Water filters geyser or aquaphor. Geyser and akvafor filters for hard water

The value of water in our lives is high, physiologically, a person simply cannot exist without it. But it does not always happen that the house where new residents move is provided with a good pipeline system. If this is a new house, sometimes water to it is not supplied at all.

The easiest way out of a situation in which drinking water is needed, but it cannot be supplied efficiently, is to purchase a household water filter. There are a lot of varieties of them; manufacturers holding water purification devices on the market take into account the wishes of their target audience.

Types of filters

It’s convenient for home use, for large volumes or for large families, they prefer to use a reverse osmosis system, which not only has a maximum degree of purification, but also looks quite elegant from the outside (its entire massive part is hidden under the sink).

Another transportable option, suitable even for travel, is a flow filter, which we use quite widely in view of the fact that it is relatively inexpensive, mobile, which is appreciated by active people who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Boiling is not required!

Installing new cleaning systems, such as a flow filter or the system takes time, requires financial costs and readiness for troublesome installation. Therefore, it is optimal, inexpensive and quick to solve the problem with drinking water   using a household filter, of which there are many varieties. Such a water filter - a jug - contains a replaceable cartridge filled with an adsorbent that filters directly the water passing through it.

Among the users of filters, the majority of supporters of one of them are Aquaphor. They analyze which flow-through filter better copes with dirty and rusty water, and the positions of Aquaphor invariably turn out to be the first. Its unique Aqualen cleaning system makes it indispensable. Each cartridge "Aquaphor" includes fibers that make cleaning better. This is because the fibers make the filter particles come closer together. Therefore, boiling water is not required. The "living" water after the filter is clean, but the boiling process has its advantages and disadvantages. After boiling, the water becomes safe, but useless. At home, household water filters are a wonderful tool for high-quality purification of drinking water. And which is better: “Aquaphor” or “Barrier” - only you should choose. Most often, the first is ideal for small volumes of water, and for permanent and large volumes use the "Barrier".

Varieties of Home Cleaning Filters

One of the most common groups is filter jugs. Low price, ease of operation - their main advantages. Such filters are made of activated carbon. Their action is aimed at removing excess salts, elements of iron and chlorine, softening water. Water constantly passes inside such a filter, but bacteria do not appear from moisture. This is because activated carbon is treated with silver, which has an antibacterial effect.

Such jugs are designed to change the filter after some time, this period is indicated on the package and is measured by the volume of water passing through the filter. Filtered water can be drunk without boiling with the exception of collected from dubious sources that have a shallow depth. "And which is better:" Aquaphor "or" Barrier "?" - Any buyer who is knowledgeable in the market of water filters will ask.

Rating of filters for water purification

For apartment buildings, a household filter is also a fairly relevant solution. The chlorine treatment of the water flowing through the pipeline brings dirt and rust with it, because the age of the treatment plant is already quite impressive. It is no secret that too chlorinated water provokes the occurrence of irreversible processes in the body. There is an opinion that the use of chlorine in the process of water purification has led to the progression of diseases such as cancer and dementia, exacerbation of heart diseases.

In the shop windows you can find a water filter (jug) from many manufacturers, but the undoubted leaders today are the Barrier and Aquaphor. The manufacturer promises high-quality water purification, and the effect of the filter in a transparent jug can be observed firsthand.

Consider several criteria for comparing products from Russian manufacturers, such as Aquafor, Barrier and Geyser water filters. All of them operate on the same principle - they are intended for water purification. In each of them, the cartridge is designed for a life from one month to three, depending on the type. All data are given in the table.

Comparison table for Russian water filters



Plastic transparency is quickly lost

The cartridge body is weak, the taste of water is stale, scale in the kettle

Taste of iron and musty in water

High-quality water treatment, convenient housing and water supply system, additional cleaning in the filter

Affordable maintenance price, removes components of chlorine, iron, makes water soft

By the end of the first month of operation of the filter, a scum appears in the kettle

There are few differences between them, but by the majority of the voices of the filter users it was decided which was better: “Aquaphor” or “Barrier”. According to the results of the study, “Aquaphor” leads, followed by “Barrier” in second place.

In comparison, the “Barrier” or “Aquafor” filter, there are differences in the filling of cartridges. The “barrier” is saturated with ordinary activated carbon, and the “Aquaphor” contains filament fibers.

Water flow filters - the better they are

Another group that has the same components in the filter is a variety of nozzles for crane, the use of which is possible with almost all types of plumbing. Their advantages are in a low price, simplicity and compact size. True, there are drawbacks: water flows slowly through the filter (about 500 ml / min). The positive aspects are small sizes and low acquisition cost.

More effective water treatment is possible with flow filters. The system consists of special filters that are mounted under the sink. The degree of filtration for flasks is different, therefore, when one filter has already been exhausted, it must be changed without waiting for all the others. Water entering the first filter is cleaned mechanically, the components of the second filter disinfect it, and then dioxin, phenol are released from the water and remain in the filter.

Options for filters installed in apartments

Installation reverse osmosis systems has proven itself optimally. Among its advantages are maximum water purification, the presence of a storage tank for purified water and an additional membrane. A thin tap is discharged above the sink.

When choosing a water treatment product, you should adhere to specific conditions: cost, simplicity / complexity of care for them, and quality of treatment.

According to these data, we see that the reverse osmosis system offers the most reliable cleaning, the flow filter does a good job of cleaning the water and only the filter jug \u200b\u200bcleans the water slightly. Which is better: “Aquaphor” or “Barrier”? Most of the positive reviews for the first manufacturer due to the fact that the sorbing fiber "Aqualen" better retains bacteria than silver in the "Barrier".

Pure tap water

Treatment plants use chemicals to purify water from pathogens, viruses, pathogens, infections, but salts and impurities remain in the water that runs from the tap. Therefore, without additional purification, drinking it is highly not recommended.

Use water filters that seem more convenient to you, and be healthy!

According to the World Health Organization, 80% of all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur due to human consumption of poor-quality drinking water. Therefore, those who prefer to take care of their health prefer to install filters at home that allow them to clean drinking water   from dangerous impurities. This article will help answer the question, which is better - an aquaphor or a barrier? Which purification system to purchase and install it on a drinking water tap.

Features of cleaning systems

The offered assortment is huge, and to understand that only a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of different models will help. Modern water filters can be divided into two large groups:

  • Mobile systems.
  • Stationary devices.

Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, so it makes sense to get acquainted with the technical characteristics of each device.

Mobile systems

A mobile filter is good because it is inexpensive, if necessary, you can take it from a city apartment and transfer it to the country. The use of such filter elements does not require connection and professional installation. Water filtration is carried out by means of cartridges. They are installed inside plastic containers, similar to jugs. The design of the device fits perfectly into any stylistic concept of the kitchen.

Choosing this kind of filters, it is necessary to consider that they produce a small resource of water. Jugs allow you to filter just 0.4 liters per minute. At one time, it is possible to effectively clean a small volume of water. Store purified water for the future. Cleaning filters must be changed every three months.

Note! Experts say that the use of mobile systems is more efficient than the process of boiling water. When choosing in their favor, you need to consider the volume of the jug and the number of family members. And one more important circumstance. The composition of the cartridges is different. In order to choose the right filter, it is important to know the positions of which harmful substances are exceeded in the drinking water of each particular region. Ideally, before buying a jug and choosing a cartridge, make a water intake yourself and give it to the laboratory for research. Its results will allow you to get a detailed composition of the liquid and the answer to the question of which cartridges should be used to purify drinking water.

Stationary devices

Stationary devices - installations that allow you to purify water flowing in a continuous stream. There are several types of flow type filters on sale.

  • Desktop products - filters installed near the sink. They are connected to the tap and provide purification of running water.
  • Nozzles on the crane - compact devices. Used where it is not possible to install two other types of stationary models. A special nozzle is put on the crane. It plays the role of a containment barrier. Mobility and ease of installation are the main advantages of the described choice. Nozzles on the crane are inexpensive, but they are unable to provide a high degree of cleaning. The performance of the nozzles is also small (only 0.2 liters per minute). Experts recommend the use of such devices in order to purify water for cooking.
  • The filters under the sink are the most powerful and at the same time the most expensive of the above cleaning systems. It consists of several parts: a faucet installed next to the sink mixer, connecting hoses, the main body, in which filters are installed that provide several degrees of cleaning. The cartridge system can be assembled independently, collecting the system for a certain type of contamination. Such devices can eliminate rust, block chlorine molecules, they soften water and enrich it with fluorine.

Note! Filters under the sink can work on the principle of reverse osmosis. In this case, the membrane acts as a filter. It easily passes water molecules, while retaining the molecules of the most common impurities, as well as pathogenic bacteria.

Manufacturers claim that stationary filters are 99% effective. The average resource of one cartridge is 10,000 liters, on average one family consumes so much water per year. Once you have installed a similar installation, you can drink clean water at any time, prepare any amount of food from it.

The disadvantages include the complexity of installation, the inability to transfer the system after installation to another location. Filters themselves are quite expensive. However, numerous customer reviews suggest that high costs are fully justified. Health, because you can’t buy for any money.

Note! Filters operating by the reverse osmosis system, allow you to get water close to distilled. Therefore, it is advisable to additionally install a cartridge that allows the mineralization of already purified water. In this way, it is possible to prevent the leaching of beneficial trace elements from the body.

Manufacturers rating


Barrier is a Russian brand that produces a wide range of cleaning systems. Only filter jugs are presented in 13 versions. Some of them are compact in size, allowing you to put the jug in the refrigerator. Others have a useful option to indicate cartridge life. Still others have been specifically designed to provide children with clean drinking water. Such devices not only purify water, but also enrich it with the necessary trace elements. Eight types of cartridges are attached to the filters, six of them are designed taking into account the main problems associated with the quality of drinking water in Russia. Each cartridge has six layers of filtration, the resource of one cartridge is 350 liters. The combination of such technical characteristics allowed the described brand to take first place in the ranking of the best manufacturers.

There are “Barrier” products and flow systems. They are divided into three types:

  1. Trunk.
  2. Shower Heads.
  3. Multistage devices installed under the sink in the kitchen.

Standard three-stage filters are capable of capturing mechanical particles up to 5 microns in size. They are installed at the outlet of the main pipes so that they retain rust, sand, particles of layering. Main filters are able to retain molecules of chlorine, other harmful trace elements. Prices for Barrier products are more than affordable.

  The filter for a shower "BARRIER-COMFORT"

The company "Aquaphor" has been successfully present on the Russian market for 25 years and offers customers quite competitive products. She alone is able to compete with the market leader. In the proposed line there are several varieties of purification filters designed for filtration and tap water, and well and even a well. All of them provide a high degree of purification, which is confirmed by certificates of international organizations ISO. Many today ask themselves what is better to buy: a barrier or akvafor, which filter is better. Experts, answering it, pay attention to the almost complete coincidence of all technical indicators. However, there are slight differences in the products of manufacturers.

So, for example, the maximum resource of the filter jug \u200b\u200bfrom the company “Aquaphor” is only 300 liters, at the “Barrier” it is 350 liters. At the same time, the design of the Aquafor jug \u200b\u200bis less durable. If we compare prices, then they are approximately equal. Scrolling through customer reviews, you can find one more minus of using Aquaphor filters. Some models of reverse osmosis treatment systems have cartridges with different production times. This is not entirely convenient. Such trifles noticeably complicate the operation of flow-through cleaning systems. Given the proposed information, the dilemma of which filter is better is solved by itself.


The Geyser company is another domestic manufacturer. It produces both household and industrial filters. Among household models there are jugs, reverse osmosis systems, and filters installed under the sink. Many today, studying the proposed assortment, are forced to decide what to buy: a geyser or aquaphor - to say which is better - is definitely impossible. The products of all three brands have similar indicators, the brands of the first two are well-developed. Therefore, the geyser cannot compete with the leaders of the rating so far. To keep up with them, you need to offer something new, to develop completely new technologies for cleaning systems.

Topic Generalization

If it is necessary to purchase household cleaning systems, it is important to give preference to domestic manufacturers. Their products are manufactured taking into account the quality of tap water in Russia. Foreign analogues in this sense are not suitable for solving the indicated problems. Three domestic brands today offer a wide range of products that can meet the demands of different segments of the population. In the line there are products designed for the purification of drinking water, water from a well or wells.

You need to choose a model, taking into account several parameters. The most important is the working resource, the principle of operation, the volume of fluid produced. Each cartridge has its own personal task. One filter softens the water, the other provides additional mineralization, the third retains iron, chlorine. To meet the needs of one or two people, a jug is suitable, if there is a desire to supply clean drinking water to a family of five, it is better to think about purchasing a stationary cleaning system installed under the sink. But which manufacturer to give preference to (barrier, aquafore or geyser), you need to decide for yourself. If we discard subjective data, we can confidently say that the products of these brands have similar specifications, and the price of the products is about the same.

25.01.2010, 21:03

Dear forum users!


25.01.2010, 21:20

Yes, they are all basically the same. You need to look at removable cartridges, the convenience of replacing them, and the prevalence.
  And it happens that within walking distance there is nothing.

25.01.2010, 21:29

Dear forum users!
  Please tell me - which water filters are better to take - akafor, geyser, barrier? ..
  and how they differ, I looked - the characteristics seem to be the same, but the prices are different: 001:

25.01.2010, 22:11

I have "Aquaphor Crystal" is very pleased. Replaceable cartridges easily change. Sold by luck. Easy to install.
  I have enough cartridges for a year. I recommend to everyone.

1. Cool thing!

25.01.2010, 22:39

We have Akvafor "Favorite", very happy.

25.01.2010, 22:54

i have a geyser - happy for all 100

26.01.2010, 14:24

look at the “penguin” of Silver Water ... In general, you don’t need to change anything for a whole year ... + ionization, silvering ... I set everything automatically, set it, pressed the button for a predetermined time to set a specific capacity - it will dial and turn it off. We have been around for a long time - I am very pleased.

Need a socket under the sink.

26.01.2010, 14:31

Please tell me - which water filters are better to take - akafor, geyser, barrier?
  In addition to the price, practically nothing. Myself and mother-in-law bought a Geyser 3IV-suite. I connected it myself. I change cartridges once a year.

27.01.2010, 16:51

As a former filter consultant, I would recommend Aquaphor Crystal (price about 2500) or Favorite (about 5000 + a single stainless steel body and a lot of liters much more). Replacing the cartridges is simple, the water is tasty and clean! Of all the systems for the home, I consider them the best.

28.01.2010, 23:52

09.02.2011, 20:49

I want to buy a Geyser-bio for very hard water. Need user reviews.

09.02.2011, 21:15

And why "for very hard water", where will you get such water?

09.02.2011, 22:14

i have akvafor-satisfied

09.02.2011, 23:48

Thanks! And what is the difference between Vuyvfor Trio and Crystal?

Yes, too, almost nothing but the price :)
  I have a Trio, for three years now, we change cartridges once a year. Satisfied. Children, by the way, more like water from this tap than boiled.

Mrs. Pipkin

11.02.2011, 10:50

We have Aquafor Favorite. Satisfied. Do you drink water directly from the filter or after boiling? I somehow dumb raw drink. And in the instructions they do not say anywhere that you can drink it like that.

11.02.2011, 11:30

11.02.2011, 12:00

after using TRIO, FAVORITE switched to OSMO .... my husband, he’s like a litmus test, he checks all the water quality on himself ... while he’s finished and not sick, he drinks raw water, after the filter


11.02.2011, 13:31

we have Aquafor Trio. When they bought, they could not decide which one to take, his or an analogous Geyser.
  The consultant advised us to take Aquaphor, said that the Geyser makes the water type sterile (figuratively), and Aquaphor allows some natural bacteria to pass through the water (there is a difference in the filling of one of the cartridges, and the other 2 are the same). Maybe of course I lied, I did not check later. :)
  We drink raw and everything is fine, despite the fact that the husband reacts to bad water.

11.02.2011, 14:33


11.02.2011, 15:05

Here is what I found now:

  "Aquafor uses in its cartridges along with standard sorbents, such as pressed activated carbon, the special fiber substance Aqualen, which increases the cleaning efficiency.

Geyser in almost all models use a cartridge made of Aragon material. The Aragon cartridge can rightfully be called a multifunctional cartridge, since it performs the functions of three cartridges at once: 1) it retains mechanical particles up to 0.5 microns in size; 2) acts as a sorption cartridge, retaining up to 92% of active chlorine and up to 90% of microorganisms; 3) acts as an ion exchange cartridge, retaining up to 95% of heavy metals such as lead, zinc, cadmium "

This is what I had in mind :) The geyser, along with a deeper cleaning, delays the beneficial microorganisms and minerals. But here, each consumer has his own priorities of choice :)

11.02.2011, 18:23

See quote from Aquaphor website:

What is the difference between AKVAFOR filters and their analogues?

Thanks to the use of Aqualen fiber, AKVAFOR filters have the following practical advantages:
  remove organic impurities, heavy metals, chlorine and bacteria from water instantly and irreversibly,
  exclude the possibility of bacteria and contaminants entering the treated water even after the end of the filter life,
  beneficial mineral substances are not retained by Aqualen fiber and AKVAFOR filters.

The list is approximately similar to yours:

1) delays mechanical particles up to 0.5 microns in size; 2) acts as a sorption cartridge, retaining up to 92% of active chlorine and up to 90% of microorganisms; 3) acts as an ion exchange cartridge, retaining up to 95% of heavy metals such as lead, zinc, cadmium "

Well, again, what of the above would you like to get into your drinking water, if we say that the filter should not conduct a “deeper cleaning”? Sand (mechanical impurities)? Chlorine? E. coli or hepatitis virus? Heavy metals?

I suppose you don’t want to drink all this :)

This is what I had in mind the Geyser, along with a deeper cleaning, delays the beneficial microorganisms and minerals. But here, each consumer has his own choice priorities

What specific "beneficial microorganisms" do you want to drink? And why does Aquafor add silver to all cartridges in order to destroy microorganisms?

As for the "useful minerals", the chemistry of the action of most filters is based on removing harmful impurities and keeping calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc. in water.

It’s just that every manufacturer, when its products do not have significant advantages over competitors, tries to focus on some “unique” features of its products (which are supposedly absent in the products of other manufacturers), while the significance of these “miraculous” features is usually greatly exaggerated :) This sins and Geyser and Aquaphor and everyone else :)

Water filters with separate faucet AQUAFOR, GEYSER, BARRIER, NEW WATER. Which filter is better?

At present, several domestic manufacturers of water filters can be distinguished: Aquaphor, Geyser, Barrier, New Water. Buying household water filters, the buyer is faced with the problem of choosing which manufacturer to prefer and based on what criteria to make this choice ..

Household water filters with a separate faucet and 2, 3, 4 degrees of purification.
  This category of water filters is the most massive and several filter groups can be distinguished from it:

  • Filters for water with a normal level of hardness
  • High Water Filters
  • High Dissolved Iron Water Filters

We dwell separately on the number of cleaning steps. It makes sense to set a two-stage cleaning system only in the case of water with normal hardness.
  When considering a four-stage system, you should pay attention to the cartridges included in its composition. Manufacturers of these systems sin in that their cartridges are repeated within the composition of the system. For example, New Water filters, in particular, the E312 model has 4 cartridges and 5 cleaning stages: 1st combined cartridge - polypropylene + granular coal; 2nd cartridge - synthetic zeolite (to reduce the level of dissolved iron); 3rd cartridge granular coal; 4th cartridge - granular coal. As can be seen from the example of the three stages of purification, it is possible to exclude three stages with granular coal, replacing them with one and finally obtaining three stages of purification.
  The most optimal filter option is a three-stage water purification filter, we will dwell on their choice in more detail.

1 type of water. Tap water with a normal level of hardness.

Water Filters Aquaphor   can be conditionally divided into 2 parts: filters with standard sizes of cartridges and filters with cartridges, the size and design of which only Aquaphor water filters use. The advantage of a filter with standard size cartridges is that you can use cartridges from other manufacturers. In the case of cartridges with non-standard mounts and sizes, from the advantages we get a very convenient and quick process of replacing cartridges from the disadvantages, we get a strong attachment to the further use of cartridges of a particular manufacturer. Akvafor uses in its cartridges along with standard sorbents, such as, for example, pressed activated carbon, the special fiber substance Aqualen, with the help of which the cleaning efficiency is increased.


  • Aquaphor Trio (standard size cartridges B510-03, B510-02 and B510-07)
  • Aquaphor Crystal (special size cartridges and mounts K1-03, K1-02 and K1-07)
  • Akvafor Favorit (cartridge of the special size B150 "Favorite")

Geyser Water Filtersalmost all models use a cartridge made of Aragon material. The Aragon cartridge can rightfully be called a multifunctional cartridge, since it performs the functions of three cartridges at once: 1) it retains mechanical particles up to 0.5 microns in size; 2) acts as a sorption cartridge, retaining up to 92% of active chlorine and up to 90% of microorganisms; 3) acts as an ion-exchange cartridge, retaining up to 95% of heavy metals such as lead, zinc, cadmium.


  • Geyser 3IVZH luxury
  • Geyser 3IVZH elite

Water Filters Barrieroffer their customers the Barrier Profi Standapt filter, which includes three cartridges: mechanical; pressed coal - carbon block and granular carbon with cation exchange fiber.


  • Barrier Profi Standapt

Water Filters New Water
  In the list of filters of the company new water there are no three-stage filters for water with normal hardness. The simplest three-stage model E300 incorporates a water softener cartridge, respectively, is not suitable for this category.

2 type of water. High hardness water

Filters for water softening always include a cartridge with an ion-exchange resin, which removes excess calcium and magnesium salts from the water. For the normal operation of this cartridge, it is important that the water before it was cleaned of mechanical particles, chlorine and its compounds. Therefore, this cartridge is usually in the second stage.

Water Filters Aquaphor, namely, models with water softening have a lower efficiency of water purification from harmful impurities, compared with Aquaphor filters for water with a normal level of hardness. Let us explain our idea with a concrete example. Filters for water with a normal level of hardness Aquaphor Trio have the following cartridges in their composition: B510-03 - preliminary water treatment; B510-02 - basic cleaning and B510-07 - finishing cleaning. And water filters with a high level of hardness Aquaphor Trio emollients use cartridges: B510-03 - preliminary water treatment; B510-04 - water softening and B510-07 - finishing cleaning. Correspondingly, the main water treatment cartridge B510-02 was removed from the Aquaphor Trio softening from the composition, which makes it less effective compared to the Aquaphor Trio for normal water.

Geyser Water Filtersthey have an Aragon cartridge in their arsenal, which, as we noted above, can purify water from both mechanical particles and organochlorine. At the same time, water filters with a high level of hardness Geyser 3IVZ lux and water filters with a normal level of hardness Geyser 3IVZ lux have the same cleaning efficiency.


  • Geyser 3IVS lux (cartridges Aragon, BS (ion-exchange resin) and SHS (pressed activated carbon with the addition of silver))

Water Filters Barrierintroduces the Barrier Profi Hard filter, which includes three cartridges: mechanical cleaning; water softening; water purification using granular coal with the addition of cation exchange fibers. According to the manufacturer, the water softening cartridge has the technology byPass.We do not recommend using this filter for water purification in which chlorine and its compounds are present, since there is no chlorine purification of water in front of the softening cartridge.


  • Barrier Profi Hard

Water Filters New Waterhas in its assortment 2 filter models with water softening. At the same time, the E300 model has only a mechanical cartridge in front of the softening cartridge and, accordingly, can be used to purify water in which there is no chlorine and organochlorine compounds. The second model, the E310 filter has 4 cartridges: mechanical, extruded activated carbon, ion-exchange resin and granular carbon. At the same time, the presence of four cartridges by some sellers is given as an advantage, but in fact, where the Geyser or Aquaphor managed one cartridge, New Water had to use two with the same result at the finish. Do not forget that a larger number of cartridges leads to the fact that these water filters are inferior to competitors, since their price is much higher. At the same time, the cost of maintenance (replacing cartridges) during operation is also higher.


  • New water E310

3 type of water. Water with a high level of dissolved iron.
  Such water can come from a tap completely transparent, and nothing will produce a large amount of iron in its composition. But if we leave the water in an open vessel for 10 - 20 minutes, we will see that yellow-brown tones will begin to acquire in the water and a precipitate will begin to form in it. This is the result of the oxidation reaction of dissolved iron and its transition from an undissolved state to a dissolved one. Filters of water purification from iron in their composition necessarily have a cartridge that actively produces oxidation of iron and either itself or the cartridge following it collects already undissolved iron.
It should be noted that cartridge filters are effective for eliminating iron when its content is not more than 2 mg / l (Maximum iron content according to SANPIN standards is not more than 0.3 mg / l). At high levels of iron, special deferrization installations are used, the principle of operation, which is arranged completely differently.

Water Filters Aquaphor   in this category of filters do not have models for water with a high content of iron. Aquaphor has a WaterBoss main filter, which, being high-performance (capacity up to 1.2 m3 / hour) and expensive (from 50 thousand rubles), is not correctly compared with three-stage cartridge filters.

Geyser Water Filtershas in its assortment two filter models that successfully cope with the removal of dissolved iron. The difference between them is the size of the cartridges: the small size of the Slim Line is 10 inches, and the large size of the Big Blue is 20 inches (two times longer and two times thicker, respectively 4 times larger in volume)


  • Geyser 3K Suite

Water Filters Barrieroffers its customers a filter Barrier Profi Ferrum with cartridges: deferrization; softeners and granular carbon cartridge and cation exchange fiber. This filter is interesting in that it allows you to simultaneously fight with dissolved iron and with an increased level of stiffness.


  • Barrier Profi Ferrum

Water Filters New Waterhas in its assortment the E312 model, consisting of 4 cartridges. Gives a good result in eliminating dissolved iron. But due to the large number of cartridges of which the last two in composition duplicate each other, the price when buying and with further maintenance is higher than that of products from other manufacturers.


  • New water E312

Modern life makes people increasingly think about their health. Water is one of the sources of harmful microorganisms and salts entering the body. Therefore, its cleaning and disinfection is an effective prevention against many diseases transmitted through water. The modern market of aquafilters offers consumers products of many brands, where you can choose designs of different capacities, purposes, the principle of operation. Well-deserved attention of sellers and buyers is given to Aquaphor and Geyser filters. Therefore, to figure out which filter is better than a Geyser or Aquaphor, consider them comparative characteristics, principle of operation, active components, applied technologies.

Varieties of filters

The produced filters for water purification are divided into the following categories:

  • flowing;
  • trunk;
  • jug;
  • reverse osmosis.

When choosing a device for water purification, one must be guided by where the water is extracted from, what harmful components prevail in it, which water supply system will be integrated, etc.

Comparison of Aquaphor and Geyser filters


  • Pitchers are the simplest filters. They are compact and seemingly convenient to operate, however, they have significant drawbacks - shallow cleaning, periodic cartridge replacement is required. And this is both troublesome, and as a result not cheap. One cartridge is designed for 300 liters of water.
  • Flow filters preserve the natural composition of purified water. After testing the Geyser, a branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Siberia, it was confirmed that after purification, water helps to heal the body at the cellular level. And its constant consumption - dissolves sand and kidney stones. Water that has been cleaned with a Geyser flow filter is called “live”, its effect on the skin of the face when washed is like a cosmetic tonic.
  • Flowing filters, the Geyser presents in the form of: nozzles for the tap, desktop, under the sink and with an ultraviolet membrane.
  • Convenient, small nozzles on the crane, soften and purify hard water. One module is designed to purify 3 tons of water, the filter element is Aragon (removes calcium and magnesium salts, heavy metals, some viruses, including hepatitis A, it has a self-indication function).
  • Tabletops are distinguished by the presence of a filter - Aragon 2, inserts containing ion-exchange reagents for softening, and "Anti-scale." Such a filter is recommended for use in regions with hard water containing chlorine, organic compounds, heavy metals. The resource of Aragon 2 is 25 tons of water, this volume is reduced if the water is too polluted.
  •   with different levels of protection. The advantages of these devices will please their owners.
  • First of all, by simple installation of the filter under the sink (the kit contains everything necessary for fixing it).
  • Reliable leak-proof fittings for connection to the water supply.
  • The purifier is designed for hard and superhard water, models provide from two to four stages of purification. Almost all the filters that Geyser produces today include the process of disinfecting water from harmful microorganisms.
  • After purification, all the natural properties of water are preserved.
  • In rooms where two main pipes pass - hot and cold water, filters are installed individually for each. Do not apply for hot. Most disposable, non-recoverable. An exception is the universal refillable cartridge Aragon 3, used for cold and hot water.
  • If you need to get perfectly pure water, then the Prestige series is precisely those filters that are capable of performing such complex work. Thanks to a process such as osmosis, the liquid gets rid of various impurities, and the latest Desal development, used by Geyser, a membrane with an additional protective layer, purifies water at the molecular level. This is how water disinfection is achieved. Such a cleaning process, completely eliminates water from trace elements, even useful ones.
  • In reverse osmosis systems, a mineralizer is used that saturates water with the required amount of minerals and returns a natural composition similar to melt or spring. Such water can be consumed without boiling.
  • Filters of this series are installed under the sink. The set comes with a storage tank (up to 12 l for different models), which contains purified water. It is replenished automatically, as the flow of water from the tank. The coconut charcoal post-filter, which is installed at the outlet of the tank, gives a pleasant taste to the liquid.
  • If you are interested in filters that would purify water not only for drinking and cooking, the Geyser in this case will also offer the so-called home-based cleaners.


  •   offers filters of two types of water treatment: sorption flow and reverse osmosis.
  • Thanks to the company’s own development used in filters, Aqualen fibers, water is freed from heavy metals, unpleasant odors and smacks. All other qualities depend on the cartridges used in the filters.
  • For example, the use of nanotechnology in a hollow fiber membrane allows perfection of fluid purification.
  • So, with the help of a hollow membrane, water is purified and disinfected, harmful microorganisms, bacteria, lamblia cysts, microparticles of colloidal iron are removed.
  • After cleaning through such a filter, water is used to prepare food for children, people suffering from allergies, weakened immune systems, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The propylene cartridge will cope with sand, silt, rust, pre-cleaning. Deep cleaning is carried out in Aquaphor Trio Norma using the Aqualen sorbent. In addition, heavy metals, active chlorine, and harmful substances are removed. Used for soft water.
  • Softening hard water, destroying pathogens, saturating purified water with minerals - Aquaphor filters can handle all this.
  • Modules supplied mechanical cleaning, post-treatment, requiring maintenance with a replacement once every six months; a module with a deep cleaning and softening cartridge changes after two years; final purification module (annual replacement).

What is better for washing Geyser and Aquaphor? Based on the comparative analysis, it can be concluded that both companies produce high-quality, highly praised products that are demanded in the market. To decide whose products to choose is up to the consumer. When determining the model, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the water before treatment, the performance of the device, the frequency of module replacement, the depth of treatment, the cost of filters. In any case, the choice of products of these brands will not disappoint. There are questions left - call us, we will help you make the best choice.

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