Lelya is the Slavic goddess of spring. Lelya is the Slavic goddess of spring. How nauz weaves for love

(small) symbolizes the awakening nature, the generation of the new by nature. To Lale addressed in spring songs-spells with requests about the future harvest of grain and wheat, vegetables in the beds and herbs in the meadows. On April 22, a spring holiday was specially dedicated to Lyalya, which was named after her name - Lyalnik.

According to myths, it was inextricably linked with the spring revival of nature, the beginning of field work. The goddess was imagined as a young, beautiful, slender and tall girl. B.A. Rybakov believes that the second goddess depicted on the Zbruch idol and holding a ring in her right bow is Lada. In folklore, Lada is often mentioned next to Lelya. The scientist compares this pair: mother-daughter with Latona and Artemis and with Slavic women in childbirth. Rybakov correlates two riders on Russian embroideries, sometimes with a plow behind their backs, located on both sides of Makoshi, with Lada and Lelya.
In the spring spell song there are such words dedicated to Lele-Spring:

Eat Spring, eat.
On a golden horse
In the green saiani
Sitting on the plow
Cheese land aruchi
Seyuchi with the right hand.

The cycle of spring rituals began on the day of the arrival of the larks - March 9 (March 22, according to the new style). People met the birds, going to the tops of the hills, lit fires, guys and girls danced round dances. There was also a special girl's holiday - lyalnik - on April 22 (May 5). The most beautiful girl, crowned with a wreath, sat on a turf bench and played the role of Lely. Offerings (bread, milk, cheese, butter, sour cream) were placed on both sides of it. The girls danced around the solemnly seated Lelya.

The existence of the goddess Lelya and the god Lelya is based solely on the refrain of wedding and other folk songs - and modern scholars have crossed out Lelya from among the Slavic pagan gods. The chorus, in various forms - lelya, lelyo, leli, lyuli - is found in Russian songs; in the Serbian "Kralitz" songs (Trinity) majestic, related to marriage, it is found in the form of lelo, lele, in the Bulgarian noble and Lazar - in the form of lele. Thus, the chorus goes back to ancient times.
Potebnya explains the old Polish refrain lelyum (if it really existed in this form with “m”) through the addition of lelya with “m” from the dative case “mi”, as in the Little Russian “shchom” (instead of “scho mi”). In the chorus "poleum" (if it is correctly rendered by Polish historiographers), "by" can be a preposition; compare the Belarusian refrains: lyuli and o lyulushki" (Shane "Materials for studying the life and language of the Russian population of the North-Western Territory"). Considerations about the etymological meaning of the refrain were expressed by Vs. Miller ("Essays on Aryan mythology").

The myth of Lelia

The Slavs had their own goddess of youth and love - the Goddess Lelya, the daughter of Lada the Virgin - the goddess of motherhood and the patroness of all Slavs. It was believed that before marriage, all young Slavic girls were under the auspices of the eternally young Lelya.

According to myths, it was inextricably linked with the spring revival of nature, the beginning of field work. The goddess was represented as a young, beautiful, slender and tall girl.

Earth and Heaven loved each other so much that their love came to life as a separate being - and, like them once, it immediately split into two, into Female and Male Love, for one is not enough - there are always two who love.

God Rod, Male Love, began to give offspring and offspring to all breathing creatures, and People soon learned to honor him: they began to make images and put them into wedding congratulatory bowls, for happiness and many children to a new family.

Goddess Lada became Women's Love. According to her, wise wives were nicknamed, who know how to put together a family, to start a harmony in the house. The Great Goddess was pleased with faithful conjugal love.

Lada was also called Rozhanitsa, in honor of the birthing field and young mothers, whom she invisibly wrapped around with her belt, helping to resolve the burden.

The great Lada had a young daughter. Her name was Lelya, Lelyushka.

Lelya grew up and began to walk through the meadows, through dense shady forests, and the silk ant itself clung under her feet in order to straighten up even greener and thicker.

The goddess Lelya is the most beautiful, the most summer of all the Slavic-Aryan goddesses, this is Lelya! Summer, sun, love are all the maiden merit of the goddess Lely.

Lelya is the daughter of Lada the Mother of God and is responsible for Slavic girls before marriage, she patronizes them, makes sure that they grow up in moral purity and take care of the girls from the stupidities of the world.

Lelya is usually portrayed at the beginning of summer on a lawn of flowers, cheerful and carefree.

The goddess Lelya was captured in girlish songs about the most feminine birch tree, remember: Lyuli lyuli, stood. In the ancient language, it sounded like Lelya-Lelya stood. That is why the girls honored and loved this Goddess.

The goddess of girlish beauty among the Slavs was always portrayed as slender, fair-haired and with a cheerful disposition.

Lelya meets the summer, gives people a good mood and sets them up for positive images. Thoughts-images that are born from the deeds of this god are bright and pure.

Lelya or Lyalya, in Slavic mythology, the goddess of spring, the daughter of the goddess of beauty, love and fertility Lada. According to myths, it was inextricably linked with the spring revival of nature, the beginning of field work. The goddess was imagined as a young, beautiful, slender and tall girl. B.A. Rybakov believes that the second goddess depicted on the Zbruch idol and holding a ring in her right bow is Lada. In folklore, Lada is often mentioned next to Lelya. The scientist compares this pair: mother-daughter with Latona and Artemis and with Slavic women in childbirth. Rybakov correlates two riders on Russian embroideries, sometimes with a plow behind their backs, located on both sides of Makoshi, with Lada and Lelya.

Lelya goddess of spring and summer

Lelya, Lyalya is the goddess of spring, spring-summer fertility, the riot of natural life, the maturation of garden and field crops, as well as the patroness of beauty and youth, the coast. Lelya is the daughter of Lada. She has a cheerful and playful disposition. You can even say that she is one of the most beloved goddesses of the Slavs. She is caring and gentle, loving and always ready to help.

Medieval sources say that in ancient times there were temples of two goddesses in childbirth at once - Lada and Lely. In Greek mythology, Lelya corresponds to the goddess Artemis, in Roman mythology - to Diana.

On embroideries depicting the goddess Makosh, one can often see either two plows, or two moose cows, or two women, or two symbolic ornaments side by side. Apparently, this is Lada and her daughter Lelya, who always go hand in hand. Mother goddesses are considered to be one of the very first deities that existed in antiquity. Historian Boris Rybakov compares Lada and Lelya with two heavenly moose cows, who were very revered in ancient times. In addition, some researchers suggest that the mythological companions of Mokosh, who are known as Dolya and Nedolya, may be Lada and Lelei, because they are always next to Mokosh in various old images.

A feature of the many-sided Lely in all Her incarnations is Youth - since this is the main feature of this Goddess. Unlike all other Goddesses and Gods, whose disposition is often represented as harsh or serious, Lele is characterized by a cheerful disposition and playfulness. She is the Goddess of eternal youth and inner, spiritual summer.

Her main concern is the continuation of the family, its protection and well-being. She selflessly loves the human race and is ready to help immensely those who ask her for help.

She is a caring and gentle Patron Goddess of family happiness, marital harmony and all kinds of well-being. Goddess Lelya is the obedient daughter of the Supreme God Svarog and the Heavenly Mother of God Lada-Mother.

The husband of the Goddess Leli is a clear-eyed and clear-faced, golden-haired God of the Sun-Yarilo.

The cheerful and playful character of the Goddess Lelya does not seem very appropriate among other warlike, formidable and harsh Gods. True, sometimes the Goddess Lelya herself becomes quiet and sad. This happens every time the Goddess Lelya is left without her beloved and dear spouse.

Goddess Lelya treats the human race with infinite love , after all, it was she and Yarila the Sun who became the progenitors of every person, and it was Lelya who gave birth to the very first person on Earth. Therefore, we can safely say that she loves people with sublime maternal love.

Youth and health are given to the Goddess Leli for the continuation of the Family. And the fun of the Goddess Leli, associated with the birth of a new child, is constantly replaced by despondency and sorrow for the irretrievably departed people. The immortal nature of the Goddess Leli gives her an endless feeling of Love for everyone, even the dead person.

The closest and most beloved by the people, the Goddess Lelya, lives with every person, like an endless feeling of Love-Lelya.

Goddess Lelya patronizes natural, natural, marital love.

In the image of an innocent and inaccessible Snow Maiden, the Goddess Lelya comes to visit us every year.

Sources: putisvaroga.ru, godsbay.ru, web-kapiche.ru, svetnadegda.ucoz.ru, velesovskazes.ucoz.ru

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Lelya is the goddess of spring, girlish love, sincerity and beauty. Daughter of Lada, sister (according to other sources - niece) Zhiva and Marena. Spouse. Revered on a par with Lada. The traditional ritual elements associated with these two goddesses are practically inseparable in Slavic culture.

Lelya is the image of a young, pure and bright girl who has just reached the age when she can get married. This is a light and gentle allegory of the eternal purity of the immaculate female heart, its strength, invincible and irresistible for evil. Our ancestors represented this goddess as a young fair-haired beauty, no longer a girl, but not yet a woman, the keeper of the hearth. That is why the image of Lely, unlike Lada or Mokosh, is never considered in accordance with everyday life. Lelya is always surrounded by wild nature - at the edge of the forest, by the river. Her hair is stroked by a gentle warm wind, her hands are touched with their wet noses by doe and fox. This is a carefree creature, devoid of even a hint of militancy or aggression.

In Russian folk embroidery, Lelya is depicted as one of two moose cows standing on opposite sides of the stylized image of Mokosh-land. This uncomplicated pattern can often be found on old towels or shutters of dense huts. Lely has her own rune, which is called her name. The Lelya rune symbolizes water in its active playful manifestation (“lila” is translated from Sanskrit as “game”). This is a light but powerful spring current that erases the past forever and brings with it updates for the whole world. The motive of awakening is the key in this aspect. In runic layouts, this is how the Lel rune is most often interpreted - liberation from dark fetters, a clear look at things, not clouded by superficial Krivda.

However, Lelya is a slightly sad image, despite all his positive and cheerfulness. A legend has been preserved that tells how Lelya fell in love with Yarila, the son of Veles. I fell in love openly and with all my heart, as soon as a pure heart like a dewdrop, untouched by pain or troubles, can love. Yarila, in response to Lely's confession, only smiled at her and said: “I love you too, maiden of the dawn! And I love Mara. And Lada. I love all women, because from my father I inherited a violent uncontrollable power of emotions! But if you want, then I will be with you and be yours. But only for a while." Such speeches offended Lelya and she rightly decided not to associate herself with the god of the spring sun. But in secret, she loved this frantic and reckless young man for a long time, until she met Finist on her way, the incarnation of Semargl Finist and Lelya love each other, and soon got married, but the eternally young goddess of spring forever kept in her heart a small spark of unquenchable feeling for Yarila .

Many holidays are associated with our ancestors with Lelei, the goddess of spring. She was also called one of the Rozhanitsa (together with Lada, Alive and some other mythological characters, different names are mentioned in different sources). Women in labor are goddesses who are patronized by Rod himself. And Lel's inclusion in this series looks quite logical, because a single Genus patronizes all women equally, for they are his successors.
Lely's symbol is a birch. Her day is April 22 (May 5). Its metal is silver. Her symbolism is not ideal, but dear to the heart of each of us, the image of a young girl, honest, kind and open, ready to give her body and soul to only one man, her lover.

Goddess Lelya is the daughter of the Mother of God Lada. Her symbol means spring rebirth, the awakening of nature. Very often on traditional embroidered shirts you can meet two galloping horsewomen on both sides of the goddess Makoshi. These two goddesses are Lada and Leya. There is one girl's holiday, which is named after this goddess - Lelnik. It falls on April 22 (according to the modern calendar, May 5). The rune of the beautiful young goddess Lely is closely associated with Love and love attraction.
Goddess Lelya - daughter of the goddess Lada, a symbol of Love and spring

The goddess Lelya is the daughter (and according to other sources, the niece) of the great goddess Lada the Mother of God, and is also the sister of Zhiva and Marena. Our ancestors revered her on an equal footing with Lada, and the traditional ritual elements of these two goddesses are practically inseparable.

The image of the goddess Leli

Lelya is a young, beautiful, pure and bright girl who has just reached the age when it is time to marry girls. The Slavs represented her as a fair-haired beauty who reached the point where the girl is no longer a child but not yet a woman. Her image is pure and bright, her heart is immaculate and naive - an invincible force before all evil. Her image, unlike the image of Lada and the goddess Mokosh, was never considered in accordance with everyday life. It was possible to see the marvelous young goddess Lelya only at the edge of the forest or on the banks of the river. She is adored by animals, the wind caresses her hair - there is not the slightest hint of militancy or any enmity.

As a talisman, Lelya was depicted on embroideries as one of the young moose cows that stand on both sides of the goddess of the earth Makosha. The goddess Lelya has her own rune, which was called by her own name - Runa Lelya. The Leli rune symbolizes playful water (playful, because from Sanskrit "lila" is translated as "game"). This is not just a stream, but a light but powerful spring stream that sweeps away the past and gives hope and an opportunity to create a new future, not only for a person, but for the whole world. In runic layouts, the symbol of Lely is interpreted as a liberation from the fetters of evil, a clear look at things that previously seemed different.

Another Lelya

Despite all the lightness and tenderness of the image of the beautiful goddess, she is still a little sad. There is a legend that tells about Lely's strong love for Yaril, the son of Veles. Her heart completely surrendered to Yaril, and she fell in love with him as soon as a girl could love, whose heart was not touched by misfortunes and misfortunes. But in response to her pure confession, Yarilo only replied that he also loved her, like Mara and even Lada. After all, he inherited the uncontrollable power of emotions from his father, and unfortunately this cannot be changed. Yarilo also said that he was ready to be only with Lelya, but only for a while. The goddess could not accept this, and refused the beloved god of the spring sun - Yaril. Only after some time she met Finist, who was the incarnation of Semargl. These two fell in love with each other with sincere mutual and bright love, and then got married. But even after the wedding, the goddess of spring Lelya could not extinguish that spark of love that was still smoldering for another - for Yarila.
Lely's symbol

The symbol of the goddess of spring Leli is a birch. Its metal is silver. Her image is that sublime ideal, which, unfortunately, is alien to many modern Slavic girls: purity of soul and body, sincerity, tenderness, kindness, readiness to devote oneself forever to only one of her lover. Also, Lelya is often associated with a weeping willow, which symbolizes unhappy love.

Bogushevskaya Love


Summary of the myth

Goddesses Lada and Lelya

The Slavs had their own goddess of youth and love - the Goddess Lelya, the daughter of Lada the Virgin - the goddess of motherhood and the patroness of all Slavs. It was believed that before marriage, all young Slavic girls were under the auspices of the eternally young Lelya.

According to myths, it was inextricably linked with the spring revival of nature, the beginning of field work. The goddess was represented as a young, beautiful, slender and tall girl.

Earth and Sky loved each other so much that their love came to life as a separate being - and, like them once, it immediately split into two, into Female and Male Love, for one is not enough - there are always two who love.

God Rod, Male Love, began to give offspring and offspring to all breathing creatures, and People soon learned to honor him: they began to make images and put them into wedding congratulatory bowls, for happiness and many children to a new family.

Goddess Lada became Women's Love. According to her, wise wives were nicknamed, who know how to put together a family, to start a harmony in the house. The Great Goddess was pleased with faithful conjugal love.

Lada was also called Rozhanitsa, in honor of the birthing field and young mothers, whom she invisibly wrapped around with her belt, helping to resolve the burden.

The great Lada had a young daughter. Her name was Lelya, Lelyushka.

Lelya grew up and began to walk through the meadows, through dense shady forests, and the silk ant itself clung under her feet in order to straighten up even greener and thicker.

Images and symbols of myth

Goddess Lelya

From time immemorial, women have been dedicated to poetry, paintings, music, and everything that could reflect their images. In the Slavic tradition, these images are carried by women in labor.

A woman, if we consider her from the standpoint of Christianity, is a true pagan symbol. Fertile power. The essence of procreation. Therefore, it is the female images that are recreated in terms of Mother Earth and Mother Nature.

We all know the custom - giving flowers to a woman, which has been kept in our traditions since time immemorial, carrying a household ritual of sacrifice to a woman. Giving the vital energy of flowers, men thus express their respect for their beloved, in which they found the image of the goddess of love - Lely. This image is as multifaceted - like the woman herself.

Time passed - Lelya, together with her mother, began to go around and go around the fields, pull the barely sprouting shoots by the green ears, and People saw that there had never been such harvests on Earth before. They began to glorify Lelya on a par with their mother and honor as Rozhanitsa, call Spring the Nurse. They began to ask Lada for permission to call and invite Spring to visit, and when the Mother allowed it, they prepared a turf bench for the Daughter, sprouted with herbs, put offerings: bread, cheese, milk. It was a girl's holiday, men, curious guys were not allowed to come close.

Lelya symbolizes fertility, female fertility, but at the same time fragility. She acted as resurrecting the dead nature and bestowing fertility, because of this, her cult approached the cult of the dying and resurrecting god. After the disappearance of the goddess, the processes of growth on earth cease; the return of the goddess ensures fertility and prosperity.

Communicative means of creating images and symbols

Preparing for rolling eggs in modern times

The formation of a positive image of Lelya, first of all, was facilitated by rituals associated with the development of agriculture. Floral and floral ornaments were dedicated to the goddess Lele. The custom of decorating household utensils and clothes with images of birds also goes back to the cult of Rozhanitsa. The birds were dedicated to the goddess Lele, they were her messengers and servants, it was the birds that brought spring on their wings, and the birds easily rose from our Middle World to the Upper World - it’s not for nothing that they are winged.

Images of birds are very common in everyday life - this is the custom of baking cookies in the form of larks for the arrival of spring and dishes - ladles and brothers in the form of stylized birds (ducks and swans), and women's amulets in the form of a duck.

In addition to the traditional sacrifices associated with agriculture, there was a special holiday dedicated to Lele - Lelnik. The holiday was held in nature - they chose an open place - Krasnaya Gorka, and rituals were performed there. From afar, one could see how the girls in smart sundresses, holding long satin ribbons tied to Lely's capi, lead a round dance. Wild flowers and grasses were sacrificed to her, dances were made around her chur - a young goddess of love carved from a birch.

On this day, which falls on April 22 according to the modern calendar, all Slavic girls performed rituals dedicated to Lelya and asked her for mutual understanding with her beloved and a happy marriage.

The tradition of dyeing eggs is associated with all the spring holidays of the Slavs. Throughout the Slavic world, various magical actions with eggs were widely used.

For example, fortune-telling for marriage in Lelnik:

Girls alternately, with the help of mallets, roll their egg - krashenka to Lely's capi. It is important that at the last blow the egg breaks on the drops - then the girl will marry successfully.

The tradition of dyeing eggs has not only been preserved in Orthodox Russia, but has also survived to this day.

The social significance of the myth

Talisman with rune Lely

The cult of the goddess Leli was widespread and went far beyond the borders of the territory of the Slavs. The young goddess Lelya herself and her rune are associated with the element of water, and more specifically, living, flowing water flowing in springs and streams.

The mention of Lely can be found in the mythology of different countries and peoples. Under different names, we meet her in European fairy tales about the sea (river) Maiden, in the legends about King Arthur, where she acts as the Guardian Virgin of the Holy Grail and the Road to it, in Slavic and many other ritual myths. This is the goddess of strength in the Nordic tradition, which leads the water stream, first dead, and then living power.

In our time, her name is associated with a very wide range of ancient roots. It is not for nothing that the beloved child is still not only raised, but cherished, the cradle is called a cradle, and the child itself is called affectionately a lyalechka. The cult of Leli is so ancient that, according to some scholars, it was reflected in the Sanskrit "lila" - "play".

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