Pavel lobkov - biography, information, personal life. I'm not lying about Donbass, I'm not lying about Syria, why should I lie about HIV? You somehow pay for this reception

/ Valery Levitin

Famous TV presenter Pavel Lobkov denied the information about the robbery. Earlier, there were reports in the media that on September 12 two unidentified men beat and robbed a journalist. The attack allegedly took place on 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street.

“Today there was nothing, no attacks, everything is fine. This is all a lie, duck, ”Lobkov said in an interview with the radio station“ Moscow Speaks ”. gives a biography of Pavel Lobkov.

Lobkov Pavel Albertovich was born on September 21, 1967 in a small suburb of Leningrad, Sestroretsk. After graduating from a local high school in 1983, he entered the prestigious Leningrad State University, Faculty of Biology, where he majored in botany.

After 5 years of hard work and getting an honors degree, the young man got into graduate school, developed a scientific project, and even had an internship at a research center at one of the Dutch national universities. He also worked at the Leningrad Botanical Institute. Nevertheless, Pavel Albertovich did not defend his dissertation, since by that time he had become interested in journalism and decided to try himself in this capacity.

Pavel Lobkov began his career as a journalist as a correspondent. At first, he collected information for the Unified Television Information Service of the Petersburg State Television and Radio Company, including appearing on the screen in the popular Fifth Wheel program.

After 3 years, he switched to the independent NTV channel and became the director of the St. Petersburg branch, but Lobkov not only supervised employees, but also wrote news himself, collected information material.

In 1995, he moved to Moscow and began filming stories for the very popular news programs Segodnya, The Other Day and Itogi. In parallel, along with two other well-known journalists Leonid Parfenov and Dmitry Kiselyov created and hosted a socio-political TV show in the format of the talk show "Hero of the Day". Thanks to this program, in 1998, Pavel Lobkov was awarded the title of "Best Reporter" at the annual Taffy television award.

In April 2001, Lobkov voluntarily left the TV channel and collaborated with TNT for some time. But very soon the journalist returned to his native place of work and created a new project "Plant Life", in which he professionally spoke about the flora of our planet, based on the knowledge gained at the university in his specialty.

Also, Lobkov was simultaneously engaged in correspondent activities for other programs of the 4th channel, mainly choosing the political direction of the news. But after his satirical story about the director general of NTV Nicholas Senkevich, which caused a great public outcry, the journalist for a long time completely moved away from information and political activities.

From 2006 to 2008, he also collaborated with the Petersburg-Fifth Channel TV channel, where he hosted the Progress with Pavel Lobkov program.

Pavel Lobkov worked at NTV until January 2012, but was fired due to a story prepared, but never aired, about massive fraud in the parliamentary elections in December 2011. This video has been posted for public viewing on the Internet.

Since February 2012, he has been employed by the Dozhd TV channel, where he works as a TV presenter of the Let's Go at Home program in a duet with a writer and a journalist. Sasha Filipenko.

Personal life

Pavel Lobkov was not married.

In December 2015, on the air of the Hard Days Night program on the Dozhd TV channel, during a discussion on the fight against AIDS, Lobkov spoke about the fact that he had also been a carrier of HIV infection since 2003.

Participated in the creation of the following documentary and feature films:

2009 - Genes are against us

2009 - Dictatorship of the brain

2009 - Infection: the enemy is within us

2010 - A pill for old age

2010 - Formula of love

2010 - Life without pain

2011 - Gene of Omnipotence

2011 - Strange floor

2011 - Great Optical Illusion

2011 - Empire of feelings

Once an excellent host of a program about the plant world, now he has become an ordinary opposition TV journalist. In 2015, Pavel Lobkov admitted on the air of the Dozhd TV channel that he had been HIV-positive for a long time. In recent years, his name has mostly been mentioned in the press in connection with somewhat strange reasons. Either he is robbed and beaten, or he is detained by the police for being in a public place in a somewhat indecent fancy dress.

early years

Pavel Lobkov was born on September 21, 1967 in Sestroretsk, a small resort town in the Leningrad Region. After graduating from high school, he entered the biological faculty of the Leningrad State University, where he specialized in botany. After graduating in 1988, he entered graduate school. For some time he worked in the botanical garden, trained in Holland. But he never defended his dissertation, because he became interested in journalism.

The creative biography of Pavel Lobkov began with work as a correspondent for the information service of the Petersburg corporation. He made various stories for city television, including appearing in the popular program "The Fifth Wheel", one of the highest rated at that time. Since 1993, he directed the local branch of the independent NTV channel, while continuing to film programs.

Television career

In 1995, Pavel Lobkov moved to Moscow, where he shoots news stories for the most popular news programs, including Itogi, Segodnya and The Other Day. At the same time, together with two popular TV journalists Dmitry Kiselev and Leonid Parfenov, he became the creator and co-host of the political talk show Hero of the Day. For his work on this program, he was awarded the TEFI-1998 award in the Best Reporter nomination.

After the change of ownership on the NTV channel, like many other employees, he voluntarily leaves the channel as a sign of protest. However, a month later he returns to the channel that has become his native. From 2000 to 2006, he worked as an author and host of the Plant World program, in which he professionally, with great love, spoke about the flora of various parts of our planet. This is probably the most successful project of Pavel Lobkov, thanks to which he was well known and loved by the country's TV viewers.

Opposition journalist

For two years (2006-2008) he worked as the host of the program "Progress with Pavel Lobkov" on the fifth channel in St. Petersburg. Since 2008, he returned to NTV again, where he filmed stories for the highest rated programs, including Central Television and NTVshniki. He directed a series of scientific documentaries in the detective genre, including Dictatorship of the Brain, Genes Against Us, and Empire of the Senses.

He was fired from NTV before the expiration of the contract, according to one version, for filming a story about fraud in the parliamentary elections in 2011, which was never aired. Since February 2012, he has been working on the Dozhd TV channel, where he hosts various programs.

Scandalous installation

In April 2017, the journalist was detained and taken to the police station for violating public order. Pavel was filmed in a penis costume near the installation installed as part of the Easter Gift festival taking place in the capital. It includes cultural and charitable events. The TV presenter was filmed in a costume that, in his opinion, emphasized the compositional similarity with a street installation in the shape of an Easter egg.

On the television channel "Rain" they said that Pavel Albertovich was dressed in such an extravagant suit because he was filming for the program "Burden of News". Before the police took him away, he filmed near the object. Then a photo of Pavel Lobkov in a penis costume was posted on social networks. The journalist was brought to the Kitai-Gorod police department, where he wrote an explanation. A little later, after paying a fine of 500 rubles, they released him. The police did not detain the cameraman who filmed the story with Lobkov.

sensational confession

A well-known TV presenter in 2015 admitted for the first time that he had learned about HIV infection 12 years ago. Pavel Lobkov decided to do it on the TV channel "Rain" in the program prepared for the World AIDS Day, which is celebrated worldwide on December 1st.

Pavel invited his doctor to a television program, whom he treated when he first learned about the terrible diagnosis. The guest was Academician Valentin Ivanovich Pokrovsky, who called for the recognition of the state of affairs with the so-called "plague of the 20th century" as a catastrophe. There are only about a million people infected with HIV in the country, of whom perhaps one in five has already died. Official Russian departments believe that there are about 1% of such people in the country, but almost a third of them do not know about their illness.

Living with HIV

Pavel Lobkov said in the program that the first infectious disease doctor who made the diagnosis told him dryly. Very distant and not supportive of his patient. And even deprived him of access to the voluntary medical insurance program. After that, he had to look for a private doctor. Then he worked on the NTV channel, which was served in the clinic of the presidential administration.

Academician Pokrovsky, who became the attending physician of Pavel Albertovich, was able to develop a treatment strategy that slows down the development of the immunodeficiency virus. The doctor morally supports the patient and closely monitors his condition. Now the TV presenter is taking special medications and feels quite normal. Lobkov himself believes that the root of the problem is the negative attitude of a large part of the population towards such patients. The general public and even doctors are prejudiced against HIV-infected people.

Later, in an interview with the radio station "Moscow speaking" Pavel Lobkov said that he confessed to the disease in order to help relieve people of the fear of HIV patients. After this broadcast, the press began to widely discuss the personal life of Pavel Lobkov with HIV. A photo of a famous TV presenter after a sensational recognition appeared in almost all the leading publications in the world.

personal information

The TV presenter has never been married and has no children. And the personal life of Pavel Lobkov still periodically becomes the subject of public discussion. After his admission that he was HIV-positive, some media began to write that he was gay. What he allegedly said in the same television program. Other media write that he never hid his unconventional orientation and at the same time did not advertise.

In the winter of 2013, the TV presenter recorded a video for the Be Strong project, where he spoke in defense of sexual minorities, spoke out against their harassment and manifestations of homophobia.

As a professional botanist, Pavel Lobkov has a corresponding hobby - gardening and floriculture. He spends most of his free time at a dacha near Moscow, where he carefully takes care of his favorite plants. For a long time I collected unusual items with a "history". For some time they were old phones, however, then they cooled down and most of the exhibits of the collection were given away to their friends and acquaintances. He left only a few of his most beloved and memorable devices.

I am Pavel.

Lobkov, Rain's only white-haired employee. They also call me PalAlbertych. Although I am against ageism, let them call it - it develops diction well. And I'm 20
I gave years to NTV, and it seems there is not a single genre in which he would not work - a universal soldier.

Oh no, there is one - it's sports reporting. I don't understand what kind of human activity this is. I learned a lot on Rain - not to flinch when they suddenly take a picture of me with an iPhone, shoot with a “baby” camera, comment on the news live without preparation. Sometimes I write something on Facebook, but I still don't consider it a personal medium. There

rather, you can see pictures of any exotic plants that come across to me. They are more attractive than human faces anyway, sorry.

I was born in the Finnish swamps, in Sestroretsk, in 1967. We lived in a wooden tenement house of a semi-barrack type, my parents and grandmother strictly punished me not to show signs of delight at a party when a tap with water, a bathtub or a telephone was found there. It has helped me a lot in 30 years. At the height of the era of consumerism. On the other hand, the “urban” did not have a round Dutch stove and a woodshed that smelled of mice and it was very convenient to read mossy magazines like Tekhnika-Youth, huddled in a corner.

My first television impression was the broadcast of the funeral of the deceased cosmonaut Dobrovolsky. My first television experience - in 1980 I stood on the horns of a new Japanese camera on the Rowing Channel, bought to broadcast the Olympic Games. University exams in 1983 were terribly nerve-wracking, because otherwise Afghanistan was in danger. Since then, I've been nervous before any important event and can't help myself. After the Faculty of Biology, I wrote a dissertation, but outside there were rallies, the country was changing, “The Fifth Wheel”, “Telecourier” on the glorious St. Petersburg TV, then the young and arrogant NTV of Gusinsky-Dobrodeev-Parfyonov.

In 2001, politics became repulsive on all sides, and pulled to the ground - to the Plant Life program. I came up with the name and concept in a tram, since then countless copies have appeared on all channels, and I stopped getting involved in grass and in 2006 for the first time left NTV for the “updated fifth”, and two years later, when everything was covered with a basin, I returned to NTV make popular science films, but it was a completely different NTV. From there, I was expelled after the 2011 elections, then my bosses followed me in a friendly wedge. When we worked there, our slogan for Dozhd was derisive - "And we drizzle." Now my personal slogan is “Do you want to make a wet place out of us? Will not work!"

Relations with the state are complex. At the fireworks on February 23, 1970, I sat on my father's shoulders, and when the guns rumbled, I peed myself. I was very wet, cold and uncomfortable in front of my dad. Since then, I somehow eschew the big state style. And I privatized "Plant Life" - I conduct it only in the country and never take pictures there. At the dacha there is a Dutch stove, although it is square - they forgot how to make round ones.

C Come on from the start. How did you know that you have HIV?

In 2003, probably in May, at the invitation of Chanel, we filmed "Plant Life" about where the legs of French perfumery grow from. It was a plantation in Grasse, and while doing what journalists call stand-up, I fell into a huge rose bush. I did not notice how a small spike was stuck in my stomach - apparently somewhere between jeans and a belt.

When I arrived in Moscow three days later, the whole thing swelled up, it became such a boil. I was operated on quickly at JSC "Medicina", without any tests. And three days later I left for China. There I was worried that the wound was somehow not very tight. The NTV channel was then served at the clinic of the Presidential Administration in Grokholsky Lane. They did dressings for me there, something else, some kind of aero-, baro- and bald horseradish. I say: "Take an HIV and syphilis test from me." - "Why?" I say: "Take it!" And in the end, they gave me this gray piece of paper: like, well, hand it over, if you want.

C Do I understand correctly that they literally did you a favor?

In general, yes. But I insisted on this analysis, because I was worried about the slow healing, I thought that there was a problem with the immune system. This has never happened, everything healed on me like on a dog. And I realized that I need to check the immune status. I'm still a biologist. I assumed there might be other factors besides the thorn of the rose.

C Did you think it could be HIV?

Was there even such a thought?

I wanted to clear the history, as they say, clean up.

With What is called, exclude.

Yes Yes. Rule out the possibility. So, I passed the test and forgot about everything, because it was October 10, 2003, and Vitaly Ginzburg, who is now deceased, unfortunately, was awarded the Nobel Prize. I went to his cottage. We got quite drunk there with Vitaly Lazarevich, and he drank me too much. He is 87 years old. I come home half-drunk, half-dead—I can’t say no if a Nobel Prize winner pours me a glass of vodka—and the next morning they call me, you know, in this voice of Aeroflot: “You need to go to an infectious disease specialist.” Well, it needs to be. Maybe the immuno-enzymatic analysis showed something wrong there, maybe they will show something.

And so I come, these guards part, I walk along these red carpets, go up to the sixth floor. The door of the infectious disease specialist is open. An infectious disease specialist is not the most popular specialty in the clinic of the Presidential Administration. There, in general, basically all stroke patients, heart patients, diabetics.

Opened door. There is no nurse. A woman is sitting with a challah. And in front of her is my card. You know, for three years there were some little things there - a therapist, an otolaryngologist, I lost my voice. The card is quite plump, crossed out with a red felt-tip pen, a marker, it says “HIV +” and something like is subject to liquidation / disposal. I don't remember. Terrible words were written there. “Pavel Albertovich,” she told me in such a Soviet voice, “you have been diagnosed with HIV infection. Because of this, the Deputy Chief Physician has terminated your service contract in our clinic, goodbye.” And this is October. Opened window. If I'm a girl...

With To jumped out the window.

Well, you know, that's not how news is reported. This was the most important news for me in 2003. "Goodbye. Your case will be transferred to the Moscow Health Committee, and you will be registered with the AIDS Center.” And that was at 7 pm. Like crazy, I ran along these completely empty corridors, trying to find the same deputy chief doctor who put this very felt-tip cross on me. I didn't find anyone, of course. There are some polite guards everywhere, some secretaries. Here is such a deontology. Deontology is the art of communicating with a patient.

Needless to say, I didn't get drunk that day. And since I worked for NTV and we had a database of everyone's phone numbers, I called Vadim Pokrovsky - this redhead will not let you down.

And the next day I was with him. Vadim saved me.

C Have you tried to sort things out with this clinic in any way?

C Why?

And because they don’t sort things out with the Buddha. What, I'll go and tell Jordan: "My contract with the clinic was terminated unilaterally due to the fact that I have an HIV infection"? In 2003? You are crazy? No. I realized that I will not sort things out in any way.

Was Pokrovsky just the first person to come to your mind on the subject of HIV?

And you called him right away.

C What did you tell him?

I say: "Vadim, my name is Pavel Lobkov, we talked with you."

C He said, "Hello, Paul."

“Hello, Pavel. Come to me immediately."

C No, you told him: "I was diagnosed with HIV."

C On the phone?

On the phone, yes. "Come to me immediately." The next day at nine in the morning I was with him.

What did Pokrovsky say to you?

He drew me a graph of how I would die.

S mean?

In the sense that my immune status is normal so far ...

C How many T-helpers did you have?

1050 cells. Excellent immune status. Actually, I'm above average.

Yes, you are fine now.

He says: "Look, with this immune status you will live until there are 500 cells."

C Did he say 500 or 350?

With He already then said 500?

Then he said 500. It was in 2003, when everyone around - you are right - were waiting for it to drop to 350. We will give you therapy, you will live on this therapy for 5 years. Then the virus will develop resistance in you, your immune status will decrease slightly and your viral load will increase. And the viral load, by the way, was quite high then.

From under a million?

Some thousands.

C Do you remember your first numbers? You really don't remember?

Status, in my opinion, is 1050. However, Vadim has it all. Marina Kholodilova was like that, she watched me all the time. So, Vadim was mistaken: without therapy, I lived not for 5, but for 7 years. In 2010, I began taking drugs, and the viral load dropped to an undetectable level. That is, I became less contagious than a potential kid from Bibirevo, who did not take any tests.

What did Pokrovsky promise you later?

Then it will be necessary to change therapy. The immune status will increase. And so every 6 years.

C How did you feel when you first came to the AIDS Center?

The first impression is that this is the realm of death. Shabby corridors, upper secret floors, where, as they say, patients die alone, to which no one is allowed. The smell of cabbage soup and horror, library ficuses and linoleum. Pokrovsky's office, as if from Office Romance. And at the same time, an incredible level, no matter how funny it sounds, is hospitality. Answer all questions, spare no time.

With You came out of Vadim Pokrovsky. What did you do?

I was a little confused, to be honest.

What happened in this fog and how long did it last?

Nothing. For some reason it seemed to me that I would die on August 15, 2008 (I once dreamed) in the compartment of the train Petersburg - Moscow. This, as you know, did not happen.

When and how did you realize that everything will be fine?

First of all, I am a biologist.

C And secondly - a person.

No, secondly a biologist and thirdly a biologist. I am well aware that HIV is the most studied organism in the world. More studied than Drosophila and E. coli. The immune system fought, the load was reduced, there was no what is called the primary HIV reaction, that is, flu or diarrhea for several months. I immediately knew that I would live with it.

C Have you tried to figure out who you got it from?

C Why?

Because I asked Vadim the question: “Does it make sense?” He replied: “In 2003, epidemiological investigations do not make sense. Everything is from everyone. Waste of time, nerves and money. It is necessary to treat the problem, and not to engage in detective work.

With whom did you immediately tell?

C What did mom say?

“We had many troubles in the family, we will survive one more.” Dad didn't know about it. He was a conservative person. He died and I don't think he knew before he died. We hid this fact.

C What did you say at work?

There was a situation when I was prescribed therapy. First, in 2010, I was prescribed abacavir, a very effective drug ... But it has such a peculiarity: sometimes some people are hypersensitive to it. And I got a crazy fever - the temperature is 42 ° C, the lymph nodes crawl out behind the collar. In general, in short, I even ended up in the hospital for two days - in the same hospital, with a dropper. And abacavir was cancelled. It was for me, of course, a shock, I thought that all therapy works like this. But it turns out that I'm just hypersensitive to abacavir.

And so, when I had these problems, and I went to work, I could not say that I had a high temperature, that I felt bad. I said that I have some kind of cancer or something else, that I still need some other drugs, they are changing the scheme. In general, I didn’t deviate much, just in words - not cancer, but HIV. They changed the scheme for me, and at that moment I had an allergic reaction - a red muzzle, as if I had been drunk with some kind. And I needed to explain it somehow. I said that I have cancer there, and so on. Such a cover version.

C Who, besides your mother, knew that you had HIV? For example, you told me the year in 2010.

I will answer this way: who needs it - they knew.

Did you know from Kulistikov?

Actually, we didn't talk that often. But since Vladimir Mikhailovich Kulistikov has always been close to the secret services, I believe that for the special services the card in the clinic of the Presidential Administration, crossed out with a red felt-tip pen, was not a secret.

C How did you move from the Federal Center to the Moscow City Center?

I transferred when I needed to get my drugs. This was due to some kind of bureaucracy - then for the first time I received a compulsory medical insurance policy, a Moscow residence permit, and so on. And Pokrovsky said: everything, 500 cells, go to Mazus. There are free drugs. And then the scheme was somehow prohibitively expensive, probably $ 2,000. I could hardly afford that kind of money.

Is the Moscow center somehow different from the Federal one?

There are even orchids instead of ficuses. The only thing is that I, for example, am an almost ideal patient, I remember when I need to come for prescriptions, take tests, and I think about less accurate people - maybe it’s just that they don’t warn me that it’s time to take an analysis? Well, at least SMS.

Did they give you therapy right away?

C Why?

I was still watching. The level was the same - 500. And only in 2010 it fell to 416, and then therapy was prescribed.

C This is when the allergy to abacavir started?

Yes. The first therapy was unsuccessful.

C You went to the doctor and she changed your abacavir to what?

There was zidovudine with abacavir, and there was zidovudine with lamivudine. And plus intelligence, which, thank God, is still purchased, and not produced by our domestic ones.

For those times - a good scheme. How are your visits to the AIDS center on Sokolina Gora going now?

On the third floor, to Elena Lvovna. I write in viber.

C So you're not sitting in the general queue?

No. There is a very strict rule there: people who can be exposed are served separately. Although, of course, spotting is possible. But you know, among the infected there is a certain rule. We are now on Periscope, on underscope, on Twitter, on Hornet, on Instagram, on Facebook, anywhere. They don't take pictures. It's not like someone says, "Don't take pictures!" People are united by a common misfortune, and they do not spot each other.

How do you pay for this reception?

Of course not. And a double check. Because I'm a biologist, and I need repeatability of the result. After the data was published that the death rate due to heart attacks in Russia is very much underestimated and the person who died from a heart attack is given any other diagnoses, because Putin ordered that fewer people die from heart attacks, fewer people began to die. Therefore, I think: are they underestimating? Therefore, a double check is very useful in order to pass an analysis for the same thing in two independent centers. I beg your pardon, but we know perfectly well what Rosstat is.

Since then, have you had meetings with ordinary doctors?

No. I don't get sick at all.

S Well, you said that you have implants.

C Have there been any problems in your life during these 12 years that you have been living with HIV?

In 2005, I was operated on for a routine proctological disease at the clinic on Sokolina Gora. Excellent surgeon, still recommend. They say: “There is HIV!” “This is the only place in Moscow where there is no HIV, because there is absolute sterility,” I say. And only surgical interventions require this analysis. This is such hypocrisy when a dentist, when drilling a tooth for caries, does not require an HIV examination, and if you are given implants, they require, although the amount of blood and biological fluid released during this is about the same. And at the Institute of Dentistry, which is on Novoslobodskaya, not far from me, they told me: “No, we will not put implants for you, we will put removable dentures for you.” And I bought these removable dentures, that is, I paid for them, after which I realized that my diction was seriously deteriorating, but I still work on the air. And, in general, I carried them in a pack of cigarettes for two years. When my next tooth fell out, I realized that it was necessary to put implants, and the same professors from MGMSU said that there is such a wonderful guy - I won’t give his last name, otherwise, God forbid, they will fire him (he’s in his chair Vic was sitting) - and he said: "I don't care." Well, Lena Orlova-Morozova (head of the polyclinic of the Moscow Regional AIDS Center) sent him links to American studies, where a cohort of about two thousand people with HIV in America is based on the survival rate of implants. That the stats don't differ. Smart guy, normal, adequate absolutely.

With Good teeth inserted in the end?

The bottoms are already ready, but there is still no money for the tops.

C You follow the latest in the industry and all the bullshit. Are you satisfied with the therapeutic regimen you are currently receiving?

I would say so. I don't care about the packaging - even if it's in a piece of paper. I care about what's inside. And today Vadim told me that they don't actually check what's inside them. And we have data from Alexei Maschan, who is engaged in pediatric oncology and who is a great authority in this matter, that, it turns out, in imported anti-cancer chemotherapy drugs, the active ingredients are almost 25% of the norm. In the zoo, the tigers do not receive meat, that is. And many cancer drugs are life-long. Therefore, the long-term effects are unknown to me. And there are no short-term effects of import substitution yet. Because I have the same immune status that I had before 2010, maybe even better, somewhere around 750 cells. Only now I can still say for sure that since 2010 I am generally less contagious than any potential person who has never done an analysis. As Pokrovsky said, you have to produce two glasses of saliva or a glass of semen to infect someone.

C So you didn't have any complications related to the pills you're taking.

Not now. But I would like to know, after all, what's inside. Because the immune system is slowly modulating. We don't quite understand what's in these pills and what's not. Because I don’t really imagine how such complex drugs as tenofovir — and this is a complex drug, a complex formula — can be quickly manufactured by a company, for example, Pharmsintez. I think it's all from one Bangalore, from one Indian barrel scooped with a spoon, but we can't prove it.

C Well, it's like that all over the world.

But there are different lines. The first is for America, the second is for the EU countries, the third is for everyone else.

Q Over the years, have you begun to be more careful about your health?

Yes, of course, I began to pay more attention, for example, to the condition of the tonsils, to feel them, or to the condition of the inguinal lymph nodes. But general practitioners - they do not require this. I had a problem with my knee...

C But do you tell general practitioners that you have HIV?

No. Don "t ask - don" t tell. If they ask me...

C Do you, as a biologist, think that HIV infection is a kind of systemic disease, against which, for example, colds can develop?

Colds - no. Because HIV-negative people, especially when they work around the clock, have colds three times a week. For me, it's once every two or three months. Then, due to the fact that I have a very high immune status and reactivity of the immune system, I have a temperature on every occasion. I cut my finger - my temperature is 37.6 ° C. It's been like this since childhood.

C Would it be easier for you if you didn't feel uncomfortable discussing this with a regular doctor?

I did it today. All conventional doctors now know about it. So I want to see if the doctor - although I don’t want to look at it at all, because I am a healthy person - will the doctor, say, feel me in rubber gloves. I'm experimenting on myself.

C Excellent. Why did you do that? This was not a spontaneous decision. When you called me this morning to ask if your coming out would help the cause, I thought you were drunk.

I rather drank because I needed 100 grams for courage.

S We went through it. I know it. Why did you do that?

Stop lying.

C Why?

When we repost Navalny's anti-corruption posts, we are all so beautiful, we are all so wonderful, we are all such Facebook lames, hamsters. “My mom is terminally ill” – 148 likes. I'm fed up with this culture of likes. I can't keep a skeleton in a closet. This should be a showcase because there are so many people among you guys who are wearing this. They may not even know about it. They go left and right, as they say. Fathers of families, mothers of families. In the end, enough national lies. Why am I not lying about the Donbass, why am I not lying about Syria, and why should I lie here?

C You can just not talk about it. In the end, this is your own business.

And it was all spontaneous. I got a call from the editor-in-chief of the Hard Day’s Night program, Ksyusha Kozhina, yesterday, around the same time, around midnight. Since I also serve as a science columnist on Dozhd, she asks if I'll come to Hard Day's Night with Vadim Pokrovsky. And in general it turned out: either I, like a journalist, go and ask questions on duty, or, since it happened, I dump everything honestly. Then I called you. And you didn't recommend me to do it. But I did it. We have to do things sometimes. Not for publicity. Although PR in this case is very important. It is important in the sense that, firstly, you should know what is going on with us. You must understand that HIV-infected people are not suckers, degenerates, shelters, homeless people, drug addicts with a syringe sticking out of their knees.

C But that's the way it is.

And so too. But you must understand that any noble person - I do not consider myself one of them - can be a carrier of this infection. And live with it for a long time.

That is, everything somehow came together, and I realized that if I don’t do it today, I will never do it.

Did it make it easier for you?

No, I got scared.

C Why?

And I don't know what will happen tomorrow.

C What are your guesses?

I'm afraid to even build them.

S Well, now you see your Facebook feed ...

I see my feed. I don't see the LifeNews feed.

Does your life somehow come into contact with Lifenews?

Does the life of 86% come into contact with LifeNews? I don't even know if they'll put me in a taxi tomorrow. Will they drink from the same cup with me.

C Do you think that what you have done will really help the hundreds of thousands of people living with HIV in Russia?

Yes. I wouldn't do it otherwise.

Would such an act help you yourself?

C Why?

When a person learns about his diagnosis, I understood this from my own example, he is, as it were, encapsulated. He builds a kind of protective wall around himself, some kind of shell, and he keeps a terrible secret in himself. There is nothing worse than keeping a terrible secret. Here are all the former prime ministers - for example, Stepashin - they all go with four guards, because they are all carriers of state secrets. And in this sense, you yourself are the bearer of a terrible secret. And it hurts you extremely from the inside that you know something that many, many others do not know. And a situation of discomfort is generated. It seems to me that just such an opportunity for an open exit is, firstly, the elimination of stigma (I really hope so), and secondly ... I cannot say that I am a very successful person. You and I are sitting in a small, not very furnished apartment. No gold, no fur storage. But enough. More or less middle class. And I am one of you. You can be in my place and I can be in yours. There are a huge number of people who are not examined, they do not have an internal bell. I think that after my speech, the best result would be if tomorrow so many people would go and check why this fucking wound does not heal in them, why they have total caries in their mouths. Why? The doctor does not tell you - go yourself.

At the same time, everything was very bad, in 2003, it was necessary to get a number, they were waiting, they were nervous. Now all this is done by tests. Take it yourself, buy at the pharmacy. 1000 rubles. Don't pay for ***, buy an HIV test.

Who called you first today?

And now everyone is on Facebook.

C I understand. Who called you first?

And no one called. Everyone is on Facebook.

S Okay. Well, we talked on the phone.

I called you. And you got me on Facebook.

S So, was I the first person you talked to?

C This is very funny.

It is important to hear a simple human voice sometimes. Because all these likes, all these shares, retweets, reposts - this, of course, is all wonderful, but now we have actually reduced communication to a couple of words - norms, ok. I can't stand these "seals": "everything will be fine, honey." Today they wrote to me on Facebook: “Get well soon!”. And I'm not sick, why should I recover? Are you trying to offer me genetic scissors to cut this crap out of lymphocytes, or what? You don't have these scissors. "Get well!". Three likes.

C Man does not understand.

Does not understand. That's why I did it today.

С Tell me, during these 12 years, have you come across the fact that people do not know anything about HIV at all? Or do they still know something?

The fact is that in 2009, when we were making a documentary film for NTV about infection, in particular about HIV, I got acquainted with the so-called movement of HIV dissidents, who believe that due to adverse weather conditions, you develop immunodeficiency. Then a mass of lymphotropic viruses land on your lymphocytes, one of which is HIV. It's a trendy theory now. But it can also be denied that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Yes, such discoveries amazed me from time to time.

C But these are AIDS dissidents. And I'm talking about ordinary people. Today they say to you: "Get well soon." This is something people really don't understand.

Don't know. My mother went through the entire Internet and somehow she was very calm already in 2004.

C Didn't your mom call you today?

I called.

S Well, you say that it's just me. And what did mom say?

She is afraid that some neighbors will appear there who will not give her injections, since she is the mother of an AIDS patient. She said that it was my decision, that it would be hard for me to live with him. And she, perhaps, too. Because it is surrounded by people who sincerely believe that the Donbass is part of Russia. With the corresponding consequences.

C What did Sindeeva tell you?

Same. This is not Sindeeva's decision.

C But this is the decision voiced on her channel.

I let her know that I would do it. "Won't it hurt the channel's image?" “No,” Sindeeva told me after much thought. Which you, too, actually witnessed.

S Yes.

No, it won't hurt. How many subscribers are there, how many of which - I don’t care. Now I'm concerned that people who live without knowing about it, find out. Here is a sore throat - go get tested. Lymph nodes - go get tested. The wound does not heal - go get tested. The sooner you find HIV, the longer you will live.

There is a theme in the global pharmaceutical industry: the longer you live, the longer you live. The longer you prolong life, the more likely it is that a magic bullet will be found.

The world is divided into two categories. The First World War - a huge amount of gas gangrene, deadly pneumonia, there was such a trench disease. People before penicillin - people after penicillin. By starting therapy earlier, you can live to see the invention of conditional penicillin. And HIV will seem to you... Are you afraid of the plague? No more plague. From the plague - the same one from which half of Europe died - there has long been tetracycline. Two tablets.

C I understand that you do not know what will happen tomorrow. But nevertheless, when you took this step, did you think how things would develop now?

I don't want to give my enemies options for what to do. And I threw them in about 20 options.

S Good. I'm not talking about enemies now. Let's talk about you. I, too, I experienced all this and I understand that enemies remain enemies, and friends remain friends. And you will remain yourself, and your life will continue. But she will change.

Yes, I know it.

C Do you suppose in which direction it will change?

No. I will work on the Dozhd TV channel.

Q Will you be involved in AIDS activism in any way?

If I am involved as a public face for PR campaigns, I will try to make these PR campaigns very human, so that people can see that HIV is controlled, that ... There is only one store next to me, there is a package of condoms, 12 pieces, costs 600 rubles. Opposite that RSUH store with a hostel. There are a lot of underage boys and girls. And I see every day, coming home from work, when a boy and a girl take champagne, look at condoms, their eyes rest on the number 600 - and they don’t buy them. Because condoms cost as much as champagne. And here it is necessary to show the will of the sovereign, and not dismiss the bearded Chaplin. This is where the state will, subsidies, free condoms in schools and institutes should be, because 18-year-olds in their entire hostel will spread this with the help of heterosexual contact - it will blaze with fire, you understand?

C And what is missing in Russia in the whole topic of AIDS now?

This is where the balance needs to be struck. You have AIDS - this does not mean that you cannot drink from the same mug, and, on the other hand, if you have HIV and have medication, this does not mean that you should not use protection. This is some kind of delicate balance, and here you need to think through the PR policy. And it should be built not by advertising agencies, but by people who understand and live with it. And I feel like I can help in some way.

// Photo: Andrey Podolyakin/

Today's broadcast of the Hard Day's Night program on the Dozhd TV channel received an unexpected continuation. On the day of the fight against AIDS, one of the hosts of the show, journalist Pavel Lobkov, made a sensational confession, which, according to him, was not easy for him. The former war correspondent said that ill with HIV.According to the man, this was discovered in 2003, and since that moment his life has completely changed.

The attending physician Pavel Lobkova appeared on the air of the program, with whom the audience had to discuss the problems of HIV-infected people that they face at every stage of the fight against the disease. As it turned out, it was to this doctor, who today became a guest of the program on Dozhd, that Lobkov once turned. The journalist frankly spoke about the injustice he faced when turning to doctors under the insurance provided to him by the NTV channel, where he worked at that time.

“After much persuasion, I asked to take tests for HIV and syphilis from me, to which I was told: “Go to an infectious disease specialist,” recalls the 48-year-old journalist. - He had a plump folder, crossed out with a red marker, where it says HIV-plus. A doctor with the face of a Soviet Buddha told me: “You are excluded from the voluntary medical insurance program because you have been diagnosed with HIV infection. Your case will be transferred to the Moscow Health Committee, where you will be registered. All the best. Goodbye". You see, now, in order to find a doctor with whom I could put dental implants, I spent a year ... I sent him a bunch of links, American works, where they prove that there is no difference in the survival rate of implants for HIV plus and HIV minus. .

The journalist made a sensational confession on the air of a TV show on the Dozhd channel // Photo: Frame of the program of the TV channel "Rain"

During the program, Pavel Lobkov also apologized to the audience for spending a lot of air time on the story of what he had to go through from the moment the doctors gave him a terrible diagnosis. The journalist explained this by the fact that today he made an important act in his life, which was not so easy for him. Lobkov spoke about how much courage is needed for those who are faced with this problem, because often doctors simply cannot properly prepare patients for disappointing test results.

According to the doctor invited to the studio, doctors really need to talk with patients in advance about the possibility of HIV infection in order to make it easier for them to take this blow if the tests confirm the diagnosis.

We will remind, not so long ago the world was shocked by the news that the famous actor Charlie Sheen is sick with HIV. The artist himself hid this fact from the public for a long time and even had to pay those who knew about the terrible diagnosis for silence. By the way, this news seriously excited the public. In a matter of days, several former mistresses of the actor were discovered at once, who considered it necessary to accuse him of trying to hide the fact of having a serious illness. Many women with whom Charlie Sheen had previously had a relationship filed lawsuits.

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