Women's secrets of the marquise de pompadour or the uncrowned queen of france. Statements of the Marquise de Pompadour

Marquise de Pompadour, birth name Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson
(1721 - 1764), the legendary official favorite (since 1745) of the French king Louis XV ...

The main success and secret of Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, whom King Louis XV of France made the Marquise de Pompadour, was her amazing and seemingly inexplicable "longevity" at court.

After all, the favorites of the century are short-lived - the rapid take-off was usually followed by an equally quick oblivion. And the Marquise de Pompadour did not leave Versailles for twenty years, remaining the king's closest friend and advisor until her death. The favorite of Louis XV went down in history as the uncrowned queen of France.

The Marquise de Pompadour is rightfully considered one of the most famous women in history. What kept the fickle, windy Louis near this woman?

Love lessons from the Marquise de Pompadour

Believe in a dream

From childhood, Jeanne knew that not just anyone, but the king of France, would love her. So the fortune teller predicted to her. What should have thought the girl, whose relatives were only a bourgeois? With the surname Poisson, which in French means "fish", and even without the cherished prefix "de", there was simply nothing to do in the royal entourage. But Jeanne believed in the prediction. Having received an excellent education, having learned all the intricacies of secular treatment and having married a nobleman in love with her, Madame d'Etiol was ready to conquer the main peak in her life.

Therefore: believe in your star. Everything is in your hands, you can't let them down.

First violin
In Europe, it was no secret to anyone that King Louis was stupid. Jeanne de Etiol, who had already received the title of Marquise de Pompadour, very quickly realized that Louis was not at all averse to burdening her with the burden of government. He trusted his mistress more than himself. At the same time, the king was terribly proud of himself. Those ministers who acted bypassing the royal "will" quickly found themselves in disgrace. Pompadour was well aware of this, therefore, making her decision, she always voiced precisely the "will of the king." Well, I did not forget to whisper to Louis how brilliant and perspicacious he is.

Therefore: even if you are a great strategist and Napoleon in a skirt, do not forget to tell the man that it was he who made the fateful decision. There is such a proverb "A man is a head, and a woman is a neck", but you should turn your head wisely.

Charm is more important than beauty
Contemporaries unanimously said that Jeanne Pompadour's appearance was the most ordinary. But Jeanne from a young age learned to charm. She knew how and what to pronounce, how to present herself in conversation, in dance, even at the dinner table. She, like no one else, knew how to select fabrics for dresses, bows, ruffles and jewelry to decorate her appearance. She clearly knew what suits her and what doesn't.

Therefore: it is worth carefully examining your strengths and weaknesses in order to mask the flaws and emphasize the advantages. To do this, you need to stop flattering yourself and reassuring yourself and try to be objective. Charm is elusive, but much more important than beauty.

"There are many of you - but Zhanna is alone"
It sounds paradoxical, but Madame de Pompadour was not a passionate mistress.
Seeing that Jeanne was not too hot, Louis did not insist - she was dear to him already. True, he began to look for fleeting mistresses - pretty stupid women whose task was to entertain the monarch in bed, but no more. Some of them tried to oust Joan from the royal heart, but that was not the case.

Therefore: there are things that are no less important than sexual harmony. Trust, friendship, simple human communication and warmth in relationships - this is what Jeanne gave to her king. One of Louis's mistresses once, in a conversation with him, called Jeanne an "old woman." The king immediately turned away from her: "There are many of you, but Jeanne is one."

Always be different!
Pompadour, knowing that her friend was prone to melancholy, tried to entertain him - she told him something amusing every day. As a rule, these were the next Parisian gossip or "criminal chronicle". She loved to treat him with interesting dishes - Pompadour had the most skillful chef. Each time she met the king, she dressed up in a new outfit, one more beautiful than the other. Moreover, she arranged for Louis a real "show of one actor": she sang, danced, recited poetry - if only the king would not fall into melancholy.

Nothing kills love like routine and monotony The Marquise de Pompadour patronized the artists, communicated on an equal footing with Voltaire, conducted the most important negotiations and, in fact, ruled France for eighteen years. To be different means to be multifaceted. Change, learn something new. Develop and be interesting first of all to yourself - and then you will definitely never be left alone.

The secrets of love of the Marquise de Pompadour

The secret is fragrant. During a meeting with Louis XV, Madame Pompadour's signature perfume, prepared by her herself, did their job. She mixed a few drops of the king's sweat with all kinds of flower scents. Many years later, scientists have proven that the smell of one's own body is the most pleasant for a person.
The culinary secret... The king's mistress invented the recipe for rissole - small pies, deep-fried and similar to donuts, stuffed with salpicon - minced meat cut into small pieces. To maintain the love ardor of the king, Madame Pompadour herself prepared a drink for him from chocolate with amber, and to awaken imagination - fancy dishes from the delicate delights of a lamb. And before meeting with Louis XV, she drank a large cup of chocolate with celery.
The secret is strategic. She arranged the king's amorous pleasures with young, but always stupid girls herself. They were needed for the night, no more, and the satisfied king returned again to Madame Pompadour. Only such a woman could talk to him about the most insignificant matters, and give practical advice in the most difficult situations.

Statements of the Marquise de Pompadour

Love is the passion of men ...
The ambition of most women is to like ...
The death of one person often changes the fate of others ...
The heart of a man has great resources ...
After us, even a flood ...
You need to be very capable to be able to fall in love with yourself ...
Happy are those who do not love ...
Politics is not good for women, because smart thoughts come only with age ...
Love is pleasure for one season, friendship is for life ...
Sadness is tiring and aging ...
It is easier to pretend than to change your essence ... A beautiful woman is afraid of the end of youth more than death ...
You yourself need to have dignity in order to discern them in others ...
You need to have a mind to do good, fools are not capable of this ...
The art of politics is to lie at the right moment ...
If you want to have perfect friends, look for them among the angels ...
The hedgehog would have given up his thorns if the wolf had no teeth ...
The whole secret of politics is to know the time when to lie, and to know the time when to remain silent. ...
Politics and war are not for beautiful women
Even women can be right and give good advice
Great ones should not make small mistakes ...
Do not regret the dead, regret those who are still alive ...
Death is liberation ...

Pompadour died at 43. However, it remains only to be surprised that, with such an anxious life, she lasted so long. In early youth, she was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis.

As the funeral procession turned towards Paris, Louis, standing on the balcony of the palace in the pouring rain, said: "What disgusting weather you chose for your last walk, madam!" Behind this seemingly completely inappropriate joke was true sadness.

from here

The Marquise de Pompadour was buried in the tomb of the Capuchin monastery. Now at the place of her burial is Rue de la Paix, passing through the territory of the demolished in early XIX century of the monastery. Historian Henri Matrain called Pompadour “the first woman prime minister”.

The most exquisite and passionate scent of this summer: "Madame de Pompadour" by Nicole Raidman

Brilliant Nicole Rydman - the famous Israeli business woman, producer, designer, singer, organizer of the most high-profile events, the owner of the boutique on Kikar a-Medina and the young mother of baby Michelle - presented to the world her first perfume, the exquisite and passionate fragrance "Madame de Pomapadour".

At a luxurious event dedicated to the presentation of the fragrance “ Madame de pompadour ”, Was attended by representatives of the highest circles of Israeli society: major businessmen, politicians, show business stars, TV presenters, singers, participants in high-profile projects and popular reality shows, journalists, photographers. The event was hosted by the Israeli super-model Galit Gutman, the king of the Russian stage Philip Kirkorov presented his famous show and more than an hour's performance to the guests, and the real culmination of the evening was the fashion show of the cult French couturier Thierry Mugler, in which more than 70 fashion models took part.

All the guests who were next to Nicole on the day of her new triumph were the first to appreciate the bouquet of exquisite aromas that are combined in the perfume "Madame de Pompadour". For over a year, a team of professionals have been working to create this first Israeli fragrance, which will be presented among the most high-profile international brands. Hiding a molecular secret that enhances passion, the new perfume contains delicate notes of lilac and other spring flowers. According to experts, this fresh and romantic scent is combined with all skin types, and therefore suits literally everyone, and lasts wonderfully throughout the day. The delicate fragrance "Madame de Pompadour" will allow your fantasies to be carried away to where they all become reality.

The luxurious, retro-style Madame de Pompadour perfume bottle with a separate upholstered cushion was developed separately in Austria and is a work of art in its own right. You can buy this bottle, filled with an exquisite aroma from the very Marquise de Pompadour today, for 329 shekels, including in the boutique “Madame de Pompadour” on the famous Tel Aviv Kikar HaMedina.

« Madame de pompadour "- this is a special world created by me, into which I invite everyone, - says Nicole herself. It is simply impossible to walk past Nicole Raidman's new boutique, because no one has ever created anything like this in Israel. Among the numerous branded stores, it is distinguished by a unique design, probably exactly matching the personal tastes and preferences of the Marquise de Pompadour herself. The interior, thought out to the smallest detail in the Baroque and Rococo style, delights with its perfection.

The boutique “Madame de Pompadour” presents legendary Haute Couture brands, some of which were first brought to Israel by Nicole: Jean Paul Gaultier, Vivienne Westwood, La Perla, Cacharel, Alexander McQueen, Thierry Mugler, Valentin Yudashkin and others. “I have always wanted to offer people the very best that exists,” Nicole Rydman tells about the idea of ​​the Elite Shopping Center “Madame de Pompadour”. Now, among the world's best models of clothing, underwear, shoes, bags and accessories, you can see the new perfume "Madame de Pompadour", which is completely - from appearance and before filling - reflect the atmosphere of beauty, luxury and high style prevailing around.

Very often there are beautiful portraits of famous artists depicting Madame de Pompadour. Her name is widely known. I wanted to get to know this extraordinary woman better, see her best portraits by famous artists.

Quentin de Latour. Marquise de Pompadour, 1755 Louvre Museum, Paris


Marquise de Pompadour, birth name Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, (1721 - 1764) the legendary official favorite (since 1745) of the French king Louis XV.

The main success and secret of Jeanne Antoinette Poisson (December 29, 1721 - April 15, 1764), whom King Louis XV of France made the Marquis de Pompadour, was her amazing and seemingly inexplicable "longevity" at court.

After all, the favorites of the century are short-lived - the rapid take-off was usually followed by an equally quick oblivion. And the Marquise de Pompadour did not leave Versailles for twenty years, remaining the king's closest friend and advisor until her death. The favorite of Louis XV went down in history as the uncrowned queen of France.

The Marquise de Pompadour is considered one of the most famous women in history.

What kept the fickle, windy Louis near this woman?

You will remember his portrait by Brush Quentin de Latour.

Louis XV, 1750s Louvre Museum, Paris



From childhood, Jeanne knew that not just anyone, but the king of France, would love her. So the fortuneteller predicted to her. What should a girl think, whose relatives were just a bourgeois? With the surname Poisson, which in French means "fish", and even without the coveted prefix "de", there was simply nothing to do in the royal entourage.

But Jeanne believed in the prediction. Having received an excellent education, having learned all the intricacies of secular treatment and having married a nobleman in love with her, Madame d'Etiol was ready to conquer the main peak in her life.

Therefore: believe in your star. Everything is in your hands, so you cannot omit them in any way.

Madame de Pompadour. Jean-marc nattier


In Europe, it was no secret to anyone that King Louis was stupid. Jeanne de Etiol, who had already received the title of Marquise de Pompadour, very quickly realized that Louis was not at all averse to burdening her with the burden of government. He trusted his mistress more than himself. At the same time, the king was terribly proud of himself.

Hood. Boucher. Madame de Pompadour.

Those ministers who acted in circumvention of the royal "will" quickly found themselves in disgrace. Pompadour was well aware of this, therefore, making her decision, she always voiced precisely the "will of the king." Well, I did not forget to whisper to Louis how brilliant and perspicacious he is.

Therefore: even if you are a great strategist and Napoleon in a skirt, do not forget to tell the man that it was he who made the fateful decision. There is such a proverb "A man is a head, and a woman is a neck", so you should turn your head wisely.

Hood Boucher. 1759 Portrait of Madame de Pompadour.


Contemporaries unanimously said that Jeanne Pompadour's appearance was the most ordinary. But Jeanne from a young age learned to charm. She knew how and what to pronounce, how to present herself in conversation, in dance, even at the dinner table. She, like no one else, knew how to select fabrics for dresses, bows, ruffles and jewelry to decorate her appearance. She clearly knew what suits her and what does not.

Therefore: it is worth carefully examining your strengths and weaknesses in order to mask the flaws and emphasize the advantages. To do this, you need to stop flattering yourself and reassuring yourself and try to be objective. Charm is elusive, but much more important than beauty.

Hood Boucher.

It sounds paradoxical, but Madame de Pompadour was not a passionate mistress.
Seeing that Jeanne was not too hot, Louis did not insist - she was dear to him already.

True, he began to look for fleeting mistresses - pretty stupid women whose task was to entertain the monarch in bed, but no more. Some of them tried to oust Joan from the royal heart, but that was not the case.

Madame de Pompadour as Diana the Huntress, portrait by Jean-Marc Nattier

Therefore: there are things that are no less important than sexual harmony. Trust, friendship, simple human communication and warmth in relationships - this is what Jeanne gave to her king.

One of Louis's mistresses once, in a conversation with him, called Jeanne an "old woman." The king immediately turned away from her: "There are many of you, but Jeanne is one."

Hood Boucher.


Pompadour, knowing that her friend was prone to melancholy, tried to entertain him - she told him something entertaining every day. As a rule, these were the next Parisian gossip or "criminal chronicle".

She loved to treat him with interesting dishes - Pompadour had the most skillful chef. Each time, meeting with the king, she dressed up in a new outfit, one more beautiful than the other.

Moreover, she arranged for Louis a real "show of one actor": she sang, danced, recited poetry - if only the king would not fall into depression.

thin Boucher.
Nothing kills love more than the routine and monotony of the Marquis de Pompadour patronized the artists, communicated with Voltaire on equal terms, conducted the most important negotiations and, in fact, ruled France for eighteen years.

Artist F. Boucher.

To be different means to be multifaceted. Change, learn something new. Develop and be interesting first of all to yourself - and then you will definitely never be left alone.

Hood Boucher.
Secret fragrant.

During a meeting with Louis XV, Madame Pompadour's signature perfume, prepared by her herself, did their job. She mixed a few drops of the king's sweat with all kinds of flower scents. Many years later, scientists have proven that the smell of one's own body is the most pleasant for a person.

Hood. Boucher, daughter of Madame de Pompadour, died in early childhood. Alexandrina-Jeanne d'Etiol (1744-1754)

Secret culinary.

The king's mistress invented the recipe for rissole - small pies, deep-fried and similar to donuts, stuffed with salpicon - minced meat cut into small pieces.

To maintain the love ardor of the king, Madame Pompadour herself prepared a drink for him from chocolate with ambergris, and to awaken imagination - fancy dishes from the delicate delights of a lamb. And before meeting with Louis XV, she drank a large cup of chocolate with celery.

Artist Drowais Frankosin Hubert. Portrait of the Marquise de Pompadour.

Secret strategic.

She arranged the king's amorous pleasures with young, but always stupid girls herself. They were needed for the night, no more, and the satisfied king returned again to Madame Pompadour. Only such a woman could talk to him about the most insignificant matters, and give practical advice in the most difficult situations.

Country house of the Marquise de Pompadour in Menare.

Amusements, buildings, Pompadour outfits were expensive. For twenty years at court, she spent 350,035 livres on her toilets, she owned over three hundred jewelry including a diamond necklace worth 9 359 francs.

She loved champagne and regularly ordered soup from truffles and celery soaked in flavored chocolate ... They called her name high hairstyle with a roller , furnishings in apartments (à la Reine style), buildings, costumes. She set fashion throughout Europe with her ability to look luxurious and at the same time, as it were, at ease.

Pompadour died at 43 and was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis in her early youth.

As the funeral procession turned towards Paris, Louis, standing on the balcony of the palace in the pouring rain, said: "What disgusting weather you chose for your last walk, madam!" Behind this seemingly completely inappropriate joke was true sadness.

The Marquise de Pompadour was buried in the tomb of the Capuchin monastery. Now at the place of her burial there is Rue de la Paix, passing through the territory of the monastery demolished at the beginning of the 19th century. Historian Henri Matrain called Pompadour “the first woman prime minister”.

You have probably already noticed that most of the portraits of Madame de Pompadour are thin Boucher.

In the earliest portrait by Boucher, she was 29 years old, in the latest - 38. But the faces are practically the same! It is natural to assume that this was Madame's wish: she stubbornly did not want to grow old and forbade the artist to change her face.

Francois Hubert Druis, Madame Pompadour embroiders, 1763, 217x157 cm, National Gallery, London, England

Was she getting old or not? The answer is unequivocal - yes, I was getting old. The portrait "Madame Pompadour at the embroidery", painted in 1763, and the portrait of artist Hubert have survived.

So much has been written about the Marquis de Pompadour; I would like to hear your opinion of her.





Marquise de Pompadour, birth name
Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson (1721 - 1764) legendary
the official favorite (since 1745) of the French king Louis XV.

The main success and secret of Jeanne Antoinette Poisson (December 29, 1721 - 15
April 1764), which King Louis XV of France made Marquise de Pompadour,
became her amazing and at first glance inexplicable "longevity" at court.
After all, the favorites of the century are short-lived - the rapid takeoff was usually followed by the same
soon oblivion. And the Marquis de Pompadour did not leave Versailles for twenty years, until
death itself, remaining the king's closest friend and advisor. Favorite of Louis
XV went down in history as the uncrowned queen of France.

The Marquise de Pompadour is rightfully considered one of the
the most famous women in history. What kept the fickle, windy
Louis next to this woman?

Love lessons
by the Marquise de Pompadour

Believe in a dream

From childhood, Jeanne knew that not just anyone, but the king of France, would love her. So
the fortune teller predicted to her. What should have thought a girl whose relatives were
just a bourgeois? With the surname Poisson, which in French means
"Fish", and even without the cherished prefix "de", in the royal environment to do
there was simply nothing. But Jeanne believed in the prediction. Having received a magnificent
education, having learned all the intricacies of secular conversion and married
a nobleman in love with her, Madame d'Etiol was ready to conquer the main
peaks in your life.

Therefore: believe in your star. All in your hands,
therefore, they cannot be omitted in any way.

First violin

In Europe, it was no secret to anyone that King Louis was stupid. Jeanne
de Etiol, who had already received the title of Marquise de Pompadour, very quickly realized that
Louis is not at all averse to burdening her with the burden of government. He
trusted his mistress more than himself. At the same time, the king was scary
proud. Those ministers who acted bypassing the royal "will" quickly
found themselves in disgrace. Pompadour was well aware of this, therefore, taking her
the decision has always been voiced precisely by the "will of the king." Well, I didn't forget to whisper
Louis, how brilliant and perspicacious he is.

Therefore: even if you are great
strategist and Napoleon in a skirt, do not forget to tell the man exactly what he took
fateful decision. There is such a proverb "A man is a head, and a woman is a neck",
therefore, you should turn your head wisely.

Charm is more important than beauty

Contemporaries unanimously said that Jeanne Pompadour's appearance is the most
run-of-the-mill. But Jeanne from a young age learned to charm. She knew how and what to follow
pronounce how to present yourself in conversation, in dance, even at the dinner table.
She, like no one else, knew how to select fabrics for dresses, bows, ruffles and jewelry
to decorate your appearance. She clearly knew what suits her, and what -

Therefore: it is worth carefully examining your strengths and weaknesses,
to mask the flaws and emphasize the merits. This requires
stop flattering yourself and reassuring yourself and try to be objective. Charm
elusive, but it is much more important than beauty.

"There are many of you - but Zhanna is alone"

It sounds paradoxical, but Madame de Pompadour was not passionate.
Seeing that Jeanne was not too hot, Louis did not insist -
she was dear to him already. True, he began to look for fleeting
mistresses - pretty, stupid women whose task was to entertain the monarch in
bed, but no more. Some of them tried to oust Jeanne from the royal
hearts, but it was not there.

Therefore: there are things that are equally important,
than sexual harmony. Trust, friendship, simple human communication and
warmth in a relationship - this is what Jeanne gave to her king. One of the mistresses
Ludovica once, in a conversation with him, called Jeanne an "old woman." The king is right there
turned away from her: "There are many of you, but Jeanne is one."

Always be different!

Pompadour, knowing that her friend was subject to melancholy, tried to entertain him -
she told him something amusing every day. As a rule, these were
regular Parisian gossip or "crime chronicle". She loved to treat him
interesting dishes - Pompadour had the most skillful cook. Every time,
when meeting with the king, she dressed up in a new outfit, one more beautiful than the other. More
in addition, she arranged for Louis a real "one-actor show": she sang,
danced, recited poetry - if only the king did not fall into melancholy.

Nothing is not
kills love like the routine and monotony of the Marquis de Pompadour
patronized artists, communicated on equal terms with Voltaire, led the most important
negotiated and effectively ruled France for eighteen years. To be
different means to be multifaceted. Change, learn something new.
Develop and be interesting first of all to yourself - and then you are completely
you will never be alone.

The secrets of love of the Marquise de Pompadour

The secret is fragrant... During a date with Louis XV, the signature
perfume Madame Pompadour, prepared by herself, did their job. She mixed
a few drops of the king's sweat with all kinds of flower aromas. Many years later
scientists have proven that the smell of your own body is the most pleasant for
The culinary secret... The king's mistress invented
recipe for rissole - small pies that are deep-fried and look like donuts,
stuffed with salpicon - minced meat, cut into small pieces. To
to maintain the love ardor of the king, Madame Pompadour herself prepared a drink for him from
chocolate with ambergris, and to awaken imagination - fancy dishes from tender
the delights of the lamb. And before meeting with Louis XV, she drank a large cup
chocolate with celery.
The secret is strategic... Love joys
She arranged the king with young, but always silly girls herself.
They were needed for the night, no more, and the satisfied king returned again to
Madame Pompadour. Only such a woman could talk to him about the most
small matters, and give practical advice in the most difficult situations.

Statements of the Marquise de Pompadour

Love is the passion of men ...
The ambition of most women is
to like ...
The death of one person often changes the fate of others ...
A heart
men have great resources ...
After us, even a flood ...
You need to be very
capable of being able to fall in love with yourself ...
Happy are those who do not
Politics is not good for women, because smart thoughts come only with
age ...
Love is pleasure for one season, friendship is for the whole
a life…
Sadness is tiring and aging ...
It's easier to pretend than
change your essence ... A beautiful woman is afraid of the end of youth more than
of death…
You yourself need to have dignity in order to discern them in others ...
have a mind to do good, fools are not capable of it ...
The art of politics
is to lie at the right moment ...
If you want to have
impeccable friends, look for them among the angels ...
Hedgehog would give up his
thorns, if the wolf had no teeth ...
The whole secret of politics is
to know the time when to lie, and to know the time when to remain silent. ...
and war is not for beautiful women ...
Even women can be right and give
good advice…
Great ones should not make small mistakes ...
Do not regret
about the dead, have pity on those who survived ...
Death is liberation ...

Pompadour died at 43. However, it remains only to be surprised that with such
a troubled life she had endured for so long. In early youth, she was diagnosed with tuberculosis

When the funeral procession turned towards Paris,
Louis, standing on the balcony of the palace in the pouring rain, said: “What
disgusting weather you chose for your last walk, madam! " Behind this,
a seemingly completely inappropriate joke hid true sadness.

The Marquise de Pompadour was buried in the tomb of the Capuchin monastery. Now
at the place of her burial is rue de la Paix, passing through the territory
demolished at the beginning of the 19th century, the monastery. Historian Henri Matrain named Pompadour
"The first woman prime minister."


Louis 15 and Madame de Pompadour - Seven days of history

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