Celtic calendar. Ancient Celtic calendar According to the Celtic calendar, what month is the beginning of the year

Energy flows from south to north and turns into matter.

Time flows from east to west, and acquires spatiality.

At the point of intersection of these lines, the Physical World is formed.

This is the middle of Nothing - here and now.

In all cyclic calendars, one of the 2 reference points was used. Winter Solstice (December 22) and Spring Solstice (March 21).

In the 13-month calendar (28 days or 4 weeks each + 1 empty day), the reference point was the Winter Solstice, when the Earth was at the highest point of its orbit.

The 18-month calendar (20 days each + 5 non-private days at the end of the year) begins at the spring solstice, when the Earth crosses the equator of the sky.

The interaction of these two cycles formed longer interconnected cycles of time that were harmonically synchronized with the precession cycle of the Earth's axis (1 Cosmic year or 25,890 Earth years).

For now, we will be talking about the Winter Solstice calendar.

Unlike the second reference system of time, this one has more parallels with the former time accounting scheme. Along with this, this calendar is not too difficult to apply in practice. This calendar, until the time of the empire of Rome, was used in almost the entire European territory. The peoples of the Celts managed to keep its shape until the 13th century (although the original coordinates had already been lost). Secret orders and esoteric societies still use it today. There was also the Druid calendar, which divided the year into five 72 day months or for the seasons - new year, spring, summer, autumn, winter.

In it, one of the 24 Runes ruled every day. According to this system, the years in the precession cycle were also taken into account, because the stars move forward approximately 1 degree of the ecliptic in 72 years. If the 13-month year was tied to the sidereal cycle of the Moon (one revolution of the Moon in relation to the fixed stars), then the Rune calendar was also tied to the synodic cycle of the Moon.

The month was divided into 5 phases, just as the year was divided into 5 seasons. Each phase was subordinated to one of the five goddesses of the Moon, along with this - benevolent or unfavorable for specific works or processes. Since the application of this calendar still requires an in-depth understanding of the Runes and the processes of nature that they symbolize, for now we will only talk about the calendar of 13 months. A series of 13 numbers is unique in its essence. If a row of 12 numbers denotes a static structure, then a row of 13 numbers denotes a wave of harmony, endless movement and transformation that exists in the Universe.

For the Maya, this number was sacred. The 13 x 20 series formed the 260 days of the Tzolkin, units of solar time that the Maya revered as the Holy Year.

In everyday life, they used a calendar of 18 months, with 5 unlucky days at the end of the year. It is worth adding that both Jesus Christ with his disciples, and King Arthur with his knights, were the thirteenth.

All the nonsense that is written about the number 13 is a struggle between structured dogmas and living tradition. This is the unwillingness of mankind to submit to the processes of transformation taking place in nature, the unwillingness to grow, changing form.

If the number 12 symbolizes a circle, then the number 13 turns it into a spiral.

13 is the number of galactic harmony and symbolizes evolution.

The figure displays 13 months in the circle of the Zodiac.

This is the calendar Celtic Zodiac, consisting of 13 signs. If you look at the row of 13 numbers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. We will see that the number 7. is in the middle of the row and becomes the number of the mystical axis.

In this series, 1 and 13 will become interconnected; 2 and 12; 3 and 11; 4 and 10; 5 and 9; 6 and 8. The first three numbers 1.-3. start a wave. From 4.-10 the wave reaches its maximum. The first week of the 4th month falls on the vernal equinox, and the last week of the 10th month falls on the autumn solstice. The final numbers 11.-13. complete the wave. The number 13, as a final one, gives impetus to a new wave.

Just as the year is made up of 4 quarters (each with 13 weeks), a 28-day month is made up of 4 weeks. 1st week - Gives impetus, starts, introduces into the circle. This is the foundation of the month. Image - a child opens a box with Lego blocks. 2nd week - Challenges. Contradictions and disharmony appear. This is the awareness of the energy impulse contained in the month. Opposites agree or excess is excluded. (The child pours out and recognizes Lego cubes). 3rd week - Transforms what is already there. Generates a result. There is a full inclusion in the current process. This is the maturity of the month. (A child forms a model from Lego blocks). 4th week - results of Impulse and consequences. (The child plays with the built model). The week is the second fundamental series of numbers. If in the 13th number row the number 7 introduces the wave to the maximum, then in the row of 7 numbers 4 is the mystical axis. 4 symbolizes the middle point that connects the four cardinal points, up and down. Adding 13 and 7, we get 20 - the universal number of a person. 20 is not only the number of fingers and toes, but also the number of solar signs in the circle of the ecliptic (year). They began to be called signs of the Zodiac later, when the circle of the ecliptic was divided into 12 sectors, and identified with the visible constellations of the circle of the ecliptic. The fact that at the base of everything is the circle of the Earth's orbit, and also the fact that the solar signs are not tied to the stars, but symbolize specific sectors in the Earth's aura, have been forgotten.

visible in the sky Sun way, Chaldean magicians began to call the Zodiac (circle of beasts).

They deliberately distorted the knowledge of the universe in order to increase their influence and power. The secret is simple: the circle of the Ecliptic can be divided by any number that is a multiple of the universal number 4 (cross, four cardinal points, four elements ...). The circle of the zodiac is static, and time progresses, moving in a spiral. So, back to the week - short divisions of the calendar of 13 months. We are accustomed to consider Monday as the beginning of the week, which, in essence, is wrong. Monday (Moon day) corresponds to numbers 2; 9; 16; 23 is the second day of the week. The first is Sunday (Syn day), which begins both the month and each individual week and is therefore revered as a holiday on a major note. Saturday (? Satyrn day), ending the months and weeks, in turn, is a holiday on a minor note. It is in the days of Saturn that it is best to meditate, think about what has been done, and relax. Perform a retrospective of your life in order to better understand God and the plans of fate. So:

1. Sunday - the day dedicated to Apollo Baldur (in Celtic mythology).

It is the Sun, rebirth, a new beginning. The day when it is desirable to plan a holiday, celebration, presentation of the enterprise. A good starting point for starting a new life. The day is favorable for treatment.

2. Monday - the day is dedicated to the goddess of the moon, Artemis or Diana. Freya (Celts).

These are everyday worries, everyday life, illusions that prevent you from achieving your goals. Contradictions between what is desired and what is available, if any, become visible. Women's Day. Tone defines wives and housewives. The day is favorable for the correction of plans (applicable to a real life situation). You can guess, find a lost thing or harmony in the family. It is good to wash dirty linen, cook soup, prepare medicinal teas, compotes and other drinks.

3. Tuesday is the day dedicated to Mars and Vulcan. Thors (Celt) - the god of military personnel and blacksmiths.

This is unformed energy, a challenge, an opportunity for victory. Resistance is overcome on Tuesday outside world, enemies and ill-wishers are overcome, barriers blocking the road are broken. Husbands Day. Favorable watchmen, defenders of the weak. It is good to start a physical activity or training cycle. Perform work that requires serious physical effort. Lazy people may feel uncomfortable because unused energy is asking for an outlet. Unfortunately, sometimes it breaks out in very negative forms.

4. Wednesday - the day is dedicated to Hermes or Mercury. Among the Celts it is Odin; among the Slavs - Veless; the ancient Egyptians - Thoth.

Prometheus, who descends from heaven and returns the divine fire to people. God of the sage and poet, wisdom and interconnection. Here opposites are united, goals are transformed. Heaven meets earth. The middle point of the week when a compromise can be found to solve unresolved problems. The day is favorable for those working in the intellectual field, for diplomats, ambassadors, as well as for swindlers and thieves.

5. Thursday - the day is dedicated to Jupiter. Tyru (Celts) - the god of truth and law. Day of representatives of power and rulers.

It carries good luck as a result of the work done and compliance with the laws. Here the first fruits of labor appear, and snobbery and pride are born. Day of prosperity, when money comes to money. For those who already have, more is added, but for those who do not have, even what they have can be taken away. 6. Friday - the day is dedicated to Astarte or Venus. Briggita (Celts) - Goddess of beauty and the power of attractiveness of the sexes, controls the energy of Libido in all spheres of manifestation. The day when they prepared talismans of love and wove wreaths of their own charm. It was believed that at this time the human soul was also indifferent to artificial beauty, so the day was considered benevolent for artists, musicians, hairdressers and luxury goods dealers. 7. Saturday - the day is dedicated to Saturn. In the tradition of the Celts - to the goddesses of fate, the Norns, who spin the threads of human lives. A day that is favorable for self-knowledge. For meditation - in all its forms of manifestation. The time when they do not start anything new, but evaluate what has been done. The end of the cycle of the week and the result. In the cycle of the natural calendar of the year, a particular event will always fall on a particular day of the week. For example: the point of the spring solstice will always fall on Friday, the summer and winter maximum on Sunday. Christian tradition says that Christ was crucified on the cross on Friday and resurrected on the third day. Indeed, in the year 33 AD at the point of the spring solstice was Solar eclipse observed in the Middle East. It was the 13th week of the natural year, the 4th month of Aries (the sacrificial lamb), the 6th day of the week. The third day after this event was Sunday, the 1st day of the 1st week, the 8th day of the true month. A new quarter of the year begins. It would be logical if today we would celebrate Easter on March 21-23. Unfortunately, the living tradition is forgotten, and the holidays of the year have slipped from their true places. Only once every seven years, the days of the linear calendar coincide with the natural. Therefore, is it any wonder that we live in eternal stress, and that it is so difficult to find harmony with ourselves. Given that the meaning of the 13 keys of the time wave and the meaning of the divisions of the 13-month year do not coincide in all details, we offer the reader a traditional description of the months of the year in the Celtic calendar. 1.Beth: December 22 - January 18. In the tradition of the Celts, the month is dedicated to a tree - a birch. Astrological month - Boar. The time when the foundation of the year is formed. The time when special attention is paid to signs, messengers. This is the beginning when everything is possible. Look through your dreams and be attentive to the little things in life, even a thief and a swindler can be a bearer of wisdom and experience. At this time, the desires of the subconscious can penetrate into the cycle of materialization, and then in the 4th month the first results will be visible. 2.Luis: January 19 - February 15. The month is dedicated to the tree - mountain ash. Astrological month - Aquarius. The time when the contradictions of the year are shown. Previously, it was believed that the winds of change rule here and the Gods decide which of the heroes to give their favor. Greater power is also given to the Friday goddess Briggita (In the guise of a white Goddess). It is she who is depicted on the Tarot cards of 17 lasso. Also in our days, the energy of this month can provoke a change of partner, both in interpersonal relationships and in business. At this time, sacrifices are made to the dead spirits, asking for their favor in a new cycle. Water can be given qualities by transforming it into either living or dead water. This time is also on unstable scales, any little thing can outweigh on one or the other side. There is no draw here. There are either winners or losers. 3.Nion: February 16 - March 15. The month is dedicated to the tree - ash. Astrological month - Pisces. This is Poseidon - the month of the world water and the lord of inspiration. Auspicious for sailors, poets, composers, actors and clowns. Not without reason, it is at this time that the most luxurious carnival of the year is held in Venice. These are living traditions in the echoes of modernity. Here the rhythm of the year is formed, the energy that is formed during the dance between its participants dominates. A sense of community on a sensitive level. Therefore, the time is also favorable for the formation of a new working collective. 4.Fearn: March 16 - April 12. The month is dedicated to the black alder tree. Astrological month - Aries, Ram. This is the month of Sunday and the rebirth of the god Bran (ancient Egyptian Osiris). During the spring solstice, the Earth is fertilized. A new solar cycle begins. Energy receives a measure and spreads in four directions. At this time you can start new life, in the truest sense. The month of Aries begins the countdown of 7 monthly cycle maturity of the calendar year. Here the individual begins to realize himself as a self-sufficient structure. It is also possible to lay on a stable foundation the project of a growing business, home or family. 5.Saille: April 13 - May 10. The month is dedicated to the bird cherry tree. Astrological month - Taurus. The month of fertility and the goddess of intuitive wisdom Persephone. In the Middle Ages, it was also called the month of the witches. Here is a year, and together with it, we begin to realize our unique individuality. Here is the place of household magic, which, in truth, has only a superficial connection with magic candles and spells. This is the magic that exists in schools and on the streets, in churches and markets, between marriage partners and members of government. This is the art of positioning yourself (Toltec Stalking). 6.Uath: May 11 - June 7. The month is dedicated to the hawthorn tree. Astrological month - Gemini. The month of the virgins, which is guarded by Hera, the keeper of the hearth, she tests our purity of intentions. At this time, it was customary to refrain from gross, bodily pleasures. At this time, we ourselves evaluate ourselves and set ourselves an objective mark, free from self-pity, and from awareness of our own importance. We cleanse our home and subconscious to allow the Child that lies dormant in each of us to awaken. 7.Duir: June 8 - July 5. The month is dedicated to the tree - oak. Astrological month - Cancer. This month is supervised by the god of lightning Zeus (among the Celts Dagda, among the Latvians Perkons). The central month of the year, which concentrates mystical power. The center of the round table, at which King Arthur of Avalon sits, and on either side of it are six knights. This is the turning point of the year, after which the months of the decreasing half, according to the principle of mirror symmetry, begin to repeat the months of the growing half of the year. This is a rest on the road, awareness of one's strengths and capabilities. In the middle of a series of numbers, a mystical transformation takes place when current processes take place at a new level. This may be a new beginning, but it may also be the first step down. In the second half of the year, it is more difficult to realize hopes, but if this, however, succeeds, the results always exceed what was expected. 8.Tinne: 6 July - 2 August. The month is dedicated to the juniper tree. Astrological month - Leo. This is Hercules, and Lancelot (the right hand of King Arthur). Month of fighters and knights. The individual continues to realize his strength, continuing on his way, soaring to a new level. This is where the mission begins. 9.Coll: 3.- 30 August. The month is dedicated to the hazel tree. The astrological month is Virgo. This is the goddess of the harvest Demeter (among the Celts Banba, among the Latvians Spidola). Clever and prophetic trustee. The month is associated with experience gained on the path of wisdom. With the second initiation, with the meaning of the path of the heart. The fact that it is on this month that Catholics go on a pilgrimage to praise the Mother of God is also an echo of the Living tradition in the official religion. 10.Muir: August 31 - September 27. The month is dedicated to the tree - vineyards. Astrological month - Libra. Associated with the god Dionysus and the harvest festival. These are results, well-deserved pay or harsh judgment. This month, karmic debts are paid. Something that has been carefully hidden so far may appear. And also love. 11.Gort: September 28 - October 25. The month is devoted to ivy. The astrological month is Scorpio. The month is associated with the ruler of the dungeon Hades and his retinue. The time has come when Persephone returns back to the dungeon. The energy of the year has reached its climax and is fading. At this time, the same energies dominate as in the 3rd month. Only they are decently exalted. If 3 is inspiration, then 11 is ecstasy. Previously, a bacchanalia festival was held at this time. Its participants, usually before orgies, ate hallucinogenic mushrooms (called ambrosia or food of the gods). Nowadays, this is no longer relevant, because the whole of life often resembles an uninterrupted orgy, which is prolonged in time and therefore has lost its intensity. This month increases the sharpness of the mind and feelings, and this can be used to reach the necessary level for the emotional, mental or spiritual opening of energy. It is only necessary to remember that undisciplined discoverers of new horizons of consciousness often end their cruises in the ward of a psychiatric hospital. 12.Peith: October 26 - November 22 The month is dedicated to reeds. The astrological month is Ophiuchus. Month of pharaohs and rulers. This is the top of the year. What has been achieved is structured and preserved. The wave of time subsides, because there is no need to run and prove something. Ophiuchus promotes meditation and deepening into oneself. And this is not a waste of time. Sometimes it happens that in the bins of one's own consciousness there is a diamond that cannot be found in the world. 13. Ruis: November 23 - December 20. The month is dedicated to elderberry. Astrological month - Shooter. In King Arthur's retinue, this is Parsifal. A knight who sacrificed himself to the quest for the Holy Grail. In the ancient Greek tradition, this is the prophetic Centaur Heiron, whom the gods, after death, ascended to heaven. The thirteenth month of seekers, dreamers and clairvoyants. Here the transition to new level cosmic hierarchy, therefore, at this time it is easy to break unwanted ties, to discard conventional stereotypes of social thinking. This is also a good time for adventurers who live by the principle that who does not take risks does not drink champagne. The division of the solar year into 12 months of unequal length, introduced by the ancient Romans, has neither astronomical nor numerological justification. If the reference points of the months corresponded to 12 signs of the zodiac, we could apply the corresponding characteristic for each of them. But, the modern calendar is deliberately shifted from the true solar cycle. As a result, we have lost touch with the rhythms of nature and inner consonance. Without inner harmony, there is no natural intuition, no conviction in the correctness of one's decisions, no consonance between man and nature. A person squeezed into an artificial rhythm is easier to control. It is easier for him to inspire an inverted point of view and easier to confuse. The man himself did not invent anything new. He only writes off from nature. If the vision of his world is pure and not clouded, if he has a creative spark, he writes off brilliant things from nature.

And it is currently on display at the Palais des Arts of the Gallo-Roman Museum, Lyon. The calendar dates from the first century BC, when Rome established the use of the Julian calendar in the territory controlled by Gaul. The calendar consists of bronze fragments located on one large plate. It is covered in Gaulish writing in the Latin alphabet and uses Roman numerals.

The Coligny calendar is an attempt to reconcile the solar and lunar cycles, as is done in the modern Gregorian calendar. However, in the Coligny calendar, the phases of the moon are considered important, so every month starts with the same lunar phase. The calendar uses mathematical methods to synchronize the 12-month calendar with the moon by adding an extra month every 2 ½ years. It registers a five-year cycle of 62 lunar months, divided into "dark" and "light" crescents each. Presumably, the months were used to start each time with a full moon, and the thirteenth month, added every 2 ½ years, to align the lunar months with the solar year.

The astronomical format that this calendar uses may be much older than the Coligny calendar itself, because, as a rule, calendars are even more conservative than rites and cults. The date of its appearance is not known, but a comparison of the Continental Celtic and Insular Celtic calendars suggests that some early forms of it may date back to proto-Celtic times, around 800 BC. e. The Coligny calendar performs a complex synchronization of the solar and lunar months. Whether this was done for philosophical or practical reasons is unknown.

Medieval Irish and Welsh calendar

Calendar terms in Celtic languages

Term Proto-Celtic Irish Gaelic Manx Welsh Cornish Breton
Year *bl(e)id-anī- Blian bliadhna blein blwydd, blwyddyn faded bloavezh, bloaz
Season ráithe, séasur raith imbagh tymor, pryd season koulz amzer
Winter *gajamo geimhreadh gemhradh geurey gaeaf gwaf goanv
Spring *φerrako earrach earrach arragh gwanwyn gwaynten nevezamzer
Summer *samo samhradh samhradh sourey haf haf hañv
Autumn *kento-gijamo fomhar foghar fouyr hydref kynyaf diskar amzer

see also

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  • Brennan, Martin, 1994. The Stones of Time: Calendars, Sundials, and Stone Chambers of Ancient Ireland. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions
  • Brunaux, Jean-Louis, 1986 Les Gaulois: Sanctuaires et Rites Paris: Editions Errance
  • Duval, Paul-Marie, et Pinault, Georges Recueil des Inscriptions Gauloises(R.I.G.), Vol. 3: The calendars of Coligny (73 fragments) and Villards d'Heria (8 fragments)


  • Sherwood E. A.// Calendar in the culture of the peoples of the world: Collection of articles. - M.: Science. Publishing company "Eastern Literature", 1993.

An excerpt characterizing the Celtic calendar

- No, I wasn't, but that's what came to my mind, and I wanted to tell you. Now the war against Napoleon. If it were a war for freedom, I would understand, I would be the first to enter the military service; but help England and Austria against the greatest man in the world... it's not good...
Prince Andrei only shrugged his shoulders at Pierre's childish speeches. He pretended that such nonsense was not to be answered; but it was really difficult to answer this naive question with anything other than what Prince Andrei answered.
“If everyone fought only according to their convictions, there would be no war,” he said.
“That would be fine,” said Pierre.
Prince Andrew chuckled.
- It may very well be that it would be wonderful, but this will never happen ...
“Well, why are you going to war?” Pierre asked.
- For what? I do not know. So it is necessary. Besides, I'm going…” He stopped. “I am going because this life that I lead here, this life is not for me!

Noisy in the next room women's dress. As if waking up, Prince Andrei shook himself, and his face assumed the same expression that it had in Anna Pavlovna's drawing room. Pierre swung his legs off the sofa. The princess entered. She was already in a different, homely, but equally elegant and fresh dress. Prince Andrei stood up, courteously pushing a chair for her.
“Why, I often think,” she began, as always, in French, hastily and bustlingly sitting down in an armchair, “why didn’t Annette get married?” How stupid you all are, messurs, for not marrying her. Excuse me, but you don't understand anything about women. What a debater you are, Monsieur Pierre.
- I argue everything with your husband; I don’t understand why he wants to go to war, ”said Pierre, without any hesitation (so common in relations young man to a young woman) addressing the princess.
The princess was startled. Apparently, Pierre's words touched her to the core.
Ah, that's what I'm saying! - she said. “I don’t understand, I absolutely don’t understand why men can’t live without war?” Why do we women want nothing, why do we need nothing? Well, you be the judge. I tell him everything: here he is an uncle's adjutant, the most brilliant position. Everyone knows him so well and appreciates him so much. The other day at the Apraksins, I heard a lady ask: "c" est ca le fameux prince Andre? Ma parole d "honneur! [Is this the famous Prince Andrei? Honestly!] She laughed. - He is so accepted everywhere. He can very easily be an adjutant wing. You know, the sovereign spoke to him very graciously. Annette and I talked about how easy it would be to arrange. What do you think?
Pierre looked at Prince Andrei and, noticing that his friend did not like this conversation, did not answer.
- When are you leaving? - he asked.
- Ah! ne me parlez pas de ce depart, ne m "en parlez pas. Je ne veux pas en entendre parler, [Ah, don't tell me about this departure! I don't want to hear about it,] the princess spoke in such a capriciously playful tone as she spoke to Hippolyte in the living room, and who, obviously, did not go to the family circle, where Pierre was, as it were, a member. “Today, when I thought that all these expensive relations should be interrupted ... And then, you know, Andre?” She winked significantly at her husband. - J "ai peur, j" ai peur! [I'm scared, I'm scared!] She whispered, shuddering her back.
The husband looked at her with a look as if he was surprised to notice that someone else, besides him and Pierre, was in the room; and he turned inquiringly to his wife with cold courtesy:
What are you afraid of, Lisa? I can't understand, he said.
- That's how all men are selfish; everyone, all egoists! Because of his own whims, God knows why, he leaves me, locks me up in a village alone.

Everyone knows the tree calendar of the Druids, but much less known is another Celtic calendar, when an animal corresponds to a period of time, thus being the patron animal of those born during this period.

December 24 - January 20

Animal: deer
Gaelic name: Damh (Damh)
Ruler planet: Sun
Keywords: independence, greatness, honesty, pride
Gift: receptivity to other worlds. Transformation, initiation, journey
Stone: rhinestone
Compatibility: harmonious relationship with the people of the Snake and Salmon. A good relationship with the people of Seal, Otter and Goose.

January 21 - February 17

Animal: crane
Gaelic name: Corr (Corr)
Ruler planet: Uranus
Keywords: secret knowledge, eccentricity, patience
Gift: Crane people - unusual smart people who have special skills and talents, as well as bright prospects in life. They feel the development of the Spirit. Susceptibility to another world, magic, propensity to travel
Stone: olivine
Compatibility: harmonious relations with the people of the Bee and the Swan. Good relations with the Bear, Owl and Cat people.

February 18 - March 17

Animal: Seal
Gaelic name: Ron
Ruler planet: Neptune
Keywords: spirituality, love, hypersensitivity.
Gift: the ability to empathize and adapt to any conditions of existence. Romantics and dreamers, artistic and emotional. Receptivity to another world. The ability to change the world around you and communicate with fairies.
Stone: coral
Compatibility: harmonious relations with the Otter and Goose people. Good relationship with Salmon, Deer and Snake people.

March 18 - April 14

Animal: Bear
Gaelic name: Art/AiRCH (Art/AiRCH)
ruling planet: Mars
Keywords: achievement, strength, instinct.
Gift: Bear people feel a strong connection with their family. Filled with courage and looking for adventure. Strong physically, extroverts. Protection, travel and receptivity to another world.
Stone: ruby
Compatibility: harmonious relations with the people of the Cat and the Owl. Good relations with the people of the Crane, Bee and Swan.

April 15 - May 12

Animal: Snake
Gaelic name: Nathair
Ruler planet: Moon
Keywords: transformation, healing, life energy.
Gift: unique ingenuity. Love for your family. Excellent memory. A propensity for healing, magic, transformation.
Stone: Moonstone
Compatibility: harmonious relationship with the Deer and Salmon people. Good relationship with Otter and Goose people.

May 13 - June 9

Animal: Bee
Gaelic name: Beach
Ruler planet: Volcano
Keywords: organization, community, analytical mind.
Gift: charm, generation of new ideas. Liveliness, spontaneity, sociability. Influence, involvement in society. Creative potential.
Stone: topaz
Compatibility: harmonious relations with the people of the Crane and the Swan. Good relations with the Bear, Cat and Owl people.

June 10 - July 7

Animal: Otter
Gaelic name: Dobhran
Ruler planet: Jupiter
Keywords: family, benefit, intuition.
Gift: broad horizons and breadth of vision. Optimism, personal magnetism. Protection, transformation, travel.
Stone: diamond
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the people of Goose and Seal. Good relations with Salmon, Snake and Deer people.

July 8 - August 4

Animal: Cat
Gaelic name: Kati (Kati/Ka-Chi)
Ruler planet: Earth
Keywords: creativity, sensitivity, nobility
Gift: inner honesty, own scale of values. Loyalty, reliability. Devotion to family. Tenderness. Protection, transformation and receptivity to another world.
Stone: red carnelian
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the people of the Owl and the Bear. Good relations with the people of the Crane, Bee and Swan.

August 5 - September 1

Animal: Salmon
Gaelic name: Bradan
Ruler planet: Mercury
Keywords: wisdom, inspiration, rejuvenation
Gift: knowledge in the fields of art and science. Insightful mind. Observation. Initiation, transformation, connection with the faerie world.
Stone: amethyst
Compatibility: harmonious relations with the people of the Snake and the Deer. Good relations with Otter, Seal and Goose people.

September 2 - September 29

Animal: Swan
Gaelic name: Ila (Eala/Ellah.)
Ruler planet: Venus
Keywords: beauty, love and soul.
Gift: kindness and tenderness, skill in love and social relationships. Calmness and serenity with high sensitivity. Connection with the faerie world. Transformation. Creative potential.
Stone: emerald
Compatibility: harmonious relations with the people of the Crane and the Bee. Good relationship with Owl, Cat and Bear people.

September 30 - October 27

Animal: Goose
Gaelic name: Gidh (Geadh)
Ruler planet: Moon
Keywords: disguise, guidance, vigilance, endurance
Gift: generosity, concern for security. Powerful intellect, wit. Artistry. Protection, abundance and creativity.
Stone: opal
Compatibility: harmonious relations with the Seal and Otter people. Good relations with Snake, Deer and Salmon people.

October 28 - November 24

Animal: Owl
Gaelic name: Caillich (Cailleach-oidhche)
Ruler planet: Pluto
Keywords: wisdom, change, impartiality.
Gift: calmness and personal magnetism that captivates people. Memorable, passionate. Initiation, susceptibility to another world, magic.
Stone: jasper
Compatibility: harmonious relations with the people of the Cat and the Bear. Good relations with the people of the Bee, Swan and Crane.

November 25 - December 23

Animal: Crow
Gaelic name: Bran
Ruler planet: Saturn
Gift: a sober outlook on life, the ability to survive in a losing duel. Discipline and patience. Transformation, receptivity to another world, contact with the faerie world.
Stone: lapis lazuli
Compatibility: harmonious relations with the Seal and Salmon people. Good relations with the people of the Crane, Snake and Cat.

Traditionally, pagan holidays are divided into eight solar holidays (sabbats) and thirteen lunar holidays (esbats).

Lunar holidays are full moons, when the moon shines in the sky in full force.

solar holidays are the four turning points (solstices and equinoxes) and the four Days of Power. Each solar holiday has its own name and meaning.

Yule. This holiday is celebrated on the longest night of the year - the winter solstice. In the general myth of the death and resurrection of God, this day is of great importance. Starting from this date, the length of the day begins to increase, and the nights, respectively, decrease. This is the birth of God. This holiday reminds us that after death comes birth again, and life eventually conquers death.

Imbolc. Celebrated on February 2nd. This holiday marks the growing up of the young God, when the lengthening of the day becomes already very noticeable. On this day, it is customary to light candles, bonfires, torches and the like, which symbolizes the coming of light.

Ostara. It is celebrated on March 21, on the day of the equinox. This is the beginning of true spring. On this day, Light finally defeats Darkness, God enters the time of maturity and brings life to fields and forests. Nature wakes up from sleep.

Beltane. Celebrated April 30th. This is the day of the final awakening of nature. It is believed that it is now that God takes the Goddess as his wife and they lie together among the flowers. At this time, mating games begin for many animals and birds. During the celebration, it is customary to set up the Maypole as the main symbol of God, and decorate it with flowers in honor of the Goddess.

Lita (Midsummer). This holiday is celebrated on the summer solstice (June 21), when all natural forces reach their highest point. Exactly this best time for magic of any kind.

Lughnasad (Lammas). Celebrated on August 1st. The first fruits begin to ripen and the first harvest is harvested in the fields. At this time, God loses his power, the Sun moves further to the South, and the day is shortened.

Mabon. Autumn equinox (September 21). AT agriculture this is the end of the harvest. God is ready to leave his body, the day becomes equal to the night and the Darkness again defeats the Light. This is a sad holiday.

Samhain. October 31. On this day we say goodbye to God, he dies and leaves us to be born again on Yule. This is the feast of death. On this day, cattle are slaughtered in many places, preparing supplies before winter. Since God, who is called the Horned One, patronizes animals, the killing of cattle for the sake of providing food has a parallel with the death of God. God, like animals, feels that in order to ensure our existence, he must also give his life and sacrifice himself.

This annual cycle illustrates to us the myth of the birth, death and resurrection of God. We see a clear connection of this myth with the ancient agricultural cults, at the same time, many motives in other religions also come from here.


  • Holidays of ancient Europe

    In the distant past, people lived in unity with nature. The change of seasons influenced the whole way of life and was the basis of mystical (religious) rituals - holidays.

    The main holidays of all ancient peoples were: the arrival of winter, spring, summer and autumn. These four days are the days of the solstices and equinoxes, the astronomical beginnings of the seasons.

    These days were the base points of the calendar Year. These days the program for the whole season was laid. They served as reference points for farming, construction and other important activities.

    The Celts inhabited almost the entire territory of ancient Europe - these are the ancestors of modern Europeans. To the east lived the Slavs.

    In general, the ancient Celts (like the ancient Slavs) had four holidays of the Sun and four holidays associated with the agricultural cycle: periods of sowing, growth, harvesting and rest.

    Yule (Yul) - December 21 - the day of the winter solstice. The longest night of the year and the shortest day. Time of great darkness. Turn to fly.

    The Goddess gives birth to the Sun God and falls into a sleep for the whole winter after giving birth. On this day, fires are lit in houses and candles are lit to greet the Sun. Decorate homes with mistletoe branches.

    Imbolc (Imbolc) - February 2. The first awakening of Spring. Celebrate the first signs of spring awakening. Perform rites of purification, fire in any form. White candles or large ritual bonfires are lit. God is young, but His strength is felt in the lengthening of days.

    Other names for this holiday are Torch Festival, Candle Festival, Snowdrop Festival, Waking Light Festival. (echoes of the holiday - Groundhog Day in the USA).

    Ostara (Ostara) - March 21 - the day of the spring equinox. Return of fertility to the Earth.

    God is filled with strength, matures. He walks through green fields and gives abundance to nature.

    Day and night are equal, light conquers darkness. This is a time of beginnings, active actions. On this day, plans are made, seeds are planted.

    Beltane (Beltane) - April 30 - May Christmas Eve, the first May night. The holiday glorifies the fertility of the Earth. People have fun at the festival of flowers, dance around the Maypole - a symbol of fertility. The Maypole or Maypole is central to the rituals. People gather flowers on this day to decorate the Maypole, their home and themselves.

    Other names for this holiday are May Day, Walpurgis Night, holiday lights.

    Lita (Lita) - June 21 - summer solstice, the longest day of the year. The power of nature reaches its highest point.

    They light ritual bonfires, jump over bonfires to increase fertility, purification, health and love. On this day, weddings are celebrated. Newlyweds jump over a broom.

    Lughnasadh (Lugnasadh) - August 1 - the festival of the first harvest. Loaves in the form of the sun are baked from grain.

    Day and night became equal. Nature is fading, preparing for winter, the time of rest.
    People celebrate, thank the gods for the harvest.

    Other names for this holiday are Halloween, Apple Day, Ancestors Day, November Christmas.

    In some places, this is the time when cattle are slaughtered and stores are prepared for the winter.
    On this night, it is customary to put a plate of food for the dead souls on the street.

    Celtic holidays are held outdoors. People gather in the forest, in the meadow, on the hills, on the hills. They sing and dance. In folk dances, people walk in circles a lot, as the circle conserves energy.

    Rituals are used to establish a spiritual connection with their gods.

  • Wheel of the Year

    Wheel of the Year, in the Wiccan tradition, the so-called. witch holidays, eight holidays dedicated to God and Goddess and symbolizing different periods of their lives.
    The witch calendar contains 13 full moon holidays or esbats and 8 Days of Power or sabbats (sabbaths). All these holidays represent the cycle of birth and death. On full moon days, sacred energy is released, which is associated with the Moon and the Great Goddess. The ritual of the lunar holiday is performed in honor of the creative life force that pervades the universe. Full moon days give magicians a special opportunity to connect with the spirit.

    The dates of the Days of Power mark key moments in the movement of the sun in the annual cycle; it is believed that they bring good luck and prosperity in that part of the year, which corresponds to this holiday.

    The Days of Power were celebrated more than 4,000 years ago, but as seasonal holidays, only two of them were originally celebrated - Beltane and Samhain, dividing the year into two halves. During these days, people kindled bonfires on the tops of the hills, bonfires flared up one after another, until all the surroundings were lit with hundreds of bright lights. For Europeans, this ceremony began at sunset on the day before the holiday and ended three days later at sunset. These "fire holidays" were associated with sowing plants, harvesting and successful hunting. Subsequently, on the territory of modern Europe, two additional holidays were added to the two original ones: Imbolc and Lammas. The pagan Germans added to it the days of the equinox and solstice. This is how the tradition of the eight sacred days of the year was formed, which later began to be used by Wiccans:

    October 31 - Samhain (Samhain / Halloween)
    December 21 - Yule (Jule), winter solstice
    February 2 - Imbolc
    March 21 - Ostara, spring equinox
    April 30 - Beltane
    June 21 - Lita (Midsummer), summer solstice
    August 1 - Lammas (Lugnasad)
    September 21 - Mabon, autumnal equinox

    Yule celebrate on December 21st. This is the time of great darkness and the shortest day of the year, so on this day bonfires are lit, inviting sunlight return. Most often, the ceremony begins before sunset, and then the sunrise is observed. This day celebrates the birth of God, who returns to fill the hearts of people with warmth and abundance. According to ancient custom, candles and lights are used to lure him out of the mother's womb, so it is customary to leave all the lights on in the house, or at least the oil lamp on the altar. In one legend associated with this holiday. King Oak fights King Holly and defeats him. Sometimes in the image of the Holly King they see the features of Santa Claus, who is also dressed in red and wears a holly in his hat and rides on a team drawn by eight deer (symbols of the horned god).

    On Yule, according to tradition, a magical tree of desires is placed, on the branches of which all your wishes for the new year hang. Spruce symbolizes the Goddess, since this tree does not shed its needles and does not die in winter. Sorcerers sometimes use this fir tree in the ritual of creating a protective barrier: it is tapped on the ground around the outer circumference of the magic circle, or it is saved for use as a Maypole during Beltane celebrations.

    Imbolc celebrate on February 2nd. The first day of spring in the Wiccan calendar. This day marks the first appearance of the Goddess after the birth of God, the lengthening day awakens her. God is young, he is almost a boy, but his power is growing, the days are getting longer. The warm, fertile Earth (the symbol of the Goddess) gives life to seeds that germinate and sprout. This is a holiday of purification after winter through the revival of the power of the Sun, a holiday of light and fertility, in Europe it is sometimes celebrated in the light of torches and bonfires. Fire here symbolizes enlightenment and inspiration, as well as light and warmth.

    Imbolc is also known as the Feast of Torches, Oimelk, Luperkalia, the Feast of Pan, the Snowdrop Festival, the Feast of the Waking Light, Brigid's Day, and others. a bowl of melted snow to hasten the arrival of spring.

    Ostara celebrate March 21st. Sometimes this day is called "Lady's Day", this holiday symbolizes the return of the earth's ability to give birth. Also known as Spring, the Rite of Spring, and Ostara's Day, this is the first day of true spring. Energies in nature are gradually changing: its slow and measured flow in winter is replaced by a fast, seething stream, characteristic of spring. The goddess gives fertility to the earth, wakes her up from sleep, God becomes stronger, matures, he walks through the green fields and gives abundance to nature. On Ostara day and night are equal, light conquers darkness. The Goddess and God encourage all beings on earth to be fruitful and multiply. This is a time of beginnings and action.

    In some traditions, one week before the spring equinox, one should make a list of all grievances and injustices caused to one's friends and loved ones, and then restore harmony in human relations with the help of sincere apologies and the return of old debts. On the night of the holiday, the list is burned, which serves as a symbolic confirmation of spiritual purification. In a narrow family circle, it is customary to paint eggs.

    Beltane celebrate April 30th. This holiday is also called the "Fire of the God Belen", it is the opposite of Samhain. If Samhain reveals the interaction of the aspects of life and death, then Beltane reveals the triumph and glory of earthly existence. This is a festival of bonfires that attract heavenly blessings. After Yule, the spruce trunk was kept until Beltane, where it already acted as a May pole.

    Long white and red ribbons are tied to the top of the pole, the dancers take them and braid them around the pole to the sound of cheerful music, rattles and drums. The red ribbons are twisted clockwise, and the white ones are twisted counterclockwise. In this way, the participants in the celebration weaved stability and prosperity into their personal lives in the coming summer months. When it remained to weave the last piece of the ribbon, the dancers began to move in the opposite direction, thus strengthening the wish for growth and prosperity.

    Romantic feelings and courtship play an important part in the celebration of Beltane, as these days people become the embodiment of the highest love between God and Goddess. Beltane is not as serious and solemn as Samhain; it is famous for its fun, songs and dances.

    In Celtic mythology, the Beltane holiday opened the summer period, the daylight season, and was associated with the lighting of a sacrificial fire and the corresponding offerings to the great God Belen. In addition, the Celts had a custom to kindle two fires in honor of Belen, between which sick cattle were led in order to heal them and keep them for the next year. According to Irish tradition, the conquest of Ireland fell on this holiday. In Beltane, the tribes of the Goddess Danu arrived on the island, then this holiday was celebrated in the center of Ireland, in Meade, in the residence of the High King.

    Litu(summer solstice) is celebrated on June 21st. On this day, the power of nature reaches its highest point. The earth is filled with the fertility of the Goddess and God. On this day, the masculine aspect of the deity reaches the height of its power, and God is honored in his power and glory. Numerous bonfires are lit: young men and women jump over them, demonstrating their strength and dexterity. King Oak and King Holly, who fought on Yule Eve, return for another battle. This time the winner is the Holly King, who reigns again until Yule. This season, the so-called. solar amulets to protect your family. All healing and sacred plants on the eve of the summer solstice have the greatest power. On this day, the guardian spirits of the hearth and domestic animals receive special honors.

    Lammas celebrate August 1st. This festival is held mainly in honor of Lug, the Celtic solar deity. Sometimes it is called the "wedding festival" or "the festival of the first harvest", at this time the plants begin to dry, the fruits and seeds fall off for people and the future harvest. Mystically, the same thing happens with God, losing his power, he, like the Sun, goes further and further, the days become shorter. The goddess is sad, knowing that God will die, and rejoices, knowing that then he will come to life and sit opposite her, like her child. Summer has passed, but the food reminds us of its warmth and generosity, each meal is an act of unity with nature.

    On this day, the fruits of the earth or seafood are placed on the altar and a large refectory table is placed next to the place for the ritual. Unlike many other covens, Lammas is usually celebrated all day long. The Gaelic name for this holiday is Lughnasad.

    Mabon celebrate on September 21st. This is the day of the autumnal equinox, the end of the harvest that began on Lammas. Again, day and night became equal, which means that God is ready to leave his physical body and go on a great journey into the unknown, to his conception and a new rebirth. Nature fades, generously gives everything it has, prepares for winter. The goddess slumbers under the last rays of the Sun, and the fire is lit in her womb, she feels the presence of God.

    The name of the holiday comes from the Welsh deity who symbolized male fertility in the cycle of myths about King Arthur. Mabon has two aspects: the liberation from everything old and obsolete and the retribution of honors to the deceased female family members. The Celts believed that since God emerges from the womb of the Goddess, the magical island of Tir-Nan-Og (Land of Eternal Summer) is inhabited only by women.

    On Mabon, according to tradition, staves and runes are carved from elm wood, this custom came from the Druids. The autumnal equinox is the second harvest festival, on this day people usually put on the altar autumn leaves, ripe fruits, pumpkins, dry ears, etc.

    Samhain are celebrated on October 31 - November 1. It's celtic New Year and the main holiday from which all the rest are counted. Samhain is the time to sum up, peering into the past years, on this night there is a mixture of physical and spiritual realities. According to legend, on the night of Samhei, the hills of magical people open up, meeting with which gives great opportunities for good or evil. At this time, the cover that separates the world of the dead and the living becomes very thin; By tradition, we remember loved ones who have left us. In this sense, Samhain symbolizes the triumph of everlasting life.

    Among the Celts, Samhain was the most important holiday of the year, which began with memories of the summer and seeing off the summer, marking the beginning winter period. On Samhain they say goodbye to God, remembering that he does not plunge into eternal darkness, but is ready for a new birth as the Goddess, which will happen on Yule. Samhain is also known as Death Festival, Apple Day, Halloween. In some areas, this is the time when cattle are slaughtered and supplies are prepared for the deep winter. Often food or drink is sacrificed on this day as a symbol of the fact that God also sacrifices himself to ensure our existence.

  • Dark Time: October 31 - February 2.
    Time of Awakening: February 2 - April 30.
    Daylight Time: April 30 - July 31.
    Harvest Time: July 31 - October 31.

    The Wheel of the Year in neo-paganism and neo-pagan witchcraft symbolizes the life cycles of successive birth, death and rebirth and is represented by the successive seasons of the year. The annual cycle is marked by eight sabbats: large - Fiery Holidays and small - peaks of the seasons. The symbolic image of the wheel - the solar circle - is an integral part of the holiday rituals. Sabbaths or sabbats are a time of joy, dance and fun, a great opportunity for creativity, self-expression through poetry, music, dance and acting.

    Yule(December 21) - Solstice, Winter Solstice Festival - the shortest day of the year. The goddess gives life to God, her son. On this day, the rebirth of light is welcomed.

    Imbolc(February 2) - Goddess Power is restored after childbirth. God is now a strong and healthy boy whose strength is increasing and manifesting itself in the increasing length of the day.

    Ostara(March 21) - Spring Equinox Day. The Goddess has fully regained her powers. Winter finally gives way to Spring. Sunny holiday when day equals night

    Beltane(May 1) - May Day, Wedding of the Goddess and God, pregnancy of the Goddess. Great holiday fertility, the opposite side of Samhain. Beltane is a celebration of earthly existence. In the Wheel of the Year - the second most important holiday.

    Lita(June 21) - Summer Solstice, Midsummer Night. The longest day of the year is the peak of God's power. The Summer Solstice is a traditional time for magic of all kinds.

    Lughnasad(August 1) - Feast of the First Harvest and Abundance. God gradually begins to lose his powers. The goddess is sad because she understands that he is dying.

    Mabon(September 21) - Autumn Equinox. God Prepares for His Journey Beyond visible world. A balance is established between day and night, light and darkness, birth and death, but in the end, darkness takes over. Preparations for the coming winter begin.

    Samhain(October 31) - Main holiday Wheels of the Year, a kind of witchy New Year. The death of God, the beginning of the Dark Age. On the eve of Samhain, the line between the world of people and spirits, good and evil is erased. Time to remember the departed.

    The witch calendar as a whole contains 13 full moon holidays and 8 Sabbats. They are also called "power days"

    Lunar holidays
    On full moon days, sacred energy is released, which is associated with the moon and the great goddess. These thirteen full moons traditionally coincide with the thirteen lunar holidays. The ritual of the lunar festival is performed in honor of the creative life force that pervades the universe; sorceresses often make requests to the lord and mistress and perform magic with candles to achieve their goals. Full moon days give every believer a special opportunity to connect with spirit. If you haven't figured it out yet, a personal connection to the spirit is vital to any sorceress.

    Yule (Jule)
    December 21-22. Yule is a holiday that marks the moment when the Sun is reborn. The goddess gives birth to a son, God, the Sun.
    Yule or Yule is the time of great darkness and the shortest day of the year. It is celebrated on December 21-22. Yule marks the point in the year when the sun returns, so sorcerers light candles and bonfires, inviting the sunlight back. On this day, sorcerers celebrate the birth of a god who returns to fill people's hearts with warmth and abundance. According to ancient custom, candles and lights were used to lure him out of the mother's womb, so it is customary to leave the lights on in the house, or at least the candle on the altar. For modern sorcerers, this is a reminder of the cycle of rebirth. One of the traditions is the construction of the Yule tree. It can be a living tree, transplanted into the ground, or cut down. The sorceresses present the tree to Yule as a tree of desires. Spruce symbolizes the goddess, since the tree does not shed its needles and does not die in winter.

    A part of the Yule tree is saved so that on the next Yule holiday it will be burned on a sacred fire. Most of the trunk is sometimes used in the ritual of creating a protective balier: it is tapped on the ground along the outer circumference of the magic circle. The trunk is kept for use as a Maypole on Beltane.

    Wiccans also hang letters on branches with wishes that must come true next year. Even on this holiday, it is customary to burn a wooden image of God, symbolizing rebirth. For this, it is best to choose pine or oak. Cut out the symbol of God (a circle with horns) with a white knife. Set it on fire and imagine warm days, the onset of spring. The altar is decorated with branches of pine, rosemary, laurel, spruce, juniper, cedar. Also, a cauldron with a red candle is placed on the altar. One might get the impression that the sorceresses are trying to copy the customs of Yule from the Christmas holiday, but this is not so. Theologians have not come to a consensus on the exact date of the birth of Christ. Since the church sought to convert as many pagans as possible to the Christian faith, the birthday of Christ was simply combined with an ancient pagan holiday.

    February 2. Imbolc marks the first appearance of the Goddess after the birth of the God. The lengthening day awakens her. God is young, almost a boy, but His strength is felt in the lengthening of days. Imbolc is the festival of Lights and Torches.
    Imbolc is the first day of spring in the tradition of earth magic. Sometimes the sorceresses call it "the festival of lights" or "the festival of light"

    This is the Sabbath of cleansing after the reclusive life in winter, through the rebirth of the power of the Sun. Imbolc is also known as the Feast of Torches, Oimelk, Lupercalia, Feast of Pan, Snowdrop Festival, Brigid's Day, and by other names. On Imbolc, at sunset or after the ritual, it is customary to light all the lamps in the house for a while. Or put candles burning in every room in honor of the resurrection of God. You can also light a kerosene lamp with red glass and put it on the window. Not over the entrance to the house, do not confuse :) There is snow on the street and the image of the Sun is drawn on it, calling for warmth.

    White flowers should be placed on the altar, as well as some snow in a crystal vessel. Melted snow symbolizes the arrival of spring. An orange candle rubbed with musk, cinnamon, frankincense, or rosemary oil, not yet lit, should also be placed on the altar. The snow will melt and you can use the melt water to create a circle.

    21-22 This day is sometimes called "the day of the lady", this holiday symbolizes the beginning of earthly fertility. The goddess blesses the Earth for fertility, literally exploding it from the inside after a winter sleep, God is filled with strength and matures. He walks through green fields and gives abundance to nature. The Goddess and God encourage the wild creatures of the Earth to multiply.

    In some traditions of earth magic, one week before the spring equinox, each sorceress makes a list of all the insults and injustices she has caused to her friends and loved ones. These individual lists, compiled during the week, are aimed at restoring harmony in human relations through sincere apologies, returning old debts, etc. On the night of the holiday, the sorceress brings her list to the circle, indicating what she did to correct injustice and purify her karma. During the ritual, paper is burned, and this serves as a symbolic confirmation of spiritual purification.

    In a narrow family circle, it is customary to dye eggs, especially if the sorceress has children. Since the children go to school, many witches move the day of Ostara celebration closer to the date of the modern Easter celebrations so that children can take part in the celebration.

    April 30 - May 1. Beltane is a well-known pagan holiday, celebrating the young God's coming of age. By moving the energies working in nature, He desires the Goddess. They are full of love for each other. The goddess becomes pregnant from God.

    Beltane is a celebration of bonfires that attract heavenly blessings. On this day, people celebrate the fertility of the land and people, so youth parties and fun are traditional. This day marks the transition from cold to warm months of the year. You can decorate your altar with snowdrops, "leaky" stones (stones with natural holes), etc. Romantic feelings play an important role in the celebration of Beltane, as these days people become the embodiment of the highest love between the lord and the mistress. The custom of choosing the Queen of May on this day is curious. She was the only one who could wear green clothes on this day, as if in honor of the friendship of people with fairies and elves. It is impossible for ordinary people to wear a green or red cap on this day, otherwise the little people will be angry.

    On this day, the people of the goddess Danu appear between people, and it is to this day that stories about magical lovers disappear suddenly and not humanly. In many traditions, this day serves as the start for the formation of new groups, initiation ceremonies, open lectures and lessons, and other projects, the day is favorable for new beginnings. People decorate window sills and sometimes houses with green branches or sprinkle with primrose petals, so that the fairy people do not think to enter the dwellings of people while they are celebrating. All this should be cut without the help of steel, in order to only remove the fairies, and not offend them.

    (They do not tolerate steel and iron) No one should cut and tear the hawthorn on this day, because this will bring misfortune and love failure. Before the celebration, and even more so the ritual, it would be nice to take a bath, cleansing, in every sense, with herbs, flowers, candles around and incense. Moreover, for the most part, Beltane is celebrated at night.

    It is necessary to celebrate in the forest or near a living tree. Make a small symbol or amulet in honor of the marriage of God and Goddess and hang it on a tree. Also decorate the tree with ribbons, beads, flowers, and anything else you can imagine. Then collect the circle of stones, assemble the altar, light the candles and the incense burner.
    Further, it is recommended to recite the Song of Blessing or any other introductory spell pronounced at the beginning of the ritual. Then call on God and Goddess, feel and thank these forces for the fact that spring has come.

    Lita (Midsam)
    June 21-22. The earth sways on the waves of fertility of the Goddess and God. This is the time when the power of nature reaches its highest point.

    Lita is a Midsummer holiday that falls on the summer solstice.
    On this day, the masculine aspect of the deity reaches the pinnacle of its power, and the sorcerers honor the lord in his strength and glory. During this season, sorceresses make solar amulets to protect their family and traditional rituals. Mentally make a list of your misfortunes, problems, sorrows, regrets and illnesses. Write it on paper and tie it with a red ribbon. Place it on the altar to use during the ritual. The cauldron must also be on or near the altar. Even if you use candles to indicate elemental directions, the red candle in the candlestick should still be present on the altar. If the ritual is performed on the street, then a small fire is lit, into which a bag of herbs is thrown. All healing and sacred plants (as in the tradition of the Druids) on the eve of the summer solstice have the greatest power. Sorcerers collect these plants on the night of June 21-22.

    Spirits - the keepers of the hearth and pets on this day are awarded special honors. Sorceresses introduce animals into the magic circle for blessing and protection from diseases.

    The Midsummer Festival is a classic time for magic of all kinds. Healing, love and protection magic is especially appropriate for this day. Herbs can be dried on a ritual fire if you are performing the ritual outside. Jump over the fire to cleanse and renew energies.

    Lammas (Lugnassad)
    Lughnasad - the time of the first harvest, August 1. The plants begin to wither and the fruits and seeds fall off for us and for the future harvest. Mystically, the same thing happens with God, losing his power, like the Sun, shortening the day. The goddess looks sad and This sabbat is held mainly in honor of Lug, the Celtic solar deity. Sometimes it is called the "wedding festival", and in other cases - the "first harvest festival". The Gaelic name (language of the Scottish Celts) for this holiday is Lugnassad. Sorceresses usually place fruits of the earth or the sea on the altar and set up a large refectory table near the ritual site. Unlike many other covens, Lammas is usually celebrated around the clock, with picnics, games, and lively conversations. The sorceresses of North America regard Lammas as the chief festival of grain, and often include ritual baking in their ceremonies.

    Lammas reflects the idea of ​​witchcraft Thanksgiving and is the ancestor of the modern American Thanksgiving. Place on the altar a sheaf of wheat, barley or oats, fruit and bread, perhaps baked in the form of the Sun or a human figure. The bread will symbolize God and the bread doll will symbolize the Goddess Straw weaving (making a bread doll) is an appropriate activity for Lammas. Visit nearby places in nature.

    (September 21), the autumnal equinox - the time of completion of the harvest. started at Lughnasad. Once again, day and night became equal, which shows that God is ready to die and go into the unknown, to his conception and birth as the Goddess. Nature is fading. The Goddess slumbers under the weak Sun, although her fire is kindled in Her womb. She feels the presence of God, even weakened.

    The name "Mabon" comes from a Welsh deity who symbolized male fertility in the Arthurian mythology. Witches did not celebrate this sabbat, nor did Ostara, until the Scandinavian invasion of England. Mabon has two aspects: the liberation from everything old and obsolete and the retribution of honors to the deceased members of the female half of the family. On the day of Mabon, many sorceresses make themselves new staves and carve runes from elm wood, a custom that came from our druid ancestors.

    The autumnal equinox is the second harvest festival in the tradition of earth magic. Autumn leaves, ripe fruits, gourds, dried ears, etc. are usually placed on the altar.

    On the equinoxes, the length of day and night is the same; these are days of great power in terms of balance in the universe. The winter solstice, when the day is shortest, marks the rebirth or reappearance of the sun. Then the days begin to gradually lengthen. On Midsummer Eve, the sun reaches its highest power, and its flaming disk symbolizes the majesty of the masculine aspect of divinity. Witches view the solstice as days of joy and fun, while the equinoxes are more for spiritual reflection and self-esteem.

    For the holiday, decorate the altar with acorns, oak branches, pine and cypress cones, corn cobs, wheat stalks. Put on the altar an ordinary small bucket filled with dry fallen leaves of various trees and shrubs.

    Samhain (Samhain)
    (October 31) is the time to say goodbye to God. This is a temporary goodbye. He will be born to the Goddess on Yule. This is the Feast of Death and the Day of Apples, it celebrates the day of sacrifices. At this time, in the autumn, in ancient times, cattle were slaughtered and stocks were prepared for the long winter. God, like animals, feels that he must sacrifice himself.

    This is the magical New Year and the main Sabbat, from which all the rest are counted. Some sorceresses say that on the night of Samhain, the hills of a hidden people, the people of the goddess Danu, open up, meeting with which conceals great opportunities, for good or for evil. At this time, the veil separating the world of the dead and the living becomes very thin: we remember the loved ones who have left us.

    Because Wiccans believe in reincarnation, we know that our loved ones don't disappear forever and that their souls continue to exist. In this sense, Samhain symbolizes the triumph of everlasting life. Samhain is the time when people look back at the past years, realizing that we have no control over only one thing in our life - over death. Sorcerers remember their ancestors and all those who lived before. Many sorcerers on the night of Samhain try to contact their dead ancestors and friends, but the soul of a person we knew well may now have already moved into another body, and communication with it will be very difficult, if not impossible. Especially if a lot of time has passed since death. Therefore, nevertheless, it is better to remember them with peace and love, and not to call on their souls.

Signs of the Zodiac according to the Celtic calendar and their meaning. Everything came together. Marvelous! The Celts are known for their close connection with nature. Their observation made it possible to determine that at birth, the phases of the moon, plants and animals, seasons and other natural phenomena influence the formation of a person’s character. We offer you a Celtic horoscope, the signs in which are determined by animals.

Deer (December 24 - January 20)

Deer have high ideals and aspirations. If you want to start new project, invite a deer to your team, he will be a great helper. Deer are difficult to confuse, they do everything carefully, patiently and persistently. These qualities guarantee triumph. When the others have long given up, the deer push forward. Deer are proud, and rightfully so. They act like royalty. These people are noble by nature.

Cat (January 21 - February 17)

Cats are smart, intelligent and very smart. They have excellent reasoning abilities, but they see the inner background of things best of all. This can be called "sixth sense". Cats do not adhere to orthodox views, so you should only contact them for innovative ideas. Cats are inherent humanity, they are loved by others. But sometimes they can seem indifferent, watching everything from the side. However, they only have good intentions in their hearts. Cats are very creative and often need ears to listen to their ideas.

Snake (February 18 - March 17)

The snakes look cold but are very lively in behavior. They are curious, they always have a lot of questions about how the world works and how people around them act (even if they do not ask questions openly, it is noticeable from the outside that they are constantly looking for answers in their heads).

Snakes naturally make contact easily and can be very persuasive. If some business aroused real interest in them, then they are able to involve their entire environment in it, infecting them with their enthusiasm. Also snakes can be spontaneous and unpredictable.

Fox (March 18 - April 14)

Foxes are very cunning, they know how to win over an audience with their humor. Foxes are full of life and bright mind, they are an indomitable force. It is this sign that can go with you on an exotic journey that will turn into a delightful adventure. The fox has a tender heart, although she often tries not to show this side of her character. If you are friends with a fox, then you have a friend for life. Foxes are very energetic and brave creatures with an indomitable spirit.

Bull (cow) (April 15 - May 12)

Strong, loving, stable and reliable - these are the main words that describe the bull. He's the one you go to if you need a vest to cry on or an honest opinion and good advice(especially if the question is about human relationships).

This sign has good intuition and senses liars from miles away. It is because of the developed intuition that bulls are often mistaken for mood people or for too emotional creatures. They have great taste and a classic elegance in dress and home decor. You can trust this sign more than yourself. Bulls know how to keep secrets.

Seahorse (May 13 - June 9)

Seahorses are flexible and resourceful. It is to them that you would entrust the conduct of your financial and legal matters, because they are incredibly smart. Seahorses have excellent memories. They can be changeable, but always return to the usual things. Such people are incredibly easy to adapt to environment. Seahorses are attractive and love to be admired. They always reciprocate the warmth in their address.

Wren (June 10 - July 7)

This sign is associated with fresh ideas, an open outlook on life and vivid emotions. Kings are naturally used to caring for others, they will always sing a sweet song to cheer up family and friends. In any storm, the kinglet remains calm. In a crisis, you will want to see just such a person next to you. Kinglets are inventive, they remain calm, even when they are under pressure.

They're highly motivated (they know how to get what they want) and they're great at getting things done on their own. These people have a developed sense of responsibility and moral unity. They seek balance in life by becoming leaders at work and in society. However, in their hearts they would like to travel and lead a gypsy lifestyle.

Horse (July 8 - August 4)

Energetic, open and strong horses will be happy to race with you at your expense. They are naturally competitive. Horses have many talents and a lot of self-confidence, which makes them especially successful in business. They have a sixth sense when it comes to strategy and vision (the representatives of this sign have a kind of internal “compass”).

Horses have an undisguised charm, sometimes even flirting with others. They know how to present themselves with style and authority. Horses do well in leadership positions, but they are also happy to help others (if only they are judged on merit).

Fish (salmon) (August 5 - September 1)

Fish swim deep in their waters in search of inspiration, vivid impressions and visionary vistas. Nature endowed them with intuition, but they pay little attention to it. Such people have a unique vision of the world, so they often become the best artists and poets. Sometimes the fish swim too deep and some cannot follow them. But fish sometimes need this depth to be alone with themselves, away from people.

Swan (September 2 - September 29)

A spiritually developed swan swims only with representatives of its class. Swans have high standards, extremely delicate taste and a great sense of beauty. Beautiful and noble, swans often look aloof. But it's not. Swans are great partners in love. They are aristocrats by nature. They are scrupulous to the smallest detail, they have an accurate idea of ​​​​everything. If you need a person highly organized, with taste and insight, choose a swan.

Butterfly (September 30 - October 27)

Butterfly is the soul of society. Fluttering from one friend to another at parties, she is always in touch with those she loves (butterflies are always chatting on the phone or texting). It's in their blood. Butterflies are soft and kind. They love to dream, come up with new ideas and discuss far-reaching plans with all their friends. They cannot sit still for a long time.

These people light up any gloomy day. They are natural empaths and will never intentionally offend anyone. They like it when others are doing well. They make friends easily. Butterflies bring wonders to our world. If there is a butterfly in your environment, then you will not forget how good life is.

Wolf (dog) (October 28 - November 24)

Wolves are purposeful, they can go to great lengths to make sure they are understood correctly. They are fearless, brave and rarely compromise. These are the heroes you want to see side by side in battle. They do not give up and are not content with little.

People around admire their inner strength. Wolves are used to trials, so they are hardy. The second name of wolves is “honor”. They have great willpower, and sometimes correspond to the concept of "lone wolf". Wolves of hope, they will gladly team up with you if you share their values.

Hawk (November 25 - December 23)

There is hardly a more focused sign than a hawk. When the hawk sees what he wants, he rushes after his prey with incredible strength. If the object is not of interest to the hawk, it simply flies to where the target it needs is located. Hawks seek wisdom and share it with others. They can be very generous, they can become philanthropists.

Hawks have a well-developed sense of balance, they fly through life with an accurate internal sign “north is there”. They are good philosophers and broad-minded. Hawks have their own authoritative opinion on everything, it is very difficult to convince them.

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