Elizabeth Dahl: a brief biography, personal life, the cause of death. Oleg Dal: Biography, Personal Life, Wife, Children, Cause Of Death - Photo Lisa Eikenbaum Biography Personal Life Children

"It's so hard to live with him!" - spoke about Dahl Colleagues. To which his wife Lisa replied always novel: "Nothing like that!" She always called Dahl "the biggest gift of fate." He loved him so much that he looked at all his eyes, lived him. And when the actor died, as if she had died with him.
For the first time Lisa saw it on the screen. "Even before acquaintance with Oleg, when I just looked at his cinema, he struck me with some kind of substitution," the actress recalled. She saw Oleg Daly on the filming of the film "King Lire". He played the jester. And Lisa worked in the mounting workshop on Lenfilm.

Before her eyes often flashed eminent actors, but, knowing their light temper, she clearly lifted himself on the nose: "Never fall in love with the actors." But how it happens in life: then what run, sooner or later we catch up. Elizabeth Eikenbaum loved artist - Oleg Dalya. I loved, feeling and taking in it that others - his colleagues, relatives, close, - maybe they could not or did not want to see in this man fully: tenderness, sensitivity, vulnerability, defenselessness ... "Man without leather", - said his beloved Elizabeth Dal.

Together they lived ten difficult, tragic and happy years, in which it was all: joy and peace, quarrels and resentments, meetings and parting ... to be the wife of a talented artist is always not easy, especially the artist of such a warehouse as Oleg Dal.

Do not fall in love!
Once in the noisy Estonian restaurant of Narva, where among the stalls of glasses with champagne and loud toasts, Lisa celebrated its 32nd birthday, she met Dalem. It was not a fateful meeting. On the contrary - love at first glance did not happen. But Lisa as if fate pushed the invisible hand to him.
And where did this courage come from, to declare him, hardly familiar to the person, the famous actor: "Come to me in Leningrad, I will show you what happiness is." And then he was surprised herself. Why did she suddenly say these words? Where did she have had confidence that she could create a family family, home happiness for this? However, everything is happening.

He came. In Leningrad, after filming the picture, they met again. By that time, Liza had another worker, and Gal, though reluctantly, had to compete with him. Once, Oleg came to Lisa home just when she was sitting by the cavalier. There was a confusion. We had to sit in the threesome: men seemed to be invisible struggle - "who will overcome whom." As a result, they went together.

Going away from the house a few meters, the distance went to the telephone booth and called Lisa. She said only one word that solved everything for them: "Come." Dal came and stayed at night. And in the morning I asked Lisa to wake her mother to ask her daughter's hands. After receiving agreement, after an hour, he flew on joy on tour to Uzbekistan.

When they met each other, both behind the shoulders were already experience family life. Dal half a year he lived in marriage with Tatiana Lavova, Elizabeth four years of life gave the famous film director Leonid Queenihidze. But two of these marriage united one thing - they were "bugs of youth." Or maybe just the necessary step towards each other ...

On November 27, 1970, the young walked the wedding in Leningrad. After the registry office, how good, went to the ice cream cafe, drank champagne. And on the certificate of marriage, the distance squeezedly wrote: "Oleg + Lisa \u003d love." On the honeymoon they gave them only three days. But ahead was waiting for 10 years of unshakable happiness.
Almost ... The acting profession is associated with colossal emotional overloads, a bottle comes to the rescue. Dahl began drinking. They fought together with this problem. Lisa understood that if he does not help, he would simply be left alone with his misfortune. She became for her husband that fortress in which he always needed. He knew that in whatever condition came home, the wife would accept and support him.
A woman designed to him by fate, loved not "Contrary to something" and not "for something," she just loved and was happy because her love was mutual. The years lived with Dalem, Elizabeth considered "the biggest gift of fate."

Two years later, the family moved from Leningrad to Moscow. Initially, the threesome, with Mom Lisa, juts in a tiny cramped Khrushchev. Then the distance passed from the "contemporary" to the theater on the Malaya Bronnaya, and the director of the theater helped the actor with the new housing. The whole family was moved to a chic four-room apartment.

In the company of two favorite ladies (Dal adored his mother-in-law) Oleg lived warm and cozy. At home, he was jokingly called his women "Kangaroo" - due to the fact that they had to carry heavy bags from the store.

The distance was against Lisa worked, he really appreciated the home comfort. WHEN he loved to repeat the same phrase: "When you serve me, you bring more cinematography benefits than sitting at the mounting table. There you can replace. "
Oleg Dal loved his spouse. There was something from the love of the parent, when moms and dads are proud of their children. Once, representing the wife of the Rolan Bykov's wife, Dal proudly and significantly said: "Lisa Eikenbaum, she is a description of Apraksina, she is now - Dal."

He as if he felt that he had quite a bit. Therefore, I wanted Lisa to spend as much time with him. She also thanked God for every day, lived with him. Even when the distance in the theater played stray old people, Lisa felt: to the old age he was not destined to live.

... March 3, 1981 Oleg Dal left his life - a heart stopped in a dream. In her diary, which the artist led from 1971 and never showed anyone, the wife read only after his death - he anticipated his care.

Elizabeth never tried to reiterate his personal life. She survived her husband for twenty-two years. Until the birthday of Oleg Dal Widow did not live just five days ...

Victor Close has a story ... "Artist" is called.
I can not read it without tears ... Oleg is dedicated.
So, his story ends with words from the letter of his wife Oleg:

"Orphaned our native neighbor!
I remember how to your unlocked door
He came to your male advice.
The soul happens and now with you.
Opened to her the road.
You say that I love it,
Like the souls love God.
Find words -
I don't know them now
Always loved it
As a woman's female. "

Twenty years ago, Oleg Daly did not become. The Small Theater, where he switched to the last year of life, Him His honored with all the honors would be accomplished by the People's Artist of the USSR, although he had no ranks. He did not like being photographed, give an interview. He was independent and partly even old-fashioned. Dal played about forty roles in films. Among them - "My younger brother", "First Trolleybus", "Chronicle of the Picking Bomber", "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha", "Old, Old Tale", "King Lear", "Shadow", "Omega version" , "Vacation in September", "The Adventures of Prince Florizel" ... "On Him" \u200b\u200bwent to the "contemporary" and to the theater on a small armor, in a small academic theater.o, with his life with Oleg, which is difficult about the heavy and confused life of which Much of the first and unprecedented, now his widow of Elizabeth Dal. This is her eyes, her memory ...

My childhood and youth passed in the house on the Griboedov Canal. Writing families lived on the upper floors, the lower were given to the proletarians, "says Elizabeth Alekseevna. "To grandfather, Professor of Philology Boris Eikenbaum, Schwartz, Zoshchenko, Tynyanov, Olga Berggolts, Yuri Herman, Artist Igor Gorbachev and many others. I, in order not to give "writer bitch and sterré" (the inhabitants of the proletarian floors called us), he was friends with the sword and drove the courtyard "authorities" home. The grandfather was in shock, "guarded" me Mishe Kozakov (his family lived on our landing), who was over for several years older than me. In Misha, an extraordinarily beautiful and intelligent, all our women's school was in love, and I "suffered" by Spane Vitka Losev, nickname.
- It was the first love?
- Rather, timid premonitions, expectations of love. Even later, when the first female passion was awakened to a man, love, as I understood later, was not yet. Somehow, on one of our homemade gatherings, Israel Metter, the author of the script of the film "To me, Mukhtar!", Who heard the famous heart, invited me to the dance. He was then 45, I am 15. We began to meet. Mom, having learned about our not a platonic relationship, scratched the "seducer" face. I got a meter and from Misha Kozakova, Viktor Shklovsky, and the Union of Writers, condemning, and at all "exiled" him in Kaluga.
- You have not rushed after?
- Not. We met later, and I am grateful that the metter turned out to be an experienced lover: after him, I did not feel a disgust for sex ... Although in three years, when I decided to marry my peer of Lenya Queinikhidze, inspired interrogations were quite a lot. I did not hide anything. We lived together for three years and diverged friends. Without fans, I did not stay and once visited the guest with Joseph Brodsky's Leningrad Poetic Poetic Circles. We have tangled all evening, and he appointed a date. Drove me along the Petropavlovsk fortress and read the poems indispensable. Saying good, invited to meet in the nearest midnight and ride a bike. I remember when he saw him with a bike under the windows, he discarded for a long time from a risky rendezvo along the night city. Finally Brodsky rose to us and read on the balcony until the morning, again, poems. There was something like a romance between us: I knew that he had a woman, later she gave him a boy and immediately went to another. Brodsky became acquainted with her son, already being a Nobel laureate, and there was no special feelings between them. And then, on the horizon, Sergey Dovlatov appeared on the horizon, unusually beautiful and affectionate.
- As far as I know, it is to the "Dovlatovsky" period and your acquaintance with Oleg Dale?
- Grigory Kozintsev took me by the editor to his film "King Lire". In one day, together with the film crew, I left in Ust-Narva, where I saw in the mounting Oleg, playing the jester in this picture. He was so touching: thin, it seemed to transparency. With shaved for a head, with a short "hedgehog" specially painted yellow hair. But Oleg then just did not notice.
On August 19, I invited friends to celebrate my birthday in the restaurant, where I accidentally ran to dine and Oleg. I saw us, came up. From the restaurant, we came out together, walked around the city for a long time, and the hotel would say goodbye. In the morning, going to the hall, I stumbled on the body lying on the carpet - Oleg! For all attempts to raise it, he ridicked him ridiculously and shouted: "This is my street!". Still, I managed to put it on my feet, and we literally completed the room. I remember, lil, hovering some kind of unconscious sadness, rain. Oleg rubbed, began to sing my songs. We didn't start any special relationships. Soon he went to Moscow and invited goodbye to visit.
In one of the weekends I came to the capital and called the "contemporary" where he worked. He was called to the phone, and I say to the phone: "Oleg, Hello, this is Lisa." In response, evil, irritated: "What else is Lisa?!" On the same day I returned to Leningrad. Only later found out: if Oleg is busy in the theater, nothing and no one exists for him. A few days later he came to Lenfilm and having met me in the studio, rushed towards such a joyful smile that I immediately forgot about recent offense.
- How did he make you an offer?
- Daleevsky peculiar. In one of the evenings and the distance, both were both visiting. We stayed late in the kitchen, drank vodka, talked. And suddenly it came to me: each of them tries to reset each other. Staying both, whispered Gal, so that he would certainly returned and regretted said: He would have seen his angry face! In everything straight, decent, he did not tolerate and hint at the trick, lie ... That night he was left with us, but at dawn woke me and mom to officially ask her hand. For us it was sufficiently unexpected, although I must say: if a man remained a night, it meant that I was in love with him.
I did not strive for family life - what? Oleg thought on this expense otherwise: "in our country it is necessary to live by law. Without a stamp - you will be everywhere with me - we can not do." But there was no wedding: the ordinary registration of marriage in the registry office with the issuance of the testimony, which Oleg, according to the regulations, spoiled, writing on the stationery: "Oleg + Lisa \u003d Love." Then we went to the ice cream cafe, drank champagne. Honeymoon - just three days (Oleg has been touring), but they were among the happiest in my life.
Then ... Then Oleg washed again in black. In this state, his robbed, beaten, taken into the detox. And at home, he turned into a beast: how many times I flew off from him!
After one of these bright swallows, which happened during the tour of the Leningrad Lenkom (Oleg worked there in the 1972 season) in Gorky, I barely escaped from his hands. I went to Leningrad. And a few days later, the girls with Lenfilm delivered it to our home and lean against the wall of the staircase. My mother and I thought that he was drunk in the insole, tried to put into bed, but they felt something wrong with him, so it turned out - Oleg had a heavy inflammation of the lungs, the thermometer literally shook, but "ambulance" refused to come, Recommending the morning to call a precinct doctor. For a week, he silently lay down face to the wall. This disease threw his lungs. However, not only lungs. Oleg again became unbearable, and somehow my mother offered him to go to Moscow. Dial 25 rubles on the road. The next morning he left very beautiful: in the bath brought a dazzling shine and, very elegant, went to our kitchen: "Well, I drove. Can I leave the keys to the apartment?"
"You can," he heard in response. I barely restrained not to rush after him. We broke up in mid-March, and on April 1, he called and said that now everything will be fine: he sewed for two years. "This is not a reason for primary jokes!" - I answered sharply. Another day he arrived, turned back to me, the pants lowered and showed a patch from the sewn "torpedoes". And asked: "Now believe?" From this point on, a completely new family life began.
- Did your friends visited you?
- "Moore mine and my trouble - from my friends. Just now I understand it. Again in practice - experience. Not in my head, but in the heart. Do not adapt, not to displacing. Contact inside - there is my power, my land promised. The case is my fortress. Do not close anyone. I am - the owner! I am a slave! .. "This diary record was made by Oleg at the beginning of the 70s and says a lot. I think Oleg has no real friends. Although some argue that in last years Dal's life spoke about his friendship with the late Vladimir Vysotsky, Vladislav Nerdhazkim, others themselves rank themselves to his friends ... loved Oleg Nikolaevich Efremova, with whom he began to artistic career, but they also were not friends. Oleg so painfully worried, as he spoke in home conversations, "the betrayal of the Efremov" Contemporary ", which once, being with him in one plane, asked:" Oleg Nikolaevich, why didn't you be shot? "
With Efremov, personal, offensive for Dahl history was connected. Having come to the "contemporary", he married Nina Doroshina, with whom he starred in the film "First Trolleybus". She "consisted in connection with Efremov, and when the feelings arose between Oleg and Nina, Dahl experienced that" took away his favorite from his idol. " And the "idol" at their wedding, being in a good impulse, offered the bride to sit on his knees. I do not know if this act of Efremova broke something in Oleg, and maybe the atmosphere itself in the "contemporary", which you can't call the sober, but after the wedding, the distance began to fit well to the bottle ... In addition, the marriage of happiness did not bring happiness: They've divorced...
Then Oleg married Tatiana Lavrov. Soon it turned out that they, according to Oleg, "are not suitable for each other." Probably, all this bitter experience "friendship and love" forced Oleg at all his vulnerability (he was a "man without skin") to loneliness outside the walls of our homely hearth. He failed us, fearing "blurring" with what he himself suffered from immensely and - slowly died. Therefore, no "friendship houses" was not with anyone. Yes, I did not need anyone.
When Oleg appeared in my life, I had the meaning of existence in my house. He was the first to understand, appreciated and accepted my home. Moreover, he began to cultivate this female quality in me and achieved the fact that I imperceptibly mastered the profession "The wife of the artist, who is difficult." Oleg himself, once not a very homework, loved our apartment in a high-rise building in the garden. I remember how I bought a vacuum cleaner, which was absolutely not like him. And Shklovsky remarkably noticed: "Diplik brought a vacuum cleaner into the house?! Liza, congratulations: this is a faithful sign of settling a man."
- The birth of a child is a deep incentive for life. You did not want a kid?
"It didn't work ... I decided to take a child from the orphanage, but we were dissuaded from this step.
- Tell me, what can be explained by its transitions from the theater to the theater, the refusal to shoot in the ribbons of famous masters?
"Someone said very exactly:" Oleg was sick of the most beautiful and tragic disease - mania of perfection. " And perfection does not tolerate dictates, betrayal ... He left the "contemporary" when the theater was preparing for the production of the "Cherry Garden". He was offered the role of Petit Trofimov, but he otherwise thought about his place in this production and stated that I would not play Petya. He was not suggested another role, and Oleg left the "contemporary". In his diary records, the phrase "of fundamental considerations" is often encountered. So, he really did not receive his principles.
Anatoly Efros, inviting him to the theater on a small armor, promised the role of Picols, which he dreamed about. But they went "Games", and Oleg got the role of Student Belyaev in the "Month in the village" in Turgenev. Then there were the rehearsals of the performances of the "continuation of Don Juan", "Lunin, or the death of Jacques," during which Epros, without warning anyone, including Oleg, went to the United States. But in the contract it was directly stated that the distance would play in performances supplied by Epros. Deceived, Oleg no longer believed that Epros would really ever give him the roles of which he was dreaming. From the "fundamental considerations" he refused to be filmed in the tapes of famous cinema figures, if he saw that the proposed role was not him.
- How did he relate to his glory?
- He sometimes joked that she dreams of a corpuscle to ride in Moscow and that no one recognized him. He walked on the streets in a capped cap. At one of the creative evenings, he was mistakenly called the people's artist - and Oleg, going to the stage, parry: "A small error came out: I was called people, and I rather, rather foreign artist." He has only one, and then the posthumous award for the television film: a heavy and incompetent Crystal Cup.
- What unlaught roles did he particularly regret?
- As for non-relocated acting dreams, they, of course, had. He dreamed of playing Podskolovin, Klezlekova, Hamlet ... There were roles for which he was not approved for incomprehensible reasons. This concerns, for example, the role of Petit Rostov in the film "War and Peace". Oleg, remembering this, missed himself: "Too good. A suitable company was not found - that's not taken ..."
It was the same with the role of Theodoro in the film director Yana Frida "Dog on Seine". Oleg I was not surprised: why, in fact, it seems to come from all this data? Then it turned out, Margarita Terekhova plays the main role, the relationship with which Oleg had ice, so they decided: that God either makes everything for the better ... There was a drama that he dreamed of incarnation, so he entered the highest directorial courses. He, thinking about new works, did not want to go on the rolled rails. Therefore, the protest, who was sometimes strange, on whose look, forms. So, on the play "Valentin and Valentina", where he played Guseva, sat down on the edge of the scene and asked the audience to see. Of course, the scandal followed, analysis at the general meeting of the troupe, reprimand ... And Oleg was simply filled with unrealized internal energy, the desire for independence, freedom ...
- How was your life after the death of her husband?
"We and Olya, as he called his mother-in-law, died with him." They had amazing relationships. Therefore, Olya asked her dust to dispel over the grave of Oleg. What I did ...

Oleg Dal: Biography, personal life and children of this famous actor are still interested in the public, despite the fact that there is no longer alive.

Oleg Dal became the legend of domestic cinema, although he lived relatively short life. Most young spectators, he is familiar to the fairy tales "like Ivanushka-fool for a miracle" or "old, old fairy tale."

Oleg Dal.

The actor has lived a bright life, was an emotional and sensitive person who did not play a role, and reincarnated in his characters. His constant walking on the verge of led him to early death: Dal died in 1981 for the fortieth year of life. The biography of the artist is replete with many interesting stories About Oleg Dalo, but the family and children were always for him in the second plan.

Oleg Dahl: R. Annia

Oleg Dal was born in Moscow on May 25, 1941, in his family he became the first actor. Mom of the future movie star worked at school, Dad was an engineer at a transport enterprise related to rail transportation. The decision of Oleg to become an actor in the family was perceived negatively. Father did not doubt his failure. But the Dal Jr. could not refuse his dream and entered the Higher Theater School named after M. Shchepkin.

Oleg Dal in childhood

As a child, the actor soldered and seemed to be a path in the profession of ordered with such a defect. But the adoptive commission reviewed the natural gift for reincarnation in it, and from the second monologue on the exam, he was adopted.

Oleg Dalla biography is such that he managed to achieve heights in his profession, became a popular and famous actor, questions about how his personal life had developed, whether he had children, they suffer from one generation of his fans.

Oleg Dahl: School years

First Roles, First Marriages

Oleg Dal was creative, rolling in kind. His sensitive soul could not reconcile with many injustices of life. For this reason, he left, clapping the doors, from many projects. Because of this, personal life in the biography of Oleg Dalya is mentioned little, and there are no photos of children. The distance died childless. And the first of his families did not last long.

The first filmmaster of the actor was the film "My younger brother", released on screens in 1962. And in 1963 he married Actress Nina Doroshina. She is known to the audience for the role of his wife's wrong husband in the comedy Vladimir Menshov "Love and Pigeons".

Oleg Dahl in youth

Nina in his youth seemed windy special. She was in love with Oleg Efremov. And right at the wedding allowed himself a pretty frank flirt with her boyfriend. It seems that all this idea with marriage was needed almost to film her lover.

Oleg Dahl was very vulnerable and humiliated with such an attitude: personal life was not delivered, the photo of a happy wife and children did not decorate his biography. With Doroshina, he divorced lightning, and tried not to remember his shame.

Oleg Dal and Vladimir Vysotsky

The second marriage with the actress Tatiana Lavrov was waiting for a similar fate. Oleg did not like to talk about him, only casually mentioned that the second spouse was a rather aggressive and evil woman. They managed to live together just six months.

True Love and National Glory

Not in vain say: behind the back of each successful man stands strong, strong woman. True, this or error - everyone judges himself. But in the biography of Oleg Dal, the coolest turn occurred when he met a woman named Lisa Eikenbaum, a personal life with which he finally got better, they even had joint children in their plans. But this was not set. But the career of the artist went uphill when he found the one that became his support, took it with vices and disadvantages. And they had in abundance.

Oleg Dal in the film "A man who doubts"

Dahl was a difficult person. It was necessary to love him very much to be able to live with him for 11 years, as Elizabeth did. The actor did not tolerate lizobudsship and mediocreness, injustice and imperfection. And in the theatrical environment where he worked a lot, all this was in excess. A sensitive person was difficult to make their way in an environment where intrigue and envy rule the ball. In addition, Oleg was generous, he could give the last shirt to the enemy.

And he also drank a lot, which made life with him sometimes unbearable. To combat this vice, the actor used special ampoules: "Sew." But it helped for a while - for 2-3 years, after which he fell off and went out again.

Frame from the movie "King Lire"

The biography of Oleg Dalya, despite the stormy personal life, does not have such an item as "children." It seems to him they were not needed. And his third spouse was completed with the fact that their marriage remains childless.

A truly famous distance woke up after entering the hire "Chronicle of the Picking Bomber" (1967), and in the film "King Lire" (1970) he played a jester. Elizabeth Eikenbaum (in Maiden - Apraksin) worked in a project by editor. So they met, after which they got married pretty quickly.

Oleg Dahl in the movie Chronicle of the Pib Bomber "

The first years of married life with Elizabeth were not easy for her: the distance drank himself, and nothing helped him to cope with their victim. In the films, the director tried to put him back to the camera so that there was no seamless face. But the career in the theater suffered even more.

Lisa assures that she adored her husband. Despite some flaws, he was a real prince. Romantic, kind, generous. He could appear on a spontaneous date not called, with a huge bouquet of roses. Or come to a meeting on a police car.

Frame from the film "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha"

The spouses tried to have a child, but it did not succeed. They even considered the question of the adoption of the kid. But I did not dare to it. In Soviet times, it was such a cramole that for the sake of desire to take into the family of a child from the shelter they would have to go out into the outback for a year so that from there it would come back as if with her baby. Despite the spirit of adventurism, the actor did not dare to this act.

Big Baby: Why Dalka love schoolchildren

The actor had a tendency to spontaneous, sometimes and outrageous actions. His spouse Elizabeth Dal recalled him as a big child.

Many journalists tried to write the biography of Oleg Dalya, because of what they were treated for advice and memoirs to Elizabeth, especially interested in his personal life. But the children in it were present only on video: in some projects he starred with young actors. After all, Dalle, many remember exactly for childhood fairy tale films. Because of these projects, the actors even recognize modern schoolchildren.

Full Oleg Dal loved many schoolchildren

Unfortunately, such qualities as naivety and excessive emotionality are not very valued in the cinema. Dale often refused the roles, and for sharp statements to the leadership and the government, it was even poisoned.

Oleg for a long time was not an exit person. During the border it was not allowed. And he was particularly insulting to realize this when theatrical troupe was sent to foreign tour, and he was replaced by some more convicted dubler.

Oleg Dahl on the theater scene

Elizabeth Dal, the third spouse of the actor, believes that many flaws were attributed to him from envy. Rumors about his passion of alcohol were exaggerated. In the last years of life, he managed to take control over this whip. But endless stress, persecution and persecution fell his health.

Frame from the movie "Can't Be

Daly from childhood was a very weak heart. For this reason, he could not become a pilot of an airplane or submariner, although he dreamed of these professions at school. In actors with such a disadvantage, they take, but, as it turned out, in this area the patient heart can lead to very early death.

The actor's wife believes that he died from a heart attack, which happened to him in a dream. At that time, the distance was in Kiev on tour. Death came on March 5, 1981. Elizabeth survived the spouse for 20 years, but never managed to find anyone who managed to replace him.

Oleg Dal died of alcohol dependence

History of Great Love

Oleg Dalya's biography, his whole personal life and not even born, but such desired children are evidence of huge, unearthly love. The actor was a complex person, direct, sharp, uncompromising. The two first spouses escaped from him, laying her head. Marriage with each of them did not last and years. And only Elizabeth Dahl, in the Maiden of Apraksina, and by Grandfather Eikenbaum, managed to get along with this not easy in character of the genius.

Oleg did not like gossip and speculation, did not let journalists and foreign people in a personal life. His house was closed for theatrical Beaumda, although due to the addiction of the actor to alcohol, sometimes there were noisy campaigns of people whom both spouses could not be called. These comrades appeared only at the moments of Oleg Rosov, and then disappeared to the following such incidents.

Oleg Dal with his wife Liza

Lisa and was at all a man-called, nonpun. So there is little about their family life. Although after the death of Dahl Elizabeth gave a few touching interviews in which he told a lot from the history of their relations. She modestly silent about the fact that their family was built on her patience and great love. Lisa loved her husband just like that, contrary to everything. She managed to survive his rugs, and still knew how to leave him alone.

Having made a complicated exchange, the family settled in a large apartment on Smolensk Boulevard. There, Oleg had his own office, in which he could not let his wife's week. He needed a large individual space, the feeling of freedom of creativity. And Lisa gave him this, without reproaching anything.

Dal at the same time was not a worn person. He spoiled his wife and baskets of flowers, and unexpected gifts. And generally showed attention to which she recalled later for many years. So, he could arrange a surprise on his birthday, forcing the room with buckets with bouquets of roses. And even if Lisa thought he forgot about her date, he was not disappointed.

Oleg Dahl in the film "Land Sannikova"

Despite the fact that Oleg was a closed man who did not let anyone else, he knew how to take care of his loved ones. And he was not hesitated to show them the warmest feelings.

Elizabeth became for Oleg Muse, which supports him in all creative affairs. For the sake of the spouse, she even threw a job to serve a genius that was completely helpless in practical questions. Daly Many considered undervalued.

And he himself in a joke called himself a "foreign" artist: his thrust prevented him in the theater and in the cinema. Some directors considered it a capricious and disbelief. Despite the nationwide love, which was at the artist in the early 1970s, he rarely starred.

The actor played the main roles in the legendary films

When the distance left his life, Elizabeth had to be not easy. She had to take care of two older women - her mother and mother-in-law. And she got a job again, although after a long break career was difficult to do.

Due to excessive closedness, Oleg Dahl made many actions that surrounding never understood. He slammed the door, refused to go on stage or arranged unexpected improvisations there right during performances, putting into an uncomfortable position of other actors.

Legendary actor Oleg Dahl: last years of life

And only the faithful wife understood his tricks, realizing what pain because of the awareness of the imperfection of the world and the whole mankind lies behind them. The beloved woman of the great actor was also ready to support him and in the creative choice.

The distance was ready to starve, but thrown into the basket all the scenarios in which he was offered the role of pompous officials or party bons.

Tomb of Oleg Daly and his wife

Maybe, so everyone considers it to be talent that he did not agree to the passing scenarios and not memorable roles? Neither he nor his spouse regretted such uncompromising, because of what Dal and became the legend of domestic cinema.

The last wife of Oleg Daly Elizaveta Eikenbaum (nee Apraksina) was born in 1937 (died in 2003). She was the granddaughter of the famous Leningrad scientist literary critic Boris Mikhailovich Eikenbaum, lived in the same house with Anna Akhmatova. Olga Borisovna Mama Apraksina (1912-1999) was the wife of the theater artist Alexei Apraksin (1901-1941). Father Lisa died of hunger in a blockade Leningrad.

Acquaintance and future husband and life with a great actor

Elizabeth Eikenbaum met his future husband on August 19, 1969 in the restaurant of the city of Narva, in which he celebrated his 32nd year of birth. It was during the filming of the "King Lira" of the famous director Grigory Mikhailovich Korintsev. The great master was the friend of her grandfather, was in the family, so the communication of a young woman with a director on the court was fairly free. Lisa then worked as an assistant of the Montager, and with the actor rushed like a nanny: fed, watched him not tired. But the novel on the "King Lira" did not have any. Just Lisa, laughing, invited Oleg to himself in Leningrad. And he arrived ... But not quite on time. Just at this time, Elizabeth met with Sergey Dovlatov, then I also served as secretary of the famous writer of faith Panova. That evening he sat at home in Lisa. Oleg called, asked if it was possible to come. And two men tried to win the location of the beloved woman all evening. And she called Oleg to the hallway, offered him to leave together with Sergey, and after returning. He did not like it terribly, he did not love and did not know the sickness. But he came ... And early in the morning he had to urgently go to the airport - he flew to the next tour ... Before leaving Oleg, I asked to wake lysine Mom, and said that he wanted to ask her the hands of Lisa. It was in May 1970, and on November 27 of the same year, they have already officially become husband and wife. Lisa said she was not going to change his surname, but in the registry office, Oleg looked at her strictly and all shine like a little child when she paused and agreed to become a distance ...

She tried to please him in all, in their house there was always the perfect order, because Oleg was extremely pedantic. Elizabeth never engaged in the wedding, and after became an ideal mistress.

Female patience did not have enough

They lived together for 10 years ... And it ended all December 31, 1980. Lisa waited for her husband in the stairwell on the stairs. And when the elevator opened, Oleg was just falling out - he was so drunk. Prone to the famous actor to alcohol and earlier became the cause of marital disorders. Even strange, Oleg, like Lisa, hated feast, he had no friends. But, nevertheless, people constantly gathered in their house, drank, complained to each other for their problems, not understanding how and how to help. Lisa put a mug behind the flower and merged there everything was poured, and the rest drank, for the evening a mug was filled. The distance was encoded, leaving his head, she always said goodbye, loved and hoped. But the pre-New Year Surprise turned out to be the very last drop in her female patience.

She was so bigger and not married. The money accumulated with Oleg quickly ended. The year of the widow of the famous actor lived together with his mom and mother-in-law into two pensions. I could not find a job in the specialty. But she was still able to settle in the "Universityport Film". Years of a long break, and the usual craft Elizabeth Dal had to be developed again - then an improved, 16-mm film appeared on the studio. But she could less than a year later to lead the Sound Department.

Recent years brought her a lot of tests: in 1999, Mom leaves the life - the most close person, then I had to endure clinical death. But the main pain remained there, twenty years ago, when they buried him, and with her and that Lisa, who was 10 years old with him. "Now I think not about myself, but about Lisa and Oleg. He did me, but he took me. " (E. Dal)

Oleg Dal is an ambiguous and bright figure in cinematography, which his talent has drowned with many fans, but with his behavior on the stage withdrew his colleagues. He spoke about how much good, so much bad.

It was a man of extremes, nevertheless his direct character achieved a lot in his career. He was forgiven as a popular child who became mistaken and confused in his life, but understood and went ahead. Oleg Dalya had a difficult fate and everyone recalls him in his own way.

It is said that forty years for a man is rock dateFor some reason, this age is considered a turning point in life. Some crossed this line and again with new forces go into battle in their lives, and some, such as Oleg Dal, are in the hands of fate. Dahl had no strength, no desire to climb and live.

It is interesting to watch Oleg Dal changed from youthful years. Photo in youth and now fans are considering and admire, since the actor was just great. Interested in such data as growth, weight, age. How old was Oleg, it would be now, if not that evening, which was gone young man. Thirty-seven years ago, the actor left the life exhausted with life circumstances. With its height, 185 cm actor weighed a little and looked thin, but the sneakers on his cheeks remembered many girls of that time.

Biography of Oleg Dalya

The biography of Oleg Dalya was not simple, but the actor young actor still left his story. He was born on May 25, 1941 before the start of the war in the Moscow region.

The time was hard, father - Ivan Zinovievich worked as an engineer, who after taken to fight, and Mother Pavel Petrovna remained with three children. Oleg had another brother - Boris and Sister -Irae. When the boy was studying at school, he wanted to devote himself to sports, but because of the vice of the heart, left these classes. Therefore, Oleg began to engage more relaxed hobbies - wrote, poems, painted and saw himself as an actor.

Filmography: Movies with Oleg Daly

After graduating from school, the young man enters the theater school, where with his head goes into his profession. On one of the qualifying rounds, Oleg Dalya is chosen for the role and in 1961, the actor filmography begins with the film "My younger brother", after which he is invited to the picture "Man who doubts"

Oleg showed himself to what he was capable of, many directors invited him, but the film "Chronicle of the Picking Bomber" brought a special popularity after the release of this picture, Oleg Dahl becomes one of the favorite actors of the public, and many will prophes him a great success.

In addition to the movie, the distance plays in theaters, where even more concerns the audience with her talent. What is just standing with the role of Vaska ash, after which Oleg wins the heart of the audience.

"Uninvited friend" and "vacation in September" were the last paintings in the life of the actor, who were remembered especially clearly. Revising again and again, the actor played with such a supervision, with such forces, as if he knew that he would no longer have to play or live. Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981.

Personal life of Oleg Daly

Oleg Dal's personal life did not immediately evolve, as if he wanted. The first wife - Nina Doroshin, at his wedding, admitted that he loves another person. It is rumored that this because of her began the ribs from the actor, who later led to the fact that the cause of the death of the actor became a malicious bottle of vodka. The second wife - Tatyana Lavrov, was not so loved by Oleg, to endure his wrinkling character and the next drinking sites.

Only with the third attempt, Gald managed to find the one that was dissolved in it, despite the beatings and drunken trunks. Elizabeth knew how to be honest, devoted and to the end to carry his cross. Although there were moments when Lisa could not stand and spoke "Stop". She recalled the case when Dal after the next Zaka began to choke her, after which the wife decided to part. Oleg in two weeks returned home, said that he was sewn by an ampoule with Vladimir Vysotsky from alcoholism for three years. Naturally, Elizabeth forgive him and understood. And after half a year it began all at first, neither the codings did not help, nor the ampoules - nothing.

In recent years of life, the actor began to think more often about the meaning of life, he was instructed to reflect on high topics. His wife said that she was still waiting for Oleg Dal Death. For what reason the actor fell into depression? He cried, he laughed, could throw the performance - probably still because the psyche could not withstand such an emotional load and drunk discharge. And when were Vysotsky's funeral, the distance began to laugh loudly and say that they would soon meet. As if he felt that he would not be soon. His wife noticed for him some things, but did not attach importance to this. She later recalled that Oleg was ready to die and he was not afraid of it.

And Lavrov recalls that on the day before she had a prophetic dream that Oleg Dal came to say goodbye to her, and for some reason, with a beard, although Oleg was always freshly driving. When Tatiana learned the terrible news, she shocked everything that was happening. In the coffin, Oleg Dahl lay with a beard, he let her go for the new role in which he should have been filmed.

That evening, when Oleg Dalya was not, cutting down a stall before bedtime, he told his colleague: "I'll go dying." Before his forty-yearly, the actor did not live two months.

Family Oleg Dalya

Recently, the family of Oleg Dalya - it was only his loving wife, Mother and mother-in-law with whom he lived in the same apartment. Elizabeth cared for both women, and Oleg as a real man provided a family wealth. The actor with his wife's mother was so understanding and warm relations that when the woman was dying, her last will was to dispel her dust over the grave of Oleg Daly.

With the sister of Oleg never tied up related bonds, moreover, after the death of the actor, Iraida, picking up the mother to himself, wrote statement of claim To court from her behalf and claimed a four-room apartment. "It was the most terrible days for me," Lisa shared, "Loss of her husband, the courts - I was on the verge of suicide. It is very difficult to take the blows of fate when there is no man next to you, to which you can rely on, which can simply listen, and even more so when this person is your favorite husband. "

Children of Oleg Dalya

At the actor, though there were wives, but none born the heir to him, although every loving woman's dream is children. Oleg Dalya never worried this topic, maybe because a creative person had their priorities and values \u200b\u200bin life.

The actor had a very subtle mental organization, and even his women noticed in it in a gust of despair some throwing, not inherent in men. He was so wounded that for each of his woman he was not more like her husband, but on a child who lacked guardianship and care.

Former wife Oleg Dalya - Nina Doroshina

Former wife of Oleg Dalya - Nina Doroshin, known to us Actress on Kinolent "Love and Pigeons", where she played the main heroine. Nina Mikhailovna met his future husband on a seaming platform and soon married him. But this marriage was not loved, so it's hardly something happened to him.

Doroshina loved another person, and for Dala came to his whores to his beloved. Even at his own wedding, Nina had no time for a while, and then came along with his lover, who put himself a bride on his knees and brazenly said: "I still need you, not he." So began for Dahl a married life and at that moment the nerves of Oleg did not stand it, and he went out for several weeks. Doroshin still feels guilty of him, as it used it for its own purposes, to prove that she needs someone. After the divorce, the couple remained friends, since their more had no longer connected.

Former wife Oleg Dalya - Tatyana Lavrov

The former wife of Oleg Dalya - Tatyana Lavrova recalled the short marriage as his mistake of youth, but nothing to regret. If the woman was already on his feet, self-sufficient and confident, then Oleg has everything just started. Battered coat, composed socks on shoes and hurting the soul. Tatiana helped him what could, bought clothes, shoes, but the only thing that could not tolerate are booins who arranged her husband. Each time, Dahl promised not to drink anymore and every time Lavrov believed and forgot.

Later, she began to drink with her husband to drink, as they say, he was less. But each deceived itself and the matter came to the divorce. Later, Tatyana Lavrova remembers "Dahl was an extraordinary person, we were even comfortable to be silent together if it were not for one thing." After parting, the actress had a lot of men, but he said that he was falling in love with talented.

Oleg Dalya's wife - Elizabeth Eikenbaum

Oleg Dalya's wife - Elizaveta Eikenbaum lived with a marriage actor for more than ten years. Here is a woman who could manage her husband, make compromises and their wisdom to try to save the family. Still, Lisa loved Oleg, if he endured him sometimes inadequate behavior, all the same drinking and violent character. However, a woman managed to find the right approach and realizing that in his glass he tait some resentment or anger on someone, began provoking him on the scandal. Tolerated, so that he could remove the load from himself, splashing the whole negative - just not to drink.

Of course, a woman was hurt, but in addition, there were good memories from their livelihood. She recalls that the distance was a very kind man and always worried about his loved ones. He cared for his wife as he could, loved her and always asked for forgiveness, saying that she spoiled her life. But Elizabeth in those moments was happy womanWhen good words heard from her husband, I hoped that everything is ahead and everything will be fine, you just need to suffer.

Elizabeth Eikenbaum after the loss of a beloved husband, again did not gain family happiness, and she did not need it. She lived with memories last Lifewhere there were Lisa and Oleg. "When Oleg left life," a woman shares, "he took me with him."

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Dalya

Now a lot of information can be found on the Internet of the Personality of Interest, and now instagram and Wikipedia are now popular. Oleg Daly can also be found in social networks, Rather, the community, named after him and dedicated to the work of the actor. People ambiguously belong to Oleg, and as a person, and as an actor.

Some condemn it, counting dishonest behavior, while others demanded much more than from themselves. But not knowing personally personally, it is difficult to judge his actions. Although they said that the last wife did not live with him, but the Elizabeth herself spoke about him: "This man did not know anyone, because I knew him, so I could feel free to say that Oleg, despite his unpredictable in the wrong, was very noble . He sat down his holidays, made surprises, he had a very subtle humor. And let some not understand him and even closed the door in front of him, he had never kept evil to anyone. His inner intelligenceness did not allow him to cross through himself and even though he seemed not from this world, everyone loved him. "

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