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Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius

What awaits Streltsov in 2016

In the Year of the Fire Monkey, Mars will move along Sagittarius, where it will loop and will be in the sign twice - in March-April-May and August-September.

Saturn will also loop in Sagittarius from March 25 to August 15, 2016. In addition, Saturn will quadrature - twice with Jupiter (March 23 and May 26) and twice with Neptune (June 18 and September 10). Saturn will activate the axis of catastrophes throughout the year, but especially when Saturn connects with Mars on August 13 on the star Antares and on December 19 Saturn will again pass at Antares longitude.

Thus, the stars promise Sagittarius in the Year of the Fire Monkey a global change. Sagittarius will not be surprised at this, since the previous year also made them happy. But some changes will be karma, payment for the sins committed. Therefore, Sagittarius will completely rebuild their inner world, some will increase self-esteem and become more confident, which will help them cope with difficult circumstances, others will repent of their sins.

Those who do not see their own shortcomings will not change anything in their the inner world, will suffer unexpected losses - who is health (and with it life), who is family, children, and who is image, position and condition.

The stars do not advise that Sagittarius should immediately take on some new business. On the contrary, everything should be done slowly, having thought everything over carefully and writing a clear plan. Then success in any business is guaranteed.

Sagittarius will be given several chances to improve their future, but they need to be carefully considered in order to take advantage of them properly. Feel free to experiment, but do it wisely.

This is a good time to build the groundwork for the future.

Sagittarius will have interesting travels and new acquaintances. New friends and acquaintances will appear.

In the personal life of Streltsov, positive changes await, but health will have to be dealt with very seriously throughout the year.

The first half of the year will be saturated important events for representatives born under the sign of Sagittarius. Incredible luck will accompany them throughout the entire time in relationships with family and friends, professional field, family. For single Sagittarius, the year of the Fire Monkey is the most favorable time to tie oneself by marriage and become an exemplary family man.

In 2016, Streltsov is expecting positive changes in the financial sector. Most likely, the monetary profit will not be the result of the hard labor of the representatives of this sign. They will get it from the outside. It can be winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, helping friends and distant relatives, and more. It is better to postpone a loan at banking institutions by the end of June.

Sagittarius this year needs to think carefully and weigh everything, since hasty decisions can play a cruel joke with them. In order to attract positive events to life and radically change it, representatives of the Sagittarius sign need to leave the past in the past, “burn all bridges” and make room for new events.

The Fire Monkey will raise Scorpions on the wings of love, turn their heads, give a lot of romantic emotions and real feelings, kindle a strong fire, which will further strengthen the relationship and take them completely to new level... Scorpios will try to win the person they like with the help of material goods, which can lead to frequent conflicts. And to some extent they will be right. In the year of the Fire Monkey, the combination of the energy of money and the energy of love and care has an incredible power of attraction. All disappointed Sagittarius in personal relationships will be able to look at all this from a completely new point of view and find the meaning of life.

Relationships in marriage, family, with children and parents in the first half of the year will develop in the best way. This also applies to business partnerships, which in turn will entail dramatic changes in business development and profit growth.

All questions regarding career advancement will remain stable and do not portend any changes. For Sagittarius who have their own business or are just planning to open it, this the best time for the implementation of new ideas and ingenious plans that will bring a significant increase in capital. In the month of May, Sagittarius should beware of envious people and competitors who can "put a spoke in their wheels." You will have to fight for a place in the sun. Be tolerant and diplomatic when dealing with colleagues. This will smooth out any rough edges and avoid serious conflicts.

At the beginning of the year, Sagittarius will experience an acute sense of discomfort and dissatisfaction with their lives. Old and forgotten diseases recur. Sagittarius will need to radically change their lifestyle, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, relax actively, eradicate all addictions and look at life only with positive and optimism. The more positive emotions you have, the better your health.

In the fall of 2016, Sagittarius will need to reconsider their attitude to life and their principles. Analyze your actions and thoughts, understand where mistakes were made, and try to correct them. A few sessions of introspection can greatly simplify the life of a Sagittarius and resolve many long-standing problem situations.

The Year of the Fire Monkey promises financial stability and prosperity to Sagittarius. In the spring they are expected to be promoted at work and increase wages... All financial investments will be doomed to success and will become good source cash profit. But do not relax, this year there may be huge unexpected expenses. Sagittarius need to learn how to properly manage funds.

Sagittarius throughout 2016 will have only one reliable ally, Jupiter. It is difficult to imagine a more powerful helper, after all, this is a warlike planet that controls the lion's share of the emotions and actions of Sagittarius. Jupiter will be the only object Solar system, who will retain his loyalty to the representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign. The rest of the planets and satellites will be either neutral or aggressive, as is the case with Venus. That is why the whole year will look ambiguous for Sagittarius. On the one hand, people you can rely on will lead you to the timely and positive completion of many of your ongoing projects. On the other hand, there will be many astronomical fields and streams that will try by all means to prevent the completion of your plans. Sagittarius's allies will be against his enemies. All situations related to family and work will require careful analysis. The horoscope for 2016 for Sagittarius suggests that the success of any business depends on a deep, fast and, most importantly, accurate analysis of events and phenomena that impede further development.

General expected periods for Sagittarius in 2016

In early 2016, from January to June, Sagittarius will be in a sort of long jump. That is, there will be will and desire, as well as opportunity, but intuitively you will understand that the further you jump, the more impressive the result will be. This state will last for almost six months, when Sagittarius will work by all means and actions and build the basis for a successful jump. The main thing is to be careful, as you are not alone in your endeavors. A strong competitor will appear in the work. Jupiter will help in critical situations. You will constantly fight for the best place under the sun. Sagittarius business owners will constantly be in the mode of rivalry and competition. You will look like a rock that cannot be broken. Your potential and power will be limitless. In personal relationships, things will be a little more curious. Your significant other can be a hassle. Between you there will be a third, rather strong competitor for Sagittarius. Sagittarius will solve this situation with the help of a best friend or close relative. Therefore, you should not refuse help, especially if it is sincere!

From late June to mid-October 2016, Venus will dominate love relationship Sagittarius. It is advisable to make the outlined vacation at this time and go on a trip. Moreover, it is advisable to spend a vacation separately from your soul mate. If you are experiencing cracks in a relationship, a separate rest will help to understand, first of all, for Sagittarius, whether it is necessary to continue the relationship or it is easier to end it. At this time, the likelihood of a holiday romance is high. Sagittarius needs to make a choice, if he decides to continue the relationship, after the vacation, family life will improve significantly. The horoscope for 2016 for Sagittarius predicts during this period of the year, a large number of serious relationships with the second half. If even after a series of "serious conversations" doubts remain, then this is a rather serious reason to reconsider your relationship. During this time, Sagittarius will not have enough time to think about his personal life, because your work will also require a lot of attention. The stars advise you to focus on the things that you aspired to at the beginning of your career. There is a high probability of a revival of the direction in work, which Sagittarius once put aside. Analyze and assess how your goals and objectives have changed since that point in time under the influence of various circumstances. Only in this way will Sagittarius be able to get the key to what is really important in work and how to properly revive a promising project. In addition, during this period of the year, Jupiter will not be able to replenish Sagittarius with vital energy, so you need to use every free minute wisely so as not to waste energy.

It is believed that love lasts for three years. At the end of 2016, Sagittarius will have a great chance to confirm or refute this opinion. Lonely Sagittarius will only guess and guess if this is true or not. But for Sagittarius, who are in a relationship with someone (not necessarily for three years), the end of autumn - the beginning of winter will be a real test. Don't get discouraged or think that the relationship is over. This is the time to come to terms with the result and just move on with the flow. The main thing is to understand and make the right decisions. All problems in your personal life will be solved by Sagittarius on their own, without unnecessary hassle. Another important aspect of the current period is that Sagittarius will have to betray some of their principles. Don't get angry! No one likes this kind of thing, especially Sagittarius, who are known to be faithful to their beliefs. This will probably not be the most optimistic ending of 2016, but it is advisable to approach this philosophically. In any case, for Sagittarius, the year 2016 will generally end with some rather mysterious, positive feelings.

Financial Horoscope for 2016

In 2016, Sagittarius will be able to make themselves a wonderful gift - a luxury car or a trip to exotic countries. Do not even have to doubt whether to do it or not, believe that it is better to spend your money on something pleasant. In 2016, the stars will love Sagittarius. Financial resources will constantly replenish the Sagittarius budget, despite the huge waste in 2016. The stars recommend not only spending, but also starting to invest in promising projects, start saving, because by the end of the year the accumulated amount will be enough for a few more gorgeous gifts for yourself.

Horoscope for 2016

Author's astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 for the zodiac sign Sagittarius (for Sagittarius) consists of two parts. The first part of the horoscope for Sagittarius shows the general influences of the transit planets in 2016 on the Sagittarius zodiac sign. In the second part of the astrological forecast for 2016 for Sagittarius, the dates of birth of Sagittarius are described, which will be directly influenced by the transits of the planets - this forecast is for Sagittarius by date of birth. Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2016 is free, without SMS and without registration, online.

The general astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 for Sagittarius is the transits of the planets to the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

In 2016, Sagittarius is affected by two contradictory influences - the square of Neptune and the conjunction of Saturn. Neptune gives illusions, and Saturn lowers into reality.

Neptune in 2016 passes the square aspect to the Sagittarius zodiac sign. This influence of Neptune can plunge Sagittarius, born in the middle of their zodiac sign, into chaos, situations of uncertainty will develop in their lives, and there is also the possibility of deception and self-deception.

Saturn in 2016 passes the Sagittarius zodiac sign from 10 to 22 degrees Sagittarius. Saturn will "accustom" restless and changeable Sagittarius to patience and responsibility. In the life of Sagittarius, situations may arise where they have to take on more responsibilities and show self-discipline.

Uranus in 2016 aspects the Sagittarius zodiac sign with trine. This favorable influence of Uranus will bring new opportunities for self-realization to Sagittarius born near the end of their zodiac sign. Sagittarius will be able to bring to life some original ideas... Uranus will make Sagittarius in 2016 even more energetic, enhance their adventurism and love of freedom.

Jupiter, the planet ruler of Sagittarius, in 2016 until September 9 will be in the Virgo zodiac sign and will square to the Sagittarius zodiac sign. This influence of Jupiter can add self-confidence to Sagittarius, but it can also bring disappointment from unfulfilled hopes. And from September 9, 2016 until the end of 2016, Jupiter from the zodiac sign of Libra will make an aspect of sextile to the zodiac sign Sagittarius. This can bring new opportunities, luck and help in difficult situations to the life of Sagittarius in 2016.

The Lunar Nodes will pass the entire 2016 as a square aspect to the Sagittarius zodiac sign. This can cause some difficulties in business, difficulties, the personal aspirations of Sagittarius will run into obstacles.

From March 6 to May 25, 2016 Mars will pass the Sagittarius zodiac sign - this is a favorable position for Mars. And Sagittarius during this period will become even more active and decisive, although their haste and impatience will also increase. During this period, the life of Sagittarius can become more dynamic, hectic and active. But in the period from April 17 to May 25, 2016 - Mars is in Sagittarius and in backward motion (it will become retrograde) - this influence of Mars can have a "braking" effect on Sagittarius, some cases will require revision. Perhaps Sagittarius in this period of 2016 will need to return to previously postponed cases. Retrograde Mars will interfere with the vigorous activity of Sagittarius - Sagittarius will be ready to fight and act decisively, but something can "throw" them back, hinder in new endeavors. From August 2 to September 27, 2016, Mars will again be in the zodiac sign Sagittarius in direct motion.

Venus passes the zodiac sign Sagittarius from December 30, 2015 to January 23, 2016, from October 18 to November 12, 2016... During these periods of 2016, the charm of Sagittarius will increase, their attractiveness to the opposite sex, there is the likelihood of new acquaintances, or making a profit or gifts, surprises. Also a good time for acquaintances and for situations when Sagittarius needs to make a good impression, charm and attract attention - there will be periods of movement of Venus in the zodiac sign Aries (from April 5 to 30, 2016) and the Leo zodiac sign (from July 12 to August 5, 2016 of the year).

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for Sagittarius for 2016 by date of birth.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 for Sagittarius born on November 30, December 1, 2, 3, 4

In 2016, Neptune will be exactly square to the Sun in the natal chart of these Sagittarius. Sagittarius themselves are dreamy, idealistic people, they do not really like to burden themselves with other people's problems and great responsibility. This all suggests that Sagittarius in 2016 will become more absent-minded, trusting, their plans may be out of touch with reality, and Sagittarius will also tend to let their affairs take their course. And as a result, Sagittarius in 2016 may find themselves in situations of uncertainty, chaos, unfulfilled expectations. These Sagittarius can be advised to be careful in 2016, check their plans with reality, not trust unfamiliar people too much and try to solve any problems immediately, without putting them on the back burner. In general, in 2016 for these Sagittarius there is a possibility of deception, self-deception, "hanging position". Neptune's square to the Sun can manifest itself favorably in terms of charity, helping others, creativity and spiritual development.

But still, Neptune is related to the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius (Neptune in Sagittarius is considered in its second abode) and, if Neptune is favorably located in the natal chart of Sagittarius, then in 2016 the square of Neptune with the Sun can play out as increased intuition, inspiration, creativity, either as a spiritual or mystical experience.

For Sagittarius born on December 1, 2, 3, 4, both Neptune and Saturn (read about the influence of Saturn below) will simultaneously unfavorably aspect the Sun in their natal chart in 2016. This influence suggests that some idealistic dreams, fantasies or illusions of these Sagittarius can be destroyed by reality, stumble upon obstacles. In general, Sagittarius will have to "descend from heaven to earth." Although if Neptune and Saturn are favorably located in the natal chart of Sagittarius, then this influence will make Sagittarius make a lot of efforts to realize their dreams, creative ideas, but nevertheless, some obstacles are also likely here. The most problematic period is likely in the summer and autumn of 2016.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 for Sagittarius born on December 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

In 2016, Uranus will be in the exact trine aspect to the Sun in the natal chart of these Sagittarius. Uranus will allow Sagittarius to realize their ideas, become more energetic and risky. This influence of Uranus will have a beneficial effect on the self-realization of Sagittarius. The individualism, love of freedom and self-confidence of these Sagittarius will increase in 2016. The changes in 2016 are likely to be unusual, they will bring excitement to the life of Sagittarius, excite them and attract with their novelty. The situations that arise in 2016 may be a little volatile at first, but they promise success and advancement for these Sagittarius in the future.

In 2016, Saturn will be in the exact aspect of conjunction with the Sun in the natal chart of these Sagittarius. Saturn will make the cheerful and freedom-loving Sagittarius become serious and more responsible. The passage of Saturn through the Sun can also make the overall mood of these Sagittarius sombre. Some new responsibilities, situations in which Sagittarius will have to endure something, come to terms with something, voluntarily make some sacrifices - will act depressingly on Sagittarius. But if Sagittarius accept the new "rules", they will not complain about life - in this case they will be able to strengthen their position, make it more stable, and in the future these sacrifices will bring them success. Those. stabilization of affairs and strengthening of reliability will occur only under the condition of self-discipline of Streltsov, their diligence and acceptance of responsibility. Saturn does not give anything for nothing, and Sagittarius will have to work hard in 2016 to achieve their goals. Saturn, as it were, limits and compresses life energy, but on the other hand, it forces you to concentrate efforts and apply them in one specific direction. If Sagittarius does not spray, then in 2016 they can expect positive results... For Sagittarius women, there is a small chance of marriage, or the beginning of a new relationship.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 for Sagittarius born from December 4 until the end of the Sagittarius zodiac sign

In 2016, Jupiter will be in the exact square aspect of the Sun in the birth chart of these Sagittarius. This influence of Jupiter, most likely, will not bring serious problems or losses, but Sagittarius may not get what they hoped for. Sagittarius's overconfident behavior will not always be justified. Also in 2016, these Sagittarius should not let their affairs take their course and relax too much. Laziness and self-indulgence will be the main enemies for these Sagittarians in 2016. Sagittarius may have difficulty learning, but again, most likely due to a reluctance to make an effort. Also, unsatisfactory results in legal cases are likely. These Sagittarius don't need to rely too much on luck and luck.

For these Sagittarius, this influence of Jupiter will be from the beginning of 2016 until the beginning of September 2016. Those. for those Sagittarius who were born closer to December 4 - at the beginning of 2016, and for those who were born closer to the end of their sign - at the beginning of September 2016.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 for Sagittarius born from the beginning of the zodiac sign Sagittarius until December 13 inclusive

In 2016, Jupiter will be in the exact sextile aspect of the Sun in the birth chart of these Sagittarius. In 2016, the sphere of communication between Streltsov may expand, their social activity will increase. The influence of sextile is weak, although it can bring these Sagittarius in 2016 some progress in their work, good luck in their studies, travel, travel, successful resolution of legal cases. Favorable chances for self-realization, new ideas, suggestions may appear. This Influence of Jupiter in 2016 will soften any tense situations, make Streltsov even more self-confident, optimistic, fill them vitality and even if difficulties arise, help will come in a timely manner.

For these Sagittarius, this influence of Jupiter will be from the beginning of September to the end of 2016, i.e. for those Sagittarius who were born closer to the beginning of their zodiac sign - at the beginning of September, and for those who were born closer to December 13 - at the end of 2016.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 for Sagittarius born from November 27 to December 16 inclusive

In 2016, the Lunar Nodes will be square to the Sun natal chart these Sagittarius. Sagittarius in 2016 can expect obstacles in business, especially when it comes to self-realization. Problems will arise if Sagittarius are too eager for personal achievement, personal gain. For those Streltsov who were born closer to November 27, this influence will be relevant at the end of 2016, and for those Streltsov who were born closer to December 16 - at the beginning of 2016

But you can have transits to other planets of the natal chart, which can only be calculated individually. The sun practically does not change the degree of the zodiac in the same numbers of different years, and other planets in the birth chart (Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn) can be anywhere, so I have no opportunity to draw up a horoscope based on them, based only on the date and month of birth.

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Saturn will be in your sign for the whole of 2016, so under the influence of its energy you can become more courageous, grow and become more responsible, work intelligently and hard. Now you can avoid bad behavior. Saturn will always help you calm down. Those of you who were born on December 2-16 will be most affected by Saturn, but all Sagittarius will feel it on themselves.

Mars will make everything interesting for your sign in March and will give a burst of energy, but it will take a retrograde position in mid-April and stay in your sign for the whole of May. Perhaps during this time you will feel even more limited. You may become more withdrawn, and you will have to practice patience and self-control. Retrograde planet will most affect Sagittarius born in November. Mars will return to your sign in August and September and you can take advantage of momentum, but you still have to get it right. No short roads!

Jupiter will rule the hopes for the future and the dreams of your sign in September, and you will be able to focus on your hopes for the future, on your most cherished dreams, and, probably, opportunities will open up for you to fulfill them. A lunar eclipse will occur in this sector of the horoscope on March 23, and by this time you will have a clear idea of ​​what you want in life.

Neptune will be at right angles to your sign in Pisces in 2016, which is an unfavorable position, so you will need to work on being more realistic without pessimism. Saturn in your sign will help with realism, but you don't want to give up imagination and daydreaming entirely, so maintaining balance will be the most difficult task. Those of you who were born between November 28 and December 4 will experience the greatest influence of Neptune. Jupiter in Virgo before September is also at right angles to your sign, so sometimes you will be a little lazy and think too well about your well-being. Those of you born after December 4th will be more affected by this influence.

When Jupiter enters Libra, he will be in a favorable position to your sign (it is called sextile), and you, if you wish, can take advantage of the opportunities that are around you. Those of you who were born before December 12th will experience this to a greater extent. Uranus in Aries is also in a positive relationship with your sign (trine), and you can make positive changes in your life, get out of your comfort zone and take reasonable risks. Those of you who were born on December 7-16 will be most influenced by Uranus.

Sagittarius 2016 love horoscope

Uranus will be in your sector of the horoscope all year, and you will continue to make changes in this area of ​​life. You will want a different love than you had before, and you will want more freedom. You can be attracted to rebels, unique personalities, and people with unusual appearances. Venus will be in your love sector of the horoscope in April, and the Sun will be from mid-March to mid-April, so at this time you can be the most romantic, gentle and loving.

Career horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius

Pluto will be in your horoscope monetary sector throughout 2016, and your attitude to finance and your approach to solving financial needs will continue to change in 2016. Mars in this sector of the horoscope will be from October to early November, and will give you more energy to focus on your finances and work on the desired changes. Mercury will be retrograde in the monetary horoscope in January and the second half of December, and you will need to focus on your financial well-being at the beginning and end of the year. Make the right choices and don't settle for anything without gathering enough information.

Jupiter will be in the career and life direction horoscope sector until September, and the solar eclipse will occur here on September 1. Jupiter will be at the top and you will be able to feel at the top of the world in some ways, continue to “rise” towards the place in life where you would like to be. Solar eclipse can bring new opportunities to progress for you. Mercury will be retrograde in this sector of the horoscope in September, so, for sure, you will have to face delays and setbacks.

Mercury retrograde will be in the work horoscope sector in May, and you may feel less desire to work, become frustrated with employees or the work environment, and focus on difficulties. Mercury retrograde will affect all aspects of work / money / career in 2016, and this could be a year in which you will encounter a lot of small hindrances that will lead to re-planning. It's important to stay flexible and move with the flow. This is a great year to return to a career or job that you did before or tried to do before, and all the while waiting for another chance.

Family horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius

Throughout 2016, Neptune will be in your sector of the home and family horoscope, which will prevent attempts to concentrate on the home and family life... You need to accept this situation and allow everyone to have their own space. A spiritual connection can develop if you don't push hard. Mars will be in this sector of the horoscope in the second half of December, and you will be able to focus more on home and family during this time. A solar eclipse will occur in this sector of the horoscope on March 8th, and a lunar one on September 16th, so you can start working on something in this regard in March, and your endeavors will culminate in September with a lunar eclipse.

Uranus will rule the relationship with children throughout 2016, so if you have children, you may notice that they continue to drift away and rebel in search of their own path. They want to assert their individuality, which you can take as an attack on you, but they just want to grow their own wings.

Jupiter will manage your relationship with your parents until September, and he will help you build a relationship with them, or at least help them. The solar eclipse in this sector of the horoscope will be in September, so they will be able to discover new opportunities. Mercury retrograde will be here in September, so at this time you may have misunderstandings or even quarrels. Try to be more open to contacts.

The mental horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius

Mars in this sector of the horoscope will control the state of your subconscious in January and February, and you can concentrate on re-evaluating what is holding you in the past, your baggage and even bad karma. Mars will be retrograde in this sector of the horoscope in July, so you may encounter something that you thought was decided long ago in the past, but it will come back and demand your attention a second time, and you will have to understand what you missed the first time. Mars will be in this sector of the horoscope in July, and you will finally be able to deal with the problems and continue moving.

Horoscope for each month for 2016 Sagittarius

Horoscope for January 2016 Sagittarius

You may need to adjust to those around you in January. If what they say about you affects your confidence, you need to close your eyes. They may have ulterior motives, and you need to think about yourself first. If you trust what they say, then why is it so? You don't need to listen to their words or believe them. Instead, believe in yourself.

Horoscope for February 2016 Sagittarius

You may not have much energy this month and feel like other people are draining you physically, mentally and emotionally. You need more time for yourself and for relaxation. You will feel shabby and you will need to focus on recovering from all the work you have done. Don't ask too much of yourself, and don't let others do it. Spend time alone and relax.

Horoscope for March 2016 Sagittarius

Your deepest dreams have served as the basis for goals over the past few years, and it's time to see the culmination of your work and try to achieve some of those goals this year. This will help you feel more confident inside, so you can now build a more solid foundation. You are at the beginning of the path, and you can consider this a starting point for yourself.

Mars will be retrograde in your sign this month, so you may feel like you have less fuse than usual and feel like you are unable to stick to your plan. You will need to show more patience, restrain your stubbornness and not "throw your fists at everyone." Avoid impulsive impulses, always think before something to say or do in any aspect of your life.

Horoscope for April 2016 Sagittarius

The work may seem daunting this month, the amount of work to be done will overwhelm you, or you will not work at all and completely avoid it. If you have too much work to do, try not to take on that much. If you decide to be lazy, then try to force yourself to move. This good month to get back to the work you once had before, even if it's just for a while.

Horoscope for June 2016 Sagittarius

You feel like you are surrounded by people this month who annoy you and that they don’t understand how ugly they are behaving, but, in fact, you need to do your own projects. Subconsciously, you notice in others what is in you. If others are getting on your nerves, stop and consider if you are doing the same as they are.

Horoscope for July 2016 Sagittarius

In July, you will be able to get rid of some of the things that you no longer need: it can be both physical objects, and people with their relationships, or bad habits. You will feel great in some aspects of life and that you are on the right track. You will want to enjoy your time at the top and see what else you can do while you are here and you have the opportunity.

Horoscope for August 2016 Sagittarius

Your energy will return to you this month so that you can focus on something that requires hard work and discipline. You may have great concentration, but you know that you need to make the right decisions and do everything right, otherwise all the effort you put in will get you nowhere. Don't let this happen. Make smart choices, do your job, and learn what you need to learn.

Horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius

Old goals may become important to you again this month, and you can start working on reaching them again. We would all like to get a second chance in some way, and it will be such a time for you. Try to achieve this again and learn from the last attempt to apply that experience and increase the likelihood of success now. Who knows what you can achieve now?

Horoscope for October 2016 Sagittarius

Your values ​​and how you feel now will be important for changes in the future, maybe even in the very near future, and you can see this right now. What was important to you has already lost its relevance, and this process continues. Your personality changes, and you become stronger in something, you have better prospects and you begin to better understand how it all works.

Horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius

Horoscope for December 2016 Sagittarius

You will focus on your thoughts in the first half of the month, but pay more attention to emotions and self-esteem in the second half of December. If you've built a solid internal foundation, then you'll feel good this month and come out of the water. If you haven't, you will need to work on it now, and try to interact with people who are not providing as much support as you would like.

Tarot horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius

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