What is an aborigine: the meaning of the word, photo. Aborigines are the indigenous inhabitants of a certain area Aborigines in Russia

This term belongs to the category of well-known. It is actively used in scientific circulation, and in the meantime, not everyone has a clear idea of ​​its original origin and semantic shades. Therefore, there is a reason to think about the question: aborigines - who are they? And how do they differ from other population groups?

From the history of civilization

The population of territories and continents has never been stable. Over the centuries, there have been processes of movement of significant ethnic groups to new habitats. This process is due to a number of economic and political reasons. People fled hunger, wars and epidemics, or simply looked for new habitats, favorably distinguished by the climate and the possibility of increasing well-being. And on the way of the settlers, there were almost always the so-called "aborigines". These are those who have previously lived in this area. Relations with them evolved in different ways. Sometimes they were quite peaceful. But during the period of the colonial division of the world, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, these relations often acquired the character of an armed conflict. For the colonialists, the aborigines are, first of all, those who prevented them from seizing new lands.

From the history of the term

The very name of the indigenous peoples is quite ancient, the word was used even before the Christian civilization. This term, like much in scientific research, is of Latin origin. Aborigines are those who already lived in those territories before they were taken under their control by legions from the "capital of the world". The Roman Empire is long gone, but the term has survived for a long time and is widely used. It can be heard both in modern political practice and in scientific circulation. It is often used in a variety of figurative meanings. Has this word and synonyms. Aborigines are the same people who are designated by the definitions "autochthonous" and "natives". Also, the commonly used world designation for aborigines is the phrase "indigenous peoples".

Aborigines of the New World

Most often, Indigenous peoples are remembered when it comes to the history of the development of North America. Perhaps nowhere has the fate of the Aborigines been so sad as in the continental United States. The population of the vast territories of the American continent was virtually destroyed by the European civilization approaching from overseas. Moreover, they were not always physically exterminated. Mostly they died out from expulsion from their ancestral habitats and forced separation from the traditional way of life. This inevitably led to the abuse of alcohol brought by white people. And as a result - to social and personal degradation with subsequent degeneration. The situation in the development of the Australian continent was not the best for the aborigines.

Much happier was the fate of South America. The natives of the Amazon today constitute a very significant ethnic group on the continent. Moreover, they live mainly in the same natural habitat as many generations of their ancestors, while preserving their language, cultural, religious and everyday traditions. Among other things, they attract numerous tourists to the continent from all over the world. Aborigines, whose photos adorn the advertising materials of many tourist structures, are one of the main

Aborigines in Russia

The fate of the indigenous peoples who traditionally lived in the northeastern expanses of the Russian Empire was much more prosperous. It cannot be said that the colonization of Siberia proceeded completely without conflict. Many conquerors of the trans-Ural expanses, such as Ermak, periodically entered into armed conflicts with the aborigines. But still, most of the indigenous peoples integrated into Russia quite voluntarily. For their development and well-being, a lot was done both in pre-revolutionary times and in the Soviet period of history. But at the same time, the number of indigenous people has a steady downward trend. Not all of these people want to preserve their traditional way of life; many choose the path of assimilation and gradual dissolution in larger ethnic groups.

Now almost everyone lives in a new world where technology meets us at every step. We use anything, developing in different directions. That is, our evolution does not stand still, promotion happens every day.

We find something new for ourselves that helps us to know this world from all sides. However, not all of us are given this opportunity.

Someone stuck in evolution and today we will talk specifically about people like the aborigines. Who are they and why are they unable to develop? Let's figure it out now.

Who are the aborigines

So who are the aborigines? These are the people who are the indigenous inhabitants of a certain territory. That is, people who have been living in a certain place for a long time, however, do not have the opportunity for development.

Most of these people include those who live in Africa. However, we will give the most striking example of people who are most famous among this type of population. They are American Indians. We know a lot about them.

Remember how many films and feature films have been made about them. Let's remember a movie like The Survivor, where he played Leonardo DiCaprio and received his first Oscar. It was in this film that the whole essence of the American Indians was very clearly revealed to us. The director was able to very beautifully show the life that the Indians live.

They hunt without using modern weapons such as pistols, machine guns, etc. They hunt using simple things - spears, bows. This is what distinguishes them from ordinary people - they are far from evolution. However, it cannot be said that they only make things worse.

There are tribes who themselves refuse evolution, because it does not bring them any benefit. Basically, this problem occurs precisely in Africa, where there is also a well-known problem of lack of water. The indigenous people are called that, because they adhere to their moral standards.

However, this does not mean that residents of the same country or state are the same. No way. This is the choice of the aborigines themselves, although not always. We cannot say that America is an undeveloped country, in any case.

To the list of the most inhabited countries, inhabited by aborigines include the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Paraguay, India. It is in these countries that there are most indigenous people. India is famous for the fact that there are a lot of people and too active fertility leads them to poverty to some extent.

The main positive feature of such peoples is friendliness. They are not trying in any way to harm evolution, but on the contrary, they are friends with it. Travelers can also find their benefit. Why do people choose travel at all?

In order to get to know the country and relax in it. And if you go to conditional Germany, then some traditions may not be at all the same as you saw them in the films. But in countries where aborigines live, on the contrary, you can learn a lot of new things from the traditions of peoples, because it is the indigenous people who keep their norms for centuries.

States actively support aborigines, protecting them from all possible problems, as with all other people. They are equal in their rights with the entire population of the country in which they live.

Also, many people migrate from one country to another. The natives don't do that, they stay in place until the last, until his death, constantly only proving his loyalty to this or that country. This makes them a very, very great people, which only gives them the opportunity to admire them. There are no people in the world who would not admire the primitive world and its possibilities.

This concludes our article, and we figured out who the natives are. In fact, you cannot consider people who are far from evolution to be bad or backward. It may be their personal choice that allows them to live. according to their own rules and customs.

Not everyone will be content with what they have. But the natives are able to appreciate all possible little things and enjoy life sincerely, in the circle of people like them. Also, aborigines are good because they are always friendly. On the contrary, they are happy to communicate with people, show them their culture, introduce them into their lives.

At the same time, civilized people may not even let you get close to their home, considering them enemies. It is very foolish to say that the aborigines are almost the same as the cannibals, because many people have such a thought. It is very wrong, but the natives are actually good people.

If you ever have a desire to visit another country, look at the aborigines, then please, everything is in your hands. you will not regret it visiting a country with such people, you will learn a lot and make sure that the civilized world is not so cool. We wish you a pleasant trip, and also wish to learn a lot about the peoples from the indigenous people of these countries.

Aborigines are wild people who live in tribes.

It is believed that the aborigines live not only in Africa, but also in Australia and even Spain. However, we will focus specifically on African aborigines.

The exact number of aborigines in Africa is unknown sowing day, it ranges from 500 to 3000 thousand.

Aboriginal traditions may seem cruel and sometimes unthinkable, but this is their life.

Aboriginal tribes

African aborigines live in tribes.

It is difficult to say how many tribes exist across the continent today, but it can be assumed that this figure is no less than 500 and no more than 7000.

The spread is large, but scientists are still inclined to believe that there are no more than 2000 nationalities in Africa.

The fact is that the same aborigines can refer themselves to different ethnic groups.

Aborigines belong to, but in Africa there are relatively few of them. If we compare the total population with the number of aborigines, then the latter occupy only 10%.

Each tribe may have more than a thousand aborigines, or not many people at all - about a hundred.

At the same time, different tribes can have common traditions and customs, and most importantly, most of them are distinguished by cruelty and customs incomprehensible to the outside civilized world.

The most famous Aboriginal tribes in Africa are:

  • Zulu;
  • Mursi;
  • Spit;
  • the Bubal tribe.

Aborigines of the Mursi tribe

As an example, we can consider some of the features of the life of the aborigines of the Mursi tribe, which is considered one of the most cruel.

In particular, the southwestern part of Ethiopia, as well as a small area of ​​Kenya and Sudan, is the habitat of Mursi.

It is difficult to say that these people look ancient or lagged behind the civilized world. They have their own atmosphere.

However, the presence of almost every native of the Kalashnikov assault rifle or other weapons suggests that they often come into contact with criminal groups that supply weapons to Africa.

At the same time, they consciously choose the path of lack of development and aggression.

Why do Aboriginal people need weapons?

Rarely is it needed for protection.

Basically, disputes arise between representatives of the same tribe, when people try to prove to each other that they are more influential, strong and deserve more attention.

In such fights, not only sticks are used, but also firearms.

Due to the fact that many different insects live around, people rub their skin with ointments, which they make themselves based on different plants, animal skin and even other insects fell.

Sometimes the smell of the ointment turns out to be such that it is simply unbearable for a European person to be near an aboriginal.

They make cuts in their bodies to direct insects into open wounds.

Thus, it is possible to create immunity to less dangerous bacteria so as not to become infected with dangerous ones that can cause fever and even death. This is practiced to this day.

Aboriginal jewelry

Women adorn themselves with scars that create patterns.

However, this is typical not only of the female half, but also of the male.

Aboriginal life is arranged in such a way that cuts and other injuries must be inflicted on their bodies even in childhood, which lead to the appearance of scars and scars.

Insect larvae, ash and much more are sent to the wounds, which can create characteristic scars on the body. As a result, it creates a certain ornament.

If this is avoided, it may turn out that the woman will not be married, and the man will be considered too weak and weak-willed.

Aboriginal women can be too violent. On the one hand, their bodies are often flabby, with sagging breasts and belly, and their heads are bald. They fix the latter with twigs, animal skins, tails and other things that can be found in Africa.

However, there are also women who collect other people's brushes, usually men.

If the leader of the Aboriginal tribe is a woman, she can deprive the hands of any man who has committed an offense in her opinion.

So, in the Mursi tribe, there is another rule according to which local women live.

They have to give poisons and drugs to their men every day, who eventually break down and die.

They are protected from poisons by special antidotes, which are given by the high priestess, but sooner or later antidotes cease to work. Only in this case, if the woman's man still died, after death her body is not eaten.

It is believed that at death a man lost his soul, which was freed with the help of his wife's hands.

Aboriginal culture


Local aborigines justify any luck and bad luck with witchcraft. Even if a person is sick, it means that someone has cursed him.

In Africa they like to make different ornaments and images.

Beautiful decorations with the help of paint are applied to different surfaces, and it is the African direction that has developed in Europe.

Those images, which were taken by African inhabitants belonging to the wild tribes, are now being sold for a lot of money.

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