How I live with the effects of anorexia nervosa. How to recover from anorexia or gain weight with excessive thinness How quickly to gain weight after anorexia reviews

Moving away from describing emotional states, there are certain specific signs that can be used to define anorexia. The patients themselves, like drug addicts and alcoholics, do not realize their problem and consider such behavior to be the norm.

A person is afraid to tell others about how he eats. Subconsciously, he realizes that this is not healthy, and those around him will be horrified to hear that he has been eating one apple a day for a month now.

The patient has constant obsessive thoughts about how to lose weight, he counts each calorie, constantly diets, cuts food into small pieces.

Anorexic eats very little, and every day - less and less. If normal person will sit for two weeks on a diet, and then return to a healthy diet, then the opposite is true for anorexic. He is constantly looking for increasingly hungry menu options. For the past two weeks, has he allowed himself one banana and one boiled egg a day? Then the patient decides that the egg is superfluous here and it can be "replaced" with a glass of water.

Anorexia is usually closely related to bulimia - a nervous overeating, after which the patient is tormented by a strong sense of guilt. As a result, he goes to the toilet and induces a gag reflex. Also, such people go so far as to constantly poison themselves with laxatives and diuretic pills.

In severe stages of anorexia, the patient's teeth and hair begin to fall out, nails exfoliate, the digestive system fails, fingers turn blue, and menstruation disappears in women.

Anorexia is a high mortality disease. 20% of people suffering from it die. Some of them commit suicide, others die due to refusal of cardio-vascular system as a result of depletion of the body.

  • Constant desire to reduce weight, even after achieving the initially desired result, the feeling of satisfaction does not come, instead of it there is a fear of typing "too much".
  • Orefusal to eat or manic selectivity.Refusal can be overt or "clandestine" when a person is not recognized by others.
  • Eating rituals: hiding food from oneself, chewing food slowly, cutting food into tiny pieces, using small plates, chewing food without swallowing.
  • hexcessive physical activity and tirelessness- the more loads and employment, the better. The truth is restlessness decreases with the development of the disease. However, at the same time, the person develops a sense of guilt for not being able to maintain a crazy pace.
  • Ignoring the physical signs of illness.This is not only thinness, but also fatigue, a feeling of weakness, chills.
  • Unstable emotional state:irritability, depression, mood swings, a feeling of emptiness and depression, inability to concentrate, absent-mindedness.

If you observe similar indicators in yourself or a person close to you, it is very likely that you need the help of doctors. Anorexia is not a diet. This is a rather severe mental disorder that requires the help of a psychiatrist, psychologist, nutritionist, therapist. The disease is treated on an outpatient basis. Only in extreme cases, with a categorical refusal of food, do they resort to inpatient treatment.

To learn how not to turn your life and the lives of loved ones into a nightmare in the race for a beautiful figure, read the article “The Thin Line Between healthy way life and self-torture. "

I overeat horribly after anorexia.

I have a problem like this. I am 21 years old. At the age of 19 I went to the gym. With a height of 158 and a weight of 58 kg, I never considered myself fat. I worked in the gym, the weight began to go away, I cut down on sweet / flour products, the weight went away even more. The CDs were gone, but that didn't stop me. As a result, exhausting workouts, there is, almost did not eat.

Has lost weight up to 35 kg. Neither friends nor acquaintances recognized me, it was scary to watch. A year passed in the weight of 35 kg and the body could not stand it. I have nala, a lot of 5000-7000 kcal daily. I recovered to 57 kg, CD returned, there is a young man who loves me. But I cannot accept my 57 kg body.

I am 21 years old. At the age of 19, she began to go to the gym with nothing to do. With an increase of 158 and a veche of 58 kg, she never considered herself fat. It dragged me on terribly, I began to rapidly lose weight. Over the course of a year, I lost weight up to 35 kg. My parents sounded the alarm, I lost CD, I had no strength at all. In the weight of 35 kg, I passed a year.

And then I realized that I had to get out of this state. otherwise I will die. And I started to eat, no, not just to eat, I started to eat. For four months, I eat 5000 calories daily. I’m nauseous, I’m eating and I can’t stop. I hate myself. And every day everything is new. She gained up to 55 kg. Menstruation never came, and the hunger does not stop.

Anorexia: treatment and ways to protect yourself from illness

Losing weight before anorexia is also called "the disease of self-loathing." And indeed, if you think about it, its roots are in the fact that a person does not love and does not want to accept himself as he is. Moreover, this disease testifies that a program of self-destruction sits in the subconscious: a person wants to become thinner, take less and less space in this world, and then disappear altogether.

The patient will never reach his "ideal": no matter how he grows thin, he still will not love himself. After all, one must love oneself without any conditions.

Worst of all, over time, the brain gets used to NOT craving food. For him, this process becomes, as it were, something unnatural. It turns out a vicious circle, and subsequently a person generally loses the ability to eat.

How to lose weight to exhaustion is so please, but to cope with anorexia on your own is almost impossible. This is serious mental illness, which requires the professional approach of a psychologist or psychiatrist. It is impossible to postpone the visit for a day in any case, it can cost the patient health (many anorexics become disabled) and life.

Read also: How to get rid of extra pounds for a long time Start counting BJU

The first thing that a person will have to learn is to love himself by anyone, no matter how much he weighs. To understand that he is always good, to learn to appreciate and praise himself, to look for his “pluses”, and not only to poke and criticize, striving for the “ideal”.

Many psychologists talk about the serious problems of patients with the mother. A man kind of rejects his mother, does not want to have anything to do with her. In the subconscious, food is exactly what the mother gives the child, starting with milk. By refusing food, a person renounces the mother and her care. It is extremely important for the sick to accept their mother for who she is, with all her shortcomings, to forgive her for all the insults. And also - to forgive yourself: for the subconscious rejection of the mother.

If you feel that you are drawn to eat less and less, talk to friends and family. Tell them about your diet and ask them if it's okay. In this case, from the side it is more visible.

Why can't anorexic women gain weight?

Today, unfortunately, cases of anorexia in young girls and women have become far from rare. This disease is spreading every day more and more. But the true flourishing of this disease has come in the last thirty years. On the this moment it was found that two out of a hundred people suffer from this disease.

The disease itself is shrouded in many myths and prejudices. But you don't even need to come from a poor or unsecured family for this. On the contrary, anorexia, as a rule, affects those who do not have problems with the amount of food. Those who have good wealth and even have excesses. Why is this happening?

First you need to understand what anorexia is. This is a very complex and controversial disease. It is a mistake to think that anorexia is associated with problems with internal organs (for example, with the stomach or intestines), lack of food or poor appetite. This opinion is fundamentally wrong.

Anorexia is a mental illness, it is akin.

Everyone gets fat) And anorexic women are no exception! :) It depends on who do you consider anorexic? For example, I know girls who weigh 39-40 kg with a height of 175-176 cm. Wow, anorexic women. They practically do not eat anything. They only drink. Water, Green tea, for breakfast they have hot chocolate sometimes, for lunch green tea, but they don't have dinner, because in the morning they have already allowed themselves “a lot”) These are real facts, real people and I'm not kidding!

) And also, I know a couple of girls, also tall, but weighing 45-46 kg, so they are no longer anorexic, although their weight seems to be that. They eat everything, both sweet and unhealthy, like fries, but they don't add a drop of weight. And all because the metabolism is good and there are loads during the day :) Everything is relative, so I am to you.

Anorexia is a mental disorder reflected in the form of an eating disorder of the patient. Such a violation manifests itself in the patient's conscious limitation of the number and frequency of meals in an effort to achieve the reference volumes of the figure and weight indicators. As a result of these restrictions, a person's weight is reduced significantly below the norm recommended by doctors. At the same time, the opinion about one's own body does not change, due to its distorted perception, and the desire to lose weight does not disappear.

Young girls aged 14 to 25 are most at risk of developing the disease. Anorexia can develop against the background of hormonal surges, due to stressful situations, inferiority complexes, suffered physical or sexual abuse.

systematic and significant weight loss, not due to previous diseases; constant dissatisfaction and control of your weight, an incessant dietary regimen;

Stages of development of the disease

Despite the motivation to achieve results as quickly as possible, it will take time to lose weight, during which you need to go through several main stages. Consider how to bring yourself to anorexia for any girl?

The progression of the disease has 3 stages:

  1. Discorphomanic form. At this stage, the girl suspects that her weight is somewhat abnormal and she looks fat. Long-term viewing of the reflection in the mirror indicates the presence of the discorphomanic type of the disease. This is followed by a quick enumeration of diets, the girl can only view or use them. Every day a woman talks about being overweight - now a psychological problem has already arisen;
  2. Anorectic form. Constant fasting leads to weight loss. Anorexia often gets worse over the course of months. After losing some of the weight, usually already 30%, there is a euphoric desire to continue losing weight. The diet turns into almost a hunger strike, while the brain does not even show the desire to eat. It is likely that the person additionally exhausts himself with physical exertion;
  3. Cahectic. The ability to judiciously assess your weight is lost. The body begins to malfunction, hypotension appears, the menstrual cycle is delayed or completely stopped, and libido decreases. All organs are affected, therefore the presence of other diseases is detected during the diagnosis.

Before becoming anorexic, a girl must go through all 3 stages.

2-3 days before

It does not take 2 days to become typical anorexic women, but it is quite possible to start with a diet in a few days. Already in such a short period of time, the body is able to get rid of annoying kilograms.

Read also: DASH diet path to health

Consider what anorexic women eat using the example of a 3-day "liquid" diet:

  • Fermented milk drinks - kefir, milk, fermented baked milk;
  • Cocoa;
  • Broths, but only low-fat;
  • Tea without sugar;
  • Kvass.

For more than 3 days, such a diet is contraindicated, since the number of calories is scanty. Between the implementation of the diet, you need to adhere to a different diet, it is not recommended to carry it out more often than 1 time a week.

During the week

Anorexic girls often adhere to the so-called "color" traffic light diet. It is designed for weekly use. The bottom line is that each day is awarded a specific color and only foods of the specified color can be eaten. The diet of anorexic women is quite strict, but a mild form is suitable for beginners, which is the "color" diet.

Colors for days of the week:

  • Monday is white, (mostly dairy products) except for chocolate;
  • Tuesday - red (tomatoes, watermelon, bell peppers, etc.);
  • Wednesday - green (cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, etc.);
  • Thursday - orange (melon, tangerines, oranges);
  • Friday - purple (eggplant, grapes, plums);
  • Saturday - yellow (bananas, apricots, corn);
  • Sunday is a fasting day, they drink exclusively mineral water.

A heavier diet for a week means drawing up a diet in such a way that the daily calorie intake is around 500 kcal. Before you become anorexic, you need to study the characteristics of the body and find out the foods to which you are allergic.

For example, consider how women become anorexic in a week using a diet:

  • Breakfast - sugar-free coffee and an apple;
  • Lunch - 1 orange;
  • Lunch - vegetable soup with beans, for the second salad;
  • Dinner - carrots 100 gr, but be sure to grated so that it is absorbed faster.

In 2 weeks

Diets are often formulated for longer periods of time with alternating foods. There is an excellent option for how anorexic women lose weight - this is a protein diet. There are also foods with carbohydrates, but they are in small quantities. The diet is designed for 12 days:

  • Day 1 - 1 liter of kefir per day;
  • Day 2 - 6 oranges, it is better to eat them 5 times, and 2 for lunch;
  • Day 3 - 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, necessarily fat-free;
  • Day 4 - 0.5 kg of squash game (cook without vegetable oil);
  • Day 5 - 1 kg of apples after peeling, usually cuttings are 200-300 g, so you can take 1.2-1.4 kg of ordinary apples;
  • Day 6 - 1 bar (100 g) of dark chocolate;
  • Day 7 - 300 g of half-fat cheese;
  • Day 8 - 1 L tomato juice and 150 g of vegetable salad;
  • Day 9 - 400 g of lean cooked meat (chicken, veal, rabbit);
  • Day 10 - vegetable salad;
  • Day 11 - 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • Day 12 - 1 kg plums.

Typical diet breakdown by day:

  1. Water. It should be slightly carbonated. It is optimal to drink 1.5 liters throughout the day;
  2. Milk and a large but unsweetened fruit. The fat content of milk is 0.1%, and any fruit is an apple, grapefruit;
  3. Repeat the diet of the first day;
  4. Unsweetened tea, vegetable salad. Drink 500 ml of tea without added sugar, to remove appetite, eat carrots, greens and fresh cabbage in the form of a salad, you can season 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  5. Milk. 1 liter of 0% fat milk;
  6. Egg, tea, broth. During the day, you can eat 1 boiled egg, unsweetened and light tea, broth with vegetables (cabbage, peas, potatoes, chicken breast) and 1 large fruit. All these products should be consumed in 4 doses;
  7. Yogurt, tea and cottage cheese. Everything should be fat-free, and tea not strong;
  8. The diet of the first day;
  9. Milk and fruit. 1 liter of low-fat milk and 1 large fruit;
  10. The diet of the first day;
  11. Vegetable and greens salad. Leafy greens and vegetables (celery, dill, parsley, etc.) are added to the salad, you can add 25 g of vegetable oil. You should get 1 liter bowl per day;
  12. Milk. 1 liter with 0% fat;
  13. Egg, cottage cheese and mineral water. It is desirable that the egg be hard-boiled, fat-free cottage cheese 100 g, you can drink as much water as you like;
  14. The diet of the first day.

Unambiguously, anorexic women after such a diet weigh much less: the number of kilograms thrown off depends on the girl's body and her previous weight. As a general rule of thumb, the more fat you have, the faster you lose weight. For a thin girl weighing 45 kg, losing 3 kg will be more difficult than losing 7 kg for a full 90 kg woman.

What not to do

Anorexia is a popular disease and girls strive to become such, but there are a number of ways to achieve the goal, which are strictly prohibited, as they greatly harm the body:

  • Tablets with worms. Pills are often advertised that lead to weight loss, and they actually work because the worm appears in the body. It is usually oversized. A girl can eat as much as she wants and lose weight at the same time. Such drugs are extremely dangerous, since intoxication and other disorders form over time;
  • Antidepressants. Often, anorexic women take medications that suppress vivacity, reduce appetite, and they themselves expect that in this way they will achieve their goals. In fact, drugs have a number of side effects.


Losing weight at such a rapid pace invariably leads to serious consequences. As the disease worsens, health deteriorates even more, ultimately it can be fatal.

Some of the most common consequences of anorexia include:

  • The girl's hair and teeth often fall out, this is due to a lack of calcium in the body and a change in hormonal levels;
  • Bone fragility increases many times, also due to the lack of calcium;
  • Pathological abnormalities in the work of the heart. Arrhythmia, extrasystole, weak pulse, ischemia and the rest are common factors of anorexia;
  • Depression. The psychological state of a person is very difficult, due to a lack of vitamins, the brain is simply not able to keep focus on important thoughts and normally digest information. The risk of suicide increases manifold;
  • Abnormalities in the digestive tract. The perception of a full meal practically does not occur, when something is consumed, a gag reflex begins;
  • Nervous deviations (breakdowns, lack of logic in behavior). Sometimes this is accompanied by the emergence of bad habits such as drug addiction.

Following the standards of beauty often leads girls to various extremes, in particular anorexia. Instead of the expected beauty, a woman gets a serious physical and mental disorder. A person cannot get out of this problem on his own, because the disease psychologically affects him from the inside.

Outwardly, a person looks extremely unnatural, and protruding bones scare people away and cause ridicule from others, which leads to an even greater psychological deviation. The life of an anorexic woman can hardly be called happy, since constant illness and painful obsession with her own weight leads to depressive conditions. Quite often, anorexic women commit suicide due to prolonged depression.

They are always great at counting food calories, but their ideas about what a diet should be are usually completely wrong. Most of them believe, for example, that fats and carbohydrates should be completely eliminated from the diet. Therefore, at the beginning of therapy, clarification and consultation on balanced healthy eating... It is extremely important to convince the patient of the need for a variety of foods.

In stationary conditions, it is advisable to first conduct observation for 1-3 days in order to study the patient's eating habits... In severe cachexia, tube feeding is recommended; this procedure usually improves the condition quickly.

An example of weight and nutritional adjustments for anorexia nervosa

Patient 17 years old with a height of 178 cm and a weight of 36 kg, upon admission to the hospital, she reported that in recent weeks she had completely stopped sleeping. She was bothered by the obsessive thoughts that the next day she would have to eat half an apple or a whole apple and one or two tablespoons of yogurt (daily diet!). These thoughts led to severe sleep disturbances. The patient received tube feeding, and as she gained weight, sleep disturbances and obsessive thoughts disappeared.

Weight gain should be gradual, but not too much quickly... Too fast weight gain is prognostically unfavorable and makes it difficult to work out and normalize the perception of one's own body (Remschmidt et al.).

The figure shows body weight dynamics(BMI) in inpatient treatment for 12 weeks. Patient V. showed a rapid weight gain. However, a follow-up study (3 months after discharge) showed that in patient Y., whose weight gradually increased, the success of therapy was significantly more stable. In contrast, patient V. had a new, critical weight loss.

Of these observations(Remschmidt et al.) It can be concluded that in the process of inpatient treatment it is necessary to strive for the optimal, desired weight gain, which, along with other factors, is important for the prognosis.

Most of the patients need detailed instructions on the amount of food, when and how long it should be taken, preferably in the form of a meal plan.

According to plan, welcome write occurs 6 times a day. Thanks to this, the portions are not too large and are tolerated by the patients normally. The number of calories consumed is guided by weight gain; according to this increase, an increase in activity is planned.

V first phase of treatment Operant methods, aimed primarily at increasing weight, have proven themselves well. Both the characteristics of food intake and weight gain are subject to operant conditioning. Operant reinforcement of weight gain turned out to be practically effective. Reinforcing weight gain has several advantages (Steinhausen): patients can take responsibility and make their own decisions about eating behavior; the likelihood of a typical fight between staff or parents and patients about eating behavior is reduced; the reinforcing criterion can be accurately and relatively independently controlled at specific time intervals.

In practice, with patient a behavioral plan arising from the deprivation of reinforcements in a hospital setting is agreed; by achieving a certain weight gain, the patient receives additional privileges that act as positive reinforcement.

Operant weight reinforcement as a goal of behavioral therapy, there is a danger of manipulation on the part of the patient. The usual methods of such manipulation are drinking water or eating large amounts of food before measuring weight (up to the danger of provoking a bulimic attack). Reinforcement should be gradually eliminated before the end of therapy.

Treatment they plan in such a way that the patient gradually strengthens her own control over food intake and achieves the desired behavior, first in a hospital setting, and then at home. The persistence of this behavior can be tested by lengthening the vacation.

Along with the behavioral therapy psychotherapeutic measures the first phase of treatment involves establishing supportive, empathic contact. But the problems and conflicts are not directly discussed yet, since many patients in a state of extreme weight deficiency are not yet able to accept psychotherapeutic proposals; this is due to the cognitive changes caused by fasting and cachexia.

Video anorexia - documentary

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Currently, many people are concerned not only with the problem of excess weight, but also its lack. Tens of millions of men and women in different parts of the world dream of losing a certain amount of kilograms, but there are those who would gladly gain a little weight. As well as losing weight, people who want to get fat try to find the most simple ways... And many of them decide to use hormone pills for weight gain. Such medicines, as practice shows, help to gain weight, however, when using any hormones, you must be extremely careful, because their uncontrolled and improper use can cause great harm to the body, and instead of gaining weight, very serious diseases can develop.

Features of weight gain in women and men

Women who at least once had to take oral contraceptives (and they are just hormonal pills, but initially not for weight gain, but to prevent unwanted pregnancy), personal experience it is known that such drugs contribute to an increase in body weight. This side effect of contraception is recognized by the medical profession. However, most pharmacological companies that produce such contraceptives claim that when taking their pills, they practically do not gain weight. In reality, oral contraceptives work like weight gain pills. And it is almost impossible to control the increase in body weight while taking such drugs. Neither sports training nor proper nutrition will help.

Some men also have certain difficulties in gaining weight while taking hormonal pills. To the greatest extent, this problem affects men who go in for sports.

Most of them, wanting to gain more muscle mass in as soon as possible are taking steroids. In addition to muscle growth, such drugs contribute to the formation of a masculine figure and stimulate hair growth. This is due to the fact that a large amount of a sex hormone known as testosterone enters the bodies of such men.

Officially, steroid use is prohibited in most countries, but enterprising pharmacists have created an analogue - the hormone somatostatin. Unlike steroids, such hormonal pills do not cause such significant changes in the male body. Somatostatin is a pancreatic hormone. It promotes active fat burning and muscle growth. So this hormone is great for harmless weight gain through muscle growth.

It is important to remember that any medications, including hormonal pills, should not be taken without first consulting a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of such drugs will not contribute to weight gain, but the development of very serious complications, up to cancer.

First of all, doctors may recommend taking hormones for weight gain for people with anorexia. This disease has not yet been fully understood. According to experts, people with anorexia, first of all, need the help of a psychiatrist. Usually, this disease develops in people who were overweight, began to actively lose weight and were too carried away by this process, as a result of which thinness became painful, and the desire to get rid of more and more pounds became obsessive and irresistible.

This weight loss is very harmful to the body, because the latter does not receive the nutrients it needs. People start to lose hair and deteriorate teeth. Lack of weight contributes to the development of many diseases. For such patients, doctors often prescribe hormone pills to help them gain weight. Before the appointment, a detailed examination of the patient is carried out and many tests are submitted. Only after this is any treatment prescribed.

Below are the names of some of the popular drugs. If you plan to gain weight with pills, in no case start taking them without a preliminary examination at the hospital. Any names are given for informational purposes only.

One of the most common weight gain hormones is Duphaston. These pills were originally created for women planning a pregnancy. However, according to numerous reviews, they also contribute to weight gain. The tablets are used exclusively as directed by a doctor. Men are almost never prescribed, because stimulate increased production of female hormone. You can start taking the drug only after a preliminary examination by an endocrinologist. The doctor will take the necessary tests and decide whether it is advisable to use such a drug in a particular case.

In the case of anorexia, weight gain pills are an adjunct. Cyproheptadine or Chlorpromazine may be prescribed. These drugs promote and have a calming effect on the human psyche.

If thinness has nothing to do with mental disorders, a person soberly evaluates the problem of low weight and wants to gain a little weight, then it is not at all necessary to take hormonal pills. In most cases, it is enough to consult a doctor who will draw up an individual program for the production of hormones in a natural way. Men are generally expected to eat healthy, high-calorie foods and exercise regularly.

What drugs are usually prescribed for weight gain?

So side effect pills for treating a wide variety of diseases, like weight gain, are possessed. For example, polcortolone and prednisolone, which are commonly used to treat various chronic diseases, contribute to weight gain with prolonged use. However, it does not look very aesthetically pleasing: only the stomach, face, chest and shoulders are added in volume, and the legs and arms lose weight. Fertility medications such as clostilbegit and the like also change metabolism and can cause weight gain.

Some people who want to gain weight take the drug dexamethasone. It increases glucose resistance and disrupts lipid metabolism. Uncontrolled intake of the drug can lead to diabetes mellitus. Of course, it will help to gain weight, but the effect will be observed only as long as the regular administration of the drug is carried out. The body's response to drug withdrawal can be unpredictable.

People who have lost weight due to serious illness, injury, or surgery are often prescribed an anabolic steroid called oxandrolone. As a rule, it is used in combination with a training program and a proper diet. Another powerful weight gain steroid is oxymetholone. However, long-term use of such a drug (longer than a month) is prohibited, because it harms the body. And you can gain muscle mass during the training period with the help of the drug Elcar. It improves the absorption of food, stimulates metabolism, fat and protein metabolism.

See your doctor before taking any pills. They have many contraindications and serious side effects.

Side effects

Taking pills for weight gain can provoke the development of various problems:

  • the development of diseases of the pancreas;
  • disturbances in the work of the adrenal glands;
  • testicular pathology;
  • suppression of the thyroid gland.

If taken incorrectly, hormonal pills have a detrimental effect on the entire body and can lead to cancer, primarily of organs that are associated with the endocrine system.

To normalize the state of the body and gain weight, you need to contact a good specialist, namely an endocrinologist. An experienced doctor will determine if weight problems in your case are the result of a malfunction that requires the use of hormonal drugs, or the weight can be corrected through diet.

It has been established that any deviations in weight from the norm can lead to hormonal disruptions, just as hormonal disruptions triggered by other factors can affect weight. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive examination.

Anorexia is a disease, as a result of which weight is rapidly lost with constant fasting. Every fifth girl is sick with this disease. The causes of the disease lie in the patient's head. After all, it is the constant we
if about losing weight and dissatisfaction with your appearance lead to such consequences. But modern medicine was able to find effective means to help patients with anorexia and prevent development in the initial stages of the disease.

With anorexia, weight gain is quite problematic, since there are some obstacles to this procedure:

  • Patient's unwillingness to gain weight.
  • Painful sensations when eating after prolonged fasting.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Severe depletion of the body, which requires the gradual introduction of food in small portions.
  • Muscle atrophy.

To regain weight after anorexia, you can eat at home, in healthy food restaurants, or in the clinic (if you are registered). If you eat at home, then after anorexia, nutrition for weight gain should be varied and rich in calories. You do not need to eat in large portions right away, everything should be in moderation and gradually. Eat high-calorie foods, juices. Don't forget to rest. In order not to overload the body, you can weigh the amount the right products... If the choice fell on a restaurant or cafeteria, then you need to be careful. After all, you cannot be sure that the products are fresh and that they are prepared with really high quality. There are no separate establishments specializing in cooking for anorexic people, but if you know what you need, you can pick up a dish from the menu that will help saturate the body.

Never go to fast food establishments. This will not only aggravate the situation, but also harm your health. The body has just recovered from severe stress and again should not be shocked with unhealthy food.

You can visit a clinic where you are registered with anorexia and eat there. Nutrition for anorexia to gain weight in the clinic is quite balanced and will only benefit you. When dieting, you must follow all the rules and not pass. Weight gain will be gradual from 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week. But do not flatter yourself. After all, each organism is different and reacts differently, so you should be patient and go towards your goal.

But remember, only hand-cooked food can satisfy your appetite and needs. After all, you yourself choose the products and prepare them, you see how it happens. A dietitian can only help guide which foods are worth eating and which are not.

Be healthy and careful!

Many people look at a thin person and wonder: "How can he fail to gain weight if it is so difficult to lose it?" In fact, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, because everyone has their own metabolism, in addition, weight categories are often determined by genes.

However, if you apply strict restrictive diets for a long time, denying yourself everything, exhausting yourself with heavy physical exertion, then certain difficulties arise in gaining body weight.

Why is it so difficult to get better?

It would seem that to resume a normal meal and be done, but it's not so simple. Often after eating a large amount of food, people who are suffering begin to feel sick, indigestion, etc. Why is this happening?

There are several reasons:

  • Decrease in body and organ weight;
  • the inability to allocate the required amount of enzymes for the normal assimilation of food;
  • the body is not ready to take in a lot of food at one time, because weaned from her;
  • lack of appetite.
So, after a long period of exhausting diets, nervous stress, etc. the body is depleted. In this regard, the release of enzymes necessary for normal digestion and assimilation of food is sharply reduced. Therefore, it is no longer possible to take food in normal quantities.

In addition, the body will perceive food as foreign body, and will simply stop taking it, and therefore even the most delicious food may seem tasteless. In order for food intake to normalize, it is important to create an environment for a person with anorexia in which he can switch to normal nutrition in order to gain the necessary weight.

How to get out of a hunger strike in a week and a half?

So, it's time to figure out how to get out of a hunger strike in just ten days, sometimes it seems unrealistic. Everything is real if you act according to a certain scheme, which will be presented below.

On the first day, it is necessary to stretch food for the whole day, eating small portions every two hours. You should not load the body with second courses, sandwiches, etc., it is better to start with chicken broth, which will contribute to the development of intestinal microflora. If desired, you can add a little cereal to the broth. Fermented milk products are perfect for an afternoon snack. Before going to bed, you should also drink a glass of kefir, this process should be repeated throughout the entire period of treatment.

On the next day, the regularity of food remains the same, but you can add various broths, excluding fish, and soups. It is important to ensure that they are not very thick, otherwise it can have a bad effect on the body. It is important to include in the diet and fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese.

On the third day, when the sore stomach is already slowly getting used to proper nutrition, you can already enter the second courses in the menu. For them, carefully cooked cereals and meat products cooked in a double boiler are suitable. When choosing liquid dishes, it is important to give preference to mashed potatoes. Also, do not forget about cottage cheese, which contributes to better work stomach. The principle of eating remains the same: often and little by little.

On the fourth day, you can replace broths and grated soups with simple first courses, excluding borscht and cabbage soup from the menu. Second courses remain the same. You should eat regularly - every two to three hours, but the amount of food should be increased by a quarter. Fermented milk products should form the basis of the diet.

On the fifth day, which is the most important, there is a relative adaptation to the general diet, and therefore, heavier foods can be introduced into the menu.

You can already have breakfast with butter and cheese sandwiches with strong sweet tea. For lunch, in addition to a liquid dish, you can already add garnishes of mashed potatoes and meat dishes cooked as before in a double boiler. Fermented milk products should be administered at the rate of 100-150 grams per dose. For dinner, you can also serve steamed vegetables and a variety of vegetable casseroles. However, legumes should be avoided.

If after the introduction of rough food into the diet there are no digestive problems, on the sixth day it is important to increase the use of heavy foods. So, you can already have breakfast with a hard-boiled egg and a mug of cottage cheese with sour cream.

For lunch, it is important to use both the first and second course, which can serve as any side dish, except for pasta, and meat cooked either in a double boiler or by stewing. It is good if the meat pieces are with gravy or broth. After lunch, you can already use curd casseroles and puddings combined with various fruits. For dinner, you can also add raw vegetables to porridge and mashed potatoes.

On the seventh day, you can have breakfast with various cereals boiled in milk. Better to use rice and semolina. For lunch, you can eat soups, both on meat and fish broth, and for the second one you can use pasta as a side dish. At afternoon tea, you should cook cheese cakes for butter and fruits. For dinner, in this case, it is worth making a potato roll with rolled meat.

After seven days, breakfast can already consist of milk porridge in combination with a boiled egg or cheese sandwiches. For lunch, you can eat already dense, rich soups with large vegetables and fish, and for the second you can eat mashed potatoes with a piece of fried fish. As a rule, preference is given to fish with white meat. For lunch, thick soups are cooked, and for the second course, mashed potatoes and fried fish... Preference should be given to fish with white meat. For an afternoon snack, fruits, jelly and dry biscuits such as biscuits are suitable. For dinner, a side dish of buckwheat porridge and fried cutlet are served.

On the ninth day, to improve appetite, replenish vitamins and better digestion, it is important to eat as many fruit and vegetable salads as possible. All products are allowed, except for fatty meats and dishes prepared with a lot of spices.

On the last day of a diet aimed at restoring a depleted body, there is a transition to a normal diet, which should be balanced.

It is important to remember that during rehabilitation after digestive problems associated with prolonged exhausting diets and hunger strikes, you cannot do without special vitamin complexes, which help to restore all body functions much faster. This is just the basis on which to rely, the very diet aimed at rehabilitation is created and corrected only by a doctor, relying on those diseases that accompany anorexia.

Treatment of anorexia is a combination of psychological, medication and treatment measures aimed at getting rid of the patient from a severe mental disorder, which, without proper therapy, can lead to the death of the patient.

What kind of disease is this and what methods of its treatment exist? What type of therapy is most effective? Is it possible to defeat the disease on your own at home? You can find answers to these and other questions by reading the following article.

Anorexia and its varieties

Anorexia is a severe mental disorder of a person, characterized by complete or partial refusal to eat due to various reasons. Literally this term means "no appetite." Often speaking about this disease, it is precisely anorexia nervosa that is meant, which is characterized by purposeful and deliberate weight loss below the permissible norm, caused by dissatisfaction with one's own body, the desire to approach the world standards of beauty or an ideal created with his own hand.

But there are other types of this disease that arise under the influence of certain factors on a person: mental, symptomatic and drug anorexia, primary and secondary, true and false, neurogenic, atypical and senile.

Anorexia is diagnosed in children, adolescents, men, girls and women.

There are several stages in the development of this disease. At the initial stages, with timely qualified treatment, patients almost always recover, in the last stages a person usually dies due to the irreversibility of the processes occurring in the body, severe exhaustion and dystrophy of internal organs, which are unable to fully perform their functions.

Therefore, it is extremely important to timely diagnose this disease in a loved one and dear person in order to provide him with timely medical assistance, take the necessary measures to treat such a mental disorder and devote all efforts to its recovery.

In addition, anorexia is considered a recurrent disease, that is, getting rid of it does not give any guarantee that it will not reappear. In order to protect your loved ones from relapse, it is necessary to observe preventive measures and be sensitive to changes in the behavior of a loved one.

Treatment for anorexia nervosa

Usually, the treatment of this disease is complex, the main purpose of which is to identify the causes that provoked the development of anorexia and their eradication. The factors that caused the onset of the disease can be both physiological and psychological. Based on this, the doctor will build the most appropriate therapy for each individual patient.

Treatment of anorexia in most cases does not require hospitalization; therapeutic methods can be performed on an outpatient basis. However, it is extremely important, before starting it, to make sure that the patient really wants to be cured, realizes the severity of his situation and does not deny that he has a serious problem. Otherwise, you should not wait for a full recovery. Such treatment will only drain all the juice and money from you, and will not bring the desired result.

Anorexia therapy includes:

  • drug treatment;
  • medical dietary food.

If the disease has developed against the background of any physiological diseases, then for quality treatment it is necessary to first get rid of the physical disease, and then treat its consequences. For this, various pills and medications are usually used, which will be aimed at eliminating the cause that provoked the onset of anorexia.

The psychological reasons, against the background of which this disease has developed, are eliminated with the help of psychotherapeutic methods. Such treatment is aimed at changing the patient's lifestyle, a positive perception of himself, an increase in self-esteem, the formation of an adequate attitude to food, to the people around him, setting new goals and priorities.

In the early stages of detecting this disease, its treatment can be limited only by psychotherapeutic methods. But if the disease has already entered an advanced stage, then complex treatment with various methods will be needed:

  • drug therapy aimed at restoring damaged internal organs and body systems;
  • treatment with drugs for weight gain: vitamin and mineral complexes, antidepressants, sedatives and antihistamines, as well as pills for anorexia;
  • psychotherapeutic effect;
  • therapeutic diet.

The best treatment for anorexia is a combination of therapeutic treatment, family therapy, psychotherapy and drug restoration of destroyed organs and systems.

When may you need hospitalization for anorexia:

  • despite treatment, body weight continues to decline;
  • BMI thirty percent below the established norm;
  • arrhythmia and bradycardia;
  • depression with suicidal tendencies;
  • hypokalemia;
  • significantly reduced blood pressure.

Psychotherapeutic treatments for anorexia

One of the psychotherapeutic methods of influencing the patient with anorexia is lifestyle change. This aspect includes:

  • eating regularly and promoting healthy eating;
  • planning dietary menu and drawing up a treatment plan;
  • visiting a psychologist or support group to relieve emotional stress and stress;
  • decrease in physical activity until the doctor resolves the complex of medical procedures after weight stabilization and normalization;
  • refusal from constant weighing.

During this period, the support of relatives and friends is extremely important, therefore, family psychotherapy is very common, especially for the treatment of adolescent patients.

Medication for the treatment of anorexia

It is very important at the stage of treatment of this disease not only to get rid of the internal psychological causes of its occurrence, but also to restore normal weight, normalize nutrition, and also saturate the body with various useful substances.

It is also necessary to attend to the restoration of the internal organs and systems destroyed by the disease, which is characteristic of the later stages of anorexia. In all these cases, treatment is applied using various medications.

In a hospital setting, droppers are often used to restore the body's water and electrolyte balance. At home, various medicines containing vitamins and useful and. Often this, especially, as well as preparations containing, and.

Typically, antidepressants and antipsychotics, as well as sedatives and antihistamines, are prescribed to treat this severe mental disorder.

Often, in the treatment of anorexia, drugs are prescribed that improve appetite, help restore and normalize metabolism and body weight.

Antihistamines are usually prescribed cyproheptadine, which stimulates the appetite. Also drugs for anorexia, which affect the increase in appetite, are frenolone, elenium and others.

Taking antidepressants and antipsychotics will help get rid of the depressive conditions that often accompany this disease. But they should also be used in complex therapy, involving consultations with a psychologist and psychotherapist. On the list of banned antidepressants is fluoxetine, a drug that many patients use to reduce appetite, thereby provoking the development and progression of anorexia.

Nutritional therapy for anorexia and nutritional supplements

The restoration of normal weight takes place slowly, in general, the way out of anorexia is quite long and painstaking. It is necessary to begin to normalize and stabilize the patient's weight only if he has already undergone a short course of psychotherapy and food intake will not become something out of the ordinary for him.

They usually start with a small amount of calories, which gradually increase to 2000-3500 calories per day.

Sometimes parenteral or intravenous nutrition is used, but only if the patient cannot eat food for various reasons: muscle weakness, disorders heart rate, seizures, bleeding from the mouth, coma.

Lack of vitamins and mineral substances also negatively affects the patient's health. Therefore, it is advisable to use nutritional supplements that will restore the balance of nutrients in the body:

  • multivitamin complexes containing and, ascorbic acid, as well as trace elements that contain calcium, and;
  • , found in large quantities in fatty fish, such as or, as well as in;
  • coenzyme Q-10;
  • 5-HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan, which should not be taken with antidepressants;
  • creatine;
  • probiotics, lacto- and bifidobacteria, acidophilus.

In the therapeutic diet for the treatment of anorexia, it is worth adhering to some rules:

  1. Do not drink alcohol, nicotine, etc.
  2. Drink large amounts of purified or mineral water per day, approximately 1.5-2 liters.
  3. Protein food should only be of high quality. It is best to use natural ingredients as a source: eggs, meat, dairy products, protein and herbal shakes. However, it is worth knowing that protein food should be introduced not at the initial stages and gradually, since it is considered difficult for the body.
  4. Eliminate refined sugars from the daily diet: sweet soda, candy, and so on.

Home treatment for anorexia

Anorexia is often treated on an outpatient basis, at home. Such therapy includes:

  • support of family and friends;
  • diet food;
  • medications;
  • folk remedies.

At the initial stage, such a complex of measures will quickly relieve the victim of this terrible ailment.

Psychological family help consists in regular communication with the patient, helping him to realize the severity of the problem and thereby help in a speedy recovery. Relatives like no one will contribute to the understanding of how to overcome the disease, will make him feel that he is not alone and that he can always find support in them. It is in their power to find activities for the patient that will help not to think about controlling body weight. And all this will happen under their sensitive and vigilant control of his eating behavior: checking the regularity of eating food, her.

For a complete cure, it is necessary that all metabolic processes in the body be restored, and a balanced therapeutic diet will help in this.

Traditional medicine can also help with this disease. The use of various herbal decoctions, infusions from, dandelion roots, nettle leaves and fruits help stimulate appetite, stabilize the nervous system and calm.

Different types of therapy for anorexia

The most popular and effective method in the treatment of this disease is cognitive behavioral therapy. Its goal is to replace distorted and negative beliefs with real and positive thoughts. This method of treatment helps to overcome your fears and set new goals in life.

Other types of therapy include:

  1. Family therapy, which is aimed primarily at helping the parents and loved ones of the sick person in realizing the seriousness of the problem and finding ways to overcome it, as well as supporting the patient on the path to recovery.
  2. The Maudsley method is one of the types of family therapy, suitable primarily for the therapy of adolescents and young people, consisting in full control the parents of the patient's normal restorative nutrition.
  3. Hypnosis that helps to get rid of depression and stress, return to nutritious nutrition, increase your own self-esteem and a positive attitude towards yourself.

Anorexia and pregnancy

After complete recovery, the level of sex hormones in the body stabilizes and the menstrual cycle returns. But in the last stages of the disease, this process is irreversible.

This disease carries risks for pregnant women, or those who are trying to conceive a child. This often affects the condition of the fetus: the baby is born very prematurely and with birth defects.

Complications and prevention of anorexia

With anorexia, the following complications are likely to occur:

  • arrhythmia and heart failure;
  • anemia, hypokalemia, osteoporosis;
  • level up;
  • hormonal disbalance leading to amenorrhea, infertility and growth retardation;
  • dehydration and swelling of the limbs;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • depletion of the body, caries, impaired mental processes;
  • fatal outcome.

Forced vomiting leads to:

  • prolapse of the rectum;
  • rupture of the esophagus;
  • weakening of the rectal walls;
  • problems with swallowing.

It is difficult to predict recovery from such a disease, since in each individual case this leads to various consequences. Most often, the rehabilitation period takes from four to seven years. And about twenty-five percent of those who fall ill never fully recover. In addition, there is always the likelihood of relapse, even in those people who have recovered from anorexia.

In severe stages, this disease leads to death from degeneration of internal organs and suicide.

A healthy and positive family environment is essential to prevent relapse. Family and friends should not focus on food, weight problems and ideal forms. It is best to devote lunchtime hours to relaxation and family fun.


A disease such as anorexia requires long-term and serious treatment. The most effective in this case will be complex therapy with the use of psychotherapeutic, medication and folk methods treatment, as well as dietary nutrition. Prevention of the disease is reduced to the prevention of possible relapses and constant monitoring of the patient who has recovered.

The article discusses nutrition for anorexia. We will tell you about the rules of a therapeutic diet. You will learn what foods are recommended for this disease, and what needs to be excluded from your diet.

Nutrition with is one of the important methods of treatment along with psychotherapy. The diet for anorexia is aimed at ensuring that the patient gains weight and returns to his usual lifestyle. Depending on the stage of the disease, anorexia is treated in a hospital or dietary meals are prescribed at home. The latter is shown when nothing threatens the patient's life.

Diet for anorexia should be prescribed by a doctor

Enteral nutrition for anorexia is selected taking into account the characteristics of the patients. Medical nutrition for anorexia is carefully developed by a dietitian and must comply with a number of rules:

  1. The diet for anorexia should be balanced.
  2. The amount of food is calculated for each patient individually.
  3. Proper nutrition for anorexia involves the mandatory presence of liquid and semi-liquid dishes.
  4. The patient needs to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries every day. You can eat them whole or puree them.
  5. Anorexic diet includes cereals (cereals, grain bread, cookies), low-fat fish, meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey), dairy products.
  6. The principle must be followed fractional nutrition: There should be 3 main meals and a few light snacks.
  7. It is important to keep the water balance - daily rate clean still water should be 1.5-2 liters.

The portions should not be very large or very small, but the doses recommended by the nutritionist should be adhered to.... Restoring nutrition after anorexia is not an easy task. The patient must definitely monitor his diet so that a second relapse does not happen.

Healthy foods for anorexia

Eating with anorexia at home should be soft and gentle. It is especially important to observe this rule at the very beginning of treatment, so that irritation of the gastrointestinal tract mucosa does not occur and spontaneous rejection of food does not occur.

Nutrition should be healthy and balanced

  • lean fish (pollock, blue whiting, bream);
  • chicken and turkey meat;
  • cereals;
  • bakery products;
  • fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs;
  • nuts;
  • butter, vegetable oil;
  • low-fat hard cheese.

If we talk about fruits, then the most high-calorie and most suitable for people with pathological appetite disorders are banana, pear, apple. Pay attention to grains such as rice, buckwheat, and oatmeal. Also, anorexic people can eat ice cream without preservatives, with nuts or raisins.


  1. Calamus root - 2 tsp
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Chop the root, put it in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Insist 10-12 hours. Strain.

How to use: Take 50 ml 20 minutes before each meal.

Result: Affects the endings of taste buds, increases appetite, improves digestion.

The following recipe is also easy to prepare.


  1. Seed - 1 tsp
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the seeds. Insist until completely cooled, strain.

How to use: Take 100 ml 30 minutes before meals.

Result: Normalizes the digestive tract, improves appetite.

Harmful foods for anorexia

Of course, not all foods are suitable for anorexia. Which ones are harmful is not difficult to guess. Even an ordinary person who does not suffer from any pathologies should not include them in their diet or minimize their use.

Foods prohibited for anorexia:

  • canned meat;
  • canned fish;
  • sausages, smoked meat;
  • dried, dried, smoked fish;
  • spread, margarine;
  • snacks;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that during the period of rehabilitation therapy, it is generally better to abandon any preservatives. These include pickled vegetables and fruits. Pay attention to the shelf life: if they are from 3 months or more, you better not include such foods in your diet.

Also, do not overuse pasta and artificial sweets during treatment. If you really want something sweet, eat some natural dark chocolate.

Diet for anorexia

Diet for anorexia is aimed at smooth weight gain... Nutritionists have developed sample menu with anorexia. But we want to repeat that each case is considered individually.

Breakfast options:

  1. omelet or 2 boiled chicken eggs, coffee or tea with cream;
  2. buckwheat or rice in milk, tea with sugar or honey, oatmeal cookies;
  3. low-fat cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits and nuts, cocoa;
  4. sandwich with butter, cheese, ham, herbs, fresh vegetables and compote.

The main and evening meals can consist of the following dishes:

  1. vegetable soup with chicken broth, fresh vegetable salad;
  2. buckwheat porridge, baked lean pork, turkey or chicken;
  3. chicken broth, vegetable puree;
  4. boiled fish, mashed potatoes in milk and butter;
  5. steamed fish or meat cutlets, vegetable stew, bread.

Use freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices for snacks. It is advisable to dilute them with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio. Fruit purees, biscuits, rolls, muffins are also good. Be sure to include nuts, dried fruits, sunflower seeds and pumpkin in your diet. Do not forget that during this period it is very important to restore the normal functioning of the digestive tract. This is facilitated by fermented milk drinks (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt).

Even when you were diagnosed with anorexia, you should not change your diet after an illness. It is advisable to adhere to this diet for a couple of months after enteral therapy.

For more information on anorexia, see the video:

What to remember

  1. The anti-anorexia diet is developed by doctors individually for each patient. Of course have general rules, but do not neglect going to the doctor. Anorexia is a serious disease that leads to degeneration of all internal organs, and in some cases, to the death of the patient.
  2. Nutrition for this disease should consist of 3 main meals and several snacks. Nuts, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, fermented milk products are recommended as additional food.
  3. Avoid foods with long shelf life and preservatives during recovery therapy. In your case, you need fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, lean meats and fish.

Dear readers, good day.

My path to gaining a beautiful body and a harmonious state of mind was rather thorny. Since childhood, it was customary in my family to eat rather fatty foods, many might call them "unhealthy". Buns, pies, chips and crackers were frequent companions of my childhood, while I was not a full child. However, at the age of 13, due to puberty and the development of the hormonal system, I recovered a little. The weight was within the normal range, but it seemed to me that I looked larger than my peers. Then I decided to take Dad's advice and start regular jogging and home workouts. In addition, I changed my diet to "correct", as it seemed to me then, removing all products from the diet and leaving only 2 fruits and 1 tomato. The results were not long in coming, and in 1.5 months I lost weight from 54 kg to 49 kg. However, this was not enough for me, and I could not stop in time ... From that moment my whole life revolved around the limitations of my already meager diet and exhausting training. After 4 months, my weight dropped to 43 kg, others began to worry about my health, but I assured them that everything was in order, and I had a "healthy" approach. I stopped communicating with friends, went headlong into my studies, training at home and in the gym, in the absence of food. As a result, at the age of 15, my weight was 38 kg with a height of 168 cm. Mom was constantly crying, and dad, usually calm and understanding, screamed. I was so preoccupied with my appearance that I did not notice it.

And only the doctor's words could influence me. He warned that if this bullying continued, I would die within a year, and if I did not die, I would never be able to have children. From that time on, my healing process began. Gradually, I again began to familiarize my body with food, continued to train in the gym, although others constantly reproached me, fearing that I could harm myself with strength training. My priorities in appearance have changed, I wanted to buy beautiful buttocks, rounded shoulders. This is how my love for strength training was born and continues to this day. After a year of classes in gym I began to build a relationship with a young man who had similar hobbies. He encouraged my efforts and helped me out and trap anorexia to the end. I learned how to count calories, observe the correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the diet, immersed myself in the study of physiology and biomechanics.

Regular workouts in the gym and adherence to a healthy diet (this time and in truth healthy) allowed me to acquire a fit, slightly athletic body and I was offered to try myself in the "Fitness Bikini" nomination. I took part in competitions, but I realized that preparation is not worth it, I am not interested in exhausting my body for 5 minutes on stage. In addition, my boyfriend constantly mentioned that he wants to have children in the future, and I had hormonal problems (amenorrhea). Preparing for a competition with dietary restrictions would only worsen the health situation. And I continued to train, to adhere to a healthy diet for myself, while studying information on endocrinology, psychiatry and gynecology, because I understood that doctors could not help me.

Now, in my 20s, I have finally been able to deal with hormonal diseases, have restored my health, and continue to train in the gym. Thanks to an understanding of how my body functions, I managed to get rid of amenorrhea and get pregnant, which makes my husband incredibly happy. Sport has become an integral part of me, my family. I like to study medical and sports articles, research, control the state of my body, regularly get tested, observe a flexible approach to nutrition. Now my lifestyle can truly be called healthy.

there is only one way out - do not go on a diet. I suppose you know that this is a road to nowhere? or not?

Make this diet a regular regular meal. Otherwise, the following will happen - the body will not only restore past reserves, but also make an additional supply (10 percent) in addition. what you already had before starting the diet.
And so it will differ with each repetition of the diet - plus another 10%.

You have to go on a diet for life.

What kind of diet was it?

I lost weight according to the program drawn up by a nutritionist (very similar to the Queen's diet) - in principle, no violence against the body, balanced diet... And it was somehow not difficult not to eat at all in the evening, light dinner, exclude sweets, etc. But when the prescribed 4 weeks ended, it was as if I was “included” in the “eat everything and more” program. The problem, of course, is in the head. BUT HOW to include this head - it's just not clear: (((

And I've been on the Atkins diet since February 15th. True, I occasionally break it, but not because it is difficult, but I just try not to draw the attention of others, especially relatives, to my diet. Immediately, lamentations begin that I am starving myself, although there is no trace of hunger. I eat better than most people.

Oh, what are you with these diets .. Why limit yourself in any foods, if you can just count calories. Use a variety of calorie calculators, find out your rate and more. I reduced the calorie intake to 1000 per day, plus I do not eat, and I try not to drink after six ... In 1.5 months - minus 14 kg (from 74 to 61), with my height of 168, you could already stop, but if I have already started , then I will lose weight until victorious - up to 55 kg! Eat in small portions, but more often, the stomach will tighten and you will gorge on much smaller amounts of food, so you can afford both your favorite cookie for tea and a piece of harmful, but terribly tasty sausage. .))) The main thing is to tune! Realize that this is not just your whim, but a NEED. I realized this when I saw the number 74 on the scales))) As I remember, I shudder ... Good luck to everyone! :)

Tell me your diet

girl you are a great fellow !!))
please tell me how much kcal did you eat when you lost weight?)

Girls, I found a proven method of how to lose weight, tested on myself and friends! Bath soda with ginger has recently appeared on our market. After all, everyone knows that in water people lose weight on their own, but here there is a special soda that increases this effect, and even ginger there. In addition to the fact that I lost weight, my skin also became tightened)
We bought everything here:

She sat on a diet, lost weight - a dream come true, a complete delight. and now, for the third day I have been eating as if to myself. AFRAID to take back everything I lost, but I can't stop. WHAT TO DO. How to stop yourself ?!

and how much weight have you lost in 4 weeks?

And you put in front of you the clothes you wore before losing weight) I usually stop myself this way. Not that I keep all the trash straight, no, I just left myself jeans and a blouse. And I also drink Evalar's alpha lipoic acid, and I don't eat cakes like I used to.

How to gain weight after anorexia?

Hello. I apologize for distracting, but I feel that I cannot cope without the advice of a professional. So, I'll start with your permission, from the very beginning and in order. For as long as I can remember, I have had difficulties with being overweight. Either it's genetics, or poor metabolism, but gaining weight for me, namely fat, is quite easy. And so, one day I decided to radically change everything. I switched to a strict diet, began to practice for 7 days 2-3 times (there was no system as such due to lack of knowledge). As a result, with an increase of 184 cm and 93 kg (overweight), I lost up to 45 kg. That is, as you know, anorexia. Then, of course, came the realization of the fallacy of blind zeal. I got out of the crisis by lifting the weight to 62, but I started to face the same old problem, gaining weight, gaining fat, and intensive training contributes to weight loss. I understand that something is missing, but what exactly ?! Perhaps you can tell me how I should be in this situation, if the goal is fitness and the desired weight of 70-75 ?! (ready to work hard until blue in the face, if only everything was right)

Sergey, Ukraine, 24 years old

Fitness trainer answer:

Victoria Monchenko

The situation is really difficult. Everything that you get with food, the body will try to preserve as much as possible in the form of a reserve, because due to severe restrictions, your metabolism is severely impaired. In order to gain muscle mass, you need to adjust both nutrition and training. Unfortunately, you did not indicate how your classes are going. But to gain mass (muscle), you need heavy strength training with a lot of weight for 6-10 repetitions. It will be better to train three times a week, "breaking" all the muscles on different training days. Create an excess of calories for a start by 500 kcal and adjust the ratio of BJU in the diet approximately in a proportion of 30/25/45.

Best regards, Victoria Monchenko.

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Victor, Russia, Moscow, 25 years old

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Hello! Please give some advice. My sides are sticking out, I am actively engaged in the gym, I adhered to →

Polina, St. Petersburg, 26 years old

How do I save my training results?

Good afternoon, my height is 158, my weight was always 46, I went in for sports on my own for a year almost every day, →

Evgeniya, St. Petersburg, 20 years old

How often can you exercise at home?

Hello. How often can you exercise at home? Pull-ups, push-ups and a complex for the whole body. →

Alexey, Moscow, Russia, 29 years old

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Hello. I have been professionally playing volleyball for several years. I constantly ran, jumped, because of this I have →

How not to gain weight after a diet - 7 mistakes

The most common mistakes during and after dieting: what we do wrong when we are trying to lose weight.

About 65% of the inhabitants of developed countries have been on a diet at least once in their life - however, the result was not satisfactory. The diet was either interrupted ahead of schedule, or after the end of the diet, the kilograms returned, which they managed to lose, twice as fast.

So what to do, how not to gain weight after a diet, and how to keep it and keep it for a long time.

1. Why the weight is coming back - the boomerang effect

Many diets are attracted by the fact that they allegedly lead to rapid and impressive weight loss. Unfortunately, it is not said that rapid weight loss is always followed by a boomerang effect.

This means that after the diet you will regain weight - and often much more than you lost before. Really effective and at the same time healthy weight loss programs guarantee a maximum loss of 0.5-1 kg per week. However, only a long-term and effective result should be taken into account.

2. Low-calorie diets promote weight gain

In order for those wishing to lose weight to get results quickly, many intense diets set about 1000 calories as the daily requirement for the human body. This low calorie level, however, does not cover the nutrient requirements. In addition, extra pounds are very often lost mainly due to fluid loss and protein breakdown, and not due to the breakdown of fat. After a while, the already mentioned boomerang effect sets in.

Due to the very low saturation of the body with energy, a person begins to feel hunger. Result: the internal demand for energy reaches a critically low level. As soon as you start to eat "normally", your body begins to store energy, and you gain weight again. To avoid the boomerang effect and saturate the body with enough nutrients, healthy and effective weight loss programs recommend consuming 1,500 calories per day.

3. Strict rules and prohibitions

Avoid complex or too expensive diets. For example, those that contain expensive recipes or exotic ingredients. Diets of this kind are short-term and will not help you get better nutrition.

Also, avoid diets that are rife with inhibitions. Prohibitions like "nothing else sweet" eventually lead to the fact that the desire to taste sweets is steadily growing. Someday you will fail, and your entire diet will be disrupted by the intake of a huge amount of calories. It makes more sense - even while on a diet, there are small amounts of sweets and enjoy them.

A good weight loss program should integrate into your regular schedule. If you know for sure that you will not be able to cook something specific every day, then any diet that offers such conditions as mandatory will not work for you. Spontaneity and flexibility should be possible despite your desire to lose weight, only then can you keep the diet to the end. Pay attention to the fact that your individual preferences are taken into account, and you at least occasionally could allow yourself what you want.

4. Monotonous mono-diets

Classic examples of very monotonous diets are mono diets, such as the cabbage soup or the pineapple diet. They may help you to quickly lose a couple of pounds. However, such diets do not lead to a restructuring of thinking and, at the same time, to a change in diet. As soon as the diet is over or interrupted due to the monotony of the diet, the lost kilograms will return again along with the previous eating habits.

A successful weight loss program must be varied. Vegetables and fruits should be as much a part of your menu as fiber-rich grains. And the reduction in calories will occur mainly due to the reduction in the consumption of animal fat and sweets. Nutritious, but at the same time, low-calorie food is not perceived by many as a restriction, therefore, it facilitates the path to achieving the desired weight.

5. EBM and fasting

For many EBMs (EBM - "there is half as much") - the primary action if you want to sharply shift the arrow of the scales down a couple of kilograms.

Those who cut back on meals to avoid gaining extra calories tend to pick them up later. Those who eat too little will lack essential nutrients. He is susceptible to uncontrollable attacks of wolf appetite, he is often unhappy and frustrated due to constant hunger, and in the end he does not benefit from cutting calories in any way. After all, after a maximum of a couple of days, he will break loose and interrupt his diet.

The thought of fasting is very tempting for many overweight people. With the motto: "Zero Calories - Fast Weight Loss", many are promoting fasting as a zero diet that leads to rapid weight loss. In fact, while fasting, you lose an average of 400 grams per day. But this effect will not last long, because after the end of the fast, everything will come back.

The meaning and purpose of fasting is to remove toxins and unload the body. Fasting is recommended only for healthy people as a preventive measure. If from a medical point of view this is not contraindicated for you, then treatment with a starvation diet under the supervision of a doctor can be the beginning of a long process of changing food habits and lifestyle, but not a radical method to combat excess weight.

6. Preparations for weight loss, Powders and Co.

The market is filled with slimming drugs and dietary powders. Not surprisingly, many products promise colossal weight loss without fasting or much effort. The idea that you can take a couple of pills and eat calmly as before, but at the same time remain slim, makes many people spend huge sums on questionable weight loss products.

You better save that money for something else! Wonderful pills that would "burn" fat while you sleep simply do not exist. All the promises that accompany these drugs are unfulfilling. In addition, these drugs can have side effects and thus harm your health.

7. Don't forget about movement!

Many diets focus solely on nutrition and do not take physical activity into account at all. A good weight loss method involves movement and is designed so that the proposed sports are suitable for those who are overweight, and that the latter are not overwhelmed by intense and prolonged exercise.

Think about the fact that by moving more you stimulate your metabolism and expend extra calories. Leave your car in the garage more often and cover the required distances on foot or by bike. Take walks during your lunch break and use the stairs instead of the elevator.

How to maintain weight after a diet: a practical experience (video)

  • the diet should not be short-term and strict, you should not starve;
  • do not use carbohydrate and refined foods in a regular diet;
  • find a replacement for harmful products that you used before losing weight and that you did not use on your diet;
  • lead a physically active lifestyle;
  • learn to switch from stress, find hobbies and hobbies;
  • the establishment of permanent fasting days and after festive feasts;
  • give up sweet teas, soda and industrial juices;
  • carry out constant weighing so as not to miss the beginning of weight gain;
  • determine the maximum amount of servings for yourself;
  • adherence to diet and daily regimen;
  • learn to drink water;
  • study and implementation of new culinary recipes for healthy cuisine.

How not to gain weight after a diet - conclusion

By diet, many people understand the restructuring of nutrition in order to lose weight for a long time. And this is where the problem of many diets is hidden: they are focused on short-term results.

The word diet comes from the Greek diaita, which means lifestyle. Anyone who seeks to reduce weight and stay in the achieved state further, must persistently and for a long time change their eating habits.

It is impossible to come to this using radical methods, but only gradually. It would be helpful if weight loss programs included so-called insurance with recommendations on what to do after the weight stabilizes or in case it starts to increase again.

Anyone who wants to lose weight should not starve. Cereals, vegetables and fruits, skim milk and dairy products should be included in the diet in the same way as meat and animal fats in moderation. You should consume at least 1,500 kilocalories daily, and even more when exercising.

Everything is allowed in small quantities! If you allow yourself from time to time what you want, it will help you achieve your goal and maintain the desired weight for a long time.

From the above, we can conclude: in order not to gain weight after a diet, you need to choose the right diet itself, with a properly organized diet, and not try to maintain and maintain weight after, since this, in most cases, will simply be impossible.

When reproducing the text of the article How not to gain weight after diet or fasting - 7 mistakes that prevent you from keeping weight, in whole or in part, an active link to the website is required.

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  • Free diet of Elena Malysheva - we know Elena Malysheva as a TV presenter, educated and beautiful woman not throwing words to the wind.
  • Olga Ratushnaya: “I already weighed 29 kilograms, but I was still afraid to get better and didn’t eat anything”

    After getting rid of anorexia, an 18-year-old woman from Kiev has created a community on the Internet where she helps girls and women cope with a disease common among young people, which is officially recognized as a disease of the 21st century.

    “At some point in a person with anorexia, the perception of their physical form is completely distorted. I remember when I weighed 29 kilograms, my collarbones, cheekbones were sticking out, and anyone who saw me in a swimsuit could count the number of ribs. And I looked at my reflection in the mirror and thought: "I need to lose two more kilograms, and then I will be beautiful." My parents were very worried, forced me to eat, took me to doctors and prayed in churches. And I, being afraid to get better, wondered why my relatives did not understand me. After all, they should be proud of me - I've lost so much weight. And not everyone succeeds ... "

    This is a revelation published Olya Ratushnaya on the Internet, has gained a million views. American experts have recognized anorexia as a disease of the XXI century, and those who suffer from it - victims of beauty. As a rule, such people deny the disease, are proud of their willpower and do not understand that they can die ... Olya told FACTS how an 18-year-old girl managed to cope with her illness.

    * "When I was on the beach in a swimsuit, people could count my ribs, and I dreamed of losing two more kilograms," Olya recalls (photo from the family album)

    - Already now I understand that I have always been slim, but when at the age of 13 I went to a model school and studied ballet, I did not think so,- says the girl. - The teachers were happy with my progress, they never talked about being overweight. But this was not enough for me, I wanted to listen to compliments every day, to be the best, to be in the spotlight. And when the “friend” out of envy said: “If you eat so many sweets, you won't fit into your jeans,” I took it as a challenge and decided to prove to her that limiting myself a little is not a problem for me. At first I gave up sweets and starchy foods, I stopped eating after six in the evening. The weight began to drop. At the beginning of losing weight, my weight was 49 kilograms, and I was striving for 45. But when I saw the coveted figure on the scales, I decided to reduce it by another five kilograms. I removed potatoes, noodles, cereals, fruits and meat from the diet. She ate only vegetables, drank water.

    My dad was the first to sound the alarm. He was sure that this influence fashion business, my classmates. I was transferred to another school, I was not allowed to go to the ballet. It only made it worse. After all, I tried to attract attention to myself, to reach out to my parents, friends, to hear their praise. Instead, they yelled at me. In addition, in the new team, I also wanted to stand out, to be special. And I stopped eating ...

    Doctors used to think of anorexia as an eating disorder, but now they have concluded that it is a mental disorder. Such patients are obsessed with the idea of ​​losing weight, they are afraid to gain weight. As a rule, anorexia occurs in girls with low self-esteem and those who are too fixated on their own appearance, make very high demands on themselves and depend on the opinions of others. Experts even single out such a concept as anorexia nervosa, believing that the pursuit of a "slender" body is a way to hide from existing problems, self-hypnosis, that after "minus a few kilograms" the situation will change.

    * "Only thanks to the support of my parents and brothers did I manage to cope with the disease," says Olya. In the photo there is a girl with dad (photo from a family album)

    - Already when I lost weight up to 35 kilograms, I felt that I was sorely lacking strength, and decided to sleep during the day, but I could not always fall asleep- Olya continues. - I stopped going to school, walking with friends. In a word, the interest in life has disappeared. But at the same time, I regularly pumped the press, weighed myself and worried about every gram.

    - Aren't you hungry?

    - I wanted to, but I was very afraid of food. When at the beginning of losing weight I gave up sweets, I set myself the installation: a bun is a big belly, and candy is a fat ass. Later it started to work against me. I well remember how I woke up one morning and thought: if only someone tied me up and fed me ... But I didn't eat myself. When hunger prevailed, she drank water. Because of the fast, my taste sensations changed so much that plain water felt very sweet. I felt my stomach fill up and thought with horror that I was getting fat. It was as if something jumped in my head, and the body no longer took food. Even when my parents managed to shove a bun into me, I experienced severe pain.

    - How did your recovery begin?

    - At first, my parents persuaded me to eat, cried, prayed, took me to church. But it didn't work. One day my father said that he couldn't do this anymore and threatened me with a psychiatric clinic. I didn't believe it. But when she heard that he was really negotiating with the doctor, she got scared and began to eat. I was still hospitalized. I stayed in a psychiatric hospital for two and a half months. And during this time she gained five kilograms. It was very difficult at the clinic. I was not praised or considered special. Doctors constantly said that they would put a tube on me and feed me through it. But this is shameful and ugly ... I began to lose weight so that I was noticed and respected, and not humiliated.

    In the hospital, I read a lot, became interested in psychology. I read several books by Dale Carnegie, a biography of Konstantin Stanislavsky. Even then I understood that the first thing that matters is how I assess myself. The statements of other people should not change my opinion about myself, I do not need to prove anything to anyone. Once I thought that last years even dancing, I mentally counted the number of calories lost. I wanted to return those moments when I was not worried about my weight and enjoyed life, to spend more time with my family, to become an interesting interlocutor.

    - How are you eating now?

    - Five times a day: in the morning I eat a portion of porridge and a piece of meat, at lunchtime - soup, for a snack - nuts, sweets, fruits. Dinner is usually protein (cottage cheese or scrambled eggs). Serving size approximately 200-250 grams. At first, this amount of food seemed huge to me, but my parents made sure that I did not leave anything on the plate. Now I weigh 42 kilograms with a height of 169 centimeters.

    * Olga Ratushnaya: “Now I am satisfied with my appearance and can go outside without makeup. I learned to love myself "

    Once, after recovering, I had a breakdown - I stopped eating. It was then that my parents were getting divorced. Analyzing my behavior, I understand that it was an instinctive reaction of the body: I ​​unconsciously tried to attract attention to myself, because I remembered how my parents "rushed" with me the last time. Dad immediately noticed that I had stopped eating, and literally did not let me leave the table until I had finished eating everything. My weight went up again.

    - Did the disease affect your health?

    - I really have problems. Doctors say that all my life I will have to take care of myself much more than other people. I regularly see a gynecologist, endocrinologist, urologist. Due to the lack of fat in my body, all my organs went down. Gastritis developed. And recently she underwent kidney surgery. It is difficult to describe the state in which my hair, skin, nails were. Fortunately, this is now behind us. I managed to restore my metabolism. I learned to love myself and am completely satisfied with my appearance, I can go outside without makeup.

    Usually, patients who have experienced anorexia refuse to give interviews, display their photographs for everyone to see and raise a sore subject, because they know that not everyone will understand them. Unfortunately, society often condemns and ridicules such people, thereby forcing them to further withdraw into themselves and protest against the established norms.

    - Once I realized that trying to lose weight does not bring me happiness, but, on the contrary, interfere with a full life- Olya continues. - The paradox is that the people to whom I wanted to prove something no longer remember me. Only relatives remained. When I weighed 29 kilograms, my bones were sticking out, which made me unable to sleep. Dad put pillows under my back. At the same time, he cried every time. It's horrible to see your strong father cry because of you. And I thought: is it really difficult for me to make him smile? The most important thing was to admit to myself that anorexia is a serious illness that I want to cope with, but I cannot do it on my own. And only when I really realized and accepted the problem, it became easier for me, I wanted to talk about it with others. Then I created a group on the Internet, which I called "Anorexia and Bulimia". She began to write her thoughts and feelings there. I found photographs of children starving in Africa, people who were swollen with hunger during wartime. Amazingly, they lack what we consciously refuse. And it's not only about food, but also about comfort, good conditions. I had it all.

    - As far as I understand, you are now helping girls who are faced with anorexia?

    - Yes, more than ten people from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus write to me every day. Many girls, in fear of gaining weight, induce vomiting after eating. It is important to understand: anorexia is one of the extremes of psychological dependence on food. I try to help everyone who turns to me, I describe in detail how I started, I help the girls build relationships with their parents, which is very important for recovery. A few months ago, a 19-year-old girl who weighs 25 kilograms wrote to me. At first, we talked a lot, she tried to establish food, and then she gave up and stopped responding to my messages. It's upsetting to me. I know the parents of this girl who are ready to provide her with the best doctors, including foreign ones, at any time. But first of all, a person must understand: only he can cope with anorexia.

    The term "anorexia nervosa" first appeared in scientific literature in 1988. World statistics states: 80 percent of girls between the ages of 14 and 25 are unhappy with their bodies. Many of them unite in Internet communities, lose weight on a bet, display photos in their underwear and ask for advice. And everyone wants to lose excess weight quickly - in a month or a week - resorting to extreme diets: kefir, "green" and others. One of the first and most popular such communities on the Internet "40 kilograms" has more than three and a half million (!) Subscribers. Few people know that three years ago the administrator of this group died of anorexia ... A month after the incident, the girl's mother published an open letter on the Internet.

    "Hello! I am the mother of Margarita Aslanyan. This letter is to those who are still in the group "40 kilograms". My daughter died of anorexia on September 14, 2011 at 8 am. If I can reach at least one person, I will be very glad ... We received the conclusion of the forensic expert on October 18, 2011. Almost all organs of my daughter at the age of 20 were in the condition of a 70-80-year-old person, only the lungs were not affected. Malnutrition disorders have proven to be incompatible with life. The body ate itself. Dystrophy of all organs, hormonal imbalance ... A lot of bad and terrible things ... A hematoma was found in the throat from constant vomiting ... How did she manage to hide it from me? We had disagreements about her nutrition ... Then a little bit everything began to improve. Lately she ate very well, but I didn’t keep track of the fact that everything was in vain, down the toilet ... Thinness, which means beauty was put at the forefront by Margosha. Girls! Think about it! After all, harmony in the soul is more important than an extra centimeter on the priest. Develop inner world, communicate, enjoy life, it was given only once! By supporting each other in fasting, you are not only killing yourself! Take care of your parents! After all, for a mother to lose her child is equal to death. Do not repeat other people's mistakes. The Most Unhappy Mother on Earth. "

    - Two years ago I spoke on one of the television programs, where, besides me, there was a girl suffering from anorexia, and after a few months she was gone- Olya continues. - Starting to lose weight, everyone wants to become more successful, no one dreams of dying at twenty. You need to understand: there is no direct relationship between weight and success. These conventions exist only in our head.

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