Eastern horoscope by years Japanese. Eastern calendar of animal cycle or Japanese lunar calendar

According to the calendar adopted in Japan and many other countries of the East, within a 12-year cycle, each year passes under the sign of some animal.

Like many other aspects of culture, the Japanese horoscope (junishi) was borrowed from China approximately 1200-1300 years ago. However, some patriotic Japanese believe that this system was developed by Empress Suiko in 604, but this is not a very widespread point of view.

The Japanese did not change the animals participating in (although the Boar closes the Japanese 12-year cycle instead of the Pig), but they made changes to the interpretation of each of them, which allows us to speak of the Japanese horoscope as a separate system for describing a person's character depending on his year of birth.

In Japan, many believe that the year of birth of a person to a certain extent affects his character, and even choose a mate for themselves in accordance with the recommendations of astrologers. On the other hand, often asking about the sign of the interlocutor is just a polite way to find out his age, so it is not surprising that many women prefer to avoid direct answers.

It should be borne in mind that the traditional oriental calendar is lunar.

The Eastern year begins in different ways, in late January or early February - from the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice (in different years it occurs on December 21 or 22). Because in different years, the eastern New Year falls on different dates.

The popularity of this calendar in the East is very high. Using this calendar, you can select partners, correctly orient your rooms and even choose interior colors.

In both Eastern and Western astrology, there are endless discussions about how best to determine the compatibility of people and thus make the perfect match.

The table indicates which year with which animal is associated and the first day of the lunar New Year.

Rat 05.2.1924 24.1.1936 10.02.1948 28.01.1960 15.02.1972 02.02.1984 19.02.1996 07.02.2008
Bull 24.1.1925 11.2.1937 29.01.1949 15.02.1961 03.02.1973 20.02.1985 07.02.1997 27.01.2009
Tiger 02.1.1926 31.1.1938 17.02.1950 05.02.1962 23.01.1974 09.02.1986 28.01.1998 14.02.2010
Rabbit 02.2.1927 19.2.1939 06.02.1951 25.01.1963 11.02.1975 29.01.1987 16.02.1999 03.02.2011
The Dragon 23.1.1928 08.2.1940 27.01.1952 13.02.1964 31.01.1976 17.02.1988 05.02.2000 23.01.2012
Snake 20.2.1929 27.1.1941 14.02.1953 02.02.1965 18.02.1977 06.02.1989 24.01.2001 10.02.2013
Horse 30.1.1930 15.2.1942 03.02.1954 21.01.1966 07.02.1978 27.01.1990 12.02.2002 31.01.2014
Sheep 17.2.1931 05.2.1943 24.01.1955 09.02.1967 28.01.1979 15.02.1991 01.02.2003 19.02.2015
Monkey 06.2.1932 25.1.1944 12.02.1956 30.01.1968 16.02.1980 04.02.1992 22.01.2004 08.02.2016
Rooster 26.1.1933 13.2.1945 31.01.1957 17.02.1969 05.02.1981 23.01.1993 09.01.2005 28.01.2019
Dog 28.1.1922 14.2.1934 02.02.1946 18.02.1958 06.02.1970 25.02.1982 10.02.1994 30.01.2006
Boar 16.2.1923 04.2.1935 22.01.1947 08.02.1959 27.01.1971 13.02.1983 31.01.1995 18.02.2007

The Junishi horoscope is associated with the Jikkan system, which also came to Japan from China.
These are the five energies, or elements, existing in the world and constituting the cycle in which Fire gives rise to the Earth, the Earth gives rise to Iron, Iron gives rise to Water, Water gives rise to Wood, wood gives rise to Fire.

In the Jikkan system, each element has a "minor" and "senior" aspect. Thus, when combined with the 12 Junishi animals, a sixty-year cycle is formed, known as the ETO. Now in Japan, it is no longer given much importance.
ETO's only influence on modern society, perhaps, in the fact that the sixtieth birthday of a person is celebrated as the completion of the first life cycle and the beginning of the second.

The row of 12 animals in the Japanese is the same as in the Chinese, but it is not the Pig, but the Boar that closes it.

1. Rat

People born this year are very attractive in appearance. They are distinguished by hard work, perseverance. They attach great importance to the material side of life, therefore they try to accumulate wealth, are economical and thrifty. They show extraordinary generosity only under the influence of great feelings.

Sometimes logic leaves them, sometimes they show ambition.

In work and life, they know how to achieve their goal. They do not always manage to control themselves, which they later regret.

The Rat's behavior is very unusual. She strives for communication and usually has many friends, while she does not trust anyone in her affairs and does not get close to anyone beyond measure. She is endowed with imagination, but does not seem to use it at all, except in those cases when you need to cheat in order to prepare a trap for someone more naive. The rat is generous and willingly comes to the rescue, but at the same time remains selfish and does nothing that could cause it inconvenience.

Looking at the Rat, it is difficult to suspect her of being able to manipulate people, but this is how she usually achieves what she wants. Tirelessly studying the weaknesses of others, the Rat picks up a "key" for everyone, which he keeps secret for the time being. Collecting incriminating evidence, espionage, intrigue - these are harsh everyday life for the Rat. Knowing everything about everyone and keeping in the background is the tactic of people born in the year of this animal.

Interestingly, when setting a goal, the Rat will not necessarily strive for it. It is in her nature to rather use the opportunity that has turned up, since the Rat, although endowed with energy, is very unhurried.

The rat usually behaves very calmly and seems to be serene in appearance, but by nature it is quite aggressive. A person who dares to infuriate the Rat will be surprised by its pressure, sharp and furious.

People born in the Year of the Rat know how to take care of themselves and do not want to think about others. The rat defends its own interests, especially money, tirelessly and does not respect the rules of morality. Interestingly, the law is almost always on her side. However, the Rat can turn any situation to its advantage, and getting someone to work for itself is not a problem for it at all.

Do not try to hide anything from the Rat - her curiosity is limitless, and her intuition is amazing. In addition, the Rat is subject to excitement and will not rest until your secret is thoroughly known to her. Perhaps the only way to deceive the Rat is to rivet her attention to trifles for a long time, distracting her from something really important.

In relationships with those he loves, and, above all, with family members, the Rat is very sentimental, generous and gentle. True, she does not give up her manipulative manners even here. Even a rat who has lost his head from love will do everything possible to control the situation; however, having earned her trust, you will be surprised at how sweet and warm she can be.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Rat can be the Dragon, Monkey, Ox.
2. Snake, Tiger, Dog, Boar, Rat are less suitable.
3. It does not fit at all and can even bring misfortune to the Horse.

2. Bull

A person born this year has an impressive, solid appearance, which inspires confidence in him. He enters into conversations with difficulty - he does not like verbosity, but sometimes he shows rare eloquence.

There are moments when he loses his temper, falls into a rage. At such moments it is better to leave him alone.

It is usually considered that they have an easy character, but stubbornness is also characteristic of them.

In a marriage, not always everything is smooth, complications are possible.

The bull exudes confidence in himself and his strength. He goes through life very calmly, as if not taking seriously the concerns and problems of other people: he only cares about his own path, he is not interested in other people's affairs. The bull does not like to make mistakes, so he prepares very seriously for each significant step, evaluating possible consequences as well as the efforts that will have to be made to achieve the result.

The bull is endowed with the gift of an orator and knows how to convince others, but he rarely does this: usually he already has enough like-minded people. The Ox's stability, solidity and solid nature inspire almost superstitious respect in those around him. Still - not so often there are people who know exactly what they want and how to achieve it.

Bulls have not only willpower, but also a developed intellect. The outlook of such people is usually very wide, since they seriously study any area of ​​life that falls into their field of vision. For the Bull, there are no interesting and boring objects: he considers everything that surrounds him to be equally worthy of attention.

The bull is ready to take responsibility for any act committed by him at a conscious age, be it a school prank, marriage, or a risky deal. He seems very stubborn, but he is able to perceive the arguments of the interlocutor, if he feels logic in them, and is quite amenable to persuasion.

The bull is not tactful, and, frankly, it can be unreasonably rude. Do not expect him to take care of your feelings - the Ox's nerves are strong as ropes, and he is absolutely sure that everyone around is arranged in the same way. He is able to inadvertently offend a close friend, and considers all complaints of his own insensitivity to be empty whims.

The bull is patient enough, but only if everything goes according to his plan. Should the unexpected happen, the Bull loses his temper. He does not need change, he is not interested in variety. As long as today is similar to yesterday, and tomorrow promises to be the same, the Ox feels truly happy.

Emotionally, the Ox is unexpectedly naive. His loyalty is capable of withstanding any test, but, being deceived, the Ox will certainly take revenge. Having lost the trust of the Bull, you will never get it back.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Ox can be the Snake, Rooster, Rat.
2. Dragon, Rabbit, Monkey, Boar, Ox are less suitable.
3. Not at all suitable and may even bring misfortune to the Sheep.

3. Tiger

Brave and determined people are born this year. Courage never leaves them. They are treated with respect, but they themselves often conflict with their elders - in terms of service or age. When making decisions, they often make mistakes, which they later regret.

"Hot heart" - here, perhaps, better description character of a person born in the year of the Tiger. He listens to emotions more often than to logical arguments, is infinitely sincere in feelings and does not accept half measures. Alas, the Tigers cannot boast of the ability to reason in cold blood. Worse, they are so stubborn that they ignore not only good advice, but orders as well.

The tiger is always ready to challenge others, and it does not even occur to him to evaluate his strength. Without endless struggle - whether it be with real ill-wishers or windmills, The tiger will get bored, or even get sick. Monotony also makes him yearning; The tiger needs change, so he tends to be interested in everything new that appears on his horizon.

The tiger hates to obey. He is born to be a leader, or at least to be independent, so he usually tries not to shackle himself with obligations or agreements. Any hierarchy, and indeed any system, is the enemy of the Tiger. He trusts only himself, listens only to his own desires, strives only for his own goal. He will not be led astray by advice, ridicule, threats, or persuasion.

Tigers are great dreamers. Plus, they usually have a talent for painting or literature. In communication, the Tiger is very interesting, he does not hide his bright personality and is distinguished by an original outlook on things. In addition, he prefers to tell the truth, is devoted to friends and is very generous when they need help.

The most difficult periods in the life of a Tiger are those when, for some reason, he must cope with his emotions, control them. A person who is not at all inclined to hypocrisy and pretend, this is far from always on the shoulder.

An angry Tiger can be really dangerous. Seized with anger, he forgets about the consequences of his actions, and is able to put even the life and well-being of people dear to him at stake. The tiger does not admit any weaknesses and does not allow the thought that it may be wrong. Accordingly, it is almost impossible to wait for an apology from the Tiger or make him the first to take a step towards reconciliation.

The passionate nature of the Tigers makes them truly outstanding lovers, moreover, prone to romance. The only thing that can poison their personal lives is endless jealousy, sometimes provoking outbursts of rage.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Tiger can be Horse, Dragon, Dog.
2. Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Tiger, Sheep, Rooster, Boar are less suitable.
3. They do not fit at all and can even bring misfortune. Snake, Monkey.

4. Rabbit

Under this sign, people are born gifted, noble, honest. They enjoy trust and sympathy in society. They are distinguished by poise, efficiency. They are very conscientious in their work, which sometimes comes to pickiness.

They are conservative in their views, in love they are loyal and faithful.

A person born in the year of the Rabbit is always very nice in communication, touchingly sentimental. In addition, he is a sweet conservative, whose sympathy is easy to win by declaring his commitment to tradition, law-abidingness and a wary attitude towards risky projects.

The rabbit is always very concerned about the opinion of others about himself. Elegant, kind and well-mannered, Rabbit is an excellent diplomat - from childhood he is endowed with the ability to resolve the most difficult conflicts peacefully and find mutual language with any interlocutor. When dealing with Rabbits, you need to remember that they try not to show their feelings. They would prefer to be born without emotions altogether, since they are sure that this would make them invulnerable and more adapted to life. But in fact, the Rabbit's heart is very sensitive, and the main reason for his success in society is not in good upbringing or tact, but in a sincere interest in the people around him.

Rabbits do not like surprises, preferring to plan their lives as much as possible. Coziness and tranquility - that's the necessary conditions for their happiness, but not a single self-respecting Rabbit will refuse the opportunity to live in luxury. True, he would rather prefer a modest house in the village to a luxurious apartment in the city center: all Rabbits strive to be as close to nature as possible.

Rabbits do not differ in desperate courage, and during dangerous situations or acute conflicts they prefer to sit out in safety, rather than enter into discussions. At the same time, in a calm atmosphere, the Rabbit is active and hardworking, moreover, he willingly obeys the schedule, does not seek to eliminate a competitor at any cost and does not complain about the monotony of work.

Even with the worst enemies, the Rabbit is impeccably polite, however, being a rather cunning person, it is quite capable of taking revenge on them with someone else's hands.

Rabbits are extremely sensual, but they fall in love too easily to be faithful. In addition, the Rabbit is not inclined to trust anyone, even his partner, and in communication with family members maintains a rather tough distance. When deciding on an affair with Rabbit, do not forget that he is extremely sensitive to criticism. If any of your remarks are considered tactless, the Rabbit can not only break off the relationship, but also try to take revenge.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Rabbit can be Sheep, Boar, Dog
2. Rat, Rabbit, Dragon are less suitable.
3. It does not fit at all and may even bring misfortune to the Rooster.

5. Dragon

This year energetic people are born. They are very emotional. In certain situations, they show stubbornness, self-will. They are laconic, limited to what is available, do not seek to live beyond their means. Sometimes they fall under the influence of others, but mostly they act independently, they are not afraid to express their opinion.

People get married in early youth, but among them there are many who avoid marriage.

An intelligent and naturally gifted Dragon always strives for perfection, making the same high demands on himself as on others. Because of this, the Dragon constantly experiences internal stress and does not allow himself to relax even in the company of close friends.

It would be fraught with nervous breakdowns, if not for the amazing, phenomenal vitality of the Dragon, as well as his tireless desire for material wealth and harmony. The Dragon simply does not have time for depression, he is constantly absorbed in other, more important matters.

In communication, the Dragon is very tiring - the desire to constantly prove his own superiority and keep everything under control does not in the best way affect his charm. Friends of the Dragon usually match him - completely active, energetic, purposeful people.

The dragon has excellent leadership qualities, as well as wisdom, therefore it is highly respected and honored. If he lacks anything, it is the feeling of his own exceptional importance and indispensability. Realizing responsibility for others, the Dragon is able to forget about his own troubles and problems.

In difficult situations, the Dragon tends to trust his own judgments, and not someone else's advice, although sometimes he does not mind imposing his own opinion on others. The ability to smooth out rough corners and look for compromises could significantly facilitate his life, but, alas, it comes to the Dragon too late.

Quite often, powerful and influential rivals stand in the way of the Dragon, the battles with which are always very fierce. The dragon spares no effort to emerge victorious from the battle, almost never goes to the trick and does not give himself time to heal wounds and rest. At the same time, having calmed down, the Dragon may well extend a helping hand to the former enemy - when the outbursts of anger pass, he easily forgives the offenders.

To some, the Dragon may seem frivolous, but in fact he is simply endowed with the ability to live one day, to get the most out of every minute of his life. This does not mean that he does not care about the future - in fact, the Dragon is distinguished by prudence, as well as intuition, which allows him to determine what is important and what is not.

Perhaps the most important thing a Dragon should learn is to stop there. Only by realizing that one can be happy without even reaching the top of the social ladder will he be able to breathe a sigh of relief and, finally, enjoy life.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Dragon can be Rat, Snake, Monkey, Rooster.
2. Tiger, Horse, Sheep, Boar are less suitable. The Dragon.
3. Not at all suitable and may even bring misfortune to the Dog.

6. Snake

Those born this year are distinguished by their extraordinary character, it is not easy to understand them. Fate endowed them with wisdom and therefore, probably, in business they always have good luck.

Confident in themselves, they sometimes commit imprudent acts, not listening to the opinions of loved ones. They cannot forgive themselves for their mistakes, they are very worried. Some of them are selfish, vain, and besides, they show stinginess.

A passionate nature is hidden under the external serenity. Outwardly attractive and therefore spoiled by attention. In family life, they give the partner trouble, because they behave frivolously.

The wisdom of the Snake is not in vain entered into proverbs: such people have an amazing ability to use knowledge, logic and intuition at the same time. Even the most sensible Snake is not alien to romance, distinguished by a rare harmony of mind and feelings. However, she tends to take everything too seriously and is rarely endowed with a sense of humor. However, most likely, no one will notice this - the Snake will laugh at your joke, even if it does not understand what its "salt" is, and will also surprise you with paradoxical conclusions that cannot be perceived otherwise than as witticisms.

The snake can adapt to any team. She may swear like a shoemaker, but with the same grace she will observe the rules of court etiquette if she finds herself in the appropriate society.

The Snake shows talent to charm and seduce already at a very tender age. By the time the question of finding a life partner becomes truly relevant for her, she already has enough experience to get anyone she wants.

The snake knows how to maintain outward calmness and composure, never chatter in vain, notices a lot and knows how to determine the cause and effect of any event. She trusts only her judgments and is very stubborn in her unwillingness to listen to other people's opinions.

The snake also adheres exclusively to its own norms and moral rules. She will not give up the dirty game if she wants to achieve victory, and sometimes she conceives a complex intrigue just like that, out of love for art. You can neither trust the snake, nor demonstrate your distrust - otherwise, it instantly loses its temper. And in anger, the Snake is not only cruel, but also very strong, therefore, in most cases, we will advise you in communicating with the Snake to try to avoid sharp corners more often in order to avoid death.

Snakes are more susceptible to the influences of fate than other people. They waste energy resisting fate. The life of the Snake almost does not depend on its efforts, and the wisest of the Snakes simply go with the flow, using only those benefits that themselves go into their hands.

If Snakes give free rein to passion, it is in love relationship... There they become domineering, insatiable and jealous, but they are almost never faithful.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Snake can be the Ox, the Rooster.
2. Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep are less suitable.
3. They do not fit at all and can even bring misfortune Tiger, Boar.

7. Horse

Those born this year are endowed with intelligence and discernment. In society, they behave freely, at ease. They are successful in their work, they bring their plans to the end. Knowing about their popularity, they are distinguished by some self-confidence, especially in relations with a partner. They love selflessly, with full dedication, with all their passion.

Strive for independence, neglect advice.

The expression "work like a horse" was definitely coined by someone familiar with the Japanese horoscope. According to him, the Horse is not only hardworking, but also independent, therefore he prefers to work alone, and not in a team. It is for the best, since the selfishness of the Horse makes it not a very pleasant colleague.

But with friends, the Horse can be very nice. Her energy, ability to have fun, optimism and thirst for adventure are mesmerizing. Regarding the latter, by the way, I would like to warn you that only a person who is absolutely confident in his abilities can embark on a dangerous journey with the Horse: taking care of a beginner in difficult conditions is absolutely not in the nature of our hero.

The horse uses the capabilities of its body 100% - it loves physical activity and walks, is always in motion, again and again discovers new areas of activity.

The Horse's social circle is very wide, but the Horse considers the people who make it up for the most part as steps on the path to success. With those who can be used, she demonstrates all her charm, the brightness of judgments (which, by the way, sometimes lack maturity and elementary logic), a sense of humor and sociability. The latter is often superfluous - the Horse easily betrays its secrets and strangers, often regrets it, but repeats this mistake over and over again.

The Horse has the makings of a leader, but her character is changeable and unstable, so those who decide to follow her need to be ready to change course much more often than they would like. Impatience and the desire to get results immediately often lead to the collapse of even the best plans of the Horse, which worries little about this: its interest in this or that goal melts away as quickly as it appears.

In his desire to use people, the Horse stops at nothing: even relatives and other close people will enjoy her favor as much as they will be useful to her. About those who are not ready to help the Horse, she quickly forgets. The least that she needs from others is care and attention to her problems.

Interestingly, the Horse's egoism is not burdened by either jealousy or possessive instincts. If anything can interfere with her family happiness - it is excessive interest in work and sometimes almost complete lack of interest in the problems and affairs of her partner.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Horse can be Tiger, Dog, Sheep.
2. Dragon, Snake, Monkey, Rooster, Boar are less suitable.
3. Not at all suitable and may even bring misfortune to the Rat.

8. Sheep

People of this sign are shy, indecisive, helpless in the ups and downs of life. It is very difficult for them to make independent decisions. There are many devout people among them. They are gifted in the field of fine arts, and if not very pessimistic, but their creative life is developing well.

They earn good money, they do not feel a shortage of money. They are loved for their softness and benevolence. They have good taste, they like to surround themselves with comfort, and sometimes luxury.

Sheep cannot be denied charm, elegance and artistic talent, but she is an extraordinary pessimist and loves to complain about life. However, she kind heart, so that people agree to endure the Sheep's bad mood, knowing that, if they find themselves in a difficult situation, the Sheep will not hesitate to come to the rescue.

When the Sheep is fun - it is easy to get along with her, when she is passionate about something - it is pleasant to follow her. She is usually carried away by observing natural phenomena or art, so is it any wonder that Sheep are good landscape painters, and their friends, for the most part, are bohemians?

Meanwhile, the Sheep longs for a completely different society. She desperately needs to meet people who are strong, influential and organized, although she will never allow them to patronize her. The Sheep's weakness is that, being independent by nature, it is absolutely unable to take care of itself. The need for luxury and beautiful life makes them seek support from wealthy people, and the unwillingness to obey any rules requires independent and free judgments. That is why the Sheep is never confident either in itself or in its future, which is why it suffers greatly.

Sheep have a keen sense of justice, with the best of them usually reluctant to take revenge, at least personally. The rule of law is enough for them. This is not to say that Sheep are vindictive. They suffer for a long time because of the insult inflicted, but they easily forgive the offender himself, invariably finding an explanation for his act.

For all its originality, the Sheep is not brave and strong enough to resist society, and this is her second misfortune. She observes traditions, but secretly, and sometimes openly, envies those who violate them.

A sheep does not differ in fidelity, but, as a rule, it does not cheat on a loved one, just her feelings cool down quickly, if not backed up by absolute trust in her partner.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Sheep can be Rabbit, Boar, Horse.
2. Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Sheep are less suitable.
3. They do not fit at all and can even bring misfortune Bull, Dog.

9. Monkey

In this year, people are born whose character and behavior are contradictory. On the one hand, they are purposeful, resourceful, smart, at the same time they can easily succumb to persuasion and abandon their plans. Having tuned in to the implementation of any business, they lose interest in it at the slightest obstacle.

Among the people of this sign there are many indecisive, cowardly, while others are distinguished by a remarkable temperament, but quick-tempered. If the conditions are favorable, many can achieve fame.

Monkeys are unusually entertaining and restless natures that do not give rest to themselves and to others. They are always busy with something, are carried away by a thousand ideas at the same time and draw more and more people into their social circle.

Monkeys are resourceful and well prepared for life. They trust only those who deserve it, do not succumb to provocations and are skeptical about too tempting offers. Behind the external fussiness of the Monkey, there is an accurate calculation of actions, the Monkey will not take a single step without thinking and not foreseeing a possible result.

The monkey is very well trained and is able to achieve success in almost any field, so is it any wonder that by middle age she is very self-important and does not recognize any authorities. Nothing pleases the Monkey more than her own victories, and she does not need the admiration of others, because she knows her own worth well.

The monkey ignores criticism and does not notice ill-wishers, and avoids difficult situations thanks to well-thought-out tactics. The Monkey does not miss a single opportunity to benefit for himself, and for his own good he can do very bad deeds: the Monkey's morality is flexible, like the system of values. At the same time, the Monkey usually does not have time for repentance and regret, and you will in vain appeal to her conscience, hoping to guide the Monkey on the path of correction.

The monkey learns easily and with pleasure, assimilating knowledge with equal success and ease throughout his life. At the same time, having achieved perfection in something (or what he considers perfect), the Monkey radically changes his interests and finds a new occupation, no less exciting.

Usually the Monkey has a lot of difficulties, but she copes with them relatively easily, and even of the most difficult situations comes out, if not a winner, then at least not defeated.

Treating life as a game allows the Monkey not to worry about trifles and maintain internal balance, however, it causes severe pain to those who love her. Alas, the Monkey also tends to change his heart passions very quickly, not noticing that he breaks a lot of hearts. However, even a short romance with the Monkey will be bright and full of passion, please with pleasant surprises and amaze with originality and unpredictability.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Monkey can be the Dragon, the Rat.
2. Rabbit, Sheep, Dog, Monkey are less suitable.
3. They do not fit at all and can even bring misfortune to the Snake, Boar, Tiger.

10. Rooster

This year, very hardworking people are born who have devoted themselves to their favorite work. There are many gifted individuals among them. Relationships with others are somewhat difficult, apparently due to the isolation of character. Lonely, sometimes eccentric, they are very timid by nature. Ups and downs accompany them all their lives.

Sometimes they show selfishness, and sometimes they commit desperate acts. Arouse constant interest in themselves.

A braggart and dreamer who immediately stands out from the crowd thanks to extravagant clothes and unusual behavior - that's what the Rooster is. Meanwhile, surprisingly, he is also distinguished by hard work, as well as purposefulness.

The rooster loves to attract attention and is ready to take advantage of any reason for this purpose, be it sports, creative competition or a simple argument. But you should not consider the Rooster a shiny dummy; he has a lively bright mind, rich imagination, large Creative skills... The Rooster is endowed with a sense of humor, but his jokes are sometimes cynical and cruel; do not be offended by them - the moment will come when the Rooster will laugh at himself.

Usually the Rooster does not like routine and monotony, but he knows how to properly distribute his forces, does not waste his time on trifles and does not indulge in idleness when it is necessary to act. The rooster loves life in all its manifestations, and there is nothing that could shake his optimism. No matter how critical the Rooster is, he is able to refrain from negativity and experiences, maintaining the usual good nature and inner calm.

Having given free rein to his imagination, the Rooster can mislead you, but by nature he is not a deceiver. Alas, he believes in what he likes and sometimes thinks of people better than they deserve. By the way, he also has a very high opinion of himself, and he will certainly share it with you as soon as a more or less convenient opportunity falls out.

Do not interrupt the Rooster - he will tell you a lot of interesting things and, moreover, will be grateful for the attention paid to his person. But arguing with the Rooster is an empty matter: he sometimes shows stubbornness, then changes his point of view every minute, moreover, he speaks so enthusiastically and with inspiration that he can confuse even a very well-prepared opponent.

Nothing offends the rooster like indifference. He is able to endure even the harshest criticism in his address, but the indifference of others plunges him into depression. The rooster pleases friends with a cheerful disposition, ingenuity and support, and in return waits for attention to his own person and admiring glances in love.

The rooster is ambitious and has good organizational qualities. He likes to lead people, while his friends, as a rule, are more wealthy and influential than himself. True, the Rooster almost never uses friendship for enrichment.

The emotional life of the Rooster is very uneven, he is either extremely happy, or very suffering, but does not know the golden mean. By learning to remain calm, the Rooster will be able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Rooster can be the Ox, the Snake, the Dragon.
2. Rat, Rooster, Dog, Rabbit are less suitable.
3. Tiger, Horse, Monkey, Sheep, Boar are not suitable at all and can even bring misfortune.

11. Dog

The character traits of people born this year are honesty, loyalty and at the same time - stubbornness, selfishness. Their behavior is eccentric. Although they show indifference to the material side of life, they at least know how to earn money and do not feel a lack of them. They lead a secluded life, they show some skepticism in everything.

They almost always achieve the planned goal, have organizational skills.

Devotion and honesty are the characteristics of a Dog. In addition, she knows how to love truly, sincerely and recklessly surrendering to feeling. The dog is a good friend and loyal lover, a helper worthy of absolute trust and a true altruist. The desire to help people manifests itself in the Dog at a relatively early age, so she chooses her future profession, focusing more not on its profitability, but on its social significance.

Cautious in making decisions, the Dog almost never commits rash acts. She does not trust others too much, and she is inclined to check and reevaluate her own ideas about the world several times. Fortunately, the Dog thinks quickly enough, and its analytical skills are not bad, so that it has enough time to act when it is necessary.

The dog prefers to follow the beaten path rather than being a pioneer. In her character, it is more likely not to lead people along, but to work diligently and carefully for the good of the common cause, without demanding recognition of her merits.

The Dog has a heightened sense of justice, which is sometimes expressed in the desire to look for the guilty, and not to correct the mistakes made. Dishonesty, deception and manifestations of inequality make the Dog suffer a lot, making it a real pessimist. In addition, the Dog is inclined to dwell on one problem and is ready to discuss it endlessly, turning into a rather unsympathetic bore. A dog generally takes everything in life very seriously, does not tend to joke or have fun for no reason.

Let us add that the Dog is subject to short, but bright outbursts of anger, which deprive him of his usual charm and friendliness. It is easy to guess that all these shortcomings are compensated by a lot of advantages, since the Dog does not lose friends, but, on the contrary, acquires more and more new ones.

The dog is an example of a noble warrior endowed with high intuition. She perfectly feels danger, does not take risks where it is not required, and is not afraid of anything when she is confident in her abilities.

Life experience usually makes the Dog cynical; the older she gets, the worse she thinks of people. Constantly living in tension and anticipation of future troubles, she deprives herself of a chance for happiness and does not even get pleasure from success. Only by coping with pessimism, the Dog will be able to create a favorable environment for himself and enjoy peace and harmony with the world around him.

1. Ideal friends and life companions of a Dog can be a Horse, Tiger, Rabbit.
2. Rat, Snake, Monkey, Dog, Boar are less suitable.
3. They do not fit at all and can even bring misfortune Dragon, Sheep.

12. Boar

These are people who are honest, brave and devoted. They do not spare themselves in their work; they remain faithful to their friends and loved ones until the end of their lives. They are very educated, they know a lot and read, but not lovers of conversations. They do not like complications, quarrels, disputes. Marriages are not always happy. Obstacles do not frighten them or stop them.

A person born in the year of the Pig is usually endowed with enough intelligence and determination to achieve goals that others cannot. He is always honest with those around him and expects the same from them. He tends to trust everyone, so he seems naive, and sometimes stupid.

Meanwhile, for the most part, Pigs are brilliant intellectuals and thinkers. However, they belong to the type of "armchair scientists" for whom communication with people or a solution practical tasks presents some difficulties. But they are inventive and courageous in their judgments, therefore they have no equal in the scientific world.

The Pig born in the year can be described in two words - " good man": he is kind, friendly, open to communication, always ready to help. With all his observation, the Pig does not seem to notice the shortcomings of others, is not able to recognize a lie, therefore he often becomes a victim of deceivers and swindlers.

The boar does not know how to refuse when asked for help, so it often does someone else's work or does something that does not give him pleasure. The boar is patient and prefers to stay in the shadows, without attracting attention to itself, however, it is prone to rare outbursts of anger, during which it behaves very aggressively. The Pig protects for the most part not himself, but those who seem especially helpless to him. Needless to say that everyone who is not lazy strives to take advantage of the innate nobility of the Pig?

The boar is devoid of selfishness, but this does not interfere with taking care of their own well-being. People born in the year of the Pig love money and usually have good financial reserves. Of course, they are able to support a friend in difficult moment not only morally, but also materially, but they expect an appropriate response from him.

The boar does not hesitate to ask for help from those who have been blessed by him, and is very upset when he receives a refusal, no matter how weighty his reasons may be. When communicating with the Pig, you need to remember that he believes every word and takes everything seriously. Having jokingly promised support to the Pig, do not be surprised that he asks to provide it when he sees fit.

The boar seems to be created for a happy family life, but he usually lacks the experience and discernment to choose a worthy partner for himself. Having found himself bound by the knot, the Pig puts up with all the shortcomings of his chosen one and can suffer for a long time, but he does not dare to break off relations with him.

1. The ideal friends and life companions of the Pig can be Rabbit, Sheep.
2. Rat, Tiger, Ox, Dragon, Rooster, Dog, Boar are less suitable.
3. It does not fit at all and can even bring misfortune to the Serpent.

Japanese horoscope

According to the calendar adopted in Japan and other countries of the East, within the 12-year cycle, each year passes under the sign of some animal.

A person born in a certain year is endowed with a number of properties, depending on which his fate is formed.

You can find the sign you need in the table and find the information you are interested in in the appropriate section. You will find out who is ideal for you as friends or life companions, who is not very suitable for this role and with whom you are categorically contraindicated to build any kind of relationship.

The table of signs corresponding to the years of birth is very similar to the table Chinese horoscope... See for yourself (the names of the animals of the Chinese horoscope are given in brackets)!

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The Japanese Ritual for Success Nutmeg is a treasure trove of opportunities for those who make financial transactions. Before every business meeting involving a letter of intent or a contract, cut nutmeg, squeeze the oil out of it -

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Japanese Garden Marina Magalimova If you ask: What is the soul of the Islands of Japan? In the aroma of mountain cherries At dawn. Motoori Norinaga Any mention of the garden gives us a certain image: bright luxurious flower beds, trimmed shrubs, alleys, straight paths, statues, fountains,

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Horoscope Three connections prevail in Michael Fox's horoscope. The most dramatic of these is the conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Leo at Fox Descendant. This is an extremely dynamic aspect that fosters extraordinary courage, involving a complete waste of physical

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Horoscope If Nader's friends studied his horoscope, they would never have doubts about this young man's ability to do important things. Yes, he had the Sun in Pisces, and sometimes he seemed a little goofy. The deep emotionality of Pisces found

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Horoscope The first thing we see in Gloria Steinem's horoscope is that her Sun is in conjunction with Mars, and that she has an ascendant in Scorpio. Her Moon in Leo forms a trine to the Sun and Mars. This is the configuration of a fighter, a crusader, a person who gives his energy to

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Horoscope Jung's horoscope can be divided into two parts. The first begins with a precise square between the Moon in Taurus and Uranus, which stands right on the Descendant. This is an incredibly dynamic aspect that combines the conservative indicator (Moon in Taurus) with

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Horoscope At the most basic level (the level of the signs in which the Sun, Ascendant and Moon are located), Britney Spears' horoscope looks quite favorable and acceptable. With the Sun in the mutable sign of Sagittarius and the ascendant in the outgoing Libra, Spears could easily please

From the author's book

Horoscope In Simpson's horoscope, at least at first glance, there are no clues to how he ended up in the situation described above. This is a very positive card, full of optimism, charm and good luck. Even when Simpson was a young delinquent growing up in the slums of San Francisco,

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Horoscope Returning to Janis Joplin's horoscope, we must take into account both her Mercury and her Moon. Her Mercury in Aquarius opposes Pluto. It also forms a semi-square (45 °) with Mars. The habit of swearing was easy for Joplin. People with whom Mercury forms

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Horoscope With the Sun in Libra, the Moon in Capricorn and the Ascendant in Cancer, Oswald's horoscope is saturated with the energy of the cardinal cross and initiative. And yet, there are several things in it that spoil this extremely active pattern. First of all, Saturn is in opposition

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Horoscope A prominent feature of Bill Clinton's horoscope is the conjunction of three planets - Mars, Neptune and Venus - in close proximity to the ascendant in Libra. This is an efficient and extremely complex standing of the planets. These three planets form a sextile with another

From the author's book

Horoscope At first glance, Andrew Cunenan's horoscope does not seem too dangerous. In fact, there are a lot of positive aspects in it. His Sun in Virgo is in the creative 5th house and forms a trine to Saturn and the Moon, as well as an almost exact semi-sextile to Jupiter. All this

From the author's book

The Japanese Rite of Success To perform this ritual, you need nutmeg, as it is a treasure trove of opportunities for those who make financial transactions. Before each business meeting, which involves the conclusion of contracts and transactions, you need to cut

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp According to the calendar adopted in Japan and other countries of the East, within a 12-year cycle, every year passes under the sign of some animal. A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which fate develops. The popularity of this calendar in the East is very high. Knowing the year of birth, you can easily find the sign you need in the attached table and read in the appropriate section both about yourself and about your friends. In each section, at the end of the characteristic, three groups of people (called animals) are listed, which are:

  • a) are ideal for you as friends or life partners;
  • b) suit you more or less;
  • c) absolutely do not suit you, absolutely contraindicated and can even bring you unhappiness.
1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

YEAR OF THE MONKEY These are the most unreliable and controversial people. They are smart, dexterous, inventive, original and easily solve the most difficult problems. There is almost no field of activity where they could not turn around. However, they can be easily distracted and persuaded. They want to do everything right there, this minute. The slightest obstacle can ruin their mood, thwart their plans. Many of them are indecisive. These are temperamental and headstrong people, quick-tempered, unwilling. They know how to make decisions, have common sense. Many of them can achieve fame if they are not prevented from doing so.

  • a) DRAGON, RAT.

YEAR OF THE COCK. Deep thinkers and gifted individuals. They love work and are dedicated to their work. They try to fulfill any obligation that they cannot even afford, and are very upset if they fail. Sometimes they are somewhat eccentric, do not immediately find contact with others. They are always sure that they are right, and sometimes they are really right. Often these people are lonely and withdrawn. Although they may appear decisive, they are timid by nature. The plans they are hatching never come true. They have sharp ups and downs of feelings. In life, streaks of success alternate with streaks of failures. They may be selfish, but they are overly straightforward and capable of desperate and daring actions. Always interesting.


YEAR OF THE DOG. These people have the best human traits - loyal, honest, inspiring confidence in those that can keep secrets. However, they are somewhat selfish, eccentric and incredibly stubborn. They do not strive for wealth, but they always have money. They can be emotionally cold and uncommunicative. They look at a lot critically, being famous for their sharp tongue. They know what they are fighting for, they always stand for justice. They see it through to the end and usually win. They make great leaders.


YEAR OF THE BOOK. These people are distinguished by courage and the ability to self-sacrifice. Everything that they undertake is done with full dedication. They recognize only the straight path, without knowing the deviations. Very honest and courageous people. They get along with other people with difficulty, but they are faithful to their few friends for the rest of their lives, they do not leave friends in trouble. They are not verbose, but very curious, read a lot, are well informed. They are quick-tempered, but do not like quarrels and bickering. They are kind and attentive to loved ones and acquaintances, although their family affairs do not always go smoothly. They strive to eliminate all conflicts and avoid lengthy quarrels. Whatever difficult problems they face, they never give up, although they act under the influence of a momentary impulse.

  • c) SNAKE.

YEAR OF THE RAT. Those born under this sign have a pleasant appearance, attractive, purposeful, hardworking, striving to acquire wealth. They are thrifty and like to save money. They can forget about frugality only with enthusiasm or great feeling. Generous only with those they love. Neat to the point of pedantry. In many ways, they are illogical. Ambitious. As a rule, they succeed and get their way. They do not know how to maintain external self-control, they easily fall into anger. Usually honest and open, but many of them gossip.

  • c) HORSE.

YEAR OF VOLA. These people are patient, laconic, inspiring confidence. However, at times they can be eccentric and easily lose their temper. At these moments you should beware of them - Vol's rage knows no bounds. Usually taciturn, at the time of hobbies they are eloquent. They have excellent mental and physical abilities. They are known as people of easy character, but at the same time they often show stubbornness - they do not like contradictions. Some of them see love as a sport, which leads to misunderstandings with loved ones.

  • a) SNAKE, COCK, RAT.
  • c) SHEEP.

YEAR OF THE TIGER. People of this sign are sensitive, prone to thinking, but sometimes irritable. They are usually respected, but often come into conflict with elders or superiors. Often they make rash decisions or come to the right decisions too late. In general, they are courageous and strong people and they are usually appreciated.


YEAR OF THE RABBIT. He has a bright personality, talented and ambitious. Virtuous, restrained, distinguished by impeccable taste. Causes general admiration and trust. The material condition is developing successfully. These people love to gossip sometimes, but at the same time they are tactful and not angry. They are affectionate to those they love, but they are rarely attached to their closest relatives. They almost never lose their temper, they have excellent business qualities. Conscientious and obligatory, although sometimes they are pedantic, sometimes they show a tendency to melancholy. They could make excellent players, but they rarely play, being conservative and circumspect people.

  • c) COCK.

YEAR OF THE DRAGON. People of this sign have excellent health, energetic, easily excitable, sometimes stubborn and harsh. Honest, emotional, decisive, you can rely on them. They are distinguished by willfulness. They are frank and their opinion is always justified. They are capable, do not like to borrow money and make speeches. They tend to be kind-hearted and often allow others to take over, but only for a short time. They quickly get rid of their delusions. They marry or get married in their early youth, or do not do it at all. Enjoy the love of others.

  • c) DOG.

YEAR OF THE SNAKE. These people are complex, endowed with wisdom from birth, taciturn. They always do great, but they are often stingy. Sometimes selfish and conceited. However, they may be active in their less fortunate brethren. They often go too far, not believing the judgments of others, relying only on themselves. Decisive and purposeful characters, acutely experiencing their failures. Outwardly calm but passionate natures. Usually they are distinguished by the attractiveness of external and internal, which, with some of their frivolity, leads to family complications.

  • a) OX, COCK.
  • c) TIGER, KABAN.

YEAR OF THE HORSE. These people are very popular. They have a cheerful disposition, know how to handle money. They are smart, perceptive, although sometimes they talk a lot. They are talented, everything is going well with them, they draw attention to themselves with catchy clothes or easy demeanor. They are self-confident, they know their own worth and are not indifferent (men) to women. Able to forget about everything when their feelings are affected. In everything that concerns them, they put maximum strength and passion, with the exception of official duties. They love entertainment and big gatherings, they love to be in the center of events. They are very independent and rarely listen to advice, while acting on their own.

  • c) RAT.

YEAR OF THE SHEEP. People of this sign are endowed with abilities in the field of the fine arts. At first glance, everything turns out to be more successful for them than for others. But they are often helpless before life, and how shy and prone to pessimism, indecisive, find it difficult to make independent decisions. They are usually religious. Leaders rarely leave them. They are not distinguished by eloquence, but they defend their convictions and love their work. They usually have enough money, value the conveniences associated with them. They are reasonable, gentle, benevolent, have good taste.

  • c) VOL, DOG.

We continue talking about all kinds of New Year's traditions. It's no secret that the Japanese are big fans of horoscopes (as well as all kinds of talismans, blood type compatibility, wishes to the gods, ... which cannot be said about the admin of this site).

Today, the collection will not publish transcendental thematic terms. However, there will still be 2 small collections of horoscopes. It cannot be denied that horoscopes are read by many, even those who do not believe in them. And in language groups, where teachers are native, they also like to conduct similar vocabulary classes before the new year: swam - we know! Therefore, today we will consider some expressions associated with horoscopes in Japanese.

So, First, the horoscope is Eastern - after all it comes about Japan ... And although the monkey will come according to the Japanese calendar, only on February 16, 2016, let's look at the terminology associated with the eastern zodiac:

あなたの干支は何ですか? (あなたのえとはなんですか?)- Who are you according to the eastern zodiac calendar? (don't be fooled, yarksi, at least old versions give out 干支 for か ん し, but it reads exactly like え と)

In a less formal version, for example, on blogs or fortune telling sites, you will see

あなたの干支は? – Who are you according to the eastern horoscope?

Myself zodiac of 12 years , if we are talking about a host of animals called:
十二支 (じゅうにし)

Well, now, actually the signs of the eastern horoscope themselves , in order of their arrangement in a 12-year cycle:

子 (ね) rat
丑 (う し) bull
寅 (と ら) Tiger
卯 (う) Hare,
辰 (た つ) Dragon,
巳 (み) Snake,
午 (う ま) Horse
未 (ひ つ じ) Sheep
申 (さ る) Monkey
酉 (と り) Rooster
戊 (い ぬ) Dog
亥 (い) Pig

** Important: both advanced and beginner levels of the Japanese language, or rather their students, probably noted the discrepancy between the names of animals in simple Japanese, with the names of these animals in the above horoscope. These signs are used to write signs in zodiacal forecasts (abbreviated transliteration that came from the Chinese, not Japanese tradition). However, if you want to say (or write on, say, a blog), what year were you born , you are more likely to use:

鼠 (= ネ ズ ミ) - mouse, rat
牛 (= ウ シ) - bull, cow, ox
虎 (= ト ラ) tiger
兎 (= ウ サ ギ) - rabbit, hare
龍 (= タ ツ / リ ュ ウ) dragon
蛇 (= ヘ ビ) snake
馬 (= ウ マ) horse
羊 (= ヒ ツ ジ) sheep
猿 (= サ ル) monkey
鶏 (= ト リ) rooster
犬 (= い ぬ) dog
猪 (= イ ノ シ シ) -kaban

** The names of animals in katakana are not uncommon when denoting your sign of the eastern zodiac.

Now the second part of the hieroglyphs - it refers to the kanji of modern Japanese, which is given in any simple textbook. They also describe 12 animals Eastern horoscope... In a blog, for example, they prefer to write the name of the year of the animal in katakana (hiragana is also possible, but for visual highlighting + to avoid using modern kanji, which look complicated, as well as to avoid confusion between the classical notation of animals in the Chinese dictionary and in modern Japanese, - is used katakana)

For example,
If you say (or write on the blog / forum) ネ ズ ミ で す / 私 は ネ ズ ミ で す / 私 は 鼠 で す - I was born in the year of the rat , - you will be right (in case you were really born in the year of the rat). But if you go to the horoscopes, say, on yahoo.co.jp you will see 子 (ね) in relation to all those born in the year of the rat (mouse). After all, this sign is even easier to “scan” about quick reading, especially when you are used to reading horoscopes and you are a native speaker ;)

Be that as it may, people who are in the subject can write and 私 の 干支 は 子 (ネ ズ ミ) で す。

The term that implies 1 of the representatives of the eastern cycle is called - 十二 支 の 刑 (じ ゅ う に し の け い) (and this is translated: “ one of the signs of the eastern cycle “)

Also, it is worth putting in a word about the mistress of the year.
今年 の え と は 申 (さ る) で あ る. (こ と し の え と は さ る で あ る) - This year's mistress is a monkey. (This sentence is written in Japanese and may appear in newspapers and online publications)

On blogs, however, this phrase will most likely be written 今年 の え と は 申 で す. (こ と し の え と は さ る で す) - because Blogs and Tweets Allowed Regulations spoken language(で あ る becomes で す). As you can see, in the form of the names of the signs of the zodiac, as well as speech clichés, you are not too shy.

Now, let me switch to the European horoscope:

Also in Japan, like ours, a horoscope of 12 signs is widespread. Here they are

12 星座 占 い (じ ゅ う に せ い ざ う ら な い) - 12 signs of the western zodiac

3 月 21 日 - 4 月 19 日 : (お ひ つ じ 座 ・ 牡羊座 / お ひ つ じ ざ) - Aries
4 月 20 日 - 5 月 20 日 : (お う し 座 ・ 牡牛 座 / お う し ざ) - Taurus
5 月 21 日 - 6 月 21 日 : (ふ た ご 座 ・ 双子座 / ふ た ご ざ) - twins
6 月 22 日 - 7 月 22 日 : (か に 座 ・ 蟹 座 / か に ざ) - cancer
7 月 23 日 - 8 月 22 日 :( し し 座 ・ 獅子 座 / し し ざ) - lion
8 月 23 日 - 9 月 22 日 : (お と め 座 ・ 乙 女 座 / お と め ざ) - Virgo
9 月 23 日 - 10 月 23 日 : (て ん び ん 座 ・ 天秤座 / ざ) -weights
10 月 24 日 - 11 月 21 日 : (さ そ り 座 ・ 蠍座 / さ そ り ざ) - scorpio
11 月 22 日 - 12 月 21 日 : (い て 座 ・ 射手 座 / い て ざ) - Sagittarius
12 月 22 日 - 1 月 19 日 : (や ぎ 座 ・ 山羊座 / や ぎ ざ) - Capricorn
1 月 20 日 - 2 月 18 日 : (み ず が め 座 ・ 水瓶座 / み ず が め ざ)-aquarius
2 月 19 日 - 3 月 20 日 : (う お 座 ・ 魚 座 / う お ざ) - fish

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp According to the calendar adopted in Japan and other countries of the East, within a 12-year cycle, every year passes under the sign of some animal. A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which fate develops. The popularity of this calendar in the East is very high. Knowing the year of birth, you can easily find the sign you need in the attached table and read in the appropriate section both about yourself and about your friends. In each section, at the end of the characteristic, three groups of people (called animals) are listed, which are:

  • perfect for you as friends or life companions;
  • suit you more or less;
  • absolutely not suitable for you, absolutely contraindicated and may even bring you unhappiness.
1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

These are the most unreliable and controversial people. They are smart, dexterous, inventive, original and easily solve the most difficult problems. There is almost no field of activity where they could not turn around. However, they can be easily distracted and persuaded. They want to do everything right there, this minute. The slightest obstacle can ruin their mood, thwart their plans. Many of them are indecisive. These are temperamental and headstrong people, quick-tempered, unwilling. They know how to make decisions, have common sense. Many of them can achieve fame if they are not prevented from doing so.


Deep thinkers and gifted individuals. They love work and are dedicated to their work. They try to fulfill any obligation that they cannot even afford, and are very upset if they fail. Sometimes they are somewhat eccentric, do not immediately find contact with others. They are always sure that they are right, and sometimes they are really right. Often these people are lonely and withdrawn. Although they may appear decisive, they are timid by nature. The plans they are hatching never come true. They have sharp ups and downs of feelings. In life, streaks of success alternate with streaks of failures. They may be selfish, but they are overly straightforward and capable of desperate and daring actions. Always interesting.


These people have the best human traits - loyal, honest, inspiring confidence in those that can keep secrets. However, they are somewhat selfish, eccentric and incredibly stubborn. They do not strive for wealth, but they always have money. They can be emotionally cold and uncommunicative. They look at a lot critically, being famous for their sharp tongue. They know what they are fighting for, they always stand for justice. They see it through to the end and usually win. They make great leaders.


These people are distinguished by courage and the ability to self-sacrifice. Everything that they undertake is done with full dedication. They recognize only the straight path, without knowing the deviations. Very honest and courageous people. They get along with other people with difficulty, but they are faithful to their few friends for the rest of their lives, they do not leave friends in trouble. They are not verbose, but very curious, read a lot, are well informed. They are quick-tempered, but do not like quarrels and bickering. They are kind and attentive to loved ones and acquaintances, although their family affairs do not always go smoothly. They strive to eliminate all conflicts and avoid lengthy quarrels. Whatever difficult problems they face, they never give up, although they act under the influence of a momentary impulse.

  • SNAKE.


Those born under this sign have a pleasant appearance, attractive, purposeful, hardworking, striving to acquire wealth. They are thrifty and like to save money. They can forget about frugality only with enthusiasm or great feeling. Generous only with those they love. Neat to the point of pedantry. In many ways, they are illogical. Ambitious. As a rule, they succeed and get their way. They do not know how to maintain external self-control, they easily fall into anger. Usually honest and open, but many of them gossip.

  • HORSE.

These people are patient, laconic, inspiring confidence. However, at times they can be eccentric and easily lose their temper. At these moments you should beware of them - Vol's rage knows no bounds. Usually taciturn, at the time of hobbies they are eloquent. They have excellent mental and physical abilities. They are known as people of easy character, but at the same time they often show stubbornness - they do not like contradictions. Some of them see love as a sport, which leads to misunderstandings with loved ones.

  • SHEEP.

People of this sign are sensitive, prone to thinking, but sometimes irritable. They are usually respected, but often come into conflict with elders or superiors. Often they make rash decisions or come to the right decisions too late. In general, these are courageous and strong people and, as a rule, they are appreciated.


He has a bright personality, talented and ambitious. Virtuous, restrained, distinguished by impeccable taste. Causes general admiration and trust. The material condition is developing successfully. These people love to gossip sometimes, but at the same time they are tactful and not angry. They are affectionate to those they love, but they are rarely attached to their closest relatives. They almost never lose their temper, they have excellent business qualities. Conscientious and obligatory, although sometimes they are pedantic, sometimes they show a tendency to melancholy. They could make excellent players, but they rarely play, being conservative and circumspect people.


People of this sign have excellent health, energetic, easily excitable, sometimes stubborn and harsh. Honest, emotional, decisive, you can rely on them. They are distinguished by willfulness. They are frank and their opinion is always justified. They are capable, do not like to borrow money and make speeches. They tend to be kind-hearted and often allow others to take over, but only for a short time. They quickly get rid of their delusions. They marry or get married in their early youth, or do not do it at all. Enjoy the love of others.

  • DOG.

These people are complex, endowed with wisdom from birth, taciturn. They always do great, but they are often stingy. Sometimes selfish and conceited. However, they may be active in their less fortunate brethren. They often go too far, not believing the judgments of others, relying only on themselves. Decisive and purposeful characters, acutely experiencing their failures. Outwardly calm but passionate natures. Usually they are distinguished by the attractiveness of external and internal, which, with some of their frivolity, leads to family complications.

  • OX, COCK.

These people are very popular. They have a cheerful disposition, know how to handle money. They are smart, perceptive, although sometimes they talk a lot. They are talented, everything is going well with them, they draw attention to themselves with catchy clothes or easy demeanor. They are self-confident, they know their own worth and are not indifferent (men) to women. Able to forget about everything when their feelings are affected. In everything that concerns them, they put maximum strength and passion, with the exception of official duties. They love entertainment and big gatherings, they love to be in the center of events. They are very independent and rarely listen to advice, while acting on their own.

  • RAT.

People of this sign are endowed with abilities in the field of the fine arts. At first glance, everything turns out to be more successful for them than for others. But they are often helpless before life, and how shy and prone to pessimism, indecisive, find it difficult to make independent decisions. They are usually religious. Leaders rarely leave them. They are not distinguished by eloquence, but they defend their convictions and love their work. They usually have enough money, value the conveniences associated with them. They are reasonable, gentle, benevolent, have good taste.

  • WOLF, DOG.

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