Fortune telling on wax the meaning of the figures is the key. Interpretation of wax figures in divination. Fortune telling in wax: the meaning of figures, the interpretation of symbols. Video: "Divination with wax and water step by step instructions"

Fortune telling with wax is a traditional Old Slavic entertainment before Christmas. Both young girls and mature ladies resort to it. The interpretation of Christmas divination in wax and water is within the power of even beginners. You just need to show your imagination and connect your imagination to recognize the formed wax figures. The most favorable time for casting wax is at night on the eve of Christmas. By folk beliefs, the line between the otherworldly and outside world is most subtle on this very night.

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    Fortune telling on wax

    For this fortune-telling, you will need a minimum of improvised means: water, a wax candle or natural wax. You need to carry out the ritual at night, without strangers, being left alone with your thoughts and concentrating on your own desires and goals.

      The color of the candle depends on the purpose of the fortune-telling: for questions about love, a red or pink one, about health - a green candle, to find out the financial situation - yellow or gold. If a fortuneteller has accumulated many questions of a different nature, he can light several colored candles.

      You can melt the wax in a separate container and pour it into the water. Another option is to light a candle and wait until it starts to melt (about an hour). First, you need to formulate a clear question and say it out loud. The wax should be poured in one place, the hand should remain motionless. Then you need to wait for a while to mark the wax patterns and carefully analyze the resulting images. Sometimes symbols can have a double meaning - in this case, you should listen to your inner voice and choose a suitable interpretation.

      If a figurine formed from molten wax has a favorable meaning, then you need to save it, if negative - bury it away from home in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

      Interpretation of wax symbols and signs

      Alphabetical meaning of shapes and various characters.

      The letter a:

  1. 1. Apricot. Such a symbol is characteristic of a temperamental and irascible nature. These character traits will bring many problems to a woman. If a fortuneteller has a soul mate, the chosen one will dismiss the close people and relatives of his beloved.
  2. 2. Stork. An excellent sign promising family well-being, the birth of a healthy child and testifying to the enormous creative potential of a person.
  3. 3. Car. An image of a vehicle portends a short-term trip or a romantic trip, going out with friends to nature.
  4. 4. Angel. A sign of fundamental changes in a person's life, who should not always rely on the help of relatives and friends, need to learn independence, take responsibility for the actions taken.
  5. 5. Amphora. The chosen one is not ready to build a serious and long-term relationship with a girl, he just fools her head.
  6. 6. Arch. Traveling abroad, the onset of a new stage in life.
  7. 7. Watermelon. This berry testifies to the strength of spirit, determination, ambition and leadership qualities of a young person.
  8. 8. Pineapple. The beloved constantly doubts his feelings, he cannot determine his preferences and will cause a lot of suffering to the girl.

Letter B:

  1. 1. Eggplant. The girl underestimates herself, she should be more confident in her own abilities. If wax is poured out in order to tell fortunes on a lover, this vegetable is a bad sign and promises misunderstanding, disagreements in relationships and alienation.
  2. 2. Ballerina. Great dependence on someone else's opinion, inability to make decisions on their own, useless pastime, failures in professional activity.
  3. 3. Bow. You should show more care and goodwill towards people from your close environment, so that in difficult moment they came to the rescue.
  4. 4. Banana. The past will remind of itself in the near future, past events will negatively affect the girl's love relationship. The young lady is able to betray her chosen one and cause him severe mental pain.
  5. 5. Drum. Loss of reputation due to the fault of your loved one, hypocrisy, gossip, other people's gossip.
  6. 6. Battery. There will always be a person next to a girl who can be relied on in a difficult life situation, he is loyal and honest, he will never betray.
  7. 7. Bank. Deep disappointment, vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams.
  8. 8. Tower. Internal changes, spiritual growth and self-development, emotional uplift, rapid rise in the career ladder.
  9. 9. Shoe or boot. Well worn out changes, a sense of security and justice.
  10. 10. Baton. If a married lady saw such a sign, it means that she connected her life with a superficial and frivolous person, whose family is one of the last places in life. The beloved does not pay due attention to his wife and children, he is cold and cruel. If the sign appeared during the fortune-telling of an unmarried girl, then she needs to carefully approach the choice of a life partner.
  11. 11. Binoculars. You should carefully weigh your decision, do not exaggerate your capabilities.
  12. 12. Damn. The young lady will have to be alone for a long time.
  13. 13. The bomb. You need to control your emotions, otherwise a huge scandal will happen. The girl runs the risk of ruining relationships with all close people because of her explosive nature.
  14. 14. Glass. Great prospects for the future, amazing opportunities. Fate gives a unique chance, it must not be missed.
  15. 15. Bagel. The young lady will be deeply disappointed in her lover, since he is not who he seems.
  16. 16. Letters or numbers. Clear symbols promise positive changes, good news, and blurred ones - negative changes, sad news. If there are dots next to the letters, this portends a large profit. Numbers can foreshadow events that will occur on the date that is associated with these symbols, and letters can mean the name of a person who will play an important role in the life of a fortuneteller.
  17. 17. Bottle. You should not give in to temptation, you need to control yourself and limit the use of alcohol in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  18. 18. Bouquet. An invitation to a gala event, a nice present from a loved one, a romantic date.
  19. 19. Alarm clock. You should postpone all cases and pay due attention to your health condition, otherwise there may be serious problems.
  20. 20. Bust. Disregard of family values ​​for the sake of material wealth. We must not forget about close people, because they can turn away from a person and he will be left completely alone.

Letter B:

  1. 1. Vase. Spiritual harmony, calmness, peace, contentment with your life.
  2. 2. Bicycle. You need to show more perseverance and hard work in order to achieve this goal.
  3. 3. Rope. A negative sign promising trouble, mental and physical suffering, insurmountable obstacles.
  4. 4. Wreath. A joyful, happy event, a fun pastime, the fulfillment of a cherished desire, pleasant chores.
  5. 5. Fan. Major troubles in professional activities, clarification of relations with household members, misunderstanding in relationships with a lover, his coldness.
  6. 6. Grapes. Great love, family wealth, well-being, abundance and prosperity.
  7. 7. Fork. You should take a closer look at your close environment. Among these people there is a person who wishes evil to the fortuneteller and weaves intrigues against him.

Letter G:

  1. 1. Kettlebell. The person has a difficult character and cannot find mutual language with others. You don't need to be so harsh and categorical so as not to complicate your life.
  2. 2. Nail. A loved one uses a young lady for his own selfish purposes, he is greedy and hypocritical.
  3. 3. Guitar. Family harmony, complete understanding with your beloved and household members, peace of mind, peace of mind.
  4. 4. Eye. In a close environment there is an ill-wisher, a deceiver, a hypocrite.
  5. 5. Mushroom. Long and happy life a fortuneteller and people dear to him, a joyful surprise, an unexpected positive event.
  6. 6. Pear. A sign of monetary profit, harmonious relationships and the successful completion of an important life stage.
  7. 7. Coffin. A bad sign, foreshadowing a serious illness and imminent death.
  8. 8. Goose. Unforeseen circumstances, unexpected development of events, receiving an invitation to an important event.
  9. 9. Lips. Sensuality, passion, intimate caresses, a sign of a temperamental nature.

Letter D:

  1. 1. Sofa. Passive lifestyle, laziness, indifference, apathy.
  2. 2. The door. Soon a new stage in life will come, which can bring both positive and negative changes.
  3. 3. Wood. If the branches are directed upwards - a happy event, if they are downwards - deep sadness, boring pastime, irresistible melancholy.
  4. 4. Home. Purchase of real estate, change of residence, marriage, household chores.
  5. 5. The road. Unique opportunities open up before a person, fate gives a chance to improve his life. You should use it so that you do not regret the lost time later.

Letter Ж:

  1. 1. Acorn. Creative inspiration, new business idea, good time.
  2. 2. Woman. Girlfriend or rival.

Letter Z:

  1. 1. Castle. A new acquaintance, a new love, a change in the type of activity, a transition to a new job.
  2. 2. The embryo of a child. The embryo symbolizes the birth of a new idea, plans, a new stage in life. A clear drawing - all undertakings will be crowned with success, vague - you need to analyze your goals and desires and not make hasty decisions.
  3. 3. Star. Fulfillment of innermost desires, achievement of the intended goal, implementation of plans, career growth.
  4. 4. Umbrella. Minor domestic troubles, disputes, the emergence of a conflict situation in a relationship with a loved one, the tense atmosphere at home.
  5. 5. Question mark. Changeability, uncertainty, indecision.
  6. 6. Comma. Mystery, mystery, intrigue in a relationship with a lover.

Letter I:

  1. 1. Needle. The person is too vulnerable and susceptible to other people's comments.

Letter K:

  1. 1. Drop. Many small ones - for financial profit, one big - easy money, inheritance.
  2. 2. Stone. The girl's lover is impractical, he does not have a strong character and succumbs to momentary weaknesses.
  3. 3. Cabbage. Cheerfulness, positive thinking, good nature.
  4. 4. Card (playing). The chosen one does not reciprocate, he is cold and indifferent.
  5. 5. Saucepan. Material losses, loss of valuable things, large financial expenses.
  6. 6. Square. Comfort, stability, family well-being.
  7. 7. Key. Believing in yourself will help you realize your cherished dream and achieve great success in your work.
  8. 8. Book. Self-education, self-improvement, obtaining new skills and knowledge, broadening one's horizons.
  9. 9. Wheel. The onset of a new life stage, big changes.
  10. 10. Ring. A sign of an imminent marriage, a magnificent wedding. If the ring is broken, the marriage will be short-lived. If there are many dots next to this image, the person will receive a profitable business offer.
  11. 11. Ship. Romantic trip, long-term business trip, forced separation from loved ones.
  12. 12. Comet. An unexpected turn, the rapid development of events.
  13. 13. Crown. Respect and general recognition, rapid career growth, material prosperity. Everything conceived will become reality in the near future.
  14. 14. Wallet. Cash spending, long-awaited purchase.
  15. 15. Cross. Unsuccessful life span, chronic bad luck, deteriorating health, troubles at home and at work.
  16. 16. Circle. Completion of a stage in a person's life, achievement of the task.
  17. 17. Bed. A person needs good rest and a change of environment.

Letter L:

  1. 1. Lemon. Strong envy, moral dissatisfaction, mental anguish, dissatisfaction with one's life.
  2. 2. Leaves. Lucky event, luck, financial prosperity.
  3. 3. Spoon. Unexpected guests, dinner party, family feast.

Letter M:

  1. 1. Medal. Painstaking work will be highly appreciated.
  2. 2. Lightning. Irresponsibility and frivolity of a person will lead to disastrous consequences.
  3. 3. Hammer. You need to be responsible for your words and be responsible for your actions.
  4. 4. Monster. The dark side of personality, vicious hobbies.
  5. 5. The man. A new fan, a short-term romance, or a long and strong relationship with a lover.
  6. 6. Ball. An unsuccessful life period will soon be replaced by positive events and great joy.

Letter H:

  1. 1. Handcuffs. Addictions, violation of the law, disregard for moral and moral norms, restriction of freedom of action.
  2. 2. Scissors. A person should decide on their desires and goals and get rid of negative memories. You need to make a difficult choice in order to move on and develop.

Letter O:

  1. 1. Cloud. Emotional uplift, creative inspiration, energy surge. Great inner potential, dreamy and receptive nature.
  2. 2. Points. Illusory perception of reality, self-deception.

Letter P:

  1. 1. Cobweb. Unjustified risk, participation in an adventure, a dubious event. The ill-wisher weaves intrigues behind the back of a fortuneteller.
  2. 2. Palm. A serene and happy life, family vacation, romantic trip, a trip with friends, exciting adventures, holiday romance, fun pastime, vivid impressions and unforgettable emotions.
  3. 3. Feather. Low level of concentration, inability to bring the work started to its logical conclusion.
  4. 4. Hourglass. It's time to make a responsible decision.
  5. 5. Pistol. A grandiose family scandal, a great danger.
  6. 6. Train. Business trip, moving to another city or country.
  7. 7. Horseshoe. A favorable period in the life of a fortuneteller, successful business negotiations, family idyll, material stability.

Letter P:

  1. 1. Child. The appearance of offspring, early pregnancy, a new business project.
  2. 2. Rose. The fulfillment of the innermost desire in the near future.
  3. 3. Hand. Strong friendly bond, companionable help and support.
  4. 4. Mermaid. Temptation, deception, cunning of the ill-wisher, gossip, slander, female deceit.

Letter C:

  1. 1. Airplane. If directed upwards - a fast journey, if downwards - defeat, collapse of hopes, broken dreams, vain expectations.
  2. 2. Heart. Heartfelt affection, sincere and bright feelings, great and mutual love.
  3. 3. Candle. Solemn event, significant event, fast wedding.
  4. 4. Cigarette. A person cannot make the right decision and finish what he has begun, he is sprayed into trifles and does not notice the true state of affairs.
  5. 5. Sickle (lunar). Life changes of a cardinal nature are coming.
  6. 6. Rock. Life obstacles on the way to the intended goal, insurmountable difficulties.
  7. 7. The sun. Talents, creativity, great opportunities, the birth of a child, a favorable stage in all spheres of life.
  8. 8. Spiral. All the secret will soon become clear, the past will make itself felt.
  9. 9. Glass. Poor health, mental vulnerability, physical illness, moral devastation.
  10. 10. Wall. A symbol of alienation, misunderstanding, conflicts with households and disagreements in the work team.
  11. 11. Arrow. Bad news, bad incident.
  12. 12. Steps. Climbing the career ladder, increasing the position held, general recognition, respect for people from close circle.

Letter T:

  1. 1. Phone. An important event, serious talk. A person does not always say what he really thinks.
  2. 2. Point. Financial profit, the emergence of an additional source of income.
  3. 3. Ax. Problematic situations at home and at work. Conflict and harshness of character will bring a lot of trouble to a young lady.
  4. 4. Pumpkin. Cardinal changes of a positive nature, new job, love relationships, change of scenery.

Letter F:

  1. 1. Flag. Risk of injury and physical injury. For unmarried girls, such a symbol promises a wedding with a military man.

Letter X:

  1. 1. Bread. A good sign symbolizing abundance, financial well-being, good health and longevity.

Letter C:

  1. 1. Flower. Brilliant opportunities, positive mood, peace of mind, peace of mind. The desired will soon become reality, the plans will come true.
  2. 2. Church. Oath of fidelity and devotion, wedding ceremony, spiritual heritage.

Letter H:

  1. 1. Cup. Small joys in life, a pleasant pastime with friends.

Letter W:

  1. 1. Pants. A dual situation, a person has to make a difficult choice.

Letter I:

  1. 1. Apple. A symbol of health, success, well-being, happiness and love. If the fruit is bitten or wrinkled, a person needs to resist the temptation or momentary temptation in order to achieve what he wants.
  2. 2. Egg. Radical changes are coming, a new stage of life, new ideas and opportunities, brilliant prospects.
  3. 3. Anchor. High position in society. The personality is socially significant and is popular with the opposite sex. Temporary difficulties, which will soon be replaced by great joy.
  4. 4. Pit. Immediate death of a fortuneteller or a person from his inner circle.

The meaning of animals and birds

Deciphering the appearance of wax outlines of birds and flying creatures in the water:

  1. 1. Stork. Family happiness, harmony in life, tides of creative inspiration, creation.
  2. 2. Raven. Deep sadness, difficult life period, health problems.
  3. 3. Dragon. A person has high ambitions, he cannot sit in one place for a long time and constantly strives to develop and reach the top. The young lady knows what she wants, and is used to always winning.
  4. 4. Chicken or chicken. Mutual understanding in personal relationships, business networking.
  5. 5. Swan. A long-awaited letter, positive news from distant relatives or friends.
  6. 6. Bird. Good news, pleasant meeting with an old friend or school friend.
  7. 7. Duck. Luck, success in all endeavors.
  8. 8. Heron. A negative attitude towards life and past grievances do not allow them to fully develop and achieve great heights. A girl needs to change from within to be successful.


  1. 1. Butterfly. Positive changes in all spheres of life, making the right decision, getting rid of negative emotions.
  2. 2. Fly. Internal irritation, disharmony, gossip and intrigue, loss of reputation.
  3. 3. Spider. Stable financial position, exposure of a cunning foe, he will not have time to carry out his insidious plan.
  4. 4. Bee. A person will become successful due to his hard work and dedication.
  5. 5. Snail. Slowness, suspiciousness, self-doubt.

Animals and magical creatures:

  1. 1. Alligator. Unforeseen circumstances, unexpected development of events, emotional shock.
  2. 2. The ram. The person is stubborn and believes that any methods can be used to achieve their own goals and satisfy their ambitions, but such beliefs will become a big problem in building a serious relationship.
  3. 3. Badger. The chosen one is not ready to change for the sake of the girl, he lives in his illusory world and does not notice the obvious things.
  4. 4. Squirrel. The girl is reasonable and thrifty, she knows how to think logically and worries about her future.
  5. 5. Hippopotamus. Love and strong affection, however, the beloved is thick-skinned and does not know how to show tender feelings for his chosen one.
  6. 6. Bull. Great danger, threat to the health and life of the fortuneteller.
  7. 7. Wolf. The girl's chosen one is bold and courageous, he has great ambitions and always achieves what he wants. Due to the hardness of the lover's character and his uncompromising nature, serious disagreements and scandals can arise.
  8. 8. Giraffe. Illusions, daydreaming, rich imagination, a sign of a romantic and subtle nature.
  9. 9. Hare. Internal fears, fear of approaching danger, bad feeling.
  10. 10. Snake. Great danger, enemy cunning, serious illness.
  11. 11. Hedgehog. You will have to show firmness and determination and go against the opinions of loved ones in order to protect your own interests.
  12. 12. Raccoon. Will get to make mistakes and not learn from them, be mistaken in their judgments.
  13. 13. Unicorn. Like-minded people who will help make great discoveries.
  14. 14. Kangaroo. Nothing can prevent a young person from realizing her own ideas and plans.
  15. 15. Goat. A favorable period for the conclusion of large transactions, financial investments, making responsible decisions.
  16. 16. Cow. Life in abundance, financial stability.
  17. 17. Cat. Betrayal of a close friend, disappointment in people from close circle, an unpleasant event.
  18. 18. Leo. Hidden talents, inner strength, fortitude, endurance, self-control, wisdom and justice.
  19. 19. Horse. If a person is selfless and persistent, soon his life will change for the better.
  20. 20. Bear. Failures in personal relationships, the emergence of a very influential and wise patron.
  21. 21. Mouse. Unpretentiousness. A fortune-telling girl is poorly versed in people.
  22. 22. Rhinoceros. The emergence of a stubborn and strong admirer, who does not take into account other people's opinions and will significantly complicate the life of a fortune-telling young lady.
  23. 23. Monkey. Deception, betrayal, deceit of a person from an inner circle. He is cunning and calculating, can cause great harm to a young lady.
  24. 24. Deer. Resistance to stress, life stability, family well-being.
  25. 25. Cancer. Serious problems on the love front, scandals, unpleasant events.
  26. 26. Dog. There is a devoted and loyal person in the girl's life; she values ​​her friendship with him very much.
  27. 27. Owl. Immediate death, deep mourning, incurable disease, mental trauma.
  28. 28. Pig. In arrogance, pride, a person does not admit his own mistakes and does not learn from them.
  29. 29. Elephant. Life wisdom, invaluable experience.
  30. 30. Tiger. The animal symbolizes the enemy's strength and the enemy's danger.
  31. 31. Lizard. An unpleasant meeting, a serious conversation, a visit from an ill-wisher.

Fish and marine life:

  1. 1. Shark. You should be more careful, because the ill-wisher is insidious and dangerous, he is plotting unkindness. The emergence of a strong business competitor.
  2. 2. Dolphin. A person can always count on help and friendly support, he is surrounded by kind and devoted comrades.
  3. 3. Kit. Reliability, calmness, stability.
  4. 4. Medusa. We'll have to find out something that will prevent you from sleeping peacefully at night, keeping other people's secrets.
  5. 5. Fish. Comfortable existence, pleasant atmosphere, family coziness.

You need to take an ordinary candle, colored or plain, and a bowl of water. It is better to insert the candle into the candlestick so as not to drip the tablecloth and save the wax. When the candle is lit and the wax flows, it is tilted over the water and the wax is allowed to drain. This can be done two or three times so that a sufficient number of drops freeze in the water. The resulting figures are removed and interpreted. You can also, after extinguishing the light in the room, one by one bring the figures to the candle or lamp and, slightly turning them to the sides, consider their shadows on the wall.

If, in addition to a few large figures, many small round droplets have formed in the bowl, this is money. The more of these droplets, the better. It is worse if there is nothing besides them: there are no big figures - there are no important plots.

Large figures are judged by the associations they call themselves or their shadows. Associations should arise spontaneously: let your imagination run wild!

List of shapes and their possible meanings

Angel... Someone will help you a lot. Good news in love.
Arch... You will move from one situation to another. The arch can also herald a journey.
Butterfly... Big changes. If accompanied by complex figures, it may indicate an unreliable or deceitful person.
Drum... Important news. Good time to express opinions.
Tower... Means a wedding or a calling from above.
Letters... Clearly looming means good news, indistinct - bad; if there are dots next to the letters, then this is money.
Bouquet... A very auspicious sign indicating celebration, happiness, gifts. It can also talk about a wedding.
Boomerang... Soon, you will feel the boomerang effect on yourself - you will recognize the consequences of recent actions, good or bad.
Bottle... Refrain from excess.
Bull... You are in danger, be careful.
Vase... Peace of mind.
Fan... Flirty relationship.
scales... You need to bring your condition into balance. If the scales are accompanied by a sword, we can talk about a lawsuit.
Fork... Someone should not be trusted because he is not telling the truth.
Grape... You can turn your talent into money.
Padlock... If it is open, then it speaks of a surprise. If closed, contains a warning.
Balloon... Temporary difficulties.
Question mark... Indecision and uncertainty.
Volcano... Something must "explode". Try to control your emotions.
Guitar... Harmonious relationships.
Eye... Be careful and careful: someone is trying to deceive you.
Head... Soon, you will get a position with great authority.
Pigeon... Harmonious relationships.
Mushroom... An unexpected event. If you see a heart next to it, we can talk about a new love.
Pear... Successful completion of any undertaking. Can sometimes mean a happy love story.
Door... One stage of life is followed by another.
House... A very auspicious sign. It has several meanings: moving to a new place of residence, happiness in the house, or the time when it is necessary to start new business.
Forked road... A new opportunity will open before you.
The Dragon... Don't be afraid to be yourself, no matter how you appear to others.
Chimney... Your plans are vague enough.
Acorn... The start of a new venture or the birth of a new idea.
capital letter... Often a capital letter speaks of someone important to you. It may also be the first letter of a country that matters to you or that you are about to visit.
Lock... Something new awaits you, such as a new relationship.
Star... Your wish will come true.
Umbrella... If the umbrella is open, expect minor difficulties; if closed, be prepared to run into problems.
Fireplace... Home and home comfort. Emotional warmth.
Square... Stability and comfort. But it can also indicate a tendency towards complacency.
Dagger... Beware of false friends.
Cage for birds... If the door is closed, you feel trapped. If open, the difficulties will soon go away.
Key... Wait for change.
Book... The acquisition of knowledge. If the book is closed, it means secret information. If it is open, then a new page will soon begin in your life.
Claws... Some are not as friendly as they seem.
Wheel... This figure always means life cycles: one ends and a new one begins.
Bell... Unexpected news. Two bells signify a wedding.
Ring... An engagement, marriage or other special occasion. If there are dots next to the ring, it means a business partnership.
Comet... Unexpected and unexpected events.
Ship... Successful and happy journey.
Basket... If complete, it means a gift or good luck. If empty, you are likely to lose something. Sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child.
Box... Present.
Crown... Success and achievement. May mean a promotion or better job... Sometimes he says that a person is constantly in the center of public attention.
Purse... Some kind of acquisition. If the figure is surrounded by dots, then it comes about money.
Crab... Beware of false friends. Trust your intuition.
Bed... You need rest. If you see a heart or a star nearby, a happy relationship awaits you.
Jug... Good health sign. May indicate a happy time with friends.
a lion... Force. You have more courage than you think.
Ladder... Your life circumstances change for the better. It is possible to increase in the service forest
Lines... Travel. Wavy lines can also indicate indecision.
Leaves... Something is flourishing in your life. A few leaves speak of great happiness.
Face or faces... A smile on your face speaks of happiness. An unpleasant face indicates enemies or rivals. Several faces foreshadow the coming holiday.
A boat... It can mean either a short trip or symbolize that you were rescued from trouble in time, especially if the figurine is at the bottom of the cup.
A car... Small trip. Visiting friends.
Medal... Your efforts will be rewarded.
Broom... It's time to clean up. This can be understood both in direct and symbolic meaning.
Hammer... You must defend your opinion.
Bridge... You will have an opportunity that will lead to good luck.
Hoe... Determination will help you overcome obstacles, but don't overdo it.
Man... Visitor. If his hand is set aside, he will bring a gift or a new opportunity.
Fly... Minor irritation. A hitch in some pleasant situation.
Ball... The project is picking up the pace.
Handcuffs... May mean problems with justice. Sometimes they indicate addiction or addiction.
Knife... Disagreements can lead to a breakdown in a relationship.
Scissors... Serious misunderstanding.
A monkey... Someone is cheating on you.
Cloud... Problems await you. If the cloud is surrounded by dots - worries about the financial situation.
Window... You should look at the problem or relationship differently. Do not refuse the help of others in solving this issue.
Glasses... Soon you will look at something in a very different way.
Tent... Adventurous journey. In addition, it can mean that they are hiding something from you.
Coat... Breaking up or ending a relationship.
Parachute... Happy exit from an incident or difficulty.
Spider... Wait for money.
Hourglass... Don't put off important things!
Pyramid... You are seriously concerned about what you have to keep secret. Sometimes the pyramid speaks of a state when a person is torn between spiritualistic and material desires.
Gun... Quarrel or possible danger.
Horseshoe... Extremely happy destiny!
Egg stand... Small problems go away.
Package... Gift or surprise.
Bird or birds... If the birds are flying, good news awaits you. Dots next to the bird indicate a scandal.
Bee... Busy and productive time.
Child or fetus... Starting a new business or creative project. Sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child.
Hand... A devoted lover or reliable friend. If the hand is clenched into a fist, we are talking about a quarrel or revenge.
Airplane... Travel. If the nose of the plane is pointing down, it can indicate disappointment and dashed hopes.
Lamp (lamp)... You will reveal a secret or deal with an old problem. Sometimes the lamp speaks about studying in any courses.
Candle... A significant period.
Heart... Indicates long-term affection and love.
Crescent moon... The beginning of something new.
The rocks... Difficulties await you.
Shell... Good news.
Dog... A devoted friend. If the dog is standing on its hind legs, then someone needs help.
Owl... Illness or betrayal of a friend.
The sun... Happiness, creativity, success. The birth of a child is possible.
Spiral... Fraud.
Cup... You don't feel well and are easily offended. May indicate a person whose motives are clear enough. If there are a lot of glasses, we are talking about a celebration.
Arrow... The letter will bring bad news.
Chair... A new position awaits you in the near future.
Steps... Success and promotion.
Feet... You need to make a decision.
Telephone... Important message. Sometimes it says that you are not yet ready to say what you think.
Axe... Difficulty or dispute. If the ax does not have a handle, this is an impossible task.
Cake... Celebration.
Shamrock... Lucky fate.
Magnifying glass... This is an opportune time to think about the details.
Forefinger... By itself, the finger does not mean anything, the main thing is what it points to. If not for anything, then your plans may fail.
Snail... Don't make hasty decisions.
Ear... Listen carefully to what others have to say. You can hear very important information.
Torch... Knowledge.
Flag... Danger be on the lookout!
Vane... You are too influenced by other people. Be objective.
Fruits... Wealth and good fortune.
Chain... Strong emotional connections.
Church... Inheritance. It can mean an oath, a promise, but not necessarily associated with a wedding.
Numbers... They indicate the time. For example, the number two on the bottom of the bowl could mean two months; two weeks if it's in the middle; two days if next to the rim. Sometimes numbers can talk about money.
Cup... Happiness and feelings of emotional satisfaction. An inverted cup can mean the end of a relationship.
Hat... Traditionally means a gift. The shape of the hat will tell you more precise interpretation... For example, a jester's hat may indicate the need to impersonate someone else.
Apple... The situation is improving. Sometimes it can talk about temptation.
Egg... New plans and projects can be very successful. Birth, both factual and metaphorical.
Anchor... Travel by sea. If the figurine is lying on the bottom, something or someone is holding you back.

Second way

For this fortune-telling, you will need several candles, better than wax candles, but ordinary paraffin candles are also suitable. If you can get your hands on colored candles, then that's fine. It is believed that the most accurate result is obtained when using red candles.

Leave one candle to melt, and light the rest and place it around - the flickering flame of the candles will help create the right atmosphere for fortune telling, will surround you with an aura of mystery. In addition to the candles, you will also need a cup and a deep plate or bowl of cold water to cool the melted wax.

Before starting the fortune-telling, break the left candle into small pieces and put them in a large metal, enamel or clay spoon. Heat this spoon on one of the burning candles until the pieces of wax or paraffin are completely melted and turn into liquid. Now quickly pour the contents of the spoon into a container of cold water and see what happens.

Freezing, hot wax forms a variety of bizarre shapes, according to which you, with the help of your boundless imagination, determine what awaits you in the future. Each image that you see in the frozen wax means something, it predicts your fate for the next year.

In general, fortune-telling with wax is a purely individual thing. You should give free rein to your imagination and just follow the associations that will be born in your brain, and this will be the best and most accurate prediction. If you are unable to determine what the imagined image means to you personally, use the interpretations given below of some of the most frequently formed figures.

Turtle- a good sign, a symbol of wisdom and longevity. Sometimes it is a symbol of a happy family life.

Egg- a symbol of the birth of something new (sometimes literally - the birth of a child). Often indicates impending changes. But it is also an ancient symbol of everything hidden, secret, and in this case it means some of your fears and concerns. Deal with yourself.

Ball, ball, core (something round)- the sphere, according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, is an ideal figure, a symbol of perfection! You have everything under control, things are in order, life is finally stabilizing. Now the main thing is not to stop halfway and keep going forward, then success is guaranteed!

Apple- a symbol of health, harmony, love and material wealth. You can also remember the apple from the tree of knowledge (a symbol of wisdom) and the apple of discord ... But a shriveled or bitten apple may indicate some kind of temptation, which is better not to succumb.

Cross- a sign of trials, a symbol of the fact that illness awaits you in the new year. Foreshadows material difficulties and troubles in personal life.

Fan- indicates difficulties in work, problems in personal life. Perhaps you will lose something - either your job or your family.

Flower- says that you will get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Grape- a heavy bunch of grapes symbolizes love, friendship, good luck, and most importantly, prosperity and even abundance.

Beast- speaks of the need to be careful: you will have some kind of enemy and ill-wisher.

Stripes- a sign that you have a road, moving or just a long trip, possibly abroad.

Key- to a new home, perhaps you will change your place of residence.

Hillocks- predict great difficulties. The whole life can go at random, from bump to bump.

Horseshoe- a symbol of happiness, predicts great luck, you will definitely be very lucky in the new year.

Star- receiving long-awaited news. If several stars are formed, great luck is not far off - you will be lucky at work, in school.

Human figure- you will soon have a new friend. For girls, the figure of a young man means that soon the one whom she has been waiting for will enter her life, and vice versa.

Mushroom- a good sign, it symbolizes vitality, perseverance and longevity. Promises happiness in love and achievement of the goal. Your weak point is absent-mindedness, so there is a risk of injury or an accident. Pay more attention to yourself, watch where you are going.

The Dragon is a very good sign. The coming year will be very successful for you. It is very likely that all your seemingly impossible desires will come true. In general, the dragon is a symbol of wisdom, it means both the completion of the path and the acquisition of harmony with oneself.

Bell- wait for important news! Perhaps you have an important acquaintance or a fateful meeting. Several bells indicate an impending danger that worries you.

Basket- a good sign, indicates the end of a certain period of life. All troubles will be left behind, changes await you. The coming year will be even more interesting than the previous one.

Tree leaf- portends good luck and joy, but warns of the danger of deception. It is very likely that many are jealous of you, and intrigues weave behind your back.

Wreath- the coming year will bring you an early marriage. You will play a fun noisy wedding, and most importantly, your marriage will be happy.

Snake and bed- portend a serious illness. Next year, you need to be especially careful about your health, the slightest disorder in the body can lead to serious consequences.

Swan- a white swan on its wings will bring you long-awaited good news.

Mill- empty talk, gossip. Stop wastingly "pouring water" and grind nonsense.

Jellyfish- you have something to hide. But remember that the secret is always revealed. The more secrets you have, the greater the risk that they will ever come out.

Bridge- shows you a way out of a difficult life situation. Says that it's time for you to build bridges, and not burn them behind you. Stop stubbornly bending your line and learn to find a compromise in any ‘situation.

If you see destroyed or falling apart bridge- this is not a very good sign, portending illness and difficulties in communication.

Hammer is a strong sign. You are able to move mountains to achieve your goals. But do not overestimate your own strengths: think before you act.

Anvil- a symbol of stability. Foreshadows you in the new year a stable financial position, which you will achieve with the help of hard work. But in any case, do not get carried away with gambling - this can fundamentally undermine your well-being.

Car, plane, wagon, boot- these are all symbols of the path, road, movement. If you see them, it means that in the near future you will have some kind of journey. However, pay attention to their appearance: A shabby car or a crumbling wagon indicates a bad road. So be careful.

Birds- good sign. Birds bring good news, predict meetings with old friends, perhaps the birth of a new love.

A monkey indicates some kind of falsity, insincerity in relations with people either on your part, or those around you are insincere with you. In the coming year, betrayal, intrigue or an ambiguous situation may arise.

Bee symbolizes your hard work, thanks to which in the new year you will achieve your high goals. Always be true to yourself, stay true to yourself, do not adapt to other people, and then you will really get everything you want and more.

Glasses- a symbol of myopia, you either do not see something, or do not want to see. Perhaps in the future you will go down the wrong path or make some kind of mistake. The main thing for you is to admit your mistakes in time and be able to change your course.

A burning candle is a very powerful magical image. Even now, in magical, romantic moments, people strive to replace electric lighting with living fire.

Can a candle help and find answers to questions. Not necessarily about the future good question it can become “what is really happening”, or “what I do not notice in the situation”.

How to prepare for fortune telling?

First of all, you should think about everyday moments: time, place and props.

It is better to guess at night - and it is easier to tune in, and less likely to interfere. In addition, a candle in the dark is much stronger than the same candle burning in broad daylight.

You will need candles. At least one, but several are better. Wax is better than paraffin wax, but in any case, it should be simple candles, cylindrical or cone-shaped, and not molded into the shape of something meaningful. You can take colored candles, in which case you should make sure that the color goes well with the essence of interest. It is better not to take church candles - after all, in Christianity fortune-telling is considered a sin.

You will also need a surface that is not scary to drip with wax, and candlesticks. The candlestick for the main candle should either fit comfortably in your hand, or allow you to easily unhook the candle from it. You should also pay attention to what can catch fire unplanned: curtains, furniture, decorative baskets, etc. During the ritual, the candle can tip over, and it would be better to do without a fire. And just out of respect for witchcraft, it is better to remove all unnecessary from the work surface.

The next important item is the waste wax container. Any jar or bowl will do, but it is more convenient if it is a ladle with a handle that you can put on fire or keep candles in the flame.

And the main attribute is a container with water. Traditionally this is a bowl, but a kitchen bowl will also work. Wide enough, deep enough. There will have to fit the wax from the working candle, and there will still be a place so that it can be fished out with your fingers without any problems. It is more convenient if the color of its bottom is significantly different from the color of the wax.

It is better to take special water too. Not consecrated in the church - for the same reason that it is not recommended to take church candles. You can take water from a special source, specially go for it. Sometimes they take water from three different sources. Sometimes they are content with thawed.

You will also need a source of fire - matches or a lighter, to taste.

And, of course, you should make sure that no one can disturb the fortunetellers in the process. If a group ritual is envisaged, it is also important that none of the participants leave the room before it ends, even if they have already received their answer. In order not to be distracted, it is better to remove watches and mobile phones.

How is the wax divination ritual carried out?

You should mentally tune in to the ritual. If a woman is acting, it would be good to loose her hair (but then you have to make sure that they do not light up from the candle).

The bowl is steadily placed on the work surface, several candles are placed around it for light. The electric lights are turned off, the curtains are drawn, candles are lit.

Focus on the question and light the main candle. This candle is taken in hand, and wax is dripped into the water. You need to drip for a long time, so that a lot of wax is glass. At the same time, they do not look into the water, they look at the flame of a candle.

When there is a feeling that there is already enough (or when the candle burns out), they consider what happened.

First, they look at the surface of the water, and then you can take out the casting and examine it from all sides. In the resulting wax ingot, you can see various shapes, and they give the answer.

It also happens that, instead of meaningful figures, small pieces of wax float in the water. This indicates either that there was little wax, or that the person who poured the wax had problems. Problems may be, and are not related to the question, it is just that the person is not in order.

When the answer is received, the wax casting is put into a ladle. If the answer is very good and very important - it can be saved, if it is neutral or bad - it is better to melt such wax.

It is advisable not to reuse the fortune-telling wax. If there are several questions or several interested persons, then each should pour new wax into the water. It would be nice to change the water too, and you should definitely change it after something bad happened.

The meaning of figures in divination on wax

Specific figures should be recognized in the casting. Then they are interpreted either by personal associations or by well-known meanings. Pay attention also to the interaction of the figures. In any case, the final criterion is the inner feeling that the signs are understood correctly.

Some common symbols:

  • car, plane - road;
  • angel - the universe will help you;
  • arch - a new stage;
  • bow - you need to focus more on loved ones;
  • damn it - be vigilant in the area of ​​love. There is a possibility that your partner is not serious;
  • letter - lead, the direction of the news depends on the clarity of the drawing, with a clear figure there will be positive news, with an unclear one wait for negative news;
  • fan - loss;
  • a wreath - to marriage;
  • mushroom - health improvement, long life, unexpected event;
  • guitar is a romantic adventure;
  • pigeon - news, restoration of relations is possible.
  • caterpillar, worm - it is important to give attention to loved ones, to abandon frivolity;
  • eye - evil people, you can be deceived;
  • head - prospects in work, spiritual growth, you will see the true face of others
  • wood is the resilience necessary to overcome difficulties. According to another source, the interpretation depends on the location of the branches, if they are directed downward, this indicates despondency. If the branches are looking up - happiness. according to the third source - new proposals, it is important to consider and accept them.
  • dragon - in order to achieve the goal, willpower is important;
  • home - a strong family, moving, good changes, purchasing a home;
  • the snake is a rival, a woman who has planned something unkind;
  • star - help from above, realization of the desired, good luck;
  • hare - listen to your intuition, be careful.
  • hedgehog - take away your thorns, be flexible and soft
  • ring - marriage;
  • ship - long road, uncertainty, change;
  • clover - positive, good luck;
  • the key is a good symbol, fate is favorable to you, good luck.
  • crown - power, responsibility;
  • cat - betrayal;
  • cross - news of illness, death, problems;
  • circle - fixation on something, sometimes it means stability, many circles - financial success;
  • book - new opportunities, ideas and knowledge;
  • chicken is a good family life;
  • the whale is reliable friends, everything is going as it should;
  • ladder - a successful career;
  • lion - confidence;
  • leaf - envy;
  • baby - the birth of ideas, children;
  • a man is a new friend;
  • car-trip;
  • ball - see circle;
  • bridge - it is important to find a compromise;
  • scissors - one should let go of the past;
  • knife - break, quarrels;
  • glasses - look at the situation differently;
  • clouds - doubts; dreams;
  • wedding ring - love success;
  • fire is temperament;
  • hourglass - make a decision;
  • stripes - road;
  • spider - cunning;
  • the dress is a magnificent celebration;
  • bird - news,
  • a bird in flight - good luck, realization of intention;
  • horseshoe - happiness, luck;
  • rose - love, romance.
  • child - the appearance of children, a new beginning;
  • hand - different interpretations, an open palm speaks of friends, support, a clenched fist speaks of hostility;
  • fish - comfort, good news related to water, acquaintance with a silent person;
  • elephant - wisdom, fortitude;
  • the dog is true friends;
  • owl - ailment, difficulty;
  • heart - speaks of love, and you should pay attention to the contours of the symbol, with blurred contours, cracks - broken heart, a clear drawing - a happy relationship;
  • arrow - the symbol answers you to your question as follows: if it is directed upwards - yes, if downwards - no;
  • trace - be careful;
  • points - banknote, well-being;
  • duck - good luck;
  • numbers and letters - it is worth interpreting on the issue. Sometimes a clear hint is indicated;
  • flower - materialization of dreams, good changes;
  • a person - a new acquaintance;
  • cup - harmony;
  • embryo - an undertaking, new friendship, new ideas;
  • egg - new ideas, changes.

Fortune telling with wax or casting with wax is a classic method of fortune telling, known for a long time. The method does not require special training and is available to everyone. For its execution, you will need a wax candle, matches, a steel tablespoon, a bowl or a wide container of cold water. We rub the bottom of the candle on a grater into a spoon, melt it to a liquid state on the fire of a lighted wick and pour it sharply into the water. We consider the resulting wax frozen in water and look for the meaning of the figures in the interpreter.


  1. An angel is a harbinger of good news.
  2. Stork - happiness in family relationships, lots of children. For creative people stork in wax - inspiration, the appearance of masterpieces.
  3. Arch - a change in one of the areas of life.
  4. Car - new opportunities, new lover.
  5. Shark. “The enemy is preparing to annoy you,” the fortune-telling warns.
  6. A butterfly is a happy and successful change in life.
  7. Drum - wait for positive news.
  8. Banana - intrigue from colleagues or betrayal of a loved one. A bunch of bananas - problems and unexpected difficulties.
  9. The letter is good news, the fuzzy letters are bad news. “Letters with dots are for money,” fortune-telling on wax promises.
  10. Boomerang - everything you did will return.
  11. Bow - you will have to make peace with whom you quarreled. You may need his help.
  12. Bottle - Be in moderation in all things.
  13. Fan - the interpretation of such figures says that the field for flirting and coquetry is ready.
  14. Rope - difficulties in life, knotted rope - health problems, the meaning of rope with loops - money problems.
  15. Libra - strive for balance, no need to be nervous.
  16. Scales with a sword, poured in wax, means problems with the law.
  17. Fork - the presence of these figures means a traitor in a close environment.
  18. Grapes - your talent will make a profit.
  19. Balloon - its meaning is "temporary problems".
  20. Question - you have a lot of doubts.
  21. Paddle. “You are on the right path, do not turn aside,” advises fortune-telling.
  22. Dove - harmony in relationships.
  23. Pear is a new novel.
  24. Lips are passion, but not love.
  25. The door is a change in life stages.
  26. Home is happiness and peace in the home.
  27. An acorn in wax means a successful idea.
  28. The star is the fulfillment of desires.
  29. Castle - new relationships will be struck soon.
  30. Bunny is one of the figures denoting cowardice in front of someone or something.
  31. The snake warns of danger.
  32. The square is vital stability.
  33. The dagger is the betrayal of a friend.
  34. The key is to wait for a change.
  35. The ring - its interpretation - is a celebration, perhaps a wedding.
  36. The ship is a journey.
  37. The crown is the achievement of one's own goal, personal success.
  38. A cat is a deception of a close friend.
  39. The cross is the loss of a loved one.
  40. Ladder. “Life will change for the better,” fortune-telling promises.
  41. A face with a smile is happiness.
  42. The meaning of a sad face is a danger threatening from the enemy.
  43. Faces - a merry holiday is approaching.
  44. Medusa - you are burdened by the secrets that you keep.
  45. Mask. “You are not sure of yourself, but this is unjustified,” says wax divination.
  46. Handcuffs - problems with the law or dependence on something.
  47. Scissors is a misunderstanding in a relationship.
  48. Points - a situation or a person will open up to you from a new side.
  49. Cloud - interpretation promises problems.
  50. Spider - wait for profit.
  51. Hourglass - finish important things without postponing them for later.
  52. Pyramid - fortune telling says that you are worried about some kind of mystery.
  53. A gun in wax - a quarrel, a danger.
  54. Horseshoe is happiness.
  55. Ghost - meeting with the past, finding old friends.
  56. The bird is one of the figures for positive news.
  57. A fetus in the womb is an early pregnancy or the beginning of a new important project.
  58. Airplane - travel to distant countries.
  59. Heart - serious relationship, love.
  60. Crescent moon - fortune-telling warns of the beginning of a new period in life.
  61. The dog is your devoted friend.
  62. Spiral - beware of scammers.
  63. Arrow - a message with unpleasant sad news.
  64. Chair - career growth, promotion at work.
  65. Drying, steering wheel, falling into fortune-telling in wax, is a waste of time on an unworthy person.
  66. Ax - quarrels, problems and misunderstandings with loved ones and others.
  67. The shamrock is a great success in life.
  68. Snail - Weigh the pros and cons before making a big decision.
  69. Ear - listen to your loved ones, they will not advise you badly.
  70. Egg - pregnancy; another meaning is the successful start of new business.
  71. An apple is a forbidden fruit, a temptation.
  72. Anchor in wax - obstacles that block forward movement.

The best time for fortune-telling on wax are Christmastide (days from Christmas to Epiphany) and the night of Ivan Kupala. If there is a change of stages in life, then you can also tell fortunes, but without abusing this way to find out the future.

Wax casting or wax divination is one of the most ancient methods of divination. The technique of this fortune-telling is simple, complicated in it is only the interpretation of the figures, which can be called a whole science.

From the first time, fortune-telling is succeeded by a few, only the most persistent and inquisitive. The molten wax poured into the water solidifies in the form of concrete figures, which should be recognized by their mysterious outlines, carrying a symbolic meaning that needs to be solved.

Wax divination has been known since the time of the ancient civilizations of Greece and Egypt, during which Babylonian sorcerers, like modern magicians, poured molten wax into water, and then deciphered the meaning of the figures obtained.

The main advantage of the technique is simplicity of execution and a minimum of paraphernalia. So fortune telling in wax assumes the presence of a large candle, a box of matches, a clock with cold water. Yes, wax symbols and figurines are not easy to guess, but they are easy to obtain.

Preparing for fortune telling

When choosing objects for fortune telling, be extremely careful. The candle should be large and burn for at least an hour. Only from this amount of wax can you get enough information.

Before the start of fortune-telling, you need to find out the question that interests the person or you personally. The color of the candle that you have to buy in advance depends on this question. A red or pink candle is suitable for questions of a love nature, a green one for health, and a gilded one for finance. If you have accumulated several questions at once, you can light several candles at the same time, leave them burning for about an hour and when they completely melt into wax, start fortune-telling.

Casting wax

When the candle burns out, fill a bowl or bowl with cold, but not ice, water. Try to choose a bowl of a color that contrasts with the color of the candle, the best option- white bowl. So you can easily see the drawing. Before pouring wax, ask a question, and then start pouring wax into the water.

After you use wax and a specific figure is formed on the water, wait for it to solidify completely and examine it from both sides - external and external. Think about what reminds you of what you see. When you figure out the figure, you will need to find its interpretation in an article or on the Internet, since it is simply impossible to present the entire list of possible symbols.

What you need to know about the fortune telling procedure

The wax divination procedure and the meanings of the figures are an interpretation of many divination practices in wax. People believed that water does not lie and with this faith they poured into it various melting substances - from wax to tin, which revealed many secrets to the fortuneteller that answer the most intractable questions.

Today, the ritual of pouring wax is gradually poured into simpler techniques based on the use of cards, mirrors, rings and other things. At the same time, casting wax does not cease to be the most accurate method of fortune-telling, allowing you to obtain specific information.

Work only with natural wax, without any impurities

Fortune-telling with wax was most popular among young girls on Christmastide nights, on Christmas and on Epiphany, the purpose of which was the same - marriage and all related issues: the number of children, relationship with the husband, the appearance of the husband, his occupation, etc.

This practice was used not only among the people, it was very popular among fortune-tellers. Women of all ages poured wax for themselves, their girlfriends or daughters.

The main stages of wax casting:

  • Prepare a wide container of water. For a stronger effect, a mirror is often placed on the bottom of the container.
  • Melt a candle and pour it in the center of the water so you can get an accurate and complete picture.
  • Fix the resulting marks and decipher the wax images.

It is difficult to guess in wax for those whose imagination is not the most strong point character. To do this, try to concentrate as much as possible and see something of the wax ugliness floating in your bowl.

How to interpret shapes

While the wax is still pouring, pay attention to those figures that are formed at the very beginning, remembering them. Also remember the shapes to which the first characters are converted. This is important because it can tell you about the sequence of events in your life or the one to whom you are guessing. Thus, a person will be able to draw the right conclusions and see the current situation more clearly.

When all the wax is poured out, you will be able to contemplate the result of the envisioned situation or the answer to the question asked. The resulting figure can be interpreted in different ways: by highlighting individual figures, seeing the overall single picture, paying attention to details or specific images.

Considering all the elements, without exception, you will be able to correctly interpret the fortune-telling and get the big picture.

  • Letters or numbers - are interpreted individually, denote specific names or dates;
  • Line, straight - indicates the beginning of a very important business;
  • Point - financial profit;
  • Angel - help in solving the problem will come from above, which means that there is absolutely no need to worry;
  • Caterpillar or worm - avoid frivolity, take care of loved ones;
  • Dragon - the current situation requires willpower from the fortuneteller, which will help the dream come true;
  • Hedgehog - a person or relationship is very "prickly", you must try to be softer;
  • A woman is a homeless woman or a new friend, it all depends on the context of the question or situation;
  • Cat - friends will betray;
  • Chicken - positive in family life;
  • Leo - speaks of strength, reliability and confidence;
  • A man is a friend, groom or new companion in life;
  • Spider - portends cunning on the part of others, from which you will have to defend;
  • Child - the birth of a child or a new business, project;
  • Fish is a comfortable feeling in living conditions;
  • The elephant is wisdom;
  • Dog - loyalty of friends or colleagues;
  • An owl is a bad sign that portends failures, difficulties and illness;
  • Duck - luck and good luck in all endeavors;
  • Arch - the development of the situation and the transition to a new life, to a new level, a new level;
  • Tower - wedding;
  • Veer - dismissal or divorce;
  • Mushroom is a surprise;
  • Home - moving or making a good change;
  • Star - luck and career growth;
  • Book - new ideas or stage in life;
  • Cross - troubles and problems;
  • Ladder - career advancement, career.
  • A car is a trip;
  • Ball or circle - instability, a person is fixated on one problem;
  • Knife - rupture of relations, scandals and quarrels;
  • Glasses - reconsider your attitude to the question asked or situations;
  • Horseshoe - luck, success;
  • Flower - the fulfillment of a dream or desire;
  • Cup - harmony;
  • The egg is a new idea or dream.

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