The call of black forces before the ceremony. Protection when performing independent love spells. Before sleep and after waking up

When you perform a ritual of treatment, fortune-telling or perform an independent love spell, be sure to put protection-amulet.

Without protective rites, you can send damage to yourself, "pick up" someone else's negativity.

If you turn to the forces of light, a protective prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik is always read first:

“Nicholas, the saint of God, the helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way, and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil.

Then you need a charm - it can be a ritual or a prayer. It will not be superfluous to have a talisman-talisman with you during the ceremony. After you put the amulet, read prayers for help in a good deed and "Our Father". If you are trying to perform a love spell on your own with the invocation of dark forces, you cannot put an amulet that mentions God, saints or church paraphernalia.

Protective prayer

“Swamp evil spirits, underground evil spirits, from the blue fog, from the black dope, where is the rotten ear, where is the gray hair, where is the red rag, the spoiled shaking, I’ll go the wrong path, I’ll go to the church gates. I will light a candle not a wedding, a memorial candle, I will remember the evil spirits for the rest. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Charm with a bell

Imagine that a large bell is hanging above you. Raise your arms bent at the elbows - this is the diameter of this bell. Let the bell strike - you feel a protective vibration. It penetrates you, surrounds you, protects you from all negative influences, gives you strength.

Protective rite

You must leave the walls of the house at dawn and stand on the ground (not on asphalt, grass or snow), facing the sun. With the toe of your right foot, draw a triangle on the ground in front of you. One of its corners should point to the rising sun. Then cross your arms over your chest and say:

“That which rises from the east, that the day begins, closes me (your name) from the east, warms, defends. And this is true!

“That which comes from the north, that the day continues, protects me (your name) from the north, cools the heads of enemies, swaddles hands, feet, has mercy, guides me on a false trail. And this is true!

Stand facing south and after drawing a triangle on the ground, spread your arms to the sides and say:
“What comes from the south, that the day continues, does not threaten me (name), removes the anger of enemies, turns it into nothing, portends good to me. And this is true!

Turn your face to the west, draw a triangle, stretch your arms at your sides and say:

“What disappears in the west, what ends the day, protects me (its name) from the west, deprives the enemies of strength, confuses their mind, has mercy, saves my life. And this is true! true! true!"

Then spit three times over your left shoulder and go home, where you wash your face with water, but do not dry yourself. While the face dries, say:

“From the east, north, south, west, whatever the enemies may say, I (your name) cannot lay a trap. And this is true!

Mist Ward

Imagine that you are surrounded on all sides by a white, thick fog that hides you from various entities that seek to harm you.

Candle for black love spell

You will need three knives and a wax candle. Alternately heat the knives on the candle fire and draw three circles around you, each time saying “amen” at the end. Extinguish the candle with the third knife you use. The candle should stand next to you during the love spell, and then bury the knives. Before putting this amulet, call on higher powers.

Calling dark forces to help in a love spell

If during the ceremony you turned to God, at the end read thanksgiving prayers. If you summoned dark forces, do not forget to thank them (using the word "thank you", but not "thank you" - "God save") and let them go, and then be sure to give

In order to plunge into the world of magic and sorcery, you just need to use power spell. For more than one generation of magicians and those who wish to become one, they are rushing about in search of an answer to the question: “How to master magic and how to learn how to use it?”.

Probably, there is no such person who would be absolutely indifferent to mysticism, because it works like a magnet. Everything magical attracts, arouses interest and desire to touch it.

But the Universe has not given supernatural abilities to everyone. Not everyone can control events, change destinies or see the future.

Those whose ancestors were related to it are much more likely to acquire strong magic. So, if your great-grandmother was a noble witch, you have all the conditions to develop a special talent in yourself.

How to get magical power?

If witchcraft abilities have passed to a person by inheritance, then this will manifest itself even in childhood. And here the responsibility falls on the parents, who must make a choice: to muffle the gift or to improve it. The main thing is not to go against the will of the baby.

There is another way to get - to gradually develop them. This will require a huge amount of specialized literature. Also, the advice of a long-practicing magician will not hurt, which will help you figure out the direction.

You need to be distracted from the world around you, to abstract from it. It is best to do this away from city noise - in a forest clearing or by a lake. Lean against a tree, against the ground, against grasses. Feel the peace and tranquility. Hear the silence. Now try to mentally influence the objects around (for example, move a tree branch or leaf).

Do not be afraid if it does not work out the first or even the tenth time - everything will come with time. The main thing is that you trust yourself and the natural elements.

It’s good if your practice of communicating with nature is complemented by a spell on the power of magic. And never forget the possible consequences, magic is not a toy!

spell to gain magical power in latin

Ancient witches and sorcerers used only Latin when conducting mystical rites.

To make the spell work faster, you can also cast it in the original language (Water spell):

“Fiat firmamentum in medio aquanim et separet aquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut quae inferius et quae iuferius sicut quae superius ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Sol ejus pater est, luna mater et ventus hanc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum in terram descendit. Exorciso te creatura aqua, ut sis mihi speculum Dei vivi in ​​operibus ejus et fons vitae et ablutio peccatonim. Amen"

Spell to summon strength in Russian

"No harm, but only for the benefit
I strive to gain strength.
For protection, for help,
Let my path be true.
O Mother, I beg and conjure
Grant me strength in this hour!
I entrust my fate to you
Hear me! May it be so!"

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author

Interesting on the topic:


Are you ready to go so far in games with otherworldly forces to decide to summon a demon in order to satisfy your worldly desires? Before a positive answer leaves the tongue, take the opportunity to learn important information from the field of demonology - you may change your mind completely!

The term itself was coined by the ancient Greeks and interpreted as " deity". By the way, the same ancient philosophers ( Socrates, Pythagoras) the concept of "demon" meant the human conscience, responsible for the moral characterization of the actions of the individual.

Later, this word took on a collective meaning and began to serve as a definition for all supernatural spirits, ghosts and energy substances, vampires and succubi (those who wish can read about the methods of summoning in the material “- an evil demon or a fruit of our imagination”), occupying an intermediate layer between the world of people and the divine nature. Moreover, the demons could be both good, light, and evil, dark.

And only when the Christian teaching came to replace the pagan beliefs, the demons began to be called "demons", "devil's offspring" and the circle of entities suitable for the meaning was limited only to negative characters.

Demon to demon strife - a mistake will be fatal!

Humanity's attempts to build a hierarchy of infernal creatures resulted in numerous treatises on demonology with assumptions and unconfirmed conclusions. Taking it as a fact that hell is chaos, in which evil and destruction reign, it is difficult to identify rulers and subordinates, kings and pawns.

No matter how hard the researchers of the intangible dark worlds tried to distribute the demons: they came up with a planetary classification according to their habitat, ranks, and divided them into spheres of influence - if you are seriously carried away by the occult, believe me, you will have something to study!

However, ordinary people who are interested in how to summon a demon at home do not need exact knowledge of what role this or that otherworldly entity plays. It is much more important to understand that careless handling of a fiend threatens with the loss of peace of mind not only for the daredevils themselves who have resorted to witchcraft, but also for their entire family, up to the unborn, future generations.

In addition, choosing, according to the goal, which terrible spirit to invite for a conversation, beware of performing a ritual to summon demons, which sorcerers consider the strongest and most powerful, namely: Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Astaroth, Asmodeus, Mammon, Leviathan, Moloch, Belial, Baal, Lilith, Amaimon, Corson, Adramelech, Zimian, Gaapa, Evryn, Pluto.

Believe me, any, even the weakest servant of hell, is capable of fulfilling your request. And, opening access to our world to the lesser of evils, you will have the strength to return it back and not become a victim of demonic influence, of course, provided that you follow all the principles of working with dark forces, described below. The most desperate can take advantage.

Rules for calling a demon at home and not only ...

For the sake of fun, a reasonable person is unlikely to engage in magical tricks, and even if there is a strong need, when all known methods for solving a burning issue have been exhausted, and there is no result, he will most likely turn to a strong, knowledgeable sorcerer who is able to protect himself and the client from the consequences of the discovery demon portal.

However, such a magician may not always be nearby and agree to help the unfortunate, plus there is a risk of running into a charlatan and losing the last money. Therefore, the daredevils arm themselves with knowledge about summoning a demon from a video (after all, it’s easier to watch than to read), sometimes losing sight of the smallest details, and, as a result, they pay for it with their own health or, even worse, with their lives.

Before you begin preparations for the ritual, think clearly every step, every word, every action and, most importantly, the moment of farewell to the servant of the devil.

Next, choose a suitable day for the sacrament and decide on a place. Keep in mind that by calling the demonic essence of the house, you risk leaving the uninvited guest in this world forever, or he will periodically visit you, fueled by the energy of all the people living here.

If you turn out to be a strong enough opponent, the demon will switch to someone from the household, choosing a weaker, more impressionable person, perhaps even your child. Only if you live alone and are ready to take responsibility for your frankly godless act, your own home as a place of future communication with the fiend can be acceptable.

Any contact with fallen angels necessarily precedes a complete spiritual cleansing. A strict nine-day fast, being alone, daily attendance at church services are necessary so that you are nourished with healing energy and spiritual strength to resist demonic influence.

Finally, be ready to make a sacrifice, because, especially those in which powerful supporters of Satan are called to help, demand the mortification of living flesh.

The choice of the animal depends on what kind of demon you call: for requests of a personal, insignificant nature, it will be possible to get by with the execution of a poultry, and intending to have a serious conversation with high-ranking, main demons, the performer is obliged to prepare a larger victim, for example, a goat.

How to summon the Demon of Desire

The most common reason for turning to the devil is an irresistible desire to get something (or someone) into property, and the basis for such a bold decision is the individual's complete confidence that he has no other way to achieve the goal. Then one of the entities belonging to the least dangerous inhabitants of hell can act as the arbiter of fate.

Before calling the demon of desire at home, curtain mirrors, close doors and windows, remove pets and make sure that no one is in the room.

You will need: chalk, six large candles, a live victim (chicken or rabbit) and a carving knife.

  1. Arrange the candles (five pieces), marking the circle, draw a pentagram inside so that each ray coincides with the location of the candle.
  2. Stand in front of the pentagram and draw a circle around you - it will serve as protection from the attack of the demon.
  3. Holding the sixth lighted candle in your hands, shout out clearly and loudly:

“I call upon you, Demon of Desire. Heed my call! Not for the sake of buffoon's fun I call you, I want to command you! Appear and fulfill my passionate request!

Repeat your call nine times. Noticing that a transparent, luminous body appears in the center of the magic pentagram, make a sacrifice (cut the bird's throat and throw its body into the center of the picture) - but just don't leave the circle!

As soon as the infernal messenger is appeased, he will humbly listen to your desire: speak, do not hesitate, whatever you want. After making a request, send the demon to where it came from, saying: “Go away, go to hell!”

Be vigilant, the demon can hypnotize you and make you leave the circle, then you will not do well. Do not waste precious time, do everything quickly and confidently, and as soon as the essence leaves, destroy the slightest traces of the ritual.

Guest in the house - how to invite the guardian demon

Many dark sorcerers use the services of an unusual guardian, the so-called guardian demon, who accompanies them when required and protects them from the extraneous negative effects of other black magicians or infernal entities.

Only really powerful sorcerers can manage such a peculiar subordinate, and even the most “hardened” adherents of magic will come to the call.

The ritual differs from the previous one in that the blood of the sacrificial animal (and the black chicken acts as it) merges into a special bowl, which is placed in the center of a circled pentagram drawn in chalk.

The protective space is also enclosed in a chalky circular pattern. The performer cuts off the chicken's head, saying:

“Accept the sacrifice, my mighty guardian. Do not be angry that I turn my hopes to you.

The blood of the bird to the last drop is poured into the bowl. Then the sorcerer dips his finger in a warm liquid and draws all the lines of the magical design. When the bloody pentagram is drawn, the shaman stands in the protective zone and says five times:

“My protector, demon protector, demon guardian! I only hope and hope for you! For I know no one more powerful than you in the world! I have no one else to turn to, I can’t defend myself from enemies without you! Hear me, respond, come to the call!”

If the spell is cast without hesitation, the demonic creature will definitely come to the meeting. Having asked again to become your protector, send the guest to where he belongs:

“I conjure in the name of God, hide yourself, hide yourself from the gaze of man, from the spell of my enemies, but follow me everywhere and protect me from dashing and evil!”

Believe me, most warlocks lead their guardian demon everywhere, invisible to human eyes.

Summoning a Graveyard Demon in Latin

Cemetery demons act as a link between the past and the future and can easily answer important questions, or suggest a way out of a difficult situation for those who dare to communicate with them.

A magical rite is performed necessarily on the night of the full moon, in the interval from midnight to one in the morning. There should be no more than three questions of interest to the performer - in order not to get confused, it is better to write them down on a piece of paper in advance.

Determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthemes that interest you - the choice of the path that you will go to the burial ground depends on:

  • If the request concerns relationships (love, work, family) - try to choose the most direct path.
  • If you are interested in the material sphere - go along the path leading to the cemetery on the left.
  • If you want to ask about the date of death (your own or someone close to you), go to the graveyard on the right.

Take a chalk, a live animal (intended for donation), a leaf of desires and set off on the right path.

So, in front of you is the gate of the burial place. Bow to the master of the dead earth and apologize for having to disturb him. Now go past the grave row, counting 13 elevations. The last, 13th, will become the sacred altar.

Draw a pentagram drawing enclosed in a circle around the selected grave. For yourself, also prepare a protective plane circled in chalk.

When killing a victim, say a spell in Latin to summon a demon:


After the third repetition, you will feel an alien, soul-chilling presence and an irresistible desire to leave the circle - this demon has appeared at your command and is trying to lure you out to kill you!

Quickly, clearly and without showing fear, ask the monster your questions and, if you cannot understand the answers, ask him to show you a prophetic dream. When you get what you want, send the evil spirit back home with the following spell:

“Go away in peace, disappear, returning to where you came from. May peace be with you. But be ready at my first call to appear again. In the name of the omnipresent gods. Amen!"

Leave the circle only when there is no hint of the presence of the demon. Destroy all traces of your stay and go home. Dear, God forbid you, to speak to someone or turn around! You can bring otherworldly essence with you, of which there are a dime a dozen in the churchyard. Arriving at your home, be sure to wash away all the energy negativity from yourself in your soul. It’s good if you have holy water in store for such purposes!

Remember, not properly prepared, energetically weak and fearful individuals themselves become a target for the attack of demonic freaks! If your desire is beyond the power of human will, perhaps you should seek help from the side of goodness - pray to the patron saints. Black magic is strong, but dangerous because it requires an indispensable retribution from its users and their innocent loved ones.

Rituals for the Acquisition and Development of Magical Power

There are only two possibilities to acquire special magical powers - either to be born with them, or to try to develop them in oneself. In this case, the second method in terms of the final result may not be inferior to the first, and sometimes even surpass it. There are many examples when a person with bright natural abilities does not suspect about them at all and, having only begun to develop them, finds new opportunities and strengths in himself. Note that everyone has abilities, but for some they are on the surface, while for others they are deeply hidden. Therefore, for some it is very easy to look into yourself and immediately get the right answer, while for others it takes time and great perseverance. However, in any case, without making an attempt, you will never know your secret sides and hidden opportunities. Once you start moving and searching, you can hardly stay the same.

Performing various witchcraft actions, you will use the energy of the four elements of nature: Water, Fire, Earth and Air. You will need to manage these energies with the help of your Imagination, Faith and Will. It is from these three aspects - Faith in yourself and your actions, Imagination, which creates real pictures of possible events, and Will, the energy orientation of your thought - that the basis of spiritual influence on the astral and real world consists. To these three principles of magical reality, it is necessary to add the fourth constant of magic - the Mystery, capable of exciting Faith, strengthening the Will and giving birth to hidden images of our Imagination. Therefore, the first thing you need to start with is to learn to master all aspects of your mind and learn how to perceive energy from the space around you.

Advice: before any spells, invoke the space - ANU-OR-DON-OS-SI-TOEN (three times) it will descend in the form of a blue mist, ask for safety during the ritual - this will bring harmony to your intention.
SHOH-MANU-ARIDOS-SHAM-WEI-HAI will allow you to give the intention a BIG power. These mantras have power in any spaces...

When leaving the body you are tired of, ask the power of ARANAN (call: TAHOMA-MAAT-SAGIR-SAA) to protect you from aggression in the astral plane or parallel worlds... you never know.

Increasing magical powers

Moon time: dark, or in some cases waning.

In this hour of destruction
I cast a spell to complete
May my strength grow day by day
May my strength not leave me
Let both creation and destruction be under my control
Everywhere and Everywhere
I am firmly taking this step.
This is my will and so be it!

Force Awakening Spell

Moon time: new moon or full moon (but to be exact), draw on the body the symbols of the god and goddess with lotus oil.

God Power and Goddess Power
The one that is always and henceforth
Forces of fire and earth
The power of air and water
I beg you help
Awaken the ancient forces in me
Make changes happen
Around me and inside
So that the magical power in me awakens
And so that my power lasts forever
All beings and elements obey me
In the sea, in the sky and on the earth
I say so, and so be it!

A few more methods:

1. You sit down in a comfortable position, relax a little and start to look, as it were, into the depths of yourself, the consciousness moves down like a mine. at a certain moment you will see something like a lake, it will be calm or there will be ripples on it like on a river during a light wind, fix your attention on it for a while, as if touch it with your eyes and order it to rise. It will begin to seethe, boil, let it push the consciousness back, now it fills the whole body, let it spill out. Perhaps this technique will turn out not the first time, but if it turns out there will be a lot of forces, so it’s hard to resist even in place. You should not be in this state for too long, after completing all the actions, indicate the strength to return back, imagine how something that has so far splashed out has begun to go into the depths again.

2. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. First of all, relax completely. Imagine how a warm wave passes through your body and relaxes it. Then you need to activate your inner strength. Imagine that the Force overwhelms you. That it is transfused in your blood. Fills the head. Drips from fingertips and hair. When it completely fills your body and mind, proceed to the ritual.
And remember: confidence is half the battle.

3. We read the words:
Eeyore Eeyore Io Io Io!
I am the God of Gods
I am the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Wizards
I am Power and Knowledge
I am above all
Nothing was created before me
I am above all gods
I am above all days
I am above all people and legends about them.
NOBODY can find my resting place
I see the sun at night and the moon during the day
I am the recipient of the victims of the Drifters
The mountains of the West shelter me
Mountains of magic cover me

4. Slavic mantra "Arrival of the sorcerer". We read 15 times until then, feeling filled with the Force.

"Wake up ancient sorcerer
In my veins in my flesh
Unlock the sorcerer in me
Those doors are mine
And bring the ancient sorcerer
Wind in the doors open"

A set of exercises to increase the level of magical abilities

The complex includes five necessary exercises. Do only the first exercise daily for a week. Then connect the second exercise, a week later - the third, a week later - the fourth, then add the fifth. Continue to do all five exercises daily until you feel the necessary level of energy in yourself. To maintain this level, continue to exercise periodically, but at least once a month.


Do 20 minutes.
The toes are relaxed, the legs are slightly bent (shoulder-width apart). Hands down, palms forward.
Imagine that you are in a swamp bog, or something viscous, waist-deep. You roll from heel to toe, with the whole body forward, while the legs are still bent. In parallel with the roll, you seem to scoop up this viscous liquid with your hands and raise your outstretched arms forward and upward. Feel the liquid flowing slowly through your fingers and flowing down. As soon as you raise your hands up, begin to slowly lower them down, turning your palms to the floor. In parallel with lowering your hands, you roll onto your heels, pumping back with your whole body. The knees are always bent.
Breathing: to raise the hands, slowly inhale, to lower the hands, slowly exhale.


The goal is to accumulate as much energy as possible in the palms of your hands.

Feet shoulder-width apart, right leg slightly forward. Both arms are bent in front of you, at chest level, one in front of the other. The left palm is turned to the chest, the right palm is also turned to the body and looks at the back of the left palm, both hands are on the same line. The elbows are raised and are parallel to the shoulders. The distance between the palm of the left hand and the chest is about 15 cm. The distance between the hands is also about 15 cm. left hand, goes along the left hand to the shoulder, passes into the right shoulder, along the right hand returns to the right palm and from it goes back to the ground. Achieve that between the palms will flow a constant visible flow of energy.
At first it will be difficult, but then the corresponding sensations will appear.
Breathing: on inhalation - the energy passes from the left to the right hand, on a smooth exhalation - goes into the ground. Breathe through your nose and mouth at the same time.
15 minutes on the right leg, 15 minutes on the left. When changing legs, the palms change. On the right leg, the left palm is closest to the body; on the left leg, the right palm is closest to the body.

"African Drum"

The arms are bent at the elbows, palms shoulder-width apart at chest level, turned inward, one to the other. Imagine that there is a long (shoulder-width) African drum between the palms. The right half-bent leg is slightly forward. We take a smooth breath and at the same time we move our hands along the circles of both sides of the drum in the direction up and forward, away from ourselves, half of the circle has been passed - exhale and bring our palms down the circle towards us. When moving the arms forward in a circle, we transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, while moving the hands back (toward ourselves), we transfer the weight of the body to the left leg. We change the leg - we do the same, but in the opposite direction, first the palms move down from ourselves, in a circle up and towards ourselves.

"Board with dough"

The right half-bent leg is slightly forward, the arms are bent at the elbows at chest level, palms down. The distance between the hands is approximately 15 cm, the elbows are slightly apart. On the right leg, we lead to the right side (clockwise) with both palms in a circle synchronously (imagine how we roll two balls of dough on the board). When moving the palms in a circle away from us, we transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, continue to move towards ourselves, transfer the weight of the body to the left leg. Inhale - half the distance - exhale.
We change legs, the left half-bent in front. The movement of the hands is the same, but already counterclockwise, forward, to the left and in a circle back to yourself. When moving the arms to the left, we transfer the weight of the body to the left leg. When returning to the starting position, we transfer the weight of the body to the right leg.
Do 16 movements in a row on each leg.

"Energy Ball"

The right half-bent leg is slightly forward, the arms are bent at the elbows at chest level.
Mentally imagine that there is a large energy sphere between your palms. You begin to slowly compress it to a ball 15 cm in diameter, slightly moving it away from you and slightly leaning forward with your whole body, transferring the weight to your right leg. Feel the elasticity of the compressed sphere and return it to its original dimensions by slowly spreading your arms and deviating with your body to its original position.
When compressing the sphere, exhale; when moving back, inhale.
Change legs, pushing the left forward, and repeat the exercise.
Do 32 movements in a row on each leg.

Ritual that awakens consciousness for magic (for beginners)

The ritual is not dangerous and does not require special tools. As a result of the ritual, perception is sharpened, the level of vital energy rises. Other effects depend on the personality and abilities of the person performing the ritual. It is recommended to perform simultaneously with a set of exercises to increase your magical level.

This ritual can be performed in any secluded place where complete silence can be maintained for at least half an hour.

Do it daily for several weeks. For deeper changes, it is recommended to carry out regularly for several months.

Wear loose clothing in neutral colors. Remove watches, jewelry, shoes, and other items that interfere with free circulation of blood and irritate the skin. It’s good if you take a bath before starting the ritual, or at least rinse your hands and face. Remember that you are inviting spiritual consciousness into the temple of your body.

Place a white candle on a small table, bedside table, or other supportive surface, so that it is approximately at the level of your waist. Light a candle. Try to calm down for a few minutes. When you feel inner peace and tranquility, stand in front of the candle facing south. Spread your arms wide, raise your head in the traditional invocation posture. Look to infinity and focus on an imaginary distant star. Say a cleansing prayer, referring to the one who is the highest deity for you:

Have mercy on me, O God.
Forgive my injustice.
Wash away all my wrongdoings
Cleanse me from sins.
Purify me and I will be white as snow.
Give me a pure heart
Revive a righteous spirit in me.
You who made the Crown

(touch your forehead with the index finger of your right hand)

And the kingdom

(touch your groin)

(touch left shoulder)

And Glory

And the eternal law

(point to flame)

As you say this cleansing prayer, visualize a cascade of radiant water as it falls, cleansing and refreshing your head and body, and sweeping away all your worries.
Turn clockwise, mentally drawing with the index finger of your right hand a radiant circle of white light that burns in the astral over the place where the ritual is performed. Try to clearly visualize this circle at the level of the heart, visualize the energy that fills it: coming from your heart center, it passes along the right hand and radiates from the index finger. Be sure to mentally connect the end and the beginning of the drawn circle. If necessary, expand it to accommodate the entire ritual space. As you draw a circle, say the following words:

From the very heart of my being, I give birth to this radiant circle of fire. Neither evil nor chaos will penetrate it or cross its borders.

Face south again, feet together, arms wide apart: the body is a cross. Visualize a pillar of red flame rising from the ground just outside the circle and going off to infinity. Concentrate your attention on it and say the following words:

Before me is Michael, lord of the Flame, lion of the south.

Without moving, visualize a similar column of yellow fire behind you from the north. Say these words:

Behind me is Raphael, the lord of the Air, the angel of the north.

From the west, visualize a pillar of blue fire. Say the following words:

To my right is Gabriel, the lord of the Water, the eagle of the west.

Visualize a pillar of green fire in the east and say:

To my left is Uriel, Lord of the Earth, bull of the east.

Then say:

The four elements surround me
(raise your arms high above your head)

fire from above
(lower your hands to your waist)

water below,
(join hands at heart level in a prayer gesture)

I am the heart of the four elements, I am the center of the universe.

Imagine a shining cross centered on your heart area. The vertical column of the cross is red, passes between your legs and, rising through your head, disappears into infinity. The blue horizontal bar is under your shoulders. The other bar that runs between your palms and exits your back is yellow. Your heart center shines with the purest white color that fills your entire body as if it were a glass vessel.
Sit on the floor in front of a candle and contemplate its flame for a while. Let your breathing be even and easy. Try to catch the movement of the air and wait until it completely calms down so that the flame stands evenly and does not sway. Sit so that your breath does not touch the flame of the candle. Try to clearly feel your body and the fire of each of the angels. Dive into them. Imagine that you are surrounded by this fire and it does not bother you at all. You seem to be in a flying drop of sunlight.
Gradually lengthen your inhalations and exhalations, making them deeper, but try not to strain. Maintain a relaxed state. After taking a full breath, hold your breath for five or ten seconds and concentrate your attention on a point located directly above the candle flame - at the place where it disappears into infinity.
As you exhale, embrace the flame of the candle with your consciousness. Inhale again, hold your breath for a few seconds and focus on the very tip of the flame. Try to get closer to the barely perceptible vanishing point with each breath hold.
To successfully perform this technique, it is necessary that you do not force yourself to breathe too deeply and do not hold your breath for a long time. If all your attention is directed to the breath, you will not reach the goal. You may need to practice for a while to learn how to breathe easily and evenly without effort. It does not specify the optimal duration of holding the breath and the number of delays, since this is not so important. It is important to learn how to rhythmically switch attention from the body to the vanishing point of the flame. Every time you concentrate on the tip of the flame, try to direct all your attention and will for at least a fraction of a second to the edge where the fire dissolves into the Universe.
Take about a dozen breaths in and out, and before you feel tired, face south again. Raise your hands in a gesture of invocation and say calmly but confidently:

I give thanks for the successful completion of the ritual designed to awaken the true perception of Spiritual Light.

Stretch the index finger of your left hand in a southerly direction and, turning counterclockwise to the left, mentally draw the ring of astral flame into your heart center. While doing so, say the following words:

I take this circle of magical power into my heart, returning the ritual place to its former state.

Face south again and, assuming the same posture of the cross with which you opened the ritual, say:

The power of light
Guides and protects me
The one who made the crown
(touch forehead)

And the kingdom

And the strength
(left shoulder)

And Glory
(touch right shoulder)

And the eternal law
(touch heart center)

(point to flame)

Clap your hands four times, spread your arms to the sides, spreading your fingers wide. Say:

This ritual, awakening the awareness of Light, was carried out effectively and fully.

Extinguish the candle (never blow it out!), and sit quietly for a few minutes before starting any work. Do not try to mentally return to the ritual. Just relax and let it work with your subconscious mind.

"Merge with the elements"

You call up a clot of fire in your mind, and pump it with energy, splash it all over your body, without stopping pumping it with energy, and then mentally press it into every point of the body (continuing pumping with the power of fire). Do not use real fire, the exercise is considered successfully completed if the fire begins to pour back.

It is necessary to keep the mental flame throughout the entire exercise.

P.S.: Talismans of fire are made in the same way (but the power is poured into the subject according to the same principle).

Witch's Will

One of the most effective methods for developing the Witch's Will is concentration. Place a candle in front of you. Give her a flame. Surround yourself with silence, comfort and tranquility. Focus your attention on the candle flame. Look only at the flame, do not take your eyes off it for a second. Think only of this fiery substance. Become completely indifferent to everything else. Don't get distracted and don't blink. Try to make this exercise last as long as possible. Repeat it as often as possible, and very soon you will notice how easy it will be for you to concentrate your attention on other objects and circumstances.

This concentration of attention should become your daily practice. It is not necessary to allocate a specific time for it. As soon as you have the opportunity, focus your attention on any immovable object: on a pencil lying in front of you, on a dot drawn on paper, etc. Imagine that at the moment this object is the most important thing that is now in all over the world, that the whole universe is concentrated in it. This object should become for you the only object in real space. Nothing can distract you from contemplating its appearance and feeling its inner essence.

Then proceed to the concentration of Will and attention on moving objects. Follow, without taking your eyes off the movement of the second hand of the clock. Focus on the person passing by. It is not necessary for your concentration to last too long. Ultimately, you must learn to turn your attention on and off quickly.

During the day you may have many opportunities to train your Will and attention. Try to read a book with extraneous sounds, trying not to be distracted by them at all and clearly understand what you read. Try to draw a circle with one hand and a square with the other. Do it without the participation of the will, and if you don’t succeed, make a willful decision “be sure to do it” and be sure to achieve the implementation of this decision.

The same applies to your actions and deeds that you do not want to do, but which are necessary. Implement them with the help of a volitional decision, and you will definitely notice a surge of a special power, a special kind of energy that gives you a new sensation, a desire to do something else and apply this secret power.

Try to evoke certain emotions in yourself with an effort of will. Feel joy, fun, excitement, anger, rage and delight. Create different moods and sensations for yourself. All this will be necessary for your witchcraft, when, in order to attract and win over those around you, you will need to feel the same feelings at will that you want to arouse in other people.

With an effort of will, force yourself to see some object that is not right next to you. For example, the flame of a candle or a person you know. And your Will will become part of your Imagination, capable of moving you to another magical time and dimension.

Witchcraft Imagination

Create different situations and objects in your imagination. Start with the simplest - imagine different colors: blue, red, green. Feel different types of matter - gaseous air, its barely perceptible movement and strong gusts of wind. Imagine water - how it feels to the touch, how it flows between your fingers. Create a picture of a calm sea and a raging ocean. Add to these pictures the smells, sounds and colors of the sea and the ocean.

If you imagine a burning candle, “hear the sound” of its flame, if water, the sounds of rain and the ocean. If a magnificent red rose appears before your mind's eye, touch its soft magic petals, feel its fragrance. Take a mental journey to an unknown distant land. Visit a tropical island, jungle, secret caves and dense forests. Imagine that you are in your friend's room that you know. Remember all its furnishings, objects and things that were in it when you last visited it.

Add dynamics and action. Imagine specific situations of your communication with people. See it all in colors, colors and sensations as if it were really happening. Learn to think (dream) not with words, but with images and real pictures. The clearer and more real the pictures you create, the more support your Faith will receive.

Witching Faith

We are so arranged that we often believe in what we want to believe, and discard realities that are unfavorable for us. Sometimes our dreams are more believable and real than actual events. So, our Faith alone is capable of changing not only our perception of the world around us, but the world itself around us. Of course, in everyday life it is not required to somehow specially train Vera. It comes or exists in us by itself. But in magical practice, Faith has a slightly different meaning and meaning, and above all, it plays the role of a magnet that attracts certain events to us.

To strengthen your Sorcery Faith, start by imagining and affirming (aloud or mentally) to yourself those situations and events that are bound to happen soon. For example, tomorrow you have an important meeting and conversation. You must connect your Faith and conviction that the situation will develop in the most beneficial direction for you. When tomorrow comes, you must use the Will so that your confidence is fully realized. In other words: set yourself a goal, believe in its already accomplished reality and confirm your words and thoughts with deeds. Feel the connection between the word (thought) and the events taking place. If you feel and believe that your affairs will be in order, then you will have a real opportunity to avoid trouble and succeed.

Watch yourself and other people - and you will notice that simple self-confidence or indecision can largely determine a person's position in society, his success in business and business. Therefore, faith in yourself and in your strength can solve a lot of your problems. And when the Will is connected to the Faith, the greatest success is possible. This happens quite often in life, when a person who has neither knowledge nor any other special abilities, but who has goals (and therefore will), goes ahead and firmly believes in his rightness and infallibility, achieves more than others who know and worthy people. Faith and Will clear the way for him and give benefits from scratch.

As you can see, there is nothing new in the laws and rules of magic. All of them stem from everyday life. They acquire peculiarity and uniqueness only when they are combined into a single whole, and most importantly, when the fourth facet of the witch's pyramid is added to them - Mystery and mystical truth.

Witch's Mystery

Mystery is impossible without Will. It is the volitional impulse that forms it. The strongest Faith (or disbelief) arises when meeting with the mysterious and incomprehensible. The brightest images are born in our imagination when we imagine the unknown and spaces that are inaccessible to our gaze.

Mystery is the energy and power that can influence the events taking place near you. Try to remember how strongly something unknown, mysterious and mysterious affects you personally, how a secret, riddle or truth known to someone (but not to you) does not give you rest, makes you constantly think about it, take some actions and actions. And how quickly the energy and attractiveness of the mystery disappears at the moment when it became accessible and understandable.

Observing secrecy and understatement, you create special currents of energy, make the astral space around you move in a different way, which means that you have a very real impact on the physical world. At the same time, your mystique will nourish and accumulate your own magical powers. Create a Mystery in and around you. And it will surely attract success and new opportunities to you.

If you continue this experience and repeat it several more times, then one day you will suddenly notice that such an action has completely ceased to cause you internal resistance and irritation. And even vice versa: this deliberate preservation of a secret gives rise to new special sensations in you, which are extremely pleasant for you. You will definitely feel joy and satisfaction from feeling complete control over your feelings and energies. And this feeling of witchcraft power will immediately become part of your Witchcraft Faith. You will understand that there is nothing more inaccessible to you, and what previously seemed unattainable and distant to you is now easily doable. At the same time, you will immediately notice how the attitude of other people towards you has changed. Drawn to you by your inner strength and secret, they will surely begin to seek your company. Your mystery and energy will will give you the opportunity to control others and make decisions, and not be dependent on the whims and wills of other people.

Think about what kind of people you are especially interested in. Probably those in which there is some kind of secret. But their mysteriousness does not mean uncommunicative at all. It's just that such people know what to say and to whom, and what and from whom to keep a secret. As a rule, they are fluent in the language of half hints and understatement, when only the visible part of the iceberg, problem or image appears, and it is very difficult to find out (but really want to) what is in the depths of the waters. By arousing curiosity in a person and leaving him alone with his guesses and thoughts, you make him work in the direction you need and do things that are beneficial to you. By the way, not only magical activity is built on this, but everything related to a love game or business, where half-nakedness is more seductive than nudity, and conjecture and fiction are already a success.

To create a special magical halo around your personality and gain new success, practice the following exercise. When someone tells you "amazing", "unheard of" news and naturally expects you to react accordingly, remain completely calm and do not comment on it. Be extremely polite at the same time - you do not neglect the opinion of another person, it's just that this news is not capable of causing you any strong emotions. Such a reaction of yours (counter-energy) will invariably cause a certain shift of feelings in your interlocutor, when his excitation energy will not find a response, but will collide with indifference. Such behavior gives your interlocutor the opportunity to feel your inner strength, spiritual balance and calmness, and thereby surely arouse his interest and respect for you. Such a distribution of energies subconsciously sets up your interlocutor for the role of a giver, giving you the role of a taker. In other words, he gives you his energy and longs for it to be accepted, and you decide what and when to accept or reject.

This is exactly what happens in real life. It's just that people rarely think about it, and the roles are distributed spontaneously - due to your personal natural abilities or shortcomings. Using witchcraft or any other secret knowledge, you choose your own roles and life positions, decide for yourself whether you are weaker or stronger, attract or repel, rejoice or be sad.

Unite your Faith, Will and Imagination together. Envelop them and yourself in magical mystery. Believe in your images. Worship your Mystery. Make a strong-willed decision and take a step towards the development of a new beautiful world.

The magical power of natural elements

The physical world consists of four elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air. Their combination gives the whole variety of things and objects that surround us. Each of these elements of nature has its own energy and strength necessary to change the physical and astral space. Aspects of these four elements are also present in our soul, they nourish it energetically, have a constant influence on the formation of our character and can be the reason for our greater or lesser success in life. Finding the presence of these elements in yourself, understanding the correct ways to use them, you get the opportunity to control your own forces and the forces of all nature.

Of course, all the influences of the various elements of nature are very diverse and individual. Thus, the element of Fire is responsible for our conscious will, Air is responsible for our thinking and creativity, Water is responsible for the sphere of feelings, and Earth forms deeds and actions.

Thus, if in your work you cannot do without the thinking of the intellect, or you just want to increase your ability to mental work, then use the power of Air. If you want to have deep and lasting feelings for you, then you need a ritual of Water. Feeling a special need for money and feeling in yourself the ability to achieve great results with your own work, turn to the influence of the earth element. If your goal is to shine like a bright star, to constantly have strong emotions and feelings next to you, then the power of Fire should become your main companion. Taking advantage of the equal patronage of all four elements, you can count on maximum success in all your affairs, feelings and relationships.

In all cases of perception of energy and magical power from spatial elements, be sure to imagine that you yourself become the substance with which your communication takes place. For the duration of your ritual, you yourself must become a fiery flame, a water surface, an earthly stronghold or an air current. You must definitely feel that you have all those qualities that are the basis of a given element or element of nature. Fire has absorption and passion, Water has softness, penetration and malleability, Air has endless movement, and Earth has hardness and fertility.

Try to take energy and strength from all the elements in equal amounts so that they are equally sufficient. Do this initially, but in the future you can give more preference to the strength of those elements in which you feel a great need.

Witchcraft magical power is not at all determined by its quantity. Only its qualities - flexibility, permeability and mobility - are its main characteristics. And these qualities just come from the correct and harmonious communication with nature and its main aspects. Someone needs more Fire, for someone the air element is the main source of his vitality and inspiration. There are "people of the earth", "people of the seas and oceans". For others, the power of the forest and mighty trees is necessary for their life and magical incarnations. But in any case, even having preferences, we must not forget that witchcraft is the work of four elements. And only the full use of all natural phenomena can bring real success to magical transformations.

The magical power of the water element

What can water give us? Of course, life. Our birth and our stay on this planet is completely dependent on water. It is an important part of our physical world and the most important part of the astral world, the world of high emotions and deep feelings. Under the auspices of the water element are our best qualities: spirituality, faith, devotion and fidelity. Therefore, the energy of this element is indispensable for maintaining any alliances and friendships, it also determines our perception of the outside world, gives us rest, peace and satisfaction.

Of the personal qualities, the water element is responsible for intelligence, intuition, flexibility of thinking, the ability to compromise and achieve success where strength and power were powerless. This is the element of professional players, whose game is life itself. And if your plans include the development and use of all these advantages and qualities, then perform rituals dedicated to the water element.

To get energy and the magical power of the water element, learn to drink ordinary water in small sips, imagining that with each sip your body receives the necessary energy.

Take a bath or pour clean spring water into a goblet, go to a spring, to a river, to the ocean and watch their slow or rapid flow, their ebb and flow. Imagine yourself as part of this movement. Find the qualities inherent in water. At the moment, the goblet of water, the water in your bath or the pond you are next to, should be for you a symbolic union of all forms and states inherent in the water element. Here is the power of huge raging oceans, and the tranquility of forest lakes, the mystery of underground springs and the purity of mountain springs. Summer rain, morning fog, crystal clear snow and clear ice are also familiar conditions for Water.

Strengthen your connection and unity with the water element by casting a secret spell:

The boundless expanse of the transparent sea,

Holy Mother of all living things,

Lady of heavenly and underground waters,

Help me.

Grant me compassion and sympathy,

Cleansing and liberation

Faith, hope, love.

And fulfill the unfulfilled.

Feel how every cell in your body absorbs the energy that belongs to the water. You should feel complete unity with the water element. Looking at the smooth surface of the water, imagine when and how the qualities belonging to this element will become necessary and useful to you. First of all, these are all those cases of emotional and strong love, which, perhaps, is not as passionate as the passion and desire of Fire, but it is more long-lasting and stable, calm and wise. Sometimes it is this calm form of love that is most important for a woman. After all, a man often (subconsciously or quite consciously) looks for peace, comfort and reliability of a family hearth in a woman.

Of course, passionate passion can drive you crazy, make you make new decisions and make new choices. However, will it last forever? Passion can be present in the first days, months and years of communication. But it must be replaced by spiritual stability, inner satisfaction, or, conversely, disharmony and discomfort. In this case, the magic of the water element is the best helper for reconciliation and strengthening of love, creating the conditions under which your feelings will not be destroyed by time.

The water element strengthens any ties, friendships, partnerships and alliances. Wherever interconnected work is needed and where your success depends on how well you can work in a team and communicate with people, the power of the water element must have its representations.

The magical powers of the water element are most valuable for repelling psychic attacks, for cleansing negative energies, getting rid of the evil eye and corruption, for creating mental images, divination and prediction. As spring water cleanses our hands of blackness, so the energy of this element cleanses our souls from evil. Looking at the surface of the water poured into the magic goblet and seeing the reflection of the real world, the soothsayer tries to recognize the picture of future events reflected in the astral mirror of the water element.

The astral influence of this element leaves an imprint on your personal qualities, develops and enhances your intellect, gives you a flexible reaction to what is happening, makes you an interesting and sociable person in terms of education and the ability to express your thoughts beautifully, to attract you with the beauty of your feelings and actions.

Now, if you ever lack the energy of the water element, then imagine a raging ocean or a calm sea surface. Mentally or aloud, say a secret spell, and the power of Water will eliminate all shortcomings, attract to you what you desire, and protect you from unnecessary problems and worries.

The magical power of the earth element

Stand, sit or lie down on level ground. Place your palms on its surface or feel its warmth and softness with your bare feet. You can stay at home, then put a flower pot with black loose earth on the table in front of you or a plate on which you pour table salt. Imagine the splendid landscape of the earth, the freshly plowed fields, the vast mountain ranges, the valleys among these mountains, all the beauty of the earth, the beauty of its meadows and forests. Also imagine deep caves and gloomy dungeons - the realm of the dwarves. Create in your imagination everything that belongs to the Earth. Feel that you are also part of the earthly nature that gave you blood and body. Touch the ground or keep your hands above it. Mentally or aloud, say an appeal to the earth element:

Sacred flesh of the earth

Keeper of the dark dungeons,

Lord of mountains and valleys, be my support.

Give me purpose and aspiration

Resilience, strength and recovery.

Give me strength and power to conquer the unconquered

And fulfill the unfulfilled.

Feel how earth currents are being transmitted to you. Feel how the power of the Earth, its vitality, firmness and fertility become your strength.

The earth element is responsible for action, behavior and deed. Of course, all the material aspects of life respond to the names of this element. And what could be more material than money? The ability to mine and earn money, to find the right approach to them and the right ways to use them, to be more dexterous and lucky - the earth element is responsible for all these qualities and opportunities. Any business can not do without the participation of the forces of the Earth.

You have probably met people to whom the earthly elements are especially disposed. These people seem to be doing nothing special, but various material goods and wealth invariably fall to their lot. Other people are constantly in debt and unnecessary spending. And even if the money comes to them, they are not able to keep it. Much of the blame or credit for this lies with the astral forces of the earth. Any imbalance and disturbance in the earthly energy of a person can cause his material deficiency. But by correcting this state of affairs, you can certainly change your situation for the better.

The energy of the Earth is especially valuable for healing practices, physical healing and recovery, for protection from gross energy influences, for carnal love and for increasing instinctive sexual desires. Under the auspices of the earth element are also such qualities and abilities as reliability, stability, taste and the ability to understand fashion, architecture, history and agriculture. The Earth element is responsible for fertility. Its harmonious development will bring health to both you and your child.

The magical power of the fire element

Light a candle. Keep your hands as close to her flame as possible. Close your eyes. Listen to yourself. You will feel how close the fire is to you, how close its strength is to your nature. Fire has always lived in you, unconsciously present in your every action and deed. Now in the form of a candle flame, all types of fire should be represented for you. First of all, remember the huge Sun, consisting of a raging plasma, next to which everything has the form and quality of fire and cannot exist at all in a different state. The power and energy of the Sun is so great that, even after going through a long path of cosmic vacuum, a sunbeam is able to bring warmth and life to all life on our Earth.

Imagine a clear sunny day, a scorching sun, hot dry air, closeness and dryness. Mentally fill your room with these sensations. Imagine that you yourself become a plasma and that all forms and types of fire are inherent in you. And it's not just your physical sensations. This is part of your soul, its state and energy. Feel the growing presence of new secret forces near you and within you. And when you feel that the peak is coming, the culmination of these inner sensations, say, directing your words to the fiery element:

Holy Eternal Flame,

Creation of heat and light,

The spark of life, shining and bright,

Illuminate the path of truth for me

Be a faithful companion of my searches.

Give me strength and power to conquer the unconquered

And fulfill the unfulfilled.

Imagine how the power of fire is transferred to your hands.

Take a candle in your hands and, without looking away from its flame, imagine those life situations and circumstances where the power of Fire could be useful to you. First of all, these are those cases in which all your strongest emotions should manifest themselves, situations associated with love, passion, anger and hatred, where the ability to influence other people, give orders and steadily follow your personal goal is necessary. Sports, any competitions, career, wrestling - everything that implies professional success is under the auspices of this fiery element.

The magic of fire will also help you in those cases when you need to resist harmful influences, have reliable protection from physical and astral attacks, maintain health, strength and success.

The magical power of the air element

Go outside at a time when the storm begins, the wind rises, when the whole air element is preparing a serious test for those who are not afraid to resist its swift movement. Stand facing the wind, inhale it deeply. Feel how all his power becomes your power. Feel that you have the power to control this element.

If you stay at home, then turn on the fan or just your imagination. Close your eyes and imagine the movement of air, at first a light, barely perceptible breeze. Further, his strength begins to grow, develop. Gradually, it takes the form of an impulse, a hidden power that can crush everything in its path. Then you notice that all the hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons and storms have ended up in the closed space of your room. But, despite their power and strength, for you they do not bring misfortune and danger. On the contrary, they appear to you as a single creative force, in whose power is the development and solution of issues, the movement and connection of time and space. Speak loudly enough so that your words are in tune with the gusts of wind:

master of the winds,

Ruler of the endless sky

Guardian of heights, be my cover.

Grant me flexibility and penetration, thought and insight.

Give me strength and power to conquer the unconquered

And fulfill the unfulfilled.

Feel how your words conquer the storm, direct the wind in the direction you need and make you yourself part of a powerful element. Imagine what could be useful and necessary for you in the form of the air element. Basically, the element of Air represents thought, thinking, intellect and new knowledge. This element is responsible for the presence in our spiritual, astral plane of those qualities that are necessary for all affairs of the intellectual plane. Memory and learning, the development of intuitive thinking, the ability to various sciences and all kinds of art, creativity, dexterity, cunning, analytical mind and hobbies - all this is included in the competence of the air element. That is, where your intellect is able to draw attention to you or bring the situation to the resolution you need, the use of the energy of the air element is most effective.

Space and planetary energy

The energies and influences of planets close to the Earth, as well as the influence of the four elements of nature, are used in various types of magic. It is no coincidence that all these planets bear the names of the Olympian and Italic gods, who patronize various areas of human activity. So, Venus is the planet and goddess of love, and turning to her bewitching secrets will give you this wonderful feeling. The planet Moon and the goddess Selena are the queen of fragile night beauty and female influence on the earthly world, and it is this influence that is especially important to us today. Jupiter is the planet of greatness. Saturn is responsible for the passage of time. The sun is for beauty and vitality. Mercury is the god of trade and entrepreneurship. Mars is the god of war and confrontation. The most important influences on all spheres of human activity are exerted by the Moon and the Sun. The energy of these luminaries nourishes your personal strengths and qualities, and without this energy, not only any witchcraft activity is impossible, but life itself.

The magical power of the sun

At noon, when the Sun is directly above your head, stand in a place where its influence will not be diminished by any shadow. Spread your arms out to the sides and close your eyes. Expose your face and palms to the warm rays of the sun and say:

O radiant Sun, Ruler of the whole sky,

Grant me your greatness, your strength and power,

So that I can conquer the unconquered

And fulfill the unfulfilled.

Imagine that with each breath you take, your skin absorbs the warmth and energy of the Sun. When you exhale the air, you should feel how the heat you have acquired disperses throughout the body and becomes your own energy and strength. Feel the warmth of the sun on your palms. Begin to slowly bring your hands forward in front of you and finally fold them crosswise on your chest. If you feel that the energy of the Sun is especially needed in your work, then perform a similar ritual three times a day - at dawn, at noon and at sunset.

The sun is inherently a male planet, so it is the man who should place more emphasis on the restoration of solar energy. For a female sorceress, the influence of the night luminary is more necessary. However, these are just general rules. The main thing is that all the energies and forces you perceive should be equally sufficient and harmonious. All this will be determined through personal practice. Therefore, just starting your first witchcraft experience, use the generally accepted rules, and in the future determine your own energy sympathies.

Lunar spell power

On the night of the full moon, when the moon is most clearly visible, find a place where no one could interfere with your secret action. Position yourself so that you are fully illuminated by the enchanting moonlight. Stay clothed or opt for nudity. Direct your gaze and prayer to the moon:

O Mistress of the night sky,

Queen of the starry night

Goddess of light and love!

Grant me magical power and power,

which you possess for the transformation of simple

Things into deeds, deeds into events,

And events - in reality.

Your light fills my soul

Your strength fills my body

Your power will mark my deeds.

May it be so!

Feel how the light of the moon becomes your personal glow. Each breath you take should add a new sensation to you, each breath should bring new strength, and exhalation should make this strength your personal advantage.

If you do not have the opportunity to conduct such a ritual, then use the property of water, which can absorb and transmit magical lunar fluids well. To do this, fill a crystal vessel with pure spring water and leave it all night in a place where it would be well lit by moonlight. When morning comes, remove the water soaked in lunar energy in a dark place and use it to take a bath. Simply pour your Lunar Elixir into a bathtub already filled with plain water. And then, entering this enchanted water, imagine how the lunar energy belonging to it becomes your personal witchcraft power.

If you feel a great need for lunar energy, then perform rituals related to the moon more often. Perform them only on the growing moon, if your witchcraft is aimed at creation. Leave communication with the Moon in its dark days for representatives of the "black art".

The moon is the main planet of female magic, therefore its patronage is indispensable for a woman practicing witchcraft. But as already noted, all types and forms of energy must be used for witchcraft. The male witchcraft bestowed by the Sun will give a woman efficiency and the ability to overcome serious obstacles, and the female energy of the Moon will add flexibility to you in a matter that cannot be solved by direct and quick methods.

Patronage of the Higher Powers

Very infrequently, in our daily life, we experience the presence next to us of those forces that we attribute to manifestations of the Higher Divine Mind. For some, visiting a church church is a touch on the mystery of eternal life, for some, communication with Nature in its most natural form is an approximation to the truth. In any case, the choice is yours, decide for yourself what gives you the strength to exist in this world.

Turning to the Power of the Infinite Cosmos, go out into the street at midnight, stand facing the east, raise your hands forward upwards and turn your palms towards the center of the universe. Turn your inner and outer gaze to the starry sky. Feel the importance and non-everyday nature of the coming moment. Now you are between two worlds, beyond time, beyond reality, where death and birth, infinity and eternity meet. At this moment, you are as close as possible to Nature and its secrets, which are commanded by the Higher Mind. It is to him that your words and thoughts should be directed:

I stand to the east.

I ask for patronage.

Infinite Wisdom of the Infinite Universe,

The one whose voice is heard in the night

Filling it with light and hope

The one who stands on top of the world

Governs life and death

Ordinary people and heavenly bodies,

O Great Deity of All Deities,

I pray to you and I ask,

Guide and protect your slave (your name)

From the forces of evil and unbelief, give me strength and reason,

So that I can conquer the unconquered,

And fulfill the unfulfilled.

You must feel the answer of the Higher Forces, feel the breath of the Cosmos - energy movement, hear the words of support and approval. Now, whatever you do and whatever you undertake, the Higher Forces of Nature should become your main support and patrons.

Perform this ritual when you decide that the right time has come for it, or use the general rules that determine the night from Thursday to Friday as the best time for this witchcraft action.

It is not necessary to reproduce all the words given here exactly. You can and should designate by your own definitions those spatial and spiritual dimensions to which your prayers are addressed. Only when common words and phrases are followed by your magical will, sincere desire and desire to change everyday reality, only then does a magical transformation take place in real life.

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Probably, many women have found themselves in situations where, after examining and examining, the gynecologist says that it is necessary to do a curettage for one reason or another. In the people, such a procedure is often called cleaning the uterus, which accurately reflects it with
Repeated cleaning of the uterus: when it is needed
Curettage of the uterus is a traumatic procedure for removing the endometrial layer using a loop or other surgical instruments. There is such a procedure for treatment and diagnostics, the first is usually more extensive. But regardless of the type and purpose of the