How to correctly insert a tampon to an inexperienced girl. How to prepare anal for deep insertion Puts tampax

Any woman can tell a lot about discomfort during critical days. The modern market for protective equipment is wide and varied, while it is worth noting that with the minimized thickness of conventional pads, many women strongly prefer tampons. Ladies in today's realities can be busy solving such difficult issues that they cannot change their life plans just in connection with menstruation.

Tampons, on the other hand, provide reliable protection, so you don't have to worry about anything and can comfortably enjoy such pleasures as going to the pool or working out in the gym.

Permanent adherents of using tampons have long understood how to use them, but every year newcomers grow up, and they have a natural question - how to insert a tampon painlessly.

How to insert the tampon correctly?

Of course, there are instructions that manufacturers draw on the packaging, but life situations sometimes surprise with their unexpectedness. Then it is no longer up to reading the instructions, and most importantly, that at least a friend should be fully armed and borrow a tampon!

In fact, everything is very simple. First of all, you need to wash your hands with extreme care. Then we take out the tampon from the package, until we open its wrapper.

Of course, at the first introduction of a tampon, a girl may be worried, while the muscles of the inner pelvis strain, which is unacceptable, since when the tampon penetrates, pain will arise. It is necessary to achieve muscle relaxation. We choose a sitting or standing position, whichever is more comfortable for you. We bend the legs slightly and spread them to the sides. We open the wrapper, while trying not to touch the surface of the tampon. Then (not abruptly) we insert the tampon into the vagina, pushing it apart with our free hand.

If the whole procedure is carried out correctly, there can be no discomfort, the presence of a tampon is simply not felt. A thin lace must be left outside, it will be our assistant when removing.

Any tampons, regardless of whether they are with or without an applicator, should be changed after 4-5 hours, depending on the day of the intensity of the course of menstruation.

How deep should the tampon be inserted?

The seriousness of this question certainly worries virgins. Do not worry about this, because the hymen is quite elastic, so the procedure for inserting a tampon is the same for everyone. For "discoverers" it is recommended to use the smallest absorbency and absorbency. The insertion depth is approximately 10 cm.

With or without applicator?

Some ladies are concerned about this issue. Which is better - you decide when personal experience, but the input procedure is slightly, but really different. We start all over again. We wash our hands and take the appropriate posture.

The applicator should be pushed apart, while taking hold of its middle part (this is the junction of the two parts of the applicator). We introduce it to the middle of the vagina and press on the outer part, which will push the tampon through. If discomfort is still present, a second attempt with a new tampon is needed.

On the contrary, have you ever used tampons without an applicator? In this case, your own fingers will play the role of the applicator. Holding it with your thumb and middle finger, take a tampon and press on its base with your index finger. Thus, it enters the vagina. Now wash your hands again!

It's important to know

The only drawback of tampons is that doctors categorically prohibit their use at night. I would like to be sure of dryness at night, but for this you will have to choose ordinary night pads. Another serious point of using tampons. In all the instructions they write, "in some cases, toxic shock syndrome occurs." When his symptoms appear, such as fever, diarrhea, muscle pain, weakness, it is worth removing the tampon and immediately see a doctor.

The first experience with a tampon can be intimidating. Nevertheless, everything will be easier than you think if you know how to do it correctly. With a tampon, you can swim, run and do whatever you want without the inconvenience of a traditional pad. If you insert the tampon correctly, it will not give you any pain at all; in fact, you won't even feel it. If you want to know how to insert a tampon for the first time, skip to the first step of our article.


Part 1

How to insert a tampon

    Buy tampons. Finding your way around the world of tampons can be tricky, but learning some useful information can help you shake off the fear of this purchase. The most common brands that produce tampons are Kotex, Tampax and others. Most of the time, panty liner companies also produce tampons, so you can purchase products from a brand you trust. In general, there are three important points, which you should pay attention to when buying tampons: the material of the applicator - paper or plastic, the degree of absorbency, and the presence or absence of the applicator. Here's what you need to know:

    • Paper or plastic. In some tampons, the applicator is made of paper, while in others it is made of plastic. The paper applicator has the advantage of flushing it down the toilet, but if you have an unreliable drainage system, it's best not to tempt fate. Some girls find the plastic applicator more comfortable to use. You can try both and decide which is right for you.
    • With or without applicator. Most tampons come with an applicator, although there are exceptions. When you are just getting used to using tampons, it is better to take the ones with the applicator - it will give you better control over the process. When using a tampon without an applicator, you will need to slide it into your vagina with your fingers, which can be tricky at first. However, the advantage of tampons without an applicator is that they are very small, which means they can be easily kept in your pocket when needed.
    • Absorbability. The two most common types of tampons are “regular” and “heavy discharge”. It is usually recommended to start with the usual ones to understand the principle of using tampons before moving on to stronger ones. Heavy-flow tampons are slightly larger and can be more difficult to use. You can use regular tampons at the stage when the discharge is moderate, and then move on to more absorbent tampons. Often normal and high absorbency tampons come in the same package, so you can choose as you like.
  1. Insert a tampon when the discharge is moderate or intense. Although not necessary, inserting a tampon early on in your period, when the discharge is very mild, can be difficult — the tampon will slip into your vagina less easily. When the discharge is strong, the walls of the vagina will be more moist, which will make it easier for the tampon to slide.

    • Some girls wonder if they can practice putting on a tampon before their period begins. While nothing bad will happen, it will be more convenient to wait until your period actually begins.
    • Yes, many girls will find it an extreme decision to go to their mother or aunt. However, if you are afraid or if the tampon does not work out, do not hesitate to ask for help from a woman you trust.
  2. Wash your hands. It is very important to wash your hands before inserting the tampon so that the applicator remains sterile until you insert it into your body. You don't want to bring bacteria into your vagina and cause an infection.

    Unroll the swab with dry hands. Wait for your hands to dry, then carefully tear open the packing of the tampon and discard it. It is perfectly okay to be a little nervous, although there is really no reason to be worried. If you accidentally drop a tampon on the floor, discard it and get a new one. Do not expose yourself to the risk of infection just because you feel sorry for throwing the tampon away.

    Sit or stand in a comfortable position. Once you get a little more comfortable with using tampons, you will understand which method is best for you. Some girls prefer to insert the tampon while sitting on the toilet. For others, it is more convenient to do this while standing, sitting down a little. You can try placing one foot on the toilet or the side of the tub to open up your vagina a little.

    • Although anxiety is absolutely natural feeling in such a situation, you need to try to relax. The calmer you are, the easier it will be for you to insert the tampon.
  3. Take the swab with two fingers that hold the pen while you write. Take it in the middle, right where the smaller inner tube fits into the larger outer tube. The string should be clearly visible and looking down, away from your body, while the thick part of the tampon should be facing up. You can also place your index finger on the base of the swab, and with your middle and thumb grip the grip tabs.

    Find your vagina. The vagina is located between the urethra and the anus. There are three openings: the urethra (where urine comes out), the vagina (in the middle), and the anus (in the back). You can easily find the urethra, after which you need to lower your fingers 2–5 cm down - this is how you will find the entrance to the vagina. Do not be afraid if some blood remains on your fingers - this is completely normal during your period.

    • Some girls recommend using the other hand to slightly push the labia apart (folds of skin around the opening of the vagina). This will make it easier to insert the tampon. One way or another, some people manage to insert a tampon without additional help.
  4. Place the tip of the tampon gently into the vagina. Now that you have found the vagina, all you need to do is slide the tampon 2–3 centimeters inside the vagina. Then you should slowly insert the tampon inside until your fingers touch the applicator and your body and the outside of the tampon tube is inside the vagina.

    Press down with your index finger on the thin part of the applicator. Stop when the thin and thick parts meet and your fingers touch the skin. The applicator is designed to help you insert the tampon deeper into the vagina. Proceed to push the inner tube of the swab through the outer tube.

    Use your thumb and middle fingers to remove the applicator. Now that you have placed the tampon over your vagina, all you need to do is remove the applicator. To do this, grasp it with your thumb and middle fingers and gently pull it out of your vagina. From the outside, a thread should be visible coming out of the vagina.

    Throw away the applicator. If the applicator is plastic, discard it in the bucket. If it is made of paper, check the instructions on the package to make sure it can be flushed down the toilet. If you are unsure, it is better and safer to throw it in the trash can.

    Consider using panty liners with the tampon. Although not necessary, some girls prefer to use panty liners with the tampon, just in case the tampon starts leaking a little after it has absorbed as much of the menstrual flow as it can. If you bathe frequently and change your tampons regularly, this won't happen, but pads give an extra sense of security. Plus, thin panty liners do not create discomfort.

    Tampons can be used by girls of any age who have started their period. You must not be over 16 or 18 to use tampons. Tampons are completely safe for younger girls if inserted correctly.

    Know that inserting a tampon not will rob you of your virginity. Some girls start using tampons only after the first sexual experience because they believe that using tampons robs innocence. It is not true. While using tampons can accidentally tear or stretch your hymen, nothing "takes your innocence" apart from the sex itself. Tampons are effective for both virgins and girls who have had sexual experience.

Tampons are a high-quality and convenient analogue of standard sanitary pads, which, despite the minimum thickness, can cause discomfort during menstruation. The modern rhythm of life is so saturated that women are deprived of the opportunity to make adjustments due to critical days. Thanks to him, it is possible to ensure dryness and comfort during regulation even in the pool or at the sea, while doing active sports, dancing.

Despite the demand and popularity, a large number of girls do not know how to use it correctly and how to insert a tampon deeply.

How to use tampons correctly

The tampons are detailed in the instructions that come with each package. But not always there is a manual for use, because tampons can be purchased individually.

It doesn't matter which hygiene product you use - or not. Before inserting a tampon, you must thoroughly wash your hands with an antibacterial agent. Next, get it out of the package without removing it from the individual wrapper. In order for the hygiene product to be inserted correctly, you should take a comfortable position and relax. If the girl is tense, the sensations can be painful. You should sit or stand in such a way that it is easy to reach the vagina. Spread your legs slightly, bending at the knees. Now is the time to release the hygiene item from its individual packaging. It is recommended not to touch its surface with your hands.

Applicator tampons are usually wrapped in a paper wrap, while ordinary tampons are wrapped in plastic wrap. With your free hand, you need to push the entrance to the vagina and insert it there. the hygiene product should not cause discomfort. The thin cord must always remain outside, as it will be required to remove the used tampon.

They should be changed as needed, but at least once every 6 hours.

How deep to insert the tampon

This is another question that worries most virgins - how deep to insert the tampon. It is worth noting that the hymen is quite elastic, so it does not differ.

Read also How to make tampons with levomekol ointment in gynecology

It is very important that the first inserted tampon is the smallest size and that its absorbency is minimal. The hygiene product should be injected to a depth of no more than 10 centimeters; neither the length of the applicator nor the length of the finger will allow deeper.

During the use of a hygienic item, discomfort should not be felt, otherwise it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

If during use the girl experiences discomfort, you can try to change its position by pushing it a little deeper. He cannot get lost inside the body. If you cannot change its position, it is better to get it out and start over. During the introduction of the tampon, the girl should not experience pain or discomfort, it should be in the middle of the vagina, where there are few sensory nerves.

Reasons for tampon stuck

Many girls are afraid that a foreign object will remain inside, and they will not be able to remove it on their own. The fear is quite justified, since a foreign object is introduced into the body, even if it is intended for such purposes.

The length of the vagina (from the entrance to the cervix) varies from 10 to 13 cm. This is the absolute maximum, the tampon cannot penetrate deeper. The hygienic product cannot fall into the uterine cavity either, since the diameter of the cervix is ​​only 25 mm, and the diameter of a standard tampon is already 1.2 cm.

The size of the object is no more than 5 cm, based on this, its edge will be located at a depth of 5-9 cm from the entrance to the vagina. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that for some manufacturers, tampons increase in length when absorbed, while for others they expand in diameter.

The inability to remove the used hygiene item is usually due to several provoking factors:

  • sexual intercourse was performed, during which the tampon and its thread were inside;
  • due to some circumstances, the thread has penetrated inside and is not visible;
  • low-quality products, during the extraction process of which the thread was torn off;
  • with hypertonicity of the pelvic muscles.

If you cannot pull out the tampon, and it is stuck in the vagina, you should understand what the girl is dealing with. If the thread does not come off, then it makes sense to try to find it. Perhaps it has penetrated shallowly and it will be possible to find its edge.

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To minimize the likelihood of the thread getting inside to a minimum, it is necessary to stretch it to its full length while using the tampon.

How to remove a tampon

How to remove the tampon correctly if the thread has been torn off. Such situations are rare, but they do occur. You should not try to fix everything with your fingers, this approach can only harm.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to calm down and relax. Panic should be overcome, it will not help. Fear will not be able to relax the vaginal muscles.
  2. You have to squat down. Many people think that you can sit on the toilet, but this is a misconception. While sitting on it, an incorrect angle of inclination is created, which complicates the whole process. To remove the object, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the abdomen and vagina.
  3. If the hygiene product is deep, it is more convenient to do one simple manipulation - to push. It is necessary to push, as during a bowel movement. It is quite possible that with one gust it will be possible to push the object out.
  4. If the previous option did not bring the desired result, you need to change the approach - we remain in the same position and continue to push. This time, the muscles of the vagina must be contracted in a cramping manner. Any woman can do it.

If, with the help of the above points, it was not possible to extract the used object, you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist, he will promptly help solve this problem. It should be remembered that a tampon inside it poisons the body.

In most cases, the used hygiene product is easily removed, but if the regulations are scarce, it may not soak properly, resulting in painful removal. An intimate gel can be used to prevent discomfort and / or pain.

The opinion of gynecologists

  1. It is advisable to use hygienic tampons exclusively during menstruation.
  2. It is better to refrain from intimacy until the end of the menstrual flow.
  3. Tampons should be selected according to their characteristics, that is, according to the number of droplets indicated on the package. It is designed for 4 hours of use, and should be removed without discomfort.
  4. We must give preference only to high-quality products. Problems, as a rule, arise from unknown / little-known manufacturers, whose products are inexpensive, but also unsafe.

Situations in life are different. Sometimes during sex, the partner is hesitant or shy. In this case, you need to act on your own. TOPBEAUTY will advise you on how to insert your penis correctly and not scare your beloved man.

There are often cases when everything in your life with your beloved is just wonderful, but either it didn’t come to bed, or in this area everything somehow doesn’t stick. It's too early to despair, you just need to take the initiative into your own hands.

With girlfriends, you can only gossip about other people's guys. Your beloved man needs to help with all your might, give him self-confidence and convince him that he is the most beautiful and sexy.

First sex

If you and your partner are going to make love for the first time, then his fears are understandable. What to do, how will she react, how to make it unforgettable? And if your partner is a virgin, then you cannot imagine how worried he is. Therefore, try to help him and in no case blame him for inexperience.

The most comfortable position for him: you lie on your back, and he is on top or kneels in front of you. The partner should hold his excited penis with one hand, and with the other, gently grope for the place where to insert it. Continuing to hold the penis in your hand, with the other hand you need to gently slightly push the partner's vagina and enter it.

With the wrong technique, your loved one can even hurt you. He can direct the penis in the right direction, but lean forward too sharply in the hope that the penis will slip inward. But that won't happen. Chances are, you just get hurt. Therefore, try to guide him so that the beloved does everything gently and smoothly. In addition, artificial lubricant can be used if it is not released naturally enough.

There is also another way how to insert a member correctly: try to hint to him so that for a start he does not rush to get down to business right away, but first caresses you with his fingers. First, it will give him more confidence. When a guy sees how you moan and how good you are, it will cheer him up and excite him. Secondly, having felt this area with his fingers, he will get acquainted with the vagina, and it will be easier for him to start having sex.

Stress and nerves

It so happens that from nerves and overexertion in men, the penis loses its excitement. It has nothing to do with the presence or absence of sexual experience. A similar opportunity can happen to even the most daring seducer. Often, nervous overexcitement or problems that do not allow you to relax, result in a similar reaction of the body.

In this case, you have to join the game. If your penis is drooping, start arousing your partner. Effective method-. Oral sex always works flawlessly.

Take the initiative smoothly and imperceptibly. No need for sudden movements, do not throw a man on the bed and do not hurt him. He is already a little on edge. How so, disgraced in front of his beloved woman! Therefore, just gently put it on your back, because this makes it more convenient to do a blowjob, and then move on to even more decisive action... When a man gets aroused, don't even give him the opportunity to think about how to insert a member - do it for him. Take a riding pose and finish what you started.

You don't need to be the leader in sex all the time, just a few times. The partner must also learn to interact with your body, so you should give him that opportunity.

Not sure what to do with your tampon? On this page you will find the answer to your question! A detailed video instruction will help you painlessly and simply carry out this procedure.

A tampon is a great replacement for pads for women during their period. However, not everyone uses tampons, and often women have questions about how to insert a tampon correctly, whether it hurts, etc.

On this page, we will invite you to familiarize yourself with the recommendations and instructions for using tampons, as well as show several training videos.

How to insert the tampon correctly. Video

Sorry video on English language, so read comments below... In the video you can see how the process itself takes place.

Explanation of the video on how to insert the tampon correctly:

  • Hands should be clean, wash them with soap. Take a tampon, and without removing the wrapper, sit or stand to relax. The main thing is to relax, otherwise you may be hurt.
  • The situation can be different. You can insert the tampon while sitting or standing. The main thing is to have convenient access to the place of work.
  • Now it's worth figuring out what kind of tampon you have in your hands. There are tampons with and without an eplicator.

If a swab with an applicator:

  1. Remove the wrapper from the tampon, spread the applicator and grasp the middle of the tampon at the junction of the two tubes.
  2. With one hand, part the labia for more convenience, and begin to gently insert the tampon up to your fingers (which, as you remember, you have located in the middle of the tampon between the tubes).
  3. Push the tampon inward a little more and remove the applicator. Done.

If the tampon does not have an applicator:

  1. Remove the protective sheath from the side where the rope comes out. Check if the thread is firmly held by pulling it.
  2. Place your index finger on the base of the tampon, remove the remaining film.
  3. Gently push the swab up and towards the spine. It is recommended that you insert the tampon about the length of your index finger. It is important that the rope stays outside. Done.

Important! The tampon needs to be changed every 4-6 hours, and it is not recommended to use it at night. With the correct insertion of the tampon, you should not feel it. If you feel it, then you have not inserted it completely.

If you suddenly feel unwell, fever, or any other sign, remove the tampon immediately.

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