoting a new product, i.e. opium, on the market.

Later it was once again confirmed when I got access to Sir George Berdwood documents in "Indian office". Shortly after missionaries from "Chinese internal mission" Began to distribute test bags and show Coules (Chinese workers), how to smoke the opium, the huge parties of this drug began to arrive in China. Although plans "British East India Company" In England (for its anesthesia at the time), they were crowded, they were crowned with a complete success in China, where millions of poor found in the smoking of opium tools to escape from miserable hopelessness.

From Colombia to Miami, from "Golden Triangle"before "Golden Crescent", from Bogota to Frankfurt Drug Trading, especially Heroine Trade is Big business, and it is fully controlled from top to bottom to donomis by several "unacceptable" families in the world, and each such family has at least one member in the Committee 300. This is not a small trade in the corner, this business is provided with big money and experts so that his move is smooth and unhindered. The mechanism under the control of the Committee 300 fully provides it.

This is a big business , huge empire, this dirty drug business. If necessary, in each country they are managed from the highest echelons of power. In fact, today is the largest separate enterprise in the world, superioring to all others. The fact that it is protected from top to bottom confirms the fact that, like international terrorism, it is impossible to eradicate it. To any reasonable person it becomes clear that they are managed by this company from among the most influential persons in royal circles, among oligarchs and plutocrats, even if it is carried out through intermediaries. "

In 1689, the Masons led to power in England of their man, German prince Wilhelm Solvechman. He became king Wilhelm III Orange. Since then, the British throne remained at the disposal of the German dynasty. So masons were available to the UK ruler, and at the same time the opportunity to use the United Kingdom as the main bridgehead before capturing the world. If, before that, their Ost-India Company used the privileges unheard of private traders, now their possibilities have increased by an order. Their arrogance reached the point that, founding its private bank in England in 1694, they assigned the right to issue state money - English pounds. Moreover, law on the hosts of the Bank of England was enshrined the right to determine how much money should be provided with real values, stored in the bank.

But this is not all, imagine: from the moment of manufacture, this money was initially recognized by the full and owners of the Bank of England. The Government of England took this money from the bank to debt as a full money. This amazing for illogiousness and infinite thieves of arrogance would be impossible if it were not a direct consequence of the fact that, thanks to the King-Mason, the backstage and masons were satisfied with everything. Of course, the king was among the co-owners of the Bank of England.

Usually, the explanation is that, they say, England needed urgent loans and therefore was forced to go to such a deal, and then infinitely extend its action, does not fit into elementary logic. After all, the state and itself could print a little-secured money or take loans. The only explanation - the goal was set through this subloyment asphaorder with money legitimately to carry out the transfer of the entire national heritage to possession of the backstage.

In this regard, it is clear why for the backstage was vital to reduce the adequacy of people. After all, only in society inadequate people You can print money legitimate and buy everything on them, thus robbing all the others. This absurd financial situation continues until now, by seizing the entire civilized world, including Russia.

It is important to take into account that simply the printing of unsecured money would not have given that success who received in the end of Masons and England. It was necessary to carry out and useful to replenish the treasury of the event, it was necessary to prevent the existence of other, stronger economies in the world, other more reliable currencies. After all, wealthy in the end flows there, where the economy and more reliable currency are stronger. Having had a short-term power to resolve all these problems. The main thing for them was to keep a monopoly on the printing of the main money. They achieved this and hold their monopoly position so far.

China's anesthesia efforts were crowned with success. The number of drug addicts grew rapidly. Drug trades became the main article of income of the British East India company. But drug addiction became an obvious serious problem for China: the economy was collapsed in his eyes, people degraded, the combat capability of the army was falling, the activities of power structures were destroyed. China's leadership of China for the 19th century tried twice to stop the drug trafficking, and both times the Armed Forces of Britain unleashed the war and the power was restored by the right of the British East India company to continue narcotizing the population. This is known in history as opium wars. China suffered defeat and as a result lost sovereignty and integrity.

Many now familiar things world learned from China: porcelain, silk, paper, powder. Trade of exclusive goods thousands of years has brought a good income of China. But all the accumulated wealth as a result of the inspired drug addiction in a short time were owned by Masons. Also, the main currency in the form of silver coins was completely sucked by drug trafficking. The leadership of China had to be able to observe the narcotic degradation of the population. In order to sweeten the pill, the East India company began to share with China's authorities with its profit. Only Mao Dze Dun in new historical circumstances, when England left China, it was possible to stop a destructive tradition with hard measures.

Since then, much in the world drug trafficking has changed: a long time there is no British East India Company, drugs have become more diverse and seized all regions of the world. One remained unchanged - the general leadership of the world drug trafficking is carried out by the heirs of the participants of the company itself, the Masons. They constitute the backbone of the Committee 300 - one of the main executive bodies of Freemasonry and the backbone. Until now, drug trafficking is one of the most important backbone business providing their power. But now the main guardians of the drug business in the field are lower tools of the crowning - Western intelligence services and mafia.


Also, in the production of basic international currencies, the same super-alphabet and absurd situation is observed, which is possible only as a result of the inclusive power of secret rulers.

For example, the American dollar, which plays the role of the main international currency, is printed by a private firm - a federal reserve system - Fed, which belongs to the Rothschild family - hereditary high-ranking masons. This money is given to the US government as their own manufacturers.

The backstage in the building of the Fed and the modern banking system was valid confidently, since he had a successful experience of his bank of England over his shoulders.

The printing of unsecured dollars could not continue long without building the banking system of other states under themselves. Do not believe those who say that the US is printed by unsecured dollars. First, the money is not printed by the USA, but the backs under the cover of the United States. Secondly, the dollar is still ensured, but ... the material resources of the peoples of the world using dollars.
It is so built back by the global banking system, the core element of which is the International Monetary Fund - the IMF. This fund, in essence, ensures the viability of the dollar. At the same time, this is the mechanism of knocking debts. With strangers, debts are knocked out with all possible ways. At the same time, the nature of the approach directly depends on how suddenly the state policy of the backstage. That is, the IMF is a tool for enslaving states. Therefore, the backstage is actually very interested in the states take the debt as much as possible.

Of course, the question of knocking out debts from its (USA, England and some other printed countries) is seriously never put and will not be put as long as leadership is obedient. This was the plan of the backstage - through the public debt to manage the government. The US government as much as he watches the Fed dollars to the US needs, and actually pay for it beautiful life other countries. So the high standard of living in the United States is largely due to the fact that the shutter of de facto shares with them part of its thieves financial mining. This debt forces any new president to make existing rules of the game.

Now growing the role of the euro. But with him the same backstage situation as with a dollar or an English pound. Is that the number of states involved in the section of thieves in the form of non-reflective loans taken from the Money Proters - Masonic Central Banks are added.

In parallel, there is another destructive process: in exchange for paper, the government gives as a collateral of governmentobaliation. Already the entire land of the United States is pledged with the owners of the printing machine.

In the same place, where the leadership of any state, even for a large bribe, does not agree with the financial or drug policies of the United States, more precisely the masons, there are non-diplomatic measures: threats, abductions, revolutions, coups, murder, war.

The price provision of the dollar, the English pounds and the euro for someone else's account is protected by the world's largest US Army, NATO troops and the West special services.

When they say that the United States through the IMF is ruining politics in relation to other countries, know that this is a delusion. Western governments have long been puppets biting. All world politics - basically a policy of clogging.

Through the printing of money and planned initiation of exchange crises, clocked regularly and effectively concentrates the wealth of peoples in their hands. During crises, they are bought for a shame of the promotion of bankrupt enterprises. No matter how much wealth gains, it does not exist to satisfy them.


Currently, the existence of a secret global government is no longer a doubt. There are deep research of enthusiasts, activities of members of the World Government.

The secret global government exists with deep antiquity. The first mention was about the Egyptian priests who owned secret knowledge, with the help of which they controlled the pharaohs and the people.

In the Middle Ages, the secret government in Europe was under the guise of clergy; Dad, Cardinals, which initiated crusades and inquisition. Hiding behind the name of Christ and God, destroyed all the devive and enlightened people. Wars were committed by the true goal, which was the assignment of material values. The church was richer kings and rulers of countries. She controlled policies of states.

In response to dictates of the Church, secret societies began to appear, which proclaimed noble goals; Freedom, equality, fraternity. Rosencracers, massons, illuminates were originally created with noble goals. Exemption from the mediation of the Church in communication with God, reducing the influence of the heads of the church in politics and economics, education, ministry to the people. All these organizations at the beginning of their existence united influential people of advanced, revolutionary views.

Massons essentially created America, its first constitution and the declaration of human rights. Almost all of America's first presidents were members of numerous Masonic organizations and possessed secret knowledge.

However, there were many different branches, lies and other units. They mixed and born new ideologies. In the end, the Order appeared, the ideology of which was founded on the exclusivity of members of the Order and the world domination.

The views of Adam Weishaupta, who founded the Order of the Illuminati of 1776 in Europe, made a huge role in the introduction of the idea of \u200b\u200bworld domination. Illuminati united with masons. Subsequently, the Order was banned in Europe, but the ideas of the founder received a response in the Masonic Lodges of America.

However, the idea of \u200b\u200bworld domination carefully hidden and opened only by members of the high degrees of initiation. Gradually, the masons were united with fans of the devil, since their ideas of world domination coincided.

Mystery Devilituals of Masons more and more began to resemble the rituals of Satanists. There was a branch called "Skull and Bones". This organization exists to this day and is currently unites the guidance and influential elite of illuminates and masons. This includes well-known influential and rich policies, and businessmen.

Secret Devil

To date, the great architect to whom Masons and Illuminati serve are the devil. The members of the secret society are elected for the ideas of the devil to life. Their task is to control the material side of life, creating the opposite polarity of the spiritual side of life.

As I have already written in the Ecumenical Mind article, the demons hierarchy was created first and responded to the higher plans for enlightenment and development. Her head Lucifer "Carrying Light" is a bright God on the highest plan. There is no evil on higher plans, since there are no polarities.

And in our dense world everything changes to the opposite. The polarity of all things is manifested, this is the duality of our dense world. It is the presence of opposites that develops intelligence, by comparison and conscious choice.

The philosophical law "Unity and the struggle of the opposites" is our reality. And in her Lucifer becomes the devil. And here it is his task to distort the information, impede the spiritual development, replacing the concept.

The devil and his servants, members of the Secret World Government create a negative polarity for people of all things. All dark, destructive on the planet is created by members of the secret global government.

They work as efficiently as possible, despite the fact that many of them do not work consciously. Manages the secret global government, someone who calls himself an ancient descendant of the ruling dynasty. He spoke about himself and his work on the forum. The text was translated and packed in RuNet called "Insider Revelations".

Here are some excerpts from the text.

"Our creator is not the" devil ", which is called it in your Bible. Lucifer has something to correctly call the" group soul "or" Social Memory Complex "

Since there was no freedom of will on the planet, there was no polarity on it, and accordingly, there was no "between than" to choose.

Without polarity (which occurs only with freedom of will), there is only the unity of love and light, however, there is no choice to experience "what you are not there". Therefore, we had to act as a catalyst for change in order to provide the opportunity to choose Polarity.

This is the role that we are scheduled to play in this performance. To "win" (or, more precisely, play out) in the game, we must be so negatively polarized as possible.

Serving yourself to extreme extent. Violence, war, hatred, greed, power, slavery, genocide, tortures, moral degradation, prostitution, drugs, all this and more - is our goal in the game.

In all these negative phenomena, we give you tools. But you do not see it. It is not important that we do, but how to react to it you. We provide tools. You, having freedom of will, choose how to use them. You just need to take responsibility [for your actions]. In fact, only one [player]. Understand this and you will understand the essence of the game.

If you know how to see the divine spark of the endless creator in everything in all, even those who wish to hurt you, then the dead grip of illusion will lose their strength over you.

Our task is to provide a catalyst. Your - will be used to them. Are you able to look deeper that you see your eyes, and find, expressing love and happiness in the world, where the fear and suppression rear? If you are able to, then you will become a beam of light in the dark. Did you agree to the darkness, or fall out, refreshing it with divine inner light? The decision is made personally. ".

For yourself, they were obliged to disclose the Space law. Before the end of the cycle, information is issued to all. Who is ready, he will receive and will perceive the information. For the rest, it will become another lesson. Of course, there is a lie in the text. After all, distortion and concealment of part of the information is the main tool of "Dark Forces". However, who knows true knowledge, he can easily figure out and distinguish between the truth.

Spheres of influence

So, after receiving the esoteric "hidden from most" information, we will return to the Secret World Government and consider their activities within the framework of the planet. It is necessary to understand the hidden motives of things taking place on the planet and relate to us all in one way or another. Then it is easy to resist evil.

For the whole world, Freemasonry is presented as a charitable organization of rich people who supports business in different countries and contributes to a favorable climate for doing business. However, it is only one part of the truth. Symbol of Masons black and white chess cell. The second side of their activities is destructive, destructive.

This organization includes the richest and influential people of the planet. Their interests, first of all, obtaining super-profits and power. In fact, their interests differ little from the interests of the Egyptian priests. But in the modern world, they acquired world domination with the help of money. It is a monetary system that has been successfully implemented on our planet, allows mankind in slavery. People are forced to make money to live. And there is a discrepancy between nested labor, income. Hence all wars, revolutions, riots.

Members of the Secret World Government are three hundred, and now the richest families of the planet. They are the heads of transnational corporations that control the highest return industries; Production of money, weapons, drugs, medicines, porn industry, prostitution, banks, media, food, medicine. They control the production and sale of raw materials on the planet. Determine policies and economics on the planet, through the association of economies of countries, globalization.

Production of weapons brings huge revenues. Weapons need to be sold. Sales markets are countries in which war and armed conflicts go. And for this you need to first divide society and put one part of society to another. There will be enemies, wars will begin sooner or later. Therefore, all wars on the planet are organized by the Secret World Government, starting with antiquity and ending with the latest armed events in Africa. World War I, World War II, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Nicaragua is a partial list of the countries where the war had been unleashed with their direct participation.

They finance both running parties, and then earn to restore the country after total destruction. They acquire control over the economy anyway. They are never losers. Loses only the population drawn into an artificial war.

The so-called democracy is styled to create confrontation. Although its more correct reflection of the essence, a demonistration. The basic principle of the demonistration "divide and conquer!"

Terror - directed against ordinary people, and not against those from whom someone depends ... Think about it!

"Democracy is an illusion created to maintain slavery. Which party did not win - in fact, the family wins. If you want to enslave a person, let him believe that he is already free. " Insider revelations.

In words, democracy preaches equal conditions, rights and freedoms for all members of society. However, in fact it is not at all. All key posts in society occupy people who are incoming or collaborating with the global government. A simple person will never take a key post, if it does not come down with the elite.

For ordinary citizens, freedom is presented as freedom to take drugs, alcohol, dispose of their lives at its discretion. In democratic drugs, prostitution, unconventional sexual orientation are legalized or in the process of adopting legislation that allows you to have such views and life with impunity.

At the legislative level in society, the views and principles leading to the degradation and extinction of society are imposed. Requirements are replaced by the correct guidelines. This is invested huge money and competent highly paid specialists work.

For the total deception of mankind, a varnish sample of a democratic lifestyle was created. From the USA artificially made a prosperous country, an American dream to show the whole world as they would live well if they decide democracy as a dominant ideology.

A huge amount of money was invested in the country and a high standard of living of the population was artificially created. For several decades, a PR was held a company promoting an American lifestyle for the fourité of the population of the entire planet.

It brought his fruits and was expressed in the "color" revolutions, riding around the world. They were provoked and financed by the same global government. Fighters for democracy are just foolen and frivolous people who sincerely believe that democracy will bring prosperity to the whole society. Those who went through this way are already beginning to understand that as a result they led the world government puppets. And instead of prosperity, a drop in the standard of living was obtained.

The sale of drugs brings huge income, therefore also controlled by the global government. They create raw materials from whole countries, where artificially support the bench's lifestyle of people, pushing to grow raw materials and drug production. For many years, China was such a country. With the coming to power of the Communist Party, it was discontinued.

But then Colombia, Mexico, Afghanistan appeared. All methods of struggle in the production and distribution of drugs do not bring results, because and should not according to the plan of the World Government. The visibility of the struggle for the main part of the population is created, which is always trying to convince the government takes care of them. But all this is a lie and total deception, for manipulating the masses. All drug trafficking and drug carriers are under the control of members of the Secret World Government. As well as prostitution and porn industry.

Recently, a new less dangerous technology of conquesting countries has recently appeared. The production of money, US dollars, which are engaged in the US Federal Reserve Bank. This is a private office, belongs to several individuals and prints money around the clock.

The Secret World GovernmentFederal Reserve Bank is a consortium of twelve private banks that are not part of the United States Government. Control over the banks is in the hands of few American and European bankers, among which, of course, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Morgana.

These banks have received the right to print money for the US government thanks to US President V. Wilson. They do not need to work to "make money" - they make them literally printing on the machines belonging to them. And releasing the game of money, they give them to the government in debt. And this debt must be returned with interest. And what would pay interest, you need new money, you can only take it in the federal backup bank. Borrow under new percentages. And so indefinitely.

Bankers again and again print money and give them to the government, which is calculated with them with these money, giving interest on debts for the last game of money.

The government collects taxes to pay debts - and 30% of all taxes goes into the pocket of bankers. What would give all big debts more and more money, which means that the federal reserve bank prints more and more money, the money mass grows, money is depreciated, inflation is flourishing.

The owners of the FRB are interested in selling their goods, dollars. So it is necessary that US money is in demand in the world. For this, the currency exchange and the securities market, which delay most of the money mass. The collapse in the securities market is a planned, managed share, which is the result of buying artificially dispensed currency and securities. Simply put, a civilized robbery occurs.

The bank, which was supposed to bring stability to the economy, was involved in almost every market crisis, including the Great Depression, the First World War, the Second World War, the collapse of the stock exchange, and so on.

Obviously, private ownership of the US dollar is the greatest crime and total deception of the population of the planet. For each president, the attitude to eliminate this particular National Bank was committed by murder. President Kennedy was killed for wanted to nationalize this bank.

A federal reserve bank in private ownership has never been audited and never paid income tax from its income.

Having issued loans through various international banks, the world government not only earns money as a percentage, but also dictates the conditions for conducting the economy in the country. The International Monetary Fund, when issuing loans, the conditions of which undermines the economies of countries. This happened in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Baltic States, and other countries. For this, the fund was repeatedly criticized, but this policy continues.

The global government controls medicine and drug production. All major pharmaceutical concerns belong to 2-3 owners.

Selling drugs is also profitable business. So it is necessary that people hurt a lot. For this, there is a whole system that develops new viruses of various influenza; Bird, pork, atypical pneumonia, AIDS and many other diseases. By parallel working out a vaccine, for sale of which is earned with enormous money.

People deliberately infect, arrange epidemics to scare and make buying medicines, making vaccinations. And therefore, recently, the epidemic has taken regular character in all countries.

Diseases are also caused by the wrong way of nutrition and lifestyle. All carbonated and low alcohol drinks, popular among young people, contain a large number of preservatives and chemicals, harmful to health.

All meat food contains corpus poisons, dyes, preservatives, chemical additives, which are poorly removed by the body and quickly accumulate. A large amount of slag causes various dysfunction and decrease in immunity.

Control over the production of food is also a concern for the global government. They control the production of agricultural products through genomodified seeds. Such seeds give only one harvest. They removed the gene responsible for reproduction. Manufacturers are forced to constantly acquire new seeds. And sellers control the number of seed sold.

Thus, food production depends on one - two seed manufacturers. All Europe purchases seeds in the USA, manufacturer of genomodified seeds. The CIS countries are also trying to put control, artificially causing drought by HAARP climate weapons.

In addition, with the use of genometed food, human genes also mutate. The gene responsible for reproduction becomes passive. Thus, infertility without visible reasons became the scourge of modern society. So the birth rate is controlled.

Management methods

Total deception of humanity occurs with the help of media. Almost all of them are in the hands of several media - magnates. The media form views, sentiment in society, tastes, fashion and much more through popular journalists, transmission, actors.

Currently, a third world war is held with media help. Only she is informational, because we live in the information age. An example is the attack of Georgia to Ossetia. However, the information in the world was filed so that this Russia attacked Georgia and caused a negative reaction of a large part of the world's population.

Another example of the election situation in Belarus. Western journalists proplachennaya opposition is planned scenario, made a "picture" supposedly the people's will and anger against the "dictator" Lukashenko said. And this picture spinned on all the so-called democratic Western media. Although the Reality "People's Anger" was expressed only criminals, mercenaries and "fighters for democracy" from other countries. But try, prove it all over the world, the largest and authoritative media products have already been worked out the ordered option, and the other will not miss.

All this in advance, the planned action is designed to justify the introduction of economic sanctions and pressure on the president, who does not want to "coffin" their people and does not allow in Belarus to implement world government plans. Therefore, the information and economic war is deployed against him, both from the West and Russia, whose puppet management is consistently implementing plans of the global government.

"Another fact that I was then told about was that Russia was invited to take part in the preparations for the establishment of a single global government." D. Klamen. "Committee 300. Secrets of the World Government"

Thus, control over the media is control over the advanced weapons of mass lesion.

A very powerful impact is religion. Almost all religions are created by the global government to distort the true knowledge and formation of the psychology of the slave. They are also called believers "slaves of God's" or "Lamb of God", which means young lamb.

Religions create a "flock" of the submissive fluff for money and energy. Such energies are attracted by forming an energy egregor, from which all "miracles", healing, vision, voices of God, tears on icons occur, etc.

Excerpts from the Revelation of Insider

Answer: "If a specific religion is not created by us, at least we had a very tangible effect on it. There are no such things like "God". "God" is a human concept, which is a misunderstanding of the original idea "Creator

Question: Is there any unspoken fragments in the Bible, and what of the versions of the Bible would you call [the least spoiled]?

Answer: No. Like all the sacred texts, with each subsequent transfer, its initial context is significantly distorted. However, as in all sacred texts, the fair share of truth is still hidden. For the most part, these grains of truth "metaphoric". If you manage to find the version of the Bible written to King James, it will be the closest to the truth version. I wish you successful search.

Question: As for spirituality in your jurisdiction, could you comment on the role of Catholic ceremonies, relating to what way its activity is stacked - positive, negative or different?

Answer: The more lower members of my family (names known to you) use the Vatican for many rituals and sacrifices. This will tell you everything you need to know. "

Thus, it is clear that religion and the top of the priests are employees of the "Dark Forces", whose task is to distort true knowledge.

What is happening everywhere, globalization is also part of the plan to combine and control the economies of countries. Each country in the global global government is assigned a certain highly specialized role in the global economy. The state with a narrow specialization is easy to control.

Well, for example, to Russia, which should fully become a country producing hydrocarbon raw materials, will cease to do products. Hunger and Riot will begin in the country. And then you can safely introduce NATO troops, which belong to the global government and take everything under their control. The script has been repeatedly worked in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq.

Globalization in its negative aspect - the process of creating in the world an entirely new economic and political system, which is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe domination of large international corporations over national governments. The latter are circumscribed to perform purely administrative and bureaucratic functions.
In the era of globalization, the main purpose of this or that national government is the creation for the "shark capitalism" of comfortable living conditions and doing business in a particular country.

World Government plans

According to the global government plan, the population of the planet should be reduced to 1 "golden billion" of people from the elite and several millions of service personnel.

All others are subject to destruction. There is even a plan for the annual reduction in the number of "useless mass".

Slavs on the "Plan of Dulles" will be destroyed by alcohol, drugs and intizanitaria. Latina Drugs, Asians, Negros and Arabs, constantly without silent armed conflicts.

The surviving as a result of natural selection will be "chipized" and be under constant control.

This is an excerpt from the book D. Kolman. "Committee 300. Secrets of the World Government"

"Supplement to religion," opium of the people ", who, according to Lenin and Marx, was needed, now there are new" opiates "in the form of mass sports sights, loose sexual deposits and rock music. The whole generation of drug addicts has grown. The propaganda of unfounded sex and the epidemic of drug addiction pursue the goal to distract people from what is happening around. In his book, the Tehnotron Era, Brzezinsky speaks about the human "masses" as in inanimate objects - perhaps we are also submitted to the Committee 300. Brzezinsky constantly talks about the need to control us, "masses".

In one place he welcomes: "At the same time, the possibilities of social and political control over personality will increase. It will soon be possible to carry out almost continuous control over each citizen and conduct constantly updated computer files, containing in addition to normal information the most confidential details of the health status and The behavior of every person. "

"The relevant government agencies will have instant access to these files. The authorities will be focused in the hands of those who control the information. Existing bodies will be replaced by the agencies in the management of pre-crisis situations, the task of which will preempt the identification of possible social crises and developing programs for managing these crises." (This contains a description of the structure of the FEMA agency, which appeared much later.)

"This will breed trends for the next few decades, which will lead to a technotronic era - dictatorship, in which the current political procedures will almost completely abolish. Finally, look forward to the end of the century, the possibility of biochemical monitoring of consciousness and genetic manipulations with people, including The creation of creatures that will not only act, but also to reason as people can cause a number of serious issues. "

Managment structure

The global government has its hierarchy, which is valid through prestigious international associations and committees. Their huge quantity and they all fulfill their part of the work on the implementation of the Plan of the World Government.

"The 300 Committee has at its disposal a huge bureaucratic apparatus, which includes hundreds of brain centers and official institutions that lead the broadest spectrum of persons and organizations from private business to government leaders.

I mention only some of them, starting from the German Marshall Foundation. In the number of its members (they are also members of the NATO and Roman Club) include such persons like David Rockefeller (David Rockefeller) from Chase Manhattan Bank, Gabriel Hague (Gabriel Hague) from the prestigious Hanover Trust and Finance Corporation, Milton Katz (Milton Katz ) from Ford Foundation, Willie Brandt, Leader of Socialist International, Agent KGB and Member of the Committee 300, Irving Bloustone (Irving Bluestone), Chairman of the Executive Board of the United Workers' Automotive Industry Union (United Auto Workers), Russell Train (Russel Train), President of the American Branch of the World Wildlife Foundation (World Wildlife Fund), operating under the patronage of Prince Philip and the Roman Club, Elizabeth Midgely (Elizabeth Midgely), Producer Programs CBS, BR Giford (Br Gifford ), Director of the Russel Sage Foundation Foundation, Guido Goldman from the Aspen Institute, the late Averell Harriman (Averill Harriman), Extraordinal [3] Member of the Committee 300, Thomas L. Hughes ( Thomas L. Hughes) from the Carnegie Foundation, Dennis Midos and Jay Forrestor from the World Dynamics of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

When it was decided that a certain superhorption should be managed by European affairs, KIMD founded the Tavistok Institute, which in turn created NATO. For five years, NATO was funded by the German Foundation Marshall. Perhaps the most important member of the Bilderberg Club, the foreign policy of the Committee of the Committee 300, was Joseph Rettinger (Joseph Rettinger), which, as they say, was its founder and organizer. The annual meetings of the Bilderberg Club for several decades were the subject of admiration for conspiracy hunters. .

Retthercher was a well-trained Jesuit priest and Frankmason 33rd degree. Mrs. Catherine Meyer Graham (Katherine Meyer Graham) suspected of killing her husband in order to gain control over the Washington Post newspaper, was also an important member of the Roman Club, like Paul G. Hoffman from New York Life Insurance Company ("New York Life Insurance Company"), one of their largest insurance companies in the United States, a leading company that is part of the RANK Corporation, which is directly related to the family of the English Queen Elizabeth. In addition, John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John, a person who has tried to erase with a political map post-war Germany, and, the last, but not much important, James A. Perkins (James A. Perkins) from Carnegie Corporation (Carnegie Corporation). " D. Klamen. "Committee 300. Secrets of the World Government"

Scientists, summarizing all the facts on the basis of the mathematical model, proved the existence of a global government. This video on TV channel news reports this.

However, it is necessary to understand that this is the implementation of the next item of their plan. They gradually opening information about themselves, convince the population in their power. Thus, they deliberately form a myth in humanity about the inevitability of their coming to power and complete domination. However, it is only one of the options for developing events. Which option will choose humanity, unknown. It all depends on awareness and will of the majority of the population.

freedom of choice

Of course, members of the secret world government are influential and stubbornly go to the realization of their plans.

But, as I have already written above, they simply fulfill their part of the Treaty on the organization of negative polarity, although not aware of it.

In addition, using the negative phenomena of life created by them, people are tested. There is a global planetary exam. Do people who still choose negative polarity cannot go to the next stage of learning.

They have not yet learned to distinguish polarity, and susceptible to everything negative. And if they go to a higher level of learning, where evil is no longer, they will remain not worked out, some negative qualities. Evolution is not provided. These "New Year experts will remain studying the alphabet," until they come to the programmed positive polarity.

Therefore, at the end of the cycle, in which we are now being abide, there is a selection into a new race. More, it describes in detail in the "Quantum Transition" article.

However, it must be remembered that it all depends on our freedom of choice. Only the person himself chooses something and gets the result of his choice. This tool of our study is a cosmic law, which is respected by all, even "dark forces".

What does this mean in practice? Refusal of alcohol, drugs, smoking, porn, aggression, despondency, low-fiber power and confusion. From all that in modern society So widespread, thanks to the global government.

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    The true power is concentrated in the hands of an informal international group of persons.. With the words "World Government", it is customary to turn the finger at the temple. But here's the problem: many quite serious experts do not believe that the countries are managed by presidents, premieres, chairmen and other "visible" officials. They believe that the true power is a powerful, unshakable, but hidden - focused on any other hands. This unofficial powerful group that does not recognize national borders, controls banking, insurance, coal mining, industry, - they call the global government.

    At this shadow government, I argue experts, secret organizations and brain centers work. For example, "", which was established in 1921 by the American Banker Morgan, and controls the US Federal Reserve, the New York Stock Exchange and the leading media. Or "" (1954), who united the American elite and European.

    Or "" (1974), which includes representatives of the United States, Europe and Japan. Its goal is to "create a mechanism for global planning and long-term redistribution of resources." Or " Roman club"(1968), which has its own private intelligence agencies and, in addition," borrows "information from Interpol, FSB and Mossad. Cooking the work of these organizations billionaire David Rockefeller.

    What represents the world government, what goals sets, the doctor of law sciences, Major General Militia Militia, Ex-Advisor of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, ex-head of the Russian Bureau Interpol Vladimir Ovchinsky .

    - Vladimir Semenovich, the global government, in your opinion, really exist?

    When our political scientists, sociologists and historians begin to talk about the global government, it is believed that the person survived the mind. But in the West, scientists belong to this issue very seriously. For example, such well-known people, world-class financiers, like George Soros, Jacques Attali say that the further development of history is impossible without the world government, without the World Parliament, without the world armed forces and without world police.

    Recently, Soros in Pennsylvania conducted a meeting of leading economists, political figures, bankers. The agenda is the creation of a new global currency instead of the dollar, the change of the world leader of the United States to China, the creation of China preferences for this. Soros directly puts the issue of creating a global government.

    In Russia, the ideologist of the World Government is Gabriel Popov. If Soros has a central idea - this is a world currency that should stabilize the financial situation in the world, in Jacques of Attali - world financial authorities, world armed forces and the world police, then Gabriel Popova measures are even more radical - world birth control, use for this new biotechnology, control over nuclear weapon and nuclear stations. In addition, Popov adheres to the old ideas of Brzezinsky and Kissinger, that the global government, and not national states, should control the sources of energy: oil production, its processing and supply to world markets. This is written open.

    - What is clearly manifested by the actions of the World Government?

    What do we see in Libya are that not actions of the World Government? In the most direct sense of the word? We see the UN Security Council resolution for which nor Russia, nor China, nor India voted. It is very strange, this resolution: control over airspace with the possibility of strikes. What is this "Humanitarian" action?!

    In Libya, NATO has already operated somehow, and who emphasized him? Indeed, in the UN Charter, it is written that a special headquarters under the auspices of the Security Council must be created for military peacekeeping operations. Instead, NATO operates - a regional military unit, which is also part of the global government.

    The world leaders who are inconsistent to the global government is waiting for the Hague Tribunal. We saw what they did with Milosevic: first tried for a long time, then suddenly a strange death when you need to hide the ends into the water.
    The global government already exists, it leads its wars, controls energy resources. It can not yet control the national nuclear power and national nuclear power, but this is his goal.

    - What is the structure of this government?

    Structure is simple. These are global financial groups, first of all, the Rothschild Rocfell Group. These are global financial speculators such as Soros. This is a group of large politicians and economists. All of them are going to half-closed meetings, such as the Bilderberg Club. The global government is also international tools. The Libyan crisis is clearly seen that the UN has become such a tool in the hands of the World Government.

    The global government is a shadow, open only in the person of his ideologues. But it exists, this is a reality, and reject it is just stupid.

    - If we talk about personalities, who enters its composition?

    See the lists of the Bilderberg Club and the Three-Term Commission. There are dozens of surnames of fairly famous people.

    - How quickly can the transformation of this government in a legal structure can happen?

    I do not think it is once it is completely legal. The global government has a great power when there is in half-blooded. When everything is in sight, they become more vulnerable. In the current state it is not clear who supports them.

    - They hold in the shade. Does it mean that the world government controls some criminal things, for example, drug trafficking?

    This simplification of the problem is to say that they are associated with crime. Crime is a lower level of social activities. The global government controls the global process, much more serious things: the future of the financial system, the future of international law, the future of peacekeeping operations, the future of "humanitarian" global operations.

    What is now called "humanitarian" operations is, in fact, military operations associated with violation of the national sovereignty of the state. No matter how we belonged to Gaddafi, this man defended his state as the president of the country. He fought with the rebels that any head of the state would do. Moreover, from the rebel core was Al-Qaida and various Islamic support orders with which the international community is fighting, as with terrorists. And suddenly the situation was turned from the "plus" to "minus", and the guilty made Gaddafi. And made this world government.

    - You say they control the future. What is the world?

    The world goes to erasing sovereignty. Until what the world government is called the theory of managed chaos. Some conflict situations are being created, which are going to armed conflicts, local wars, pseudorevolutions. In this way, chaos is created on a certain territory. In the conditions of this chaos, the national sovereignty is blown, it becomes unclear who is the leader of the country.

    When rigid authoritarian, feudal, pseudo-octic modes are preserved - call anything, it is difficult to break sovereignty and impose the will of the World Government. And when the theory of managed chaos is valid, there is no stability in the state, it is not clear, legitimate or not the leadership of the state, - under these conditions the leaders of national states become more dependent on international groups of their ideologues.

    What is the chaos, are all these Arab revolutions? America and the countries of the West can not get out of the crisis. The second wave is observed, the financial system flies to the damn mother. They did nothing with derivatives, on the contrary, released even more than the crisis of virtual money. They did not purify the financial system, and even more they sentenced it. Instead of bringing order in the banking system, they invested in her giant money, which again sprayed on offshores.

    Under these conditions, the crisis is not eliminated, it is real again. But from the crisis began to quickly leave the countries, far from West and the United States: China, India, Brazil, Arab countries, for example, Egypt. Such stable modes of the global government are not needed. His goal is to exit the crisis of the United States and Europe by creating an even greater crisis in the third world countries.

    Brief certificate

    TO eND XIX. Century The World Financial and Economic Center has gradually moved from the UK to the United States. Several financial and industrial groups managed to establish control or simply seize in their possession key industries of the American economy: steel-smelting, tobacco, oil, etc. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the USA emerged in the United States, headed by leading financiers of that period: Rockefeller, Morgan, Lamont, Kunoy, Leb, Belmond, Lazar, Landenburg, Talman, Speyer, I.shoff, Zeligman, Gugenheim, and others.

    In 1912, these people have achieved legal rights to dominate Finance of the United States. In exchange for monetary support for its election campaign, President Woodrow Wilson agreed with their suggestions. It was this grouping for the twentieth century that managed, using a series of world controlled conflicts, to manage the course of the history of mankind, for the sake of achieving world domination.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating international non-governmental organizations as the levers of creating a global state was tested by European, especially English, socialists and communists. After that, financial and industrial groups began to be proceeded. This led to the design of a number of largest transnational structures, the existence of which the public of the West learned relatively recently: the Council on International Relations, the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission.

    « Council on international relations» (Council of Foreign Relations - CFR) is the largest organization that unites the most influential people of the West: former and applicable presidents, ministers, ambassadors, high-ranking officials, leading bankers and financiers, presidents and chairmen of the boards of transnational corporations and firms, university heads (including leading professors ), media (including major journalists and television), Congressmen, judges Supreme CourtCommander of the Armed Forces in America and Europe, NATO generals, CIA functionaries and other special services, UN leaders and major international organizations.

    This organization arose in 1921 as a branch of the Carnegie Foundation for the Universal World ". It is believed that her the largest American banker Morgan was the creator. The task of the Council is the development of an American strategy on a planetary scale in order to complete the unification of the planet and the creation of a global government. Headquarters is located in New York.

    Until the completion of World War II, the role of the council was limited. The situation has changed in 1947, with the beginning of the "Cold War" of the West against the USSR. The Council on International Relations has turned into its main strategic center. During this period, many Generals of Pentagon and NATO, CIA and other special services entered the Council members. The initiative of applying a "proactive" nuclear strike on the Soviet Union was also developed in this organization. In its ranks, all the most important leaders and ideologists of subversive activities were listed against our country: from Allen Dulles (from 1933 to 1944 - Secretary of the Council, from 1945 to 1950 - President of the Council), to Zbigneva Brzezinsky (Director of the Council from 1972 to 1977), Henry Kissinger (Director of the Council from 1977 to 1981) and Richard Pipes..

    The management system of this organization is based on the principle of the Corporation: On the one hand, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, on the other - the president and several vice-presidents. Current work is carried out by the Executive Director and the secretary with broad powers. There are a number of simply directors responsible for a certain direction of work (more than 30 them). Separate structures highlighted treasurer and research director.

    The first president of the Council was the Mason of the highest degree - D. Dewis, and among the first directors such prominent politicians were allocated as P.Vburg, O.Kan, I. Bauman, V.Shrupardson, E. Ré (at the same time secretary), P. Kravat.. Since 1933, from 1933, the secretary replaced the future founder and director of the CIA Allen Dulles, who had already served as one of the directors since 1927. The subsequent development of the Council on international relations was under his leadership. He also became a key figure in organizing work on how to work out the methods of the Council.

    Since the 50s, David Rockefeller has gradually became a new key figure of the Council.. Director Since 1949, Vice President Since the 1950s, Chairman Since the 1970s, Rockefeller turned into the main coordinating figure, possessing power, which was constantly intensified as the Council's activities expand due to the creation of new organizations - the Bilderberg Club and the three-star commission.

    In the mid-80s, D. Crofeller as the Chairman and Lord Winston as President of the Council were substituted with new figures. The chairman became the prominent Jewish industrialist and a public figure P.Petherson, and president - famous Mason J. Sving. Rockefeller himself remained the invisible lord of all the mondialist structures, coordinating and directing their activities.

    Under the absolute control of the Council on international relations are the main regulators of the final world of the Western world - the Federal Reserve System of the United States and the New York Stock Exchange. All Fed leaders are consisting of an international relations and regularly reported to its top. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, actually the Federal Reserve and the components of its main parts: Boston, Atlanta and Cleveland, are headed by the largest FMO functioners.

    Universities and scientific institutions are presented in the Council with their leaders and leading professors. Colombian, Harvard, Jalesky, Stanford, California Universities, as well as Massachusetts Institute of Technology played a particularly important role in the work of the Council.

    The Council on International Relations fully controls all the leading media and, above all, television. In members of the SMO, the leaders of the EN-Bi-SI, SI-Bi-Es, Free Europe, Yusia, New York Times, "News-Weeke", "Washington Post", "Yu.S. News and WORD report "and others, as well as the largest publishers and associations of American publishers.

    In 1954, the second mondialist structure was created - or the Bilderberg Group (by the name of the Bilderberg Hotel in the Dutch city of Osterbek, where the first meeting took place). It unites American analysts, politicians, financiers and intellectuals with their European colleagues. The US side is presented exclusively by members of the Council on International Relations and is considered as its international continuation.

    The emergence of the Bilderberg Club was associated with an attempt to elite Europe to somehow keep the US claims on the leadership of all world politics. The real creators of the club were American intelligence agencies. In 1948, on their initiative, the American Committee of the United Europe, the chairman of which was U.Donovan (Former head of the management of strategic services, the predecessor of the CIA), Vice-Chairman - A. Dolls (director of the CIA).

    In one harness, another personnel American intelligence officer worked with them - D.REtederwhich in diplomatic circles was called "gray cardinal". He was a secretary of the European movement, money was translated through him for secret activities in Europe. In fact, the first meeting of the Bilderberg Club in May 1954 was conducted by the efforts of the Ratter, who played a large role in this organization until death in 1960.

    The real owners of D.retter were present at the meeting D.ROfeller, Dean Raek, Head of the Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller, President of the Carnegie Foundation, D.Johnson, Chairman of the Baruch Corporation D.Chaman. In total, 80 people were present at this meeting. In the first documents of the Bilderberg club, the creation of a new international order and the implementation of the long-term planning of foreign policy activities of the West in relation to the USSR and the third world countries.

    Membership, as such, does not exist in the Bilderberg Club. Each meeting takes place in a significantly updated composition. Nevertheless, the backbone, the asset of this club, which unites 383 people, of which 128, or one third, are Americans, the rest are Europeans. Although the latter is given the opportunity to participate in the preparation of important political decisions, the biggest winning from the creation of the Bilderberg Club received the elite of the United States. They possess the most mature organization in this club: 42 representatives of the President, Ministry of Defense, State Department and other US authorities, 25 representatives of the largest corporations, banks and business community, 54 representatives of American universities, media and public organizations.

    In fact, the head of the Bilderberg Club, as well as the Council on International Relations, is D. Crofeller (now he is 95 years old), the formal chairman is American P. Karrington. In addition, the club has two "honorable general secretaries": one - in Europe and Canada, another in the United States. The headquarters of the Bilderberg Club is located in New York, indoors of the Carnegie Foundation.

    Club meetings are held in complete secrecy. (Club members, in particular, it is forbidden to give an interview with the press - for this follows a lifelong exception), according to special invitations, the dates of their convocation are not announced. Meeting and security of participants provides the country in which members of the club are collected.

    Each such meeting, despite complete secrecy, is of great interest of the world community. It is impossible to hide the arrival in one place of a large number of famous people, among whom are presidents, kings, princes, chancers, prime ministers, ambassadors, bankers, leaders of the largest corporations. Moreover, each of them comes with a whole retinue of secretaries, chefs, waiters, telephonists and bodyguards.

    In 1973, the third most important Mondialist structure was created by activists of the Bilderberg Group - "" or "Trilateral" (Trilateral). She was headed by the Americans belonging to the SMO and the Bilderberg Group, and, in addition to the United States, where her headquarters are located (345 East 46th Street, New York), there were two more headquarters: in Europe and in Japan.

    "Three-star" commission is named for fundamental geopolitical grounds. It is designed to unite under the auspices of Atlantism and the USA European and Pacific spaces leading in technical development and market economy. The creation of the Commission is associated with an increase in rivalry among the ruling elites of the West and the growing economic power of Japan. In the 1960s, Japanese politicians and bankers who have listened to individual meetings have raised the question of representing their interests.

    In this regard, D. Crofeller instructed Z. Zezhinsky to form the structure of a new organization that would unite the highest political and business leaders of the West.

    On March 3, 1975, Brzezinsky made a program in the magazine "New York Megazin", where he outlined his plan to establish a new world order: "We must recognize that the world today seeks unity, which we wished for so long ... The new world acquires the form of global community ... Initially, it will especially affect the economic world order ... We must create a mechanism for global planning and long-term redistribution of resources".

    This is the direction and became the main thing in the activities of the trilateral, which represented Western European, North American (USA and Canada) and Japanese interests. America (without Canada) was represented by 117 members, of which 32 people are from the state (American president, the State Department, the Ministry of Defense and Congress). American corporations and banks (47 people) are abundantly represented. From Japan, 84 people entered the trilateral commission, mainly leaders of leading corporations (Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Sony, etc.) and banks.

    The largest European delegations in the Tripartite Commission were Italian (26 people), French (22 people), Germanic (21 people), English (19 people). Belgium was disproportionately represented by its territory - 26 people. Hours taken by members of the Trilateral Commission are a kind of law for politicians of all Western countries.

    Already from the first years of existence, the Commission has shown its political power, putting forward by US presidential candidate at one of its meetings. D. Carter. Together with the Council on International Relations, the Commission mobilized the finances of the largest banks, pressed the effects of the mass media subjects and thus achieved the election of the crankcase. The headquarters of the three-star commission is located in the same building, where the headquarters of the Bilderberg Club, in the room of the Carnegie Foundation.

    The leadership of these organizations seeks to create a supranational authority, which has the right to pour the state sovereignty of any country, not excluding in perspective and the United States, as well as to use military power against unpleasant. According to the plans, the personal composition of the World Government will be determined at the secret meetings of such structures as the Bilderberg Club, the SMO and the Three-Term Commission.

    The main line of activity of all these structures is to prepare the conditions for the transition to a single global system under the strategic control of the West and with the priority of "humanistic" and "democratic" values. For this, the formation of the so-called "national branches" and similar organizations in strategically important states of the world continues.

    Parallel power structures are producedconsisting of existing and promising future politicians, journalists, intellectuals, financiers, analysts, etc. Their task is to prepare a public opinion before the global government project will be able to be widely made public, since without prior processing of the population, it will inevitably surpass the powerful psychological resistance of peoples and states who do not want to lose their independence and identity.

    What does the Bilderberg Club want

    Daniel Estulin, political analyst and author of bestseller "Genuine history of the Bilderberg Club", He told LibertyNewsonline, as the Bilderberg Club is going to control global processes. Earlier, on June 1, 2010, Estulin was invited to speak in the European Parliament on this issue, where he stated that genuine goal of the club - "Global Empire".

    "There is an erroneous opinion that the money rules the world. However, they are not, and the will cause the world to "rotate". The crisis showed that today you have money, and tomorrow they are not, " - says Estuine.

    According to him, in recent years, the Bilderberg Club is engaged in building gigantic cartels. "They still believe that the world rules the one who controls energy, the ways to deliver it and distribution. Simple people (they call them "dirty") abandoned the myth of the onset of all information and computer technology. But turn off the electricity - and this world will crumble as a card house ", - explains the political scientist.

    Estulin believes that this club in the arsenal has one powerful opportunity to resist civilization of globalization: "This is a man-made creation of a giant global crisis when global GDP falls percentage by 30, and people will be forced to engage in survival, and not the struggle with the strong world of all. The current civilization has already passed this - during the "black death, epidemic of plague in the XIV century, when 30% of the population extinct in Europe."

    Estulin has also known that in recent years, in recent years, at the end of each meeting of the Bilderberg Club, he made predictions, whether the main trends will be accomplished by the organization:

    - In 1996, after members of the club met in Canada, Estulin said that the war with Yugoslavia, in Kosovo will occur in 1999. As it turned out, he was mistaken with the date for only half a year.

    - In 2002, during a meeting in the French chanti, Estulin correctly predicted the time of war in Iraq in February-March 2003.

    - In the same 2002 Estulin made a forecast that oil will cost $ 100 per barrel by the end of 2007. He was mistaken for 2 days - she reached this mark on January 2, 2008.

    - In 2005, the political scientist predicted that oil would approach 150 dollars by the summer of 2008. This level in reality amounted to $ 147.5 dollars.

    - In 2007, Estulin believed that as soon as oil reaches $ 150, it will fall up to $ 30 per barrel. All this should be part of the economic war against Russia and China.

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