The best relaxing drinks for a good sleep

2 small bananas - 180 gr


Serve immediately! 🍹🍒🍇🍓

Berry smoothie 🍒🍓

Caloric content per 100 g -64 kcal (B / W / U - 1.18 / 0.30 / 13.16)
Calorie content of 1 serving - 147 kcal

It turns out to be a sweet berry smoothie. I didn't add honey or sugar, because banana gives good sweetness!

📑 INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings):
2 small bananas - 180 gr
black currants / blueberries (frozen or fresh) - 100 gr
frozen raspberries / cherries - 100 gr
strawberries (8-10 berries) - 80 gr

Grind everything in a blender and pour into glasses. If you want a thinner drink, add some chilled water.

Serve immediately! 🍹🍒🍇🍓

Myth 1: "Slimming Bars"!

20 useful tea additives 😋

Correctly selected tea additives will help fill the drink with a new taste and aroma. To diversify your tea ceremony, you need to add fruits, berries, plants to a cup of black or green tea. In addition to taste, such components have a huge amount of vitamins, microelements that have a positive effect on the body. We suggest you evaluate 20 useful tea additives, which, for example, are easy to grow in your own summer cottage.

✔ Jasmine. Jasmine tea has a delicate, pleasant and unobtrusive taste and aroma. The flowers of this plant are used not only in dried form, but also raw. Therefore, if you do not know which bush to plant in the country, then be sure to stop your choice ...

The best relaxing drinks for a good sleep 🙏✨

After a hard day at work, you feel tired, but cannot sleep - drink hot drink which will help you not only relax, but also sleep well all night.
Not sure which drink to drink? We present to your attention 5 hot drinks for a good sleep.

1. Chamomile tea.
Chamomile tea is great for those who don't like dairy drinks. Drink unsweetened chamomile tea half an hour before bed and you will sleep like a child.

2. Cocoa.
For the first time, a bitter drink made from grated cocoa beans, water and spices was consumed by the Mayan civilization. It is unknown whether they drank cocoa before bed or not, but we can confidently say that this is one of the best drinks for a good sleep.

How to replace coffee? Six alternatives 🌱

Do you know that coffee is bad, but you still can't give up your favorite aromatic drink?
We suggest you try replacing coffee with healthier drinks: rooibos, latte tea, or even green tea with pepper!

🔶Latte tea is the softest tea you can make from your favorite tea and herbal milk. This drink balances the mood, has a delicate taste and maintains energy throughout the day. Tasteful Combination: Earl Gray + Almond Milk + Ginger and Cinnamon. What you need for cold autumn days! Pour tea with you into the tumblr and the taste of your favorite drink will accompany you all day.

🔶 Chicory is the most common coffee substitute, most of all reminiscent of ...


1. Petr Aleksandrovich Badmaev, a doctor who studies Ivan tea, lived one hundred and ten years, and ten years before his death he once again learned the joy of fatherhood.
2. Ivan-tea contains six and a half times more vitamin C than any lemon.
3. At the end of 1941, instead of moving towards Leningrad, Hitler gave the order to send tanks to the village of Koporye in order to destroy an experimental laboratory that produced drinks from medicinal herbs according to old Russian recipes, based on Ivan tea.
4. Ivan tea can be brewed up to 5 times without compromising its taste and useful properties.
5. Invigorates and soothes at the same time. From...

Everyone knows what proper nutrition is, but somehow their hands do not reach to put it into practice. Either it is usually postponed until Monday, or, at best, think to start tomorrow. There is a good saying, "Never put off what you can do now." Therefore, we will not postpone, let's start right now.

1. Meals should be fractional, ie. often and little by little. At least 4-5 times a day and small portions... You will say that you do not have the opportunity to eat so often, you work hard. Great, so prepare in advance and take with you or drink fermented milk products, since the choice is huge now (kefir, drinking yogurt, you can even sometimes fermented baked milk), when ...

25 principles of good nutrition

Be sure to save📌

🍑1.In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass (preferably 2 tbsp.) warm water(on the eve we put a glass of filtered water on a hot battery - by the morning the water will be warm).
🍑2. After 20-30 minutes, we have breakfast (light breakfast - fruits, cereals - this is a charge of energy for the whole day, especially flax and oatmeal porridge. Dried fruits.
🍑3. Every time, 30 minutes before a meal, drink a glass of water (most often the body \ "asks \" not food, but water; besides, after drinking water, we will eat much less than usual).
🍑4. There is often, but in small portions (we get up from the table with a feeling of slight malnutrition, so the stomach will gradually decrease in size and over time it will \ "ask \" less and less).
🍑5. Break between meals 2-3 hours.
🍑6.During eating, do not ...

12 reasons why you should start your day with a glass of lemon water 🍋🍋🍋

Warm water with lemon is a truly magical drink. It is especially useful to drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Read why you should start your day with a glass of warm water with lemon and why it is so good.

As a rule, the amount of lemon juice in a drink depends on the person's weight: it can be a quarter, or it can be a whole fruit.

Surely many have heard more than once about this miraculous and at the same time extremely simple drink to prepare, but not everyone knows why it is so useful for the human body. Especially for you, we have found twelve reasons why you should definitely start your day with a glass of warm water with lemon.

1. Water with lemon contains a lot ...

1. Meals should be fractional, ie. often and little by little. At least 4-5 times a day and in small portions. You will say that you do not have the opportunity to eat so often, you work hard. Great, so prepare in advance and take or drink fermented milk products, since the choice is now huge (kefir, drinking yogurt, sometimes even fermented baked milk) when you don't have time to eat. Don't be lazy and don't forget about yourself.

2. Do not gorge on before bed, although if you observe the first point, then by the evening the hunger will not be so strong. But, if, nevertheless, hunger attacked you, then it is better to drink, but only with pleasure, a glass of kefir and calmly go to bed.

3. Forget the habit of eating on ...

The 29 Most Common Eating Mistakes ????????????

Use store cottage cheese 0% fat. There is NOTHING USEFUL in this product, you are chewing on paper. Take low-fat cottage cheese at the bazaar / market from collective farmers / farmers.

Thinking you can have a bite to eat with a pack of nuts. Nuts can only be 30g as a snack. The tutu is very greasy!

Drink sweet drinking yogurt and believe that you can lose weight from it. Drinking such a jar of 0.33-0.5 is like eating Snickers.

Believe that sparkling mineral water affects the loss of kg. There is no difference what kind of water to drink during weight loss, with or without gas, the main thing is not sweet.

⃣ Eat only protein foods. Carbohydrates retain fluid if simple language... By eating protein, you besides ...





Slimness and health are the key to a happy smile! ????


First breakfast: vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge on the water, tea (it is better to opt for green).
Second breakfast: fruit (pear, banana), kefir (one or two days).
Lunch: boiled chicken fillet, stewed vegetables (any), fish soup, dried fruits compote.
Dinner: vegetable salad (you can replace the stew), bran loaf, tea.


First breakfast: oat flakes with yogurt without fillers, sweet and sour apple (can be replaced with a pear), natural coffee.
Second breakfast: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, a decoction of berries (for example, rose hips).
Lunch: soup in vegetable broth with the addition of any cereal, Brown rice, baked fish...


Milk - 125 ml
Yogurt - 125 ml
Rose water - 1 tsp.
Honey - ½ tsp.


The correct diet for 3 weeks ????????????????

Save it to your wall! ????

Meal plan

Objective: not to give up food in the name of being slim, but to build a nutrition system that will speed up metabolic processes in the body and help the body burn excess fat and build muscle.

The basis of the diet should be: chicken, turkey, lean red meat + fish, avocado, olive oil + eggs and dairy products + fruits, vegetables and herbs + whole grains + natural spices and herbs + pure still water.

Banned: all types of canned food + carbonated drinks (including water) + alcohol + smoked, salted and fried foods + refined sugar and white flour + sources of caffeine (coffee, tea, energy ...

The 29 Most Common Eating Mistakes❗ ????????????

Thinking you can have a bite to eat with a pack of nuts. Nuts can only be 30g as a snack. The tutu is very greasy!

Drink sweet drinking yogurt and believe that you can lose weight from it. Drinking such a jar of 0.33-0.5 is like eating Snickers.

Believe that sparkling mineral water affects the loss of kg. There is no difference what kind of water to drink during weight loss, with or without gas, the main thing is not sweet.

Eat only protein foods. Carbohydrates retain fluid, in simple terms. Eating protein also dehydrates your body. As soon as you eat something non-proteinaceous, you will be "flooded" (swelling) with water, like in a flood.

Believe that ...

PP TOP-7 smoothies of all colors of the rainbow ????

Red: strawberry raspberry smoothie ❤

We all know that strawberries are super berries. It is rich in antioxidants, is a source of eternal youth and helps to fight various diseases. If you are overexerted or feel like you are about to catch a cold, make yourself this nice pink smoothie.


Mix of strawberries and raspberries - 50 g
Milk - 125 ml
Yogurt - 125 ml
Rose water - 1 tsp.
Honey - ½ tsp.


Peel the leaves of the strawberries and put all the ingredients except honey in a blender, mix until smooth. Pour the drink into a tall glass or bottle, add honey and garnish with strawberry slices if desired.

Orange: smoothie with apricot and ...


Slimness and health are the key to a happy smile! ?


First breakfast: vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge on water, tea (it is better to opt for green).
Second breakfast: fruit (pear, banana), kefir (one or two days).
Lunch: boiled chicken fillet, stewed vegetables (any), fish soup, dried fruit compote.
Dinner: vegetable salad (you can replace the stew), bran loaf, tea.


First breakfast: oatmeal with yogurt without fillers, sweet and sour apple (can be replaced with a pear), natural coffee.
Second breakfast: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, a decoction of berries (for example, rose hips).
Lunch: soup in vegetable broth with the addition of any cereal, brown rice, baked fish ...

Prepare yourself as much as possible and buy as little ready-made food and convenience foods as possible ...

But you shouldn't think that lemonade is just a summer drink!

Lemonade is a demi-season drink, because it can be prepared for the table of any holiday.

Note, it is to cook, because I forbid you to drink what is sold now in stores - it is life-threatening! Therefore, today I have prepared for you only the best recipes for homemade lemonade.

One of the main tasks of lemonade is to quench your thirst. How can you quench your thirst with a drink in which there is so much sugar that it almost precipitates from an overabundance ?!

You can and should cook without sugar, and we prove in practice that sugar-free dishes can be both tasty and very sweet, while not losing their taste at all.

So, only the best and proven homemade lemonade recipes

1. Ginger lemonade

Ingredients: a small root of fresh ginger, 3 lemons, 1/2 cup of liquid honey, 2 liters of water.

Preparation: add ginger grated on a fine grater and juice of all lemons to slowly boiling water, wait 8-10 minutes, remove from heat and let cool. When the water cools down to 40-50 degrees, add honey and stir thoroughly. Cool and add ice when serving.

2. Kiwi lemonade

Ingredients per serving: 1 lemon, 2 kiwi, a bunch of tarragon, 2 tablespoons of liquid honey, a few mint leaves and soda water.

Preparation: squeeze the juice from a mixture of lemons, kiwi and tarragon, add honey and stir until completely dissolved. We wrinkle and tear a few mint leaves with our hands and add to a glass, add a little ice, then juice of lemons and kiwi and add water there. Decorate with a kiwi circle!

3. Indian lemonade

Ingredients: 1/2 cup lime juice, 2/3 cup lemon juice, 1/3 cup maple syrup, 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger, 1.5 liters water.

Preparation: everything is simple! Combine all ingredients, chill, add some ice when serving.

4. Lemonade with chamomile and cucumber

Ingredients per serving: 1/2 cup cooled chamomile infusion, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, 1 tablespoon of lime juice, 1 medium cucumber.

Preparation: Grate cucumber on a fine grater, add tea, honey, lime juice and mix well. Add ice to a glass and strain the resulting mass through a sieve.

5. Melon - raspberry lemonade

Ingredients: 1 medium ripe melon, 1 cup raspberries, 1/2 cup lemon juice, 1/2 cup liquid honey, 2 cups water.

Preparation: Peel the melon and cut into cubes (you need about 8 glasses of pulp), grind the melon and raspberries in a blender until puree, add lemon juice, honey and water, stir thoroughly, then cool.

6. Sea buckthorn lemonade

Ingredients: 1 glass of sea buckthorn, 1 lemon, 1/2 glass of liquid honey, 1.5 liters of water.

Preparation: Mash sea buckthorn, add lemon sliced ​​into slices, add honey and, stirring well, put on low heat, stirring constantly, let it boil, then add water and bring to a boil again. Remove from heat, strain and cool!

7. Pear-basil lemonade

Ingredients per serving: 3 pieces of ripe pear, 1 red apple, 150 grams of basil leaves.

Preparation: make fresh from pear, apple and basil leaves, add Jerusalem artichoke syrup to taste, mix well, dilute a little with water if desired.

8. Watermelon lemonade

Ingredients per serving: 1.5 cups pitted watermelon pulp, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 0.5 cups water, 1 tablespoon liquid honey, a few basil leaves

Preparation: over low heat, mix water with honey until completely dissolved, remove from heat and add basil leaves, crumpled and torn in hands, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Using a blender, turn the watermelon into a homogeneous mass, filter it into a glass, add lemon juice and syrup there. Cool or add ice.

9. Lemonade "Health"

Ingredients: 1 red sweet apple, 1 cucumber, 1 stalked celery, 1/2 orange, 1/2 lemon, a little mint, parsley and dill.

Preparation: peel fruits and vegetables, remove the seeds. We cut everything as finely as possible and fill it with 2 liters of water, let it brew for a day in the refrigerator!

Prepare yourself as much as possible and buy as little ready-made food and convenience foods as possible. It's so important to know what and how your food is prepared. Your health depends on it, and often, in the long term, and life.

Lemons are very healthy fruits, since they contain vitamin C. This substance is a fairly powerful antioxidant. In addition, lemons contain a large amount of mineral salts that are so necessary for our body. Experts recommend consuming these citruses throughout the year. However, this is not always possible. After all, buy fresh and juicy lemon in winter period quite difficult. If you wish, you can make a jar of lemon and sugar. The recipe for such a dessert is quite simple.

What is required

Making lemons with sugar for the winter requires few ingredients. V classic recipe there are only two of them:

  1. Fresh lemons - 1 kg.
  2. Granulated sugar - 1 kg.

The amount of the latter is a matter of personal preference. You can put more if you want. This will make the dessert sweeter. Lemons should be chosen carefully. The fruit should be firm and ripe. Citrus fruits with a not very thick skin are best suited.

Fruit preparation

So, how to make The recipe for this delicacy can be mastered by everyone. For a start, it is recommended that you carefully prepare all the fruits. Lemons should be placed in a deep container and poured cold water... The fruit should stand for about half an hour.

After the specified time, each lemon must be washed with a brush, and then scalded with boiling water. The prepared fruit should be dried using paper towels and then left to dry.

Lemons must be cut into rings or halves. In this case, it is worth carefully choosing all the bones.

Further cooking

For further preparation, you will need a clean, sterilized jar. The container must be absolutely dry. It is recommended to put a layer of sugar on its bottom, and then several layers of lemon slices or circles. The jar must be filled to the very top. Finally, add granulated sugar to the container.

In this way, you need to fill all the cans. Their number depends on the number of components. After this, the containers must be tightly closed. To do this, you should use ordinary plastic covers. Lemon with sugar in a jar, the recipe for which is described above, must be placed in a cabinet for a week. Shake the containers every two days. If the lids are closed tightly, then the cans can simply be turned upside down. This is necessary to completely dissolve the sugar.

What's next

After 7 days, the volume of food in the containers should decrease several times. Jars should be filled to the very top with lemons. The juice accumulated in the containers should completely cover the lemons. On top, you need to pour another layer of granulated sugar. It is recommended to close the jars tightly, and then place them in a cool, preferably dark place. You can store the workpiece for 8 months. This treat can be added to tea or baked goods. And children really like sweet and sour juice, which is no less useful than fruit slices.

Lemon with sugar in a jar: recipe for the second

In this case, pureed fruit with sugar is obtained. Such a blank is somewhat reminiscent of jam. To prepare such a delicacy, you will need:

  1. Fresh lemons - 1 kg.
  2. Granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Lemons should be juicy, firm and thin-skinned. Sugar is not worth adding anymore. Otherwise, the workpiece will be too sweet.

How to prepare lemons

To prepare lemon pureed with sugar, it is advisable to carefully prepare the food. The fruit should be soaked in cold water for half an hour. After that, it is recommended to wash each lemon with a brush. It is also worth treating citrus fruits with boiling water. This will kill all bacteria on their surface. Then the fruits should be dried with paper towels and left for a while. Let the lemons dry completely. In order for citrus fruits to give more juice, you should roll them a little on the table, gently pressing with your palm.

After that, it is recommended to cut the fruit into pieces along with the peel, removing all seeds during the chopping process. They can spoil the taste of the preform. The slices should be minced and then mixed with granulated sugar. If desired, the food can be chopped with a blender.

How to close

How to roll up lemons with sugar? Only fruit should be passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass should be mixed with sugar and left for an hour. The mixture should let the juice flow. It is recommended to stir the food several times during this time.

The granulated sugar grains must be completely dissolved. Only after that it will be possible to decompose the workpiece into containers. In this case, a clean, sterilized jar is also required. The containers can be prepared while the treat is infused. They should be washed, sterilized and dried.

In prepared jars, you need to decompose lemons pureed with sugar. After this, the containers should be closed with plastic lids or tied with strings, covering everything with parchment paper.

In conclusion

Sugar lemons prepared in this way can be safely used as medicinal product for colds, as well as to increase immunity, using a delicacy with tea. In addition, mashed fruits are often used to create a fragrant and delicious cream for cakes and pies.

Some housewives use lemon stock in their fish preparation process. The carcass is usually cleaned, washed, salted and gloved. After that, add a small spoonful of lemons pureed with sugar to the fish. During the frying process, the product will not emit an unpleasant aroma, and the taste of the finished dish will significantly improve.

Add sugar to a small saucepan and add 250 ml of water. While stirring, bring the liquid to a boil over moderate heat and simmer until the crystals dissolve.

Cool syrup to room temperature and refrigerate c. Then, mix the solution with the remaining water and lemon juice.

belchonock /


  • 3 oranges;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 1½ liters of water.


Juice the citrus fruits and cut the zest from the rind. Pour sugar into a saucepan and cover with water. While stirring, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

Cool the syrup and strain through a sieve. Pour in orange and lemon juice, stir and refrigerate the finished lemonade.

Seonkyoung Longest /


  • 420 g of liquid honey;
  • 1,700 ml of water;
  • 450 g strawberries;
  • a handful of ice cubes.


Pour 500 ml of water into the honey and whisk until smooth. Whisk the strawberries and honey mixture with a blender.

Add juice and remaining water and stir. Pour the drink into glasses with ice.

"Aimkuk" - culinary recipes with photo and video /


  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 2½ liters of ordinary water;
  • a few sprigs of mint;
  • honey - to taste;
  • 1½ liters of sparkling water.


Peel the pears, cut them in half lengthwise and remove the seeds. Pour half the lemon juice over the fruit and place in a saucepan. Add water and mint and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer pears, covered, for about 40 minutes.

Discard the mint and transfer the fruit to a plate. Cool the broth slightly and mix with honey. The liquid should be pretty sweet. Refrigerate the broth and pears.

Purée the fruit. Combine them with pear tea, soda water, and leftover lemon juice.

The Domestic Geek /


  • 100 g sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 piece of ginger 2–3 cm in size;
  • ½ bunch of mint leaves;
  • a handful of ice cubes.


Place the sugar in a small saucepan and add 120 ml of water. While stirring, simmer over moderate heat until crystals dissolve. Place the coarsely chopped peeled ginger and mint leaves in the syrup, stir and cool.

Strain the syrup through a sieve, combine the liquid with the remaining water and lemon juice. Pour the drink into glasses with ice.


  • 4 limes;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 1 400 ml of water;
  • 6 tablespoons;
  • a handful of ice cubes.


Cut the ends off the limes and divide each fruit into eight pieces. Use a blender to blend the citrus fruits, sugar and water until smooth.

Strain the resulting mass through a sieve. Whisk the liquid together with the condensed milk. Then add ice and mix with a blender again.

Spaceships and Laser Beams /


  • 340 g raspberries;
  • 120 ml of plain water;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 150 g honey;
  • 240 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 1 liter of sparkling water;
  • a handful of ice cubes.


Puree the raspberries with a blender and grind through a sieve. Dissolve sugar and water in water. Add berry puree, citrus juice, and soda. Pour lemonade into glasses with ice.

belchonock /


  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 bunch of purple basil
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 2½ liters of water;
  • a handful of ice cubes.


Cut the lemon into slices and separate the basil leaves from the stems. Place the leaves, citrus, and sugar in boiling water. Bring it to a boil again, remove from heat and leave covered for 15 minutes.

Take out the lemon and leave for another half hour. Strain the drink through a sieve, cool and pour into glasses with ice.


  • 5-6 peaches;
  • finely grated zest of three lemons;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 1½ l of water;
  • 250 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • a handful of ice cubes.


Cut into small pieces and place in a saucepan. Add zest, sugar and 500 ml of water. Simmer over moderate heat until the sweet crystals dissolve and the peaches soften.

Remember the fruit with a crush and boil a little more until lightly thickened. Cool the mass and strain it through a sieve. Add remaining water and lemon juice. Pour the drink into glasses with ice.

The Busy Baker /


  • 1 large cucumber;
  • 280 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 170 g of liquid honey;
  • 500 ml of plain water;
  • 800 ml of sparkling water.


Cut the cucumber into medium slices. Whisk them with a blender along with lemon juice, honey and plain water. Strain the mixture through a sieve and mix with soda.


  • 1 medium pineapple;
  • 100 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 200 ml of water;
  • a handful of ice cubes.


And cut into medium slices. Whisk pineapple, lemon juice and sugar with a blender until smooth. Dilute the mixture with water and add ice.


  • 8 medium kiwis
  • some plain water;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 180 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 1 liter of sparkling water.


Peel the kiwi and cut two of them into small cubes. Place the slices in an ice cube tray, cover with water and freeze.

Puree the remaining kiwis with a blender and grind through a sieve. Dissolve the sugar in lemon juice, add fruit puree and soda water and stir. Place the kiwi ice cubes in the drink.

Julie208 /


  • ½ bunch of fresh lavender or 1-2 tablespoons dried;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 350 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • a handful of ice cubes.


Cover the lavender with sugar and remember with your hands. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and stir to dissolve the sugar. Cover the container and leave for 30-40 minutes.

Strain the resulting syrup. Add lemon juice and remaining cold water. Pour the drink into glasses with ice.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2-3 sprigs of fresh rosemary;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 170 g honey;
  • a handful of ice cubes.


Boil 500 ml of water in a saucepan. Put the rosemary in there, reduce heat and simmer, covered for 10 minutes.

Remove the rosemary and cool the broth. Dissolve sugar and honey in it and refrigerate. Add citrus juice and remaining water. Pour lemonade into glasses with ice.

happy_lark /


  • 200 g sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 300 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 500 ml of pomegranate juice;
  • a handful of ice cubes.


Place the sugar in a small saucepan and add 250 ml of water. While stirring, cook the syrup until the crystals dissolve. Then cool it down.

Combine lemon and pomegranate, remaining water, and syrup. If the lemonade is sour, just add sugar to taste. Pour the drink into glasses with ice.


  • Peaches - 3 pcs.;
  • Raspberries - 180 g;
  • Lemon - 6-7 pcs.;
  • Cold water - 6 glasses;
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step recipe for making lemonade with peach and raspberries

  1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons. It should be about a glass. Chop the peaches.
  2. Mix a cup of water with raspberries, peaches and honey in a saucepan and place over medium heat. We simmer the fruit for about five minutes, stirring constantly. Cool the raspberry-peach mixture slightly and then pour into a blender. Beat until smooth.
  3. Filter the mixture through a fine sieve to remove the raspberry seeds. Pour the mixture into a jug, add lemon juice and five glasses of cold water.
  4. Serve chilled lemonade with ice.

Classic lemonade with citrus


  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • orange - 2 pcs.
  • honey - 100 g
  • mint leaves
  • water - 1 l

Step by step cooking recipes

  1. We wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice out of it. Then we dilute the resulting liquid with water, observing the proportions: for 100 ml of juice - 400 ml of water.
  2. Cut the orange in half, squeeze 100 ml of juice out of it and also combine with 400 ml of water.
  3. Cut one lemon into rings, and ½ orange into half rings.
  4. Mix lemon water with orange water in a jug. Then add here 100 g of honey, diluted in 200 ml of water, and mix well.
  5. At the end of the preparation of the drink, throw in a sliced ​​lemon, half an orange, ice and a few mint leaves.

Basil lemonade


  • Basil - 50 g;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Honey - 100 g;
  • Water - 1.5 l

In order for the lemonade to turn out bright pink, it is important to use purple basil for preparation.

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