Unfulfilled mission karma. A portal that takes away energy and luck. Closing the portal with mirrors Close the portal of the dead in the house

Let's just say that I encountered such a diagnosis when I was seeing people and diagnosing the aura of the patients I consulted. There are situations when cleaning the aura, removing negativity and other manipulations do not solve the problem for a person. Problems like a snowball come and come. Chronic conditions and illnesses appear. The person is exhausted, the aura is weak and deformations appear in the aura, as well as open portals. Through these portals, I see black ribbons or passages running through the person's chakra in the aura. I immediately understand that space has worked here and the problem is serious, stretching from the past, connecting a person and that point in time to each other.

Practice shows that such portals open and cannot be closed. They are like a hole in the aura, they are open and take energy from a living person into space.

The person begins to get sick, feels bad. Difficulties in fate begin corresponding to the chakra on which the portal is open. One gets the feeling that negativity and problems are pouring in from outside and entering the aura in an endless stream. Cleansing helps temporarily. The situation is getting worse and there is no recovery.

Since I am a person of an academic mindset, then of course I began to think and look for information on how to solve such problems. I re-read many works of practitioners of bioenergetics. I found one work with the new runologist "Gocha", but alas, the techniques are not the same, and everything is somehow difficult there. As always, the higher powers and the Teachers helped out. Information came that a person had unfulfilled mission karmas and portals, and this is nothing more than the selection of energy in past lives in which a person did not fulfill the tasks of karma.

I asked how it all happens and I got a vision of the situation in such a way that each person has a certain program for the development of the soul for each reincarnation. For some reason, he did not fulfill this, the program remained unfulfilled. It hangs like a debt for the soul and gradually begins to create some problems or situations in which a person should have been in past lives. These can be people with whom there are common tasks of working out karma, egregore, society, events, problems, etc. All of them have vibrations that should enable the soul to express itself in emotions and actions, allow the flaws of the karmas of the missions of past lives to be worked out, as well as bring stressful situations and a dead end in fate so that a person stays in this situation or place until he releases that amount of energy The required to close the portal. No one knows how long it will take. Possibly all human life.

When the Higher powers send a soul to Earth, they invest in its development certain development programs, both for the soul itself and for its role in the Universe. This mission contributes to the evolution of the soul and its role in the evolution of the universe. Everything is interconnected. If a person does not fulfill this mission in one of the reincarnations, an energy hole is created in space.

In a real reincarnation, this energy hole, as it were, manifests itself and creates a portal for the selection of energy, a hole, this draws strength, energy and good luck from a person. This hole or portal does not close, a constant extraction of energy begins. The useful energy that is given to a person for this reincarnation flows through this hole into the space of the past.

This is how a portal is created, this is how it works, and this is how it destroys a person's happiness and health. This is especially intensified before birthdays, lunar and solar eclipses, and periods when a person’s level of luck and the amount of energy according to biorhythms drop according to the horoscope. Therefore, often people with such a problem have a feeling of fatigue and that someone or something is sucking energy out of them every day. The person loses self-esteem. Becomes insecure. Thoughts constantly come, there is a winding up of oneself. Claims and grievances appear. Fears, phobias, neuroses, etc. can manifest themselves. It is related to the portal. Since it seriously depletes energy in that chakra and the place of the aura that it is located. Because of this, the energy system of the body and the nervous system suffer and destroy.

The karma of an unfulfilled mission grows like a snowball and can complicate a person's life in this life and in future lives. Situations are attracted, karma is tangled and a load is put on a person, where you have to solve problems of both this karma of the mission and those that came from the temporary portal.

How is this problem solved?

It is necessary to clear the aura of negativity and alien programs. This can be done through power energies, candles, wax, etc.

It is also necessary to remove the programs of influence of other people and parents, especially childhood and adolescence. When the soul was under pressure and did not yet have a personality. This is done through the 1st step of work with the energies of the Absvets.

In order to find holes and work them out, close them with the appropriate vibrations, you need to go through a course of purification and healing with the Energies of the "Ablights" of the 3rd stage. This system consists of channels filled with special vibrations that close the portals in the aura and fill the void in the aura and space of a person and time with their vibrations.

Maybe this article will help someone solve problems in life or return good luck. Someone will think and think. A lot is written about mission karmas, it exists and does not go anywhere. Each person evolves together with the Universe and now more than ever, during the transition of the Earth and all people to higher vibrations and another dimension, everything becomes unfulfilled like the programs of the family, mission karmas, etc. d. relevant. These may be the main causes of problems and failures for many people.

Clairvoyant Arina Yurchenko

You can read about the energies of the Absvets by clicking on this link:

Each house has an individual energy that can protect residents from negativity. However, dangers associated with the presence of otherworldly forces may lurk in the house.

Signs of the presence of otherworldly forces in the house

1. You begin to notice the presence of foreign objects, things, shadows in your home. You can see out of the corner of your eye an indistinct dark spot moving in space, notice the distortion of the reflection in the mirror. If you have witnessed strange movements, glow and other manifestations more than once, it means that some energy substances have chosen your house.

2. Frequent mood swings, which you did not notice before either for yourself or for your household, also indicate the presence of alien energy. Usually these are unconscious fears, fear, apathy. This sign does not always indicate otherworldly residents, but it makes you think that not everything is in order with your home. Perhaps this is how negative energy manifests itself, accumulated in large quantities.

3. Many have noted that they feel chilling touches that cannot be seen. It also happens that a person feels as if someone touched him with the edge of his clothes, with his hand, feels breath on his skin. These indescribable feelings speak directly to the settlers in your home.

4. Active and energetically strong otherworldly entities are able to move objects. If in your house at night you hear the noise of opening doors, the clinking of dishes and other sounds that are not related to the real actions of the household, then your house is definitely in the power of entities. For example, it can specifically move and even hide objects in order to lead you to the necessary conclusion. This may be a warning of danger or an expression of dissatisfaction with your actions. If objects move before your eyes, it means that the poltergeist needs to tell or convey something to you. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of him until he can convey his thoughts and feelings to you.

5. Temperature changes at home indicate an otherworldly presence, if you feel a sharp cold snap, chills, "goosebumps". Cold is not associated with the season and drafts. You may feel a rush of icy air in a warm room with the doors closed and the cooling devices turned off. Hostile entities often contribute to a sharp increase in temperature, and then you will experience a fever, you may be thrown into a sweat.

6. Often, otherworldly forces can manifest themselves with sound. Most often, a person begins to hear other people's voices in an absolutely empty room, whispers, laughter, steps and creaking floors. If you go to the source of the noise, you can find the entity that decided to manifest itself in this way.

7. Entities most often manifest themselves at night. While sleeping, you may feel heavy, difficult to breathe, and short of breath. If the lack of oxygen occurs during the daytime, then most likely there is a restless soul in your house. In this case, you should resort to the services of a priest who will help her find peace.

8. A person who is faced with the presence of otherworldly forces, catches himself thinking that he is being monitored. Most often, this is an obsessive sensation of looking in the back. Some people are able to see and feel more than others. Try to examine the space around you: perhaps you will see what causes you this unpleasant feeling of someone else's heavy gaze.

9. A common occurrence in the presence of otherworldly energy in the house are strange dreams about people and events that have nothing to do with you. Many noted that they saw people who tried to communicate or tell something, showed strange objects or showed aggression. Often, after looking through old family albums, they found an ancestor who vaguely resembled a person who came to them in dreams.

10. Smells are a sure sign of an alien presence. They can be anything, but most often they are unpleasant and cause negative emotions. If neither you nor your neighbors are the source of such "aromas", then your house is attacked by entities. Aggressive perfumes most often "bring" with them the smells of decay, dampness and mold.

To protect yourself and your home, use proven amulets and amulets and do not forget about cleaning the house with a candle and holy water. Your Higher Power will help you remove unwanted presence and restore peace and tranquility. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

To close the portal, you must use the mirror corridor. The ritual is performed at night, preferably from 12 to 3 o'clock, but if this is not possible, then at any dark time of the day after sunset.
But first you need to determine the location of the portal. Most often, it is located in one of the mirrors or in the mirror corridor, which already exists in the room due to the mirrors placed opposite each other ...
If there is no such thing, and the portal is diagnosed in only one mirror, another one is purchased for the ritual.

In rare cases, the portal is outside the range of existing mirrors in the room, then the "trap" is created from two new mirrors.
Before starting the ritual, it is necessary to create a mirror corridor, with a black cloth thrown over the mirrors.

Remember your protection, which you always use when working with the entities of the Subtle World.

The ritual is carried out in a circle drawn on the floor with chalk and located between the mirrors, but not in the corridor itself, but outside it. Those. Under no circumstances should you enter the zone of action of the corridor. The circle should also be placed in such a way that you can freely work with candles and mirrors, i.e. remove-throw a cloth over them, light-extinguish candles.

When the circle is drawn and you are in the circle, place a black candle outside the circle near each mirror and light them.
After that, the light is turned off and the fabric is removed from the mirrors. The corridor opens. Make sure you are not in it.
Cast a spell (from memory), looking straight into the mirror corridor, and with peripheral vision you should see both mirrors:

“The Forces of Darkness (if you work with specific Princes or demons, you can call on them to help) and the other world, I call you! Take your servants out of this house and close this door! The sacrifices have been made, the tribute has been paid, their work is done! In the name of Lucifer I conjure spirits, I drive them into the portal, I close the portal, I set guards on the other side! May it be so! Amen!!!"

If everything went right, then you should see a light fog in the middle of the corridor, like a haze, or feel the breeze, coolness, air movement, swirls near the mirrors. Candles will help determine this, you will see the fluctuations in the flame. If after you cast the spell, the movement does not stop, cast the spell until everything calms down. After that, combine both mirrors with the mirror side inward (do not touch with bare hands! Take through the fabric!), On the reverse side, draw a cross with chalk and wrap them in this form with a tightly black cloth. Extinguish the candles and turn on the light. After that, you can leave the circle ... Mirrors must be taken out of the house and either buried away from the house, some are buried in the cemetery, but this is not necessary, or thrown into the river. Here it is necessary that the water be running ... Return as always, without turning around.

If you do not work with the Dark Ones all the time, you can throw a few coins into the water or into the ground along with mirrors with the words: “Paid!”. If you work regularly, thank you as you always do.)

The victims and tribute that are mentioned in this conspiracy are the deaths that occurred in this apartment.
More in this apartment, in those places where the mirrors used in the ritual hung, if there was such, never hang or set.

Mirror- one of the most ancient and magical inventions.

According to the legends of the Slavic peoples, the mirror was a gift of dark spirits to a person, which provides deliverance from loneliness.

In ancient times, mirrors were considered an invention that brought only darkness and anger. Mirrors were practically not used, they were mainly a subject for divination.

A mirror in ancient times and in our time among magicians and witches is considered an object that opens the gate between two worlds.

In many cultures around the world, a mirror has the meaning of a gate or door, which is why it is believed that it should be handled quite carefully, because through improper handling of this object, a creature or spirit can be summoned, which usually does not come with good intentions.

When handling mirrors, it is worth being much prudent and taking care of safety, taking into account all the possibilities and rules for using an old object.

The mirror has dual magic, it exists simultaneously in two worlds: physical and spiritual.

It is because of this that the ancient object has the power to guide spirits or otherworldly beings through its reflection into the physical world.

However, without a certain ritual, it is not easy for the spirit to get into the physical world, but it can carry away with it, using the mirror as an instrument of its goal;

The mirror has its own memory. A mirror image leaves in memory every action, of a certain psychological nature, done in front of him.

In most cases, these are acts of a violent nature, murders, all events that highlight a certain psychological timbre, this emotional, psychological wave is recorded by the mirror.

If the mirror uses evil spirit or otherworldly creature, it can use these "memories";

The mirror has the ability to let the deceased in. There are certain rules when using mirrors.

One of them is to hang the mirror after the death of a person. What for? The answer is that the mirror astral gate, the deceased can use it to move to the physical world and remain restless, or there is the possibility of imprisoning the spirit in a mirror, as if in a trap.

Imprisonment carries with it a great danger, from insanity to the curse of the whole family.

Such mirrors can be recognized: they are cold to the touch and church candles are extinguished in front of them.

To free the soul imprisoned in the mirror, it is required to break the mirror;

A mirror can also age or rejuvenate a person. There is a possibility of aging thanks to the mirror, it is believed that the mirror can act as an energy vampire, when looking at yourself for a long time, especially looking into your eyes, the mirror clogs up part of a person’s energy, thereby weakening him and causing the aging process.

However, it can also create a rejuvenating effect. To obtain such opportunities, the mirror must be carefully assembled in a certain way, for this you should contact a specialist.

Mirrors are an ordinary and obligatory attribute when conducting fortune-telling. With the help of mirrors, they tell fortunes about the future, the betrothed, love, and so on.

Also divination of a more serious level, such as summoning creatures that can cause harm. Mirrors reflect the essence of a person, his soul, it is not uncommon for a mirror to display something different from what is in front of him.

The same person could turn away, but in the reflection he stands and looks at himself. In this case, this mirror is cursed or lives in it impure essence who wants to get out of there by pursuing the owner.

In ancient times, people were afraid of mirrors and used them as carefully as possible. When turning mirrors to magic, it is worth doing this with an experienced magician, adhering to all safety rules.

Do not joke or show disrespect and anger during fortune-telling, thus you can lead to the physical world unclean spirit or a creature from another world, which is very difficult to take back, and sometimes beyond the power of anyone.

Unfortunately, the essence in the house is quite common, despite its non-standard nature. Before starting a fight against this phenomenon, it is necessary to identify the causes of its occurrence.

And the reasons for the appearance of an entity in an apartment or in a private house can lie not only in external negative factors, but also in the owners themselves. Often these phenomena, unknown to the real world, appear due to a purely negative aura in the house, the cause of which may be too much envy, a thirst for revenge, curses, or unreasonable anger. It turns out that due to too strong concentration of negative energy, a kind of portal with the other world is formed. Often the reason why an entity may appear in an apartment lies in the previous owners. When buying an apartment, it is better to find out in advance whether there was a murder there (for example, on domestic grounds), whether one of the relatives recently died a tragic death, etc. If this is not possible, then it is better to play it safe right away and invite the priest before entering, so that he read prayers and devote all corners of the dwelling with holy water.

Many who do not know what an entity is in an apartment can live with it in the closest neighborhood for years and not even suspect it. This comes from the fact that most people take for the essence of fabulous creatures such as a brownie, which must necessarily appear somewhere. And since a little grubby little peasant with a shaggy beard does not appear anywhere, then you can be calm. It's a delusion. Often the essence is some unknown energy, not necessarily dark, sometimes it can materialize. This happens not by reincarnation into some specific visually viewed image, but by the opportunity to do something in the real real world (when the known and the unknown are intertwined at a single point).

Therefore, you need to pay very close attention to the following phenomena: extraneous uncharacteristic noises (especially at night), dishes breaking for no reason, pouring water when the tap was closed in the evening, rearranging some things, etc. If such moments were recorded repeatedly, then you need to urgently sound the alarm - something is wrong in the house. At the same time, it is desirable to avoid sessions with various dubious healers, witches, or even worse than people involved in black magic. It is better to go to church (and more than once), talk with the priest, take communion, bring holy water and sprinkle the whole room with it. Among other things, there are a number of special prayers that help to quickly and effectively align the general aura and atmosphere in a house or apartment, and clean it up. After that, the entity in such an environment simply has nothing to do, since the negative is often its energy and power source, the portal closes. As an option, you can try to use some conspiracies that cleanse herbs and rituals. The ritual with candles is very good, as it is known that in a house where a fire burns at night there is no place for strangers. In this case, it is necessary to use candles of different colors (from white to black), since each color carries a certain charge, message.

You should not go to extremes: from letting everything take its course, to panic attacks from the awareness of the presence of extraneous forces. Moreover, the “simple” measures listed above are more than enough.

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