Procedures before childbirth in the hospital. Procedures before childbirth. Hygienic procedures that are performed for a woman in labor upon admission to the department

In fact, you will not be bored during this period, because you need to do so much before giving birth!

Childbirth is the most important event in a woman's life, for which, of course, it is necessary to prepare in advance. Moreover, the concept of preparing for childbirth includes not only such an important aspect as attending courses for future parents, but also the practical side of the issue: choosing a maternity hospital, arranging a nursery, preparing the necessary documents, buying a dowry for a baby and many other necessary things.
In order not to forget anything and to do everything on time, it is convenient to draw up a list of “good deeds” for yourself in advance. The tasks and tasks that the expectant mother needs to complete before childbirth can be roughly divided into two lists. The first will include everything that needs to be prepared directly for childbirth and the hospital. The second list will be made up of important things that need to be done before the birth of the child, because then they may not have enough time and energy.

Preparing for childbirth

Choosing a maternity hospital. This issue should be approached in advance and with all seriousness. It is desirable that the hospital is located not far from home and meets your expectations of comfort. The selection criteria can also be positive reviews and recommendations of friends. Be sure to consult with the doctor who is leading your pregnancy: with some features of the course of pregnancy (Rh-conflict - the production of antibodies in the body of a Rh-negative pregnant woman when wearing a fetus that has a positive Rh factor, which leads to the destruction of its erythrocytes, perceived as foreign; multiple pregnancy) or the presence of concomitant diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus, hypertension), you should choose a maternity hospital with the appropriate specialization. It is important to form your own idea of ​​the hospital; for this, you can call the nearest maternity hospitals and personally clarify the key points:

  • Maternity hospital specialization.
  • The presence of children's intensive care.
  • Conditions of stay in the prenatal, maternity and postnatal wards (number of beds in the ward, the presence of a shower and toilet, additional amenities).
  • Possibility of partner childbirth and visits to the postpartum ward.
  • Joint or separate stay with the child in the postnatal ward.
  • Possibility of concluding a contract and choosing a doctor.
  • Things and documents required for hospitalization.
  • Dates of preventive treatment ("washing") of the maternity hospital.

Having chosen one or several of the maternity hospitals that you like the most, according to the results of such a "survey", you need to go to each of them and see everything with your own eyes: the admission department, the discharge department, photographs of the maternity hospital departments in the reception hall, visit an excursion, if they are held in the hospital, this is a separate a paid service for which you do not need to conclude a contract. You can talk with the doctors of the admission department, employees of the referral service or the insurance company of the maternity hospital, if possible, with patients and their relatives. It is advisable that you are accompanied on these trips by someone close to you (husband, mother, or a friend who has given birth). For completeness, you can see photos or videos on the website of the maternity hospital. A personal visit will help you get a more objective impression of the hospital and finally make your choice.

Unfortunately, the likelihood that you will be able to give birth in the chosen hospital depends not only on your desire, but also on the number of places in the hospital that may be occupied. Therefore, if you by all means want to get to the maternity hospital you like, you should think about the contract form of obstetrics.

Conclusion of a labor contract. If you decide to reserve a place in a specific maternity hospital or prefer individual management of childbirth and more comfortable conditions of stay, you need to conclude a delivery contract in advance. In most maternity hospitals, a contract for commercial services is concluded from the 36th week of pregnancy; at the same time, the price, validity period and the range of services provided may vary significantly. Some contract forms only provide increased comfort in the maternity ward and the postpartum ward, but do not include individualized conditions of care. Other options include the possibility of choosing and replacing an individual doctor, observation, examination and analysis in the prenatal and postnatal period. The duration of the contract also differs: only for the period of stay in the hospital, from payment of the contract to discharge from the hospital, for a month or more from the date of the contract (such a contract includes prenatal and postnatal monitoring of the patient's health and the birth itself). In order to choose the optimal conditions, it is necessary to consider in advance the possible options for commercial services, call the insurance company of the maternity hospital and talk with an agent, drive up and carefully read the terms of the contract, and only then conclude a contract for childbirth.

Preparation of the necessary documents. Upon admission to the hospital, you will need a passport, a policy of compulsory or voluntary medical insurance and an exchange card. Ask your doctor to check the availability of the results of all the necessary tests and examinations in the exchange (blood group and Rh factor, tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis for each trimester, general analysis and biochemical tests of blood, urine, smear on the vaginal flora , ECG, ultrasound and CTG, examination by an ophthalmologist, dentist and therapist). An exchange card is an important medical document containing all the necessary information about the health features of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy; This medical information helps the doctor of the maternity hospital to get a complete picture of the patient and choose the right tactics for the management of childbirth.

If you have been observed in the antenatal clinic for at least 12 weeks with the same doctor, he will provide you with a birth certificate (usually issued at 30 weeks of pregnancy), which should also be taken to the hospital and presented upon admission to childbirth. A birth certificate is not issued for supervision in a commercial clinic, as it is only used in the field of free medical services. This document was created to assess the effectiveness of the provision of medical services in the structure of obstetric care within the framework of compulsory health insurance (compulsory health insurance). The absence of a birth certificate should not give the expectant mother a reason for concern: it does not in any way affect the choice and hospitalization in the maternity hospital. If there is no birth certificate upon admission to childbirth, it can be issued at the maternity hospital.

Check with the referral service of the maternity hospital which documents you may need additionally: sometimes the admission department is asked to provide a photocopy of your passport and insurance policy. If a partner birth is planned, a birth contract should be prepared, if necessary, it is also necessary to clarify what tests are needed for the presence of a partner (for example, the results of fluorography and tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis) and their expiration date. Having prepared all the necessary documents for childbirth, put them in one file in advance and keep them in a conspicuous place so as not to look for when going to the hospital. After the 36th week of pregnancy, it is better to carry all of the listed documents with you at all times.

Collection of the "alarm bag". Everything you need to stay in the hospital should also be prepared in advance so that you don't forget anything in the hustle and bustle of the last preparations. Items for hospitalization should be divided into two parts - for the maternity and postnatal wards, placing them in two clean plastic bags. Before proceeding with the collection, once again clarify the requirements of the hospital for things for hospitalization and make a separate list for each department.

In the Rodblock bag, you need to put washable slippers, a bottle of still water for mouthwash, chapstick, moisturizing spray or cream, wet wipes or toilet paper; some maternity hospitals are allowed to take their own clothes (dressing gown and nightgown, cotton socks), mobile phone, player, photo and video camera. If a partner childbirth is planned, you need to check in advance the list of things for the partner and put them in a bag for childbirth. Your partner for childbirth will definitely need washable slippers and clean socks; if the hospital does not provide special clothing, you can take a clean T-shirt and cotton trousers or purchase a disposable medical suit at the pharmacy.

For the postpartum department, you will need a package of sanitary napkins, a package of disposable panties, a pair of nursing bras, a breast pump, nipple cream, toiletries (comb, toothbrush and paste, soap, shampoo and shower gel), a hairdryer and, if necessary, cosmetics. For the baby, you need to take a small package of disposable diapers and wet wipes. If the hospital allows you to use your own clothes for newborns, you need to collect another bag with a dowry for the baby (according to the list recommended by the hospital). Usually for a baby it is recommended to take 4–5 knitted overalls and the same number of bodysuits, a pair of knitted mittens and socks, a knitted hat. There is no need to take diapers and bedding - they are provided by the maternity hospital. All things should be washed and ironed. When you're done making preparations, put a list of the items in each bag in order to make it easier to get ready before leaving the hospital.

Choosing a route to the hospital. In order to avoid problems on the way to childbirth as much as possible, study your route to the maternity hospital in advance. Just in case, make up several options for the road to the hospital, taking into account possible traffic jams and unforeseen difficulties. Take the time to drive along each route option and write down the length of the travel time to find the best route. Remember the exact address of the hospital and the options for accessing it - in case you need to call a taxi. And of course, ask the doctor in advance and be sure to write down the phone number of the "obstetric ambulance", because it may be necessary to call a specialized team.

What needs to be done

Dowry- one of the most important and most enjoyable things for a future mother. The concept of a child's dowry includes clothes, linen (diapers and bedding), hygiene and care products, a stroller, a car chair, a bathtub, scales, necessary furniture (for example, a crib, changing table) and much more. You need to take care of collecting a dowry for a crumbs before giving birth, because by the time you are discharged, you should already have everything you need at home. If the expectant mother is superstitious, purchases for crumbs can be stored with relatives and friends or even in a store before childbirth (some stores for mothers and babies offer services for storing purchased goods), but then the care of the delivery and preparation of the dowry rests entirely on the shoulders of relatives and is carried out in too short a time - during the stay of the mother and baby in the hospital. But you need to have time to bring everything (and sometimes buy!), Disassemble and arrange, wash, iron and sort the linen and clothes ... It is better to do everything in advance and calmly, especially since preparing the dowry for the baby gives the expectant mother a lot of pleasure!

Stuff for discharge for mom and baby it is also worth preparing in advance. For this momentous event, you will need beautiful clothes and cosmetics for the mother and, of course, a special dowry for the newborn. To discharge the baby from the hospital, you must use a jumpsuit. If the crumb is in an envelope or blanket, then you will not be able to fix it in a child car seat, which must also be purchased for discharge. It is very dangerous to carry a baby in her arms in a car, since even with a minor accident and low speed, it will be very difficult for the mother to keep the baby. Under the overalls, the newborn is put on a bodysuit or knitted overalls, a hat, socks and mittens. In addition, you need to prepare wet wipes, several disposable diapers and a couple of diapers for your baby. For yourself, you need to prepare clothes taking into account the changes in the figure: the stomach does not disappear immediately after childbirth, so outfits purchased at the beginning or middle of pregnancy are best suited. In addition, on the way home, you may need to feed your baby, so it is more convenient to choose a top with a cutout or with buttons. It is better to put things for discharge from the hospital in advance in a bag, label it and attach a list of things.

Arrangement of a nursery and cleaning the house are also included in the list of necessary things. It is necessary to discuss in advance where the baby will live in the first months of life, and it is most convenient to equip that part of the house, which is destined for the role of "nursery" (this can be a separate room or a place in the parents' room). First, on paper, and then in practice, you need to arrange the crib, changing table, think over where the hygiene items, clothes and underwear of the baby will be stored. Perhaps it will be a chest of drawers for children's things or a dedicated space in the closet. By the time the newborn arrives at home, a general cleaning should be done: you need to vacuum and wash the floors, wipe off dust, wipe furniture, wash plumbing -
and this, of course, is not at all my mother's worries! These responsibilities can and should be shifted to household members; however, in order for everything to be done in full, correctly and on time, it is worth preparing instructions for cleaning the house in advance.

Registration of manuals and other documents associated with the birth of a child, unfortunately, it is impossible to implement in advance. But if you make all the necessary inquiries before giving birth, make a list of the necessary documents, write down the addresses and office hours of the organizations, the procedure for issuing benefits and other important papers will take much less time!

Visit to the beauty salon- no less important item in the list of "prenatal activities". In the first months after the birth of a child, a young mother often does not have enough time to take care of herself, so on the eve of childbirth, you can think about a comfortable haircut that does not require complex styling. In addition, in preparation for childbirth, you can do manicures and pedicures without using nail polish and choosing a short length of nails.

Even ten to twenty years ago, hygiene procedures before childbirth, such as an enema and shaving of the genitals, were considered mandatory. All health workers were convinced of the usefulness and necessity of such procedures.

It was unpleasant for the woman in labor, but the woman had no choice. In the Soviet Union, it was like this: it is necessary, it means it is necessary, but even now, out of habit, doctors and midwives insist on carrying out hygienic procedures before childbirth.

However, in developed countries, they conducted studies, moreover, repeated ones, and found out that such usual procedures before childbirth, as enema and shaving, have no special value.

An enema before childbirth does not reduce the risk of perineal contamination and does not speed up labor as previously thought. What's more, an enema can increase the painful sensation of labor and even cause rectal irritation and other complications in some cases.

Shave before childbirth.

Shaving the genitals before childbirth was also standard practice. It was believed that various bacteria collected on the hair, which increased the likelihood of infection for the mother and baby.

The old school doctors are convinced that shaving reduces the risk of infection, especially if an episiotomy is performed or if the birth canal is torn. It is also easier for doctors to suture, carry out instrumental interventions and monitor the wound.

Nevertheless, three controlled studies were conducted, which compared the following parameters in two groups of women (without perineal shaving and with perineal shaving): perineal suture infection, postpartum fever, neonatal infections.

No significant differences were found, meaning there is no evidence to recommend shaving before childbirth.

It was also found that when shaving the genitals, skin microtrauma, scratches, irritation, redness, itching occur. During the period of hair regrowth, a woman may experience significant discomfort.

In addition, shaving yourself with a large belly is inconvenient, and if the procedure is performed by someone else, a woman may feel shy and unpleasant.

However, many women themselves prefer to shave or have epilation in the genital area, so they feel more confident and look more well-groomed. There are girls who constantly remove hair in intimate places. Now many consider it beautiful, there is a fashion for smooth skin, in addition, open lingerie is in fashion.

Advanced midwives and doctors believe that a woman should do what is more comfortable for her. There is no need to shave; if a woman is unpleasant, she is not obliged to do it. A woman in labor must make a choice herself, guided by her preferences.

If this makes you feel more comfortable, you can shave or epilate in advance, for example, with wax. If the shaving procedure itself is unpleasant or, according to experience, after it there is strong redness, irritation, you have the right to refuse.

Unfortunately, nursing staff often tacitly require a woman in labor to have an enema or shave (or both) before childbirth, simply because it is more familiar to them. It is often customary for us to put pressure on a woman psychologically, to persuade her to follow certain rules and dogmas.

You don't always want to argue with medical professionals, especially during an active labor process. It is better to discuss in advance with the staff what procedures are adopted in this particular hospital.

In some medical institutions, the tradition of giving an enema and shaving is still preserved, but in most maternity hospitals, a woman is still given a choice: to do or not to do the procedure before giving birth.

When can labor start?
Childbirth is considered normal, which begins from 37 to 41 weeks of pregnancy.

What are the harbingers of imminent birth?
Discharge of the mucous plug. You will find a small amount of pinkish or clear mucus on your panties. Childbirth after this can begin in an hour or a few days. In many expectant mothers, the mucous plug comes off directly during childbirth;
pulling pain in the lower back or lower abdomen;
a bowel disorder (diarrhea) not related to food;
loss of 1-2 kg of weight;
lowering of the abdomen.

When to go to the hospital?
Urgently if your water is broken. Pay attention to the color of the waters: normally it should be transparent or slightly pinkish. If the waters are dark, cloudy, with impurities, the first thing to do is tell your doctor.
If the water started to leak slightly, also get ready to the hospital as soon as possible. Do you have contractions, their number increases in a certain period of time, and the strength grows? Don't worry ... and go to the hospital.

How not to lose your head?
Take a herbal sedative.
Call your doctor. Briefly and clearly tell what exactly is happening to you. The expression "I seem to be giving birth" does not work. It is possible that you really only "seem".
Take the necessary documents with you: passport, exchange card, birth contract, if you have one.

Is it possible to shave before childbirth at home and can you not do it at all?

You will have to shave your lower abdomen and pubis. This is more convenient for obstetricians, and in case of emergency surgery, this is a necessity. You can also remove hair at home. Use a new floating head razor and shaving foam. If the procedure is unsuccessful, take a machine and a mini-package of foam with you to the hospital. Ask the nurse to use them. If the contractions took you by surprise and you ended up in the hospital without any preparation, it's okay. Shaving in the treatment room is not the most pleasant event, but not as terrible as the "seasoned" friends say.

Can I epilate?

If you have practiced bikini waxing before pregnancy, you can go to a beauty salon. Depilation - you yourself know - is moderately painful, but it will not provoke a contraction in you. Keep in mind that if your skin is usually irritated after epilation, very severe irritation is possible after complete hair removal. If you have never removed your hair with warm wax, you should not experiment before giving birth. Any other types of hair removal - laser, photo hair removal, etc. - contraindicated during pregnancy.

I am afraid to "embarrass myself" during childbirth. Can an enema be done at home?

An enema on the eve of childbirth is a necessity (a full intestine makes it difficult for the fetus to pass through the birth canal). It can be done at home before leaving for the hospital. You will need 2 liters of water at room temperature. Lie on your left side with your knees bent. True, many doctors do not recommend doing an enema on the eve of childbirth at home. This can provoke increased contractions. A nurse makes an enema in a maternity hospital procedural room. If you have hemorrhoids, warn about it. The fear of looking "indecent" in the generic chair is the problem of half of expectant mothers (however, there are only a few cases of incident). To minimize the risk, try not to overeat, do not overuse grapes and heavy foods. If constipation worsens, help yourself with glycerin suppositories. Laxatives should not be used: what if labor begins soon after you drank the loading dose?

Can a pedicure and manicure be done before childbirth?
It is necessary, because the woman in the rod block should look neat. This is important for her sense of self. A young mother's fingernails should be trimmed short. It is almost impossible to make yourself the perfect pedicure at 9 months, the stomach gets in the way. The varnish of a woman in labor on the hands and feet should be colorless. Otherwise, the front desk will ask you to erase it. Doctors must make sure that the expectant mother's nails are not infected with anything.

Should I go to the hairdresser?
For a young mother, a short haircut is very comfortable. But if that's not your style, don't cheat on yourself. If you have long hair, grab soft hair ties, hairpins can get in the way when you are in the chair.

What kind of cosmetics is better to use in a maternity hospital?
Low allergenic, no pungent odors. The optimal choice is cosmetics designed for babies. A baby and a mother can have one cosmetics in general. This will spare the skin and hair of the mother, and also minimize the risk of possible allergies in the baby.

They unequivocally hint that it's time to go very soon. How to prepare for a trip to the hospital, what hygienic procedures can be done at home, and which ones should be entrusted to specialists, and whether it is permissible to go to childbirth with make-up and manicure will be suggested by our expert Yulia DREMOVA, a doctor-obstetrician-gynecologist at the AVICENNA Medical Center.

Shave before childbirth

There are legends about rusty and dull razors, with which harsh midwives forcibly deprive "unshaven" women in labor. All jokes, but crotch hair removal is a really important part of hygienic preparation for childbirth. More recently, shaving before childbirth was a prerequisite for a pregnant woman's admission to the hospital. Today, the expectant mother has the right to refuse this procedure if she has special considerations in this regard. However, it is unlikely that such a decision will delight the medical staff. Of course, no one will shave you against your will, but refusal from this procedure can complicate the work of the doctor and obstetrician taking part in childbirth.

Why remove hair before childbirth

  • First, hair removal is an important hygienic measure (as it removes a potentially comfortable environment for bacteria growth).
  • Secondly, hair prevents the obstetrician from assessing the condition of the skin of the perineum during childbirth. Doctors evaluate the state of extreme skin tension by color. If the skin turns white during the eruption of the head, then, most likely, a rupture cannot be avoided, an incision is necessary.
  • Finally, in the event that tears or perineal incisions occur during childbirth, the hair will interfere with suturing.

In a word, it is very desirable to remove hair before childbirth and, of course, it is more convenient to do this at home, the day before. This should be done especially carefully and carefully, if you are not confident in your abilities, you can ask for help from someone close to you (many are helped out by their husbands) or even contact a specially trained depilation master.

Opinions of the sibm

: I with contractions in the hospital and took a shower, and shaved thoroughly, neatly there. And then, when they came down to the waiting room, the nurse said: "Oh, how wonderful everything is with you!" Enema, and forward ... I can't do it any other way. I am ashamed you know ...

: This problem was solved for me by my beloved! And why did I kick it out like that? I did everything very carefully, I would not have been able to do that at that moment! And to shave in the hospital - well, no, they are in a hurry to take a pregnant woman to prenatal ...

: When I gave birth for the first time, I was shaved in the hospital; the feeling as if they were scraping with a knife and the nurse grumbled that she had nothing else to do but to shave all women in labor .... Horror. So for the second birth, I overpowered myself and asked for a husband. He did everything very carefully, although I was embarrassed.

: There is the film "Secrets of Shaving", where everything, down to the smallest subtleties, tells how to shave correctly, so as not to get hurt, and there was no irritation. The film is male, of course, not on the female crotch, but what difference does it make to us? But after these secrets, no irritations and cuts.

Expert commentary

- Crotch shaving- a hygienic procedure required upon admission to the hospital. Obstetricians and gynecologists do not have different opinions on this matter - this is an important stage in preparing for childbirth. However, a woman has the right to refuse if she has her own personal reasons.

Cleansing enema before childbirth

This, no kidding, is a rather unpleasant thing even outside of childbirth, and with contractions it is not a gift at all. But doctors believe: it is better to be patient and give an enema than not to do it and regret it.

Why do you need a cleansing enema before childbirth?

This issue is sometimes controversial. It's all about the female anatomy. It turns out that the nerves in our body are connected to the uterus, rectum and bladder through the common nerve plexus.

When the uterus receives an impulse from the brain: "give birth", and contracts, this time after time also stimulates the emptying of the intestines and bladder - thus nature itself takes care that overflowing organs do not interfere with the uterus to perform its difficult work.

It is almost impossible to control such "care" during childbirth, there is nothing dangerous in it, but it can give a woman in childbirth several unpleasant moments. However, there is a more serious reason for a cleansing enema: an overcrowded intestine can hinder the normal course of labor, prevent the baby's head from dropping.

Important: An enema can be done only at the initial stage of childbirth, with full disclosure and during attempts, an enema cannot be done!

Opinions of the sibm

: Enema is a stimulating moment, useful primarily for those who have weak contractions. If you don't, it's okay, if something happens during childbirth, everything will be removed immediately, the child will not touch. But the mother herself will most likely be embarrassed - distracted (I heard about this). I myself do not like this procedure, but they have always done it, and it seems even easier later. It is made with cold water (not ice, of course, 20 degrees), a liter and a half. If at home, you don't need a pear, but such a large hanging one, such as a heating pad (approx. Esmah's mug), from which the hose comes. After filling it, hang it above the level of the lower back and slowly pour it through the tip of the hose, lubricated with oil.

: And I didn’t like the enema, but what to do, it’s better with it than without it. She immediately had contractions, which went unnoticed, so intensified that I could not hold the water at all, in short, after that I thoroughly rinsed the bath, and the next day the nurses thoroughly washed the treatment room.
At home I did this: for 1.5 liters of cool water (warm water is absorbed into the intestines) I squeezed a little lemon and poured it in, but little by little, little by little.

: I liked the enema. I didn't have to push on the toilet - it all came out by itself, what kind of hemorrhoids? The enema was done very delicately. Before giving birth, there was no frequent bowel movements and bowel flushing was very helpful. I would be distracted during childbirth if something superfluous got in.

: I liked the enema, in fact, even the posture (sitting on the toilet) during labor is very pleasant, and in childbirth you push so-a-ak, which would be unpleasant for me if my child was born plunged into a pile of not very pleasant substance, this is the first; and secondly, after giving birth, the worst thing is to go to the toilet (it doesn’t hurt, but scary), it’s just panic, so if you do an enema, you’ll postpone this moment until the next day, and then it’s not so scary. It is imperative to do an enema with cold water, because if you do it warm or hot, then the intestines will begin to suck in what you soften there, but you don't need it!

Expert commentary

It will be better if a midwife will give you a cleansing enema at the maternity hospital, as this is a medical manipulation that may have contraindications. A cleansing enema is contraindicated in all conditions that threaten the life of the woman in labor and the fetus: threatening rupture of the uterus, loss of umbilical cord loops, premature placental abruption, acute fetal hypoxia, as well as in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a pregnant woman.

To give birth with makeup?

“I want to meet a beautiful child” - many expectant mothers dream of their first meeting with a baby, imagining an ideal picture. So, you need makeup, styling and manicure. Of course, an even face tone and a neat manicure by themselves create a positive attitude and cannot harm childbirth ... Or can they? Let's figure it out together.

We agree right away that dense and bright makeup during childbirth will not be very appropriate. In addition, it is simply inconvenient - childbirth is not a quick process - bright makeup can float, smear, in a word, the result will be far from expected. On the other hand, a light, even tone will not be noticeable to the outsider, and slightly drawn eyebrows and eyes will give confidence if you are used to such a daily ritual (but it is better to choose a waterproof eyebrow pencil).

Light makeup is an optional part of the program, but there is a cosmetic product without which it can really be uncomfortable in childbirth. This is a hygienic lipstick. During childbirth, lips become very dry and colorless lipstick or lip balm will be very useful.

The hairstyle also deserves a special talk. Like much in the process of childbirth, it all depends on the time - not every woman in labor even has time to wash her hair, let alone do the styling. An important point, which not everyone knows about: before attempts, many midwives ask women in labor to remove rubber bands and hairpins from their hair, "so that nothing prevents the child from being born." If you are sure that you should not take into account the signs, then the hair can be put in a soft ponytail or braid (the main thing is that the hairstyle does not interfere with lying comfortably). Or, tune in to childbirth with your hair down.

Manicure is also worth mentioning separately. During childbirth, there are different situations - and it is important for doctors to have all available methods for assessing the condition of a woman in labor.

In some cases, during childbirth, a study called pulse oximetry is used - to determine the oxygen content in the blood. In order to do it, a special sensor is put on the finger, and too long nails with a dense coating can interfere with this examination.

In addition, between the layer of varnish (and even more so - a long-term gel) and the surface of the nail, pathogenic bacteria can settle, which you and your baby do not need at all after childbirth. Therefore, in the last weeks of pregnancy, it is undesirable to apply an opaque coating to the nails, especially a long-term one.

Opinions of the sibm

: I didn’t put on makeup on purpose, I suddenly thought of tears and you never know ... it would smear and there would be a funny picture. But I washed my head.

: I can't say that there was just makeup. But my lips were definitely painted, since it was winter, and they always crack in winter, I use balm, but it gives a little color. I even tinted it several times in the process. Well, I rarely go out without powder, and then I applied a layer, for sure. And there was no ink, shadows or blush. I look good without them.

: Previously, make-up and painted nails were prohibited - according to the color of the skin and nails "in their natural form" determine the state of the woman in labor in critical situations (bleeding, for example, or even worse). I don’t know how strict it is now, I don’t wear makeup myself, and even more so in the hospital.

: I went to the hospital in advance, so I took with me everything that I considered necessary, and this is a curling iron, among other things. There was no makeup at the birth, but the eyebrows were tweaked and the hair was styled with a curling iron, not so much for the husband who was present at the birth, but for the baby.

At the moment of the onset of childbirth, the expectant mother is seized by a lot of different emotions. These include the acquaintance with a new man, and the onset of fear of the unknown, and a lot of all kinds of troubles. Childbirth is a huge stress, and what it will be depends on most of the different moments. It is important to know the basic rules of behavior, it depends on them how you can get rid of many unpleasant moments. We should not forget that they can cause colossal harm to the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

In contact with

If all the waiting times are over, labor always starts unexpectedly. You should tune in to the necessary mood and maintain your composure in full. It is quite difficult, but possible.

For these reasons, there are some "mustn'ts" to keep in mind:

  1. At the start can't panic, it is pointless to run around the living quarters, to do everything very quickly. It should be remembered that the duration of the first birth is up to 12 hours, the subsequent ones are reduced to 8 hours. The future woman in labor has a long period of time left to calmly gather, but the collection should not be dragged out too long.

But nevertheless, one should not forget that there are exceptions: there are cases when the natural birth of twins took place 4 hours after the onset of contractions.

  1. You can not run around the apartment and try to collect the necessary things.... In this case, the balance is disturbed, weakness arises and the head begins to spin. Maternity bags must be prepared in advance.
  2. It is forbidden to move carelessly, abruptly that could threaten to fall. This can threaten with premature detachment of the placenta, which can lead to blood loss and even threaten the life of the little man and the mother herself.
  3. You cannot leave documents at home... You must have your passport, exchange card, policy, if you have a contract for the delivery. If doctors do not have documentary confirmation of the full condition of the pregnant woman, she can be placed in a special institution where women who are suspected of having an infectious disease give birth.
  4. You can not try to get to the hospital on your own(for example, by private car). The feeling of pain, the discharge of water can provoke inattention on the road and this can lead to an emergency on the road. In case of contractions, a medical team should be called.

It is strictly forbidden to stay at home if:

  1. Send away the waters.
  2. When bleeding occurs.
  3. In case of pain in the head, blurred vision, pain in the uterus.
  4. If the movement of the baby in the womb has become rather violent or weakened.

In the above cases, you should be in the hospital as soon as possible.(ideally, call an ambulance with a medical team). A woman preparing to become a mother should take a lying position, sitting on her side.

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