Cool charming woman saying. Head of beauty can not hold back. Aphorisms, quotes, statuses and statements about women. About Women: Aphorisms, Quotes, Statuses and Spellings

When, as not at the beginning of the spring, talking about the beautiful half of humanity - about women. After all, a woman is, like spring: tender, desired, beautiful and slightly cunning. We offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about women. Some of them will help you to rethink the role of a woman, while others simply raise the mood.

Even in ancient times, the philosophers attempted to explain the feminine essence and give an adequate assessment of female behavior. But the beautiful half of humanity, as it turned out, is not amenable to any descriptions, excuses and explanations. A woman does not tolerate stamps, it is emotional, and her mood is changeable.

Men always did not develop with the understanding of female logic. They do not understand why for hours to disappear in the cabin, walk half a day shopping, but at the same time they dream to be a delightful woman next to them. To understand a woman, it just needs to be born.

Women can love. If you deserve confidence and impress actions, you can achieve her love and location for life. But it is worth offended, you can then regret all my life. Women are not malicious, they just have a good memory, and they will never miss the opportunity to remind her offender about themselves. They don't even have anything to do anything for this - it's easy enough to appear in all its glory to make the former gnawing elbows!

By nature, a woman is a mother. She, as a tigress, will love and protect your child, while it does not matter how many years he is. Modern woman It manages to combine several status at the same time. She can become a caring wife who loving mother, and at the same time achieve success in his career.

If you struck you by the beauty of some woman, but you can't remember what she was dressed, it means she was dressed perfectly (Coco Chanel).

A man must remember a woman, not her clothes.

If you want to know the flaws of the girl, praise it before girlfriend (B. Franklin).

Nothing is so pushing to the truth as a sense of competition ...)

Women love most when they are spent on them (Moliere).

Moreover, women believe that men are created only to spend money on them ...

There is nothing more feeble (Homer).

But more beautifully, there is nothing more ...)

One woman never recognizes the charm of another (Lessing).

But in its charms she will never doubt!

Not the beauty of all women - gold, and the mind and silence (Menandr).

Funny quotes and aphorisms

A woman is the same strength of nature as the wind, lightning, electricity.

Only the frequency of her impulses is much more often ...)

Woman - as a traffic police inspector: Still speaks, the money will select, the mood will spoil, and you are also to blame.

Not only will the money select, and the penalty will also write down ... a month without sex ...)

Women can store secrets, but groups - a man of thirty!

Secrets are just so big that alone they will not cope with them ...)

A woman is designed to love her, and not to understand it.

She does not understand herself, where there is someone ...)

Women are woven from paradoxes, sewn by inconsistencies and are naked with mutually computations. Maybe therefore they do not get bored with them?

So why are you all trying to fix that you were bored?)

Yesterday I saw how one girl fled around the city in wedding dress... I understand this in an active search ...

And that's not exactly you?)))

About women with humor

The ability to fly on the broom - that's all that the witch distinguate the witch.

And what, externally, too, are so similar?)

We, women, there are only two weapons - mascara for eyelashes and tears, but we cannot use them both at the same time.

Afraid to turn into a kimor?)))

A real woman can make a salad, a hat and scandal.

Divide out in the exact location of them, too ...)

Sometimes a woman should have so much that you already never throw it ...

Women tie men not with soul and beauty, but spent on them amounts ...)

A clever woman never repeats other people's mistakes. She is able to come up with new ...

Some turn out to be so smart that they do not have anything else ...)

All women are double - one personality is kind and gentle, and the second appears when they offend the first.

Should anyone protect us?!))

About strong and beautiful women

Beauty interferes with a woman to smart, and the mind is to be enjoyed.

I do not interfere with me, I'm not a woman?)))

God created women in beautiful so that men can love, and stupid, so that they can love men.

Is it really so bad with men and the truth?)))

Beautiful woman is a paradise for the eyes, hell for the soul and purgatory for the pocket.

And what did you think in a fairy tale?)))

Beautiful woman always feels happy.

And it does not matter that the rest of the women fall from that faint ...)

I am strong woman! And I will carry out the garbage, and the brain is needed!

Women's force does not know borders)

A strong woman is not when, pulling a commodity train with one hand. A strong woman is when I want to cry from pain, and you smile to everyone.

And who will not smile in response, he risks to know what female power is ...)

About a female smile

It is much easier to solve dreams than a woman's smiles.

It would be better not for dreambooks, and the interpreters of women's smiles ...)

SAMI best smile Women are designed to the mirror.

It always tells the truth.

Smile beautiful girl - Wallet tears.

Smile ugly girl - tears of men ...)

She always smiled so friendly that she wanted to take and carry her smile with her.

Enough to modest, unless her smile wanted to carry?)

Smile - an inexpensive way to look better.

That is why the woman can look beautiful and without dear cosmetics and clothes!

You have too beautiful smile to show your tears.

I know, just from tears sometimes the effect is more ...)

Dear Men! Take care of your mothers, take care of your wives and indulge your daughters. After all, no one, since they will not fill our life with laughter, caressing, care, tenderness and beauty. Cute ladies! Give your smile and fill the world with bright colors!

A lot is said about women. I suppose that it is said even more than about men. The thing is that women say more, and men write more. I bring to your attention a selection beautiful aphorisms, quotes, status and statements about women.

About women: Aphorisms, quotes, statuses and statements.

We do not meet people just like that we meet only those who should meet.

In the girl should be beautiful two things - this is a look and lips, because she can fall in love with her eyes,
And to prove lips that he loves.

When a woman asks something - it is better to answer the truth, since the likelihood is very high,
that she already knows the answer.

If you leave a woman one for a long time, her thoughts come to her and she thinks of them.
By virtue of female features, it does not lead to anything good.

For a woman, it is very important how a man belongs to it.
A woman first falls in love with himself, and already in a man.

The happiest morning for the girl is the day of her wedding. Waking up, she knows what to wear ...

Good girls become good wives, bad - stunning mistresses, smart - loyal girlfriends, and wise - they manage to combine all this!

A woman is not born, she becomes.

Women are smarter than men, because, knowing less, understand more.

Most women give up not because their passion is strong, but because their weakness is great.
That is why enterprising men usually have such success, although they are not the most attractive.

The woman should be like ice cream - white, sweet and melting in their hands, and a man should be like coffee: strong, hot and not giving sleep.

From the point of view of biology, if anything bites you, it is most likely female.

If a woman in the eyes of sparkers, it means that the cockroaches in her head are celebrating something.

They quarrel only with those whom they want to make up.
The rest are simply sent.

Woman loves victory over a man who belongs to another!

Before the smart woman, I want to remove the hat, in front of beautiful - panties.

The hardest war that I was led was the war with my wife Olympia.

Few in the light of honest women who would not be tired of this craft.

When a woman who has something to say, silent, silence - deafening!

Being a woman is very difficult for the fact that mainly have to deal with men.

Woman is the second mistake of God.

A woman will hang around her neck - and you already easier.

Woman to calm down need to take himself in strong men's hands.

For a woman, a man like a pie: someone likes the cabbage, and someone with eggs.

There is only one way to the heart of a woman - this is honesty.

Silence is the only thing of gold, which women do not consider gold.

A woman loves a man for the fact that he loves her. Muck loves women at all ...

And I found that the woman's pretty death is, because she is a network, and her heart - sinks, her hands - shackles.

Since they knew how to write, mostly men, then all the misfortunes in the world were attributed to women.

The woman knows the four actions of arithmetic: she divides the bed, multiplies the race, he adds beauty and delivers age.

Women think that twice two will not be four if they will shed abundant tears
Or shouting a famous time.

Woman is unique!
Only two hearts can fight in it ...

Friendship between a man and a woman is very weak when night occurs.

The woman is interesting until - mysterious.

The true beauty of a woman is in the meekness of her character, and the charm - in brevity of her speeches.

Men are convinced of the weakness of a woman, and they themselves consist of them by slaves.

And you do not need to convince yourself that he should not tear.
If roaring, it means it is worth it.

If you want to know the flaws of the girl, praise it in front of your friends.

The girl will be koking with anyone, if at this time there will be the one who needs.

Sometimes, looking at the woman, you know what to stay "just a friend" is a feat.

A woman is a delightful tool that deliberate pleasures - but only to the one who studied his device, his robust keyboard and a changeable, whitewashing fingers to play.

Quotes about women

- Why did you hit the husband on the head of a frying pan?
- Lord, well, as if you need reasons?

Woman like a flower - without love dies.
And if not dying? Either plastic flower, or - cactus ...

The girl does not fall in love with the ideal, she idealizes who falls in love with.

Men expose their soul as women - the body, gradually, and only after a stubborn struggle.

The woman is so arranged that it is easier to penetrate into her body than in her soul.

If a woman you will first look at the soul, then some will certainly find the body.

Expcoming the body, a woman seduces not a man, she seduces himself on the caress of this body with male hands.

So that women love and word and body!

The female body of Chegaya wanted, but received only Othello ...

The body becomes strangers, the mountain - from the water, a woman - from unsatisfied desires, heart - from evil speeches.

All early or later, they show what, in their opinion, worthy of showing. Fortunately, most women show the body.

Women who have passed a man's school, know very well that talking about high items - conversations, and what a man needs a man and all that puts it in the very deceptive, but attractive light; And this is all done.

Women are divided into materialist and idealist. Women materialists express the soul using the body; Women idealist - body with the help of the soul.

Become a friend for a woman and she herself will offer you her body.

The girl opening the soul and body to his friend opens all the sacraments of female.

Women sell their body, spitting in the face of an immoral state.

Men's shortcomings female body Turn out weapons.

The soul of a woman is created for dance of life and her body, ready to dance.

Women on the service staircase are not going to legs, but - with all body.

Yes, the body is a female - there is a song.

I had a body of a woman and feeling a child.

The body is the smallest that a woman can give a man.

Modesty is the best decoration that allows a woman modestly to show that you can not decorate her life.

Women are very strange creatures.
They smear the bruises under the eyes and beautifully paint them over their eyes.

A woman is the most powerful creature in the world, and it depends on her to guide a man where the Lord wants him.

Everything can give Muczine to his faithful friend, "everything, just the wrong woman who loves.

A smart woman is that in whose society you can keep yourself stupid.

Sacred woman; A woman who loves is doubly sacred.

Busy people have no time to look at women.

A woman inspires a man to the great accomplishments, the implementation of which then it makes it difficult.

Women are always like that: they are passionately wanting what they have no, and having achieved the desired, they feel a feeling of disappointment.

A woman can ask why she cries, but never should ask her why she cried: she does not remember that.

As often, a woman inspiring us to great things, prevents us from executing them.

I missed - that's why it began. He bored me - that's why it ended.

If men do not understand the female heart completely, then women do not understand male honor.

Leave three men together after lunch, and you can be sure that the conversation will go about women and that he will lead it that one of them who is older.

Why not love your wife? We love them strangers.

Return everything - besides the best friends,
In addition to the most beloved and loyal women.

How many stars in the sky, so many deceptions of the female heart.

Love a woman with all the soul is not worth it. And not to love - it does not work.

Could Beach, like Dante, create,
Or laure the fever of love to reclaim?
I taught women to talk ...
But, God, how to silence them!

Kiss between women means just that they have nothing more to do at that moment.

Women's tears touch, they have a real melted lead; Because for women, tears are relieved for us to torture.

Of all the paths leading to the heart of a woman, pity - the shortest.

The night attaches shine to the stars and women.

The wilderness laughing at his husband cannot love him more

The woman is unusually inclined to slavery and at the same time tend to enslave.

Women have an extraordinary ability to generate illusions, not like that they really are.

To see and respect in a person's woman is not only necessary, but the main condition for the possibility of love for a decent person of our time.

Woman thinks in heart, and man loves his head.

There is nothing more dangerous than to tie your fate with fate of women for just that it is beautiful and young.

No in the light of such a girl who would not know at least a week, about the preparing expansion of feelings.

Women love: young, politically competent, long-legged.

Sultry woman - a poet's dream.

The lack of female caress affects the lifeguard.

The life of a woman is an endless hobby history.

The heart of a woman, in love with his insulted treason, like a fortress, captured, devastated and abandoned.

In the heart of each real woman, the spark of heavenly fire is burning, which is calmly sleeping with a bright daylight of well-being, but flashes, shines and shines, accelerating the dark clouds in the days of misfortune.

For a man there is nothing more offensive than calling it a fool, for a woman - to say that it is unobed.

The worst woman can speak with a clever man, but only the smartest is so smart with a fool.

Women's guess has greater accuracy than male confidence.

A man remembers three women: the first, last and one.

The better the beer, the worse the wife; The worse the wife, the better the beer.

Female better man Understands children, but a man is more child than a woman.

Beautiful woman likes the eyes, and good heart; One is a beautiful thing, and the other treasure.

The woman sometimes interferes with the collision between men, and does not cause him. But it is not consciously and not by good will.

W. inexperienced girls You can learn a lot

Woman can not be convinced. It can only persuade

Best girl decoration is modesty and transparent dress

Beautiful girls should be worn. But it is impossible to allow them to fit on the neck

No one person lived a real life if he was not cleared by the woman's love, supported by her courage and leading her modest prudence.

Woman, like welding, never recognize her fortresses until she boils.

Women's intuition is much more accurate than male confidence.

The current women are not difficult to behave on male; But they rarely manage to behave in Gentelmen

Female direct flair can sometimes be more valuable by any logical arguments.

Nature said a woman: Be beautiful if you can, wise, if you want, but the prudent you should be sure.

The kingdom of a woman is the kingdom of tenderness, subtleties, tolerance.

A woman is the most powerful creature in the world, and it depends on her to guide a man where he wants

The woman is exactly the same strength of nature as the wind, lightning, electricity, tsunami.

Women are designed to love them, and not to understand them.

You will always be able to say anything new while at least one of them remains on the globe.

Woman is a primate of the case on thought; Male Primate thoughts over morality.

Woman second God's mistake

It would be easier for me to reconcile the whole of Europe than a few women.

Women for me like elephants: look at them pleasure, but I don't need your elephant

Woman is a human being that dresses, chatting and strips

From the point of view of biology, if something bites you, it is most likely female.

Women just amazing intuition. They notice everything except obvious things.

If a woman becomes a friend, it is quite possible that her friendly will give a kneel under the ass.

A woman is an invitation to happiness.

No matter how bad men did not think about women, any woman thinks about them even worse.

Women masterfully own the art of the wound to blame in almost the same way as the art of applying wounds.

And I found that there is a pretty woman's death, because she is a network, and the heart of her sink, the hands of her shackles.

Women are the unshakable cliff, about which all waves of male logic are broken.

Female mind - this is not a skirt to wave. This is the weapon of the fifth generation in the skirt.

If you were able to try on two long-winning women, then you follow the career policy. The state of state is much easier.

Each woman in his life passes through the painful relationship with a man who is not necessary for her.

If a woman behaves like the last fool, it means that she is happy.

Every woman wants to wear a new dress, but even more she dreams of getting into the old.

Women are not that they like when they are waiting for, but they are not very upset from it.

Inaccuracy - Quality Korolev.

Say honestly: How much time do you need that you are ready in 15 minutes?

The nonpunctuality of women is just a funny attempt to draw up against the dictatorship of the clock.

In her watch was so little time that she did not sleep anywhere.

Women wear a clock to know how long they were late.

Women as buses: the one you are waiting for, never comes.

Women, undoubtedly, would be punctual if it were possible to oblige them to be late.

A woman will not shake donate honor to save a reputation.

I have such a reputation that it would be better for me to lose it.

I still lost my reputation and managed to use this chance.

If my girlfriends are of the same opinion about me, like me about them, then they are about me about me!

The opinion of men about the merits of some woman rarely coincides with the opinion of women: their interests are too different. Those cute habits, those countless shelters who like men and ignite passion in them, repel women, giving birth to dislike and disgust.

We are so fue that we attach the importance to what people think about us who do not give meaning.

And what if I better my reputation?

The most ardent jealousness of piety those who are forced to hide something about themselves.

Men always proud that their mind is higher than feminine, while the female mind helped women just silent.

A man can say that twice two are not four, but five or three and a half, and the woman will say that twice two is a stearin candle.
Pigasov in the Roman Turgenev novel

- I, of course, I don't care what you think about me, but I want to know what your opinions are about me!

It's just amazing how such a lot of ignorance is fit in such a small head!

Idiotes are not such idiots, what it seems; Idiots are quite another thing.

Whatever the reason for which men are obliged to female ignorance, they should be glad that women who have taken such power over them, there are no at least advantages in education.

Sleeping the most stupid woman with a clever man, but only the smartest is so smart with a fool.

We look at the scientist to a woman as a precious sword: it is carefully finished, artfully polished, covered with fine engraving. This wall decoration is shown to the connoisseurs, but they do not take it against war or on the hunt, for it is also not aimed in the case, as a master horse, even perfectly leaving.

Even people who outstand themselves for the diligent admirers of the beautiful sex do not intend to the minds of the mind equal to our idea, and, imparting to the weakness of their concept, publish scientists for ladies, as if for children.
Posted by: Alexander Pushkin
Female smart manAnd she spends his mind primarily on the fact that the man does not notice this.

A woman does not think about anything or thinking about something else.

Thinking women are those who do not think about.

Smart men do not avoid fosher society; Do you often saw a smart woman next to a stupid guy?

Woman always grabs the mind to seem witness.

Women do not like puzzled men, and men are witty women.

The mind is exactly the fact that a man is looking for a woman when he studied everything else.

An intelligent woman that at which you can be silly stupid.

I would not say that women are not characterized, they just have another character every day.

When you raise the partner, it's not heavy weight, but character.

Its character: sugar with glass.

Character deficiencies need to be able to wear.

"I myself am good, and my wife is a snake!" - said the boa.

If all girls are good, where are evil wives come from?

Women and elephants never forget the offense.

Queen: A woman who rules the state when there is no king, and which rules the state when the king is.

I would prefer to be a lonely bench than a married queen.

Nancy Astor (Vikontesa, the first in England female parliamentarian): "If you were my husband, I would have had a poison of coffee."
Winston Churchill: "If you were my wife, I would drink this coffee."

Danger is part of my work.

Women are designed for diplomacy. In diplomacy, the most important thing is to inspire something that your idea is his own. And the women are engaged only.

I love women, but I can't stand their society.

No matter how bad men thought about women, any woman thinks about them even worse.

In the cybe of women is usually to blame a man.

Are you a lot of target from victory, if there is no one, whose feet can be folded trophies?

If I someday die because of a woman, so except with laughter.

The mouse is an animal whose path is littered with faint with women.

I keep in my soul, like treasure, every moment, when I do not see her.

Each woman considers itself indispensable and believes that it could easily replace any other.

Do you know how great female curiosity? It is almost not inferior to male.

Curiosity is something that reduces the door to the size of the keyhole.

The highest degree of embarrassment: two views found in a keyhole.

The wives are attentively listening to us when we speak with another woman.

Nothing excites the curiosity of a man as a complete silence of a woman.

It is completely no matter. That is why it is so interesting.

Most people are interested in the fact that they are absolutely not concerned.

We love to view the borders that do not want to crime.

Still sorry for a silent movie. What was nice to see how a woman opens her mouth, but not heard voices!

Women live longer male, especially widow.

Others were just my wives, and you, dear, will be my widow.

Widow: A woman who no longer finds in her husband a single shortage.

The perfect man: the first husband of the widow.

Restless widow of the late writer.

The ghost of the dead man often scares us in the guise of his widow.

A honest woman is a woman who never lies, if, of course, it is not about her age, her weight and earnings of her husband.

A look of one woman to another resembles a baggage control at customs.

There is nothing more conspicuous than to meet a woman on the street, which weighs more than you.

There are no thick women, but some women have insufficient growth for their weight.

Head of beauty can not hold back nothing!
Faina Ranevskaya, looking at rush in his skirt

Age is a nasty thing, and every year it becomes worse.

A woman never ceases to talk about his age and never calls him.

To find out my age, you will have to cut me and count the layers.

When a woman turns thirty, the first thing she starts to forget, this is their age; And in forty, he is already completely pointed from her memory.

Women do not consider their years. For them they make friends.

According to statistics, women live longer men. This is not surprising if you consider how much time they need to achieve thirty years.

Half of Americans under twenty-five years old, and all women are thirty younger than thirty.

She was still thirty-five years old since she was forty.

The age of a woman who criticizes everyone is called critical age.

Men grow up to sixty years old, women are about fifteen.

A man crying with thought about the close death, a woman - with thought about how long she was born.

It is no worse than you grow old alone. My wife has not celebrated his birthday for the seventh year.

The lady who had already started to be elderly.

Youth lasts longer than it seems young.

"Girls" - appeal to each other women who are behind forty.

I still only 40, and my wife is already 40!

The mystery, which she did not share with her friend, was the same for her that the dress, without use hanging in the wardrobe.

If a woman keeps the secret perfectly, it means that she has no girlfriends.

A man keeps someone else's mystery or rather than his own, and the woman keeps his own better than someone else's.

He who tells anything to a woman while preserving the strictest mystery is an ordinary sadist.

Friendship between women is just a nonsense pact.

In conversations, a friend with each other, a woman imitates the spirit of friendly solidarity and the trust frankness, which they do not allow themselves to be with men. But for this visibility of friendship - how much vigilant distrust, and how it is, admitted, justified.

Jasom in life is a bit, but still it happens that the girlfriend is not lucky.

In the kiss of two women there are something from a boxing handshake.

Women kiss each other when meeting, because they can not bite.

Easy to forgive the enemy, but how to forgive a girlfriend?

My rows are so quickly aging that it's just nice to watch.

My friends, there are no friends in the world!

Women amazing creatures: they don't just want to a fairy tale. They want their fairy tale begins right with a happy end.

The woman wants to dress as others, and suffers if we are dressed as others.

Women's logic
The wife has repeatedly told that he wants to dress "no worse than others." I bought it exactly the same dress as her friend. Already a week does not want to talk to me. What does it mean - "no worse than others"?

You can prove to a woman that it is not right, but you can not convince her in this.

Modern girls carry no less clothes than their grandmothers, but not at the same time.

If you believe the phrase "what a woman wants - God wants," that God wants flowers and marry.

Some women are not beautiful at all, but just look like this.

Time is the best doctor, but a bad cosmetologist.

Similarly, I will see, live - I find out, surviving - take part ...

Who said I am far from ideal? This is a poor ideal far from me !!!

Do you have complexes? ... I sympathize with you.

Well, that that the wind in the head, but thoughts are always fresh ...

I'm not bitch and not bitch. I am kind and sweet, simply, not with everyone.

In order to quit, first to start me.

Want breakfast in bed - sleep in the kitchen.

Yes, I'm bitch. If you do not know me another - you are incredibly lucky ...

I will go left, and maybe I will go right. After all, I am Queen, I have the right ...

Where did you see such a cat that would be worried about what mice talk about her?

Bad character? I just have it!

If you spit to me in the back, then I am ahead of you!

I can't be the second ... and even the first ... I can only be the only one ...

I do not blame you, but I'm just saying ... that you are to blame.

The fact that you are incomprehensible you can understand as you like.

I absolutely do not care what you think about me ... Because I'm about you ... I don't think at all.

I have one drawback - I do not know how to communicate with Muda ... Ami.

Do I like men? The only question is, do I like a man ..?

I live as it should be, but I have it all !!!

I love myself more than money, but I love the money more than those around the people.

And you, and I will forget. You earlier!

Do not tell me what I do and I will not say where you go!

A little to know the price - you need to be in demand ...

I have an unassuming taste - I am quite the best enough!

If you want me to be an angel - Organize Paradise for me!

Calling me with a bitch, be careful and do not forget that sooner or later I can stop being your bitch!

My life my rules. I do not like my rules - do not go to my life.

In vicious ties is not seen ... was not? No ... not seen ...

I'm not in love with myself. Just like ...

If I don't like me, then you do not have taste ...

I am too beautiful to have a conscience.

If I someday die because of a man, then only with a laughter ...

If you are digging a pit - do not bother. Finish - make the pool.

Secrets, second, the crown will correct !!!

I am an angel in the flesh ... only wings in dry cleaning, and Nimb on recharging.

I do not know why women require the whole thing in men. After all, women, among other things, have men.

An intelligent woman that in whose society you can keep yourself stupid.

Woman is your shadow: When you go after her, she runs away from you; When you leave it - she runs after you.
Alfred de Mussse

Beautiful girls and women are rarely alone, but they are often lonely.
Henrik Yagodzinki

The later girl comes on a date, the time she is smiling.
Gomez De La Sulna

Woman should manage to look so wise so that her "random" stupidity turned out to be a real gift for a man.
Karl Kraus.

Night to face every girl and woman.
S. Flasharov-Muscat

A loving woman has a heart always fully hope; To kill them, you need not one blow by a dagger, she loves to the last drop of blood.
Honore de Balzac

Without a woman, dawn and the evening of life would be helpless, and her noon - no joy.
Pierre Boast.

If God had appointed a woman to be Mrs with a man, he would create her from his head, if she - slave, would create from the leg; But since he appointed her to be a friend and an equal man, then created from the rib.
Averalius Augustine

If you want to know what a woman thinks actually, look at her, but do not listen.
Oscar Wilde

Women's hatred, actually, the same love, just changed the direction.
Heinrich Heine

The man should be aware of a woman when she loves: For then she is ready for any sacrifice, and everything else has no value in her eyes.
Nietzsche F.

If I'm part of your destiny, then someday you come back to me ...

"If a woman loves you, then, in essence, one whom she loves is not you. But the one whom she no longer loves, - exactly you! "

Nowadays, to be perfect, a woman should look like a girl, dress like a boy, thinking like a man and work like a breakdown horse.

He likes my indifference ... he would know how hard it was given to me.

If a woman loves you - then it is, by and large, not really you.
And if she does not like you anymore - this is exactly you.

She is too woman in order to communicate with a man to think also about conscience.

Many girls get married not to spend evenings alone. For the same reason and bred.

Did you like the aphorisms, quotes, statuses and statements about women?
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I bring to your attention quotes and aphorisms:

Yesterday it seemed to me that the mind had already gained, reason ... Today I woke up - it turned out, no, it was just scored ...

Insufficient depth of thought Woman fills with other depths.

Where the hell himself will not cope, there will send the Babo.

Looking for a new man, not breaking with the previous one? Right! You do not bring barefoot to the store for new boots.

Daving - Your skin becomes gentle and silky, and the recent - you remain angry and unsatisfied.

- Sorry, girl, you do not accidentally know what a virgin eat for breakfast?
- No idea.
- I thought so!

Women do not tolerate emptiness both heart and a completely different place.

A woman has love. She picks up her lovers.

Some women are well baked, others - good proscipe ...

The mind in women is either transformed into bitch, or is used purely in professional activities ...

Smarta is a woman, in whose society you can behave anything stupid.

The lost female mobile phone pays for 2 months due to savings on conversations. And after two, it begins to profit.

It is often easier to die for a woman than living with her.
Attractive women distract.

Modern women wear wigs, paint hair, impose fake eyelashes and nails, make the correction of the shape and face tightening, insert silicone tits ... and still complain that it's hard to meet a real man now!

The power of a woman in the inability to refuse their weaknesses.

The woman seems much higher if she has a man under his heel.

A woman knows what she wants, but will not calm down until she achieves.

If your third husband hits you, sorry, in the face, then the case is most likely not in the husband, but in the face.

Angelina Jolie knows how to speak phrase: "Do not Ori to Mother!" For thirty languages.

Simple stone, you can kill a woman's eye, precious - heart ......
But old smart people It is said that all the same is better.

The girl has the presence of a guy depends on the asking.

Conductor, closing the toilet, feels the lord of the world.

It has been proven that the mother who escorts the Son in the army can accelerate at the Perron to 50 km / h.

- Your husband was a secretive man?
- Husband?! He never told me that we were married!

If you are fat, then do not exist!
If you are a fireless fat, then eat and cry.

After sex, he turned away to the wall and scared. But she was not hurt, because she fell asleep even during sex.

For a woman in the first place - house. Unfortunately, often - it's a house2.

Masha loved everything in his own way. When all girls learned to kiss on tomatoes, she studied kissing on cucumbers. Later it turned out that he did not lose.

- Girl, why are you still not familiar with you?
- God saves you, stupid creation.

- I am strong woman, I can take the garbage, and I can and brain ...

Fool, well, who told you that you are fat? Let's take two chairs, and get to us!

The most wonderful phrase, which heard from the girl: - Anyway, persuade! So what time is to lose, go to me ...

My grandmother does not care who I am, SociFob, a fascist or hipster, if only I needed normally.

Chubby brushes, blurred mascara, reddish spout - she recently crushed. So sad, defenseless ... poor thing ... Does anyone have a condom?

by Notes of wild mistress

Valenki are overgrown, harming and disinterested men's socks.

A man drinks in three cases: when it is bad - from grief, when it's good - from joy and when everything is fine - from boredom.

Sometimes absolutely the same actions lead to absolutely different results. For example, if a man is remembered, it looks better. And if a woman is my mind?

No, I'm not cheerful, I already have a hysterical ...

Find out something in a woman is impossible at any age: maiden memory smoothly goes into women's secretsAnd they, in turn, are in senile sclerosis.

Paradise is any place on Earth, where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and Chiefs.

Each self-respecting man should know two phrases: "Give you to shout! And let me shout calmly!"

Again comes the year named some other cattle ... And so I wanted to live in human!

A man spends 30% of life in a dream. The remaining 70 dreams of sleeping ...

Every man dreams of a woman he could love, respect and deceive.

Just sit down to work, be sure to wake up.

Are you talking from two angry? Also me, assortment!

Conscience came up with evil people, whatever she tormented good.

Young beautiful woman is a miracle of nature. Unclear beautiful woman is a miracle of art.

Women career is harder, because they have no wife, who would pusary them forward.

A woman is such a subtle creature that begins to regret you already a few days before your betrayal.

A honest woman is a woman who never lies, if, of course, it is not about her age, her weight and earnings of her husband.

Unfortunately, a woman of indefinite age can be up to a certain age.

All women are young, but some younger than others.

It is impossible to trust a woman who does not hide his age. Such a woman is not ashamed to say anything.

Women do not forgive us our mistakes - and even their own.

Women sincerely believe that they are dressing only for our pleasure, or for their own. In fact, they dressed up to surprise each other.

He is unbearable - he is impossible to prove his wrong if he is right.

Under the makeup sometimes hiding just beautiful.

The inscription inside the male wedding ring: this rare woodpecker was caught and surrounded in Moscow in 1995.

We are impossible without fools, we are smart with them.

If I had an invisible hat, then the leg would be tired of kicking.

I have long lived per feature of harm.

You need to lie so that then it came true.

In Russia, they are not looking for happiness, and wait.

I will be your dentist if you don't shut up.

1. You can kiss a beautiful woman without end and never get into the same place.
Yanush Makharchik

2. A woman is a human being that dresses, chatting and strips.

3. For marriage need two - a lonely girl and a concerned mother.

4. Even the most beautiful legs, somewhere end.
Julian Tuwym.

5. He loves her more than all others, but he needs others to make sure this.
Natalie Clifford Barney

6. Do not rush to my wife with a cry "I know everything!", And then she will ask you a good one, in which year there was a battle for trafalgar.

7. Do not run away for a woman or tram. Next will always come.
Italian saying

8. Men who belong to women with the greatest reverence rarely enjoy their greatest success.
Joseph Addison

9. Of the two evils choose more lubricating.
Caroline Wells.

10. The world is crazy: In the end, we will all meet in bed.
Brigitte Bardot

11. Always tell a woman that she is not as others, if you want to get from it the same thing from others.
Wyndem Lewis

12. Babikov rarely think immediately about the whole woman.
Hedgehog karesky

13. People have the right to engage in any specialties that they like. However, they should avoid the jacks with goats.
Elton John

14. Being a man is good because you do not need to kiss someone else's three-day bristles.

15. For a woman, the first kiss is the end of the beginning, for a man - the beginning of the end.
Helen Rowland

16. The CEKC is the fun of all that I could do without laughter.
Woody Alen.

17. Pessimist claims that all women whores, and the optimist hopes it.

18. SEKC, does not apply to anyone, except for those three, which are involved in it.
Unknown American

19. Nymphomanka: A woman who wants to make love in the evening in the evening, despite the fact that he made a hairstyle in the morning.
Maureen Limpan.

20. I will come to you in the room at five pm, if I will be late, start without me.
Tallula Bankhead

21. A woman can sometimes replace masturbation. But, of course, it requires a great imagination effort.
Karl Kraus.

22. Husbands are usually good in bed when changing their wives.
Marilyn Monroe

23. Like any man, I wear violence instrument.
Angey Kern.

24. Everyone who eats three times a day should understand why culinary books are used three times more than books about the adhesion.
LM Boyd

25. If the CEKC is such a natural occupation, where are so much the benefits on the adhesive?
Betty Midler

26. Rada Baran Sheep, the bull enjoys the chick; For a plane-like goat, a sweet naked goat.

27. In the kisses of two women, there is something from the boxing handshake.
Henry Luis Menken

28. I want Larisa Ivanovna!

29. Chastity is the most unnatural of all adder perversions.
Oldhos Haxley

30. If you do not have a woman, then someone has two of them.
Arkady Davidovich

31. One careless movement, and you are a father.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

32. If the Lord God did not want a man masturbating, he would make his hands shorter.
George Karlin

33. Good girls Rada in heaven, bad girls - anywhere.
The slogan of the World Congress Prostitutes

34. I still feel sorry that I am not a man, but I would have shook ten times more.
Nadezhda Krupskaya

35. Why are men such serious? They have this cool long thing that rises and descends when he wants. If I were a man, he would always laugh at himself.
Yoko it

36. Previously, women fed babies, now - film crews.
Jean Cockt

37. The girl is some experience to kiss as a beginner.
Joan River

38. The only thing I learned to, removes porn, is, to do blowjob so that the lipstick does not smear.
Tracy Elizabeth Lords.

39. What highness of the newest technologies, the most important, simple and pleasant method of reproduction of humanity will always be the Tyka method.
Stas Yankovsky

40. The Bible contains 6 warnings addressed to homocells, and 362 warning heteroecales. This does not mean that God does not like heteroecales. Just you need to look after these people.
Henry Miller

41. I have three erogenous zones - My children, men and human rights.
Maria Arbatova

42. Nothing is powerful over love, except impotence.
Samuel Batler

43. In my circle to sleep with a woman - an insufficient reason for being presented to it.
Virginia McClaud

44. And naked women are too smart?
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

45. Emptiness sucks. That is why a man is going to a woman.
Natalie Clifford Barney

46. \u200b\u200bIn the entertainment industry, the most successful idea was the division of people into two sexes.
Yanina Ipokhorskaya

47. The Government is not the authority, where, as many people think, can only be tongue.
Viktor Chernomyrdin

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