Why you can't put the mirror face up. The magic of mirrors. Rules for handling mirrors. Old people recommend covering or removing mirrors from the room where the patient is very sick. Firstly, it is bad if the patient sees himself in the mirror, and secondly

In England, parents are trying with all their might to distribute all debts, because according to old beliefs, when buying a crib, one cannot remain in debtors, otherwise the child will not be happy and rich.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Mirrors in the house - where to place and where not to

The mirror has always been considered a magical object, with which many signs and superstitions are associated. Its shape and location in the house, as well as other features, all matter.

Let's see what kind of signs there are among the people about this.

Where to place in the house?

You can hang a mirror in any non-living room (where people are not constantly present), subject to certain rules. So, in the corridor, it must be positioned so that the front door is not reflected. In the bathroom - so that the swimmer is not visible in it (or do not forget to use the bath curtain). In the living room - not opposite the seating area, that is, not so that the sofa and armchairs are visible in the mirror.

You can place it in the office, but not behind the desk - it is impossible for a person to be reflected in it with his back.

Where should not be placed

Definitely - in living rooms, as well as in the kitchen. It is believed that placing it in the bedroom will lead to quarrels between the spouses. If you place it opposite the bed, then the person who will be reflected in it asleep will soon get sick. From it, as it were, all the juices and vital energy will come out, which this magical object will absorb. In general, any room in which people sleep is not a place for a mirror. We don't know exactly where our soul goes during sleep. What if she accidentally gets into the looking glass and can't come back? ..

It's a bad omen to hang it in the dining room or in the kitchen. As our ancestors said:

  • "Do not eat in front of the mirror - you will eat through the beauty."

In the corridor, opposite the front door, there is also no the best place... The superstition about the mirror opposite the door says that in this way it will contribute to leaving the house of positive energy and well-being, and the owner will less and less want to return home. But this is only if you place a mirror opposite the front door. The signs concerning the rest of the doors in the house are not so categorical. Still, it is much better to hang it on the wall so that neither doors nor windows are reflected in it.

You can't hang it in a corner - this way it will become a gateway for spirits to enter the house.

A mirror in front of a mirror is a bad omen. According to popular belief, such an arrangement of these items threatens the owners of the house with trouble and trouble.

Other signs and beliefs

  • you need to constantly look after him, treat him respectfully, greet him with a mirror in the corridor;
  • you can not look at the cracked or broken;
  • it is not worth buying old ones that have already been with other owners;
  • if you don't like it, you need to get rid of it. To do this, take it to the sunny side of the street and leave it there - it will find new owners for itself.

Now the stars are advising you to use one of the layouts suggested below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

Mirrors are capable of storing and reflecting energy. In this case, it does not matter at all what it is: positive or negative. It is this property of mirrors that underlies most superstitions.

Bad omens

Cracked and shattered mirrors are the biggest concern people have. According to the omen, you cannot look in them. Better yet, get them out of the house altogether. This superstition has a simple rationale: chips and cracks emit a very powerful negative energy. It harms a person and can even cause temporary shifts. There were cases when, after prolonged use of a broken mirror, a person began to age abruptly or, conversely, felt several years younger.

You can't let someone else look in your pocket mirror. When moving to a new home, you need to get rid of the mirrors left over from the former owners. These superstitions are also explained by the ability of mirrors to accumulate energy. It is not recommended to hang mirrors in the bedroom and bathroom in such a way that a bathing or sleeping person is reflected in them. This can lead to a deterioration in his health. The bride on her wedding day should not allow her friends to stand in front of her in front of the mirror, they can take the groom away.

The mirror is a kind of portal to the other world. So that the soul of a deceased person does not remain in the world of the living, all mirrors in his house must be curtained with a dense fabric. Also, you should not bring children under one year old to the mirror. According to superstition, they see much more adults and can be frightened when they meet with evil spirits.

Good omens

Speaking of which, most often it is bad omens that come to mind. However, there are good ones. For example, to protect a baby from the evil eye and malicious intent of strangers, you need to hang a small mirrored pendant on his chest. It will reflect negative energy by returning it to its owner.

If, leaving the house, you forgot something and are forced to return, you need to look in the mirror at the entrance. This will scare away evil spirits. In order for you to be lucky in life, you need to look in the mirror only in good mood, pronouncing positive attitudes "I happy man"," I love life, and life loves me, "and so on. Such a mirror will play the role of a charged talisman.

If you don't feel like parting with your old mirror, you can clean it. During Epiphany, take a spruce branch, dip it in holy water and cross the mirror with a spray. Then wipe it with a clean cloth dipped in the same water, while reading a prayer.

Related article

Do you know what a mirror is? Yes, it is a smooth surface that reflects light, but there is also a lot of mystery and mystery associated with it. And in our time, there are various signs associated with a mirror. Despite the fact that everyone decides for himself whether or not to believe in these superstitions, they make many people think.

You will need

  • - new mirror;
  • - Feng Shui textbook.


The first mirror was made in the 13th century, but its path was not easy. For a long time, the church was a fierce opponent of mirrors, which believed that there was "another side of the looking glass", where evil spirits dwell. It is not for nothing that every self-respecting witch should have had a mirror in her arsenal, with the help of which she performed various rituals.

In Russia, it was believed that a person who broke a mirror had a serious illness or even death in front of him. Now more and more often you can hear about 7 years of misfortunes. But all the trouble can be avoided if the shards are properly thrown away. Firstly, in no case should you look in them, otherwise the energy of a person can be taken over by otherworldly forces. Secondly, it is better not to touch them, but to use gloves. Sorcerers also advise, before throwing out a broken mirror, paint it with black paint.

Mirrors and otherworldly forces

Another sign is to hang mirrors if someone died in the house. This will help the soul of the deceased to calm down and not get lost in the mirror space. You should not come up and look in the mirror at night - this will attract otherworldly forces, especially on a full moon.

And if something unpleasant or terrible has happened in the house, the mirror must be wiped with salt or holy water to clean the mirror surface. Then it will not absorb negative energy and will not create problems for the residents of the house.

Household beliefs about mirrors

To keep the mirror from getting in trouble, you need to choose the right place for it. It cannot be hung next to the bed, if the sleeping person is reflected, serious illnesses will befall him. Also, you cannot place this piece of furniture in the kitchen and in the corners, in the bathroom it is possible only if the washing person will not be reflected in it. A small round mirror lying in a purse will bring happiness and good luck to its owner. Another good omen is to hide a small mirror in the room where the sick person sleeps. He will recover soon.

Do not show the baby his reflection, this will lead to a delay in development and late appearance of speech. And two girls or guys cannot look in the same mirror at the same time - they will soon become rivals.

Mirrors can bring a lot of trouble to a person, but if this piece of furniture is positioned correctly, there will be harmony, prosperity and love in the house.

Since ancient times, the mirror has been associated with magic, mystical creatures and many bad superstitions that have survived to this day. This attribute participated in various rituals and fortune-telling, it is considered the gateway to the other world. Signs with a mirror will tell you how to handle it so that trouble does not happen.

Useful properties of mirrors

The mirror accumulates energy flows, therefore, while admiring it, always think about the good and smile at your reflection. Signs and superstitions highlight the following features of the mirror surface:

  • so that she does not read negative emotions, she is placed in a metal frame;
  • a person, looking in the mirror, draws strength from it;
  • in order to neutralize the negative energy of this object, you should frame it with silver or gold;
  • mirrors in the house should be thoroughly wiped and properly cared for, then they will absorb positive energy;
  • wash the surface - clean the house from damage and the evil eye;
  • a mirror located above the threshold will protect the house from evil spirits and gossip;
  • if you hide it in the pocket of a seriously ill patient, it will help him get rid of the disease faster.

There is a sign for women - a lady should always have a small mirror with her, framed by a soft flesh-colored frame, round or oval. Such a household item is not only useful for dusting the nose, but will also be a talisman for the hostess. The round shape helps to resolve conflicts and prevents quarrels around the girl. A personal mirror always protects from an envious eye.

Folk omens about the mirror oblige you to decently treat the subject of your home interior. When talking to your own reflection, always express good thoughts, directing energy flows to the positive. Greet him, share your problems, tk. the pier glass is able to redistribute the vibes sent to him and take away the negative from the soul.

If the surface is in a silver frame, it has the power to protect from evil spirits and save a family from quarrels. This requires daily polishing of the frame to a shine and not allowing strangers to touch it.

Negative effect of mirrors

This mystical item, often used in fortune-telling and rituals, often acts as a conductor of otherworldly spirits to our world.

  1. You should never look into a broken mirror, otherwise your soul may get lost among the shards. The particles should be well wrapped in paper or thick cloth and buried away from human eyes. Never pick up the fragments on the street, and even more so do not look in them, often damage or a love spell is caused to such things.
  2. You should not pick up an object thrown out at an intersection or just on the road, go around it so as not to be reflected in it, but rather cover it with paper or a scarf. He can be spellbound.
  3. Babies should not be brought to surfaces in the evening - they will be capricious before going to bed. Children are very receptive and able to feel the negative energy that the mirror absorbed during the day.
  4. You cannot give your personal object in hand, otherwise it will cease to protect the hostess from negativity.
  5. When they give such a gift, flatly refuse: in this way they convey problems and damage.
  6. If you are passionate about conspiracies and fortune-telling, while conducting a session in the house, do not line up mirrored rows, otherwise you will bring trouble to your family. An evil spirit can sneak into your home through such a corridor.
  7. No need to look at yourself in cloudy or dusty surfaces - you risk losing your reputation.
  8. You should not sit or stand with your back to the mirrors - you are giving out vitality.
  9. Antique items need to be sold or cared for well to keep them free of dust. Popular signs say that old mirrors, which are forgotten, can bring trouble to the owners, especially those who accidentally look into it will suffer.
  10. If you are going to build life elsewhere, get rid of old home furnishings.

Signs with a broken or cracked mirror:

  • if it breaks, falling out of hands - to seven years of misfortune;
  • if it cracked, soon a bad event will happen in the family: illness or death;
  • if a mirror constantly falls in the house, then the owners are quarreling too much;
  • the loss of a small mirror from the owner's hands is a warning about his waste;
  • do not step on a cracked surface - there will be problems with joints.

Popular superstitions say that two best friends you cannot look in the mirror at the same time: the girls will quarrel over the guy.

The bride cannot admire her full outfit on the eve of the wedding - this is fraught with the failure of the marriage. To avoid troubles, you can not wear a veil or small jewelry on preliminary fittings.

Avoid cases when someone looks into the mirror through you - they can steal your beauty and health. When a misfortune happens in the house, for example, a person dies, then all surfaces that can reflect are covered with a dense cloth. The sign says that the soul of the deceased, while wandering around the house, can get into the looking glass and then stay there forever.

Mirror in the house

A mirror is an irreplaceable piece of furniture in the house, especially for a girl. You need to figure out how to choose and place it correctly. Signs about this have been passed down from generation to generation. Many of them should be heeded.

You need to choose a surface only in a good mood and with positive thoughts, otherwise quarrels will begin in the house. Such an object will emit negative, so a person, being in a room with a mirror, will feel tired and irritated. The choice should be made according to special criteria:

  • the piece of furniture is bound to please you;
  • look harmoniously with other furniture in the house;
  • should not distort the image;
  • it is undesirable for it to be muddy or ornamented.

It cannot be placed in the bedroom opposite the bed, otherwise there will be insomnia and nightmares. The reflection of a sleeping person can negatively affect a person while awake: he will constantly be haunted by drowsiness and blues. Better to hide it behind the cabinet door.

The item must be placed in the corridor opposite the front door. Then guests entering the house with bad thoughts and intentions will immediately be reflected in the mirror and leave their negative there. Also, such an arrangement is able to keep money in the family.

Do not hang in the bathroom opposite the font, otherwise you will wash off all health and beauty.

Cannot be placed in the corner of a room: this is an abode of evil spirits and a collection of negative, therefore, surfaces that read information are best hung in the middle of the wall.

Ideal place for a mirror in the living room. The room should always be kept clean and thoroughly wiped clean, then the house will have abundance and a peaceful atmosphere.

Mirror in the kitchen

In the kitchen, it is better to abstain from mirrors altogether or place them above the table. Belief says that the one who is reflected in the mirror while eating - eats up his beauty and wisdom.

Housewives should not place mirrored surfaces so that the kitchen stove is reflected in them. This arrangement will take away energy and lead to quick fatigue while cooking.

Long-standing signs say that if you hang a mirror surface in front of the dining table, this will bring prosperity to the house. Chairs should be positioned so that family members sitting while eating are not reflected.

Signs about mirrors: what dangers they pose

A mirror is a mysterious thing in our house, magical properties have been attributed to it since ancient times. It contains the memory of what is happening, so you need to treat it very carefully, and it is no coincidence that there are so many signs and superstitions associated with mirrors. If you believe the old beliefs, then improper handling of the mirror could lead to failure and disease. What is the danger of mirrors, and what signs can you trust?

First you need find out the energy of the mirror... This can be done by lighting a candle in front of him. If it suddenly goes out for no apparent reason, then this mirror can bring you harm and misfortune. A “bad” mirror is usually colder to the touch than a regular mirror. If you find that your mirror has poor energy, then get rid of it quickly, and do not regret it, even if it is dear to you.

If you have the mirror broke, that is Bad sign... It was believed that a broken mirror entails seven years of grief and misery. In no case should you look at the fragments - in this case there is a leak of energy, life can "split". It is categorically impossible to take the fragments with your hands, but carefully collect, for example, with a sheet of paper or something else! The fragments must be buried in the ground or thrown into running water (river or stream) so that the devil does not look into them.

It is impossible give a mirror... Since ancient times, it was believed that the presented mirror brought discord into the relationship between the giver and the recipient of the gift. And if a donated mirror is hung in the house, then it can ruin the relationship between households.

It is impossible look in the mirror for a long time, long-term admiration for oneself leads to premature aging and the occurrence of diseases. Our ancestors believed that a mirror takes away strength and beauty.

If a girlfriends will look in one mirror, then one of them will take the groom away from the other. In general, you should not give your personal mirror to anyone, as you can lose your luck.

Mirrors in the house are always must be clean... If the mirrors in the house quickly become covered with dust, this is a bad omen. It is believed that the mirror shows the energy in the house. If it is dirty, then everything is not all right in the family. Wipe down the mirrors in the house as often as possible, this will help you avoid troubles, quarrels and illness. In order not to injure the energy field, mirrors must be framed.

It is impossible eat in front of the mirror otherwise your beauty will go to the other world.

Up to a year do not show the child a mirror- will be shy or speak late. If the baby is already talking, he may become a stutterer or he will have problems with teething and tooth growth.

If you think someone thinks bad of you, is up to something evil, try to look in the mirror at the same time as this person - the face of the enemy should be distorted.

Look in the mirror at night- unfortunately, and after 12 o'clock at night you can see Satan there, it is especially not recommended to look in the mirror on Good Friday.

See your reflection in the mirror by candlelight- Unfortunately.

When we leave the house, we look in the mirror not only to see ourselves. It is as if we are giving an order to our double in the mirror to protect our house while we are not at home. And if you forgot something and returned, be sure to look in the mirror again, so that the road is successful, and the house is also in order. Thus, they appease, distract evil spirits.

The guests have left? Wipe down the mirror in the hallway with holy water. This is done in order to guest with bad intentions could not harm you. If you were presented with a mirror, you need to wipe it with a napkin dipped in holy water.

Always close the mirrors if someone died in the house... Why do they do it? Someone says that the soul of the deceased does not get lost in the mirror maze, and someone says that the soul of the deceased cannot be reflected in them, frightening the living, or, duplicating itself, lead to another death in the family or among relatives and friends. It is believed that a person who looks in mirror in the room of the deceased will die soon.

According to popular beliefs, mirrors keep the memory of the events that took place in front of them, preserve and accumulate both positive and negative energies, and broadcast all this into the present. Therefore, if the house has antique mirror, and the family is often in trouble, trace the history of antiques. Maybe it’s better to get rid of him. If in the room in which the mirror was hanging, there was murder or suicide, it is necessary to wipe the mirror with holy water or, better, throw it away, as the mirror has memorized this scene. And this will have a very bad effect on you, and especially on children.

Do not hang up a mirror in the bedroom and in the bathroom so that the sleeping or bathing person is reflected in it - to frequent illnesses, love failures, to discord even between spouses who love each other. If you still need to have a mirror in the bedroom, do not hang it over the bed, at the head of the bed, or so that you are reflected in it when you sleep - it is believed that the person reflected in the mirror in a dream will not be able to sleep and rest. It is better to close such a mirror at night.

You can't hang a mirror opposite the front door... This sign has two meanings. Some argue that it is impossible to hang a mirror in front of the door, as it will create an obstacle to the flow of money into the house. Others say that the mirror opposite the front door protects people entering the house from uninvited guests and negative energy.

The mirror must be placed at that height so as not to cut off the top of the tallest member of the family and the legs of the lowest - thus the energy is "cut off", and these people may have health problems.

Even mirror shape affects a person. Choose the one that you like the most, closer to you. It is better to carry a round mirror in your cosmetic bag.

There is a well-known fact that mirrors accumulate human energy. In order for it to radiate only goodness and joy, look into your reflection with a smile and positive!

The mirror is a mysterious object that causes a lot of controversy and gossip, but most of all it causes fear in a superstitious person. But is it really so bad to trust the numerous signs associated with the mirror, it's up to you. We will only talk about folk signs and the superstitions associated with it.

Modern designers often resort to it, solving, for example, the problems of a small space with the help of this object. They are very fond of decorating the bedroom, entrance and other doors or living areas with mirrors, where this cannot be done at all.

Therefore, you should be aware of some features, in particular: in which zones you can or cannot install mirrors.

Negative zones

Under no circumstances should they be installed in a bedroom or latrine. A person is resting in the bedroom, and since today it is not known for certain where his energy body stays while he is sleeping, then it is not worth the risk of placing this object in front of the sleeping person.

Reflection in the mirror of a love bedroom scene is considered a bad omen.: people start to quarrel and then get divorced.

The latrine is the accumulator of all kinds of negative emanations. If you hang a mirror on the front door exactly there, then it will collect negative energy, and positive energy will be thrown into the sewer, at the same time taking away all the best from the house: joy, happiness, prosperity.

In the bathroom, you need to position it in such a way that the bathing person does not reflect, otherwise he will get very sick.

Positive zones

The best place for a mirror is in the living room. It is especially good to hang a mirror so that it reflects only the positive: potted flowers, photos with smiling people, nature outside the window, bright pictures.

A great place for a large mirror in the hallway in front of the front door. This is done so that it collects the energy entering the house, and also increases the well-being of the family.

Sometimes you can find a mirror in the kitchen, which is actually not worth doing due to the fact that it will begin to take away the energy of the hostess. But if you really want to, then it should be positioned in such a way that it reflects the dining table.- a symbol of the well-being of the family. Better yet, hang it on the front kitchen door.

Reflection in the mirror of business documents spread out on the desktop is unacceptable. Thus, you can only achieve an increase in the workload for the same money.

You should not hang two mirrors at once in a room or bedroom, they compete with each other, but, perhaps, the worst thing is when the mirrors are located opposite each other. A person begins to experience fatigue, caused by internal emptiness, as if all the juices have been drunk from him. What, in fact, is happening. In addition, such an arrangement can cause real world evil spirits lurking behind the looking glass.

Mysterious images

The mirror is a Slavic deity. A lot of all kinds of superstitions and fables are about mirrors. One of them tells about a good spirit - the Mirror, the keeper of the reflected world. She loves cheerful, kind people who sometimes look into her mysterious world with a smile, admiring themselves. However, sometimes she gets bored. But if suddenly the slightest opportunity presents itself, she travels the world like a sunbeam.


On Christmastide, unmarried girls are wondering about their betrothed, putting a candle in front of the mirror, pronouncing the ritual formula: "The betrothed, come to me to have supper!" Further, the girl peers into the dark surface. If he notices something disturbing, he says: "Chur, me" and the image disappears. It is necessary to do this in order not to release something bad from there.

Soul of the deceased

One of the important superstitions is that in the house where a person died, they close all the mirrors so that his soul does not accidentally get lost there. If this is not done, then the soul of the deceased is able to take someone close to him with him.

Eliminating troubles

When some unpleasant things happen related to mirrors, it is better to know how to minimize them, and it is better to eliminate them altogether.

A suddenly fallen and cracked mirror is a very bad omen, they say to the deceased. The fragments should be collected immediately, having previously moistened them with water, and taken out into the street away from home. You shouldn't tell your loved ones about what happened, including where it went.

A mirror covered with dark spots should be urgently replaced with a new one. Superstition speaks of a large amount of negative energy accumulated on it. A lighted candle will definitely help to find out about this: if it goes out, it is - you need to get rid of it.

The mirror must be wiped as often as possible: this is how the traces of past reflections are erased, and at the same time negative emanations.

Women who constantly use a personal mirror should not give it to other people, especially girlfriends, they can steal your beauty and happiness (not on purpose, of course).

Small children should not see their reflection, the child will be frightened, and then, may not start talking for a long time, or will start stuttering.

What do the signs say about mirrors and why can't they be put opposite? This video is just about that.

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