The glass is striped. Striped Glass Striped Glass - Cyathus striatus Pers

Striped glass, striped nest, (Cyathus striatus Pers.)

Insert-mushroom-tree Syn... Peziza striata Huds.

Fruit bodies initially clavate, goblet, then oblong, 0.5-1 cm high, at the top 0.3-0.7 cm wide, at the bottom 0.1-0.2 cm wide. (Cejp, 0.8-1.6 cm high, 0.8-1 cm wide at the top), covered with peridium, sessile, at the base with a thick, felt, brown bedding.

Peridium three-layer, dense.

Exoperidium covered with long, protruding, rare, coarse, dark rusty-brown felt, consists of hyphae 4.8-9.6 r, thick., with buckles, branched, with thick, 1 µm, walls.

Mesoperidium from hyphae 2.4 µm thick, with septa, unbranched, brown.

Endoperidium thin, folded, longitudinally furrowed at the top, whitish or lead-gray, even at the bottom, dark to black, shiny, consists of hyphae 2.4 µm thick, with buckles, colorless.

Layers tightly connected to each other. The peridium opens at the apex with a rounded opening, at first covered with a thin epiphragm and felt, which then disappear.

Gleb differentiates into numerous peridiols attached by a whitish, very strong, long cord.

Peridioli lenticular, sometimes angular, 1.5-2 mm in diameter. (according to Cejp, 1.5-2 mm in diam.), gray or silvery-brown, with a thick shell, the inner wall of which is lined with hymenium.

Shell two-layer: surface layer 50 µm thick, (according to Cejp, 20 µm thick) black; the sclerocial layer is compact, of cells 250-300 microns thick. (by Ceip, 100-300 µm thick).

Basidia oblong-clavate, 7.8-8 by 6.5 microns, with 4 sessile spores (according to Cejp), rapidly disappearing.

Controversy cylindrical-ellipsoidal, 15.6-20.4 by 8.4-12 microns, more often 16.8-19.2 by 9.6-10.8 microns (according to Cejp, 16-22 by 10-12 microns), smooth, colorless, episporium 2-2.4 microns, thick.

Is growing: on rotten wood, leaves, branches of various tree species, on the stems of various herbaceous plants, as well as on the soil, mostly in shaded areas in deciduous and coniferous forests, gardens, parks.

Season: April - May and again September - November.

Edibility: inedible.


Locations in Kazakhstan... East Kazakhstan region, on the road from Chelikta, after the Monrak pass, 8 / VII 1958, M.P. Vasyagina.
On Populus tallassica Bot., 1934 (Salicaceae); Alma-Ata region, tugai along the river. Chilik, at the exit from the Turaigyr mountains, 2 / VIH 1964, N.M. Filimonova. Distributed in the foothills of the Zailiyskiy Alatau.

Area... Primorsky Territory, Transbaikalia, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukrainsa, Krasnodar Territory; England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, China, India, Japan, North America.

Striped glass

Striped Glass - Cyathus striatus Pers

Striped goblet -C. Striatus Pers.

Fruit bodies are spherical or ovoid at first, later bell-shaped or elongate-funnel-shaped, 0.8-1.6 cm high, 0.6-1 cm wide, with felt tapered mycelium filaments at the base of the fruiting body. Peridium is red or dark brown on the outside, tomentose, inside is lead-gray to black (below), longitudinally grooved. Peridioli 0.12-0.2 cm in diameter, silvery-brown, angular, whitening when dry.

On decaying wood and plant debris, less often on soil. Almost throughout Russia.

Encyclopedia of the Nature of Russia. - M .: ABF. L.V. Garibova, I.I. Sidorova. 1999 .

See what "Striped Glass" is in other dictionaries:

    Cyathus olla Pers see also Genus goblet, Cyathus Pers. Glass Olla C. olla Pers. Fruiting bodies are first ovoid, then goblet or bell-shaped, 1.0–1.5 cm high, 0.8–1.0 cm wide, woody consistency. Peridium ... ... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    Cyathus stercoreus (Schw.) De Toni see also Genus goblet, cyatus Cyathus Pers. Dung glass C. stercoreus (Schw.) De Toni Young fruiting bodies are ur-shaped, mature reverse conical or bell-shaped, 0.5 1.5 cm high, 0.4 1 cm in ... ... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    Cyathus Pers Young fruiting bodies are round, mature, broadly cup-shaped, with jagged edges and a single-layered epiphragm. The peridium is three-layered. Peridioli are lenticular, numerous, dark brown or black, attached to the peridium by a cord. On the… … Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    A relatively poorly studied group of fungi, numbering about 1000 species from ND genera, grouped into 11 orders of magnitude by the structural features of fruit bodies. The reference book describes about 50 types of the most common and well-visible ... ... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    Gasteromycetes-lignophiles- Many species of gasteromycetes are cosmopolitan. According to the confinement to the substrate, four of them can be distinguished environmental groups... The first clearly delineated group of lignophiles, that is, settling on plant remains: dead wood, ... ... Biological encyclopedia

    Crucibulum laeve (D.C.) Kambly see also Genus Crucibulum Tul. Smooth crucibulum C. laeve (D. С.) Kambly The fruiting body is first spherical, then goblet or cylindrical, up to 1 cm in height, yellowish, white towards the base. ... ... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    Shaerobolus stellatus Pers see also Genus spherobolus Shaerobolus Pers. Spherobolus star S. stellatus Pers. The fruiting body is in the form of a closed cup or spherical, 0.1 to 0.2 cm in diameter. The multi-layered peridium unfolds stellarly from ... ... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    Nidnlaria pulvinata (Schw.) Fr see also Genus nesting, Nidularia Nidnlaria fr. et Nordh. emend. Tul. Nidularia cushion N. pulvinata (Schw.) Fr. Fruit bodies are flattened spherical, often cylindrical, with widened ... ... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    342 smooth cruciulum; 343 Oll's glass; 344 striped glass; 345 a glass of manure; 346 star spherobolus (stages of development); 347 cushion nesting ... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    Gasteromycetes- Polyphyletic group of mushrooms Lattice ... Wikipedia

Nature is simply amazing. The variety of forms of flora and fauna is truly impressive. Today we will pay close attention to the kingdom of the Mushrooms. The specimens mentioned below have such an unusual appearance that, at first glance, it is impossible to figure out that these are mushrooms. You will be shocked!

Vaulted starfish (lat. )

It seems as if Mother Earth decided to create a mushroom in the image and likeness of man. The vaulted starfish really resembles a human figure. Also, this mushroom looks like a domed earth star. Therefore, the people, in the English-speaking countries, call it that. The second variant of the name is the acrobatic earthen star.

It reaches a height of 4-8 cm.It is usually found singly or in small groups in forests North America and Europe, mainly in Mexico and the southwestern United States of America. If you find this mushroom, you should know that it is inedible.

Brain tremor (lat. ) - forest brain

In the context.

Striped glass (lat. ) - a small bird's nest with miniature eggs

What tiny bird found this nest and laid its eggs in it? Calm down: this is not at all a matter of the wings of a miniature bird. We are talking about a beautiful striped glass mushroom, or, as it is also called, striped cyatus. You can find these in summer and autumn on dead wood in temperate regions around the planet: Asia, Europe, North, Central and South America, in New Zealand. The color and size of striped glasses may differ slightly, but, as a rule, they are no more than 1 cm in width and height. The striped cyatus is gray or brown in color. By the way, in scientific literature tiny "eggs" are called peridioles.

Auricularia auricular (lat. ) - the forest hears everything

Ears in the middle of the forest? It looks like a David Lynch movie. But this can happen to you in reality. You can even eat them if you like. In fact, these are mushrooms called auricular auricular. Their size varies from 3 to 12 cm. These reddish-brown "ears" can be found in humid places, mainly on dead deciduous trees and shrubs. Mushrooms grow all year round, but most often they can be found in the fall. They are widespread in temperate and subtropical climates around the world.

Auricular auricular fungus in Asia, especially in China, it is considered delicacy... It is specially grown on dead wood, for example, cork oak, elderberry, paradise banana. While in the People's Republic of China, you can taste the Chinese Black Mushroom Soup, a must-have ingredient in the aforementioned mushroom. Also, auricular auricular is used for preparing salads. In China, Ghana, Nigeria, it is believed that dishes made from these mushrooms are medicinal. In particular, the Chinese believe that the soup with "ears" helps in the fight against colds and fevers.

Anturus archer (lat. Clathrus archeri) - devil's fingers, octopus or starfish?

When the Anturus archer mushroom opens, it looks like a starfish or octopus. Usually has 4 to 7 pinkish-red "tentacles". Popularly known as the devil's fingers, the creepiest mushroom in the world... It is easy to recognize not only by outward appearance but also for a terrible unpleasant odor fell. The scent attracts flies, which spread spores. Anturus archer grows in groups, often among wood chips, old stumps and fallen leaves. It originally grew in Australia and Tasmania, but now it can be found in Europe, North America and Asia. Do not taste this mushroom when opened, it is inedible.


Hydnellum pitch (lat. ) - "bleeding" mushroom

If you walk through the forests of North America and some European countries, You may find a mushroom with a frightening popular name, bloody tooth or devil's tooth... Although there are people who look at it from a culinary point of view. To them, the mushroom resembles ice cream with strawberry syrup.

Only young moist mushrooms can "bleed" with a bright red liquid. Interestingly, the liquid contains an effective anticoagulant. While gindellum pitch is young, it is easy to identify, but as it ages, the mushroom becomes brown and nondescript. "Bleeding" mushroom inedible, although it is not toxic. It tastes extremely bitter. The sizes of the mushroom range from 5 to 10 cm in height. Gindellum pitch grows on the ground under conifers, often among mosses. A mutually beneficial relationship is established between the roots of some trees and these mushrooms, an exchange of useful substances takes place.

- dead man's fingers

When this mushroom is encountered on the way, it seems that the dead man was trying to get out of his grave with his own hands. But again, we are talking about mushrooms, the popular name of which is dead man's fingers. Inedible mushrooms Xylaria polymorpha appears in spring, most often on damaged stumps or rotten wood. At first they are bluish or bluish, then, by summer, the mushrooms gradually take on an ominous look to the human eye. Polymorpha means many forms. As the name suggests, the shape of the Xylaria polymorpha fungi is quite varied. But in most cases, the shape is club-shaped, that is, thickened at one end.

Young mushrooms.

Mature black mushrooms.

in the context.

Horror! Poured zombie fingers.

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You have probably come across these small mushrooms, which are often found in summer cottages under old and poorly groomed shrubs, and wherever they have something to feast on. And they feast on any dead plant organic matter - on leaves, trunks, stumps. Glasses are widespread and occur from early July to late autumn. Sometimes during the warm season, the colony experiences several growth waves on one fallen tree.

The glasses got their name from the shape of the fruiting body, reminiscent of a glass or goblet. They are also called nests because the adult mushrooms look like a tiny bird's nest. However, in the systematization of mushrooms, nests and goblets are distinguished into separate genera, therefore, from a strict point of view, it is problematic to establish an exact species correspondence from a strict point of view.

Glasses are small mushrooms, up to a centimeter high. Young glasses are light and covered with a white film, as they grow, they darken, the film breaks and opens interior, on which round spore storages are noticeable. In striped cups (Cyathus striatus), dark and light stripes on the inner surface of the cup are clearly visible.

Glasses have no practical value for humans. But some lovers of minimalism aesthetics decorate their miniature gardens with branches with tiny mushrooms brought from the forest. A very specific art.

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