Conspiracies from any diseases. How to transfer a disease: the main ways Transferring a disease to a thing is a conspiracy

Your mother needs to drink warm milk, and you will pronounce one of the names of powerful spirits for every sip of her. These are the names:

Agnel, Abu, Sof, Allaliu, Iravi, Sakhna, Pavina, Ruth, Gail, Zahi, Shufi, Nazi, Ram, Oki, Zharlo, Okopi, Narmazi, Lafi, Ulanu, Omazi, Iiya, Naali, Sutuzi, Satali, Koti, Fur, Zamami, Oosa, Kototi, Steps, Hota, Lof, Lagomi, Raoza, Hutzia, Shari, Mahgari, Noh, Yusuf, Alava.

When your mother drinks milk in forty sips, say:

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from forty deadly diseases

From a letter:

“My question is: my mother is sick with multiple sclerosis, is there anything I can do to help her?”

To alleviate the mother's condition, try reading the conspiracy from forty deadly diseases (read it loudly and clearly, without straying or being distracted by anything). The words of the conspiracy are:

Heavenly angels, holy angels,

Take it and take it to the Lord God,

Jesus Christ, all my words

All my request.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

People get sick, people suffer, people die.

Who considered these diseases

Who brought these diseases to people?

Get up you bastards, shake yourself up

Go and descend into hell

Roll down, fall off the slave

God's (name), so that her soul rises,

And my body stopped hurting.

Bless, Lord, all my words,

All my healing works.

And what I missed

What I missed, the Lord will command

And the angel will say all the words for me.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to transfer the disease to the water

From a letter:

“Please tell me how you can get rid of allergies. I found two methods in your books, but, unfortunately, I cannot use them. The fact is that I live in Germany, and here there are no wooden thresholds so that you can hammer a nail into them: they are all made of cement. And another plot, for which towels from the funeral are needed, does not suit me either, since here the coffins are lowered into the ground on ropes. Dear Natalya Ivanovna, maybe you will write some other allergy conspiracy? I have been suffering from this affliction for many years. As soon as spring comes, my eyes start to water, my nose drips and my throat hurts. So I suffer for several weeks, until certain herbs and trees fade. Help with advice, please. Doctors give medicines that kill the disease, but do not cure it. A lot of people here suffer from such allergies. Thank you very much for everything."

In this case, try to transfer your ailment, for example, to water. To do this, on an odd day, go to the river or to the sea (water must be running, this is important for treatment). Before this, do not eat anything, do not comb your hair and do not talk to anyone. Going to the water, cross yourself three times and say in a loud, well-trained voice:

Get out of my body, trouble

Any sickness and maeta,

Enter the water, reach the deep bottom,

Sit on the bottom of the sea, don't get up

Never touch my body.

There you have sea roots,

There you have sea treats,

There you will live forever, there you will be from now on.

And be you, my words, strong,

And be you, my deeds, sculpting.

What did I say that I did not say -

The Lord will help, overcome all my illness.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to throw a disease on a thing

From a letter:

“Thank you very much for all the wonderful advice, for responding and helping strangers in their grief. I wanted to ask

The disease is most often thrown off on some personal thing of the patient (any) or the thing that the patient bought with his own hands. However, after the ceremony, such a thing must be taken to a place where people do not go, especially children do not play, so that someone, God forbid, picks it up. If a person deliberately throws an expensive thing onto the road, on which the disease has been reduced, he takes on a grave sin, because by doing so he becomes a murderer, and neither you nor the patient will be good from this. Also, the charmed thing cannot be thrown away near the house, even if you live in a remote place. It is best to carry the item as far away as possible. Conspiracy words that are pronounced over a thing are as follows:

Like this thing has no soul

No pain, no sickness

No ahs, no sighs

No pus, no tears

No twist

So it would be from now on with the servant of God (name)

Nothing hurt or hurt.

Here's to you, sick

Servants of God (name), new horse,

And do not touch the servant of God (name) from this hour.

So that you, ailment, on the servant of God (name)

No more riding

And stay on her new thing forever.

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From the deathbed

If the doctors refused to treat your loved one, predicting his imminent death, do not despair. Take his undershirt without washing it - with sweat, with blood, with traces of illness - wipe the patient with this shirt, take it to the field or to the forest (whichever is closer). Try not to have anyone around. Read the slander over the shirt and burn it.

The Lord walked on earth, helping people,
Rising from the coffin.
Raise, Lord, your servant (name)
From a bed of sickness, a deadly bed.
From bodily pain, turn away from death,
Turn to life by Your name, by my deed.
Extend your servant (name) to the earthly age. Amen.

Don't wait for your shirt to burn down, go away, don't look back. If you talk to someone along the way, consider that everything is in vain. Do not do on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

How can you take the sick from death

I have already described the methods of secret healing of a terminally ill person. Here I give three more ways.

Take a frog, attach it to a dying person with his stomach and say to yourself:

Cold to cold, and the servant of God (name) is life.

Having said this three times, they tie the frog in the patient's handkerchief and bury it somewhere, and when the frog is buried, one should say:

The frog will rot, but the servant of God (name) will live.

They rake the anthill and bury the patient's linen in it after sunrise. They say before leaving:

They order a prayer service in the church for the health of the patient. Forty alms are distributed and twelve candles are burned for three nights. On the fourth day, they give the patient a piece of incense to eat, saying to himself:

Not the white shroud.
Improvement will come soon.

Seriously ill for healing

They read, standing at the head of the patient in the morning and in the evening, holding the icon of the "Three Hands" in their hands.

O Most Holy and Blessed Virgin, Mother of God Mary! We bow down and worship you before your holy icon, remembering your glorified miracle, the healing of the truncated right hand of St. John of Damascus, revealed from this icon. His sign is still apparently on it in the form of a third hand, attached to your image. Help, Three-Handed, in healing the servant of God (name) with your whimsical hand. And hear us, and do not deprive us of Your sovereign help.

How to avoid the transmission of the disease

It is known that the master can remove the disease from one person and transfer it to another, as well as damage.

Disease and corruption is transferred to a person with the same name. To protect yourself from this, you need to do the following on the day corresponding to the sex, but so that it is not the first and not the last day in the month.

Take the knife and draw a circle around you, keeping your left hand over your heart. Then stand in a circle and read the spell twelve times without hesitation. The left hand is still on the heart, the right hand is extended in front of him with a knife.

I will draw a circle, praying
I will call my Angel, baptized.
You, my Angel, stand in a circle with me.
Protect me from being carried by the enemy,
From the master strong and omnipotent,
From young and old
Both from the knowledgeable and from the weak.
Go, his transfer, there,
Where the thistle grew
On dry wormwood, on aspen,
To the swamp.
The circle of the earth, the circle is in front of me.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

Protect yourself

Once a year, take care of your health so that the diseases of the people you treat do not stick to you. To do this, on Palm Sunday on an empty stomach, eat three willow buds and, drinking holy water, say:

St. Paul waved willow,
He drove away other people's diseases from me.
How true that Palm Sunday is honored,
So it is true that other people's diseases
They don't come to me.

So that they don’t bring their illness to you

You should be careful if a seriously ill person asks you to look at his wound, bump, and the like. Better not to! Perhaps the patient was taught how to reduce the disease to a healthy person. And if, out of ignorance, you still looked, save yourself with a reprimand, which is published below, otherwise the patient will recover, and you may get sick. The conspiracy is this:

Lady Mother of God,
I beg you, protect me, after all
How did you protect Christ, your Son.
How You hid Him from human malice,
Protected from diseases and dangers.
Pray, Mother of God,
About my soul, about my bodily preservation,
How did you pray for your sweet Son.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to remove the shortening of life

Once my grandmother told me: “The days will come, Natasha, which will fly so fast that people will not stop being surprised. Although in appearance the hand on the clock will slide along the dial, as it slid before. And the eyes and the mind cannot understand this revelation from above ... Previously, the day was long, long, you can redo everything, but you can’t see the end of it. Now, only the dawn will turn pink in the sky, you see, the evening has already arrived. The weeks are just slipping by. But everything, you see, is God's will, ”she sighed.

My grandmother returned to this conversation when she taught me how to make damage and shoot "short", or, as they say, "to shorten life." For what it is, I think you understand. Sometimes an angry sorcerer can shorten the age of the whole family of his offender.

From a letter:

“... In our family, everyone lives no more than thirty years. After the death of our parents, we children were taken in by relatives. Two of my brothers and sister have already died. I was left alone. I am already twenty nine years old. So, not long left. Because of this, I didn’t get married, I don’t want to produce orphans. I know how hard it is to live without a mother. And it all happened because my great-grandfather hit the son of a witch in front of everyone. Then that sorceress publicly tore off the head of the cock with her hand, saying at the same time: “Isaiah, here the cock has become a head shorter, so is your family ...” Unfortunately, I don’t remember exactly what words were there. A few days later, my great-grandfather died, and then, before he reached the age of thirty, so did his children. We all know about it, but others are reluctant to talk about it. Or they don’t say anything at all, so as not to end up in a vacuum.”

Unfortunately, the woman who wrote to me does not know the name of the sorceress who shortened the whole family.

To get rid of such a spell forever, you need to grow a rooster from a chicken in your own backyard. When the comb and beard are well developed on the rooster, and the tail is also spiked, chop off his head. The head should be cut off only by the one who raised this rooster. Do this on the first day of the full moon, at night.

Put a new headscarf on the block. Exactly at midnight, swing the ax, cut off the head of the rooster and say at the same time:

How more for this cock
Never for ever and ever do not peck the grain,
Do not shout at the dawn of the morning,
So my kind from now on
And forever and ever shortening not to know.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Tie the head of the rooster in a scarf and bury it under a tree. Give the carcass of the rooster to the dogs.

Another way to remove shortening from the whole genus

The youngest in the family must collect the web underground, winding it around a candle. They go down to the underground with their backs and rise in the same way. They do this on November 20, on the day of the martyr Fedot (Fedot is one of the thirty-three saints beheaded on this day). When you get out of the underground, light a candle and read like this:

How the thirty-three holy heads were taken down
On this day,
So I take short cuts from all of my kind.


Take your sickness to the crossroads

On the thirteenth day of any month, make as many knots on a new rope as you know of diseases in yourself. As you tie each knot, name one of your sores out loud.

For example, cyst (nodule), shortness of breath (nodule), hemorrhoids (nodule), etc.

When you list all your illnesses, count how many nodules came out. So much later, after the crossroads, you will have to light candles in the church about your health. When you arrive at the crossroads, burn the knotted rope there. But the intersection should be one where there is no traffic and very rarely people go. It is better if it is in a dense grove or further in the forest.

Before you leave the intersection, you need to say:

Devils, brothers, quick kids,
Come quickly, take my gift.
You ride on my bundles,
And for me to stay without my sores.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whoever does everything right, he will soon get rid of his sores.

To get rid of sickness

As there is no name for the ring finger,
So that in my body there was no place for ailments!

Let the disease go to the wind

If you have been sick for a long time and there is no relief, go outside, stand facing the wind and say:

I let you go, my trouble, there,
Where for the wind of the violent gate.
You sickness, get off me
And go to the violent wind.
Fly to the windy gate
Live, be there in a high house,
In a high tower.
You live in a wind house,
And for me, (name), to live without you - do not grieve.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

How to reduce a disease from a person to cattle

At midnight they come to the barn and throw the patient's undershirt over the spine of the cattle, then they say three times:

I (the name of the healer) remove the disease from (such and such)
And I put on such and such (nickname).
I throw off (name) from the slave (name),
And I throw (nickname) on cattle.
Servant of God (name, rivers) do not get sick,
And such and such (nickname) to die for her.
What do I say,
I command the demons.
Vercheno, created, spoken by my word.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

How to reduce your death to cattle

If a person is ill, and doctors cannot help him and there is no good healer nearby, then you can help yourself like this. The patient should kiss the cattle and say:

Judas betrayed Christ with a kiss,
our Lord to the Cross,
I gave it to his death,
And I love you, little animal
I betray with a kiss
And for myself I give you to certain death.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Usually, after that, the animal dies, but the person recovers and lives a long time.

Conspiracy for a serious illness

This conspiracy is read when there is no longer any hope for the recovery of the patient. If a person has lived his life without serious (mortal) sins, then the angels beg for mercy to the sick before the Lord. The patient can recover and sometimes live for a long time, but, as my grandmother used to say, "until the first mortal sin." Therefore, a recovered person should remember this and not sin.

Accept, O All-Blessed and Almighty Lady Lady Theotokos Virgin, this prayer with tears, now brought to Thee from us, Thy unworthy servants, to Thy wholesome image we send singing with tenderness, as to Thee most present and heeding our prayer; according to any petition, do the fulfillment, ease sorrows, break the health of the weak, heal the weak and sick, drive away the demons from heaven, deliver the offended from insults, cleanse the lepers and have mercy on small children: yes, to the Lady Mistress of the Theotokos, and from the bonds of dungeons you free and all kinds many different passions heal; All things are possible through Your intercession to Your Son, Christ our God. O All-Singing Mother, Holy Mother of God! Do not stop praying for us, unworthy servants of God, glorifying You and honoring You and worshiping with tenderness Your most pure image and having irrevocable hope and unquestionable faith in You, Ever-Glorious and Immaculate Virgin. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

After reading the prayer twelve times, read the plot, overshadowing the patient with the cross:

On the sea, on the ocean, the holy island lies,
On it stands the holy Apostolic Church.
In that holy church
The fire of forty holy candles burns.
From the heat of those candles
From the entry of clouds into one place,
From Elijah the Prophet his holy word
Thunder, lightning will strike.
The forest makes noise, breaks and brings down.
The holy island washes with water,
The disease of the servant of God (name) falls asleep with sand,
Hides, forever buries.
He won’t oink, he won’t groan, he won’t groan.
No more gnashing of teeth
And let all his illness sleep from my word.
Until then, until then, the disease
In the servant of God (name) will not wake up,
Until the holy island
Will not roll over from head to toe.
My words are from the sorcerer, from the sorceress,
From the healer-whisperer, from the healer-whisperer.
Therefore, to be a word, to live my cause.
Key in the sea, tongue in the mouth.
My word has no end and no end,
As there is no church without a dome and a crown.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Give strength to the sick

Stay with the patient one on one. Light twelve candles. Tell the patient that you need to silently listen to what you are reading, then from three glasses give him water in a sip.

You need to talk about water.

Weeping Magdalena
Mother Mary wept
The demon rejoiced
And Jesus is risen.
God help me!
Servant of God (name)
Raise from the grave.
Give us joy
Your slaves. Amen.

Gain strength quickly

There are all sorts of circumstances: a person loses strength after illness, childbirth, stress, etc. Go outside, raise your hands above your head, look at the stars and say:

The stars are not counted

The sky is not measured.

Oh my God,

The powers of heaven are with me.

I praise the Mother of God

Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from forty deadly diseases

The conspiracy will help even with those diseases that no doctor can cure. They read it aloud, without stammering or being distracted by anything.

Heavenly angels, holy angels.
Take it and take it to the Lord God,
Jesus Christ all my words
All my request.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
People get sick, people suffer
People die.
Who considered these diseases
Who brought these diseases to people?
Get up you bastards, shake yourself up
Go and descend into hell.
Roll down, fall off the servant of God (name),
To revive his soul
And my body stopped hurting.
Bless, Lord, all my words,
All my healing works.
And what I missed
What I missed
The Lord will command
And the angel will say all the words for me.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

When you feel unwell

With your ring finger, touch the icon of Christ the Savior, then touch your forehead and say:

The ring finger has no name
So I, the servants of God (name), have no illness.

Soon you will feel relief, and the malaise will go away without a trace.

What to do when you lose strength

If a person feels a breakdown, let him go to the field, lie down in a fresh furrow and say:

You are a harvest, a harvest
Give me all your strength
The earth gives birth, the earth revives,
The earth gives me strength.
Jesus Christ is risen
So let my strength be resurrected.
What she said, what she didn't say
What did you think
Everything to benefit me, God's servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the full moon, exactly at midnight, you need to go outside, raise your hands up and shout, not thinking that you can be heard:

The power of heaven is invincible
My angel,
Reinforce me with this strength.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You can't do this on odd days.

from a contagious disease

If an epidemic breaks out, talk to yourself in advance so as not to get sick.

Set up two mirrors.
One in front and one in the back.
Look behind your head and say:
There are no eyes on the back of the head
There is no nose on the back of the head,
There is no mouth on the back of the head.
So that I don't get sick
Not from people, not from animals,
Not from horses, not from cows,
Not from goats, not from birds,
Not from the wind, not from the water, not from the earth.
Lord, save.
Save and defend.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

A conspiracy that protects during epidemics

They slander the water, stirring it with a torch, split off from a log. Only interfere in one direction, clockwise. Interfere until they read three times. Then the whole family is washed with water. The wood chips are dried and burned.

Shield of the Lord with me
From every ailment of the earth:
From the pestilence, from the fiery plague,
From purulent leprosy,
From the plague and shaking,
Fires, madmen. Protect, Lord
My family with my fence. Amen.

How to speak yourself from diseases for the whole year

This is a very old and proven way. Grandmother spoke about him like this: "Defender, rescuer." If you do everything right, avoid colds and ailments during the year.

Remove the charcoal from the blower with your left hand. Draw a line on the floor, stand with your back to it, step over it with your left foot back and forth and say:

no damn damn thing
He doesn't have a cross.
So there is no sickness and pain for me
Not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow
Not for a week, not for a month
And not for the whole year!

In old age, it is necessary to observe a sparing regimen: take care of your nerves, enjoy every day, thank God for letting you live to old age.

Be more in nature. It is good to look at the water, it calms and pleases the heart. A walk in the forest will bring you back to your childhood. Listen to the birds, the chirping of grasshoppers, the noise of the flight of bumblebees and forest flies. Watch the movements of the spider in the web. Rejoice in the sun, rain and the whole world, because in your youth you worked, raised children and, probably, did not find time to admire what you could lose at any moment. Especially when indifferent time is inexorably counting down the last few years. Step outside on a starry night. Raise your head, look at the stars shining above you. Remember your parents, because once they also looked at the sky. The tears will be the purest and brightest of all the tears shed before.

My dears! Do not upset yourself in vain, drive bad thoughts away from yourself, because there is no more accurate sniper for the heart than bitter thoughts. Eat more fruits, spend the accumulated money on yourself. Pamper yourself. If possible, travel, see the world. Pray for your parents. When you are gone, hardly anyone will pray for their soul. Only you can, while there is such an opportunity, say:

My Lord, how I love You, how I hope for You, for Your parental forgiveness. Forgive, Lord, my mother and my father and my whole family for many centuries, for sins voluntary and involuntary. And when Your Judgment comes, Lord, forgive and have mercy on us. Amen.

Walk or sit?

Since childhood, we have heard the hackneyed phrase more than once: movement is life. And everything that you often hear or see, in the end, you just stop noticing. My dears, in this section I want to tell you exactly about the need for movement. Whether we like it or not, we still have to agree that everything in our body is subject to movement and many human functions depend on the effectiveness of regular actions. If, for example, a person stops moving, then the natural “lubrication” in the joints ceases to flow evenly and correctly, and then they “fail”. Along with this, the muscles of the arms and legs begin to “decrease”, and your muscles also stop working. For the longevity of the body, constant movement is necessary, because it is it that ensures the correct flow of blood for us and eliminates harmful stagnation throughout the body. In addition, movement and physical exercises invaluably increase self-confidence, relieve the nervous system of tension and give a new surge of strength. Naturally, if after these words you take up dumbbells or immediately begin to move a lot, then this will not lead to good. Your body has forgotten about physical activity, and the pressure will immediately rebel in response to your physical feat. We should not overdo anything, everything should be gradual and in moderation. Observing the patients with whom we developed a special recovery program, I was convinced that you need to start small and slowly. The main thing is the system; if you decide to raise your immunity and strengthen your health, then this should no longer be a temporary phenomenon, but the norm of life. For example, I will give only one episode with my patient. He came to me for help when he was sixty-five years old. After reading my books, which he read sitting or lying down for health reasons, this man wrote to me. In the letter, he detailed his difficult life and numerous illnesses. For the past five years, the patient practically did not leave the house, since, according to him, there was nowhere to go. His wife bought food, and the dacha, where he could physically work, was sold, as money was needed to buy a car for his son. The patient moved around the apartment from the sofa to the kitchen, thus depriving his muscles and joints of the necessary load. Insufficient oxygen supply to the brain and an inactive life eventually bore fruit: every year his immunity decreased and his health worsened ...

How to restore vitality

There are many stimulants that give a person lost strength, return energy to the body and the desire to live. Here are some easy to make tools. I will be very glad if it is useful to my dear readers.

Method one

May honey - 300 g

Aloe (juice with pulp) - 150 ml

Dried apricots, scrolled through a meat grinder - 150 g Walnut (chopped) - 150 g

Peeled pine nuts - 150 g Pollen - 20 g

Cahors (wine) - ½ l

Before picking aloe leaves, do not water the plant for 3 days. Aloe must be at least three years old. Place the entire indicated composition in wine and leave to stand in the dark for 1 week. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Method two

Immortelle (grass) - 100 g

Birch buds - 100 g

Chamomile (flowers) - 100 g

St. John's wort (grass) - 100 g

Wild strawberry (grass, roots, flowers) - 100 g

Scroll through the meat grinder the entire indicated collection and store it in a tightly closed jar. Then take 1 tbsp. collection spoon and pour ½ liter of boiling water. After half an hour, strain the infusion and, before drinking it, add 1 teaspoon of honey to 1 glass of infusion. Drink the infusion before breakfast on an empty stomach, and also in the evening before dinner. You need to drink it warm. This infusion normalizes metabolism, eliminates tinnitus, treats atherosclerosis, is useful for dizziness, and gives strength to the weakened body of an elderly person.

Strengthens the immune system, even for seriously ill people, pike ear, boiled together with fins and head. Ukha gives much more strength than chicken broth.

For the elderly, cereals with milk are very useful, especially semolina porridge. The ancients said: “Man begins with milk and milk porridge, and he must end with the same. The strength of a baby and an old man is small, but milk and porridge give them the strength to live!” Cottage cheese is also useful for old people: it removes unnecessary mucus from the organs, is easily tolerated by the body, which means that the body will retain the forces that it would spend on digesting heavy food. Good cottage cheese, diluted with kefir, flavored with ground nuts and raisins.

Drinking rose hips at lunchtime is very healthy, and its qualities are priceless.

All citrus fruits not only keep the immune system in good shape, but also prevent the disease from depressing the thyroid gland. In addition, lemons, oranges, etc. invisibly fight women's diseases and hold back "jumping" pressure.

Few people in old age can boast of excellent vessels. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, one apple a day is enough. A decoction of apples is also useful. Apples, along with cranberries, are simply necessary for gout, especially green varieties.

With diabetes, fresh cranberries, blueberries and beet juice will help you. In addition, beets cleanse the blood and make the intestines work.

Few people love green tea, but it not only guards the immune system, but also has a natural power in the fight against dysentery and even typhoid fever. For the elderly, green tea is very important, because it is the only one that can help with senile capillary fragility, which means that if you drink green tea, you are not threatened with senile insanity, brain hemorrhage and memory loss. People whose kidney stones regularly form should drink loose green tea more often. Chinese beauties (China is the birthplace of this tea) drink green tea every day almost from birth, their skin is elastic and beautiful until old age. This fact has long been confirmed by world cosmetology firms.

I often hear: “We lived during the war, and even after it we were hungry, so at least now, in my old age, I will allow myself everything I want. I’ll eat and drink whatever my soul asks, anyway, I’ll die soon!” - and indeed, gastronomic abundance seduces not only young people, but also the elderly. Sausages and meat delicacies look tempting, smell delicious, and people forget that increased protein nutrition forms a constant rotting of the same proteins in the intestines and thereby poisons our blood. For older people, food that is quickly digested by the body is important. The stomach, which has worked for decades, asks you for mercy, protests against heavy food with rumbling in the stomach, gases, nausea, constipation and diarrhea.

Forget fried foods! Salo and pork are not for you. Not only your immunity, but also the duration of your life directly depends on your reasonable nutrition. You should never cook for several days in advance: such food does more harm than good. Oddly enough, but for some reason, the older a person is, the more negligently he treats his diet. He doesn't care what to eat, especially if this person is lonely. You need to pull yourself together, because if you become seriously ill, then you will have a thirst for life, but if you have not eaten properly before, your body will avenge it. It is possible that, having wished to live, you will not be able to restore yourself. That's why fresh, healthy nutrition is so important to you.

A letter from Rubtsovsk from Zybina N.S., a master with many years of experience, from a family I respect.

“So I was honored to write to you. This year I turned 65 years old. Not as dexterous as it used to be, but my faith has not dried up, but has become even stronger. I hope that everything is fine with you, my dear, with our work. No peace, no rest.

Here's why I worry you. I took pity on one boy and his mother too. I undertook to treat, but apparently, I took it upon myself. Threw off, does not come out, not those, apparently, forces. Here I am sick. Maybe you can tell me how to get out of the situation. I remember my mother used to say that if you take three aspen stakes and bury them in three churchyards, you can recover after a constriction. Yes, I forgot that prayer that needs to be read at the time when the stakes are buried. Tell. It hurts famously after I pulled the disease over myself. I know one way, but I'm afraid that if I heal, then the illness will return to that kid. But I wouldn’t want to, he’s still young, he didn’t live at all.

Dear and dear Nadezhda Stepanovna, as well as all the masters! Today I will teach you a way to throw off what is usually dragged onto your body and soul by those who are trying to cure a terminally ill person.

For my practice, I am well aware of how many worthy masters died due to the fact that, having pulled over someone else's, they did not throw it off themselves for some reason.

And there can be only two reasons: ignorance of the rules or prayers for releasing the constriction, or the decision to sacrifice one's life for the sake of the one whom the master treated. After all, everyone knows that there are cases when a constricted illness or evil can no longer be thrown off the master, because it will immediately return to the one we are treating from deadly damage.

As I remember now, although it was a very long time ago. Lopukhova Elizaveta Andreevna, nee Ilinykh, came to see me. She said:

“I came to say goodbye and ask you to pray for my soul. I have lived a long life, and all those whom I have helped cannot be counted. I didn’t have time to look back, but already from a girl I became a gray-haired woman and didn’t leave anyone behind. Didn't get married. Men need care, but I take care of others before God. I don't have enough time for my family. Who needs such a mother and wife. So I decided: I will be alone, I will serve good people faithfully. And I will receive gratitude from the Lord for my work. I treated a person, and it turns out that if I heal myself, then everything will start all over again. I thought and thought and decided: let the boy live. And I'll go to God early."

In any situation, you need to act according to the circumstances. Sometimes it's too late to do anything, but here's a prayer for you:

I, the servant of God (name), will go free,

Bow to the open field

The red sun, the clear moon:

Grass, ants, beetle,

Earth, sky, water,

Every fourth side

Forest and domestic cattle,

Small and big animals

The beast of the forest, the living man,

On every bird and dead dust.

I bow to the four sides

I will call to the four winds.

Oh you, my violent winds,

Take my words to four sides.

Every word is not easy

Holy with God's blessing.

Dry, forest leaf, dry, steppe bush,

Dry grass in the field, not me, God's servant (name).

Oh you, my side sisters,

Look at my worshippers.

Am I not praying, am I not being baptized,

Do I not fast before the holy feast?

And take from me, violent winds, my suffering,

Do not ruin you, the wind, my efforts.

What did I take on (name),

What I took

To get away from me and go to the old churchyard.

There are dead bodies sleeping

And they will sleep until the Day of Judgment.

So let my trouble sleep there

From this hour, from God's command.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

If a person is sick, then agree to everything, just to return joy, peace and health. It is impossible to understand this state until you find yourself in it. And if you get sick, then you will run to the doctors, to grandmothers, to magicians, to anyone, just to return back that wonderful carefree state that you did not appreciate before.

What is a disease transfer?

The transfer of the disease is such a way of getting rid of the disease, which has long been known to people involved in magic. And the essence is that a person asks or orders a certain object or creature to take away the energy of the disease from him. To carry out such an "event" there are several rituals. They differ from one another in ethical sense.

The fact is that making a transfer to a living being or an inanimate object is a completely different thing. If you forcibly transfer negative energy (what else is a disease?) to an animal, then you are committing a sin.

But to convey the negative to the subject is not so scary. As you know, inanimate things do not get sick (in our understanding). It will be bad if he, in turn, will pass your disease on to another person. Then you will have to "answer".

Why are money transfers often made?

Most often, diseases (especially severe and fatal ones) are transferred to money or jewelry. This is done by black "healers" to cure the client. They are not able to simply destroy or dispel the energy. So a ritual is carried out, with the help of which the disease is indirectly transmitted to another person. Not directly, but through a valuable thing. She is then imperceptibly thrown out in a crowded place. Anyone who covets the value, along with it, will become the owner of the transmitted disease. It is clear that this is not the most “spiritual” way of healing. Of course, it is possible to get rid of a physical illness, only karma is filled with blackness.

Tip: do not pick up money or valuables if you see them on the road (especially if it is). Let them lie where they put them. This threatens with completely unpredictable consequences. They could shift not only the disease, but also damage, and so on.

The ritual of transferring the disease to the animal

Please note that the animal will surely die after the transfer of the disease. Therefore, you should not transfer the disease to pets (your own or others). It is better to choose the creature for which the patient does not have love. For example, many people hate toads or worms. This organism is just right. It should be understood that it is in this case that negative energies will enter into resonance. That is, the disease is quickly absorbed by that living organism, to which the sick person feels a feeling of disgust. Let's take a toad as an example.

The toad will have to be brought home. The person from whom the disease is transferred must hold it in his hands. Then take a new red towel, wipe the patient with it. Then throw it under the toad (you can put the amphibian in a basin, at the bottom of which lies a rag). And say seven times:

“The ailment left the Servant of God (name), to a terrible toad, dangerous red!”

The transfer ritual is carried out for three days in a row. If the amphibian dies (or runs away), then you can continue with a new one. Important! If the toad does not survive until morning, then you can not stop in any case. This is a sign that the disease is induced. It must be removed, otherwise the patient will suffer for a very long time.

Transferring disease to stone

Bring home a small cobblestone. It must be taken in a little visited place so that it is not infected with alien energy. Rinse it well in running water and leave overnight soaked in brine (strong salt solution). Rinse again in the morning.

Many who are fascinated by healing magic know that there are several ways to get rid of a disease that does not go away for a long time. The disease is most often thrown off on some personal thing of the patient.

There is no mistake or exaggeration in the words about centuries-old traditions: each of the healers, whose knowledge became the basis for this book, comes from an old family and has behind him not only his own experience, but also the experience of his ancestors, often transmitted in the old fashioned way. Turn to the old Russian conspiracy, make it a part of your life and become happier! Many who are fascinated by healing magic know that there are several ways to get rid of a disease that does not go away for a long time. Experienced craftsmen can reduce the disease to an animal, leave it in a cemetery, or bring it to a tree.

How to reduce the disease to cattle

Wipe the patient with a new towel, and then wrap the bread in it and give it to the cattle. Feed her bread and wipe with a towel. The cattle will die, and the patient will recover completely

You, bread, whose, (Nickname of the cattle.) And you are the disease, whose (Nickname of the cattle.) So let the owner take it!

Gives health

This conspiracy for health is read in the bath. When they wash and rinse, they say three times:

Washed away the mud with a bath, got health with a bath. Saint Paul, Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, congratulate me on a light steam, on health. Amen

So that they don’t bring their illness to you

You should be careful if a seriously ill person asks you to look at his wound, bump, and the like. Better not to! Perhaps the patient was taught how to reduce the disease to a healthy person. And if, out of ignorance, you still looked, save yourself with a reprimand, which is published below, otherwise the patient will recover, and you may get sick. CONSPIRACY

Lady Mother of God, I pray You, protect me as You protected Christ, Your Son. How You sheltered Him from malice, human, from illnesses and dangers. Pray Mother of God for my soul, for my bodily preservation, as You prayed for Your dear Son. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

How to remove the shortening of life

To get rid of such a spell forever, you need to grow a rooster from a chicken in your own backyard. When the comb and beard are well developed on the rooster, and the tail is also spiked, chop off his head. The head should be cut off only by the one who raised this rooster. Do it on the first day of the full moon, at night put a new headscarf on the block. Exactly at midnight, swing an ax, cut off the head of a rooster and say at the same time How more this rooster will never peck grain forever and ever, do not scream at the dawn of the morning, so my family will not know shortening from now on and forever and ever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Tie the head of the rooster in a scarf and bury it under a tree. Give the carcass of the rooster to the dogs.

Another way to remove shortening from the whole genus

The youngest in the family must collect the web underground, winding it around a candle. They go down to the underground with their backs and rise in the same way. They do this on November 20, on the day of the martyr Fedot (Fedot is one of the thirty-three saints beheaded on this day). When you get out of the underground, light a candle and read like this

As 33 holy heads were removed on this day, so I remove the shortening from all my kind. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Take your sickness to the crossroads

On the 13th of any month, make as many knots on a new rope as you know of illnesses. As you tie each knot, name one of your sores out loud. For example, a cyst (nodule), shortness of breath (nodule), hemorrhoids (nodule), etc. When you list all your diseases, count how many nodules came out. So much later, after the crossroads, you will have to light candles in the church about your health. When you arrive at the crossroads, burn the knotted rope there. But the intersection should be one where there is no traffic and very rarely people go. It is better if it is in a dense grove or further in the forest. Before you leave the intersection, you need to say:

Little devils, little brothers, quick kids, come quickly, take my gift. You ride on my knots, and I have to stay without my sores. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whoever does everything right, he will soon get rid of his sores.

To get rid of sickness

As there is no name for the ring finger, so that there is no place in my body for illness!

Let the disease go to the wind

If you have been sick for a long time and there is no relief, go outside, stand facing the wind and say:

I let you go, my misfortune, to where the wild gate is for the wind. You, sickness, get off me and go to the violent wind. Fly to the windy gates to live, to be there in a high house, in a high tower. You live in a wind house, but for me, (name), to live without you - do not grieve. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to reduce your death to cattle or a dog

If a person is ill, and doctors cannot help him and there is no good healer nearby, then you can help yourself like this. The patient should kiss the cattle and say:

Judas betrayed Christ with a kiss, gave our Lord to the cross, to His death, and I betray you with a kiss, and for myself I give you to certain death. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Usually, after that, the animal dies, but the person recovers and lives a long time.

What prayer to read before the operation

Angel of God, my guardian! The goodness of the Most High entrusted me to your care. You took care of me from my infancy, and in my unworthy behavior you never left me. Accept my tearful prayer, holy guardian angel, faithful, my protector! I confess my soul to you. Without being ashamed or cunning, I sincerely say: fear has penetrated into my bones, mine into my mind, fear is eating away at my soul. I crushed my will, the fear of death from a knife, a doctor. Angel, my guardian, ask the merciful God for mercy for me: deliverance from an unexpected and imminent death. And prolong my years of life with prayers for me. I am glad that I have you. You are both a shield, and salvation, and deliverance is in danger, my guardian angel! Be with me forever and ever. Amen.

On the day of the operation, never say: "If I die..." The word "death" is forbidden to you. In no case do not utter swear words, do not curse anyone, do not wish bad to the offenders. For how can your Guardian Angel ask the Lord for a successful outcome of the operation for you, if you yourself wish someone to die. If possible, confess and ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended, in case you die, and your guardian angel will pray for you to the Lord. When preparing for an operation, one should not have pins and hairpins on oneself - this is a bad sign. For more information about prayers, see here in the selection of materials Prayers

Conspiracy how to reduce the disease to a straw doll

This is the most powerful and common method of healers and healers, which is used to cure any disease from a person. By choosing this magical method of getting rid of the disease and transferring it to a doll made of dry straw, an animal or plant does not suffer, and the disease is not transferred to another person, these black methods of reducing the disease are used only by warlocks. With the help of a conspiracy to reduce the disease, you can transfer the disease to a straw doll; you can heal terminally ill people by reducing their illness to a straw effigy or a dry straw doll. Clothes made from the clothes of a sick person are put on the doll. Having prepared the doll to relieve the disease, you need to leave the house and put the doll on the ground and draw a circle around it. After completing this ritual, read the words of the conspiracy to reduce diseases and ailments from a person

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I remove the disease from the servant of God (name), I put it on the soul of straw, dress it up, I say: You, straw idol, take sickness upon yourself, and remove the pain from the servant of God (name). And my word will be strong, Lepko and tenacious to the idol. Key, lock, tongue Amen. Amen. Amen

How to reduce diseases to an egg

In order to independently reduce the disease to an egg, take an egg just laid by a chicken in your left hand and run it around the patient from head to toe: first in front and then behind. At the same time, in a whisper, repeat the words of the conspiracy of prayer for the reduction of the disease and a speedy recovery.

Have mercy, Lord, on Your servant (name), born of the Mother, baptized by the Church, blessed by me. Remove all his torments and illnesses from him with an egg, for this egg is given strength and joy Through the Resurrection of Your Easter And as people rejoice at a painted egg, So give the servant of God (name), Lord, Joy and health. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Transferring the disease to the dog

From time immemorial, healers healed a seriously, terminally ill person with the help of this conspiracy and a dog. Actually, the disease itself was reduced to this animal, which, if everything is done correctly and your prayer is heard, should die. For treatment, men used the hair of a dog, women - females. The magical procedure is carried out during the waning moon; the wool must be burned and the plot read into ashes, which are then buried under the aspen.

“From under the black stone I call the dark power, the dark power, the sinful thing, melancholy, dryness, heartache, remove the sickness from the slave (name), send it to the dog. Damn Satan, hooves, horns, help me, your servant, instead of a slave (the name of the patient), destroy the dog, bury it, turn back the clock of life. Amen".

After the ceremony, for three days you can not give anything from home.

I will add - a woman who is being treated should not have menstruation during treatment. The bitch that will be the ransom should not be in heat.

Transferring a disease to a tree or removing a curse cast through a volt

In order to please himself, the sorcerer stretches out the envoltation over time, and the person is ill for a long time before dying. To cure the sufferer, you need to do the following. Read two conspiracies, one for the sick, the second for a dry tree (you can find it in the forest, and in the city too). A day to read per person, a day per tree, and so on three times.

For a person

“The muscle of the great God is unshakable, as you have no lie, and even who can read my 12 names, will not be able to approach the servant of God (name). And my names: the first is Vyashchentsa, the second is Byasitsa, the third is Preobrazhnitsa, the fourth is the Killer, the fifth is Elina, the sixth is Loving, the seventh is Imart, the eighth is Uria, the ninth is Izedushchaya, the tenth is Negroing, the eleventh is Golyada, the twelfth is Nadukia. And Archangel Michael tells us: “I conjure you, damned Satan, by Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, and the holy great martyr George and all the holy prayers. Get out of the body of the servant of God (name). Amen.”

For wood

“Root, foliage, branches, bark, how dry you stand, so take upon yourself the damage and curse of the servant of God (name). Amen"

Throw spoilage on a towel

The master can try to remove some types of damage from his customer in this way. The spoiled one bathes (in a bathhouse or in a bathroom, but not in a pond) and after that he is allowed to dry himself with a new white towel.

On the same day, but before 4 p.m., the master takes this towel to the cemetery and, having found a grave where a person with the same name as the sick one lies, ties this towel on a gravestone (or cross).

Having become "at the feet" of the deceased, the master reads the plot (three times):

“Take damage, take sins, remove evil and drive away all evil from (the name of the corrupted). As you don’t rise from the grave, don’t walk around the wide world, don’t trample the ground with your feet, don’t walk, so evil and damage to (person’s name) can’t be, don’t live, don’t torment him (her). As long as the white light stands, there is no way back, no way for corruption and filth. Exactly!"

After that, the master puts a raw chicken egg, an apple and a piece of black bread brought with him on the grave (the bread must be broken off, not cut off), and say: "Thank you!".

After that, the master leaves without looking back.

On the same day, you can order a memorial service for a year to the deceased, on whose grave the master worked, and for a year of congratulations for the spoiled one.

Important: the most spoiled person in that cemetery should never be in his life!

How the disease is transferred to the jewel

There is such a way. You can transfer the disease not only to jewelry, but to almost any thing.

A certain amount is set aside from each earnings during the year. Must be stored separately. When they put another money, they say:

"This is for me to relieve such and such an illness."

At the end of the year, on the waning moon, they choose a day in the middle of the week, go to the store and buy a jewel (well, if it is with a small stone. All the money set aside for this must be spent on this purchase.)

The decoration is put on and worn until the evening.

After sunset, they pack the jewelry themselves and everything that was given with it in the store: checks, bags, labels ...

While packing, read:

"The disease is not in me and not on me - it has gone to (the name of the jewelry), it has taken away all the pain. Whoever takes (the name of the jewelry) for himself, that illness will take with him! So be it!"

They go to bed that night, shifting the pillow and turning their head over to where their legs usually lay. A package with a charmed decoration is placed at the feet, and in the morning before sunrise they carry it to a crossroads far from the house and leave it there, repeating the plot.

You need to sleep on the contrary for 2 weeks.

How to give up failures at the crossroads

Has it ever happened that you are constantly haunted by failures, bad luck?

Do you know what they can give away? Give it to someone greedy or ignorant.

Take note of the intersection first. They are different. There are those that are more like a fork. This one won't fit. You need to find an X-shaped intersection, a cruciform shape. It is better if the road at this intersection is earth, not asphalt.

Buy a new expensive item. You can, of course, take the one that you have already used.

Gold products are well suited, but I do not recommend using gold with stones, just gold is better. You can take a mobile phone. The main thing is not to be stingy, forget about stinginess when performing this magical rite.

Put this item on the table. Place two wax candles to the left and right of it, preferably not church candles.

Light them up and read six times:

"Depart from me all the troubles and misfortunes! Get out of me dryness, maeta, bad luck damned! I take off myself, on (the name of the expensive thing lying on the table) I pass it on. Let all my misfortunes and failures go away with this (name of the thing)! Who ( the name of the thing) will take - He will take you all at once!"

You take the thing spoken six times, go to the crossroads and put it closer to the center of the crossroads.

Turn around, throw six coins of any denomination over your left shoulder (throw one coin at a time). When the coins are tossed, say:


Leave without looking back. Whoever picks up this little thing will pull over your failures and misfortunes.

Bringing sickness to stone

Take a natural stone, about the size of a fist. It is better to find it where few people go. Wash the stone thoroughly and leave to lie in a bowl of water overnight.

Apply the stone (hold it with your right hand) to the center of your forehead. This is where the second chakra is located. Imagine how the blue color energy comes out of the forehead and is absorbed into the stone, carrying the disease.

Leave the stone to lie in the bowl, after replacing the water.

Repeat the next day. Only this time you apply the stone to the jugular cavity (on the neck, where there is a depression under the Adam's apple). At the same time, imagine how a stream of blue energy comes out of your throat, transferring your illness to a stone. Energy covers the throat and neck, and the stone, like a magnet, draws everything negative into itself.

On the third day, place the stone for 15 minutes in the center of the chest on the chest cavity, imagining how green energy flows from the trachea, lungs, and heart and carry away the ailments of these organs into the stone.

Fourth day. The stone is placed on the navel. Imagine how orange energy comes from the liver, intestines, stomach, genitals, transferring the ailments of these organs to the stone. It is very good when, at the end of this procedure, your sensations will allow you to imagine how the energy has cleared and turned yellow, not orange.

On the fifth day, the stone is applied to the coccyx. Red energy comes from the coccyx to the stone. With it, ailments of bones, skin, muscles, the lymphatic system, and the circulatory system overflow from the body.

Two hours after the final (fifth) procedure, make a fire. You throw a stone at it, and let it stay there until it glows red or yellow.

After that, you dig a stone into the ground to a depth of about 50 cm, and in the same place an aspen peg is driven into the ground.

A few remarks about this method of treatment.

While the procedures are ongoing, no one should pick up the stone, except for the person being treated.

Throwing a stone into a fire and burying it in the ground should be the person being treated or a very close person, relative.

During treatment, it is important to refrain from eating meat, fish, broths, fatty sweets. It is imperative to outline the important things that a person will do when he is freed from the disease.

Resettlement of the disease in animal figures

7 figures of animals are molded from clay or wax. I prefer to sculpt cat figurines. It doesn't matter if you are good at it, but the main distinguishing features (paws, head, tail) must be present.

In the manufacture of each figurine, it is assigned the name of the patient. That is, having molded the figurine, the Master puts it in front of him on the table (well, if there is a burning wax candle on the table) and says:

“From now on, you are called (the name of the patient). Remember, your name is (name of the patient). From now on and forever you (the name of the patient)! You were born and you will die (name of the patient)! Truly!”

Making each new figure, it is put in a row, thus creating a column of figures.

The patient, when the figures are ready, must touch each of them, starting with the first one in a row, with the ring, middle and index fingers of the leading hand (right-handed - right, left-handed - left). At this time, the Master visualizes the disease, which passes from the patient's fingers to the figures.

It usually happens that the largest portion of the disease goes to the first figure, then the disease goes away in a reduced concentration.

Then the Master slowly rearranges the figures on the floor in the same sequence in which they stood before the start of the session, visualizing how the person’s illness goes away along with the figures. The figurines should "go beyond" the threshold of the patient's dwelling.

Then the Master makes the figures “walk” another 7 (seven) steps.

After that, he takes each figure in turn and melts it on fire (of course, it is better to build a fire). At the same time, he constantly says:

“Disease, sit in (the name of the figurine) firmly, reliably, forever, but don’t touch (the name of the patient), don’t return to his house again! May it be so!"

The session is held immediately after sunset. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 sessions to heal. It is better to start treatment on the full moon. If an additional procedure is required, then it is carried out after 3 or 7 days. But in this case, the figures should be different, i.e. represent other animals.

From a hernia

Most often, a hernia is formed in men from heavy physical work.

Usually they read on sour cream, smear it in the place where the hernia is located, and give the rest of the sour cream to the cat or let the cat lick the sour cream from the sore spot. Thus they do three evenings in a row

"Lord, help, Lord, bless. I'm going out of the house through all the doors, Through all the thresholds, through all the gates. I close the gate behind me, I lock the locks on the doors, I don't take the keys with me on the way. I'm going along the road, I'll turn off the road on the path, I’ll turn off the path into an open field. There are seven bushes, under those bushes there are seven cats, All the cats are gray, And under the seventh bush there is a black cat. Cat, cat, gnaw everything from the slave (name), All twelve hernias: inguinal hernia, frontal hernia, elbow hernia, ophthalmic, ovarian, head hernia, heart, infracardiac, popliteal, spot, spot, black hernia, white hernia, yellow hernia, red hernia, and all the hernias she said and didn't say. bite, so that it does not gnaw, does not hurt From this hour, from my mandate, from my conspiracy. From now on and forever and forever and ever. Amen. "

Transferring spoilage to prosphora

On a holy holiday, bring a prosphora from the church. On it, almost touching your lips, read the plot. After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass.

“Be our mansion holy, blessed, Every hole, every crack, With doors, with windows, with folding logs, Around our mansion there is a stone fence With green tyn. Who fenced this fence - the Angels of the Lord. They will speak the servant of God (name) from corruption. From a great misfortune, from a coffin board, from grave land. Neither the first person nor the last will spoil it, Neither on the church, nor on its fence, nor on the icon. Not on a candle, not on a needle, not near a cemetery. Amen".

Transfer of the disease to the plant (according to Mstislav)

A certain amount of "mummy" (for example, blood, sputum, saliva, pus) is taken from the patient, mixed with earth and this earth is put into a flower pot. 3 seeds (bulbs, tubers) of a plant are planted in this land, the planetary sign of which coincides with the sign of the disease. Then, when a sprout appears, several centimeters high, it is necessary:

  • burn if the disease is associated with the release of blood, pus, sweat or sputum;
  • throw into the river in all other cases.

After that, the disease should recede. It is advisable, before burning the plant, to attach it to the patient's body for half an hour.

  • Moons: Rheumatism, gout, dropsy, allergic cramps, cuts, festering wounds, menstrual disorders, worms, lice, fleas, scabies, lichen, epilepsy, sleepwalking, depression, drunkenness.
  • Mars: ear, lung, liver, colds, hemorrhoids, sciatica, migraines, non-healing wounds, diarrhea, constipation, gangrene.
  • Mercury: diseases of the brain, fainting, dizziness, stuttering, causeless fears, delirium, dental, external ulcers, boils, acne, boils, fistulas.
  • Jupiter: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pancreas, spleen, hypo and hypertension, tonsillitis, ocular, musculoskeletal, poisoning. Venuses: genitourinary, renal, venereal, sexual, onanism, sexual perversions.
  • Saturn: systemic (for example, endocrine, lymphatic system, etc.), oncological, childlessness, lupus, psoriasis, sclerosis, senile dementia, fractures, eczema, diseases that cannot be diagnosed.
  • Sun: burns (any), frostbite, severe infections, influenza, erysipelas, severe damage to the heart and eyes, paralysis (due to injuries and strokes), thermal and cold neurodermatitis, nervousness, fainting (heat strokes), endocrine, abnormal metabolism (in including completeness).


  • Moons: aster, veronica, datura, iris, camellia, cabbage, coltsfoot, carrot, cucumber, sedum, purslane, lettuce, fuchsia.
  • Marsa: artichoke, basil, cilantro, nettle, leek, pepper, plantain, wormwood, radish, radish, rue, beetroot, horseradish, garlic, thistle. dahlia, sweet peas, clover, levkoy, daisy, forget-me-not, parsnip, tomato, mignonette, phlox, chicory.
  • Jupiter: swede, cornflower, jasmine, watercress, sesame, lemon, mint, dandelion, peony, wheat, rose, rosemary, violet.
  • Venus: marshmallow, bergenia, begonia, carnation, geranium, gladiolus, common peas, quinoa, squash, couch grass, tulip, yarrow, beans.
  • Saturn: aconite, pansies, wild rosemary, henbane, belladonna, delphinium, potatoes, shepherd's purse, parsley, rhubarb, celery, dill.
  • Suns: Adonis, calamus, aloe, verbena, hyacinth, gentian, St. John's wort, ginger, corn, buttercup, marigold, sunflower, rye, field chamomile, garden chamomile, thyme, sage.


  • - It is not recommended to plant plants in the form of cuttings, tendrils or roots (with the exception of horseradish) for this procedure, since the plant may die, and this is dangerous for the patient. If the seed simply does not germinate, there is no such danger.
  • - Sometimes the disease cannot be unambiguously attributed to a particular planet. For example, viral hepatitis on the one hand is a disease of the liver (Mars), and on the other - an infectious disease (Sun). In such cases, both plants should be used, but they must be planted in different pots on the same day.

During the ceremony: both planting a plant and burning (throwing into flowing water) a sprout, your clothes: dark (black), all buttons are fastened, hair is collected, there are no metal jewelry.

From the disease, to transfer it to the animal through food

Take food (grain, meat or bread), light a candle and, holding it over food, read the plot three times:

“I will get up blessed, go out crossing, I will go on the road, I will cry to God You, the Lord Almighty, the all-healer, the all-ruler, Tell Malanya the bone-biter, Agafya the lihoman, Let them come out from the body, from the bones, from the blood and mucus of the Servant of God (name), let them enter in grain (meat, bread). As Jesus cast out demons according to his word, so be it according to my word. Amen".

Then during the day you need to feed the animal with this food. It should be noted that the animal must be of the same sex as the patient.

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