Pavel lobkov - biography, information, personal life. HIV-infected pavel lobkov considers himself a hero C What did Pokrovsky promise you later

July is not the most successful month for journalist Pavel LOBKOV. For example, three years ago he was severely beaten and robbed by Caucasian migrant workers right next to his house. This year, Pavel had another trouble - he was fired from NTV. True, he himself claims that everything happened by good mutual agreement between him and Vladimir KULISTIKOV.

38-year-old Pavel Lobkov worked on the NTV channel for 13 years. At first he was the director of the representative office in St. Petersburg, then he began to prepare reports for the programs "Today" and "Itogi", in 1996, together with Evgeny Kiselev and Leonid Parfenov, he hosted the program "Hero of the Day". Three years ago, "Plant Life" appeared, and already here, a biologist by education, Lobkov fully revealed his talent. Thanks to this unpretentious program, Nikolai Rastorguev, Alena Apina, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alla Pugacheva, Oscar Kuchera, Laima Vaikule and several dozen other stars ennobled their personal plots for free. Everyone was grateful to the skillful florist and pleasant conversationalist Pasha. But in March of this year, Lobkov said:

Each TV project has its own life span. What have we not done! In late autumn, flowers were planted in the apartments of the stars, and expeditions to other countries were organized. In general, everything has already been tried. So I am in favor of euthanasia: the program has the right to leave the screen without convulsions and death throes.

But then Pavel said that, although he was working on a new project, he would not leave Plant Life until the end of the year.

Parted like a gentleman

The other day, rumors spread along the corridors of Ostankino: they say that Lobkov is being fired and the reason for this is his supposedly unconventional orientation, which everyone knows about. According to many employees of the NTV channel, Pavel more than once got into difficult situations just because of this.

Because of his, let's say, femininity, the editors did not like Pasha and called offensive epithets behind his back, - one of the channel's employees told us, who asked not to be named. - But all these conflicts were minor and had no negative consequences. Now I hear Lobkov is in serious trouble.

Rumor has it that somehow deep after midnight, a slightly drunken Pavel called the general director of NTV, Vladimir Kulistikov, on his mobile and complained that the work did not bring him complete satisfaction. In conversation, the TV presenter was extremely gentle and even allowed himself to call the boss "my baby." What's surprising? Pavel is a delicate nature, and under the cover of night, feelings, as you know, become aggravated. But Kulistikov did not understand the affectionate impulse of the blue screen star and, according to the TV party, rudely interrupted the conversation and asked Pavel to come to his office the next day.

I beg you, do not write about any scandal, - Lobkov asked me tearfully when I called him. - I respect and appreciate Vladimir Mikhailovich very much. We parted like a gentleman. You could even say I asked for my resignation myself. I have nowhere to grow further on NTV. “Plant life” has already become obsolete, but I don’t see anything else worthy for myself on the TV channel. Until September, I will be listed on NTV, and then I will switch to the St. Petersburg federal channel. What I will do there - I will not say yet. I am very superstitious!

So far, Lobkov also refused to talk about his place of residence in the northern capital. But it is known that under St. Petersburg the TV presenter has a rather spacious dacha.

Evgeniy BRATKO

/ Valery Levitin

Famous TV presenter Pavel Lobkov denied the information about the robbery. Earlier, there were reports in the media that on September 12 two unidentified men beat and robbed a journalist. The attack allegedly took place on 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street.

“Today there was nothing, no attacks, everything is fine. This is all a lie, duck, ”Lobkov said in an interview with the radio station“ Moscow Speaks ”. gives a biography of Pavel Lobkov.

Lobkov Pavel Albertovich was born on September 21, 1967 in a small suburb of Leningrad, Sestroretsk. After graduating from a local high school in 1983, he entered the prestigious Leningrad State University, Faculty of Biology, where he majored in botany.

After 5 years of hard work and getting an honors degree, the young man got into graduate school, developed a scientific project, and even had an internship at a research center at one of the Dutch national universities. He also worked at the Leningrad Botanical Institute. Nevertheless, Pavel Albertovich did not defend his dissertation, since by that time he had become interested in journalism and decided to try himself in this capacity.

Pavel Lobkov began his career as a journalist as a correspondent. At first, he collected information for the Unified Television Information Service of the Petersburg State Television and Radio Company, including appearing on the screen in the popular Fifth Wheel program.

After 3 years, he switched to the independent NTV channel and became the director of the St. Petersburg branch, but Lobkov not only supervised employees, but also wrote news himself, collected information material.

In 1995, he moved to Moscow and began filming stories for the very popular news programs Segodnya, The Other Day and Itogi. In parallel, along with two other well-known journalists Leonid Parfenov and Dmitry Kiselyov created and hosted a socio-political TV show in the format of the talk show "Hero of the Day". Thanks to this program, in 1998, Pavel Lobkov was awarded the title of "Best Reporter" at the annual Taffy television award.

In April 2001, Lobkov voluntarily left the TV channel and collaborated with TNT for some time. But very soon the journalist returned to his native place of work and created a new project "Plant Life", in which he professionally spoke about the flora of our planet, based on the knowledge gained at the university in his specialty.

Also, Lobkov was simultaneously engaged in correspondent activities for other programs of the 4th channel, mainly choosing the political direction of the news. But after his satirical story about the director general of NTV Nicholas Senkevich, which caused a great public outcry, the journalist for a long time completely moved away from information and political activities.

From 2006 to 2008, he also collaborated with the Petersburg-Fifth Channel TV channel, where he hosted the Progress with Pavel Lobkov program.

Pavel Lobkov worked at NTV until January 2012, but was fired due to a story prepared, but never aired, about massive fraud in the parliamentary elections in December 2011. This video has been posted for public viewing on the Internet.

Since February 2012, he has been employed by the Dozhd TV channel, where he works as a TV presenter of the Let's Go at Home program in a duet with a writer and a journalist. Sasha Filipenko.

Personal life

Pavel Lobkov was not married.

In December 2015, on the air of the Hard Days Night program on the Dozhd TV channel, during a discussion on the fight against AIDS, Lobkov spoke about the fact that he had also been a carrier of HIV infection since 2003.

Participated in the creation of the following documentary and feature films:

2009 - Genes are against us

2009 - Dictatorship of the brain

2009 - Infection: the enemy is within us

2010 - A pill for old age

2010 - Formula of love

2010 - Life without pain

2011 - Gene of Omnipotence

2011 - Strange floor

2011 - Great Optical Illusion

2011 - Empire of feelings

The TV presenter who told the world about the “non-healing wound” compared himself to Gorbachev

The TV presenter who told the world about the “non-healing wound” compared himself to Gorbachev

Someone has to be first. He confessed. The former host of "Plant Life" on NTV, now working on the TV channel "Rain", announced that he is a carrier of HIV. Foreign media, in particular the English Daily Mail, immediately picked up the new martyr under their banners, seeing the intrigues of homophobes in the flow of comments on the news. A special halo in the eyes of the West adds to our hero's dismissal from NTV, which many associate with the opposition's performances. But if Western colleagues knew a little more...

Recall the revelations of the 48-year-old Pavel Lobkov voiced during a conversation with the head of the Federal Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS Vadim Pokrovsky. The journalist said that in 2003 he was diagnosed with HIV.

After much persuasion, I asked to take tests for HIV and syphilis from me, the wound did not heal there for a long time. I was told to "go to an infectious disease specialist." Went to an infectious disease specialist. He had a plump folder, crossed out with a red felt-tip pen, - it says “HIV+,” Lobkov said. - A doctor with the face of a Soviet Buddha told me: “You are suspended from the voluntary medical insurance program because you have been diagnosed with HIV infection, your case will be transferred to the Moscow Health Committee, where you will be registered. All the best, goodbye!”

It was the sixth floor, Grokholsky Lane, a polyclinic for managing affairs, hello to all doctors. There was an open window, very low, - the author continues, hinting, probably, at the desire to commit suicide.

A day later, responding to comments full, by the way, of words of support and admiration for the courage of the TV presenter, Lobkov will write that a coup has taken place in his life and “in the fight against the Middle Ages” he “began perestroika from himself, as he bequeathed M. S. Gorbachev».

Night call

“Starting perestroika” is not the first time for Pavel Albertovich. For example, many people remember his endless comings and goings on NTV. The first parting with the TV channel happened with Lobkov in 2006. The journalist assured: tired of conducting "Plant Life". But people in the corridors of the TV studio were whispering about something else. Say, the presenter is fired because of his supposedly unconventional orientation, which everyone knows about. According to NTV workers, Pavel more than once got into piquant situations because of this.

Because of Pasha's inherent femininity, the editors did not like him and insulted him behind the eyes, - said one of the channel's employees.

It was rumored that one late at night, a slightly drunken Pavel called the NTV CEO on his mobile Vladimir Kulistikov and began to complain that the work did not bring satisfaction. In conversation, the TV presenter was extremely gentle and even called the boss "my baby." But Kulistikov did not appreciate the gentle impulse of the blue screen star. According to the TV party, he rudely interrupted the conversation and asked Pavel to come to his office the next day. Where Lobkov himself asked to be fired.

In 2008, the journalist returned to NTV, only to say goodbye again in 2012: his contract was not renewed.

Kulistikov decided for me. At Pushkin there are wonderful lines: “These tears are shed for the first time: it hurts and it’s pleasant, as if I had done a heavy duty ... As if a healing knife cut off my suffering member!” So I told Vladimir Mikhailovich Kulistikov that he cut off the suffering member. The member no longer suffers, - Lobkov ironically over the next dismissal.

HIV and AIDS: one contagion

How to live with a terrible disease, said immunologist Marina Belevskaya:

* a few weeks after infection with HIV, the temperature rises, the lymph nodes increase, the throat hurts, the skin becomes covered with red spots. Everything passes quickly, but therein lies the danger;

* The virus can live in the body for several years without showing itself, but all this time destroying the immune system. If you know you may have been infected, get your blood tested as soon as possible;

* AIDS is the final stage of HIV development;

* The average life expectancy of an HIV-infected person without treatment is 5 - 10 years. With constant treatment - 20 years or more from the moment of infection.

Ways of transmission of the virus:

Sexual intercourse without a condom

Blood transfusion, injections

From mother with HIV to child

Using someone else's razors or scissors

Tattoo and piercing

Use of shared syringes

Infection does not occur

When kissing

When using utensils

When sneezing and coughing

When shaking hands or hugging

Through insect bites

Treat for free

HIV-infected people are provided with medicines at the expense of the state under compulsory medical insurance. Those who want to be treated anonymously buy the medicines themselves. Prices - from 2.5 thousand rubles per pack. The highly toxic drug stavudine, which causes severe side effects, is still widely used.

To health!

In order to prevent the development of infection, you need to fully eat - emphasis on protein, high-calorie foods. Alcohol in small doses is allowed. Smoking is bad for health, but it has no effect on HIV.


* According to the forecast of the Ministry of Health, by the end of 2015, the number of HIV-infected people in Russia will amount to 1 million people. And over the next one or two years, their number will double. At the same time, the state has halved the cost of their treatment over the past five years.

Pavel Lobkov is a Russian journalist, TV presenter, documentary filmmaker, author of the television films Mausoleum, USSR: The Last Days, as well as the series Pavel Lobkov's Science Detectives. At one time he collaborated with NTV, TNT, Channel Five. Today he is the leading columnist for the Dozhd TV channel. In 2015, he admitted to being HIV positive.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Lobkov was born in the suburbs of Leningrad, Sestroretsk. After graduating from a local high school in 1983, he entered the prestigious Leningrad State University, Faculty of Biology, where he majored in botany.


After 5 years of diligent study and graduation with honors, the young man got into graduate school, developed a scientific project, and even did an internship at a research center at the Dutch National University. He also worked at the Leningrad Botanical Institute. Nevertheless, Pavel Albertovich did not defend his dissertation, since by that time he had become interested in journalism and decided to try himself in this capacity.


Pavel Lobkov began his career as a journalist as a correspondent. At first, he collected information for the Unified Television Information Service of the Petersburg State Television and Radio Company, including appearing on the screen in the popular Fifth Wheel program. After 3 years, he switched to the independent NTV channel and became the director of the St. Petersburg branch, but Lobkov not only managed the employees, but also wrote the news himself, collected information material.

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Journalist Pavel Lobkov

In 1995, he moved to Moscow and began filming stories for the very popular news programs Segodnya, The Other Day and Itogi. At the same time, together with journalists Leonid Parfyonov, he created and hosted a social and political TV show in the format of the talk show “Hero of the Day”. Thanks to this program, in 1998, Lobkov was awarded the title of "Best Reporter" at the annual TEFI television award.

When in April 2001 a raider takeover and a forced change of leadership took place on the NTV channel, Lobkov, like most other employees, left the channel of his own free will and collaborated with TNT for some time. But very soon the journalist returned to his native place of work and created a new project "Plant Life", in which he professionally spoke about the flora of the planet, based on the knowledge gained at the university in his specialty.

Pavel Lobkov with NTV colleagues / facebook

Also, Lobkov was simultaneously engaged in correspondent activities for other Channel Four programs, mainly choosing the political direction of the news. But after his satirical story about NTV General Director Nikolai Senkevich, which appeared in 2003 in the Namedni program, which caused a great public outcry, the journalist for a long time withdrew from information and political activities.

From 2006 to 2008, he also collaborated with the Petersburg-Fifth Channel TV and Radio Company, where he hosted the Progress with Pavel Lobkov program. Pavel worked at NTV until January 2012, but was fired due to a story prepared, but never aired, about massive fraud in the parliamentary elections in December 2011. This video has been posted for general viewing on the Internet.

Jambox's interview with journalist Pavel Lobkov

Since February 2012, he has been employed by the independent Dozhd TV channel, where he works as a TV presenter for the Let's Go Home program in a duet with writer and journalist Sasha Filipenko.

In 2014, together with his broadcast colleague Anna Mongait, Pavel Lobkov decided to become a member of the Ice Bucket Challenge charity flash mob, which had previously started in America. Its essence was that a public person douses himself with ice water and challenges three more famous people to a “duel”. If they accept the challenge and do the same - the chain continues, in case of refusal - everyone must contribute at least $ 100 to the account of the charitable organization. Those who dared to undergo an extreme water procedure can also transfer funds.

Pavel Lobkov / facebook

Pavel Albertovich, having poured himself from a bucket on the air of the Dozhd TV channel, made a challenge to three Russian entrepreneurs - Yuri Kovalchuk and. It is interesting that in the USA such celebrities as Satya Nadella participated in the action.

In 2016, Lobkov announced from his Facebook page that he was leaving the Dozhd channel. The reason for this was the policy of the channel's management, which influenced its appearance. The journalist advocated the return of "large-scale, secular, witty" content, which, in his opinion, is now "plugged up with rags." , the general director of the television company, promised to meet the TV presenter halfway and make changes to the broadcasting schedule. The conversation between Lobkov and the head of the channel took place live.


Another page of Lobkov's creative biography is documentary. In August 2008, Pavel Albertovich began filming documentaries for the NTV channel. These were scientific detective stories in which the author-journalist spoke about various discoveries in the field of biology, medicine, physiology, about the history of the ban on genetics in the USSR, and similar scientific and near-scientific facts.

Documentary "The Dictatorship of the Brain"

Such films as "Genes Against Us", "Dictatorship of the Brain", "The Power of Sleep", "Pill for Old Age", "Empire of the Senses" and other TV documentaries received a wide response. In total, before his dismissal from NTV, Pavel Lobkov managed to film 14 scientific and educational programs. He also participated in the creation of a number of descriptive programs - “Profession - Reporter”, “Central Television”, “NTVshniki”.


On the air of the Hard Days Night program, which took place on December 1, 2015 on the Dozhd TV channel, the topic of discussion was dedicated to World AIDS Day. The guest of the telecast was Doctor of Medicine, Academician Valentin Ivanovich Pokrovsky, who raised the urgent issue of the catastrophic state of affairs in Russia in the field of recognition by the authorities of the seriousness of the situation with those who fell ill with the “plague of the 20th century”. According to Pokrovsky, the number of people infected with HIV is approaching a million.

Program "Hard Days Night" - Pavel Lobkov: "I was diagnosed with HIV in 2003"

Then Pavel Lobkov made a sensational statement: it turns out that he himself is a carrier of HIV infection, and he became infected back in 2003. The problem of such patients, according to the TV journalist, lies in the prejudice and bad attitude towards such patients, not only on the part of the surrounding people, but even on the part of doctors.

Lobkov said that the first infectious disease doctor who discovered HIV in Pavel Albertovich reported this terrible information rather detachedly and without the necessary participation. Moreover, he removed his patient from the voluntary health insurance program.

And only Academician Pokrovsky, who became Lobkov's attending physician, was able to adequately analyze the situation, develop a program to slow down the progression of the immunodeficiency virus and provide moral support to a person who finds himself in a terrible situation. Later, in an interview given by the journalist on the radio station "Moscow speaking", he explained that he confessed to having a terrible disease in order to relieve people of fear of HIV-infected people.

Program "Present Time" - How to survive in Russia with a diagnosis of HIV. Interview with Pavel Lobkov

According to Pavel Albertovich, he managed to live without therapy for 7 years, after which his immune status began to fall, and his viral load increased. The prescribed treatment initially led to the occurrence of side effects, so a change in the medication regimen was required.

Now the TV journalist is confidently looking to the future, the amount of the virus in his blood is approaching zero, which allows Pavel to lead a normal life. Lobkov participates in events that highlight the problem of AIDS. In particular, together with the activist in 2016, he met with. Photos of the meeting were posted on Instagram.

Personal life

The personal life of a journalist is hidden from prying eyes. It is only known that Lobkov has no wife and children. The journalist did not commit an official coming-out in a non-traditional orientation, but he does not refute the information about his belonging to sexual minorities.

Pavel Lobkov /

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