The best quotes about the war. War. Phrases of wise people about war. Quotes about the war of great people

The war would be a picnic if it weren't for lice and dysentery.
Margaret Mitchell

We are told that war is murder. No: this is suicide.
Ramsay McDonald

Prologue of the 20th century - a gunpowder factory. Epilogue - the barrack of the Red Cross.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

War is mostly a catalog of blunders.
Winston Churchill

A soldier is required first of all endurance and patience; courage is the second thing.
Napoleon I

The soldier is the last link in the evolution of the animal kingdom.
John Steinbeck

War is a series of disasters leading to victory.
Georges Clemenceau

Any war is popular for the first thirty days.
Arthur Schlesinger

There is no second prize for the losers in war.
Omar Bradley

You can't become a good soldier without a bit of stupidity.
Florence Nightingale

There are no winners in a war - only losers.
Arthur Neville Chamberlain

Everything is simple in war, but the simplest is extremely difficult.
Karl Clausewitz

A general is a corporal who has been promoted many times.
Gabriel Laub

Either humanity will end war, or war will end humanity.
John F. Kennedy

If our soldiers understood why we are fighting, it would be impossible to wage a single war.
Frederick the Great

Most quick way to end the war - to lose it.
George Orwell

A British soldier will stand up to anyone but the British Department of Defense.
George Bernard Shaw

The first victim of war is truth.
Johnson Hirum

War is too important a matter to be trusted by the military.
Georges Clemenceau

War is a traumatic epidemic.
Nikolay Pirogov

Nothing raises morale like a dead general.
John Masters

Every war between Europeans is a civil war.
Victor Hugo

The worst thing, apart from the lost battle, is the battle won.
Duke of Wellington

Ultimately, a soldier's knapsack is no heavier than a prisoner's chains.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

There will be no World War III veterans.
Walter Mondale

War is the continuation of politics by other means.
Karl Clausewitz

An officer cannot be a good commander if he is no longer afraid of the corporal at all.
Bruce Marshall

I do not know of a single people who would have been enriched as a result of victory.

Winning a war is as impossible as winning an earthquake.
Jannett Rankin

Almost every general starts with a soldier and only then takes on officers.
Bohuslav Voinar

The flourishing of military sciences is possible only in peacetime.
Don Aminado

Anyone who tries to evade the combat duty is not genuinely insane.
Joseph Heller

If the outcome of the war could have been foreseen, all wars would have ended.
Karol Bunsch

Wars start when they want, but end when they can.
Niccolo Machiavelli

Children and generals love to scare others.
Wojciech Zhukrowski

A career officer is a person whom we feed in peacetime, so that in wartime he would send us to the front.
Gabriel Laub

How is the world governed and wars flared up? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe their own lies by reading them in the newspapers.
Karl Kraus

If the enemy is not threatening, the army is in danger.
Arkady Davidovich

Generals are a striking case of developmental delays. Who among us has not dreamed of being a general at the age of five?
Peter Ustinov

This war will end wars. And the next one too.
David Lloyd George

The old people declare war, and the young go to die.
Herbert Hoover

War is just a cowardly escape from peacetime problems.
Thomas Mann

The war is over only when the last soldier is buried.
Alexander Suvorov

Why are the generals so stupid? Because they are recruited from among the colonels.
Jean Cocteau

Vladimir Mayakovsky. He is not the only one who spoke extremely negatively about this terrible phenomenon of human existence.

The overwhelming majority of Russian writers' statements about the war are like this. We will talk about these quotes briefly in this article.


Leo Tolstoy is best known for his anti-militarist views. His quotes about the war, sayings and phrases about the war are known all over the world, and it is not so easy to choose the most important one. Perhaps the most significant of them is the following: "People who ... recognize war as not only inevitable, but also useful and ... desirable, these people are terrible for their moral perversity."

Indeed, the great Russian writer more than once passed extremely harshly through this merciless in its madness activity of the human race. And this is not surprising, the champion of peace and education of society, the great moralist simply could not think otherwise. Only for this he should be given credit.


Statements about the war of Russian writers should be continued with the famous quote by Maxim Gorky: "I know that war is a sheer atrocity and that people who are innocent to each other are exterminating each other." Naturally, a person who has gone through a war, who knows about it firsthand, has a softer position. However, here, too, we see a sharp rejection of this misanthropic occupation, which took the lives of many tens of millions of people in the twentieth century alone. And although he did not have a chance to see the most terrible test of the war, the one that was unleashed by Hitler, he nevertheless made a great contribution to the spread of peace.

Some militaristic statements

Nevertheless, one comes across statements about the war by Russian writers of a rather militaristic nature. For example, a quote from Sergei Yesenin: "What the mouth could not say in words, let the pistols tell us with bullets." As if Mars, the one that war, wrote these hostile lines with the hand of the famous romantic poet.

There are statements about the war by Russian writers who are directly related to the case of the military leadership. These include, for example, Alexander Suvorov. He became one of the most famous war theorists of all time. His statements largely justify the conduct of this inhuman torture of the people with whom he was associated. As an example of the warlike mindset of a commander, one can cite his famous phrase: "Defeat the enemy without sparing ... him." However, he also has certain anti-militarist sentiments. As in the following quote: "Without virtue there is no glory and honor." There are many other sayings left over from


Aphorisms, quotes and sayings of Russian writers can be enumerated for a very long time, even when it comes to such a phenomenon as war. It is important to understand the basic meaning that most people have written about this dangerous occupation. And it is very simple. If humanity does not stop waving a cudgel, the strength of which is now measured in megatons in TNT equivalent, then very soon there will simply be no room on this planet to continue life, raise children, harvest wheat, build houses. Apparently, this is why many Russian writers write so much and so passionately about the danger of war, about the fact that any conflict can be resolved through negotiations. Let's hope that new generations of people will hear these words of Tolstoy, Gorky and others and think seriously before starting a bloody massacre called “war”.

War of the Soviet Union Socialist Republics against invading Nazi Germany and its European allies. The most important component of the Second World War, which ended with the victory of the Red Army and the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Germany.

Quotes about the Great Patriotic War

Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!

Olga Bergolts

Get up, a huge country, Get up to mortal combat With a dark fascist force, With a cursed horde! Let the noble fury Boil like a wave - There is a war of the people, the Holy War!

Do not give our beloved city to the enemy, protect it at any cost, fight so that the glory of you thundered for centuries!

I am waiting for you, warrior-liberator.

For the Motherland, for honor and freedom!

Don't touch us - we won't touch us! And if you touch it, we won't let you down! And we will not drown in water, and we will not burn in fire!

For motherland for Stalin!

Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland!

First of all - the planes ... But what about the girls? And the girls - then!

Don't be shy! Be brave, it will be easier!

Just think, little pig, Hitler! I decided to take Moscow! It was not there!

Oh my fogs, fogs, oh native forests and meadows, partisans went on a campaign, went on a campaign against the enemy.

There is no place from Moscow to Brest where we would not wander in the dust. With a "watering can" and with a notebook, or even with a machine gun, we went through the fire and cold.

With every piece of bread you save, you help your husbands, fathers and sons in a difficult war.

Citizens! During shelling, this side is the most dangerous. (The inscription on the walls of houses in besieged Leningrad)

Holy war.

Death will see my smile when I take my last breath.

Quotes about the war of great people

They dreamed of finishing off the beast and its dens. And finished off!

Goodbye beloved city! We leave tomorrow at sea.

Defend every inch of Soviet land, fight to the last drop of blood! I.V. Stalin

All the same - one thing I know for sure: we will win in this attack!

This banner - victory and strength - will protect Leningrad from the enemy, and will win over the enemy's grave - there will be a day!
- will shout to the whole world!

In heaven, on earth and at sea!

“You have to be a very brave person to be a coward in the Red Army. Stalin "

There is no land for us beyond the Volga. Vasily Zaitsev ( Stalingrad battle 1942)

We are in Berlin!
(Inscriptions on the walls of houses 1945)

Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind! Vasily Klochkov

Order: "Forward!" Command: "Stand up!" Nikolay Starshinov

Let's repeat the feat of Alexander Matrosov.

Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. V. M. Molotov

Comrade Red Army soldier! Rather, free our village from the Germans!

Stalin's falcons. (about the pilots) Novikov

Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Soldiers of our Army and Navy! I am addressing you, my friends! I.V. Stalin

Our land is glorious for its heroes.

Quotes about the war 1941-1945

Communists, go ahead!

Laborers wins. (about sappers) Ehrenburg

And an eternal battle. Rest only in our dreams...

The Bryansk forest rustled harshly, blue fogs descended, and the pines could hear around how the partisans went to battle

Have you signed up as a volunteer ?!

We Social Democrats are against war!

Hit like this: every cartridge is German!

Have you sent gifts to the front-line soldiers?

We are Volgarians from Saratov and Kostrama.

Crush the fascists in his own lair! I. V. Stalin

Hitler kaput!

Oh, God, you heavenly father, take off the thorny-evil crown from the warrior, you stush, drive away the war-caregiver, give the peasant the bread-worker ...

To Moscow - HOOK! From Moscow - OH!

In a sunny meadow, arching an eyebrow, a boy on a tag is playing about love. A letter came flying into the snowy distance, which expects that, in extreme cases, she agrees to a medal.

It's too early for us to die, we still have things to do at home!

I am dying, but I am not giving up. Goodbye, Motherland!

Eh, roads, dust and fog. Cold, anxiety, and steppe weeds.

Be healthy, Fuhrer, in the next world!

Forward, eagles! The blockade has been broken! Forward the heroes of Leningrad!

Everything for the front, everything for the victory! I. V. Stalin

Long live the VKP (b) - the inspirer and organizer of the Red Army's victories over the German fascist invaders!

We are Saratovskys and have been to Berlin!

There is a signal: forward!
- Go ahead. There is an order: die!
- Will die!

With the Soviet Union forever!

There is a signal: forward!
- Go ahead. There is an order: die!
- Will die!

Not to the face of the fighter, the slop, do not give a place to grief. Even if there is a reason, never be discouraged!

Quotes about the memory of the war

We will not flinch in the battle for our capital. Our dear Moscow is dear to us. With an indestructible wall, a steel defense, we will crush, destroy the enemy.

Let's defeat the fascist raiders.

If we see that Germany is winning, then we should help Russia, and if Russia is winning, then we should help Germany, and thus let them kill as much as possible, although I do not want to see Hitler in the victors under any circumstances. ... Harry Truman

Motherland - the mother calls!

Every crumb of bread saved cuts the war!

Hit, if, drive, take it full!

Beating the enemy is a different question - it's more fun with a joke. There is no letter from the dear - the dummy is darker.

Death of the brave.

The war is not over until the last soldier who died on it is buried. Dmitry Yazov

Fighter, the Motherland is waiting for this day! V. Koretsky

Wait for me, and I will return to all deaths to spite. K. Simonov

We cannot forget these roads.

Death to the fascist invaders!

Statements of Russian writers about the war

You are from Odessa, Mishka, which means that you are not afraid of either grief or misfortune.

We will defend Mother Volga!

The hour of courage struck on our watch. And courage will not leave us. A.Akhmatova

I would catch up with them today. I would have time to say goodbye. A. Peredreev

Let's get to Berlin!

And Russia looks at its sons as if the battle was over only yesterday. The winners are gray-haired, the victory remains young!

Be patient, humble yourself!

The defender of the homeland will warm you with your warmth!

"No pasaran" They won't get through!

Hey, welcome, Congratulations on your victory, Hold you tight with your white hands.

Hitler kaput! Stalin is good!

Let's protect our native Moscow!

Europe will be free!

People think that if they call the crime of murder "war," then murder will cease to be murder, a crime.

Lev Tolstoy

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War is not only a shock, but also a spiritual test and spiritual judgment.

Ivan Ilyin

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War is not an adventure. War is a disease. Like typhoid.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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There are no winners in a war - only losers.

Neville Chamberlain

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The so-called ruling classes cannot remain without war for long. Without war, they miss, idleness tires them, annoys them, they do not know why they live, eat each other, try to tell each other as much trouble as possible, with impunity if possible, and the best of them try their best not to bore each other and themselves by ourselves. But war comes, takes over everyone, takes over, and common misfortune binds everyone.

A. Chekhov

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War is one of the greatest sacrileges against man and nature.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

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War turns people born to live as brothers into wild beasts.


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There is no vileness that would not be tolerated by war, there is no crime that would not be justified by it.

Maksim Gorky

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War is the greatest calamity that can cause suffering to humanity, it destroys religion, states, families. Any calamity is preferable to her.

Martin Luther

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The best wars in the history of mankind are the ones that mankind has managed to avoid.

Baurzhan Toyhibekov

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There will be wars as long as at least one person can make money on them.

Bertolt Brecht

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War uses best qualities a person to do the worst.

E. Mackenzie

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War makes the victor stupid, the defeated vicious.

F. Nietzsche

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War for peoples is tears and blood, it is widows and homeless people, it is a scattered nest, lost youth and offended old age ....

Ilya Ehrenburg

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Wars are glorified atrocities.


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The war will be repeated as long as the question of it is not decided by those who die on the battlefield.

Henri Barbusse

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Victory should be celebrated with a funeral procession.

Lao Tzu

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War is so insane that poets rightly consider it to be the offspring of furies.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

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After the massacre - victory, after victory - the division, and then there are more winners than there were those who fought. This is the custom of any war.

Honore de Balzac

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War is a way to untie a political knot with your teeth that defies language.

Ambrose Bierce

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As terrible as war is, it nevertheless reveals the spiritual greatness of a person who challenges his most powerful hereditary enemy - death.

Heinrich Heine

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The art of war is a science in which nothing succeeds except what has been calculated and thought out.


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War imposes tribute on both men and women to the same extent, but only from some it takes blood, from others - tears.

William Thackeray

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The fastest way to end a war is to be defeated.

D. Orwell

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Wars start when they want to, but end when they can.

J. Machiavelli

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Prologue of the 20th century - a gunpowder factory. Epilogue - the barrack of the Red Cross.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

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War feeds on money, war rejoices in blood - so it was before us.

Danilo Tuptalo

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The war, which has always been a crime against humanity, is now also insanity.

John Bernal

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War is a kind of action, thanks to which people who do not know each other kill each other for the glory and benefit of people who know each other and do not kill each other.

P. Valerie

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The outbreak of a world war is not The best way improve the economy. We are not trying to remove garbage from the house by burning the house.

Boris Krieger

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Just as the greatest physical evil is death, so the greatest moral evil is, of course, war.


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Each state is ready to welcome the general disarmament of all other states.

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War is evil, it is waged with the help of great injustices and violence, but there are some laws for honest people even in war. You cannot chase victory if the benefits that it gives are acquired through baseness and crime. A great general must wage a war relying on his own courage, and not on the betrayal of duty on the part of others.


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There can be only one thing worse than fighting together with allies: to fight without allies.

W. Churchill

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War is first the hope that we will be fine, then the expectation that it will be worse for them, then the satisfaction that they are no better than us, and finally - the unexpected discovery that it is bad for both us and them.

Karl Kraus

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War is the same punishment for the one who fulfills it, as well as for the one who suffers from it.

Thomas Jefferson

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War is barbarism when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when the homeland is being defended.

Guy de Maupassant

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Every combat veteran knows that war is mostly composed of unbearable boredom, punctuated by moments of utter and utter terror.

Harry Summers Jr.

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Either humanity will end the war, or the war will end humanity.

D. Kennedy

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Anyone standing by state power must avoid war just as the captain of a ship avoids a shipwreck.

Guy de Maupassant

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All warlike peoples are prone to idleness and love danger more than hard work.

Roger Bacon

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There will be no World War III veterans.

Walter Mondale

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As soon as a war becomes a reality, any opinion that does not take it into account begins to sound wrong.

A. Camus

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I do not know what kind of weapon they will fight in the 3rd world war, but in the 4th world war they will fight with sticks and stones.

Albert Einstein

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War without hatred is as disgusting as cohabitation without love. We hate the Germans because we have to kill them.

Ilya Ehrenburg

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We find in human nature three main reasons for war: firstly, rivalry, secondly, distrust, and thirdly, the thirst for glory.

Thomas Hobbes

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The Gulf War was like teenage sex. We started too early and ended too early.

Thomas Harkin

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War is a series of disasters leading to victory.

Georges Clemenceau

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The war is over when the last soldier is buried.

Alexander Suvorov

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The cost of the war is written in neat letters on thousands of plaques set over the soldiers' graves.

George C. Marshall

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People with great enthusiasm make the decision to fight, than in fact they are waging a war, and change their mood with a change in military happiness.


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Sometimes one ruler attacks another for fear that he would not attack him. Sometimes they start a war because the enemy is too strong, and sometimes because he is too weak, sometimes our neighbors want what we own, or own what we lack. Then the war begins and continues until they capture what they need, or give what we need.

Jonathan Swift

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Here's proof that we really don't want war: we are fighting without a declaration of war.

Karel Chapek

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The conqueror is a madman who begins by ruining his subjects in order to have the pleasure of ruining other people's subjects.

P. Buast

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War is too serious a matter to be trusted by the generals.

D. Kennedy

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The most humane thing to do in a war. - quickly bring it to the end.

Helmut von Molipke

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Avoiding war is harder than winning a war.

Konstantin Kushner

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To fight a war, you need three things: money, money, and more money.

Louis XII

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War can have good consequences for savages, helping to select the strongest and most persistent, but its influence on civilized peoples is usually the most pernicious: it leads to mutual extermination of the best and bravest.

Alfred Fulier

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Those who have not been to the war have no right to talk about it.

Marlene Dietrich

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For those who fought, the war never ends.

K. Malaparte

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There are just wars, but there are no just troops.

André Malraux

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In any war, everyone ascribes luck to himself, and blame for the misfortune is blamed on one.


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War is a wolf, and it can come to your door too.

Bernard Show

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When the war is over, heroes come out of hiding.

Yu. Bulatovich

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Anyone who is not completely bewildered does not really understand what is going on.

Ed Murrow

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As soon as good, honest, disinterested people unite and start a war in the name of a good cause, soon the worst of the villains will certainly be the commander-in-chief of them. This is such a thing - war, do not expect good from it.

Boris Akunin

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Youth who died in the war are like spring taken out of the year.


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In peacetime, sons bury their fathers, in wartime, the fathers of their sons.

Francis Bacon

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War has always been a direct means for the external and an indirect means for the internal unification of humanity. Reason forbids throwing this weapon while it is needed, but conscience obliges you to try so that it ceases to be needed.

Vladimir Soloviev

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In war, no one is wrong twice.


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All wars in the world are civil wars: a person sheds the blood of a person.

Francois Fenelon

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Feelings of justice, decency, loyalty, based on the recognition of equality of rights, lose their strength in civil wars, when each side looks at the other as a criminal and arrogates to itself the right to judge him.

Friedrich Schiller

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The most frightening dangers that threaten humanity now and will threaten for more than one century are the great suicidal war and absolute universal tyranny.

Daniil Andreev

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Cowards can also unleash a war, but the brave have to fight its dangers.


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For a regular army, not winning is losing. For a partisan army, not to be defeated is to win.

Henry Kissinger

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War is the denial of truth and humanity. The point is not only in killing people, for a person must die in one way or another, but in the deliberate and persistent dissemination of hatred and lies, which little by little are inculcated in people.

Jawaharlal Nehru

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Only the victors decide what war crimes are.

G. Wille

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No one fights in a war with such zeal as in the war for their home country.


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You can do anything with bayonets, you just can't sit on them.


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Past battles, like dead generals, hold the minds of staff officers in a stranglehold, and the Germans, like all other peoples, are preparing for the last war.

Barbara Tatchman

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When nations fight among themselves, it is called war.

Kozma Prutkov

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I think war is disgusting, but those who glorify it without participating in it seem even more disgusting to me.

Romain Rolland

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The conquered are responsible for the war.

Arkady Davidovich

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War is the exercise of natural law, which the strongest uses to dominate the weaker.

Benedict Spinoza

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Not a single war has yet begun without hysterical cries for peace.

Stas Yankovsky

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The fastest way to win the war against poverty is to stop pretending to be rich.

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History proves, unfortunately, that war is, in a sense, the usual state of humanity, that human blood should be shed everywhere on earth, and that peace for any nation is just a respite.

Joseph de Maistre

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In a war, the side whose generals wear the simpler uniform wins.

Roger Beaumont and Bernard James

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War is the fruit of the weakness and stupidity of peoples.

Romain Rolland

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Preparedness for war is one of the most effective means of maintaining peace.

D. Washington

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War is a game in which sometimes the best people fail.

M. Kemal

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Combat experience comes only after the need for it has disappeared.

Murphy's Army Laws

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The force of the attack of the army is equal to the mass multiplied by the speed.

Napoleon I

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War is a crime against humanity, where there are perpetrators and customers of the crime.

Konstantin Kushner

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War spoils the army.

Friedrich Wilhelm

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The tragedy of war is that all the best in a person is used to commit the worst crimes.


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Wars are contagious.

Franklin Roosevelt

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If our soldiers understood why we are fighting, it would be impossible to wage a single war.

Frederick the Great

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War breeds more bandits than it kills.

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The elderly declare war, but the young have to fight and die.

G. Hoover

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In war, everyone is equal in the probability of death.

Georgy Alexandrov

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I am sure that the mistakes of the previous war will not be repeated; we will probably make another series of mistakes.

Winston Churchill

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It is just as useful for a people to fear war as it is for an individual to fear death.

Jules Renard

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The country that needs to be conquered constantly has not been conquered.

Edmund Burke

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War is a process that ruins those who win it.

P. Buast

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War is mostly a catalog of blunders.

Winston Churchill

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It is as impossible to win a war as it is impossible to win an earthquake.

Jannet Rankin

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In war, for the most part, judgment and abundance of money win.


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Today it is more difficult to officially sentence one single person to death at the stake than to unleash a world war.

Elias Canetti

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Why not try governments for every declaration of war? If the peoples understood this, if they did not allow themselves to be killed for no reason, if they used weapons to turn them against those who gave them to be beaten, the war would die on that day.

Guy de Maupassant

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Woe to that statesman who will not bother to find a basis for war, which will still retain its significance after the war.

Otto von Bismarck

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Winning the battle is not the main thing. The main thing is not to be poisoned at the feast of the winners!

E. Lets

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Patience and humility are necessary for both peace and war.

John Damascene

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Wars are like litigation, where legal costs exceed the amount in dispute.

Luc de Clapier Vovenargue

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The first victim of war is truth.

X. Johnson

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Once the war - forget about everything And have no right to blame. Was going on a long journey, the order was given: "Set aside!" How many lived - at the end, Free from the hassle. And then you are the fighter That is good for battle.

Alexander Tvardovsky

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War has become a luxury that only small nations can afford.

Jannet Rankin

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All mistakes in other areas can be corrected somehow, but mistakes in war are irreparable, for they are punished immediately.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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War, if fought correctly and with strict respect for civil rights, contains something sublime

Immanuel Kant

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The war ends when no one is left alive.


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There are no winners in a war - only losers.

Arthur Neville Chamberlain

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In war, most people risk their lives just as much as is necessary in order not to tarnish their honor, but only a few are ready to always risk as required by the goal for which they take the risk.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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If the peoples (soldiers) knew why we are fighting, we would never have managed to arrange at least one decent war.

Frederick II

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This war will end wars. And the next one too.

David Lloyd George

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No one really needs war, but many need hatred.

Max Frisch

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Any war is popular for the first thirty days.

Arthur Schlesinger

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War is a way to smash into smithereens, spray into the stratosphere, drown in the depths of the sea materials that could improve people's lives and thereby ultimately make them smarter. - From Goldstein's book

George Orwell

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Great things, all as one: Women, horses, power and war. - translation by A. Onoshkovich-Yatsyn

Rudyard Kipling

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War for peoples is tears and blood, these are widows and homeless people, this is a scattered nest, lost youth and offended old age ...

Ilya Ehrenburg

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Only the dead could really judge what war is: only they alone knew everything to the end.

Erich Maria Remarque

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If we lose this war, I will start another one under the name of my wife.

Moshe Dayan

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All people are guilty before the mother, who lost her son in the war, and in vain have tried to justify themselves to her throughout the history of mankind.

Vasily Grossman

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Only in the infirmary do you see with your own eyes what war is.

Erich Maria Remarque

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The Falklands War was a fight between two bald men over a hairbrush.

Jorge Luis Borges

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The fastest way to end a war is to lose it.

George Orwell

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Only war strains to the highest degree all human forces and imposes a stamp of nobility on peoples who have the courage to undertake such. All other tests are secondary, since they do not put a person before himself in the choice of life or death.

Benito Mussolini

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WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM - THIS IS SLAVERY UNKNOWLEDGE - FORCE - I, the three main party slogans of totalitarian Oceania

George Orwell

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War is just a cowardly escape from peacetime problems.

Thomas Mann

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Each nation considers itself superior to other nations. This gives rise to patriotism and ... war.

Dale Carnegie

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War is a normal state for people.

Benito Mussolini

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Cities are surrendered by soldiers, generals are taking them.

Alexander Tvardovsky

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In war, the outcome is less than in any other case in line with expectations.

Titus Livy

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God fights on the side with the best artillery.

Napoleon Bonaparte

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War is a traumatic epidemic.

Nikolay Pirogov

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We are told that war is murder. No: this is suicide.

Ramsay McDonald

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Anyone who marches quite well to the music in the ranks has already earned my contempt. He was endowed with a brain by mistake; the spinal cord would have been enough for him. This shame of civilization must be done away with. Heroism on command, senseless cruelty and disgusting senselessness called patriotism - how much I hate all this, how base and vile the war is. I would rather be torn to pieces than be part of this dirty act. I am convinced that murder under the pretext of war does not cease to be murder.

Albert Einstein

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The war has been won, but not the peace.

Albert Einstein

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Either humanity will end war, or war will end humanity.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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A true monarch, desiring war, does not avoid it, but when he is forced into it, he must, without delay, be the first to draw his sword, quickly and energetically carry out the invasion, otherwise the attacking side will have all the advantages.


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Kropp is a philosopher. He suggests that when war is declared, there should be something like a folk festival, with music and entrance tickets, like during a bullfight. Then the ministers and generals of the warring countries must enter the arena, in panties, armed with clubs, and let them grapple with each other. Whoever survives will declare their country the winner. It would be simpler and fairer than what is being done here, where the wrong people are fighting each other.

Erich Maria Remarque

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The victorious warriors first win and only then enter the battle, those who are defeated first enter the battle, and only then try to win.

Sun Tzu

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If fear had always reigned supreme over people, there would never have been wars.

Karel Chapek

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When there are no enemies, there is no war.

Lao Tzu

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War is sweet for those who have never tried it.


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In any war, whoever wins, the children of the vanquished will cry. And consider the fathers dead for a just cause.

Victor Tochinov

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War is a calamity and a crime that includes all calamities and all crimes.


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Every generation must take part in the war.

Adolf Gitler

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War is a way of deception. If you can do anything, show the enemy that you cannot, if you do use something, show him that you do not use it, even if you were close, show that you are far away, even if you were far away, show that you are close.

Sun Tzu

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Those who start a war fall into their own nets.

John Damascene

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Money is the artery of war.

Peter I

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The flourishing of military sciences is possible only in peacetime.

Don Aminado

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The injustice inherent in the first people - this is where the origins of war and the need to put bosses over oneself, who would determine the rights of everyone and resolve all disputes.

Jean de La Bruyere

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War consists of unforeseen events.


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I do not know what weapon the third will be fought with World War, but it is quite obvious that the fourth is only with sticks and stones.

Albert Einstein

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Woe to that statesman who does not bother to find a basis for war, which will still retain its significance after the war.

Otto von Bismarck

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It cannot be denied that the natural state of people before the formation of society was war, and not only war, but a war of all against all.

Thomas Hobbes

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War is an evil that dishonors the human race.

Francois Fenelon

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A million people, gathering in one place and trying to give correctness to their actions, kill each other, and everyone is equally hurt, and everyone is equally unhappy - what is it, is it crazy? My brother turned around and stared inquiringly at me with his short-sighted, slightly naive eyes. “Red laugh,” I said cheerfully, splashing. “And I'll tell you the truth. - Brother trustingly put a cold hand on my shoulder, but as if frightened that it was naked and wet, and quickly pulled it back. - I'll tell you the truth: I am very afraid of losing my mind. I can't figure out what this is going on. I cannot understand and it is terrible. If anyone could explain to me, but no one can. You were in the war, you saw - explain to me. - Go to hell! I replied playfully, splashing around.

Leonid Andreev

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There are wars, the law is not new: In retreat - eat your fill, In defense - whether that way, In the offensive - on an empty stomach.

Alexander Tvardovsky

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Only very prosperous people can afford to love winter. For the disadvantaged, their favorite season is warm. To what extent the unfortunate humanity has become too hungry, if it is not even afraid of a nuclear winter.

Natalia Astakhova

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War turns people born to live as brothers into wild beasts.


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War is war, there can be no but losses and that these losses can be large, especially when we are dealing with such a serious and fierce enemy ... - Zhukov's memoirs, from the book "Marshal Zhukov, his comrades-in-arms and opponents in the years war and peace ", Karpov, V.V., Head: Khalkhin-Gol

Georgy Zhukov

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Defeat and victory taste the same. Defeat tastes like tears. Victory tastes like sweat.

Olga Muravyova

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Waging war with others, did not make peace with himself.

William Hazlitt

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War is not a theater, it is not shooting, but shooting. This is blood. - character: Ivan Ermakov

Alexey Balabanov

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All backs, tattered captives, hands thrown on the operating table, all aching wounds in autumn, all the rattle of all crutches, holes in the mouths - knocked out the fight! - in a voice, a squeal of gas pain - today, world, shout out - D about l about th !!! Will not be! We do not want! We will not allow it!

Vladimir Mayakovsky

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When war is declared, the first victim is the truth.

Arthur Ponsonby

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Peace is the direct goal of war, and if there is war, then, therefore, the warriors. - "Don Quixote"

Miguel de Cervantes

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More terrible than the death that war sows in the material world is the life that it engenders in the minds of almost all people without exception. The most grandiose worlds of stubborn lies now rise in the heads of each and every one. Everything that is most evil, sinful and stinking, forbidden by an elementary conscience in relation to one person to another, is now the truth and heroism in the attitude of one people to another. Each side unconsciously betrays damnation and denial of all the great that was once created by the spirit and genius of the hostile side.

Fyodor Avgustovich Stepun

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War is a great business of the state, the basis of life and death, a path to survival or death. This needs to be carefully weighed and considered.

Sun Tzu

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The war revealed that there is no community and unity of people, except for their chained to each other in barracks discipline. She discovered how superficial the process of humanization was and how few the layers were actually captured by it.

Nikolay Berdyaev

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In peacetime, sons bury their fathers, in wartime, the fathers of their sons.

Francis Bacon

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A lost battle is more sad than a battle won.

Robert Jordan

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A statesman who sees that war is inevitable and cannot dare to strike first is guilty of a crime against his country.

Karl von Clausewitz

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I will not be surprised if films soon begin to be made in which nuclear war incinerates the human race - but in the finale, EVERYONE IS IN ORDER ...

Haruki Murakami

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And how many unfortunate Freaks are now crippled by the war! And how many are buried in the pits! And how many more will they bury! And I feel in the cheekbones of stubborn Cruel cramp of cheeks.

Sergey Yesenin

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All wars in the history of mankind were unleashed by those who called themselves peacemakers. Truly, blessed are the peacemakers, for the cause of all war is their own whim.

Boris Krieger

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War loves victory and dislikes duration.

Sun Tzu

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Fighting a hundred times and winning a hundred times is not the best of the best, the best of the best is to conquer someone else's army without fighting.

Sun Tzu

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Ant: “I'm not at war. The anthill is at war. "

Karel Chapek

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There are countless worlds in the universe, and I have not conquered one yet!

Alexander the Great

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Even a victorious war is an evil that must be prevented by the wisdom of the nations.

Otto von Bismarck

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An invasion of a neighboring country is usually done for the benefit of its citizens.

Boris Krieger

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If we don't finish the wars, the war will finish us off.

H.G. Wells

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All wars are civil wars, because all people are brothers.

Francois Fenelon

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War is a way to untie a political knot with your teeth that defies language.

Ambrose Beers

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A war cannot be just, because you cannot fight justly, even if you are fighting for justice.

Tadeusz Kotarbinski

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The war is over only when the last soldier is buried.

Alexander Suvorov

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The war has the gaze of Medusa the Gorgon - who once looked into her face, he is no longer able to look away.

Daria Aslamova

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I've only seen hand-to-hand combat. Once in reality, and a thousand - in a dream. Whoever says that the war is not scary, He knows nothing about the war.

Julia Drunina

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Wars start when they want, but end when they can.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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A leader who does not hesitate before sending his people to fight is not worthy to be a leader.

Golda Meir

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The place of hostilities is the chessboard of the general, it is his choice that reveals the abilities or ignorance of the military leader.



Wars are damned by mothers. Mothers hate wars. Horace

War is pleasant only to those who have not experienced it. Flavius ​​Vegetius Renatus

Cowards can also unleash a war, but the brave have to fight its dangers. Publius Cornelius Tacitus

War is at first the hope that we will be well; then - the expectation that it will be worse for them; then - satisfaction with the fact that they are no better than us; and finally - an unexpected discovery, which is bad for us and for them. Karl Kraus

We are deprived of leisure in order to have leisure, and we wage war in order to live in peace. Aristotle

Arranging someone else's fate is a dangerous game. It usually leads to the same unexpected consequences as a major European war... George Bernard Shaw

Starting a war, people immediately start actions that should have been delayed, and after failures they turn to reasoning. Thucydides

War imposes tribute on both men and women alike, but only from some it takes blood, and from others - tears. William Makepeace Thackeray

Until there is a war, you need to pacify your enemies with gifts, but if they are up in arms against you, you cannot evade. One must have patience and humility both for peace and for war. John Damascene

Earthly life is war. We carry a heavy burden until time stops us. Abu L'Ala Maari

War turns people born to live as brothers into wild beasts. Voltaire (Marie Francois Arouet)

The war will last as long as people have the foolishness to wonder and help those who kill them in the thousands. Pierre Bouast

The fastest way to end a war is to be defeated. George Orwell

In any war, everyone ascribes luck to himself, and blame for the misfortune is blamed on one. Publius Cornelius Tacitus

Very rarely a war is waged according to a predetermined plan, but more often the war itself chooses the ways and means depending on the circumstances. Thucydides

War is the most unreasonable thing you can imagine. Anyone who promotes it with advice or deed must be regarded as a criminal against humanity. August Einsiedel

Wars depend on glory, and often the lies that are believed become the truth. Quintus Curtius Rufus

Both will perish - one because he lost the war, the other because he won it. Publius Cornelius Tacitus

Only the war that is undertaken for the idea, for the highest and great principle, and not for material interest, not for greedy seizure, turns out to be useful. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

We find in human nature three main causes of war: first, rivalry; secondly, distrust; thirdly, thirst for fame. Thomas Hobbes

In war, often insignificant circumstances lead to great changes. Guy Julius Caesar

War is the father of everything. She made some gods, others people, some slaves, others free. Heraclitus

The war is over only when the last soldier is buried. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

Even a victorious war is an evil that must be prevented by the wisdom of the nations. Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck

As terrible as war is, it nevertheless reveals the spiritual greatness of a person who challenges his most powerful hereditary enemy - death. Heinrich Heine

During civil war soldiers are allowed more than generals. Publius Cornelius Tacitus

Every war is ruinous for a working man; useful for him is only the war that is waged to repel enemies from the borders of the fatherland. Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

The only state of people before the formation of society was war, and not only war in its usual form, but a war of all - against all. Thomas Hobbes

Perhaps that person loves war, who puts lust for power above his own security, but a great warrior is one who acquires security for himself by war. Plutarch

In disputes, as in war, the weak side kindles fires and makes a loud noise so that the enemy thinks that she is stronger than she really is. Jonathan Swift

There is no safe time. In the midst of pleasure, the causes of pain arise; in a time of peace, war begins. Lucius Anney Seneca (the younger)

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