The main types and types of state bibliography. What is bibliography, its types? What are the requirements for a bibliographic description? Types of bibliography

And a modern interpretation

Period I - bibliography as book writing (Ancient Greece);

II period - bibliography as the science of the book (Europe of the 17th century);

III period - bibliography as information activity (early - 60s

years of the twentieth century);

IV period - bibliography as information management (second half of the XX - early XXI centuries);

Book science as an object of bibliography;

Bibliographic information as a subject of bibliography.

Bibliography functions

Management as a general, universal function of bibliography;

Signaling information management as a particular function of bibliography;

Evaluation information management as a particular function of bibliography;

Self-government as a particular function of bibliography.

1.3. Principles of Bibliography: Traditional and Contemporary

Traditional principles of bibliography: partisanship, nationality, scientific character;

Modern principles bibliographies: communication, consistency,


Basic bibliographic categories

Main bibliographic categories: bibliography, bibliographer-

bibliography, bibliography (bibliography of the second degree), bibliography

graphic practice, bibliographic communication, bibliographic

production, bibliographic consumption, bibliographic information

mation, bibliographic production, subject of bibliography.

Related Literature

GN Diomidova // Bibliography: textbook for colleges. - SPb. : Pro-

profession, 2002. - S. 6–12.

Terms and Definitions.


____________2.1. The concept and structure of bibliography as a science

Bibliographic activity as an object of bibliography;

Bibliographic knowledge as a subject of bibliography;

Theory of bibliography as an integral part of bibliography;

The history of bibliography as an integral part of bibliography;

Methodology and methodology of bibliography as an integral part of bibliography.

Bibliography in the bibliology system.

Bibliography and related sciences

Bibliography as an integral part of bibliology;

Bibliography and related sciences: philosophy, logic, history, information

mathematics, psychology, systems theory, etc.

Related Literature

1. Grechikhin, A. A. Bibliography as a science / A. A. Grechikhin // General

bibliography: textbook for universities. - M.: MGUP, 2000. - S. 20–84.

2. Diomidova, G.N. General concept on bibliography and bibliography /

G. N. Diomidova // Bibliography. - SPb. : Profession, 2002. - P. 6–12.

3. GOST 7.0–99. Information and library activities, bibliography.

Terms and Definitions.


Multidimensional test

Contemporary bibliographic typology

The composition of the multidimensional criterion of modern bibliographic typology:

purpose, subject, method, genre, social significance, completeness, social

level, structure, time, space, material construction, consumption

beat (reader's address).

Types of modern bibliography

By functional attribute (by the method of information management):

(bibliography of the second degree);

By field of activity: universal, special, industry, single;

On the subject of information management: documentary, facto-

graphic, conceptual;

By the method of information management: descriptive, analytical, synthesis;

By genre: annotative, abstract, overview __________;

Current, retrospective and prospective bibliography.

The division of bibliography into current and retrospective is extremely important from a scientific and practical point of view. This division is based on the feature of functional purpose, which determines all the other specific characteristics of the named specific subdivisions of the bibliography, including chronological (temporal) ones. Current bibliography performs the function of regularly informing about newly emerging documents and thereby provides consumers with the opportunity to constantly monitor the flow of documents in their area, comprehensively navigate in it. Current bibliographic information can be daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.

Retrospective bibliography (retrospection is a "look into the past") performs two main functions: it summarizes the development of document flows over certain periods of time and provides a retrospective search in the accumulated document arrays in the course of bibliographic service and self-service. Retrospective bibliographic works of a summarizing nature always have a clear and, as a rule, reasoned reference period in a certain way. A typical example of this kind of sources is library catalogs or consolidated catalogs for the collections of a number of libraries. The accounting period here acts as the chronological depth of the reflected fund.

Perspective bibliography, within the framework of which sources of bibliographic information about documents that have not yet been published and are just being prepared for publication are created and brought to consumers. These sources do not guarantee the accuracy of the information, since the publications planned for release in the course of their editorial preparation may undergo significant changes or, in general, for one reason or another may not be published. At the same time, sources of promising bibliography, which allow one to look into the future of the document flow, to navigate in it in advance, are very important.

Universal and industry bibliography serves all or many branches of knowledge. Consequently, a universal bibliography is a bibliography that is based on the formal features of the objects of bibliography and in which the content of the bibliographic documents is indirectly revealed through these features.

In the industry bibliography, on the contrary, the content of documents is of paramount importance, and formal signs are used, if necessary, for restrictive purposes as concomitant (additional). It is usually considered that a branch bibliography deals with the documented content of a particular branch of knowledge. Diversified - several branches of knowledge. Thematic - with literature on a specific issue that is part of a certain branch of knowledge.

Comprehensive bibliography (sometimes it is called problem-thematic) is a kind of thematic bibliography dealing with such problems (topics) that require the involvement of information from a wide variety of fields of science, national economy and culture, for the solution and study of which an integrated approach is required. These are problems associated, for example, with the tasks of bibliographic support of targeted, comprehensive programs for the socio-economic and scientific-technical development of society, with space exploration, with environmental protection, and many others.

Personal bibliography has as its direct object the works of a certain person and literature about him. In the first case (as in the universal bibliography), a formal attribute (personal) is taken as a basis, and the content of bibliographic objects is predetermined by the meaningful boundaries of the works written by this author. If, for example, we bibliography not all the works of Leo Tolstoy and not all the literature about him, but only within a certain branch (for example, the pedagogical works of Leo Tolstoy or the literature on the role of Leo Tolstoy in the development of pedagogy), then in this case we will get the sources of the branch personal bibliography.

At the heart of the selection of concepts regional and regional bibliography lies a combined content-territorial (i.e., content-formal) feature. In the first case it comes on the bibliography of literature related to the content of a specific locality (district, city, region, geographic zone, etc.) within the country, in the second - with a specific country, state.

Table of contents

Introduction 3

Essence of bibliography 3

Species structure of bibliography 4

Bibliography in the life of the personality of society, state. nine

Conclusion 12

Literature 13


A theory is a mental reproduction (model) of an object and, most importantly, an explanation of it. Scientific knowledge is based on theory. Dozens of books and hundreds of articles are devoted to the theory of bibliography. Educational knowledge of bibliography initially begins with the study and understanding of its theoretical model. The latter is formed by a presentation of the essence of bibliography and its conceptual apparatus, a characteristic of bibliographic information as the core of bibliography, its properties, forms of existence and functions, familiarization with the main types of bibliography, an explanation of the systemic connections of bibliography and its role in the modern world.

The essence of bibliography

Key concepts: evolution of ideas about bibliography, concept of bibliography, structure of bibliography, bibliographic activity.

The earliest elements of bibliographic information in the form of references to the names of ancient books (epic poems and songs about Gilgamesh, etc.) were discovered by scientists in the texts of clay tablets written in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e., and. later, in the Ancient East. These elements can be called protobibliographic (from the Greek "protos" - the first, primary). The word "bibliography" came to European languages ​​precisely from Ancient Greece... In the documents of the V century. before and. e. book scribes were called bibliographers. Since the beginning of the 17th century. over the next three centuries it is used in the meaning not of "book writing", that is, rewriting books, but in another meaning "book writing". In Russia in the 18th century. it was borrowed from French tracing the word "bibliographic".

The word "bibliography" used to refer to any list of books, journals, articles and other documents. However, as the composition of objects of bibliographic reflection expanded (in addition to books, they became magazines, newspapers, articles and other documents), the development of bibliographic activity, the further evolution of ideas about bibliography led to the fact that the number of interpretations of its essence multiplied. The very word "bibliography" in the middle of the XX century. used in ten meanings. The main of them were four: "book description and science about it", "a list of books, magazines, articles and other printed works", constituting scientific, artistic and other types of literature (XIX-XX centuries), "area of ​​scientific and practical activity" , "Auxiliary discipline" The merit of the last two definitions is the desire to establish generic relations of bibliography. In other words, to understand not only the essence of bibliography, but also to determine to which social phenomenon it belongs.

And subsequently, scholars strove to establish generic relations of bibliography. It was called the area of ​​"culture", "practical activity", "book business", "the cognitive infrastructure of book communication." In various sources, the bibliography was also referred to as "scientific and practical activities", or referred to as "system infrastructure social communications"," The system of social communications. " These statements are true insofar as, by their nature, bibliography is part of culture, economics, education, science, social communications, and even more so the "space of information and knowledge" where documents are created, moved and used. But they do not reveal its specifics as a whole. The latter is embodied by its main component - bibliographic information. In its most general interpretation, bibliographic information is information about documents, mostly alienated from them. Relying on this interpretation, it is possible to define bibliography in the broadest sense - as a system of activities covering all bibliographic phenomena and ensuring the functioning of bibliographic information.

Thus, the modern scientific understanding of bibliography is based on the interpretation of its essence, the concept of "bibliographic information" and its attribution to the information sphere of society, referred to in the current GOST 7.0-99 Library information activities, bibliography"Information infrastructure". This GOST defines information infrastructure as a set of information centers, data and knowledge banks, communication systems that provide consumers with access to information resources (term 3.1.34). It should be clarified that the concept of "infrastructure" denotes an auxiliary subsystem in relation to any area of ​​social activity that ensures the functioning of the area of ​​activity. From this point of view, the information infrastructure is social system organizing the preparation and functioning of social information, and bibliography is its subsystem, which has its own infrastructure.

The informational nature of bibliography can be considered generally accepted. Therefore, based on the above, the following definition is proposed. Bibliography is a social information system that ensures the preparation and operation of bibliographic information.

Species structure of bibliography

The bibliography structure includes:

General (national and mass) - Special (scientific auxiliary, professional auxiliary, recommendatory) bibliography. Bibliography for children. Current, retrospective and prospective bibliographies. Universal and industry bibliography. Personal bibliography. Territorial bibliography. Metabibliography (bibliography bibliography). Traditional - electronic bibliography. Interspecies communication.

The bibliography is such a complex socio-cultural formation that its structure is not limited to the three subsystems discussed in the first topic. The problems of distinguishing types of bibliography have always been difficult and urgent. Their discussion continues today. The identification of species is conditioned, firstly, by the information needs in a certain type of bibliography and its corresponding development, and secondly, by the awareness of the specifics of the species and the interpretation of the essence of the bibliography. This means that each type of bibliography must be a component of the bibliography as a whole, that is, a certain type of bibliographic activity and its organization must have scientific knowledge and related infrastructure. The foregoing does not mean an equivalent development of species. Some types do not have their own means of activity, there are only certain elements of infrastructure.

There are two main types of bibliography: general and special, and in each of them there are subspecies, for the individual designation of which, however, the word “species” is used in the literature.

By age, the bibliography is divided into two blocks:

for adults and for children and youth.

Subtypes of general bibliography

The general bibliography satisfies information needs the whole society, although its products are used mainly by certain groups of consumers (scientists, specialists and others). In terms of their content, these products are mostly universal.

The subtypes of general bibliography are national (state) and mass bibliography. National bibliography traditionally occupies a leading place in the system of world bibliography, which is explained by its importance. First of all, it performs the function of regularly informing about new socially and culturally significant documents that have appeared on the territory of a certain country or associated with a certain ethnic group. Priority is given to the reflection of non-periodicals and serials. The coverage of document types is increasing; nowadays electronic resources are also becoming the object of reflection of the national bibliography. The second function of a national bibliography is the formation of a bibliographic repertoire, that is, a description of the state's book production or in a specific language from the beginning of its publication. National bibliography creates an information base for various activities, primarily as a reliable source of complete identification of documents in the compilation of bibliographic manuals. The third function of the national bibliography is the formation of patriotism. This is the name of the system for bibliography of documents on state language countries that appeared outside its borders or related to its content and origin (in any language). The base of patriotism is mainly the corresponding funds of the national libraries. In the National Library of Russia, such a fund began to form in 1850 under the name "Rossica". Examples of patriotic indexes are the "Consolidated Catalog of Russian Foreign Periodicals and Continuing Publications in the Libraries of St. Petersburg (1917-1995)" (St. Petersburg, 1996; compiled by specialists from RYB and BAN) and "The Book of the Russian Diaspora in the Collection of the Russian State Library, 1918-1991 "In three parts (M., 1997-2002).

In Russia, the development of the national bibliography initially became the concern of the state. Therefore, we call it state. The tasks of the national bibliography are performed by special institutions (book chambers) and central libraries of subjects Russian Federation... Their functions are distributed as follows. The Russian Book Chamber and other information centers mainly inform about new editions and other documents published on the territory of Russia. The book chambers of the national republics, republican, regional and regional libraries strive to fully describe the publications and other documents that have appeared on their territory. A subspecies of the national bibliography - the bibliography of the local press - is developing. In addition, the national bibliography aims to reflect documents about a country or region that have appeared outside its borders in the languages ​​of the ethnic groups inhabiting them.

In foreign countries, similar tasks are performed by national libraries and / or private firms.

The mass bibliography, as its name indicates, is distinguished by an indefinite address (for everyone, a mass of people) of its products, as well as a variety of forms of manifestation. The leading place in the production of mass bibliography is occupied by a professionally compiled systematic list of new books and brochures, regularly published in the weekly newspaper Knizhnoye Obozreniye. Bibliographic messages published in other mass periodicals are usually haphazard, subjective in terms of the selection of editions and, as a rule, do not meet the standards for bibliographic descriptions. Book stories on radio and television are limited to authors, titles, and publishers, with the greatest emphasis on content. But at the same time, the audience of electronic media is many times greater than the number of readers of the Knizhnoye Obozreniye newspaper.

Subtypes of special bibliography

A special bibliography, as its name implies, satisfies information needs isolated on different grounds. Its main subspecies are scientific auxiliary, professional auxiliary and recommendatory bibliography.

Scientific auxiliary bibliography satisfies the needs of scientific workers, including teachers of higher education. Scientists, especially in the fields of social and human sciences, in the process of creating new knowledge, work through documents of all types and types to the maximum extent. Their needs are distinguished by a variety of topics and depth, constancy, and intensity. Therefore, scientific auxiliary bibliography is the most developed among the types and subspecies of bibliography. Its products are systematically produced by universal scientific and special libraries, as well as information centers.

Professional auxiliary bibliography satisfies the needs of specialists in various fields of practical and industrial activity - engineers, doctors, teachers, journalists, librarians and others. It is customary to call this subspecies a professional-production bibliography, and the corresponding manuals - professional-production bibliography (GOST 7.0-99, Korshunov's textbook and other publications). But the definition "production" unjustifiably narrows the categories of consumers of products and services of this subtype of bibliography. They need selective information about scientifically significant, reliable, preferably new and accessible documents. An example of a professional aid is the yearbook "A book for a specialist Agriculture", Produced by the Central National Agricultural Library. But at present, such information is mainly contained in professional non-periodical publications and journals in the form of book and intra-journal bibliographic lists. Analysis of the yearbook "Bibliography of Russian Bibliography" shows that there are quite a lot of them to substantiate the existence of a professional auxiliary bibliography.

Recommended bibliography satisfies the needs of a wide range of users (non-specialists in relation to the subject of bibliographic support). Its emergence and existence is primarily due to the need for value selection and orientation in documentary arrays and streams. She, like criticism, is called upon to play the role of a compass in the information ocean.

Recommended bibliography products and services are mainly intended for young readers, fans of popular genres, people interested in any historical event, personality, natural phenomenon, etc. They usually strive to understand their essence, expand their personal horizons. The system of production of recommendatory bibliographic publications is currently curtailed, but advice and recommendations for the best works and publications of popular science, fiction and other types of literature are scattered in many magazines and newspapers, radio and television broadcasts. Unfortunately, this kind of advice is often an advertisement for publications that have been negatively evaluated by professional criticism. On a large scale, public libraries carry out recommender and bibliographic activity in various forms.

Types of bibliography corresponding to the content of documents

According to this classification criterion, two types of bibliography are distinguished: universal and industry-specific.

A universal bibliography, as its name implies, covers documents as objects, regardless of their subject matter. It organizes the preparation of bibliographic information on all or many branches of knowledge. The products of the national bibliography are universal, which are differentiated on the scale of Russia by types of documents (books and brochures, magazines and newspapers, geographical maps, graphic documents, etc.). Such information is necessary primarily for information institutions (libraries and others) and is the basis for the development of industry bibliographies. The alphabetical, systematic and subject catalogs of universal libraries are, of course, universal.

Since the products of the universal bibliography are created exclusively in the subtypes of the general bibliography, its specificity is studied within the framework of these categories. There are no specific publications on universal bibliography in general.

The branch bibliography organizes the preparation of bibliographic information on one branch of knowledge and related activities. The industry can be broad (eg Chemistry) and relatively narrow (eg Organic Chemistry).

The branch bibliography develops more differentiation than the universal one, according to the areas of creation and functioning of bibliographic information. It is difficult to list the types of industry bibliography. The most developed are natural science, technical, agricultural, socio-economic, historical, pedagogical, literary, and musical bibliographies. Names of species, in order to avoid ambiguity, are formulated in a different order: bibliography of public education, higher education, art (not an artificial bibliography), tourism, science fiction (not a fantastic bibliography), etc.

Industry bibliographies provide information on industry-specific document types. For technical bibliography, these are patents, musical notes, geographical maps.

Types of bibliography corresponding to the time of appearance of documents

According to the chronological (temporal) basis, three types of bibliography were gradually formed: current, retrospective and prospective. The current bibliography was formed relatively late; in Russia - since early XIX c., when the production of printed products became widespread and it became difficult for readers to independently keep track of new products. The current bibliography publishes its products regularly (periodically - usually every six months, quarterly, every two months, monthly, every ten days, weekly). The frequency depends mainly on the volume of production. For the same reason, the universal current bibliography informs separately about certain types of documents, the branch - about all (ideal) or many types of documents.

The retrospective bibliography is the oldest. Since ancient times, the compilers of bibliographic manuals have sought to report on all the books, publications, articles and other documents known to them. As the production of documents grew, this desire was differentiated by types of documents and by areas of knowledge, but for all the time. Since the XIX and especially since the XX century. chronological segments of the reflection of documents began to be localized. If there was a source containing bibliographic information since the appearance of the document type, or

on a specific topic, the following manuals for the most part did not repeat them, but continued chronologically.

A forward-looking bibliography reports on planned, in production, even conceived documents. This information is needed mainly by the book trade and the scientific environment. However, the perspective bibliographic information itself is of a relative (for the consumer - mental, that is, virtual) character. Some promised editions are not published, the titles and other bibliographic information of published documents may change. But this bibliographic information exists and functions in reality, which creates the basis for distinguishing the type of bibliography.

Bibliography in the life of the personality of society, the state.

Bibliography initially developed not in isolation, for itself, but in the closest diverse ties not only with books and information activities, but also with the surrounding social world. It does not exclude or belittle the emergence and development of bibliographic collectives, a professional bibliographic environment, but the results of their activities are mainly directed outside and are consumed there.

Internal and external Relations bibliographies

Internal links primarily characterize the relationship between the main components of bibliography: bibliographic activity, bibliography, its infrastructure. They also determine the specifics of the professional functioning of bibliographic information. These links are formed in bibliographic divisions (departments, sectors) of information institutions and collectives of bibliographers (organized and informal). The systemic connections of subordination (subordination) and coordination (cooperation) are highlighted. The former are of a hierarchical nature and are manifested in the processes of bibliographic activity management. The latter are formed in the course of the coordinated formation and use of distributed bibliographic resources of libraries and other information institutions, their subdivisions, branches of the Central Library System, that is, cooperation and coordination of bibliographic activity.

Each type of bibliography is independent, since it has its own organizationally formalized practice (section of bibliographic activity), bibliographic knowledge, and appropriate infrastructure. But none of the types of bibliography identified above functions in isolation. They are interconnected by methods, products, means, knowledge, infrastructure. Thus, the production of the current bibliography over time, in the absence of a corresponding retrospective manual, becomes inevitably a source of retrospective search. But the interconversion of types of bibliography does not occur: the current manuals always remain so and do not replace the need for retrospective manuals. On the other hand, current bibliographic tools are always used in retrospective indexing processes, not mechanically, but as a basis for identifying literature. Often it is necessary to carry out additional identification of documents that, for some reason, are not reflected in the current manuals. Much or all of the documents are re-examined for annotation purposes. The structure becomes deeper and more branched. New auxiliary pointers are compiled.

External relations of bibliographic activity and bibliography characterize their relationship primarily with related fields of activity and relevant scientific disciplines (librarianship and library science, book science and bibliology, scientific information activities and informatics). These connections are due to the fact that a document - an object of bibliographic activity - is also an object of publishing, book distribution, archiving, librarianship and other areas of culture. Bibliographic information as a satellite (satellite) accompanies the document on all paths of its movement. She notifies potential consumers of the document even before it is published. Upon exiting, informs about this event. As the document spreads and its impact - reflects the feedback about it. And when the active life of the document fades away, it preserves the memory of it. The memorial function of bibliographic information is extremely important in human culture.

Being alienated from the document, bibliographic information is a means of its search and contributes to its popularity and popularization. Bibliographers and bibliographers use in their work intersectoral means of practical activity, general scientific methods of cognition. These links are reflected in the concepts of "bibliographic resources" of a library (or other information institution), "bibliographic work" of a library, etc. Accordingly, the specialization of bibliographic activity was distinguished by "library bibliography", "book trade bibliography", "publishing bibliography" and other types. These concepts reflect the closest links between bibliography and related information activities. Thus, the obligatory function of a modern library is the bibliographic service of its users. Without bibliography, publishing, book trade, scientific and information activities are not able to fully function.

Knowledge of bibliography in its development was based on philosophical knowledge, its research was successful due to the use of general scientific and specific scientific methods. For example, the formation of hierarchical and even subject bibliographic classifications of documents is based on general scientific classifications. The development of the Russian Library and Bibliographic Classification (LBC) was consulted by the outstanding philosopher Academician Bonifatiy Mikhailovich Kedrov (1904-2004) and other scientists.

Bibliographic manuals are often saturated with explanatory and other texts on the merits of its topic. Bibliography is closely related to social and humanitarian scientific disciplines, especially textual criticism, civil history, historiography, linguistics, literary history, and semiotics. Without reliance on bibliographic resources and the application of bibliographic search methods, these disciplines cannot fully develop. Bibliographic texts are the direct object of research in these disciplines. The external links of the bibliography are clearly shown in Fig. one.

The role of bibliography in the modern world

Bibliography plays an important role in the development of science. Collected together and placed in the chronology of their appearance, descriptions of scientific publications represent the most valuable material for judging history. scientific discipline or a specific problem, show bursts of interest in discoveries, methods, on the contrary, extinction, when the unreliability of the published data, the inapplicability of the method, etc. is revealed. Science of science, which studies the history of science as a whole, the laws of development of scientific directions and schools, relies on bibliography materials. A new scientific direction - scientometrics - counts bibliographic references to the works of individual scientists and thus develops a kind of maps of science.

Bibliographic data are widely used in such scientific disciplines as the history of literature, the history of publishing, the history of law, textual criticism, and others.

Bibliography is closely related to scientific, literary and, to a lesser extent, art criticism. Any product of critical activity (review, note, review) contains bibliographic information (complete or short, standard and mostly non-standard) about works of scientific, literary, artistic creation. Critical publications about performances, concerts and other works of art that are not documented do not contain bibliographic information. In turn, bibliographers in the process of implementing the evaluation function find the most authoritative, well-grounded evaluations in criticism. Links with criticism served as the basis for the selection in the 30-60s. XX century special "critical bibliography". Dozens of articles and fragments of books have been devoted to her. Many bibliographers were and are experts, connoisseurs of literature, art, history and other fields of knowledge, appear in print with relevant publications, which are correctly considered as the work of literary critics, art historians. There is no scientific basis for highlighting a special critical bibliography. It can be said that criticism is the closest relative of bibliography, but it does not follow from this that there is a "critical bibliography".

Public recognition of bibliography as a valuable component of science and culture finds many expressions. In particular, this is evidenced by articles on bibliography, bibliographic institutions and outstanding bibliographers in universal and industry encyclopedias.


The above does not mean at all that the bibliographers of previous years did not reflect on the essence of bibliography, its status. They thought, and often deeply, but within the framework of the position “bibliography is a science”. Highly appreciating the role of bibliography in the development of science, they regarded it as a unity of science and practice, and considered a book as an object of bibliographic science.


  1. GOST 7.0.-99. Information and library activities, bibliography. Terms and Definitions. - Ed. official - Introduction. 2000-07-01. - Minsk: Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, 1999. - 23 p. - (Interstate standard. System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).

  2. Astakhova L.V. Bibliography as a scientific phenomenon: Monograph / L. V. Astakhova; MGUK. -M., 1997. - 338 p.

  3. Berkov P.N. Bibliographic heuristics: to the theory and methodology of bibliographic research / P.N.Berkov. -M .: All-Union. book chamber, I960. - 173 p.

  4. Bibliography "Rossiki" as part of the retrospective national bibliography of Russia // Retrospective national bibliography of Russia. State of the art, problems and development prospects. SPb., 1999.S. 185-204.

  5. Diomidova G.N. Bibliography: textbook. for environments. prof. study. institutions / G.N. Diomidov. - SPb .: Professiya, 2003.-288 p. - (Series "Library").

  6. Zusman OM Bibliographic research of science: Monogr. / O. M. Zusman. - SPb .: SPbGUKI, 2000 .-- 216 p.

  7. Korshunov, s. 113-117; Semenovker, BA National bibliography: planes and matrices / BA Semenovker // Bibliography. 2004. No. 2. S. 31-38;

  8. Maslova, A. N. Bibliography of the local press - a component of the national bibliography / A. N. Maslop // Bibl. case (M.). 2002. No. 3. S. 222-239;

  9. Morgenshtern IG Bibliographic resources: lecture on the course "General bibliography" in specialty 052700 - library and information activities // Bibliography. - 2003. - No. 6. - S. 31-42.

  10. Morgenstern I. G. Bibliographic information / I. G. Morgenstern // Sov. bibliography - 1988. - No. 5. - S. 76-77.

  11. Novozhenova TA Information and bibliographic resources of social topics: textbook. manual for students / T.A. Novozhenova; Krasnodar. GOOKIE. - Krasnodar, 1999 .-- 147 p.

  12. Retrospective National Bibliography of the Russian Federation. Current state, problems and development prospects: Sat. Art. and materials. SPb., 1999.243 p .;

  13. Bibliographer's Handbook / Scientific. ed. A.N. Vaneev, V.A.Minkina. - SPb .: Professiya, 2002 .-- 528 p.





Department of Russian History

Abstract on the topic:

"Bibliography as an integral part of the scientific and reference apparatus: structure, meaning."

Completed: 2nd year student,

Historical and philosophical

faculty, gr. I-22,

Kolotovkin Danil Yurievich.

Checked by: Ph.D. Pryadko I.A.

Krasnoyarsk, 2007







Up to 3 million articles are published annually in 35 thousand scientific and technical journals, over 150 thousand new scientific books. This phenomenon, which has become noticeable in recent decades, is sometimes called the "information explosion". In addition, over the past centuries, a huge number of books, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and other types of printed materials and handwritten materials have been accumulated, reflecting the development of science, technology, and culture.

How this rapidly growing wealth is stored and used will determine further progress. How can such wealth be used? After all, literally on every issue today there are already a lot of sources and every day there are more and more of them - the printing press of world civilization is not only not tired, but is gaining more and more strength.

This is where bibliography comes in. Bibliography is a Greek word and literally means book description. But the translation of the term does not allow us to find out its meaning and content. It is necessary to accurately represent the essential features of the bibliography, i.e. know its definition.

When writing my work, I used the Bibliographer's Handbook. This publication reflects the place of bibliography in the system of information and communication activities and all the main processes of bibliography and bibliographic services.

Also, one of the main sources for writing my work was a textbook - bibliography. The textbook contains descriptions of the experience of bibliographic work of libraries, describes the practice of using the latest information technologies. The tutorial gives great opportunity for the study of bibliographic activity.

The collection Russian bibliography allows you to see the difference between domestic bibliography and foreign, to reveal new trends in the theory of bibliography over several decades.

In the book of M.N. Vokhrysheva gives a fairly complete description of the entire structure of bibliographic practical activity and the effectiveness of bibliographic activity.


Since ancient times, there have been lists of books in individual libraries and there have been records that speak of books. Before book printing, books were designated by the first words of the text and only later did they begin to attach importance to the author's surname, and when surnames coincided, the names were also taken into account.

Bibliography in Russia has passed a long and difficult path of development. Its original, historically rudimentary forms arose in connection with the appearance and distribution of handwritten books.

With the advent of book printing, printers and booksellers began compiling catalogs for commercial reasons. In the 18th century. catalogs are compiled for the general public. At the beginning of the 19th century. the first national bibliographic journals appear. The 1895 conference passed a resolution on the creation of a universal bibliographic repertoire, and the International Bibliographic Institute was founded to implement this resolution.

Bibliography - field of activity, main public function which is the purposeful transmission of information about printed works to readers.

Among the most important terms, in addition to the main thing - "bibliography", are such as "bibliographic activity", "bibliographic production", "bibliography".

According to the definitions of the standard:

bibliographic activity is a set of work processes for the preparation and delivery of information about printed works to readers;

bibliographic production is a collection of bibliographic aids as a result of bibliographic activity;

bibliography is a scientific discipline that studies and develops questions of the theory and history of bibliography, methods of organizing bibliographic activity.

The concepts of "bibliography" and "bibliographic activity" are the most common in bibliography. In terms of volume, that is, in the class of subjects generalized in them, they coincide, and there is nothing in bibliographic activity that could not be included in the bibliography - and vice versa. Therefore, within certain and very significant limits, they can be used as synonyms. If in the concept of "bibliography", first of all, the essence of the bibliographic system is fixed, then in the concept of "bibliographic activity" it is a functional, procedural aspect, an indication of purposeful activity associated with the production and consumption of bibliographic information.


In accordance with the main social functions, the types of bibliography are distinguished, reflecting its purpose. The main types include national (state), scientific auxiliary, recommendatory, branch, local history (regional), publishing and bookselling bibliography and bibliography bibliography.

National bibliography in accordance with international and domestic terminological standards is interpreted as information infrastructure providing preparation, distribution and use of universal bibliographic information about the documents of any country (nation). State bibliography is defined as information structure whose functions include the preparation, distribution and use of universal bibliographic information on documents issued in the territory of the country (state) on the basis of state registration of the documents themselves. In this case, the state-territorial coverage of documents is used. The fundamental, basic role of the state bibliography is determined by the fact that it is at this level that the primary analytical and synthetic processing of the entire documentary stream is carried out, which is then reflected in the state bibliographic information compiled on the basis of uniform methodological principles. This is a top-level system focused on meeting the needs of society as a whole. The state bibliography is a source of scientific auxiliary and recommendatory bibliography, a base for bibliographic work of libraries and information institutions.

Scientific auxiliary and professional production bibliography promotes scientific and production activities of specialists in accordance with their professional needs. She pays special attention to acquaintance with the results of scientific research, the introduction of innovations, advanced experience in production and practical activities, the achievements of related industries. Scientific auxiliary bibliography is closely related to the branches of science and industry, and develops in accordance with them. Scientists and specialists from these industries are actively involved in its creation.

Recommended bibliography contributes to education, self-education, upbringing, enlightenment and culture. With the help of its inherent methods, recommendatory bibliography organizes the process of self-educational reading, forms new socially significant interests among readers, and broadens their horizons. Commenting on the literature offered to the reader, the recommendatory bibliography helps the choice of works for reading, comprehension and mastering of the reading. One of the most important functions of a recommendatory bibliography is the formation of a reading culture as a necessary component of the general culture of an individual. Recommended bibliography is publicly available and meets the general interests of members of society, which determines its popularizing, educational and educational nature. Recommended bibliography also serves the needs of readers who are professionally engaged in educational work.

The main public function of local history (regional) bibliography is the creation and dissemination of information about documents dedicated to certain terrain in the country. She actively contributes to the comprehensive study of the region (region), its nature and resources, social, economic and cultural life, historical past.

Publishing and bookselling bibliography contributes to the preparation and communication to consumers of information about the publishing and bookselling assortment of documents to facilitate their publication and sale in the wholesale and retail bookselling network.

Metabibliography or bibliography of bibliography is a specific type of bibliography, its main functions: organizing information about bibliographic aids, describing and modeling bibliographic resources, providing complex bibliographic searches. Its objects are bibliographic aids of all types and forms. Metabibliography summarizes the development of bibliography.

All of the above types of bibliography can exist in various forms in terms of chronological coverage of bibliographic sources. Chronologically, three types of bibliography were gradually formed: current, retrospective, and prospective. The current bibliography was formed relatively late; in Russia - from the beginning of the 19th century, when the production of printed materials became widespread and it became difficult for readers to independently keep track of new products. The current bibliography publishes its products regularly (periodically - usually once every half a year, quarterly, every two months, every two months, monthly, every ten days, weekly). The frequency depends mainly on the volume of production. For the same reason, the universal current bibliography informs separately about certain types of documents, the branch - about all or many types of documents.

The retrospective bibliography is the oldest. Since ancient times, the compilers of bibliographic manuals have sought to report on all the books, publications, articles and other documents known to them. As the production of documents grew, this desire was differentiated by types of documents and by areas of knowledge, but for all the time. From the 19th and especially from the 20th century. chronological segments of the reflection of documents began to be localized. If there was a source containing bibliographic information since the appearance of the type of documents or on a specific topic, the following manuals for the most part did not repeat them, but continued chronologically.

A forward-looking bibliography reports on planned, in production, even conceived documents. This information is needed mainly by the book trade and the scientific environment. However, prospective bibliographic information itself is relative. Some promised editions are not published, the titles and other bibliographic information of published documents may change. But this bibliographic information exists and functions in reality, which creates the basis for distinguishing the type of bibliography.

From the point of view of the subject matter of the reflected documents, they are distinguished: universal and sectoral, thematic, personal:

A universal bibliography, as its name implies, covers documents as objects, regardless of their subject matter. It organizes the preparation of bibliographic information for all or many branches of knowledge. The products of the national bibliography are universal and are differentiated on the scale of Russia by types of documents (books and brochures, magazines and newspapers, geographical maps, graphic documents, etc.). Such information is necessary primarily for information institutions and is the basis for the development of industry bibliographies. The alphabetical, systematic and subject catalogs of universal libraries are universal.

Since the products of the universal bibliography are created exclusively in the subtypes of the general bibliography, its specificity is studied within the framework of these categories. There are no specific publications on universal bibliography in general.

The branch bibliography organizes the preparation of bibliographic information on one branch of knowledge and related activities. The industry can be broad and relatively narrow.

The branch bibliography develops more differentiated than the universal one, according to the areas of creation and functioning of bibliographic information. It is difficult to list the types of industry bibliography. The most developed are natural science, technical, agricultural, socio-economic, historical, pedagogical, literary, and musical bibliographies. Names of species, in order to avoid ambiguity, are formulated in a different order: bibliography of public education, higher education, art, tourism, science fiction, etc. Industry bibliographies provide information on industry-specific document types.

Subject bibliography, also called problem-thematic, intersectoral, complex. Thematic bibliographic guides may reflect a document on a relevant topic within an industry, but more often their purpose is to familiarize readers with information scattered across sources of different industries and of precisely cross-industry interest.

Personal bibliography and personal bibliographic aids reflecting documents dedicated to one person - a writer, scientist, public figure. The same group includes indexes of the works of scientific teams and organizations.

The rapid development of a new information technology and its widespread assimilation in bibliographic activity gives grounds for the selection of a new type - electronic bibliography. In contrast, the bibliography that applied and applies the old technology is called traditional.

Electronic bibliography is a type of bibliography, the technical and technological capabilities of which remove restrictions in the volume of bibliographic resources, ensure their unlimited accessibility in time and space and prompt search. This opportunity arises due to the use of electronic, specifically computer-network technology, the emergence and development of methods and forms of functioning that are not inherent and not possible for traditional bibliography. Electronic bibliography has emerged and is developing in competition with traditional bibliography.


Bibliography has a very important role in the development of science. Collected together and placed in chronology, their appearance descriptions of scientific publications represent the most valuable material for judging the history of a scientific discipline or a specific problem, show bursts of interest in discoveries, methods, on the contrary, fading away when the unreliability of the published data, the inapplicability of the method, etc.

The bibliography aims to educate people about existing works and their value. This is an inventory, a description of published works, regardless of which collections or libraries they are in. The bibliography serves as the source of our references to existing books and the basis of all documentation. Bibliography is a mediator between books and readers.

Bibliography is an integral part of the scientific and reference apparatus, as well as a valuable component of science and culture. Thanks to the bibliography, we can comprehensively study the history of the region, region, country, etc. The meaning of the bibliography is important to every reader.


1. Vokhrysheva M.G. Bibliographic activity: structure and efficiency. [Text] / M.G. Vokhrysheva. - M .: Book Chamber, 1989 .-- 200s.

2. Diamidova G.N. Bibliography. Tutorial. [Text] / G.N. Diamidov. - SPb .: Professiya, 2003 .-- 288 p.

3. Russian bibliography: results and prospects. [Text] / comp. T.F. Likhovid. - M .: Fair-Press, 2006.-688 p.

4. Reference book of the bibliographer. [Text] / comp. A.N. Vaneev, V.A. Minkin. - SPb .: Professiya, 2003 .-- 560 p.

Bibliographic description- genre of bibliographic records, reflecting the required minimum of bibliographic information in order to identify a book (or part of it).

Bibliographic descriptions vary:

By object of description:

  • - monographic;
  • - consolidated;
  • - analytical;
  • - combined;

By completeness:

  • - short (only required elements);
  • - extended (mandatory and partially optional)
  • - complete (both mandatory and optional)

By functionality:

- Bibliographic reference- bibliographic description in any version of its systematization, compiled for another edition cited in any text, necessary and sufficient for its identification and search. A bibliographic link is drawn up in the form of a note to the text (inline, subscript, non-textual), it can also be included in the text itself or partially formatted in the form of a note.

Basic principles of bibliography

  • 1. The principle of partisanship - bibliography as a weapon of political and ideological struggle (correct, incorrect books);
  • 2. Scientific - requires: involvement of a wide range of specialists; be based on dialectics as a perfect universal methodology; improvement and development of bibliographic activity, taking into account scientific and technological progress;
  • 3. Nationalities - bibliographic activity should be of a state, public nature;
  • 4. Activities - basis for the development of scientific foundations of bibliography;
  • 5. Communication - determines the specifics of spiritual or informational communication. Includes 3 forms: content, language and material-constructive. Only in the presence of these 3 forms can a book perform a communicative function.
  • 6. Consistency- the direction of the methodology of special scientific knowledge and social practice, which is based on the study of objects as systems.

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