What is the effect of the moon on a person. The influence of the moon - biorhythms, calendar, zodiac, tips. How lunar phases affect our lives

We constantly experience the influence of the moon. She - the eternal satellite of the Earth - affects all earthly processes, all living and nonliving, causing the ebb and flow.

It affects the soul and subconscious, the nervous system and intuition. Our well-being, mood, health directly depends on its phases. How many legends, poems, beliefs and mysteries are associated with it!

The influence of the moon on different sides of life and health

For many centuries, people have been using the lunar calendar (built in accordance with the lunar cycle) and organize their life, health, prosperity, and agriculture according to it.

The lunar cycle (from new moon to new moon) is 29.5 days. Each phase of the moon changes after 7 days, forming a different emotional background. Every 2-2.5 days, the Moon passes into a new zodiac sign, which affects the characteristics of the lunar days. The first lunar day lasts from the new moon to the first lunar rise and so on, until the next new moon.


Astrologers divide the lunar cycle into four periods, corresponding to a person's ages. From the new moon to the first quarter of the moon, a little more than seven days pass - this is the period of childhood. At this time, people have improved memory, learning ability.

It is recommended to start any wellness cycle, but the physical activity should not be excessive. It is necessary to take a contrast shower, herbal baths, cleanse the body. You should eat more dairy products, avoiding everything spicy, fatty, smoked.


This is the period from the first quarter to the full moon. It's the right time to start new businesses, to plan big projects. But you can not do any operations and interventions in the body. The influence of the moon reduces physical activity to a minimum.

Water procedures, hot baths, steam room cleanse the body of toxins well. The ninth, eleventh and fourteenth lunar days are intended for complete purification: physical and mental. You can eat stewed vegetables, cereals, a minimum of fat. To reduce conflict, you can fast.
Medicinal herbs should be collected, especially their aerial parts.


This is the full moon and 7 days after it. On a full moon, sleep worsens, excitability increases, and mental illness, the number of crimes, accidents, accidents increases. People with hypersensitivity should be extremely careful. Do not take any risky actions!

But in general, the period of maturity is most favorable for work and sexual relations. Towards the end of this period, all operations are carried out with the lowest risk. Good physical activity, dousing, hardening. 17 lunar day is very good for marriage. You can eat rough food, any food.

Watch the video in which the astrologer talks about the effect of the full moon on men and women.

Old age

The period from the old moon to the new moon. Physical and emotional decline, depression, apathy, relapses of chronic diseases occur here. It is better to approach the prevention of these conditions individually, during this period, procedures are recommended that cleanse the body of toxins, preparing it to adequately meet a new birth.

It is good to treat the feet, ridding them of salts, toxins, spurs, gout. It is necessary to complete all business, undertakings, training and wellness cycles. The digestive organs become weak and require gentle food.

  • Energetically saturated lunar days: 3, 7, 12, 16, 24, 28.
  • The hard days are 4, 18, 23, 26.
  • It is necessary to save energy so that there is no overexpenditure on 8, 11, 14, 19, 20, 25 days.
  • Bad lunar days are 9, 15, 29.

The influence of the moon on the signs of the zodiac

Of the signs of the zodiac, the Moon most corresponds to Cancer, but all signs experience its influence, especially during the full moon.

  1. Aries at this time are prone to love affairs.
  2. Taurus becomes nervous and sick.
  3. Gemini is at the mercy of imagination, a creative impulse.
  4. The sun sign Leo is the least susceptible to moon spells.
  5. Virgo and Libra get boring.
  6. In Scorpios, their inherent sense of self-criticism is exacerbated.
  7. Sagittarius become more attractive, and Capricorns, closed by nature, show a foolish character.
  8. Aquarius loses sleep, tends to go out into the moonlight, and Pisces often falls into euphoria.

Fire signs

It is more useful for people born in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) to engage in health-improving practices at sunrise and sunset in the first phase of the Moon. It is useful to drink herbal teas that protect against diseases. Fasting for representatives of the signs of Fire is not always beneficial; refraining from food or adhering to a diet is possible only in the first phase of the moon, then you need to take a break. On the waning moon, diet and fasting can cause poor health.

Earth signs

People of the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) need to pay attention to themselves in the second quarter of the moon before the full moon, when they are very vulnerable to disease. In the second quarter of the moon, they are advised to drink herbal infusions and decoctions, observe a sleep regimen, diet, fasting (1-2 days), especially Capricorns; all earth signs should exclude from the diet bitter, tart food, sweet useful. Taurus needs moderation in food, but fasting is contraindicated for them - this is due to endocrine system- the most weakened part of the body.
It is good for the sign of Virgo to starve, as this sign is associated with gastrointestinal tract, and a lot of slags settle in it.

Air signs

People born in the signs of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) need to pay more attention to their health in the third phase of the Moon. But fasting at this time is completely contraindicated for them, since they are oversaturated with light energy during this period. It is recommended to consume dairy products, a lot of liquids; even alcoholic beverages will have a beneficial effect on the body. The best time for air signs, it is noon or midnight, when their appetite is played out.

Water signs

Those born in the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are associated with the fourth phase of the Moon. For them, complete solitude is better during this period, coarse food and foods with high acidity are contraindicated, vegetables and fruits are desirable. Cancers in the last phase of the moon need to pay attention to the stomach, as they are very picky about food. Water signs are susceptible to poisoning and react very clearly to poor-quality food.

Moon phase 4 is not the best time for starving all zodiac signs. It is advisable to eat more, and the food should contain natural sugars.

The influence of the moon on humans

The moon has a very powerful effect on humans. The tidal effect - biorhythms - are experienced by our body fluids, especially blood. Ancient Chinese medicine established the influence of the moon on all our organs. They experience a two-hour wave of activity and a two-hour wave of passivity twice a day.


  • The lungs are active from 3 to 5 o'clock, so coughing and choking (especially in smokers and asthmatics) are strong at this time. The lungs are passive, respectively, from 15 to 17 hours.
  • The large intestine works hard from 5 to 7 in the morning and it is best to free it from the blockages of toxins and do enemas. He is passive from 5 pm to 7 pm.
  • The stomach wakes up at 7-9 in the morning, so at this time it is most useful to have breakfast. Food is well digested and fully energizes the body.
  • 9-11 - the spleen and pancreas actively help the digestion of food. They rest from 21 to 23 pm.
  • The heart, satiated with breakfast, is actively working from 11 to 13 o'clock. It rests from 11 pm to 1 am, so you have to go to bed before that time.
  • The small intestine works from 13 to 15 hours, respectively, rests from 1 to 3 in the morning.
  • The bladder is active from 15 to 17,
  • Kidneys - 17-19,
  • Pericardium - 19-21,
  • Triple heater - 21-23,
  • Gallbladder - 23-1 a.m.
  • Liver - from 1 to 3 am.

During the maximum activity of the organs, medications should be taken in the treatment of diseases in order to achieve their best effect.

Patients who have noticed the connection between the exacerbation of their chronic disease and the lunar cycle should consult a specialist, because even competent treatment without taking into account lunar calendar often leads to the progression of the disease or is simply ineffective. Taking herbs, homeopathy, correcting the body's bioenergetics should take into account the effects of the lunar phases and daily biorhythms.

Plant care according to the lunar cycle

The influence of the moon on plants is recorded in the lunar calendar. Experts advise to sow crops in the spring in the interval between the first quarter of the moon and the full moon.

  1. Peas (it must be sown two days after the first quarter), onions (three days before the full moon), parsley (two days) are especially sensitive to the lunar influence.
  2. Roses planted at the beginning of the first quarter are more resistant to disease. Many flowers, such as camellia and irises, bloom more magnificently if, in addition to sunlight, they are abundantly illuminated by the moon.
  3. Gardens, trees and shrubs are watered when the Moon is in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
  4. It is advisable to weed weeds in the fourth phase of the moon, when it is in Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Virgo.
  5. Collecting herbs and plants is more useful when the Moon is in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius during the first or second phase of the Moon.
    You cannot collect herbs when the Moon is in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
  6. It is better to transplant plants on the growing moon when it passes through water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
  7. It is better to huddle plants on the waning moon, when she visits the signs of Virgo, Leo, Gemini, Aquarius.
  8. It is necessary to plant trees and shrubs immediately after the full moon. You cannot plant them on the growing moon, especially in water signs.

The influence of the moon extends to all our affairs and troubles. Therefore, it is necessary to reckon with it in the following cases:

  1. It is recommended to start new business, and recovery in the first phase of the moon. The fourth phase of the moon is ideal for completing affairs.
  2. It is better to change the place of work on 21 lunar days, and to apply for new job- on the 22nd lunar day.
  3. It is wiser to file a petition for divorce or appeal in court on the 26th lunar day. The days when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus, Gemini and Virgo are perfect for making a will and conducting financial transactions.
  4. It is advisable to move and exchange an apartment when the Moon is in Taurus, on 2, 8, 21 and 25 lunar days.
  5. Marriages are held on 6, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 27 lunar days, when the Moon passes through Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Libra and Pisces. When marrying, it is advisable to avoid days when the Moon is in Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, Scorpio.
  6. For study, 2 and 6 lunar days are good, when the Moon is in Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Aquarius.

Everyday affairs

  1. Shopping, gifts for children are good to do on days when the Moon is in Cancer; kitchen utensils - in Virgo; repairing shoes - when the Moon is in Virgo or Capricorn; items for festive toilets, costume jewelry, jewelry - in Leo.
  2. It is more useful to buy clothes and shoes when the Moon passes along the sign of Capricorn - things will last longer.
  3. It is best to purchase furniture and interior items in general, which do not require frequent changes, on days when the Moon is in Taurus.
  4. , it is better to do conservation on the growing moon around the full moon.
  5. A visit to the hairdresser (haircut, hairdo) - when the Moon is in Libra and Virgo.
  6. Hair cutting should be done on the 3rd or 4th lunar day, when the Moon is in Libra, Virgo. Cutting your hair on a full moon is undesirable. It is recommended to dye your hair on the 19 lunar day in any color, and on the 21 lunar day - white.


  1. It is not recommended to douche cold water when the Moon is in the signs of Water - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio - you can catch a cold.
  2. On the waning moon, one must evaluate the harm of bad habits for the physical and spiritual state and want to get rid of them. It is necessary to get rid of bad habits in the days when the young crescent moon appears.
  3. Medical operations are best performed during the new moon period - there will be less blood loss and better wound healing.
  4. For herbal medicine (collect, dry, insist), the 5 lunar day will be the best.
  5. It is good to prepare medicines on the 8th lunar day.

The influence of the moon (phases lunar cycle and the phases of ebb and flow, the phases of activity and passivity) must be taken into account by both the doctor and the herbalist, and any person. To be always active, successful and healthy, follow the lunar calendar, follow its recommendations, look at the moon and the starry sky more often!

Outstanding philosophers and thinkers in ancient times noticed that the moon and its phases significantly affect a person. Later, these observations became a kind of foundation of modern astronomy, which has long officially recognized the deep influence of the night star on the human body.

Despite the fact that the moon is 27 million times smaller than the sun, it is 375 times closer to the earth, which allows it to significantly influence natural phenomena and human life. One lunar month consists of 30 days. It is customary to distinguish between 4 lunar phases, as well as a new moon and a full moon.

Thanks to scientists, we know that our body is 80-90% water, which in turn can change its motion depending on the gravitational effect of the moon. This process can be seen in the ebb and flow of the oceans. First of all, the gravitational influence can affect the distribution of blood in our organs and tissues.

- New Moon

Due to the increased gravity of the sun and moon, the liquid in the human body rushes down from the head area, spreading evenly throughout the body and increasing the activity of all metabolic processes. This is the period when men are especially susceptible to mental disorders, and women are advised to make replenishment with microelements and take relaxing baths.

- First phase of the moon

This period is characterized by increased activity of the cerebral cortex, as well as all organs of the upper body. It is in the first phase of the moon that it is necessary to begin any health activities after the new moon. This is the time when it is worth getting rid of old bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol, because the first phase provides the body with a surge of vitality and strength.

- Second phase of the moon

The second phase can be compared to the ebb tide in the ocean - this is the time when the liquid tends outward. These days are the most favorable for cleansing the body in various ways. This is the ideal period to practice fasting therapy, as it is most easily and effectively tolerated during the second phase. More simple method cleansing can be a trip to the steam room.

- Full moon

The full moon period is the time when the liquid rushes into the very depths of the body. Such processes contribute to the creation of a large amount of energy, which a person seeks to throw out in sports, various physical activities, etc. Due to the excess of energy, a person is significantly attracted to the opposite sex. These days, the probability of a full conception of a child is highest.

- The third phase of the moon

During the third phase, an even more active compression of fluid in the body occurs, but on these days it is worth avoiding significant physical exertion, as well as adhering to a healthy diet.

- Fourth phase of the moon

Excessive fluid flow has a negative effect on the upper body region and feet. This becomes the cause of blood stagnation and, as a result, thrombophlebitis of the extremities. During this phase, it is recommended to cleanse the body and, if possible, refrain from sexual intercourse.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that the Moon, by changing its phase, can affect people's lives. Using modern technology, scientists have found that these theories are justified.

Scientists' research on the effects of the moon on humans

Scientists came to such results by observing with the help of special devices and analyzing the data obtained. And this means that popular beliefs about the Moon were not formed from scratch.

Folk omens about the Full Moon

It is believed that if on a Full Moon at night a person sees the Moon through a window and sleeps in its light, then he can get seriously ill. That's why folk wisdom recommends covering the windows with curtains as tightly as possible. The full moon is associated with illness in another sign: if you already feel unwell, then you cannot look at the full moon. It is believed that otherwise the illness will be very long.

On the Full Moon, it is recommended to especially diligently avoid quarrels so as not to part with the person at all and not to break off the relationship. Astrologers attribute this to the maximum concentration of energy on such a day, which can make you act impulsively.

There are both love and family omens about the Full Moon. For example, if a girl on the Full Moon washes the floor three times, this ceremony will help her get married soon. Another love ritual on the Full Moon is to tie a male and female sock together. Then they must be placed under the pillow. Soon you will definitely meet your love.

The happiest, according to the observation of the people, are those marriages that are concluded during the first three days after the Full Moon. Also, general happiness can be attracted by watching the shooting stars together on the Full Moon. And if a child is born on the Full Moon, then he will be strong and healthy.

If you properly tune your energy, then you can not only attract love, but also, using the power of the Full Moon, get rich.

Astrologers' opinion

Astrologers believe that the Full Moon is not the best day of the month. First of all, they recommend that you be more attentive to your body and be more careful with objects, especially piercing and cutting objects. Exerting the strongest influence on all living things, on this day its effect is such that wounds heal worse than usual, and all chronic diseases tend to aggravate precisely on the Full Moon. The same goes for mental illness. And the beliefs about the Sabbath and witches are also not accidental: it is on this day that healing (and not only) herbs are filled with especially strong energy.

So, she will accept a lot of opinions about the Full Moon, but their essence is in one thing: energy can be used extremely effectively, even to attract wealth, which everyone can do. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Our site is rich in materials that are devoted to improving personal efficiency, introducing time management, ways of optimal planning to achieve your goals, networking rules and other information that paves the way for personal success. At the same time, mainly, all advice relies on personal qualities inherent in a person, his abilities and capabilities.

However, do not forget that we are influenced by numerous external factors and circumstances. Confirmation of the importance of taking into account external influences is that a person, relying on his own strength and on the most modern planning methods and methods of self-organization, receives scanty results in comparison with the effort expended. Although it was believed that it was enough to have a strong will, motivation and discipline. The explanation of the reasons for the occurrence of such situations often lies in the fact that in reality a person is largely dependent on the state of the moon.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that in different phases of our closest space neighbor, a person feels differently. Their long-term observations made it possible to identify characteristic patterns, without which it is difficult to count on success in life. The fauna and flora of the Earth depends on the night light at every step. Under the influence of the lunar influence, ebb and flow occur, hurricanes and floods hit many territories. Lunar planning suggests , when is the best time to plant and harvest. It is the Moon that dictates to animals and humans when they can afford to be active, and when it is worth being careful and saving energy.

Lunar planning includes 29-30 lunar days (they do not coincide with calendar solar days). During this period, the Moon goes through four successive phases - birth-new moon, youth, flowering and decline. In each of these periods, a person feels in himself characteristic changes in his state, which are not only unreasonable to ignore, but sometimes even dangerous.

Medical research has shown that the Moon has an effect on the current state of health of a person, his nervous system, the level of attention and concentration. Even mental and physical abilities are subject to noticeable changes - a person can work for a month with different dedication, even with the strongest will.

Thus, when distributing various kinds of work for the near future, it is necessary to accurately check with the lunar calendar. Lunar planning allows you to use time more efficiently, to achieve what is expected by a given date, allows you not to miss the chance of a successful deal or business meeting. Moon planning allows you to take into account periods of potential loss of strength, so as not to get into an accident and avoid many troubles.

During the lunar calendar, lunar days differ in their characteristics. V real life not all people are in the mood or can afford to fully consider astrological advice for planning on the moon. For an ordinary layman, in this case, it is enough to have at least the most general idea of ​​the features of the lunar periods - the four phases of the moon. The duration of each of them is approximately the usual calendar week, although it does not always coincide with the calendar at its beginning.

Let us consider in more detail how the Moon affects a person during each of the phases. This will help you plan your life more reasonably, achieving maximum life comfort and productivity.

New moon

The moon in this phase has the appearance of a thin crescent, which is barely noticeable in the first days of the lunar calendar. At this time, the Moon has too weak energy to recharge a person. That is why many people, especially children, women and the elderly, feel weak and inexplicable loss of strength. Reaction speed and mental alertness drop. But nervous excitability and emotionality gradually increase, which can lead to a major quarrel and misunderstandings without a significant reason.

Practice shows that at this time the attentiveness of drivers and workers decreases, whose work is associated with an active response to external circumstances. Lunar planning recommends during this period to be as circumspect and careful as possible. This phase of the moon is unfavorable for large undertakings that require great efforts and concentration of attention from a person. Overwork during this period exposes a person to a serious risk of getting sick - on a new moon, the body's defenses are weakened.

However, at this time, positive aspects are also observed: on the new moon, the symptoms of many chronic diseases weaken or completely disappear. The new moon is associated with a period of inner renewal of a person: this time can be devoted to loneliness, meditative activities, planning new things for the coming month. This is the most favorable time for rest, to sleep off and build up strength. It is very conducive to the birth of fresh ideas and creative endeavors.


At this time, the Moon builds up its energy, transferring it to us more and more. A person feels an inner rise, an influx of fresh strength, the ability to perform even the most difficult and large-scale tasks. Internal reserves and energy of love enable a person to live in full force and achieve their goals. This is a favorable period for learning something new and getting the information you are looking for.

True, an increase in vital activity is accompanied by an increase in the level of conflict. It is recommended to be optimistic and strive to maintain peace in family and work relationships. With this attitude, it is easier to resolve all lingering misunderstandings and conflicts. Overflowing with enthusiasm, many people may lose sight of small but essential details. This is a reason to more attentively evaluate the situations that arise, weigh everything more carefully before performing important actions, listening to the inner voice of intuition. In terms of health, lunar planning recommends in the first quarter of the moon to cleanse your body, accompanying it with an abundant drink of healthy drinks and clean water.

Full moon

At this time, we feel over-activity, increased anxiety, ordinary people feel like supermen. Life energy overflows. Our soul literally soars, and the inner state is not very close to balance. At this time, a person is especially susceptible to advertising (market research shows that at this time people more often buy a lot of not very necessary things, succumbing to external influence). At this time, you need to be more careful in "heart" matters - you should not offer your hand and heart to your "love at first sight". It is better to wait out the period of emotional uplift and make decisions in a more balanced state.


This time can be compared to the state when the holiday of stormy energy is over. Vital energy decreases, activity in all its manifestations decreases, immunity weakens again. Lunar planning does not recommend starting new business, since the available forces for their implementation may not be enough.

This week is a good time to do a general cleaning of your home and current affairs. It is worth bringing order and cleanliness everywhere, it is appropriate to rearrange and refresh the interior. This is very important in money matters - they especially like it when everything is in order. It is recommended to express your gratitude to those who deserve it in the ending lunar month. For your inner state, this is one of the important conditions for putting things in order in it.

As you can see plan on the moon - it means more attentively listening to your inner state, taking into account its changes in accordance with the phases of the night luminary. Now we better imagine how to plan on the moon, so that our activities are more efficient and our life more comfortable.

The moon is the planet of magicians, astrologers and lovers. The satellite of our planet occupies a mystical place in the history of human culture, so it is not surprising that many myths, from werewolves to sleepwalking, are based on its influence. Any of the inhabitants of the Earth at least once in his life peered into the mysterious night star and caught himself thinking: "Does the Moon affect a person?"

Recently, scientists have been trying to find scientific rationale ancient beliefs. Let's try to separate truth from fiction on this intriguing issue.

Why does the moon affect the human body?

The lunar impact on the Earth is most clearly manifested in the oceanic ebb and flow. Despite the fact that the Moon is quite small, it creates a strong attraction due to its proximity to our planet. The human body, as you know, is 80% water, so it also experiences the influence of lunar gravity. The force with which the moon acts on fluids in the body depends on its phase. It is a well-known fact that on a new moon, when the Sun, Moon and Earth line up, the tides are especially strong.

The lunar cycle averages 29.5 days and is conventionally divided into six phases:

  • new moon;
  • Phase I (1-7 days);
  • Phase II (8-14 days);
  • full moon;
  • II, IV phases (15-29 days).

The waxing moon - from new moon to full moon. After the full moon, the waning stage begins.

New moon

During this period, our satellite is invisible, as it faces the Earth with its unlit side. Mystics call such a day the "Black Moon", emphasizing its negative impact. At this time, the energy of the body is greatly reduced, so people may feel tired, weak. The lack of energy causes the need for additional rest. On the days of the new moon, a person can:

  • irritability to others appears;
  • exacerbate heart disease;
  • unexplained apathy, uncertainty, melancholy occur;
  • decrease immunity;
  • in mentally unbalanced individuals, aggressiveness will increase.

It is noticed that the male body is more susceptible to the negative influence of the new moon than the female one. The representatives of the stronger sex are characterized by increased nervous excitability, a strange indifference to what is happening. If you notice similar signs in a man during this period, it is better to leave him alone so as not to provoke inappropriate behavior.

On the new moon, increased physical exertion, intense sports activities should be avoided. You need to monitor your well-being, control blood pressure, avoid stress, stop drinking alcohol and other psychostimulating substances.

To smooth out the adverse effect of this lunar phase on the body, experts advise to rest more, do a relaxing massage, and take warm baths. It is useful to cleanse the body: to carry out a fasting day, detox procedures, skin cleansing.

Phase one

With the birth of a young moon, the negative background is replaced by positive vibrations. Every day a person experiences a surge of new strength, the tone of the body rises, there is a feeling of mild euphoria. During the growing moon, it is important to channel energy into a productive channel: to develop good habits and implement new projects. It is at this time that our good undertakings will be accompanied by success.

In the first phase, you can not be afraid of heavy loads, as the body's endurance increases. The emotional background is also at its best due to the increased production of hormones that increase mood. Active sports, creative projects or your favorite hobby will help you to properly manage the moon recharge. If you do not throw out the active energy of the growing moon, it can manifest itself in an undesirable way: an emotional explosion on loved ones or unnecessary fanaticism at work.

Features of the influence of the second phase

From the eighth lunar day human energy continues to grow, but not as rapidly as at the beginning of the cycle. During this time, body fluids flow to the chest. In this regard, diseases of the organs located here, in particular, the heart, lungs, may be exacerbated. After the onset of the full moon, a person's energy will again decline, so now physical and mental stress should be gradually reduced.

In the second phase of the moon, our body is prone to cleansing and healing. A person is encouraged to adjust to their natural rhythms. This phase is favorable for physiotherapy, spa treatments, baths. It's time to start eating foods that promote the elimination of salts, toxins and toxins (fiber, vegetables, fruits, juices) from the body, since the metabolism is activated to the maximum.

Full moon effects

During this period, the night star is at the peak of its growth, and its influence on our planet is maximal. On a full moon, plants grow violently, and the vital processes of living organisms increase significantly. The full moon also has a strong effect on a person. These days, the brain activity is especially enhanced, and the work of the subconscious mind does not stop even at night.

On a full moon, a person is bursting with activity, creative inspiration, there is a feeling that you can move mountains and do the impossible. The state of increased energy must be able to be used correctly. This is the most appropriate time to implement those ideas and projects for which there was not enough enthusiasm before.

Emotional tension can cause sleep problems. But here you can find its advantages. The full moon has been observed to blur the line between sleep and wakefulness. A person can see prophetic dreams: they are vivid, memorable and come, as a rule, in the morning. Thus, the subconscious mind warns us of danger and tries to warn against unwanted actions.

Hot-tempered, unbalanced people on a full moon should be careful. Situations that can get mad will appear literally from scratch. To protect themselves from negative emotions, they need to control themselves. If the new moon has special authority over men, then women are more susceptible to the influence of the full moon. This is due to the fact that the fair sex lives more with feelings than with reason, which can be very difficult to control on a full moon.

The influence of the waning moon on a person

The organism charged with lunar energy still feels the forces inside itself, but every day they begin to melt. If right after the full moon you can still achieve success in your plans, then closer to the new moon the chances drop to zero.

When the moon wanes, the optimistic mood is replaced by melancholy. All attention should be focused on summing up the results; realize mistakes and draw conclusions for the future. When only a thin sickle remains in the sky, people become more absent-minded, and some sink into a drowsy state.

During this period, chronic diseases may worsen, so you should not overwork, take additional work, you should beware of worries. On the waning moon, it is not recommended to carry out planned surgical interventions, since recovery will proceed much more slowly. It is also not advisable to go on a diet and take weight loss drugs.

Scientific evidence

A lot of research has been aimed at identifying the statistical relationship between the phases of the moon and changes in the human body. Here are some of the authoritative posts in peer-reviewed journals.

  • Epilepsy

A 2004 study in the journal Epilepsy and Behavior found no connection between epileptic seizures and the full moon, although some patients attribute them to this cause. The researchers noted that epileptic seizures were once attributed to witchcraft and demonic possession. It is a long-standing human tendency to find mythical rather than medical explanations for unusual conditions.

According to another hypothesis, before artificial lighting, the full moon caused sleep disturbances in people, which could cause psychological problems.

  • Effect on the female body

The popular belief is that the menstrual cycle in women is correlated with the Moon. However, no unambiguous answer to this question has been found. Start by saying that female cycle averages 28 days, and the lunar - 29.5 days.

Scientists from the United States have been following the women of one Indian tribe for three years who live in a forest far from civilization. Aboriginal girls did not take contraceptives and did not use electrical devices that could affect the body's biorhythms.

No evidence has been found that the moon affects the menstrual cycle. However, there is one study of 312 women, described by Winnifred B. Cutler in 1980 in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which claims that such a link does exist.

  • Sleepwalking

Modern scholars argue that somnambulism is not related to the moon. The name is based on the historical misconception that moonlight is to blame for sleepwalking, but modern research does not confirm this. To dispel doubts, the German professor Volker Faust said that an ordinary lantern can become a source of sleepwalking for a sleepwalker if it is located next to a window.

  • Sleep duration

Journalists of the popular publication Current Biology conducted their own research, which showed that on full moon days, the sleep duration of a healthy person is reduced by about 20-25 minutes. The quality of sleep also suffers, which deteriorates by about a third. This is explained by a decrease in melatonin levels due to increased lighting at night.

  • Blood loss during surgery

Some doctors refused to work at night when the moon was full, but this connection turned out to be wrong. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Anesthesiology found that lunar phases do not affect the outcome of heart surgery. Tracking the operated patients at the Cleveland Clinic from 1993 to 2006 did not reveal a correlation between the lunar day of the operation and its results.

As you can see, traditional science is in no hurry to recognize the active influence of the moon on a person, and the experience of civilization suggests the opposite. Whether or not you want to tune your life to the lunar rhythms is up to you.

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