Rules for connecting capital letters table. Proper combination of letters for good handwriting. Georgieva M.O. Methodology of work in prescription

If you need to teach a child to write, first they show him printed letters. This is a universal writing method when a child masters the sequence of connecting the elements that make up a letter. It can be:

  1. Circles.
  2. Ovals.
  3. Hooks.
  4. Sticks.

That is, each letter is an integral object, but it is made up of several elements, each of which must be mastered. The child will have to understand the difference between lowercase and printed letters. But learning to write quickly in even block letters is difficult, and he has to master another science. Handwriting is a certain individual trait of each person, but it should be built in the same way.

In order for the child to write legibly in the future, he needs to explain what the elements of the letter consist of. These are letters, syllables, words. Sentences, paragraphs and texts are more difficult to master. Gradually, mastering science, the child understands that he can achieve the desired result. Not every adult himself knows how to write correctly, but he needs to teach this to a child. By studying with him in writing, you may see that your handwriting has improved.

It is important to understand how to explain to the child when different types of letters are used in writing. It is necessary that he gradually begin to study the letters of the Russian alphabet in words. There are many teaching methods. It is recommended to find a way to combine several at once, then the result will be more noticeable.

The standard option for learning to write lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet is to use copybooks. The method differs in that it is convenient for both adults and children. If parents have not yet had time to choose and purchase suitable publications, it's time to do it as soon as possible.

§ 1 Capital letter "O"

In front of us in the picture is the letter "O". It is printed large, printed small, written capital and written lowercase.

When should a capital letter be used in a word?

Here is how he writes about it in his poem

Elena Izmailova:

“The letter ordinary has grown suddenly,

Has grown above all letters-girlfriends.

Look with respect

To the letter of a friend.

But why? For what merit?

The letter is entrusted with an important task.

Put in a word

Not in vain and not just

The letter is so tall.

A letter is placed at the beginning of the line,

To start everyone noticed.

Name, surname are written with her,

To be more noticeable and visible to them,

To sound loud and proud

Your name, the name of the street, the city.

A large letter is not a trifle at all:

In the letter - a great sign of respect!

Therefore, names, surnames of people, nicknames of animals and geographical names are written with a capital letter.

Olya, Oleg, Orsha, Orenburg, Onar - all these words are capitalized.

§ 2 Learning to write the letter "O"

And now consider the images of the printed and written letter o. What do they look like?

The Moldovan poet Grigore Vieru compares the printed letter 0 with a hoop in his poem:

"The hoop in the arena will flare up,

The tiger will bravely jump into the fire.

And the writer Galina Vanyukhina compares the large written letter O with an oval:

"The letter O has always stood

round, normal,

She went to bed - she crushed her sides

And now - oval.

Let's learn how to write this letter. Let's look at the picture and find the point from which we will start writing the letter. Then, from this point, counterclockwise, smoothly tilt the oval upwards. We reach the top ruler, round off and lead down so as to reconnect with the starting point.

§ 3 Connections with the letter "O"

In order for the letter o (small) to be connected in words with other letters, connections (upper and lower) are required.

To write an o (small) with a bottom connection, we lead from the bottom point counterclockwise - from left to right and draw a connecting element.

To write an o (small) with a top connection, we lead from the bottom point clockwise - from right to left and draw a connecting element.

At the same time, remember the rules of writing.

The notebook should be held in front of you obliquely.

Letters must not extend beyond the top and bottom lines.

Given these rules, write your own upper and lower connections with the letter o: in, ov, olo, oro and the words hair, head.

§ 4 Brief summary of the topic of the lesson

To write names, surnames, animal names, geographical names, we use the capital letter O, and to write words with a lowercase letter o, we use upper or lower joins.

List of used literature:

  1. Pronina O.V. My magic fingers Recipe.
  2. Pronina O.V. Methodical recommendations for the teacher. Literacy lessons according to the textbook "My favorite alphabet" and the prescriptions "My magic wands". Balass. 2014.
  3. Calendar-thematic planning "Russian language grade 1" on the subject of Literacy.

Used images:

You are looking for: Pattern of connecting letters - up-to-date information.


How do we combine the letter O with another letter in a letter? In the 21st century, all connections are bottom, look at the samples. They are letters of some sort. Consider the written pattern of connecting the letter "f" with other letters on the next line in the copy. In "Recipes" samples of all compounds are given, both lowercase and uppercase letters. The teacher recalls the connection pattern. My daughter writes letters and elements beautifully, but the overall picture of what is written is depressing. Participation of an expert in obtaining experimental samples. The teacher writes the pattern on the blackboard. Students should know how to connect all letters. We will write the letter o using the top join.

Connect letters correctly

We offer interactive computer exercises for teaching writing.

Analysis of graphic errors in writing. Causes, ways to prevent and correct them

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Indicators (criteria) of graphic skill are: 1) graphic literacy 2) calligraphic clarity and stability in the styles of letters and their combinations 3) connectedness (continuity) and 4) writing speed.

In order for the skills to become automated skills, it is necessary to fulfill all indicators of the graphic skill.

Graphic literacy as one of the indicators of the formation of the writing skill is manifested in whether the student makes mistakes that occur in the process of transcoding the sound form of a word into a graphic one and when it is directly reproduced on paper.

Graphic errors are omissions, permutations and various replacements of letters corresponding to phonemes similar in acoustic, articulatory characteristics, or a change in the shape, size, spatial position and number of elements in a letter sign.

Every teacher is well aware of how difficult the formation of junior schoolchildren(especially six-year-olds) the ability to write legibly, evenly, with respect for proportions, the same slope, and so on. In order to learn how to manage this process more skillfully, it is necessary to imagine, firstly, the difficulties that children experience, and secondly, the causes that give rise to them.

The reasons for the occurrence of graphic errors include, firstly, the underdevelopment of the sound side of the language in children, that is, phonemic hearing and the culture of sound pronunciation, and secondly, the imperfection of visual perception and motor reproduction on paper of letter characters and their components corresponding to a certain semantic meaning.

To determine the graphic literacy of students, it is recommended to use a dictation. This is a more complex type of speech activity compared to copying, since transcoding sounds into letters is more difficult than the reverse process.

The next indicator of the formation of a graphic skill is the calligraphic clarity and stability of writing. This criterion is characterized by the ability of the writer to comply with the established height, width and angle of the letters and their individual elements. The slope angle is 650. The width of the letters is approximately equal to their height, and for some letters (for example, __, __, __, __) it is 1.5 times greater than the height. When writing in a notebook with a regular line (“lined”), the height and width are reduced accordingly. The angle of inclination remains the same.

When distinguishing between the concepts of graphic and calligraphic errors, one must take into account the nature and limits of the distortion of an alphabetic character. If a letter is distorted beyond recognition by a student, namely: the direction of the element or sign as a whole is replaced, the number of elements increases or decreases, one grapheme is completely replaced by another, similar in descriptive or acoustic characteristics, then this type of error should be attributed to graphic. Distortions of a letter within the limits of its recognition and reading (violation of the height, width and angle of inclination) are called calligraphic errors.

Thus, graphic errors are associated with a change (____________________________) or complete disappearance (____________________________) of a certain meaning of the depicted word. Calligraphic flaws in writing only make it difficult to read the text.

Calligraphic errors testify to the unformed clarity and stability of the students' handwriting. Errors in writing can be caused by a variety of reasons: violation of elementary hygienic requirements (the position of a notebook, hand, pen in hand, and so on), overstrain of the hand, lack of the necessary spatial orientation, imperfection in the regulation of movements, a gap in the development of motor analyzers, insufficient interaction of optical and oculomotor apparatus and so on.

When analyzing the clarity and stability of writing, it is necessary to pay attention to the following calligraphic characteristics of the emerging handwriting:

how often the student does not bring the individual elements of the letter or the letter to the top (bottom) line of the line or goes beyond it

whether the student observes the correct (650) and uniform angle of inclination when writing, or the inclination of the elements and letters depends on his posture, the position of the notebook on the table (desk) and on the place where the graphic complexes are drawn on the line (beginning, middle, end)

whether there is a certain proportionality in the execution of intervals between the elements of letters, letters in words and words in sentences and the text as a whole.

Compliance with the requirements of calligraphic writing is easy to determine by eye, but for persuasiveness, you can use the following techniques:

attach a ruler to the upper border (real (as in notebooks for grade 1) or imaginary (as in notebooks “in a ruler”)) of the line and count how many times the student clearly went beyond it. Then put a ruler on top and count how many times he brought the element or letter to the top of the line. Do the same for the bottom line.

using a ruler and a simple pencil, continue up and down the lines from the elements of the letters. The drawn lines clearly illustrate the correctness of the inclination when writing, more or less than 650. The parallelism of these lines indicates the stability of the inclination. If the drawn lines have a different angle of inclination (not parallel), then the student needs help: to consolidate the technology of tracing letters and their connections, that is, to form an elementary graphic skill.

The unit of measure for the width of an alphabetic character is conventionally the letter __. All letters of the Russian alphabet have the same width as the letter __, except for the letters: __, __, __, __, __. These 5 letters are one and a half times wider than the letter __. The spaces between words are equal to the width of two letters __.

In practice, when writing, the following graphic errors occur:

when writing, children do not observe the spacing between letters in words, unevenly arrange words on a line

write letters too wide or too narrow

very often in the works of students there is a multidirectional tilt or excessive tilt to the right or left

do not observe the arrangement of letters along the line of the line, that is, they do not keep linearity when writing

do not maintain the desired height of the letters (too cool, too small)

often found brokenness, pretentiousness of the letter

there is a "fence", the convention of writing

the connection of letters is not respected when writing

complete illegibility of handwriting, "porridge".

All these deviations can be corrected by individual lessons with students.

The next indicator of graphic skill is the coherence of writing.

The connectedness of the letter is characterized by the number of alphabetic characters written in a word at one time, that is, with a single stroke of the pen. It manifests itself in the student's ability to follow the rules for connecting letters and smoothly move his hand to the right as he writes integral letter complexes.

The connectedness of writing is an important indicator of the formation of a graphic skill. Subject to the norms of continuous writing, the student's handwriting becomes clear and stable, and the pace of writing becomes more accelerated. To improve this criterion, the teacher can use the blind writing technique. Children are offered to reproduce a letter, syllable or word, controlling themselves only on the basis of motor sensations.

The study of the coherence of writing is carried out as follows. The teacher asks the students to sit down correctly, place the pen on the place of the unlined sheet of paper from where to start writing, look at some object located above the blackboard, that is, above the line of the eyes, and only then write the given letter, syllable or words. Then the students look at the sheet of paper to determine the place for the next task. Having placed emphasis on the pen and raising their eyes to the indicated object, the children repeat what was written. The same task can be performed a third time, but at an accelerated pace.

When conducting: 1) do not tell the children the true purpose of the assignment 2) conduct it on the basis of competitive motivation “let's see how you learned to write blindly” 3) be sure to warn the children that it is impossible to correct what is written, for example, cross out, add, continue (reach out ) connecting lines and so on. Otherwise, the teacher will not be able to fix the difficulties that the student is experiencing and help him in a timely manner.

The results of writing under normal conditions allow you to see where the child stopped or tore off the pen: between letters, in a letter, or even in the letter element itself. Therefore, the teacher cannot draw conclusions, firstly, about whether the exact visual-motor images of letters have formed in the student’s memory, on which he naturally relies while writing, and secondly, whether he knows and follows the established rules for connecting letters in words and thirdly, what is the degree of coherence of his writing. All this becomes apparent when writing blindly.

Blind writing samples illustrate the following difficulties in students' writing: 1) the lack of formation of visual-motor images of alphabetic characters; 2) the inability to write letters in a coherent manner, that is, on the basis of motor elements and according to a certain algorithm; 3) failure to follow the algorithm of three types of combining letters in words. If the difficulties are overcome during the period of learning the initial letter, then the students have the necessary basis for developing the automation of the graphic skill.

At the end of the first year of study, the student must be able to continuously reproduce all written letters and know exactly the beginning (connecting point) and the direction of hand movement when writing each of them, know and use three types of letter combinations. In the 2nd grade, he masters the ability, and then the skill of continuous writing of graphic complexes in two letter characters. In the 3rd grade, the continuity of the letter should be approximately two or three, in the 4th grade three or four letters. But the main thing in this criterion lies not so much in the number of letters written without interruption, but in the student's mastering the technology of "binding" them into complexes, that is, he must develop the ability to make stops-stops with a pen or tear off in strictly defined places, that is, in connecting points, synchronously alternating arm tension with relaxation and moving it to the right.

The next indicator of the formation of a graphic skill is the speed of writing, which is manifested in the number of characters written by a student in a coherent text per unit of time, most often per minute. An increase in speed indicates that small, disparate acts of writing, when combined, turn into a single process of holistic reproduction of complex letter combinations, and writing proceeds easily, without much expenditure of nervous and physical strength.

To measure the speed of writing, the teacher invites the student to write a sentence or a short text, and he fixes the elapsed time on a stopwatch. The speed of writing will be expressed in the arithmetic mean of the number of letters reproduced by the student in 1 minute.

The study of writing speed can be carried out with the whole class, for example, in this way: children pretend that they are athletes and follow commands. “To the start” - they take the correct posture, take the pen “attention” - draw a vertical line at the beginning of the line, fixing the beginning of the task: “march” - they begin to write a sentence, the teacher presses the stopwatch button “stop” - the teacher stops the stopwatch, the students tear off the pen from paper and put a hand on the elbow. So two or three tests are done, and then the arithmetic mean of the number of letters written per minute is calculated.

The results at the first installation give an idea of ​​the possibilities of calligraphic quality of writing. Then you can compare and see how it changes under conditions of accelerated (second installation) and very soon (third installation) writing.

The ratio of quality and writing speed is expressed in the following options. With an increase in the speed of writing, its quality changes: 1) deteriorates sharply 2) remains the same or even 3) improves. It is clear that the second and third options for the ratio of speed and calligraphic quality of writing indicate a sufficient formation of graphic skills in children, while the first option says the opposite, that is, these students did not sufficiently master the initial letter as a necessary basis for developing a graphic skill in the future. , which requires additional work with them.

The formation of accelerated writing is not an end in itself, but only a condition for developing the automation of the skill of reproducing letters and their complexes on paper.

The difference in the writing speed of children studying in programs 1-3 and 1-4 is noticeable only at the end of the 1st grade (10-25 and 7-20 letters per minute). In the future, the blur becomes less noticeable.

The criteria for the formation of a graphic skill are manifested in an inseparable unity. So, for example, the calligraphic clarity of writing will be indicative only at a certain speed of writing letters and their combinations. If the calligraphy of a letter does not meet the established norm, then speed as an indicator of the automation of a graphic skill loses its significance. On the other hand, the speed itself, apart from the qualitative indicator of the writing skill, in particular graphic literacy, calligraphic clarity and stability, cannot be a sufficiently objective and reliable criterion for the automation of the writing action. The formation of connectedness (separation) is closely connected with the development of the speed and stability of the student's handwriting.

To improve the descriptive technique of the letters __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, we will clarify their pattern and sequence of reproduction.

The shape of the upper semi-oval in the letters __, __, __, __, __ has an originality. The oval is elongated at the bottom. When writing capital letters __, __, __, __, the first semi-oval is extended slightly below the upper line of the working line, deviating to the left so that the lower semi-oval in these letters does not go beyond the upper line of the working line. In a lowercase letter __, the semi-oval is extended to the bottom line of the working line.

A smooth horizontal line in capital letters __, __, __, __ is written in a smooth movement from right to left, rounded to the right and up to the starting point of a straight vertical line. In the traditional style of these letters, a smooth horizontal line is written in the opposite direction, but its beginning must necessarily coincide with the starting point of the first element so that the visually perceived shape of the letters remains unchanged. The teacher should choose only one variant of the sequence of inscription of the above letters and strictly follow it. It is impossible to allow variability in the outline of these letters in order to avoid relearning, which delays the formation of graphic skills in students.

From right to left, a horizontal semi-oval is written in a capital letter __. After completing the outline of the semi-oval down, a straight line is written without interruption with a rounding at the bottom to the left.

In the lowercase letter __, the repetition in a straight line upwards is not brought to the middle of the working line, so that the connection with the oval is made below the middle of the working line.

For the same reason, in a capital letter __, when writing a line with a loop, you need to cross a straight line not on the top ruler of the working line, but slightly below the middle, so the connection with the oval occurs below the middle of the line.

The letter __ (lowercase and uppercase) is traditionally reproduced with two breaks of the pen from the paper: the first of them is for writing the second element, that is, a horizontal line, and the second break is for the connecting line with subsequent letters. To avoid such an unexpected letter, you can immediately teach children to write this letter without interruption, namely: after completing the semi-oval, you should immediately proceed to writing a smooth horizontal line. The result is a semi-oval with a loop at the bottom (the letter __ on the contrary is __).

The sequence of lowercase and capital letters __ is identical: two ovals are connected by a repetition at the bottom of the first oval. After the completion of the second oval, a continuous downward movement is performed. In a lowercase __, the handle breaks off after completing a straight line. From the second semi-oval to the right, a connecting line is written, the beginning of which coincides with the end of the straight line below.

All these exercises for improving the descriptive technique of letters were proposed by Nelly Georgievna Agarkova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

Thus, we can conclude that the process, even when we are talking about its technical, purely calligraphic side, is usually a synthetic act of muscular and intellectual activity. The role of intellect is especially great at the stage of formation of writing skills. The student is required to be able to perceive a sample, analyze, compare, generalize, synthesize, and only then carry out the necessary movements to finely coordinate them.

Of course, a calligraphic skill can be formed without relying on the intellect as a purely objective, imitative action. But then the learning process, firstly, will be much longer, and secondly, as a result, we will get a formed handwriting of the child, but we will not make the desired changes in the student’s personality: he will not have the ability to independently analyze the visually perceived sample, plan its recreation , arbitrarily control their movements, control them, and so on.

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Letter. Connect the letters correctly.

For correct calligraphic writing, in addition to writing each letter correctly, you need to connect them correctly.

Practice shows that the correct combination of letters is necessary condition continuous writing, which, as already mentioned, contributes to rhythmic writing (letters are written at the same distance, the same height and width, with the same slope).

The proposed exercise will help children who are learning to write, connect letters correctly and consolidate the sequence of writing letter elements. (Before showing the connection of the first letter with the next, the child must remember where the letter of the next letter begins).

To run the exercises, you must have a flash player (Adobe Flash Player) installed on your computer.

See also


Letters of the alphabet are designed to prepare kids for school, writing in a notebook and training children primary school in a letter.

Tasks will help develop coordination of hand movements, form graphic skills and imagination of the child.

Recipes help children learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, tasks will develop visual perception, memory and logical thinking.

You can work on these recipes both individually and in a group.

Write the letters in dots and dotted lines.

The prescription was made in best traditions"Soviet" and pre-revolutionary manuals, taking into account the latest pedagogical findings in this area.
In this recipe, the child will be able to additionally train in writing letter compounds. Unfortunately, in last years there is no unity of requirements for the correct spelling of letters and the technique of continuous writing. This leads to the fact that teachers in military classes and in military schools recommend that children write letters differently. This recipe gives classic examples of writing letters and their compounds (such as they should be when writing with a pen). Regular classes will help the baby form a beautiful and legible handwriting.
We recommend that you practice writing letters for 15-20 minutes daily (this is the same hygiene requirement like washing, exercising, showering before bed). Follow that. so that your child writes letters correctly and diligently, and most importantly, does not overwork! We pay special attention to the fact that the child must sit correctly and hold the handle correctly! Remember, your baby's health depends on it! Recommended for children from 6 to 10 years old. Good luck to you and your children!

The correct position of the body and hands of the child when writing.
We especially draw your attention to how the child should sit and hold the pen! Remember, your child's health depends on it!
When writing, the writing object lies on the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Forefinger and thumb grab it from above. The thumb is slightly higher than the index finger. If the index finger can easily rise without the handle falling off, then the handle is positioned correctly in the hand. All three fingers are slightly rounded and should not grip the handle strongly (sagging of the first knuckle of the index finger indicates excessive tension while holding the handle). The ring and little fingers can be inside the palm or lie freely at the base of the thumb. While writing, the hand rests on the upper joint of the little finger bent inward. Middle and ring fingers are located almost perpendicular to the edge of the table. The distance from the lower tip of the writing object to the index finger is 1.5 - 2 cm. If the distance is too large or small, the hand will be tense when writing. The upper end of the writing object is oriented towards the shoulder. The hand is in motion, the elbow does not come off the table.

Make sure your child has their own space for studying and writing. If this is not possible, buy a high chair and a footstool for the child's feet, adjust the height of the table top. The child should sit up straight with his head slightly tilted forward. His back rests on the back of a chair at the level of the waist. Both shoulders are at the same level (parallel to the edge of the table). The torso should not rest against the front edge of the table - there is a free space of 3-4 cm between them. The legs are bent in knee joints at a right or obtuse angle and rest with the whole foot on the floor or footboard.

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Download the book Correct letter combinations for good handwriting, Georgieva M.O., 2016 -, fast and free download.

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Below you can buy this book at the best discounted price with delivery throughout Russia.

The recipe is made in the best traditions of "Soviet" and pre-revolutionary manuals, taking into account the latest pedagogical findings in this area. Recommended for children from 6 to 10 years old. In this recipe, you, along with your child, can additionally practice writing letter compounds.

The recipe is made in the best traditions of "Soviet" and pre-revolutionary manuals, taking into account the latest pedagogical findings in this area. Recommended for children from 6 to 10 years old. In this recipe, you, along with your child, can additionally practice writing letter compounds. Unfortunately, in recent years there has been no unity of requirements for the correct spelling of letters and the technique of continuous writing. This leads to the fact that teachers in different classes and in different schools recommend that children write letters differently. This recipe gives classic examples of writing letters and their compounds (such as they should be when writing with a pen). Regular classes will help the baby form a beautiful and legible handwriting.

It is known that good expert handwriting can say a lot about a person - about his character, habits, way of thinking and expressing emotions. It is less known that in itself the work of developing a beautiful and legible handwriting brings up diligence, attention, perseverance, perseverance, expands the child's motor abilities and prepares the ground for even more complex activities. A child with good handwriting has more consistent thinking, which allows him to clearly assimilate educational material. Thus, writing is a training not only for your child's fingers, but also for his will.
Do not forget that writing is a complex motor skill, which requires time, a large number of repetitions and the efforts of the child to develop. At school, about 3 lines are allotted for practicing the skill of writing each letter, and if the child did the task incorrectly, he has no place to correct mistakes. In this recipe, you, along with your child, can additionally practice writing letter compounds. Unfortunately, now there is no unity of requirements for the correct spelling of letters and the technique of continuous writing. We recommend that you simply correct the sample in accordance with the school requirements, if they differ in some way from the classic ones.

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