The meaning of the word truffle. The meaning of the word truffle The value of the truffle and its types

Genus truffle

Truffle genus - Tuber Fr

Fruit bodies are underground, tuberous, fleshy, with a smooth or warty surface. The pulp is dark or light-colored, with veins. Mandatory mycorrhiza formers. In Russia, 1 species.

Summer truffle - T. aestivum Vitt.

Encyclopedia of the Nature of Russia. - M .: ABF. L.V. Garibova, I.I. Sidorova. 1999 .

See what "Genus Truffle" is in other dictionaries:

    Summer truffle-? Summer truffle ... Wikipedia

    Italian truffle-? Truffle Italian Nau ... Wikipedia

    Winter truffle- Winter truffle ... Wikipedia

    Tuber aestivum Vitt see also Truffle genus Tuber Fr. Summer truffle T. aestivum Vitt. (Fig. 7) Fruit bodies 2.5-10 cm in diameter, bluish black, black brown, surface with large pyramidal warts of black brown color. Pulp ... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    Truffle- This term has other meanings, see Truffle (meanings). ? Truffle ... Wikipedia

    Truffle black- This article is about black truffle. For the genus of marsupial mushrooms, see Truffle. ? Truffle black ... Wikipedia

    TRUFFLE- [it. Truffel Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Choiromyces Vitt Fruiting bodies underground, large, up to 5-15 cm in diameter, tuberous, irregularly spherical or flattened, whitish, yellowish or grayish. The pulp is dryish, white, powdery, marbled with time, with yellow brown ... ... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    TRUFFLE- (Tuber), genus of discomycetes of the order of truffle (Tuberales). The fruit bodies are underground, ranging in size from a hazelnut to a large potato tuber (weight up to 1 kg), round, with a tuberous surface, fleshy or gristly, covered with peridium on the outside. ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    TRUFFLE- husband. an edible plant, a genus of the underground fungus Tuber. Truffle taste, smell, freaky, musty spicy. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

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truffle in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


m. edible plant, a genus of the underground fungus Tuber. Truffle taste, smell, freaky, musty-spicy.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


truffle and (less often) truffle, pl. truffles, truffles, and (less often) truffles, truffles, m. (German Trüffel).

    An edible mushroom of a round shape, growing underground, without a root and trunk, uptr. as a seasoning for certain exquisite dishes. Truffles, the luxury of youth. Pushkin. With the French best truffle plates I licked. Nekrasov.

    Chocolate candy that mimics such a mushroom in appearance.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


I, pl. -i, -ey and -i, -ey, m.

    Marsupial underground tuberous mushroom, some species of which are edible.

    A variety of rounded chocolates.

    adj. truffle, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Truffle- a genus of marsupial mushrooms with underground tuberous fleshy fruiting bodies from the order of pecits ( Pezizales). This genus includes edible species that are considered valuable delicacies.

Other mushrooms with similar fruit bodies (for example, from the genera Choiromyces, Elaphomyces and Terfezia). Among them, there are also edibles, which sometimes go on sale as a "fake delicacy", but are valued much lower than mushrooms from the genus Tuber .

Truffle (candy)

Truffle- rounded chocolate candy with ganache filling. These candies were named after the mushroom of the same name due to their similar appearance.

Classic truffles are a round ganache (a cream of chocolate, cream and butter) that is glazed with melted chocolate and then rolled in cocoa powder, ground nuts or waffle chips, or decorated with chocolate patterns. Various flavors are often added to ganache, including alcoholic beverages (cognac, rum, liqueurs).

In conditions of mass production, truffles are sometimes made by filling ready-made chocolate shells with filling, which reduces labor intensity and production time.

In the USSR, the most widespread are hard cone-shaped truffles, while European varieties can be soft and semi-liquid. In times of scarcity, candy was often made at home using milk powder or infant formula.

Examples of the use of the word truffle in literature.

Among truffles carrot flowers, halved lemons and artichoke hearts, a giant sterlet was reclining, and on its back stood a whole baked heron with a golden ring in its raised beak on one leg.

In general, he was earthy, like truffles, and exuded the aroma of freshly dug turf, the strong smell of onions and geranium essence.

Here's how to make a chicken casserole like this: Lightly fry a whole black truffle in a little butter, chop finely and add to the sauce.

One evening after another performance - it was in the city of Strasbourg - they were sitting in a hotel restaurant, and Herr Professor Jokus von Pocus was eating goose pate with truffles.

Instead of these nonsense about life in paradise under Saturn, you have a clear opportunity to eat truffles from a large crystal trough.

It's just bad that, starting to tear off your truffle, the pig immediately wants to eat it, and then you need to quickly drive the pig away and dig it yourself truffle.

His wild duck stuffed with rice, pine seeds and soaked in brandy truffles, caused such a feeling as if an orchestra was playing in your mouth - your sky fluttered in time to the culinary music.

Works ripen in souls as mysteriously as truffles on the fragrant plains of Perigord.

You are a mother, your baby has the same sticking out on his face truffle like my grandfather - so it seemed to me when I received him from the font together with Madame Chardon.

She reached for the sarcophagus, but in front of her flickered Truffle, gave nothing to see.

And only then it dawned on her what was the most terrible in all this whirlwind, in which she lost her head - she did not pay attention that Fustel, whom he was dragging on himself Truffle, in the hospital compartment is not.

But at the tip of the receptor proboscis in Truffle a piercing crimson light came on, as was always the case when the Skoch wanted to draw attention to themselves.

Let me down, Waffle, I'll look around, and you, but return to the fork, pick up Truffle and - here.

Fingering the cable, she climbed out of the pipe - Woodwood, dressed in some kind of dull mouse spacesuit, squatting on his haunches, raked Truffle apples, nets, some suspicious apparatuses from a saddle bag.

Truffle is a valuable expensive delicacy, for which true connoisseurs and gourmets are ready to pay even hundreds of euros. The very name “truffle” sounds exquisite and luxurious. What is truffle and what is its attractive power? What do Italians eat truffles with? You will learn how it is mined and how to store it properly. And also in this article, a surprise awaits all readers!

Such a rare delicacy as the Italian truffle tartufo is mined in Italy, for example, in the regions of Piedmont and Umbria. In Italy he is considered gourmet food and they are usually seasoned with dishes such as risotto and pasta... This mushroom goes well with eggs, it is also used in the form of a cream, spread on toast and bread. They also make preparations from truffles in olive oil.

The specific aroma and taste of a truffle may not captivate everyone, but it certainly will not seem like something ordinary. There is no way to describe what it looks like, you just have to try it. And perhaps more than once. For those who did not appreciate the value of this delicacy the first time, I advise you to try it again.

After all, to be honest, when I first rubbed something black on a plate of pasta with the look as if I was very lucky, it seemed to me a little overkill. Not to say that I did not like him, but I did not quite understand why he causes such delight. But having tasted the truffle dishes once and again, I was able to truly appreciate this local delicacy. And now I am among those residents of Italy who look a little down on the rest, who “do not understand” our delight .. =))

So I decided to introduce you to something refined and sophisticated in one of my articles. Meet, for whom it is new, and for whom it is well known, His Majesty Truffle!

And today, by popular demand from readers, I will delight you recipe for a traditional Italian dish - risotto with pumpkin flavored with truffle! This will be my surprise ..))
So hurry up to share this “gourmet” article with everyone!

What is truffle and how is it obtained

Truffles are a genus of delicious mushrooms with underground marsupial tuberous fruits. They grow underground near the roots of certain trees, such as oak trees. These valuable delicacies are collected by hand, usually according to the established tradition, with the help of specially trained dogs, whose sense of smell is unusually sensitive. Sometimes even pigs are used for such a responsible business.

The animal looks for the location of the truffle by smell, and its hunter carefully digs the mushroom out of the ground with a special spatula so as not to damage its main fruit. After the precious prize is obtained, it is very important to return the disturbed soil to its place so that truffles can form and grow here and further.

Did you know that the special strong aroma inherent in the truffle mainly serves to attract wild animals such as pigs, boars and foxes to it? Ask why? The fact is that these animals, digging in the ground, contribute to the spread of the spores of this fungus.

Truffle value and types

Although there is a certain season in which truffles can be harvested, this is not the main reason for their rare value. This is also influenced by the conditions of the area in which this rare mushroom grows. For example, during periods of drought, truffle prices rise significantly. After all, it is the mushrooms that are harvested in natural conditions that are valued, and not specially grown, in which many unique properties are absent.

The high cost of these mushrooms is due to the specifics of the conditions for their growth, the method of their collection, storage, and of course the refined taste and aroma.

There are many varieties of truffle, but not all of them are edible. Which type of truffle grows in a particular area depends on factors such as climate, soil and the presence of certain forests.

Italy is one of the world's leading producers of such a valuable delicacy.
In this sunny country, two types of truffles are popular - white, a rarer type, and black.

White truffle

This type of truffle is considered more rare and therefore more valuable. The main places in Italy where the white truffle is mined are the Piedmont regions, especially the small area of ​​the provinces of Torino and Alba, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Molise and Abruzzo.

Black truffle

Compared to white, black truffle is considered to be more common in Italy. Most of all, this species is mined in Umbria and Molise, this also applies to the "summer" black truffle, and the more valuable fruit of the "winter" period. Not so long ago, this valuable delicacy began to be mined in such regions of Italy as Campania, Sicily, Calabria and Basilicata.

Valuable properties of truffles

Truffle is able not only to bring true delight to gourmets, but also to provide our body with many useful substances. For example, he is a strong antioxidant and is rich in vitamins such as PP, B1, B2, C.

You can find more encyclopedic information about truffles.

Don't forget - it takes a lot of time and effort to create a quality article with proven facts, and no one pays for this work. The best reward for me is you, dear readers! So share, like and join the society of those in love with Italy!

How to store a truffle correctly

The truffles have a short shelf life, so they should be tasted fresh to appreciate the uniqueness of the taste. Of course, the best thing is to come to Italy during the truffle season and enjoy a rare local delicacy on the spot.

If you would like to grab a couple of mushrooms with you, I will give you some tips. They should be stored in the refrigerator, wrapping each mushroom in a napkin and putting it in a glass jar with a lid.... The napkin needs to be changed frequently to keep it dry. Thus, you can enjoy the delicacy for about a week.

The truffle can also be placed in rice or a closed container with eggs. thus, rice and eggs will acquire its unique flavor over time. It can be stored in rice for much longer, but remember that this will gradually dry out the truffle.

Well, now, as I promised, I will share with you recipe for Italian pumpkin risotto seasoned with fresh grated truffle... Do you want maximum vitamins and minimum calories? Then go ahead! Easy to prepare but delicious in taste!

Ingredients for 4 servings:
  • 1/4 small pumpkin
  • 2 cups rice (I use a mixture of long white rice with black wild)
  • 1 onion
  • A little olive oil (if you want a more delicate taste, use butter)
  • 0.5 cups white wine
  • Black truffle
  • 1 - 1.5 liters of vegetable broth
For vegetable broth:
  • 2 l of water
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 onion
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 tomato
  • Several sprigs of parsley
  • Salt

Cooking vegetable broth

Rinse the vegetables well. Peel the carrots by cutting off both ends and cut each in half.

Peel the onion and cut in half.

Cut off the ends of the zucchini and cut into thirds.

Peel the tomato and cut into four slices.

Place all this together with the celery cut into small pieces in a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil.

Add salt to taste and parsley along with the stem.

Cover the pot with a lid and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

When ready, add salt, if necessary, and strain the vegetables through a sieve.

The broth is ready.

Making risotto

Peel the pumpkin and seeds and cut into small cubes.

Fry the finely chopped onion in a saucepan in butter (butter or olive oil of your choice).

Add pumpkin cubes to the onion, simmer in oil for 2-3 minutes, closing the lid.

Place the rice in the pumpkin saucepan and stir well for 2-3 minutes.

Pour in wine, stir. After a couple of minutes, start pouring in the hot broth little by little.

Pour in a small portion at first, and add the broth as the rice absorbs the water.

Stir the rice constantly. Continue this process until ready.

Remember that real Italian risotto doesn't have to be boiled. Place the risotto in a plate and rub the black truffle on top.

Your Italian risotto is ready! If you don't have a truffle, you can still make this lovely dish. Then, instead of truffle, rub Parmesan on top.

Bon Appetit!
I look forward to hearing from you how you got your pumpkin risotto! Do not be lazy, write in the comments! .. =) And share on your pages, not forgetting to indicate this site as a source ..))

Truffle, - I am, plural h. - I, - her and - and, - her, masculine gender.
1. Marsupial underground tuberous mushroom, some species of which are edible.
2. A variety of rounded chocolates.
adjective truffle, - oh, - oh.

Examples of using the word truffle in the context

    ... And only then it dawned on her what was the most terrible in all this whirlwind, in which she lost her head - did not pay attention that Fustel, whom he was dragging on himself Truffle, in the hospital compartment is not.
    ... She reached for the sarcophagus, but in front of her flickered Truffle, gave nothing to see.
    ... You are a mother, your baby has the same sticking out on his face truffle like my grandfather - so it seemed to me when I received him from the font together with Madame Chardon.
    ... Here's how to make a chicken casserole like this: Lightly fry a whole black truffle in a little butter, chop finely and add to the sauce.
    ... It's just bad that, starting to tear off your truffle, the pig immediately wants to eat it, and then you need to quickly drive the pig away and dig it yourself truffle.

Truffle genus - Tuber Fr

Fruit bodies are underground, tuberous, fleshy, with a smooth or warty surface. The pulp is dark or light-colored, with veins. Mandatory mycorrhiza formers. In Russia, 1 species.

Summer truffle - T. aestivum Vitt.
  • - a mushroom of the class of marsupial mushrooms. The nut-like fruit body is in the soil. Grows in pine forests. It is eaten by deer, hares, squirrels. Has nothing to do with real truffles ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - TRUFFLE, -I, m. 1. Shuttle. Any thing. 2. Nose, face. 3. Iron. appeal. 4. Negro, black. name mushroom and varieties of chocolates ...

    Dictionary of Russian argo

  • -; pl. truffle / and truffle / feli, R ....

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - husband. an edible plant, a genus of the underground fungus Tuber. Truffle taste, smell, freaky, musty-spicy ...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - TRUFFEL, -I, pl. -i, -y and -i, -y, husband. 1. Marsupial underground tuberous mushroom, some species of which are edible. 2. A variety of rounded chocolates ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - TRUFFLE, truffle and truffle, pl. truffles, truffles, and truffles, truffles, husband. ... 1. Edible mushroom of a round shape, growing underground, without root and trunk, uptr. as a seasoning for some delicious dishes ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - truffle I m. see truffles I II m. see truffles ...

    Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - tr "yufel, -ya, plural -i, -ey and -" I, - "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - truffle m. Through it. Trüffel or Dutch truffel - the same from French. truffе from it. truffа from Osc.-umber. * tūfer, lat. tūber "tuber," ...

    Vasmer's etymological dictionary

  • - Borrowing. at the beginning of the XIX century. out of it. lang., where Trüffel is French. truffe, ascending through ital. lang. to lat. tuber "" "tuber". The mushroom is named for its tuberous fruit ...

    Etymological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - TRUFFLE I, pl. truffles, her. m truffe it. Trüffel. 1. An edible mushroom of a round shape that grows underground, it is used as a seasoning. Ozh. 1986. I ask him Michelle & GT ...

    Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

  • - 1) a round-shaped edible mushroom growing underground; 2) a variety of chocolates ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - m. A and C noun see _ Appendix II of the truffle and col. truffle pl truffles, truffles and colloquial truffle truffles, truffles and colloquial truffle How long can I be hungry in anguish Fasting involuntarily And veal ...

    Dictionary of Russian stresses

  • - 1. truffle, truffles, truffles, truffles, truffles, truffles, truffles, truffles, truffles, truffles, truffles, truffles 2 ...

    Word forms

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 7 ascomycete mushroom discomycete candy face negro nose ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Rod truffle" in the books

Truffle white

From the book Great Encyclopedia of Canning the author Semikova Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Savoy Truffle Savoy Truffle

From The Beatles - The Complete Guide to Songs and Albums author Robertson John

Savoy Truffle George Harrison Recorded on 3, 5, 11, 14 October 1968 This rather playful song was inspired by a close friend of George Harrison. “Eric Clapton had a lot of holes in his teeth and needed to go to the doctor. He ate a lot of chocolate just couldn't imagine

Truffle white

From the book Mushrooms. We collect, grow, procure the author Zvonarev Nikolay Mikhailovich

White truffle Grows in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, on moderately moist, well-warmed soils with a poorly developed herbaceous cover, in August - September. The fruiting bodies of this fungus are located underground, at a depth of 8-10 cm, on the soil surface they


From the book Mushrooms. We grow on our site the author Shnurovozova Tatiana

Truffle Brief description of the mushroom, peculiarities of its growth Truffle (from Lat. Tuber) - belongs to the genus of marsupial mushrooms. The fruit body of the fungus is tuberous, fleshy, growing underground at a depth of 10–20 cm. There are many varieties of truffles. Mostly truffles

Truffle black

the author Onishchenko Vladimir

Black truffle Spravzhny black truffle Tuber brumale Description. Fruit bodies with a pleasant odor, round, tuberous, black, 2–8 (12) cm in diameter, with pyramidal warts, the inner tissue is grayish or grayish-purple with

Edible truffle

From the book Handbook of the mushroom picker the author Onishchenko Vladimir

Truffle Edible Truffle їstivny Tuber aestivum Description. Fruit body 3-10 cm in diameter, underground, angular-spherical, spherical, tuberous, with large pyramidal warts, almost smooth to the base,

Steppe truffle

From the book Handbook of the mushroom picker the author Onishchenko Vladimir

Steppe truffle Steppe truffle Terfezia leonis Description. Fruit bodies tuberous, smooth or slightly wrinkled, initially light, later brown, up to 15 cm in diameter. The inside is fleshy, juicy, with many multifaceted

60. White truffle (fat)

From the book Mushrooms. Keys to mushrooms of Russian forests and fields the author Vishnevsky Mikhail Vladimirovich

60. White truffle (fat) Choiromyces maeandriformis Vitt. The fruit body of the fungus is irregular in shape, resembles a potato or Jerusalem artichoke tuber and can reach a mass of up to 1 kg or even more. Its usual size is 5-15 cm across. At the base, the mushroom is somewhat narrowed; when dry

Deer truffle

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OL) of the author TSB

Local delicacy - corn truffle

From the book Black Corn. A revolutionary product for all diseases the author Filippova Irina Alexandrovna

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