The main and supporting characters in Final Fantasy XV. Friendship is Magic. Final Fantasy XV Review Final Fantasy 15 Heroes

Publication date: 07.02.2017 09:44:38

In fact, it doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned player - the character development system in Final Fantasy XV is so incomprehensible at first glance that it can confuse almost any gamer before choosing the next skill.

Although your heroes gain levels with experience, this only affects their basic characteristics. New skills and abilities are unlocked with special points (AP), and they are common to the entire squad. At the same time, there is far from one path of development, and some useful skills are not at all directly related to pumping any of the heroes.

How the leveling system works in Final Fantasy 15

Before proceeding directly to the choice of skills, we will devote a little time to explaining the pumping system as a whole.

There are nine different pages with leveling trees in total. Each of them represents one side of the FF15 gameplay. One, for example, is entirely devoted to the powerful skills of Noctis, another - to magic, and the next contains the pumping of the unique skills of all members of the group.

All skills presented there are arranged in the form of trees connected by lines. So you will always need to decide which branch is best to develop - the most interesting skills are at the ends of the branches, and to unlock them you will have to learn a few additional skills.

The best skills in Final Fantasy 15 for initial leveling

There are several skills in FF15 that we recommend taking immediately without any hesitation. Although not all of them will directly increase the combat power of your squad, they will contribute to their development in the near future.

Several skills increase the overall flow of earned AP, giving them out as a reward for performing certain actions that you will still spend time on as you progress. That is why opening them in front of others will eventually turn into a much more pumped squad as a whole, because you will immediately start earning more points.

  • Road-running(32 AP, Exploration page): Gain AP for moving in a car (it doesn't matter if you are driving or Ignis).
  • Chocobump(32 AP, Exploration page): Gain AP for riding a Chocobo.
  • Happy Camping(32 AP, Exploration page) and Happier Camping(48 AP, Exploration page): Gain AP for resting in camps.
  • Magic action(24 AP, Magic Page): Gain AP for using spells.
  • Armiger action and Armiger chain reaction(48 AP each, Armiger page, opens at a certain point in the storyline): Get AP for activating Armiger mode by Noctis.

Best fighting skills in Final Fantasy 15

While these skills may seem useful in the early stages, they will be useful in the future. These skills should be unlocked as early as possible in the passage.

  • Regroup(18 AP, page Techniques): Gives Ignis the Regroup skill. Brings the entire group out of a dangerous situation and restores health without using potions. You need two gauge bars to use, and this skill will most likely be assigned to Ignis throughout the game.
  • Airstep(6 AP, Combat page): The ability to step in the air after an attack is useful for extended combos.
  • Light phase(8 AP, Combat page) and Ultralight Phase(32 AP, Combat page): Decreases MP cost to avoid attacks while blocking.
  • Warp factor(24 AP, Combat page): Increases damage from teleport attacks. Further improvement allows you to smash the body parts of monsters with this attack, which is very useful in battles.
  • Stalker(26 AP, Combat page): Increases damage to enemies from behind. A very important skill on which the tactics of battles with strong opponents are based.
  • Link up(8 AP, Teamwork page): Increases the strength of linked attacks. They do a lot of damage anyway, why not make them even more devastating?
  • Health Level(10 AP, Stats page): Increases health based on hero level. It is cheaply pumped, but it gives a constant increase in health as the heroes are pumped.
  • Accessory Slots(16 AP x4, Stats page): Grants a second accessory slot for each hero. Very useful even in the early stages of the game.
  • First Shot, Reflex and Analyze(6 AP x3, Teamwork page): These are the three basic skills for each of your companions. They can be pumped very cheaply, but they really help in battles. Guys use these skills automatically.
  • Death drop(28 AP, Combat page): An attack that allows you to deal damage from a distance. A useful technique that often comes in handy in battles.

Final Fantasy: who is the best character in each part?

Who is the best among so many epic characters?

The Final Fantasy franchise celebrated its 30th anniversary last year. During this time, the number of released games in which this name appeared has approached hundreds, including thanks to the development of mobile games. In addition, the creators have also made episodic forays into the worlds of cinema, anime, and other media.

However, the "main" series contains 15 parts, some of which have been supplemented by prequels and sequels. With the exception of parts XI and XIV, which were massively multiplayer games, the heart of every other part was a story that unfolded for dozens of hours and contained a huge number of different beloved and hated characters.

Over the next few pages, we'll take a look at each game in turn, picking one character in each that stands out and is the best.

Do you agree? No? Comments are open to suggestions. Only be careful, as there will be spoilers for every game.

Few could have foreseen the success to come when the original Final Fantasy cartridge was released in 1987. Since then, the game has been repeatedly revised and republished, but these revisions have never affected the characters.

Players take control of four Warriors of Light by choosing their character names and classes. From this point until the end of the game, these heroes have no meaning whatsoever for the plot (despite being manipulated), and their personalities and motivations are open to interpretation.

As a result, when it comes to choosing the "best" character in the game, this choice is not great. In this part, the favorite of the series, Bahamut, appears for the first time, but, in fact, he is here only to improve the classes of the aforementioned characters, and Matoya is needed mainly solely to give quests.

The main villain, Garland, who is quickly dealt with when he appears as the first boss of the game, returns again, already as the master of four demons, and takes up the bulk of the remaining game time. His challenging and strikingly sophisticated (at least for a 1987 game) grand plan allows him to stand out from his followers, and to defeat him seems like a real achievement.

Fortunately, Final Fantasy II has moved away from the superficial characters of its predecessor, weaving the personal stories of its characters into the narrative. However, the trinity, which includes Firion, Mary, and Guy, are far from inspiring creatures.

Some characters who become the fourth team members during quests are much more interesting. For example, Gordon is a self-hating coward who fights with his demons to lead a rebellion against the Empire of Evil, and Leon is Mary's brother who went over to the dark side, and it is not known whether he fully accepts the philosophy of the Emperor or not.

Minwu stands above them all, becoming the first companion of your team and heroically dying (like many characters, which adds dark elements to the franchise), giving his life so that your characters can access high magic.

He and three other characters who die in the course of the game were best known in the Soul Of Rebirth expansion that accompanied virtually every remake of the game. In this expansion, they played a leading role as they complemented the efforts of their living counterparts, bringing in the bright side of the enigmatic Emperor.

Final Fantasy III is very strange for Final Fantasy games. She wasn't even available on English language until the DS version came out sixteen years later. It recreated the game from the ground up and strengthened the story, which was a welcome addition considering the original version was reverting to Final Fantasy I and the four unnamed Warriors of Light.

With the exception of the opening sequence, Lunet, Ark, Refia, and Ingus do very little, simply following in the footsteps of their predecessors and observing the development of various subplots (Aria's self-sacrifice and the Alus / Horn situation) without much personal involvement.

Due to a lack of choice, we are once again forced to focus on the surprisingly complex villain of the game - Xande. Because he received mortality as a reward from his master, much of the game revolves around his convoluted plan to return. eternal life which he had enjoyed earlier by freezing the passage of time.

Although it turns out at the last minute that he serves a powerful villain (like Zemus / Zeromus from IV and Kuja / Necron from IX), Xande is nothing without his immortality. In the end, he dies, but his actions can be considered a highlight in this unimpressive game.

11.IV - Cecil

The main characters are often somewhat boring, especially in the fantasy genre, where they are often too impeccable "good guys", driven by an entirely righteous cause. The hero of Final Fantasy IV at the beginning of the game, on the contrary, is on the side of darkness, figuring out the role that he plays in the tyranny of the Baron kingdom towards his people.

The first third of the game is based on his transformation from a "dark knight" into a "paladin", and the moment of transformation is portrayed simply brilliantly. From this point on, Cecil's relationship with Kain and Golbez plays an important role, although each character has their own story (most of them die because the game was so dark) in this excellently written narrative.

The second and third parts of the game talk about the differences between Cecil and his former brother in arms (Cain), as well as his blood brother (Golbez). The revelation about his relationship with the latter is one of the most frustrating moments in the series because it wasn't well thought out, but it still made Final Fantasy IV the first really great part of the franchise.

Recent re-releases have expanded the story of Part IV and featured Cecil as Seodor's father, a welcome addition to cement him as the series' best protagonist.

10.V - Gilgamesh

Final Fantasy V is one of the most memorable games in the series, and contained some memorabilia that hindered the development of the system previously seen in III. All of this is crowned by the fact that the main four, consisting of Bartz, Farisa, Galuf (later Krill) and Lenna, do practically nothing. In such a situation, the villainous Exdeath feels much better, considering that he is carrying out a great plan in the name of evil.

However, the secondary antagonist compensates for them all, given that he drags over every scene in which he is. Hilariously written (who else would have come up with a line like "Enough revealing joke! Now we'll fight like men! And ladies! And ladies dressed like men") with epic music score (Clash On The Big Bridge) upon loading, Gilgamesh was the first minor villain to outshine its masters.

A testament to the character's legacy is that he appears in virtually every subsequent game. In the VIII part he can be summoned, in the IX part he appears as a treasure hunter, revealing his essence only to those players who collect each treasure chest, in the later parts he is an optional boss. He always retains his appearance, connecting all games into one universe.

9.VI - Celes

Games often attract a lot of criticism for portraying female characters as exceptionally cute. The Final Fantasy series is often blamed for this, but it was the first to introduce strong female protagonists in Final Fantasy VI.

The terrific play ensemble consisted of three members who stood out from the rest of the main characters. The reason for this was that two of them were women - the amnesiac Terra and the Imperial defector Celes, who pushed the venerable "treasure hunter" (thief) Locke out of the lead.

Celes' suicide attempt is so impressive (I put her on the list of 150 greatest moments FF years ago) that a black screen that lights up momentarily hints that Kefka won and the game ended on a grim note. The fact that the sight of Locke's bandana on the bird supports her after survival is very powerful (even though the game never properly hinted at their relationship, which was a big mistake). It was he who opened the way for her to play a leading role in the post-apocalyptic World of Ruin.

Long before that, she starred in the most famous episode of the series - the Opera. No more words are needed here.

In a game with such a huge number of great characters (Edgar and Sabin, the devilish Kefka, cheerful Ultros and others), it is not easy to stand out among them.

8.VII - Reno & Rude

The easiest way would be to place Cloud or Sephiroth under this heading, given that one of them seems to always lose to Link in the GameFAQs' Character Battle final vote. However, Final Fantasy VII has always been viewed through rose-colored glasses, and it is controversial that both of these heroes are highly overrated. Sephiroth's great plan is almost one-on-one with Kefka's plan, and Cloud is not any special protagonist.

However, they inhabit a wonderfully crafted narrative populated by a myriad of fantastic characters: Vincent is a mysterious stranger, Aeris is innocence itself, Sid is an ordinary person (and the wonderful sounds he made will be missed when they are removed from remake), and Rufus is a villain far more realistic than many of his predecessors.

Rufus' two Turks, Reno and Rude, are considered one of the finest duos to ever grace the screen. Despite the fact that they are very different, together they are very cool. It's even hard to imagine them as villains after we witness scenes of their awkward conversation about girls and refusing to fight because they have a day off. And how Rude, shocked by the breakage of his glasses, pulls out the others from his pocket. This is really impressive.

If there can be a valid criticism about VIII, it has to do with the fact that the playable characters, with the exception of Squall and Rinoa, are completely undeveloped. Zell, Selfi, Kvistis, Irwin - dummies from start to finish. Fortunately, Squall's development from a staunch loner who doesn't care about anything to a hero who goes to the ends of the earth (and into space) for the woman he loves is overwhelming and makes up for all the shortcomings.

Perhaps the most outstanding was the "extra third" in their relationship - Seifer. The main theme of the game is that he and Squall are two sides of the same coin, they have mirrored scars, black and white jackets, and the plot develops through the different paths they choose.

Seyfer's transformation into a villain is something that clearly torments him, and it is difficult not to feel remorse, since his erroneous but noble intentions are manipulated by the unmemorable Ultimecia. His absence is very felt given that the interactions between him and Squall are the highlights of the game. So it's worth considering, maybe it was necessary to give him atonement and the opportunity to continue to participate in the plot.

6.IX - Vivi

Final Fantasy IX has done an outstanding job on nearly every major character, playable and non-playable. Each of them has a well-defined story, and although some of them (Freya and Fratley's relationship, Amaranth) were written earlier, the narrative was one of the best, if not the best in the series.

At the end of the game, as everyone came together to witness Zidane's return and express their love to Garnet, all players immediately noticed that one character was missing - Vivi.

The black magician is the heart of history, and his reconciliation with the idea that he was created as a weapon of war, and after a short life must die - is truly heartbreaking. However, this sadness did not break him.

The aforementioned ending turns from a triumphant one to a tragic one when you realize that Vivi has died by this moment, when a monologue is read in which he says goodbye to each of his friends and thanks both for the training, experience and companionship. The appearance of his children and a chance meeting with Pak (Vivi first meets him at the beginning of the game) is a wonderful way to complete the game.

There have been very few people who have not been attracted to Auron since his first appearance in the opening episode of Final Fantasy X, where he calmly watches as the city of Zaparkand is swallowed up by the terrible Sin. Heavy metal music, incredible graphics (for the time) and a mysterious atmosphere came together to reveal this character. As a result, players were looking forward to meeting him after he disappeared.

His second appearance is said to be one of the defining moments, as he effortlessly defeats some terrible looking demons in order to join the main character Tidus and his newly minted summoner Yuna.

X is entirely the story of Tidus and Yuna, but you may feel like Auron knows more than he seems. His subtle sarcastic remarks about, for example, Seymour (another terrific villain) predict amazingly what is about to happen. In addition, as the plot progresses, it turns out that he is an unsent soul with a bunch of secrets. The disclosure of the circumstances of his death has a serious impact on the main characters.

His disappearance has not been shown, but he is mentioned in the sequel despite being physically absent from it.

Final Fantasy XII never seems to have attracted much love. Its combat system and politicized storyline are underestimated, but three major flaws are hard to ignore. The first flaw is that Vahan is the weakest main character series to date. Created like Tidus, it plays little or no role.

The second drawback is that Vine, the villain of the game, is one of the worst on the franchise's rogues list. His interactions with the team can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and players are never given any specific reason to hate him.

The third drawback is the lack of a love story. Not every game had it, but those that do (IV and VI through X) are much more famous. Aschelia could easily become best character game if her only romantic affection hadn't been killed in the opening scene and her revenge against the empire hadn't been so uninspiring.

All this makes Baltier a self-proclaimed "protagonist" who fits perfectly into the archetype of the dashing hunter. His strong bond with Fran and a dark past with the Arhadians and his father make him an interesting character that only Bash and his brother Gabrant can rival.

3.XIII - Serah

Final Fantasy XIII never made a splash, even after the release of Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns. The overall history of this trilogy is utter chaos, and this incoherence means that the large selection of stories and characters present in this part tend to be forgotten.

Lightning is a weak leader, who is, in fact, a Squall in a skirt, only in her life there were no events that would turn her into a battle-hardened hero. Yes, she ultimately defeats God, but her relationship with her sister Sarah is little studied, despite the fact that the goal of the game is the joint desire of Lightning and Snow to save her.

On the one hand, it seems that Serah is nothing more than a teenage stereotype and a McGuffin. But being the main character XIII-2, she has become a much more believable and human figure than her sister.

The fact that it took three games to randomly tell a story that could have been condensed into one characterizes Square-Enix when it comes to writing stories in last years... Sera's lightheartedness makes her journey with Noel and her conflicts with Kaias enjoyable, which is often not the case with Lightning's travels in the first two games.

2.XV - Ignis

Final Fantasy XV is definitely one of the best parts series. It's a shame that it took over a year of content updates and story trick production to see the game climb to these heights, and the vast majority of players who criticized it after release would not be aware of the development that completed what initially seemed unfinished.

At first glance, every character from the main four is a walking stereotype. Noctis is headstrong, Prompto is lighthearted and annoying, Gladio is muscular, and Ignis is straightforward. However, their journey holds their brotherhood together, and the final quiet campfire scene that took place before their sacrifice is one of the most poignant moments in Final Fantasy history.

Ignis is unwaveringly loyal to Noctis, and this is most noticeable in the episode when he is ready to part with his life in an instant in order to save the life of his comrade. Ultimately, it costs him his eyes, but accepting his blindness is one of them. best moments ahead of the final.

Among other things, the impression of Ignis is enhanced by his British accent, which always gives him authority. His culinary abilities, worthy of memes, are also worth a separate mention.

We included this part even though it is not a "main" part of the series, because Tactics is one of the most criminally underrated games of all time, thanks to its epic story of war, religion, politics, manipulation and all sorts of others. plot elements... While complexity is arguably one of its downsides, its low profile means that a number of great characters are often missing from lists like this.

Among the heroes there are a number of fantastic villains: Delita, the childhood best friend of the main character Ramza, throughout history becomes an ally or an enemy, manipulating everyone to ensure his own growth. At the same time, Gaffgarion's early betrayal sets the tone for a game in which you never know who to trust.

Wiegraf stands out above all of these characters given his tragedy. He began with the noble intention of overthrowing the oppressive class world system and placing power in the hands of the people, but the death of his sister forced him to switch to the dark side. It was then that he met several times with Ramza.

It is heartbreaking to see him in demonic form when his humanity has been destroyed, and to hear him declare that he doesn't care about his sister and noble deeds. All he wants now is to bring death to the world

Hello. The Gamebizclub team is in touch, and we continue to talk about the new part of Final Fantasy, the official release of which is scheduled for late September this year. The continuation of the epic saga, which has been in development since 2006, is already close, so we decided to run a little ahead and talk about the heroes of the game.

Characters in Final Fantasy XV play the main role - they fight, ride a sports car through beautiful places, communicate and complete tasks. In, published a few days ago, we talked about the gameplay and plot of the game, and today we will introduce you to the key characters.

In this article, you will learn:


  • The main characters, five inseparable friends - Noctis, Ignis, Gladiolus, Prompto, Cor.
  • Supporting characters - Lunafreya, Gentian, Regis, Idola and others.
  • The unnamed heroes that were shown in the trailer, however, their actions and role in the storyline have not yet been revealed by the developers.

You can get to know some of the characters in this year's Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV movie. There you will meet Prince Noctis and learn the backstory of the game. Now watch the trailer for this movie.

Heir to the throne

The protagonist of the game Noctis Lucis Tselum is the prince of the kingdom of Lucis. His family, Tselum, owned and protected the only magic crystal that remained the last in the world. The young man was next to him for a long time and gained special strength - he owns magic, several types of edged weapons and the ability to teleport to them.

His character is strong, but at the same time not only calm, but rather cold. But despite this, great responsibility sometimes adds to his nervousness, which is why he acts harshly and emotionally.

Faithful helper

Longtime friend of Noctis, Ignis Scientia is a loyal and loyal companion who accompanies the prince on his travels. Ignis is distinguished by extreme seriousness, and sometimes coldness of character, but, despite these qualities, he is very loyal to the prince.

As a child, Ignis received a good education, which helped him easily get into government service and become an advisor to the king's heir. The preference for the iaido style of fighting allows the young man to easily deal with enemies in close combat. In battle, he throws knives and, if necessary, can take Noctis's place at the wheel of a car. His name means fire and knowledge.

Family protector

Another loyal friend of Noctis, Gladiolus Amicicia, in strength he is noticeably superior to all his associates. Steadfast and cold-blooded in battle, very cheerful and sociable in relationships with friends. His name comes from the name of the Roman sword - gladius, and the surname is translated as "friendship, friendly".

Speedy Fighter

Prompto Argentum had been friends with the prince since school, having nothing to do with the royal family. He has a very light-hearted and cheerful, and sometimes too frivolous character, which does not prevent him from showing a willingness to help others.

Its peculiarity is the fight with the help of various firearms, as well as considerable speed, which became the reason for such a name. Prompto means "sharp" or "fast".

Lion's Heart

One of the strongest fighters in the whole kingdom, Cor Leonis, treats his friends quite neutral, perhaps even rude, but his patriotism and love for his homeland makes him defend the whole company. Cor does this, although he does not fully support their goals.

Kora's age is 42, and in Japan this number is considered unlucky, because, according to the inhabitants of the country, it is at this age that various accidents often occur. His name translates as "the heart of a lion" - this characterizes Kor Leonis as a brave and strong character.

Prince's bride

Noctis's childhood friend and future fiancée is Lunafreya Knox Fleret. She was originally supposed to be Stella Knox Flereth, Noctis's enemy. But later, the developers changed their mind and changed her to a princess, who now plays a more global and decisive role. The name of the princess translates as a sword, because in the game she uses a rapier.

Supporting characters

There are other characters involved in Final Fantasy XV, and although we have named them supporting characters, many of them play a very important role in the storyline. The developers promise that during the game you will meet each of them, or they will somehow affect the storyline.

For example, Regis Lucis Tselum CXIII is the 113th ruler of the kingdom of Lucis and the father of Prince Noctis. His fate is not entirely clear, because during the attack by the troops of the hostile Niflheim, the king was considered dead, and his real fate is still unknown. It is possible that in the process of searching for the crystal, Noctis will find his missing father.

The antipode of Regis is the main anti-hero of the game and the emperor of Niflheim named Idola Eldercapt. He made a treaty with the kingdom of Lucis, the purpose of which is to steal the magic crystal. An important role in his retinue is played by Ardin Izunia - the chancellor of the empire, who, despite his aloofness from politics, expanded the production of Magitek troops. Ardyn plans that the development of these troops will help strengthen the empire.

Less global, but important characters that you will definitely meet are Gentian and Aranea Highwind. The Gentian is a special creature that serves the princess and heals other characters.

Her name comes from the name of the gentian flower, which is known to have medicinal properties... Aranea Highwind is the captain of one of the empire's air corps. She skillfully owns her business, which is why she received such a high title. Her opposition to Noctis was shown in the first trailers of the game, but the name became known not so long ago.

In your quest for adventure, you will periodically be helped by Cindy Aurum, the granddaughter of the famous Sid, present in almost all previous parts of Final Fantasy. She helps Noctis and his friends by working as a mechanic, such as fixing a car or a broken sword.

And the last hero worth mentioning is Etro, the goddess of death. She was mentioned by Stella shortly before the signing of a "peace" treaty with the Niflheim Empire in one of the trailers.

According to the heroine, there is a legend that tells about the special ability of the goddess - to open the Invisible Gates. During this, the souls of the dead rise into the sky, outwardly having the appearance of a ray of light. In addition, it is said that people who are dying at this moment acquire the powers of the Dead Kingdom. A little later it will become known that Stella herself, as well as Prince Noctis, see this light. This means that there was already a moment at which they could die.

In the process of wandering, adventures and battles with monsters, you will meet other heroes that have not yet been announced by the developers. But it is already clear how diverse the characters and behavior of the heroes are, how they will interact and affect the gameplay.

Hopefully the developers will present a successful RPG project. As a reminder, Final Fantasy 15 is slated for a late September release date. The game is expected to be released simultaneously for consoles (PS4, Xbox One) and PC.

In the next article, we will tell you about the Final Fantasy combat system - from it you will learn how to fight monsters, what Noctis can do, and much more. Subscribe to our blog updates and follow the news. On this we say goodbye to you and wish you success. Goodbye to everyone.

ACB: M- Mature
CERO: C- Ages 15 and up
ESRB: T - Teens
PEGI: 16
USK: 12
RARS: 16+ Creators Leaders Tetsuya Nomura
Hajime Tabata Producers Yoshinori Kitase
Shinji Hashimoto
Game designers Yuichi Kanemori
Takayoshi Nakazato
Screenwriters Tetsuya Nomura
Kazushige Nojima
Programmers Hiroshi Harata
Kentarou Yasui
Artists Tetsuya Nomura
Tomohiro Hasegawa
Takayuki Odachi
Composer Yoko Shimomura Technical data Platforms Playstation 4
Xbox one
PC (Windows)
Game engine Luminous engine Game modes Single-player, Multi-user (Comrades) Carrier Blu-ray Control DualShock, Gamepad, Keyboard and Mouse Official site Media files at Wikimedia Commons

Final fantasy xv (NS. フ ァ イ ナ ル フ ァ ン タ ジ ー XV fainaru fantazi: fi: futi: n) formerly known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII is an action RPG video game developed by Square Enix for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. It was later released on. A game called Final Fantasy Versus XIII was announced at the E3 exhibition on May 8, 2006; it was announced that, like Final Fantasy XIII, it was being developed for the unreleased PlayStation 3 game console.

Final fantasy xv not related to previous games in the series Final Fantasy. The plot focuses on a young man named Noctis Lucis Caelum, the crown prince of the state of Lucis, where the last remaining mysterious magic crystal in the world is kept. At the beginning of the game, the crystal is tricked by the invading hostile nation of Niflheim, which causes a global conflict with other peoples who wish to receive the crystal. Noctis and his closest friends embark on a journey to try to reclaim a lost magical relic.

The game has become the longest-development game in the series Final Fantasy after being in a manufacturing hell for ten years. As Final Fantasy Versus XIII the game was developed as part of a sub-series Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy together with Final fantasy xiii and Final Fantasy Type-0 united by a common mythology. In 2013, at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, it was announced that the title of the game was changed to Final fantasy xv, and with this the game came out of the Fabula Nova crystallis line. The game was originally directed by Tetsuya Nomura, who also developed the character designs and the draft concept for the script; at the final stage of development, Hajime Tabata replaced him as head. In addition to the game itself, the animated feature film Kingsglave: Final Fantasy XV and the anime series Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV were created.

Downloadable demo of the game for both platforms called Episode Duscae was released on March 31, 2015. The download voucher came with the first installment of another game in the series, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD... Both the owners of the physical copy and the digital one got access to the demo, but only those who either bought the game from the first batch or made a pre-order.

On June 4, at Active Time Report 6.0, Hajime Tabata and Akio Ofuji announced an update for the demo Episode Duscae 2.0, which was implemented as a patch and became available to the owners of the original Episode Duscae June 9, 2015.

March 30, 2016 at the event Uncovered final fantasy xv in Los Angeles it was announced that Final fantasy xv will be released worldwide on September 30, 2016. Also on the same day, the second demo version was released. Platinum Demo... It was later announced that the release of the game was postponed to November 29, 2016.



Action Final fantasy xv unfolds in a world reminiscent of the environment of the present. Kingdom of Lucis, of which he is the main character, Noctis, is a technically advanced power surrounded by other kingdoms not superior to the kingdom of Lucis in development.

The reason for this is the ongoing war for the magic crystal, which is owned by the royal family of Caelum. History Final fantasy xv originates from an incident after the signing of a peace treaty between the kingdoms regarding the end of hostilities and the subsequent use of the crystal for peaceful purposes. The conflict flares up again after the kingdom of Niflheim, neighboring to Lucis, treacherously attacks the capital of Lucis, Insomnia, forcing Noctis and his friends to make an escape. Having successfully unleashed a new round of war between the possessions of Solheim, Tenebrae and Accordo, the troops of Niflheim capture the last crystal, but Noctis and his friends try to recapture it.

Main characters

  • Noctis Lucis Caelum (ノクティス・ルシス・チェラム (Japanese Nokutisu Rushisu Cheramu)) - the central character Final fantasy xv, crown prince of the kingdom of Lucis. He is a member of the Caelum family, who have owned and protected the Crystal from time immemorial. Noctis possesses the power of the Crystal, which allows you to summon several types of melee weapons, control them and teleport, depending on their location. By nature he is calm, prefers actions to words; tries to hide shyness behind "cold" behavior. Tetsuya Nomura noted in an interview that the prince will not be similar in character or behavior to Cloud; rather, it will be an archetype of a character that hasn't been seen in the Final Fantasy series yet and that Nomura "wanted to try out for a long time." In an interview Dengeki Magazine the project manager noted that Noctis is a young man with strong character, and that the prevailing circumstances and responsibility for his kingdom make him act boldly and sometimes thoughtlessly, because of which he sometimes does not calculate his strength and acts without a second thought. His name can be translated from Latin as "Light of the night sky"... Japanese dubbing - Tatsuhisa Suzuki.
  • Ignis Schienzia (イグニス・スキエンティア (Japanese Igunisu Sukientia)) - childhood friend of Noctis, chief strategist of the Caelum family. Ignis is extremely intelligent and serious, even cold in his own way, which does not prevent him from taking care of Noctis in every possible way. In battle, he uses dual daggers or a spear. If the player decides to move from the driver's seat of the car and turn on autopilot, Noctis will be replaced by Ignis. His full name is a common set of words, like Noctis's; translated from Latin meaning "fire" ( "Ignis") and "knowledge" ( "Scientia"). Japanese dubbing - Mamoru Miyano. The middle name Stupeo was dropped after the release date for the game was announced on March 30, 2016.
  • Gladiolus Amicitia(グラディオラス・アミシティア (Japanese Guradiorasu Amishitia)) - another childhood friend and combat mentor of Noctis, is the "shield" of the Caelum family. Tall and strong, cool in battle, but cheerful and open with friends. He is the eldest son of a family that has defended the royal couple for several generations. He is very attached to Noctis, to whom he is practically a brother. In battle, Gladiolus is significantly superior in physical strength Noctis mainly wields a huge sword. His name is a reference to the Roman sword gladius (but it can also mean gladiolus, the petals of which resemble the blade of a sword), and the surname is translated from Latin as "friendship". Japanese dubbing - Kenta Miyake.
  • Prompto Argentum(プロンプト・アージェンタム (Japanese Puronputo Ājentamu)) is a friend of Noctis since his school days, a foreigner who does not belong to the royal entourage. Prompto is a light-hearted guy, extremely funny and frivolous, but true to his ideals and ready to help at the right time. He has been friends with Noctis since school; in order to gain courage and make friends with the prince, he worked for a long time on his appearance and character. The shooter, in battle, uses various firearms that help him hit the various weak points of his opponents. The character's name translates as "quick" or "cutting", and the surname comes from Latin "silver "... In combination, may refer to an attempt to translate into Latin english word"Quicksilver" - « » , indicating the speed of the character and his love for firearms. Japanese dubbing - Tetsuya Kakihara.
  • Lunafreya Knox Fleuret (ルナフレーナ・ノックス・フルーレ (Japanese Runafurēna Nokkusu Furūre Lunafrena Nox Fleuret) ) - the former princess of Tenebrae, childhood friend of Noctis and his fiancée, with whom the prince was supposed to enter into a political marriage to consolidate the truce between the states. New character introduced late in development as a replacement Stella Knox Fleuret(English Stella Nox Fleuret), which according to the initial plans at certain points in the storyline had to resist the main character, which was shown in the early trailers of the project. According to Hajime Tabata, Luna will play a larger and more important role than her prototype Stella. It was also mentioned that Lunafreya has a stronger and more willed character than Stella, and on this basis she is ready with all her might to go towards the designated goal; in addition, the development manager emphasized that the heroine will be somewhat more morally stable than the protagonist. After the attack by Niflheim's troops on the kingdom of Lucis, Lunafreya, both Noctis himself and his father - King Regis - was declared dead, while in reality she managed to escape to Altissia, where she awaits Noctis. Japanese voiceover - Rina Kitagawa.
  • Ardyn Izunia (アーデン・イズニア (jap. Āden Izunia)) is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy XV, the Chancellor of the Niflheim Empire, not only the main politician of the country behind many decisions made by the emperor, but also the person who helped improve the production of magitek soldiers. At first, it helps the main characters, which makes it seem harmless, although strange and sinister, but in fact it turns out to be a force behind not only the war between the empire and the kingdom, but also behind the spread of a mysterious disease and demons. Japanese dubbing - Keiji Fujiwara.

Minor characters

  • Gentiana (ゲンティアナ (Japanese Gentiana)) is Lunafreya's companion Nox Fleuret, who plays an important role in the storyline. She is one of the divine Messengers, and not an ordinary servant of the Oracle. Her name was borrowed from a gentian flower healing properties which were recognized by the king Gentus of Illyria, in whose honor the plant was later named. Japanese dubbing - Sayaka Kinoshita.
  • Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII(レ ギ ス ・ ル シ ス ・ チ ェ ラ ム 113 世 (NS. Regisu Rushisu Cheramu Hyakujūsansei) ) - 113th king of the state of Lucis, father of Noctis. After Niflheim attacked the kingdom, Lucis was killed by General Glauka. Japanese voiceover - Tsutomu Isobe.
  • Cor Leonis(コル・リオニス (Japanese Koru Rionisu)) - one of the strongest fighters of Lucis, a stern strategist and warrior. Noctis and his friends are treated with severity, but this is due to the desire to protect the heir. Cor is absolutely loyal to Lucis and his monarchs. The character's name translates to "lion's heart", which indirectly refers to a frequently used expression in the Final Fantasy series (the surname Leonhart, for example, was worn by the protagonist of Final Fantasy VIII, Squall). Japanese dubbing - Tochi Hiroki.
  • Iris Amicitia (イリス・アミシティア (Japanese Irisu Amishitia)) is the younger sister of Gladiolus. Since childhood, she has known Noctis, who helped her get out of the grove at the Citadel and later took all the blame, allowing her to escape punishment. Has a romantic interest in the protagonist, although he carefully hides it, wrapping everything up as a joke. In one of the chapters, he is a temporary companion. Japanese dubbing - Megumi Han.
  • Iedolas Aldercapt (イドラ・エルダーキャプト (Japanese Idora Erudākyaputo)) - the head of the Niflheim empire. Enters into a peace treaty with Lucis, but, as it turns out, it was a fraudulent maneuver in order to capture the magic Crystal. Japanese dubbing - Iizuka Shozo.
  • Aranea Highwind (アラネア・ハイウィンド (jap. Aranea Haiuindo)) is a mercenary, captain of the Third Army Corps of the 86th Air Division of Niflheim. A skilled dragoon specializing in air combat. During the storyline, he acts as both the boss and temporary companion of Noctis. Japanese dubbing - Miyuki Sawashiro.
  • Ravus Knox Fleuret (レイヴス・ノックス・フルーレ (Japanese: Reivusu Nokkusu Furūre)) is the prince of Tenebrae and the elder brother of Lunafreya. Since in his eyes Regis Lucis Caelum was guilty of the death of his mother, Ravus joined the imperial army of Niflheim, where he later became commander-in-chief, in order to save Tenebrae. After the loss of his left hand due to the ring of the Lucii that rejected him, in the empire, Ravus's body is improved with a magitek prosthesis, which gives him crushing strength and power. Japanese dubbing - Yuichi Nakamura.
  • Sid Sofyar (シド・ソフィア (Japanese Shido Sofia)) is the elderly owner of the Hammerhead auto repair shop and an old friend of King Regis. In the course of the storyline, he looks after Noctis, and also works on improving his weapons. Japanese dubbing - Nobuyuki Katsube.
  • Cindy Aurum (シドニー・オールム (Japanese Shidonī Ōrumu "Cidney") ), in Japanese dubbing Sydney(eng. Cidney) - a girl mechanic who helps Noctis and his team on their journey, repairing and modifying the Regalia. Is a granddaughter Sida Sofyara ... Japanese dubbing - Yu Shimamura.


Combat system

Game world

The main theme of the game is traveling with friends. IN Final fantasy xv recreated giant world available for research at any time. The world is seamless, and downloads take place only during transitions between large locations. At the same time, players simply do not know that the terrain will be loaded - the effect will be disguised as story scenes. Initially, the developers planned to introduce fixed locations and a partially open world for exploration, but after changing platforms to more powerful ones, it was decided to introduce a fully explorable world. In this case, the player is granted complete freedom; according to Hajime Tabata, if the player sees something on the horizon, then he can get there. At the same time, if the player gets tired of exploring the world, he is free to go to the story event in order to advance further in the story. Character animation depends on the terrain; for example, after a long run, they will stop to catch their breath.

The game has a dynamic day / night system and weather conditions. Both the time of day and the weather directly affect the gameplay - special monsters appear at night, and rain or heat, for example, will affect the effect of magic. Due to the realistic passage of time (one day in the game is equal to an hour of real time), the characters are forced to stop for breaks to eat and sleep. Characters after a sleepless night will behave worse in battle and complain of fatigue, the maximum movement without sleep is three in-game days. You can arrange a halt almost anywhere, but due to the abundance of monsters, it is recommended to do this at gas stations along the way. Experience from killed monsters and completed side missions will be calculated after the end of each day.

The focus of the game will be overcoming long distances in Noctis's car. The player can use the transport at almost any time, but not on any terrain. Players can change appearance"Regalia" according to your preferences. The machine is controlled either manually or automatically. The car has a limited supply of fuel; when the gas tank is completely empty in the middle of the road, the heroes will have to either independently push the transport to the nearest gas station, or call Cindy, who will tow the Regalia to the gas station for an additional fee.

In addition to ground transport, the development team is interested in the implementation of airships; on the Gamescom 2015 Hajime Tabata confirmed that they are currently looking for a way to translate the idea into a game, noting that if they fail to implement air transport in time for release Final fantasy xv, then they will definitely release it as DLC.

The player will be able to interact with environment not only through battles with monsters. The game will feature large cities, in the forests it will be possible to meet houses with local residents, and near water bodies it will be possible to while away the time fishing.

Development of


Initial version Final Fantasy Versus XIII worked on a modified Crystal Tools engine that was used to develop the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy and the Final Fantasy XIV online game. The modification used by the original version was called Ebony engine.

After the transition of game development from PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and changing the name to Final fantasy xv, the team began a gradual transition to Square Enix's new internal technology called Luminous Studio. According to the developers, the engine is easy to use and allows you to use more effects with better optimization. As of November 2014, 80% of the game was transferred to Luminous Studio 1.4, but the developers planned to switch to version 2.0 for the release. Final Fantasy XV is optimized for each platform separately to achieve an equal level of quality for all versions.

Mobile MMO


Composer Final fantasy xv Yoko Shimomura, who previously worked on soundtracks for Kingdom Hearts games, Super Mario RPG, Parasite Eve and Xenoblade Chronicles, will perform.

The central theme of the game will be the song "Somnus"(Russian "Dream"). The name is a reference to the ancient Roman god of sleep, who is often depicted as a sleeping youth - something similar can be seen on the official logo of the game.

Reviews and criticism

Summary rating
GameRankings81.48% (PS4)
Metacritic81/100 (PS4)
Foreign language editions
Game Informer8,5/10
Russian-language editions
IGN Russia7,0/10
Riot pixels63%
gambling addiction8,5/10
Games @ Mail.Ru8,0/10

The game received overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics. The average Metacritic score based on many reviews is 81 out of 100, while the players' rating there is also 7.6 out of 10 for the PlayStation 4 and 6.8 out of 10 for the Xbox One version. ...

The main complaints in the reviews are for the plot of the game (the developers took into account the mistakes, and the plot has been significantly improved for the release of the windows edition), as well as boring and monotonous side quests. The reviewer of Igromania noted that "the most memorable moments of the new" Final "are not in plot cut-scenes, but in gameplay side situations"

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